Farsight Spotlight 22 December 2024 - BIGGER SHIPS!
TLDRFarsight Spotlight diskuterer aktuelle emner omkring UFO'er og UAP'er, som er blevet et globalt fænomen med betydelig dækning. Udsendelsen fokuserer også på spørgsmålet om censur, hvor Farsight hævder, at der er en officiel regeringspolitik som forsøger at undertrykke sandheden om udenjordisk aktivitet. Værten understreger, at de modtager informationer direkte fra udenjordiske, men opfordrer lytterne til at vurdere informationen kritisk. Der er også tale om de forskellige skibe, både mindre droner og større fartøjer, der formodes at være udenjordiske. Dialogen mellem Farsight og deres publikum fremhæver vigtigheden af individuel frihed og opfordrer til, at mennesker selv tager kontakt med udenjordiske for at få sandheden direkte. Deres metodologi bygger på en stille sindstilstand, fremmet gennem meditation.
- 🛸 UFO'er skaber global opmærksomhed, og Farsight dækker de seneste udviklinger.
- 🔍 Censur påstås at være regeringsdrevet for at skjule sandheden omkring udenjordiske.
- 🧘♀️ Vigtigheden af meditation understreges for at opnå en stille sindstilstand.
- 🌍 Jorden betragtes som en 'prison planet' af både gode og dårlige udenjordiske.
- 👽 Dialog med udenjordiske gennem telepati opfordres for individuel oplysning.
- 📡 Farsight er ikke den eneste kilde til information om udenjordiske; kritisk tænkning opfordres.
- 💬 Åben information til masserne er en strategi for de gode udenjordiske.
- 🔒 Traditionelle medier kritiseres for kontrol og manipulation af information.
- 🙌 Farsight ønsker ikke at være en kontrollerende autoritet, men en bro mod selvstændig kontakt.
- 💡 Udenjordiske teknologier og deres indflydelse er centrale i diskussionen.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
I denne video præsenterer værten Farsight Spotlight for den 22. december 2024. De fortæller, at livestreamen for ugen er delt op i to dele, en udsendt om søndagen og en anden del udgivet om onsdagen. Denne plan er lagt for at gøre det lettere for seerne. Emnerne i dagens video inkluderer UFO'er og UAP'er rundt om i verden og spørgsmålet om censur.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Værten fortsætter med at diskutere organisationens rolle som en kilde til information om ET'er og deres mål om ikke at fremstå som autoritative eller kontrollerende. Det understreges, at Farsight ønsker at gøre deres viden forældet ved at opfordre publikum til at kommunikere direkte med ET'er og lære fra dem selv gennem meditation og opmærksomhed.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Værten forklarer yderligere omkring ET'er, både gode og dårlige. Farsight ønsker at hjælpe folk med at befri sig selv fra 'fængselsplaneten'. De fremhæver betydningen af at vedligeholde en stille sindstilstand og ikke blindt følge nogen enkelt kilde.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Videoen skitserer de seneste begivenheder med UAP'er og UFO'er, der sværmer rundt omkring i verden. Værten forklarer, at regeringen ved, hvad der foregår, men er tavs til at dække over den sande historie for at undgå at afsløre ubehagelige sandheder, der kunne destabilisere hele systemet.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Da Farsight påstår at modtage direkte kommunikation fra ET'er, lægger værten sig ud med at forklare, at de ikke ønsker at blive set som den autoritative kilde. ET'erne ønsker ikke kontrol over mennesker, men opfordrer til individuel empowerment og kontakt.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Værten refererer til tidligere begivenheder og UAP'er, der viser sig som en del af en sekvens af hændelser, instrueret af ET'erne. Dette er en eksperimenterende proces, og det er op til offentligheden at interagere med og dokumentere disse observationer selv.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Værten forklarer de forskellige typer objekter, herunder droner og UAP'er, den komplekse situation omkring dem, og hvordan de indgår i en langt større plan. Der er større skibe på vej, som vil understrege, at de ikke kan være menneskeskabte droner.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Farsight fortsætter deres initiativer ved at holde møder og eksperimenter for at forstå næste skridt fra ET'ernes side. Over de næste seks måneder vil begivenheder udvikle sig, med større skibe der skal sværme i luften og opfordre til offentlig interaktion.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Det diskuteres, hvordan regeringer har hemmelige aftaler med de 'dårlige' ET'er, mens de 'gode' ET'er forsøger at arbejde gennem offentlige kanaler og masserne for at underminere disse kontrolstrukturer og bringe sandheden frem.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:57
Værten afslutter, inden de går til anden del, med at minde om en kommende prisstigning for Farsightprime.com-tjenesten, og understreger vigtigheden af at abonnere nu for at undgå denne forhøjelse.
Hvornår bliver Farsight Spotlight udsendt?
Farsight Spotlight udsendes live hver søndag, men optagelserne deles i to, hvor den anden halvdel udsendes onsdagen efter.
Hvad er det primære fokus for dagens udsendelse?
Dagens udsendelse fokuserer på UFO'er og UAP'er samt spørgsmålet om censur.
Hvordan ønsker Farsight at deres information bruges?
Farsight ønsker ikke at blive set som den eneste sandhedskilde, men opfordrer folk til at stille spørgsmål og danne egne meninger baseret på deres erfaringer.
Hvad mener Farsight med 'prison planet'?
'Prison planet' refererer til idéen om, at Jorden fungerer som en form for fængsel, hvor menneskets naturlige evner er undertrykt af en avanceret teknologi.
Hvad siger Farsight om information fra udenjordiske kilder?
Farsight påstår, at de deler information direkte modtaget fra udenjordiske kilder, men opfordrer deres publikum til at være kritiske og evaluere det selvstændigt.
Hvilken rolle spiller Farsights son Aziz i organisationen?
Aziz hjælper aktivt med kommunikation, idéudvikling og finjustering af Farsights budskaber og strategier.
Hvordan ser Farsight på deres egen position inden for information om UFO'er?
Farsight ser sig ikke som specielle, men som en mulig autoritativ kilde blandt flere, der kan kommunikere med udenjordiske.
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- 00:00:05All right, everyone. Welcome to the Farsight Spotlight for the 22nd of December, 2024.
- 00:00:14And we're getting close to wrapping up a year.
- 00:00:16Now, remember, the Farsight Spotlight is live-streamed for the whole week's worth.
- 00:00:21It's live-streamed on Sunday, but we split it in half when we put up the permanent recordings.
- 00:00:27So half of today's live stream goes up today on Sunday, the 22nd, and the second half goes up
- 00:00:33on Wednesday in a few days.
- 00:00:36I don't know exactly what date that is, but it's Wednesday.
- 00:00:39Okay, so we split it up in two different sections because we know when people click on things
- 00:00:44on YouTube they want to see, or on FarsightPride.com, sometimes they want to see something shortened to the point.
- 00:00:50All right, so let's begin.
- 00:00:52So what we're going to be covering today, really interesting stuff, is we're going to start
- 00:00:57with the UFO, UAP stuff that's all over the world right now, and the changes, and we're going
- 00:01:04to explicitly state what you're going to be getting from us and why. Okay?
- 00:01:10Now, the second part is going to be revisiting the issue of censorship, and I have something
- 00:01:17really interesting to show to you.
- 00:01:20I can actually prove to you, if you can connect the dots, that what we're telling you is the
- 00:01:24truth, and that there is an official government policy to crush it.
- 00:01:30Okay, I can prove it to you, and you're going to hear the proof today.
- 00:01:33Now, for those who are watching the recording, you're going to have to wait till Wednesday for
- 00:01:36the recording part of that to come out, but those who are watching live stream, we're going
- 00:01:43to get the whole thing today.
- 00:01:45Okay, now let me cut to the chase and talk about something that people are going to be saying anyway.
- 00:01:54You know how whenever somebody gets some information from some source, they like to position
- 00:02:03themselves as being, you got to come to me for the source, we're the source, we're the official
- 00:02:07ones, yes, come to me, come to me, worship me, worship me.
- 00:02:12You know, you've seen that happen all the time.
- 00:02:14Some guru will get up there and say, you know, they're trying to get a loyal following.
- 00:02:18That's an issue for trying to control, so we are going to be saying stuff for you that is directly
- 00:02:23from our perspective, from our experiences.
- 00:02:27You're going to have to evaluate.
- 00:02:28I'm going to be giving you criteria for whether or not you want to believe it or not, and you
- 00:02:32can see and see for yourself, but we're going to be giving you information that's going to be
- 00:02:37coming from us that we're picking up from the extraterrestrials, and inevitably the extraterrestrials
- 00:02:43are telling us this thing, this stuff directly.
- 00:02:47You can be skeptical, but there's one thing I don't want you to think, and that is, I don't
- 00:02:54want you to think that we're positioning ourselves up as being special.
- 00:02:59Those people who say, I am the official oracle, you must come to me to get the information,
- 00:03:04they're trying to control you.
- 00:03:06That's what control is all about.
- 00:03:07The government is trying to control you.
- 00:03:10The media is trying to control you.
- 00:03:11If you look at various media outlets, they're trying to force you to go into one candidate or
- 00:03:16another candidate or one party or another party.
- 00:03:18Everybody's trying to control you.
- 00:03:20So how is it that someone can actually tell you some information that's really coming from a
- 00:03:24direct source and not control you, because it's going to sound like that anyway.
- 00:03:29So we have an official statement here, okay? Now, please get this.
- 00:03:37This is really important because I'm going to be telling you a lot of stuff that the extraterrestrials
- 00:03:40have told us directly, but I want you to get this. This is so important.
- 00:03:45It's more important than anything else.
- 00:03:48I wrote it down, the words.
- 00:03:50Actually, to be quite honest, the words, they helped.
- 00:03:52The actual phrasing of this, my son, Aziz, he really helped me with him.
- 00:03:56I talk about everything with him and he really helps.
- 00:04:00Farsight wouldn't be Farsight if it wasn't for him.
- 00:04:02I mean, he's a genius.
- 00:04:03I'm not just saying that because he's my son.
- 00:04:05He really is a genius. He just, it's amazing.
- 00:04:07You have no idea how much stuff I would have done that he helped saying, no, dad, we got to
- 00:04:11go to, we have to do it.
- 00:04:12We wouldn't even have a streaming service if it wasn't for him.
- 00:04:16I mean, it's a long story, but I get a lot of, okay, let's get back to this, okay?
- 00:04:21But this is the statement.
- 00:04:23I wrote it up, Aziz helped me in figuring out what to say, and then I wrote it up and he sort
- 00:04:28of fine-tuned it and so on, but this is the official statement.
- 00:04:32If there is anything that characterizes the Farsight contribution, it is that we are not special.
- 00:04:41We are not special at Farsight.
- 00:04:43Anything we can do, you can do better.
- 00:04:48We do consider ourselves an authorized group who can speak authoritatively about the activities
- 00:04:56of the extraterrestrials, especially the so-called good ETs, because they're the ones who tell us stuff.
- 00:05:01We can tell you stuff about the bad ETs as well, but that's because we're spying on them.
- 00:05:07You can think remote ETs.
- 00:05:15Let me start the next sentence again.
- 00:05:19But by no means should this be interpreted to mean that we are the only group who can interact with the ETs.
- 00:05:27We feel certain that if Farsight ever positioned itself as the one and only source for you to
- 00:05:36get accurate information about the extraterrestrials, then the extraterrestrials themselves
- 00:05:42would drop us like a rock.
- 00:05:46The entire underlying purpose of all that we do is to show people how to free themselves from
- 00:05:53this prison planet, and following any one source as the absolute truth is the surest way to lose your way.
- 00:06:04As our audience, your job is to make us obsolete and for you to communicate with the extraterrestrials yourselves.
- 00:06:15The big thing on our side in terms of methodology is to have a quiet mind.
- 00:06:22That is why we emphasize meditation before we do anything at Farsight.
- 00:06:27Even when we do a board meeting, we meditate before it starts to quiet our minds.
- 00:06:31So if you learn anything from Farsight, let it be that.
- 00:06:36Quiet the mind and listen.
- 00:06:39Okay, so this is a really important statement because I noticed in the previous E.T. board meeting
- 00:06:44that we published, people were sometimes asking the question, are we positioning ourselves to
- 00:06:49be like the one and only source, the oracle, and we're all supposed to come to Farsight and
- 00:06:54bow, you know, and it's crazy.
- 00:06:57So we want to make sure we don't do that.
- 00:07:02The good E.T.s are trying to free the entire planet.
- 00:07:04You're already being controlled in a top down situation from authorities at the top, going in
- 00:07:10the pyramid, going down until you get to everybody in the masses.
- 00:07:13They're already trying to control you.
- 00:07:15Everybody tries to control you.
- 00:07:17We're trying to free you.
- 00:07:19And so the last thing we could do, the worst thing, is to try to be competing controllers. Does that make sense? Competing controllers.
- 00:07:29Everyone's trying to control you.
- 00:07:30And if we were to sort of throw our stuff into the mix and say, no, follow us instead of them,
- 00:07:35do you see how that would mess things up?
- 00:07:37That would be like disaster.
- 00:07:40And also the good E.T.s, they want us to do a job and they want us to do it as well as we can
- 00:07:46and we have to try as hard as we can to do it as well as we can.
- 00:07:50But if we ever put ourselves out there as, okay, now we're the dudes, we're the ones on top.
- 00:07:56You come to us, we've got the E.T.s, we're talking to them directly.
- 00:07:59You come to us if you want.
- 00:08:00That's like the Pope saying, if you want to know to God, come to me first.
- 00:08:04Go through the Pope to get to God.
- 00:08:05I mean, that's like crazy. We don't want that.
- 00:08:10The E.T.s are trying to free the planet.
- 00:08:12They're trying to save everybody.
- 00:08:13They're trying to collapse the entire information control system.
- 00:08:17That's exactly why you're stuck in a prison.
- 00:08:20You don't have the normal capabilities that everybody else in the galaxy has to telepathy and remote perception.
- 00:08:27There's a reason why that stuff isn't there.
- 00:08:30And because of that, you go and you look at leaders to sort of help find your way.
- 00:08:35I trust this leader, I trust that leader, or I trust this political candidate, or I trust that political candidate.
- 00:08:41The whole thing is you're supposed to be able to do everything yourself.
- 00:08:46And so when I'm talking about all this stuff I'm going to be telling you today, I am not trying
- 00:08:52to position myself or Farsight as the oracle, as the one.
- 00:08:57Your job is to make me and all of Farsight obsolete.
- 00:09:00They want everybody to communicate to the rest of the galaxy. That's precisely the point.
- 00:09:06You become free when you no longer listen to the people trying to control you.
- 00:09:10So if I positioned Farsight or myself as a controller, that's the worst.
- 00:09:14Then you wouldn't be free.
- 00:09:15That's the whole purpose for what we're doing everything.
- 00:09:18So you can't look at me as the oracle and you can't look at Farsight as the oracle.
- 00:09:23We're just saying stuff and we're saying be better than us, make us obsolete. You communicate.
- 00:09:30And then if everybody did that, then there'd be no need for me.
- 00:09:35My job would be over.
- 00:09:37There'd be no need for Farsight because the whole planet would be free and you'd be free and
- 00:09:41you would be the same thing as everybody else.
- 00:09:43And you'd all be talking the extraterrestrial.
- 00:09:45You'd know the whole truth and the bad ETs would have to get the hell out of here. You get the idea?
- 00:09:50So I'm going to tell you everything the good ETs have told us.
- 00:09:54I'm going to keep you up to date. Big stuff is coming.
- 00:09:57But the whole idea is to get you in charge.
- 00:10:01That's why with this whole ET, UAP swarming stuff, they're not like flying over my house.
- 00:10:08Well, they are actually, but they're flying over everybody's house.
- 00:10:11They're not like making me special.
- 00:10:13They're flying over everybody's place and they're asking everybody to go out with your cameras
- 00:10:19and go take pictures of them.
- 00:10:22They're not trying to get me to lead the masses and have everybody follow me out into the field
- 00:10:28and me to point my finger and say, there, and for everyone to say, oh, no, they're not trying to do that.
- 00:10:34They're trying to get you to go out there and then you're in charge with your cameras and then
- 00:10:38you know that you can do it.
- 00:10:40OK, now we're going to get into everything else. So. All right. But all right.
- 00:10:44So we have that established now.
- 00:10:46OK, so I can tell you everything that we're doing and you're not going to think that I'm trying
- 00:10:50to make you into my followers. OK, are we OK? Let me check the. Let me check the.
- 00:10:57Yeah, it seems to be. No, I'm not joking.
- 00:11:00The doctor said I'm joking. No, I'm not joking. I'm serious.
- 00:11:03I don't want everyone to think of us as as the you know, the people trying to control you. All right. So.
- 00:11:12Clearly, the UAPs or UFOs are swarming all over the planet. It's become big news.
- 00:11:19Still, it's been going on for a month now.
- 00:11:22The the U.S. government has is not saying at all what it is.
- 00:11:26They know exactly what it is.
- 00:11:28And that's why they're not saying what it is, because if they said what it is.
- 00:11:32Well, I'll tell you in a minute what would happen.
- 00:11:34OK, I have my notes here and what I have to make sure I cover today. So that's it.
- 00:11:40So clearly the there are two types of well, they're calling them drones, but they're not drones.
- 00:11:46There are two types of objects that are out there.
- 00:11:48Some of them are UAP ships are actually E.T. ships and some of them are actually human drones.
- 00:11:53So there's sort of a mixture out there.
- 00:11:55There's a reason why some of the human drones are out there as well.
- 00:11:59But the big ones are clearly the major ones are clearly the UAP ones, the extraterrestrial ones.
- 00:12:08Now, here's a here's a major element that sort of tells what's going on for all of the ships
- 00:12:16that are being cited out there.
- 00:12:18The FAA requires that all ships of that size, other than the small little rinky dink, real small
- 00:12:26DJI drones, anything of any significant size at all, like better than just like basketball size and above.
- 00:12:32They have to have a transponder. That's by law.
- 00:12:36They have to have a transponder and none of them have transponders. There's no transponders. So that's illegal.
- 00:12:42OK, secondly, they have no heat signatures like on the level of physics. What? There's no heat signatures.
- 00:12:50I mean, they have to have heat.
- 00:12:51So there's no heat signatures.
- 00:12:53And the third thing is they are flying over restricted airspace. Now, that's illegal.
- 00:12:59They're flying over all types of restricted airspace, political restricted airspace.
- 00:13:04They're flying over military bases. They're nothing stopping them. All that's illegal.
- 00:13:10And there have been attempts that have been tossed.
- 00:13:13This has been told to Ross Coldheart on News Nation that he's actually connected with the people
- 00:13:23who are on the bases.
- 00:13:24And they say that the anti-drone technology that they use, which is the best, it's on the major
- 00:13:30super-secret military bases in the continental United States, says it has no effect on these objects.
- 00:13:36I don't want to call them drones because the ETs don't want to call them drones, but it has no effect.
- 00:13:42So they know that they can't take them down with the normal drone technology.
- 00:13:47And the U.S. government also knows they don't want to shoot them down because they know what they are.
- 00:13:52They know that the ET UAPs or UFOs, they know exactly what they are, and they don't want to
- 00:13:57get into a shooting war, an open shooting war with extraterrestrial spacecraft.
- 00:14:01That's the bottom line here.
- 00:14:04A, you'd see the U.S. trying to shoot them down, and you'd see the weapons having no effect,
- 00:14:11just bouncing off, just falling to the ground.
- 00:14:14And then everybody would know that's why they don't want to shoot them down because it would
- 00:14:17be so obvious that they're not human-made. Okay.
- 00:14:23So anyway, Ross Colthart, he's probably still the best source of accurate information about
- 00:14:35the state of the art right now in terms of these UAPs.
- 00:14:39You're not getting anything from the other sources other than the normal traditional garbage that you're getting.
- 00:14:45But anyway, so far, he's the best out there. All right.
- 00:14:52The United States government is sitting on a powder keg.
- 00:14:56This is why they're so nervous about it.
- 00:14:59That's why they're also trying to make it into sort of an old news now, get it off the front pages.
- 00:15:04They're sitting on an absolute powder keg.
- 00:15:07They know exactly what's going on, and it's impossible for them not to know what's going on.
- 00:15:13Look, I know these Defense Department people, they take everything extremely seriously.
- 00:15:18It's not possible that they don't know what's going on.
- 00:15:22But, you know, the official storyline is, we don't know what's going on.
- 00:15:26But then they're saying, but they're not hostile, there's no threat.
- 00:15:30Well, if they know they're not hostile and there's no threat, how can they know that if they
- 00:15:35don't know what's going on?
- 00:15:36So clearly, they know what's going on.
- 00:15:39All right, so the trouble is they're sitting on a big powder keg.
- 00:15:45Let me make sure I get this exactly right, because this particular part I want to make sure is exactly right.
- 00:15:50If any official news, any type of official news, comes out about the E.T. phenomenon, because
- 00:15:59that's what they'd have to say if they told you what was really going on, they're worried that
- 00:16:04then the full story would come out.
- 00:16:08And the government is hiding tons of very terrible stuff.
- 00:16:15That's what they're afraid of.
- 00:16:17It would collapse the whole house of cards.
- 00:16:19That's what they're afraid of.
- 00:16:21That's why they're not talking.
- 00:16:22They're stonewalling because they don't know what to say.
- 00:16:25And they see this is a real big problem.
- 00:16:28Now, the extraterrestrials are forcing this. And the government knows.
- 00:16:33Now, look, last month in November, on the 13th, we had our board meeting.
- 00:16:39On the 15th, we had the publication of that board meeting.
- 00:16:44And that meant we video recorded it and we published it.
- 00:16:48And the drone thing started in serious on the 18th.
- 00:16:52There were some before and some, but, you know, on the 18th is when it started to get way out of control, okay?
- 00:16:58So we had a meeting.
- 00:17:01They told us what was going to happen.
- 00:17:03They told us that the objects were going to be all over the place.
- 00:17:06And they told us that they wanted you to go out and take video recordings of them.
- 00:17:12They're not going to use any stealth tech. Any cameras will do.
- 00:17:15You don't have to use infrared.
- 00:17:16You don't have to use high frame rates.
- 00:17:17Just go outside and take pictures.
- 00:17:19And sure enough, it happened right on the dot.
- 00:17:23So that was very persuasive for many.
- 00:17:25But someone could still say, ah, that was coincidence.
- 00:17:28With all the people saying the E.T. ships are going to show up, you happen to have said it right before they showed up.
- 00:17:34You know, eventually somebody was going to say it right before they showed up.
- 00:17:37So the problem is we have to make a connection between what the E.T.s are doing and us.
- 00:17:45Otherwise, why should you believe us?
- 00:17:47If you look for Internet stuff on Google or on YouTube or on Instagram about the UFO stuff,
- 00:17:54there's 10,000 people out there saying, I know what's going on.
- 00:17:59I have a new theory.
- 00:18:00You have this cacophony of voices all saying that they know what's going on.
- 00:18:04They have the real stuff.
- 00:18:06And they get, like, hundreds of thousands of views and things like that.
- 00:18:10So how are we supposed to be an official source of getting information that's true about what
- 00:18:16the extraterrestrials, with all of this coming at you from all these different people telling
- 00:18:21you, follow us, follow us?
- 00:18:23So the plan is they don't want to have, this is what they've told us, they don't want to have
- 00:18:30multiple sources coming out with information all over the place.
- 00:18:33And they don't want to leave it up to random luck.
- 00:18:35They're not going to invest huge resources in all of these flyovers, literally all over the world.
- 00:18:40They're not just over the eastern United States. They're everywhere.
- 00:18:43That's a tremendous amount of resources they're pumping out.
- 00:18:45And they're not going to do that and then just sort of say, I hope the humans get it right and
- 00:18:50just trust all of these people on the internet to figure it out.
- 00:18:56That'd be stupid because you have, like, thousands of people giving their opinions.
- 00:19:00It's just going to be a mess.
- 00:19:02And it's a total waste.
- 00:19:03Why go through all of this?
- 00:19:05So there has to be a single source where the information can be sort of verified, where something
- 00:19:10is said and then it's done.
- 00:19:13That's why the statement that I just read is so important.
- 00:19:16We don't want you to think of us as the controllers of the information.
- 00:19:23So there has to be a single source because that's the only way to compete against the concavity
- 00:19:28of sources that are out there just saying their own opinions.
- 00:19:31How would you know one is different than the other?
- 00:19:34So you have to have a single source.
- 00:19:36But at the same time, if that single source positions itself as the true authority, follow me,
- 00:19:44it's going to ruin everything.
- 00:19:45The whole planet won't be free.
- 00:19:47It just will destroy everything. So it's a dilemma.
- 00:19:50That's why when we say that we're giving you the information directly from the ETs, we have
- 00:19:55to resort to the statement to tell you, and I'm going to read it quickly one last time, okay,
- 00:20:01without interrupting, so that you really get this.
- 00:20:04Because there has to logically be a single source.
- 00:20:09And what's going to happen is you'll see that that single source will sort of get verification
- 00:20:13that the true information is coming from that source.
- 00:20:16But at the same time, if that single source positions itself as the authority, come to me, follow
- 00:20:20me, then it's destroying everything.
- 00:20:22And then they would throw us away.
- 00:20:25So let me read it one last time.
- 00:20:28If there is anything that characterizes the Farsight Contribution, it is that we are not special.
- 00:20:34Anything we can do, you can do better.
- 00:20:36We do consider ourselves an authorized group who can speak authoritatively about the activities
- 00:20:41of the extraterrestrials, especially the so-called good ETs, but by no means should this be
- 00:20:46interpreted to mean that we are the only group who can interact with the ETs.
- 00:20:51We feel certain that if Farsight ever positioned itself as the one and only source for you to
- 00:20:56get accurate information about the extraterrestrials, then the extraterrestrials themselves
- 00:21:00would drop us like a rock.
- 00:21:01The entire underlying purpose of all that we do is to show people how to free themselves from
- 00:21:07this prison planet, and following any one source as the absolute truth is the surest way to lose your way.
- 00:21:14As our audience, your job is to make us obsolete, and for you to communicate with the extraterrestrials.
- 00:21:21For you to communicate with the extraterrestrials.
- 00:21:23The big thing on our side in terms of methodology is to have a quiet mind.
- 00:21:28That is why we emphasize meditation before we do anything at Farsight.
- 00:21:31So if you learn anything from Farsight, let it be that.
- 00:21:34Quiet the mind and listen.
- 00:21:38Okay, so I have no alternative than to tell you what the ETs are telling us, and then to show
- 00:21:43you why you can believe that.
- 00:21:46But I have to state that first.
- 00:21:48We're not trying to position ourselves as the group that you should worship.
- 00:21:52We're trying just to tell you, you can differentiate what we're saying from everybody else so
- 00:21:57that you can be the authorities, you can communicate directly, because then you'll know that
- 00:22:02what we're saying is the truth, and then you'll know that you can go get it yourself, independent of us. Make us obsolete.
- 00:22:10That's the goal, all right?
- 00:22:12All right, so after the UAP started to show up in earnest on November 18th, we had an experiment,
- 00:22:23published a video, and we had a theory, then an experiment, published a video, and then as a
- 00:22:29result, the UAP showed up.
- 00:22:30So the plan is, and I'm telling you directly, we just had the ET board meeting, and it's up
- 00:22:36now, and I'm going to show you an easy way to get all of the ET board meetings, but the plan
- 00:22:41is for there to be waves that go through the summer of 2025 every month, okay?
- 00:22:48And we're going to have a board meeting.
- 00:22:50They're going to tell us what's next.
- 00:22:52We're going to publish that a couple days later.
- 00:22:54It takes us a day or two to publish it. We've got six mics. We've got six cameras.
- 00:22:58We've got to edit the thing, put it together.
- 00:23:01It takes us about a day and a half to get that out, and that's like working nonstop.
- 00:23:07Okay, then we publish it, and then soon after that, we don't know the exact date, but last time
- 00:23:13it just took a few days, the ETs do their thing, okay?
- 00:23:17So our last ET board meeting was in December. Let me see.
- 00:23:27The exact date was the 18th, okay.
- 00:23:31So it was December on the 18th, and on the 20th, we published the video, and the major thing
- 00:23:39hasn't quite happened yet, so this is what they told us they're going to do.
- 00:23:43The first step was to swarm the area with these small UAPs that you can see easily, okay, and
- 00:23:52lots of them, and they're sort of small, and you can sort of debate whether they're human drones
- 00:23:58or not, even though they do weird things, okay, because they're small.
- 00:24:02The next step is bigger ships.
- 00:24:05That's what they told us.
- 00:24:06The next step is you're going to see more, but you're going to still see the collection that
- 00:24:10they have out now, but there's also going to be in the mix some larger ships.
- 00:24:14Now, they have huge ships that are like, I don't know, State of California or bigger. I mean, they're big.
- 00:24:20They're big ships, but that's not what you're going to see.
- 00:24:23This is not like ships that are Independence Day size.
- 00:24:27You know the movie with Will Smith?
- 00:24:28Well, no, it's not like that, so what's going to happen is they're going to have bigger ships,
- 00:24:33so you're going to clearly see with the next step, oh, all right, they can't be drones.
- 00:24:38They're too big for that.
- 00:24:39Now, already you can see that a lot of these things, they can't be drones because they're doing weird stuff.
- 00:24:44They're phasing in and out. They look like orbs.
- 00:24:46A lot of them look like orbs.
- 00:24:48They have really clear pictures of these orbs, and a lot of them look like triangular things.
- 00:24:53A lot of them are way too high.
- 00:24:55They can't be drones because they're like way up.
- 00:24:58So, you know, and they fly incredible speeds, and they zip off in different directions and the
- 00:25:03whole thing, but still, if you see a larger ship, then you say, okay, well, that's clearly,
- 00:25:09no one can argue with that.
- 00:25:11So that's what's happening between now and the next ET board meeting in January sometime.
- 00:25:19So that's what they told us.
- 00:25:21So this is a theory.
- 00:25:24Now we have the experiment, and then we get the result, okay?
- 00:25:29So we're supposed to be asking you to go out.
- 00:25:33Actually, they're asking you to go out.
- 00:25:34They really want you to see them.
- 00:25:36They're not trying to be coy about this.
- 00:25:38They want you to see them. And you can wave. You can wave. Be friendly. They're friendly.
- 00:25:44They're not trying to do anything to hurt anybody. They are nice.
- 00:25:48They want you to take pictures of them, and they want to get the authorities rattled.
- 00:25:53They want the authorities to realize this is not going away.
- 00:25:57They wouldn't be doing all of this in this major effort if they were going to be scared off by the U.S. government.
- 00:26:03Now, the U.S. government has now started to issue new laws and regulations saying drone activities forbidden.
- 00:26:11It's forbidden over the state of New Jersey and XYZ.
- 00:26:17You might as well say it's illegal to sell vegetarian hot dogs anywhere in the galaxy. What do you think?
- 00:26:26Do you think anyone's going to listen to what you say about vegetarian hot dogs in the rest of the galaxy?
- 00:26:31So, anyway, that's the next step, bigger ships.
- 00:26:38So they want you to go outside and they want you to look.
- 00:26:40Now, we haven't seen the bigger ships yet.
- 00:26:44So this is the experiment.
- 00:26:46And now we get the result.
- 00:26:48And then if you go outside over the next 30 days and you go outside and some of you start seeing
- 00:26:53not only the drones, the smaller ships, but you start seeing some bigger ones.
- 00:26:57Now they're not going to be so big that they could scare you.
- 00:26:59Like they don't want to actually come out all of a sudden with the planet-sized ships or actually our ships that big.
- 00:27:05But they don't want to come in with the huge ships that are like the size of the state of California or something like that. Like an independent state.
- 00:27:11That would just scare everybody.
- 00:27:13They're trying not to scare you.
- 00:27:15They're trying to tell you that they're friendly.
- 00:27:17So it's like one step at a time.
- 00:27:20And at some point in time, the world events are going to start spinning out of the control with
- 00:27:25these war type things that are happening.
- 00:27:27And the expectation is that the ETs, the good ETs, are going to have to intervene.
- 00:27:31And when that, in order to stop the planetary meltdown.
- 00:27:36And when that happens, they want you to be able to say, oh, no, they're the good guys.
- 00:27:41We've been seeing them all the time. They're friendly.
- 00:27:42They don't do anything bad.
- 00:27:43They're here to save the day. They're the cavalry. That's what they want.
- 00:27:47So the last thing they want is for you to be frightened.
- 00:27:50Now the bad ETs who they oppose have written agreements with the United States government.
- 00:27:56And remember, this has been even stated by people like Chaim Eshed, the former CEO, the head
- 00:28:02of the Israeli Space Directorate for 30 years.
- 00:28:06He did an interview in a Hebrew publication.
- 00:28:09But as I said before, lots of people knew Hebrew and they immediately translated it into a zillion other languages.
- 00:28:15And you can Google it, Chaim Eshed.
- 00:28:18And they have written agreements with the United States government and a few other governments with the bad ETs.
- 00:28:24Now he doesn't call them the bad ETs.
- 00:28:26He just calls them the ETs or the extraterrestrials.
- 00:28:28But they have, there are written agreements.
- 00:28:30And he said that the bad, that these groups that we call the bad ETs, they wanted to be able to do experiments.
- 00:28:39They call them experiments in exchange for giving tech, reverse engineering tech from crashed ETs ships.
- 00:28:48The U.S. government really wanted that tech for weapons stuff, weapons tech.
- 00:28:52And the bad ETs were willing to do that.
- 00:28:55And the experiments were, well, they were lying through their teeth.
- 00:28:58That was a, that was millions of people involved in a human trafficking operation that's still
- 00:29:03ongoing to this very day. So it wasn't experiments.
- 00:29:07It was a huge human trafficking issue.
- 00:29:09And it's still going on.
- 00:29:10And the U.S. government doesn't want to talk about these ETs, about these shows, about this
- 00:29:16stuff, because that's part of the powder keg.
- 00:29:19Once it came out that, you know, they really did have written, written, written and signed agreements
- 00:29:25with these ETs to do these experiments, then everyone would say, what experiments?
- 00:29:30Exactly what experiments are we talking about?
- 00:29:33And then the whole house.
- 00:29:34And then when the people found out what they were allowing to do and then what was the government supposed to say?
- 00:29:39But, you know, we really needed the tech.
- 00:29:41OK, so the tech that they got allowed them to build the American Secret Space Program.
- 00:29:45Now, remember, it is not a dispute.
- 00:29:48There's been congressional hearings on that.
- 00:29:51There's a crash retrieval program. UFOs crash.
- 00:29:54And then the U.S. government swoops in, gets the ships and brings them over to secret places.
- 00:29:59And they also capture the surviving occupants.
- 00:30:03Now, these occupants are quite literally my friends.
- 00:30:09They are the good ETs. They don't shoot.
- 00:30:12These occupants are being shot down.
- 00:30:14These ships that are crashing, trust me, they are not crashing because they forgot to get the
- 00:30:21oil change at Pep Boys.
- 00:30:23That's not why they're crashing.
- 00:30:24They have very good mechanics.
- 00:30:27They can fly across the galaxy. They can get here.
- 00:30:29They're not like breaking and crashing.
- 00:30:33They're being shot down with the tech that the bad ETs are giving to the American Secret Space Program.
- 00:30:39The good ETs, my side, cannot defend themselves because that would make it seem to the government that we're the aggressors.
- 00:30:48And that's the last thing they want.
- 00:30:50So they just have to let it happen when it happens.
- 00:30:53So occasionally one of the good ET ships gets lured into a vulnerable position and the American
- 00:30:59Secret Space Program shoots them down either from bases on the ground or underground, actually,
- 00:31:06or from ships that they're actually flying.
- 00:31:09And that's how the crashing of the ships is actually happening.
- 00:31:13Now you have to understand, my side, the good ETs, could easily defend themselves against the Secret Space Program.
- 00:31:21I mean, it would take just seconds to completely knock it out, knock it out completely.
- 00:31:26There would not need to be any crashed ships.
- 00:31:29But we can't do that without rattling.
- 00:31:32So there's a lot of people who are sacrificing themselves. These are my friends.
- 00:31:36I've grown up with these people. These are my friends. We know them personally.
- 00:31:41And they're in those ships and they're being, and terrible things happen to them after they crash and they survive.
- 00:31:48The government wants the ships.
- 00:31:50They give the occupants over to the bad ETs and the bad ETs do awful things.
- 00:31:55These people are going through hell in order to help you.
- 00:31:59So, and this should not be in dispute.
- 00:32:02You should be able to connect the dots here.
- 00:32:04You see congressional hearings, public congressional hearings with David Grush, Lou Elizondo,
- 00:32:09and others talking about the crash retrieval program.
- 00:32:11These are official congressional hearings, both public and private, inside Congress.
- 00:32:18And you know, you don't have a congressional hearing on something that doesn't exist. So that is happening.
- 00:32:23So the only thing you have to do is say, well, why are they crashing?
- 00:32:26And what's happening to the so-called non-human biologics?
- 00:32:29These are my friends and you're calling them non-human biologics. They're people. All right? They're people.
- 00:32:33They may look a little different sometimes.
- 00:32:35Sometimes they look just like you and me, but they're people. Okay. Anyway. All right.
- 00:32:41Sorry, I get upset about that, but how would you feel that if your friends are being shot out
- 00:32:45of the sky and tortured? Anyway, so, okay.
- 00:32:48So that's what to expect over the next 30 days.
- 00:32:51The same old UAP is coming out, but sometimes now bigger ships.
- 00:32:55Ones that you can clearly say, those are not drones. Okay.
- 00:32:58Now, then we're going to have the next board meeting in January.
- 00:33:03And then we will have, they will tell us what's going to be on the next wave.
- 00:33:07And then you say, okay, well, they got it right twice.
- 00:33:10Let's see if they get it right three times. Okay.
- 00:33:12And it's going to go like that until the middle of the summer.
- 00:33:14And apparently the middle of the summer is when it stops.
- 00:33:17So it's like a seven, six month set of waves, half a year set of waves for this thing to The
- 00:33:23U.S. government knows totally that it is happening. Totally. They know this.
- 00:33:29Believe me, they watch this YouTube channel and Farsightprime.com. They watch it. So they know that.
- 00:33:35We would not be able to do any of this if there wasn't a good hefty chunk of the Pentagon that was defending us.
- 00:33:41So there's one side of the Pentagon that sort of aligned with the, what we call the bad DTs
- 00:33:45that are getting the tech and stuff like that.
- 00:33:47And there's the other side of the Pentagon that wants disclosure badly.
- 00:33:51And they're the ones who are giving people like David Grush official Pentagon permission to
- 00:33:57speak in front of Congress in these congressional hearings.
- 00:33:59Remember, he still has his classification, his secrecy classification, and he never says anything
- 00:34:04that he doesn't get permission to say from the Pentagon.
- 00:34:07It's the other guys down the hall on the other side of the Pentagon that say, oh, no, that's all crazy.
- 00:34:12We don't know anything about that.
- 00:34:13So there is no extraterrestrials.
- 00:34:16So obviously the Pentagon is split.
- 00:34:18So we couldn't be doing these things and I couldn't be doing this live stream unless there was
- 00:34:23a side of the Pentagon that was wonderful, that was defending us. Do you understand?
- 00:34:28It's not just that the DTs are defending us, but that good half of the Pentagon is defending
- 00:34:33us as well, or we wouldn't exist.
- 00:34:35So don't be angry with the Pentagon.
- 00:34:37It's a crisis of the entire planet right now.
- 00:34:41And we have a lot of very brave people in the Pentagon, in the military, who are trying their
- 00:34:46best to help sort this all stuff out.
- 00:34:48Now, one of the reasons that I'm going to speculate here, I haven't been told this, but one
- 00:34:53of the reasons that there are so many, let me look at the chat for a second to make sure everything is going OK.
- 00:35:03Yeah, it looks like everything is going OK.
- 00:35:05So one of the reasons that there are so many human drones out there, as well as the UAPs, the
- 00:35:11ET stuff, is I think, I'm speculating now, I do know that the government, military intelligence
- 00:35:17watches our stuff really closely.
- 00:35:19And in our Deep News projects, we had a bunch of sessions, four sessions out there, talking
- 00:35:25about military engagement in the continent of the United States around in the December, January, February era, area.
- 00:35:36And I know they take that stuff very seriously.
- 00:35:39And so what normally happens is when we come out with something, they investigate it immediately.
- 00:35:45So they use their traditional sources for stuff.
- 00:35:48And when we come out with something, they then turn on the lights and figure out and they figure out what's going on.
- 00:35:54So part of this drone activity, the human stuff, and I'm speculating now, is probably because
- 00:36:01they're flying around looking for radiation signatures for weapons of mass destruction.
- 00:36:06Remember when the Soviet Union collapsed, General Lebed, L-E-B-E-D, said that there were 125
- 00:36:14tactical nuclear weapons that are suitcase size that were missing.
- 00:36:18And apparently about 85 of them came out of Ukraine and they're gone. And like they're gone. Where are they?
- 00:36:28And so the fear is that some of them may be in the continental United States because our remote
- 00:36:32viewing stuff did not indicate, you know, intercontinental ballistic missiles coming out of
- 00:36:38Russia and hitting the United States.
- 00:36:39It really looked like more local deliveries of whatever these things are.
- 00:36:45And the U.S. government is probably trying to stop that from happening.
- 00:36:49And part of the drones are looking for all types of signatures.
- 00:36:52And they may, in fact, be able to stop it from happening.
- 00:36:54So that would actually be a good thing that if it didn't happen.
- 00:36:57Remember, we often have come up with results that we don't expect to happen.
- 00:37:02Like we expected we had results for an assassination attempt against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- 00:37:10And we said when we published that, we said we don't expect that to happen because as soon as
- 00:37:15we published it, we were expecting the intelligence services to kick into gear and to find out
- 00:37:20who's doing it and to shut it down. And it didn't happen. And that's that's it.
- 00:37:24Now, we have more stuff that's coming out in January that you're going to be really surprised
- 00:37:27about along that type of a line.
- 00:37:30So but not involving Bobby Kennedy.
- 00:37:34But, you know, and we expect that stuff to be preventative as well.
- 00:37:38So it may be that our stuff that we came out with our deep new stuff won't happen.
- 00:37:43But that's you're seeing evidence of why if it doesn't happen, you're seeing evidence of why
- 00:37:47it's not happening in the sky right now with the drones sort of flying all over the place and
- 00:37:52looking for any type of radiation signatures.
- 00:37:55Again, see, there were 125 tactical nuclear weapons.
- 00:37:59And I've said this before, but back in the 1990s, late 1990s, we had a project involving when
- 00:38:05the Soviet Union collapsed, we had a project involving what appeared to be a terrorist attack
- 00:38:11from some of the generals, one or more of the generals of the former Soviet Union who were really
- 00:38:16ticked off that their country melted. OK.
- 00:38:20And they were going to have a they got a nuclear weapon.
- 00:38:25And they were going to use it and blow up the United Nations building in New York. We published the sessions. Everybody laughed.
- 00:38:32They all said it was hilarious. This is great.
- 00:38:34But we stuck to it and we said we did it.
- 00:38:36We later got information that the US intelligence took it totally seriously.
- 00:38:41They don't take anything on Syria.
- 00:38:43They don't take it as they don't look they don't laugh at anything.
- 00:38:46So, you know, it's not that it's not that they gave us special something special.
- 00:38:52If they ever if they get any types of information that says something like that, they jump on it.
- 00:38:58And and then, you know, it disappeared. It never happened. People laughed. OK.
- 00:39:05Well, one month later, some Lithuanians with Russian names, they were arrested in Miami and they were.
- 00:39:17Arrested because they were trying to sell weapons, including a tactical nuclear weapon.
- 00:39:24They had they had access to a few of them and they were trying to sell them to it turned out
- 00:39:30to be FBI agents and they were arrested.
- 00:39:35And they the FBI agents were saying that they were working for drug cartels in Latin America
- 00:39:41and we wanted them for them.
- 00:39:42These people were trying to unload these nuclear weapons that weren't going to be used anymore in New York.
- 00:39:48So they had to get rid of them and they were arrested.
- 00:39:50And the two of them that were sort of involved in big in it were arrested and put in prison.
- 00:39:56And you can Google it.
- 00:39:58This happened in mid, I think it was like the summer of 1997. I think it was. Maybe it was 1996.
- 00:40:06I think it was 1997.
- 00:40:08Anyway, we've published it before.
- 00:40:10But you can Google it.
- 00:40:11The two Lithuanians that were and they were they were arrested in Miami and they were imprisoned. And that's exactly.
- 00:40:19So, you know, and that happened like one month after we did our project.
- 00:40:23So the terrorist event in New York never happened.
- 00:40:25But on the same hand, we the people that were trying to get rid of these nuclear weapons were arrested.
- 00:40:32So anyway, that's the type of thing that we have. We discover something. We publish it.
- 00:40:37The intelligence people rush in and they stop it from happening.
- 00:40:40But there's always evidence somehow that it was taken seriously and the government got involved.
- 00:40:48And in that case, it was the arrest of the the people who were trying to sell unload the nuclear weapons.
- 00:40:53And in this case, it's all these drones around that are trying to find something.
- 00:40:57You don't send these drones up unless you're looking for something.
- 00:41:00And the big thing is government drones would, you know, they're looking for things they don't want to send out.
- 00:41:07They don't want to have transponders.
- 00:41:08They don't want people to know who they are, where they are, because they're trying to sneak
- 00:41:11over places and then, you know, find radiation signatures.
- 00:41:16Now, that's me speculating about this. I'm not this.
- 00:41:19The ETs didn't tell me this.
- 00:41:20This is just me trying to figure out why would the American drones be up there with the UAPs? OK.
- 00:41:29Again, remember, there are two types of ETs in Farsight.
- 00:41:32We always look at the good ETs and the bad ETs.
- 00:41:34The good ETs are the ones who work with us and they they don't have any access to the American political elite.
- 00:41:40The bad ETs have all of the American political elite in their pocket one way or another.
- 00:41:46And through every possible means, mental manipulation, bribery, everything you can imagine.
- 00:41:52And you know, so the good ETs have only the ability to go to the masses.
- 00:41:57And you can see that the current flyover stuff, the swarming of the UAPs over the major over everywhere.
- 00:42:03That's part of going to the masses. That's the whole strategy.
- 00:42:07They got the masses conditioned in large part by changing the movie industry, by putting ideas
- 00:42:13into the into the minds of script writers when they were sleeping.
- 00:42:17And then the script writers would wake up and say, I have a great new idea for a movie or a
- 00:42:22new a new series or something.
- 00:42:24And then they do that.
- 00:42:26Now, the good ETs are absolute fanatical free will people.
- 00:42:30I say that because it sometimes irritates me because I, too, want them just to come in and clear things up.
- 00:42:35But they they're absolute, they're absolutists with regard to free will.
- 00:42:38So they can't force the script writer to do anything, but they can give them the idea when they're sleeping. And then.
- 00:42:44But, you know, a good idea is a good idea.
- 00:42:46And the script writer can say, this is going to be a big career change for me.
- 00:42:49I want to do this.
- 00:42:49And they think they thought of it themselves in their dreams. So they do it.
- 00:42:53OK, so that's where you get the Matrix movies, that's where you get Star Wars, Star Trek, a
- 00:42:58lot of Japanimation, all of that stuff came from that.
- 00:43:00But now this is another instance of them going to the masses.
- 00:43:04The good ET is having these swarms of UFOs. You get the pattern.
- 00:43:07You should be able to see a pattern.
- 00:43:09They don't have any access to the political elite.
- 00:43:11You can see what the political elite are doing. Look at the news.
- 00:43:14They're stonewalling with regard to the entire UAP stuff that's going on right now.
- 00:43:18So obviously, the good ETs don't have any access to those people.
- 00:43:23And those people are trying to, you know, hope it goes away.
- 00:43:26But the whole house, the information house of cards has got to be collapsed.
- 00:43:30And that's what this is going to do.
- 00:43:32And it's going to be month after month after month.
- 00:43:34And they seem to tell us about midsummer stuff to be done.
- 00:43:39Anyway, well, anyway, Farsight has been interacting with these good ETs for many years.
- 00:43:45And openly, we have been meeting with them. They tell us stuff.
- 00:43:49It took us years to be able to see them because they have to use cloaking stuff in order to see them.
- 00:43:54When a UAP crashes, the cloaking tech goes away and the beings are visible.
- 00:44:02And the American military immediately swoops in and grabs them and gives them over to the bad ETs.
- 00:44:08So if the good ETs were physically visible in our meetings, what do you think would happen?
- 00:44:16Would we even be able to have meetings?
- 00:44:18The authorities would immediately bash in, knock the doors down, arrest everybody, you know,
- 00:44:23and you wouldn't get anything.
- 00:44:24So they have to be invisible.
- 00:44:26But so it took them, part of the plan was to teach us eventually to be able to see them.
- 00:44:31But we can see them clearly now.
- 00:44:32We can tell if it's a male or female.
- 00:44:34We can tell what kind of clothes they're wearing.
- 00:44:36And we actually have sort of fun in the group when we're saying we're trying to identify, you
- 00:44:42know, what types, what, you know, the jokes.
- 00:44:45They're actually saying jokes to us now.
- 00:44:47And they're actually just like us in terms of comical saying jokes and being friendly.
- 00:44:52This last ET board meeting was like right off the scale in terms of fun.
- 00:44:56I've never seen them so upbeat.
- 00:44:58They were so happy to get the drones going or they don't like using the word drones to get the ships going.
- 00:45:04This is the plan that they've been working on for literally thousands of years to free this planet.
- 00:45:09And it's finally in action.
- 00:45:10I've never seen them so happy, even giddy.
- 00:45:13Anyway, they were talking to us and it was a very interesting board meeting. You can see it. All right.
- 00:45:20And that happened on the 18th of December.
- 00:45:22And again, we published it on the 20th and so on.
- 00:45:25Had a very interesting interview with Chris Leto, L-E-H-T-O, in the Leto Files. It's on YouTube.
- 00:45:32So you would get a really good summary of everything if you go to the Leto Files or Chris Leto
- 00:45:38on YouTube and watch that interview.
- 00:45:40That just came out yesterday. Okay.
- 00:45:43To our knowledge, nothing can stop this.
- 00:45:47To our knowledge, we know that the good ETs are way stronger militarily than the bad ETs in this solar system. Not in the galaxy.
- 00:45:54And the galaxy is a standoff.
- 00:45:56The bad ETs and the good ETs, it's a cold war.
- 00:46:00But in this solar system, the good ETs are way more dominant.
- 00:46:04But they can't invade because they're trying to save everybody.
- 00:46:07Invading would just scare everybody and the bad ETs would say they're the enemy and it would just be disaster.
- 00:46:14The only thing that can happen is that the masses rise up and make a free will choice to align
- 00:46:21themselves with the good ETs.
- 00:46:22And then the good ETs can handle everything. All right.
- 00:46:26And so, wave after wave through the summer of 2025, that's what's supposed to happen.
- 00:46:32Now, the bigger ships that are coming this month, in the next 30 days into January, they're not the biggest. They're larger.
- 00:46:40They're clearly not the small ones that you're seeing now, but they're larger. Okay.
- 00:46:44And the purpose is to ratchet this up.
- 00:46:47And after the next ET board meeting, we'll publish a video.
- 00:46:50They'll tell us what's going to happen in the next 30 days.
- 00:46:52And then another meeting and then the next 30 days.
- 00:46:56All of the ETs, the good ones and the bad ones, consider the entire planet Earth a planet of zombies. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding.
- 00:47:04That's because the people of Earth have been specially processed so that they no longer have
- 00:47:09their telepathic capabilities, which are the normal means of communication throughout the entire galaxy.
- 00:47:15And they no longer have their remote viewing perceptions, which is normal for everybody else.
- 00:47:21And that is because this place is being operated as a prison.
- 00:47:25And when people die, they see the light. The light is tech. It's ET tech.
- 00:47:32And you get drawn to the light.
- 00:47:34It feels really good and warm and bathing.
- 00:47:36And then you get zapped with an electric bolt that's way higher voltage than lightning. And you get rattled.
- 00:47:41Now, you cannot kill somebody.
- 00:47:43We call us ISBs, someone who is for the purpose of being.
- 00:47:47We don't use soul or spirit because all the religious baggage.
- 00:47:51We call ourselves ISBs, I-S-B-E, ISBs.
- 00:47:56And you can't kill an ISB.
- 00:47:58But just like a person, a person is an ISB. I am an ISB. You're an ISB.
- 00:48:03You can lie to an ISB.
- 00:48:04You can trick an ISB.
- 00:48:05You can enslave an ISB.
- 00:48:06You can do all types of bad things to an ISB.
- 00:48:08You just can't kill an ISB.
- 00:48:10So, what they do is they shock you.
- 00:48:12And then you're sort of, you no longer have telepathic capabilities or remote viewing capabilities.
- 00:48:17And you lose all of your memories.
- 00:48:19And then an AI, it's all computerized.
- 00:48:21An AI comes in and says, you know, we've been talking about your case with the Council of Elders. You're very important.
- 00:48:28Oh, you see the Council of Elders over there? Right there, okay.
- 00:48:30Well, we think you should sort of go back and work on a few personality things.
- 00:48:35Remember the arguments you used to have with your mother and your daughter, remember?
- 00:48:39There's a few issues with your grandmother as well.
- 00:48:42If you went back, you could work on these things.
- 00:48:44But it's up to you. It's your choice.
- 00:48:46Well, with no memory and no telepathic capabilities, no remote viewing perceptions, you say, sounds good to me.
- 00:48:52And then you get processed back in.
- 00:48:53So, that's how the prison planet maintains its population.
- 00:48:58So, that's why everyone in the galaxy thinks of Earth as a planet of zombies. What are zombies?
- 00:49:05They're people who have no memory.
- 00:49:07They're dead, but they're not dead.
- 00:49:08And they have no memory, and they go around hurting other people.
- 00:49:12That's a zombie if you ever saw one.
- 00:49:15And so, how do you wake up a zombie?
- 00:49:16How do you wake up a planet of zombies? It's really hard.
- 00:49:20No one's ever done this in the whole galaxy, to my understanding, on this scale.
- 00:49:24And so, apparently, it is possible to reconnect you with your memories.
- 00:49:28On a theoretical level, it's not possible to totally disconnect you from your memories.
- 00:49:32But it's not clear how to do that.
- 00:49:34And there's actual research actually ongoing in the galaxy now to help people.
- 00:49:39And we're going to have billions of people that are going to want their memories back when the
- 00:49:44planet Earth gets sort of saved.
- 00:49:46And so, that's an active area of research.
- 00:49:49Not just among the ETs, but they actually want the human scientists here to start getting involved in that question. We've got a zillion.
- 00:49:57Apparently, it's one of the highest concentrations of geniuses anywhere on any planet that's available here.
- 00:50:04Because geniuses are ones that always try to change things.
- 00:50:06But if you have a civilization that's been going on for millions of years, you're not trying to change anything.
- 00:50:13And the people who try to change things, they're just an irritant, and they eventually throw them away. Like Socrates. Remember Socrates?
- 00:50:19He just used to get people to think about things by asking them questions at the market. They killed him. It was disturbing.
- 00:50:28So, you know, the geniuses got thrown out of places, and a lot of them are here. Very high concentration.
- 00:50:33So, the ETs actually want human geniuses to start working on some of these problems.
- 00:50:37How do you dismantle the so-called death traps, the light that draws you in, the electric bolt?
- 00:50:42How do you dismantle that?
- 00:50:43You have to locate them.
- 00:50:44You have to dismantle them.
- 00:50:45It's very sophisticated tech, and apparently it's hard to actually find it and dismantle it.
- 00:50:51And so they want the human scientists to be involved in that, and also human scientists to be
- 00:50:56involved in getting the memory back stuff.
- 00:50:58So, it's a long thing.
- 00:51:00Okay, the last thing I want to go before we go into the next segment that will appear on official
- 00:51:06memory, the official thing on Wednesday, is you guys that are subscribers to Farsightprime.com
- 00:51:12are in the best of possible shapes.
- 00:51:15Because our expenses have been rising, and to be quite honest, we're needing to raise our prices a little bit.
- 00:51:24But anyone who's currently subscribed is not going to have any price increase ongoing.
- 00:51:32So, if you're already a subscriber, either a yearly subscriber or a monthly subscriber, you
- 00:51:37don't have anything to do.
- 00:51:38You don't have anything to worry about.
- 00:51:40But in mid-January, the price of Farsightprime.com is going to go from $9.99 to $12.99. That's basically still free.
- 00:51:51I mean, if you compare us to any of the major streaming services, then we're still way under those.
- 00:51:57And so, anyway, it's going to go from $9.99 to $12.99, a few dollars extra.
- 00:52:03But we are just needing to pay our bills, and that's necessary for new subscribers.
- 00:52:09However, if you're already a subscriber, or if you subscribe before mid-January when the price
- 00:52:14increase goes up, it's a very small price increase, but if you subscribe before then, then you're
- 00:52:19not going to get any price increase, and you'll still get the $9.99, you know, apparently.
- 00:52:23I mean, it'll just keep on going.
- 00:52:26So Vimeo, who runs our streaming service, and also the apps Google and Apple, they don't like
- 00:52:33price increases, so they like that to affect only new subscribers, not current subscribers.
- 00:52:40So we do whatever we're told to do, and so they're going to have a price increase that only affects new subscribers. But it's still free.
- 00:52:48I mean, in the sense of $13 or $12.99, given what you get from here, with all of the projects
- 00:52:56that we have, you can't get that from anywhere else.
- 00:53:00It's still the biggest bargain on the planet, especially considering everybody else is trying
- 00:53:04to control you, and we're actually trying to show you the data and let you be free.
- 00:53:08So again, for those of you who are subscribers or are going to soon be subscribers before mid-January,
- 00:53:14don't even worry about it.
- 00:53:15Don't even think about it.
- 00:53:16Because there's no price increase, none.
- 00:53:19But after mid-January, it'll be a couple dollars extra, okay? All right. All right.
- 00:53:25Now we're going to go into the second part of this, and you're going to be really excited about our new projects.
- 00:53:32And I got really interesting stuff to tell you about the censorship stuff, where I'm going to
- 00:53:36offer you proof that what we're telling you is the truth, if you can connect the dots. Okay.
- censur
- udenjordiske
- Farsight
- information
- frihed
- prison planet
- telepati