9 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 20
TLDRVideo iki nuduhake sembilan pelajaran penting sing Sam Evans wis sinau sajrone wong-wong minangka pengusaha wiwit umur 21 taun. Dheweke ngandhani babagan pentingnya tanggung jawab pribadi, solusi masalah minangka inti bisnis, lan njaluk fokus ing aliran kas minangka tujuwan nomer siji nalika miwiti bisnis. Mengko, dheweke ngomong babagan pentingnya ora nggampangake urip, ora gawe urip sampeyan kaes, lan sinau kanggo nggoleki pelanggan minangka prioritas paling dhuwur. Dheweke uga ngajari supaya ora nggatekake kritik saka wong biasa sing ora ngerti usus bisnis lan tetep fokus tenan minangka kekuwatan super kanggo maju lan entuk sukses jangka panjang. Uga, dheweke nyepek yen universitas ora penting kanggo sing pengin dadi pengusaha.
- 🌀 Tanggung jawab pribadi minangka kunci kanggo mandiri.
- 🔍 Bisnis iku babagan njupuk solusi.
- 💰 Aliran kas kudu dadi prioritas awal.
- 🏞️ Fokus minangka senjata pamungkas kanggo sukses.
- 🔗 Aja krungu kritik saka wong sing ora nduweni pahaman bisnis.
- 🏠 Urip kanthi sederhana kanggo ngindhari stres finansial.
- 🚀 Aja mbanjiri bisnis karo urusan sing ora perlu.
- 🎯 Pahami pelanggan lan solusiake masalah nem.
- 📈 Terus perbaiki solusi sing ditawarkan.
- 🧭 Utamakan fokus lan tanggung jawab kanggo jangka panjang.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Sam Evans nuduhake sembilan piwulang penting sing diuwasake wektu umure 20 taun, nalika mentas miwiti dadi entrepreneur. Elinga yen kontrol urip ana ing tanganmu dhewe lan ora ana wong liya sing bisa ngendhaleni. Ngerti iki bisa mbantu ing ngatur urip lan nggawe owah-owahan positif.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Sam Evans ngenalake kawruh yèn bisnis sejatiné babagan ngatasi masalah. Luwih penting golek masalah nyatane tinimbang ngandhang-idhaha ide anyar tanpa strategi. Bisnis sing suksès ngatasi masalah sing gedhe lan penting kanggo masarakat kados Google lan produk iPhone.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Ora perlu mlebu universitas yèn pancen pengin dadi entrepreneur, amarga pengalaman nyata luwih berharga. Sam ngeyel, mawa ora bisa mlaku-mlaku ing antarane kerja kantoran lan miwiti bisnis. Tansah maju tanpa wani kang mlarat paling apik.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Pendapat wong liya ora penting. Sing penting yaiku kagungan arah jelas lan fokus ing bisnismu dhewe, ninggalake gaweyan liya. Sam menehi nasehat kanggo ora mbela dhewe utawa nglawan kritik, nanging luwih becik ngunekake asil kang nyata.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Fokus utama bisnis yaiku aliran kas. Penting banget kanggo nggawe kas stabil sadurunge miwiti rencana jangka panjang. Sam ngelingake supaya ora ngolah bisnis mung golek modal nalika mbangun solusi kang apik ing jangka panjang.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:31
Akhire, Sajam mulang babagan tetep bersahaja lan fokus ing fokusannya, sing dadi kunci sukses. Nyuluk kasampurnan lan njamin supaya layanan dadi luwih apik kanggo pelanggan, ngorbanake hobi lan aktivitas liyane sing tidak penting.
Apa sing kudu ditindakake nalika miwiti bisnis?
Solusiake masalah lan fokus ing aliran kas.
Apa sing dimaksud karo 'singa ora peduli marang opini wedhus'?
Aja peduli karo kritik saka wong sing ora ngerti bisnis.
Kenapa aliran kas dadi tujuan utama ing bisnis?
Tanpa aliran kas, bisnis ora bakal bertahan suwe.
Apa pentingnya fokus ing bisnis?
Konsentrasi ing hal utama lan terus ngasah iku penting kanggo sukses.
Apa Sam Evans nyaranake kanggo mahasiswa universitas?
Yen sampeyan yakin arep dadi pengusaha, mandeg kuliah lan miwiti bisnis sedini mungkin.
Apa pendapat Sam Evans babagan universitas?
Universitas bisa dadi alternatif yen ora ngerti apa sing arep ditindakake, nanging ora penting kanggo dadi pengusaha.
Kenapa singa ora peduli marang opini wedhus penting ing bisnis?
Sikap kaya iki mbantu nglewati kritik lan fokus ing sukses bisnis.
Apa hubungan agama karo kemiskinan miturut video iki?
Negara paling miskin asring dadi negara paling religius, sing bisa nyebabake perasaan ora duwe kontrol.
Apa Sam Evans mikir babagan urip kanthi sederhana?
Urip kanthi sederhana penting kanggo ngindhari tekanan finansial lan fokus ing pertumbuhan bisnis.
Apa Sam Evans menehi saran kanggo wong sing kerja 9-5 nanging pengin miwiti bisnis?
Lepas pekerjaan lan fokus sepenuhnya ing bisnis nggoleki kesuksesan.
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- 00:00:00every one Sam Evans here and in today's
- 00:00:03video I want to share with you nine
- 00:00:06things that I wish I knew when I was 20
- 00:00:10so right now I'm I'm 29 and I've been in
- 00:00:14business for like well I first started
- 00:00:17becoming an entrepreneur when I was
- 00:00:18about 21 years old and it's been you
- 00:00:23know nine years that since I first
- 00:00:25started getting into this and when I was
- 00:00:29reflecting on on my journey the other
- 00:00:31day I thought you know what would what
- 00:00:33was some of those things that I really
- 00:00:35wish I knew when I'd gotten started like
- 00:00:37what was some of those key pillar
- 00:00:39insights or lessons that I wish I had
- 00:00:43knowin back when I started that would
- 00:00:46have helped me through my journey and
- 00:00:49there's a lot of them but I decided to
- 00:00:52kind of synthesize them down into just
- 00:00:54nine simple points and share them with
- 00:00:56you today in this video so that you know
- 00:00:59if you're starting a business or growing
- 00:01:00a business or if you're thinking about
- 00:01:02becoming an entrepreneur you can take
- 00:01:04these lessons from my journey and apply
- 00:01:07them in your own so let's get started
- 00:01:10now the first one is a big one and it is
- 00:01:14where you are in life right now like
- 00:01:17every like take a moment to stop pause
- 00:01:19look around you look at your life
- 00:01:21situation look at where you are in life
- 00:01:23right now and understand that it's
- 00:01:27solely you who did it you know you're
- 00:01:30responsible it wasn't anybody else who
- 00:01:33did it you did it it's all your fault
- 00:01:36and until you understand that you know
- 00:01:40you'll never be able to take control
- 00:01:42over anything in your life because if
- 00:01:45you live life thinking like passively
- 00:01:48like all life happens to me and I don't
- 00:01:51have any influence over my life or oh
- 00:01:53I'm a victim and all of these other
- 00:01:55people in the world control my life then
- 00:01:58you'll never be able to make a change
- 00:02:00you'll never be able to control it and
- 00:02:02if you want to see if you want to see
- 00:02:05like a lot of evidence of this you know
- 00:02:07in a lot of the poorest countries in the
- 00:02:09world there's a very high
- 00:02:13correlation with a religion like the
- 00:02:17poorest countries in the world are the
- 00:02:19are the most religious countries in the
- 00:02:21world and I'm not saying that religion
- 00:02:22is a bad thing but they're typically
- 00:02:24their religion revolves around thinking
- 00:02:27that their life here is that they've got
- 00:02:30no control over it and then they're
- 00:02:33basically just here to suffer and then
- 00:02:35they'll have a good life when they die
- 00:02:37and in some kind of afterlife right now
- 00:02:40if you have that belief you're going to
- 00:02:42be eternally screwed and that is you
- 00:02:48know kind of an extreme version of it
- 00:02:49but you know in your own life you you've
- 00:02:52got to understand that you've got the
- 00:02:54steering wheel you know in there this
- 00:02:56you've got control of your own fate and
- 00:02:59it's all your doing and when you
- 00:03:02understand that then you're able to take
- 00:03:06responsibility for all of your actions
- 00:03:08and all of your outcomes from your
- 00:03:09actions and actually you know make some
- 00:03:12changes and some improvements so that's
- 00:03:13number one now the second one is
- 00:03:17business is all about solving problems I
- 00:03:20wish I had been told this in the
- 00:03:23beginning you know I went to university
- 00:03:25and I was like hearing all about
- 00:03:26accounting and statistics and then
- 00:03:29Porter's five forces and management by
- 00:03:32walking around and God knows what else
- 00:03:34crap that I got taught there and I was
- 00:03:37just so like my mind was just like what
- 00:03:40is this business thing this is so
- 00:03:41complicated I don't know if I want to be
- 00:03:43in business but what I wish someone had
- 00:03:46told me just day 1 lecture 1 year 1 at
- 00:03:49university is all right listen there
- 00:03:51anything you need to know is that
- 00:03:52business is about solving problems you
- 00:03:55don't try to come up with the idea in
- 00:03:58the shower and then you just start a
- 00:04:01business it's not business isn't about
- 00:04:03having a breakthrough ideas in the
- 00:04:05shower it's not even about ideas you
- 00:04:07don't even need a damn idea and everyone
- 00:04:10thinks they need an idea to get started
- 00:04:12but you don't business is just about
- 00:04:14solving problems so instead of trying to
- 00:04:17come up with an idea and instead of
- 00:04:18looking for ideas look for problems and
- 00:04:21you want to go out and speak to the
- 00:04:24world like pick
- 00:04:26number one like a small group of people
- 00:04:28that you're interested in then go and
- 00:04:31talk to them understand them ask them
- 00:04:33questions like what's the most painful
- 00:04:35part of your day or what keeps you up at
- 00:04:37night like what are you really stressed
- 00:04:38about really get to understand them like
- 00:04:42get out of your own mind stop thinking
- 00:04:43about you and start thinking about a
- 00:04:47group of other people that you're
- 00:04:49interested in find out a true problem
- 00:04:52that they face something that actually
- 00:04:53makes their life like painful really
- 00:04:58understand that thing and now you've
- 00:05:00found a problem not a problem for one
- 00:05:02individual but a problem that's
- 00:05:03widespread among participants within a
- 00:05:07group now once you've found one of those
- 00:05:09things then the solution to that problem
- 00:05:12is your idea right so your idea is well
- 00:05:16how can I solve this problem for this
- 00:05:18group of people and then once you've got
- 00:05:20an idea for it that's a solution then
- 00:05:23that when you apply a solution to a
- 00:05:25problem and it works then value is
- 00:05:28created you know value is a byproduct of
- 00:05:30applying a solution to a problem and
- 00:05:33when you do that when value is created
- 00:05:35then people are willing to pay money and
- 00:05:38the bigger the problem you solve the
- 00:05:41bigger the money and you know the best
- 00:05:43companies in the world the best
- 00:05:44entrepreneurs in the world the richest
- 00:05:46people in the world the most successful
- 00:05:48people in the world they just solve the
- 00:05:50biggest problems they're not the best at
- 00:05:53applying Porter's five forces they don't
- 00:05:55[ __ ] Porter's five forces like I can't
- 00:05:57believe we learned all of this useless
- 00:05:59stuff at university it's just about
- 00:06:02solving problems like you know the
- 00:06:04internet was a huge mess before Google
- 00:06:06and then Google made it usable for us
- 00:06:08right and then like Google is a great
- 00:06:12example of solving problems like think
- 00:06:14about Gmail my email used to suck before
- 00:06:17that now it's pretty good and then
- 00:06:19Google finding things on the internet
- 00:06:21like I'm exponentially smarter since
- 00:06:24Google then when it when Google didn't
- 00:06:26exist it's helped me a lot in my life
- 00:06:28imagine how many people's imagine how
- 00:06:30many people's lives have been saved
- 00:06:32because of Google and being able to
- 00:06:33access information imagine how much the
- 00:06:35world has changed because of Google
- 00:06:38right and
- 00:06:40then think about like the iPhone back
- 00:06:43then people used to have like a Navman
- 00:06:45and all they might have had maps like an
- 00:06:48actual printed map under their seat and
- 00:06:50then they would have had a digital
- 00:06:52camera and then they probably had an SD
- 00:06:55card in that camera then that camera
- 00:06:56probably had batteries and it probably
- 00:06:58needed like a USB cable and things too
- 00:07:00and then they they had all of these
- 00:07:04different things right and then to carry
- 00:07:07a lot of them around with them
- 00:07:08everywhere and Steve Jobs with the
- 00:07:10iPhone just kind of put them all into
- 00:07:11one thing and that was you know that
- 00:07:15solved a huge problem and so if you just
- 00:07:18look at the you know the most successful
- 00:07:20people in the world and the best
- 00:07:23companies in the world they just solve
- 00:07:25big problems that a lot of people have
- 00:07:27so forget about all the stuff that makes
- 00:07:31business complex it's just a game of
- 00:07:33solving problems so find a big problem
- 00:07:36solve it if you do that the other things
- 00:07:39fall into place now the third one number
- 00:07:43three is if you want to start a business
- 00:07:46you don't need to go to university you
- 00:07:49know I went to university at first
- 00:07:51because I didn't know what I wanted to
- 00:07:53do and I think University is a pretty
- 00:07:56good place to go if you don't know what
- 00:07:58you want to do all right because it's
- 00:07:59better to go there and just be learning
- 00:08:03some things and hanging out with friends
- 00:08:05and drinking some beers then it is to be
- 00:08:07sitting on your own at home like doing
- 00:08:10nothing you'll probably end up like
- 00:08:12falling into a bad crowd of people or
- 00:08:15like just playing xbox and and just
- 00:08:18eating pizza at home and so I think you
- 00:08:21know University is a good place to go if
- 00:08:25you're unsure about what you want to do
- 00:08:26with your life and that's because it's a
- 00:08:29better alternative than nothing but if
- 00:08:31you know you want to be an entrepreneur
- 00:08:33you don't need to go to university you
- 00:08:35should if you're in if you know you want
- 00:08:37to be an entrepreneur and you're
- 00:08:38currently in university quit if you know
- 00:08:41you want to be an entrepreneur and
- 00:08:42you're thinking about going to
- 00:08:43university don't just start your
- 00:08:46business you're starting your own
- 00:08:48business in the real world and will be a
- 00:08:51better learning experience than in
- 00:08:53University course could possibly teach
- 00:08:55you why because reality there can be no
- 00:08:59simulation of reality or no abstraction
- 00:09:02of reality that beats reality at being
- 00:09:04reality right so university is an
- 00:09:07abstraction it's a simulation and like a
- 00:09:10microcosm of what the real world
- 00:09:13environment is like and so whenever
- 00:09:15there's an abstraction it's not as good
- 00:09:17as the main thing so go and play in the
- 00:09:19main thing start your business now the
- 00:09:23fourth one is starting a business while
- 00:09:27working a nine-to-five job is near
- 00:09:29impossible and you need to learn to go
- 00:09:33all in or just get all out now when I
- 00:09:38first started my business I had a
- 00:09:40full-time job working at this corporate
- 00:09:41in New Zealand called Vodafone and it
- 00:09:45was it was impossible like I would try
- 00:09:48to work early in the morning and then I
- 00:09:50try to work later at night and then I
- 00:09:53remember even at lunch break I'd go I'd
- 00:09:56go to my car sit in my car eat lunch in
- 00:09:59there and then pull out my laptop and
- 00:10:00start doing some work in my car during
- 00:10:02the lunch break and I was constantly
- 00:10:05like just in a lot of agony and pain
- 00:10:07because I was thinking about my business
- 00:10:09and all of these things I needed to do
- 00:10:11in my business yet I was stuck here and
- 00:10:12I had to be present here but I couldn't
- 00:10:15be present here my old my body was here
- 00:10:18at the job but my mind was back at my
- 00:10:20business and I couldn't do either one
- 00:10:22well I couldn't do my job very well and
- 00:10:25I couldn't do my business very well and
- 00:10:27I was just stuck in this limbo space in
- 00:10:29the middle
- 00:10:29now I didn't make any real progress till
- 00:10:33I quit when I quit I was worried because
- 00:10:35I thought oh my god I've now quit my job
- 00:10:38but everything from there got better and
- 00:10:42it makes a huge world of difference when
- 00:10:45you can apply your full conscious
- 00:10:47attention to something so don't try and
- 00:10:50sit on the fence between a job and a
- 00:10:52business like go all in or get all out
- 00:10:53make a decision the next one number five
- 00:10:58is that lions don't care about the
- 00:11:02opinions of sheep and popularity
- 00:11:07and opinions of false positives or false
- 00:11:09negatives and you need to ignore them
- 00:11:12now I know this one is hard I struggled
- 00:11:16with it a lot like when you first start
- 00:11:18out as an entrepreneur in business
- 00:11:19you've been conditioned in society like
- 00:11:23I started a business when I was like 20
- 00:11:2521 years old and so I had 21 years of
- 00:11:28conditioning in society and everything
- 00:11:31to hear about what other people think
- 00:11:33like when you're talking to people and
- 00:11:35you say something you're looking in
- 00:11:37their eyes and you're looking at their
- 00:11:38reactions to you facial reactions verbal
- 00:11:41reactions and you kind of learn to to
- 00:11:45optimize based on other people's
- 00:11:46reactions of of what you're doing that's
- 00:11:50how you learn like what's acceptable
- 00:11:52what's cool what's not cool and it's you
- 00:11:56know this is all happening your entire
- 00:11:57life but then when you go to start a
- 00:12:00business all of a sudden it's like you
- 00:12:02become a black sheep you know it's like
- 00:12:06you're all of a sudden you're everyone's
- 00:12:10like looking at you and criticizing you
- 00:12:12and thinking you're doing and weird
- 00:12:14stuff and they say things like oh you've
- 00:12:16changed and all you're different now and
- 00:12:18all of this stuff right and a lot of
- 00:12:20people think oh that's not gonna work or
- 00:12:22you should just be you should just stay
- 00:12:23a stay at university or you should just
- 00:12:25get a job or save for a house so all of
- 00:12:28this crap right and what you've got to
- 00:12:30understand is that you know the moment
- 00:12:33you decide to become an entrepreneur non
- 00:12:36entrepreneurs advice is no longer
- 00:12:40valuable right like they're civilians
- 00:12:44you know you change into like a
- 00:12:47different type of person and we when you
- 00:12:50start your own business and you become
- 00:12:51an entrepreneur and you know you it's
- 00:12:54just the same way like a lion wouldn't
- 00:12:56care about the opinions of sheep
- 00:13:00you know the sheet might gossip about
- 00:13:02this lion and say like oh look at that
- 00:13:04lion walking around doing these things
- 00:13:06and the lion doesn't care right and this
- 00:13:10is what normal people do civilian people
- 00:13:12do when you decide to radicalize and
- 00:13:15become an entrepreneur you know you
- 00:13:17you've put yourself over here and now
- 00:13:19the Sheep
- 00:13:20over here and they're gonna gossip about
- 00:13:21you they're gonna say [ __ ] about you and
- 00:13:23you've just got to learn to ignore them
- 00:13:24and it's easier said than done it'll
- 00:13:27take time you can't just change this
- 00:13:29wiring in your brain but the only way to
- 00:13:34the only way to change the wiring and
- 00:13:36not care about opinions is to just put
- 00:13:40up with them over time don't ask for
- 00:13:43people's opinions first of all like
- 00:13:45never ask for them but of people what
- 00:13:47you'll find is people will still force
- 00:13:49them onto you and then just listen to
- 00:13:51them don't fight their opinions just be
- 00:13:54like yeah okay or whatever because if
- 00:13:57you try to defend yourself you know you
- 00:13:59just look weak right somebody who
- 00:14:02defends themself to some like civilians
- 00:14:07opinion that you it just means that
- 00:14:10they're unsure themselves all right
- 00:14:12so you don't need a fight back you just
- 00:14:13go okay whatever okay whatever and just
- 00:14:16understand that the best the best
- 00:14:19revenge in the best like [ __ ] you I was
- 00:14:23right is to win right so stop trying to
- 00:14:27win like a little verbal argument with a
- 00:14:29civilian and just say whatever focus on
- 00:14:32your work and don't say anything just
- 00:14:36say things with your results so you
- 00:14:40don't need it when you do when it does
- 00:14:41work you don't need to go back to
- 00:14:42everyone in me like I told you so don't
- 00:14:45know just make it work focus solely on
- 00:14:49making it work and don't defend yourself
- 00:14:52ever don't reply to people's criticisms
- 00:14:55ever don't care about their criticisms
- 00:14:58just win there's no better way to
- 00:15:01respond to criticism than winning and
- 00:15:05then number six when you first start in
- 00:15:09business cash flow should be your number
- 00:15:12one goal and when you have cash flow
- 00:15:15that's when you want to start thinking
- 00:15:17long term now when I first started in
- 00:15:21business ie I started a business that
- 00:15:23you know was a longer term sort of
- 00:15:26business that I and I really didn't
- 00:15:30think it through I tried to build like
- 00:15:32an online software platform
- 00:15:34type of thing it was called promote
- 00:15:35yourself and it was you know it was
- 00:15:38probably a good idea like in the in the
- 00:15:41grand scheme of things but I didn't give
- 00:15:43any regard to the short term cash flows
- 00:15:46well I hadn't raised money and I didn't
- 00:15:50have much savings I had like I sold my
- 00:15:52car and I think I'd like 6 grand or 7
- 00:15:54grand or something and then I had built
- 00:15:58this business and long term like sure we
- 00:16:02could get a huge amount of people using
- 00:16:04it and when I had a huge amount of
- 00:16:05people using it it would probably make a
- 00:16:07lot of money but I needed to survive the
- 00:16:09short term I bills to pay and I also
- 00:16:13needed to eat and I also needed like
- 00:16:17staff and software developers and in all
- 00:16:19of these different people and I also
- 00:16:22needed dollars to invest in the business
- 00:16:24through marketing or these different
- 00:16:25things right and I didn't think about
- 00:16:28that and in the beginning well when I
- 00:16:32when I launched their business you know
- 00:16:34the future prospects looked great but
- 00:16:36the short term I hadn't paid attention
- 00:16:38to and very quickly we ran out of cash
- 00:16:41and we had to ditch it because we just
- 00:16:45couldn't survive and so in business and
- 00:16:48in life like number one priority is
- 00:16:51survival right and survival is a short
- 00:16:53term immediate goal like survival isn't
- 00:16:57long-term thinking survival was like
- 00:16:58right now just imagine if you're out in
- 00:17:00the wild like your first if you're
- 00:17:03totally by yourself out in the wild your
- 00:17:06first priority isn't to learn calculus
- 00:17:09your first priority is to find some damn
- 00:17:12food and some water in some shelter
- 00:17:14right or to evade the dangerous animal
- 00:17:18that is about to kill you
- 00:17:20all right and so when you're in business
- 00:17:22your first priority when you get started
- 00:17:24a survival and the number one like the
- 00:17:27food in the the water that you drink in
- 00:17:29business that keeps you alive is
- 00:17:31cashflow and so you need to focus on
- 00:17:33this thing first without cash flow
- 00:17:35you'll you'll die and so I learned this
- 00:17:39lesson the hard way and that their
- 00:17:42business died and then I got into a
- 00:17:44business where I focused more on cash
- 00:17:46flow in the beginning which was like a
- 00:17:47consulting
- 00:17:47business and this is actually what we
- 00:17:49teach people how to do at my company
- 00:17:51called consulting comm we teach people
- 00:17:54how to start a service business with
- 00:17:57done fewer one-on-one services solving a
- 00:17:59problem for a niche market because when
- 00:18:02we solving a problem for a niche we're
- 00:18:05creating value and we're doing it in a
- 00:18:07way that incurs low cost to us and can
- 00:18:10be done quickly and generates cash flow
- 00:18:12fast it has all of these properties to
- 00:18:15it so it's the best business in my
- 00:18:17opinion to start we like when you get
- 00:18:19started because you're focusing on cash
- 00:18:22flow and once you have that cash flow in
- 00:18:24place then there's another mistake
- 00:18:26people make right and I made this one
- 00:18:27myself too with my first business I had
- 00:18:30thought to long term didn't focus on the
- 00:18:32short failed then I started my
- 00:18:35consulting business focused on the short
- 00:18:37term got cash flows in place but then I
- 00:18:40didn't think long term right so I made
- 00:18:43the inverse problem
- 00:18:44I made the inverse mistake and then I
- 00:18:47stayed in the space for too long
- 00:18:49I just kept focusing on cash flow but
- 00:18:52then you know it just dawned on me that
- 00:18:55like am I just gonna keep focusing on
- 00:18:57cash flow like with a small little
- 00:18:59business like not tackling anything
- 00:19:02major for the rest of my life does that
- 00:19:05surely this isn't it and so then I
- 00:19:08realized that I'd made another mistake
- 00:19:09which was once cashflow was sorted I
- 00:19:12didn't fix my heart I didn't fix my eyes
- 00:19:15on like larger greater horizons so once
- 00:19:20you conquer that first mountain of cash
- 00:19:21flow you've got to keep that cash flow
- 00:19:23flowing but then you need to look for
- 00:19:26bigger horizons that's when you start
- 00:19:28thinking longer-term so priority number
- 00:19:31one is survival through cash flow
- 00:19:32priority number two once that's in place
- 00:19:34is long-term thinking start thinking
- 00:19:37about solving something big because you
- 00:19:40know you can't really tackle big
- 00:19:42problems that take a long amount of time
- 00:19:44and incur quite a lot of cost and
- 00:19:47resources until you first have some kind
- 00:19:50of feeding mechanism in place that's
- 00:19:52going to be spinning off cash and
- 00:19:54resources for you to fund this you know
- 00:19:57this great venture and so that's my
- 00:20:00advice for you
- 00:20:01and then number seven so we in it when
- 00:20:08you're lost and confused focus on the
- 00:20:12customer and what's best for them and
- 00:20:14then everything else will follow so as
- 00:20:17an entrepreneur you can get just you can
- 00:20:20just get completely confused and
- 00:20:23surrounded by so much information so
- 00:20:26many different opinions so many
- 00:20:28different things to do and it's kind of
- 00:20:30like you're in a blizzard and if you
- 00:20:32imagine you're in a you're in a blizzard
- 00:20:34you you've just surrounded by all of the
- 00:20:37snow coming down around you everywhere
- 00:20:39you can't really see and this is kind of
- 00:20:42what it feels like when you're an
- 00:20:43entrepreneur and you get lost and when
- 00:20:46you find yourself in one of those
- 00:20:48situations which will happen a lot by
- 00:20:50the way then you need to have a little
- 00:20:53mechanism to get yourself out of that
- 00:20:55and the best thing I found is to focus
- 00:20:58on the customer and what's best for them
- 00:21:00and then everything else will follow
- 00:21:01from there that's my one kind of true
- 00:21:04North Pole are Stark
- 00:21:06kind of thing that gets me out of
- 00:21:08blizzards and the reason why this works
- 00:21:11is because it comes back to the first
- 00:21:14principles of business it's like
- 00:21:16businesses solving problems who has
- 00:21:18problems humans and then typically we're
- 00:21:21solving problems for human participants
- 00:21:23within a wider group which we call a
- 00:21:24niche so just come back to those first
- 00:21:27principles and you want to ask yourself
- 00:21:29like what is my niche then what like who
- 00:21:33are some of the people within my niche
- 00:21:34who are the humans and then what is
- 00:21:36their problem what's their problem like
- 00:21:38then what solution am i offering to them
- 00:21:40how does that create value and how can I
- 00:21:43make that better
- 00:21:44you know how can I understand their
- 00:21:46problem better how can I make the
- 00:21:49solution to that problem better and then
- 00:21:52how can I add more value to them how can
- 00:21:54I do anything in this little area to
- 00:21:57make that better because I see
- 00:22:00entrepreneurs all the time and this
- 00:22:01happened to me a lot too I'm not all of
- 00:22:04these mistakes I made that's how I
- 00:22:06learned them is lessons but you know
- 00:22:09there's so much stuff out there that you
- 00:22:11think oh I need to focus on marketing or
- 00:22:13ads
- 00:22:14or my social media or I need to become
- 00:22:16an influencer I need to write a book I
- 00:22:18need to create a blog or a podcast or I
- 00:22:21need to be on Oprah or I need to be in
- 00:22:23the New York Times like none of that
- 00:22:26[ __ ] matters honestly you just got to
- 00:22:29come back to the first principles focus
- 00:22:32on the customer and everything else will
- 00:22:33follow
- 00:22:34solve their problem better than anybody
- 00:22:35else and you win it's not a game of
- 00:22:38who's got the most books it's not a game
- 00:22:40of like who's been on Oprah the most
- 00:22:43none of these things are real the only
- 00:22:45thing that matters is solving the
- 00:22:47problem for your customer better than
- 00:22:49anybody else so just focus on there and
- 00:22:52now the number 8
- 00:22:55so stay lean and frugal and if you buy
- 00:23:00things you don't need soon you will have
- 00:23:03to sell things that you do need and I
- 00:23:07see people do this all the time in
- 00:23:09business it's a classic one is once they
- 00:23:12start making some money they start
- 00:23:14buying lots of toys and they start
- 00:23:16getting sloppy and they you know when
- 00:23:18then it's a it's a very slippery slope
- 00:23:20once you start getting into this whole
- 00:23:22lifestyle thing right and you start to
- 00:23:25have something called lifestyle creep
- 00:23:27and it's like it just keeps creeping and
- 00:23:30it's a silent little creeper that before
- 00:23:34you know it it's like it's like
- 00:23:36surrounded you like a and it's
- 00:23:39suffocating you it's oh this big boa
- 00:23:40constrictor that's just just wrapped
- 00:23:42itself around you and is squeezing you
- 00:23:44to death and at that point you're gonna
- 00:23:46be you're gonna start pulling the chain
- 00:23:48on your business so your business then
- 00:23:51is not gonna be is not going to be some
- 00:23:53a vehicle that provides value and solves
- 00:23:55problems for for people it's going to
- 00:23:59become some kind of slave animal with a
- 00:24:02chain around its neck that you just keep
- 00:24:04pulling whenever you need money for
- 00:24:07yourself to get this giant boa
- 00:24:09constrictor suffocating you off your
- 00:24:11back for a little bit right and this is
- 00:24:14quickly what happens to a lot of people
- 00:24:16they start a business and it works
- 00:24:18because they're solving a problem for
- 00:24:19people and then they start taking the
- 00:24:22rewards from that business like the
- 00:24:24money and spending it on themselves and
- 00:24:26being an idiot and buying all of the
- 00:24:28useless [ __ ] they don't need and then
- 00:24:30very quickly because their minds over
- 00:24:33here and they're focusing on this that
- 00:24:36the business is not there's no longer
- 00:24:38like solving the problems like it once
- 00:24:40was the business starts to suffer a
- 00:24:43little bit and then this person's
- 00:24:44lifestyle costs keep going up but this
- 00:24:47business flatlines or declines a little
- 00:24:50bit and now they start choking the
- 00:24:53business for these emergency cash flows
- 00:24:55and then the business starts going down
- 00:24:58down down to now because they're not
- 00:25:00treating it like a valued mechanism
- 00:25:02anymore
- 00:25:02and this this only ends one way and it's
- 00:25:06failure and then these people they start
- 00:25:09you know they start selling things or
- 00:25:12cutting things that they do need like
- 00:25:14different staff or different systems or
- 00:25:17you know these different things that
- 00:25:19made their business better they start
- 00:25:21getting rid of these and they start like
- 00:25:23hurting customer relationships just so
- 00:25:26they can keep things they don't need and
- 00:25:28it's mindless it's moronic don't do it
- 00:25:31don't make this mistake you want to keep
- 00:25:35the main thing the main thing all right
- 00:25:36and you'll find that pro-athletes they
- 00:25:40don't let the they don't let the money
- 00:25:44that they make from their craft distract
- 00:25:46them from their craft like a lot of
- 00:25:49athletes do it they start making money
- 00:25:51from being good at the game so then they
- 00:25:54start being popular and famous and
- 00:25:56buying all of these toys and then now
- 00:25:58they're focusing on this instead of
- 00:26:00being the best in the game and when they
- 00:26:03stop being very good in the game then
- 00:26:05you know because they're focusing on
- 00:26:07this then they can no longer have this
- 00:26:09and it just disappears and it's a it's
- 00:26:12like a mind trick you have to focus on
- 00:26:15the game and the first principles and
- 00:26:17that's always going to be solving the
- 00:26:18problem for your customers better than
- 00:26:20anybody else and keep your lifestyle
- 00:26:22lean and simple it's you know it's so
- 00:26:25much more freeing and nice when it
- 00:26:28doesn't cost that much money for you to
- 00:26:30live month after month and you don't
- 00:26:32you're not trying to look like you're
- 00:26:36successful like people who are
- 00:26:38successful don't need to try and look
- 00:26:40like they're successful they just
- 00:26:42oh right that's why like the CEO or
- 00:26:46Larry Page and Sergey Brin they had a
- 00:26:49Prius when they were when they were
- 00:26:51billionaires Jeff Bezos when he was a
- 00:26:53billionaire had like a $3,000 Honda
- 00:26:55Accord right billionaires don't have
- 00:26:58fancy cars billionaires don't wear fancy
- 00:27:00clothes and things like that they they
- 00:27:04don't need to look like it because they
- 00:27:06are it and quite often you'll find the
- 00:27:09people who try to look like it an't it
- 00:27:11because they're trying to they're trying
- 00:27:14to put some you know some artificial
- 00:27:17clothes but the emperor really doesn't
- 00:27:19have any clothes but emperors with
- 00:27:21clothes they don't need to wear fancy
- 00:27:23costumes and finally number nine focus
- 00:27:29is a superpower and you need to learn to
- 00:27:33keep the main thing the main thing and
- 00:27:37this is the number one thing that I've
- 00:27:41probably learned in in business once you
- 00:27:45understand like what your niche is what
- 00:27:48their problem is and then once you've
- 00:27:51come up with a good solution that works
- 00:27:52for them and it creates value in a way
- 00:27:55that they pay money to you for that
- 00:27:57solution then you just need to never
- 00:28:01forget that that's it and the only thing
- 00:28:03you need to do is remember this and keep
- 00:28:06working on making it better just keep
- 00:28:09making it better and the only way you
- 00:28:11can really mess this up is by forgetting
- 00:28:14it or not making it better because if
- 00:28:17you forget it and you get distracted
- 00:28:18then you're done like because it's going
- 00:28:21to go to [ __ ] but the other thing is is
- 00:28:23if you keep focusing on it but not
- 00:28:24making it bitter
- 00:28:25then someone else will come along and
- 00:28:27make it bitter and then it will take it
- 00:28:29away from you so once you've found this
- 00:28:31thing you just need to focus on it and
- 00:28:34focus is like a superpower that
- 00:28:36everyone's forgotten how to use and you
- 00:28:39have to to really be able to focus you
- 00:28:41need to sacrifice and a lot of people
- 00:28:44don't want to sacrifice they don't want
- 00:28:45to get rid of all these hobbies or not
- 00:28:47go out on the weekends and drink and do
- 00:28:49all of this stuff but you need to
- 00:28:51understand that if you don't sacrifice
- 00:28:53for your goal
- 00:28:55your goal will become the sacrifice you
- 00:28:58cannot have it all and so I've had to
- 00:29:02give up you know partying I don't drink
- 00:29:04alcohol anymore
- 00:29:06I you know I don't I don't go out and do
- 00:29:08all these different hobbies I don't
- 00:29:10watch all of this TV stuff I've had to
- 00:29:12sacrifice a lot of things but it's okay
- 00:29:15because I am happy to do that I'm happy
- 00:29:19to make that trade for this thing
- 00:29:20because I want that thing and I enjoy
- 00:29:21that thing so much and you'll need to
- 00:29:24understand this throughout your career
- 00:29:26and business because you'll constantly
- 00:29:28have to make decisions where you have to
- 00:29:31sacrifice things there's no way to keep
- 00:29:33both there's no way to do both there's
- 00:29:36no way to keep it all it doesn't work
- 00:29:39that way
- 00:29:39you have to clear out the trophies of
- 00:29:42your past and you have to sacrifice
- 00:29:46things and it's going to be painful and
- 00:29:48emotional you're going to be attached to
- 00:29:49a lot of these things but you have to
- 00:29:51let them go that's the only way to keep
- 00:29:55climbing is you need to drop baggage you
- 00:30:00need to get a lighter pack so you can
- 00:30:02keep going and so those are the nine
- 00:30:07things that I wish I had known when I
- 00:30:10was 20 so I hope those nine things help
- 00:30:13you and if you enjoyed this video just
- 00:30:16click that like button and also
- 00:30:18subscribe I release the video like this
- 00:30:20once a week on my youtube channel and
- 00:30:23also let me know what you thought in the
- 00:30:25comments section below so thanks for
- 00:30:28watching and I'll see you on the next
- 00:30:29one next week
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