Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friends in Minecraft!
TLDRIn a playful and mischievous video, Nico uses invisibility potions he brewed to prank his friends by moving their belongings and eavesdropping on their conversations, unnoticed. His pranks lead to confusion and mild chaos as his friends try to figure out what's happening. The story unfolds with Nico, invisible, manipulating interactions and even spying on a conversation about himself, which motivates him to cheerfully reveal his pranks. Later, they engage in a collaborative building challenge, each aiming to create the best treehouse. Ultimately, Nico confesses to the pranks and shares the invisibility potions with his friends, bringing a fun and united conclusion as they all become invisible together, enjoying the newfound power.
- 🧪 Nico brews invisibility potions for pranks.
- 🤣 He causes chaos among friends using pranks.
- 👻 Friends can't detect invisible Nico at first.
- 🤐 Pranks include eavesdropping and moving items.
- 🎨 A treehouse-building competition ensues.
- 😅 Nico admits to his friends about the pranks.
- 🔄 He shares invisibility potions eventually.
- 👥 Friends share a fun, invisible experience.
- 👦 Nico's pranks are light-hearted in nature.
- 🏡 Each friend builds a unique treehouse.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The protagonist is excited about using invisibility potions to prank friends. He overhears friends talking about him while invisible, leading to misunderstandings. When visible again, he joins them but seems anxious about their perception.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
The protagonist becomes invisible again to prank friends and observes a character fishing. He pushes the fishing friend into a pond but avoids detection. He spies further as another friend seems to dance and checks on her belongings.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Invisible protagonist continues spying. Observes friend tending to his secret stash of valuable items. Protagonist decides to steal and relocate items to prank. He frames another friend for theft by placing items in her chest.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Friends discover the theft and suspicious items, leading to accusations against the wrong person. The accused tries to defend themselves while friends search more houses. The prankster protagonist maintains his invisibility.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:37
Friends engage in hide-and-seek, unknowingly allowing the invisible protagonist to troll them. He reveals his presence mischievously, claiming victory. They transition to a building competition, but the protagonist uses invisibility to spy again.
What is Nico using the invisibility potions for?
Nico uses the invisibility potions to troll and prank his friends by hiding and moving objects.
How do Nico's friends react to the pranks?
They are confused and suspicious, trying to figure out who is playing tricks on them.
What does Nico eventually do with the potions?
He reveals his secret to his friends and shares the invisibility potions with them.
What activity do Nico and his friends engage in after playing pranks?
They participate in a building competition, constructing tree houses.
How does Nico's visit to his friends' houses conclude?
He uses invisibility to spy and prank, but later reveals the truth and shares the potions.
What theme do Nico and his friends choose for their building competition?
They choose to build tree houses.
What does Nico admit to his friends in the end?
He admits to pranking them using invisibility potions and stealing items temporarily.
How does the story end for Nico and his friends?
Nico shares the invisibility potions with his friends, and they all enjoy being invisible together.
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- 00:00:00oh my gosh they should be they should be
- 00:00:02by now oh my gosh quickly open my house
- 00:00:04okay should be downstairs in this
- 00:00:06laboratory even yes
- 00:00:08yes oh my gosh all of my invisible
- 00:00:11invisibility potions have been fully
- 00:00:14brewed oh my gosh let me just get a
- 00:00:16bunch of these and I think I can use
- 00:00:19these to troll my friends this is gonna
- 00:00:22be so funny oh my gosh I'm gonna cause
- 00:00:25so much chaos now that I'm upstairs we
- 00:00:28can become invisible oh
- 00:00:30my gosh no one can see me I can't even
- 00:00:34see myself but in this chest we have the
- 00:00:36antidote to reverse the serum like this
- 00:00:39and yes it's a milk bucket but don't
- 00:00:41worry about that milk is good for you
- 00:00:43okay no I could just drink it again and
- 00:00:45wait why is everyone in Cash's house I'm
- 00:00:48gonna go spy on them hopefully they
- 00:00:50didn't notice me opening this door and I
- 00:00:52don't know why he likes diamonds so much
- 00:00:53right guys wait what yeah it's super
- 00:00:55Bland to be honest that's everybody's
- 00:00:57favorite I know right are they talking
- 00:00:59about me but whatever I still love Nico
- 00:01:02It's just sometimes he likes some weird
- 00:01:04things yeah he's pretty awesome wait
- 00:01:06where has Nico been anyway I don't know
- 00:01:08maybe he's at his house yeah he doesn't
- 00:01:10come to hang out anymore for some reason
- 00:01:12I know maybe he's too good for us yeah
- 00:01:15what I'm not too good for them oh my
- 00:01:17gosh I gotta go I gotta return back to
- 00:01:19my normal form and come back to the
- 00:01:21house hey Shady did you open that door
- 00:01:22no I think the wind is blowing it open
- 00:01:24hi guys Nico uh what are you guys
- 00:01:27talking about over here
- 00:01:28um we were just talking about
- 00:01:31um Redstone and um swimming yeah and um
- 00:01:34diamonds are really flipping awesome
- 00:01:36Nico yeah they're so cool what also have
- 00:01:39you tried candy corn candy corn oh my
- 00:01:41gosh thank you Zoey but I'm not really
- 00:01:43that hungry right now cash what are you
- 00:01:45doing I'm just swimming what you know
- 00:01:48what guys I'm kind of tired I'm gonna go
- 00:01:49back home yeah me too yeah I need a nap
- 00:01:52what you guys are all leaving bye cash
- 00:01:54I'ma head to bed nice oh my gosh
- 00:01:57everyone's going home and why is Zoe
- 00:01:59running like that okay you know what I'm
- 00:02:01gonna put my invisibility potion on
- 00:02:02let's go sponge Shady first I wonder
- 00:02:04what he's up to wait why is she walking
- 00:02:07over here what is she doing I love
- 00:02:10energy drinks
- 00:02:12time to fish for hours oh my gosh is he
- 00:02:16just gonna be fishing here wait you know
- 00:02:17what I'm gonna troll him and just push
- 00:02:19him in the pond and well oh my gosh oh
- 00:02:23gosh hey what was that okay this is my
- 00:02:26time to leave bye whoever's here I'll
- 00:02:28find you whoa what is that over there oh
- 00:02:33my gosh I have to check that out later
- 00:02:34but um
- 00:02:36[Music]
- 00:02:37wait what did she do
- 00:02:40is she dancing
- 00:02:46wow oh my gosh thank you thank you is
- 00:02:51Zoe practicing for something oh my gosh
- 00:02:54that's so funny let me see if I can find
- 00:02:56a diary somewhere I'm just kidding I'm
- 00:02:57not gonna sit for it why did my chest
- 00:02:59open oh gosh you noticed that that was
- 00:03:01kind of weird okay I need to get out of
- 00:03:03here quick okay
- 00:03:06lastly I gotta go spying cash
- 00:03:09I should go over here he's sleeping did
- 00:03:12someone just open my door hey oh my gosh
- 00:03:14he didn't notice me it's me oh my gosh
- 00:03:16that could have been a robber I need to
- 00:03:17go make sure my secret base isn't stolen
- 00:03:19oh my gosh okay no one can see me what
- 00:03:24what
- 00:03:25oh thank God my redstone's still here
- 00:03:28wait what oh my gosh see if all his
- 00:03:32minerals and valuables in here there's
- 00:03:34even diamond and not the right armor oh
- 00:03:36my gosh you know what I'm gonna wait for
- 00:03:39him to leave thank goodness and then I'm
- 00:03:41gonna turn into my normal form like this
- 00:03:44and now we can lose base but obviously
- 00:03:47I'll give his items back at the end I
- 00:03:49just want to troll him a little bit not
- 00:03:50the right armor diamond armor no it's
- 00:03:53time to get all this Redstone and we
- 00:03:55could get out of here oh my gosh but I
- 00:03:58forgot I need to go invisible again or
- 00:04:00else they would spot me oh my no I could
- 00:04:04just go all the way over here you know
- 00:04:06what let's not put this in my base let's
- 00:04:08put this in Zoe's let's go of course I
- 00:04:11just have to find a way to dodge her
- 00:04:13what was that hello oh my gosh open her
- 00:04:16chest and put all of this loot in here
- 00:04:18I'm sorry Zoe oh gosh did she hear me oh
- 00:04:22I gotta be very quiet oh weird I thought
- 00:04:25the door open oh my gosh
- 00:04:28okay now it's time to return back home
- 00:04:30and just wait for my friends to react my
- 00:04:32Redstone cash what happened guys uh
- 00:04:35someone took my Redstone what do you
- 00:04:37mean who
- 00:04:39who no but it was in uh
- 00:04:41don't worry about it it was nowhere
- 00:04:43what's all that fuss about over here
- 00:04:44someone stole my Redstone Zoe huh what
- 00:04:47happened Shady did you get any raw
- 00:04:49salmon while you were fishing wait what
- 00:04:50how do you know that I was fishing uh no
- 00:04:52reason did you see anyone go near my
- 00:04:54house
- 00:04:55um no I was just in my house dancing
- 00:04:57okay listen I have the secret stash of
- 00:04:59redstone that I keep and it's all gone
- 00:05:01and someone left this nearby
- 00:05:03oh did someone steal them I think
- 00:05:06there's a robber somewhere here and you
- 00:05:08know what that actually looks
- 00:05:09suspiciously like an energy drink bottle
- 00:05:12hey I was fishing were you really yes
- 00:05:16look I even brought my fishing rod with
- 00:05:17me you could have brought that from
- 00:05:18anywhere I don't believe you look at all
- 00:05:20this fish I caught you have a point that
- 00:05:23could have just been from your fridge
- 00:05:24though they're all raw though I just
- 00:05:26caught them no shady I want to look
- 00:05:28through your house okay fine we can look
- 00:05:30through my house but since we're close
- 00:05:31to Zoe's house we should look through
- 00:05:33hers first I guess you still are a
- 00:05:35suspect yeah that's fine I got nothing
- 00:05:37to hide we gotta search for all the
- 00:05:38potential culprits let's check your
- 00:05:40chest oh amethyst why do you have so
- 00:05:43much
- 00:05:44see I got nothing to hide let's wait
- 00:05:47wait a second wait I didn't take it it's
- 00:05:49Gotta Be Zoe no no no someone must be
- 00:05:52framing me oh what my story why would
- 00:05:54you do that huh I didn't I promise are
- 00:05:57you sure yes very sure there must be
- 00:05:59someone framing Me You Mess with the
- 00:06:01wrong person Zoe just watch oh gosh Hey
- 00:06:04Zoe might have the items in her chest
- 00:06:06but maybe the criminal still has more
- 00:06:08items in their house we should still
- 00:06:10check everybody else's yeah I need to
- 00:06:11prove that it wasn't me
- 00:06:14I guess this isn't all my Redstone we
- 00:06:16gotta search all of our houses but guys
- 00:06:18I actually need to go poop really bad so
- 00:06:20I'll be right back okay ew too much
- 00:06:23information
- 00:06:24all right guys let's go well they start
- 00:06:26Shady's house I'm gonna go to my house
- 00:06:28and get the invisibility potions out of
- 00:06:30my laboratory go right here get all of
- 00:06:33these oh my gosh I can't believe I left
- 00:06:36these here to equipment it myself okay
- 00:06:37that looks good and you know what let's
- 00:06:39just hide my laboratory entirely so let
- 00:06:41me get the tools right here and this 60
- 00:06:43mine decides oh my gosh let me just
- 00:06:45cover this ground I gotta make sure no
- 00:06:47one sees this now this place looks
- 00:06:49perfectly normal right this looks good
- 00:06:50no one will suspect a thing okay yeah
- 00:06:52let's go to Shady's house okay Shady's
- 00:06:54clear I guess this house is clear okay I
- 00:06:57guess now we just gotta search Cash's
- 00:06:59house oh Nico you're already back wait
- 00:07:00why my house oh yeah I guess you were
- 00:07:03the one that got stolen from so I guess
- 00:07:04there's no point lastly you can search
- 00:07:06my house wait you're just that open to
- 00:07:08it yeah of course my house is perfectly
- 00:07:10fine okay let's check this out yeah
- 00:07:13perfectly fine milk buckets why would
- 00:07:15you have those uh because I drink a lot
- 00:07:17of milk okay oh gosh I forgot to hide
- 00:07:20that it's a little weird but no Redstone
- 00:07:23Yep looks good wait but why is this side
- 00:07:25of the room so empty yeah I have no idea
- 00:07:28I haven't decorated it yet I'm thinking
- 00:07:30of putting a TV over there I could have
- 00:07:31sworn there was something here before
- 00:07:33though uh you know what guys uh let's
- 00:07:36just play hide and seek okay well hide
- 00:07:37and seek yeah I love hide and seek I
- 00:07:40know right don't be so fun okay where
- 00:07:42are we gonna play it I actually got a
- 00:07:44really fun area that I saw over here
- 00:07:46look at that whoa what when did that get
- 00:07:51there I have no idea but let's go
- 00:07:55why is there so many flowers uh I got a
- 00:07:59rose in my mouth I think I have a thorn
- 00:08:01in my face
- 00:08:02here let me poke it out oh oh I guess
- 00:08:05we're here now guys this is the hide and
- 00:08:08seek Arena I was talking about this
- 00:08:10looks so cool who just has a hide and
- 00:08:13seek Arena laying around I don't know it
- 00:08:15just got here somehow this place looks
- 00:08:18abandoned who wants to be Seeker not it
- 00:08:20not it not it oh man I'm sorry sorry
- 00:08:23you're the Seeker okay fine I'll count
- 00:08:27count for 30 seconds we'll hide bye bye
- 00:08:29I better find the best hiding spot no I
- 00:08:32am and while she's doing that I'm gonna
- 00:08:34use my invisibility potion and since I'm
- 00:08:36invisible I could literally stand near
- 00:08:38the Seeker the whole time 28 29 30. and
- 00:08:42she's done where are you guys uh Zoey
- 00:08:46I'm hiding in a super good spot oh I'm
- 00:08:48gonna find you Nico you'll never find me
- 00:08:50are you guys up here I can just spider
- 00:08:53the whole time where is everyone though
- 00:08:55I should say You must have a really good
- 00:08:57spot you'll never find me Zoe no I'm
- 00:09:00gonna find you and you know what I have
- 00:09:02a few items to troll her with I got a
- 00:09:04bow and arrow and snowballs and
- 00:09:06fireworks and then lastly a potion but
- 00:09:09first let's start off with the Snowballs
- 00:09:11huh what was that someone down here oh
- 00:09:13my gosh
- 00:09:18there you are no your sneeze gave you
- 00:09:21away oh we have Zoe and cash now seeking
- 00:09:25what come on now you have to help me
- 00:09:27find shady and Nico oh man but secretly
- 00:09:30they're never gonna find me because I am
- 00:09:32invisible they could search forever but
- 00:09:34never find me as long as my potion is
- 00:09:37still on but let's keep following Zoe
- 00:09:38and chilling here a little bit with some
- 00:09:40more snowballs on her
- 00:09:42snowballs no that's not me okay oh
- 00:09:45there's a lot of purple flowers here you
- 00:09:46know what if I just randomly break some
- 00:09:48flowers here oh what the huh what'd you
- 00:09:51say happened cash what did you break all
- 00:09:53these flowers no I'm by the waterfall
- 00:09:55right now I thought I heard something oh
- 00:09:57I'm gonna break this bamboo what the oh
- 00:10:00my she's gonna think this place is oh I
- 00:10:02did it was kind of scary what is going
- 00:10:04on look Zoe I'm right here oh there you
- 00:10:06are uh cash I think this place is
- 00:10:08haunted Hey Zoe stop no I didn't do that
- 00:10:11that was you no it wasn't oh my gosh
- 00:10:14whatever I don't like this place it's
- 00:10:16kind of scary what something hit me Zoey
- 00:10:19that wasn't me stop messing with me I
- 00:10:21know you're just trying to scare me
- 00:10:22right now oh my gosh let's just hurry
- 00:10:25and find everyone we break these flowers
- 00:10:27back to cash oh my God what was that Zoe
- 00:10:31huh did you just break all these flowers
- 00:10:32no I'm over here this is so funny
- 00:10:36something weird's going on here I'm
- 00:10:38telling you I don't like this place wait
- 00:10:40Zoe I think I just found someone oh my
- 00:10:44gosh it's probably Nico he loves blue so
- 00:10:46he's probably hiding in this waterfall
- 00:10:48nope definitely not oh my wait Shady oh
- 00:10:53how did you guys find me Shady has the
- 00:10:56best spots hiding
- 00:10:58whoa I thought you were Nico I thought I
- 00:11:01was definitely gonna win this time oh my
- 00:11:04gosh I have the perfect opportunity to
- 00:11:05hit them off where could Nico be hey oh
- 00:11:08what the oh
- 00:11:10are you guys who just hit me did we just
- 00:11:13get shoved off that wasn't me shady I
- 00:11:15know it was you hey it wasn't me I think
- 00:11:17that was like a gust of wind or
- 00:11:19something oh my gosh whatever all right
- 00:11:22let's find Nico I'm getting tired of
- 00:11:24this me too they're never gonna find me
- 00:11:26I'm just gonna do some fireworks over
- 00:11:28here whoa what's going on what was that
- 00:11:30hey and look on the ground over here
- 00:11:32what is this oh gosh they found my
- 00:11:34buckets that means Nico's gotta be
- 00:11:36around here somewhere right yeah he
- 00:11:37likes drinking milk he's been drinking a
- 00:11:39lot of milk lately I'm gonna wait for
- 00:11:41them to get together and I'm gonna
- 00:11:42Splash this damage potion on them come
- 00:11:44in this house he might be in here
- 00:11:46there's blue on the carpet oh my gosh
- 00:11:49this is the perfect opportunity whoa oh
- 00:11:51hey guys that wasn't me who did that
- 00:11:53what was that is there someone in here
- 00:11:55maybe they're in the bushes break
- 00:11:57everything break everything maybe he's
- 00:11:58under the bed in the furnace you know
- 00:12:00what I'm messing with them I'm just
- 00:12:02gonna reveal myself and drink my milk
- 00:12:04bucket
- 00:12:05um guys wait what Nico what I can't
- 00:12:08believe it takes so long for you guys to
- 00:12:09find me I was waiting for so long but it
- 00:12:11turns out I won where were you yeah I
- 00:12:14want to see your hiding spot I forgot
- 00:12:16honestly that's how good the Heidi spot
- 00:12:18is well if you guys want to return back
- 00:12:20home yeah you win I want to go home this
- 00:12:22place is kind of scary okay let's go
- 00:12:25we're finally home I'm so glad I know
- 00:12:29right guys we completely forgot about
- 00:12:31the criminal right oh my gosh I forgot
- 00:12:33he was still around yeah we haven't
- 00:12:35found them yet we got way too distracted
- 00:12:37playing hide and seek let's keep on
- 00:12:39searching guys wait before we do that I
- 00:12:41actually found something really cool
- 00:12:43earlier what I don't know just just
- 00:12:45follow me okay okay maybe it's about the
- 00:12:47culprit
- 00:12:48okay it should be over here and what
- 00:12:53what is that this is a huge box but I
- 00:12:57can't believe what's inside okay Nico
- 00:13:00did you buy the moon again
- 00:13:02okay exactly but I promise it's
- 00:13:04something cool oh is it a roller coaster
- 00:13:06I don't know I haven't actually mined
- 00:13:08into it yet do you want to see wait so
- 00:13:09you don't even know what's inside nope
- 00:13:11let's just check it out yellow oh my
- 00:13:13gosh
- 00:13:14oh my gosh
- 00:13:20this place is insane this is so cool
- 00:13:23wait what's over here then if I mine
- 00:13:25over here
- 00:13:27no way oh my gosh guys I think I know
- 00:13:30what this is uh check this out yup we
- 00:13:33got purple and a red oh my gosh I think
- 00:13:36this is a building competition no way we
- 00:13:39should have a building competition I
- 00:13:41agree so everyone get on their sides and
- 00:13:44we should build a good idea okay Zoe I'm
- 00:13:46gonna need to close off your side bye oh
- 00:13:48okay bye I'm just gonna go on my side
- 00:13:50and wow this should be good this looks
- 00:13:54so cool but wait guys how are we gonna
- 00:13:56build the only way is by going into
- 00:13:58creative oh yeah you're right you're
- 00:13:59right wait what happened to my inventory
- 00:14:01oh my gosh am I a creative me too I got
- 00:14:05creative too let's go oh okay now we can
- 00:14:08build whatever we want uh do you guys
- 00:14:10want to settle on a theme
- 00:14:12sure I think it should be Redstone I
- 00:14:14think we should do a building
- 00:14:15competition on whoever could build the
- 00:14:17best tree house I love tree houses okay
- 00:14:19I'm so gonna win okay the five minute
- 00:14:22timer starts now you guys are going down
- 00:14:24I have all these invisibility potions
- 00:14:26still so I can just spy on them the
- 00:14:28whole time oh my gosh this is gonna be
- 00:14:31so good let's see what they're doing
- 00:14:33over here and oh my gosh this looks so
- 00:14:35cool from the top whoa so we is building
- 00:14:37some sort of fan tree house oh shady is
- 00:14:40building a treehouse out of what is this
- 00:14:42wood right here whoa is this mangrove
- 00:14:45trees what the heck that's so cool Josh
- 00:14:48is also building with mangrove trees
- 00:14:50what and you know what I have an idea
- 00:14:52for what to put for mine I am going to
- 00:14:54build with jungle trees because I can
- 00:14:57instantly place a tree really fast so
- 00:14:59let me get some jungle cheese place them
- 00:15:01in a 4x4 Bridge like this oh my gosh
- 00:15:04this looks so good place another section
- 00:15:07right here oh my I can make my trios
- 00:15:09right in the center right here this is
- 00:15:11gonna be so cool will still be my
- 00:15:13landing area and let me drink some milk
- 00:15:15too so I could become Noble again let's
- 00:15:17go now what should I build for my face I
- 00:15:19think when I make this out of boost
- 00:15:21planks and dark oak planks so let me get
- 00:15:23some slabs as well let me place the base
- 00:15:25right here for my tree house and I kind
- 00:15:27of want my Treehouse to be decently big
- 00:15:29but also pretty cozy I'm gonna make this
- 00:15:31super flat oh my gosh they're gonna love
- 00:15:33this let me get some oak wood for the
- 00:15:35corners like this this will just make it
- 00:15:38look even better you know I'm gonna go
- 00:15:40spy on them pretty soon but I'm just
- 00:15:42gonna build the base of my building
- 00:15:43first so this looks good like this and I
- 00:15:48think I'm actually gonna make this even
- 00:15:49bigger so they may place a third shoe
- 00:15:51right here oh my gosh this is so cool
- 00:15:55yeah I could make this go all the way
- 00:15:57over here connect over like this and I'm
- 00:16:00gonna even expand on this side too what
- 00:16:04the heck they're gonna be so surprised
- 00:16:05when they see my tree house let me
- 00:16:07extend all the faces still then finish
- 00:16:09the corners like this and I'm gonna add
- 00:16:13a special roof on this side actually I'm
- 00:16:15making it out of dark oh cause I would
- 00:16:17spice it up a ton so I'm gonna go right
- 00:16:19here Place Another corner on this side
- 00:16:21like this and then fill in this part of
- 00:16:24the roof oh my gosh this place is gonna
- 00:16:26look so cool I'm so excited okay and
- 00:16:30that looks good oh my gosh this is such
- 00:16:33a good start but before I continue
- 00:16:34anymore let's go invisible again and spy
- 00:16:37on them starting off with Cash's house
- 00:16:39this looks so cool the spiral staircase
- 00:16:41is such a good idea I'm gonna steal that
- 00:16:43thanks guys and then for Zoe oh my gosh
- 00:16:47she has a combination of stripe blocks
- 00:16:49and then she makes custom shoes right
- 00:16:50here with Oak slabs that is such a good
- 00:16:53idea then on this side we are shady and
- 00:16:56he's connecting his main girl trees kind
- 00:16:58of like what I'm doing but I'm gonna
- 00:16:59make mine cooler oh wait he has a cool
- 00:17:01looking bridge I'm gonna do all of that
- 00:17:04um guys what's up Nico how's your bill
- 00:17:06going um pretty good I'm basically done
- 00:17:08wait what are you sure yep sorry I'm
- 00:17:11just way faster than you guys uh you're
- 00:17:13definitely like what what do you mean I
- 00:17:15know cash is lying because I just saw
- 00:17:17his boat it's nowhere near complete I
- 00:17:18already have all my leaves done and
- 00:17:20everything yep what oh my gosh he's
- 00:17:22really doing that fast there's no way
- 00:17:24you know what I'm gonna start off with a
- 00:17:25spiral sticky Cash's idea which is
- 00:17:27really good let me go up like this
- 00:17:30around this jungle tree and now I can
- 00:17:32connect this all the way up to the top
- 00:17:34like this oh my gosh this literally is
- 00:17:36perfect no way no one's gonna beat me
- 00:17:39what you know what on the side I'm gonna
- 00:17:40put a little something that says Nico's
- 00:17:43wonderful Treehouse this is gonna be
- 00:17:46amazing and now if we come up before I
- 00:17:48start working on the interior I'm gonna
- 00:17:50finish off the roof let me make a little
- 00:17:52design like this with some slabs using
- 00:17:54Zoe's idea and oh this is the one with
- 00:17:57the jungle because I said he had streak
- 00:17:58coming inside of this tree house oh my
- 00:18:00gosh okay nice that's looking good and
- 00:18:03now let's face a little roof on this
- 00:18:04side so this is kind of missing one so
- 00:18:06I'm gonna make it come up from here go
- 00:18:08up like this and then I can just extend
- 00:18:10this on all sides and boom that looks
- 00:18:13that much better oh my gosh why am I
- 00:18:15such a good Builder Okay that looks good
- 00:18:16for the roof but let me Place some bases
- 00:18:18right here on the bottom like this oh my
- 00:18:22gosh and then let me work on the
- 00:18:24interior finally okay and I'm gonna
- 00:18:26Place some fences on the corners just so
- 00:18:28we don't fall off because I'd be very
- 00:18:30dangerous we wouldn't want anyone
- 00:18:31falling I'm gonna make this out of Oak
- 00:18:33fences like this just around this on all
- 00:18:36sides that looks good now to surround
- 00:18:39this on this side too that looks good
- 00:18:41but I just realized this doesn't make
- 00:18:43any sense so I'm gonna put some slabs on
- 00:18:45the very Corners like this and this is
- 00:18:48looking much better what wow this looks
- 00:18:50so good already lastly I need to work on
- 00:18:52the actual Furniture over here let me
- 00:18:54get some sofas and obviously it's gonna
- 00:18:56be a blue sofa like this and then over
- 00:18:59here on the top of the ceiling I'm gonna
- 00:19:01put a pull down TV oh my gosh they're
- 00:19:03gonna love this thing that's where we
- 00:19:05could watch TV right here oh my gosh and
- 00:19:08then I'm gonna put a kitchen area over
- 00:19:09here with a fridge like this with a sink
- 00:19:14and some cabinets just like this not for
- 00:19:17cabinets on the side and this should be
- 00:19:20good for a kitchen lastly just a
- 00:19:22polishes area up let's Place some blue
- 00:19:24carpets all over here and then wait
- 00:19:26we're missing a bedroom so I'm gonna
- 00:19:28just Place some beds over here let's get
- 00:19:30a red bed blue bed a yellow bed and a
- 00:19:32purple bed for all my friends uh where
- 00:19:35should we put that I think I'm just
- 00:19:36gonna make a little area over here for
- 00:19:38that and I can even make this like a
- 00:19:40bunk bed okay so mine's on the bottom
- 00:19:42catches it's above mine and then I'm
- 00:19:44going to make another set right here for
- 00:19:46Zoe and Shady oh my gosh this looks so
- 00:19:50cool well I think I'm done guys what's
- 00:19:53up uh the time's up oh oh gosh is your
- 00:19:57guys spills ready yeah okay I'm coming
- 00:20:00over oh gosh okay starting off we have
- 00:20:03Cash's bill
- 00:20:04oh yup this is my tree house this is a
- 00:20:08mangrove tree too wow gosh this is so
- 00:20:11cool and if you'll follow me here's the
- 00:20:13interior where you can go up the ladders
- 00:20:16whoa and there's even windows on the
- 00:20:18tree I didn't even think of that huh
- 00:20:19yeah and you could also use the stairs
- 00:20:21to get up if you want but this is kind
- 00:20:23of small I'm not gonna lie what do you
- 00:20:25mean uh you have like no furniture and
- 00:20:27these seats don't even work look these
- 00:20:29seats do work we can just sit down and
- 00:20:31have a talk I like my seat yeah me too I
- 00:20:34guess but mine I can just fall off oh my
- 00:20:36gosh guys what do you mean cash is built
- 00:20:3910 out of 10. nope you're not part of
- 00:20:41the score silly I rate it a seven a
- 00:20:44seven I'm giving it a six I really like
- 00:20:47it I think I'm gonna give it an eight
- 00:20:49let's go so cash say the total score of
- 00:20:5221. okay let's move on to the next build
- 00:20:56okay Zoe you're gonna have to be 21.
- 00:20:59okay so wait what do you got in store
- 00:21:00for us so we have to go up this ladder
- 00:21:03right here a trampoline all right and
- 00:21:05once we're here we have my little
- 00:21:07kitchen where I eat and I enjoy the view
- 00:21:09and then we have right here my projector
- 00:21:11room where what I do is I usually just
- 00:21:13put amethyst and I admire it whoa whoa
- 00:21:17what oh my gosh how does this thing even
- 00:21:19work it's really cool you put a block in
- 00:21:22it and then it'll project it but guess
- 00:21:23what it's not there wait what Zoe can I
- 00:21:27jump on your trampoline of course come
- 00:21:28on
- 00:21:30I'm eating all the food hey
- 00:21:33hey oh my gosh cash is stuffing himself
- 00:21:35okay you know what I kind of like Zoe's
- 00:21:37better than cashew so I'm gonna give Zoe
- 00:21:39an eight yes yes I think it looks really
- 00:21:41good although it might be a little
- 00:21:43crammed inside I'm still giving it an
- 00:21:46eight oh my gosh I guess I'll give it a
- 00:21:49seven a seven amateur score is 25
- 00:21:52. oh man she beat me oh my gosh kids
- 00:21:56Shady b-23 oh gosh I hope so whoa she
- 00:22:00also did a mangrove tree but he made a
- 00:22:03natural tree this is awesome but wait
- 00:22:06how are we supposed to get up to a tree
- 00:22:07house I thought you could just be like
- 00:22:09Tarzan and just swing up the tree
- 00:22:13um that's how it works Shady I'm docking
- 00:22:16off points for that hey but do you like
- 00:22:18my honeybees though they're yellow like
- 00:22:20me
- 00:22:21well they're not that bad but what's in
- 00:22:24your actual Tree House an empty room
- 00:22:26let's go over here a little bit of a
- 00:22:30room but there's no beds or anything so
- 00:22:32I'm giving it a five oh five I actually
- 00:22:35quite like it so I'm gonna give it a
- 00:22:37seven Josh what are you giving it I'm
- 00:22:39gonna give it an eight an eight oh my
- 00:22:42gosh unfortunately Shady got a score of
- 00:22:4520 which means that's less but you know
- 00:22:48what um you're still a good Builder
- 00:22:49Shady I'm sorry dang but you guys aren't
- 00:22:53ready for my bow
- 00:22:55check this out wait a second you copied
- 00:22:59my stairs
- 00:23:02hey and you copied my multiple trees but
- 00:23:06no I came up with that idea myself uh
- 00:23:08you put wood slabs too that's a normal
- 00:23:11Minecraft thing what do you mean I've
- 00:23:13already seen all this in our tree houses
- 00:23:15no I have like couch come on a couch
- 00:23:18with a TV I have a couch too with a TV
- 00:23:22Nico where's the food in your fridge I
- 00:23:25can't even find any well I also got a
- 00:23:28sink and then I got best for you guys
- 00:23:30not impressed yeah this looks like all
- 00:23:32of ours what do you rate my bill then I
- 00:23:35give it a six a six okay cash what are
- 00:23:38you rated I'm sorry Nico but I have to
- 00:23:40give it a five a five oh my gosh okay
- 00:23:44what about Shady I'm just gonna continue
- 00:23:46the downward Trend I'm giving it a four
- 00:23:48a four which means I only scored 15
- 00:23:52points which is the very last place it's
- 00:23:55okay Nico this was still a good build
- 00:23:57well you know what I'm just gonna go
- 00:23:59home what no hey hey don't be a sore
- 00:24:03loser
- 00:24:05oh my gosh it was a long day today and I
- 00:24:08even lost in the Build Challenge how did
- 00:24:10I lose when I used invisibility potions
- 00:24:13Nico don't feel bad yeah Nico hi guys
- 00:24:16it's okay we're here to comfort you well
- 00:24:19I lost but you know what I'm sorry guys
- 00:24:21I ruined today no you didn't no come
- 00:24:24here give me a hug I was actually using
- 00:24:27something to cheat in all of our games
- 00:24:29the whole time what what you all should
- 00:24:32come down here oh a secret
- 00:24:34what is this we've been using my
- 00:24:37laboratory the whole time what to make
- 00:24:39invisibility potions oh my gosh so that
- 00:24:43means I could go invisible on demand
- 00:24:45like this and what whoa wait a second
- 00:24:48that's why there was a bottle near my
- 00:24:51house yeah and that's why I've been
- 00:24:52drinking milk buckets wait were you the
- 00:24:55one that frames me yeah I'm sorry guys I
- 00:24:58saw Cassius Redstone too what what you
- 00:25:02know what I'm gonna give all this stuff
- 00:25:03back and you know what I'll give it
- 00:25:05invisibility potions to all of you give
- 00:25:07me one first I want one okay that should
- 00:25:10be good okay this is enough guys oh give
- 00:25:13me give me here you go I won okay I
- 00:25:16think we'll drink and three two one whoa
- 00:25:19it tastes like an energy drink no I
- 00:25:22don't know where any of us are I know
- 00:25:25where is everyone if you want to watch
- 00:25:27more Nico catch Adventures the click on
- 00:25:29the screen and also if you enjoyed the
- 00:25:30Please Subscribe bye guys subscribe
- pranks
- invisibility
- friendship
- potions
- chaos
- revelation
- building competition
- treehouse
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- confession