Living in Greece 🇬🇷 - 7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving to Greece
TLDRIn this insightful video, the creator shares seven essential lessons learned after 14 years of living in Greece as a foreigner. Key points include the emotional toll of being away from family, the importance of learning Greek for effective communication, the tough job market, especially for newcomers, and the impact of seasonality on local businesses. The creator also discusses the limited access to services outside major cities and the complexities of bureaucracy in Greece. Despite these challenges, the creator passionately advocates for the beauty and positive aspects of Greek life, encouraging others considering relocation to embrace the journey.
- 🏖️ Beautiful landscapes await in Greece.
- 👨👩👧👦 Being away from family can be challenging.
- 📚 Learning Greek is crucial for integration.
- 💼 High unemployment may pose job challenges.
- 🔄 Greece operates seasonally; winter differs greatly.
- 🛍️ Access to services can be limited in rural areas.
- 📋 Bureaucracy is a significant aspect of living here.
- ❤️ Despite challenges, love for Greece is strong.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The speaker shares personal insights after 14 years of living in Greece, starting with the challenges of being away from family and the emotional toll of remaining distant from one’s culture, especially during significant life events like births and deaths.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Speaking Greek is emphasized as crucial for successful integration in Greece; while many Greeks speak English, the language barrier can create communication difficulties. The speaker argues it is essential to immerse oneself in the language to truly experience Greek life.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The hardships of finding employment are acknowledged, alongside personal anecdotes about running a cafe in Greece that led to significant financial loss. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a plan and being entrepreneurial in adapting to life in Greece.
- 00:15:00 - 00:24:44
The discussion then shifts to broader societal issues including selective racism, seasonality in job availability, limited access to services and products compared to larger cities, and the complexities of navigating Greek bureaucracy, illustrating these points with personal experiences.
What are some common challenges of relocating to Greece?
Common challenges include language barriers, high unemployment, seasonal business closures, and bureaucratic hurdles.
Is it necessary to learn Greek to live in Greece?
Yes, speaking Greek significantly enhances communication and cultural integration.
What is the employment situation like in Greece?
Greece has a high unemployment rate, making job searching challenging for newcomers.
How does life differ in Greece during the winter?
Many businesses close down in the winter, affecting access to services and community life.
What should new expats be aware of regarding bureaucracy in Greece?
Bureaucracy can be complicated and overwhelming, particularly for those used to less red tape.
Are Greeks generally welcoming towards foreigners?
Greeks are generally welcoming, but experiences may vary based on cultural background.
What advice does the creator give regarding employment before moving to Greece?
Research job opportunities and prepare to adapt to local employment conditions.
How does the creator feel about living in Greece?
The creator expresses a profound love for Greece despite its challenges.
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- 00:00:01that's a beautiful
- 00:00:04place okay this is a secret Beach over
- 00:00:07here in the path from nafo all the way
- 00:00:11to karatha
- 00:00:15beach now this video is for you if
- 00:00:17you're a foreigner that is thinking
- 00:00:18about relocating here to Greece and
- 00:00:20these are seven things that I wish I
- 00:00:22knew when I first moved here to Greece
- 00:00:26[Music]
- 00:00:39now this is not going to be a negative
- 00:00:41video but these are just things that I
- 00:00:42have learned after living here for 14
- 00:00:47years and counting as a foreigner here
- 00:00:50in Greece now number one this might seem
- 00:00:52an obvious one but being away from
- 00:00:55family and your culture your your
- 00:00:58country Okay so I've moved away many
- 00:01:01many years ago I left my hometown my
- 00:01:04home country uh 20 years ago or so say
- 00:01:07I'm recording this my grandmother is 96
- 00:01:10years old okay uh but my grandmother for
- 00:01:13example hasn't met my my two beautiful
- 00:01:16daughters right when you live abroad
- 00:01:18that's the reality of it you know it
- 00:01:20it's such a hard thing even though we
- 00:01:23travel and even though my mother has
- 00:01:24come and visit and I have seen uh my
- 00:01:27family uh the truth of the matter is
- 00:01:29that when you live in a foreign country
- 00:01:32you know uh life is happening over there
- 00:01:35uh in your hometown in your home country
- 00:01:37people are getting old people are being
- 00:01:39born and people as well are dying okay I
- 00:01:43have experienced those two things my
- 00:01:45friend I grew up in Venezuela so
- 00:01:46Venezuela is quite far away from Greece
- 00:01:49right and but if you're if you're
- 00:01:51English and you're around here in Europe
- 00:01:54obviously distances are much much uh
- 00:01:56closer they're not so far away like say
- 00:01:59South America or Australia for that
- 00:02:01matter okay number two speaking the
- 00:02:03language if you don't speak Greek you're
- 00:02:05going to have a very hard time hearing
- 00:02:06Greece do not believe the hype of all
- 00:02:10these people that are telling you that
- 00:02:11everybody speaks English here in
- 00:02:14Greece I mean it is true that most
- 00:02:17people speak English but you'll be
- 00:02:19surprised that once you live here if you
- 00:02:22do not speak the language you're going
- 00:02:23to have a very hard time communicating
- 00:02:25if you have just relocated here to
- 00:02:27Greece you just moved to Greece and
- 00:02:28you've been here for a couple of month
- 00:02:30of course nobody expects you to speak
- 00:02:33Greek but if you've been living here for
- 00:02:35an extended period of time and if you're
- 00:02:37planning to be here in Greece you
- 00:02:39certainly should be studying Greek right
- 00:02:41now I get a lot of comments here on the
- 00:02:44Channel people asking me how did I learn
- 00:02:45Greek and the answer is the same way
- 00:02:48that anybody learns a language you just
- 00:02:50need to immerse yourself in the language
- 00:02:52there's no shortcut get a book uh learn
- 00:02:54how to write you need to watch TV listen
- 00:02:57to radio movies in Greek talk to a Greek
- 00:03:00I mean do whatever it takes in order to
- 00:03:02immerse yourself in the language I was
- 00:03:05speaking yesterday to a friend of mine
- 00:03:07who lives abroad he's from Venezuela too
- 00:03:09and he's been living for six years now
- 00:03:12in
- 00:03:14Hungary and his son who just turned 11
- 00:03:17actually he speaks Hungarian very well
- 00:03:20you know kids adapt very very quickly
- 00:03:22very very fast but my friend does not
- 00:03:24speak any Hungarian and I told him what
- 00:03:26the hell are you doing you know he even
- 00:03:30you know he has no intention of living
- 00:03:32from Hungary he's a Hungarian citizen
- 00:03:35right from
- 00:03:36Venezuela and I said you're you're not
- 00:03:39planning to go anywhere else that's
- 00:03:40where you live right you have your kid
- 00:03:42there goes to school you have a a life
- 00:03:45in Hungary why you're not learning the
- 00:03:47language it's very hard of course it's
- 00:03:49hard all languages are hard for anybody
- 00:03:51that does not speak the language it is
- 00:03:53very very hard to master a language but
- 00:03:55do not be mistaken that you could be
- 00:03:57here in Greece and just speak English
- 00:04:00okay even if you're in a place where
- 00:04:02you're full of expats and you're full of
- 00:04:03foreigners that they have created their
- 00:04:05own Community that's not a great way to
- 00:04:08be here in Greece you're actually
- 00:04:09missing out big time so so don't do that
- 00:04:12you know I mean if I was going to move
- 00:04:13tomorrow to Japan everybody in Japan
- 00:04:16speaks English but am I not going to be
- 00:04:19able to learn Japanese I will make it my
- 00:04:22life's mission to learn Japanese if I am
- 00:04:24moving to Japan you know yes of course I
- 00:04:26will get by with English here and there
- 00:04:28go to a shop and speak in English but
- 00:04:30come on man you you want to see what the
- 00:04:33whole life is about in that foreign
- 00:04:35country in that language so don't don't
- 00:04:38don't be fooled by this idea that you're
- 00:04:41going to be living here in Greece and
- 00:04:43yes you could get by with just English
- 00:04:45but I am I'm telling you here that at
- 00:04:48one point I did not speak any Greek
- 00:04:50whatsoever I was like
- 00:04:51you okay and I can tell you here right
- 00:04:54now that I know many people from England
- 00:04:56who speak Greek and they learned the
- 00:04:58Hardway which is just by living here and
- 00:05:01interacting with people and just you
- 00:05:03know there's no shortcut so make sure
- 00:05:06that you do your homework I'm still
- 00:05:07learning Greek you know my daughter
- 00:05:09makes fun of me the way I speak Greek I
- 00:05:11get compliments from some of the Greeks
- 00:05:13here but my daughter my 14-year-old
- 00:05:15daughter she says to me like you know
- 00:05:16what you just don't don't speak right
- 00:05:18right so I'm still learning I'm still
- 00:05:20trying to get better at Greek and it's
- 00:05:22something that we as foreigners have to
- 00:05:24come to terms with and and and and do
- 00:05:27the work do the homework okay another
- 00:05:28thing that you need to take taking
- 00:05:29consideration when coming to Greece is
- 00:05:31one of the the downsides of coming to
- 00:05:33live to Greece as a foreigner is high
- 00:05:36unemployment okay but then again in
- 00:05:38every country
- 00:05:39unemployment is a big problem the
- 00:05:42biggest question is like what are you
- 00:05:43going to do for a living right when I
- 00:05:45relocated from the UK here to Greece our
- 00:05:47master plan was to work in a cafo so my
- 00:05:51in-laws had a cafo for many many years
- 00:05:54and and our plan was to like relocate
- 00:05:56from London from the UK all the way here
- 00:05:58to Greece and and work in the cafo this
- 00:06:01was excellent because I did not have to
- 00:06:03go to to find a job and that way I could
- 00:06:06learn the language I could be in the
- 00:06:08system I could earn a living to support
- 00:06:10my family and it was a great plan you
- 00:06:13know so that was the idea what happened
- 00:06:16is that that did not work well that did
- 00:06:19not go well at all we lost all our our
- 00:06:21life savings that we brought from the UK
- 00:06:24here to Greece we invested all that
- 00:06:26money in that cafo and I became became
- 00:06:30all of a sudden someone who had to run a
- 00:06:32cafo and I had no idea about the Greek
- 00:06:34culture and what the cafo culture is I
- 00:06:37was baptized by fire for those of you
- 00:06:40who are Greek leave in the comment
- 00:06:42section and let everybody else know what
- 00:06:45a cafo is so you have to imagine this
- 00:06:47Foreigner that is learning Greek coming
- 00:06:49from London all the way to Alina and
- 00:06:52work in a cafo with papes who want to be
- 00:06:55serve am right and and here I am saying
- 00:06:59like hey this is how this cafo is going
- 00:07:01to be run from this point on I worked so
- 00:07:03little in that cafo that I did not
- 00:07:06qualify for unemployment benefit I
- 00:07:08became a stay-at-home dad immediately I
- 00:07:11was in the system somehow as an employed
- 00:07:14but without any any compensation
- 00:07:18whatsoever and you know it it was just a
- 00:07:20bad deal so from that point on what
- 00:07:22happened is that I started to work
- 00:07:24online and that's the birth of my
- 00:07:28entrepreneurial a journey as someone who
- 00:07:30works online uh in fact from from that
- 00:07:33point on this is all I do I just work
- 00:07:35online and I had to take stock of all of
- 00:07:38the skills and my abilities and my
- 00:07:40talents and and make something uh of it
- 00:07:43online so I am very grateful for that
- 00:07:45experience I am very very grateful for
- 00:07:47for everything that happened with that
- 00:07:49cafo so you know from there I I turn you
- 00:07:53know all of that into an online business
- 00:07:56really because I was just unemployed I
- 00:07:58was unemployed in a foreign country and
- 00:08:01and I had no idea what I was going to do
- 00:08:02and in terms of employment it was really
- 00:08:04really hard for me uh to get work so my
- 00:08:07wife became the main bread winner and
- 00:08:09that's how I became a stay-at-home dad
- 00:08:11because it was easier for my wife as as
- 00:08:13someone who is Greek to go into the
- 00:08:15workforce and get a job so that's
- 00:08:18exactly what we did but you know when I
- 00:08:20get comments from Greeks fellow Greeks
- 00:08:22that say to me that I'm living the Greek
- 00:08:24dream or the Greek lifestyle and I and I
- 00:08:26haven't paid the price in order to to
- 00:08:29serve this you know they don't know my
- 00:08:32whole story and I'm going to dedicate a
- 00:08:34whole video about this uh the cafo years
- 00:08:37and and what happened you know because
- 00:08:39it was really tough man it was a really
- 00:08:42really dark time so if you're relocating
- 00:08:44to Greece you have to think very very
- 00:08:48carefully of what you're going to be
- 00:08:49doing in terms of earning money and how
- 00:08:52you're going to support yourself I'm a
- 00:08:54big believer in entrepreneurship I am a
- 00:08:56big believer in working for yourself and
- 00:08:59you know I am a big believer of the
- 00:09:01online space so I am forever grateful
- 00:09:04that I went through that hardship
- 00:09:06because today I work completely remote I
- 00:09:09I I work 100% online in fact all of my
- 00:09:12income is in US dollars but that's a
- 00:09:15story for another video and I'm going to
- 00:09:17certainly do a video about how I earned
- 00:09:19a living here in Greece but it's all
- 00:09:21thanks to the cafo so thanks to a cafo
- 00:09:25story where I had a secure job here in
- 00:09:28Greece that did not go very well okay
- 00:09:31another topic I wasn't sure if I wanted
- 00:09:33to bring this up here on this video
- 00:09:35about selective racism okay as someone
- 00:09:37who comes from Venezuela I understand
- 00:09:39this very well on this side of the world
- 00:09:41when I say that I am from Venezuela
- 00:09:43people seem to receive me and welcome me
- 00:09:46very very well because somehow I am
- 00:09:48exotic I am from South America and and
- 00:09:51people just welcome me however here in
- 00:09:53Greece like in any other country there
- 00:09:56is selective racism so depending on what
- 00:09:59country you're coming from and depending
- 00:10:00on the color of your skin you will be
- 00:10:02welcome in a certain way I'm not trying
- 00:10:05to be negative here about the Greek
- 00:10:06culture and the Greeks because Greeks
- 00:10:08are very very welcoming when it comes
- 00:10:10down to kenos okay when it comes down to
- 00:10:13foreigners but you have to understand
- 00:10:15that certain things apply the same way
- 00:10:17that it will apply in your country so
- 00:10:19when I was living in the states for
- 00:10:20example and I will say hey I'm coming
- 00:10:22from Venezuela it will be perceived
- 00:10:24differently the first thing that they
- 00:10:26will think of is someone who has just
- 00:10:28you know you're from down there right
- 00:10:32and I don't want to get political or or
- 00:10:34you know this this channel is not about
- 00:10:36that okay but you have to be aware of
- 00:10:38certain things when it comes down to
- 00:10:40coming to Greece you know uh depending
- 00:10:43on your background and where you come
- 00:10:44from you're going to be perceive in a
- 00:10:46different way and somebody's going to
- 00:10:47give you a label so I I hope I make
- 00:10:50myself clear here with this uh a message
- 00:10:52and I'm not trying to to paint a
- 00:10:55negative uh a picture here of Greece but
- 00:10:58this applies to any kind country for
- 00:10:59that matter okay another thing to
- 00:11:02consider if you're thinking about
- 00:11:03relocating to Greece is that Greece
- 00:11:05Works in Seasons okay most businesses
- 00:11:08operate in the summer everything is
- 00:11:11seasonal so if you're thinking about
- 00:11:12moving to a Greek island I invite you to
- 00:11:15go and live in that Greek Island in the
- 00:11:17winter things are completely different
- 00:11:19here in the winter time so you have to
- 00:11:21be aware of that so things shut down
- 00:11:23completely in the winter uh it's hard to
- 00:11:26understand if you've never been to
- 00:11:27Greece in the winter time if you have
- 00:11:28never lived here for a whole calendar
- 00:11:31year and see the whole thing unfold but
- 00:11:33I really invite you to do your homework
- 00:11:36uh here in Nao life is very different in
- 00:11:38the winter in fact in too which is very
- 00:11:41close to nafo it's pretty much a ghost
- 00:11:45town in the winter time and people live
- 00:11:47there I know people that live there
- 00:11:48there's schools you know but everything
- 00:11:50is shut down and this of course brings
- 00:11:53me to the next topic which is limited
- 00:11:57access to services and products right
- 00:11:59when I was living in London I had access
- 00:12:00to everything concerts big bookshops you
- 00:12:04know I'm a sucker for a big Bookshop you
- 00:12:06know just walking into a bookstore and
- 00:12:08buy five books and then you know take
- 00:12:10them home um I it's something that I
- 00:12:13love to do when I was living in London
- 00:12:15okay I had access to all of these
- 00:12:16concerts museums malls Foods services
- 00:12:20products you know you can just buy stuff
- 00:12:22whenever you feel like it here in Greece
- 00:12:24is a little bit different yes of course
- 00:12:26if you live in Athens you will have
- 00:12:27access to most things because is the
- 00:12:29capital same goes with any other big
- 00:12:32city here in Greece thessalonique is the
- 00:12:34same however I live in the countryside
- 00:12:36and I live in a very small community so
- 00:12:38I don't have an Apple store for example
- 00:12:41I don't have a mall there's just one
- 00:12:44movie theater it's a very small one but
- 00:12:46it's lovely I love it like that I don't
- 00:12:48need 25 movie theaters I don't need to
- 00:12:50have access to all the museums the same
- 00:12:52way that I had access in London that's
- 00:12:55the lifestyle I live that's the
- 00:12:56lifestyle that I'm living right now
- 00:12:57today and that's a sacrifice that I'm
- 00:13:00willing to to do in order to have this
- 00:13:03at my
- 00:13:04doorsteps it's something to consider
- 00:13:06though you know because if you want to
- 00:13:08have access to services and products the
- 00:13:10same way that you have it in England for
- 00:13:12example if you live in a city like
- 00:13:13London which is where I was living
- 00:13:15before I relocated here to Greece then
- 00:13:17you have to be mindful of that and be
- 00:13:18aware of it so you know if you want to
- 00:13:21buy something that is you know that you
- 00:13:23probably take for granted now because
- 00:13:25you live in London you can just walk
- 00:13:26into the store and buy it you know it's
- 00:13:28not going to to happen when you live in
- 00:13:30a place like this so you have to be
- 00:13:31mindful of that and finally bureaucracy
- 00:13:34as someone who grew up in Venezuela I
- 00:13:36can tell you right now that I am very
- 00:13:37familiarized with bureaucracy anybody
- 00:13:40from Latin America that is watching this
- 00:13:42if you're from Latin America and you're
- 00:13:44watching this video you understand
- 00:13:45bureaucracy very well if you're from
- 00:13:48South America and you move here to
- 00:13:51Greece you'll have no problem dealing
- 00:13:53with
- 00:13:53bureaucracy you know for the rest of you
- 00:13:56who are coming from England America
- 00:13:58Canada Australia anybody who comes from
- 00:14:01from this type of countries where things
- 00:14:03seem to work better or seem to not have
- 00:14:07so much red tape then you're going to
- 00:14:09have a big culture shock again for me
- 00:14:12I'm all right with it I don't endorse it
- 00:14:15not one bit uh but I don't suffer as
- 00:14:18much as someone who has never dealt with
- 00:14:20so much bureaucracy and so much red tape
- 00:14:23you know I mean here is a big problem in
- 00:14:26Greece when it comes down to red tape
- 00:14:27and and bureaucracy there's no secret
- 00:14:30about it Greeks know this very well I
- 00:14:32know it I've been living here for many
- 00:14:34many years and I have experienced many
- 00:14:36things that will will come as a shock
- 00:14:39for you as a Latino who lives here in
- 00:14:42Greece I still get shocked by certain
- 00:14:45things the term faki is something that
- 00:14:49it was foreign to me if you're Greek
- 00:14:51please leave in the comment section and
- 00:14:54let everybody else know what a filaki is
- 00:14:57there is a lot of red tape for very very
- 00:14:59basic things and it's just part of the
- 00:15:00culture you just have to deal with it
- 00:15:03you just have to embrace it uh dive deep
- 00:15:06navigate but there is uh the other side
- 00:15:10okay I'm here to tell you that there is
- 00:15:11another side and and you will manage to
- 00:15:14navigate it the same way that I did and
- 00:15:15the same way that others have done it
- 00:15:17okay but it's something that you really
- 00:15:19have to be aware of I'm going to do a
- 00:15:21future video about what do I do for a
- 00:15:24living I want to really tell the story
- 00:15:26of the cafo a little bit more in detail
- 00:15:29so I can explain my background in how
- 00:15:31did I arrive here in Greece in 2010 in
- 00:15:34the midst of the Greek crisis and I
- 00:15:36lived the whole thing man 2010 11 12 13
- 00:15:40when the conversations about grexit were
- 00:15:44Happening Here Capital control and stuff
- 00:15:47you know it was crazy I was terrified so
- 00:15:50I lived through all of those years and
- 00:15:53you know here we are today living still
- 00:15:55in this beautiful country I'm doing my
- 00:15:57bit for Greece this video is not a
- 00:15:59negative video this is a positive video
- 00:16:02and if you have been following me here
- 00:16:04on the channel you know that I love
- 00:16:05Greece with all my heart this is the
- 00:16:08place where I will
- 00:16:10die I can tell you this right now Dr up
- 00:16:13in the comment section as well if you
- 00:16:14would like me to talk more about how I
- 00:16:17relocated here to
- 00:16:19Greece what exactly I had to
- 00:16:22do you know it's an interesting story
- 00:16:25like anybody who who quits their life
- 00:16:29especially with a newborn child pack
- 00:16:31their back quit their jobs and relocate
- 00:16:33to another country it's a story that
- 00:16:36needs to be
- 00:16:37told that's for sure
- 00:16:41so I have shared
- 00:16:44this with anybody that is interested in
- 00:16:48my story in fact I know
- 00:16:50many many Brits who live
- 00:16:53here who have done exactly what what I
- 00:16:56have done so my story is not not
- 00:17:01unique and there certainly
- 00:17:04people who have done what I have done
- 00:17:06and they're living right now here in
- 00:17:08Greece still families you know a good
- 00:17:11friend of mine and a friend of my my
- 00:17:15wife three lovely kids she's British
- 00:17:18married to a Greek and she's been here
- 00:17:21kind of like the same amount of time
- 00:17:23that we've been living here you know and
- 00:17:26it's somebody that I can relate to
- 00:17:29you
- 00:17:31know and it's beautiful to just connect
- 00:17:33with other people and that's one of the
- 00:17:35purposes of this channel is to connect
- 00:17:38with with other people not only that
- 00:17:40want to come to Greece that want to
- 00:17:42relocate to Greece but as well
- 00:17:44with with other foreigners who are
- 00:17:46living here whether you call yourself an
- 00:17:48expat an immigrant or whatever doesn't
- 00:17:50really
- 00:17:51matter I've been told multiple times
- 00:17:53here on the channel That an expat is is
- 00:17:57a weird term for somebody like like me
- 00:18:00whatever you know I use the word expat
- 00:18:01in order for me to uh reach out to a
- 00:18:04bigger audience yes I'm an immigrant
- 00:18:07because I live here and I have no
- 00:18:08intentions of of going anywhere this is
- 00:18:11where I
- 00:18:12live uh but I know a lot of people that
- 00:18:17you
- 00:18:18know consider themselves expats they
- 00:18:20don't consider themselves expats it
- 00:18:21really depends it's just a
- 00:18:23terminology uh that we use in order to
- 00:18:26to explain our situations uh I told as
- 00:18:29well that that I am Greek already
- 00:18:32because I live here for such a long time
- 00:18:35uh but the truth of the matter is that
- 00:18:37even if I become Greek which I am in the
- 00:18:40process of applying for Greek
- 00:18:41citizenship and that's just a formality
- 00:18:43really I I don't need
- 00:18:46it and it's not because I'm married to a
- 00:18:48Greek by the way it's just because I am
- 00:18:50a British Citizen and I moved here
- 00:18:51before brexit that's the reality I
- 00:18:55haven't had the need to use the fact
- 00:18:57that I'm married to a Greek in order to
- 00:18:59become a citizen of Greece uh but yes I
- 00:19:02am very happy to be a foreigner here in
- 00:19:03Greece I'm very happy that I can do this
- 00:19:06videos in fact this videos will be very
- 00:19:08different if I was a Greek right it
- 00:19:11wouldn't have that that thing you know
- 00:19:16because it's different right it's very
- 00:19:17easy to be from your own country and
- 00:19:19talk good about your country it's very
- 00:19:21it's kind of like bias right you're from
- 00:19:23here right but but I choose to be here
- 00:19:26with all the negatives with every
- 00:19:28everything that I'm talking about in in
- 00:19:30my video I I choose to to be here with
- 00:19:34all the difficulties people think that I
- 00:19:35moved here because there's job
- 00:19:37opportunities because the economy is
- 00:19:40great I moved here because I love it I
- 00:19:43fell in love with this country I mean I
- 00:19:45don't know how much more simple I can
- 00:19:47put it and I'll take the whole pack with
- 00:19:50everything negative that I can say about
- 00:19:52GRE which you
- 00:19:54know I think I've earned that right uh
- 00:19:57but I will never talk bad about Greece
- 00:20:00ever and if you've been following me
- 00:20:02here you know that I only speak about
- 00:20:05the positive things of Greece actually I
- 00:20:07defend Greece from the Greeks some
- 00:20:11Greeks are very negative and there's
- 00:20:13Greeks out there creating content
- 00:20:15telling Greeks to go abroad Greece is
- 00:20:18already a very small country man
- 00:20:20population is very very small you have
- 00:20:23Greek young Greeks who have gone to
- 00:20:25foreign countries to start a new life
- 00:20:28which is completely understandable
- 00:20:30because that's exactly what I did when I
- 00:20:32left
- 00:20:33Venezuela and I just happened to do it
- 00:20:37to Greece in fact I moved from the UK
- 00:20:40from a more developed country quote
- 00:20:42unquote where things are better and
- 00:20:45everybody was telling us what the hell
- 00:20:47are you doing moving from the UK to
- 00:20:49London to Greece absolutely everybody
- 00:20:52told us that and here we are man 14
- 00:20:55years later I'm doing a video about
- 00:20:58telling you you why you should consider
- 00:21:01coming to Greece if that's something
- 00:21:03that you've been thinking about and the
- 00:21:05content that really resonates with with
- 00:21:07a lot of people especially Greeks living
- 00:21:09abroad and when I get these messages in
- 00:21:11the comments and the emails like hey I'm
- 00:21:13a Greek American or Greek Australian and
- 00:21:16I'm thinking about going back to my
- 00:21:18hometown like right you know like my
- 00:21:20family left Greece in search of a better
- 00:21:23life in Australia in America and now
- 00:21:26I've been thinking about going back to
- 00:21:27Greece because I saw one of your videos
- 00:21:31I never thought that I will inspire a
- 00:21:32Greek a second generation Greek living
- 00:21:34in Australia that means the world to me
- 00:21:37right you know even though I'm not Greek
- 00:21:39it's a pleasure and I embrace the whole
- 00:21:40thing that Greece has become my
- 00:21:44home and has adopted me in that way so
- 00:21:47if that means that I have to do videos
- 00:21:49like this ones and talk about the good
- 00:21:51and the bad and and at the same time say
- 00:21:54like hey everywhere's the same you know
- 00:21:57I have lived in Venezuela I was grow I
- 00:22:00grew up in Venezuela I lived in Canada
- 00:22:02the states England and now I'm here in
- 00:22:04Greece and of all these countries I
- 00:22:06chose Greece and I always say to people
- 00:22:09even if you gave me a million quid I
- 00:22:11will never go back to either England
- 00:22:13America Canada or
- 00:22:16Venezuela maybe Venezuela because
- 00:22:19Venezuela it still hurts because it's
- 00:22:22where I grew up right but now that I'm
- 00:22:25here Greece has become my country and
- 00:22:28has become my my home okay but that
- 00:22:32doesn't mean that I don't miss where I
- 00:22:34come from if that makes any sense right
- 00:22:36yes there's certain things that I miss
- 00:22:38about the states there's certain things
- 00:22:39that I miss about England of course uh
- 00:22:41England has a very special place in my
- 00:22:43heart because that's where I met my wife
- 00:22:45that's where I was born that's where my
- 00:22:47eldest daughter was born it's a very
- 00:22:50very special place you know London has a
- 00:22:53very special place in my heart it will
- 00:22:54always have but I choose to live here in
- 00:22:56Greece and I want to do a good job with
- 00:23:00this videos to promote the positive of
- 00:23:04what Greece has and if I can be a a
- 00:23:07vehicle for that with this videos and
- 00:23:10and document my journey right like I'm
- 00:23:12just literally going for a walk I
- 00:23:14decided to record a video now I'm going
- 00:23:16home and do some
- 00:23:19work you know get excited about life and
- 00:23:22hopefully you
- 00:23:24know this will translate in these videos
- 00:23:27man you know I know life could be very
- 00:23:29very different for me as I'm recording
- 00:23:31this is a Friday morning I could be
- 00:23:32commuting right now to go to work
- 00:23:34instead I'm here you know I don't take
- 00:23:36this for granted not for one bit was it
- 00:23:39hand down to me no I work for this I
- 00:23:43work for this moment I've been on a
- 00:23:45Friday morning
- 00:23:46walking right and shooting a YouTube
- 00:23:49video and now going home and doing some
- 00:23:52work I'll edit this video later on and I
- 00:23:54will upload it you know and I want to
- 00:23:57inspire other people to to do something
- 00:23:59similar whatever it is your journey
- 00:24:01might be different than mine you know
- 00:24:03your journey is completely different we
- 00:24:04all have our own path to walk I'm just
- 00:24:07walking mine and sharing it here with
- 00:24:09you
- 00:24:11anyways I love you very very much thank
- 00:24:14you so much for watching this video I'll
- 00:24:16see you in another video my friend
- 00:24:21[Music]
- Greece
- Relocation
- Expat Life
- Culture Shock
- Employment
- Language Barriers
- Seasonality
- Bureaucracy
- Adaptation
- Online Business