Week 1 Proteomics Live Session
TLDRLa session live de la première semaine du cours sur la protéomique introduit les étudiants au concept de protéomique, qui est l'étude complète des protéines présentes dans un organisme. Elle couvre les acides aminés, leurs structures (primaires, secondaires, tertiaires et quaternaires), et les méthodes telles que la spectrométrie pour comprendre leur concentration et leur rôle dans la santé. Les discussions incluent l'importance des angles phi et psi, le repliement des protéines selon le paradoxe de Levinthal, et le rôle des chaperons dans le repliement correct. Anfinsen's experiment est évoqué pour illustrer comment la structure et fonction des protéines sont liées et peuvent être restaurées après dénaturation. Le cours met aussi en lumière les défis de l'identification et de la quantification des protéines dans un contexte de maladies.
- 📅 Cours de 8 semaines couvrant la protéomique et ses concepts.
- 🔍 Focus sur l'étude des protéines dans les cellules et organismes.
- 🧬 Importance des acides aminés et de la structure protéique.
- 📊 Utilisation de techniques pour mesurer la concentration protéique.
- 🧪 Role de la spectrométrie et des méthodes analytiques.
- 💬 Discussion des doutes et questions des étudiants.
- 🧩 Le repliement correct des protéines est essentiel pour leur fonction.
- 🔄 Les mutés peuvent entraîner des dysfonctionnements.
- 🔬 Techniques protéomiques avancées pour la recherche biomédicale.
- 📚 Opportunité d'apprentissage interactif pour les étudiants.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Bienvenue au cours d'introduction à Proix. Cette séance en direct de la première semaine couvre les concepts théoriques qui seront explorés au cours des huit semaines. Les étudiants sont encouragés à partager leurs idées sur ce qu'ils comprennent de Proix après avoir suivi les premières leçons.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La discussion se concentre sur le terme 'omique', qui signifie l'ensemble complet des protéines présentes dans un organisme. Ce cours abordera l'évolution des techniques pour comprendre l'expression des protéines, leur corrélation avec des maladies et l'importance des protéines dans la biologie cellulaire.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Le cours aborde des concepts de base sur les acides aminés, leurs rôles comme blocs de construction des protéines, leurs divers groupes R, et la complexité qu'ils apportent aux structures et fonctions biologiques.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Les lois de Beer-Lambert sont introduites pour discuter de la mesure de l'absorbance et de son importance dans la détermination des concentrations d'inconnues par absorbance, ainsi que les caractéristiques spécifiques des acides aminés aromatiques qui absorbent à 280 nm grâce à leurs structures en anneau conjugué.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
La discussion couvre le concept d'absorbance des acides aminés aromatiques, en mettant en avant que les structures en anneau conjugué permettent une absorption stable due aux électrons P délocalisés.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Les acides aminés essentiels et non essentiels sont discutés, mettant en évidence ceux que le corps ne peut pas synthétiser et qui doivent être obtenus par l'alimentation. L'importance des acides aminés pour les processus biologiques et leur disponibilité à travers l'alimentation sont soulignées.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Le concept de chiralité est abordé, ainsi que les configurations L et D des acides aminés. Les aminoacides L sont dominants dans les protéines humaines, et la possibilité que des acides aminés D soient présents dans d'autres organismes comme les bactéries est suggérée pour un examen ultérieur.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
La stéréoconfiguration des acides aminés est expliquée en termes de règles de priorité et d’arrangement spatial, avec l’introduction des nomenclatures R et S fondées sur les numéros atomiques.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
L'ionisation des acides aminés est discutée, avec une explication des Zwitterions et comment les différents niveaux de pH peuvent favoriser des formes cationiques ou anioniques.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
La technique SDS-PAGE est mentionnée comme application basée sur les propriétés des Zwitterions, illustrant comment les acides aminés se déplacent dans un champ électrique en fonction de leur charge nette à différents pH.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
La formation des protéines est reliée aux liaisons peptidiques et aux réactions de condensation. Des explications sur les caractéristiques des liaisons peptidiques, leurs résistances et comment elles sont hydrolysées sont données.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
La rigidité des liaisons peptidiques est due à leur caractère de résonance partielle à double liaison, contribuant à la stabilité structurelle des protéines. Les concepts de hybridation et de configuration planaire sont expliqués.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Les angles phi et psi permettent la rotation libre dans les chaînes polypeptidiques, influençant les structures secondaires des protéines, un aspect central des modèles en cartes de Ramachandran pour l'analyse stéréochimique.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Différenciation des structures secondaires, alpha-hélice et feuillet bêta, en utilisant les angles phi et psi. Les stabilités et les types de liaisons, ainsi que le rôle de l’hélice alpha dans le repliement des protéines sont examinés.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Les structures tertiaires des protéines se forment par des interactions entre les résidus et le squelette, stabilisées par diverses forces et liaisons. Le rôle des groupes hydrophobes et des interactions ioniques est crucial pour la structure 3D.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
L'importance des structures tertiaires et quaternaires dans la formation biologique fonctionnelle des protéines, ainsi que les interactions stabilisatrices et le rôle crucial des chaperons pour le repliement correct sont soulignés.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
La discussion de l'expérience d'Anfinsen sur le repliement des protéines démontre que l'information de repliement se trouve dans la séquence d'acides aminés et montre l'importance du retour à la structure native pour la fonctionnalité biologique.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
L'efficacité du repliement des protéines est abordée via le paradoxe de Levinthal et les paysages énergétiques, expliquant comment les protéines atteignent rapidement leurs états natifs malgré un vaste nombre de conformations possibles.
- 01:30:00 - 01:35:00
Le concept de structures quaternaires est présenté, expliquant comment plusieurs sous-unités protéiques interagissent pour former des complexes fonctionnels, avec leurs implications biologiques et évolutives.
- 01:35:00 - 01:40:00
Les technologies omiques, telles que la protéomique et la génomique, sont discutées pour leur rôle dans la compréhension des fonctions biologiques des protéines à partir de l'ensemble du génome, de l'expression des gènes et de la variabilité des métabolites.
- 01:40:00 - 01:50:13
Clôture du cours avec une vue d'ensemble sur l'importance de la compréhension des protéines à travers la protéomique et comment des techniques comme la protéogénomique peuvent fournir une vue intégrée des fonctions biologiques et des maladies.
Qu'est-ce que la protéomique ?
La protéomique est l'étude de l'ensemble des protéines présentes dans un organisme, explorant notamment leur expression et rôle dans différentes conditions biologiques.
Pourquoi étudier la protéomique ?
L'étude de la protéomique est importante pour comprendre les mécanismes biologiques et les implications des protéines dans les maladies et le développement de thérapies.
Comment mesure-t-on la concentration inconnue d'une protéine en solution ?
On calcule cette concentration en utilisant une courbe standard et la loi de Beer-Lambert qui relie l'absorbance d'une solution à sa concentration.
Pourquoi les acides aminés aromatiques absorbent-ils à 280 nm ?
Les acides aminés aromatiques, en raison de leurs structures cycliques, ont une absorption à 280 nm qui est caractéristique des protéines.
Quelles sont les principales structures secondaires des protéines ?
La structure secondaire des protéines comprend essentiellement les hélices alpha et les feuillets bêta qui sont stabilisés par des liaisons hydrogène.
Quelle est l'importance des angles phi et psi dans les protéines ?
Ces angles sont importants car ils influencent la conformation d'une protéine et peuvent restreindre ou permettre certaines structures.
Comment se forme la structure tertiaire d'une protéine ?
Les interactions telles que les liaisons hydrogène et les interactions hydrophobes façonnent la structure tertiaire des protéines, déterminant leur fonction biologique.
Comment les protéines parviennent-elles à un repliement rapide et efficace ?
Les protéines se replient rapidement grâce à des paysages énergétiques qui guident les transitions vers des états stables, selon le paradoxe de Levinthal.
Quel est l'effet des mutations sur la structure des protéines ?
Ces changements peuvent altérer la fonction d'une protéine et provoquer des maladies génétiques et des dysfonctionnements pathologiques.
Que sont les protéases et leur rôle dans l'étude des protéines ?
Ce sont des enzymes qui clivent les protéines à des sites spécifiques, aidant ainsi à la digestion ou l'analyse des protéines.
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Beau, Bien, Bon, programmez votre cerveau pour le bonheur | Elisabeth GRIMAUD | TEDxRoanne
- 00:00:02welcome to the course of introduction to
- 00:00:06proix uh so this is the week one uh live
- 00:00:10session so what we will do in this uh
- 00:00:13eight week so since you know that this
- 00:00:15is
- 00:00:17a 8 week course so what we will do is
- 00:00:20that in this span of 8 weeks uh we will
- 00:00:22be going through
- 00:00:25different uh theories Concepts that you
- 00:00:27have already are studying in the through
- 00:00:30the videos then we will do some uh
- 00:00:33problems and also we will try to do some
- 00:00:36Hands-On which will be extra uh to
- 00:00:39whatever is being there in the syllabus
- 00:00:42as per the time permit so before uh
- 00:00:46starting uh today's uh session so first
- 00:00:49of all uh if you all can tell me briefly
- 00:00:54that uh what are your uh so we'll come
- 00:00:58I'll come to your uh doubts so before
- 00:01:01that if you all can tell me briefly what
- 00:01:04is your idea about protom miix and after
- 00:01:07going through the first uh lecture what
- 00:01:09you uh what do you feel proix is about
- 00:01:12anyone would like to say and then we
- 00:01:16will go on with your doubts and then we
- 00:01:18will look at the different uh revisit
- 00:01:21the different concepts and we will try
- 00:01:24to make it interactive because uh in
- 00:01:26your uh video I think you are listening
- 00:01:30and then you are writing in the query
- 00:01:32but here you are getting an opportunity
- 00:01:35uh to interact directly uh so it would
- 00:01:38be good so if anyone can tell that uh if
- 00:01:42there was any idea beforehand uh
- 00:01:45regarding proix or is first time uh uh
- 00:01:49you are doing and what is your what was
- 00:01:50your idea and uh and what is the change
- 00:01:55in any idea or you what uh to the same
- 00:01:59and what was the what is what was your
- 00:02:01main idea behind taking this course
- 00:02:04anyone would like to
- 00:02:11comment what do you mean by this term
- 00:02:13Pro
- 00:02:24anyone so shall I call by name
- 00:02:30okay so okay so if you so if I give my
- 00:02:33introduction so that would make
- 00:02:35everything real so I am anit who is in
- 00:02:38currently in final year of PhD mte PhD
- 00:02:4212 degree from it Bombay uh so I am a PM
- 00:02:46fellow and I'm taking this uh so you can
- 00:02:48also if you want you can also introduce
- 00:02:50and interact so for example for instance
- 00:02:53if you can tell about why what is what
- 00:02:57was your idea behind to taking this and
- 00:03:01uh what do you think of the term prot
- 00:03:14me
- 00:03:17sorry if you come
- 00:03:20again stud
- 00:03:24of protein folding
- 00:03:31protein
- 00:03:34structur
- 00:03:35okay I think Puja has raised her hand
- 00:03:39yes if you can go
- 00:03:43through stud of
- 00:03:51proteins okay study of proteins uh so if
- 00:03:55we break down the
- 00:03:57term yes uh uh soam I guess
- 00:04:04yes
- 00:04:06mhm so what is the meaning of
- 00:04:18protome set of
- 00:04:20protein okay so the term if I say if
- 00:04:24anyone would like to try anyone else
- 00:04:26would like to try
- 00:04:33anyone Mary
- 00:04:39or Katia Priya
- 00:04:49anyone IA
- 00:04:53tanishka okay
- 00:04:56so so you have uh got almost so proteom
- 00:05:00so the term om yes anyone was
- 00:05:06saying so we we say that omix it comes
- 00:05:09from om right so that is means all so
- 00:05:13proteo refers to the set of proteins
- 00:05:15that each and every protein that is
- 00:05:17present in an individual in a Cell uh in
- 00:05:21an individual it an organ it an organism
- 00:05:24so you can say organal proteum cellular
- 00:05:28proteo okay so from where the term comes
- 00:05:30of proteomic so here in this course you
- 00:05:33will be you are learning about some
- 00:05:36basic protein science I think that is
- 00:05:37covered in this week one and next to
- 00:05:40study about the proteins all proteins so
- 00:05:42for that we need to understand if we try
- 00:05:45to understand the protein expression of
- 00:05:47the cell which we will see then we need
- 00:05:50to do many techniques from where we can
- 00:05:53identify and understand the expression
- 00:05:55level of the proteins and then
- 00:05:57understand and correlate in the disease
- 00:05:59St so this is exactly the idea behind
- 00:06:03proteo mix okay so which is the entire
- 00:06:05set of studying of the entire set of
- 00:06:07proteins not individual proteins or
- 00:06:10subset of proteins rather the entire
- 00:06:12proteins and then in this course we will
- 00:06:15be going through that how the field has
- 00:06:18evolved how different techniques have
- 00:06:20evolved and how it is still rapidly
- 00:06:22evolving and progressing for
- 00:06:25understanding of the proteins at
- 00:06:27different level at different states uh
- 00:06:29ptms all these comes under proteins
- 00:06:33proteomics okay so but uh before I uh
- 00:06:38going to that I I I also wanted to
- 00:06:41revisit some Concepts before that uh uh
- 00:06:44would anyone would like to tell that by
- 00:06:46going through this uh week's lecture or
- 00:06:49videos have you found any doubt or do
- 00:06:51you have any doubt that I need to
- 00:06:53discuss it specifically uh before uh
- 00:06:56going into uh the discussion
- 00:07:01do you have all any pressing doubt or
- 00:07:03query regarding the course or regarding
- 00:07:06uh that particular question particular
- 00:07:08concept particular
- 00:07:12thing
- 00:07:15no yes
- 00:07:29yes guanidium chloride can also be used
- 00:07:32I am I will uh come to that concept as
- 00:07:35well in my uh to the presentation I will
- 00:07:40come to yes gu cide is also used uh that
- 00:07:44is also a denaturing
- 00:07:47agent
- 00:07:49yes okay so I think then we can go step
- 00:07:52by step uh go is topic by topic and if
- 00:07:55you find out anything difficulty while
- 00:07:57you are going through the video and want
- 00:08:00to clarify then definitely you
- 00:08:03can uh talk to me and ask and as I said
- 00:08:08that today since in this week uh there
- 00:08:11was uh not much uh possibility of having
- 00:08:16Hands-On sessions but as we go along
- 00:08:18with the course we will be having
- 00:08:19Hands-On here in the uh sessions as well
- 00:08:23okay so that uh whatever is being taught
- 00:08:26in the lectures and whatever assignments
- 00:08:29you are doing along with that you get
- 00:08:30some extra exposure as well okay so I
- 00:08:34will now go to the presentation and in
- 00:08:37each topic you are free to ask any time
- 00:08:41any query you have might be it will be
- 00:08:44difficult for me to follow in the chat
- 00:08:45because in the full screen version uh I
- 00:08:49cannot see yes uh Nisha I guess okay it
- 00:08:53was my mistake uh so in the chat it
- 00:08:55becomes difficult to follow uh because
- 00:08:58uh in the present mode generally I am
- 00:09:01not able to see the screen uh but
- 00:09:05definitely uh you can stop interrupt and
- 00:09:08unmute and ask and feel free to ask and
- 00:09:11make it as much interactive as possible
- 00:09:14uh you are free to ask any question
- 00:09:18okay yeah so I will just start with some
- 00:09:22of the concept yeah and if I ask also
- 00:09:27questions so if you uh please feel free
- 00:09:30to respond and the way the more
- 00:09:33interactive we will make the more we
- 00:09:35will learn it together okay so I'm
- 00:09:36requesting everyone to just be
- 00:09:38interactive and be answerable to
- 00:09:41whatever uh whichever answers you know
- 00:09:43as well as whichever you don't know and
- 00:09:45you have any doubt like just now so did
- 00:09:48so everyone is encouraged to do the same
- 00:09:52okay so we are going uh basic starting
- 00:09:56from the basic scratch basic
- 00:09:58biochemistry
- 00:09:59the introduction to amino acids right so
- 00:10:03I think all of you are well aware about
- 00:10:06the concept of amino acids is there
- 00:10:08anyone who uh who doesn't know in depth
- 00:10:13about amino
- 00:10:15acids I guess no uh so it is the
- 00:10:19building blocks of proteins and we know
- 00:10:21that the amino acid are different 20
- 00:10:24types of amino acids uh most popular
- 00:10:27ones as well as the 21st second amino
- 00:10:30acids are also being identified and in
- 00:10:33course of time it might be we can see
- 00:10:35that there are different types of amino
- 00:10:37acids right so firstly there are a major
- 00:10:41thing that comes into uh play or action
- 00:10:45is that the uh what is
- 00:10:50the so just a minute I'll
- 00:10:56check so the major thing that I wanted
- 00:11:00to say is that there are different R
- 00:11:02groups that makes it diverse as you know
- 00:11:06so there will be aliphatic art groups
- 00:11:09uncharged art groups positively charged
- 00:11:11art groups negatively charged art groups
- 00:11:13aromatic art groups so all these makes
- 00:11:16the the backbone is same with the nh2
- 00:11:21and the amine and the co carox B carox
- 00:11:27Lions but the whatever the change in the
- 00:11:30type of the art chain Branch chain or
- 00:11:35Branch it can be positive it can be
- 00:11:37negatively charged so all this leads to
- 00:11:39the different forms of amino acids right
- 00:11:41so this uh is what from there the
- 00:11:44complexity starts and from where the
- 00:11:48field of the concept the proteins build
- 00:11:51up which makes up all our muscles
- 00:11:53tissues organs and then finally the
- 00:11:57diversity the whatever changes that is
- 00:12:00visible to each one of us is visible
- 00:12:04because of the changes in this proteins
- 00:12:06so you know that uh in the genomics
- 00:12:10after you do if you do a uh gen
- 00:12:12sequencing between me you or any animal
- 00:12:17if you take chimpanzee or a monkey the
- 00:12:21genetic sequence of the gene sequence
- 00:12:23will be or the DNA sequence will be
- 00:12:25roughly 99% similar but still we all are
- 00:12:28very much different and the reason for
- 00:12:31it is nothing but only the proteins the
- 00:12:34way amino acids are done or the way
- 00:12:37amino acids are developed the the
- 00:12:40proteins are there different forms of
- 00:12:42proteins and Performing different
- 00:12:44structure and function then there comes
- 00:12:47definitely the concept of the
- 00:12:50alternative splicing and all where
- 00:12:52different proteins are formed due
- 00:12:55to make up different structures
- 00:12:58different function so all these are very
- 00:13:01much required to for the field of uh so
- 00:13:08in this to make the things diverse and
- 00:13:10each and every individual to be
- 00:13:12different performing different functions
- 00:13:14so all these are very much
- 00:13:17crucial so now if
- 00:13:22we move ahead so these are basically the
- 00:13:26amino acid structures so different
- 00:13:29structure so here if we can say that the
- 00:13:31glycine which is very small and have
- 00:13:34only H so the most simplest form of
- 00:13:38amino acid is glycin of course you all
- 00:13:41must be aware of it which doesn't
- 00:13:43contain any in the only H in the fourth
- 00:13:48uh chain then com ch3 alanine which is
- 00:13:51again just the complex version of
- 00:13:54glycine which contains ch3 then we have
- 00:13:58the serin tronin cine of the
- 00:14:00nucleophilic then you have the
- 00:14:02hydrophobic ones which is the branch and
- 00:14:04amino acids valine Lucine isoline
- 00:14:07methionine Proline then you have the
- 00:14:09aromatic amino acids like phon tyosin
- 00:14:12cryopen acidic amino acid like aspartic
- 00:14:14acid glutamic acid and asparagin
- 00:14:17glutamine and the basic like hisin Li in
- 00:14:19arine among which the aromatic amino
- 00:14:22acids and Proline uh play a crucial role
- 00:14:26because of its bulky nature and it
- 00:14:30uh it imparts a different functional and
- 00:14:34uh structural uh properties to a
- 00:14:36particular protein so specifically uh
- 00:14:39Proline is of great interest to
- 00:14:42study so now in the BL lbert law before
- 00:14:46going on so how many of you are aware
- 00:14:49about BL lber
- 00:14:52law so who will be uh telling about BL
- 00:14:56lers law
- 00:14:59so you all are uh studying in colleges
- 00:15:02right so they are you are familiar with
- 00:15:06it so how many of you are familiar and
- 00:15:09have heard about BL lers SL please raise
- 00:15:11your
- 00:15:15hand okay one har and the others are not
- 00:15:18aware about BL numers
- 00:15:24law you all have Puja yes others
- 00:15:31yeah
- 00:15:34yes so so who would like to say Puja you
- 00:15:39can go or prya what is what do you what
- 00:15:42is BL Numbers Law
- 00:16:01the absorbance is directly proportional
- 00:16:03to concentration
- 00:16:06and
- 00:16:09yes and the end of the pathway of the
- 00:16:12light right so yeah so before going into
- 00:16:17that uh concept
- 00:16:19of what told so before that we need to
- 00:16:22have understanding what is the incidence
- 00:16:25what is the transmittance what is the
- 00:16:26absorbance so what is the meaning of the
- 00:16:28word absor absorbance if I say if as you
- 00:16:31said that absorbance is directly
- 00:16:33proportional to the uh concentration and
- 00:16:36length so
- 00:16:38the application lies is that in that
- 00:16:41absorbance is directly proportional to
- 00:16:43concentration so that we can measure the
- 00:16:45unknown concentration of a particular
- 00:16:47solution so that's why BL lbert law is
- 00:16:50used and I think you all have done an
- 00:16:52experiment where have you have used and
- 00:16:55uh absorbance have measured uh the
- 00:16:59absorbance and Tred to find out the
- 00:17:01concentration unknown concentration of a
- 00:17:03particular sample which we don't know so
- 00:17:06from a standard graph so if we know the
- 00:17:09absorbance of a standard concentrations
- 00:17:12of a graph of a solution then from a
- 00:17:15graph if we make a particular equation
- 00:17:19and if we can draw uh derive an equation
- 00:17:22then from for that an unknown
- 00:17:24concentration can easily be calculated
- 00:17:27but before going into to that so what is
- 00:17:30from where the term absorbance is coming
- 00:17:32so firstly is the transmittance so in
- 00:17:35this particular for instance in this
- 00:17:37particular cuate if we have the solution
- 00:17:40and if we are inciting a light then and
- 00:17:44it will be finally after getting
- 00:17:46absorbed deflected reflected all these
- 00:17:49things it will be
- 00:17:50transmitted right so this comes the
- 00:17:53concept of transmittance which is the
- 00:17:55transmitted light upon the incident
- 00:17:58light
- 00:17:59T = to I by I that what was the initial
- 00:18:03incident light
- 00:18:06provided which was and in the numerator
- 00:18:09be the what is the transmitted light so
- 00:18:12the percentage is t% will be I by I into
- 00:18:16100 now absorbance is the negative
- 00:18:20logarithmic of transmittance okay so
- 00:18:23what is absorbance absorbance is nothing
- 00:18:26but the negative logarithmic of the
- 00:18:29transmittance or log 10 i0 by I so zero
- 00:18:33absorbance corresponds to 100%
- 00:18:36transmittance so zero absorbance
- 00:18:40corresponds to our 100% transmittance
- 00:18:43And Vic Versa is that 100% absorbance
- 00:18:47means there will be no transmit it will
- 00:18:49be finally fully absorbed right so as
- 00:18:52you
- 00:18:52mentioned AAL to epon CL so this Epsilon
- 00:18:58is the absorption coefficient and the
- 00:19:01major thing that has been used is used
- 00:19:03extensively in our biological studies
- 00:19:05and research is to find the unknown
- 00:19:08concentration for the absorbance now
- 00:19:11this is where uh it helps us in getting
- 00:19:15particular things so you can see that
- 00:19:17for 38 microl there will be a certain
- 00:19:19absorbance and for a 152 microl there
- 00:19:22will be a certain state of absorbance so
- 00:19:25absorbance increases quite old time
- 00:19:28times when there is an increase in
- 00:19:30concentration so in this way if we if we
- 00:19:33can measure if we know for example five
- 00:19:36or six data points we know that this
- 00:19:40concentration this is the known
- 00:19:42concentration we made a standard curve
- 00:19:45we uh get to measure the absorbance for
- 00:19:48each of these five and six uh
- 00:19:51particular concentration absorbance then
- 00:19:54the seventh or seventh concentration
- 00:19:56that would be the unknown concentration
- 00:19:59uh we can derive from this straight line
- 00:20:02from this equation so sorry so from this
- 00:20:06equation we can get to measure the
- 00:20:09absorbance okay so this is a standard
- 00:20:12curve we can say and from here for the
- 00:20:15seventh unknown concentration we can
- 00:20:17easily so if we can get the absorbance
- 00:20:20so how it is generally done so I hope
- 00:20:24that you everyone of you know for
- 00:20:26example this is an unknown concentration
- 00:20:28graph where you will be getting so there
- 00:20:31are 1 2 3 4 5 six data points but the
- 00:20:34seventh data point the absorbance comes
- 00:20:36something around here right if the
- 00:20:39absorbance comes here so we need to
- 00:20:43extend the line to the place where it is
- 00:20:47reaching and then we need to draw the uh
- 00:20:50draw the straight line and whatever
- 00:20:52concentration it comes so that is a
- 00:20:55particular concentration of that unknown
- 00:20:58sample with absorbance for instance 1.3
- 00:21:01so for 1.3 absorbance we will draw the
- 00:21:04line and draw the and get the
- 00:21:07concentration so am I right so I think
- 00:21:10all of you uh know about this but still
- 00:21:13I stressed out on the fact now tell me
- 00:21:16that what is the absorbance of
- 00:21:19cryptopanic so what is the absorbance of
- 00:21:25cryptopanic amino acid mostly it is
- 00:21:28considered so you can tell about Crypt
- 00:21:30fan I think this is
- 00:21:35uh 28 nanometer so all agree with
- 00:21:40it who all agree just raise your hand
- 00:21:43with 280
- 00:21:45nanometer okay okay
- 00:21:51others
- 00:21:57Okay so your voice is not clear but I
- 00:22:00could understand that you were saying
- 00:22:01270 something are you telling like
- 00:22:05that okay okay so this is in which
- 00:22:12range 280 nanometers or 270 something
- 00:22:15like was mentioning what is the
- 00:22:21range so will you tell me now krytan is
- 00:22:25absorbing at 280
- 00:22:27nanometer does glycine or alanine what
- 00:22:30is their
- 00:22:36absorbance
- 00:22:39anyone for glycin
- 00:22:49absorbance alanin absorbance anyone
- 00:22:51would like to try
- 00:22:55yes yes uh Vil
- 00:23:01anyone can
- 00:23:02try do you think that the absorbance by
- 00:23:05Krypt 280 nanom all the amino acids will
- 00:23:08have the same absorbance because each
- 00:23:10and everyone is amino acid what are your
- 00:23:13take Let's uh
- 00:23:15discuss for instance we don't know what
- 00:23:18do you
- 00:23:20feel that
- 00:23:27yes only aromatic Amis will show so any
- 00:23:31particular reason for
- 00:23:43that aromaticity is a property but what
- 00:23:48is aromatic ring is there uh so then
- 00:24:00okay so aromatic the aromatic communes
- 00:24:03will have arom okay so you have tried
- 00:24:05others can would they like to extend
- 00:24:10yes uh
- 00:24:17your I could not hear you
- 00:24:20sorry as anyone able to hear
- 00:24:23then you can write in chat box now I can
- 00:24:26see
- 00:24:34five months right yeah yeah so that is
- 00:24:38the actual thing so we will see now
- 00:24:43why yeah so aromatic amus is absorbed at
- 00:24:47280 nanometer why because they have this
- 00:24:50conjugated ring structure so what har
- 00:24:53has mentioned it correct and what P was
- 00:24:56trying to intend to say that yes it is
- 00:24:59an aromatic uh ring which gives it a
- 00:25:03property but actual reason is that it
- 00:25:06has the conjugated Pi bonds okay so
- 00:25:10these Pi bonds are Delo are in a
- 00:25:14delocalized state and not in a very
- 00:25:17localized or confirm state so what
- 00:25:19happens is that whenever an ubite is
- 00:25:22passing through it and if one molecule
- 00:25:25gets absorbed to it so the electrons so
- 00:25:27what is the basic fundamental that the
- 00:25:29fundamental is that the electrons will
- 00:25:32absorb that will go to an higher energy
- 00:25:35so if that goes to an higher energy and
- 00:25:37that higher energy is unfavorable then
- 00:25:40what will happen is that the bond will
- 00:25:42break right but here what happens is
- 00:25:45that in the aromatic amino acid it is in
- 00:25:48the state of C pi interaction okay so
- 00:25:52it's stabilizing electrostatic
- 00:25:54interaction between a cation and the
- 00:25:57polarizable Pi electron cloud of an
- 00:26:00aromatic ring okay so this is in a
- 00:26:03stable Catan Pi interaction and each
- 00:26:07carbon atom will have this P atom over
- 00:26:10orbital overlapping and it is forming a
- 00:26:14conjugated Pi orbital system so this
- 00:26:17creates the delocalized elron cloud so
- 00:26:20since they are delocalized once they
- 00:26:23absorb your uite they go to the higher
- 00:26:26energy level and it helps to make it
- 00:26:30stable means the bonds are stable and
- 00:26:33they do not break down because they are
- 00:26:37delocalized and they can absorb the
- 00:26:39energy and can go to higher energy phase
- 00:26:43and still can would be able to keep the
- 00:26:46bond intact okay so this helps in
- 00:26:49stability after the so delocalized P
- 00:26:52electrons are the ones that are
- 00:26:54responsible so in the why in the so so
- 00:26:58as uh Ria was mentioning that aromatic
- 00:27:01amino acid because of the AR aromaticity
- 00:27:04property but actually not because of the
- 00:27:07aromatic Rings they have a conjugated
- 00:27:09string structures and have a delocalized
- 00:27:11p electrons that whenever after
- 00:27:15absorbtion also they help to after
- 00:27:18gaining energy also that the bond
- 00:27:21remains intact and they can absorb it
- 00:27:24okay so it attracts and uh so it helps
- 00:27:28in the stability and then what we get is
- 00:27:30an enhanced absorption so the tryptophan
- 00:27:33is that what har was mentioning is
- 00:27:35correct and something 279 or around that
- 00:27:38so that is the exact absorption and all
- 00:27:42other uh amino acids do not show this
- 00:27:45structure or do not show this property
- 00:27:48because of the absence of this P
- 00:27:50electrons or the conjugated ring
- 00:27:52structures that's why aromatic amino
- 00:27:54acids are ones which shows the highest
- 00:27:56absorbance at 280 nanometers okay so am
- 00:28:01I clear or anyone has any question so
- 00:28:05here we can see that the Krypt
- 00:28:07absorptions phy absorption and the
- 00:28:11thyrosin absorption which is will we
- 00:28:14remains around 280 whereas philein is in
- 00:28:18the range of around 260 nanometers
- 00:28:21tiptop is around 280 nanometers around
- 00:28:25something exact you can figure it out
- 00:28:27and hosen also in that range so this is
- 00:28:31where our
- 00:28:33particular amino acids gets absorbed the
- 00:28:36absorption of aromatic amino acid okay
- 00:28:39because of this five electrons and the
- 00:28:42delocalized structure that absorption
- 00:28:44also does not let it break away and keep
- 00:28:48it intact okay so any question here
- 00:28:52understood it correctly right so why we
- 00:28:56studied we started with the L flow and
- 00:28:58absorbance is that because we must
- 00:29:01understand what does we mean first of
- 00:29:03all by absorbance second is that we are
- 00:29:08telling and we are stating the fact that
- 00:29:11absorbance is shown by the aromatic
- 00:29:14amino acids at 280 nanometer but we
- 00:29:17should understand the reason behind it
- 00:29:19so why and how the absorption is getting
- 00:29:23increased and 280 nanometer only the
- 00:29:25aromatic amino acids are showing a
- 00:29:27strong absorbance
- 00:29:28whereas other amino acids are not
- 00:29:30showing the absorbance because of this P
- 00:29:34electrons
- 00:29:38okay so is it clear for everyone so if
- 00:29:40you can uh just raise your hand that it
- 00:29:43is clear or uh does anyone of you have
- 00:29:46any doubt no
- 00:29:51right
- 00:29:53great so now what we will do is that we
- 00:29:56are going through the types of of amino
- 00:29:58acids I think it's a very uh common
- 00:30:02question and I think all of you know
- 00:30:04just anyone juster it and then we can
- 00:30:06Skip and go to the next part what is the
- 00:30:09what are the types of amino acids
- 00:30:10according to the diet dietary
- 00:30:17requirements so essential and
- 00:30:20non-essential amino acids
- 00:30:25right essential and non-essential aminy
- 00:30:27right what are essential amino acids so
- 00:30:31essential amino
- 00:30:33acid yes yes Pua go
- 00:30:43ahead correct so Essentials are the ones
- 00:30:47which our body are not able to
- 00:30:49synthesize and are
- 00:30:51requireed by in the diet whereas
- 00:30:54non-essential ones are the ones that can
- 00:30:56be synthesized by our human body from
- 00:30:59other compounds that is mostly other
- 00:31:01precursors and that we do not require to
- 00:31:04intake from our uh diet so like Hine
- 00:31:07isoline Lucine kytopen thionine valine
- 00:31:11iny analine all these are very much
- 00:31:13crucial and that needs to be come
- 00:31:15through our diet so that's why our we
- 00:31:19should have protein in our diets which
- 00:31:22contains these particular amino acids
- 00:31:25that are not able to be synthesized in
- 00:31:26our body for our functioning and
- 00:31:29maintenance of the homeostasis and all
- 00:31:31the tissue cellular functions repair and
- 00:31:34nutrient absorption whereas
- 00:31:36non-essential amino acids are those that
- 00:31:38can be synthesized by the human body
- 00:31:41from other compounds and that's why uh
- 00:31:44it is not absolutely necessary to take
- 00:31:46it but yes of course we can have it okay
- 00:31:50so different metabolic processes enzyme
- 00:31:52production and we know that the amino
- 00:31:55acids as I mentioned already that are
- 00:31:57the sources of the building blocks and
- 00:31:59every repair organs tissues muscles for
- 00:32:03all these things it is
- 00:32:06quite
- 00:32:09important
- 00:32:11right so now yeah sorry
- 00:32:15so yeah so now another concept of
- 00:32:19chirality of amino acids yes so before
- 00:32:22going again so if anyone what is what do
- 00:32:24you mean by kyal
- 00:32:29kyal carbon have you heard about the
- 00:32:31term
- 00:32:32kyal you must have why if
- 00:32:36you when different groups are
- 00:32:41attached is it uh what you
- 00:32:46told the different groups so not
- 00:32:49different groups it should be that the
- 00:32:52four different groups okay so the term
- 00:32:55four is quite important here because if
- 00:32:58you have only H okay so then you can
- 00:33:03change it according anything but it will
- 00:33:06be mirrored
- 00:33:07superimposable so if you have in carbon
- 00:33:11you know everyone of us know that carbon
- 00:33:13has four hands and here if there are
- 00:33:17four different forms of groups that's
- 00:33:21why glycine has no kyal Center if you
- 00:33:24remember right so there must be four
- 00:33:28different groups that will only make the
- 00:33:31carbon atom a kyal one and that will not
- 00:33:34be superimposable with
- 00:33:37the Mage right so now what are so with
- 00:33:42this gets to the configuration of the
- 00:33:44different isomers so first of all uh if
- 00:33:48you just keep on noting down first of
- 00:33:53all that the amino acids that we have
- 00:33:55said that it comes under the vared R
- 00:33:58groups are the ones that leads to the
- 00:34:01change and the different forms then
- 00:34:03comes the different kinds of isomers
- 00:34:05among which due to the carbon and it has
- 00:34:09our four different uh groups attached to
- 00:34:12a single carbon uh atom then it gives us
- 00:34:16a pyal molecule which is if we change
- 00:34:19the orientation of each one of those
- 00:34:23particular molecules then it will be the
- 00:34:26it mirrored image is not super imposible
- 00:34:28to each other so here comes the concept
- 00:34:32of stereoisomers which is the spatial
- 00:34:34Arrangement and iners which are the
- 00:34:36optical isomers and have mirrored images
- 00:34:39that are nons superimposable so anomers
- 00:34:42are both are same they have the same
- 00:34:46molecular formula function physical
- 00:34:48property everything but they mirror
- 00:34:51images are not
- 00:34:52superimposable so what does enomas do it
- 00:34:56enomas rotate the plain polarized light
- 00:34:59in dor rotatory or Lev rotatory met
- 00:35:02methods so L amino acids are
- 00:35:05predominantly found in proteins that is
- 00:35:08which rotates in the Lor rotatory
- 00:35:11methods or the left hand rotation the
- 00:35:13plain polarized right so can anyone of
- 00:35:15you tell where are the mostly D amino
- 00:35:18acids
- 00:35:20found any example of D amino
- 00:35:26acid we are saying that the in the
- 00:35:29proteins
- 00:35:32yes
- 00:35:35he
- 00:35:38ribos no no ribos sugar we are not
- 00:35:41talking about in the amino acid de amino
- 00:35:45acids are prevalent
- 00:35:49where any example you know that D amino
- 00:35:53acids are present
- 00:35:59so so we all know that Al amino acids in
- 00:36:01humans and proteins which we are saying
- 00:36:03that Al amino acids are present so try
- 00:36:07to find out whether uh so you can after
- 00:36:10this class and all you what you can do
- 00:36:12is that you can go ahead and find uh and
- 00:36:15search that whether bacterial proteins
- 00:36:18contain L amino acids or D amino acids
- 00:36:20okay so take you can take this task just
- 00:36:23you can search after your uh this class
- 00:36:26that whether after this live session
- 00:36:29that whether bacteria proteins contains
- 00:36:32L amino acids or D amino acids okay so
- 00:36:35that you
- 00:36:36can uh do it so now what we are going to
- 00:36:42see is that stereo configuration of
- 00:36:46amino acids so one of the amino acids
- 00:36:49and I think that is also very well
- 00:36:51explained in your uh video regarding the
- 00:36:55D amino acids and the L amino acids and
- 00:36:57rotatory and why D rotatory and why
- 00:37:00theas are different but another concept
- 00:37:04is there about the stereo configuration
- 00:37:07that is the absolute configuration that
- 00:37:09refers to the special arrangement of the
- 00:37:12atoms right so here the terms are R and
- 00:37:17S R refers to rectors and S refers to
- 00:37:21Sinister so another which is the
- 00:37:24absolute or the special Arrangement p
- 00:37:27com with the configurations of two
- 00:37:30things one is r and another is s that is
- 00:37:33rectus and Sinister
- 00:37:37right so here how it is determined it is
- 00:37:40determined on the basis of the priority
- 00:37:43rules so what is that priority rule that
- 00:37:46the groups attached to a kyal center are
- 00:37:49ranked according to their atomic number
- 00:37:52okay so they are ranked by their atomic
- 00:37:55number with the highest atomic number is
- 00:37:58assigned the highest priority and the
- 00:38:01lowest atomic number is assigned the
- 00:38:03lowest priority okay so this is the
- 00:38:06configuration to determine the r or s l
- 00:38:11or D is fine what is will be the r and s
- 00:38:16okay so this comes with the priority
- 00:38:19rules that help us in understanding so
- 00:38:22there the highest atomic number is
- 00:38:24assigned by the highest priority lowest
- 00:38:27is assigned by the lowest priority so to
- 00:38:30properly Orient the molecule the group
- 00:38:32with the lowest priority is positioned
- 00:38:34away from the viewer so then we need to
- 00:38:37trace the path from priorities like a b
- 00:38:41c if the path comes clockwise then it is
- 00:38:44R the kyal center is assigned the r
- 00:38:47designation and counterclockwise it is
- 00:38:49receives the S designation okay so what
- 00:38:53priority rules comes into picture is
- 00:38:55that the kyal Center different groups
- 00:38:58that are attached they are marked as a b
- 00:39:01c d on the basis of the highest priority
- 00:39:04which is having the highest atomic
- 00:39:06number and the lowest one with the
- 00:39:09lowest priority and then what it is done
- 00:39:12is that it properly audience the
- 00:39:14molecule the group with the highest is
- 00:39:16first of all taken away and the path is
- 00:39:20traced back and the path if the path is
- 00:39:23clockwise then it is r and if it is not
- 00:39:25then s okay okay so is it clear for each
- 00:39:30one of
- 00:39:31you and
- 00:39:34this have you any doubt regarding it so
- 00:39:38L and D is one but the
- 00:39:41absolute configuration and the absolute
- 00:39:44spatial Arrangement is given by R and S
- 00:39:47okay so dctas and Sinister and this is
- 00:39:50done this is determined on the basis of
- 00:39:53certain priority rules okay
- 00:39:59so now
- 00:40:01can move it forward so after the
- 00:40:09arrangement yeah so after the
- 00:40:12arrangement is done
- 00:40:14okay so after the arrangement and all we
- 00:40:18have seen that D amino acid L amino acid
- 00:40:21special arrangement of amino acids etc
- 00:40:23etc so now comes to the point point of
- 00:40:27the ionization of amino acids right so I
- 00:40:31think all of you have heard must have
- 00:40:33heard about the time term Zer ions so
- 00:40:37now we will look into what is actually
- 00:40:40this Z ions belong to and uh believe me
- 00:40:45that understanding all these basic
- 00:40:47structures will only further help us in
- 00:40:50understanding when we are doing
- 00:40:52understanding the complex concepts of
- 00:40:54understanding the proteins so as you
- 00:40:56mentioned that understanding the
- 00:40:58proteins proteomics for examp
- 00:41:00instance uh relates to the understanding
- 00:41:03of the entire set of proteins in human
- 00:41:05beings and that we can do through
- 00:41:07different structures different
- 00:41:08techniques but each and of this
- 00:41:11technique requires the basic
- 00:41:13understanding of this chemistry because
- 00:41:15then only we would be able to uh break
- 00:41:17down the proteins uh try to analyze
- 00:41:20those proteins try to identify those
- 00:41:22proteins and then only uh able to come
- 00:41:25into some conclusion of identific
- 00:41:27as well as quantification so that's why
- 00:41:31this particular uh thing is quite
- 00:41:34important for us to understand the basic
- 00:41:36chemistry then only we can go ahead and
- 00:41:39study the complex data sets and analyze
- 00:41:42complex samples and complex uh molecules
- 00:41:45okay so here you can see that this is
- 00:41:49the alpha carbon that we all are aware
- 00:41:52about this is R Group Co and the amino
- 00:41:55group so because of this unique property
- 00:41:58of this carboxy group and the amino
- 00:42:00group so this is in always in somewh
- 00:42:05sometimes it is in the positive State
- 00:42:07NSP plus sometimes in negative State Co
- 00:42:10minus sometimes it is in uh positive
- 00:42:13State and deprotonated State and the
- 00:42:16protonated groups right so the basically
- 00:42:19this is measured in terms of pH right so
- 00:42:24this whole concept that this particular
- 00:42:28amino acid will be in protonated form or
- 00:42:32deprotonated form right it will be in
- 00:42:34deprotonated form that is in the acidic
- 00:42:37state or in the protonated form that in
- 00:42:39the basic state is determined by the pH
- 00:42:43so it it is completely dependent on the
- 00:42:46solution it is so the amino acids are
- 00:42:50often referred to as wi ions so contains
- 00:42:53both acidic and bdic groups that allows
- 00:42:56the intramolecular acid base reaction so
- 00:43:00intr molecular not intermolecular so
- 00:43:04please uh pay careful attention to the
- 00:43:07term of intra and Inter when it is inter
- 00:43:10it is between two molecules when it is
- 00:43:13intra means it is within the molecule so
- 00:43:16intra represents anything within so int
- 00:43:20molecular acid based reaction where the
- 00:43:22acidic protone from the carboxilic acid
- 00:43:25protonates the Amine so from the amine
- 00:43:29group gets protonated from the carboxy
- 00:43:32group and the it becomes in the uh
- 00:43:38either it can be in the uh when it
- 00:43:40happens then it is in the neutral State
- 00:43:43or the leric form that you can see in
- 00:43:45the blue when you have the balanced
- 00:43:48charge H+ and minus so this zic property
- 00:43:53is prevalent at physiological pH in
- 00:43:55Aquas media characteristic of living
- 00:43:58organisms and in other polar solvents so
- 00:44:01that is characteristic of living
- 00:44:03organisms and in your other polar sents
- 00:44:06at different pH values amino acids can
- 00:44:09become slightly ionized favoring either
- 00:44:11cic or ionic forms right so different pH
- 00:44:15levels will uh uh different pH levels
- 00:44:20will different will act differently and
- 00:44:23it will favor either cationic forms or
- 00:44:26ionic forms and this PH range at which
- 00:44:29an amino acid is UIC varies depends on
- 00:44:31it specific PKA values so now you have
- 00:44:35understood that it depends on the
- 00:44:37different pH and it forms different
- 00:44:40acidic State and the basic straight and
- 00:44:43it keeps on
- 00:44:45interchanging so can anyone of you tell
- 00:44:48an application on which it is there for
- 00:44:53and an application of this property of
- 00:44:55this uh amino acid to separate different
- 00:44:59proteins or different uh or any kind of
- 00:45:03application if you can uh talk about
- 00:45:06using this property any technique that
- 00:45:08has been developed using this
- 00:45:14property anyone of
- 00:45:19you so how many of you have heard about
- 00:45:22the term Jail uh jail based proteomic or
- 00:45:26SDS ja page jail SDS page how many of
- 00:45:29you have
- 00:45:32heard how many of you have heard the
- 00:45:34term SDS
- 00:45:37page no
- 00:45:42one yeah prya
- 00:45:44yes so what is the principle of SDS
- 00:45:50page PR you can go ahead yeah
- 00:45:59based on their molecular weight right so
- 00:46:02that is one dimensional so how so have
- 00:46:05you heard about 2D or two dimensional
- 00:46:07gel
- 00:46:14electroforesis okay so you are not okay
- 00:46:18so who else have heard about two
- 00:46:20dimensional I think SDS page all of you
- 00:46:22have heard is there anyone who does not
- 00:46:24know SDS page or haven't heard of or
- 00:46:26hearing it for for the first
- 00:46:27time sodium doal sulfate polyamide G
- 00:46:32electris is there anyone who is hearing
- 00:46:34for the first time I would be happy the
- 00:46:39happiest to see if
- 00:46:42to learn that if someone is hearing it
- 00:46:44for the first time then then it will
- 00:46:47give uh give us an opportunity to
- 00:46:49discuss
- 00:46:50and so I am hoping that I am assuming
- 00:46:54that everyone uh knows so so just raise
- 00:46:58your hand and say that how many of you
- 00:46:59have heard about the term 2dl
- 00:47:02electris yes hurry and
- 00:47:11others anyone else have heard about the
- 00:47:16term I could see samika or someone
- 00:47:19raised your hand so you can go ahead
- 00:47:21samic
- 00:47:22sh uh
- 00:47:31just try give a try I have uh given you
- 00:47:34a hint as well that we are uh reading
- 00:47:38about the wiering structure and those of
- 00:47:41which princip which technique has uh
- 00:47:43developed on the basis of this principle
- 00:47:58correct so that will be the amino acid
- 00:48:00will be in which state at that point of
- 00:48:05time correct so the basically it is in
- 00:48:09the range so you know we understand that
- 00:48:12it is a
- 00:48:13pH which
- 00:48:15is the amino acids to be in different
- 00:48:18state so on the basis where that
- 00:48:21particular amino acids particular ionic
- 00:48:24state will be zero that the charge will
- 00:48:26be zero that it will be balanced right
- 00:48:28in the zionic state it will be balanced
- 00:48:31so then there will be no more charge
- 00:48:33separation or the protein won't migrate
- 00:48:36to the other part of the charge
- 00:48:38otherwise what is the case and what is
- 00:48:42the happening is that when the protein
- 00:48:45is positively charged so it will be
- 00:48:47moving towards a negatively charged uh
- 00:48:51particular uh towards the negatively
- 00:48:54charged uh cathod so this this is how
- 00:48:58protein move or the amino acid moves or
- 00:49:01the protein particular that moves but
- 00:49:04when the charge will become zero then
- 00:49:07what will happen is that it will stop
- 00:49:09moving it further and in the two
- 00:49:11dimensional GIS so that is the property
- 00:49:14of the protein but from the concept of
- 00:49:17the amino acid we can understand that
- 00:49:20this uh they are separated on the basis
- 00:49:22of the pH or gradient is formed where
- 00:49:26the proteins are separated to some
- 00:49:29extent where their Pi isric Point
- 00:49:31becomes zero and then further if you
- 00:49:34have a molecular weight based separation
- 00:49:36like the SDS page then they will again
- 00:49:37further separate that we will definitely
- 00:49:40come uh when we are discussing that in
- 00:49:43detail like the gel based protein okay
- 00:49:46so we will have the 2D page 2D d as well
- 00:49:50as the SDS page we will discuss it in
- 00:49:52detail okay but I just give you a hint
- 00:49:55and idea about how it forms so now we
- 00:49:58have talked all about amino acids but
- 00:50:01now we all are in the course of
- 00:50:08proteomics so we are in the course
- 00:50:12ofic we know that we are we are aiming
- 00:50:15that we will be able to understand all
- 00:50:18the proteins in an organism with
- 00:50:20bacteria bead uh virus bead human being
- 00:50:24bead a monkey sh
- 00:50:27dog anyone so we are aiming that we will
- 00:50:30be knowing that all sets of protein
- 00:50:32entire sets of protein present in that
- 00:50:33particular organism for that we have
- 00:50:37understood uh the structure of amino
- 00:50:39acids so now the comes uh so the
- 00:50:42proteins cannot be built without the
- 00:50:44amino acids joining together and joining
- 00:50:47by a very uh bond that is the peptide
- 00:50:51bond right anyone what is the name what
- 00:50:55can be the other name of the peptide
- 00:50:57bond anyone just
- 00:50:59quickly what can be the other name of
- 00:51:01the peptide
- 00:51:05bond the peptide bond can can also be
- 00:51:08called as so what is this reaction
- 00:51:12called and lead to formation of What
- 00:51:15bond what type of bond
- 00:51:19rather so two amino acids are joined by
- 00:51:22what reaction the reaction is known as
- 00:51:28condensation reaction
- 00:51:29right so anyone who does not know
- 00:51:33condensation
- 00:51:36reaction so what this Bond can also be
- 00:51:39termed
- 00:51:44as anyone just give a try what this Bond
- 00:51:47the PTI Bond can also be termed as what
- 00:51:50what type of bond this is what type of
- 00:51:51bond actually
- 00:51:57it is a kind of amide bond
- 00:52:01right so what
- 00:52:05is so peptide bond is nothing but
- 00:52:08composed of amino acids so this is one
- 00:52:10amino acid this is one amino acid link
- 00:52:12by a peptide bond by calent peptide
- 00:52:16bonds and it is sequence are determined
- 00:52:19by TRNA that I think all of you must
- 00:52:22have read or you can read in any
- 00:52:24molecular biology uh books Concepts like
- 00:52:28the TRNA which will come uh will bring
- 00:52:31the amino acids together and the process
- 00:52:34of complete process of
- 00:52:35translation so it is a condensation
- 00:52:38reaction Co group of one amino acid
- 00:52:42reacts with nh2 group of the next and
- 00:52:45what we will do is that it releases H2O
- 00:52:48so here one water molecule is released
- 00:52:52that's why it is the term is
- 00:52:54condensation reaction so bond is formed
- 00:52:58with condensation reaction we co group
- 00:53:01of one reacts with the nh2 group so here
- 00:53:03you can see this is the co part of the
- 00:53:05group this is the nh2 group which reacts
- 00:53:09and releases H2O right so this is the
- 00:53:12condensation
- 00:53:13reaction so inter Terminus is that first
- 00:53:16amino acid rains nh2 group so this is
- 00:53:20the n terminal so here you can see
- 00:53:22please uh pay careful attention because
- 00:53:25this is very very important to
- 00:53:28understand when we will be
- 00:53:29analyzing our data as well in the from
- 00:53:32the complex data sets when we will be
- 00:53:34doing the particular cleavage of certain
- 00:53:38peptides to generate from the proteins
- 00:53:40to generate peptides and then run in
- 00:53:43different modern instruments to get
- 00:53:46understand identify which amino acid it
- 00:53:48is or sequencing of the amino acid and
- 00:53:51quantification of the amino acids this
- 00:53:53concept will be very very useful
- 00:53:56so in terminal is this one which states
- 00:54:00that the first amino acid retains the
- 00:54:02nh2 group and loses the co group to the
- 00:54:06to bond with the second amino acid and
- 00:54:10in this way ultimately when 1 2 3 4
- 00:54:14whatever is being determined to TRNA
- 00:54:18right whatever is being determined to
- 00:54:21TRNA synthesis when it will be all the
- 00:54:24sequence will be covered then the C
- 00:54:27terminal will remain free one place
- 00:54:29where n terminal will remain free n
- 00:54:32terminal will remain free and the other
- 00:54:34place the C Terminus will be remain free
- 00:54:36so that is the last amino acid that is
- 00:54:39known as the C Terminus so a peptide
- 00:54:42bond starts from an N Terminus and ends
- 00:54:45at C Terminus right it starts or begin
- 00:54:49with N Terminus and end at C Terminus so
- 00:54:53the first amino acid retains the nh2
- 00:54:55group and loses group to bond with the
- 00:54:57second amino acid and the last amino
- 00:55:00acid return Co group and prodes nh2
- 00:55:02group with the previous amino acid so it
- 00:55:06has the strong with partial Bond double
- 00:55:09bond character okay so the major thing
- 00:55:13so we which will come in detail now to
- 00:55:16understand the characteristics of
- 00:55:18peptide bond so this is very very
- 00:55:20crucial okay so the characteristic of
- 00:55:23peptide bond to understand is very very
- 00:55:26crucial so it is strong with the partial
- 00:55:29Bond character and it is not broken by
- 00:55:32heating or high salt concentration so
- 00:55:35that we need to understand so this has a
- 00:55:40strong me it is not so we can just by
- 00:55:44heating or something we can uh teat or
- 00:55:48Pro the heating or the peptide bonds so
- 00:55:51it can be broken by strong acids or
- 00:55:53bases at elevated temperatures and
- 00:55:55specific enzymes that is digestive
- 00:55:57enzymes or you Canard I don't know if
- 00:56:00you have heard about the term proteases
- 00:56:03there are different proteases that can
- 00:56:05break this particular Bond so peptide
- 00:56:09bonds are rigid lers stabilizing the
- 00:56:11protein structure and contain partial
- 00:56:15positive charges and partial negative
- 00:56:17charges from the oxygen atoms of carboxy
- 00:56:20groups and hydrogen atoms of amino
- 00:56:24groups so now just a quick question that
- 00:56:26if a peptide bond is formed by a
- 00:56:30condensation reaction that is H2O is
- 00:56:33removed and carboxy group and NH group
- 00:56:37gets joined then with what reaction can
- 00:56:41it Al can it be broken down or the
- 00:56:43peptide bond can be broken down any
- 00:56:46reaction that is coming into your mind
- 00:56:48to denature the peptide bond or break
- 00:56:51down the peptide bond
- 00:56:55yes yes so hydrolysis is one uh reaction
- 00:57:00through which the peptide bonds can be
- 00:57:02denatured that is can be broken down but
- 00:57:05in normal condition it is very very slow
- 00:57:08process and it requires certain kind of
- 00:57:12heating or enzymes mostly what we use
- 00:57:15kinds of uh proteases so one uh task you
- 00:57:19can go ahead and take it Forward before
- 00:57:22going into the complex proteomic when
- 00:57:24you will be doing you will be so I can
- 00:57:27give you a kind of a spoiler that you
- 00:57:30will be hearing the term uh F scene or
- 00:57:34prots okay Li see kotp you will be
- 00:57:38hearing it or if you read any manuscript
- 00:57:41or any read any particular book uh you
- 00:57:44will be coming across this term so one
- 00:57:47uh task you can take it forward so these
- 00:57:50are obviously not related to your
- 00:57:52assignments or those things but
- 00:57:53obviously for your own interest and
- 00:57:57understanding deeper understanding of
- 00:57:59the subject like the trip scene how it
- 00:58:02works at so not at what terminal and
- 00:58:06what after amino acid what how it works
- 00:58:10what I mean to say is that what is the
- 00:58:12exact mechanism of how it works it's
- 00:58:14fine that it works after certain and
- 00:58:16certain amino acids if you just Google
- 00:58:19it you will find that cin Cuts after C
- 00:58:24terminal of this and this amino acid so
- 00:58:26that is not my question or that is not
- 00:58:28what I meant to understand what I want
- 00:58:31you all to find out that what is the
- 00:58:33exact mechanism what is the exact
- 00:58:35reaction it is involved and how it is
- 00:58:38done okay so if you want to go ahead for
- 00:58:42a better understanding you can take this
- 00:58:44question and can try to find out and in
- 00:58:47the subsequent weeks when we will be uh
- 00:58:50meeting and when we'll be discussing you
- 00:58:52can come across and you can uh we can
- 00:58:55discuss okay so that is one task you can
- 00:58:58take it uh forward so now in that
- 00:59:01peptide bond we have seen we have said
- 00:59:04that it is a partial double bond
- 00:59:06character I don't know how many of you
- 00:59:07have given attention paid attention to
- 00:59:10that particular term so it is a partial
- 00:59:12double bond character though it is a
- 00:59:14single uh calent Bond but it is we are
- 00:59:18saying that it is a partial double bond
- 00:59:20character uh it is coming so any can
- 00:59:23anyone of you tell that the particular
- 00:59:26what will be the hybridization state of
- 00:59:28that peptide
- 00:59:31bond does anyone of you like to
- 00:59:35try anyone just give a try all of you
- 00:59:38are aware about hybridization
- 00:59:46right what will be the hybridization
- 00:59:49state of the peptide
- 00:59:50bond according to you according to what
- 00:59:53I
- 00:59:54said uh that is a partial double bond
- 00:59:57character you have you have understood
- 00:59:59right C carboxy group nh2 group yeah har
- 01:00:04I I think you can wait a little bit uh
- 01:00:08because others can also give a try and
- 01:00:10then you can
- 01:00:11tell anyone else I'll come to you Harry
- 01:00:15because but let others also try yes
- 01:00:23Amita SP2 and planner okay okay
- 01:00:28others do you agree if you agree you can
- 01:00:30raise your hand and if you disagree you
- 01:00:32can
- 01:00:37just
- 01:00:39okay
- 01:00:41others so who have no idea you can also
- 01:00:44say that I don't have any
- 01:00:47idea so those who have no idea at all
- 01:00:50that what hybridization State can be
- 01:00:53also can raise your hand
- 01:00:57if you don't raise your hand now then I
- 01:00:58will I have to ask each one by name by
- 01:01:06name okay so soita can why why did you
- 01:01:11told SP2 can you just
- 01:01:23explain you are there
- 01:01:28so can you explain why did you told
- 01:01:37to
- 01:01:49uh correct so I'll explain it
- 01:01:57uh little bit I'm coming to that uh
- 01:02:00question yeah so I will so I have
- 01:02:03already asked you the question of the
- 01:02:05hybridization state so now let us see
- 01:02:08that why uh what is the what could be
- 01:02:10the possible reasons plausible reasons
- 01:02:12for that okay so the characteristics of
- 01:02:16the peptide bonds if we talk about of
- 01:02:19the peptide bomb so first of all it
- 01:02:21absorbs at 192 to 30
- 01:02:24nanometer and subset ility to U be
- 01:02:27radiation okay so as she mentioned it is
- 01:02:32really true that peptide bonds exhibit
- 01:02:34resonance with partial sharing of two
- 01:02:36pairs of electrons between the Amite
- 01:02:38nitrogen and the carboxy oxygen the
- 01:02:41Amite nitrogen and the carboxy oxygen
- 01:02:44there is a partial sharing of the two
- 01:02:48pairs of electrons and this exhibit the
- 01:02:51resonance structure resonating and
- 01:02:53that's lead to the having the partial
- 01:02:55double bond one character so the atoms
- 01:02:58are in the same plane so first of all
- 01:03:00planer that is they are in the same
- 01:03:02plane and hydrogen of the Amite group
- 01:03:04and are trans to each other so again we
- 01:03:07will be now looking further why they are
- 01:03:10trans and why what method they are so it
- 01:03:14was falling and cor determine that
- 01:03:17peptide bonds are rigid and fler so you
- 01:03:19can see that though they have the single
- 01:03:21Bond there could have been the rotation
- 01:03:24but there is a barrier to the rotation
- 01:03:26because of this lone pair of electrons
- 01:03:28being resonating with each other sorry
- 01:03:31and it someh somewhat feels that it is a
- 01:03:34double bond in nature double bond in
- 01:03:37structure so that's why they are not
- 01:03:39able to rotate there is a huge barrier
- 01:03:42to the rotation so this significant
- 01:03:45barrier to rotation as like a double
- 01:03:48bond so then we can said that can you
- 01:03:51get the hybridization State and you have
- 01:03:53said that it is in SP2 hybridization so
- 01:03:56why so as correctly mentioned these are
- 01:03:58resonance hybrids so there is a
- 01:04:00resonating structure so we just have the
- 01:04:03partial double bond characteristics so C
- 01:04:07and N are each SP2 hybridized you can
- 01:04:10see that it is SP2 hybridized and it
- 01:04:13forms a double bond so why it is that so
- 01:04:17SP2 hybridization what is the
- 01:04:19characteristics so they remains planer
- 01:04:22in 120° so you can see the resem L of
- 01:04:26the structure with the structure that
- 01:04:28are General properties of the compounds
- 01:04:32that are in SP2 hybridization right in
- 01:04:35the 120° planner to each other so One S
- 01:04:39orbital and two P orbitals Mak to form
- 01:04:42three equivalent SP2 hybrid orbitals and
- 01:04:45it is known as the trigonal
- 01:04:47hybridization trigonal
- 01:04:51hybridization and these are arranged in
- 01:04:53a trigonal planner geometry
- 01:04:56with 120° angles between them
- 01:05:00right so these are with the
- 01:05:06120° between them and this hybrid
- 01:05:09orbital are 33 % s character and 66.66%
- 01:05:16P character so these molecules with a
- 01:05:19central atom that is linked to three
- 01:05:22atoms and SP2 hybridize exhibit a
- 01:05:24triangular planer shape
- 01:05:26okay so this is the main reason why this
- 01:05:29is particularly SP2 hybridized State and
- 01:05:33this is the structure that is being
- 01:05:36resemblance of the peptide bond okay so
- 01:05:39is there any question or query or any
- 01:05:42thing
- 01:05:45here no right
- 01:05:50okay so then we can move to understand
- 01:05:54that the peptide bond that remains
- 01:05:57mostly in transform right so not in the
- 01:06:01C form so again the peptide bond can be
- 01:06:03present in F or the trans so now why
- 01:06:07they form the have a planner trans
- 01:06:09configuration and with minimal rotation
- 01:06:12so peptide bonds have a planer and in
- 01:06:15the trans configuration which is
- 01:06:17generally having a very minimal rotation
- 01:06:21so NC and Co bonds are the intermediate
- 01:06:24between our single and double bonds that
- 01:06:27is which is having some1 32 nanom Bond
- 01:06:32length and what is happening is that the
- 01:06:35amido
- 01:06:42amido
- 01:06:44yeah
- 01:06:46so
- 01:06:47amidization and bond rigidity prevent
- 01:06:51the free rotation so what is
- 01:06:54totalization
- 01:06:57anyone so we have used this term
- 01:07:00totalization what is the meaning of
- 01:07:08that anyone would like to say what is
- 01:07:17automization Yeah so basically
- 01:07:19the moving of the protons right the age
- 01:07:25from one place to another so this helps
- 01:07:30to these are all preventing the free
- 01:07:33rotation so you can understand that the
- 01:07:36structure of the peptide bond is quite
- 01:07:40very much uh in the format which is
- 01:07:43planer which is rigid and doesn't allow
- 01:07:46for a free uh rotation to go so the
- 01:07:50shared electrons between nitrogen and
- 01:07:52oxygen contribute to the bond uh
- 01:07:55stability so you can see that the
- 01:07:57peptide groups in the planer trans
- 01:07:59configuration so to maximize why they
- 01:08:02are in trans uh state or trans
- 01:08:06configuration because they are to
- 01:08:09maximize the side chain
- 01:08:11distance but the NH group of prolines
- 01:08:15can either CE or trans so only the
- 01:08:18prolin some ring can be either in s or
- 01:08:21trans but maximum peptide bonds are in
- 01:08:24the trans configuration only and these
- 01:08:27transform are in the more common in
- 01:08:30proteins so some Proline residues such
- 01:08:33as permissive can exist in either SS or
- 01:08:37t configuration so this cases you can
- 01:08:39see that some Proline residues are
- 01:08:42permissive to having either of the
- 01:08:45configurations but mostly the pepti
- 01:08:47remain in trans configuration because of
- 01:08:48to maximize the side chain distance
- 01:08:52first of all because the side chain if
- 01:08:54the side chain distance is minimized
- 01:08:56then there will be a stady classes okay
- 01:08:59there will be a hindrance to the stetic
- 01:09:02and there will be the full structure of
- 01:09:04the peptide bond would be uh very much
- 01:09:07uh disoriented and disorganized that's
- 01:09:10why the side chain distance needs to be
- 01:09:12maximized and those peptide bonds are to
- 01:09:14be remain in the trans configuration
- 01:09:19okay so now there's a question of the
- 01:09:23someone asked the question as well and
- 01:09:25this is the experiment of
- 01:09:27anfinsen uh experiment regarding the
- 01:09:30protein folding and how the protein can
- 01:09:33be dened I think this can be answered by
- 01:09:37uh any one of you and then we can look
- 01:09:39at it so before so anyone would like to
- 01:09:42comment on an experiment I think someone
- 01:09:45asked question also so just give a brief
- 01:09:48about uh an sense experiment
- 01:09:51anyone so what were the reents used
- 01:09:59in the beginning only one has asked the
- 01:10:01question I don't remember who was
- 01:10:04uh uh that uh but
- 01:10:24yes p Marto ethanol
- 01:10:28right so what was the role of Ura and
- 01:10:31what was the what is the role of beta
- 01:10:32Marto
- 01:10:41ethanol bet M breaks the disulfide bond
- 01:10:46right okay so what happens when the two
- 01:10:49reagents are given
- 01:11:11correct so it is reduced to the primary
- 01:11:13structure from the folder State and when
- 01:11:15the reagents are withdrawn then it then
- 01:11:18what happens
- 01:11:39correct correct so what we can
- 01:11:42understand is that after the reagents
- 01:11:44are removed what we can say that it is
- 01:11:48its property or stage and which uh which
- 01:11:52is mostly that we can also say that the
- 01:11:55uh the protein folding is quite uh we
- 01:11:58can understand the protein folding in
- 01:12:00invitro state so we will go just uh uh
- 01:12:05see each and every step just by uh
- 01:12:08looking at it we will just brush up so
- 01:12:10this is was done on the protein ribon
- 01:12:13nucleus right so this is the dulfi
- 01:12:16linkages of the tertiary structures
- 01:12:19which we will again come in a while we
- 01:12:22will look at each and each and every
- 01:12:25topic each and every of the secondary
- 01:12:28structure and those structures so here
- 01:12:30the disulfide linkage is there so if we
- 01:12:32have the deducing agent and heating or
- 01:12:35addition of Ura so we will have the
- 01:12:38unfolded ribon nucleus so if we just
- 01:12:40give the reducing agent so the disulfide
- 01:12:43bonds would be breaking so you can see
- 01:12:45that the disulfide bonds which was
- 01:12:47present is getting out and then when
- 01:12:51when we are getting or addition of you
- 01:12:53is unfolding so what is happening is
- 01:12:56that the disulfide bridges in proteins
- 01:12:59are broken by treatment with beta marap
- 01:13:02to ethanol creating new bonds between
- 01:13:04sulfur into mapol molecules so this is
- 01:13:08uh quite a standard procedure I think
- 01:13:10those who are aware about the concept of
- 01:13:17ISP or those they also know the
- 01:13:21principle behind using
- 01:13:22B so this is included in protein
- 01:13:25separation so isds page to ensure the
- 01:13:28dation so aninon what he used is that
- 01:13:32ribon nucleus a to demonstrate that
- 01:13:34protein folding information is contained
- 01:13:36in the amino acid sequence so what he
- 01:13:39wanted to state from this simple
- 01:13:41experiment is that the protein folding
- 01:13:44information is contained in the amino
- 01:13:46acid sequence and this complete
- 01:13:49denaturation require Ura plus two Mar
- 01:13:52ethanol to break dulfi Bridges
- 01:13:55okay so this complete denaturation is
- 01:13:59required to for complete denaturation
- 01:14:03using Ura and two Marto
- 01:14:08ethanol okay so ribon nucleus a refolded
- 01:14:11spontaneously and regain biological
- 01:14:14activity so it was refolded and regained
- 01:14:18the biological activity a removal of Ura
- 01:14:22and two Mar ethanol sh refolding can
- 01:14:25occur in withraw okay so showing that
- 01:14:29refolding can occur in
- 01:14:34withraw so this two so now when if you
- 01:14:38remove just only two Marto ethanol and
- 01:14:41not Ura it resulted in only 1% activity
- 01:14:46recovery due to random dulfi Bridge
- 01:14:49formation right so when you are using
- 01:14:51ribbon nucleus a and the protein folding
- 01:14:54information is contained within the
- 01:14:56primary structure when you are just
- 01:14:58removing the dulfi linkages what it will
- 01:15:01happen is that it will denature the
- 01:15:05dulfi linkages and then if you give udia
- 01:15:07it will completely denature but when you
- 01:15:11uh when you remove udia and uh r that
- 01:15:15markup returnal both it will show
- 01:15:18refolding but when you are removing two
- 01:15:21markup EOL but not Ura it will result in
- 01:15:23only 1% recovery due to the random dulfi
- 01:15:27Bridge formation this suggest that the
- 01:15:29need for correct confirmation to achieve
- 01:15:31full activity so what we could learn
- 01:15:33from this experiments one was that the
- 01:15:36structur conformation in the primary
- 01:15:38amino acid then is that the complete
- 01:15:40removal of this two things and need to
- 01:15:43have a correct confirmation to achieve
- 01:15:45full activity so the enzyme PDI helps
- 01:15:48correct incorrect dulfi bonds allowing
- 01:15:50proteins to unfold and defold correctly
- 01:15:53improving correct protein qu information
- 01:15:55both in vro and in Vivo okay so now we
- 01:15:59are moving into the understanding of the
- 01:16:02structures of protein okay so aninon
- 01:16:06could help us understand that whether
- 01:16:09proteins uh structure information is
- 01:16:11confirmed and the proper structure is
- 01:16:14important to understand and to regain
- 01:16:17biological activity so now if we talk
- 01:16:20about protein structures the protein
- 01:16:23structure as you can see here are in can
- 01:16:25be said into divided into four types
- 01:16:27primary structure secondary structure
- 01:16:29tertiary structure and quary structure
- 01:16:32so now after seeing uh this uh who would
- 01:16:35like to state that what are the uh what
- 01:16:38is the basic differences between each of
- 01:16:40these structure or what are those
- 01:16:42structural forms so in the primary
- 01:16:43structure what is the uh basic structure
- 01:16:47primary structure of amino acids means
- 01:16:50uh what do you mean by primary structure
- 01:16:53of amino acids so you have already seen
- 01:16:55in the
- 01:16:56presentation so what do you mean by
- 01:16:58primary
- 01:17:00structure and in the Anin sense
- 01:17:02experiment also you could understand
- 01:17:03that after protein is denatured you are
- 01:17:06getting the primary a seted yes go
- 01:17:12ahead yes Bas you can go ahead
- 01:17:26yes basti you haveed your hand right you
- 01:17:28can go ahead
- 01:18:01okay right good yeah so you have mostly
- 01:18:04stated uh definition of the structure so
- 01:18:08primary structure is what is just the
- 01:18:10basic sequence or that is the sequence
- 01:18:13that has been what we have already
- 01:18:16discussed that it is from the after the
- 01:18:18translation or the using TRNA we have
- 01:18:20got the sequence so this is contains the
- 01:18:23basic structural information of Amo
- 01:18:25acids within it and followed by the
- 01:18:27secondary structure is
- 01:18:29the holding between the residues of a
- 01:18:32primary structure and then goes to the
- 01:18:34tertiary structure between the different
- 01:18:37regions of that particular polypeptide
- 01:18:39and finally Quon structure between the
- 01:18:41two uh subunits so now what we will do
- 01:18:44is
- 01:18:45that we will go to understand so so
- 01:18:49before going into what is a f and what
- 01:18:52is s uh Bond
- 01:18:55so anyone just quickly you can tell what
- 01:18:59is pi and what is
- 01:19:00s uh angles or side Bonds in the
- 01:19:05proteins in an amino acid primary
- 01:19:13structure so what is a five
- 01:19:19Bond what is five and what is five just
- 01:19:22quickly
- 01:19:29anyone so you all know
- 01:19:33right
- 01:19:36sorry
- 01:19:45H so that is C Alpha that a carbon Alpha
- 01:19:49carbon with the p and Alpha carbon to n
- 01:19:53right so that is the SII and F bonds
- 01:19:57right so this is what let
- 01:20:00ramach or the
- 01:20:02ramachandran uh to decide on the
- 01:20:04structure of the proteins that which
- 01:20:07particular region are we will be able to
- 01:20:11rotate will be able to get and it will
- 01:20:14be the TS and those angles right so the
- 01:20:18n c Alpha and the C Alpha c bonds in a
- 01:20:23polypeptide which are free to rotate
- 01:20:25with the rotations represent by the
- 01:20:27Toran angles pi and side so you just try
- 01:20:31to remember and understand that we have
- 01:20:33said that the peptide bonds that we are
- 01:20:36seeing is quite rigid and have a huge
- 01:20:39amount of barriers to rotation and all
- 01:20:42these things now followed by that what
- 01:20:44we are saying that the NC Alpha so now
- 01:20:47the C Alpha C and the SP and the S
- 01:20:50angles that how they are going to rotate
- 01:20:53in the polypeptide
- 01:20:55that is determined by the ramachandra
- 01:20:57plot so that what uh what how it has
- 01:21:01been determined that it has been
- 01:21:02determined to use computer models to
- 01:21:05verify and S angles systematically to
- 01:21:08identify the St stable confirmations and
- 01:21:11avoiding statically disallowed
- 01:21:13structures where Atomic SP spares how
- 01:21:16that was determined that thetically
- 01:21:19disallowed structures or Atomic spheres
- 01:21:22so the based on vand radi would Collide
- 01:21:25so on the basis of the vender radius
- 01:21:28that where it was going to collide it
- 01:21:30has it was decided and it would be taken
- 01:21:33forward so whichever regions were
- 01:21:36allowed right so what are white areas in
- 01:21:40a ramachandra plot in the white areas of
- 01:21:43the ramachandra plot are that it is
- 01:21:46sterically disallowed confirmations
- 01:21:48where atoms come closer than their V was
- 01:21:51radi except for glycine except for
- 01:21:53glycine the atoms come closer and there
- 01:21:57will be sterically disallowed
- 01:21:59confirmations right sterically disallow
- 01:22:09confirmations so this is so you can see
- 01:22:11in the fourth quadrant there is no place
- 01:22:14where it is allowed region okay so just
- 01:22:17uh see check here so this white space
- 01:22:19whatever white space are there all are
- 01:22:22thetically disallowed because their
- 01:22:25confirmation their atoms cannot come
- 01:22:27closer so only these regions are coming
- 01:22:30closer so red areas are no steric
- 01:22:33classes clashes representing Alpha and
- 01:22:36beta sheet confirmations okay a yellow
- 01:22:40area slightly shorter when radi so this
- 01:22:43is only the red regions that represents
- 01:22:47the no steady classes and Alpha and bet
- 01:22:50sheet confirmations can be there yellow
- 01:22:52areas are what slightly water vanward
- 01:22:55was ready an additional region for the
- 01:22:57left-handed Alpha Helix so this is the
- 01:23:00left-handed for left-handed Alpha Helix
- 01:23:02this is right-handed Alpha Helix region
- 01:23:05allowed regions so Al amino acids
- 01:23:08generally don't form extended left hand
- 01:23:10helices but Glycine asparagine and
- 01:23:12aspartate can adopt this conation due to
- 01:23:15side chain stabilization so Al amino
- 01:23:18acids do not form this kind of
- 01:23:20left-handed extended left-handed Alpha
- 01:23:22elix confirmations but Glycine
- 01:23:25asparagine and aspartate can adapt to
- 01:23:28this confirmation due to the side chain
- 01:23:31stabilization and glycine Laing a side
- 01:23:33chain can cut up F angles in all
- 01:23:35quadrants of the ramachandra plot often
- 01:23:38found in protein turn regions where
- 01:23:40other
- 01:23:41residues would be sterically hindered so
- 01:23:44glycine is only one amino acid that is
- 01:23:47adopt F and S angles in all quadrants of
- 01:23:50the ramachandra plot often found in
- 01:23:52protein turn regions where residues
- 01:23:55would be sterically hindered so if
- 01:23:58question at all comes in any of the
- 01:24:01examinations or anywhere that which
- 01:24:03particular amino acid is only present in
- 01:24:07all the four can be present in all the
- 01:24:09four qu of ramachandran plot then please
- 01:24:13remember that glycine is the only amino
- 01:24:15acid that can be present in each of the
- 01:24:19four quadrants of the rachand plot
- 01:24:21because of its simple nature and it does
- 01:24:25not contain it does not contain any uh
- 01:24:30hindered structure or
- 01:24:33sterically uh kinded regions and it is
- 01:24:36generally found in the protein turns
- 01:24:39where other amino acids will not be
- 01:24:41present because of the St hin okay so
- 01:24:44this is what uh you can try to uh
- 01:24:49understand and uh remember so these are
- 01:24:53the regions which which are the
- 01:24:54disallowed which are the allowed and
- 01:24:56which are extended left hand alysis with
- 01:24:58have St clashes and which does not allow
- 01:25:02for any regions okay so what is the
- 01:25:05secondary uh structure of amino acids so
- 01:25:10secondary structure of amino acids can
- 01:25:12be dbed as refers to regular uh so we
- 01:25:17have understood that the primary is just
- 01:25:19the sequence but a protein uh from an
- 01:25:23experiment also you have understood that
- 01:25:25the to have a biological function a
- 01:25:27protein should regain and reform and
- 01:25:30should have its active structure then
- 01:25:32only the proteins would be able to
- 01:25:35function it biologically and would be
- 01:25:37biologically active otherwise it is not
- 01:25:40possible for the protein with only the
- 01:25:42particular amino acid sequence to have
- 01:25:45its complete function right so now the
- 01:25:49next part comes under the process of
- 01:25:51secondary structure of amino acids and
- 01:25:53again the amino acids or the proteins to
- 01:25:57be in a particular uh angle and
- 01:25:59particular region of the FI angle again
- 01:26:01ramach plot comes into action otherwise
- 01:26:04there will be stetic hindrance and the
- 01:26:05proteins will go in an un favorable
- 01:26:08position and that residue would make the
- 01:26:10protein Disorder so what is uh what are
- 01:26:14the two I think you all are aware about
- 01:26:18about it that the most popular two
- 01:26:20structures of amino acids are alpha
- 01:26:23helics and beta TR are those which are
- 01:26:26very much crucial and which are very
- 01:26:29much uh popular for uh very much
- 01:26:33proteins follow these parts to get it
- 01:26:37forward so for example Alpha Helix which
- 01:26:40is the right-handed uh
- 01:26:43spiral confirmation so backbone NH group
- 01:26:47donates a hydrogen bond to the backbone
- 01:26:50and Co group to the amino acid four
- 01:26:53residues
- 01:26:54earlier so what is that meaning so in
- 01:26:58the primary amino acid sequence you have
- 01:27:01the complete residu so from I to uh n
- 01:27:05from one to n residue so I and the
- 01:27:08hydrogen bond develop between the fourth
- 01:27:12I + fourth residue of that particular
- 01:27:15amino acid that leads to the particular
- 01:27:19Alpha that we will be uh looking at in
- 01:27:21detail whereas beta strand are the
- 01:27:24stretches of polypeptide chains which is
- 01:27:273 to 10 amino acids long in an almost
- 01:27:29fully extended conformation and adjacent
- 01:27:33beta transform beta sheets that are
- 01:27:35stabilized by hydrogen bonds uh so it
- 01:27:39includes the beta sheet structure in
- 01:27:40your silk proteins which you see that
- 01:27:42the fibroin and the fibrin which happens
- 01:27:45is the from the beta sheet that comes
- 01:27:48into place and stabilization by hydrogen
- 01:27:51bonds connected by turn tight turns and
- 01:27:55Loops so as what I was mentioning so
- 01:27:59this is how the alpha Helix look right
- 01:28:02so if you see this is the one so you can
- 01:28:05follow the number what does it mean the
- 01:28:08alpha heles or what is the meaning of
- 01:28:11the term of alpha heles that what we are
- 01:28:15saying so if we take this particular
- 01:28:18amino acid as 1 2 3 4 5 okay so what I
- 01:28:25have said if you just remember what I
- 01:28:28just now tested is I + 4 the hydrogen
- 01:28:34bond interaction between I and I + 4
- 01:28:40residue is what gives you the alpha
- 01:28:43Helix structure so for that amino acid
- 01:28:47is arranged 1 2 3 4 5 and here is a
- 01:28:53interaction so I one and fifth so you
- 01:28:56can see first and fifth are having one
- 01:29:00hydrogen bond sorry so this is one
- 01:29:03hydrogen bond please uh look uh
- 01:29:06carefully if you have any question or
- 01:29:08any doubt you can ask so one 2 3 4 5 so
- 01:29:12one and five have a bond two and six
- 01:29:15will have a bond so I and I + 4 so when
- 01:29:18it is 2 it is I + 4 = 6 there is a
- 01:29:23hydrogen bond Bond now 3 + 7 there will
- 01:29:27be an hydrogen bond so you can see three
- 01:29:30and 7 finally four and eight then five
- 01:29:34and nine so in this way you can see so
- 01:29:39here is a five and N so in this way the
- 01:29:41structure is formed for Alpha Helix
- 01:29:44whenever Alpha Helix is formed like this
- 01:29:47so what it is there so 1 and fourth 1
- 01:29:52and fifth 2 and six
- 01:29:54three and seven so in this way it keeps
- 01:29:59on going and it is forming the alpha
- 01:30:01Helix if you just go and visualize any
- 01:30:04protein structure you take in pdb or in
- 01:30:06anywhere and if you see this kind of
- 01:30:08alpha Helix you can understand that what
- 01:30:10is the hydrogen bond and interactions
- 01:30:13between which and which residues this is
- 01:30:16after every four residues or I I + 4 so
- 01:30:20if you if you you can remember that it
- 01:30:23is within the inter ction between I
- 01:30:25residue and i+ four residue so if we can
- 01:30:29keep on Counting and this is the
- 01:30:31hydrogen bond and this is how the
- 01:30:32structure is formed so this is the
- 01:30:35right-handed coil for 4 to 40 amino acid
- 01:30:38residues and it is held together by
- 01:30:40hydrogen bonds between Co and NH groups
- 01:30:43of every four after every four residues
- 01:30:48after every four residues and each
- 01:30:51complete turn of the Helix spans 3.6
- 01:30:55residues and it defines the coils
- 01:30:58thickness and turn length defining the
- 01:31:01coils thickness and turn
- 01:31:10length so this stability is dependent on
- 01:31:15correct theic
- 01:31:17configuration so this stability depend
- 01:31:20on on correct static configuration ation
- 01:31:24so the large cryopen thyrosine or SM
- 01:31:27small glycine destabilize the Helix okay
- 01:31:31so this stability of alpha Helix is
- 01:31:34quite very important to be determined by
- 01:31:38the correct static configuration and
- 01:31:41when we have large Copan thyrosine or
- 01:31:44small glycine or groups it destabilize
- 01:31:46the Helix so that's so where we need to
- 01:31:49be that that those amino acids don't
- 01:31:52favor the formation of alpha hel
- 01:31:54Proline destabilizes due to its
- 01:31:56irregular geometry and inability to
- 01:31:58participate in hydrogen bond okay
- 01:32:00because it does not have any uh free end
- 01:32:04okay so that's why so just remember
- 01:32:07which of the amino
- 01:32:09acids uh you don't have to remember you
- 01:32:12have to understand and apply the basic
- 01:32:15concept that in this kind of uh Helix
- 01:32:18the stabilization or the stability is
- 01:32:21quite important and if we have this
- 01:32:23large amino acids are small R groups it
- 01:32:26will definitely destabilize the helix or
- 01:32:29if we have the proline then it will also
- 01:32:31be destabilizing due to its irregular uh
- 01:32:34geometry and inability to participate in
- 01:32:37the hydrogen bonding the
- 01:32:39overall uh typ dipole M of the hel
- 01:32:42caused by individual Co group dipoles
- 01:32:44affect stability stable Alpha heles
- 01:32:47often end with a Charged amino acid to
- 01:32:49neutralize the dipo moment okay so this
- 01:32:53was was all about the alpha eles do you
- 01:32:55have any question or any doubt regarding
- 01:32:58Alpha eles anyone we have clearly
- 01:33:01understood that I and I +4 residue is
- 01:33:04what will Le you to the confirmation and
- 01:33:08it is uh obviously there will be some
- 01:33:10amino acids that will destabilize the
- 01:33:12heling structure like it Proline like it
- 01:33:15glycine because of very small nature and
- 01:33:17then of course we have large like Copan
- 01:33:20and uh like Copan which will dilize the
- 01:33:23hel so now we will be looking into one
- 01:33:26other secondary that the protein
- 01:33:29generally formed at beta sheets so bet
- 01:33:32strands are nearly your linear elements
- 01:33:35of the secondary structure two hydrogen
- 01:33:38bonding so you can see there's
- 01:33:40one linear strand of the polypeptides
- 01:33:43another strand another Strand and they
- 01:33:45are taking the hydrogen bond forming a
- 01:33:49beta sheet can be separated in the
- 01:33:50primary sequence by long segments of
- 01:33:52amino acid and not part of the sheet in
- 01:33:56parallel beta sheets hydrogen bonds are
- 01:33:58slanted in alternate directions and the
- 01:34:01sheet exibits a right-handed twist if
- 01:34:03this contrast with the anti parallel
- 01:34:05shets where H bonds are perpendicular to
- 01:34:08the Strand so we can understand
- 01:34:11the difference between parallel strands
- 01:34:14and anti parallel strands in the
- 01:34:17parallel beta sheet what happens is that
- 01:34:18are slanted in alternate directions so
- 01:34:21you can see slanted in alternate
- 01:34:23Direction and here they are in the anti
- 01:34:26parallel at the perpendicular to the St
- 01:34:28and Mi bet sheet a mixture of both
- 01:34:30parallel and anti parallel hydrogen uh
- 01:34:33bonding so this is what comes across the
- 01:34:36beta sheet so beta sheet will have your
- 01:34:38residues and I will have interconnected
- 01:34:40hydrogen bond that can be either slanted
- 01:34:43or can be perpendicular to each other on
- 01:34:45the basis of the parallel and
- 01:34:46antiparallel strand but in the elix it
- 01:34:50will be within that residue and this
- 01:34:52Loop but in the bet stand there will be
- 01:34:55uh elements and chains of amino acids
- 01:34:58and then finally it will be getting
- 01:35:01matched
- 01:35:02okay so now after that we comes under
- 01:35:06the prary structure of protein so once
- 01:35:08the secondary structure of proteins are
- 01:35:10formed in Alpha Helix and our beta sheet
- 01:35:15so now what we are going to do is that
- 01:35:18we are going to try to understand and
- 01:35:22identify the protein tertiary structure
- 01:35:26so tertiary structure is that is the 3D
- 01:35:29configuration of a protein to
- 01:35:31interaction between residues that may be
- 01:35:33inent so the 3D confirmation comes after
- 01:35:37we get the tary structure of proteins so
- 01:35:40these interactions involve various bonds
- 01:35:42and forces between our groups our groups
- 01:35:45and the backbone the types of bonds and
- 01:35:49interactions so T structures are
- 01:35:51stabilized by hydrogen bonds bander
- 01:35:54walls interactions so in the till in the
- 01:35:57secondary uh thing you can see that the
- 01:36:00bonds that it was formed by the hydrogen
- 01:36:03bonds so the now the bonds that are help
- 01:36:06to regain it or stabilize the structures
- 01:36:10are generally hydrogen bonds hydrophobic
- 01:36:12interactions Vander was interactions
- 01:36:14dulfi Bridges ionic bonds like this
- 01:36:18hydrophobic core formation non-polar
- 01:36:20amino acid cluster at the core of the
- 01:36:23prot to avoid water so this is very
- 01:36:26important so if a question comes like
- 01:36:29this in any concept you can understand
- 01:36:32so just think after uh uh going
- 01:36:37completing this week one that that
- 01:36:39different types of amino acids are being
- 01:36:42made not just to increase the diversity
- 01:36:45or it was not just uh by the nature that
- 01:36:48they had uh nature had tried something
- 01:36:50and have got the different diversity but
- 01:36:53each one of those amino acids of those
- 01:36:5520 amino acids has its own unique role
- 01:36:59the role to make the protein structure
- 01:37:02stabilize some proteins they give extra
- 01:37:05uh uh extra what I can say that rigidity
- 01:37:09or that it does not break like the heat
- 01:37:11shock proteins or those kind of nature
- 01:37:15this 20 amino acids are only on the
- 01:37:17basis of their arrangements are able to
- 01:37:20give them the structural stability to
- 01:37:23form the biological activities to
- 01:37:25perform different biological activities
- 01:37:26so that they remain together they do not
- 01:37:29get break down and they can perform each
- 01:37:32and every activity uh very uh clearly so
- 01:37:36this is where it comes very very
- 01:37:38important the role of each and every
- 01:37:40amino acid and the non-polar amino acids
- 01:37:43these are clustering at the core of the
- 01:37:46protein to avoid water and it is
- 01:37:48stabilized by Vandal forces hydrogen
- 01:37:50bonds ionic interactions between poar
- 01:37:53charged amino acids to contribute the
- 01:37:55overall structure then we have the role
- 01:37:57of primary strcture that we have seen an
- 01:37:59if sense experiment then we have the
- 01:38:01folding intermediates chaperon which
- 01:38:04reaching the stable configuration and
- 01:38:06the folding difference you can
- 01:38:08understand the misfolding can result in
- 01:38:10your various orders like disorders and
- 01:38:13cellular deaths and finally the quary
- 01:38:16structure formation is between the two
- 01:38:18subunits that like the hemoglobins A and
- 01:38:22B subunit it forms a ponary structure
- 01:38:24but still the tary structure is very
- 01:38:26much important and one thing is that the
- 01:38:30protein folding is very much uh sorry so
- 01:38:35the protein s just a minute yeah so the
- 01:38:37proteins uh foldings are very very much
- 01:38:41crucial uh in having the 3D structure
- 01:38:44and they are very much evolutionary
- 01:38:46conserved as well the 3D structure of
- 01:38:48the proteins are pretty much
- 01:38:50evolutionary conserved uh as well that
- 01:38:53helps us in uh getting the data that is
- 01:38:57it help us in uh getting that
- 01:39:00particular structure and the biological
- 01:39:03activity to finally get it captured so
- 01:39:07finally we have the individual uh
- 01:39:09subunit structure we have the individual
- 01:39:12each subunit has its own uh primary
- 01:39:16secondary uh and the tertiary structure
- 01:39:20and then we have the forces that are
- 01:39:22holding the subunits together by
- 01:39:24hydrogen bonds and vs forces specific
- 01:39:27Arrangement and impact of alteration
- 01:39:29okay so you can understand that it is
- 01:39:31quite important to have otherwise it
- 01:39:34will not lead to the proper function and
- 01:39:36proper structure and overall proper
- 01:39:38function of a uh protein okay so the
- 01:39:41forces that are holding subun together
- 01:39:43are quite important individual subun
- 01:39:45structure and those structure
- 01:39:48formation yeah sorry so protein folding
- 01:39:52if I talked about in just a brief so
- 01:39:55this is a process linear polypeptide
- 01:39:58transforms into functional
- 01:39:59threedimensional structure I think all
- 01:40:01of you are aware of it so protein
- 01:40:03folding is basically nothing but the
- 01:40:04linear polypeptide chain that we get
- 01:40:08it's to be converted into a linear
- 01:40:10polyte chain and is transformed into a
- 01:40:13functional threedimensional
- 01:40:14structure and initial and final States
- 01:40:17will be that the proteins initially
- 01:40:18exist as unfolded polypeptides or random
- 01:40:21foils after translation and they acquire
- 01:40:23a stable three dimensional structure
- 01:40:25known as the native
- 01:40:27state uh then we have the information
- 01:40:29contained in the primary structure role
- 01:40:31of capons and evolutionary conservation
- 01:40:35as I mentioned and the importance of
- 01:40:38correct folding and the ionic
- 01:40:39interaction and the dulfi bridges okay
- 01:40:43so this we will find in quite uh uh in
- 01:40:47the reducing so you can see that in the
- 01:40:49reducing environment you won't find it
- 01:40:51but where you need to hide provide High
- 01:40:54stability and all there we will be
- 01:40:55finding so now there is another concept
- 01:40:58of lethal's paradox and energy uh
- 01:41:02Landscapes so will anyone of you would
- 01:41:04like to just give a brief idea of leen's
- 01:41:09paradox you have gone through this in
- 01:41:11the video
- 01:41:13right have you gone through this in this
- 01:41:16uh in the video
- 01:41:28huh so what is 11's
- 01:41:32Paradox or the energy Landscapes related
- 01:41:35to protein
- 01:41:39folding just
- 01:41:43try so any reaction to happen should be
- 01:41:47thermodynamically stable or favorable
- 01:41:49right do you agree with my statement or
- 01:41:52not
- 01:41:55is there anyone who does not agree to my
- 01:41:59statement that any reaction to happen it
- 01:42:01should be thermodynamically
- 01:42:07favorable agree
- 01:42:11right so what we are try in the living
- 01:42:15Paradox and the enery Landscapes is that
- 01:42:17this thought experiment highlights your
- 01:42:20problem of finding your stable energy
- 01:42:23configuration for proteins where an
- 01:42:26exhaustive search to all possible
- 01:42:28conformations would be imprac time
- 01:42:31consuming so what is that if we try to
- 01:42:34find out the uh finding the stable
- 01:42:38energy configuration for our proteins so
- 01:42:41exhaustive search through all possible
- 01:42:43confirmations would be very much
- 01:42:45impractically time consuming so what it
- 01:42:49is there the protein folding efficiency
- 01:42:53despite the vast number of potential
- 01:42:58confirmations proteins fold quickly into
- 01:43:01their native States even in complex
- 01:43:05structures so despite the vast number of
- 01:43:08potential
- 01:43:10conations proteins fold quickly into
- 01:43:12their native States even in their
- 01:43:14complex structures so the rapid folding
- 01:43:18process suggest that protein transitions
- 01:43:20are guided toward stable States through
- 01:43:22an EV energy landscape rather than
- 01:43:25through random search okay so they are
- 01:43:29rapid folding process should be that the
- 01:43:32transitions are guided towards F
- 01:43:34State through an uneven landscape and
- 01:43:38rather than through random s okay so
- 01:43:40this is basically to understand that the
- 01:43:42if you try to find out the possible
- 01:43:44States so it should be guided that which
- 01:43:47will be the favorable and should not be
- 01:43:50too much random otherwise it will be a
- 01:43:52paradox that it will
- 01:43:53not possible uh to find a stable energy
- 01:43:57configuration so for each configuration
- 01:43:59we compute so QR and R then average and
- 01:44:04repeated for zero and Which is less than
- 01:44:06the one
- 01:44:08okay so molecular chaperons are those
- 01:44:11which are conserved proteins that assist
- 01:44:13in the folding so these are plays a very
- 01:44:17huge uh role when there is for the
- 01:44:20assist in the folding of the newly synth
- 01:44:23proteins and preventing misfolding under
- 01:44:26normal conditions and stress such as
- 01:44:28high temperatures so any change in the
- 01:44:31chaperons would be also very much
- 01:44:33crucial and can be taken then assistance
- 01:44:36during stress that the chaperons help
- 01:44:38maintain protein stability and proper
- 01:44:40folding even when cells are exposed to
- 01:44:42sful conditions and significant advances
- 01:44:46have been made in understanding the ATP
- 01:44:48dependent mechanism used by hsp70 and
- 01:44:51chaperon families of chaperons
- 01:44:58and then Cooperative folding hsp70 and
- 01:45:00chonis can work together to facilitate
- 01:45:02the correct folding of new polypeptide
- 01:45:07CH
- 01:45:09okay so as I mentioned so I'd like to
- 01:45:13end uh towards uh this uh today's uh
- 01:45:16thing so there is the omix technology so
- 01:45:19as we have started with I would like to
- 01:45:23uh finish it there only so we have
- 01:45:26understood the basic principles of
- 01:45:28chemistry protein chemistry amino acids
- 01:45:31and all where we are going to take it
- 01:45:33forward for understanding towards the
- 01:45:36entire set of the proteins present in an
- 01:45:39individual so there are different omix
- 01:45:42Technologies so just if I give you a
- 01:45:44brief that it is not uh today or that
- 01:45:47certainly we have come across this idea
- 01:45:50that if we can understand the entire set
- 01:45:52of the proteins we can do something very
- 01:45:55groundbreaking and we can come across to
- 01:45:58certain extent so it all started when
- 01:46:01people when scientists thought that if
- 01:46:05we understand the genetic sequence or
- 01:46:07the DNA sequence of an individuals then
- 01:46:10our entire lot of problem can be solved
- 01:46:14and we can easily come and to can
- 01:46:18understand and can tackle many diseases
- 01:46:20so it started all in '90s and in 2000s
- 01:46:24we could complete the Human Genome
- 01:46:26Project but it was a kind of shock for
- 01:46:29the scientist because it was found out
- 01:46:31that the sequences are quite similar in
- 01:46:34nature the genomic DNA sequences are
- 01:46:37quite similar and there are not much
- 01:46:39changes between the individuals so then
- 01:46:42came the picture of other om
- 01:46:44Technologies specifically the field of
- 01:46:46omic proteomic which stated that
- 01:46:50the after the gene or the DNA sequence
- 01:46:53it is the proteins that are the plays
- 01:46:56the roles of particular functional and
- 01:46:59the structural role in an individual so
- 01:47:02this understanding of this is will be
- 01:47:04quite much useful then comes the
- 01:47:06transcriptomic where the gene expression
- 01:47:09that is quite directly or indirectly
- 01:47:12linked with the protein expression and
- 01:47:14the uh proteins and then finally now the
- 01:47:18emerging field of metabolomic where the
- 01:47:21metabolites or the function level of The
- 01:47:23small molecules are also come into
- 01:47:27playing into pictur that which also uh
- 01:47:31is going you to uh understand uh the
- 01:47:34phenotypic effect at an uh at a very uh
- 01:47:38later level at a very uh level you can
- 01:47:41understand the metabolic disorders that
- 01:47:42are being in place uh completely M
- 01:47:46today's date uh so we all can understand
- 01:47:49at each layer it and whatever layer we
- 01:47:52add
- 01:47:53we keep on adding the complexity genome
- 01:47:56epome transcript prot metabol But
- 01:47:59ultimately this gives us a picture of
- 01:48:02all the uh curated things and in a
- 01:48:05Precision format and uh very much
- 01:48:09important uh required so these are the
- 01:48:12omix Technologies I think you will be
- 01:48:14going to the omix based Technologies
- 01:48:17among the proteomic so you have this
- 01:48:19course we will be learning introduction
- 01:48:23to proteomic in quite detail uh so you
- 01:48:26can understand the proteins its role its
- 01:48:29place and its functions and then
- 01:48:31definitely uh you can explore other
- 01:48:34techniques as well as well in this
- 01:48:37semester only I think there there is
- 01:48:39another more course ongoing that is the
- 01:48:41proteogenomics which com which combines
- 01:48:44the two technologies proteomics and
- 01:48:47genomics to now much comprehensive
- 01:48:50information yeah so if you have any
- 01:48:52question related to this week's doubt or
- 01:48:54today's uh this live session or
- 01:48:57anything uh you are free to do so uh so
- 01:49:02please uh let me know that if you have
- 01:49:04any doubt any
- 01:49:11questions no
- 01:49:14right everything is uh
- 01:49:21clear okay so then I think uh we
- 01:49:32can yeah so I think we can uh
- 01:49:39then uh end today's class and I think we
- 01:49:42can meet again in the next week so
- 01:49:45hopefully uh as I have mentioned that
- 01:49:47you can go ahead and ask uh different uh
- 01:49:51search like specifically the question
- 01:49:55that I said like the trip scene how it
- 01:49:56works how it what reaction it breaks
- 01:49:59down okay because this all will be uh
- 01:50:02coming in the consequent weeks and we
- 01:50:05can look into it okay so I think then we
- 01:50:08can
- 01:50:10end today's class and if you have any
- protéomique
- acides aminés
- structures protéiques
- misfolding des protéines
- loi de Beer-Lambert
- chaperons moléculaires
- paradoxe de Levinthal
- interactions protéiques
- techniques analytiques
- concepts de base