- 🇺🇦 特朗普主张通过谈判结束与俄罗斯的战争。
- ⚖️ 内部文明的脆弱性是西方社会面临的主要威胁。
- 💰 战争的经济成本和人道主义危机不得不审视。
- 🌍 性别问题和社会动态对民主的影响显著。
- 🤝 需要在乌克兰与俄罗斯之间建立和平对话。
- 📉 美国和欧洲对持续战争的耐心正在减弱。
- 💬 自由言论的保障对西方社会至关重要。
- 🕊️ 欧盟的支持态度在公开与私下存在差异。
- 👥 解决方案需要双方共识与妥协。
- ⚠️ 持续冲突导致的后果将影响未来各国关系。
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
- 00:10:00 - 00:18:56
- 00:00:00something about my answer just really
- 00:00:01set zinsky off so then he came at me
- 00:00:04you're
- 00:00:06BL Then I then I went back at him nope
- 00:00:09actually I don't want to have it in
- 00:00:10private anymore I want to have this
- 00:00:11actual conversation in public for the
- 00:00:13American people to see these ideas are
- 00:00:16going to destroy Western Civilization
- 00:00:17they're going to destroy Europe and they
- 00:00:19would destroy the United States of
- 00:00:20America if we allowed them to Fester of
- 00:00:23course China is a major threat it's it's
- 00:00:26a major competitor over the next few
- 00:00:28years over the next few decades but I
- 00:00:30have no doubt that America and Europe
- 00:00:32could take on whatever threats so long
- 00:00:35as we're strong internally Mr Vice
- 00:00:37President thank you for being with us
- 00:00:38good to see you man appr great to be
- 00:00:39here let's go back to the Oval Office
- 00:00:41Friday yep from your perspective yeah
- 00:00:44great tv as the president said yeah well
- 00:00:47you know it's it's funny so we have a 40
- 00:00:5045 minute press conference and the
- 00:00:51president normally does this I I've seen
- 00:00:53this now three or four times with
- 00:00:54foreign leaders where he likes to bring
- 00:00:56the media in likes to have a
- 00:00:57conversation but answer questions with
- 00:00:59the press as you he's very open with
- 00:01:01reporters and what I noticed is that for
- 00:01:03the first 25 30 or so minutes he tried
- 00:01:06to sort of bend over backwards to be
- 00:01:08gracious and kind to zalinsky even when
- 00:01:10zalinsky was kind of needling him even
- 00:01:12when zalinsky was saying things that I
- 00:01:14thought were untrue the president just
- 00:01:16tried to be diplomatic right I think
- 00:01:19that's that's his Natural Instinct in
- 00:01:20that situation and then when it really
- 00:01:22went off the rails of course is when I
- 00:01:25asked or you had a Polish journalist who
- 00:01:28asked a question the president answered
- 00:01:30it and then I answered it and then
- 00:01:32something about my answer just really
- 00:01:34set zilinsky off so then he came at
- 00:01:38me then I then I went back at him and
- 00:01:42what I tried to do originally was
- 00:01:44actually try to diffuse the situation a
- 00:01:46little bit cuz I'm like you know we're
- 00:01:47having this meeting obviously there are
- 00:01:49a 100 television cameras here let's try
- 00:01:51to have this conversation in private and
- 00:01:54then the president uh as we kept on
- 00:01:56going back and forth I tried again to
- 00:01:58say well maybe we should to have this
- 00:02:00conversation in private and the
- 00:02:01president was like nope actually I don't
- 00:02:03want to have it in private anymore I
- 00:02:04want to have this actual conversation in
- 00:02:06public for the American people to see
- 00:02:08and and I do think that there was just a
- 00:02:09certain sense of there was a lack of
- 00:02:12respect there was a certain sense of
- 00:02:13entitlement and and most importantly
- 00:02:15look we can look past all of that stuff
- 00:02:18but the president has set a very clear
- 00:02:20goal for his administration he wants the
- 00:02:21killing to stop and I think that it's
- 00:02:23very important that President zalinsky
- 00:02:25and of course President Putin too
- 00:02:26they've both got to come to the
- 00:02:28negotiating table and that's ultimately
- 00:02:30where things broke apart I really don't
- 00:02:32care what President zilinski says about
- 00:02:33me or anybody else but he showed a clear
- 00:02:36unwillingness to engage in the peace
- 00:02:38process that President Trump has said is
- 00:02:40the policy of the American people and of
- 00:02:43their president that's the real
- 00:02:44breakdown is I think zinski wasn't yet
- 00:02:47there and I think frankly now still
- 00:02:48isn't there but I think he'll get there
- 00:02:50eventually he has to he my understanding
- 00:02:52is he tried to get back in or tried to
- 00:02:55stay a number of times and then made
- 00:02:56numerous calls to come back is that true
- 00:02:59uh I don't know about numerous calls but
- 00:03:01they certainly made at least one request
- 00:03:03to come back in and continue the
- 00:03:05conversation the president was like look
- 00:03:06first of all they were disrespectful and
- 00:03:08second of all what are we even going to
- 00:03:10talk about they shown a clear
- 00:03:11unwillingness to discuss the peaceful
- 00:03:14settlement that President Trump is
- 00:03:15trying to bring to the situation I think
- 00:03:17a lot of Americans are sort of you know
- 00:03:19it's useful to step back and ask
- 00:03:21ourselves what is the actual plan here
- 00:03:24you can't just fund the war forever the
- 00:03:27American people won't stand for it and
- 00:03:28by the way Sean if you look at European
- 00:03:30opinion polls the Europeans aren't going
- 00:03:32to stand forever for it either we need
- 00:03:35to bring this thing to a peaceful
- 00:03:36settlement the president was trying to
- 00:03:38do that he'll continue to try to do that
- 00:03:40but you've got to have two too you've
- 00:03:42got to have a negotiating partner in the
- 00:03:44ukrainians who recognize that you know
- 00:03:46of course they have their views and of
- 00:03:48course they're not always going to agree
- 00:03:49with us but they've got to participate
- 00:03:51in the conversation they weren't willing
- 00:03:53to do that on Friday so the president
- 00:03:54said send him home he said today that
- 00:03:56the war he expects will go on a very
- 00:03:58long time I don't know where he's going
- 00:04:00to get the money to fund that War I have
- 00:04:02my doubts that Europe will fund the war
- 00:04:04to the level that Biden and Harris would
- 00:04:06funding it and then the issue now has
- 00:04:08come up whether or not this
- 00:04:10Administration will continue to offer
- 00:04:13money and arms for this war to continue
- 00:04:16because without America I would argue
- 00:04:18the president was right in saying they
- 00:04:19have no cards yeah well well Sean I
- 00:04:21think our European friends frankly are
- 00:04:23being really really they're doing a
- 00:04:26disservice to the ukrainians because
- 00:04:28their own populations are saying we're
- 00:04:30not going to fund this war indefinitely
- 00:04:31the American people are saying we don't
- 00:04:33want to fund the war indefinitely so the
- 00:04:35only thing that is in the best interest
- 00:04:37of America of Russia of Ukraine and of
- 00:04:40Europe is to bring this thing to a close
- 00:04:42what happens Sean is you have zilinsky
- 00:04:44he goes to Europe and a lot of our
- 00:04:46European friends puff them up they say
- 00:04:48you know you're a freedom fighter you
- 00:04:50need to keep fighting forever well
- 00:04:51fighting forever with what with whose
- 00:04:53money with whose ammunition and with
- 00:04:55whose lives the president is actually
- 00:04:58taking a much more realistic pers
- 00:04:59perspective and saying this can't go on
- 00:05:01forever we can't fund this thing forever
- 00:05:03the ukrainians can't fight forever so
- 00:05:05let's bring this thing to a peaceful
- 00:05:07settlement when I interviewed zalinsky
- 00:05:09he wouldn't give me direct answers we I
- 00:05:10asked him about the mineral deal to pay
- 00:05:12the us back to me there's three phases
- 00:05:15in this and my understanding was Friday
- 00:05:18was supposed to be relatively ceremonial
- 00:05:20it was and then that it was supposed to
- 00:05:21be we signed the mineral deal that's
- 00:05:23that's part one part two would be a
- 00:05:26ceasefire part three would be the hard
- 00:05:28the hardest part iated settlement with
- 00:05:30Putin who correct me if I'm wrong said
- 00:05:32he's willing to talk peace with Trump
- 00:05:34yeah he said he's willing to talk peace
- 00:05:36and of course we we we trust but verify
- 00:05:38we want to have the conversation we
- 00:05:39don't assume that everything that
- 00:05:41anybody tells us is true that's why we
- 00:05:43want to engage in this conversation but
- 00:05:46you're exactly right Sean when the
- 00:05:48ukrainians came to Washington on Friday
- 00:05:50it was supposed to be ceremonial you
- 00:05:52know there had been some public back and
- 00:05:53forth some disagreements some some words
- 00:05:56spoken in public and the president was
- 00:05:58like let's have this moment
- 00:06:00we give some credit to the brave
- 00:06:01Ukrainian Fighters and of course it's a
- 00:06:03very brave Army that they have there in
- 00:06:05Ukraine let's sign this minerals deal
- 00:06:07which importantly does two things it
- 00:06:09allows the American people to get some
- 00:06:10of their money back but it also shows
- 00:06:13the Ukrainian people that America has a
- 00:06:15long-term investment in their
- 00:06:17sovereignty you do those things we'll
- 00:06:19sign this thing we'll have a rah rah
- 00:06:21moment and then we'll get to the tough
- 00:06:22talk of negotiating peace we couldn't
- 00:06:25even get the ukrainians to a point where
- 00:06:27they could talk about the peaceful
- 00:06:29settlement and look in some way Sean I
- 00:06:31get it I get the frustration I get the
- 00:06:33rage it's their country of course it's
- 00:06:35not our country but you've got to accept
- 00:06:37cooler heads have got to Prevail this
- 00:06:40thing cannot go on forever this is the
- 00:06:43important point I'd say this to our of
- 00:06:44course most importantly the Americans
- 00:06:47who are watching but people all over the
- 00:06:48world when you talk to leaders in
- 00:06:50private whether they're Ukrainian or
- 00:06:53european when you talk to people in
- 00:06:55private they will tell you this cannot
- 00:06:57go on forever there aren't enough UK Ian
- 00:07:00lives there isn't enough American money
- 00:07:02and there isn't enough ammunition to
- 00:07:03fund this thing indefinitely the only
- 00:07:06realistic Pathway to bringing this thing
- 00:07:08to a settlement is President Trump's
- 00:07:10pathway we encourage both president
- 00:07:12zalinski and President Putin to follow
- 00:07:14that path well I mean hundreds of
- 00:07:16billions of dollars have been spent and
- 00:07:18this came up in the discussion Friday
- 00:07:20the Biden Administration called Putin
- 00:07:22every name in the book and they've been
- 00:07:23trying to get the president and he still
- 00:07:25invaded anyway okay he still invaded
- 00:07:27anyway well remember it depends if it's
- 00:07:29a minor incursion let's let's go back to
- 00:07:31that moment which I thought as troops
- 00:07:33were amassing on the border but I I go
- 00:07:36back and I I I think about this and and
- 00:07:39Biden spent all of this money call Putin
- 00:07:42all these names the media and the
- 00:07:44Democrats they want Donald Trump to call
- 00:07:47him names and the president addressed
- 00:07:49and then he's supposed to call him and
- 00:07:50say Vladimir could you ready to talk a
- 00:07:53piece now that's not going to work no
- 00:07:55it's diplomacy one on 101 right is you
- 00:07:58have to have a reasonable relationship
- 00:07:59ship with somebody to be able to even
- 00:08:02start the conversation we have to
- 00:08:04remember Sean Ukraine half of the
- 00:08:06country a third of the country is
- 00:08:08totally destroyed the economy is
- 00:08:10depressed you've got hundreds of
- 00:08:11thousands of of dead ukrainians of
- 00:08:13course a lot of dead Russians as well
- 00:08:16the president wants to negotiate a
- 00:08:18settlement how can you negotiate if you
- 00:08:20can't even talk to somebody and that's
- 00:08:22what he said he's not saying like
- 00:08:24nobody's suggesting as as secretary
- 00:08:26Rubio said no one is suggesting that we
- 00:08:28give the Nobel Peace prize to Vladimir
- 00:08:30Putin what we're saying is it's
- 00:08:32important for president Trump to be able
- 00:08:34to have a conversation that's not well
- 00:08:37served by standing up at a press
- 00:08:39conference and calling the guy every
- 00:08:41negative name in the book by the way as
- 00:08:43we just said President Biden called
- 00:08:45Putin every single name of the book what
- 00:08:47did it lead to it led to war it led to
- 00:08:50destruction it led to conflict president
- 00:08:52Trump is trying to bring this thing to a
- 00:08:53close you got to be able to talk to
- 00:08:55somebody to do that is the door open
- 00:08:57president Trump said Friday he can come
- 00:09:00back if he wants peace is that door
- 00:09:02still open today what president Trump
- 00:09:04has said clearly and consistently is of
- 00:09:07course the door is open so long as
- 00:09:10zalinsky is willing to seriously talk
- 00:09:12peace you can't come into the Oval
- 00:09:14Office or anywhere else and refuse to
- 00:09:16even discuss the details of a peace deal
- 00:09:19look this is not going to make anybody
- 00:09:21happy the Russians are going to have to
- 00:09:23give up stuff the ukrainians are going
- 00:09:24to have to give up stuff you can't come
- 00:09:26to the Oval Office and say give us
- 00:09:28security guarantees we won't even engage
- 00:09:30with you about what we're willing to
- 00:09:32give up that's been the Ukrainian
- 00:09:33posture when that posture changes as
- 00:09:36president Trump said when they're
- 00:09:37willing to talk peace I think president
- 00:09:39Trump will be the first person to pick
- 00:09:40up the phone well I got to imagine that
- 00:09:42they're probably rethinking it what did
- 00:09:44you make of European leaders you know
- 00:09:46quote their voices of solidarity this
- 00:09:48weekend because as Lindsey Graham who's
- 00:09:51been very supportive of Ukraine in this
- 00:09:52conflict I mean he was liid yes and he
- 00:09:55said if if they want to now defend their
- 00:09:57own continent let them go ahead and do
- 00:09:58it good luck to them yeah and my message
- 00:10:01to ukrainians by the way to president
- 00:10:02zalinski is when you've lost Lindsey
- 00:10:04Graham that means you need to come to
- 00:10:06the negotiating table and recognize
- 00:10:08Donald Trump is the only game in town
- 00:10:10he's the only person who I think can has
- 00:10:12a meaningful plan to save that country
- 00:10:15but you Sean here's the problem with the
- 00:10:17Europeans uh and a lot of these guys are
- 00:10:19our friends they're our allies uh we of
- 00:10:22course you know the president has a
- 00:10:23great relationship with a lot of
- 00:10:24European heads of state and so do I but
- 00:10:27they need to be realistic and the
- 00:10:30craziest part about this Sean is that
- 00:10:32sometimes you'll have European heads of
- 00:10:33state who in public will puff up their
- 00:10:36chest and say we're in it with president
- 00:10:38zalinski for the next 10 years and then
- 00:10:40in private they'll pick up the phone and
- 00:10:42say we can't this can't go on forever he
- 00:10:44has to come to negotiating table so I I
- 00:10:47honestly don't care what the Europeans
- 00:10:48say in public what what I care is what
- 00:10:50they say in private and what they need
- 00:10:52to be saying to president zinsky is this
- 00:10:54can't go on forever the Bloodshed the
- 00:10:57killing the economic devastation it's
- 00:11:00making everyone worse off the only
- 00:11:02pathway I think back to PE and peace and
- 00:11:04prosperity is what the president is
- 00:11:06trying to accomplish and now we look
- 00:11:07back in time and we see Joe Biden was
- 00:11:10beginning to understand that the
- 00:11:11patience of the American people is
- 00:11:13running thin hundreds of billions of
- 00:11:15dollars We're a nation with nearly 40
- 00:11:17trillion in debt I mean it's too much
- 00:11:19well Sean this is an important point
- 00:11:20though CU I was a United States senator
- 00:11:22of course for the last two years of the
- 00:11:23Biden Administration I got elected in
- 00:11:25this job better I think I like this job
- 00:11:27a lot better I certainly like the
- 00:11:28president
- 00:11:30and and here's the thing you know when
- 00:11:31you would talk to the Biden
- 00:11:33Administration officials in private this
- 00:11:35another example of a terrible situation
- 00:11:37that Biden admin left the Trump
- 00:11:39Administration when you ask them what's
- 00:11:41the plan okay we're going to spend tens
- 00:11:43of billions of dollars hundreds of
- 00:11:44billions of dollars in Ukraine what is
- 00:11:46your plan and they would honestly tell
- 00:11:48you well we're just going to send them
- 00:11:50weapons for as long as we can and hope
- 00:11:52eventually they can turn the tide hope
- 00:11:54is not a strategy throwing money and
- 00:11:57ammunition at a terrible conflict that
- 00:11:59is not a strategy the only guy in town
- 00:12:02with a strategy is the president of
- 00:12:03United States and everybody needs to
- 00:12:05follow his lead what scares me is
- 00:12:07zalinsky when he says it's going to go
- 00:12:09on for years how many more lives going
- 00:12:11to be lost he's not going to have a
- 00:12:12country to save at the end of that the
- 00:12:14minerals deal would have provided the
- 00:12:16Monies to rebuild their country and a
- 00:12:18strong us presidence and maybe European
- 00:12:21troops as well and this is this is an
- 00:12:22important part of it the president knows
- 00:12:24that look if you want real security
- 00:12:27guarantees if you want to actually
- 00:12:28Ensure that Vladimir Putin does not
- 00:12:31invade Ukraine again the very best
- 00:12:33security guarantee is to give Americans
- 00:12:36economic upside in the future of Ukraine
- 00:12:39that is a way better security guarantee
- 00:12:41than 20,000 troops from from some random
- 00:12:44country that hasn't fought a war in 30
- 00:12:46or 40 years the security guarantee and
- 00:12:49also the economic guarantee for Ukraine
- 00:12:52is to rebuild the country and ensure
- 00:12:54that America has a long-term interest
- 00:12:56you're not going to do that if you come
- 00:12:57to the Oval Office and salt the Pres
- 00:12:59president and refus to follow his plan
- 00:13:02for peace if he called and I hate
- 00:13:04hypothetical questions sure forgive me
- 00:13:06if he called tomorrow and said I am
- 00:13:08ready to adopt your plan for peace he
- 00:13:10can come back I think that if he called
- 00:13:12and had a serious proposal for how he
- 00:13:14was going to engage in the process look
- 00:13:15there are details that really matter
- 00:13:17that we're already working on with the
- 00:13:19Russians we've already talked with some
- 00:13:20of our allies he needs to engage
- 00:13:22seriously on the details I think once
- 00:13:24that happens then absolutely we want to
- 00:13:26talk you convince Putin and the Russians
- 00:13:28are willing to to to meet them I don't
- 00:13:31want to say the word halfway they're
- 00:13:32willing to do their part to achieve a
- 00:13:35negotiated settlement am I convinced no
- 00:13:37but do I think that there's a real
- 00:13:39pathway you got to trust but verify You'
- 00:13:41got to engage in the negotiation you've
- 00:13:43got to see what steps people are willing
- 00:13:44to take this is another thing Sean
- 00:13:46obviously I'm biased because I really
- 00:13:48love the guy but when the media attacks
- 00:13:50president Trump as somehow on the side
- 00:13:54of Putin two big problems with that
- 00:13:56first of all the only president in 20
- 00:13:58years years where you haven't had the
- 00:14:00Russians take a bunch of territory was
- 00:14:02under the first term of Donald J Trump
- 00:14:04the second part of that is you've got to
- 00:14:07actually accept that President Trump
- 00:14:09he's not just assuming that everything
- 00:14:11the Russians tell him is true he's
- 00:14:13negotiating with them there's a give and
- 00:14:15take there's a trust but verify that's
- 00:14:17called diplomacy we used to have some
- 00:14:20respect for that in Washington DC every
- 00:14:22time he talks about teror I'm like is
- 00:14:25the media and Democrats that ignorant
- 00:14:26have you not figured out that means oh
- 00:14:28let's neate and they seem not to want to
- 00:14:31understand that part of them you said at
- 00:14:33the Munich security conference and I
- 00:14:36want to quote it directly biggest threat
- 00:14:38to Europe is not Russia or China you
- 00:14:41talked about the r Retreat of Europe
- 00:14:44from fundamental values the threat is
- 00:14:47from within yes and and you went on to
- 00:14:50talk about digital censorship and
- 00:14:52cancelling elections that was a powerful
- 00:14:56condemnation of what is really happening
- 00:14:58there I appreciate it and it's also by
- 00:15:00the way Sean a condemnation of what the
- 00:15:01Biden Administration was doing this is
- 00:15:03one of the things that I think the
- 00:15:04Europeans didn't appreciate about the
- 00:15:06speech is the biggest driver of mass
- 00:15:09censorship in The Last 5 Years it
- 00:15:12actually wasn't the Europeans they were
- 00:15:14the victims of it in a lot of ways it
- 00:15:15was coming from the Biden Administration
- 00:15:18this whole crazy leftwing idea that
- 00:15:21we're not allowed to debate ideas that
- 00:15:23we're not allowed to discuss things that
- 00:15:25we have to silence people censor them
- 00:15:28throw them in jail for silently praying
- 00:15:30outside of an abortion clinic these
- 00:15:32ideas are going to destroy Western
- 00:15:34Civilization they're going to destroy
- 00:15:35Europe and they would destroy the United
- 00:15:37States of America if we allow them to
- 00:15:39Fester thank God we have a president now
- 00:15:42who believes in free speech but the
- 00:15:43danger is still there the danger is
- 00:15:45there in Europe the danger is there in
- 00:15:47the United States of America we have to
- 00:15:48ask ourselves the questions as leaders
- 00:15:51are we willing to defend people even if
- 00:15:53we disagree with what they say if you're
- 00:15:55not willing to do that I don't think
- 00:15:57you're fit to lead Europe or the states
- 00:15:59of Amica if you're running in fear of
- 00:16:01your own voters there is nothing America
- 00:16:04can do for you set it at the same
- 00:16:05confence exactly right there's nothing
- 00:16:07that we can do for you if you're
- 00:16:08terrified of your own people and Sean
- 00:16:10you see this every single day what are
- 00:16:12some of the biggest drivers of violence
- 00:16:14in these European societies it's Mass
- 00:16:17migration it's people who haven't
- 00:16:19assimilated into European societies who
- 00:16:21are driving cars into Christmas
- 00:16:23festivals killing tons tons of innocent
- 00:16:26people and very often the European
- 00:16:28response to to that is not to say oh
- 00:16:30well maybe we should get control of our
- 00:16:31own borders the response is to try to
- 00:16:34silence and shut down their own
- 00:16:35citizenry that is a danger in Europe it
- 00:16:38was a danger under Joe Biden in the
- 00:16:40United States of America and look of
- 00:16:42course China is a major threat it's it's
- 00:16:44a major competitor over the next few
- 00:16:46years over the next few decades but I
- 00:16:48have no doubt that America and Europe
- 00:16:51could take on whatever threats so long
- 00:16:53as we're strong internally that's the
- 00:16:56biggest risk to our civilization it's
- 00:16:58that weakness internally that's what we
- 00:17:00have to fix the Democratic party now
- 00:17:02they want long protracted Wars the
- 00:17:04Democratic party championing men to play
- 00:17:07in women's sports the Democratic party
- 00:17:09putting the rights of the illegals over
- 00:17:10the safety of Americans and defending
- 00:17:14what will be hundreds of trillions of
- 00:17:15dollars in waste fraud abuse corruption
- 00:17:17how does that end for them I think it
- 00:17:19ends very very poorly and the American
- 00:17:21people are a lot smarter than the
- 00:17:22Democrats give them credit for you
- 00:17:24cannot shut up your fellow citizens
- 00:17:27Force biological men to play in sports
- 00:17:30with girls which by the way isn't just
- 00:17:32insulting to the girls it's actually
- 00:17:34dangerous to girls Title 9 it's it's you
- 00:17:37some of these sports are very violent
- 00:17:39you don't want to have biological men
- 00:17:40against women it's crazy and the
- 00:17:42Democrats again there is this crazy idea
- 00:17:46in the Democratic party that if you just
- 00:17:48repeat insane ideas eventually the
- 00:17:50American people are going to believe
- 00:17:51them we actually think the American
- 00:17:53people are smart and we should listen to
- 00:17:55them rather than preach at them and I
- 00:17:57think that's the core right now of the
- 00:17:59of the president's political strength
- 00:18:01last question tomorrow you'll be sitting
- 00:18:04in a very prominent seat are you excited
- 00:18:06about uh your your seating chart for the
- 00:18:09State of the Union I'm excited about the
- 00:18:11speech it's going to be a little unusual
- 00:18:12to have the camera on me for you know an
- 00:18:14hour and a half and and every reaction
- 00:18:16that I have but I think you know as as
- 00:18:19the thing that I've learned Sean is
- 00:18:21people always say when you're on camera
- 00:18:23you know try to try to be stoic and try
- 00:18:25not to show your cards I'm going to have
- 00:18:27fun tomorrow because the president of
- 00:18:29the United States he's going to make a
- 00:18:31lot of good arguments he's going to talk
- 00:18:32a lot about a lot of the successes that
- 00:18:34we've had in these first 45 days he's
- 00:18:37also going to be himself which means
- 00:18:39he's going to poke a little fun and
- 00:18:41we're going to have a good time tomorrow
- 00:18:42so I'm just going to try to enjoy it
- 00:18:43well it seems like when I first
- 00:18:45interviewed you it seems like it's sunk
- 00:18:46in you now know you're the vice
- 00:18:48president so you're like okay this is a
- 00:18:50little new but uh Mr Vice President
- 00:18:52you're always generous with your time we
- 00:18:53really appreciate it you so much good to
- 00:18:55see you Sean
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