You CAN’T Control “Reality” Until You Can Control PEOPLE
TLDRThe video discusses the idea that controlling others is fundamentally tied to how one perceives and interacts with them. It introduces the concept of nonduality, asserting that all individuals are interconnected on a quantum level and that reality is not fixed but fluid. The speaker explains how perceptions shape our experiences of others and emphasizes the importance of altering internal dialogues to manifest desired outcomes in our interactions. The key takeaway is that by changing our mental framework and understanding our own vibrational alignment, we can influence the behavior of those around us.
- 🌀 Nonduality reveals interconnectedness with others.
- 🗣️ Internal conversations shape how we interact with people.
- 🧠 Manifestation is a continuous process of mental activity.
- 🔄 Changing perceptions can alter others' behaviors.
- ⚖️ Your frequency determines what you experience in reality.
- 💭 The mask others show you is shaped by your perception.
- ⚡ Reality is not fixed; it changes based on beliefs.
- 🔍 Awareness of your perceptions can shift experiences.
- 🤝 Every interaction is a form of co-creation.
- 🌌 Detach from solidified identities to experience growth.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
You can't control your reality without controlling people; understanding the concept of controlling others is crucial because reality involves interpersonal dynamics. The perception of people can affect your well-being, and what you believe affects your reality.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
To control people, one must understand nonduality—a concept signifying our interconnectedness with everyone and with the universe. This concept challenges the notion of individual separation and suggests a deeper, universal connection that influences reality.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Realizing that everything is interconnected requires understanding universal laws, including duality, which highlights the divisions in the physical realm (like positive/negative), but emphasizes that these divisions are illusions at a deeper, quantum level.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
The universe is fundamentally in flux with everything always vibrating. By understanding this, one can shift perceptions about others, thus changing how they interact in reality. This requires recognizing the illusory nature of separateness and seeing the interconnectedness of all beings.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
We manifest our reality constantly through mental activity, meaning what we think and believe brings forth our experiences. Manifestation is an automatic process, working subconsciously unless we consciously redirect our thoughts toward desired outcomes.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
The idea of synchronicity reflects the manifestation of our thoughts in reality. Realizing that your internal dialogues shape external experiences gives you authority over the outcomes you witness in life. Everything in life is a reflection of the mind.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
The masks people wear are societal facades; you project your perceptions onto them. To alter how you experience someone, it's essential to recognize that your beliefs about them shape your interactions. People can exhibit numerous versions of themselves.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
To control the behavior of others, identify and remove the labels you've placed on them. By detaching from your preconceptions, you open the door for new experiences and define who they can be through your expectations.
- 00:40:00 - 00:49:51
Transform your inner dialogue and imagination associated with the person you wish to change. Align your thoughts and mental images with the desired behavior in order to influence them positively. This rewiring of perceptions allows for an organic shift in how others interact with you.
What is nonduality?
Nonduality is the concept of interconnectedness between individuals and reality, suggesting that separation is an illusion.
How can I control people?
You control people by changing your perception of them and how you interact mentally and emotionally.
What role do perceptions play in relationships?
Perceptions shape our experiences of others; if we view someone negatively, we reinforce that behavior in our interactions.
What is the significance of internal conversations?
Internal conversations impact how you perceive and interact with others, influencing the reality of your relationships.
What does manifestation mean in this context?
Manifestation refers to making your internal mental activities visible in your external reality.
How can I change someone's behavior?
You can change someone's behavior by changing your perception and the internal narrative you hold about them.
Why is it important to understand frequency?
Your frequency determines what you can perceive and experience in reality, affecting your interactions with others.
What is the first step in controlling others?
The first step is to become aware of your experience of someone as just that – an experience, not an immutable identity.
How can I alter my perception of someone?
Detach from the solidified identity you’ve assigned to them, and recognize they can show you many different masks.
What does it mean to wear a mask in society?
Wearing a mask means altering one's behavior based on the context and the people involved, projecting different sides of oneself.
- 00:00:01you can control anyone in your reality
- 00:00:04now the truth of the matter is you
- 00:00:06actually can't control your reality
- 00:00:08until you can control people now the
- 00:00:10concept of actually controlling people
- 00:00:11simply extends to like you know TV shows
- 00:00:14with like puppet strings such as this
- 00:00:16lovely drawing done by AJ who now you
- 00:00:19know is a real person and I'm not some
- 00:00:21schizophrenic person making people up
- 00:00:23but you really can't control your
- 00:00:25reality until you can control people for
- 00:00:28the mere fact that there is no reality
- 00:00:30without people now throughout this video
- 00:00:34not only am I going to show you how you
- 00:00:36can control people I'm going to show you
- 00:00:38how you've already been doing it in ways
- 00:00:40that you don't even realize that they're
- 00:00:41destroying you because as with
- 00:00:43everything you know a common theme of
- 00:00:46what I say in my videos whether it's
- 00:00:48perception beliefs attention if the way
- 00:00:51that you perceive or experience people
- 00:00:53doesn't particularly serve you then it's
- 00:00:55going to destroy you
- 00:01:07you know somebody commented that you
- 00:01:09know Nero you should go on a 20
- 00:01:16V1 I look like a [ __ ] that goes on the
- 00:01:1820 V1 in fact don't even answer that
- 00:01:21because the way that I'm dressed I do
- 00:01:23but what the hell am I going to do on a
- 00:01:2520 V1 you know one thing I've realized
- 00:01:27nothing comes good out of a rude a WI
- 00:01:30room with a bunch of [ __ ] I ain't seen
- 00:01:31a good single good thing that's come out
- 00:01:33of that now before I can actually give
- 00:01:37you the process on how you can control
- 00:01:39people and by the way I'm not
- 00:01:40exaggerating when I say that I really do
- 00:01:43mean that you can control people and it
- 00:01:45will make sense so just relax you're
- 00:01:47going to get some just make sure you
- 00:01:48stick around but before I can actually
- 00:01:51break down the actual process itself I
- 00:01:55need to give you the backend systems of
- 00:01:58how it all works to begin with and the
- 00:02:00first thing that you have to realize
- 00:02:02comes back to an often spoken about
- 00:02:04concept which [ __ ] don't really
- 00:02:06explain because they don't have the
- 00:02:07capability of actually explaining this
- 00:02:09stuff which is one thing which is this
- 00:02:31you are one with everybody and when I
- 00:02:33say that I really don't say that you
- 00:02:35know as some statement to make you feel
- 00:02:38good I mean down to a quantum mechanical
- 00:02:41level which I'll explain and tie that
- 00:02:42into quantum physics but for now I just
- 00:02:45need you to understand one very very
- 00:02:47important concept within the realm of
- 00:02:49spirituality which is a concept called
- 00:02:55nonduality now
- 00:02:58nonduality is a a higher level
- 00:03:01understanding of the interconnectedness
- 00:03:03between you and your reality and
- 00:03:06everyone in your reality now in order to
- 00:03:09truly explain this we need to go back
- 00:03:12about 13 billion years to when the
- 00:03:14universe was first created and we were
- 00:03:16given the universal laws now when I say
- 00:03:19that I'm not talking about [ __ ] like the
- 00:03:21law of attraction or even the law of
- 00:03:22assumption I'm talking about the
- 00:03:24Hermetic principles principles that were
- 00:03:27given to us by an interdimensional
- 00:03:28entity now we don't need to go back and
- 00:03:30forth because I know a lot of [ __ ]
- 00:03:32believe that I'm a reptile so best
- 00:03:34believe when this video is done I'm
- 00:03:36going
- 00:03:38to shap
- 00:03:40shift anyways in order to truly
- 00:03:43understand nity we have to go to a law
- 00:03:45called polarity now another way of
- 00:03:47saying polarity is in fact Duality and
- 00:03:50Duality just means jeel separation split
- 00:03:53into two now everything within this
- 00:03:55third dimensional realm and only within
- 00:03:57this third dimensional Realm adheres to
- 00:04:00the law of polarity things are split
- 00:04:02into two in ways that you don't even
- 00:04:04realize for example there is negative
- 00:04:14positive there is masculine feminine and
- 00:04:18I'm not trying to argue with you [ __ ]
- 00:04:19on there so don't even start
- 00:04:25that I've definitely this looks like I
- 00:04:28spelled it wrong but I promise I'll
- 00:04:29spell fter right there is light and
- 00:04:35dark Rich poor so on and so forth
- 00:04:38everything within our reality is split
- 00:04:39into two but the split and this is very
- 00:04:43very important because if you don't
- 00:04:45understand what I'm about to say you
- 00:04:46going to try control people isn't going
- 00:04:48to work and bear in mind when I say
- 00:04:50control people I've taught this to
- 00:04:52clients that have used it to get girls
- 00:04:53used it to get guys girls being taken on
- 00:04:56trips where they a't had to do anything
- 00:04:58clients literally completely altered the
- 00:05:00consciousness of people they're doing
- 00:05:01business with to get themselves better
- 00:05:03deals no [ __ ] like this is very very
- 00:05:06real but you have to understand so just
- 00:05:08relax you're going to get some we'll get
- 00:05:09there but for now you have to understand
- 00:05:11first the concept that nonduality is
- 00:05:17something that exists outside of our
- 00:05:26reality while simultaneously in our
- 00:05:28reality it's like what Jesus says in the
- 00:05:30Gospel of Thomas when he's talking about
- 00:05:32the Kingdom of Heaven he says the
- 00:05:33Kingdom of Heaven is inside and outside
- 00:05:34of you this is the understanding that
- 00:05:37when we look at a concept such as
- 00:05:39non-duality the idea of things being
- 00:05:41split that I am a person a separate
- 00:05:43person to AJ who has sat there who's a
- 00:05:45separate person to you who sat there
- 00:05:47this only exists within our reality our
- 00:05:49third dimensional realm but the thing
- 00:05:51about our reality is that there's
- 00:05:53nothing real about our reality when we
- 00:05:56think about the word real we think of
- 00:05:57something that is permanent or fixed but
- 00:05:59if if you want to take a very powerful
- 00:06:00microscope and zoom it in onto a
- 00:06:02whiteboard like this you would see that
- 00:06:04the particles within it are moving
- 00:06:06everything is in constant motion
- 00:06:07everything is always vibrating so
- 00:06:09reality isn't fixed it's always moving
- 00:06:11and once you understand how you are a
- 00:06:12vibratory being and how that aligns to
- 00:06:14the universe and your relationship with
- 00:06:16the universe then everything changes but
- 00:06:18going back to what I'm saying the idea
- 00:06:20that we are separate individuals that
- 00:06:22I'm a separate person only exists within
- 00:06:25our third dimensional realm it only
- 00:06:27exists within our reality outside of
- 00:06:29this reality I am one with everybody you
- 00:06:32are one with everybody we are all inside
- 00:06:34of each other AJ is inside of me I'm
- 00:06:37inside of AJ pause again you get the
- 00:06:40point that I'm trying to make and here's
- 00:06:41a much easier way for you to
- 00:06:43conceptualize the point that I'm trying
- 00:06:44to say
- 00:06:55here and guys over the past couple of
- 00:06:59days I've been receiving a lot of
- 00:07:01messages of people either stealing what
- 00:07:03I'm saying bar for bar doing what I'm
- 00:07:05doing using the exact same song what I'm
- 00:07:08doing please stop sending me that and
- 00:07:10stop terrorizing them listen all these
- 00:07:13spiritual [ __ ] claim to be tapped into
- 00:07:15the source but clearly they're tapped
- 00:07:16into me so I I don't get it like aren't
- 00:07:18we all connected to the same
- 00:07:24source and it's a shame really because
- 00:07:27I'd actually love to collaborate and
- 00:07:28help people you know get more exposure
- 00:07:32but I don't know man I don't
- 00:07:35know I don't know what it is about a
- 00:07:37niggga in a wife beating a durag that
- 00:07:39intimidates
- 00:07:41people now the way that you can
- 00:07:44conceptualize what I'm saying is think
- 00:07:46about this um this is going to be a very
- 00:07:48bad drawing but it's going to make sense
- 00:07:59guys please I'm not I'm not an
- 00:08:11artist just give me a moment
- 00:08:14here AJ what you laughing at
- 00:08:18[ __ ] do you know what I'm
- 00:08:22doing yes perfect so as you can see here
- 00:08:26we have three bottles these are three
- 00:08:27water bottles with there's already one
- 00:08:29there's a black one and there's a blue
- 00:08:31one now this blue one just imagine it
- 00:08:35shaded in blue I ain't got time to be
- 00:08:36shading it and you [ __ ] can just use
- 00:08:38your imagination now imagine that the
- 00:08:40red one is shaded in red and the black
- 00:08:43one is shaded in Black oh whoops Ed the
- 00:08:46wrong color just pretend [ __ ] it's okay
- 00:08:49now for the mere purpose of the
- 00:08:50illusionary appearance and this is what
- 00:08:52the Bible talks about esoterically in
- 00:08:53John when Jesus says judge by righteous
- 00:08:57judgment don't judge by appearance but
- 00:08:59judge Jud by righteous judgment it's the
- 00:09:01idea that when you step by
- 00:09:04eyesight and when I say eyesight I mean
- 00:09:06for the mere fact that your eyes only
- 00:09:09perceive
- 00:09:100.35% of reality through a process
- 00:09:12called refraction which is the idea that
- 00:09:14light bounces off surfaces into your
- 00:09:15eyes sends electrical signals up to your
- 00:09:17brain and processes an image in fact
- 00:09:19you're not seeing reality what you're
- 00:09:20seeing is a compilation based upon
- 00:09:23signals that your brain has perceived
- 00:09:25this is why illusionary you know images
- 00:09:27can get people but visually this is a
- 00:09:30red bottle this is a black bottle and
- 00:09:32this is a blue bottle but within they
- 00:09:35all have the same water despite their
- 00:09:38outside appearances their external
- 00:09:40appearances internally it's all the same
- 00:09:43thing and this is you with literally
- 00:09:46every single human being on Earth even
- 00:09:48the most ignorant niggaer that you see
- 00:09:50walking on the street with his pants
- 00:09:52down to his ass you are one with that
- 00:09:54individual even with the so so-called
- 00:09:57bum you are one with that individual and
- 00:09:59this is really and truly what you see
- 00:10:02when Christ is talking about you know
- 00:10:04the Golden Rule treat others as you
- 00:10:06would want to be treated so on and so
- 00:10:08forth because those others are you the
- 00:10:11bum is just as much God as you and you
- 00:10:13are just as much as God as any single
- 00:10:15person you look up to you understand
- 00:10:18what I'm saying and it's not until you
- 00:10:19come to this recognition that there is a
- 00:10:21God within you that you can begin to see
- 00:10:23the god in other people and when you see
- 00:10:25the god in other people the God within
- 00:10:26them will look back at you but it's all
- 00:10:28a mind game because as with everything
- 00:10:31within the entirety of reality the
- 00:10:32universe is entirely mental and this is
- 00:10:35why it's important for you to truly
- 00:10:37understand that you are one with
- 00:10:39everybody [ __ ] you might be different
- 00:10:41size different race but internally We
- 00:10:44Are All Made we we're all in essentially
- 00:10:47droplets from the ocean of God that's
- 00:10:49the way you can conceptualize it now our
- 00:10:52casings might be different but
- 00:10:54regardless we're all still the same so
- 00:10:56when you're looking at an individual
- 00:10:57you're not looking at an individual I'm
- 00:10:59not looking at AJ over there I'm looking
- 00:11:01at a expression of God and when I see
- 00:11:04somebody else I'm looking at an
- 00:11:05expression of God but it's not until you
- 00:11:07come to that recognition that you can
- 00:11:08actually begin to alter the way that
- 00:11:11that particular person acts towards you
- 00:11:12which we're going to get into don't
- 00:11:14worry you're going to get some you're
- 00:11:15going to get some just
- 00:11:17relax but that is the concept of
- 00:11:20non-duality the idea that you're not
- 00:11:22Jewel you're not separate you're
- 00:11:24separate within the illusionary third
- 00:11:26dimensional realm that we call the
- 00:11:28physical plane but you begin to elevate
- 00:11:30yourself outside and You Begin that
- 00:11:32elevation with your mind by the way it's
- 00:11:34not actually about levitating up out of
- 00:11:36this [ __ ] ether but it's truly about
- 00:11:38the understanding that mentally you're
- 00:11:41on a completely different frequency when
- 00:11:42you're on that frequency you begin to
- 00:11:44start seeing the truth the true
- 00:11:46interconnectedness of reality and by the
- 00:11:48way that doesn't just extend to people
- 00:11:51there is no separation between your mind
- 00:11:53and your reality and there's something
- 00:11:54that I want you to think about I'll get
- 00:11:56back to this but I just want you to
- 00:11:57think about this think about how many
- 00:11:59many times you've argued with someone in
- 00:12:00your head and then shortly after you
- 00:12:03[ __ ] start beefing they say something
- 00:12:05it rubs you the wrong way you come
- 00:12:07across each other and there's just this
- 00:12:09atmosphere of
- 00:12:10tension there is no separation between
- 00:12:13the mind and reality in fact there's an
- 00:12:15invisible string that connects your mind
- 00:12:17and your reality together now those on a
- 00:12:19higher frequency are able to see that
- 00:12:21line and begin to pull it in ways that
- 00:12:23materializes what they want and some
- 00:12:25people never ever get to see it some
- 00:12:27people don't realize that they live in a
- 00:12:28world of last mirrors scared at their
- 00:12:30own reflection angry at their own
- 00:12:33reflection that was a bar that was a
- 00:12:37[Laughter]
- 00:12:39bar and by the way youa make sure you're
- 00:12:42taking notes because once again you know
- 00:12:45it never made sense to me that you know
- 00:12:47people go on YouTube and watch these
- 00:12:49type of videos and just leave I I don't
- 00:12:52understand that spirituality without the
- 00:12:55ability to control your reality is
- 00:12:56Vanity and it's important that you are
- 00:12:59letting these notes marinate down onto
- 00:13:02your phone or a piece of paper and then
- 00:13:04letting them marinate into your mind so
- 00:13:06you can actually be able to reconstruct
- 00:13:08things because for me you know really
- 00:13:10and truly I don't want anybody watching
- 00:13:12me who's just watching me for fun I
- 00:13:15don't even under I can't even
- 00:13:17conceptualize why someone would watch me
- 00:13:19for fun I get I'm funny you know [ __ ]
- 00:13:21say I'm funny and I appreciate that but
- 00:13:22really and truly I'm not here to
- 00:13:24entertain you [ __ ] I'm not if you want
- 00:13:27entertainment go watch a 20 VI one or
- 00:13:29some other stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] like pop
- 00:13:31the balloon or whatever whatever [ __ ]
- 00:13:33are debating these days what are they
- 00:13:34debating these days like 50/50 splits
- 00:13:36and [ __ ] yeah you should play first on
- 00:13:39the first day I can't even believe that
- 00:13:40that's even an argument
- 00:13:44anyways
- 00:13:46so now that you understand that you are
- 00:13:49one with everybody it doesn't just stop
- 00:13:51right there you I did tell you that
- 00:13:53you've been unconsciously controlling
- 00:13:55everyone in your life for your entire
- 00:13:58life
- 00:13:59from the moment you've been born you've
- 00:14:01been unconsciously controlling the
- 00:14:03behavior of every single person in your
- 00:14:05life what I'm here to do is to help you
- 00:14:07take that process that's been on
- 00:14:09autopilot off autopilot and redirect it
- 00:14:11but before we can get there there's
- 00:14:13something that you have to understand
- 00:14:15first now I know within the kind of
- 00:14:17manifestation industry they make
- 00:14:20manifestation out to be some type of act
- 00:14:24that you do you know I'm going to
- 00:14:26Manifest this I'm going to do this but
- 00:14:28that's almost like saying I'm going to
- 00:14:30breathe I'm going to breathe the truth
- 00:14:33of the matter is is that manifestation
- 00:14:35is an autopilot process that you've been
- 00:14:37doing your whole life in fact you're
- 00:14:38doing it right
- 00:14:40now you're manifesting right
- 00:14:43now and of course you know the
- 00:14:45definition that I always you know lean
- 00:14:47on and this definition took me 8 years
- 00:14:50in nearly 400 books worth of study to
- 00:14:52come to the understanding of a true
- 00:14:54definition that I came to which is
- 00:14:55manifestation is internally shifting to
- 00:14:57a degree to which you're no longer
- 00:14:59emotionally dependent upon seeing
- 00:15:00reality change that's that's the
- 00:15:03definition but for the purpose that I'm
- 00:15:04trying to get you to understand here
- 00:15:07another way you can conceptualize
- 00:15:08manifestation is
- 00:15:11simply the physical
- 00:15:20expression of
- 00:15:23your mental activities and when I say
- 00:15:26mental activities I'm going to get you
- 00:15:29to understand something so you know
- 00:15:31typically whenever people think about
- 00:15:33the conceptualization of manifestation
- 00:15:35they often immediately go to
- 00:15:37visualization and their mind stops there
- 00:15:39but whether you [ __ ] realize this or
- 00:15:41not you have an inner
- 00:15:45dialogue you have internal conversations
- 00:15:48that you have with yourself that you
- 00:15:49have with others don't lie to me how
- 00:15:51many times have you cussed people out in
- 00:15:53your head I know them ones you've lost
- 00:15:55an argument with your with your boy or
- 00:15:57your girl and you're just the shower
- 00:15:59thinking damn I should have said this I
- 00:16:01should have said this and you're
- 00:16:02replaying in your head or even worse you
- 00:16:04never actually get to express what you
- 00:16:07really wanted to say so then you begin
- 00:16:08to take place in your head but not only
- 00:16:10do you do that so I want you to
- 00:16:12conceptualize that as
- 00:16:14audio you also see things you imagine
- 00:16:17things that's
- 00:16:18visual so when I say mental activity I
- 00:16:20want you to understand it's a
- 00:16:21combination of audio and visual because
- 00:16:25this Taps
- 00:16:26into the aspects of the the physical
- 00:16:29vessel right the five physical senses of
- 00:16:31the ego this is what it Taps into now
- 00:16:33for the purpose that I'm you know trying
- 00:16:36to make this point manifestation can be
- 00:16:38seen as the physical expression of your
- 00:16:40mental activities in the same way you
- 00:16:42print something it is the outward
- 00:16:44printing of whatever is going on within
- 00:16:46your mind it is the mirror reflection it
- 00:16:48is the external expression however you
- 00:16:50want to conceptualize it as but this is
- 00:16:52a process that you've been doing your
- 00:16:54entire
- 00:16:55life your entire life
- 00:16:59it's something you do
- 00:17:0124/7 you just do it
- 00:17:08unconsciously and because you do it
- 00:17:10unconsciously you're not even aware
- 00:17:12you're out here saying I want to
- 00:17:13Manifest this I want to Manifest this
- 00:17:15without even realizing that you're
- 00:17:16manifesting right now and here's the
- 00:17:18thing I always say to people they're
- 00:17:20like yo I'm struggling to manifest nah
- 00:17:22you can't have a problem struggling to
- 00:17:24manifest you saying that you have a
- 00:17:26problem struggling to manifest is like
- 00:17:27you saying that you have a problem being
- 00:17:29alive manifestation is literally woven
- 00:17:31into the fabric of your being it's not
- 00:17:33something that you can turn on and off
- 00:17:35the issue isn't that you're struggling
- 00:17:37to manifest the issue is you're
- 00:17:39struggling to redirect your mental
- 00:17:41activities to physically Express what it
- 00:17:43is that you want completely different
- 00:17:46but then if you step into the idea that
- 00:17:47I have a problem manifesting you then
- 00:17:49Place yourself within the confinements
- 00:17:51of that particular box which then for
- 00:17:53the mere fact that you create the laws
- 00:17:55of your reality now you have a problem
- 00:17:57struggling to manifest what you want
- 00:17:58that's the first thing you [ __ ] got a
- 00:18:00break and I get it due to the all the
- 00:18:01analysis paralysis of information I'm
- 00:18:03sure you've watched hundreds of videos
- 00:18:05so on and so forth everybody you know
- 00:18:07says different things and it leads to
- 00:18:08this analysis paralysis you don't even
- 00:18:10know what to do so then you end up
- 00:18:11taking on the idea of some type of
- 00:18:13intellectual inadequacy which is which
- 00:18:15eventually expresses itself as I don't
- 00:18:17know what I'm doing I'm struggling to
- 00:18:19manifest but the moment you enter the
- 00:18:20Paradigm of I'm struggling to manifest
- 00:18:22you lock yourself into a box to where
- 00:18:24now you're actually struggling to
- 00:18:25manifest not because something's wrong
- 00:18:26with you but because you've decided
- 00:18:27something's wrong with you and you've
- 00:18:29given it enough emotional conviction to
- 00:18:30activate you and lock you into a prison
- 00:18:32that really and truly has no doors
- 00:18:37on that was a bot make sure you write
- 00:18:39that down
- 00:18:41now like I said you've been manifesting
- 00:18:44on autopilot and I want you to think
- 00:18:45about this you know what often people
- 00:18:47call
- 00:18:48synchronicities literally the physical
- 00:18:50expression of their mental activities
- 00:18:52[ __ ] you're looking for a car online
- 00:18:54you start seeing that car in real life
- 00:18:56you're looking for a pair of shoes you
- 00:18:57start seeing those shoes in real life
- 00:18:59you start looking at a coat you start
- 00:19:01seeing that coat in real life you walk
- 00:19:03around the corner and somebody's
- 00:19:04literally talking about something you
- 00:19:05were just thinking
- 00:19:07about what you call synchronicity ain't
- 00:19:09synchronicity it's creation you
- 00:19:12understand what I'm saying and it all
- 00:19:13goes back to the understanding that
- 00:19:15there's an invisible line an invisible
- 00:19:16string that connects you and your
- 00:19:18reality together but so long as you
- 00:19:19can't perceive it and you attribute it
- 00:19:22to be synchronicity instead of creation
- 00:19:26you're externalizing a power that you've
- 00:19:28been using that you don't even realize
- 00:19:30you in the same way you breathe on
- 00:19:33autopilot you manifest on autopilot so
- 00:19:36with people you've been on
- 00:19:39autopilot controlling the lives of most
- 00:19:42people around you and I don't mean the
- 00:19:44lives that's too much of an extremity
- 00:19:45you'll get what I mean when I when I
- 00:19:47break down what I'm about to break down
- 00:19:48which I will right now but in the way
- 00:19:51that you experience people the mask that
- 00:19:53people essentially show
- 00:19:55you you've been doing an autopilot 24/7
- 00:19:59I'm talking about the strangers that you
- 00:20:01think are just people you never met the
- 00:20:02strangers on the street you can't
- 00:20:04perceive anything that you're not the
- 00:20:05vibrational alignment of which actually
- 00:20:07brings me to a good point I want to I
- 00:20:09want to make a point here I want to make
- 00:20:11a point
- 00:20:12here off that point that I just
- 00:20:14mentioned you cannot perceive anything
- 00:20:17that you are not vibrator well that you
- 00:20:20are not the vibratory resonant of
- 00:20:48you know when people get into the study
- 00:20:50of spirituality and all of this other
- 00:20:52type of stuff which really and truly
- 00:20:54isn't spirituality it's just
- 00:20:56intellectual for [ __ ] that want to
- 00:20:58think that they know things but they
- 00:20:59don't really know things people get
- 00:21:01concerned about what the CIA is hiding
- 00:21:04they get concerned with what the FBI is
- 00:21:07hiding what the
- 00:21:10hell jeez I brought that back quite nice
- 00:21:12to be fair but here's the
- 00:21:18thing the one thing that hides more of
- 00:21:21the truth more of reality more
- 00:21:24information from you than the CIA and
- 00:21:26the FBI your frequency
- 00:21:35you cannot perceive anything in reality
- 00:21:37that you are not vibratory that you're
- 00:21:39not the resonant of from a point of
- 00:21:41vibration you can't so even for you to
- 00:21:43be walking on the street to be next to
- 00:21:46somebody at that particular moment in
- 00:21:47time you're resonant of each other from
- 00:21:49a point of vibratory signature you
- 00:21:51cannot perceive anything in reality that
- 00:21:53you're not the vibration of listen to
- 00:21:55what I'm saying [ __ ] are concerned
- 00:21:58about what the CIA is hiding what the
- 00:21:59FBI is hiding what you need to be
- 00:22:01worried about is what your own frequency
- 00:22:03is hiding from you cuz if you're on a
- 00:22:05frequency of survival you're going to
- 00:22:06think the whole world is in survival
- 00:22:07mode if you're on a frequency of
- 00:22:09suffering then you're going to think the
- 00:22:10whole world is suffering if you're on a
- 00:22:12frequency of scarcity then you're you're
- 00:22:13going to think there's no opportunities
- 00:22:15out here more realities hidden from you
- 00:22:17by
- 00:22:18yourself than any Central Intelligence
- 00:22:21Agency
- 00:22:29now we're about to get closer to me
- 00:22:32teaching you how you can actually alter
- 00:22:34the behavior of anybody in your
- 00:22:38life I'm play no games so when I'm in
- 00:22:42that thing come see what I
- 00:22:50[Music]
- 00:22:51mean have a baby baby
- 00:23:02cool now the concept that I'm about to
- 00:23:06break down to you exist on a societal
- 00:23:07level but it's also quite metaphysical
- 00:23:09and it's going to be able to be you know
- 00:23:12extrapolated to a point of
- 00:23:24metaphysics now here's the thing
- 00:23:27everybody on a societal level wears a
- 00:23:29mask but this mask also exists from a
- 00:23:31point
- 00:23:33of vibration now if you conceptualize it
- 00:23:36like this you're not who you are to your
- 00:23:38mom that you are to your dad that you
- 00:23:41are to your grandma that you are to your
- 00:23:46friend that you are to your coworker
- 00:23:49that you
- 00:23:51are to
- 00:23:54anybody and because of this think about
- 00:23:57it and and this this doesn't just
- 00:23:59extrapolate it it's for everybody you
- 00:24:02watching this video right now you're not
- 00:24:03the same person that you are to your mom
- 00:24:05that you are to your dad that you are to
- 00:24:07your grandma that you are to your friend
- 00:24:09that you are to your coworker that you
- 00:24:11are to your partner we are always
- 00:24:13exchanging masks depending upon who it
- 00:24:16is that we are around each and every
- 00:24:19single time and this exists like I said
- 00:24:23on a societal level but it also exists
- 00:24:26from a point of metaphysics
- 00:24:33because here's the
- 00:24:35thing the mask that somebody shows you
- 00:24:37and I always want you to remember this
- 00:24:39and you have to make sure you write this
- 00:24:40down
- 00:24:43and I'm going to have to ask something
- 00:24:45of you so just wait I'm going to have to
- 00:24:48ask that you're able to move past the
- 00:24:51idea that somebody is fixated in the way
- 00:24:54that they are that the [ __ ] that you
- 00:24:56don't like is an [ __ ] and that's it
- 00:24:58because until you can move yourself out
- 00:25:00of that particular frequency you won't
- 00:25:02be able to experience a different
- 00:25:03version of them because before anything
- 00:25:05can exist
- 00:25:10physically it first must exist
- 00:25:16vibrationally so if you want to alter
- 00:25:18the mask that somebody shows you
- 00:25:20physically we first must alter
- 00:25:22vibrationally and we alter vibrationally
- 00:25:30by detaching
- 00:25:35from our perception towards
- 00:25:41them the hardest thing when it comes to
- 00:25:43altering someone's Behavior or
- 00:25:44manifesting an entirely new version of
- 00:25:46somebody else isn't actually changing
- 00:25:48them it's changing
- 00:25:51yourself now like I said we all wear
- 00:25:55masks on a societal level which also
- 00:25:56extends to a point of fre and vibration
- 00:25:59for the M fact that the mask that
- 00:26:02somebody shows you in reality is the
- 00:26:04mask you've decided that they have and I
- 00:26:07really need you to understand what I'm
- 00:26:09saying because if you don't understand
- 00:26:11what I'm saying what I'm about to break
- 00:26:13down when I tell you how to control them
- 00:26:14ain't going to work the mask that
- 00:26:17somebody shows you is the mask that you
- 00:26:20have given them the mask that somebody
- 00:26:22shows you is the mask that you have
- 00:26:24given them what do I mean
- 00:26:33tranquilo I don't know how to say you're
- 00:26:35going to get something in Spanish but by
- 00:26:38the next video I'll know and I'll say it
- 00:26:41so what you laughing at
- 00:26:48[ __ ] all right
- 00:26:54cool also can we talk about how somehow
- 00:26:57AJ has developed a fan base within my
- 00:27:01fan base I don't even understand this
- 00:27:03guy has been on camera he barely hasn't
- 00:27:05said anything you [ __ ] didn't even
- 00:27:06think he was
- 00:27:07real but now it's like if I do anything
- 00:27:11to AJ [ __ ] are threatening like
- 00:27:26what I hope you happy with this by the
- 00:27:29way sound jealous it's not a
- 00:27:32good when said I sound
- 00:27:35jealous all right cool
- 00:27:37so just to reiterate
- 00:28:14the mask that somebody shows you is the
- 00:28:16mask you've given them now the whole
- 00:28:17thing is like okay really so somebody's
- 00:28:20an [ __ ] it's my fault no that's not
- 00:28:22what I'm saying what I'm saying is
- 00:28:25whenever you come around another person
- 00:28:27you enter point of
- 00:28:30co-creation and you have to understand
- 00:28:32the mask that somebody shows you is one
- 00:28:35of infinite
- 00:28:37masks now this goes into the quantum
- 00:28:40mechanical theory of parallel universes
- 00:28:42through Marvel shown as the Multiverse
- 00:28:44the idea that just like a highway
- 00:28:46there's simultaneous parallel universes
- 00:28:50all side by side taking place to which
- 00:28:53there's literally infinite possibilities
- 00:28:55on how you could live your life so you
- 00:28:56are a billionaire in one you're a chef
- 00:28:58in another one you're sleeping under a
- 00:29:00bridge in another one you know so on and
- 00:29:02so forth you could it it's literally
- 00:29:04infinite
- 00:29:05right but this also is applied to when
- 00:29:09we're talking about people because that
- 00:29:11would mean that your experience of
- 00:29:13somebody your co-creation of somebody
- 00:29:15which by the way your co-creation your
- 00:29:17experience of somebody physically is
- 00:29:19always going to be dependent upon
- 00:29:21vibrationally physically remember
- 00:29:24prerequisite to physically is
- 00:29:26vibrationally wait yeah prerequisite to
- 00:29:28phys yeah exactly so because there's an
- 00:29:32infinite amount of masks that somebody
- 00:29:34could show you and you're experiencing a
- 00:29:37certain kind of mask the worst thing
- 00:29:40that you can go and do is to go and
- 00:29:42decide
- 00:29:43that that's who they are and that's it
- 00:29:46because the truth of the matter is it's
- 00:29:48not because let's say that person that
- 00:29:52is an [ __ ] whatever best believe to
- 00:29:54somebody else he's the best [ __ ] alive
- 00:29:56like on the planet and that's the crazy
- 00:29:58e thing so why do you get to experience
- 00:30:00that version is because that's the
- 00:30:01version that you've given to them and
- 00:30:03how do you give it to them you give it
- 00:30:05to them through a couple of ways you
- 00:30:07give it to him through your perception
- 00:30:09because remember your perception will
- 00:30:10always lead to your
- 00:30:12projection the way that you perceive
- 00:30:14something is accepted into your mind
- 00:30:16which then becomes a truth into your
- 00:30:17subconscious mind which then reproduces
- 00:30:19that truth out into reality and then
- 00:30:21giving you an artificial ego Beast of
- 00:30:22saying see I knew I didn't like him he
- 00:30:24was an [ __ ] no he's only an [ __ ]
- 00:30:26probably because you've decided he's an
- 00:30:34assle what you believe to be the truth
- 00:30:37of how someone
- 00:30:38is anytime that you enter conviction
- 00:30:42conviction Taps into the esoteric true
- 00:30:44definition of faith faith ethologically
- 00:30:46goes to the Latin word fedas FES meant
- 00:30:49confidence and conviction when they talk
- 00:30:51about faith in the Bible powerful enough
- 00:30:53to move a mountain it's for the mere
- 00:30:55fact that whatever you're convinced of
- 00:30:57someone to be is powerful enough to be
- 00:30:59the elixir of what Alters your
- 00:31:01experience of that person into your
- 00:31:02reality so the way that you give people
- 00:31:04a mask is through the way that you
- 00:31:06perceive people your perception will
- 00:31:07lead to your projection it's the same
- 00:31:09way until you change the way you look at
- 00:31:11life life won't change the way it looks
- 00:31:12at you but simultaneously I want to
- 00:31:14reiterate that and say it as until you
- 00:31:16change the way you look at somebody else
- 00:31:17somebody else won't change the way they
- 00:31:19look at you and it all begins mental
- 00:31:21because remember the entirety of reality
- 00:31:25is an effect anything that takes place
- 00:31:27within our reality is an effect by the
- 00:31:29time that you see it is an effect and
- 00:31:31the cause is always the mental plane the
- 00:31:33cause is always the mental plane cause
- 00:31:36effect cause effect so by the time that
- 00:31:37somebody's either a great person or an
- 00:31:40absolute monster to you in your reality
- 00:31:43that's the time it's become effect now
- 00:31:44I'm saying this from a point of adults
- 00:31:47right you know let's scratch anything
- 00:31:49that happened you know childhood Wise
- 00:31:51from your perception towards people so
- 00:31:53on and so forth but now because you're
- 00:31:55watching this video unfortunately you
- 00:31:57are going to have to take extreme
- 00:31:58ownership on your experience of other
- 00:32:00people when it comes into your reality
- 00:32:02right now now like I'm saying bear in
- 00:32:04mind this is something you do
- 00:32:06unconsciously unconsciously and I'll
- 00:32:08give you an example you can think about
- 00:32:10the most stere stereotypical example of
- 00:32:13the woman who beli that all men are
- 00:32:14absolute demons and they're all evil and
- 00:32:17they're all trash dogs that are just
- 00:32:18waiting you know just hungry just to
- 00:32:20break their hearts so then what's their
- 00:32:23experience every single guy that she
- 00:32:25comes across even if he is a quote
- 00:32:27unquote good guy she has now given that
- 00:32:28mask and because now she's given that
- 00:32:31mask through what she believes to be the
- 00:32:32truth held into her subconscious which
- 00:32:34is then produced into reality and her
- 00:32:36perception towards men which is
- 00:32:37eventually projected out into a reality
- 00:32:39she experiences a
- 00:32:42version of that particular individual
- 00:32:45that simply meets and justifies what is
- 00:32:48within her subconscious
- 00:32:54mind and that's when it gets really
- 00:32:56techy because now now it's like [ __ ]
- 00:32:58almost every single person every single
- 00:33:00experience that you have with somebody
- 00:33:02is that the way that they are or is it
- 00:33:05is that the way that I've decided that
- 00:33:07they are and once you start stepping
- 00:33:09into that realm that's when you truly
- 00:33:11begin to reclaim a power that you
- 00:33:13haven't even realize has been used
- 00:33:15against you because here's the thing we
- 00:33:18do this all the time we always attribute
- 00:33:22masks to people without realizing you
- 00:33:24know whether it's the idea that you know
- 00:33:27all man attract
- 00:33:28all girls are gold digging hoes you know
- 00:33:32all blacks are thugs you know all white
- 00:33:35people are evil you know we attribute
- 00:33:38these masks to people all the time and
- 00:33:40then without realizing that because
- 00:33:43we've given that masks from a point of
- 00:33:44vibration we then experience it
- 00:33:46physically and when we experience it
- 00:33:47physically as opposed to actually
- 00:33:49recognizing the string that connects our
- 00:33:51mind in reality we often say to
- 00:33:53ourselves see told you that's that's
- 00:33:55just how they are that's just how they
- 00:33:56are
- 00:34:18and here's the thing
- 00:34:56o
- 00:35:06I'm very particular about those type of
- 00:35:08things I put their like you know their
- 00:35:11toy like their thing and then I had to
- 00:35:13change it to there um like poor grammar
- 00:35:16poor grammar is a no no
- 00:35:19now if the mosque that you give to
- 00:35:21somebody doesn't serve you then it's
- 00:35:24there to control you for the mere fact
- 00:35:27that there is no life without people if
- 00:35:29your perception towards somebody or your
- 00:35:32perception towards a group of people
- 00:35:34doesn't particularly serve you then for
- 00:35:36the mere fact that there's no truth in
- 00:35:38reality other than what the subconscious
- 00:35:39mind accepts as true which is then
- 00:35:42produced you're going to kind of [ __ ]
- 00:35:44yourself up to put it quite frankly
- 00:35:47because you have to understand the mask
- 00:35:50that you give to people or the mask that
- 00:35:51people show you is the mask that you've
- 00:35:54given to them in consciousness
- 00:35:58and when you come to that understanding
- 00:35:59when you experience a particular version
- 00:36:01of somebody that you don't like and then
- 00:36:03you decide that that's who they are and
- 00:36:05I want you to understand something the
- 00:36:07moment you
- 00:36:10decide that this is just the way
- 00:36:12somebody is you have glued that mask to
- 00:36:16their
- 00:36:23face that looks a bit crazy but I said
- 00:36:26there don't even B commenting don't even
- 00:36:28bother wasting your time [ __ ] but for the
- 00:36:30mere fact that once you begin to decide
- 00:36:32that that's just the way that they are
- 00:36:34you have glued that mask to their face
- 00:36:37and once you have glued that mask to
- 00:36:39their face what else can they show
- 00:36:43you the rigidity in your beliefs leads
- 00:36:45to the rigidity in the experience of
- 00:36:49somebody if somebody just doesn't seem
- 00:36:51to change the way that they act towards
- 00:36:53you and bear in mind I'm not saying
- 00:36:55change their own lives I don't want you
- 00:36:56[ __ ] thinking that you can go change
- 00:36:58someone's life and manifest something
- 00:37:00for somebody else I'm talking about when
- 00:37:02you're in their presence when you're at
- 00:37:03that point of co-creation and you're
- 00:37:05experiencing each other that temporary
- 00:37:07experience of the mask that they show
- 00:37:09you is always down to the mask that
- 00:37:11you've given them but if you decide that
- 00:37:13this is just the way somebody is you
- 00:37:15have glued that mask to their face I'll
- 00:37:16give you an example I have aunties that
- 00:37:19I believe is just Absolute Angels
- 00:37:21they're nicest people ever you don't
- 00:37:23think those aunties be little kids
- 00:37:27and their kids are like bro I don't know
- 00:37:29what you're seeing like it's a mad thing
- 00:37:31and this can be extrapolated to anybody
- 00:37:34we all have people that we just view as
- 00:37:35such nice Angels just nice people and
- 00:37:38because we've decided they're nice
- 00:37:39people our experience of them is that
- 00:37:41they're nice but what if they're not
- 00:37:43nice people because to somebody else
- 00:37:44they're completely evil and vice versa
- 00:37:47and it all comes down to the mask that
- 00:37:49you've given people so then that would
- 00:37:52mean that the true game of controlling
- 00:37:55people is your ability to take somebody
- 00:37:57mask off the one that you've assigned to
- 00:38:00them unconsciously by
- 00:38:02default and give them the mask that you
- 00:38:04want to experience cuz if you could do
- 00:38:06that you could alter somebody you could
- 00:38:08alter somebody's Behavior entirely right
- 00:38:11and I'm not into all that SP [ __ ] that
- 00:38:13you know people be commenting about
- 00:38:15because that's quite an obsession and
- 00:38:16what I will say on that I'm not going to
- 00:38:18make a video on that because I'm it's
- 00:38:19it's just it's just it's just not me but
- 00:38:22what I will say is instead of seeking to
- 00:38:25manifest a special person what you need
- 00:38:28to manifest is an experience of the type
- 00:38:30of person you want one particular
- 00:38:32individual isn't going to be everything
- 00:38:35it's just not you need to manifest a
- 00:38:37particular experience of somebody
- 00:38:39because that particular you might get
- 00:38:41that exact person but it may not be what
- 00:38:43you want but what you want is truly an
- 00:38:45experience the more that you're able to
- 00:38:46shed Clarity to that experience the
- 00:38:48stronger the frequency that you're going
- 00:38:49to predict out to the universe is going
- 00:38:51to be which means that your message is
- 00:38:53more likely being heard but like I
- 00:38:56said when you really think about it the
- 00:38:58entire game is
- 00:39:00just taking off The Masque you don't
- 00:39:02want to see of somebody and giving them
- 00:39:04the actual
- 00:39:08mask so and like I said you know this is
- 00:39:12real life like I know guys that have
- 00:39:14used this to I don't know how to say
- 00:39:17this on YouTube to get the girl that
- 00:39:19they want and I know girls that have
- 00:39:21used this to get the guys that they want
- 00:39:23because this is what I used to help
- 00:39:24people do for example you know clients
- 00:39:28you know I speak to my clients about
- 00:39:30this all the time the perception towards
- 00:39:32their customers towards their employees
- 00:39:35because if life is about people then the
- 00:39:36way you look at people must be built up
- 00:39:38in a way that completely serves you
- 00:39:40because if not it will destroy you it
- 00:39:43will destroy you how can you be the god
- 00:39:45of your reality if you make everybody a
- 00:39:47devil in your
- 00:39:49reality that was a baring it yeah he's
- 00:39:52not in his head that was a bar that was
- 00:39:54a bar that was a bar
- 00:40:02and that's the craziest part if you have
- 00:40:04the perception towards somebody to be a
- 00:40:06demon the only thing you can experience
- 00:40:08with them is hell it's another bar it's
- 00:40:12another bar but if you perceive somebody
- 00:40:14to be an angel and this of course this
- 00:40:16is going to have to you know take you be
- 00:40:19willing to surpass every particular
- 00:40:22fixated belief and experience that you
- 00:40:24had of somebody I'm not saying that this
- 00:40:25is easy and I'm not saying that this
- 00:40:27this is hard because those don't
- 00:40:29particularly exist they're nothing more
- 00:40:30than you know conceptualizations which
- 00:40:33is going to differ from person to person
- 00:40:34but you get the point that I'm making
- 00:40:37now
- 00:40:39H here's what you've been waiting
- 00:40:43for like I said the entire process can
- 00:40:47be boiled down
- 00:40:49to taking off
- 00:41:03taking off an unwanted
- 00:41:05mask putting on The Wanted
- 00:41:18mask essentially autopilot to conscious
- 00:41:22back on autopilot again that's the
- 00:41:25process now
- 00:41:27how do I give someone a new Maro okay I
- 00:41:30understand that you know I'm
- 00:41:32interconnected with everybody you know
- 00:41:35which actually something I want to say
- 00:41:37actually for the mere fact which I
- 00:41:39didn't touch upon for the mere fact that
- 00:41:41you are one with everybody your
- 00:41:43experience mentally of somebody else is
- 00:41:45always going to be projected onto you if
- 00:41:48you hate to see [ __ ] win you hate to
- 00:41:50see yourself win that's why haters
- 00:41:52really can't ever win except Kendrick
- 00:41:54Lamar
- 00:41:56but if you take happiness and seeing
- 00:41:59people down what you're really doing is
- 00:42:01taking happiness and seeing yourself
- 00:42:03down because they are you they're just
- 00:42:05simply a different physical expression
- 00:42:06of you and this is why you need to be
- 00:42:09very conscious about the thoughts that
- 00:42:10you entertain about other people you
- 00:42:12know even when I see somebody who's
- 00:42:14homeless I don't see poverty there
- 00:42:17because if I begin to see poverty there
- 00:42:18I'll see it within myself I go and treat
- 00:42:20that person exactly how I treat myself
- 00:42:22so on and so forth and it's very
- 00:42:25important for you to understand that
- 00:42:26because often times we just think these
- 00:42:29things about people and think they're
- 00:42:30separated you know if you think
- 00:42:31somebody's an absolute monster and you
- 00:42:34just detach from it not only are you
- 00:42:36entering the vibration to experience the
- 00:42:38experience of a monster from that person
- 00:42:40but you are projecting your perception
- 00:42:42of what it means to be a monster into a
- 00:42:44part of yourself that you're merely
- 00:42:45unconscious
- 00:42:48of but like I said the entire process
- 00:42:52can be simplified down into taking off
- 00:42:54an unwanted mask and putting on The
- 00:42:56Wanted mask so if we label these as one
- 00:42:58and two which I'll break down right
- 00:43:06here also somebody recommended me in the
- 00:43:09comments to stop breaking bad I have
- 00:43:11started breaking bad it is really really
- 00:43:13it's good so far it's decent it's decent
- 00:43:15so far uh I think I'm in like season two
- 00:43:19okay that [ __ ] two Co is crazy that guy
- 00:43:22is insane
- 00:43:28lowkey Walter White must have watched
- 00:43:29the video on that you need to be a bad
- 00:43:31person to
- 00:43:31[Laughter]
- 00:43:34manifest all right cool so if we label
- 00:43:36these as one one and
- 00:43:40two the process goes as follows the
- 00:43:42first thing you need to do is take off
- 00:43:43an unwanted mask and the way that you go
- 00:43:45about that and I'll label one over here
- 00:43:48is by first becoming
- 00:43:52aware that your experience of somebody
- 00:43:55is just that
- 00:44:08your experience of somebody is just that
- 00:44:10it's an experience remember there's
- 00:44:12infinite versions of somebody that you
- 00:44:14can experience and this can extend to
- 00:44:15your parents to a coworker to a friend
- 00:44:18to a
- 00:44:19partner it's just an experience and just
- 00:44:22because it's an experience you need to
- 00:44:24detach
- 00:44:28from the projected solidification of
- 00:44:31their
- 00:44:42identity that's what you really need to
- 00:44:44do you need to detach from the
- 00:44:46solidification that that's who they are
- 00:44:48that's just the way they are there's
- 00:44:49nothing more dangerous than somebody
- 00:44:51saying that's just the way I am or you
- 00:44:53saying that's just the way they are no
- 00:44:54it's not the way that they are that's
- 00:44:56not who they are that's just the
- 00:44:57frequency they on but you can tweak
- 00:44:59their frequency they on by tweaking your
- 00:45:01perception towards them and that's what
- 00:45:03it all comes down to so you have to be
- 00:45:04aware that you're just experiencing a
- 00:45:06version of somebody an infinite version
- 00:45:07you need to detach from the
- 00:45:09solidification of their identity you
- 00:45:12need to be willing to be
- 00:45:14empty and this is what they talk about
- 00:45:16in you know the philosophy of Daoism go
- 00:45:19get a book by Lau to [ __ ] you know they
- 00:45:22speak about the idea that you cannot
- 00:45:25come with a full cup and attempt to
- 00:45:28receive you need to empty so your
- 00:45:29perception of somebody needs to be
- 00:45:31completely detached if I want to alter
- 00:45:34AJ's behavior let's say he was a monster
- 00:45:36the first thing that i' would have to do
- 00:45:37is to detach him from the label of being
- 00:45:39a monster and any other label that I've
- 00:45:41given because that label comes with a
- 00:45:42level of meaning that meaning comes with
- 00:45:44a level of emotion that emotion glues it
- 00:45:46to the entirety of what that label's
- 00:45:48supposed to mean within our third
- 00:45:49dimensional realm which then gives me my
- 00:45:51experience of Asia of being a monster
- 00:45:52that's what I have to do I need to see
- 00:45:54him I need to enter nothingness
- 00:45:58and just see him just
- 00:46:00as and it's not until that you can do
- 00:46:03this first part of the process you must
- 00:46:05be willing to get past your ego's desire
- 00:46:08to decide somebody to be the way that
- 00:46:10they are because until you're willing to
- 00:46:12do that you won't be able to control
- 00:46:14anybody to the way that you want it's
- 00:46:15just not going to
- 00:46:19happen then putting on The Wanted Moss
- 00:46:22my favorite
- 00:46:25pot I'm my knees again pause so putting
- 00:46:29on The Wanted mask comes down to two
- 00:46:32things it comes down to
- 00:46:35your inner conversations that you have
- 00:46:38with that
- 00:46:39person cuz you can't be arguing with a
- 00:46:41[ __ ] all day in your head and think
- 00:46:42that you're going to come around and be
- 00:46:43friends and it's all going to be merry
- 00:46:45what you need to do is to begin to re
- 00:46:48alter in fact I don't even think re
- 00:46:51alter is a
- 00:46:55word you need begin to
- 00:46:59alter these internal
- 00:47:04conversations I'll say in a talk for
- 00:47:06short to match your desired
- 00:47:12reality and I used to say this to my
- 00:47:14clients you know for example how would
- 00:47:16you want a particular business deal to
- 00:47:18go have that conversation with that
- 00:47:19person in your head in the exact way
- 00:47:21that reflects your desired reality yeah
- 00:47:23I would love to take this deal that
- 00:47:24makes absolutely no sense and give you a
- 00:47:26large percentage that absolutely makes
- 00:47:28no sense it just doesn't make sense and
- 00:47:30I saw this this week with a client of
- 00:47:32mine Adrian shout shout out to you bro
- 00:47:34you're amazing you know he's been with
- 00:47:36me for about a month and a half and he's
- 00:47:37just had an experience that he can't
- 00:47:39even make sense of you know it doesn't
- 00:47:41make sense why somebody would accept
- 00:47:43that particular business deal but that's
- 00:47:44the thing your frequency speaks before
- 00:47:46you've even spoken so make sure by the
- 00:47:48time that your frequency is experienced
- 00:47:49by somebody is resonant of your desired
- 00:47:51reality so the conversation that you
- 00:47:53have with somebody and I used to say
- 00:47:54this you know when guys cuz if guys are
- 00:47:57having conversations in their head about
- 00:47:58a particular girl that they want and
- 00:48:00that girl is like I would never be with
- 00:48:01you bum of course that's not going to be
- 00:48:03reflective of their desired reality so
- 00:48:05she's got to be saying things internally
- 00:48:07that match your desired reality and you
- 00:48:09can extrapolate this to any single
- 00:48:10person a family member that's giving you
- 00:48:12a problem a friend that's pissing you
- 00:48:14off a coworker that you just don't like
- 00:48:16alter the internal conversation that you
- 00:48:18have while you're brushing your teeth
- 00:48:20while you're taking a walk while you're
- 00:48:21at the gym so on and so forth remember
- 00:48:23manifestation isn't a separate act it's
- 00:48:25something you do 20 247 so you should be
- 00:48:28on the board 24/7 it's not about doing
- 00:48:31it's about being and the second
- 00:48:36part is
- 00:48:37simply within your
- 00:48:40imagination imagination comes from the
- 00:48:42Latin word imaginari which means to
- 00:48:44picture oneself the images that build
- 00:48:47the Nations and you need to begin to
- 00:48:49mentally experience yourself with that
- 00:48:52person remember I'm not into this
- 00:48:55doesn't just stop at you know Ro or
- 00:48:57whatever it can go to any coworker
- 00:48:59that's giving you a problem family
- 00:49:00member that's giving you a problem a
- 00:49:02business deal that you want to go a
- 00:49:03particular way until you're able to
- 00:49:05experience that person within in a
- 00:49:08different way than what you're being
- 00:49:09shown without it won't match it just
- 00:49:13won't because there can be no outer
- 00:49:15change until there first innerchange the
- 00:49:17process is As on Heaven as in heaven as
- 00:49:21it is on Earth wait on no on Earth as it
- 00:49:23is in heaven exactly as within as
- 00:49:26without it's all the same thing you need
- 00:49:27to be able to begin to imagine whichever
- 00:49:31person that you want to alter their
- 00:49:32behavior in combination with the inner
- 00:49:35conversation
- 00:49:36alterations in the way that's reflective
- 00:49:38of your desired reality because until
- 00:49:40you're able to do that you're going to
- 00:49:42keep experiencing the version of them
- 00:49:45that they
- 00:49:46are I told you [ __ ] you can control
- 00:49:48people
- control
- reality
- perception
- nonduality
- manifestation
- frequency
- interconnectedness
- internal dialogues
- behavior
- self-awareness