Pre-K Essential 8, Bullets 1-5 Abundant Reading Materials Sample Video



TLDREl vídeo destaca la importància dels recursos literaris variats en l'ensenyament de la lectoescriptura als nens dins l'aula. Els mestres proporcionen una àmplia gamma de materials de lectura que inclouen llibres en diversos idiomes, llibres que reflecteixen les cultures i les famílies dels alumnes, i llibres creats pels mateixos nens. També s'utilitzen recursos com puzles de les lletres, llibres d'imatges reals, i activitats de seqüència de l'abecedari per reforçar l'aprenentatge de les lletres i els sons. Els dispositius tecnològics, com les tauletes, s'incorporen amb aplicacions de lectura per complementar l'educació literària. Les activitats inclouen materials d'escriptura variats perquè els nens exploren la seva creativitat. Una biblioteca de préstec permet que les famílies participin en l'aprenentatge a casa. Es fomenta la independència dels nens tot proporcionant recursos per explorar, juntament amb suport quan és necessari. L'aprenentatge es veu enriquit amb activitats de transició entre zones que mantenen els nens actius i compromesos.


  • 📚 Els llibres variats en la classe reflecteixen la diversitat cultural.
  • 🖍 Els nens creen llibres propis per fomentar la creativitat.
  • 🔤 Els puzles i llibres d'abecedari ajuden amb el reconeixement de lletres.
  • 🧩 Les activitats pràctiques, com els puzles, milloren el coneixement de l'ordre de les lletres.
  • 🎧 Tauletes i iPads s'integren per a activitats literàries interactives.
  • 🏡 Les famílies participen a través d'una biblioteca de préstec.
  • 🏫 Les activitats de transició mantenen als nens actius durant el canvi d'àrea.
  • ✏️ Àmplia varietat de materials d'escriptura per fomentar la creativitat.
  • 🔍 S'anima als nens a explorar i aprendre de manera independent.
  • 👩‍🏫 Els professors proporcionen suport quan és necessari.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:38

    Descobreixo com els mestres proporcionen diversos materials de lectura a l'aula per fomentar l'aprenentatge de l'alfabetització dels infants. Aquestes eines inclouen una àmplia gamma de llibres i textos en diferents idiomes que reflecteixen les cultures, vides familiars i interessos dels nens. Els nens creen llibres propis dibuixant i escrivint històries, a més de participar en activitats que vinculen les lletres de l'alfabet amb imatges i cançons. Els materials didàctics com trencaclosques de seqüència i titelles ajuden a reforçar les activitats d'aprenentatge de lectura lúdica.



  • Quins tipus de llibres hi ha a l'àrea de llibres de l'aula?

    Inclou llibres en diversos idiomes reflectint les cultures dels nens, llibres fets pels nens, i llibres amb imatges de la vida real.

  • Per què s'utilitzen llibres que reflecteixen diferents cultures i famílies?

    És important que els nens vegin la diversitat de cultures i tipus de famílies per fomentar una major comprensió i tolerància.

  • Què són els llibres d'abecedari?

    Són llibres importants perquè introdueixen paraules que comencen amb cada lletra de l'abecedari, ajudant als nens a aprendre les lletres i sons.

  • Com ajuden els puzles de seqüència a l'aprenentatge de les lletres?

    Els puzles ajuden a col·locar les lletres en ordre, millorant la comprensió de la seqüència de l'abecedari mitjançant cançons i activitats.

  • Quines altres eines utilitzen els nens per escriure a l'aula?

    Hi ha materials diversos com llibretes, llibres de rebuts, llapis i altres materials d'escriptura per facilitar la creativitat dels nens.

  • Com s'integren dispositius tecnològics en l'aprenentatge?

    Es fan servir tauletes i iPads amb aplicacions literàries per ajudar amb el reconeixement de lletres i sons, així com per escoltar llibres electrònics.

  • Quines activitats es fan a l'aula per a la transició entre zones?

    S'utilitzen cançons i activitats relacionades amb el que aprenen per fer una transició activa i aprendre durant els canvis d'àrea.

  • Quin és el paper dels pares en el procés d'aprenentatge de lectoescriptura?

    Els materials literaris es deixen a la biblioteca per a què les famílies els prenguin a casa i ajudin a l'aprenentatge del nen.

  • Com es fomenta la independència dels nens a l'aula?

    Els nens tenen accés a recursos literaris i se'ls anima a explorar i aprendre de manera independent, amb suport del professorat quan és necessari.


  • 00:00:00
  • 00:00:12
    when teachers provide abundant reading
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    material in the classroom
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    they support children's literacy
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    learning these costumes include a wide
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    range of books and other texts
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    accessible to children so literacy is a
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    large part of our day from the time that
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    the children walk in until the time that
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    they leave the classroom so this is our
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    book area and it's very important to us
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    that we have different types of books
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    that represent all of the children in
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    our classroom so we have a very large
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    middle-eastern population in our
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    community so we have books that are both
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    in English and also in Arabic and then
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    we also have a lot of other books that
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    reflect children's cultures their home
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    lives and also reflect different types
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    of families because we find that it's
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    really important that children see they
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    are not just children are just different
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    based on their culture but also based on
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    their family some other things that we
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    like to put in our book area as well our
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    child made books so they draw the
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    pictures they create their own stories
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    and then we write down the words for
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    them for their stories and then some
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    stories that are really interesting to
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    the children they draw their own
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    interpretations of those stories and
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    then we also write down their words in
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    retelling the story so we also have
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    alphabet books and these are really
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    important to use in the classroom
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    because they have so many different
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    words that begin with each letter of the
  • 00:01:37
    alphabet so this is something that the
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    children are really interested in and
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    the teachers enjoy reading to the
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    children and we point out abby alligator
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    is ready to work a is for a b a is for
  • 00:01:47
    Alligator so on each page as we're
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    reading we're pointing out the words
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    that begin with those letters and then
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    in the back page it's a really
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    interesting page where the children get
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    to look at the picture and try to find
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    the things from the story that begin
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    with that letter so we have a lot of
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    books that we actually have teacher made
  • 00:02:08
    felt pieces to go with them
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    so we have the story go away big green
  • 00:02:12
    monster that the children are really
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    interested in right now so we have
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    teacher made materials for them to be
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    able to open the book and put the pieces
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    together with
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    two big yellow eyes and the bluish
  • 00:02:26
    greenish nose insult so forth and we
  • 00:02:29
    have multiple sets so that multiple
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    children can enjoy it at one time we
  • 00:02:35
    also have uppercase and lowercase
  • 00:02:37
    sequencing puzzles and with which the
  • 00:02:39
    teachers work with their children to get
  • 00:02:41
    the letters in order and a way that we
  • 00:02:44
    do that with their children to help them
  • 00:02:45
    with the sequencing is by singing this
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    song we also have puzzles with letter
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    and picture and then puppets right now
  • 00:02:54
    the children are really interested in
  • 00:02:56
    Goldilocks and the three bears so we
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    have books and we have puppets for them
  • 00:03:00
    to reenact the story with as well so I
  • 00:03:04
    like to have a lot of books in the
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    classroom that are also real life
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    pictures I have a lot of books like this
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    one up north in Michigan where it's
  • 00:03:11
    going to show show real-life pictures of
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    things that the children may experience
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    here in Michigan with lakes and sand and
  • 00:03:19
    those types of things and then some of
  • 00:03:23
    the other books that actually reflect
  • 00:03:24
    Michigan and where we're from also in
  • 00:03:29
    the black area we have many books about
  • 00:03:31
    building and transportation so these are
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    things that the children can look
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    through and also get ideas about things
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    that they might want to build in the
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    classroom with their own blacks there's
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    also transportation books which we have
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    vehicles so they can read about those
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    and then the children were really into
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    this story of the three Billy Goats
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    Gruff so we did a small group activity
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    where the children were building bridges
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    and what we did was we printed out
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    bridges of the Tower Bridge of London
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    the Mackinac Bridge so that they could
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    see real-life bridges and that would
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    hopefully inspire them when they were
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    building their own bridges so we also
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    have clipboards in many different areas
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    throughout the room we have them in the
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    dramatic play center we have them in the
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    science area we have them in the writing
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    area and then we also have them in the
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    black in building area and the children
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    know that they can always access the
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    clipboards you see they're well used for
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    any type of writing they want to do any
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    type of drawing any plans they want to
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    do in black and building writing in the
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    Writing Center writing and dramatic play
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    whether they're taking orders or
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    or writing down notes or in the science
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    area so right now in the dramatic play
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    center the children are very interested
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    in doctors office so what we did was we
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    brought in some books some that we
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    created about our bodies so they can
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    look at internal and external parts of
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    the body and reference that when they're
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    playing doctor and it has labeled so the
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    children can her teacher can read to the
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    children the different parts brain and
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    hard and lungs and then there are also
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    just some other books about the human
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    body and about bones and things that
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    they can reference while playing doctor
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    so we also have book books for children
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    to look at if they're taking orders they
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    might want to write down the words of
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    something and there's words in pictures
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    for them to look at and they have
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    notebooks clipboards we have sales order
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    books receipt books pencils lots of
  • 00:05:34
    different writing materials for them to
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    use how they want in their play and then
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    in the Science Center we have many
  • 00:05:40
    different books about animals about bugs
  • 00:05:42
    about fruits and vegetables and flowers
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    and then we have we have books but
  • 00:05:48
    they're all real life pictures for the
  • 00:05:50
    children to look through and explore so
  • 00:05:53
    here we have our lending library we have
  • 00:05:56
    different books and also literacy
  • 00:05:58
    materials for families to check out at
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    the end of the day books are chosen
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    based on children's interests and like I
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    said literacy materials where we have
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    letter puzzles alphabet bingo upper and
  • 00:06:12
    lowercase letter matching different
  • 00:06:14
    things for families to work with their
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    children at home since we know that
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    families are our children's first
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    educators so we want to make sure that
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    we're doing our part with families to
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    help them teach their children at home
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    we have a listening Center with many
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    different types of books and we use
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    these children can use these
  • 00:06:31
    independently during work time and then
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    we also have tablets and iPads that we
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    use we have different apps that have
  • 00:06:38
    different literacy activities on them to
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    help children with letter recognition
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    and sound and on the tablets children
  • 00:06:45
    can also listen to ebooks so this is our
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    writing area
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    we encourage children to use it during
  • 00:06:51
    work time but some of these activities
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    we also use at other times throughout
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    the day we have a lot of different
  • 00:06:56
    writing materials such as dry erase
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    markers crayons
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    we have magnetic letters we also have a
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    box filled with whiteboards and also for
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    writing we have notebooks envelope
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    sentence strips lined paper or plain
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    paper all of those types of things for
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    children to write down anything that
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    they want and then of course we have our
  • 00:07:17
    Spanish numbers Arabic numbers English
  • 00:07:19
    alphabet and then the Arabic alphabet as
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    well for the children to reference and
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    we have real life pictures that are in
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    our community the local grocery store
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    the children are able to see them in
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    print and connect it with the picture
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    and these are things that are more
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    meaningful to them because these are
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    things that they see in their community
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    when they choose to use it during work
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    time some things they can use
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    independently is some things they may
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    need help with so that's just something
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    that a teacher will kind of watch and
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    see we want them to try things as much
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    as they can and be independent but when
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    they do need assistance we are there to
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    to help them with things or answer any
  • 00:07:53
    questions they might have so in the
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    classroom each child has their own
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    journal that we use during planning and
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    recall time so this child drew a picture
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    about what they did a tree call and then
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    the teacher wrote down our area and the
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    child said I painted so the teacher
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    writes down the words that the child
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    says and then the child also said house
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    area I played with the music so the
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    teacher writes down all of their
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    interpretation of what they did they can
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    also be used during other times of the
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    day sometimes we use them after a story
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    so the children will draw their
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    interpretation of the story or they may
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    draw a continuation of the story so when
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    we read the story little blue and little
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    yellow the child drew a picture and the
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    child said they are hugging and turning
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    green so that's what we wrote down
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    they're hugging and turning green and
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    then they are playing dress-up writing
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    down the children's words are very
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    important because it helps them connect
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    what they're saying to the written word
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    and that is one of the first steps to
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    literacy as we leave the classroom we
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    also do literacy activities through
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    transition so if the child chose tea for
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    tiptoe what we're going to do is we're
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    going to sing
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    song about tiptoeing and we're going to
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    walk to the next area whether we're
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    going to the gym whether we're going
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    outside and we're going to tiptoe learn
  • 00:09:16
    more at literacy essentials org
  • llebar
  • lectoescriptura
  • aprenentatge
  • diversitat cultural
  • tecnologia educativa
  • puzles
  • tauletes
  • jocs de seqüència
  • escola infantil
  • activitats d'aula