4 Tips for Communicating Effectively with Executives in 2025
TLDRThis video by a communications consultant outlines four essential strategies for communicating effectively with executives. Firstly, be concise, as senior leaders value brevity and efficiency in communication. Next, focus on the big picture, highlighting the impact of your work on organizational goals instead of detailing tasks. Thirdly, understand executives' priorities; aligning your communication with their interests will enhance your message's relevance. Lastly, when addressing issues, present both the problem and actionable solutions, showcasing your initiative and reliability. These tips are designed to improve communication effectiveness and enhance one’s value within the organization.
- 📌 Be concise: Respect the limited time of executives.
- 📌 Focus on big picture: Highlight results, not just tasks.
- 📌 Understand their priorities: Align your message to their interests.
- 📌 Provide solutions, not problems: Show initiative and value.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In the first segment, the communication consultant discusses the importance of being concise when communicating with executives, emphasizing their busy schedules and limited time. Key strategies include focusing on essential information, being prepared, and anticipating questions that may arise during discussions or presentations. It's critical to present the necessary points clearly and avoid unnecessary details to ensure time-efficient communication.
- 00:05:00 - 00:11:13
The second segment shifts to the necessity of understanding executives' priorities and thinking big picture. It highlights that executives prefer impactful results over detailed operational tasks. Communicators should align their messages with organizational goals and demonstrate how their work contributes to these broader objectives. The consultant stresses knowing the company's strategic priorities to effectively communicate value and position oneself for advancement.
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- 00:00:00do you get nervous when you're trying to
- 00:00:01communicate with Executives or senior
- 00:00:03leaders in your organization do you feel
- 00:00:05totally unsure about how to make a great
- 00:00:07first impression what's the most
- 00:00:09effective way to communicate with them I
- 00:00:11am a communications consultant I have
- 00:00:12worked with CEOs Executives and Senior
- 00:00:15leaders for years and in this video I'm
- 00:00:17going to share my four top tips for
- 00:00:19communicating effectively with
- 00:00:21Executives these are all tried and
- 00:00:23tested tips that I have honed and
- 00:00:25practiced over the years so let's Jump
- 00:00:27Right In to tip number one tip number
- 00:00:28one when you are community ating with
- 00:00:30Executives be concise all of the CEOs
- 00:00:33and leaders I have worked with over the
- 00:00:35years their schedules are totally
- 00:00:37totally nuts they have very limited time
- 00:00:39to spare so bear this in mind when you
- 00:00:42are communicating with them they will
- 00:00:43appreciate brevity and they will
- 00:00:45appreciate efficiency in the
- 00:00:46communication so what does this mean
- 00:00:48this means don't add in loads of waffle
- 00:00:51please get straight to the point and if
- 00:00:53there's something you need them to do or
- 00:00:54take action on make sure you're very
- 00:00:56clear about that this is particularly
- 00:00:58true in organizations where people bill
- 00:01:00by the hour so it might be the case that
- 00:01:02literally every minute counts for your
- 00:01:05senior leaders because every minute is
- 00:01:06costing them money so how do you
- 00:01:08actually do this in practice a really
- 00:01:10good tip is to think about what do they
- 00:01:11need to know rather than what do you
- 00:01:13want to tell them cuz they might be
- 00:01:15totally different things so you want to
- 00:01:17provide essential Communication in a
- 00:01:19concise way you want to have key points
- 00:01:22that you need to deliver and you want to
- 00:01:24avoid giving any unnecessary details or
- 00:01:26loads of background or unnecessary
- 00:01:29context that is just just diluting your
- 00:01:30message so think about what they need to
- 00:01:32know give them that information be
- 00:01:34specific and be precise when you can if
- 00:01:36you need to give dates or timelines at
- 00:01:39those in think about the types of
- 00:01:41questions they might ask you and build
- 00:01:42them into your communication for that
- 00:01:44essential relevant information that they
- 00:01:46need to know so when in not child this
- 00:01:48piece of advice is don't waste their
- 00:01:50time they will really appreciate being
- 00:01:53concise and being brief in your
- 00:01:54communication and part of this is if you
- 00:01:57are going into a presentation the room
- 00:01:59full of Executives you should be fully
- 00:02:01briefed and prepared ahead of time you
- 00:02:03should not have to ask them to explain
- 00:02:06any parts of the project or to give you
- 00:02:08background or context you should already
- 00:02:09know that in advance and also please you
- 00:02:12need to make sure that you are
- 00:02:14practicing your presentation before you
- 00:02:16get into that room do it at home stand
- 00:02:18up and walk around as if you're really
- 00:02:20doing it do your presentation out loud
- 00:02:22it's also going to help you communicate
- 00:02:24more efficiently with this group if you
- 00:02:26think ahead of time what kind of
- 00:02:28questions they might ask you or what
- 00:02:30kind of objections they might have for
- 00:02:32the topic you are presenting on and if
- 00:02:34you're really not sure what kind of
- 00:02:35things they might ask you go into a tool
- 00:02:38like Chachi PT give them a little bit of
- 00:02:40context about your audience about your
- 00:02:42group of Executives and about your topic
- 00:02:44and ask Chachi PT what kind of questions
- 00:02:47are they likely to ask me so this can be
- 00:02:49really helpful when you are preparing on
- 00:02:51your own and you just need an outside
- 00:02:53perspective AI can help you with that
- 00:02:55okay so that's tip number one to be
- 00:02:56really really concise to be well
- 00:02:58prepared and to give give them the
- 00:03:00information that they need to know
- 00:03:01rather than all the information you
- 00:03:03might want to tell them tip number two
- 00:03:04for communicating effectively with
- 00:03:06Executives is to think big picture so if
- 00:03:09you think about the way that you might
- 00:03:11communicate with your team members or
- 00:03:14with your direct boss you probably go
- 00:03:16into a lot of detail right you're going
- 00:03:17to talk about all the projects you're
- 00:03:19working on all the dates all the
- 00:03:21deliverables all the activities all of
- 00:03:23the tasks so you're going to talk about
- 00:03:24loads of operational information lots of
- 00:03:27stuff that you're doing and all of the
- 00:03:29time when you're going to do that in and
- 00:03:30you've probably been trained over the
- 00:03:32years that this is how we communicate
- 00:03:34and work we tell everybody everything
- 00:03:37all the time because it makes us look
- 00:03:39very impressive and very busy but here's
- 00:03:41the thing that is not the way to
- 00:03:43communicate with Executives they do not
- 00:03:45want to know all the details about your
- 00:03:47job or your work or your tasks or your
- 00:03:50projects they want to think big picture
- 00:03:52they want to focus on results rather
- 00:03:54than on tasks or projects so for this
- 00:03:56audience when you are communicating with
- 00:03:58Executives they' really care how busy
- 00:04:00you've been they don't really care how
- 00:04:01much stuff you're doing they want to
- 00:04:03know well what does this mean for the
- 00:04:05company what difference is this making
- 00:04:07to the business so this is a very
- 00:04:09different way of communicating if you
- 00:04:11work in a Communications role for
- 00:04:13example maybe you're very keen to tell
- 00:04:16them about how many newsletter articles
- 00:04:18you wrote this month or how many blog
- 00:04:20posts you wrote or how many people
- 00:04:21attended a workshop that you ran but
- 00:04:24that's really not relevant to this
- 00:04:25audience so what they care about is well
- 00:04:28what is the result of all this activ ity
- 00:04:30yes you were really busy but what's the
- 00:04:32impact on that what difference did it
- 00:04:34make so this is what I mean when I think
- 00:04:36big picture you need to get out of the
- 00:04:37weeds and all the details and bring it
- 00:04:39up to link it to the priorities and the
- 00:04:42strategy of the business so say one of
- 00:04:44the priorities of the business is to
- 00:04:46reduce staff turnover so what you want
- 00:04:48to think about is all of this activity
- 00:04:51that I've done how is that having an
- 00:04:52impact on staff turnover is there any
- 00:04:54link I can draw there because that's
- 00:04:56what you want to communicate let's think
- 00:04:58through an example say you work in a
- 00:05:00company where one of the biggest
- 00:05:01priorities of the year is to save money
- 00:05:04and you have been working on a piece of
- 00:05:06work that has reduced the time that
- 00:05:08people have to spend in meetings by 2
- 00:05:10hours a week and then you can calculate
- 00:05:12how much time you've saved the business
- 00:05:14and put a dollar figure on that so you
- 00:05:16might be able to communicate to
- 00:05:17Executives well it's not that I've done
- 00:05:19x y and Zed to reduce the time spent in
- 00:05:21meetings but actually the impact of me
- 00:05:24doing that has saved the business 3/4 of
- 00:05:26a million dollars this year in Lost
- 00:05:28productivity so that's the angle you
- 00:05:30want to go out when you are
- 00:05:31communicating with senior leaders if you
- 00:05:34can communicate in this way with your
- 00:05:36Executives you will get yourself a
- 00:05:38really good reputation for delivering
- 00:05:40results for focusing on things that
- 00:05:41matter and it'll position you well for a
- 00:05:44promotion in the future so that's tip
- 00:05:45number two to think big picture now
- 00:05:48before I jump into tip number three if
- 00:05:49you are enjoying this content I invite
- 00:05:51you to subscribe to my channel so tip
- 00:05:54number three for communicating with the
- 00:05:55executives is to understand their
- 00:05:57priorities so in tip number two we
- 00:05:59talked about think big picture so you
- 00:06:01can't communicate effectively about that
- 00:06:03big picture if you don't know what that
- 00:06:05is so you absolutely have to understand
- 00:06:08the priorities of your Executives in
- 00:06:10order to communicate with them
- 00:06:12effectively because what you're trying
- 00:06:13to do is you're trying to align your
- 00:06:15message to their interests so you have
- 00:06:18to know what their main concerns are and
- 00:06:20what they're focused on so you want to
- 00:06:21frame your Communication in a way that
- 00:06:24shows what you're working on aligns well
- 00:06:27with their priorities and the things
- 00:06:29that they want to achieve and this is
- 00:06:30the essence of good communication isn't
- 00:06:32it know your audience you must
- 00:06:34understand what did they care about
- 00:06:36sometimes you'll hear people say the
- 00:06:37question of like what keeps your CEO up
- 00:06:39at night this is the way of saying like
- 00:06:41what do they really care about how can I
- 00:06:43communicate about my work in a way that
- 00:06:46aligns with what they really care about
- 00:06:48because if you get a good handle on this
- 00:06:49then you can always tailor your message
- 00:06:51to that so when you're communicating
- 00:06:53with Executives make sure that you are
- 00:06:56playing to their selfish desires talk
- 00:06:58about how the work that you're doing is
- 00:07:00helping to solve their problems they
- 00:07:02will love you for this so make it about
- 00:07:04them it's about them and not about you
- 00:07:07so if you don't know the priorities of
- 00:07:09your senior Executives it's really
- 00:07:11important that you take the time to find
- 00:07:13that out most businesses will have a
- 00:07:14business strategy maybe it's a three or
- 00:07:17fiveyear plan you need to go and find
- 00:07:19this and read this what I really want to
- 00:07:21get familiar with is the vision of the
- 00:07:23organization the mission of the
- 00:07:24organization and its key priorities so
- 00:07:27these key priorities they might be
- 00:07:28called different things they might be
- 00:07:30called strategic objectives they might
- 00:07:32be called strategic priorities they
- 00:07:33might be called strategic pillars there
- 00:07:35probably going to be three four five of
- 00:07:37these at quite a high level and this is
- 00:07:40what your Executives care about so these
- 00:07:42might be big picture things like we want
- 00:07:44the company to make more money we want
- 00:07:45to have more market share we want to
- 00:07:47have higher rates of Customer Loyalty
- 00:07:49these are those big picture things that
- 00:07:51everyone in the company is driving
- 00:07:53towards something else you should also
- 00:07:55find out is the time frame of your
- 00:07:57organization strategy so that you could
- 00:07:58talk about this when you are
- 00:08:00communicating with your Executives in
- 00:08:02some companies there might just be a
- 00:08:03one-year plan in other ones there might
- 00:08:05be a three or 5year plan it's really
- 00:08:07useful to know this so that you can
- 00:08:09align your own strategy and your own
- 00:08:11work to these time frames that will
- 00:08:13position you as a strategic thinker and
- 00:08:16someone that is really aligned with the
- 00:08:18overall business strategy and you will
- 00:08:20be seen as someone that gets it and that
- 00:08:22has commercial and real deep value to
- 00:08:24the organization now before I jump into
- 00:08:26the very last tip I would love to hear
- 00:08:28from you any of these tips resonating
- 00:08:31with you do you recognize the value of
- 00:08:33any of these which of them is the most
- 00:08:34useful for you please leave me a comment
- 00:08:36I would love to hear it and don't forget
- 00:08:38subscribe to my channel so I can keep
- 00:08:40giving you free communications advice
- 00:08:42okay tip four for communicating
- 00:08:44effectively with Executives is to
- 00:08:46provide Solutions and not problems so
- 00:08:49maybe you're coming in to do a
- 00:08:51presentation to a group of Executives
- 00:08:53and you have spotted a glaring problem
- 00:08:55in the business maybe there's a risk or
- 00:08:57something that's not working properly
- 00:08:59you don't want to come into that
- 00:09:00presentation and just present the
- 00:09:02problem and make it their problem you
- 00:09:03want to come into that presentation and
- 00:09:05communicate that you understand the
- 00:09:06problem that you've done your research
- 00:09:08and that you have a potential solution
- 00:09:10because senior leaders will really
- 00:09:12appreciate people that can not only spot
- 00:09:14the problems in the business but that
- 00:09:15can propose actionable solutions to
- 00:09:18solve those problems so be prepared to
- 00:09:20discuss the problem present Your
- 00:09:22solution take all their questions and
- 00:09:24discuss it in depth this is a really
- 00:09:26great approach to think about when
- 00:09:28you're communicating with Executives it
- 00:09:30positions you as a problem solver with
- 00:09:33as somebody that has lots of initiative
- 00:09:35and someone that is really genuinely
- 00:09:37valuable to invest their time in and to
- 00:09:39spend time with and this kind of
- 00:09:41approach can actually increase your
- 00:09:42value to the organization over time it
- 00:09:44will position you very well for any
- 00:09:46promotions that are coming up and it
- 00:09:48gives you more credibility it positions
- 00:09:50you as somebody that can be relied upon
- 00:09:52to tackle all these challenges
- 00:09:54effectively now why this is really
- 00:09:56crucial for communicating with senior
- 00:09:57leaders is because essenti you're taking
- 00:10:00on the problem yourself rather than
- 00:10:02making it their problem so you're kind
- 00:10:03of taking work off their desk they will
- 00:10:05really really appreciate this because
- 00:10:07remember they're super super busy so if
- 00:10:09you can come into that group and
- 00:10:10communicate solutions that are well
- 00:10:13thought out that are based on data and
- 00:10:15research and you've kind of weighed up
- 00:10:16the pros and cons you will just blow
- 00:10:19them away and they will be really
- 00:10:20delighted because essentially you're
- 00:10:21reducing their workload of you are
- 00:10:23solving the problem it means that they
- 00:10:25don't have to so when you are
- 00:10:26communicating something like this make
- 00:10:28sure that you come are armed with a
- 00:10:30really good rationale make sure you have
- 00:10:32lots of data and evidence for why you've
- 00:10:34picked this solution rather than another
- 00:10:36one there might be an appendix you can
- 00:10:38email out them afterwards if they want
- 00:10:40to get into the nitty-gritty you can
- 00:10:41provide it to them as a read so there
- 00:10:43you have it they are my four top pieces
- 00:10:45of advice for communicating effectively
- 00:10:47with the executives or the senior
- 00:10:49leaders in your organization these tips
- 00:10:52have served me really well over the
- 00:10:53years they still do and I hope that
- 00:10:55they're useful to you too now something
- 00:10:57I didn't talk about in this video is all
- 00:10:59the information that I wish I had known
- 00:11:01before I started working in the
- 00:11:03communications industry before I ever
- 00:11:05got my first Communications job if you
- 00:11:07want to know all the things I wish I'd
- 00:11:09known at the start of my career then you
- 00:11:11can watch this video next
- communication
- executives
- leadership
- tips
- business
- strategic communication
- problem-solving