Midterm 1 Review
TLDRDum ĉi tiu kunveno, ni diskutis diversajn kemiajn konceptojn en prepariĝo por la unua ekzameno. La instruisto klarigis temojn pri la perioda tabelo inkluzive de radiuso, jonigo de energio, elektronegativeco kaj siaj periodaj tendencoj. Ni ankaŭ reviziis kiel desegni Lewis-strukturojn kun minimumaj formalaj ŝargoj kaj kiel apliki la bohran modelon por elektra translokigo en atomoj de hidrogeno. La kunveno enhavis ekzemplajn ekzamenajn demandojn kiuj testis niajn konojn pri kalkulado de subatomaj partikloj, kvantuma nombrosistemo, kaj ligoj inter atomoj. La partoprenantoj povis demandi kaj ricevi klarigojn en realtempa diskuto, kio helpas en pli bona konceptado de la materialo prezentita.
- 🔍 Koncepto pri perioda tabelo gravas por kompreni radiuson kaj ionigan energion.
- 📚 Revizio pri Bohr-modelo rilate al hidrogenaj ekscitoj estis farita.
- 🧪 Akcento estis pri minimumigado de formala ŝargo en Lewis-strukturoj.
- ❓ Realtempaj demandoj estis pritraktitaj por klarigi konfundajn punktojn.
- ⚛️ Traktado pri kvantumaj nombroj estis inkluzivita por interna atomstruktura kompreno.
- 🔗 Diskuto pri molekulaj ligoj kaj iliaj elektronaj karakteroj estis farita.
- 🔠 Nomoformado de kovalentaj kaj acidaj kunmetaĵoj estis klarigita.
- 💡 Subatomaj partikloj kaj iliaj kalkuloj restis kerna temo.
- 🔄 Komprenado de variaĵoj ene periodaj tendencoj estis prifokusa.
- 📝 Prepariĝo por venonta ekzameno estis la ĉefa celo de la kunveno.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La prelego komenciĝas kun la prezentanto kontrolante la funkciecon de la teamsoftvaro kaj klarigante la strukturon de la sesio. Subitaj demandoj devus esti rezervitaj ĝis fino de ĉiu problemo ĉar ili povas esti respondotaj dum la solvo de aliaj taskoj. Laŭvole, oni povas uzi manlevon aŭ tajpadon por demandi, kaj la sesio okazos tute virtuale por la resto de la semestro.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La unua problemo esploras masleĝon, demonstrante la difinitan konsiston aŭ proporcian leĝon, kie oni substrekas ke natrio estas konstanta per masprocento en natria klorido el diversaj fontoj. Oni klarigas, ke ĉi tio koncernas ununuran substancon prefere ol kemia reago.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Pluverkanta problemo eksploras subatomajn partiklojn en mangana jono, kondukante partoprenantojn tra la kalkulo de neŭtronoj kaj elektronoj en speciala izotopa kaj jona konteksto. La metodo uzas masnumeron kaj atomnumeron por informi la procezon.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
La sekva problemo traktas energion kaj frekvencon de fotono uzante ĝian ondolongon en la infraruĝa spektro. Uzante la konstantajn valorojn por h (Planck-konstanto) kaj c (lumrapido), oni solvas por ambaŭ postulataj mezuroj.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Problemo kovras la minimuman energion aŭ laborfunkcion postulatan por la eltira efiko fotolektra en metaloj. Oni uzas la saman fundamentan ekvacion kiel en la antaŭa frekvenca problemaro, sed emfazas la konceptan komprenadon de fotolektra efiko.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Diskutante la Bohr-modelon, oni klarigas kiel kalkuli la frekvencon de fotono bezonata por eksciti elektronon de unu enerĝinivelo al alia en hydrogeno, kun instrukcioj pri ĝusta uzo de la ekvacio kaj konvertado de mezurunuoj.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Oni devas kompreni la elektron-konfiguron de mangano uzante la periodan tabelon por plenigi subshell-ojn laŭ energia ordo. Oni substrekas la uzon de la n-1 regulo por transiraj metaloj, montrante la bezonon sekvi ĝustan proceduron por tiaj elementoj.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Demandate pri la nombro de orbitaloj ĉe specifa energinivelo, la solvo uzas la rilaton 2l+1 por kalkuli ilin en subnivelo difinita de donitaj kvantumaj nombroj. Diskuto temas pri la uzado de kvantumnombroj kaj ilia interpreto laŭ energiaj niveloj.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Malkovru la maksimuman eblan nombron de elektronoj en specifita ŝelo kaj subshell surbaze de kvantumaj nombroj. Tio implicas analizon de kapacito per la formulo 2n^2 por maksimumo en ŝelo kaj 2(2l+1) por subshell.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Uzu konceptajn sciojn de kvantumnombroj por identigi taŭgajn valorojn en orbitaloj, inkluzive de subshelloj kaj specifaj orbitaloj, klarigante la regulojn kaj rilatojn inter magnitudoj kiel eblaj naŭncaj esploroj de loka spacokovro en atoma skalo.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Analizo pri la grunda stato de atomo postulas aplikon de diversaj principoj kiel Hund kaj Paul por aserti la plej stabilan elektronaranĝon en orbitaloj, uzante detalojn provizitajn en la problema diagrama reprezentado.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Reveni al bazaj prediktoj bazitaj sur la perioda tabelo por klasifikado kaj ŝarĝo de elementoj hala kaj metalaj karakterizaĵoj kun referenco al iliaj pozicioj kaj komunumaj propraĵoj en formadleĝoj de reago.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Analizas periodajn tendencojn elektita radiuso kaj ioniga energio, atenta konsidero al distingoj en grupniveloj kaj sia influo sur prediktoj de kompareblaj fizikaj priskriboj tra elementoj kiel similaj punktoj de molekuligita aspekto.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Enkonduko al la sekcio pri jonigitaj periodaj tendencoj, emfaza noto sur energio de jonizado, kaj tiuj grupoj kun rimarkindaj esceptoj, kiel trovitaj en la kvina grupo kie anormale grandaj energetikaj saltegoj okazas.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Oni esploras la polusecon de kemiaj ligoj ekzamenante la diferencan elektronegativecon inter elementparoj, disvolvante metodon por kontroli la polusecon surbaze de la relativaj pozicioj en la perioda tabelo, sen limigo al numeraj ekvivalentoj.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Ankaŭ en kelkfoje la disjunticece, kompara analizo de atomaj kaj jonaj radioj uzante la bazajn konojn de elektrona strukturo kaj periodaj tendencoj al mezaj valentinoj kaj jonstruktura ekspansio.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
La solvo de formula predikto implikas la uzon de klinika logiko kaj scio pri periodaj tendencoj de metalo kaj nemetalo por produkti ekvilibran chemian formon respondas la elekto al fiksitaj elekto kaj agnoskas la sisteman enkondukon.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
Analizinte Lewis-strukturan por formala ŝargo, oni enprofundiĝas en konceptoj necesaj por ĝuste decidi pri elektronarangoj kaj rekonstruo, planita celis forigon de neta spaca neeskapo sur centraj elementoj.
- 01:30:00 - 01:35:00
Trajto pri la nomado de kovalentaj kombinaĵoj uzas la regulojn pri prefiksoj kaj oksoanionoj, helpante edukantojn kapti la esencajn fonojn por intelekta demandokurso en la preciza prognozo de kunmeta formulo.
- 01:35:00 - 01:57:39
Post la kompletigo de revizio, donita demandoj retaksas kaj resumas konceptojn en periodaj tendencoj kaj la uzon de elektronegativacaj diferencoj por helpi kompreni kemio-dezajnojn en logika aŭtokratia formo.
Kian enhavon enhavas la kunveno?
La kunveno enhavas klarigojn kaj ekzercajn demandojn pri kemio, inkluzive de temoj kiel kvantumaj nombroj, Lewis-strukturoj, periodaj tendencoj, kaj kemiaj nomadoj.
Kiuj konceptoj de kemio estis traktataj en la kunveno?
Traktataj konceptoj inkluzivas kvantumajn nombrojn, periodajn tendencojn, bohran modelon, Lewis-strukturojn, kemiajn nomojn, kaj elektra negoco de ligoj.
Kiel oni determinis la plej grandan ionigan energion?
La plej granda ioniga energio estis determinita konsiderante la poziciojn de la elementoj en la perioda tabelo kaj la specifajn esceptojn inter grupoj 2 kaj 5.
Kiel la kunveno traktis la temon de Lewis-strukturoj?
La kunveno diskutis kiel desegni Lewis-strukturojn atentante valentelektronojn kaj minimumigi formalajn ŝargojn.
Kio estis la ĉefa fokuso de la diskuto pri kvantumaj nombroj?
La fokuso estis kiel determini la aĝustajn kvantumajn nombrojn por elektrona orbitralo kaj la rilato de tiuj nombroj al perioda tabelo.
Kiel oni determinas la formalan ŝargon en Lewis-strukturo?
Oni determinas per subtraho de la nombro de bendoj kaj senligaj elektronoj en orbitralo de la valentelektronoj de la elemento.
Kiel la seminaro traktis nomadon de kemiaj kunmetaĵoj?
Ĝi klarigis kiel uzi prefiksojn por nomi kovalentajn kunmetaĵojn kaj uzadon de anjonaj nomoj por determini acidajn formulojn.
Kiel oni analizis ligojn rummoritaj en la ekzamenaj demandoj?
Ligoj estis analizitaj laŭ ilia elektroninklinio por determini ilian ionan karakteron kaj polusecon.
Ĉu temis pri specialaj demandoj pri unu elektra negativigeco?
Jes, temis pri komparado de la elektronegativigeco inter diversaj elementoj por taksi ligan polusecon.
Kio estis aparta rimarkinda temo traktata dum la kunveno?
Rimarkinda temo estis la klarigo pri kiel la elektra negativo kaj la istimularoj de la periodoj influas ligan karakteron.
- 00:00:02um it is two o'clock
- 00:00:06and I believe the meeting is now
- 00:00:08recording
- 00:00:10so let's hope that there's no issues
- 00:00:11with that so that I can post this later
- 00:00:13on so before I begin could I get one
- 00:00:17person to confirm for me that they can
- 00:00:19hear me
- 00:00:23very good okay I have not used teams
- 00:00:26very often lately so I don't want this
- 00:00:29to be a total disaster so thank you for
- 00:00:31clarifying and then the next thing to
- 00:00:33confirm is once I get over to it are you
- 00:00:35able to see the screen that I'm sharing
- 00:00:38yes but you can see okay perfect
- 00:00:42all right so we'll get right into it
- 00:00:44um it's gonna be obviously some uh
- 00:00:48differences between this and a normal
- 00:00:49review session they will for out for the
- 00:00:52rest of semester be in person uh
- 00:00:54what I'll ask is if you have questions
- 00:00:56I'm going to ideally save them to the
- 00:00:59end of each problem in part because a
- 00:01:01lot of times you'll have a question pop
- 00:01:03in your head that I will then answer as
- 00:01:04I go through the rest of the problems
- 00:01:06that'll save us some redundant questions
- 00:01:09and then also uh just easier for me to
- 00:01:11monitor on teams if I'm going you know
- 00:01:14just back and forth once every question
- 00:01:15uh you can shout them out that's in some
- 00:01:18ways prefer because then I don't have to
- 00:01:19look for you to you know raise your hand
- 00:01:21or look in the you know typed messages
- 00:01:23but at the same time
- 00:01:26um
- 00:01:27if you uh want to you know just rather
- 00:01:29just raise your hand or type it in I'll
- 00:01:30try to catch all of those questions
- 00:01:32about maybe I'll get a little bit behind
- 00:01:33on those but I'll try to keep up with it
- 00:01:37um so however you choose to answer ask
- 00:01:38questions is fine and whenever you
- 00:01:40choose to do it or whatever you choose
- 00:01:41to ask about so you can ask about the
- 00:01:43specific problem that I that I go over
- 00:01:45and you're also welcome to ask questions
- 00:01:48about anything that you think is related
- 00:01:50to that topic that you want some
- 00:01:51clarification on so it's pretty
- 00:01:53open-ended and obviously this is for
- 00:01:55your benefit primarily so whatever we
- 00:01:57discuss today is totally fine with me
- 00:01:59all right so if there's no procedural
- 00:02:01questions that you have
- 00:02:04[Music]
- 00:02:04um
- 00:02:05get the habit of checking regularly so
- 00:02:07it looks like we're good
- 00:02:09and I will get right into the first
- 00:02:11problem so this goes back to the very
- 00:02:13beginning of the course
- 00:02:15um on mass laws
- 00:02:18so we're asking you to identify in this
- 00:02:19problem which Mass law is demonstrated
- 00:02:21by the fact that sodium chloride mined
- 00:02:23in God Rich Ontario which has the
- 00:02:25largest salt mine in the world and
- 00:02:27sodium chloride mine and Kura Pakistan
- 00:02:30which is the second largest salt mine
- 00:02:31both consists of 39.3 percent sodium by
- 00:02:34Mass
- 00:02:36um so for these types of problems
- 00:02:39you know we're looking at
- 00:02:42a situation that's presented to us
- 00:02:45and so what we can do is you know go
- 00:02:48through the answer choices and kind of
- 00:02:49give a brief description of what each of
- 00:02:51these Mass laws means and then try to
- 00:02:53relate that to the situation that we're
- 00:02:54given here so Choice a which is law of
- 00:02:56conservation of mass that's probably the
- 00:02:59most straightforward one that tells us
- 00:03:00that matter is neither created nor
- 00:03:02destroyed during a chemical reaction
- 00:03:06and in this problem here we're not
- 00:03:08talking about a chemical reaction
- 00:03:10so this does not seem relevant to the
- 00:03:13situation we're presented we're talking
- 00:03:14about mass per sense of elements but
- 00:03:16we're not talking about a chemical
- 00:03:18reaction converting one substance to
- 00:03:19another so that we can probably
- 00:03:21eliminate that one
- 00:03:22for B which is definite composition B
- 00:03:25and C are the two that we
- 00:03:27kind of most often mix up of these three
- 00:03:30Mass laws and so the first one which is
- 00:03:33definite composition or sometimes called
- 00:03:35definite proportion you might see it
- 00:03:37that way on your exam but either way
- 00:03:38it'll have the word definite in it so
- 00:03:41that's going to be talking about the
- 00:03:43elemental mass percentage of a single
- 00:03:46compound
- 00:03:47and so this is saying that you know
- 00:03:51any substance
- 00:03:54typically a compound but it also applies
- 00:03:55to elements themselves which are 100 of
- 00:03:58a single element but any substance has
- 00:04:01specific mass ratios of elements
- 00:04:08all right now this one sounds like what
- 00:04:10we're describing here because we're
- 00:04:12talking about a substance sodium
- 00:04:14chloride
- 00:04:15yeah we're told that it has 39.3 sodium
- 00:04:17by mass now we do want to make sure that
- 00:04:20we can distinguish this one from
- 00:04:21multiple proportions which is the one
- 00:04:23that's going to be
- 00:04:25closely related and sometimes a little
- 00:04:27bit confused with definite composition
- 00:04:29so the key distinction is that if we're
- 00:04:31talking about law of multiple
- 00:04:33proportions we're talking about
- 00:04:34relationships involving two or more
- 00:04:37different substances so I'm not going to
- 00:04:39write out the whole law of multiple
- 00:04:40proportions because it's kind of wordy
- 00:04:42but when you're trying to identify it in
- 00:04:44a question like this multiple
- 00:04:46proportions requires that you're talking
- 00:04:48about two or more different substances
- 00:04:49first of all and they have to be formed
- 00:04:52from the same elements
- 00:04:54so in this problem here we're only
- 00:04:56talking about a single substance sodium
- 00:04:58chloride
- 00:05:01so it's not multiple substances it's
- 00:05:03multiple it's it's one single substance
- 00:05:05sodium chloride from different sources
- 00:05:07but not different substances so the one
- 00:05:10that's going to work best for this one
- 00:05:11will be Choice B
- 00:05:13um now if we go through we should also
- 00:05:15eliminate Choice D I haven't done that
- 00:05:17yet Dalton's law we'll learn about this
- 00:05:19later in the semester this is not
- 00:05:20actually a mass law
- 00:05:22not to be confused with Dalton's atomic
- 00:05:25theory which is a theory that explains
- 00:05:27the mass laws but Dalton's law which is
- 00:05:30a separate law dealing with gases is not
- 00:05:32something that we're going to talk about
- 00:05:33until much later so the one that fits
- 00:05:36best is Choice B because we're dealing
- 00:05:38with the composition of a single
- 00:05:40substance which would not depend on the
- 00:05:43source of that substance all right so
- 00:05:45does anybody have questions on that
- 00:05:46problem or on the topics in general
- 00:05:49related to mass laws
- 00:05:54okay so we are silenced so I will move
- 00:05:58on to the next one and keep us going
- 00:06:01be mindful of our time okay so the next
- 00:06:04question here deals with
- 00:06:06um atomic structure the subatomic
- 00:06:08particles that are present in atoms and
- 00:06:11ions and it wants to know how many
- 00:06:13neutrons and electrons are present in a
- 00:06:1755 manganese plus three ion okay so the
- 00:06:20first thing to decompose is what's going
- 00:06:22to be
- 00:06:25um you know the the anatomy of this
- 00:06:27atomic symbol so we gave you an atomic
- 00:06:29symbol here that has a symbol and two
- 00:06:31numbers attached to us let's talk about
- 00:06:33what those exactly mean so this is 55
- 00:06:36mn3 plus so when it's written in this
- 00:06:39way
- 00:06:40what we have to recall is that the
- 00:06:43number that's on the top left if it's
- 00:06:45given to us
- 00:06:46that's going to be the mass number
- 00:06:51and that's going to tell us the number
- 00:06:53of protons plus the number of neutrons
- 00:06:56basically the sum of the subatomic
- 00:06:58particles that are in the nucleus
- 00:07:01okay so that's what the mass number
- 00:07:02tells us and then this number up here
- 00:07:05which won't always be there but this if
- 00:07:07it's given is going to indicate the
- 00:07:09charge telling us that this is actually
- 00:07:10an ion not a neutral atom
- 00:07:13okay so that's going to be the two
- 00:07:15pieces of this that are critical now
- 00:07:17what we're going to typically start with
- 00:07:19for problems like this is identifying
- 00:07:21the number of protons first and the
- 00:07:23reason that that one is usually the most
- 00:07:24straightforward to get is because it
- 00:07:26comes directly from the atomic number
- 00:07:28now in this atomic symbol here we didn't
- 00:07:31give you the atomic number but that's
- 00:07:32going to be directly related to the
- 00:07:34symbol of the element which is MN so to
- 00:07:37find the atomic number Z which would go
- 00:07:39down here if it was given but it's not
- 00:07:41given to us in this problem we'll go on
- 00:07:43the sort of bottom left of the symbol
- 00:07:45then we have to go to the periodic table
- 00:07:47to identify that element so I'll flip
- 00:07:49over to the periodic table here which
- 00:07:50you should still be able to see it's in
- 00:07:52the same shared window I believe and
- 00:07:54we're going to find MN so this is one of
- 00:07:56the first 36 so you should be familiar
- 00:07:58this is called manganese and it's right
- 00:08:00here middle of the 3D block
- 00:08:03okay so it's but the key part of this
- 00:08:05which I'll try to zoom in on a little
- 00:08:06bit
- 00:08:09in case that's small for you guys
- 00:08:12is that manganese is right here the
- 00:08:15number above that is the number 25.
- 00:08:18okay so that's going to tell us the
- 00:08:20atomic number of that element all right
- 00:08:23so when we go back to over here we know
- 00:08:26because it's MN and the atomic number on
- 00:08:28the periodic table is 25 that's going to
- 00:08:30be the number of protons in the nucleus
- 00:08:32now we're not actually asked for that
- 00:08:34number here but we need it to get the
- 00:08:35other two so now that we have
- 00:08:38the number of protons and we know that
- 00:08:40the mass number is 55 55 is equal to the
- 00:08:43number of protons
- 00:08:46so this is going to be the mass number
- 00:08:47which is sometimes given as a plus the
- 00:08:50number of neutrons and then with a
- 00:08:51little bit of algebra we can find out
- 00:08:53that the number of neutrons or Brewing
- 00:08:55is n0 is 55 minus 25 which is 30. so we
- 00:08:59get the number of neutrons by difference
- 00:09:00so we can eliminate already three of the
- 00:09:03answer choices because they have the
- 00:09:05wrong number of neutrons if we trusted
- 00:09:07ourselves to do that
- 00:09:08all right and then finally for the
- 00:09:10number of electrons that is going to
- 00:09:12relate to the charge so if this was a
- 00:09:15neutral atom the number of protons the
- 00:09:18number of electrons would have to be
- 00:09:19equal they would both be 25 but we're
- 00:09:21telling you that there's a three plus
- 00:09:22charge here so the three plus charge
- 00:09:24comes about because we have three fewer
- 00:09:27electrons than protons so we have 25
- 00:09:29protons
- 00:09:32but there's going to be three fewer than
- 00:09:34that for the number of electrons because
- 00:09:35of the plus three charge
- 00:09:40so that's why we're going to subtract 3
- 00:09:42from this and we're going to leave us
- 00:09:43with 22 as the number of electrons so 30
- 00:09:47for neutrons 22 for electrons and that's
- 00:09:50going to be Choice B here okay so the
- 00:09:53number of neutrons requires us to have
- 00:09:55the mass number and the atomic number
- 00:09:57and the number of electrons requires us
- 00:09:59to consider any charge that might be
- 00:10:01present which in this case there was one
- 00:10:04all right so that's again subatomic
- 00:10:06particles
- 00:10:07um and you know knowing all those ways
- 00:10:09of finding the different numbers of
- 00:10:11protons neutrons electrons for both
- 00:10:13atoms and ions are all going to be a
- 00:10:15fair game for you guys so do we have any
- 00:10:17questions on that problem or that topic
- 00:10:24all right you guys are easy so far but
- 00:10:26please feel free with just to chime in
- 00:10:29with any questions you have
- 00:10:30um at any point
- 00:10:32all right on number three
- 00:10:34all right so as you can kind of tell
- 00:10:36from the format of this exam and if
- 00:10:39you're keeping track of sort of where we
- 00:10:41are in the textbook those were really
- 00:10:43the only two
- 00:10:45questions that dealt with chapter one
- 00:10:48um so we're already now on to chapter
- 00:10:49two which starts with electromagnetic
- 00:10:52radiation
- 00:10:54all right and so this problem here we
- 00:10:57have an infrared Photon has a wavelength
- 00:11:00of
- 00:11:011234 nanometers what are the energy and
- 00:11:04frequency of the photon so this problem
- 00:11:06sort of deals with both relationships
- 00:11:09that we would have involving photons and
- 00:11:12their wavelengths and frequencies and
- 00:11:14energies so there are two different
- 00:11:16equations
- 00:11:17um and you need to know in a specific
- 00:11:19problem which one to use in this case
- 00:11:20I'm using them both just to sort of show
- 00:11:22them both to you in reality you know
- 00:11:25most of the exam questions would require
- 00:11:27you to use one or the other but not
- 00:11:29necessarily both at the same time
- 00:11:31but nonetheless what those are is the
- 00:11:34first one we talked about which is just
- 00:11:36dealing with the wavelength and
- 00:11:38frequency relationship is that the
- 00:11:40product of those two new which is the
- 00:11:41frequency Lambda which is the wavelength
- 00:11:43equals speed of light C and that's going
- 00:11:46to be a constant on your periodic table
- 00:11:48so you don't need to memorize that
- 00:11:49number even though you'll use it a lot
- 00:11:52and then the other relationship is for
- 00:11:54the energy of a photon so the energy is
- 00:11:57equal to a different constant H flux
- 00:11:59constant multiplied by
- 00:12:02new which is again the frequency and
- 00:12:04then we can combine these two equations
- 00:12:07because Lambda is equal to C sorry Nu is
- 00:12:10equal to C divided by Lambda and so if I
- 00:12:12combining those two we get an
- 00:12:13alternative form HC over Lambda
- 00:12:16so there's really two equations and then
- 00:12:18a third one that emerges by combining
- 00:12:20those two algebraically and in this
- 00:12:23problem here we're going to end up using
- 00:12:24both of them
- 00:12:26um and so the first thing we want is
- 00:12:28well we can do it either order but we
- 00:12:30want the energy and the frequency so
- 00:12:32whichever one you choose to do first but
- 00:12:33energy is listed first so let's do that
- 00:12:35we're going to use this form of the
- 00:12:37equation here energy equals HC over
- 00:12:39Lambda because wavelength Lambda is what
- 00:12:42we're given in this problem 12 34
- 00:12:43nanometers okay so that's what we're
- 00:12:46going to use first or with this I choose
- 00:12:49to do it that's totally fine so we're
- 00:12:50going to go HC over Lambda
- 00:12:53and again to remind you H and C are both
- 00:12:56fundamental physical constants and
- 00:12:59they're on your periodic table so again
- 00:13:00look at the bottom here this is the
- 00:13:02exact same periodic table you'll have
- 00:13:04an exam
- 00:13:05H is here 6.626 times 10 to the minus 34
- 00:13:09C is the last one 3 times 10 to the
- 00:13:12eighth so those are those two constants
- 00:13:14that we used a lot in chapter two
- 00:13:16problems and we're going to use both of
- 00:13:17them in this equation so H which is
- 00:13:196.626
- 00:13:22times 10 to the minus 34 and the units
- 00:13:25for that are joules seconds
- 00:13:26and then C is the speed of light in
- 00:13:28meters per second now the one thing we
- 00:13:30have to be careful about when using both
- 00:13:32of these equations is that we have the
- 00:13:34correct units especially for Lambda so
- 00:13:37in this we need SI units all these
- 00:13:39constants are in terms of SI units and
- 00:13:41particularly we see that the speed of
- 00:13:43light is meters per second so that means
- 00:13:45our wavelength which is a measure of
- 00:13:46distance or length has to be given to us
- 00:13:49in meters or after we have to use it in
- 00:13:52meters to be able to put it in the
- 00:13:53equation so that's the one unit
- 00:13:55conversion will have to do in this
- 00:13:56problem which is that the wavelength in
- 00:13:58meters we're starting with 1234
- 00:14:01nanometers
- 00:14:03and then Nano is 10 to the ninth so
- 00:14:05there's 10 to the minus 9 technically
- 00:14:07but there's two ways of writing that but
- 00:14:08it's going to be one meter is 10 to the
- 00:14:11ninth nanometers if you prefer positive
- 00:14:13exponents or alternatively 10 to the
- 00:14:15minus 9 meters over one nanometer works
- 00:14:17fine as well mathematically they're the
- 00:14:19same
- 00:14:19so when we multiply that out we get
- 00:14:211.234 times 10 to the minus 6 meters
- 00:14:26and so that's the number we're going to
- 00:14:28put in here for Lambda in the correct
- 00:14:30units 1.234
- 00:14:33times 10 to the minus 6
- 00:14:36and then so when we multiply that across
- 00:14:38we get
- 00:14:401.61
- 00:14:42times 10 to the minus 19 joules
- 00:14:45um
- 00:14:46so that's the number we get for energy
- 00:14:48so that's going to match choices A and B
- 00:14:50so again if we trust ourselves for the
- 00:14:53first part by elimination we can get rid
- 00:14:55of c and d
- 00:14:57and then finally
- 00:14:58um
- 00:14:59we have to calculate the frequency as
- 00:15:01well and so for that we're going to use
- 00:15:03this first equation here and solve for
- 00:15:07NU which is the frequency which is just
- 00:15:08C divided by Lambda
- 00:15:11and so that's going to be
- 00:15:14speed of light is the only constant in
- 00:15:16this equation 3 times 10 to the eighth
- 00:15:18divided by the same wavelength still in
- 00:15:21meters so make sure the units match up
- 00:15:27and when we divide those two we get 2.43
- 00:15:34times 10 to the 14.
- 00:15:37and the units for that it's inverse
- 00:15:39seconds but more commonly written as
- 00:15:40hearse HZ all right so that's new and
- 00:15:44then that's our energy up there and so
- 00:15:46the answer choice that has both of those
- 00:15:48would be a
- 00:15:50um now in problems you know in the exam
- 00:15:53we we have a lot of problems like this
- 00:15:55where you have to calculate numbers and
- 00:15:57you know given the timing of the exam
- 00:15:59you have uh 75 minutes to do 20
- 00:16:03Questions you're looking at you know
- 00:16:043.75 minutes per question
- 00:16:07um you're not going to probably have
- 00:16:08time to do every problem
- 00:16:11multiple times you're gonna have to you
- 00:16:13know move through and be efficient to
- 00:16:15make sure the time's not an issue for
- 00:16:16most people time is not an issue I
- 00:16:17should say but you know trying to do the
- 00:16:19exam twice and a lot of time might be
- 00:16:21might be a challenge so what's helpful
- 00:16:23in numerical problems like this
- 00:16:24especially if you don't have time to
- 00:16:26completely check your work and
- 00:16:27recalculate everything is to make sure
- 00:16:29at least the order of magnitude for the
- 00:16:31answer is reasonable
- 00:16:33and so you know what's nice to remember
- 00:16:36is that if we're calculating the energy
- 00:16:37of a photon and we're in you know
- 00:16:40somewhere in the typical region of the
- 00:16:41spectrum that's you know UV divisible to
- 00:16:45maybe infrared is where we're going to
- 00:16:47most often be looking at in the context
- 00:16:49of chemistry your Photon energy should
- 00:16:51be somewhere on the order of you know 10
- 00:16:53to the minus 18 10 to the minus 19.
- 00:16:55somewhere within that negative
- 00:16:57exponential range so if you calculate an
- 00:16:59energy that's you know a huge number
- 00:17:01like positive exponent or way way
- 00:17:04smaller than this like C and D or then
- 00:17:07you probably made a math mistake and
- 00:17:08then similarly with frequency typical
- 00:17:11frequencies for electromagnetic
- 00:17:12radiation in the parts of the spectrum
- 00:17:14we work with are you know around
- 00:17:17gigahertz range you know 10 of the 14th
- 00:17:2010 to the 15th Hertz or so
- 00:17:23um
- 00:17:24and and so that's gonna or terahertz
- 00:17:26even but anyways it's going to be a
- 00:17:28typically a large positive exponent on
- 00:17:30that order and again if you get a
- 00:17:31negative exponent for frequency that's
- 00:17:34almost certainly a math mistake that you
- 00:17:36made so like choices B and D here have
- 00:17:39really small numbers for the frequency
- 00:17:41that's not a number you'd expect to get
- 00:17:44for anything that we're going to
- 00:17:45calculate so that might cue you in that
- 00:17:47you missed it up if you've got one of
- 00:17:48those because a lot of times if you
- 00:17:50haven't if you have a multiple choice
- 00:17:52question that's numerical
- 00:17:54um you know some of the answer choices
- 00:17:57are going to be common mistakes that
- 00:17:58people make so they're ones that you
- 00:18:00they're not just random numbers they're
- 00:18:02ones that you would be likely to pick if
- 00:18:04you made one of the more common mistakes
- 00:18:06that that comes up a lot of the
- 00:18:08numerical questions you actually have to
- 00:18:09type your answer in in which case you
- 00:18:11can't really eliminate answer choices
- 00:18:13like we did here but still knowing
- 00:18:15approximately the appropriate order of
- 00:18:18magnitude for a typical number that you
- 00:18:20would calculate a problem like this can
- 00:18:22help you easily identify if you made an
- 00:18:24obvious mistake
- 00:18:26all right so that's just a little bit of
- 00:18:27word of advice and on some of the
- 00:18:28miracle things so do we have any
- 00:18:30questions on on that so there's someone
- 00:18:32in the chat send some things let me
- 00:18:33check what it says
- 00:18:36will the test do the calculator oh
- 00:18:39okay will the test do the calculation
- 00:18:41using the exact C value around it to 3
- 00:18:44times 10 to the eighth
- 00:18:46um it doesn't matter so you are right
- 00:18:48that the value of C is given to us on
- 00:18:52the periodic table with like I don't
- 00:18:54know it's like five digits at least like
- 00:18:562.9972 or something like that I forget
- 00:18:58you can look it up
- 00:19:00um but if you round to 3 times 10 to the
- 00:19:02eighth that's fine we typically give you
- 00:19:04for numerical questions about a you know
- 00:19:07one to two percent window of where we'll
- 00:19:10accept the correct answer
- 00:19:13um and that depends on how many steps
- 00:19:14the question is and stuff like that so
- 00:19:16we kind of decide that depending on the
- 00:19:18nature of the question but it's at least
- 00:19:19one percent leeway and
- 00:19:222.997 versus 3 is like a much smaller
- 00:19:25difference than one percent so rounding
- 00:19:27to three times ten to the eighth is not
- 00:19:28going to cause any problems so I've
- 00:19:31gotten the thumbs up from the questioner
- 00:19:32so I think that means I've
- 00:19:34satisfactorily answered it if anybody
- 00:19:35else has anything want to clarify please
- 00:19:37let me know
- 00:19:39okay so that's perfectly fine to send
- 00:19:41questions in that way we had a question
- 00:19:43in the chat that I was able to get to
- 00:19:45reasonably quickly so feel free to do it
- 00:19:47in that format if you prefer all right
- 00:19:49so on to number four then
- 00:19:52all right so this is
- 00:19:54um
- 00:19:55still chapter two material and we have
- 00:19:58the element hafnium here HF is the is
- 00:20:01the symbol it's pretty far down the
- 00:20:02periodic table it is observed that light
- 00:20:05with wavelength less than 318 nanometers
- 00:20:08is required to eject an electron from
- 00:20:10the surface via the photoelectric effect
- 00:20:13what is the threshold energy work
- 00:20:16function for hafnium and joules now it
- 00:20:18actually turns out that in in this um in
- 00:20:22this problem here we're going to use the
- 00:20:23same equation that we just did
- 00:20:26um
- 00:20:26but it may not be obvious if that's the
- 00:20:28case so first let's talk about the
- 00:20:30concept that this problem deals with
- 00:20:31because that is still relevant to this
- 00:20:33exam and still helpful to think about in
- 00:20:35this problem so we're talking about
- 00:20:36photoelectric effect
- 00:20:38um that's kind of an experiment where
- 00:20:40you have a metal surface in this case
- 00:20:41it's half neon but you can do it with
- 00:20:43any metal
- 00:20:44so indicating this is a metal surface
- 00:20:47you shine light on the surface
- 00:20:50with some frequency new and some energy
- 00:20:53H times Nu and when the product of H Nu
- 00:20:57is greater than some minimum value which
- 00:21:00we call the the threshold energy or the
- 00:21:03work function so if that which is that
- 00:21:06that's equal the work function or
- 00:21:08threshold energy is a synonym for that
- 00:21:10both of those terms are given here when
- 00:21:12that energy is high enough you kick off
- 00:21:14electrons from the surface
- 00:21:19um and you can measure the kinetic
- 00:21:20energy of these electrons and how fast
- 00:21:21they are relates also to the energy of
- 00:21:23the photon but the key part is that if
- 00:21:25the energy of your photon is is too
- 00:21:28small then nothing will happen you won't
- 00:21:30kick off any electrons but if the energy
- 00:21:32is greater than the work function then
- 00:21:33you'll start ejecting electrons so here
- 00:21:36what we're looking for is we're actually
- 00:21:37giving you
- 00:21:38the threshold wavelength so
- 00:21:42we can also just Define that in terms of
- 00:21:44a wavelength 318 nanometers
- 00:21:48so that's our threshold wavelength
- 00:21:50telling us that that's the maximum
- 00:21:52wavelength where an electron will be
- 00:21:54injected we want to calculate what is
- 00:21:56the energy that's associated with that
- 00:21:57so we're just going to use the same
- 00:21:59equation we did in the last problem
- 00:22:00which is that the threshold energy is
- 00:22:02going to be related to the threshold
- 00:22:04wavelength by HC divided by lambda zero
- 00:22:07where lambda zero is the threshold
- 00:22:09wavelength and you notice that they're
- 00:22:11inversely related to each other so the
- 00:22:13photon has to have an energy that's
- 00:22:14larger than e0 which then means it has
- 00:22:17to have a corresponding wavelength
- 00:22:19that's smaller than Lambda 0 because of
- 00:22:21that inverse relationship so but we're
- 00:22:23just going to use the equation to
- 00:22:25calculate the threshold energy or the
- 00:22:26work function e0
- 00:22:28and we're just going to plug things in
- 00:22:30like we did before so we have to do the
- 00:22:33same two constants H and C
- 00:22:36and again
- 00:22:38I always do four four you know three
- 00:22:40decimal places for age but
- 00:22:42rounding to three times in a day if
- 00:22:45that's fine for C
- 00:22:47and then we have to put in Lambda in the
- 00:22:49correct units of meters so same stories
- 00:22:51last one I'm not going to go through the
- 00:22:53conversion again in great detail but
- 00:22:55it's 318 nanometers which we have to
- 00:22:58divide by 10 to the ninth to get it into
- 00:23:00meters which is 3.18 times 10 to the
- 00:23:02minus 7.
- 00:23:04all right and so that's just going to be
- 00:23:07the same equation and what we get is a
- 00:23:09value of 6.25 times 10 to the minus 19.
- 00:23:15joules all right again it's on that
- 00:23:16order of 10 to the minus 19 if it was
- 00:23:18positive like a or really negative like
- 00:23:22C it's probably a mistake somewhere but
- 00:23:24the one that matches would be Choice d
- 00:23:27and that would be the minimum energy
- 00:23:29then for ejecting an electron which
- 00:23:31corresponds to the maximum wavelength of
- 00:23:34318 nanometers so it was set up a little
- 00:23:36bit differently but it is the same
- 00:23:37equation but it is still useful to
- 00:23:39review the concept of photoelectric
- 00:23:41effect because there could be conceptual
- 00:23:43questions related to that as well
- 00:23:45all right do we have any questions
- 00:23:46coming in
- 00:23:48so far no
- 00:23:50so I will transition into number five
- 00:23:53then keep us moving along
- 00:23:57all right so number five is
- 00:23:59uh we're dealing with the Bohr model now
- 00:24:01so
- 00:24:02calculate the frequency of a photon
- 00:24:04needed to promote an electron from
- 00:24:07hydrogen's ground state into the third
- 00:24:08shell
- 00:24:10report the logarithm of your answer to
- 00:24:12two decimal places I don't know if we
- 00:24:13have questions set up like this anymore
- 00:24:15we this is
- 00:24:17sort of old school format but basically
- 00:24:18in some in some forms of the exam
- 00:24:21questions which I don't know if they
- 00:24:23actually exist on the current test bank
- 00:24:25but we would ask you to report the log
- 00:24:27just as a you know easier way of
- 00:24:29reporting a answer that has a large or
- 00:24:32small exponent exponential to it so
- 00:24:35don't get too bogged down in that but if
- 00:24:36it asks you to do it you have to learn
- 00:24:37how to take the log on your calculator
- 00:24:38so make sure you know how to do that
- 00:24:41um but the important thing is to know
- 00:24:43how to actually do the problem okay so
- 00:24:45for this problem here anytime you see
- 00:24:47terminology dealing with you know
- 00:24:49hydrogen promoting electrons
- 00:24:52different shells ground state all that
- 00:24:54stuff you should immediately Zone in on
- 00:24:56the Bohr equation
- 00:24:58and this is not given to you on the
- 00:25:01periodic table this constant here but
- 00:25:02this is the more in my opinion the more
- 00:25:04useful form of the equation there is one
- 00:25:06that's a little bit different that some
- 00:25:07of you might be familiar with called
- 00:25:08ridberg equation but I always do this
- 00:25:11one because this one is useful in any
- 00:25:12situation and then we're going to have
- 00:25:15that constant out front and then it's
- 00:25:17going to be 1 over NF squared where NF
- 00:25:19is the final value of n during the
- 00:25:22electronic excitation or relaxation and
- 00:25:25then ni both of those squared
- 00:25:28where that's the initial value of n that
- 00:25:30it starts at so that's what we're going
- 00:25:32to use First in these types of problems
- 00:25:34so when you're doing a problem that
- 00:25:35deals with a Bohr model you're typically
- 00:25:38going to start with this equation
- 00:25:39occasionally you'll have to work
- 00:25:40backwards in these but the more common
- 00:25:42situation is the one like here where you
- 00:25:45want to get the frequency of a photon
- 00:25:47associated with this event promoting an
- 00:25:51electron from the ground state to the
- 00:25:52third shell which is an absorption event
- 00:25:54but we're going to typically start with
- 00:25:56this equation first and then work our
- 00:25:57way to what the question is asking for
- 00:25:59so we're going to calculate Delta e
- 00:26:01initially
- 00:26:02and we need the two values of n to do
- 00:26:04that
- 00:26:08all right so the two values of n the
- 00:26:09final value of n third shell that tells
- 00:26:12us that an f equals three
- 00:26:15but then we didn't give you directly the
- 00:26:17value of the initial n value but anytime
- 00:26:19you see ground state
- 00:26:21hydrogen's ground state that tells you
- 00:26:23that you're talking about n equals one
- 00:26:24so our initial value of n where it
- 00:26:26starts is n equals one which is the
- 00:26:28ground state so those are the two n
- 00:26:30values we're going to put in
- 00:26:32so one over three squared 1 over 1
- 00:26:34squared the two values of n
- 00:26:37and so what we get is a Delta E A change
- 00:26:39in energy for that electron of 1.94
- 00:26:42times 10 to the minus 18 joules
- 00:26:45and it makes sense that it's positive
- 00:26:47because we're going from a lower energy
- 00:26:49to a higher energy orbit or shell
- 00:26:52but that's not where we want to stop
- 00:26:54here because we don't want the Delta e
- 00:26:56or we don't even want we don't want the
- 00:26:57energy of the photon we want the
- 00:26:58frequency of the photon that causes this
- 00:27:00to happen so then for that we have to
- 00:27:02recognize that
- 00:27:04the energy of the photon that would be
- 00:27:06involved in this is the absolute value
- 00:27:08of delta e
- 00:27:10whether it's absorption or emission so
- 00:27:12if you get the wrong sign for Delta e
- 00:27:13it's okay as long as if you're just
- 00:27:15trying to find the energy or the
- 00:27:16wavelength or the frequency of the
- 00:27:18photon but we get and that's going to be
- 00:27:20equal then to
- 00:27:22H times Nu or HC or Lambda so once we do
- 00:27:25this first part of a Bohr model problem
- 00:27:28of calculating Delta e using this
- 00:27:30equation typically or not not always but
- 00:27:33but in a lot of cases after that you're
- 00:27:35going to then use one of the equations
- 00:27:38for Photon energy to be able to relate
- 00:27:40either that to whether that's either the
- 00:27:42frequency or the wavelength that's
- 00:27:44exactly what we're doing here so we want
- 00:27:45to calculate frequency so we're going to
- 00:27:47use H Nu and we're solving for you which
- 00:27:49is the frequencies that's going to be
- 00:27:51the energy of the photon
- 00:27:53divided by H which is Planck's constant
- 00:27:56so the energy of the photon is the
- 00:27:58absolute value of delta e so it's just
- 00:27:59that number that's the energy of the
- 00:28:01photon that would cause the electron to
- 00:28:03be promoted between those two levels so
- 00:28:06it's 1.94 times 10 to the minus 18
- 00:28:08joules and then we're going to divide
- 00:28:10that by H which is playing constant
- 00:28:136.626
- 00:28:15times 10 to the minus 34
- 00:28:19dual seconds
- 00:28:21and what we get is two point keeping at
- 00:28:24least one extra significant figure for
- 00:28:25now
- 00:28:26times 10 to the 15th
- 00:28:292.928 times 10 to the 15th Hertz
- 00:28:33um
- 00:28:34in the the current format of the exam
- 00:28:36the most common way for you to have to
- 00:28:38enter that would be
- 00:28:412.928 E15
- 00:28:44and the setup that I have here which may
- 00:28:47show up in some of the questions but I
- 00:28:49did not look through it closely to see
- 00:28:50if that's the case so this would be one
- 00:28:52way to answer enter the answer but here
- 00:28:54we're instructed to take the log so if
- 00:28:56you're asked to do that follow the
- 00:28:57directions and you take the log of 2.928
- 00:29:01times 10 to the 15th
- 00:29:03so make sure you know the log function
- 00:29:05on your calculator in case that comes up
- 00:29:06and it will later in the course and
- 00:29:08that's 15.47
- 00:29:11so
- 00:29:12pay close attention to answer format
- 00:29:15um
- 00:29:16I mean if you miss a problem because of
- 00:29:19some stupid formatting thing and it's
- 00:29:21obvious to me that you did it correctly
- 00:29:22I can you know I can manually correct
- 00:29:24that when appropriate but it's easier
- 00:29:27for you easier for me less stressful for
- 00:29:29all of us if you're able to just follow
- 00:29:32the directions the first time and put
- 00:29:33the answer in the format we're looking
- 00:29:34for
- 00:29:35um but anyway whatever the answer format
- 00:29:37is this is how you would approach the
- 00:29:39problem and the key thing with Bohr
- 00:29:41model problems is is to know what all
- 00:29:43the numbers mean that you calculate and
- 00:29:45and not to either stop too early or use
- 00:29:48the wrong equation in the Second Step so
- 00:29:50it's often multiple steps and you know
- 00:29:53knowing what to do with the numbers and
- 00:29:55knowing which steps are required for
- 00:29:56that particular problem is going to be
- 00:29:58key so read the question closely figure
- 00:30:00out what exactly is looking for and
- 00:30:01that's going to guide you to what you
- 00:30:03need to do okay do we have any questions
- 00:30:06on on that problem
- 00:30:09well we actually have a lot of people
- 00:30:10here today it's like close to 40 I think
- 00:30:13um we usually get that many for the
- 00:30:15in-person reviews so
- 00:30:17maybe I'm onto something but I don't
- 00:30:19particularly like teams this is probably
- 00:30:20the only one we're going to do this way
- 00:30:23um all right on to number six Still
- 00:30:25Still chapter two we're talking about
- 00:30:28electron configurations
- 00:30:29all right so chapter six I'm sorry
- 00:30:31number six which is from chapter two
- 00:30:33what is the ground state electron
- 00:30:35configuration for manganese
- 00:30:38so this is going to be using the
- 00:30:40periodic table to figure out
- 00:30:43um
- 00:30:45you know the the correct number of
- 00:30:47electrons and also how they're arranged
- 00:30:50so the first thing is when we're doing
- 00:30:52problems like these there will
- 00:30:53occasionally be times when we have to be
- 00:30:55able to
- 00:30:56connect the name of an element to its
- 00:30:58symbol that is something that you're
- 00:31:00expected to be able to do for the first
- 00:31:0236 elements on the periodic table
- 00:31:05um a lot of them are very common but
- 00:31:06some of them not as much manganese is
- 00:31:08probably not the most common one and
- 00:31:11people get it mixed up with magnesium is
- 00:31:13pretty similar so manganese which has
- 00:31:15the letter n in it uh first before G is
- 00:31:18going to be MN
- 00:31:20so we have to recognize the symbols we
- 00:31:22have to find this on the periodic table
- 00:31:23we actually saw this one earlier in the
- 00:31:25exam although GSR won't come up twice on
- 00:31:28your real exam but anyways manganese is
- 00:31:30MN and as we also saw earlier
- 00:31:33you might have to zoom out because we
- 00:31:34need to see more of the periodic table
- 00:31:36for this question
- 00:31:38um
- 00:31:42there we go okay it's number 25 already
- 00:31:44circled because we encountered it
- 00:31:46earlier
- 00:31:47all right but this question is dealing
- 00:31:49with the electron configuration so when
- 00:31:51you have a multiple choice question
- 00:31:52dealing with electron configurations
- 00:31:54which most of them are the first thing
- 00:31:57to look at is does the answer Choice
- 00:31:59even have the right number of electrons
- 00:32:00in it we can usually or sometimes anyway
- 00:32:02we can eliminate answer choices so if
- 00:32:06manganese is atomic number 25 and it's
- 00:32:08not charged in this case it's just
- 00:32:09manganese
- 00:32:11then the correct answer needs to have 25
- 00:32:13electrons in it
- 00:32:15um it turns out all these do so I didn't
- 00:32:17help you out on this particular one but
- 00:32:19a lot of times one of the one or more of
- 00:32:21the instrument traces will have the raw
- 00:32:22number of electrons so manganese is 25
- 00:32:25the core electrons would be from argon
- 00:32:27in all the given configurations so
- 00:32:29that's 18 electrons there plus whatever
- 00:32:30comes after that
- 00:32:32[Music]
- 00:32:33um
- 00:32:34so all four of these have 25 electrons
- 00:32:36in the configuration 18 from argon plus
- 00:32:39seven more that come after it so we
- 00:32:41can't eliminate any of them on that
- 00:32:43basis alone sometimes one or more of the
- 00:32:45answer choices has completely the wrong
- 00:32:47number of electrons in it so you know
- 00:32:49it's wrong no matter which subshells and
- 00:32:51things are populated but we can't get
- 00:32:52rid of any of those answer choices here
- 00:32:54so we actually have to go through and
- 00:32:56figure out then where
- 00:32:58you know what the actual configuration
- 00:33:00is so argon is the noble gas that comes
- 00:33:03before manganese on the periodic table
- 00:33:05so we're identifying configurations we
- 00:33:07typically start with the noble gas that
- 00:33:10comes before the element MN is 25 the
- 00:33:13noble gas before that is argon which is
- 00:33:1518. so we're going to just write that in
- 00:33:16practice now after that we get over to
- 00:33:18here number 19. we're in the fourth row
- 00:33:20of the periodic table one two three four
- 00:33:22so that's going to be the 4S block 4s1
- 00:33:254s2
- 00:33:26and then this whole block of the
- 00:33:28periodic table remember is the d block
- 00:33:31um sounds like something related to
- 00:33:33prison but it's it's not as part of the
- 00:33:34periodic table this is n minus one D so
- 00:33:37after 4S we go to 3D and then we're
- 00:33:39going to count over one two three four
- 00:33:42five to take us to manganese so the last
- 00:33:44electrons we put into the configuration
- 00:33:46for MN are going to be 3d5 so the
- 00:33:49correct configuration would be argon is
- 00:33:51a core 4s2 next and then 3d5 and the
- 00:33:56only one that has that is Choice a again
- 00:33:59I guess I like Choice a on this exam
- 00:34:02um
- 00:34:03but nonetheless Choice B has the wrong
- 00:34:05subshell for p Choice C has 4D instead
- 00:34:09of 3D Choice D has 3s instead of 4S so
- 00:34:12it's only this one here that's correct
- 00:34:14and matches with Choice a
- 00:34:17all right any questions on that problem
- 00:34:18or electron configurations
- 00:34:22yes absolutely why is it four instead of
- 00:34:25three since it's on a four fourth row
- 00:34:28um because for the the d block of the
- 00:34:30periodic table it's n minus one the
- 00:34:33first row of the D of the of the D Block
- 00:34:37is actually 3D so we're in the fourth
- 00:34:40row of the periodic table but it goes
- 00:34:41from 4S to then 3D so it's 3D 4D 5D
- 00:34:45um for for the S and P blocks it is
- 00:34:47exactly the row that you're in so this
- 00:34:49is you know 1s 2s 3s4s and so on this is
- 00:34:542p 3p 4p but for the middle part it's
- 00:34:57going to be n minus one so it'll be 3D
- 00:34:59405d and down here even though we don't
- 00:35:01use those as much that's going to be n
- 00:35:03minus 2 so this would be
- 00:35:05four after the 5f okay so it is a little
- 00:35:09bit different in those parts of the
- 00:35:10periodic table that's just the order
- 00:35:11that those subshells come in and you
- 00:35:13don't want to skip 3D 3D is the first d
- 00:35:16sub shell and so that's why it's
- 00:35:18um that part of the periodic table
- 00:35:21okay thank you yep any other questions
- 00:35:26all right back to it
- 00:35:29number seven
- 00:35:34all right this question deals with
- 00:35:38um the number of orbitals the
- 00:35:40relationships involving quantum numbers
- 00:35:42uh how many orbitals are there in the
- 00:35:44sub level where n equals five and L
- 00:35:48equals four so for problems like this
- 00:35:50you have to distinguish whether we're
- 00:35:53talking about
- 00:35:54a shell or a subshell or a level or a
- 00:35:58sub levels are sometimes called and you
- 00:36:00need to distinguish are we talking about
- 00:36:02number of orbitals or number of
- 00:36:03electrons and just you know be very
- 00:36:06clear about what the question is asking
- 00:36:07so here we're looking for how many
- 00:36:10orbitals and we're telling you it's a
- 00:36:12sub level and even if we didn't tell you
- 00:36:13it was a sub level we're giving you an n
- 00:36:16and an L value so we give you both of
- 00:36:18those n and L together that defines a
- 00:36:20subshell
- 00:36:21all right so let's let's go over all the
- 00:36:23different relationships then that are
- 00:36:24going to be related to problems like
- 00:36:25this so if you're in a shell or a
- 00:36:29sometimes it's called a level but
- 00:36:30usually a shell
- 00:36:31a shell would only be defined by a value
- 00:36:33of n
- 00:36:35and in that case the number of orbitals
- 00:36:38is just equal to N squared
- 00:36:44so in this problem if we said how many
- 00:36:46orbitals are in the fifth shell or in
- 00:36:49the Shell where n equals five and that's
- 00:36:51all we gave you you would use N squared
- 00:36:525 squared but here we're giving you n
- 00:36:55and L defining a subshell or a sub level
- 00:36:57so for defining a subshell or a sub
- 00:36:59level
- 00:37:04that's where we're giving you n and L
- 00:37:06together or sometimes we just give you L
- 00:37:08but don't specify n but if you have the
- 00:37:10value of L you know that you're talking
- 00:37:12about a subshell of some type in that
- 00:37:15case the number of orbitals
- 00:37:17which
- 00:37:19for some sub shells you can get that
- 00:37:20from the periodic table also by counting
- 00:37:22how many columns there are but in
- 00:37:24general it's given as 2L plus one which
- 00:37:26is what we'll want to use here
- 00:37:28so that's going to be what we're going
- 00:37:30to use if we look for the number of
- 00:37:32orbitals in a subshell so with n equals
- 00:37:35five there would be 25 orbitals but then
- 00:37:37how many of those are in the L equals 4
- 00:37:39sublevel that's going to be using 2L
- 00:37:41plus one so to answer this question here
- 00:37:44it's going to be that the number of
- 00:37:45orbitals
- 00:37:48foreign
- 00:37:52plus one two times four plus one is nine
- 00:37:55so that'd be Choice D here
- 00:37:58um and again it's because we gave you n
- 00:38:01and L together or anytime you have L
- 00:38:03that's the relationship you're going to
- 00:38:04want to use for the number of orbitals
- 00:38:06now there is some related relationships
- 00:38:08that don't come up here but just to make
- 00:38:10sure we're complete and covering them
- 00:38:12in a given shell
- 00:38:14the maximum number of electrons
- 00:38:17is now 2N squared because there's up to
- 00:38:20two electrons per orbital so N squared
- 00:38:22is number of orbitals two n squares the
- 00:38:24number of electrons possible and then in
- 00:38:27a subshell you just double the 2L plus
- 00:38:29one to figure out the maximum number of
- 00:38:30electrons
- 00:38:32again this doesn't tell you how many
- 00:38:33electrons will be in that subshell it
- 00:38:35tells you how many electrons can be and
- 00:38:37it's two times two out plus one because
- 00:38:39there's up to two electrons per orbital
- 00:38:42so those relationships are helpful
- 00:38:43because you you know we could also
- 00:38:46go through the exercise of figuring out
- 00:38:48all the different quantum number pop
- 00:38:50combinations but that is usually more
- 00:38:53tedious and more prone to mistakes than
- 00:38:55just using these relatively simple
- 00:38:57relationships but we have to remember
- 00:38:58them we have to know when they're
- 00:39:00appropriate to use all right any
- 00:39:02questions on on that problem or quantum
- 00:39:04numbers
- 00:39:06foreign
- 00:39:13so this is another one with a two-part
- 00:39:15answer not necessarily because you would
- 00:39:17have
- 00:39:19um
- 00:39:19questions that are always two parts on
- 00:39:21the test but just because I so I can
- 00:39:23review more of the concepts I suppose so
- 00:39:25anyway in this question what is the
- 00:39:27maximum number of electrons allowed in
- 00:39:28the N equals five shell and how many of
- 00:39:31these can reside in a 5f subshell so
- 00:39:34this this sort of you know
- 00:39:36he uses the same relationships as the
- 00:39:38last one but now we're talking about
- 00:39:40maximum number of electrons not number
- 00:39:42of orbitals
- 00:39:43um
- 00:39:44so
- 00:39:46we're going to use the 2N squared or for
- 00:39:49this one because we're looking for
- 00:39:51first how many are in the N equals five
- 00:39:53shell so in a shell
- 00:39:57the number of electrons maximum is equal
- 00:40:00to 2N squared
- 00:40:02and so that's going to be 2 times 5
- 00:40:05squared which is 50. so there's 50
- 00:40:08electrons possible maximum in the fifth
- 00:40:11shell and then how many of those are in
- 00:40:14the 5f subshell
- 00:40:16now the other thing that this requires
- 00:40:17us to review is these letter
- 00:40:19designations for subshells
- 00:40:22um so we see this a lot where we don't
- 00:40:24use a number for L we use a
- 00:40:26corresponding letter so L can be 0 1 2 3
- 00:40:304 and so on
- 00:40:34and those correspond to the letters s p
- 00:40:38d f and then pretty much alphabetical
- 00:40:40after that although we typically only
- 00:40:42use those first four spdnf are the most
- 00:40:45common ones because those occur in real
- 00:40:47atoms so here we're talking about a 5f
- 00:40:50subshell so F tells us that L equals
- 00:40:53three
- 00:40:54and so that's the value of L we're going
- 00:40:55to use where the number of electrons
- 00:40:59is 2 times 2L plus 1 is the maximum
- 00:41:01number of electrons again not not how
- 00:41:03many there necessarily will be but
- 00:41:04that's the maximum
- 00:41:06l equals 3 so 2 times 3 plus 1 is 7.
- 00:41:12and then double that is 14. all right so
- 00:41:1550 electrons possible in n equals 5 14
- 00:41:18of those can go into 4f and so that
- 00:41:21matches answer Choice C here
- 00:41:24um
- 00:41:24and so that's again very similar to the
- 00:41:28relationships we use on the last problem
- 00:41:30um the differences here we're talking
- 00:41:31what number of electrons and because we
- 00:41:33can have up to two electrons per orbital
- 00:41:35we double those those expressions to get
- 00:41:39the number of electrons that are
- 00:41:40possible
- 00:41:41all right similar topics so any any
- 00:41:43questions on either of those
- 00:41:46uh so the the five measures that number
- 00:41:51right for any map
- 00:41:53well we used it in sort of the first
- 00:41:54part of the question because it was
- 00:41:57the first part dealt with how many were
- 00:41:59total in the N equals five shell but for
- 00:42:01five F that 5 so represents the value of
- 00:42:03n
- 00:42:04but when we're finding the number for
- 00:42:06electrons that are in the subshell we
- 00:42:07don't need the value of n we just need
- 00:42:09the value of L
- 00:42:11okay
- 00:42:13anything else
- 00:42:16okay
- 00:42:18moving on
- 00:42:21because this Friday
- 00:42:23all right another quantum number
- 00:42:24question so you're getting the idea
- 00:42:26um hopefully from this exam review that
- 00:42:30quantum numbers figure prominently I
- 00:42:33don't I don't write the exams I helped
- 00:42:36kind of put them together over the years
- 00:42:37but I don't really
- 00:42:38write that myself so whoever you know
- 00:42:41put this exam together was personally
- 00:42:43responsible likes quantum numbers
- 00:42:44because there are there's like three
- 00:42:45questions on that so be ready
- 00:42:48um so I just want to ask for which of
- 00:42:49the following is a valid set of quantum
- 00:42:51numbers for a 4D orbital
- 00:42:54all right so here we have to again
- 00:42:57recognize now we're talking about three
- 00:42:59different quantum numbers because an
- 00:43:01individual orbital also has a third
- 00:43:03quantum number associated with the m sub
- 00:43:05l
- 00:43:06so let's quickly review the rules for
- 00:43:08quantum numbers in the relationship so n
- 00:43:10can be any positive integer
- 00:43:13those are the possible values of n the
- 00:43:15shell number
- 00:43:17and then the values of L that you can
- 00:43:19have are related to that
- 00:43:22they start at zero
- 00:43:24and go up to n minus one
- 00:43:27so the biggest value of L is n minus one
- 00:43:30and then once you know the value of l
- 00:43:33once that specified the possible values
- 00:43:35for M sub L go all the way from negative
- 00:43:37L to plus L including zero
- 00:43:42in increments of one so those are the
- 00:43:45possible values where we introduce M sub
- 00:43:47L here which we hadn't really dealt with
- 00:43:48before so in this question here we're
- 00:43:50talking about a 4D orbital and as came
- 00:43:54up just on the the clarification that
- 00:43:56was saw a little bit ago when you have
- 00:43:58that as a designation for a subshell
- 00:44:01which is a set of orbitals or for a
- 00:44:03specific orbital in that subshell as we
- 00:44:05do here remember that the first number
- 00:44:08there is n
- 00:44:09so in 4D n equals 4 and then the value
- 00:44:13of L comes from the letter which can be
- 00:44:16zero one two or three
- 00:44:184 n equals 4 and we have letters that
- 00:44:21are SPD and F so we're talking about L
- 00:44:23equals two all right so what we have is
- 00:44:26n equals 4 and L equals two and now we
- 00:44:30have to figure out
- 00:44:32so that's going to be the first two
- 00:44:33numbers so with that we can eliminate
- 00:44:36Choice C because it has the wrong L
- 00:44:38value
- 00:44:40and choice e which has the wrong L value
- 00:44:42so both of those we can eliminate
- 00:44:44because they have the wrong L value well
- 00:44:46so we're looking for four and two is the
- 00:44:48first two but now we have to figure out
- 00:44:49which of these remaining three answer
- 00:44:51choices has a valid third quantum number
- 00:44:54M sub l so M sub L we have not talked
- 00:44:56about yet it doesn't have as much
- 00:44:58physical significance of those related
- 00:45:00to the orientation of an orbital but the
- 00:45:03key is that is minus L to plus l so for
- 00:45:05an L equals two subshell the allowed
- 00:45:08values of M sub L go from negative two
- 00:45:10to positive two so negative two negative
- 00:45:12one zero one and two are all the
- 00:45:16possible values of M sub L it'd be five
- 00:45:18orbitals each with a different M sub L
- 00:45:20value so these are the ones that are
- 00:45:22possible for M sub L has to be between
- 00:45:23negative two and plus two and so what we
- 00:45:26see is that choice B has three which is
- 00:45:28too big
- 00:45:29Choice D has 1.5 those values are never
- 00:45:33half integer values they're always
- 00:45:34they're always whole numbers and so the
- 00:45:37only one that has a valid set would be
- 00:45:40Choice a n equals four L equals two
- 00:45:42which we specified from it being a four
- 00:45:44D orbital and then the values of M sub L
- 00:45:47can be anywhere between negative two and
- 00:45:48plus two so this one works out that
- 00:45:50would designate one of those four D
- 00:45:52orbitals out of the five that are in
- 00:45:54that subshell
- 00:45:56all right so do we have any questions
- 00:45:58then on that one which also dealt with
- 00:46:00quantum numbers
- 00:46:04what do you mean that you can only go up
- 00:46:06to n minus one
- 00:46:08so that's going to be sort of the limit
- 00:46:10of L and so if you have
- 00:46:13so here we're in the fourth shell n
- 00:46:15equals four that's the number there and
- 00:46:18that means the possible values for l in
- 00:46:20a n equals four shell would be zero one
- 00:46:23two or three n minus 1 which is four or
- 00:46:26sorry which is three in this case is the
- 00:46:28biggest value of L that you can have so
- 00:46:30that means in an N equals four shell you
- 00:46:33would have 4S 4p 4D and four F sub
- 00:46:37shells in this case we're specifying it
- 00:46:39as the 4D subshells that refers to L
- 00:46:42equals two so L equals three is possible
- 00:46:44but because we're talking about a d
- 00:46:46subshell here that's the value of L that
- 00:46:47we're specifying so it's all the
- 00:46:49different possible values of L are
- 00:46:51bounded by n minus one starting at zero
- 00:46:54bounded by n minus one so depending on
- 00:46:56what n is so all these quantum numbers
- 00:46:58are related to each other in kind of
- 00:47:00this you know top to bottom hierarchy
- 00:47:02where the value of n dictates which
- 00:47:04values of L are possible the value of L
- 00:47:07did case which possible values of M sub
- 00:47:09value have
- 00:47:10um hopefully that clarifies that a
- 00:47:12little bit
- 00:47:13okay one more question sure
- 00:47:16so we had a four of f it would be M's
- 00:47:22level would be negative three to
- 00:47:24positive three yeah so if you had four F
- 00:47:26the only difference would be that you're
- 00:47:28specifying in that case an L value of
- 00:47:30three
- 00:47:32and with L equals three then the answer
- 00:47:34value has now become negative three to
- 00:47:36plus three so it would also have more
- 00:47:38about possible values of M so well as we
- 00:47:41talked about on previous questions
- 00:47:42that's because there are two L plus one
- 00:47:43orbitals and so the each orbital has a
- 00:47:46unique M sub L value so the higher the
- 00:47:49value of L the more M sub L values are
- 00:47:51possible as well
- 00:47:53okay thank you
- 00:47:55what would it be if it were uh 4S or S
- 00:48:00would be
- 00:48:03l equals zero
- 00:48:06so n equal four because that's the
- 00:48:09number tells you l equals zero for S
- 00:48:11orbitals
- 00:48:12and then when you have l equals zero the
- 00:48:14only M sub L value is also zero there's
- 00:48:16a single orbital in that subshell and it
- 00:48:19has an M sub L equals zero plus out a
- 00:48:21minus L well there's no such thing as
- 00:48:23negative zero or plus zero which is zero
- 00:48:25so that's the only value you can have
- 00:48:27that one
- 00:48:29okay thank you yep
- 00:48:31anything else
- 00:48:34all right doing okay on time
- 00:48:36um but we can still take more questions
- 00:48:38whenever they come up
- 00:48:39on to number 10
- 00:48:42um
- 00:48:43all right so this one asked for which of
- 00:48:45the following orbital diagrams
- 00:48:48reflects an atom in the ground state
- 00:48:52um so ground state means the lowest
- 00:48:54energy configuration for an atom and we
- 00:48:57use the periodic table to predict where
- 00:49:00the electrons go but this also then
- 00:49:02takes the additional step of looking at
- 00:49:04the relative spins of those electrons
- 00:49:06and which individual orbitals are
- 00:49:08occupied okay so for these types of
- 00:49:10problems when we're dealing with the
- 00:49:12ground state of a multi-electron atom
- 00:49:14there's three rules that we have to make
- 00:49:16sure are followed
- 00:49:19so the first one which is what the
- 00:49:21periodic table kind of allows us to
- 00:49:23follow is called the offbao principle
- 00:49:25that's where we fill
- 00:49:27lowest to highest subshells in terms of
- 00:49:29energies and so if you go in the order
- 00:49:31of the periodic table which starts at 1s
- 00:49:33and then goes you know 2s to 2p to 3S to
- 00:49:373p to 4S to 3D to 4p and so on when you
- 00:49:41go in that order through the um to the
- 00:49:44periodic table that's allowing you to
- 00:49:45follow the off file principle filling
- 00:49:47the subshells from lowest to highest
- 00:49:49energy
- 00:49:50um and that's called offbao now the
- 00:49:52other ones that are important are
- 00:49:56poly exclusion
- 00:50:02which tells us that no two electrons
- 00:50:06have the same quantum numbers
- 00:50:09now in terms of how that manifests
- 00:50:11itself in a diagram like this it means
- 00:50:14that an orbital can have no more than
- 00:50:16two electrons in it and when two
- 00:50:19electrons are in the same orbital
- 00:50:22they need to be one spin up and one spin
- 00:50:24down they have to have different M's the
- 00:50:26best quantum numbers for that to work so
- 00:50:28that's the sort of manifestation of Paul
- 00:50:30exclusion and the third one which we
- 00:50:32have to consider in some of these as
- 00:50:33well is Hun's rule
- 00:50:36um which is the one where you maximize
- 00:50:38the number of unpaired electrons you
- 00:50:40singlely if you have degenerate orbitals
- 00:50:42in particular you singly fill them first
- 00:50:45before you go through and start pairing
- 00:50:47up electrons and that means you want as
- 00:50:49many unpaired electrons as possible
- 00:50:52so we have to think about all of these
- 00:50:53for
- 00:50:55this problem here so we go to Choice a
- 00:50:57here
- 00:50:59um if it follows the off file principle
- 00:51:01because 1s is filled 2s is filled and
- 00:51:04then we have the last electrons in 2p so
- 00:51:06that's the correct order
- 00:51:07um one S2s and then 2p
- 00:51:10um but and then poly exclusion is
- 00:51:12followed none of the orbitals have more
- 00:51:13than two electrons so we're good there
- 00:51:15but if you look at Hun's rule here we
- 00:51:18see that our first electron is spin up
- 00:51:20which means the second one should also
- 00:51:22be or at the very least you have to be
- 00:51:23the same they either both be down or
- 00:51:25both be up to follow Hun's Rule and to
- 00:51:27maximize this so so this one here we can
- 00:51:30eliminate because it violates Hun's rule
- 00:51:32does not maximize the number of unpaired
- 00:51:34electrons
- 00:51:35it singly occupies the orbitals which is
- 00:51:38correct but it also has you also have to
- 00:51:40arrange the spins to be the same as each
- 00:51:42other being both up or both down when
- 00:51:44you do it like this so this one violates
- 00:51:46Hun's rules
- 00:51:47because those two electrons are
- 00:51:48opposites fin
- 00:51:50if we go to answer Choice B here what we
- 00:51:54notice is that we have an empty spot
- 00:51:56here in 2s so we fill one s but then we
- 00:51:59don't completely fill 2s but we're
- 00:52:01starting to put electrons in 2p already
- 00:52:02so this one violates the optile
- 00:52:05principle you have to completely fill
- 00:52:06one subshell before you go through and
- 00:52:10put electrons into higher energy
- 00:52:12subshells so we can't start putting
- 00:52:14electrons into 2p unless 2s is already
- 00:52:16filled so this one violates that first
- 00:52:19one called the offbought principle
- 00:52:21if you look at Choice D here sorry sorry
- 00:52:24C we're not quite to D yet we have
- 00:52:27Alpha principles followed 1s filled 2s
- 00:52:30filled and then we start putting
- 00:52:31electrons into p
- 00:52:33no violation of all the exclusion we
- 00:52:35have two electrons at most per orbital
- 00:52:37and when they when we do there's their
- 00:52:39opposite spins and then we see that the
- 00:52:41two electrons they're not next to each
- 00:52:43other they don't have to be they just
- 00:52:44have to be in two different orbitals
- 00:52:46both with the same spin so this is
- 00:52:48totally fine even though conventionally
- 00:52:50we put them right next to each other
- 00:52:51they can be in any combination of three
- 00:52:53of two of those three orbitals with the
- 00:52:55same Spin and that still follows the
- 00:52:57rules so this one follows all the rules
- 00:53:00so we believe that that's going to be
- 00:53:01our answer Choice here
- 00:53:03let's check that there's a problem with
- 00:53:05d so D has
- 00:53:07the correct ordering of the subshell is
- 00:53:09One S then 2s and then we start adding
- 00:53:11to 2p but the problem here is that we
- 00:53:14put the second electron into the same
- 00:53:16orbital which is another violation of
- 00:53:19hund's rule so none of these violated
- 00:53:21poly Exclusion Principle but they either
- 00:53:23violated off file principle or hund's
- 00:53:25rule for the ones that don't work
- 00:53:28all right so we can eliminate a b and d
- 00:53:31by violating one of those rules Choice C
- 00:53:34is the one that follows all of them
- 00:53:37okay so those are
- 00:53:39um taking just a little bit more
- 00:53:40detailed look at how the electrons
- 00:53:42arrange themselves in orbitals which is
- 00:53:44related to electron configuration but
- 00:53:46takes the additional steps of specifying
- 00:53:49the population of individual orbitals
- 00:53:51and whether the electrons have up spin
- 00:53:54or down spin
- 00:53:55and so that equals plus one half or
- 00:53:57minus one half
- 00:53:58okay any questions on that one
- 00:54:03um I have a question yep
- 00:54:05if or not if would be be sorta an
- 00:54:10example because on one of the last
- 00:54:11homework I asked
- 00:54:13um to show which one would be an excited
- 00:54:16gra or an excited state using this would
- 00:54:19be sort of be an example if we said that
- 00:54:22one of those electrons moved from the 2s
- 00:54:25to the 2p
- 00:54:27yes B would be an excited state
- 00:54:30um we're not going to ask you a lot
- 00:54:31about excited States and multi-electron
- 00:54:32atoms but yeah if you take if you take
- 00:54:35one electron from a ground state
- 00:54:36configuration and move it up to a higher
- 00:54:39energy subshell that's how you would
- 00:54:41generate an excited state so that's
- 00:54:42exactly what B is because you can think
- 00:54:44of it as taking starting with C which is
- 00:54:46correct and then taking one electron and
- 00:54:49moving it over
- 00:54:51to the higher energy subshell and
- 00:54:53flipping the spin but basically just
- 00:54:54taking one electron and promoting it so
- 00:54:56that would be an exciting State not a
- 00:54:58ground state
- 00:54:59um so that is correct observation
- 00:55:02thank you
- 00:55:04all right anything else
- 00:55:08all right we've
- 00:55:10crossed we've gotten to the top of the
- 00:55:12hill so now let's do the second half
- 00:55:14of this review
- 00:55:17all right still dealing with
- 00:55:19periodic table
- 00:55:21um I can't remember if we've
- 00:55:22transitioned into chapter three or not
- 00:55:24but we're close
- 00:55:26um I think we're not there yet
- 00:55:27temperatures a lot of stuff
- 00:55:29um yeah we're still not playing chapter
- 00:55:31three yet but anyway
- 00:55:32um this one deals with predicting the
- 00:55:34charges of ions and the classifications
- 00:55:36of an element so again multiple Concepts
- 00:55:39in the same question mainly just for the
- 00:55:40purpose of
- 00:55:42making the review more useful so which
- 00:55:44of the following show the correct
- 00:55:45classification and expected monoatomic
- 00:55:48ion charge for the given element
- 00:55:51um and so classification would be you
- 00:55:53know things like metal non-metal
- 00:55:55halogen main group metal all those
- 00:55:57different terms we learned that sort of
- 00:56:00specify
- 00:56:01the place on the periodic table
- 00:56:04and then
- 00:56:05um monoatomic ion charge that's where we
- 00:56:07predict the charge also based on where
- 00:56:09it's located in the periodic table so
- 00:56:11let's go through the three answer
- 00:56:13choices in our you know multiple choice
- 00:56:15question is possibly more than one of
- 00:56:17those as being correct so for number one
- 00:56:20which is potassium
- 00:56:22we have to recognize that potassium is
- 00:56:25the atomic symbol K
- 00:56:26one of the least obvious ones but it is
- 00:56:29in those first 36. so now we have to
- 00:56:31find that on the periodic table and and
- 00:56:33specify
- 00:56:34which classification is in and what the
- 00:56:37charge of that would be if it Formed an
- 00:56:39ion so when we find K on the periodic
- 00:56:42table it's number 19 over here on the
- 00:56:44left
- 00:56:45um and so the classification that's
- 00:56:48given in the answer choices main group
- 00:56:50metal and that would be valid
- 00:56:52classification for this one because
- 00:56:53everything on the left side of the
- 00:56:55periodic table is a metal those in the
- 00:56:57first two columns in particular would be
- 00:56:59classified as main group metals and they
- 00:57:01have more specific names as well but in
- 00:57:03general they're called main group Metals
- 00:57:04when they're on the S or the P block so
- 00:57:07you know those two columns first and
- 00:57:09second as well as some of the metals
- 00:57:11that are you know over here
- 00:57:13on the p-block like aluminum and gallium
- 00:57:15and lead and bismuth and things like
- 00:57:18that some of those are metalloids but
- 00:57:20all those things that are in the p-block
- 00:57:22that are metals are also called main
- 00:57:24group Metals so that's a fine
- 00:57:26classification but then when we predict
- 00:57:28the ionic charge for potassium it's
- 00:57:30going to want to lose enough electrons
- 00:57:32to get to the noble gas configuration
- 00:57:34since it's in the First Column it only
- 00:57:36has to lose one electron to achieve
- 00:57:38argon configuration so we would expect
- 00:57:41potassium and everything else in the
- 00:57:43First Column to form a plus one charge
- 00:57:46but the answer Choice was given to us as
- 00:57:48plus two so that one is incorrect
- 00:57:51[Music]
- 00:57:51um
- 00:57:53because the charge is given wrong
- 00:57:56um so we don't want number one as part
- 00:57:58of answer choices but now we have to
- 00:58:00look at the next two so just write out
- 00:58:03that so potassium is a main group metal
- 00:58:06more specifically it's an alkaline metal
- 00:58:08but that General classification is fine
- 00:58:10but we will predict the charge to be
- 00:58:12plus one which was not correctly given
- 00:58:14in the answer of choice number two which
- 00:58:16is aluminum the symbol is Al so this one
- 00:58:20is not the most obvious from its
- 00:58:23location of the periodic table we do
- 00:58:24want to be familiar with it so a l is
- 00:58:26number 13 here
- 00:58:28you know so the first thing is it a you
- 00:58:30know a metal or a non-metal or or what
- 00:58:32is this classification the staircase
- 00:58:34goes right here
- 00:58:36um
- 00:58:37and even though it's close to the
- 00:58:38staircase it is to the left and it is
- 00:58:40classified as a metal and I don't think
- 00:58:42that's surprising to anybody that's you
- 00:58:44know dealt with aluminum foil it's a
- 00:58:46silvery shiny
- 00:58:49flexible substance conduct electricity
- 00:58:51all those properties we associate with
- 00:58:52Metals which will formalize more towards
- 00:58:55the end of the course all associated
- 00:58:56with aluminum so clearly aluminum is a
- 00:58:58metal even though it's positioned on the
- 00:59:00periodic table is kind of on the
- 00:59:01borderline so it is a main group metal
- 00:59:03also because it's in the P block
- 00:59:04anything that's in the s or the P block
- 00:59:06that's a metal would be called main
- 00:59:08group and then to predict the charge of
- 00:59:10aluminum this one is not again the most
- 00:59:12obvious but there's one you're expecting
- 00:59:14to know the valence configuration for
- 00:59:16aluminum is 3s2 3p1 and so if it's able
- 00:59:20to form a noble gas configuration it
- 00:59:22does that by losing three electrons it
- 00:59:24loses its three p electron both of the
- 00:59:273s electrons and that gives it then the
- 00:59:29neon configuration so aluminum is number
- 00:59:3113. it's a metal so it tends to lose
- 00:59:33electrons by losing three it gets to
- 00:59:36that noble gas so the charge for an
- 00:59:38aluminum ion in an ionic compound would
- 00:59:40always be expected to be plus three so
- 00:59:42Al is also a main group metal
- 00:59:45and that one doesn't really have a more
- 00:59:47specific classification than that and it
- 00:59:49would expect to be a plus three so those
- 00:59:51are all given correctly in the answer of
- 00:59:53choice
- 00:59:54all right then finally for selenium
- 00:59:57selenium is s e
- 01:00:00and so when we find that on the periodic
- 01:00:02table which is number 34
- 01:00:04um it's clearly to the right of the
- 01:00:06staircase so it is a non-metal
- 01:00:08um it's not on it's not one of the metal
- 01:00:10volumes it's not right on the staircase
- 01:00:11and then in terms of the charge of the
- 01:00:15ion because it's a non-metal we expect
- 01:00:17it to be more likely to form anions
- 01:00:19which is what it does so here it's in
- 01:00:22the 6A column so it's two away from the
- 01:00:25noble gas so it can gain two electrons
- 01:00:27to get to the KR Krypton configuration
- 01:00:30so we respected to form a minus two
- 01:00:33anion if it was involved in ionic
- 01:00:35bonding all right so selenium is a
- 01:00:38non-metal
- 01:00:40and because it's non-metal exp if we
- 01:00:43expected to form anions and it's based
- 01:00:45on this column retractable minus two is
- 01:00:47the most likely anion that it would form
- 01:00:49so that one is also stated correctly so
- 01:00:51both 2 and 3 are correct so e would be
- 01:00:54the answer choice we would choose so
- 01:00:57that again relates to using the periodic
- 01:00:59table to make predictions about ions and
- 01:01:02also classifications both of those kind
- 01:01:04of came up in this so if you have any
- 01:01:06questions on that
- 01:01:09yes so
- 01:01:11um would you only
- 01:01:13um
- 01:01:14okay so so whenever you're trying to get
- 01:01:17to a noble gas you go to the left so you
- 01:01:20take away electrons so um when would you
- 01:01:23go to the right and like or can you even
- 01:01:25add electrons or no yeah you can do
- 01:01:28either so if you're in the if you're on
- 01:01:30the left of the periodic table when
- 01:01:33you're we're dealing with Metals in that
- 01:01:35case you would go to the left losing
- 01:01:38electrons to get to the nearest noble
- 01:01:40gas you're always going to get to the
- 01:01:41one that's closest I suppose is a way to
- 01:01:42think about it so for these first two
- 01:01:44columns here as well as for you know
- 01:01:46things like aluminum you would lose
- 01:01:48electrons that's what metals tend to do
- 01:01:51to get to the nearest noble gas for
- 01:01:53things that are on the right side of the
- 01:01:54periodic table they're close to noble
- 01:01:56gas but in the other direction then you
- 01:01:58would add electrons so you'd add one
- 01:02:00electron if you're in the halogen column
- 01:02:02here group seven to get to a minus one
- 01:02:04anion or two electrons I don't know if
- 01:02:06you can actually see my pointer on teams
- 01:02:08by the way I've got to mention that
- 01:02:10that's one limitation of Microsoft teams
- 01:02:11is that at least in the past my laser
- 01:02:14pointer didn't work on teams my
- 01:02:15highlighter so if you can't see that I
- 01:02:18apologize it's a limitation of doing it
- 01:02:19online that I can never figure out how
- 01:02:21to solve but anyway if you're you can
- 01:02:23kind of follow my gestation you can see
- 01:02:25it or not
- 01:02:26yeah we can oh really okay so maybe
- 01:02:29teams improved which is rare
- 01:02:32um all right so yeah for the non-metals
- 01:02:34these last three columns or so when
- 01:02:36you're to the right of the staircase the
- 01:02:38the expectations that they gain
- 01:02:40electrons and would form stable anions
- 01:02:42they wouldn't lose electrons to perform
- 01:02:43cations in that case
- 01:02:46what about the ones in the middle
- 01:02:49uh those are hard to predict so they
- 01:02:51they behave like Metals so when they if
- 01:02:54you're talking about like the transition
- 01:02:55metals here
- 01:02:56um
- 01:02:58they would be they behave like you might
- 01:03:00also they tend to form cations and not
- 01:03:02anions
- 01:03:03um but there's no easy way to predict
- 01:03:05what the charges will be there's use
- 01:03:06they're usually variable
- 01:03:09um most of these have more than one
- 01:03:11possible charge you should be able to
- 01:03:12figure out what that charge is if we
- 01:03:14give you the formula of a compound where
- 01:03:16you have an anion charge built into that
- 01:03:18we might have problems like that later
- 01:03:20um but you can't predict it from the
- 01:03:21periodic table what the charge would be
- 01:03:23and there's often more than one
- 01:03:24possibility
- 01:03:26the ones the only ones from the middle
- 01:03:27that you should probably know would be
- 01:03:29zinc is always plus two
- 01:03:34which again is not obvious from his
- 01:03:36location but that's that's one that's
- 01:03:38pretty much invariance and then silver
- 01:03:40is this one's not as
- 01:03:43always I suppose but for our purposes is
- 01:03:46always plus one
- 01:03:48um so those are not clear based on the
- 01:03:50location and probably not going to come
- 01:03:52up anyway
- 01:03:53um but the middle ones in general you
- 01:03:55can't really predict what their charges
- 01:03:56would be and there's usually more than
- 01:03:58one that's possible
- 01:04:00all right any
- 01:04:03anything else related to that
- 01:04:06all right so the other thing that we can
- 01:04:08do with the periodic table is make
- 01:04:10predictions about certain properties
- 01:04:12which we call periodic trends
- 01:04:14um
- 01:04:15and that's what this question deals with
- 01:04:17really all of them atomic radius
- 01:04:19ionization energy or electron affinity
- 01:04:21and we're comparing
- 01:04:22oxygen and nitrogen to each other
- 01:04:25all right so we have three terms we're
- 01:04:27going to pair here radius
- 01:04:30ionization energy
- 01:04:33in electron affinity
- 01:04:34now in some level these
- 01:04:37sort of work opposite of each other so
- 01:04:39the the directions that the radius
- 01:04:43decreases correspond to the directions
- 01:04:45in the periodic table where the other
- 01:04:47two increase although radius is a pretty
- 01:04:49smooth Trend ionization energy and
- 01:04:52electron affinity have some exceptions
- 01:04:55um
- 01:04:56all right but if we look at radius first
- 01:04:58that's usually the easier one because
- 01:04:59there's not really exceptions we have to
- 01:05:01worry about
- 01:05:01we have to recall is that as we go
- 01:05:06left to right in the same row of the
- 01:05:08periodic table
- 01:05:10where adding electrons to the same
- 01:05:13subshell so we're adding electrons to
- 01:05:15subshells that are roughly the same
- 01:05:16distance from the nucleus to start with
- 01:05:19but we're also adding more protons to
- 01:05:21the nucleus as we go left to right and
- 01:05:23so that effect wins out which means that
- 01:05:24as we go left to right across a single
- 01:05:27row of the periodic table the radius
- 01:05:29will decrease it gets smaller as we go
- 01:05:31left to right so when we're comparing
- 01:05:33nitrogen and oxygen
- 01:05:35we see that oxygen is to the right of
- 01:05:37nitrogen so oxygen should be smaller so
- 01:05:40in terms of radius we'll do that one
- 01:05:42first and write it out so we don't
- 01:05:43forget it nitrogen should be bigger than
- 01:05:46oxygen because it's to the left and for
- 01:05:49radius there's not really any exceptions
- 01:05:51to that that you have to worry about
- 01:05:52radius would then increase as we go top
- 01:05:54to bottom is that we're adding subshells
- 01:05:57that are further and further away from
- 01:05:58the nucleus but here we're comparing two
- 01:06:00that are next to each other left to
- 01:06:02right so the one to the right would be
- 01:06:03the smaller one
- 01:06:04now the next Trend that this question
- 01:06:06asks about is ionization energy for
- 01:06:09ionization energy electron affinity we
- 01:06:11do need to remember
- 01:06:13some exceptions to the trend so let me
- 01:06:16sort of try to sketch those out as best
- 01:06:19as I can here so for ionization energy
- 01:06:21first
- 01:06:23as we go across the periodic table the
- 01:06:25main groups of the periodic table so one
- 01:06:27and two which are the first two columns
- 01:06:29and then
- 01:06:30three four five six seven eight which
- 01:06:33are all on the P block on the right side
- 01:06:35of the periodic table as we go across
- 01:06:37left to right what we'll find is that
- 01:06:41they tend to increase left to right
- 01:06:43but we have a sort of
- 01:06:46um jumps up a lot here at group two
- 01:06:51and then
- 01:06:53comes back down in group three ocean be
- 01:06:55kind of in between those two
- 01:06:57and then it goes up at group four and
- 01:07:00then for ionization energy we have a big
- 01:07:01jump at group five
- 01:07:03and then group six comes back down a
- 01:07:05little bit and then it goes up to seven
- 01:07:07and way up for eight
- 01:07:09all right but the important part is that
- 01:07:11it generally increases left to right but
- 01:07:13you have exceptions here at group two
- 01:07:14and group five which for ionization
- 01:07:17energy are are higher than you would
- 01:07:19expect and that's because in group two
- 01:07:21and group five you have
- 01:07:23either an S2 or an S2 P3 valence
- 01:07:27configuration and those for reasons that
- 01:07:30are hard to get into in a general
- 01:07:31chemistry class but those are
- 01:07:32particularly stable so you don't want to
- 01:07:34lose electrons if you already have S2 or
- 01:07:37if you have already P3 and so that makes
- 01:07:39the ionization energy which is how much
- 01:07:41energy you need to pull off an electron
- 01:07:42abnormally high for those two groups so
- 01:07:45as it relates to this problem here
- 01:07:48nitrogen is group five and oxygen is
- 01:07:51group six so based on this argument we
- 01:07:54expect that even though the general
- 01:07:55trend is increasing left to right as we
- 01:07:58go from group five to group six we see
- 01:08:00the decrease that's where one of our
- 01:08:01exceptions occurs and so for ionization
- 01:08:04energy we expect nitrogen to be bigger
- 01:08:06than oxygen
- 01:08:07even those to the left but that's where
- 01:08:09that exception occurs and then for
- 01:08:11electron affinity we have the same
- 01:08:13exception but it occurs in the opposite
- 01:08:16Direction so it's still generally
- 01:08:18increasing left to right
- 01:08:20for electron affinity over across the
- 01:08:22main groups of the periodic table
- 01:08:27but here what we find is that for group
- 01:08:30two and group 5 electron Infinity is
- 01:08:32abnormally low so we have group one and
- 01:08:35then it's going to actually dip at group
- 01:08:37two
- 01:08:38going to go back up for group three
- 01:08:41up for group four dip it group five
- 01:08:44and go up and up and we don't really
- 01:08:46talk about electron Infinities for group
- 01:08:48eight they're essentially zero as well
- 01:08:50so again it's not a smooth Trend but it
- 01:08:52does generally increase left to right
- 01:08:53but at group two group five we have the
- 01:08:56exceptions and so that's that's again
- 01:08:57what we're talking about with
- 01:09:00nitrogen and oxygen is group fives and
- 01:09:02group six
- 01:09:04um and so this one you don't have to
- 01:09:06necessarily remember the exception but
- 01:09:08nitrogens would be abnormally low and
- 01:09:10they would increase again as we go to
- 01:09:12the right to oxygen so for electron
- 01:09:13affinity nitrogen is smaller than oxygen
- 01:09:16all right so those are the three
- 01:09:18comparisons we made so see which of
- 01:09:20these are correct so the atomic radius
- 01:09:22of oxygen is larger that's incorrect the
- 01:09:25ionization of energy ionization energy
- 01:09:27of oxygen is larger that is also
- 01:09:30incorrect
- 01:09:32the electron affinity of oxygen is
- 01:09:33larger that one is the one that would be
- 01:09:35true
- 01:09:37and so the only one that works is Choice
- 01:09:39C here that the electron affinity of
- 01:09:41oxygen is larger than nitrogen yeah okay
- 01:09:44so those Trends are
- 01:09:47you're going to come up from time to
- 01:09:48time and
- 01:09:50ionization energy Electro Infinity are
- 01:09:52just a little bit tricky because of the
- 01:09:54exceptions if you remember that the
- 01:09:55exceptions occur at group two and group
- 01:09:57five and that they're going to be in
- 01:09:59opposite directions from each other
- 01:10:01ionization energy abnormally High
- 01:10:03electron affinity abnormally low in
- 01:10:05those columns that should help you with
- 01:10:07any of these comparisons we ask you to
- 01:10:09do so does anybody have any points of
- 01:10:12clarification on that one
- 01:10:17so we should remember the the trends for
- 01:10:20the test right
- 01:10:21yes
- 01:10:23um it would always be qualitative you
- 01:10:25know just comparisons not really knowing
- 01:10:27exact numbers obviously but
- 01:10:30um you do need to be familiar with the
- 01:10:31trends and especially for ionization and
- 01:10:32electron affinity where those small
- 01:10:34exceptions do occur
- 01:10:36thank you
- 01:10:39okay
- 01:10:41ready for number 13. okay this is
- 01:10:43another ionization energy one so this
- 01:10:45deals with the same concept so now that
- 01:10:47we've discussed that we can see if that
- 01:10:49again
- 01:10:50okay so which atom has the largest
- 01:10:53iodization energy we have a bunch of
- 01:10:55them chosen here
- 01:10:56nitrogen oxygen carbon phosphorus
- 01:10:59germanium
- 01:11:00um
- 01:11:01so not all these are in the same row so
- 01:11:04these three here
- 01:11:06are in the same row they're all 2p
- 01:11:09elements then for phosphorus it's a 3p
- 01:11:11element and germanium I think is also a
- 01:11:133p let me show you remember that
- 01:11:15correctly
- 01:11:16GE is over here which is sorry even
- 01:11:19lower 4p
- 01:11:21um so we have three different rows of
- 01:11:23the periodic table we're talking about
- 01:11:25um
- 01:11:27so in general the ionization energy
- 01:11:30increases up not only left to right if
- 01:11:33you're talking about the last one but
- 01:11:34also bottom to Tops as you go further
- 01:11:37and further to the top right that's
- 01:11:38where the ionization energies get larger
- 01:11:40so you know germanium phosphorus
- 01:11:43nitrogen oxygen carbon we would expect
- 01:11:46that these two P Elements which are
- 01:11:48higher up on the periodic table and
- 01:11:51further to the right than most of the
- 01:11:52other choices p and GE should be the
- 01:11:55higher ones so if we're looking for the
- 01:11:57largest ionization energy we can from
- 01:11:58these ones eliminate
- 01:12:00germanium and phosphorus because they're
- 01:12:03so far down in the lower row and pretty
- 01:12:06far to the left although the carbons
- 01:12:07further to the left but
- 01:12:09um usually there's a pretty big increase
- 01:12:11as you go bottom bottom to top so it's
- 01:12:13going to be one of those three carbon
- 01:12:15nitrogen and oxygen that would be
- 01:12:16identified as the highest based on their
- 01:12:18location and we again have to then think
- 01:12:20about the trend as we go left to right
- 01:12:22which relates to
- 01:12:24exactly what we talked about in the last
- 01:12:25problem so if you have carbon nitrogen
- 01:12:27and oxygen which are groups four five
- 01:12:30and six remember that ionization energy
- 01:12:32is abnormally high for group five so it
- 01:12:35doesn't get so high that it like
- 01:12:36completely blows out the rest of those
- 01:12:39in Europe it's going to be higher than
- 01:12:40group six so if I drew this accurately
- 01:12:42you would expect that of these three
- 01:12:45elements group four has the lowest
- 01:12:47ionization energy group five is then
- 01:12:49abnormally High which makes it a little
- 01:12:50bit higher than group six which is kind
- 01:12:52of in between those two
- 01:12:54all right so that's going to be the the
- 01:12:56trend that's relevant also to here
- 01:12:59and that leaves us with nitrogen again
- 01:13:02is the highest one because of that
- 01:13:04Spike we see in the group five elements
- 01:13:08um so similar to the last one but this
- 01:13:10one also asked us to consider as well
- 01:13:13the trend of going to different rows of
- 01:13:15the periodic table
- 01:13:17um which was how we eliminated those
- 01:13:19those other two answer choices all right
- 01:13:21any more questions on ionization energy
- 01:13:24or periodic trends
- 01:13:29all right so we are finally into the
- 01:13:32chapter three part of the test
- 01:13:34which deals with bonding and sort of a
- 01:13:39more basic level than we are going to
- 01:13:40cover in chapter four right now
- 01:13:42and so the first question deals with
- 01:13:45the bond that has the
- 01:13:47smallest ionic character among the
- 01:13:49following
- 01:13:51um
- 01:13:52so
- 01:13:54for problems like this we have to
- 01:13:55recognize the terminology and this is
- 01:13:57one of the concepts that
- 01:13:59in dealing with you know student
- 01:14:01questions over the years seems to be one
- 01:14:03that is particularly challenging and
- 01:14:05it's it requires a little bit of you
- 01:14:07know higher level thinking because what
- 01:14:10we're dealing with here is
- 01:14:12when we say smallest ionic character the
- 01:14:14first thing is the terminology that
- 01:14:16means we're looking for the one that's
- 01:14:17least polar so when we have bonds
- 01:14:19between two atoms
- 01:14:21they're sort of two extremes and there's
- 01:14:24you know everything else in the middle
- 01:14:25so if you have the same atom bonded to
- 01:14:27itself like hydrogen bonding to hydrogen
- 01:14:31this would be a what we call a perfect
- 01:14:33covalent bond the two electrons in that
- 01:14:36Bond are shared exactly equally between
- 01:14:38the two hydrogen atoms and that would be
- 01:14:40a nonpolar covalent
- 01:14:43and then if we go to The Other Extreme
- 01:14:46where it's a metal with a non-metal like
- 01:14:48sodium and chloride we typically
- 01:14:50classify this bonding as ionic where we
- 01:14:54don't share electrons anymore but rather
- 01:14:55the non-metal steals electrons from the
- 01:14:58metal makes a cation and anion that then
- 01:15:00are attracted ionically then everything
- 01:15:03else in the middle would be classified
- 01:15:04as a sort of polar covalent bond so it's
- 01:15:07something like HCL
- 01:15:10and so when you have this unequal
- 01:15:12sharing of electrons either you know the
- 01:15:14extreme where
- 01:15:17um you know it's ionic or somewhere in
- 01:15:18the middle which is a polar covalent
- 01:15:20bond the sharing of those electrons is
- 01:15:23dictated by What's called the
- 01:15:24electronegativity of the atoms another
- 01:15:26periodic property that we learned which
- 01:15:29also increases as we go left to right
- 01:15:32and also as we go bottom to top so same
- 01:15:34direction as ionization energy and
- 01:15:36electron affinity but this time we're
- 01:15:38talking about the property of an atom
- 01:15:39when it's bonded to something else and
- 01:15:41the nice thing about electronic activity
- 01:15:43is that the trend is very smooth you
- 01:15:44don't have to really worry about
- 01:15:45exceptions like we did for the other
- 01:15:47ones but the point is as we move left to
- 01:15:49right or top to bottom or bottom to top
- 01:15:51we increase electronegativity and so in
- 01:15:54like HCL you're going to have a partial
- 01:15:55negative charge on chlorine a partial
- 01:15:58positive and hydrogen because chlorine
- 01:16:00is more electronegative
- 01:16:02and so what this means is that if you
- 01:16:04have
- 01:16:07higher ionic character
- 01:16:10that correlates with a larger difference
- 01:16:13in electronegativity
- 01:16:15so the same atom bonded to itself the
- 01:16:18difference in electronic activity is
- 01:16:19zero and that's when you have a
- 01:16:20perfectly covalent bond or sometimes two
- 01:16:22different atoms have so similar in
- 01:16:25electronegativity values that they're
- 01:16:26basically nonpolar when they're bonded
- 01:16:28together in the ionic extreme you have a
- 01:16:31very large difference in
- 01:16:32electronegativity metals have very low
- 01:16:34electronegativity non-metals have
- 01:16:37relatively high and so that's a big
- 01:16:39difference you get ionic bonding and
- 01:16:40then polar covalent is somewhere in
- 01:16:42between where there's a significant
- 01:16:43difference in electronegativity hydrogen
- 01:16:46is 2.1 and chlorine I think is three so
- 01:16:51there's a you know a sizable difference
- 01:16:52in negativity but it's not so big that
- 01:16:55you would classify it as ionic so that's
- 01:16:57kind of the key concept of problems like
- 01:16:58this when we say smallest ionic
- 01:17:00character that means we're looking for
- 01:17:01least polar which means we're looking
- 01:17:03for the smallest difference in
- 01:17:05electronegativity
- 01:17:08now if I was being nice to you on this
- 01:17:10problem
- 01:17:11what I would have done is given you one
- 01:17:13answer choice where it's the same atom
- 01:17:15bonded to itself and if that was true
- 01:17:17that would have to be the least polar
- 01:17:18because that's completely non-polar
- 01:17:20unfortunately we don't have that as any
- 01:17:22of our options we have four answer
- 01:17:23choices here and all of them have two
- 01:17:25different you know two different atoms
- 01:17:26bonded together so what we can do then
- 01:17:28is we can
- 01:17:30you know we can kind of compare them one
- 01:17:33at a time because we're guessing pairs
- 01:17:34to each other so if we compare the first
- 01:17:36two Co and CCL
- 01:17:38when you're doing comparisons like this
- 01:17:40it's helpful to you know pick two that
- 01:17:43have something in common so we have for
- 01:17:45the first two they both have carbon in
- 01:17:46them so now we have to figure out which
- 01:17:48is the bigger electronegativity
- 01:17:50difference carbon oxygen or carbon
- 01:17:52chlorine
- 01:17:53so in the periodic table
- 01:17:56if you look where those are
- 01:17:59oxygen is to the right of carbon so it's
- 01:18:02it's definitely more electronegative so
- 01:18:04that's going to be the more or less
- 01:18:04negative atom and then chlorine is over
- 01:18:07here we have to figure out which is more
- 01:18:08electronegative oxygen or chlorine and
- 01:18:11it's not obvious from the position of
- 01:18:12the periodic table because
- 01:18:15um
- 01:18:17you know we're going down into the right
- 01:18:18which is sort of two opposing Trends so
- 01:18:20it's helpful to remember some benchmarks
- 01:18:22and one Benchmark is that you know
- 01:18:24fluorine is the most
- 01:18:27the highest electronegativity is for
- 01:18:28fluorine and then oxygen in terms
- 01:18:32electronic activity is second most so
- 01:18:34oxygen is going to be more or less
- 01:18:35negative than everything except for
- 01:18:36fluorine so that means the difference
- 01:18:38between carbon and oxygen should be
- 01:18:40larger than the difference between
- 01:18:41carbon and chlorine because carbon is
- 01:18:43less electronegative than both but
- 01:18:45oxygen has a bigger value so that
- 01:18:47difference between CNO is bigger and
- 01:18:50again you don't necessarily want to
- 01:18:51memorize all the numbers
- 01:18:53um
- 01:18:54but carbon is 2.4 I've done these
- 01:18:57numbers enough that they're kind of
- 01:18:58stuck in my head now oxygen is 3.5 and
- 01:19:01chlorine is 3.0 so the difference
- 01:19:03between oxygen and carbon is bigger than
- 01:19:06the difference between carbon and
- 01:19:07chlorine and remembering that oxygen is
- 01:19:08the second most electronegative element
- 01:19:10is helpful for some of these types of
- 01:19:12problems when we fluorine is more
- 01:19:14electronegative okay so that takes care
- 01:19:16we're looking for the smallest ionic
- 01:19:17character so we can eliminate Co
- 01:19:20because that would have a bigger ionic
- 01:19:22character than CCL so it can't be the
- 01:19:24smallest overall
- 01:19:25for the next comparison we can look at
- 01:19:27CCL versus CF and this one's actually a
- 01:19:29little bit easier comparison
- 01:19:32um
- 01:19:34and again because both of these chlorine
- 01:19:36and fluorine are more or less negative
- 01:19:38than carbon
- 01:19:39but fluorine is the most electronegative
- 01:19:42element it's clearly more or less
- 01:19:43negative than chlorine because it's
- 01:19:44sitting right above it and so that
- 01:19:46difference between C and F is going to
- 01:19:48be bigger than the difference between C
- 01:19:50and cl so for all the bonds involving
- 01:19:52carbon carbon fluorine would be the most
- 01:19:55polar covalent bond because fluorine is
- 01:19:57the most electronegative elements that
- 01:19:59difference between C and F is the
- 01:20:01biggest you're going to be able to get
- 01:20:02among non-metals involving carbon so
- 01:20:04anyway that tells us that this Bond CF
- 01:20:07is more polar than CCL we're looking for
- 01:20:09the least polar in this case we can
- 01:20:11eliminate that one also so then all
- 01:20:13that's left is to compare CCL
- 01:20:16and sicl
- 01:20:20and again these are two bonds that share
- 01:20:23a common element Chlorine so we just
- 01:20:25need to figure out what's the bigger
- 01:20:27difference carbon versus chlorine
- 01:20:28silicon versus chlorine so we're looking
- 01:20:30for the ones that are further apart as
- 01:20:32we go
- 01:20:33bottom left to top right and so what we
- 01:20:36notice is that both of these are to the
- 01:20:38left of chlorine so they're least less
- 01:20:40or negative but we get silicon is below
- 01:20:43carbon number 14 here is below number
- 01:20:46six which is carbon and because we're
- 01:20:48dropping down the periodic table silicon
- 01:20:50is less negative than carbon meaning
- 01:20:53that the difference between silicon and
- 01:20:55chlorine is greater again we're looking
- 01:20:56for the difference in the two two values
- 01:20:58not the absolute value here and so
- 01:21:00silicon versus chlorine is a bigger
- 01:21:03difference than carbon versus chlorine
- 01:21:05and so what that leaves us with is we
- 01:21:08would predict that this one is more
- 01:21:10polar silicon chlorine because of the
- 01:21:12bigger difference so the one that came
- 01:21:14out smallest and all of these
- 01:21:16comparisons was CCL and so that's going
- 01:21:19to be the one that we would pick as our
- 01:21:21answer Choice
- 01:21:22um and again if you you don't you're not
- 01:21:24going to necessarily have the numbers in
- 01:21:25front of you but just to convince you
- 01:21:27that this is true we said that carbon
- 01:21:29has less negativity you have 2.4 silicon
- 01:21:31is 1.8 so that different is between
- 01:21:34silicon and chlorine a difference of 1.2
- 01:21:36is bigger than the difference between
- 01:21:38carbon and chlorine so when you're
- 01:21:40talking about Bond polarity or ionic
- 01:21:42character
- 01:21:43it's a little bit higher level of
- 01:21:45thinking because you can't just think
- 01:21:46about a single number you have to think
- 01:21:48about electronic activity for both
- 01:21:50elements and which one of those pairs
- 01:21:52has the biggest difference in their
- 01:21:54electronegativity values and that's
- 01:21:56what's going to then relate to the the
- 01:21:57polarity or the ionic character of that
- 01:21:59Bond
- 01:22:00all right so any questions on bond
- 01:22:02polarity
- 01:22:05more or less negativity I have a
- 01:22:07question yep absolutely so um why is HCl
- 01:22:11an ionic bond but not a covalent because
- 01:22:14this is an age like positive one and cl
- 01:22:17negative one
- 01:22:19well so it is a polar covalent bond
- 01:22:22um now the reason for that is even
- 01:22:26though hydrogen is in a weird spot on
- 01:22:28the periodic table all the way on the
- 01:22:29left it is still classified as a
- 01:22:30non-metal so hydrogens in this column
- 01:22:33with a bunch of metals because it only
- 01:22:35has one valence electron but in reality
- 01:22:37it is a non-metal so whenever two
- 01:22:39nonmetals are bonded together we would
- 01:22:41typically classify as being a polar
- 01:22:43covalent bond rather than ionic it does
- 01:22:45behave a little bit like an ionic
- 01:22:47compound when you dissolve it in water
- 01:22:48and we're going to talk about that later
- 01:22:49in the semester but for the purposes of
- 01:22:51classifying the bond and when you just
- 01:22:54have HCL hydrogen chloride by itself it
- 01:22:57would still be typically classified as
- 01:22:58covalent even though there's not a true
- 01:23:00distinction between ionic and covalent
- 01:23:02typically if it's two non-metals we
- 01:23:04would always call it a polar equivalent
- 01:23:06Bond
- 01:23:07okay that makes sense so then um if it's
- 01:23:10too so an ionic bond will never be a
- 01:23:13metal and a metal or a non-metal and a
- 01:23:15non-metal right
- 01:23:16that's correct an ionic bond would be a
- 01:23:18metal with a non-metal okay metal metal
- 01:23:21bonding is a totally different category
- 01:23:23that we would just talk about a little
- 01:23:24bit at the end of the course but in
- 01:23:26terms of the ionic bonds there's always
- 01:23:28one non-metal with a metal all right
- 01:23:31perfect thank you so much all right
- 01:23:33anything else
- 01:23:35okay
- 01:23:38next question then also deals with
- 01:23:40radius which we talked about earlier for
- 01:23:42atoms but this one deals now with ionic
- 01:23:44radius as well so we're comparing oxygen
- 01:23:48to chlorine and then O2 minus and cl
- 01:23:50minus
- 01:23:52um
- 01:23:53and so again
- 01:23:55you know comparisons are going to be
- 01:23:57useful by just doing two at a time not
- 01:23:59trying to look at all four of them and
- 01:24:01pick it out right off the bat
- 01:24:04um so there's going to be you know
- 01:24:06different combinations we can choose but
- 01:24:08a pretty easy comparison would be to
- 01:24:10compare a neutral atom to an ion of the
- 01:24:14same element so either a cation or anion
- 01:24:16and so if we go to oxygen versus O2
- 01:24:19minus
- 01:24:21the comparison is pretty straightforward
- 01:24:24because one is a neutral one's an anion
- 01:24:26and anytime you add electrons to
- 01:24:28something to make an anion it's going to
- 01:24:30get much bigger and that's because you
- 01:24:32increase electron electronic polishes
- 01:24:34putting these two extra electrons in
- 01:24:36into the same subshell but now you have
- 01:24:38more electrons you know crammed into the
- 01:24:40same volume of space they repel each
- 01:24:41other strongly and then they want to
- 01:24:42spread out and that makes the whole
- 01:24:44thing bigger so between oxygen and
- 01:24:46oxygen two minus the anion we expect O2
- 01:24:48minus to be much bigger
- 01:24:50so that's a general thing you can easily
- 01:24:52remember is that
- 01:24:53anions are much larger than neutral
- 01:24:57atoms I'm going to put a you know
- 01:24:58underline on much because it is a pretty
- 01:25:00big effect you know just adding one or
- 01:25:02two electrons really blows out the
- 01:25:04radius in a pretty big way so again you
- 01:25:06don't have to remember numbers or know
- 01:25:07the numbers but it's it's significant
- 01:25:10very significant all right so that means
- 01:25:13that we're looking for the largest one
- 01:25:14here so O2 minus is clearly larger than
- 01:25:16oxygen so we can get rid of that one and
- 01:25:18then similarly when we compare you know
- 01:25:21CL and cl minus
- 01:25:26what we have is again an atom and an
- 01:25:29anion so even adding one electron as we
- 01:25:31did here is enough to really increase
- 01:25:33the radius it'll always increase the
- 01:25:34radius when you add electrons
- 01:25:36conversely it will decrease the radius
- 01:25:38if you take them away but we're only
- 01:25:39dealing with anions in this problem so
- 01:25:41again CL minus much bigger than CL for
- 01:25:44the by the same argument
- 01:25:46so we're looking for the biggest ones we
- 01:25:48can get rid of the two neutrals but now
- 01:25:49we have to compare two anions to each
- 01:25:52other CL minus and O2 minus and when
- 01:25:55we're comparing anions to each other or
- 01:25:57you know anions and cations we can't
- 01:26:00just focus on the periodic table only
- 01:26:02because we've added more electrons or
- 01:26:04with cations are taking some away
- 01:26:06so we do need to think about where those
- 01:26:08valence electrons are because it may not
- 01:26:10always be indicated from the periodic
- 01:26:12table because for ions again you're
- 01:26:14you're changing the number of electrons
- 01:26:16so if we have CL minus versus O2 minus
- 01:26:18we can think about
- 01:26:20you know where do those
- 01:26:23um electrons reside where are the
- 01:26:24valence electrons in both of those so CL
- 01:26:28here is number 17.
- 01:26:31it's in the 3p block of the periodic
- 01:26:33table third row P block and when we go
- 01:26:36to CL minus we're just adding one more
- 01:26:37electron to the 3p to get to argon
- 01:26:40configuration but the point is the
- 01:26:42valence electrons and cl minus are in
- 01:26:44the 3p subshell
- 01:26:46versus oxygen we're up here in 2p so
- 01:26:49oxygen is 2p4 and then we add two more
- 01:26:52electrons also to the 2p so the valence
- 01:26:55electrons in the oxide anion would be in
- 01:26:58the 2p so when you're comparing charged
- 01:27:01species you also want to think about
- 01:27:02where those electrons are for so for cl
- 01:27:05minus they're in the 3p subshell the
- 01:27:07outermost electrons for oxygen they're
- 01:27:102p
- 01:27:11and as you get to
- 01:27:13higher principal quantum numbers n
- 01:27:15equals two versus n equals three or as
- 01:27:17you go higher and higher that tends to
- 01:27:19lead to larger and larger radius so we
- 01:27:21would expect the three p valence
- 01:27:23electrons for chloride to be further
- 01:27:25away from the nucleus than the two P
- 01:27:27electrons for oxide so we would predict
- 01:27:29that CL minus is bigger even though the
- 01:27:31charges are different
- 01:27:33if you go to a whole different subshell
- 01:27:35further away from the nucleus you expect
- 01:27:36that to expand the radius and so we
- 01:27:39would expect Co minus D to be the
- 01:27:41biggest overall
- 01:27:42so that other part of this comparison is
- 01:27:45that when you're comparing two anions
- 01:27:49or I guess I could just say ions in
- 01:27:52general whether it's cations or anions
- 01:27:58if they're in the same row of the
- 01:28:00periodic table
- 01:28:02look for the one that has the higher
- 01:28:04charge the more positive charge you have
- 01:28:06the smaller it is the more negative you
- 01:28:08charge you have
- 01:28:13the bigger it is
- 01:28:15but if they're in different rows like we
- 01:28:17had here
- 01:28:23the lower you go on the periodic table
- 01:28:25the higher the period number the higher
- 01:28:28the row number
- 01:28:30that's going to be the bigger that you
- 01:28:31get so that was a relevant one for this
- 01:28:33one because we're talking about two ions
- 01:28:36that are in different rows of the
- 01:28:37periodic table so the one that's further
- 01:28:39down in the 3p would expect to be bigger
- 01:28:41than the one that's in 2B if they were
- 01:28:43in the same row then the one that has
- 01:28:45the larger charge or would be we would
- 01:28:47base it on charge the more negative
- 01:28:49charge the bigger the more positive
- 01:28:51charge the smaller but in different rows
- 01:28:53we have to think about which subshell
- 01:28:55would be further or closer to the
- 01:28:57nucleus
- 01:28:58all right any questions on that
- 01:29:04okay
- 01:29:06so then the last few questions deal with
- 01:29:09different aspects of ionic and covalent
- 01:29:11compounds either predicting formulas
- 01:29:13naming them and so on so here we have
- 01:29:16predict the formula of the compound that
- 01:29:19forms when calcium and chlorine react so
- 01:29:22for problems like this we've already
- 01:29:23talked a little bit about predicting the
- 01:29:26ions that would form from an element
- 01:29:27positive ions for Metals getting to the
- 01:29:31noble gas configuration negative ions
- 01:29:33for nonmetals to get to the nearest
- 01:29:35noble gas configuration that's to the
- 01:29:37right of it so that's going to be the
- 01:29:39first step in a problem like this we
- 01:29:40want to predict the formula of an ionic
- 01:29:42compound this would be ionic because
- 01:29:45calcium is a metal
- 01:29:49and over here number 20 chlorine is a
- 01:29:53non-metal over here number 17.
- 01:29:56and so it's a metal with a non-metal so
- 01:29:58it's ionic so the first thing we have to
- 01:29:59do is predict the charges of each of
- 01:30:01those so calcium is number 20 and it's
- 01:30:03in group 2A here so all of the elements
- 01:30:07in this second column periodic table we
- 01:30:09will predict would form a plus two
- 01:30:10cation it loses two electrons to get to
- 01:30:13the nearest noble gas configuration so
- 01:30:16that's going to be plus two and then
- 01:30:17chlorine which is over here in number
- 01:30:19seven number 17 in the group 7A
- 01:30:23all of the elements in this column would
- 01:30:25gain one electron to form
- 01:30:28a negatively charged and a negative one
- 01:30:30anion to get to the noble gas
- 01:30:32configuration in this case also Argon so
- 01:30:35that's how we would predict their
- 01:30:36charges based on the location of the
- 01:30:38periodic table the metal forms of cation
- 01:30:40the non-metal form is an anion so
- 01:30:42calcium being in group 2A
- 01:30:49we predict would have a plus two charge
- 01:30:51when it forms an ionic compound
- 01:30:54and then chlorine which is in group 7A
- 01:30:58on the far right of the periodic table
- 01:31:01we would predict has a minus one charge
- 01:31:03when it forms an ionic compound forms an
- 01:31:06anion so those are the two charges and
- 01:31:08then from there we just have to balance
- 01:31:10them to get the correct formula we have
- 01:31:11to make sure that the positive and the
- 01:31:12negative charges cancel each other out
- 01:31:14so we have calcium two plus
- 01:31:17and cl minus and again the sort of
- 01:31:21low thought way of doing this is just to
- 01:31:23take the charges and cross them over to
- 01:31:25make them as subscripts but either way
- 01:31:27you have to make sure that we have the
- 01:31:28same number of negative charges and
- 01:31:29positive charges so what we need then is
- 01:31:32one calcium two plus paired with two CL
- 01:31:35minuses to balance the plus two charge
- 01:31:38from the metal with two negative one
- 01:31:40charges from the non-metal so cacl2 is
- 01:31:43the correct formula for this compound
- 01:31:45which is called calcium chloride and
- 01:31:47that would be answer Choice a given here
- 01:31:50all right any questions on predicting
- 01:31:53ions or ionic formulas
- 01:31:59all right very good
- 01:32:02four more to go this is usually exam
- 01:32:05reviews always take a while but
- 01:32:06hopefully they're
- 01:32:08useful for you guys all right number 17.
- 01:32:11in the Lewis structure for carbon
- 01:32:13monoxide what is the formal charge on
- 01:32:15the oxygen atom all right so when we're
- 01:32:18doing these
- 01:32:19um
- 01:32:21we have to first get the formula of a
- 01:32:22compound be able to draw it so carbon
- 01:32:25monoxide is a covalent compounds we use
- 01:32:27prefixes to indicate no prefix on the
- 01:32:30first element means there's one of them
- 01:32:32mono means one as well so it's just Co
- 01:32:35is the formula for carbon monoxide
- 01:32:38so a deceptively simple Lewis structure
- 01:32:39just two atoms involved but we still
- 01:32:41have to make sure that we count the
- 01:32:43electrons correctly and that we follow
- 01:32:45the octet rule and all those things okay
- 01:32:47so let's count the electrons first for
- 01:32:49carbon and oxygen valence electrons what
- 01:32:52we care about for Lewis structures
- 01:32:54all right so when we go to the periodic
- 01:32:56table
- 01:32:57in these main group elements the group
- 01:32:59number directly tells you the number of
- 01:33:01valence electrons so carbon is in group
- 01:33:03four meaning it has four valence
- 01:33:06electrons oxygen is in group six so I
- 01:33:08would have six valence electrons so four
- 01:33:11from carbon to six from oxygen for a
- 01:33:13total of ten one carbon in the formula
- 01:33:20one oxygen in the formula
- 01:33:25and a total of 10 electrons then when we
- 01:33:27add those up
- 01:33:28okay so then the next thing we have to
- 01:33:31do is
- 01:33:33draw the Lewis structure
- 01:33:35this is only two atoms so again it seems
- 01:33:38like it should be easy but we have to
- 01:33:40make sure we complete the octet rules so
- 01:33:42if we follow the same approach that we
- 01:33:44usually do
- 01:33:45it's kind of arbitrary which one you
- 01:33:47call the central atom because there's
- 01:33:48only two of them but we start with a
- 01:33:50single bond between them and then we're
- 01:33:51going to complete the octet on one of
- 01:33:53the two it doesn't really matter which
- 01:33:55one you complete the octet on first
- 01:33:57although conventionally we would
- 01:33:58complete the act of the more or less
- 01:34:00negative atom first which is oxygen but
- 01:34:02either way you're going to complete the
- 01:34:03octets of one of them
- 01:34:05so we've completed the octet and oxygen
- 01:34:07that gives us 10 or sorry this eight
- 01:34:09electrons but we have 10 total so that
- 01:34:11leaves a lone pair on the other one
- 01:34:13again whichever order you did that in
- 01:34:15whether you completed the octeton and
- 01:34:17carbon first or oxygen first you would
- 01:34:19end up with one lone pair on the other
- 01:34:20one but this is clearly not the finished
- 01:34:22structure because one of the two atoms
- 01:34:25in this case carbon as I've drawn it
- 01:34:27only has four valence electrons around
- 01:34:29it
- 01:34:31it has two electrons in this Bond here
- 01:34:34two more from a lone pair but that's
- 01:34:36only four and everything that's in the
- 01:34:382p block of the periodic table starting
- 01:34:40with carbon carbon oxygen nitrogen
- 01:34:42fluorine
- 01:34:43would always want to have eight valence
- 01:34:45electrons in a stable Lewis structure so
- 01:34:47as long as four it needs eight we can't
- 01:34:49just add more electrons because we've
- 01:34:51used all 10 so the way that we do that
- 01:34:53is with multiple bonding so we need two
- 01:34:55four more electrons around carbon so we
- 01:34:57need to draw two more bonds to it with
- 01:34:59two electrons each so we're going to
- 01:35:00take
- 01:35:01two lone pairs from oxygen and turn them
- 01:35:04into multiple bonds making a total of a
- 01:35:07triple bond
- 01:35:08the one Bond we already had plus the two
- 01:35:10new ones to complete the octet so what
- 01:35:12that leaves us with is a structure like
- 01:35:14this where we have a triple bond between
- 01:35:16the two atoms and one lone pair on each
- 01:35:20one and if we check ourselves what we
- 01:35:21have is a total of 10 electrons two four
- 01:35:24six eight ten two lone pairs six more in
- 01:35:28the bonds total of ten and we completed
- 01:35:30that on both atoms six from the bonds
- 01:35:33for each of them two more from each lone
- 01:35:36pair so that's total eight for each atom
- 01:35:37so this follow exact rule has the
- 01:35:39correct number of electrons and then
- 01:35:41finally what this asks us to do
- 01:35:44is calculate the formal charge on the
- 01:35:46oxygen atom so we can calculate the
- 01:35:48formal charge on both of them just to
- 01:35:49practice but we need oxygen for this one
- 01:35:52so carbon and oxygen
- 01:35:54the way that we calculate formal charge
- 01:35:56for carbon is we take the number of
- 01:35:58valence electrons which was four for the
- 01:36:00atom
- 01:36:01we subtract the number of bonds which is
- 01:36:03three has a triple bond and then we
- 01:36:05subtract the number of non-bonding
- 01:36:08electrons the total number of lone pair
- 01:36:10electrons which is two one pair so four
- 01:36:13minus three minus two is minus one
- 01:36:15so this has a minus one formal charge
- 01:36:17and then for oxygen
- 01:36:20it's in group six so six is the number
- 01:36:22of valence electrons it also has three
- 01:36:24bonds same triple bond that shares with
- 01:36:27carbon also has two non-bonding
- 01:36:29electrons so six minus three minus two
- 01:36:31is plus one
- 01:36:33my tablet is starting to lag just as we
- 01:36:35get to the end so hopefully we can make
- 01:36:36it all right so we have a negative one
- 01:36:38and a plus one the one for oxygen is
- 01:36:41plus one so that would be the answer in
- 01:36:43this question
- 01:36:44plus one and this is again a weird Lewis
- 01:36:47structure even though it's deceptively
- 01:36:48simple with only two atoms because it's
- 01:36:51a neutral molecule but you still have a
- 01:36:54plus and negative formal charge and
- 01:36:56moreover the positive formal charge is
- 01:36:58on the more electronegative atom which
- 01:36:59is especially weird but there's no other
- 01:37:01way to do it if you want to follow the
- 01:37:03octet rule and that rule is the most
- 01:37:04important so this is the only way to
- 01:37:06draw the Lewis structure of carbon
- 01:37:08monoxide that gets all of that correct
- 01:37:10follows the ACT rule has the right
- 01:37:12number of electrons and so on
- 01:37:14all right so any questions on that one
- 01:37:15or Lewis structures in general
- 01:37:26are we still recording good
- 01:37:29I saw a message pop up about recording
- 01:37:31and I panicked that it stopped for some
- 01:37:33reason
- 01:37:34all right so we'll go on to the last
- 01:37:35three so the next one deals with
- 01:37:37nomenclature naming compounds
- 01:37:40um these ones are ionic compounds in
- 01:37:42particular so wants to know which of the
- 01:37:44following name formula pairs is
- 01:37:46incorrect
- 01:37:48um so we have strontium carbonate
- 01:37:50Cobalt 2 nitride calcium phosphate zinc
- 01:37:54sulfide
- 01:37:55and potassium chlorite
- 01:38:00did I screw this up and make all of them
- 01:38:02correct no okay I thought I made a
- 01:38:05mistake all right so the first one is
- 01:38:07strontium carbonate srco3
- 01:38:11um so if we go to the prta again we have
- 01:38:14to figure out the charges of the ions
- 01:38:15and make sure that they're balanced and
- 01:38:17all that stuff
- 01:38:18um
- 01:38:20so Sr is the metal on the formula it's
- 01:38:24not one you'd have to know off top of
- 01:38:25your head but here you have enough
- 01:38:26context to find it because the the
- 01:38:28symbol is given in the answer choice and
- 01:38:31so estar is in group two so in a form of
- 01:38:33plus two cation
- 01:38:36and then what we have to remember
- 01:38:39sort of I guess by memorization more
- 01:38:41than anything is that carbonate which is
- 01:38:44CO3
- 01:38:46uh this is really starting to drag I
- 01:38:48hope we can get through this let me save
- 01:38:49this I don't lose it
- 01:38:51that's why I hate teams it doesn't
- 01:38:54eventually it will slow down your tablet
- 01:38:57oh maybe it's because I not I'm not
- 01:38:59plugged in low on battery give me a
- 01:39:02second
- 01:39:04I thought I had this plugged in all
- 01:39:06right let's see if that changes it all
- 01:39:07right so anyways strontium plus two
- 01:39:09there we go just running out of battery
- 01:39:11and didn't decide not to warn me just
- 01:39:13slowed down and then we have CO3 which
- 01:39:16is carbonate and we have to remember
- 01:39:18from our list of polyatomic anions that
- 01:39:20carbonate is two minus
- 01:39:23all right and so for this one plus two
- 01:39:27cation minus two and ions so one of each
- 01:39:30in the formula would be correct
- 01:39:33all right and um balance the charge of
- 01:39:35just one of each so that one is correct
- 01:39:37if we go to Cobalt 2 nitride
- 01:39:41um CO2 n so to figure out if this is the
- 01:39:44right formula we need again think about
- 01:39:45the charges of each ion in transition
- 01:39:48metal compounds the charge is given in
- 01:39:50parentheses with Roman numerals so
- 01:39:52Cobalt two Cobalt is a transition metal
- 01:39:55right there means it's a plus two charge
- 01:39:57on the metal
- 01:39:58and then nitride nitrogen is here in
- 01:40:01group five it would want to gain three
- 01:40:03electrons to get to a normal gas
- 01:40:06and so what that means is that we've
- 01:40:07spent nitrogen to have a minus three
- 01:40:10charge as an anion so the two ions
- 01:40:12involved are
- 01:40:15Cobalt two plus that's directly given to
- 01:40:17us in the name and then N3 minus which
- 01:40:19we predicted from the periodic table
- 01:40:22so if we cross these over and make them
- 01:40:24into subscripts to get the formula the
- 01:40:26correct formula for this should be
- 01:40:32Cobalt three and two not Cobalt 2N so
- 01:40:36this is the wrong formula here or the
- 01:40:38wrong name for that formula this formula
- 01:40:40would be
- 01:40:41I guess Cobalt 1.5 and I try which is a
- 01:40:44weird number but anyway the the name or
- 01:40:46the formula is wrong but it
- 01:40:48um because from Cobalt 2 nitrile we will
- 01:40:50predict a formula of CO3 N2 to balance
- 01:40:53the charge from the plus two cation and
- 01:40:55the minus three anion that gives us plus
- 01:40:57six and minus six so that's the wrong
- 01:40:59formula so that should be the one that
- 01:41:00we would pick as our answer Choice let's
- 01:41:03verify that the rest of these are
- 01:41:04correct
- 01:41:06um
- 01:41:06calcium as we saw earlier so I'm not
- 01:41:09going to flip back to the periodic table
- 01:41:10with ca2 Plus
- 01:41:12and then phosphate we have to remember
- 01:41:14is po43 minus so that's the formula in
- 01:41:18the charge for the cation of the anion
- 01:41:19and so when we make that into
- 01:41:22a formula what it comes out to is
- 01:41:25ca3 and then two phosphates po4 taken
- 01:41:30twice so that one is correct
- 01:41:33um zinc sulfide we talked about this one
- 01:41:35earlier that
- 01:41:37um
- 01:41:38zinc is always plus two even though it's
- 01:41:41not obvious in the periodic table it's
- 01:41:42in the transition metals so you might
- 01:41:44think that is variable but zinc we
- 01:41:46should remember is always plus two even
- 01:41:48as a transition metal so zinc plus two
- 01:41:51and then sorry I should go back to
- 01:41:53period table sulfur here is in the sixth
- 01:41:56column group 6A so two minus to get the
- 01:41:59noble gas so we have 2 minus anion with
- 01:42:02a two plus cation
- 01:42:04so we just need one of each to make zinc
- 01:42:06sulfide
- 01:42:08it wouldn't probably be wrong to say
- 01:42:10zinc 2 sulfide anytime you're dealing
- 01:42:12with transition metals if you want to
- 01:42:14put the Roman numerals in parentheses
- 01:42:15it's okay so it wouldn't be wrong to say
- 01:42:18zinc two soft five we don't necessarily
- 01:42:19need to specify it here because zinc is
- 01:42:21always plus two
- 01:42:22but either way that one's correct and
- 01:42:24then finally potassium chlorite
- 01:42:26K is K plus it's the First Column of the
- 01:42:29periodic table chlorette we have to
- 01:42:31remember is clo2 minus all of these
- 01:42:34oxynions of chlorine hypochlorite
- 01:42:37chlorite chlorate and perchlorate they
- 01:42:40have different numbers of oxygen atoms
- 01:42:41but they're all minus one but anyway
- 01:42:43plus one minus one means we just need
- 01:42:45one of each so kclo2 is the correct
- 01:42:48formula it's the only one that had a
- 01:42:49mistake was Choice B which is what we're
- 01:42:52looking for the one that's incorrect
- 01:42:55all right do we have any questions on
- 01:42:58naming ionic compounds
- 01:43:03okay just two more to get through
- 01:43:06um the next one is covalent which in
- 01:43:07some levels is a little bit more
- 01:43:10straightforward except for the assets
- 01:43:12are a little bit
- 01:43:14I only have three answer choices oh okay
- 01:43:17so this is just one we're just giving
- 01:43:18the formula
- 01:43:20um again you don't have to do one on an
- 01:43:22exam question most likely but we're just
- 01:43:24doing three to give you three examples
- 01:43:25of how we name these things all right so
- 01:43:28the first one here is dichlorine Hep
- 01:43:30oxide so for
- 01:43:32binary covalent compounds two non-metal
- 01:43:35elements in the formula chlorine and
- 01:43:37oxygen going from name to formula is
- 01:43:40very straightforward as long as you
- 01:43:41remember the prefixes so the names
- 01:43:45have these prefixes in them that
- 01:43:46directly tell you the number of each
- 01:43:48atom in the formula so dichlorine
- 01:43:52that's going to be
- 01:43:53cl2 and then hepta means seven you leave
- 01:43:58out the a when it's with oxygen but
- 01:43:59still heptamine seven so cl2o7 would be
- 01:44:03the formula of this compound so going
- 01:44:05named a formula or vice versa for binary
- 01:44:07covalence is usually pretty easy to do
- 01:44:09as long as you remember which prefixes
- 01:44:11correspond with which numbers
- 01:44:14the next two are acids which are a
- 01:44:16little bit
- 01:44:17more tricky to find the formulas of now
- 01:44:21the key with acids though is you need to
- 01:44:22figure out which anion is involved in
- 01:44:26forming that acid and that comes from
- 01:44:28the first part of the name and then once
- 01:44:30you have the charge and the formula the
- 01:44:31anion you just pair it with enough
- 01:44:33hydrogens to balance out that charge one
- 01:44:35plus charge for each hydrogen okay so we
- 01:44:38have hydrocyanic acid
- 01:44:42um
- 01:44:42cyanide is this comes from the cyanide
- 01:44:45anion which we have to remember is CN
- 01:44:47minus
- 01:44:49so cyanic comes from cyanide as the
- 01:44:52anion
- 01:44:53formula for Cyanide is CN minus it's one
- 01:44:55of the polyatomic ions on the list that
- 01:44:58you have to know and so if we want to
- 01:45:00make an acid out of this we have a
- 01:45:01negative one charge so we need to add
- 01:45:03one hydrogen to the formula to balance
- 01:45:06that negative one charge so it becomes
- 01:45:07hcn
- 01:45:10all right so anytime you make an acid
- 01:45:11you have to figure out the charge of the
- 01:45:13anion
- 01:45:14either based on his location on the
- 01:45:16periodic table or if it's polyatomic
- 01:45:18based on what the charge for that anion
- 01:45:19is that you have to remember and then
- 01:45:21you balance that charge with enough
- 01:45:22hydrogen atoms to do that so HCM will be
- 01:45:25this one the reason is hydrocyanic acid
- 01:45:28we we use hydro anytime it's not an Oxo
- 01:45:31anion so this ion is polyatomic but it
- 01:45:33doesn't have oxygen in it so anytime it
- 01:45:35doesn't have oxygen in it we still give
- 01:45:37it the hydro prefix that we would use
- 01:45:39for other types of acids also so that's
- 01:45:42hydrocyanic acid hcn
- 01:45:44and then chloric acid we have to
- 01:45:47remember for acids that have ick in the
- 01:45:50name or
- 01:45:51ous is the other one if it's an ick acid
- 01:45:54it comes from an eight anion
- 01:45:57and if it's an acid that has ous so if
- 01:46:00it was chlorous instead that comes from
- 01:46:03an ite
- 01:46:06anion
- 01:46:07so ick corresponds with h from the anion
- 01:46:10us ous corresponds with ice from the
- 01:46:13anion so because this is chloric acid
- 01:46:15that tells us that it comes from the
- 01:46:17chlorate anion because IC changes to ate
- 01:46:21in acid names
- 01:46:23and so chlorate we have to then remember
- 01:46:25again more polyatomic ions definitely
- 01:46:27make sure you're
- 01:46:29up to speed on those is clo3 minus
- 01:46:32that's the chlorate anion formula and
- 01:46:35once again anytime we're forming an acid
- 01:46:36we just need enough h plus hydrogen to
- 01:46:39balance the charge well there's only one
- 01:46:40negative charge so this one also just
- 01:46:42needs one hydrogen in the formula to
- 01:46:45make it hclo3
- 01:46:48okay so you for so for naming acids it's
- 01:46:51probably the most complicated naming
- 01:46:54that we had to be honest it does require
- 01:46:56you to know the names and charges that
- 01:46:58ions and the anions as well that are
- 01:47:01then used to form that acid
- 01:47:03all right any questions on nomenclature
- 01:47:06of covalent compounds either binary
- 01:47:08compounds or acids
- 01:47:12all right
- 01:47:14very last question then on this review
- 01:47:15is another one dealing with Lewis
- 01:47:17structures
- 01:47:20um in this one we're going to specify
- 01:47:21that we want to draw the Lewis structure
- 01:47:23of this compound here
- 01:47:27that minimizes formal charges
- 01:47:31and we want to know how many double
- 01:47:32Bonds are there and how many lone pairs
- 01:47:35are on the central selenium atom
- 01:47:37respectively so again an ambiguous
- 01:47:39formulas like this will often specify
- 01:47:41the sensor atom so if you read the
- 01:47:43question all the way through you'll see
- 01:47:45that se should be at the center and then
- 01:47:48what we're going to do is we're going to
- 01:47:49draw the Lewis structure we're going to
- 01:47:50minimize the formal charge and then
- 01:47:52we're going to figure out how to answer
- 01:47:55the questions how many double bonds and
- 01:47:56how many lone pairs are there okay so
- 01:47:59let's count the electrons first we have
- 01:48:01chlorine selenium and oxygen in the
- 01:48:04formula
- 01:48:05so we're going to go to the periodic
- 01:48:06table and locate those elements and
- 01:48:09figure out how many valence electrons
- 01:48:10they each have
- 01:48:12chlorine is group seven so there's going
- 01:48:14to be seven valence electrons from each
- 01:48:15chlorine selenium is group six so
- 01:48:18they're going to be six from that one
- 01:48:20oxygen is also group six so six more
- 01:48:23from oxygen so six six and seven are the
- 01:48:26valence electron counts for those three
- 01:48:27elements
- 01:48:29there's two chlorines in the formula
- 01:48:31each with seven electrons as our to our
- 01:48:34valence count
- 01:48:35selenium there's one in the formula and
- 01:48:37it contributes six and oxygen there's
- 01:48:40one also determining six
- 01:48:42all right so 14 plus 6 plus 6 is 26
- 01:48:46valence electrons
- 01:48:49those electrons that we want to include
- 01:48:50in this Lewis structure on the way to
- 01:48:53minimizing the formal charge and so
- 01:48:56we'll start with our Central atom
- 01:48:58single bonds to each of the outer atoms
- 01:49:01in whatever
- 01:49:02arrangement we put them in and we'll
- 01:49:04complete the octets on the outer atoms
- 01:49:06first just like we always do
- 01:49:08so six more electrons go onto each outer
- 01:49:11atom to give them a total of eight two
- 01:49:13from the bond plus the six more that
- 01:49:15we've just added
- 01:49:17and what we've done now is we've
- 01:49:19completed
- 01:49:20three octets all three outer atoms have
- 01:49:23a complete our test so three times eight
- 01:49:24is twenty-four the total number that we
- 01:49:27have available is 26 and so we need to
- 01:49:30have two more electrons on the central
- 01:49:31atom as lone pair
- 01:49:34all right so if we were asking you to
- 01:49:37draw the Lewis structure that follows
- 01:49:39the octet rule this is where we would
- 01:49:42stop because we have exactly eight
- 01:49:44electrons around each atom eight from
- 01:49:46the outer atoms which we took care of by
- 01:49:49adding all the lone Pairs and then by
- 01:49:50putting this lone pair on the central
- 01:49:51atom that also has exactly eight but
- 01:49:54what we're asked to do in this problem
- 01:49:56here
- 01:49:58is to minimize formal charges and so
- 01:50:01when we calculate formal charges in this
- 01:50:03compound
- 01:50:07for the three atoms in the formula
- 01:50:11for chlorine it's in group seven so I
- 01:50:13had seven valence electrons
- 01:50:15it has one Bond
- 01:50:17and each chlorine has six non-bonding
- 01:50:20electrons right now the two chlorines
- 01:50:21are identical so their formal charges
- 01:50:23both come out to zero typically if you
- 01:50:25have outer atom halogen atoms are going
- 01:50:28to get a single Bond and that's it so
- 01:50:30those ones are fine but then if we go to
- 01:50:31selenium and oxygen as is drawn right
- 01:50:33now so selenium is a group six element
- 01:50:36has one Bond or sorry three bonds one
- 01:50:39two three one to each outer atom
- 01:50:42and it has the two non-bonding electrons
- 01:50:45on it so six minus three minus two is
- 01:50:48plus one
- 01:50:49and then for oxygen which is also group
- 01:50:52six it has one Bond just a single bond
- 01:50:55to the central atom and it has six
- 01:50:57non-bonding electrons around it so
- 01:51:00that's minus one so in this structure
- 01:51:02that we've drawn which follows the octet
- 01:51:04rule we we have a plus one and a minus
- 01:51:08one form we'll charge right next to each
- 01:51:09other and we're asking you to minimize
- 01:51:11formal charges here so to do that we
- 01:51:14have to expand the X head of selenium
- 01:51:15but we can because it's in the what
- 01:51:17fourth row of the periodic table way
- 01:51:19down there so if we have a plus one a
- 01:51:21minus one next to each other the way
- 01:51:22that we get rid of that
- 01:51:24is we take off a lone pair
- 01:51:27and make it into a double bond
- 01:51:29so we remove one of the lone pairs from
- 01:51:31oxygen turn it into a double bond
- 01:51:33between the two and now when we
- 01:51:35calculate formal charges
- 01:51:38I'm just going to erase what I did and
- 01:51:40recalculate them here so I don't take up
- 01:51:42more space
- 01:51:44um for selenium it now has two bonds
- 01:51:47because it has or it knows four bonds
- 01:51:49because then you have the double bond
- 01:51:50plus the two single bonds and it still
- 01:51:52has its two non-binding electrons so
- 01:51:55that comes out to zero and then this
- 01:51:57oxygen has now a double bond
- 01:52:00two bonds and then the four nonline
- 01:52:02electrons that it's left with also comes
- 01:52:04out to zero so this structure here which
- 01:52:07has a selenium oxygen double bond is the
- 01:52:10one that minimizes formal charge now
- 01:52:12every single atom in the structure has
- 01:52:13zero formal charge which is ideal where
- 01:52:16you'd like to get to for a neutral atom
- 01:52:18or neutral molecule if we're asking you
- 01:52:20to minimize formal charge so that's the
- 01:52:22one that has and so we have how many
- 01:52:23double bonds we have one double bond
- 01:52:26foreign
- 01:52:28pairs on the central atom well whether
- 01:52:31we minimize formal charges or not we
- 01:52:33have that one lone pair so there's one
- 01:52:34of each one one double bond and one lone
- 01:52:37pair on the central atom so Choice B is
- 01:52:39the correct one here so for problems
- 01:52:42like this
- 01:52:43you need to be able to draw Lewis
- 01:52:44structures very well both for this exam
- 01:52:47and for the next one as it comes out for
- 01:52:49the stuff we're doing in chapter four
- 01:52:51and you know for Lewis structure
- 01:52:53questions you have to make sure you read
- 01:52:54the question closely and if it matters
- 01:52:56whether octet rule or you know formal
- 01:53:00charges should be considered will
- 01:53:01typically specify that as we did here
- 01:53:04all right so that takes us to the end of
- 01:53:06the 20 questions so any any questions on
- 01:53:09that one or anything else that you think
- 01:53:11might come up on the first exam that you
- 01:53:13want me to cover before I adjourn this
- 01:53:16this meeting
- 01:53:19all right
- 01:53:20go for it
- 01:53:23um
- 01:53:24I was having a little trouble on the
- 01:53:26homework questions where they ask you
- 01:53:28how many unpaired electrons a particular
- 01:53:31atom has
- 01:53:32uh especially in the like transition
- 01:53:35metals
- 01:53:36if
- 01:53:37yeah so for those ones it's going to be
- 01:53:41kind of related to
- 01:53:43we didn't do an exact question like that
- 01:53:45but it's related to this concept here of
- 01:53:47following Hun's rule that we talked
- 01:53:49about way up here
- 01:53:51in number what was it nine or ten number
- 01:53:5410 here
- 01:53:55so you want to sort of consider diagrams
- 01:53:57like this so if we give you a transition
- 01:53:59metal
- 01:54:00let's say we do
- 01:54:02iron and we want to know how many
- 01:54:04unpaired electrons there are
- 01:54:06so the starting point for that is going
- 01:54:08to be the electron configuration
- 01:54:11so for iron it's going to be
- 01:54:14Argon
- 01:54:15sorry 4s2
- 01:54:203d6 let me see if I got that right but
- 01:54:22that's right for iron
- 01:54:25if I didn't get that right I have to
- 01:54:26turn in my inorganic chemistry card
- 01:54:29um so argon is the core and then we have
- 01:54:324s2 3D one two three four five six so
- 01:54:36for questions that deal with unpaired
- 01:54:38electrons you have to write the
- 01:54:40configuration out first
- 01:54:42now in terms of then what you do from
- 01:54:43there you only need to consider
- 01:54:45subshells that are partially filled to
- 01:54:47identify how many unpaired electrons
- 01:54:49there are anything that's completely
- 01:54:50filled all the electrons have to be
- 01:54:52paired to be able to follow the poly
- 01:54:54Exclusion Principle so all the Argon
- 01:54:56core electrons will be paired and then
- 01:54:584s2 that's a completely filled subshell
- 01:55:01so you could draw it out but it's going
- 01:55:02to be two paired electrons but then when
- 01:55:05we get to 3d6 that's where there could
- 01:55:06be unpaired electrons that we have to
- 01:55:08figure out how many there are so in the
- 01:55:103D subshell
- 01:55:12again either using the periodic table or
- 01:55:15using relationships we learned earlier
- 01:55:17l equals 2 for 3D so 2L plus 1 equals
- 01:55:21five orbitals
- 01:55:23or alternatively we know that on the
- 01:55:25periodic table
- 01:55:27the 3D part of the pair table is one two
- 01:55:30three four five six seven eight nine ten
- 01:55:32elements wide meaning that there's up to
- 01:55:3510 electrons or five orbitals present so
- 01:55:38you have to know there's five orbitals
- 01:55:39in a 3D subshell
- 01:55:43and now we just have to follow Hun's
- 01:55:45rule to be able to populate these with
- 01:55:47the six electrons that are in there so
- 01:55:50it's going to go one two three four five
- 01:55:53we individually fill first and then we
- 01:55:55have to pair one up in six so these two
- 01:55:58are paired but the other four would all
- 01:56:00be unpaired in this case so this would
- 01:56:01have four unpaired electrons in the
- 01:56:03ground state
- 01:56:05um and when you follow Hun's Rule and do
- 01:56:07it in that way
- 01:56:09um so that's anytime you're dealing with
- 01:56:11number of unpaired electrons that's kind
- 01:56:12of the level of analysis you want to get
- 01:56:15to for transitional Metals the key is
- 01:56:16that there's going to be you know five a
- 01:56:19set of five D orbitals as you know in
- 01:56:22the valence and
- 01:56:24um you need to fill those with the
- 01:56:25correct number of electrons one at a
- 01:56:27time first before you pair them up
- 01:56:31thank you all right okay good anything
- 01:56:34else related to exam one
- 01:56:39all right um I will have my normal
- 01:56:42availability on Tuesday for you know
- 01:56:45in-person office hours and I'll probably
- 01:56:47be there for a lot of the afternoon as
- 01:56:48well so
- 01:56:49um you know if you need to stop by after
- 01:56:51the regular hours there's a good chance
- 01:56:52I'll be there you can clarify with me on
- 01:56:55other times
- 01:56:56um and you're welcome to send me
- 01:56:58questions via email or any other form of
- 01:57:01communication that you can find me at uh
- 01:57:04so good luck on the first exam and um uh
- 01:57:08you know I encourage you to do the
- 01:57:10practice exam in Blackboard that should
- 01:57:11have and mushrooms opened up yet but
- 01:57:13it'll be open up by tonight if it's not
- 01:57:15already and
- 01:57:17um I will see you guys next week either
- 01:57:19in class or outside of class if you have
- 01:57:21any last questions okay so thank you for
- 01:57:25all thank you all for coming and those
- 01:57:27of you that are watching the recording
- 01:57:28um
- 01:57:29same to you and I'll I'll see you guys
- 01:57:31in a little bit
- kemio
- ekzamenrevizio
- Lewis-strukturo
- periodaj tendencoj
- quantum numbers
- bohra modelo
- elektronegativo
- ioniĝo de energio
- kemia nomado
- ligoj