- 🎉 台湾中秋节的烧烤传统很独特。
- 🌕 中秋节的嫦娥传说生动且历史悠久。
- 🍢 制作素食串烧是家庭互动的好方式。
- 🔥 木炭烧烤可能遇到生火困难。
- 🥮 月饼和柚子在中秋节中有重要意义。
- 🍎 台湾还有以水果醋解油腻的饮食习惯。
- 😂 家庭活动中出现意想不到的搞笑场景。
- 🎨 用创造性的方法克服困难,例如使厨房用具做补救措施。
- 👪 增进家庭团聚和互动的重要性在优势。
- 🍍 台湾的传统节日在全球化背景下引入新的元素,增加趣味。
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
- 00:10:00 - 00:16:13
- 00:00:01[Music]
- 00:00:57[Music]
- 00:01:06[Music]
- 00:01:34foreign
- 00:01:40[Music]
- 00:01:50oh heck yes that smell amazing oh my
- 00:01:53gosh this is looking so good
- 00:01:55is it cut
- 00:01:56ah
- 00:01:59that is awesome
- 00:02:01whoa
- 00:02:02we got a strip guys taiwanese
- 00:02:06[Music]
- 00:02:19oh my gosh
- 00:02:23wow
- 00:02:25andoyan so henshi
- 00:02:27answer one time
- 00:02:29[Music]
- 00:02:52[Applause]
- 00:02:54oh yes of course oh look at this wow
- 00:02:59wow
- 00:03:02is this fake this is awesome can i eat
- 00:03:04this raw oh we're making kebabs yeah
- 00:03:06we're celebrating um one of the most
- 00:03:08special holidays in taiwan it's called
- 00:03:10zhongshoji at mid autumn festival and
- 00:03:12what they do for this holiday is they
- 00:03:14barbecue together as a family we'll tell
- 00:03:16you more about it in a little bit but we
- 00:03:18need to make the skewers together this
- 00:03:21is a vegetarian bacon and you can kind
- 00:03:23of like fold it like a ribbon how's that
- 00:03:25it's not good oh
- 00:03:27nice that looks awesome oh it broke oh
- 00:03:30yeah
- 00:03:38i said that's my father-in-law oh yeah
- 00:03:40guys i can't wait to eat that's awesome
- 00:03:43you are doing so good
- 00:03:47talk adorable
- 00:04:00corn juice just splattered in my face
- 00:04:02from somebody oh yeah what about no no
- 00:04:06i'm not eating
- 00:04:07no i'm not bleeding never stop
- 00:04:10what is this
- 00:04:12what are we
- 00:04:24so we bought these a couple days ago at
- 00:04:26lowe's
- 00:04:27and we didn't move them out onto the
- 00:04:29front driveway not the back we're
- 00:04:32cooking in our front right
- 00:04:34it has to be in the front wait okay wow
- 00:04:39let's see
- 00:04:40make our ends on
- 00:04:46you know what we're doing now
- 00:04:48yes are we gonna sit on those
- 00:04:50oh we're gonna sit on those that's your
- 00:04:52chair all right right in front of all of
- 00:04:54our neighbors for everyone to see that's
- 00:04:56the point
- 00:05:00that's enough that's enough
- 00:05:02whoosh
- 00:05:03wait i've never used these before
- 00:05:05you're gonna burn your arm hair
- 00:05:07look at
- 00:05:18our neighbor just drove by rolled down
- 00:05:19his window and he's like hey kooky
- 00:05:21hippies i have a real barbecue if you
- 00:05:23need one
- 00:05:24and i was like oh we're doing something
- 00:05:26special he's like yeah special needs
- 00:05:29i'll pull him out i'm like wait that was
- 00:05:31really weird oh my gosh let's go oh
- 00:05:35sorry max you can't eat this
- 00:05:37no sizzle
- 00:05:39that's true oh no
- 00:05:41is it the coals yeah it takes forever to
- 00:05:43get the coals to going
- 00:05:45fail so we'll make a show one tea it's
- 00:05:48not working
- 00:05:51we probably should have started the
- 00:05:53coals around 20 30 minutes before not
- 00:05:55like an hour before wait it's like 10
- 00:05:57minutes on the back yeah the back said
- 00:05:5910 minutes well we have more so
- 00:06:01let's try that
- 00:06:18you guys are hungry huh it's like
- 00:06:20roasting marshmallows
- 00:06:23it out just want to eat
- 00:06:25it
- 00:06:29i grabbed a stick and it broke off it's
- 00:06:32on fire dad
- 00:06:34oh my gosh
- 00:06:36i'm just gonna drink my barbecue sauce
- 00:06:40oh my gosh you just broiled them in the
- 00:06:42oven just need to put them in there
- 00:06:43they'll be so good in the oven if all
- 00:06:45this fills we'll do the
- 00:06:46oven it's just they're too spread out
- 00:06:49this way i think it's time i think it's
- 00:06:51time we call it ikea don't you
- 00:06:54should buy this no problem this is fun
- 00:06:56sauce is amazing mom and payton helping
- 00:06:59us out we couldn't do it guys it's okay
- 00:07:01we're still doing it in a way in a way
- 00:07:04going in the broil oh my gosh
- 00:07:07like your woman
- 00:07:09please work oh yeah that's a hot flame
- 00:07:12it's gonna be good
- 00:07:28is it working already it's baking it's
- 00:07:31working guys we wanted some mutant
- 00:07:34[Music]
- 00:07:55oh
- 00:08:07three
- 00:08:19what is this one called
- 00:08:21vegetarian ham the bacon is amazing
- 00:08:25oh my gosh look at the fibers in your
- 00:08:27thing that's how they do in taiwan
- 00:08:29oh
- 00:08:30yeah i don't eat it please try this okay
- 00:08:33let's try it oh my gosh i'm in taiwan
- 00:08:34right now
- 00:08:39so we are celebrating the zhong chojiya
- 00:08:41what's the importance thousands of years
- 00:08:42ago there was this very beautiful woman
- 00:08:45her name was chang uh and she was
- 00:08:47married to a legendary archer named ho e
- 00:08:49now at the time there were 10 suns in
- 00:08:51the sky it made the earth so hot that it
- 00:08:53was scorching up people and their food
- 00:08:55so ho e the archer went out and he shot
- 00:08:58down nine of the ten sons and made the
- 00:09:01earth normal again to show their
- 00:09:02gratitude the people made hoi their king
- 00:09:04now he unfortunately was not a very good
- 00:09:07king and he loved being king so much
- 00:09:09that he commanded he commanded some of
- 00:09:10his people to make an elixir of
- 00:09:12immortality now chang uh the beautiful
- 00:09:14woman his wife was worried that if he
- 00:09:16became immortal then he would be a
- 00:09:18tyrant and uh be a dictator about his
- 00:09:20people forever we just watched a movie
- 00:09:22about this yeah ten rings something no
- 00:09:25that's ten rings not two seven not ten
- 00:09:26times so when he wasn't looking she took
- 00:09:29the elixir of immortality and after she
- 00:09:31took it she started floating up into the
- 00:09:33sky and flew up into the moon and became
- 00:09:35the moon goddess
- 00:09:37and he missing his wife died shortly
- 00:09:39thereafter and the people in order to
- 00:09:41remember changa offered her moon cakes
- 00:09:44as a as an offering oh
- 00:09:47yeah that's awesome that is not why
- 00:09:50there is the shao kao these mushrooms
- 00:09:53are delicious
- 00:09:54those are those
- 00:09:56mushrooms the
- 00:09:58jam really makes it my favorite is what
- 00:10:00i have right here cake meat and some
- 00:10:02sweet pepper oh also this is a really
- 00:10:03important detail the day that chang took
- 00:10:06the elixir and became the moon goddess
- 00:10:07was on the 15th day of the eighth month
- 00:10:10of the lunar calendar the day when the
- 00:10:12moon is brightest it's a full moon in
- 00:10:14the middle of autumn so in time when i
- 00:10:15celebrate the actual holiday it'll be a
- 00:10:18full moon and everyone is out barbecuing
- 00:10:20that's pretty neat open here i want to
- 00:10:22see that and it's crazy because when you
- 00:10:23walk outside it just smells like
- 00:10:25barbecue you could be in a park and you
- 00:10:27just it would just smell like barbecue
- 00:10:28it's in the air tons of countries
- 00:10:29celebrate the mid-autumn festival but
- 00:10:32everybody barbecuing on in front of
- 00:10:33their house is only unique to taiwan uh
- 00:10:35in the 1980s some taiwanese barbecue
- 00:10:38sauce companies put out a really
- 00:10:39successful ad campaign kind of basically
- 00:10:41saying like when your family barbecues
- 00:10:44everybody around you gets to enjoy it
- 00:10:46because it'll smell so good and so
- 00:10:48everybody started barbecuing on the
- 00:10:50mirana festival just caught on so
- 00:10:51everybody loved it when we go visit
- 00:10:53taiwan next that's when we should go
- 00:10:54there's a couple of drinks that
- 00:10:55taiwanese people say help kind of
- 00:10:57refresh your palate after eating so much
- 00:10:59this is not as oily but i'll go get the
- 00:11:01drink oh it smells i'm sorry guys this
- 00:11:04is not alcohol this is
- 00:11:06pink
- 00:11:07this is apple vinegar
- 00:11:10to the moon
- 00:11:14refreshing
- 00:11:17it should be sweet
- 00:11:19[Music]
- 00:11:20this is just vinegar
- 00:11:22it's just straight
- 00:11:24straight apple cider vinegar
- 00:11:26this is not what they drink those
- 00:11:28palettes feel refreshed until there's a
- 00:11:31lot of fruits vinegar drinks and they're
- 00:11:34really yummy there's only a tiny bit of
- 00:11:35a vinegar flavor but this is like this
- 00:11:37is the stuff you soak your toenails in
- 00:11:41it's great
- 00:11:42i don't know about you guys i don't know
- 00:11:43you guys my palette was definitely
- 00:11:45cleaned with them there is no grease in
- 00:11:47my mouth it works did you think you were
- 00:11:48getting a sweet apple cider yes i was
- 00:11:50thought i thought i was getting the
- 00:11:51drinkable
- 00:11:53sweet
- 00:11:54there's two fruit
- 00:11:55that you speak on the front of this
- 00:11:56bottle and both of them say apple cider
- 00:11:59vinegar i'm going to go get dessert
- 00:12:01final bites
- 00:12:04that's a woman
- 00:12:05yeah 20 inches
- 00:12:15why do you think they're not cooking i
- 00:12:17wish i knew
- 00:12:19adorable
- 00:12:22and then on top we're going to put some
- 00:12:25fun peanut powder oh i love washing oh
- 00:12:28please enjoy so good oh my gosh this
- 00:12:31looks so good hmm
- 00:12:38they're really squishy
- 00:12:40what are they supposed to be like
- 00:12:42sweet
- 00:12:43it's pretty gross i'll just use the
- 00:12:45condensed milk microwave
- 00:12:50it is terrible but it's not done
- 00:12:53it's too gelatinous that's right finish
- 00:12:55this job trust me
- 00:12:57wait it's falling off the thing i think
- 00:12:59it's fine
- 00:13:00it's way too squishy you're a cue you're
- 00:13:02a dad is heating it up in the microwave
- 00:13:07[Laughter]
- 00:13:09it looks like a freaking slug oh no no
- 00:13:12no no no well this is gonna be good
- 00:13:15oh
- 00:13:16i think this is great here you can have
- 00:13:18mine
- 00:13:21is awful
- 00:13:23it is really bad i think it's great look
- 00:13:26at this
- 00:13:27no seriously put it in the microwave
- 00:13:29this is good then there's a coke on the
- 00:13:31wendy no no that's not better it's like
- 00:13:34gum
- 00:13:37little pancakes
- 00:13:40is anything gonna turn out this video
- 00:13:42we have one thing that will not fail
- 00:13:45okay guys packaged so you're happy and
- 00:13:48wait wait push your woman
- 00:13:50[Applause]
- 00:13:51yes
- 00:13:52okay
- 00:13:55those are beautiful
- 00:13:57very beautiful oh wow they are we want
- 00:13:59to cut these because we also have well
- 00:14:03one of the flavors in here is um pomelo
- 00:14:06the mellow is the traditional fruit that
- 00:14:09you would eat in this holiday we
- 00:14:10couldn't get pimelo because they don't
- 00:14:12have it in stock right now the mango
- 00:14:13with pomelo
- 00:14:15[Applause]
- 00:14:28good
- 00:14:34really good yeah the pomelo in mandarin
- 00:14:36is pronounced yo that's what's in the
- 00:14:38filling here so the reason they eat them
- 00:14:40at the mid autumn festival is because yo
- 00:14:43sounds like another character which
- 00:14:44means to protect so by eating the pomelo
- 00:14:47we're asking to be protected oh my gosh
- 00:14:50so yo it's pomelo yodz is a traveler who
- 00:14:53was away from their family so by eating
- 00:14:55yodzu we are wishing that the other yods
- 00:14:57have a safer turn i actually love this
- 00:14:59one the traditional one who's kind of
- 00:15:01peanut butter thank you so much this was
- 00:15:03awesome
- 00:15:04yeah it was a ton of fun
- 00:15:06what do you guys think of our mid-autumn
- 00:15:08festival
- 00:15:10it was pretty good
- 00:15:13absolutely nothing worked
- 00:15:15definitely
- 00:15:17i mean it was tasty good once we got it
- 00:15:19probably the dessert was the worst
- 00:15:22[Applause]
- 00:15:24you know they're full
- 00:15:35ready guys
- 00:15:39[Applause]
- 00:15:48[Applause]
- 00:15:53oh how good that is
- 00:16:07[Music]
- 00:16:13you
- 中秋节
- 台湾文化
- 家庭烧烤
- 嫦娥传说
- 月饼
- 素食
- 节日习俗
- 饮品
- 柚子
- 幽默