How do you define a learning organization? by Peter Senge, Author of The Fifth Discipline



TLDRA learning organization is one that continually strives to improve through fostering a culture where learning outweighs control. To build such an organization, leaders need to focus on removing jargon and instead fostering environments where teamwork and continuous learning are priorities. Resources that are critical include tools for creativity and reflection, a philosophic framework, and time for learning and development. Organizations should stress the importance of learning infrastructures to facilitate sharing. Techniques such as world cafes can enhance effective learning and cooperation in meetings. Also crucial is the need for organizations to have the right tools and guiding philosophies to aid in the development of their employees while aligning with their core missions. By focusing beyond just making money, an organization can grow to support both business success and employee development.


  • 🤝 Shift focus from jargon to fostering teamwork.
  • 📚 Learning must dominate over control in culture.
  • 🔨 Utilize tools like system archetypes for growth.
  • ⏰ Allocate time and infrastructure for learning.
  • 🔍 Encourage reflection and separate assumptions from facts.
  • 🛠 Provide tools and resources to support learning.
  • 🔄 Develop guiding philosophies beyond profit-making.
  • 🧠 Foster environments for shared learning in meetings.
  • 📈 Use creative tension to bridge gaps between reality and aspirations.
  • 🌐 Implement world cafes for effective meetings.
  • 🏗 Build robust learning infrastructures.
  • 💡 Commit to continual development of people.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:38

    A learning organization is essentially about people working together effectively, continually learning how to improve collaboration. Such organizations center on learning rather than control, which fosters growth. Leaders can nurture a learning environment by employing tools for building personal mastery, fostering reflection, and understanding systems. These include the ladder of inference, creative tension, and system archetypes, among others. The cultivation of a learning organization involves resources like commitment from leadership, guiding ideas, and internal learning infrastructures to facilitate ongoing growth and reflection among team members.



  • What is a learning organization?

    A learning organization is one where people continuously work together at their best to learn together, without being dominated by control-minded thinking.

  • How can leaders build a learning organization?

    Leaders can build a learning organization by fostering aspiration, personal mastery, shared vision, encouraging reflection, and using tools like system archetypes.

  • What resources are needed for a learning organization?

    Resources needed include tools for creativity and reflection, a guiding philosophy, and time and infrastructure for learning and development.

  • Why is jargon not recommended when discussing learning organizations?

    Jargon can be off-putting and may hinder genuine understanding and implementation of a culture of learning.

  • What are system archetypes?

    System archetypes are tools for understanding systemic patterns in organizations, like the shifting burden archetype, which helps identify quick fixes versus deeper solutions.

  • What importance does time play in building a learning organization?

    Time is crucial as it allows reflection, study, and the development of learning infrastructures to facilitate sharing and growth.

  • What is the role of infrastructures in a learning organization?

    Infrastructures help organize and share learning across various teams to ensure seamless knowledge transfer and growth.

  • How can organizations host effective meetings for learning?

    By using methods like world cafes, organizations can organize meetings that focus on genuine learning and collaboration.

  • What is the guiding philosophy in a learning organization?

    A guiding philosophy helps orient the organization beyond financial goals, focusing also on the continual development of its people.

  • What is creative tension?

    Creative tension is a tool that individuals can learn to manage, helping them to work with the gap between current realities and aspirations.


  • 00:00:06
    what is your definition of a learning
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    organization and how can leaders build a
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    learning organization what types of
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    resources do you need well first off I
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    would jettison the jargon you know it
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    term like that the learn learning
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    relation is always to some degree going
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    to be jargony and and therefore gets to
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    be off-putting for people you know just
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    think of it as people working together
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    at their best you know how do we grow
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    organizations where that's the norm and
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    it's a real in continual relentless
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    process to keep learning how to work
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    together in our best because if you're
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    doing that you're going to be learning
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    as I said you know there's only two
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    mindsets that kind of can infiltrate an
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    organization control or learning and and
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    it's question of which one is dominant
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    and if learning dominates I guarantee
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    you you'll create all the different
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    aspects that we call learning
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    organization I think that you know the
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    how-to is obviously what all the work
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    has always been about and that's why
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    there's not only the original fifth
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    discipline there's the fifth discipline
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    field book there's a dance of change
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    field book there's even a field book
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    strictly I'm doing this in educational
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    context it's called schools that learn
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    and those field books are like 600 pages
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    of stories and examples and tips and
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    tools so there's a lot of how-to so you
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    can't really summarize it very
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    completely in a brief form but it comes
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    back to those three broad areas but
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    there are tools we talked about before
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    the pre broad areas you know fostering
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    aspiration there are tools for
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    encouraging you know building personal
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    mastery and building shared vision
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    creative tension is a very basic tool
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    that individuals learn how to work with
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    there are tools for a fostering
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    reflection the ladder of inference is a
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    tool that we found once people learn
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    they never you know stop using it and in
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    teams its enormous ly powerful it's
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    basically just a weighted more in a more
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    disciplined way distinguish what
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    actually happened from my
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    interpretations and attributions about
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    what happened all my assumptions and
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    becoming disciplined in distinguishing
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    assumption you might say assumptions are
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    really important it's not they're bad
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    you don't ever get rid of assumptions
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    you can't live without assumptions the
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    question is you know are we disciplined
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    in relating those to what's actually
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    happening so those are a set of tools
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    and in the system's understanding and
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    seeing larger systems there's a whole
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    set of tool system archetypes
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    you know seeing basic patterns of
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    systemic activity like what we call
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    shifting the verb a pattern where
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    there's a problem and people focus
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    quickly on a quick fix but they know
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    there's a deeper source of the problem
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    and if they get caught up in the quick
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    fix they never get to the deeper source
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    so understanding those systemic patterns
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    we call them archetypal pattern system
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    archetypes so there's tools all over the
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    place so you need to have tools to work
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    with and that's why all these big field
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    books exists and a lot of those tools
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    have evolved but there's plenty out
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    there but then you also need to have a
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    commitment to this you know so we often
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    call it the guiding ideas so what does
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    the organization stand for in Bob
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    Keegan's recent book on deeply
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    developmental organizations he gives
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    three examples of organizations that are
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    very explicitly by their philosophy by
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    their actions by their day to day
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    practice dedicated to the continual
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    development of their people so you need
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    to have you might say a philosophic
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    framework to kind of orient you and then
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    you need to have time so the three
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    things we say that always matter in
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    practice are do you have tools do you
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    have a kind of guiding philosophy what
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    we often call guiding ideas that that
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    that help people orient that we're not
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    here just to make money yet we want to
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    be a good business we want to be a good
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    business that also grows people and we
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    really mean it and do have time do you
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    have the internal we often call them
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    learning infrastructures if there's no
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    time to reflect it doesn't matter how
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    skillful you are reflection if there's
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    no way to kind of organize and study
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    what's being learned in different places
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    people doing this and learning this but
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    over here people are restless they
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    probably have no clue what people have
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    learned over here because there's no
  • 00:04:18
    infrastructure and that shares that
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    learning in the software industry now
  • 00:04:23
    it's amazing and partly this is because
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    it's being done more
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    9 they're coordinating these distributed
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    development teams remotely so they
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    actually have a lot of data and they can
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    share it up so that will we often call
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    the learning infrastructure at the time
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    the resources to study and learn help
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    people learn from each other bring
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    people together
  • 00:04:43
    I know it's mundane but do people ever
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    get together and if they get together do
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    they do something I didn't watch stupid
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    powerpoints crazy that's the dumbest
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    thing in the whole world why would you
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    bring people together which is a big
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    undertaking and not use the time for
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    real learning do you know how to do that
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    do you have the tools if you have the
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    time do you know how to use the tools so
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    you know for example any organizations
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    really goodness they're really good at
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    hosting meetings where people actually
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    spend time really learning they have
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    world cafes one of the tools that's
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    propagated widely in our networks as a
  • 00:05:19
    way to organize big meetings in any
  • 00:05:21
    event so you need all three of those you
  • 00:05:23
    need tools Indian philosophy and you
  • 00:05:25
    need infrastructure to make it all real
  • 00:05:36
  • learning organization
  • leadership
  • teamwork
  • tools and resources
  • reflection
  • system archetypes
  • creative tension
  • philosophy
  • infrastructure
  • continuous development