How to be a Godly Leader - Whiteboard Series



TLDRO vídeo ofrece un enfoque cristián sobre como ser un líder eficaz, inspirándose na figura de Xesucristo. Resáltase que o liderado non require necesariamente un título ou posición oficial, senón unha vida exemplar que os demais poidan seguir. Os líderes cristiáns deben ter unha visión clara de onde dirixirse e como alcanzar ese obxectivo, guiando asi aos demais de forma desinteresada e inspiradora. Achégase unha reflexión sobre o prezo que se debe pagar por ser líder, recordando que, igual que Xesucristo, os líderes deben estar dispostos a sacrificar polo ben dos outros. A conclusión anima á xente a liderar motivados polo amor, porque Deus nos amou primeiro.


  • ✝️ Liderado cristián baséase no exemplo de Xesucristo
  • 📖 Líderes deberían ser exemplares baseándose na Biblia
  • 👥 Liderado non require posición oficial
  • ✨ Líderes deben ter unha clara visión e obxectivo
  • 💪 Ser líder implica sacrificios persoais
  • 🙏 Oración por sabedoría e visión é crucial
  • 🤝 Amor polos demais como motor do liderado
  • 🌟 Inspirar aos outros mediante exemplos positivos
  • 🚶‍♂️ Xesucristo liderou sen títulos, só exemplo
  • 🌍 Mundo precisa máis líderes cristiáns auténticos


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Os roles de liderado e autoridade non son para todos, pero os cristiáns deben saber liderar correctamente. A liderado non sempre implica unha posición oficial de mando, exemplificado por Xesús, que non foi un líder relixioso oficial, pero foi o mellor líder que houbo. Os líderes piedosos deben liderar dende a fronte, o que significa vivir unha vida exemplar que outros poidan seguir. Este liderado é visto na práctica a través de exemplos como exercer a integridade na escola ou ser humilde nun equipo deportivo. O principal é inspirar a outros a través do exemplo, non mediante o poder ou a posición oficial.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:24

    Os líderes deben ter unha visión clara do lugar a onde levar aos outros, o que implica entender a súa situación actual (punto A) e discernir a mellor dirección (punto B). Isto require insight, visión e sabedoría, que se poden adquirir a través da oración e reflexión. A isto engádese a disposición a pagar o prezo do liderado, que pode incluir traballar máis duro, ser malinterpretado ou sufrir esgotamento. Os líderes piedosos seguen o exemplo de Xesús como o Bo Pastor, disposto a dar a súa vida polos seus, demostrando amor e sacrificio. Finalmente, o liderado cristián debe inspirarse no amor divino, lembrando que lideramos porque amamos ás persoas, e amamos porque Deus nos amou primeiro.



  • O vídeo só está dirixido a persoas que ocupan cargos importantes?

    O artigo fomenta o liderado sen importar a posición ou título, seguindo o exemplo de Xesucristo.

  • Os líderes cristiáns deberían esperar beneficios persoais polos seus esforzos?

    Non, o liderado cristián debería facerse con amor e dedicación cara aos demais, sen esperar compensacións persoais.

  • Cal é o resultado desexado do liderado segundo o vídeo?

    Ser un líder máis humilde, amoroso e cheo de fe, inspirando aos demais co exemplo e facendo a obra de Deus.

  • Que deben buscar os líderes en lugar de recoñecemento ou logros materiais?

    A transformación persoal e o impacto positivo que poden ter na vida dos demais seguindo principios cristiáns.

  • Que destaca sobre a forma de liderar de Xesucristo?

    A importancia de ser un exemplo a seguir e guiar aos demais cara a un obxectivo útil.


  • 00:00:00
    while leadership roles and positions of
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    authority aren't for everyone if you're
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    a Christian you should know how to lead
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    correctly if you're a sibling regardless
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    if you're younger or older you should
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    set an example for your siblings to
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    follow if you're a parent you should
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    know how to lead your children if you're
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    a spouse you should both be able to
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    navigate your marriage in a healthy
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    direction and if you're someone's friend
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    whether they're a Christian or not you
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    should have the ability to lead and
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    point them to Jesus leadership will look
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    different for everyone because it
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    doesn't always look like a management
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    position or being officially in charge
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    of a bunch of people however I think
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    this world needs more Christian leaders
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    who lead the way that Jesus did so if
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    you aspire to be someone that people can
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    trust and follow please follow these
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    three steps step number one Godly
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    leaders set an example to follow First
  • 00:00:54
    Peter chapter 5 verses 1 to 3 the elders
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    who are among you I exhort I who am a
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    fellow Elder and a witness of the
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    sufferings of Christ and also a partaker
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    of the glory that will be revealed
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    Shepherd the flock of God which is among
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    you serving as overseers not by
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    compulsion but willingly not for
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    dishonest gain but eagerly nor is being
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    Lords over those entrusted to you but
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    being examples to the flock so Peter in
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    his letter to the church encourages
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    Elders to Shepherd or lead God's people
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    in a certain way and he explains that
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    leaders shouldn't lead for the sake of
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    dishonest gain Andy says that they
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    shouldn't act as Lords or people who
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    command others just because they have a
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    position instead he tells leaders to be
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    an example for others to follow now just
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    because people are in a position to give
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    orders doesn't mean they're a leader and
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    just because people don't have a title
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    or position of authority doesn't mean
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    that they can't lead actually Jesus
  • 00:02:02
    wasn't an official religious leader but
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    he was the best leader there was and one
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    of the best qualifications of a leader
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    is one that Jesus showed us and it's
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  • 00:02:13
    Godly leaders should lead from the front
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    you see Jesus didn't just tell his
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    disciples to Humble themselves and to
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    serve he being God lowered himself and
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    became a man Jesus grew up poor washed
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    his disciples feet and bore the shame
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    and the sin of humanity by dying on the
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    cross for our behalf you see Jesus was
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    an example of love and that's one reason
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    why his words hold so much weight so if
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    you want to be a leader forget the idea
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    that you need a position in order to
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    lead because if you can live a life that
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    people can look up to as a shining
  • 00:02:52
    example of how to live then you can be a
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    leader and there's multiple ways you can
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    lead by example you can set an example
  • 00:03:00
    of integrity at school by not cheating
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    and working hard if you're on a sports
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    team you can be humble by not putting
  • 00:03:08
    others down and helping your teammates
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    get better if you're a parent you can
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    set an example to your children by
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    teaching them how to pray and
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    apologizing to them if you did something
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    wrong I mean if you want your children
  • 00:03:20
    to learn to say sorry don't you think
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    they'd learn best by watching you do it
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    and you can also set an example of
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    service by taking care of the people
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    around you and you can promote an
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    atmosphere of safety by asking people
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    how they're doing and then listening
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    intently to how they're feeling the list
  • 00:03:38
    goes on so I would encourage you lead a
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    life that people can follow
  • 00:03:44
    step number two Godly leaders have a
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    vision of where to go Matthew chapter 4
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    verse 19 and Jesus said to them follow
  • 00:03:53
    me and I will make you Fishers of Men
  • 00:03:56
    Acts Chapter 4 verses 32-33 all the
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    Believers were United in heart and mind
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    and they felt that what they owned was
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    not their own so they shared everything
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    they had the apostles testified
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    powerfully to the resurrection of the
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    Lord Jesus and God's great blessing was
  • 00:04:16
    upon them all
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    in these two passages notice how Jesus
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    said I'll make you Fishers of Men and
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    then later in the book of Acts When
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    Jesus ascended back into heaven it says
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    the apostles formerly known as the
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    disciples testified and spoke powerfully
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    to tons of people and so the point that
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    I need to make about good leaders is
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    that they can lead people to a point B
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    look here you have point a and you have
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    point B Jesus saw the disciples where
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    they were and that's point a and they
  • 00:04:50
    were a Motley Crew of fishermen and tax
  • 00:04:53
    collectors who lacked Faith then Jesus
  • 00:04:57
    saw where they could go and Jesus knew
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    that they could become Fishers of Men
  • 00:05:02
    and that's point B you see in order for
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    a leader to be a leader they actually
  • 00:05:07
    need to lead people to a certain place
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    and this means a lot of things first
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    they need to be able to rightly assess
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    where someone is or in other words they
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    need to discern what the point a is then
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    they need to see the point B and then
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    they need to know how to get the group
  • 00:05:26
    or person to point B and they need to be
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    able to inspire people to move from
  • 00:05:33
    point A to point B and to top it off
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    they need to know if point B is actually
  • 00:05:40
    the best option all this to say if you
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    want to be a good leader you need to
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    pray for Insight Vision and wisdom for
  • 00:05:50
    yourself and for the people you want to
  • 00:05:52
    lead insight to see where you are Vision
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    to see the best place to go and wisdom
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    on how to get there and while this does
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    take a lot of time hard work and
  • 00:06:02
    patience people today need better
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    leaders so a word of caution our
  • 00:06:09
    children family and friends will be led
  • 00:06:13
    by lesser leaders if we don't take up
  • 00:06:16
    the mantle of God leadership so please
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    look at the people you want to lead and
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    then pray to God and ask him God where
  • 00:06:27
    are we where do you want us to go and
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    how do you want us to get there
  • 00:06:32
    and step number three Godly leaders pay
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    the price of leadership John chapter 10
  • 00:06:38
    verses 11 to 13 I am the Good Shepherd
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    the Good Shepherd lays down his life for
  • 00:06:45
    the Sheep he who is a Hired Hand and not
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    a Shepherd who is not the owner of the
  • 00:06:50
    sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves
  • 00:06:53
    the sheep and fleas and the Wolf
  • 00:06:56
    snatches them and scatters them he flees
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    because he is a Hired Hand and is not
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    concerned about the Sheep Jesus In this
  • 00:07:05
    passage describes himself as being the
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    Good Shepherd who is willing to lay his
  • 00:07:09
    life down for the Sheep he then explains
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    the difference between a Hired Hand and
  • 00:07:15
    the Good Shepherd and the major
  • 00:07:17
    difference is that The Hired Hand will
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    flee when times get tough while the Good
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    Shepherd will lay down their life if the
  • 00:07:26
    situation calls for it
  • 00:07:28
    so when it comes to leadership I'll say
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    this there are Perks to Being a leader
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    and a price to be paid if you become a
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    leader because of a Leader's influence
  • 00:07:39
    people can look up to them and give them
  • 00:07:41
    preferential treatment and special
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    attention but this should not be
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    expected nor should it be taken for
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    granted if it's given and at the same
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    time in the same way that Jesus the Good
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    Shepherd laid down his life leaders must
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    similarly pay a price to be a leader and
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    the price may be being alone or working
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    alone or being misunderstood or working
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    harder than everybody else or caring for
  • 00:08:06
    certain people even though they don't
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    care about you and this can lead to
  • 00:08:10
    possible physical emotional mental or
  • 00:08:13
    spiritual exhaustion you see in Jesus
  • 00:08:16
    wanted to lead people to everlasting
  • 00:08:19
    life and it cost him his life and I'd
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    say that the best leaders are ones who
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    look to the group that's entrusted to
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    them and they will say I will protect
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    them I will provide for them and I will
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    take them to where they need to be and I
  • 00:08:36
    will pay any price to ensure that my
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    people are safe loved and taken care of
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    you see every Godly leader should follow
  • 00:08:46
    the way of the master and be willing to
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    lay down the time energy strength and
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    even their life for the sake of others
  • 00:08:55
    so if you feel the call to leadership
  • 00:08:58
    good may God raise more Godly leaders
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    and my hope is that they follow these
  • 00:09:04
    three steps
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    step number one set an example
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    step number two have a vision and step
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    number three pay the price my prayer is
  • 00:09:15
    for more Christians to be led to Greater
  • 00:09:17
    humility greater love and greater faith
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    and that more unbelievers be led to the
  • 00:09:22
    gospel and to God our Father through
  • 00:09:25
    Jesus Christ Our Lord by the Holy Spirit
  • 00:09:28
    so to close please know that Godly and
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    effective leadership is difficult so
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    there will always be an urge to quit at
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    some point so remember
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    should we lead we must do so remembering
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    why we lead people and we lead people
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    because we love people and we love
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    people because God first loved us and
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    gave and gave self for us so when all
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    you're leading please never forget
  • 00:10:00
    Jesus loves you
  • 00:10:03
  • liderado
  • Xesucristo
  • exemplo
  • visión
  • sacrificio
  • liderado cristián
  • amor
  • sabedoría
  • humildade
  • fe