Dr. Anoushka Joglekar, NY Genome Center, presents seminar at UGA Bioinformatics
TLDREl Dr. Jer ha presentat la seva recerca sobre les isoformes d'ARNm i l'alternativa del splicing en cèl·lules individuals. En la seva xerrada, ha destacat com aquestes isoformes poden influir en la salut i la malaltia, evidenciant exemples com el gen cd33 en relació amb l'Alzheimer. A més, ha parlat de la metodologia desenvolupada pel seu laboratori per estudiar aquestes isoformes a través d'una tècnica anomenada 'scissor-seq'. També va mostrar dades sobre com aquestes isoformes poden variar entre tipus de cèl·lules i durant el desenvolupament del cervell. Jer ha subratllat la importància d'estudiar l'expressió específica d'isoformes tant en la investigació bàsica com en el desenvolupament de fàrmacs, destacant que fins a un 75% de gens poden expressar diferents isoformes depenent del tipus de cèl·lula.
- 👨🔬 Dr. Jer és un expert en genoma 3D i isoformes d'ARN.
- 🧬 L'alternativa del splicing afecta la salut i malalties com l'Alzheimer.
- 🔬 Desenvolupament de la tècnica 'scissor-seq' per estudiar isoformes.
- 🧠 Les isoformes varien entre tipus cel·lulars i durant el desenvolupament del cervell.
- 📊 75% dels gens poden expressar diferents isoformes en funció del tipus de cèl·lula.
- 🔍 Comprendre quin isoforma està expressada és crític per al desenvolupament de medicaments.
- 🧪 L'estudi se centra en teixit cerebral, explorant etapes del desenvolupament.
- ⚠️ Cal investigar més sobre el comportament de les isoformes al llarg del temps.
- 🌍 Importància de traduir recerques de models de ratolí a humans.
- 📚 Conferència valuosa per a professionals en biologia computacional i genòmica.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introducció de la Dr. Jer, investigadora en el Centre del Genoma de Nova York, que desenvolupa algoritmes per explorar l'estructura 3D del genoma. Presentació del seu treball en esplicació alternativa amb resolució de cèl·lula única.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La Dr. Jer parla sobre les isoformes d'ARN i la seva importància en la salut i la malaltia. Explica el procés d'esplicació alternativa i la seva influència en la complexitat del proteoma.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Discussió sobre l'esplicació alternativa com a específica de teixit, fins i tot dins d'un sol teixit. Descripció de la metodologia per estudiar les isoformes en cèl·lules individuals.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Explicació del mètode Scissor-seq per superar les limitacions del seqüenciament basat en gotes, permetent l'identificació d'isoformes transcriptòmiques completes en cèl·lules individuals.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Presentació dels estudis sobre teixit cerebral per examinar la variabilitat de les isoformes entre regions cerebrals i tipus de cèl·lules. Exemples de gens específics estudiats.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Troballes sobre la variabilitat de les isoformes entre cèl·lules i regions cerebrals, especialment en exons micro. Discussió d'exemples de diferències observades.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Investigació de la persistència de les observacions d'isoformes en diverses regions cerebrals al llarg del temps. Mètodes per categoritzar la variabilitat de les isoformes.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Estudi detallat de gens amb gran variabilitat d'isoformes en diversos tipus cel·lulars i etapes del desenvolupament. Exploració de patrons específics de canvis en les isoformes.
- 00:40:00 - 00:46:33
Conclusions sobre l'estudi de les exons extremadament variables i com les diferències en isoformes estan relacionades amb tipus cel·lulars específics i etapes de desenvolupament.
Qui és el Dr. Jer?
El Dr. Jer és un investigador postdoctoral al New York Genome Center.
Quin era l'objectiu de la xerrada del Dr. Jer?
Discutir la importància de l'alternativa del splicing en cèl·lules individuals i el seu impacte en salut i malalties.
En quin camp es centra la recerca del Dr. Jer?
En el desenvolupament d'algoritmes per explorar l'estructura tridimensional del genoma i estudiar les isoformes d'ARNm.
Què és l'alternativa del splicing?
És un procés intermediari que ocorre entre la transcripció d'ADN a ARN i la traducció d'ARN a proteïna, que pot influir significativament en funcions cel·lulars i salut.
Per què és important estudiar les isoformes d'ARNm segons el Dr. Jer?
Perquè les diferents isoformes poden tenir impactes significatius en salut i malalties, alterant la funció i estructura de les proteïnes.
Quina tècnica ha desenvolupat el laboratori del Dr. Jer per estudiar les isoformes?
Han desenvolupat una tècnica anomenada 'scissor-seq' per obtenir lligams d'ARN complet en cèl·lules individuals.
Quin és un exemple d'un gen estudiat pel Dr. Jer?
Un dels gens estudiats és binan, implicat en malalties com l'Alzheimer.
El Dr. Jer considera que les isoformes són un punt focal en el desenvolupament de drogues?
Sí, argumenta que comprendre quina isoforma està expressada és crucial en el desenvolupament de medicaments.
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La llegada del ferrocarril - Cronografía T3 Cap 01
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Entrevista nuevo prototipo entrevista 1
Proceso Bayer (Metalurgia Extractiva del Aluminio)
- 00:00:09very awesome good morning everyone it's
- 00:00:12my pleasure to introduce Dr Jer as
- 00:00:14today's seminar speaker um Dr J lier is
- 00:00:18currently a postdoc researcher at New
- 00:00:21York genome Center where she's
- 00:00:23developing algorithms to explore the 3D
- 00:00:26structure of genome across different
- 00:00:28cell types she got her PhD in
- 00:00:31computation biology and medicine from
- 00:00:33whale Coral medicine at Corell
- 00:00:36University working in Tingler lab her
- 00:00:39doctoral research focused on creating
- 00:00:41algorithms and Technologies for studying
- 00:00:43alternative splicing in the brain at
- 00:00:46single cell and single nucleus
- 00:00:48resolution I've had the opportunity to
- 00:00:51work with a few of the tools that she
- 00:00:53has developed and they are really great
- 00:00:56um I especially I'm especially grateful
- 00:00:58to her for agreeing without visitation
- 00:01:00when I invited her to present at today's
- 00:01:03seminar so please join me in welcoming
- 00:01:06Dr
- 00:01:09juger um very nice to meet you in person
- 00:01:14for the first time n yeah and uh thank
- 00:01:17you for inviting me I'm very excited to
- 00:01:19give this talk and um before I begin I
- 00:01:22just want to say that everyone is
- 00:01:24welcome to interrupt me at any point uh
- 00:01:28I'd like to keep this as informal as
- 00:01:30possible uh but of course we can save um
- 00:01:34questions for the end as well so I'm
- 00:01:36going to aim for this to be 40 to 45
- 00:01:38minutes but if I run over just stop me
- 00:01:40because sometimes that happens okay so I
- 00:01:44actually have to figure out how to do
- 00:01:46this um given that I've never shared a
- 00:01:51keynote presentation before let's see
- 00:01:55okay you see this right yeah we do see
- 00:01:58see your screen okay and do you see like
- 00:02:01um the full screen mode of the uh
- 00:02:05presentation okay awesome
- 00:02:07thanks okay so before we jump into the
- 00:02:12actual science I wanted to First
- 00:02:15discuss what um isoforms are why we
- 00:02:19should even study them in single cells
- 00:02:22what's the point of it all
- 00:02:25so excuse me okay so we all know the
- 00:02:30Dogma where we go from a DNA to an RNA
- 00:02:33molecule um and the functional unit most
- 00:02:36people will say is protein but for us
- 00:02:39transcriptomics people it's the Gene and
- 00:02:42uh this process of going from DNA to RNA
- 00:02:45is called transcription and then from
- 00:02:47RNA you get protein um in a process
- 00:02:50called
- 00:02:51translation and often times what is
- 00:02:54ignored is there's an intermediate step
- 00:02:58between um transcript description and
- 00:03:00translation and that step is called
- 00:03:02alternative splicing so the way that
- 00:03:06works is that you have a very complex
- 00:03:10um like a complex col spical complex and
- 00:03:15it's a collection of proteins it's got
- 00:03:16about a 100 or so proteins and what it
- 00:03:19does is that it spices out um introns uh
- 00:03:23or junk DNA from your or junk RNA from
- 00:03:27your RNA molecule and along with the
- 00:03:29anons it also spices out certain exons
- 00:03:32so you get like this combinatorial
- 00:03:35expansion of um isoforms these are
- 00:03:39called RNA isoforms which then get
- 00:03:42translated into protein isoforms so as I
- 00:03:45said it like combinatorially expands the
- 00:03:49proteome and uh one of my favorite like
- 00:03:52illustrations of this is that the worm
- 00:03:56mice and humans we all approximately
- 00:03:58have the same gene which is why we use
- 00:04:00worm and mice as model organisms right
- 00:04:04and I would argue that as we go down
- 00:04:07this trajectory we get increasingly
- 00:04:10complex and one source of this
- 00:04:12complexity is the fact that each um Gene
- 00:04:16and a worm is only represented as one
- 00:04:19isopor versus in humans there can be up
- 00:04:22to 10 sometimes hundreds of isoforms per
- 00:04:25Gene and if this hasn't convinced you um
- 00:04:28isoforms aren't just like tweaking the
- 00:04:31proteins a little bit they actually do
- 00:04:33make uh quite big impact in health and
- 00:04:36disease
- 00:04:38so here is a uh Gene called cd33 and
- 00:04:43it's a microgo so like an immune Gene
- 00:04:46and the M like capital M isopor has two
- 00:04:51um alternative exons which are included
- 00:04:54and the small m is um not the canonical
- 00:04:58version and that this Exon and that
- 00:05:02actually um is neuroprotective in terms
- 00:05:05of Alzheimer's disease and the first one
- 00:05:07is neurotoxic so depending on what
- 00:05:09isopor you have it literally makes a
- 00:05:12difference between health and disease in
- 00:05:13some cases life and death um there's
- 00:05:16different types of alternative splicing
- 00:05:18and the one that I just showed and what
- 00:05:20is the most commonly seen in mammals is
- 00:05:23Exxon skipping so you either have or
- 00:05:25don't have excuse me this red isopor and
- 00:05:28then you can have a bunch of other types
- 00:05:31uh depending on whether you're skipping
- 00:05:33two at a time or you have a shorter Gene
- 00:05:36because of the first or the last
- 00:05:38isoforms being included or
- 00:05:41excluded so splicing can be tissue
- 00:05:44specific uh meaning that you can have
- 00:05:46the same gene have two different
- 00:05:47isoforms and say the brain versus the
- 00:05:49gut and as you know genes don't occur in
- 00:05:53like a isolated form they have Gene Gene
- 00:05:56interactions protein protein
- 00:05:57interactions so it can have a lot of
- 00:05:59Downstream effects based off of where
- 00:06:01your isopor is expressed and then um
- 00:06:05it's not just tissue specific even
- 00:06:07within tissues it can have differences
- 00:06:10so that's kind of what I was studying
- 00:06:12and in my case I was studying the brain
- 00:06:14but there's other tissues such as the
- 00:06:16liver that make use of isoforms quite
- 00:06:19frequently for regulation so there can
- 00:06:21be different regions of the brain
- 00:06:23expressing different isoforms and to
- 00:06:25make matters more complicated you can
- 00:06:27have different cell types um when I
- 00:06:30started my PhD this was new so this
- 00:06:32slide is now not quite out of date but
- 00:06:34everyone knows um how single cell is
- 00:06:37studied and usually speaking there's
- 00:06:40some degree of droplet based
- 00:06:42microfluidics um and that's like the way
- 00:06:45to get High throughput um single cell
- 00:06:47RNA signal but of course there's other
- 00:06:49methods and um you would generally
- 00:06:52represent that in a tne uh one second
- 00:06:56I'm just going to skip a couple slides
- 00:06:57because we don't need these
- 00:07:00uh one thing I do want to say is that um
- 00:07:03droplet based RNA seek while capturing
- 00:07:06single cell information doesn't capture
- 00:07:09the full information and the reason for
- 00:07:10that is that it is three or a five Prime
- 00:07:14quantification method for the most part
- 00:07:16smart seek or other versions aren't just
- 00:07:19three prime Quant but um 10x for example
- 00:07:23pars these um have three or five Prime
- 00:07:27bias what that means from an isopor
- 00:07:29perspective if you look at the full um
- 00:07:33formulation what you'll find is that you
- 00:07:35know you could maybe be sequencing this
- 00:07:38end of your read and you could maybe
- 00:07:40tell that this is a protein C versus
- 00:07:43protein A or B being expressed but for
- 00:07:46the most part you wouldn't really be
- 00:07:47able to tell the difference between
- 00:07:49proteins A and B if you got you know 10x
- 00:07:523 Prime sequencing for example so to
- 00:07:55circumvent this our lab came up the
- 00:07:58tilgner lab came up with
- 00:07:59um method called scissor seek and it's
- 00:08:02very simple it's really not rocket
- 00:08:05science the way it works is you follow
- 00:08:07your um short rate sequencing Paradigm
- 00:08:10the way you normally would and what we
- 00:08:13do is we reserve half of our um cdna and
- 00:08:18we do this pref fragmentation so what
- 00:08:21that means is that we can send half of
- 00:08:24that cdna the same like like a different
- 00:08:26aload of the same sample for long rate
- 00:08:29sequencing
- 00:08:30and because the long raid will contain
- 00:08:32the entire isopor but also contain the
- 00:08:35barcodes um we can figure out which
- 00:08:38barcode is coming from which single cell
- 00:08:41and then you can basically identify um
- 00:08:44and Trace back fulllength transcripts to
- 00:08:47their cell cell and then we usually work
- 00:08:50on a cell type level because of
- 00:08:52throughput um so you can get cell type
- 00:08:55specific
- 00:08:56isoforms so this happened in like my
- 00:08:59first first ISS of my PhD and then once
- 00:09:02we had this method up and running we
- 00:09:04wanted to use it um on brain tissue
- 00:09:09so what we wanted to do was find out um
- 00:09:13a couple things firstly we looked at a
- 00:09:16very young so postnatal day seven which
- 00:09:18is think of it like as a baby mouse um
- 00:09:22and we wanted to find out if there are
- 00:09:25two different brain regions say the
- 00:09:26hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex
- 00:09:29which which are both important for
- 00:09:30memory cognition all of the high level
- 00:09:33processes that we have in mammals um if
- 00:09:37you look at these two different brain
- 00:09:38regions firstly for the same cell type
- 00:09:41let's say asites found between
- 00:09:43hippocampus and PFC do we see
- 00:09:46differences in isopor I said that there
- 00:09:48was Regional variability but to what
- 00:09:50extent do you find it and then the
- 00:09:52second thing was within a single brain
- 00:09:54region what is the extent of isopor
- 00:09:57variability between different cell types
- 00:09:59is it that you know like 90% of the
- 00:10:02genes are expressing the same isopor in
- 00:10:05different cell types or is it like um
- 00:10:08much much lower and isoforms play a
- 00:10:11pretty big regulatory role so I'm not
- 00:10:14going to give too much detail about this
- 00:10:16but the punch line is that there is a
- 00:10:19lot of variability uh both between and
- 00:10:22within regions for the between regions
- 00:10:25we found about 400 genes that are pretty
- 00:10:28highly implicated
- 00:10:30um in Regional variability and we found
- 00:10:32like changes on the level of what we
- 00:10:35call microexons so like 15 to 30 base
- 00:10:37pairs that can change the protein
- 00:10:40structure um and therefore probably
- 00:10:42change the function um I'll just focus
- 00:10:45on an example in the hippocampus so we
- 00:10:48looked at not just within cell types
- 00:10:51like asites versus neurons but we looked
- 00:10:55at um within neuronal types so here I'm
- 00:10:59going to show you a gene called fgf13
- 00:11:02it's a growth Gene it peaks in
- 00:11:04expression right around this p7 PA time
- 00:11:08point and what I'm showing you here is a
- 00:11:10heat map on the like rows we have two
- 00:11:15isoforms the S is the short and the VY
- 00:11:18is the long isopor and notice that the
- 00:11:21only difference between them is where
- 00:11:23this one starts versus this one starts
- 00:11:25so this is happening on the five Prime
- 00:11:27end not something you would be able to
- 00:11:29see using just 10x sequencing and it's
- 00:11:32colored by the degree to which the
- 00:11:35isopor is expressed so we call it Pi Pi
- 00:11:38per inclusion of an isopor and what
- 00:11:41you'll notice is that the excitatory
- 00:11:44neurons which are this middle section
- 00:11:46here
- 00:11:47exclusively um Express the short isopor
- 00:11:51versus the other neurons and
- 00:11:53particularly I want to draw your
- 00:11:54attention to V uh inhibitory neurons
- 00:11:57they modulate the expr expression of
- 00:11:59both of them to varying degrees and when
- 00:12:03we did some overexpression studies what
- 00:12:05we found was that the S isopor not only
- 00:12:09is it expressed differently in different
- 00:12:11cell types but where it's expressed
- 00:12:13where it's localized within the cell in
- 00:12:15this case it's the nucleis in this case
- 00:12:17it's the entire cytoplasm um that also
- 00:12:20makes a difference so you definitely
- 00:12:23know that there is some degree of
- 00:12:25functional uh variation depending on
- 00:12:28which isopor is being expressed and this
- 00:12:30is not just for like big cell types but
- 00:12:33at a pretty granular granular level of
- 00:12:36cell subtypes um this is unsolicited
- 00:12:40advice but this was this um whole
- 00:12:43example came about because I had a
- 00:12:45friend called Susan well she wasn't
- 00:12:48really a friend I didn't know her but
- 00:12:49she saw me give a talk uh about this in
- 00:12:52like an internal forum and she was like
- 00:12:55oh would you mind looking at this Gene
- 00:12:58because I think they're could be
- 00:12:59something here um so I encourage you
- 00:13:03during your PhD talk to your friends
- 00:13:05give as many talks as you can um that
- 00:13:08way something cool can come out of it um
- 00:13:10for both you and your uh
- 00:13:13collaborator so this is um within the
- 00:13:17brain regions and then another thing we
- 00:13:19did to sort of validate the between
- 00:13:22brain region thing was spatial
- 00:13:24sequencing was just coming out so 10x
- 00:13:26had this like beta version of their
- 00:13:30um what's Zoom platform and we got
- 00:13:33access to it so what we wanted to do was
- 00:13:35see if um or the signal that we found of
- 00:13:39regional variability in isoforms could
- 00:13:41we see that using slide seek or whatever
- 00:13:43visium Plus long rate sequencing and
- 00:13:47indeed we find that to be true so snap
- 00:13:5025 is another developmental Gene it
- 00:13:53Peaks again in expression actually I
- 00:13:56don't think it peaks in expression what
- 00:13:58happens is that there's a known switch
- 00:14:00uh from isopor A to B that happens at
- 00:14:04this p7 p8 um time point in postnatal
- 00:14:08development and um we find that this
- 00:14:11switch is very very visible just at a
- 00:14:15snapshot in time so the a isopor again
- 00:14:18I'm showing you a very similar plot to
- 00:14:20before except it it's not a heat map
- 00:14:21anymore um each dot here represents a
- 00:14:24spot on the visium um slide and yellow
- 00:14:28means that it's expressed highly black
- 00:14:31means that it's expressed lowly and so
- 00:14:33the young isopor or the young Exxon is
- 00:14:37expressed in the front of the brain and
- 00:14:39the old Exxon or like older um isopor is
- 00:14:43expressed in the back of the brain and
- 00:14:45this is kind of a known thing that the
- 00:14:47brain sort of develops in a back to
- 00:14:51front manner um with the cerebellum
- 00:14:54becoming more active as you can see like
- 00:14:56you know kids don't have that much
- 00:14:58prefrontal cortex or cognitive
- 00:15:00capabilities that's because it's kind of
- 00:15:02slower um and so you can really see that
- 00:15:05dynamism in action just even at a single
- 00:15:08snapshot Okay so we've established at
- 00:15:11this time Point um and you can read more
- 00:15:14about it in this paper um that isoforms
- 00:15:18change on a brain region level isoforms
- 00:15:21change on a cell type level and they
- 00:15:23change on a cell subtype level but now
- 00:15:25there's more questions that remain um so
- 00:15:29so first thing do these observations
- 00:15:31that we made at the postnatal time point
- 00:15:33do they persist a along different brain
- 00:15:37regions b along different time points
- 00:15:40and the main question and I don't think
- 00:15:43I've gotten even close to answering it
- 00:15:46but in humans what happens because we
- 00:15:48use mice as model organisms a lot but if
- 00:15:52you can't use what you've learned from
- 00:15:55mice and like extrapolate that to human
- 00:15:58what is the point
- 00:15:59um or can we can we finesse um the genes
- 00:16:02in which we can actually model things
- 00:16:04versus we cannot so this last part I
- 00:16:08won't talk about too much given time
- 00:16:10constraints but if we do get to it um
- 00:16:13I'll talk about how we optimize the
- 00:16:16scissor seek protocol to be used in
- 00:16:17Frozen tissue but if I don't get to it
- 00:16:20um you can read about it in this paper
- 00:16:23okay
- 00:16:25so what we did to ask about this
- 00:16:28persistence over regions as well as time
- 00:16:31is we uh designed a study wherein we
- 00:16:34would kind of sequence everything we
- 00:16:36would sequence space which is different
- 00:16:38brain regions at an adult time point and
- 00:16:41two brain regions the visual cortex and
- 00:16:44the
- 00:16:45hippocampus um overdevelopment and the
- 00:16:48reason we chose this was because we were
- 00:16:50part of the a Consortium and they really
- 00:16:53wanted to focus on particular brain
- 00:16:55regions excuse me but I think this was a
- 00:16:58very good pan
- 00:16:59because uh these two brain regions
- 00:17:02capture a lot of like cognitive and
- 00:17:04memory and all this development versus
- 00:17:07these are more
- 00:17:09um like they they take care of a lot of
- 00:17:12involuntary processes and Regulation and
- 00:17:15things like that okay so we got these 11
- 00:17:20time points and we sequence single cell
- 00:17:22samples from there um and there were two
- 00:17:25replicates for each so we ended up with
- 00:17:26about 200,000 cells which again now
- 00:17:29doesn't seem like a lot but when we
- 00:17:31started definitely did and um this is
- 00:17:34just a you map showing what um the cell
- 00:17:38types were and um what I want to point
- 00:17:41out is that this is like the entire data
- 00:17:44set right but there's so much to explore
- 00:17:47how do we go about exploring it so one
- 00:17:50thing we did was we first broke it down
- 00:17:52by uh time point and brain region so you
- 00:17:55have this brain regions um showing
- 00:17:58different um colocalization and whatever
- 00:18:01you map things which you don't want to
- 00:18:03read too much into but you can see the
- 00:18:05different brain region specific say
- 00:18:08neurons for example and you can do the
- 00:18:10same for age so if we want to study how
- 00:18:14not like how the gene expression changes
- 00:18:16but how isoform expression changes um
- 00:18:19there's different axes of variability of
- 00:18:22this so you can have the region like I
- 00:18:25said the age or you can have cell
- 00:18:27subtype and so so we wanted to go about
- 00:18:29this in first like a very broad Strokes
- 00:18:33kind of way to see what are the broad
- 00:18:36changes brought about by development and
- 00:18:39brain region um uh changes so how we
- 00:18:44measured this was I'm going to go
- 00:18:46through an illustrative example and then
- 00:18:48go into actual examples so let's
- 00:18:52consider Gene called XYZ or whatever and
- 00:18:56there's five isoforms for the Gene and
- 00:19:00this is a given cell type so it's it's
- 00:19:02not
- 00:19:03overall um what we can do is we can
- 00:19:06measure that pi value that I said the
- 00:19:08percent isopor and we can measure that
- 00:19:11along all three axes so the first one is
- 00:19:13region and then you can do the same for
- 00:19:15cell um subtype and time and what we do
- 00:19:20is we to measure the variability we just
- 00:19:23look at the max of the Delta Pi in most
- 00:19:26cases you're going to have a pretty un
- 00:19:28uniform expression or that's what we
- 00:19:30assumed um but in some cases you might
- 00:19:33have one or two outliers that are very
- 00:19:36different in how they express a certain
- 00:19:38isopor and this was informed by our
- 00:19:40previous study so you can find this Max
- 00:19:43Delta Pi for the region and the other
- 00:19:45two axes and um then you can represent
- 00:19:50that as a vector so um 30 20 35 in this
- 00:19:54case is the change in the Delta pi and
- 00:19:58you can do the same for not just this
- 00:20:00isopor but all isoforms and so you can
- 00:20:02have a matrix instead of a vector and
- 00:20:05what we did was we not R normalized it
- 00:20:08and it has a couple benefits and a
- 00:20:10couple um disadvantages so what you can
- 00:20:14do is you can represent this in a Turner
- 00:20:17plot or a Simplex whatever you want to
- 00:20:19call it so it's kind of like a scatter
- 00:20:21plot except it has three axes instead of
- 00:20:23Two And depending on which triangle it
- 00:20:28ends up in you know that that particular
- 00:20:31isopor is either subtype or region or
- 00:20:35age specific um the center triangle is
- 00:20:38this like kind of complic it's not
- 00:20:39complicated but it's like this weird
- 00:20:41place where it can either be all low or
- 00:20:44all high because we have normalized it
- 00:20:47and there's no real way of telling them
- 00:20:48apart just visually but what we were
- 00:20:51interested in which axis is like the
- 00:20:54most um important for a given cell type
- 00:20:59so what we find is that excitatory
- 00:21:01neurons here each uh dot is an isopor
- 00:21:05and this is true for like I don't know
- 00:21:0712 or 15,000 genes um they all sort of
- 00:21:12like colocalize to the bottom triangle
- 00:21:15so this is a subtype triangle and um and
- 00:21:19it's not just the subtype right so what
- 00:21:21we look at is is a gene uh if a gene has
- 00:21:25multiple isoforms are there are they all
- 00:21:29in the subtype triangle and so that's
- 00:21:30like a gene expression change or are
- 00:21:33they in multiple triangles meaning that
- 00:21:35this is true isopor regulation and so
- 00:21:38that's something I've represented in
- 00:21:39this like Network diagram and what we
- 00:21:42find is that for most genes the subtype
- 00:21:46variability is usually accompanied by
- 00:21:50something else um one of the other axes
- 00:21:53but subtype variability is the most
- 00:21:56predominant and so we find this very
- 00:21:58exory neurons and when you switch when
- 00:22:00you go into other cell types you find
- 00:22:03that uh the pattern looks different so
- 00:22:05in this case it's mostly on the bottom
- 00:22:07right here it's like the bottom and here
- 00:22:09it's the top and left so really
- 00:22:12different cell types have different ways
- 00:22:15in which their isoforms change and this
- 00:22:18would be what I would call the broad
- 00:22:19strokes and then what you can do is you
- 00:22:22can sort of zoom in on individual um
- 00:22:26genes to see like you know are there
- 00:22:29genes that Express variability across
- 00:22:31different cell types and across
- 00:22:33different axes so I isolated a few I
- 00:22:36forget how many I'm sorry but here is a
- 00:22:39gene called ruy 3 and I call this a
- 00:22:42hypervariable gene and the reason for
- 00:22:44that will become apparent in a minute so
- 00:22:48here are six seven seven isoforms for
- 00:22:52this Gene and what I'm going to show you
- 00:22:55is um for a given cell type this
- 00:22:57triangle plot that I showed you
- 00:23:00previously um and below that triangle
- 00:23:02plot I'm going to also show you what the
- 00:23:04isopor percentage so Pi uh that I showed
- 00:23:08you
- 00:23:09before is for different ages and here
- 00:23:12you'll see that for the most part um
- 00:23:15it's kind of distributed but for this
- 00:23:17purple um isopor the p28 time point is
- 00:23:21kind of like
- 00:23:23special uh so this is true for
- 00:23:25progenitors and then if you look at some
- 00:23:27other cell type you'll see that the heat
- 00:23:29map starts looking different so I point
- 00:23:31out a couple things for example
- 00:23:33excitatory neurons at all ages seem to
- 00:23:36prefer this second isopor versus
- 00:23:39astrocytes at all ages seem to prefer
- 00:23:42this pink isopor and again if you like
- 00:23:45start staring more and more at this
- 00:23:47you'll notice that oh it's not just the
- 00:23:49fact that it's an isopor change it's
- 00:23:50like how is that affecting the protein
- 00:23:52how are the ends being folded in the
- 00:23:55protein structure and you can like
- 00:23:56really go down a rabbit hole
- 00:23:59depending on what Gene you're looking at
- 00:24:01another thing I want to point out is
- 00:24:02that in the immune cells you go from one
- 00:24:06isopor being used to a different isopor
- 00:24:09being used to again some diffus sort of
- 00:24:11structure so if there's anything you can
- 00:24:15take away from this is that these
- 00:24:17isoforms can get really really
- 00:24:18complicated really really fast and
- 00:24:21that's true for not just age but regions
- 00:24:24as well as cell types and um don't
- 00:24:27ignore your forms guys is is all I'm
- 00:24:30saying um and you can find this
- 00:24:32information like you can explore these
- 00:24:34genes in more detail on this isopor
- 00:24:37atlas.com um but the point is that we
- 00:24:41found something like 75% of genes
- 00:24:44Express um different isoforms across at
- 00:24:47least one axis which is kind of crazy so
- 00:24:51not only do different cell types have
- 00:24:53different genes being expressed but 75%
- 00:24:56of genes have a different isopor
- 00:24:58depending on which cell type you're
- 00:24:59looking at okay so this is the broad
- 00:25:02Strokes version now we want to zoom in
- 00:25:04so what we did was we looked at
- 00:25:06something called extremely variable
- 00:25:07exons and the reason for that is as you
- 00:25:10can see these different isoforms have so
- 00:25:12many moving Parts how do you know what's
- 00:25:15what's changing so we focused on
- 00:25:17individual exons and uh the way we did
- 00:25:20this was this is just for illustrative
- 00:25:22purposes but let's say you have two uh
- 00:25:26cell types like one cell types cell type
- 00:25:28present across two different brain
- 00:25:31regions in adulthood what you can do is
- 00:25:34you can measure the change in Exxon
- 00:25:36usage across these two brain regions and
- 00:25:40um I would call that brain region
- 00:25:42specific difference and if that change
- 00:25:45is more than 75% I think that was our
- 00:25:48arbitrary cut off then we report that as
- 00:25:51something being extremely variable for
- 00:25:54adult brain region specific differences
- 00:25:56you can do the same with the
- 00:25:59um like a map for different cell types
- 00:26:02as well as within a developmental time
- 00:26:04point so we're calling that
- 00:26:05developmental cell type uh differences
- 00:26:08and finally you can do it over time um
- 00:26:11like how is the isopor landscape
- 00:26:14changing within an olgod dendrite
- 00:26:17population over time so we isolated
- 00:26:21these extremely variable exons and that
- 00:26:23came out to be about 600 something exons
- 00:26:27Manning fewer genes and if you notice
- 00:26:31straight off the bat there's this one
- 00:26:33giant cluster in the middle and what
- 00:26:36that cluster is is it's both adult and
- 00:26:39developmental cell type spe specific
- 00:26:41differences now this is not a surprising
- 00:26:44thing because you do know like we do
- 00:26:47know that big cell types like neurons
- 00:26:50versus glea are going to have pretty
- 00:26:53large differences regardless of which
- 00:26:55time point or which brain region you
- 00:26:57look at and um that is exactly what we
- 00:27:01found uh in this network diagram I'm
- 00:27:03showing where the differences came from
- 00:27:05so the on the right are neurons and the
- 00:27:07left are Gia and as you can see there's
- 00:27:10nothing connecting the neurons and
- 00:27:12nothing connecting the Gia meaning that
- 00:27:14this is Neuron versus Gal changes that
- 00:27:17we're seeing the most unsurprising but
- 00:27:20the cool thing about it is like we went
- 00:27:22and looked at not just particular genes
- 00:27:25but the protein domains um that these in
- 00:27:28code and it's funny that there's like
- 00:27:31these uh fibronectin type domains which
- 00:27:33are highly repetitive regions and even
- 00:27:36within them you can see that two exons
- 00:27:39are being used by neurons and two exons
- 00:27:40are being used by Gia um if I understand
- 00:27:44that correctly yep and um so like just
- 00:27:49it shouldn't make a difference that
- 00:27:52these highly repetitive structures have
- 00:27:54some method to their Madness but it does
- 00:27:57so that is all the more reason for
- 00:27:59people to look at not just which protein
- 00:28:02like the canonical form but which
- 00:28:04isoform is being used especially in like
- 00:28:07drug uh development for example okay so
- 00:28:11the next cluster we looked at was this
- 00:28:13one over here in the middle of these two
- 00:28:16and what we see is that there is adult
- 00:28:19cell type specific difference as well as
- 00:28:21adult brain region specific difference
- 00:28:24so what that means is what we're finding
- 00:28:26is for a given Gene in this case it's
- 00:28:29called
- 00:28:30tex9 um we find that a given isopor is
- 00:28:35or Exon is different for a brain region
- 00:28:39and for a particular cell type so in
- 00:28:42this case we're seeing that an ISO um
- 00:28:44Exxon is going from 90% inclusion to 10%
- 00:28:4811% inclusion depending on which brain
- 00:28:51region this is coming from I should also
- 00:28:53mention that this is a uh plot kind of
- 00:28:57that we developed in house on the bottom
- 00:29:00is each line represents um the Gen code
- 00:29:03annotation and on the top each line
- 00:29:05represents a single read coming from
- 00:29:08whatever this uh region is so and I
- 00:29:12think n has used that as well and
- 00:29:14hopefully without too many issues but um
- 00:29:17this is kind of how we show differences
- 00:29:19in cell types or brain regions or
- 00:29:21whatever our thing of interest is okay
- 00:29:25so this is what we find that whenever
- 00:29:28have a brain region specific difference
- 00:29:30it is usually occurring in single cell
- 00:29:32types as opposed to all cell types and
- 00:29:34this kind of agrees with what we'd found
- 00:29:37um in the postnatal mouse brain as well
- 00:29:40the next um thing we look at is these
- 00:29:42two um are lit up so they're
- 00:29:45developmental um changes but they are
- 00:29:49age specific and in a given cell type so
- 00:29:51again it's a same as the brain region
- 00:29:53but this is happening over development
- 00:29:56and here you'll see that for the
- 00:29:58hippocampus you're going from like a 70%
- 00:30:01to a 40% to 100% inclusion of a given
- 00:30:05Exxon but that's not really true for say
- 00:30:08a given for the prefrontal cortex or
- 00:30:10sorry visual
- 00:30:11cortex um another thing that I'm just
- 00:30:15going to touch upon and you're going to
- 00:30:16be like where do human come from um was
- 00:30:19we sequenced human uh tissue kind of on
- 00:30:23the side but we basically found out that
- 00:30:26whenever we see cell type specific spe
- 00:30:28it it is conserved in human but when you
- 00:30:32find cell type specificity in human um
- 00:30:35it is not always found in Mouse so that
- 00:30:38kind of ties back into what I was saying
- 00:30:40before like you can model things from
- 00:30:42Mouse to human but the reverse Direction
- 00:30:44I Would caution against I'm not going to
- 00:30:47go over this plot for time purposes um
- 00:30:49so let's move on and then the last plot
- 00:30:52I want to last cluster I want to talk
- 00:30:54about is this one this to me was the
- 00:30:57most surpris in what we're seeing is
- 00:30:59that there's changes that are occurring
- 00:31:02in development that are not cell type
- 00:31:04specific and they kind of disappear in
- 00:31:07adulthood and I was very intrigued by
- 00:31:09what this could be so we found a gene uh
- 00:31:12that we've looked at before and which is
- 00:31:14what I'm going to focus on now it's
- 00:31:15called binan it's a neuronal like um
- 00:31:19like brain specific Gene it's been
- 00:31:21implicated in Alzheimer's disease a lot
- 00:31:24and we've studied it pretty heavily in
- 00:31:26the past so we we looked at P1 which is
- 00:31:30like really tiny baby mice and um this
- 00:31:34is again a scissor Wiz plot um wherein
- 00:31:37you have your annotation on the bottom
- 00:31:40and different cell types and different
- 00:31:41colors the orange represents um
- 00:31:45alternative exons so what you'll find is
- 00:31:49that um these neuronal types the ones in
- 00:31:52blue happen to include the orange a lot
- 00:31:56and then the cell um types below which
- 00:31:59are the G types do include the orange
- 00:32:02but not that much so in our head we were
- 00:32:06like this is a gal sorry this is a gal
- 00:32:09isopor and this is a neuronal isopor and
- 00:32:12that's just how it is for bin one we
- 00:32:15look at our like new data and what we
- 00:32:17find is this so at um
- 00:32:20p14 depending on whether you're looking
- 00:32:22at um hippocampus or visual cortex you
- 00:32:27will see that um this neuronal isopor is
- 00:32:31present where you have some of the green
- 00:32:33which is orange here um even both cell
- 00:32:36types and then at p56 but this is true
- 00:32:40for all time points in all good endr
- 00:32:42sites which are glea you have the G
- 00:32:44isopor cool as the cells or mice mature
- 00:32:49you find truly that this is there like
- 00:32:52you see the neuronal isopor um but then
- 00:32:56when we look at P2 21
- 00:32:59hippocampus it starts to kind of
- 00:33:02disappear right like the green is not as
- 00:33:05as strongly expressed as it was as it is
- 00:33:08over here then we go to p28 and the
- 00:33:11green almost entirely disappears so what
- 00:33:15that is meaning and we're looking at
- 00:33:16this across multiple replicates and
- 00:33:19multiple genes and things like that um
- 00:33:22the green is disappearing so the neurons
- 00:33:25have taken on almost like a GLE identity
- 00:33:28of their isopor and I don't have a
- 00:33:31question like answer for why but I do
- 00:33:33know that this is happening and what's
- 00:33:36even crazier is that it kind of bounces
- 00:33:38back so it's not just monotonically
- 00:33:42increasing or decreasing overdevelopment
- 00:33:45it is literally going up and down so
- 00:33:47then I wanted to look at um what is how
- 00:33:51it's going up and down um so I started
- 00:33:56like trying to do this in in a bit more
- 00:33:59um systematic manner so what I looked at
- 00:34:04was instead of isopor variability um
- 00:34:07across the different axes I looked at it
- 00:34:10just over time and what I'm looking at
- 00:34:14is cell type variability so if all cell
- 00:34:17types uh have a given variability here
- 00:34:20for p14 and a different variability at
- 00:34:23p21 then I measure the Delta between
- 00:34:26them
- 00:34:28um I I can do the same for p21 to
- 00:34:32p28 and then I can do the same for p28
- 00:34:35to p56 so whenever there's an
- 00:34:38outlier um say in this case this red
- 00:34:41point asite is showing differences at
- 00:34:43p28 that would be captured because that
- 00:34:47um variability is pretty high and then
- 00:34:50it's kind of Disappearing at a later
- 00:34:51time point so for most genes you would
- 00:34:55expect that things are going pretty
- 00:34:57stable uh but you can have genes like
- 00:35:01this where it's kind of not that
- 00:35:03different at this um transition from p14
- 00:35:07to p21 but from p21 to 28 it's kind of
- 00:35:11going up and then it's going down at
- 00:35:14p56 so you can see this pattern um as
- 00:35:18you can imagine there are 27 possible
- 00:35:20patterns because there's three at every
- 00:35:23what's it called um
- 00:35:26interval and um so we tried to basically
- 00:35:31figure out how many genes follow which
- 00:35:34pattern so as I mentioned most of the
- 00:35:37genes or most of the exons are
- 00:35:39invariable they're going to be pretty
- 00:35:42stable um across the different cell
- 00:35:44types at um each interval but then
- 00:35:48there's about a thousand genes uh Exon
- 00:35:51that show a very like different types of
- 00:35:54patterns so first I'm going to show you
- 00:35:56the invariant one because it's easy to
- 00:35:58show and then I'll show you the others
- 00:36:01so over here I'm just showing line plots
- 00:36:04with the green being like the average
- 00:36:07and um this number on the y- axis is
- 00:36:11showing the variability so as you can
- 00:36:13see for the most part it's like not
- 00:36:15changing that much and the average is
- 00:36:17about the same and you can visualize the
- 00:36:19actual um Exon expression value and
- 00:36:23again you can see that it's fairly green
- 00:36:24or fairly red either all low or all high
- 00:36:28but then you can look at some of these
- 00:36:30other patterns that are showing up
- 00:36:32especially the the Thousand xon are show
- 00:36:35so that I showed and what you'll see is
- 00:36:37what I showed you with the bin one
- 00:36:39example where it's not just going up or
- 00:36:42not just coming down it's kind of going
- 00:36:45up and down in Crazy different ways and
- 00:36:48that's not just like this variability
- 00:36:50that I'm showing but you can see that
- 00:36:52like in individual exons if you
- 00:36:55visualize the uh VAR ility PSI and the
- 00:37:00other thing I want to point out is that
- 00:37:02if you look at these patterns the uh two
- 00:37:05time points that come out the most but
- 00:37:07the one time point that comes out the
- 00:37:09most is p28 so it's always the
- 00:37:12transition between p21 to 28 that is
- 00:37:14either going like um up or down or being
- 00:37:19crazy um so and the reason for that and
- 00:37:22this is my hypothesis it's speculation
- 00:37:24that's not been tested is that the p21
- 00:37:28to 28 time point is when is called the
- 00:37:31critical developmental time point in
- 00:37:33mice it is after mice have opened their
- 00:37:36eyes and they have like started to
- 00:37:39actually see the world uh so in human
- 00:37:42terms it's days not like also days U but
- 00:37:46it's kind of crazy that there's things
- 00:37:48happening on a developmental front in
- 00:37:51the brain that you're seeing in action
- 00:37:54um for individual
- 00:37:56exons okay so with that I'll uh conclude
- 00:38:00this part actually I'll conclude my talk
- 00:38:02because I'm basically out of time um so
- 00:38:06as you as I showed you we looked at
- 00:38:08extremely variable exons and what we
- 00:38:11found was that the cell type specific
- 00:38:14differences may it be developmental or
- 00:38:16may it be adult um those are the most
- 00:38:20prevalent what we find is that the adult
- 00:38:23brain region specific differences are
- 00:38:25usually accompanied by cell type
- 00:38:28specific differences so there is some
- 00:38:31like critical modulation happening um of
- 00:38:36um critical modulation happening of
- 00:38:39function on a cell type specific level
- 00:38:42uh even though it's across different
- 00:38:43brain regions the next thing we found
- 00:38:46was that it was conserved in human and
- 00:38:49um lastly we found that uh these
- 00:38:52developmental differences that we found
- 00:38:54that are critical are transient they
- 00:38:57they don't like they don't come and go
- 00:39:00in a monotonic fashion they come and
- 00:39:03then they disappear especially around
- 00:39:06this critical uh time point so this work
- 00:39:11was recently published in April uh and
- 00:39:14you're welcome to go read it or ask me
- 00:39:17questions whatever um I also wanted to
- 00:39:20talk to you about developing single
- 00:39:22nucleus isopor sequencing but
- 00:39:24unfortunately I don't have that much
- 00:39:26time so just going to go straight to my
- 00:39:28acknowledgement slide um I'd like to
- 00:39:32thank the tner lab which is where I did
- 00:39:34most of this work um and when and Bay
- 00:39:38were the ones who did most of the sample
- 00:39:40processing for this project the brain
- 00:39:42initiative was the funding body for it
- 00:39:46and um of course lots of
- 00:39:49collaborators and um I actually switched
- 00:39:52from the New York genome Center but I
- 00:39:54worked with um the ulinski and the gors
- 00:39:57Labs while I was there and so I want to
- 00:39:59thank them as well and um I'm happy to
- 00:40:02take any questions you guys may
- 00:40:14have thank you great talk Dr jar um I
- 00:40:17have a few questions but I feel like um
- 00:40:20we can open the floor for others to ask
- 00:40:22first yeah sure
- 00:40:33okay U While others are thinking I'll
- 00:40:35I'll I'll get started uh anishka again
- 00:40:37fantastic talk I really enjoyed it um so
- 00:40:40um I mean it's this is fascinating you
- 00:40:42know during the developmental stage and
- 00:40:44know how how the different isop forms
- 00:40:46are changing I was curious if with with
- 00:40:49any of these isop forms do you see sort
- 00:40:50of correlated changes in in the other
- 00:40:53isop forms because ultimately we won't
- 00:40:55understand this at sort of the network
- 00:40:56context right so so have have you have
- 00:40:59you found any correlated changes with
- 00:41:02any of these that's a great question and
- 00:41:05I would love to explore that especially
- 00:41:07in like you know because like Gene
- 00:41:09regulatory networks are going to have
- 00:41:12these corresponding isopor regulatory
- 00:41:14networks and I haven't saided them uh
- 00:41:17personally but that's a that's a um
- 00:41:20something on the radar because we wanted
- 00:41:22to actually look at and I don't know if
- 00:41:25they're doing this still but we wanted
- 00:41:27to look at how RNA binding protein
- 00:41:30changes affect these so that would be
- 00:41:33the best way to study the coordination
- 00:41:35we did look because of reviewer comments
- 00:41:37so it was a very brief look um at
- 00:41:42something like that where like if you
- 00:41:44have changes like a knockdown in an RBP
- 00:41:47how that affects multiple exons or um
- 00:41:50genes at once but we didn't do a not a
- 00:41:54satisfactory analysis so they don't have
- 00:41:57a good answer okay well thank
- 00:42:17you
- 00:42:20Jessica hiy yeah thank you um really
- 00:42:22nice talk um I've done Isa seek
- 00:42:25interestingly in single cellular
- 00:42:27organisms where you don't have different
- 00:42:28tissues and we are seeing different
- 00:42:30isoforms one of the challenges we
- 00:42:32encountered and it's just a
- 00:42:34methodological uh question here detail
- 00:42:37um did you rely on the reverse
- 00:42:39transcription to get to the five Prime
- 00:42:41end or do you do cap selection you know
- 00:42:45yeah no we didn't do cap selection This
- 00:42:47was um we just did RT and we definitely
- 00:42:51see so like I don't know if you uh I'll
- 00:42:54try and pull up a oops that was a
- 00:42:56different one um I'll try and pull up a
- 00:42:59plot so for example actually just in the
- 00:43:02bin one case if you look on the left
- 00:43:05this was generated with pack bio and uh
- 00:43:09this was generated with on and as you
- 00:43:13can see like already there is like um
- 00:43:17differences in how full length the
- 00:43:20molecule is so this is on a
- 00:43:22technological front but also with the RT
- 00:43:25we see a similar thing where if you do
- 00:43:27human samples sometimes you'll have
- 00:43:30random stuff happening and it doesn't go
- 00:43:32to the five Prime end of the molecule
- 00:43:35and so that's just kind of
- 00:43:39um like
- 00:43:40a yeah you just kind of have to deal
- 00:43:43with it artifactual thing um is what we
- 00:43:47ended up on but that being said I don't
- 00:43:49know if you followed work from the crg
- 00:43:53but they did do some cap trap new method
- 00:43:57that does capture the five Prime tail
- 00:43:59and apparently that is much better at
- 00:44:02getting the entire molecule um yeah yeah
- 00:44:06yeah I mean that's kind of the
- 00:44:07conclusion that I had come to because I
- 00:44:09was just seeing a lot of variability and
- 00:44:10I didn't know if they degradation
- 00:44:12project you know products or just our te
- 00:44:14coming off you know like you just you
- 00:44:15don't know what's going on and so you
- 00:44:17know having that five Prime cap
- 00:44:19selection seems to be important all
- 00:44:21right thank you
- 00:44:30I have a quick question so when you say
- 00:44:32alternative splicing is there a
- 00:44:34threshold that you that the software
- 00:44:36uses that saying if this percentage of
- 00:44:40um the cells cell population has this
- 00:44:42Exon that means it's an alternative SP
- 00:44:45alterntive yeah uh no that's a good
- 00:44:47question and there's two parts to it so
- 00:44:49we generally work on a cell type level
- 00:44:52and the reason for that is that these
- 00:44:54long read methods still don't have the
- 00:44:57same level of throughput as say alumina
- 00:44:59so you're getting like a tenth or so of
- 00:45:02the throughput so we don't work on a
- 00:45:04cell level um so we don't do that filter
- 00:45:09but once we get to a point where we're
- 00:45:10getting millions and millions of reads
- 00:45:13that is definitely something to do what
- 00:45:15we do do is um we ask for at least a 10%
- 00:45:21change between cell types um to classify
- 00:45:25it as an alternative spicing
- 00:45:28event um and that can change so we've
- 00:45:31we've played around with this like we
- 00:45:33don't just use the Delta we also use a P
- 00:45:37value because like you get more
- 00:45:38confidence in your results if you kind
- 00:45:40of use two Avenues as opposed to just
- 00:45:42one um and so sometimes like if we want
- 00:45:45to be hyper confident that's why I use
- 00:45:47the 75% cut off in the alternative sorry
- 00:45:50extremely variable exons because we
- 00:45:52wanted to be sure that this is something
- 00:45:54that we like a robust signal that we're
- 00:45:57but in most cases it'll be 10 sometimes
- 00:46:0920% um if there are no more questions
- 00:46:12then thank you Dr Jer it was a great
- 00:46:15talk um and thank you everyone for
- 00:46:18joining I'll connect with you offline
- 00:46:20for more of my questions by that sounds
- 00:46:23good yeah okay you awesome thank you bye
- 00:46:26bye hi thank you
- Dr. Jer
- genoma 3D
- isoformes ARN
- alternativa del splicing
- salut i malaltia
- scissor-seq
- cèl·lules individuals
- desenvolupament cerebral
- teixit cerebral
- Alzheimer