#84: Flirting with Your Crush | Spice & Nice
TLDRNë episodin e sotëm të "Spice", Denise dhe mikja e saj flasin për artin e flirtimit dhe krijimin e lidhjeve romantike. Denise tregon përvojën e saj personale me bashkëshortin e saj, duke ndarë këshilla dhe strategji për të "kapur" partnerin e saj. Ajo diskuton rëndësinë e të qenit të vëmendshëm dhe përdorimin e sinjaleve të qarta për të tërhequr vëmendjen. Gjithashtu, prezantueset ndajnë histori personale dhe ndodhi të cilat i kanë përjetuar gjatë rrugëtimit të tyre në gjetjen e dashurisë, duke vënë në dukje mundësitë e shumta që sjell flirtimi kur trajtohet në mënyrën e duhur.
- 💡 Flirtimi kërkon vëmendje ndaj detajeve dhe sinjale të qarta për të tërhequr interesin.
- 🙂 Bëhuni gjithmonë të hapur ndaj njohjeve të reja dhe vlerësoni kontaktet spontane.
- 🕵️♂️ Kërkoni të kuptoni karakterin dhe interesat e personit që pëlqeni.
- 🙅♀️ Mos i bëni supozime për statusin tuaj romantik pa e diskutuar atë hapur.
- 🚦 Jepni sinjale të qarta kur jeni të hapur për një lidhje të re.
- 🌟 Përshtatuni me ritmin e personit tjetër në mënyrë që të ndihet rehat.
- 🥂 Shfrytëzoni kohën e lirë për të krijuar lidhje të thella.
- 🌍 Kuptoni dhe respektoni kulturat dhe gjuhët e ndryshme kur është e mundur.
- 🎯 Fokusohuni në cilësitë unike që keni për të ofruar.
- 😂 Mbani mend që humori dhe qetësia janë të rëndësishme në flirtim.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Në këtë episod, dy mikpritës bien në diskutim për të flirtoj dhe përvojat e tyre personale. Ata flasin për si flirtojnë të rriturit në krahasim me të rinjtë, dhe për stilin e flirtimit që ata kanë. Njëra nga mikpritëset përmend se ka një tatuazh të ri që e përdor si pjesë të mënyrës së saj të flirtimit.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Një nga mikpritëset tregon sesi e përdor arsyetimin për të flirtuar dhe për të tërhequr partnerë potencialë që janë të ngadaltë në reagim. Diskutohet se si ndihesh kur i flirton dikujt që vërtet të pëlqen, dhe si kjo ndryshon nga flirtimi me dikë që sapo e ke takuar.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Ato flasin rreth përvojave të tyre të kaluara në fillimin e marrëdhënieve, duke përmendur strategjitë e përdorura për të fituar vëmendjen e personit të pëlqyer, përmes bisedave apo ngjarjeve të përbashkëta. Diskutojnë rëndësinë e sinjaleve të qarta në flirtim për të përcjellë interesin.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Një nga mikpritëset ndan një histori personale si filloi të takohej me burrin e saj aktual, duke theksuar se sa ishte nevojshmëri të përshtatej me ritmin e tij të ngadaltë. Ata flasin për të qenit i hapur me personin e pëlqyer dhe si të përballen me ndjenjat kur gjërat nuk shkojnë siç duhet.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Ndërsa biseda vazhdon, theksohet rëndësia e një flirtimi të ngadaltë dhe të matur, sidomos kur personi tjetër është në ritme të ndryshme. Njëra nga mikpritëset shpjegon rëndësinë e përballjes me ndjenjat dhe sinjalet për të ditur se ku po shkon një marrëdhënie.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Ato diskutojnë përvojat e tyre të flirtimit në situata pune dhe si flirtimet në ambiente të tilla duhet të jenë të kujdesshme dhe me takt. Mikpritëset ndajnë tru solarë dhe raste konkrete se si thyejnë akullin me kolegë dhe filluar njohjet.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Mikpritësja ndan sesi i çoi përpara marrëdhënien me burrin e saj, nga flirtimi deri në lidhjen zyrtare, duke ndarë edhe ankthet e përjetuara gjatë procesit. Tregon sesi vendosi të veprojë dhe si e mori guximin të kërkonte një përgjigje nga ai.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Ata ndajnë një histori të çmendur nga një udhëtim ku marrëdhëniet e tyre u avancuan, dhe sa të papritura ishin përpjekjet për afrimitet, duke ndarë momentet e sinqerta dhe të ndershme që i bënë ata të lidhen.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Mikpritësja tregon sesa e vështirë ishte për ta bindur partnerin për të marrë një hap përpara dhe të kërkojë të jenë në një lidhje zyrtare. Ajo thekson rëndësinë e të qenit të drejtpërdrejtë, edhe kur kërkohet kurajo për të vendosur përfundimisht.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Tregon sesi kaluan nga flirtimi në një marrëdhënie serioze dhe si e bëri partneri i saj propozimin. Ata nxisin dëgjuesit të jenë të qartë në qëllimet e tyre dhe të dinë kur të bëjnë hapin e parë në marrëdhënie.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Tregojnë për propozimet e tyre të partnerëve për të qenë në një lidhje dhe sesi këto propozime ndodhnin në mënyrë spontane por të sinqerta. Tregojnë sesi marrëdhëniet kalojnë në faza dhe si lidhet përvoja e flirtimit me seriizitetin e partnerit.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Sugjerojnë që, edhe kur konfirmohesh në një marrëdhënie, është e rëndësishme të ruash flirtimin casual për të mbajtur një marrëdhënie të freskët. Theiksojnë rëndësinë e të qëndruar me partnerin jashtë rutinës.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:30
Përfundon duke i inkurajuar dëgjuesit të përmirësojnë aftësitë e tyre të flirtimit dhe duke qeshur se si të rinjtë mund të mësojnë shumë nga flirtimi pa presion. Ata përshëndeten me dëgjuesit dhe i ftojnë të ndajnë përvojat e tyre.
Çfarë është tema kryesore e episodit të sotëm të "Spice"?
Tema kryesore është flirtimi dhe krijimi i lidhjeve romantike.
Kush janë prezantueset e episodit?
Prezantueset janë Denise dhe një mikeshë e saj.
Si e përshkruan Denise përvojën e saj me bashkëshortin e saj?
Denise ndan mënyrat sesi ajo "kapur" bashkëshortin e saj duke përdorur metoda të vogla si bërja e gjesteve të vogla sikurse blerja e mëngjesit për të, si dhe bëri gjëra për ta bërë të ndihente i rehatshëm dhe i vëmendshëm.
Cila është mënyra e flirtimit të Denise?
Mënyra e flirtimit të Denise përfshin vëmendjen e detajeve, përdorimin e sinjaleve të qarta dhe taktika delikate për të zgjuar interesin.
Çfarë i tërhoqi partnerët e tyre tek vajzat?
Partnerët u tërhoqën nga personaliteti, pasioni dhe natyra unike e partnerëve që Denise dhe mikja e saj shprehnin.
- 00:00:00that's all yeah there's no calm down hi
- 00:00:03guys welcome to today's episode of spice
- 00:00:05and I am in this fight and I'm Denise
- 00:00:08the nice we are back Live this week
- 00:00:12we are back we are back so yeah I do
- 00:00:14this actually I see the screen looks
- 00:00:16like uh I'm doing some ra actually okay
- 00:00:24okay but all right things are very okay
- 00:00:26before we go into that we must uh do the
- 00:00:28same usual please remember like share
- 00:00:30and subscribe for all our children not
- 00:00:33just this YouTube okay yes everything
- 00:00:35that um lovely Ann is on that I will be
- 00:00:39on so I've started recording for a new
- 00:00:41show she doesn't know that yeah
- 00:00:45to help me to edit but yes so
- 00:00:50today's topic is uh the re the ra uh
- 00:00:54starting is questionable for today's
- 00:00:55topic oh really because we are uh adults
- 00:01:00man right yeah so our flirting is
- 00:01:01slightly different from the usual oh I
- 00:01:05don't know how all people watching our
- 00:01:07Channel I'm curious like guy whoever
- 00:01:09watch our channels let us know what is
- 00:01:11your age group
- 00:01:14yeah yeah I would be interested to know
- 00:01:17what is a floating style oh by the way I
- 00:01:20have new tattoo so that's why you guys
- 00:01:21see that yeah I like this one the
- 00:01:24procession and yeah yeah so
- 00:01:26this one yeah I'll Show everybody's
- 00:01:28great when you have a nice armpit you
- 00:01:31can show off
- 00:01:33that's also the way of flirting by the
- 00:01:36way hi it gives me excuse me excuse me
- 00:01:44no you're acting like you call waitress
- 00:01:47so actually you try to get something out
- 00:01:49oh really can you go to the Garden
- 00:01:51excuse me to do this you know where I
- 00:01:53try again a show I show my uh
- 00:01:56my boyfriend this title before you go
- 00:01:58for a fly today and he was like
- 00:02:03okay
- 00:02:04but this is actually a very uh the
- 00:02:06audience doesn't understand but this is
- 00:02:08very dangerous topic for us
- 00:02:10the next time when we flirt with
- 00:02:12somebody that we really like the person
- 00:02:13will know our tricks no but why do you
- 00:02:16choose the person that we like watching
- 00:02:17our show you should choose people that
- 00:02:19don't watch YouTube the first question
- 00:02:21is when you like somebody you don't
- 00:02:23really choose who you like right like
- 00:02:25that's true you cannot choose while like
- 00:02:28hey I like you but do you watch our
- 00:02:29Channel there you go I don't like it
- 00:02:31anymore it doesn't work that way you are
- 00:02:33yeah
- 00:02:34it's actually flirting with your crushes
- 00:02:36so a shortened title what I want to talk
- 00:02:39about is I don't know whether it's
- 00:02:40different for you but for me if I am
- 00:02:42talking to somebody that I really really
- 00:02:44like versus just normal so I think it's
- 00:02:46different you get what I mean okay so
- 00:02:49actually today's title is meant to be
- 00:02:50flirting with somebody that I that if we
- 00:02:53really really like okay so let us know
- 00:02:57in the comments below it means you
- 00:02:58already know the person yes we really
- 00:03:01really like someone mean you already
- 00:03:03you know of them as a person yes like
- 00:03:06experience like being around with them
- 00:03:08or something like that so that's that's
- 00:03:10different that's a way different way
- 00:03:12like you go and Chase someone you know
- 00:03:14for like just at a bar you see somebody
- 00:03:16you see something yeah
- 00:03:18[Music]
- 00:03:20that's the difference
- 00:03:24excuse me
- 00:03:26oh sorry I'm not calling you
- 00:03:31all right then oh I need the music oh
- 00:03:34I'm not always oh you're so handsome I
- 00:03:36thought you're a waiter
- 00:03:37you know you know girl who like like you
- 00:03:41get to certain age you're just so good
- 00:03:43at do it naturally if you really really
- 00:03:45know what I mean no I'm not I'm not
- 00:03:47saying yeah
- 00:03:49yeah I think I really have that yeah my
- 00:03:51skin is as thick as the skin on the face
- 00:03:53is as thick as the skin on the feet
- 00:03:56it's about the same thickness okay I
- 00:03:58think now we'll go back to the story of
- 00:04:00how Dennis gets get her husband but
- 00:04:03that's correct for this one he has to be
- 00:04:06her Crush first yeah I thought he was
- 00:04:08something I really really okay
- 00:04:11um and then because it's a
- 00:04:14you know he's an earth sign so it's kind
- 00:04:16of like he's very moving very slow it
- 00:04:18was extremely frustrating for me yeah I
- 00:04:20know like me what like I use talking
- 00:04:23we're just like hey bro
- 00:04:26how are you yeah he just asked one big
- 00:04:28noodle okay that's how me and him
- 00:04:31talking that's how emotional of the
- 00:04:34Wi-Fi how the Wi-Fi it cares about it
- 00:04:36because
- 00:04:38when I came here that's the first thing
- 00:04:40I know right that's right that's why I
- 00:04:43love my friend about the Wi-Fi yes
- 00:04:46same like me practical go things yeah
- 00:04:49I'm very now on Earth you know I'm just
- 00:04:52make sure that you eat ready or no you
- 00:04:54want food or not so that's all week
- 00:04:55that's how we show love we don't like
- 00:04:56the news I miss you I love you I don't
- 00:04:59see you for sale I know I'm just like I
- 00:05:01said like have you eat yet
- 00:05:07how's the wife
- 00:05:10I wish that he cares about you ah yeah
- 00:05:13yeah he cares about you and the house
- 00:05:15okay how's the Wi-Fi okay I'm sorry oh
- 00:05:18yeah get back to the garage if you're
- 00:05:20watching this it's still
- 00:05:23my Solutions you're not I'll text you
- 00:05:26later okay but anyway
- 00:05:28um
- 00:05:30that was very frustrating because one
- 00:05:32Kai is very uh slow so so I have to
- 00:05:37adjust my flirting to his feet because
- 00:05:41if for us sense if you come on too
- 00:05:43strong they get
- 00:05:44they don't pass you they can actually
- 00:05:46not scared but we don't know we start
- 00:05:49feel doubt we're like you only know me
- 00:05:52for three days yeah he said you do this
- 00:05:54with everyone yeah you know that's how
- 00:05:56we think and I know so I I dialed down
- 00:05:59quite a bit yeah I just kind of like
- 00:06:01take it very chill like yeah but inside
- 00:06:04I was like dying so I don't know haven't
- 00:06:06shared with you how I how I tricked him
- 00:06:09into thinking that we're afraid to me
- 00:06:12no no I never hear anything about that
- 00:06:15oh my God I think maybe a guy lady and
- 00:06:17gentlemen today you have a first time
- 00:06:19here no I never heard do I chase him
- 00:06:22actually oh really yeah
- 00:06:24[Laughter]
- 00:06:30actually I'm putting the cage get
- 00:06:33trapped by a second yeah I opened the
- 00:06:35cage and hello now I feel like maybe I
- 00:06:37I'm gonna go to the same situation you
- 00:06:40know then there's a cage and then he oh
- 00:06:42he looks the kitchen is quite nice quite
- 00:06:45nice the girl looks quite children when
- 00:06:46you come and put on the doll clothes
- 00:06:50I met him was we were at
- 00:06:52uh we were working at the same company
- 00:06:54and the company is one of those old Shop
- 00:06:58houses in Singapore for those of you
- 00:07:00guys who don't know who are not a
- 00:07:01Singaporean you can go check it out just
- 00:07:03Google Shop houses Singapore you will
- 00:07:05see what I mean so is this like small
- 00:07:08space and uh there were four levels of
- 00:07:11office but it's very small the space so
- 00:07:13each each department uh sits one level
- 00:07:16okay okay he is on level four I think
- 00:07:22and I'm on level two okay and so uh we
- 00:07:27first started talking about work
- 00:07:29actually I only started talking to him
- 00:07:31one year we both joined the office about
- 00:07:33the same time but only started talking
- 00:07:35to you about a year after we joined the
- 00:07:38company that was where we started
- 00:07:39talking to each other about work first
- 00:07:41and I think we both like each other's
- 00:07:43work stuff because we are fast and
- 00:07:45efficient like just get it done don't
- 00:07:47complain or whatever please okay enough
- 00:07:50with all that nonsense so I think that
- 00:07:53was what we like about each other at
- 00:07:55first and it was just as a colleague but
- 00:07:57I like working with you because you are
- 00:07:59efficient and fast and it was the same
- 00:08:01for me okay and then after that slowly
- 00:08:04we started to talk and I at first I felt
- 00:08:06it was very boring and like because you
- 00:08:09know you know they're still they're
- 00:08:12still obviously
- 00:08:13everybody say the same thing to me I get
- 00:08:17it bro no more you know the sales I mean
- 00:08:20the sales and sales thing is all like me
- 00:08:21obviously right like ah
- 00:08:27foreign
- 00:08:36time I was okay I'm quite close to
- 00:08:38another goal that is from his Department
- 00:08:40also quiet one because they are the I.T
- 00:08:42Department yes I think development are
- 00:08:44quite quiet usually yeah so I I asked
- 00:08:47her I know she drinks so I was like hey
- 00:08:48you want to come along with an hour to
- 00:08:51befriend our team is very welcoming and
- 00:08:53open so like you want to come along for
- 00:08:56drinks you can ask one guy to come along
- 00:08:58so since you know you're together then
- 00:09:00at least the two quiet people have each
- 00:09:02other you get what I'm trying to say
- 00:09:03yeah and then he came up he was like oh
- 00:09:05no I'm not going I say oh how come
- 00:09:07you're not going then after he say he
- 00:09:09said he's going for prata and data
- 00:09:13laughs
- 00:09:14on a Friday night with his friends I say
- 00:09:17what
- 00:09:19um hi okay this is
- 00:09:22on Friday I know you go for this
- 00:09:25newspaper and Pata instead then you say
- 00:09:28yeah why cannot I said can but it's
- 00:09:31Friday night is it you read newspaper in
- 00:09:33the morning he said
- 00:09:36he said yeah I read news in the morning
- 00:09:38oh my gosh I'm boring I'm so glad that
- 00:09:40was that our conversation and that was
- 00:09:42how I felt my first impression of him
- 00:09:44was that he was boring and slow and like
- 00:09:46an old man so I keep laughing and say
- 00:09:48you're like an old man it's okay you
- 00:09:50know he doesn't care
- 00:09:52and his first impression on me he told
- 00:09:54me this afterwards after we got married
- 00:09:55he said he felt I was noisy and
- 00:09:58overbearing and too much and trying to
- 00:10:01force my opinion other people because I
- 00:10:04won't be like what if I didn't go out
- 00:10:06wait don't go out you don't go are you
- 00:10:08sure I think drinks better you you come
- 00:10:10along with us better you know that kind
- 00:10:12of thing so if I was overbearing and
- 00:10:13noisy and loud and it's too much for him
- 00:10:15and um slowly but slowly after we got to
- 00:10:18know each other we learned that out we
- 00:10:19are both uh have similar values and all
- 00:10:22that then the chasing part started
- 00:10:24because he's so bloody slow blood is low
- 00:10:26yes and I also no he don't try it he
- 00:10:29don't chase he just wait if any girl
- 00:10:31take him in his luck
- 00:10:36oh
- 00:10:38oh that's why that time by that time I
- 00:10:41to be to set the record straight we were
- 00:10:43never together when he was with someone
- 00:10:45else yeah this is called
- 00:10:48okay do whatever together we will go on
- 00:10:50like group Gatherings and all that yeah
- 00:10:52and I noticed them very but I also
- 00:10:54noticed
- 00:10:55so so him me and another all these are
- 00:10:59exclusive news meet him me and the other
- 00:11:01girl talking about from the same um
- 00:11:03Department yeah with the three of us
- 00:11:04kind of close like we slowly became
- 00:11:06close and then he would we would share
- 00:11:09like personal stories about ourselves
- 00:11:11and he would share his stories about him
- 00:11:13and his dad and girlfriend and then we
- 00:11:15would give him advice from Ghost point
- 00:11:17of viewer of course right like why don't
- 00:11:19you try this or that Etc and that's how
- 00:11:21the conversation started and then after
- 00:11:23a while I sort of okay so after that
- 00:11:26right when the actual chasing begin
- 00:11:30how I would do
- 00:11:32Is We I know a flooding starting finally
- 00:11:36it's a 10 minute of conversation we'll
- 00:11:38go to the flirting part this is not
- 00:11:39flirting this is actual chasing okay so
- 00:11:42above that we cross the this is the
- 00:11:45capture part
- 00:11:47this is the trapping part okay the tribe
- 00:11:50and book them yes it's a sad trap so
- 00:11:52number one I always go out and see him
- 00:11:55but I pretend I'm going to see the girl
- 00:11:58I will buy breakfast for her because
- 00:12:01she's quite close to me and then our
- 00:12:04along the way by breakfast for him but
- 00:12:06these are only two people that buy
- 00:12:08breakfast for the rest of them in the
- 00:12:09department I don't want my breakfast
- 00:12:10okay so another course yeah okay the
- 00:12:13size so obvious of flirting by the way I
- 00:12:16always come on and say I feed you you
- 00:12:19better know that I care
- 00:12:22but why every morning breakfast for you
- 00:12:24and you're so dumb you don't understand
- 00:12:26it what's wrong with you man and then
- 00:12:30that's what she tried to say by the way
- 00:12:31I'm just using the language of how she
- 00:12:33tried to say it in the breakfast every
- 00:12:35breakfast she buy she'll give into that
- 00:12:37she was like excuse me excuse me excuse
- 00:12:41me with armpit okay that is what I do
- 00:12:43but because it's because I will go uh my
- 00:12:47moon signs will go so I like to feed the
- 00:12:49people that I love yeah right so the
- 00:12:51time I saw I saw this number one I make
- 00:12:53excuses to go out to see the girl then
- 00:12:55because somebody asked me what you
- 00:12:56always call it but I said why canola
- 00:12:59her name
- 00:13:04go Emma
- 00:13:06oh okay after we were just thought that
- 00:13:08we will go to the pantry make sure
- 00:13:10coffee together and then talk and then
- 00:13:13after that this is step one step two is
- 00:13:15more or less I know what time he gets
- 00:13:17off work
- 00:13:18it's never 6 usually 6 15 6 13 around
- 00:13:22there
- 00:13:23so my work will be I'm always on a dog
- 00:13:26one when I get over I'm always on the
- 00:13:28top when I go to what usually not
- 00:13:30so I would like 5 30 more or less of my
- 00:13:34things are done already so 5 45 then
- 00:13:36I'll start to like slowly back up and
- 00:13:38next it's a car I packed out already and
- 00:13:40my door is done I already uh maybe just
- 00:13:43read your emails or whatever I'm just
- 00:13:46waiting to see because we have and uh
- 00:13:49within the company we have our own
- 00:13:51chatting app and it shows where somebody
- 00:13:54is offline or online so when you go off
- 00:13:57work you will log off and you become
- 00:13:59offline so I'm waiting for the moment
- 00:14:01and I'll say his name on the chatting
- 00:14:03app
- 00:14:20I'm just sitting there the bag is here
- 00:14:23the laptop is just the screen is on and
- 00:14:25just looking
- 00:14:26okay done
- 00:14:28because I know that he usually he locks
- 00:14:31off you go and wash his car and then he
- 00:14:33will come back
- 00:14:35that way and then I will take my right
- 00:14:37now stay in front of them just lift ah
- 00:14:39the entire Leaf is our office on because
- 00:14:42it's level one level six yeah small
- 00:14:44space
- 00:14:46they are coming down for level four
- 00:14:48level four means is 11. oh
- 00:14:51yeah
- 00:14:52I want to see it's coming hello before
- 00:14:54that press
- 00:14:57I don't press
- 00:14:59I wait never forget that press then it's
- 00:15:02not open is here
- 00:15:04oh
- 00:15:07it's a work every day
- 00:15:09almost every towards the to as we
- 00:15:13progress almost every I mean I was
- 00:15:15certain that I liked him almost every
- 00:15:17day it's unless I got like something to
- 00:15:20brush off to or he got something to rush
- 00:15:22onto like sometimes but and by that
- 00:15:25point towards that point we were we were
- 00:15:27talking almost daily but most of it is
- 00:15:30about work yeah occasionally it will be
- 00:15:32like colleagues things like hey you
- 00:15:34lingerie you know and how was lunch oh
- 00:15:36today you're busy you know that kind of
- 00:15:38thing
- 00:15:39accounting
- 00:15:44early today I said okay
- 00:15:47then then I will not wait long I'll just
- 00:15:49say
- 00:15:51almost every day towards the end towards
- 00:15:53the end of the capturing so from the
- 00:15:55lead to the mrts Yeah Yeah from the list
- 00:15:58at first okay this is the leaf to the
- 00:16:00MRT is how many minutes every day only
- 00:16:02about five okay step this is step two so
- 00:16:05at first we will go to a different MRT
- 00:16:07we come out we only walk like maybe
- 00:16:08three five minutes together then we will
- 00:16:10speak because his MRT is here my MRT is
- 00:16:12here yeah okay one day I found a new
- 00:16:15excuse to walk on the same MRT the route
- 00:16:18as you until he is stationed because
- 00:16:20what happened is he stationed that the
- 00:16:22decision he goes to a decision I go to
- 00:16:24is one uh stop apart the first place uh
- 00:16:2818 Raffles place and city hall or
- 00:16:30something like that yeah so I say that I
- 00:16:33told you I say oh today I also walk too
- 00:16:35foreign
- 00:16:48so I'll just go to Bedford raffle space
- 00:16:51is further down the line more towards
- 00:16:53the end ah yeah
- 00:16:55oh okay I don't know when he I don't
- 00:16:58know even until now he knows these are
- 00:16:59rules or not like it's it's a I could
- 00:17:02have not said that to be frank the
- 00:17:04difference there's not much difference
- 00:17:06the difference the the difference
- 00:17:09the timing of you as a train with
- 00:17:12someone that you care Yeah so basically
- 00:17:13we got we we we started to walk home
- 00:17:16together Southern walks her station
- 00:17:18together and it's like a 15 minute walk
- 00:17:20so now from three mini stretch to 15
- 00:17:22minutes and then we will get under the
- 00:17:24same tree and this after that slowly we
- 00:17:26started to stop you know Raffles Place
- 00:17:29MRT outside is near the river Singapore
- 00:17:33River golden step three so after a while
- 00:17:37we started to sit by the river and talk
- 00:17:38yeah
- 00:17:41sorry sometimes and we were like oh you
- 00:17:44have to go because
- 00:17:49seven to seven thirty eight
- 00:17:53you're not even hungry
- 00:17:56disgusting
- 00:18:03hey hey
- 00:18:05oh my God
- 00:18:11I hear a talking I'm hungry I'm like so
- 00:18:15much they're not hungry no especially
- 00:18:17both of them love food you know that's
- 00:18:19why my question comes when do you both
- 00:18:21decide let's eat and talk at the same
- 00:18:23now not just go to the river
- 00:18:26that's
- 00:18:31what oh okay that's the thing okay this
- 00:18:34one uh maybe my ex bosses will watch
- 00:18:35this I have a heart attack but actually
- 00:18:37there's a pool table that is set up
- 00:18:39because we actually we have like an
- 00:18:41entertainment area on the topmost level
- 00:18:43so that's like a pool table then there's
- 00:18:46like some exercise machines so yeah and
- 00:18:50it became more and more frequent that we
- 00:18:51will play pool just for a while after
- 00:18:53work like half an hour or so and I'll
- 00:18:56purposely wear the very tight dresses
- 00:18:59yeah that's comforting
- 00:19:01and then you know when you play pool you
- 00:19:03will bend down and then obviously you
- 00:19:05your ship looks very nice because you
- 00:19:07are stretching up yeah and then I have
- 00:19:09this white dress that he loves a lot it
- 00:19:11looks very professional but it's a it's
- 00:19:14a nice shape so and I will wear my shoes
- 00:19:17I wear he used to play pool can you
- 00:19:19imagine and then when it's time to oh my
- 00:19:22God Denise wear slipper to my house guys
- 00:19:24I'm just informed
- 00:19:29no I'm just trying to say after you
- 00:19:31married it doesn't matter what you wear
- 00:19:33yeah your husband's you bring you to the
- 00:19:36bedroom and do the same thing anyway so
- 00:19:38that's why I'm trying this yeah so I
- 00:19:40wear heels to play pool and then after
- 00:19:42when we're going home because I have to
- 00:19:43walk to the Broadway train station now I
- 00:19:45have to take off my heels and change it
- 00:19:46to my normal shoes but yeah ever he used
- 00:19:48to play pool and then I will bend over
- 00:19:50you know of course it looks very nice
- 00:19:51right and then feel hot
- 00:19:54the heat is come up and then once I got
- 00:19:57time you say whatever you play pool you
- 00:19:59see why I feel like oh I don't know
- 00:20:01where to look you gotta say that
- 00:20:06I was thinking but I don't know whether
- 00:20:07it works oh it works to say yeah it
- 00:20:09works quite well
- 00:20:14not bad yeah so yeah that was what I did
- 00:20:18so so yeah quite sneaky like my way of
- 00:20:21capturing is I already set my eyes on
- 00:20:23the target I must capture him but uh
- 00:20:26because he's so slow like I said so I
- 00:20:28have to move very slowly
- 00:20:29and then uh dinner got one time
- 00:20:34he's such a sign right so he's very
- 00:20:37you know like he's straight straight I
- 00:20:40think at one time like hey uh
- 00:20:42we've been talking for a while you're
- 00:20:44hungry you want to go get you again you
- 00:20:45know what I mean if the guys yeah
- 00:20:47exactly like you keep talking forever
- 00:20:49finally dinner time I'm hungry just by
- 00:20:53looking listen to the story
- 00:20:59everything is because they want to save
- 00:21:01money or he just don't think about it
- 00:21:03too nervous he doesn't know I don't know
- 00:21:05so anyway I asked him he have a
- 00:21:07girlfriend you'll say they should know
- 00:21:09it's a basic bro
- 00:21:11the girl
- 00:21:16you know because I know at the first few
- 00:21:18times we talked by the river he's not
- 00:21:21comfortable enough for him to get dinner
- 00:21:22you get what I'm trying to say we will
- 00:21:24move at his speed it's very slow so we
- 00:21:26have talked by the river five times then
- 00:21:28can have dinner you don't know you know
- 00:21:30what I mean
- 00:21:31she's been buying breakfast for you
- 00:21:34every day
- 00:21:35how more clear you want it to be once or
- 00:21:37twice a week cannot be I mean everything
- 00:21:39too obviously months or twice maybe
- 00:21:41three times
- 00:21:41even three times it's too hot even once
- 00:21:44you've got outfits only five days you
- 00:21:45already eat breakfast but another girl
- 00:21:47three times
- 00:21:48come on be better than that so after
- 00:21:51that oh my God my brother oh my God I
- 00:21:54asked him I say I said you want to have
- 00:21:56dinner since we've been talking for a
- 00:21:58while
- 00:21:59you
- 00:22:01[Music]
- 00:22:11oh but but this is precisely why I like
- 00:22:15him and trust him you get what I mean
- 00:22:16right because he's so
- 00:22:18straight any other guy I'm like bro
- 00:22:20seriously bro that's why I asked you to
- 00:22:23see the time you like me already he said
- 00:22:24yeah of course if someone spend so much
- 00:22:25time okay
- 00:22:33Amina
- 00:22:35I remember that I was so shy so I was
- 00:22:37like
- 00:22:39I should have known this is
- 00:22:57you know the bear or something
- 00:23:01it's a long game
- 00:23:04[Laughter]
- 00:23:06you know I do business it's a long game
- 00:23:07it's a it's like it's like the police
- 00:23:09need to catch the the boss the boss like
- 00:23:12me too mainly to do this interview next
- 00:23:14time maybe that's what he go through
- 00:23:16right now
- 00:23:18hahaha don't lie you should be you are
- 00:23:20much faster because you you read I just
- 00:23:23keep certain steps
- 00:23:26not so fast yeah but I used to you know
- 00:23:29he I yeah I saw I think you want to have
- 00:23:31dinner you say um no like his face like
- 00:23:33this no my mother could have to go home
- 00:23:37and then he just left you like that all
- 00:23:39right
- 00:23:43let me just I said then we go off then
- 00:23:45we just went back to train station
- 00:23:46actually I wasn't really hungry I just
- 00:23:48wanted to prolong our chat you get what
- 00:23:50I mean yeah this is
- 00:23:53love okay
- 00:23:56and even that kind of vibe is more for
- 00:23:58drinks or beer why would I be interested
- 00:24:00in the full one we Asian we will eat
- 00:24:03when we talk anyways yeah yeah I really
- 00:24:05look at him he's yummy it's always
- 00:24:07different I'm not interested in the
- 00:24:09noodles okay I'm just in here
- 00:24:12and anyway so so yeah that's my life
- 00:24:15until now it's still the same
- 00:24:18so when is the flirting had to be over
- 00:24:20and you'll get it suddenly became on go
- 00:24:23one time I had had enough so I stole him
- 00:24:26I said so we decided that we were
- 00:24:29walking again again with the walking to
- 00:24:31the river
- 00:24:33one thousand and one time of the day
- 00:24:36okay of the men of the river
- 00:24:39it's a Singapore River by the way you
- 00:24:40can you guys can look it up it's a real
- 00:24:42River but very small so
- 00:24:44again the river then after that I
- 00:24:46probably must say I don't think you can
- 00:24:48do it anymore I know I have to set a
- 00:24:50date for him yeah and then I just don't
- 00:24:52want to say you know
- 00:24:55um you know I like you I'm very obvious
- 00:24:58ly and
- 00:24:59I think you like me otherwise you
- 00:25:01wouldn't spend so much time on me yeah
- 00:25:02but
- 00:25:03um I don't know where we are going yeah
- 00:25:06and I and I'm not sure how long I can
- 00:25:09carry on with this
- 00:25:12this is current yeah
- 00:25:17of course you take 10 000 years to think
- 00:25:22I say anyway uh I'm not here the
- 00:25:24pressure you I'm not saying you must
- 00:25:27have signed me as a girlfriend or what
- 00:25:28not saying that but
- 00:25:31I just need to let you know that I am
- 00:25:33new
- 00:25:34the end of limit of it yeah I say I'm a
- 00:25:39very impatient person you already know
- 00:25:40that by now
- 00:25:42so I have already tried to give you as
- 00:25:45much time as I can how many months was
- 00:25:47that I think this one can I call me if
- 00:25:50I'm wrong but I think this one is about
- 00:25:51three three months already oh three
- 00:25:53months is a very very long for
- 00:25:56Sagittarius by the way
- 00:25:58it's a very very very long yeah I think
- 00:26:02I think it was about three months I
- 00:26:04think three months I don't know but
- 00:26:05anyway around that it's been more than
- 00:26:07maybe two three months around that yeah
- 00:26:09then after that I told you I say oh I'm
- 00:26:11not here to put pressure on you but I'm
- 00:26:13just I'm just letting you know I think
- 00:26:15it's courtesy because we have already
- 00:26:16gone close we were texting all that we
- 00:26:19have already grown close since we're
- 00:26:21really glucose
- 00:26:22I don't want to suddenly one day when I
- 00:26:24end things but I end things I as I
- 00:26:27anything very ruthless yeah I will end
- 00:26:29things abruptly because I was like okay
- 00:26:31I told you I'm done already really then
- 00:26:33I'm done right I don't want to just
- 00:26:35leave you suddenly just like kind of
- 00:26:36like ghost you or leave you yeah so I'm
- 00:26:39telling you this is the reason I'm
- 00:26:40telling you I'm near the end of my limit
- 00:26:41and when it reaches I will I will leave
- 00:26:44now and not not in the mean way we will
- 00:26:47still be colleagues and I will respect
- 00:26:48you as a colleague but let's see that
- 00:26:50yeah
- 00:26:52um yeah he was I think he was a bit
- 00:26:54startled by that he'll be like oh no
- 00:26:57more time left
- 00:27:00so uh they tell you the story how you
- 00:27:03feel when you say that to him uh
- 00:27:06actually okay yeah because I'm sure he
- 00:27:09would think something in that situation
- 00:27:12I was thinking he was thinking a lot of
- 00:27:13things because uh he was fresh out of
- 00:27:15her relationships
- 00:27:17oh he just yes
- 00:27:20he also feels like
- 00:27:22like is he ready or not yeah right right
- 00:27:25for somebody new and out there yeah he
- 00:27:27also you know being a vocal he thinks a
- 00:27:29lot yeah he also didn't want to like
- 00:27:31bring all his like not it's not tidy up
- 00:27:34yet and then bring over yeah to our
- 00:27:37relationship so if we were to have one
- 00:27:39then
- 00:27:40and so that was all his thoughts now so
- 00:27:42so after that he did something very
- 00:27:45shocking
- 00:27:46shocking to me are you really shocking
- 00:27:48oh yeah maybe he told me so he after
- 00:27:52that shortly he left he resigned from
- 00:27:54from the company we were at and then he
- 00:27:57I said oh nice now then you should go
- 00:27:58and take a short break Ma he was like oh
- 00:28:01yeah I'm thinking I said you should go
- 00:28:03and maybe bintan or batam or somewhere
- 00:28:05nearby I don't know just read I said so
- 00:28:08I'm going bintan then I'm like oh okay
- 00:28:10this one called me if I'm wrong again I
- 00:28:12think he asked me whether I want to go
- 00:28:14with him or not I was like oh
- 00:28:20wow
- 00:28:21it's just three days too nice one and
- 00:28:23then after that I say is it uh we will
- 00:28:26have Sample Room he was like oh yeah
- 00:28:28yeah yeah he said he no he told me no
- 00:28:31you but we have separate dates I was
- 00:28:33like okay Ken I mean I have actually
- 00:28:35I've done it once with uh another guy
- 00:28:37before separate but nothing happened so
- 00:28:39I was like
- 00:28:39okay whatever man you know
- 00:28:42since you're paying since you're paying
- 00:28:43for the room right why you booked a prep
- 00:28:46bed bro
- 00:28:48no then after that you know what
- 00:28:50happened the first the first then we're
- 00:28:53not together yet officially you know but
- 00:28:55the first time
- 00:28:56the first is it the first night or the
- 00:28:59second day uh I pounce upon Him music I
- 00:29:02pounds upon it and after that we pushed
- 00:29:05away together
- 00:29:09that's had to be happen yeah
- 00:29:12things that she did that no but it
- 00:29:16was like he was oh he did something that
- 00:29:18shocked me in the first like oh okay I
- 00:29:20was showering nice story this one needs
- 00:29:24some tea
- 00:29:25tea time you have Teen Titans doing some
- 00:29:28tea here I was
- 00:29:30I don't know whether it's a good idea my
- 00:29:32parents still watching her anyway
- 00:29:34no no give them your YouTube channel can
- 00:29:37you know if the whole family were both
- 00:29:39single okay
- 00:29:40we were both single and I think that
- 00:29:43nothing we did was wrong I mean it's
- 00:29:45consensus yeah of course I need to put
- 00:29:48this as a disclaimer we were both at
- 00:29:50that time it's me he already break up
- 00:29:52she already break up
- 00:29:53for long ago yeah basically she's single
- 00:29:56and very available and she is also
- 00:29:58singular
- 00:30:00he already done with his ex-girlfriend
- 00:30:02that's what she tried to say
- 00:30:04yeah so
- 00:30:06single and
- 00:30:12right and I thought like this guy I need
- 00:30:15to learn about how to capture him also
- 00:30:17because he's so slow right obviously
- 00:30:19first day I can't do anything so I went
- 00:30:20to Charlotte suddenly I shower halfway
- 00:30:22you're not on the door he said can I
- 00:30:24shower with you he just asked like that
- 00:30:27well bro you finally noted the story is
- 00:30:31so boring at the moment I'm like oh
- 00:30:32finally the excitement parties really
- 00:30:35did he really dare to do that yeah
- 00:30:42he looked like he will bring his pajamas
- 00:30:45to the travel and he will wear pajama in
- 00:30:48the hotel with the socks and the
- 00:30:50slippers bring them home and it would
- 00:30:52sit and drink tea or coffee to wash the
- 00:30:55new one the glasses and watch TV or
- 00:30:57something that's how my eyes no that's
- 00:30:59how I look at him okay that's how I feel
- 00:31:01I'm actually supposedly
- 00:31:04oh yeah that's true okay okay so maybe
- 00:31:07that one was the part coming out I don't
- 00:31:09know why
- 00:31:10I know like yeah this is like way when
- 00:31:13they're comfortable with you yeah maybe
- 00:31:15you're already comfortable I don't know
- 00:31:16so that's what I say after I was shocked
- 00:31:19just on the door he didn't come
- 00:31:21immediately of course he's not on the
- 00:31:23door he said can I shout with you or may
- 00:31:25I try something like that I can't come
- 00:31:26here and share with you something else
- 00:31:27yeah I was shocked for two seconds okay
- 00:31:38she's been ready for so long
- 00:31:45no I think he would come to that no I
- 00:31:47tell you I don't I don't think you
- 00:31:49remember why he have courage to do that
- 00:31:51why did he come to the day I'm like I
- 00:31:53think I'm enough if I don't do it I will
- 00:31:55lost her I better have it no actually I
- 00:31:58got asked him why
- 00:32:00you say it's a very practical thing it's
- 00:32:02an investor mindset you see nothing to
- 00:32:05lose Ma you say no then Nola are still
- 00:32:08outside
- 00:32:10you say yesterday is appropriate
- 00:32:13wow
- 00:32:21we book so much story no no story but
- 00:32:25guys just so simple I'm trying my luck I
- 00:32:27get it I get it I don't get it it
- 00:32:29doesn't matter
- 00:32:36like you pray for anything you say no
- 00:32:39um nothing changed Ma so I just decided
- 00:32:42to try it no music
- 00:32:50you know I love the story it really this
- 00:32:54was a Twist this was a twist it took me
- 00:32:56by so much surprises yeah no even I
- 00:32:59surprised I told you like it was more
- 00:33:00surprise
- 00:33:04laughs
- 00:33:06that surprised not
- 00:33:09he do nothing in this I thought that
- 00:33:11nothing
- 00:33:15now I know why she love him
- 00:33:17because he do everything that she
- 00:33:19unexpected okay never loved like
- 00:33:22unexpected things surprising like
- 00:33:24unpredictable thing challenging
- 00:33:27you know like treating you was such a
- 00:33:30challenge
- 00:33:32to tie my hands together
- 00:33:37surprise number one he has to shower
- 00:33:39it's a person or two he called me shower
- 00:33:40I was like okay maybe you're going to
- 00:33:42check your body only like okay fast I
- 00:33:46think so after that actually later I'll
- 00:33:49tell you this off screen but there was a
- 00:33:50body part that shocked him so he was
- 00:33:52like oh hey
- 00:33:59because I'm so curious let's breast milk
- 00:34:02two seconds
- 00:34:04tell me
- 00:34:36so you know of science uh you need some
- 00:34:39time to
- 00:34:40recover yeah that's true that's true we
- 00:34:43need time for recap we're quite slow for
- 00:34:45us yeah something unexpected he shot a
- 00:34:47beat even like sick dizzy for one month
- 00:34:50I'm still coughing
- 00:34:51Sydney time for Recovery correct
- 00:34:54recovery so he shot uh so he became all
- 00:34:56so you just ready to shower and then
- 00:34:59recover
- 00:35:02and then after that I think the second
- 00:35:04day on
- 00:35:06day on the second day second day then I
- 00:35:08pounds upon him and yeah and that was it
- 00:35:11and that was how we became together
- 00:35:14officially boyfriend girlfriend
- 00:35:16officially he was afterwards when we
- 00:35:18came back and then after that when we
- 00:35:19came back he was like uh he was like so
- 00:35:22now you're my girlfriend I said no you
- 00:35:24never asked me he said oh wait we went
- 00:35:26to the holidays together and we sat
- 00:35:29together with these we not actually know
- 00:35:30enough since when I agree computer I
- 00:35:33didn't know he didn't ask me in the the
- 00:35:35way also in when we're overseas yeah Oh
- 00:35:39I thought we acting like families
- 00:35:43you must make it official yeah correct
- 00:35:46then he asked us afterwards he asked us
- 00:35:48okay that's a proper one yeah it's the
- 00:35:51same yeah I have similar experience so
- 00:35:54have you enjoy the story yes I love it
- 00:35:56it's just shocking you no I
- 00:36:11I think it's quite
- 00:36:14affected me to do something along those
- 00:36:16lines like make the first movement of
- 00:36:18that
- 00:36:19by uh give birth to one secretaries in
- 00:36:22the room
- 00:36:24and right now dating one
- 00:36:27that's true especially today I tell you
- 00:36:30I have a boyfriend on 15 June
- 00:36:34I will tell you yeah
- 00:36:37I know they will have a
- 00:36:39silly stuff that they will do to get the
- 00:36:42spa or partner you know like but also
- 00:36:45like you say they won't have much that
- 00:36:47patience so
- 00:36:49I I know Denise would do all the fun
- 00:36:51stuff to get someone but I think I think
- 00:36:54this is what I just figured out for you
- 00:36:56to know if say this is really serious
- 00:36:58about you you have to see the patient
- 00:36:59because they don't patient and if they
- 00:37:02stop patient with someone it's when they
- 00:37:05hint to you oh so difficult
- 00:37:07because they're not a sign of page I
- 00:37:10draw a lot of hair yeah they hate
- 00:37:13patients you ask some patients
- 00:37:15consistent do this again again I have
- 00:37:18that with my
- 00:37:20lovely boyfriend too we complete all the
- 00:37:23time about that so oh yeah it's a
- 00:37:25difference you know patience so if
- 00:37:27they're patient with you mean they
- 00:37:29actually another way to tell is whether
- 00:37:31they treat you differently from other
- 00:37:33okay so we're talking about straight
- 00:37:35nails and straight periods here so the
- 00:37:37other way to tell is when if they treat
- 00:37:39you differently from their other girls
- 00:37:41or other guys so how long I was
- 00:37:44convinced that I was within fully yeah
- 00:37:48that I I was truly interested in here
- 00:37:50and because I'm friendly with everything
- 00:37:52yeah yeah yeah that's that's the day
- 00:37:54challenge yes friendly whatever whether
- 00:37:56I'm just being friendly to him or I
- 00:37:59liked him and then after all he realized
- 00:38:01that oh I because he worked with me so
- 00:38:03you see her three other guys in the
- 00:38:05company yeah and we're all young people
- 00:38:07yeah like 20 plus 30 it's all on a
- 00:38:10dating age so you see her actually all
- 00:38:12the other guys it's different from her
- 00:38:14chicken that was how he was convinced
- 00:38:16also that's the breakfast that face okay
- 00:38:18I remember even now what he likes okay
- 00:38:21oh yeah
- 00:38:22lovely how long was that from the trip
- 00:38:25come back from holiday and boyfriend
- 00:38:26girlfriend a few days only because he
- 00:38:28knows he has asked I already say you
- 00:38:30don't us not considered yeah yeah
- 00:38:32so he he's his invisibility he needs
- 00:38:37courage to ask us questions yeah he will
- 00:38:39ask
- 00:38:41using it's a very you say it's a very
- 00:38:44very ugly way how was that I would tell
- 00:38:46you the difference after the history I
- 00:38:47will tell you how my boyfriend asked me
- 00:38:48to be a girlfriend how was that this is
- 00:38:52the Earthly way yeah
- 00:39:04so if of course it involves food right
- 00:39:06because it's a Virgo so after dinner one
- 00:39:10time I see after all you see afterwards
- 00:39:12okay I don't know after dinner like one
- 00:39:14time we got ice cream we got like two
- 00:39:17small pints of ice cream and you were
- 00:39:19eating then he said go out to the
- 00:39:20rooftop eat so we're eating that's early
- 00:39:22he asked me do you want to make no just
- 00:39:25eating ice cream that's it you want to
- 00:39:27be my girlfriend I say oh okay then that
- 00:39:30was wrong
- 00:39:57you know
- 00:40:02I'm some friend right now but it's just
- 00:40:05so funny
- 00:40:07but I know you see this is this is this
- 00:40:09okay so um this is partly why we can be
- 00:40:11together because I appreciate that he's
- 00:40:12trying very hard
- 00:40:18all these small things will have made a
- 00:40:21big difference
- 00:40:24and then I was but she don't catch the
- 00:40:27only eyes I care but at the same time I
- 00:40:30know it's because his character is like
- 00:40:32that yeah so I accepted it yeah you get
- 00:40:34what I mean I've decided to be with him
- 00:40:36right yeah except that he is like that
- 00:40:39yes of course right I'm just like
- 00:40:43that's right
- 00:40:47there's no song
- 00:40:49maybe that was one flower I don't
- 00:40:50remember one guy okay later I text him
- 00:40:53and uh I remember I remember the
- 00:40:55proposal the wedding proposal also wear
- 00:40:57a jean but nevermind it's okay
- 00:41:00yeah you share you shared how my my one
- 00:41:02is extremely important it's time for
- 00:41:04your story I think it's like I only know
- 00:41:06that the floating bar will go back but I
- 00:41:08just talked about the proposal to be a
- 00:41:11girlfriend because this is funny because
- 00:41:13how
- 00:41:14my lovely guy like how the Earthly guy I
- 00:41:17say now I'll show you how to say thank
- 00:41:19you guys yeah by the way baby if you're
- 00:41:21watching this cover your ear or skip it
- 00:41:24send you forward
- 00:41:29maybe one day he'll share with you again
- 00:41:32but
- 00:41:33so we just like uh uh date for a few
- 00:41:36days so let me count I think that should
- 00:41:38be our Maybe feet day
- 00:41:40she'll be fit one like fit them see each
- 00:41:43other hang out together and this is the
- 00:41:46first time we go out as the group which
- 00:41:48is I go out with him and a lot of his
- 00:41:50colleague ah okay okay so you have few
- 00:41:53more people right so we will go in
- 00:41:55Marina Basin for his colleague some from
- 00:41:58different countries fly here from China
- 00:42:00to see the firewood and see Marina Bay
- 00:42:03Sand for the first time yeah so I was at
- 00:42:06first I'm here for nine years I don't
- 00:42:08need to see Marina by saying I just need
- 00:42:10to see men
- 00:42:12[Laughter]
- 00:42:17considering myself that I'm hanging out
- 00:42:20with him so that that's my item my turn
- 00:42:22was single yeah I'm still single and I'm
- 00:42:25seeing someone yeah but I'm not
- 00:42:26officially with anything to know
- 00:42:28somebody yeah exactly so that's my thumb
- 00:42:31so we were walking up and down and View
- 00:42:33and show his friend and you know if you
- 00:42:37never go Marina Bay Sand I tell you it's
- 00:42:39just the most
- 00:42:41yummy guy walking around ever in town
- 00:42:45because a lot of people stay there for
- 00:42:47work and most of them is single EP six
- 00:42:50pack and they just like yeah yeah and
- 00:42:53yeah and they just run and exercise and
- 00:42:55it's just in front of you and all of
- 00:42:57them and and I don't know how somehow
- 00:42:59you start hanging out with someone your
- 00:43:00thoughts keep pop up they pop up like
- 00:43:02mushrooms you know
- 00:43:06just that that and they're like what the
- 00:43:09hell I don't see this this often like I
- 00:43:12don't have exactly and you know and you
- 00:43:14know my my boyfriend he he sensitive he
- 00:43:17knocked down okay he can see where my
- 00:43:20eye is going yes and I was I just don't
- 00:43:23I mean I'm not saying I don't care of
- 00:43:25him but I just treat him as very clear
- 00:43:27like I don't expected that brand new
- 00:43:30exclusive yeah I I don't I don't go out
- 00:43:33with guy and and hope that they will
- 00:43:35call me oh can you be my girlfriend or
- 00:43:37something I I don't right so I'm just be
- 00:43:38me I'm just like oh my God but I don't
- 00:43:40tell him that I'm just look you know I'm
- 00:43:42just enjoying it because that's how I
- 00:43:44get to him in the first play anyway you
- 00:43:46know like you look and you're like oh
- 00:43:47that's my type let me try you know let
- 00:43:49me try my lap today let's see get it you
- 00:43:52know I'm I'm open the green light but
- 00:43:54I'm not the one who asked for it he
- 00:43:56asked phone number but he's aware that I
- 00:43:59look at him and I smell at him so so
- 00:44:02that's the thing about me I don't ask
- 00:44:04but I will look and I smile this is
- 00:44:06another floating thing yeah that's the
- 00:44:08flirting it must give green light
- 00:44:09because if you don't give the guy I
- 00:44:11don't know like one don't ask but I
- 00:44:13don't ask because for me it's like if
- 00:44:14the guy not come in first rather I'm not
- 00:44:17his side he's not into mood today he I
- 00:44:19already know he don't like me and it's
- 00:44:21okay if I'm not his type or maybe he
- 00:44:24already have girlfriend in relationship
- 00:44:26which is fine I either one of that I
- 00:44:30don't want either right so I'm I'm set
- 00:44:32myself clear
- 00:44:33so when guy run around I told you it's
- 00:44:36like and we sit in the restaurant
- 00:44:37because we wait for the water show right
- 00:44:40and he keep asking me what I want to
- 00:44:42order and I like anything but your your
- 00:44:46mind and it's not an imagination
- 00:44:56excuse me you get where I come from
- 00:45:00right I want that one and uh and and he
- 00:45:05was he will pull me no not really poo
- 00:45:07but like we sit at a long table right
- 00:45:09his friend and he just pulled my head
- 00:45:12here
- 00:45:12he's because his face he tried to look
- 00:45:15in my eyes and my face like he just said
- 00:45:18oh he's so tall so when he when he even
- 00:45:20stand right he above my me like one day
- 00:45:23yeah yeah so for him to buy him to bang
- 00:45:25down and look me tonight this way and we
- 00:45:28just saw funny because I look at him
- 00:45:30like uh what happened he say
- 00:45:33are we calling each other babe just now
- 00:45:36when we walk in yeah like yeah babe yeah
- 00:45:39so what he's like so
- 00:45:42you in relationship with me right I'm
- 00:45:44like no no I said the same thing then he
- 00:45:49say why but we are hanging out like a
- 00:45:52boyfriend girlfriend you should know
- 00:45:53that we're together hang on I say no I
- 00:45:56say for me we are hang out which means I
- 00:45:59hang out with you to know you as a
- 00:46:01person you hang out with me to know me
- 00:46:03as a person
- 00:46:04we're not boyfriend girlfriend yet that
- 00:46:06he says when am I become your boyfriend
- 00:46:09I say when you ask me you don't ask me
- 00:46:11you just you just suddenly he surely
- 00:46:13asked then and
- 00:46:15you know the best one it's hippo his
- 00:46:18friend say kiss me I need two seconds
- 00:46:20with this lady then he take the lamb
- 00:46:22like
- 00:46:25me because he wants to make that small
- 00:46:27romantic he take my faith then to me he
- 00:46:32say
- 00:46:33one last time I just want to remind you
- 00:46:35if your eye crossing any guy here one
- 00:46:38more second
- 00:46:40I will face the name a chain to be a
- 00:46:42different color so would you like to be
- 00:46:44my girlfriend
- 00:46:54but you know the thing of my um my
- 00:46:58boyfriend is he normally very talkative
- 00:47:00and very fun but when he's serious he's
- 00:47:02very serious you can see like you should
- 00:47:04don't laugh I burst to laugh because I
- 00:47:06was like oh you're so cute but he keep
- 00:47:08look I made straight with the face up he
- 00:47:10said I'm being serious I'm serious right
- 00:47:12now you better not look at any guy you
- 00:47:14know I will break your leg that's how I
- 00:47:15feel I like okay I will look at any guy
- 00:47:18anymore I said no no that's not my
- 00:47:20question my question is would you like
- 00:47:22to be my girlfriend that like uh he
- 00:47:25don't like give me chance to think okay
- 00:47:26upside it time to think
- 00:47:30he like he's straight and keep look and
- 00:47:34keep look and wait I'll give you small
- 00:47:35candles yeah he pulled the candle at
- 00:47:39least not even a proper candle you know
- 00:47:41the life yes
- 00:48:00oh you are behaving differently so he
- 00:48:03was wondering why so he asked you why
- 00:48:06you behave like this I thought we were
- 00:48:09together yeah but like like he never
- 00:48:11asked of course I was like I'm sure the
- 00:48:13other girls like his experience like I
- 00:48:14know it's automatically become a
- 00:48:16girlfriend because I hold your hand it's
- 00:48:18just a hand yeah okay so so that is the
- 00:48:22story of he was so into my eyes until I
- 00:48:24say uh yeah sure I say lovely hello my
- 00:48:28girlfriend and then he kissed me and
- 00:48:29then like okay let's order a guy
- 00:48:31what was happening and at the whole
- 00:48:35night trust me of course I don't have to
- 00:48:37look anyone anymore but it just so waste
- 00:48:39like it's just so many handsome guys
- 00:48:42that's why it had to happen there
- 00:48:43because universe is like are you sure
- 00:48:46it is but you're not like he was so
- 00:48:49shocked that he can see like
- 00:49:00I look at this guy
- 00:49:04attention is true you know
- 00:49:08like a whole bunch of mushrooms you only
- 00:49:11see one mushroom maybe yeah the most
- 00:49:14boring mushrooms
- 00:49:18because I I but you know why my logic at
- 00:49:21that moment that's how I think right
- 00:49:22because I have I understand I don't I
- 00:49:24don't have an expectation for guys this
- 00:49:27is another lesson for all the women out
- 00:49:29there please don't just because you're
- 00:49:31holding hands yeah your kids you call
- 00:49:33someone babe yeah sleeping together even
- 00:49:35your boom boom together doesn't matter
- 00:49:37together because it's very simple think
- 00:49:40about it from business point of view
- 00:49:41okay if I am already getting whatever I
- 00:49:44want without having to make it official
- 00:49:46buy should I make it official
- 00:50:05come here
- 00:50:08you come here but you know his character
- 00:50:11right that's what he doing
- 00:50:15you call me okay what's the problem now
- 00:50:17you know okay come I ask you I can get
- 00:50:19down my knee no problem I will also take
- 00:50:21the candles if there's a flower there he
- 00:50:23will take the flower
- 00:50:26you can you know the love but because he
- 00:50:29will like Kiss Me guys
- 00:50:31that's a more ridiculous part because I
- 00:50:34like I know it's what are you doing
- 00:50:37okay yeah they don't care really they
- 00:50:40don't care they turn they do they think
- 00:50:41but like he
- 00:50:52oh celebration
- 00:50:54Joey my brother
- 00:50:57oops everybody know his name
- 00:51:01it's okay no one day soon brother
- 00:51:06is that your both same style that's why
- 00:51:08you're so excited it's really good it's
- 00:51:11like it's like if it needs to be get
- 00:51:12done then yeah so what is the problem
- 00:51:14what is stopping you that's God that's
- 00:51:16why I'm saying impatient guy because you
- 00:51:18see one upside how they and now the
- 00:51:21Fireside they just go straight it's only
- 00:51:23because
- 00:51:24I'm quite
- 00:51:26trading the guys who can't ask yeah me
- 00:51:28too yeah
- 00:51:29I think the guy to ask me
- 00:51:33I am walking yeah so you're asking soon
- 00:51:38come every candle for you
- 00:51:45the boy she like so near to the
- 00:51:47boyfriend and she was like hey
- 00:51:49I want to marry you you know I want to
- 00:51:52marry you
- 00:51:57that's how the boy said no I don't want
- 00:51:59everyone no like they run away
- 00:52:02foreign
- 00:52:26she will learn that this is too
- 00:52:28aggressive and it will turn people away
- 00:52:30so after that she was slowly uh it's
- 00:52:33like a it's like a balance she will
- 00:52:35calibrate until The Sweet Spot okay and
- 00:52:37then after that she will go to the next
- 00:52:39level she will calibrate according to
- 00:52:40the person good okay so it's only
- 00:52:42training yeah maybe now is the first
- 00:52:44lesson the first lesson called impatient
- 00:52:47let's try my impatient way yeah let's
- 00:52:49continue my natural way yeah so that's
- 00:52:52how the story that I got a boyfriend
- 00:52:53yeah and that's how the boy the story
- 00:52:55that she have a husband the flirting but
- 00:52:58I think you already can see that's
- 00:53:00flirting is
- 00:53:03no money is capturing mine is in the
- 00:53:05capturing stage it's capturing a wild
- 00:53:08animal
- 00:53:10wow very slow and more because we don't
- 00:53:13have much time so I will book it a
- 00:53:15little bit of my way of flirting no you
- 00:53:17cannot you should take as much time as
- 00:53:19you need come on it's okay because for
- 00:53:22me flooding is something that I have to
- 00:53:25do every day
- 00:53:27I don't have to do it just for a sake of
- 00:53:30someone I like because I'm single right
- 00:53:32so I'm not flirting with everyone but
- 00:53:35I'm open market
- 00:53:37does that make sense okay so I'm used to
- 00:53:39me by the way if not you will kill me
- 00:53:42later you have to be open yeah you used
- 00:53:44to be open currently close currently
- 00:53:46renovation upgrade
- 00:53:51so one thing about me is when I go out
- 00:53:53and I know I will go out tonight I
- 00:53:55always treat my salad I might want to
- 00:53:57pick someone like me tonight if I'm a
- 00:54:00man to go home to be my date to be my
- 00:54:03girlfriend or to be my partner so so I
- 00:54:06I'm very cautious about how I'm dressing
- 00:54:09up to go out with my girlfriend or or go
- 00:54:11somewhere public because I need to give
- 00:54:13a guy a
- 00:54:15a chance to like know me right so that's
- 00:54:18we both always joke like yeah my
- 00:54:21boyfriend always joke I say we don't
- 00:54:23walk out with x-ray the the joke that we
- 00:54:25watch on online the guy say guy don't
- 00:54:27walk out with x-ray we don't know your
- 00:54:28personality yeah the whole point of me
- 00:54:30come ask your phone number is just you
- 00:54:32just damn hot that's it nothing else
- 00:54:34like you look good yeah so
- 00:54:37the key of flirting first is you have to
- 00:54:40feel like you look in mirror and even
- 00:54:42you yourself feel like wow she
- 00:54:43attractive oh wow he looked attractive
- 00:54:45and this is something that you have to
- 00:54:48try and arrow until you figure out what
- 00:54:50type of clothes is your style how short
- 00:54:53how long was that and this one will talk
- 00:54:55about the opposite uh the episode early
- 00:54:57on about how to dress up you guys should
- 00:54:59go back and watch that if you need to
- 00:55:01and then you have your own character and
- 00:55:04carry yourself so I still remember like
- 00:55:06uh
- 00:55:07this is what he told me okay you guys
- 00:55:10can confirm with him next time if you
- 00:55:12happen come here
- 00:55:14so I will ask him what made you come to
- 00:55:17ask me for number because when he
- 00:55:19entered the restaurant his face he
- 00:55:21looked like he somebody owing ten
- 00:55:23thousand dollars I don't know I say this
- 00:55:25the channel get blocked but basically
- 00:55:27his face because he's Arab right and so
- 00:55:30he really look like he carry balls the
- 00:55:32whole restaurant that's a serious I'm
- 00:55:34not joking but it's not true he will bet
- 00:55:37that he have a bad day he have a very
- 00:55:39bad day he told me after I know him he
- 00:55:41wasn't I said well on that day you're so
- 00:55:43horrible your face look horrible you
- 00:55:45look like you want to kill everyone he
- 00:55:46said he's right he's a lot he's the the
- 00:55:49worst day ever in his career for many
- 00:55:51years of working for this company this
- 00:55:53is the first time he feel like she's
- 00:55:55[ __ ] right so I'm just happened to meet
- 00:55:58him in his now
- 00:56:00he's just not happy until he walked past
- 00:56:03me how that the guy got across the sexy
- 00:56:06girl he walked across me he sit next to
- 00:56:09me he not even want to face me that's
- 00:56:11how bad his mood is like I'm not have
- 00:56:13time for you today good and and he
- 00:56:15really admit he said first few seconds I
- 00:56:17don't want to because I know you look at
- 00:56:20me so I don't want to look at you so I
- 00:56:22want to move here
- 00:56:23but by move here he saw my battle and my
- 00:56:26tattoo have a word very meaningful in
- 00:56:28Arabic I like different you know like
- 00:56:32meaning word like here I have a Japanese
- 00:56:34one and then I have Vietnamese one so I
- 00:56:37I have different tattoo a different
- 00:56:38language because I appreciate different
- 00:56:40language Beauty
- 00:56:42so he can read that and then I drink a
- 00:56:46a Arabic drink so I don't drink a normal
- 00:56:49drink like a normal girl and he was
- 00:56:51shocking about that like wow she know
- 00:56:53about Middle Eastern culture
- 00:56:55surprisingly in the middle eastern
- 00:56:57restaurant
- 00:56:59and then he go and pick his friend and
- 00:57:00somehow his friend goes straight into
- 00:57:02his seat so he no choice you have a seat
- 00:57:05in my face right like in front like
- 00:57:07diagonally yeah with with our choice he
- 00:57:10didn't choose because he just want to be
- 00:57:12present with his friend so yeah they
- 00:57:15have flirt with him yes I am here he's
- 00:57:17my type
- 00:57:18[Laughter]
- 00:57:20how do I flirt so he knows sorry yeah
- 00:57:24yeah unless I really do that no
- 00:57:25eventually not do excuse me but
- 00:57:29my dress was somehow bad luck on the day
- 00:57:33it bursts oh bro another strap yeah the
- 00:57:35strap this one like this oh it broke and
- 00:57:37I were like holding like this and I
- 00:57:39crossed my girlfriend to help me type
- 00:57:41and when you cross and the table just
- 00:57:44from here to here it's very near when
- 00:57:46you see like that the guy can see your
- 00:57:48butt okay
- 00:57:49exactly just beside it
- 00:57:52and
- 00:57:53your book has been dropped so it's like
- 00:57:56he sees something but not something not
- 00:57:59not there yet but it's he saw I call it
- 00:58:02and I'm just so I'm just not even Panic
- 00:58:05I'm just so relaxed let my girlfriend
- 00:58:07fix it I like okay I'll go restroom
- 00:58:10but before I go restroom because the guy
- 00:58:12because the waitress come and keep
- 00:58:14flirting with me which is I'm not
- 00:58:15interested I'm interested another guy
- 00:58:17you know I'm definitely not you
- 00:58:20and then we're talking like he give us
- 00:58:22flower on the table and I was like oh
- 00:58:24you make my single life feel so much
- 00:58:26better tonight thank you I say that but
- 00:58:29I don't look at the waitress I look as a
- 00:58:31that's called flirting yeah because she
- 00:58:33know that I am single I'm a singer
- 00:58:36you know so again everything like she
- 00:58:39said a trap you just have to be
- 00:58:41preparing yourself to carry yourself
- 00:58:42everywhere to let people know that
- 00:58:44you're single
- 00:58:45I go toilet I didn't expect he so he he
- 00:58:49told me his story like he will go to
- 00:58:51toilet because he wants to ask my phone
- 00:58:53number but he forget his phone so I have
- 00:58:55to go back again the table and then his
- 00:58:57friend realized I said oh you go and ask
- 00:58:59her phone number good go because he
- 00:59:02won't forget the phone he go back take
- 00:59:03the phone and he go and then I was
- 00:59:06shocked because I saw him because I
- 00:59:07didn't expect it
- 00:59:09again he looked like he wanted to kill
- 00:59:11everybody okay
- 00:59:13and he was just so nice he said oh
- 00:59:15you're here for traveling or you live
- 00:59:17here I say no I'm leaving here okay
- 00:59:18because he hear me speak different
- 00:59:20language
- 00:59:21I said oh nice to meet you I said can I
- 00:59:23have your numbers uh send you I heard
- 00:59:26you single I say oh yeah he heard it
- 00:59:28good
- 00:59:30you do not hear and because the voice
- 00:59:32very loudly it's okay I think the whole
- 00:59:34thing I think the whole restaurant now
- 00:59:36I'm single anyway so yeah I'm single so
- 00:59:39yeah I'll have phone number and we chat
- 00:59:41after that and then I stand up my friend
- 00:59:43he sent off his friend
- 00:59:56and then uh
- 00:59:58we meet up after that but I know I I
- 01:00:01don't I I don't go back with him for the
- 01:00:04first time it up because we're both
- 01:00:06Tipsy and you know what will happen when
- 01:00:08you tipsy you know and I'm glad I didn't
- 01:00:10go back because I think if that will
- 01:00:12happen we will be a different story
- 01:00:15so yeah that's that's what flirting is
- 01:00:17for me is
- 01:00:19I always ready to give a guy Green Line
- 01:00:21some signal and I always ready to be
- 01:00:24rejected I'm already carrying myself and
- 01:00:28love myself I'm confident enough to know
- 01:00:30like even myself I want to bring myself
- 01:00:32home you know which guy don't want to
- 01:00:34bring myself home tonight which is
- 01:00:35that's the already success so my point
- 01:00:37is you carry your own confidence
- 01:00:40again if you're not the guy type seal
- 01:00:43not going to happen Okay uh I'm not even
- 01:00:46my boyfriend type at all he just in the
- 01:00:50night of
- 01:00:51she have a red hair she have a hot body
- 01:00:54she have a cool tattoo and I want to
- 01:00:57effort that's it that's his honest rule
- 01:01:00which is I agree with him because I saw
- 01:01:03all his ex-girlfriend photo I'm not even
- 01:01:06close near there you know I got it
- 01:01:09[Laughter]
- 01:01:11that happens very gorgeous yeah so the
- 01:01:14but the end of the story I'm trying to
- 01:01:16say but I have my own success based on
- 01:01:19my own
- 01:01:20best I can carry on myself is that means
- 01:01:23next time because if you compare me with
- 01:01:24Miss Universe of course I can't you know
- 01:01:26I cannot beat her but if you can carry
- 01:01:29me or now 31 with me 18 years old or is
- 01:01:33the gap is very far so that that's what
- 01:01:35I'm saying about you are the best
- 01:01:36version of myself right now right now
- 01:01:38that I don't know 20 years more down the
- 01:01:41road are very different but yeah that's
- 01:01:43the the bottom line of story because
- 01:01:45that's the near and shorter story I can
- 01:01:47share with you guys about flirting but
- 01:01:49for me if you like someone and if you
- 01:01:52are a girl okay guy maybe you you should
- 01:01:54maybe you do like my boyfriend just go
- 01:01:56to the face remove book The Candle hair
- 01:01:58you want to be my girlfriend if she
- 01:01:59rejects more than the next girl I'm sure
- 01:02:01you'll somehow will get one okay because
- 01:02:03it's work he do this and they work okay
- 01:02:06he's an old scientists prepare some ice
- 01:02:07cream this morning
- 01:02:11laughs
- 01:02:15you know it's sometimes people tell me
- 01:02:17why I believe on that so much right but
- 01:02:19I tell them I like it's just so obvious
- 01:02:20I don't know somehow you don't believe
- 01:02:22in that it's just so obvious you can say
- 01:02:24Eastside how they behave it's just so
- 01:02:27clear
- 01:02:29okay it's so clear because when he do
- 01:02:31that
- 01:02:32do you ask me do I like it or not I'm
- 01:02:35the person that likes stable it's make
- 01:02:38me sour oh do you do this for everyone
- 01:02:40but I think the it's got resourceful
- 01:02:43the series of the person set the tone
- 01:02:46for you when they serious it's have to
- 01:02:48come from the eyes contact and the end
- 01:02:50the energy you have to feel it so I I
- 01:02:52can feel like okay he's not joking
- 01:02:54anymore you better make a decision right
- 01:02:56now you know like luckily you've been
- 01:03:00trained for a while yeah I haven't been
- 01:03:02trained for for because if you ask me me
- 01:03:0610 years ago and the guy said that to me
- 01:03:07I will flip the flavor I said go freak
- 01:03:10out I have a freak out like what the
- 01:03:12hell wrong would you do you just know me
- 01:03:14for five days you don't even know what
- 01:03:16color I like how can you answer the
- 01:03:19girlfriend like that you need to go much
- 01:03:21you know now I'm like okay just be
- 01:03:23boyfriend girlfriend first and then
- 01:03:25we'll figure it out later again you know
- 01:03:26something else because boyfriend
- 01:03:28girlfriend it's just the title we're not
- 01:03:30going to die but I
- 01:03:32again flirting is but don't flirt when
- 01:03:35you already have boyfriend girlfriend I
- 01:03:37told you
- 01:03:39at that moment I'm not yet I say what
- 01:03:41because the moment she said yes she is
- 01:03:43yeah I'm closer I close my eyes so the
- 01:03:45mushrooms running around I know oh my
- 01:03:47God tell me about that remember my
- 01:03:50birthday
- 01:03:51I have to turn my back
- 01:03:53she sat with her back to them oh my god
- 01:03:57of disaster normally I would change my
- 01:03:59seat to Denise yeah so the knees come
- 01:04:01here I need to sit there yeah I'm like
- 01:04:03oh yeah I know what you know one last
- 01:04:06night
- 01:04:07how do I flood with my hand
- 01:04:13s
- 01:04:14hello bro
- 01:04:16[Laughter]
- 01:04:17what did he say about floods with hand
- 01:04:20I show you next time maybe break your
- 01:04:23fingers
- 01:04:25break the whole face no cannot he's a
- 01:04:28he's a very big size guy
- 01:04:30I think this is my cousin remember
- 01:04:32correct if I get the if I get the stuff
- 01:04:34because then again
- 01:04:36the same cousin that never won the book
- 01:04:39avatar on his name
- 01:04:42I will break your D okay your hand is
- 01:04:45nothing your face you also don't book
- 01:04:47that
- 01:04:49okay that's it for today he's a young
- 01:04:51boy oh that's all young boys do anyway
- 01:04:53that's it for today guys I hope
- 01:04:57that small tip from Denise and me will
- 01:04:59help you to improve your flirting skill
- 01:05:02especially run away from all this young
- 01:05:05boy never leave flirting skill with long
- 01:05:07hair
- 01:05:08foreign
- 01:05:16[Music]
- 01:05:24bye
- flirtim
- marrëdhënie
- strategjitë e flirtimit
- këshilla të lidhjeve
- romanca