Public Relations & Corporate Communication
TLDRCette session examine en profondeur les relations publiques et la communication d'entreprise, en détaillant leurs buts, leur importance, et comment elles se différencient de la publicité. Les relations publiques sont présentées comme une fonction de gestion essentielle qui crée et maintient l'image d'une organisation par le biais d'un processus planifié d'influence sur l'opinion publique. Les différences entre les relations publiques et la publicité sont expliquées, la première étant orientée vers la construction de relations durables basées sur la vérité et l'information, tandis que la seconde est davantage axée sur l'exposition médiatique. Le rôle des relations publiques dans le renforcement de l'identité de l'entreprise, l'augmentation de la reconnaissance et la gestion des crises est souligné. Enfin, la session introduit également la communication d'entreprise en tant que continuateur moderne des relations publiques, en discutant de ses segments et composantes clés.
- 🎯 Les relations publiques construisent une image d'entreprise positive.
- 🤝 Elles favorisent des relations durables avec divers publics.
- 🔄 Différences clés avec la publicité : gratuité et relation de confiance.
- 🏢 Communication d'entreprise : extension moderne des RP.
- 📰 Importance des relations médias pour maintenir l'image.
- 📈 Objectifs des RP : développer la bonne image et résoudre les conflits.
- 💬 Segments : gestion, marketing et institutionnel.
- 🔍 Examine l'attitude des groupes par rapport à l'entreprise.
- 🌍 Renforcement de l'identité et de la réputation de l'entreprise.
- ⚖️ Utilisation éthique des RP basée sur la vérité.
- 🔧 Fonctions : diverses techniques pour atteindre les objectifs organisationnels.
- 🔒 Gestion des crises : transparence et responsabilités.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La session traite des relations publiques (RP) et de la communication d'entreprise, expliquant que les RP sont une fonction de management essentiale pour influencer l'opinion publique et construire des relations positives à long terme avec les publics d'une organisation. Comparées à la publicité, les RP visent à maintenir de bonnes relations et obtenir du crédit pour les bonnes actions effectuées.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La section explique l'importance des RP dans le maintien de relations mutuellement bénéfiques et insiste sur la nécessité de bâtir ces relations sur la vérité et l'information. Les RP sont essentielles pour la construction et la gestion de l'image d'une organisation, et la définition de "publics" inclut tous ceux associés directement ou indirectement à l'organisation.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Les RP visent à établir et maintenir une compréhension mutuelle entre une organisation et ses publics. Les publics peuvent être internes, comme les employés, ou externes comme les clients, médias, et le gouvernement. Les RP permettent une interaction efficacement planifiée et intentionnelle pour le bénéfice commun de l'organisation et de ses publics.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
La session compare la publicité et les RP, soulignant que la publicité est payante et plus visible, tandis que les RP sont subtiles, coûtent moins cher, et se basent sur la confiance. Les RP nécessitent une interaction continue avec le public et se concentrent sur la construction de relations qui servent à long terme l'image et la réputation de l'organisation.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Les objectifs des RP incluent le maintien d'une bonne volonté parmi les publics internes et externes, la construction d'une image positive, la promotion de produits et services, et surmonter les préjugés. Les RP jouent également un rôle dans l'éducation des publics et l'alignement des attitudes des groupes envers les politiques de l'entreprise.
- 00:25:00 - 00:32:28
Les fonctions des RP sont discutées, avec une emphase sur l'utilisation des outils PR pour atteindre les objectifs organisationnels, maintenir de bonnes relations avec les médias, et gérer les crises. La communication d'entreprise est introduite comme une nouvelle terminologie pour les RP, englobant toutes les communications d'une organisation et visant à améliorer le professionnalisme et la reconnaissance du public.
Qu'est-ce que les relations publiques ?
Les relations publiques sont une fonction de gestion visant à influencer l'opinion publique et à créer une image positive d'une organisation.
Comment les relations publiques se comparent-elles à la publicité ?
Contrairement à la publicité, qui est payée et vise à exposer un produit, les relations publiques sont gagnées en construisant des relations de confiance à long terme.
Quels sont les objectifs des relations publiques ?
Les objectifs des relations publiques incluent le maintien des bonnes relations, la prévention des problèmes de main-d'œuvre, et la gestion des crises.
Quels sont les segments de la communication d'entreprise ?
Les segments incluent la communication de gestion, la communication marketing, et la communication institutionnelle.
Pourquoi les relations publiques sont-elles importantes ?
Elles aident à construire une image durable de l'organisation, basées sur la vérité et la connaissance, essentielles pour développer des relations mutuellement bénéfiques.
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- 00:00:03hello one and all
- 00:00:04welcome to today's session on public
- 00:00:07relations
- 00:00:07and corporate communications in this
- 00:00:10session
- 00:00:11we will learn about what public
- 00:00:13relations is
- 00:00:14what is the significance or relevance of
- 00:00:17public relations
- 00:00:18what are the various publics of an
- 00:00:20organization
- 00:00:21whose relations we have to mend or
- 00:00:23maintain or build
- 00:00:25and then what is advertising as compared
- 00:00:28to public relations how do the two
- 00:00:29compare with each other
- 00:00:31also we will talk about the objectives
- 00:00:34of public relations
- 00:00:35and the functions of public relations
- 00:00:38then we will also briefly touch upon
- 00:00:40corporate communications
- 00:00:41and how does it overlap with public
- 00:00:44relations
- 00:00:46we are also going to talk in this
- 00:00:47session about advantages of public
- 00:00:50relations
- 00:00:50and corporate communication for any
- 00:00:52organization
- 00:00:54we will also talk about the segments of
- 00:00:56corporate communication and the key
- 00:00:58components or key areas of corporate
- 00:01:01communication
- 00:01:02so let us begin this session what is
- 00:01:06public relations public relations is
- 00:01:09basically
- 00:01:09a management function this means that it
- 00:01:12is a
- 00:01:13function of the management like
- 00:01:15management has various kinds of
- 00:01:16functions
- 00:01:17public relations is one of them and what
- 00:01:20does this public relation do
- 00:01:22it creates it develops and carries out
- 00:01:25policies and programs to
- 00:01:27influence public opinion or public
- 00:01:29reaction
- 00:01:30about an idea or a product or an
- 00:01:32organization
- 00:01:33or these days even personalities because
- 00:01:37famous personalities be it in bollywood
- 00:01:39or in politics
- 00:01:40hire public relations agencies to work
- 00:01:43for them
- 00:01:44so the basic idea of public relations
- 00:01:47is to create and develop programs
- 00:01:50which are going to influence the image
- 00:01:53of an organization in such a manner that
- 00:01:55it will create a positive impact on its
- 00:01:58audiences which are the public's
- 00:02:01also it influences public opinion when
- 00:02:04we say it influences public opinion
- 00:02:07we try to judge how positively any
- 00:02:10opinion
- 00:02:10of the public at large gets influenced
- 00:02:13such that it can be converted
- 00:02:15into tangible or intangible profits
- 00:02:19for any organization it is also called
- 00:02:22the art of building relationships
- 00:02:25this is a very simple and beautiful
- 00:02:27definition of public relations
- 00:02:29because public relations largely is a
- 00:02:31long term plan
- 00:02:32it is not like advertising it is not
- 00:02:35short term it doesn't just
- 00:02:36make a single announcement and then you
- 00:02:39know relinquish itself from the other
- 00:02:40responsibilities
- 00:02:42what it does basically is it builds
- 00:02:45relationships
- 00:02:46and we all understand as human beings as
- 00:02:48social beings that building of
- 00:02:50relationships
- 00:02:51and maintaining those relationships is a
- 00:02:54very difficult affair in human life
- 00:02:56and time and again people get tested on
- 00:02:58it so also
- 00:03:00organizations get tested about it how do
- 00:03:03you
- 00:03:03build a relationship with a certain
- 00:03:05segment of the audience
- 00:03:07how do you sustain it or maintain it and
- 00:03:09how do you strengthen it
- 00:03:11in a way that tomorrow when it comes to
- 00:03:13brand loyalty
- 00:03:14this segment of the audience chooses you
- 00:03:17the brand for its choice
- 00:03:21it is also called public relations is
- 00:03:23also called doing good
- 00:03:25and getting credit for it so public
- 00:03:27relations is all about doing good
- 00:03:29because you need to strengthen and build
- 00:03:31and maintain and sustain your
- 00:03:33relationships with various publics
- 00:03:35so you have to do good so that you get
- 00:03:37credit for it
- 00:03:38and not just doing good you also have to
- 00:03:41showcase
- 00:03:41it in such a way that you're able to get
- 00:03:44the credit for the good deeds that
- 00:03:46you've done
- 00:03:48now what are these various ways is what
- 00:03:50we will explore
- 00:03:51in this session today pr
- 00:03:54basically public relations is a part of
- 00:03:57the society it is a part of the politics
- 00:03:59it is a part of the economics
- 00:04:01wherever sociological relations wherever
- 00:04:05human relations are involved
- 00:04:06we do talk of public relations there are
- 00:04:09people in life
- 00:04:10who we would like to keep in good humor
- 00:04:13there are people in life
- 00:04:14who we would like to maintain a certain
- 00:04:16give and take relationship with
- 00:04:19so public relations basically teaches
- 00:04:21you the
- 00:04:22methods the art the innovations
- 00:04:25of building these relationships
- 00:04:27sustaining them
- 00:04:28strengthening them and making use of
- 00:04:31them in future
- 00:04:34let us look at the significance of
- 00:04:36public relations it maintains a mutually
- 00:04:39beneficial relationship between a firm
- 00:04:42and its publics
- 00:04:43now it is important that the benefit be
- 00:04:46mutually shared
- 00:04:47so ideally in a situation if an
- 00:04:50organization benefits from the purchase
- 00:04:52decisions made by the
- 00:04:54customers or the target audience or the
- 00:04:56target segment
- 00:04:58on the other hand the customer should
- 00:05:00also find it a fruitful experience
- 00:05:03to make a purchase of a certain brand
- 00:05:05should find
- 00:05:06value of money should find it better
- 00:05:09than the competition
- 00:05:10should find it more satisfying in terms
- 00:05:13of
- 00:05:13using that product or service as an
- 00:05:15experience
- 00:05:17then another way of signifying or
- 00:05:20telling the relevance of public
- 00:05:22relations is that it builds sustainable
- 00:05:24relationships
- 00:05:25between an organization and its publics
- 00:05:28i just
- 00:05:29talked about building relationships so
- 00:05:32building relationships and forgetting
- 00:05:34about it
- 00:05:34not investing into it or not reaping the
- 00:05:38benefits of it
- 00:05:39is of no use ideally for a profit making
- 00:05:41organization for a
- 00:05:43business organization it is rather a
- 00:05:45waste so it is important that
- 00:05:47sustainable relationships
- 00:05:48be developed between an organization the
- 00:05:51goals
- 00:05:52the values the mission that it stands
- 00:05:54for and
- 00:05:55the public's at large again it should be
- 00:05:59based on truth
- 00:06:00knowledge and information it is
- 00:06:02important to insist on
- 00:06:04truth because unlike other forms of
- 00:06:08marketing
- 00:06:08say for example advertising which is not
- 00:06:11necessarily hundred percent true
- 00:06:13if public relations is not hundred
- 00:06:15percent true you cannot
- 00:06:17look at building a sustainable
- 00:06:19relationship
- 00:06:20so for all that it takes it must be
- 00:06:24built on truth
- 00:06:25it must be built on knowledge and the
- 00:06:28information
- 00:06:29about the organization about the product
- 00:06:31about how it can benefit the society
- 00:06:33about the kind of use that the audiences
- 00:06:37can put it to
- 00:06:39then public relations also builds image
- 00:06:42in a big way
- 00:06:43in fact public relations is used for
- 00:06:45image building and image management only
- 00:06:48so ideally public relations is able to
- 00:06:50display
- 00:06:51either your actions or your ideas or
- 00:06:53whatever good you've done
- 00:06:55as an organization or an individual or a
- 00:06:58product
- 00:06:58in front of the audiences who are
- 00:07:00concerned with it who are direct or
- 00:07:03indirect stakeholders in the company and
- 00:07:05then they are able to
- 00:07:07you know project a favorable a positive
- 00:07:09picture of themselves
- 00:07:10in front of the target audience
- 00:07:15now let us look at what these publics of
- 00:07:17an organization are
- 00:07:19when i say publics of an organization um
- 00:07:22it is a basically first just to you know
- 00:07:25look at public relation in a different
- 00:07:27manner it is a
- 00:07:29deliberate and planned and sustained
- 00:07:31effort
- 00:07:32to establish and maintain mutual
- 00:07:34understanding between
- 00:07:35an organization and its publics so it
- 00:07:38has to be deliberate and planned because
- 00:07:40here
- 00:07:41we are not just here i mean in any
- 00:07:43context that we talk about
- 00:07:44whether it be an organization or a
- 00:07:47leader or a bollywood star
- 00:07:49or me and you in general if we
- 00:07:52want to build mutual uh relationships
- 00:07:55which are based on understanding and
- 00:07:57mutual benefit
- 00:07:59it has to be deliberate and planned and
- 00:08:01efforts need to be made to sustain it
- 00:08:04now publics basically are communities of
- 00:08:07people
- 00:08:07who are associated either directly or
- 00:08:10indirectly
- 00:08:11with an organization say for example
- 00:08:14an organization that produces that is a
- 00:08:16manufacturing company
- 00:08:18so who all are the publics the public's
- 00:08:20can be
- 00:08:21the government whose policies it must
- 00:08:23follow and whose taxation system it must
- 00:08:25follow
- 00:08:26it can be the people around to them
- 00:08:29they have a certain kind of social
- 00:08:31responsibility
- 00:08:32then there is the media there are the
- 00:08:34investors there are
- 00:08:36the various you know wholesalers
- 00:08:37distributors all this
- 00:08:39chain of people who are associated
- 00:08:42directly
- 00:08:42or indirectly with any organization is
- 00:08:45called
- 00:08:46its publics now the public's can be
- 00:08:50of two kinds they can be external and
- 00:08:52they can be internal
- 00:08:54when i say internal public it is largely
- 00:08:56those people who are directly associated
- 00:08:59not only with an organization they are
- 00:09:01associated with the production of the
- 00:09:03product or service or whatever the idea
- 00:09:05that they are propagating or selling in
- 00:09:07the market
- 00:09:08so the employees of an organization are
- 00:09:11the
- 00:09:11internal publics of that organization
- 00:09:15when it comes to external publics this
- 00:09:17list can be extended it is not all
- 00:09:20inclusive
- 00:09:21but it does list a few of the external
- 00:09:24publics
- 00:09:25now these can be the customers the first
- 00:09:27and the very most
- 00:09:28then it is the media the community
- 00:09:32the action groups we all have ngos who
- 00:09:34would
- 00:09:35you know who would like to look into the
- 00:09:36policies that are being formulated the
- 00:09:38environmental hassles that are in
- 00:09:40hazards that are involved or in the
- 00:09:42production or manufacturing of a product
- 00:09:44and all other various aspects of it so
- 00:09:47also
- 00:09:48you know human rights is one form of it
- 00:09:50so ngos are the action groups
- 00:09:52then there is the government there are
- 00:09:54financial institutions
- 00:09:56financial institutions are the
- 00:09:57institutions that will fund you also
- 00:10:00that will put certain taxations also and
- 00:10:03according to whose rules and regulations
- 00:10:05the business environment will function
- 00:10:08and then there is the general public so
- 00:10:11all of these together form the external
- 00:10:13public's foreign
- 00:10:14organization now let us just look at
- 00:10:19how advertising compares with public
- 00:10:21relations
- 00:10:22my last sessions were based on
- 00:10:23advertising and when we try and compare
- 00:10:27advertising which is such a vociferous
- 00:10:29form of marketing
- 00:10:31as compared to public relations which is
- 00:10:33subtle which has a long lasting impact
- 00:10:36which takes a lot of time to show
- 00:10:38effects
- 00:10:38how do the two compare advertising is
- 00:10:42paid
- 00:10:42while public relations is earned when i
- 00:10:45say paid whenever you approach a media
- 00:10:47in order to present any
- 00:10:49piece of communication which to you is a
- 00:10:51form of advertising a persuasive
- 00:10:53communication
- 00:10:54meant for the audiences at large it you
- 00:10:57have to pay that media
- 00:10:58in order that this communication should
- 00:11:01be sent out to the public
- 00:11:02so this is advertising but public
- 00:11:05relations isn't it's into manufacturing
- 00:11:07of
- 00:11:08relations strong relationships with
- 00:11:10target segment
- 00:11:11so i say that it is earned then
- 00:11:14advertising builds exposure it exposes
- 00:11:17the brand it exposes a new product
- 00:11:19exposes a new addition to the product
- 00:11:22the additional features that come up
- 00:11:24so it gives a lot of exposure of the
- 00:11:26media of the audiences of the public
- 00:11:28in general to a certain product or a
- 00:11:30service
- 00:11:31as compared to this public relations
- 00:11:34builds on trust
- 00:11:36the relationship is lasting on trust
- 00:11:39itself so as long as we know like you
- 00:11:41know there are examples of various kinds
- 00:11:43there can be a certain brand of shoes
- 00:11:45that you must be uh you know using for
- 00:11:47the last 10 or 20 years or your parents
- 00:11:49must be using for a
- 00:11:51very long time they are not so
- 00:11:54easy to change because they more or less
- 00:11:56become a habit
- 00:11:57say for example a newspaper you become
- 00:12:00so accustomed to those
- 00:12:02ways of writing those styles of writing
- 00:12:04of a newspaper
- 00:12:05that if you are given another newspaper
- 00:12:07you can feel slightly uncomfortable with
- 00:12:10it then it is also advertising is also
- 00:12:13more expensive because public relations
- 00:12:15has those innovative ways i do not say
- 00:12:17that public relations does not
- 00:12:19uh need any budget of course as a part
- 00:12:22of marketing it doesn't utilize
- 00:12:24some kind of budget for any kind of
- 00:12:26public relation
- 00:12:27activity or public relation campaigns
- 00:12:30that is carried out
- 00:12:31yet i would say that public relations is
- 00:12:33less expensive
- 00:12:34because you can come up with innovative
- 00:12:36ways of doing it
- 00:12:38you have social media which is also
- 00:12:39available for advertising
- 00:12:41so on and so forth then again as far as
- 00:12:44advertising goes the ads have a visual
- 00:12:46appeal
- 00:12:47if you look at an ad in a newspaper or
- 00:12:50you look at
- 00:12:51the tv commercials as compared to that
- 00:12:54public relations
- 00:12:55is largely uh making use of language
- 00:12:59so in the form of news a public
- 00:13:01relations piece might say
- 00:13:03that such and such company has opened a
- 00:13:06small hospital
- 00:13:07in a small village which was far-flung
- 00:13:09village where there was no health
- 00:13:11facility
- 00:13:12so this piece of news actually acts like
- 00:13:14a public relations
- 00:13:17public relation piece of communication
- 00:13:21similarly advertising is more of rooftop
- 00:13:24shouting
- 00:13:24so you say i am good my product is good
- 00:13:27this company this organization is good
- 00:13:29you should purchase it you should spend
- 00:13:31your money on it
- 00:13:32as compared to that public relations uh
- 00:13:35believes in someone else
- 00:13:37you know proposing that product or
- 00:13:39service so that product or organization
- 00:13:41is good
- 00:13:42self acclaims are not the ways of public
- 00:13:45relations
- 00:13:46then guaranteed placement in media is
- 00:13:48there since you're paying for it it is a
- 00:13:50paid service
- 00:13:51advertising guarantees that there will
- 00:13:53be a placement in media
- 00:13:55but as compared to this public
- 00:13:57liberations may
- 00:13:58only be able to persuade media to
- 00:14:00accommodate the news
- 00:14:02say for example i just gave you an
- 00:14:03example of a hospital
- 00:14:06opening up in a far-flung village of
- 00:14:08india so this might
- 00:14:09this is a news which is a positive story
- 00:14:12but might get killed in case there is
- 00:14:14something more sensational
- 00:14:16that will serve the needs of the
- 00:14:17newspaper or the media that is being
- 00:14:19made use of better
- 00:14:20so they might just decide to kill the
- 00:14:22story or publish it on some other
- 00:14:25occasion or some other time so ideally
- 00:14:28this is the difference between
- 00:14:29advertising
- 00:14:30and public relations let us proceed
- 00:14:34now we look at what are the objectives
- 00:14:36of public relations
- 00:14:38the first and the foremost is to
- 00:14:40maintain a good will
- 00:14:41maintaining cordial relations good
- 00:14:43relations trust
- 00:14:44is all about making good will so among
- 00:14:47uh both
- 00:14:47external as well as internal publics
- 00:14:49because the employees need to be kept
- 00:14:52motivated only
- 00:14:53as long as they believe that they're
- 00:14:54working for an organization which really
- 00:14:56stands apart and which has something to
- 00:14:58be proud of
- 00:14:59will they feel motivated to work there
- 00:15:01so it is important to build that
- 00:15:03goodwill in terms of motivation for the
- 00:15:05internal public
- 00:15:07then of course another main objective of
- 00:15:09public relations is to maintain
- 00:15:11a positive image image building is a
- 00:15:15primary function of public relations
- 00:15:17which it can serve very well because of
- 00:15:19the
- 00:15:19kind because of the techniques because
- 00:15:21of the tools that it makes use of and
- 00:15:23because of the approach
- 00:15:24that it takes so it is a very successful
- 00:15:28means of building image public relations
- 00:15:31also product uh promotes
- 00:15:33the product or service so the basic idea
- 00:15:36why an organization will make use of any
- 00:15:39marketing
- 00:15:40initiative be it advertising be it
- 00:15:41public relations or
- 00:15:43any other form of marketing is basically
- 00:15:46to push the product
- 00:15:48so public relations uh also has the
- 00:15:51objective
- 00:15:52of promoting the product and service
- 00:15:55prevention and solution of the labor
- 00:15:57problem
- 00:15:59most of the time in manufacturing
- 00:16:01sectors it is seen that the laborers the
- 00:16:03people who are working the proletariat
- 00:16:05as marx called it is the one who is paid
- 00:16:08less
- 00:16:10the labor that they put in is much more
- 00:16:12the skill that they put in
- 00:16:13is much more but the kind of payments
- 00:16:15they receive is meager
- 00:16:16so in that kind of a situation there
- 00:16:18will always be a
- 00:16:20problem between the laborers and the
- 00:16:22managers or the owners of a company
- 00:16:24so public relations does a mediating job
- 00:16:28in this as well another objective of
- 00:16:30public relation
- 00:16:31is overcoming misconceptions and
- 00:16:34prejudice
- 00:16:35so like you have seen there have been
- 00:16:37brands in india like maggie or cadburys
- 00:16:40where we found that there were insects
- 00:16:41or cockroaches in it
- 00:16:42or it was propagated that the uh
- 00:16:45whatever is contained in maggie contains
- 00:16:48lead or other such things which are
- 00:16:51harmful to the health so overcoming
- 00:16:54any kind of misconception or any kind of
- 00:16:56negative notion
- 00:16:58through its various activities is also
- 00:17:00the job of a
- 00:17:01public relations officer in an
- 00:17:03organization so these
- 00:17:05are the objectives of public relations
- 00:17:07there are more
- 00:17:09educating the public to the use of the
- 00:17:11product and service
- 00:17:12if there is a new product in the market
- 00:17:14you need to educate
- 00:17:16one thing is you need to create a need
- 00:17:17for it there can be
- 00:17:19a big possibility that since this
- 00:17:21product did not exist till date
- 00:17:23means there wasn't so much of a need for
- 00:17:25it so you first have to
- 00:17:26understand why and how you have to
- 00:17:29create
- 00:17:30need for your product and then you have
- 00:17:32to educate the public on how your
- 00:17:34product or service
- 00:17:35can fulfill that need so say for example
- 00:17:39a number of times pesticides have been
- 00:17:42reported in vegetables and fruits
- 00:17:44so there have been brands that have come
- 00:17:46up with uh certain
- 00:17:47you know uh features of their products
- 00:17:50whereby they can take out the
- 00:17:52uh the chemicals that are there in the
- 00:17:55vegetables and fruits
- 00:17:56so you have to first create a need this
- 00:17:58is something which could have been done
- 00:18:00even without the use of
- 00:18:02a purifier this thing but here you are
- 00:18:05creating a need amongst the target
- 00:18:07segment that this will do it to its best
- 00:18:09possible capacity
- 00:18:10and it will completely free your fruits
- 00:18:12and vegetables of any kind of chemicals
- 00:18:15or
- 00:18:15pesticides or some such thing so you
- 00:18:18have to create a need
- 00:18:19and then educate the public as to how
- 00:18:22the product
- 00:18:23can suffice that need
- 00:18:26then another objective is to investigate
- 00:18:28the attitude of various groups towards
- 00:18:31the company policies
- 00:18:33there can be times when profit-making
- 00:18:35organizations
- 00:18:36are not seen um in a manner
- 00:18:40in a justifiable manner as in there can
- 00:18:42be always human rights organizations who
- 00:18:44would say that they are either paying
- 00:18:46less or they are creating a hazard to
- 00:18:47the environment or they are
- 00:18:49you know the people around have to pay a
- 00:18:51lot of social cost
- 00:18:52because of the existence of the factory
- 00:18:54or the manufacturing unit
- 00:18:56in a certain area so ideally one the
- 00:18:58public relations department
- 00:19:00must investigate the attitude of various
- 00:19:03groups
- 00:19:04towards the company policies towards the
- 00:19:06company products and the company as an
- 00:19:08entity as such
- 00:19:10and then work on what best it can do to
- 00:19:12improvise it
- 00:19:14another thing is formulation and
- 00:19:16guidance of the policies
- 00:19:18when i say formulation and guidance it
- 00:19:20is about
- 00:19:21what kind of policies should be formed
- 00:19:23such that without you know hampering the
- 00:19:26environment without have
- 00:19:27incurring a lot of social cost to the
- 00:19:30people nearby
- 00:19:31you should be able to formulate a policy
- 00:19:34which will also do you good
- 00:19:35and also be of some social benefit so
- 00:19:38formulation
- 00:19:39and guidance of policies in the inside
- 00:19:41the company
- 00:19:42is also one objective one function of
- 00:19:46public relations department
- 00:19:50now we look at functions we were so far
- 00:19:52talking of objectives and objectives and
- 00:19:54functions you will find
- 00:19:55are quite overlapping in nature now let
- 00:19:58us look at the functions
- 00:19:59the first thing is to use various pr
- 00:20:02tools to achieve
- 00:20:03organizational goals every organization
- 00:20:06has a certain identity a certain
- 00:20:08personality
- 00:20:09it is viewed in a certain manner by its
- 00:20:11public
- 00:20:12so when you making use of public
- 00:20:14relations tools and techniques
- 00:20:16how are you able to successfully achieve
- 00:20:19the organizational goals
- 00:20:20is an important thing to consider so
- 00:20:22that's one function of public relations
- 00:20:24another is to interact with the
- 00:20:26government and non-government agencies
- 00:20:28for smooth running of the organization
- 00:20:30an organization
- 00:20:32may have multiple problems problems
- 00:20:34related to wages
- 00:20:35problems related to product quantity
- 00:20:38product
- 00:20:38quality so many different aspects can
- 00:20:41become a concern
- 00:20:42for any organization so it is the uh the
- 00:20:45you know the work of public relations
- 00:20:48wing of any organization to interact
- 00:20:50with the government
- 00:20:51for policy matters taxation matters and
- 00:20:53for the non with the non-government
- 00:20:55agencies ngos
- 00:20:57as they are commonly called on the
- 00:20:59various other aspects of society
- 00:21:01for smooth running of the organization
- 00:21:05then another function is to maintain
- 00:21:07good media relations
- 00:21:08because at the end of it the kind of
- 00:21:10image that any organization
- 00:21:12or an or a star celebrity or a
- 00:21:14politician or anyone
- 00:21:16is able to project is only through the
- 00:21:18vehicle
- 00:21:19which is the media so it is very
- 00:21:21important to
- 00:21:22you know cultivate the media and
- 00:21:24maintain good relations with the
- 00:21:26media this is another function of public
- 00:21:29relations
- 00:21:30then to inform the publics about various
- 00:21:33activities
- 00:21:34until you inform the various target
- 00:21:36audience the
- 00:21:37public memory as they say is short-lived
- 00:21:40so until you keep informing them
- 00:21:42until you keep doing new activities
- 00:21:45something that you know has something to
- 00:21:46give away to the society as well
- 00:21:49and you highlight your activities people
- 00:21:51will totally forget about the brand
- 00:21:54so it is important to inform the publics
- 00:21:56about the various activities that your
- 00:21:58organization
- 00:21:59is scheduling and carrying out also
- 00:22:02reputation building and management is an
- 00:22:04important part
- 00:22:06uh which is like you know image building
- 00:22:09so you build a certain kind of
- 00:22:10reputation this organization is
- 00:22:12aggressive
- 00:22:13but it holds on to its corporate social
- 00:22:15responsibility
- 00:22:16that's one kind of a reputation another
- 00:22:18kind could be
- 00:22:19that this organization helps the the
- 00:22:22little companies which are springing up
- 00:22:24in the market but it is highly profit
- 00:22:26oriented
- 00:22:26this is another kind of reputation so
- 00:22:28what kind of reputation would you like
- 00:22:30to hold for your organization
- 00:22:32and how you would want to manage and you
- 00:22:34know sustain it
- 00:22:35and whether you would want to change it
- 00:22:37over a period of years like a
- 00:22:38traditional company
- 00:22:40would want to be seen in the modern uh
- 00:22:42light
- 00:22:43because the younger generation is now
- 00:22:45taking purchase decisions
- 00:22:47so probably the values that are more you
- 00:22:50know closer to them
- 00:22:51is something that a company would like
- 00:22:53to reflect
- 00:22:54so that requires building of reputation
- 00:22:57and management of reputation as well
- 00:23:00and the a very important function of
- 00:23:03public relations is
- 00:23:04crisis management crisis is something
- 00:23:07which is an unforeseen situation that
- 00:23:09suddenly comes in front of you
- 00:23:11and you have to make the right decisions
- 00:23:13at that time
- 00:23:14most of the times most people would want
- 00:23:17to hide the facts
- 00:23:18they would want to hide the truth but
- 00:23:20that completely
- 00:23:21is the you know the worst thing anything
- 00:23:24that can go wrong
- 00:23:25is this so in times of crisis
- 00:23:29how do you plan your communication and
- 00:23:32how do you communicate to whom do you
- 00:23:34communicate
- 00:23:35how do you maintain transparency because
- 00:23:38you know you have to all right a crisis
- 00:23:40has taken place in an organization
- 00:23:42you have to shoulder the responsibility
- 00:23:44you have to take the responsibility
- 00:23:46after which how are you doing the damage
- 00:23:49control
- 00:23:50or how are you compensating to the
- 00:23:53people to the society for the
- 00:23:55losses that have been incurred that is
- 00:23:57an important thing
- 00:23:59so crisis management is another very
- 00:24:01important function of public relations
- 00:24:04now we start to look at what corporate
- 00:24:07communications is so far i have given
- 00:24:09you
- 00:24:09a fair idea of what public relations is
- 00:24:11what its objectives and functions are
- 00:24:13why is it important why do we need it in
- 00:24:15organizations
- 00:24:17and now we come to corporate
- 00:24:18communications to begin with let me
- 00:24:20state frankly
- 00:24:22that corporate communication is a new
- 00:24:24terminology for public relations
- 00:24:26and maximum of its functions are
- 00:24:28overlapping in nature
- 00:24:30so you may also call public relations as
- 00:24:32corporate communication
- 00:24:33but since this has emerged a little
- 00:24:36later than public relations
- 00:24:37and is closer to the management uh side
- 00:24:40of things
- 00:24:41so i am dealing with it in a separate
- 00:24:43way today
- 00:24:45corporate communication encompasses all
- 00:24:47communications of an organization both
- 00:24:49externally as well as internally
- 00:24:52when we look at the aims of corporate
- 00:24:54communication it is to present a uniform
- 00:24:56communicative experience
- 00:24:58we said in terms of public relations it
- 00:25:00was to maintain a good image a favorable
- 00:25:02image and to
- 00:25:03you know manage crisis and all those
- 00:25:04things here we say that it is important
- 00:25:07to present
- 00:25:07a uniform communicative experience what
- 00:25:10do i mean by that
- 00:25:12say for example um there are various
- 00:25:15verticals that an organization may have
- 00:25:17so this organization could be producing
- 00:25:20refrigerators
- 00:25:21and also washing machines and also other
- 00:25:23consumer durables
- 00:25:25and now they have maybe moved into
- 00:25:27textiles
- 00:25:28so how do you present a uniformity in it
- 00:25:31so that this company
- 00:25:32it just don't you know it is not only to
- 00:25:34give an idea of the magnanimity of the
- 00:25:37organization
- 00:25:38but also you put some weight behind a
- 00:25:40new product that is being launched or a
- 00:25:42new
- 00:25:43vertical that you're moving in because
- 00:25:45your reputation from your old business
- 00:25:48will carry forward here so this is the
- 00:25:51job of corporate communication that it
- 00:25:52presents a uniform
- 00:25:54communicative experience one umbrella
- 00:25:56brand
- 00:25:58you know which has so many verticals
- 00:26:00under it
- 00:26:01then another aim is to create a
- 00:26:03favorable point of view which is what
- 00:26:05public relations does
- 00:26:07the third thing is improving awareness
- 00:26:10things keep changing in an organization
- 00:26:12it could be related to the production it
- 00:26:14could be related to the policies it
- 00:26:16could be
- 00:26:16related to the budgets that you sell you
- 00:26:18know set for your
- 00:26:20marketing advertising and other
- 00:26:22expenditures it could be pertaining to
- 00:26:24your corporate social responsibility
- 00:26:27it can also pertain to your mergers and
- 00:26:29acquisitions into new companies new
- 00:26:31concerns
- 00:26:31taking over smaller concerns so it can
- 00:26:34be
- 00:26:35all sorts of information so it is
- 00:26:37important that corporate communication
- 00:26:38keeps
- 00:26:39improving upon the awareness of various
- 00:26:42stakeholders
- 00:26:43if i am a financer i would like to see
- 00:26:47how
- 00:26:47well this company has grown over a
- 00:26:49period of years where all it has
- 00:26:51invested what kind of mergers has it
- 00:26:53been into
- 00:26:54and what kind of dividends has it reaped
- 00:26:56out of this
- 00:26:57so ideally this is the a chart that i
- 00:27:00would like in front of me
- 00:27:02in order to decide whether or not i am
- 00:27:04going to fund this organization
- 00:27:06or not so improving upon constant
- 00:27:08improvement
- 00:27:09in awareness about a concern about a
- 00:27:11brand is also
- 00:27:13the function of corporate communication
- 00:27:16then it has to be goal oriented action
- 00:27:19like any other marketing communication
- 00:27:21corporate communication
- 00:27:22also sets certain goals for itself for
- 00:27:25its activities
- 00:27:26and then it decides in how much how long
- 00:27:29a period or how short a period
- 00:27:31will we reach this goal what are the
- 00:27:33various you know means and materials
- 00:27:35that we will use for it
- 00:27:36what is the methodology we will make use
- 00:27:38of so on and so forth
- 00:27:40then there has to be some profit
- 00:27:42oriented action why have we set goals
- 00:27:44because we are a
- 00:27:45business entity so at the end of it all
- 00:27:48there has to
- 00:27:48be some profit to show to the
- 00:27:50stakeholders to the government
- 00:27:52and everyone so profit-oriented action
- 00:27:55is also a part of the functions of
- 00:27:57corporate communication
- 00:28:00now let us look at the advantages of
- 00:28:02public relations and corporate
- 00:28:04communications
- 00:28:05the first thing is that it strengthens
- 00:28:07corporate identity
- 00:28:09corporate identity are all those
- 00:28:11features in a brand it could be your
- 00:28:13logo it could be your mascot it could be
- 00:28:15anything
- 00:28:16through which your unique identity is
- 00:28:19represented
- 00:28:20so this kind of communication
- 00:28:21professional targeted
- 00:28:23planned communication helps you in
- 00:28:25strengthening your identity as a
- 00:28:28corporate it increases the recognition
- 00:28:31value
- 00:28:32so when you when people know more about
- 00:28:34this company they will be able to
- 00:28:35recognize this company
- 00:28:37it improves upon professionalism in any
- 00:28:40concern business concern
- 00:28:42there is greater efficient control of
- 00:28:44external effects
- 00:28:45you are able to keep a better control
- 00:28:48why because you are continually
- 00:28:50and consciously dealing with various
- 00:28:52segments of the audiences
- 00:28:53be the ngos be the media be the other
- 00:28:56external
- 00:28:57factors so you are in a position to
- 00:29:00have certain kind of control exercise
- 00:29:02certain kind of control over it
- 00:29:04as compared to a situation where there
- 00:29:06is no control and people might affect
- 00:29:08you
- 00:29:08negatively then it of course it helps in
- 00:29:12improving work environment because it
- 00:29:14also
- 00:29:15works a lot on internal communication
- 00:29:17employment motivation
- 00:29:19and whatever else is required so that
- 00:29:21the employees may
- 00:29:22work in a manner that they reap greater
- 00:29:24dividends they bring in more
- 00:29:26profits so it also helps in improving
- 00:29:28work environment
- 00:29:30now let us look at the segments of
- 00:29:32corporate communication
- 00:29:34when we talk about the segments of
- 00:29:36corporate communication
- 00:29:37one is management communication which
- 00:29:39includes the components like
- 00:29:41leading planning organizing evaluating
- 00:29:43all the management functions that are
- 00:29:45set for any activity or campaign or
- 00:29:48series of activities
- 00:29:49is managing communication so this is one
- 00:29:52segment of one area of corporate
- 00:29:54communication the another segment is
- 00:29:56marketing communication
- 00:29:57so when i will talk to you about
- 00:30:00integrated marketing communication i
- 00:30:01will talk in greater detail about what
- 00:30:03marketing communications is all about
- 00:30:06but this is basically to tell you in
- 00:30:07short it is basically
- 00:30:09aimed at marketing a brand or a company
- 00:30:12or product
- 00:30:13by means of various tools advertising
- 00:30:16can be one
- 00:30:17organizing events can be another public
- 00:30:19relations and corporate communications
- 00:30:21could be one
- 00:30:21so hence we counted as a segment of
- 00:30:24corporate communication
- 00:30:25and then institutional communication
- 00:30:27which is basically to strengthen the
- 00:30:29relation between the
- 00:30:30institution and the employees so
- 00:30:33institutional communication internal
- 00:30:35communication
- 00:30:36is also an important segment of
- 00:30:38corporate communication
- 00:30:40now let us look at the components
- 00:30:44our key areas of corporate communication
- 00:30:47one is corporate identity like i just
- 00:30:50said there are certain unique attributes
- 00:30:52or features that describe a company
- 00:30:54these are the corporate identities
- 00:30:56corporate branding
- 00:30:58this is the uniting a group of products
- 00:31:00the example of which i just gave you a
- 00:31:02number of consumer durable
- 00:31:04products are being produced by one
- 00:31:06company when you bring them
- 00:31:07under one name or identity it is called
- 00:31:10corporate branding
- 00:31:12another is corporate reputation the you
- 00:31:15know it is
- 00:31:16uh molding the perception of
- 00:31:19stakeholders
- 00:31:20based on how you have performed so well
- 00:31:22and what is the you know in
- 00:31:24what is the perception of the
- 00:31:25stakeholder in terms of
- 00:31:27your ability to meet the expectations in
- 00:31:29the market
- 00:31:30all these are components or key areas of
- 00:31:33corporate communication
- 00:31:35and of course regular based
- 00:31:37communication with publics like
- 00:31:39investors
- 00:31:40with publics like media internal
- 00:31:42communication which is your employees
- 00:31:44as well as communicating with the
- 00:31:46customers
- 00:31:47these are another important segment of
- 00:31:50corporate communication
- 00:31:52and like i just suggested that crisis
- 00:31:56communication is another segment
- 00:31:57which has to be greatly led by corporate
- 00:32:00communication because in terms of crisis
- 00:32:02there is no one else who is
- 00:32:03no other department which will be you
- 00:32:05know well armed to deal with a situation
- 00:32:08of that sort
- 00:32:08so crisis communication is another
- 00:32:10segment of corporate communication
- 00:32:13that's all in this session today think
- 00:32:16creative
- 00:32:17think pr join us again in five minutes
- 00:32:19thank you
- relations publiques
- communication d'entreprise
- gestion des crises
- image de marque
- publicité