[PREVIEW] New World Order - China (David Ewing Jr.)
TLDRDavid bespreekt in zijn presentatie hoe verschillende mondiale uitdagingen met elkaar verweven zijn binnen het concept van een 'New World Order'. Hij legt de focus op de snelle urbanisatie en economische groei van China, en hoe dat de mondiale interdependentie beïnvloedt. David bespreekt ook de rol van de westerse landen en hun afhankelijkheid van diensteneconomieën. Hij benadrukt de noodzaak van een rechtvaardigere en meer gebalanceerde aanpak in wereldwijde samenwerkingen en wijst op de complexe spanningen die de moderne wereldorde bepalen. Bovendien kaart hij maatschappelijke onrust aan, zoals klimaatverandering en migratie, en hoe deze problemen door de bestaande structuren worden beïnvloed.
- 📚 David presenteert zijn nieuwe boek 'The New World Order'.
- 🏙️ China heeft een snelle stedelijke en economische ontwikkeling doorgemaakt.
- 🌍 Wereldwijde interdependentie creëert complexe uitdagingen.
- 📈 Westerse landen zijn sterk afhankelijk van diensteneconomieën.
- 🚦 Migratie en bevolkingsgroei zijn cruciale mondiale kwesties.
- ♻️ Klimaatverandering vergt constructieve mondiale samenwerking.
- 🔀 De wereldorde bevat veel facties en is complex.
- 💬 Rechtvaardige benadering van mondiale problemen is noodzakelijk.
- 📊 Economische en maatschappelijke stabiliteit zijn wereldwijd verbonden.
- 🔧 Belangrijk om infrastructuren en humanitaire waarden te behouden.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Het gesprek begint met een bedenking dat de mensen aan de macht voornamelijk voor ons zorgen, wat wordt beschreven als humanisme. David heeft een nieuw boek over de nieuwe wereldorde, wat duidt op verschillende facties die de wereldorde vormen en de afhankelijkheid van landen zoals China wordt benadrukt.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
David legt uit dat de wereldorde al eeuwen bestaat, en dat naties direct na de instorting van de oude wereldorde ontstonden. Hij bespreekt de groei van megasteden in de VS, Europa, en Australië, en vergelijkt dit met de snelle stedelijke ontwikkeling in China en de geassocieerde uitdagingen van bevolkingsbeheer
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
David richt zich op stedelijke ontwikkeling en infrastructuur, met China als voorbeeld van snelle groei in steden. Hij benadrukt dat ondanks de luxe en moderniteit, deze ontwikkeling enorme middelen vereist en een zware belasting vormt voor milieu en voedselzekerheid, vooral gezien de geschiedenis van Westerse afhankelijkheid van koloniale voedselvoorziening.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
De enorme ontwikkeling van steden in China wordt verder besproken, waarbij de nadruk ligt op de afhankelijkheid van de wereldeconomie en de rol van China als leverancier van goederen en diensten. Er is kritiek op westerse landen die niet zelfvoorzienend zijn en afhankelijk zijn van immigranten en wereldwijde logistiek.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
David bespreekt de bouw en planning van enorme stedelijke gebieden in China en maakt een verband met wereldwijde economische interdependentie. Hij benadrukt de noodzaak voor een stabiele wereldeconomie en stelt zorgen over de impact van het ineenstorten ervan, gezien de complexiteit en schaal van stedelijke ontwikkeling en economie.
- 00:25:00 - 00:34:34
Er wordt gediscussieerd over geopolitieke thema's, het belang van het behoud van de gevestigde orde en het ondersteunen van wereldwijde ontwikkeling zonder chaos te veroorzaken. Er is kritiek op protesten en suggesties dat echte verandering door samenwerking en effectieve strategieën moet komen, in plaats van destructieve middelen.
Waar gaat David's nieuwe boek over?
David's nieuwe boek, "The New World Order," onderzoekt de verschillende facties binnen de mondiale machtsstructuren en de uitdagingen die hiermee gepaard gaan.
Wat is David's mening over de ontwikkeling van stedelijke gebieden in China?
David stelt dat de snelle stedelijke ontwikkeling in China zowel een zegen als een uitdaging vormt voor de wereld, gezien de grote afhankelijkheid van de wereld van China's economische groei.
Hoe ziet David de huidige mondiale interdependentie?
David benadrukt dat de wereld sterk afhankelijk is van elkaar, vooral op economisch vlak, en dat deze interdependentie aanzienlijke uitdagingen met zich meebrengt.
Hoe denkt David over de migratie en bevolkingsgroei wereldwijd?
David bespreekt de uitdagingen van wereldwijde bevolkingsgroei en migratie, waarbij hij benadrukt hoe afhankelijk landen van elkaar zijn voor economische overleving.
Wat zijn de uitdagingen van de wereldorde volgens David?
David wijst op de complexiteit van de wereldorde, waaronder economische afhankelijkheden, migratie, klimaatverandering en stedelijke ontwikkeling.
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- 00:00:01you can handle the truth yes and the
- 00:00:03truth is yes the people in power yes um
- 00:00:08um the thing is they're actually looking
- 00:00:11after us first that's why it's called um
- 00:00:14humanism that the thing is they look
- 00:00:16after our side of the world first and if
- 00:00:18we can't then we look at the rest of the
- 00:00:20world
- 00:00:22[Music]
- 00:00:31welcome back David everyone is excited
- 00:00:33to be hearing from you again especially
- 00:00:36after the great performance you gave on
- 00:00:39our last talk together with Andreas so
- 00:00:42we're curious to see what we're going to
- 00:00:44talk about today and what you're going
- 00:00:45to present today welcome
- 00:00:47David okay one whenever I speak with ra
- 00:00:51um Andreas I don't know why there is a
- 00:00:54three four or five second difference so
- 00:00:57it looks like I'm talking over him or
- 00:00:59he's talking over me when that's not the
- 00:01:01reality I noticed that when we had the
- 00:01:04conversation There Was You him and me
- 00:01:06now the thing is I could hear you like
- 00:01:09um real time but with him I couldn't so
- 00:01:13unfortunately some people are thinking
- 00:01:15hey talking over each other that's
- 00:01:16happened in previous videos I don't know
- 00:01:19why but um that's normally with
- 00:01:20connection with him regardless of what
- 00:01:24what software we use anyway I have a new
- 00:01:27book out it's it's um called the new
- 00:01:29world
- 00:01:30order I like that the New World Order
- 00:01:33the title and the thing is if you've
- 00:01:36been around the world then you can
- 00:01:38understand the New World Order and then
- 00:01:40if you study world history you will
- 00:01:43begin to understand it more and um so in
- 00:01:45the last video I spoke as if I was a
- 00:01:48politician in defense of the new world
- 00:01:51order it doesn't represent My Views even
- 00:01:54right now I'm going to speak yes from
- 00:01:56another point of view because the thing
- 00:01:59is if somebody reads my book The New
- 00:02:00World Order they're going to realize
- 00:02:02that there's several factions at the top
- 00:02:06at the new world order two main sides
- 00:02:08and then below that there's about a 100
- 00:02:11different factions and below that
- 00:02:13there's another thousand different
- 00:02:15factions in different locations around
- 00:02:17the world now many people are um are
- 00:02:20just sitting here in um Europe Australia
- 00:02:24um US Canada and they're just imagining
- 00:02:28things about the New World order what
- 00:02:30it's about and um things like this now
- 00:02:34the now the um we had an Old World Order
- 00:02:38unfortunately many people think there
- 00:02:39was um you know people had different
- 00:02:41countries different this different that
- 00:02:44200 years ago but we didn't really there
- 00:02:46was an old world order it collapsed and
- 00:02:49then nation states formed but
- 00:02:51immediately after it collapsed the
- 00:02:53people who brought brought around its
- 00:02:55collapse there were several different
- 00:02:57factions and then um they they made a
- 00:02:59plan to make a new world order so now
- 00:03:03right now I want people to imagine
- 00:03:05something now um to imagine you're going
- 00:03:08to have to look at reality um for
- 00:03:10example let's just take one country
- 00:03:13China um China's population we are
- 00:03:16dependent on China by a lot but many
- 00:03:18people don't admit it now China's
- 00:03:21population some people could say could
- 00:03:23be up to 1.7 billion some people say one
- 00:03:26and a half billion and um things like
- 00:03:30but um it's around 1 and a half billion
- 00:03:33but because a lot of people are poor
- 00:03:35there yes they live in villages and now
- 00:03:38um many people seem to imagine that they
- 00:03:41can actually uh um uh have um um control
- 00:03:46the birth rate of one child policy um
- 00:03:49that has it's been okay but um it's
- 00:03:51failed up to a certain amount yes in
- 00:03:54many places because um you know in some
- 00:03:57of the mountain areas some of the desert
- 00:03:59areas and other places the government
- 00:04:01can't control um um you can't control
- 00:04:04the people now the thing is
- 00:04:07realistically when we look at China um
- 00:04:10just um 60 70 years ago 1950s they were
- 00:04:14living like this in the country side
- 00:04:16half naked things like this and um
- 00:04:18things were very bad even in Shanghai um
- 00:04:22you know when the Europeans were there
- 00:04:26yes um and the Europeans used these
- 00:04:28people as slaves um um people from
- 00:04:31England from France from Germany from
- 00:04:34Holland from Italy from other places
- 00:04:36here is um um Sean Lane in um Shanghai
- 00:04:40today that place looks like um New York
- 00:04:44Shanghai but um the thing is um we're
- 00:04:47going to have to look at some real
- 00:04:48things reality now when we look at the
- 00:04:52United States there's two mega cities
- 00:04:54very big ones New York and um Chicago
- 00:04:57after that there's um what you call
- 00:05:00it um I would say that they
- 00:05:04including the people who come
- 00:05:07shortterm students and um other people
- 00:05:10to work and um things like this and um
- 00:05:13the suburb areas you could say up to
- 00:05:15going up to 20 million people including
- 00:05:18let say New York New Jersey things like
- 00:05:20this and then Chicago going around Lake
- 00:05:22Michigan and then um if you look at the
- 00:05:25mediumsized cities 5 to 10 million we've
- 00:05:28got Miami Los anges and um places like
- 00:05:32that in Australia we've got around 5
- 00:05:34million plus for um you know Melbourne
- 00:05:37and Sydney and then um you know
- 00:05:39brisbane's not far behind it's going to
- 00:05:41catch up as more people move to the
- 00:05:43cities um in Europe um we've got Moscow
- 00:05:47um a mega City Istanbul Paris and London
- 00:05:50they um I would say those are the are
- 00:05:53the four biggest cities that not far off
- 00:05:55behind are Milan Barcelona um and Berlin
- 00:06:00yes go on now I'm just saying Berlin you
- 00:06:03forgot maybe yeah Berlin yes I was about
- 00:06:07to add it on mil
- 00:06:09Berlin is amongst the St Petersburg
- 00:06:12class and population statistic cities so
- 00:06:15now the thing is because I've traveled
- 00:06:17um the thing is um one thing that that I
- 00:06:20studied a lot is Urban Development Urban
- 00:06:23Development just doesn't happen in five
- 00:06:26minutes now many people are talking
- 00:06:27about climate lockdowns now my new book
- 00:06:31goes goes through the um um climate
- 00:06:35agenda and um the climate crisis that
- 00:06:38they're speaking about now many people
- 00:06:40will say in Europe and America and
- 00:06:41Australia there is no climate crisis but
- 00:06:44we're talking about the world in general
- 00:06:47yes so now um the thing is because we're
- 00:06:50over here and we don't see the other
- 00:06:51side of the world we're just um blind
- 00:06:54now the thing is um I'm you're going to
- 00:06:56have to bear with me yes um with this
- 00:06:58I'm going to try to make it quick you
- 00:07:00could read all the names of these cities
- 00:07:02as I passed them on these are like
- 00:07:04cities the size of Melbourne um you know
- 00:07:08New York the size of Miami the size of
- 00:07:11Berlin and other things and I want
- 00:07:13people to imagine um what China was just
- 00:07:1750 years ago these cities weren't even
- 00:07:19there um I mean the way the development
- 00:07:23has been there 50 years ago um they were
- 00:07:25like um you know many of them were like
- 00:07:27um not even mud brick even probably tree
- 00:07:30houses in some of their suburbs are
- 00:07:32people living in holes holes underground
- 00:07:35so I want people to think how did this
- 00:07:37change and what does this have to do
- 00:07:39with Europe America Australia and the
- 00:07:41West yes so here name them all very fast
- 00:07:46I'm going to send them to you mega
- 00:07:47cities look at this these are not um
- 00:07:50Office Buildings a lot of them are just
- 00:07:52residential areas if you look in the
- 00:07:54distance you know we're talking Millions
- 00:07:56a city like um the size of New York yes
- 00:07:59name them you've got the names on there
- 00:08:02name them what does it say here it says
- 00:08:04ginan Shong yes yeah Shandong Province
- 00:08:08so we say it very fast okay I'll say
- 00:08:11this is hot or hot Inu Province or in
- 00:08:16Mongolia now this is just the pong
- 00:08:19District in Shanghai there was um
- 00:08:22nothing there basically um 25 years ago
- 00:08:2525 30 years ago it was just a farm field
- 00:08:28pong hudong District now um the next one
- 00:08:32I I'm being serious there's people
- 00:08:33living in these places they're huge like
- 00:08:36Miami like um New York these people have
- 00:08:38given up farming they're living like us
- 00:08:41in boxed buildings now you need to
- 00:08:43provide electricity you need to provide
- 00:08:45services dentists and many other thing
- 00:08:49food drink water Everything clean air
- 00:08:53now the thing is some people said let's
- 00:08:54go back to the 60s oh I think they
- 00:08:56forgot when we didn't even have many
- 00:08:58dentists when people were still having
- 00:09:01doing the toilet outside or in the
- 00:09:03bushes in any places in the west and
- 00:09:06they turned around and thought there was
- 00:09:07food Security in Western Europe what
- 00:09:09they don't know is that the Communists
- 00:09:12were were stealing food from Hungary yes
- 00:09:16from um Romania from Yugoslavia you know
- 00:09:19Bosnia Kosovo Serbia
- 00:09:22Macedonia um Croatia Bulgaria Albania
- 00:09:26and Poland Ukraine we were stealing food
- 00:09:29that they were providing it to us that
- 00:09:31we were giving them cash for it because
- 00:09:33in the west we actually don't have
- 00:09:35enough land in Western Europe to
- 00:09:37actually grow the food all the time and
- 00:09:40there's problems with food security
- 00:09:42people don't know so people who say
- 00:09:43let's go back look at this nanan shenzen
- 00:09:46how are we going to feed these people
- 00:09:47how are we going to maintain their
- 00:09:49things like fridge freezers everything
- 00:09:51the amount of mining we did for the
- 00:09:52minerals to um to remove the land now
- 00:09:55this picture is over 10 years old Harbin
- 00:09:58Harbin uh um and then changon is the
- 00:10:01photo below this is 10 years ago these C
- 00:10:03cities are are are a lot bigger today
- 00:10:07yes now when you see these cities you're
- 00:10:09going to think what the hell it's
- 00:10:10ridiculous these cities weren't here
- 00:10:12like this just 25 30 years ago um people
- 00:10:15were living in like you know huts and
- 00:10:17other things Shang Chui yes um look in
- 00:10:21the background these are like huge
- 00:10:23cities I mean what the [ __ ] I don't know
- 00:10:26what to say here is Shang Chui another
- 00:10:28look can you see these are all
- 00:10:29apartments we've got millions of people
- 00:10:31living in them San
- 00:10:33menia yes so I'm going to go through
- 00:10:35them and I want you to think of how to
- 00:10:37manage the world yes how are we going to
- 00:10:40manage these people this is puang um in
- 00:10:43henan Province and these apartments are
- 00:10:4515 20 stories high that um there's
- 00:10:49there's places that I don't even know
- 00:10:51that if you look at some of these places
- 00:10:53they look like this just um 20 years ago
- 00:10:57um 30 years ago they were even worse
- 00:10:58look at this nanang yes can you see it
- 00:11:02um have you got nanang yeah so that's
- 00:11:05what they look like um um so the thing
- 00:11:07is let me just show the reality of them
- 00:11:10when you go to these because I went to
- 00:11:11them and I was terrified look at nanang
- 00:11:14how we going to feed these people how we
- 00:11:16going to provide coal electricity gas or
- 00:11:18whatever you know provide the movement
- 00:11:20of space for people to travel yes how
- 00:11:23many more airports are we going to keep
- 00:11:24building how many aircrafts are we going
- 00:11:27to keep building how many cars how many
- 00:11:29this yes who's going to do it how much
- 00:11:32more mining are we going to do wait let
- 00:11:34me go through these cities it's going to
- 00:11:35be so tiring here is Lu young can you
- 00:11:38see this can you see this it's just
- 00:11:41ridiculous don't you think so are you
- 00:11:43beginning here is downtown luang so that
- 00:11:46you can see these are um you know cities
- 00:11:48like Miami you know that have you ever
- 00:11:51heard of
- 00:11:52luang No No Yeah and um so there's more
- 00:11:56cities some of them uh maybe by mistake
- 00:11:59I'll send the photos twice here is Kai
- 00:12:01Fang they're still building it and um
- 00:12:04this is just part of Kai Fang um yes and
- 00:12:07um let me show you Gazo Gazo City and
- 00:12:11the thing is and there's Lu here there's
- 00:12:13two cities there people have to pause
- 00:12:15these you have to look at this because
- 00:12:17who built them how did we build them how
- 00:12:20what has this got to do with the global
- 00:12:21economy these people are working for us
- 00:12:23in China providing us goods and services
- 00:12:26I mean by the way many people don't know
- 00:12:28yes West Europe um North America and
- 00:12:31Southeast Asia um 80% of the economy is
- 00:12:34service industries that means we
- 00:12:36basically produce nothing industrially
- 00:12:39or or in many other things 80% you know
- 00:12:42like offices doctors dentist you know
- 00:12:46face transplants or whatever you call it
- 00:12:50um you know accountants bankers lawyers
- 00:12:5280% eight out of 10 yeah you know have
- 00:12:56got used to you know office type of jobs
- 00:12:57or service type of jobs so what are we
- 00:13:00going to do yes because people are
- 00:13:03complaining about the immigration so
- 00:13:05let's have a look at the reality and
- 00:13:07I'll soon go through it can Europe and
- 00:13:09America um sustain itself then somebody
- 00:13:11says we'll just take the oil from Canada
- 00:13:13from the Sands one we don't even have
- 00:13:15the Machinery in England or in Australia
- 00:13:18in most of the places throughout Western
- 00:13:19Europe to actually um to do the refining
- 00:13:22of of this sand oil and two who said
- 00:13:24it's yours anyway it's stolen land what
- 00:13:27about the natives how many did they
- 00:13:29murder and sterilize in Canada and in
- 00:13:32the US so that they could take hold of
- 00:13:33these lands and you're saying oh we'll
- 00:13:35just take it from over there Ah that's
- 00:13:37one and two another you can't do
- 00:13:40it you want to throw the migrants out
- 00:13:42throw them out from France and every and
- 00:13:45you thought you could do it you can't
- 00:13:47because the quality of the oil is
- 00:13:48something else yes and then the
- 00:13:50environmental damage is ridiculous yes
- 00:13:54uh and um the thing is we don't have the
- 00:13:55infrastructure and then they're saying
- 00:13:57oh we could all go back to farming oh
- 00:13:59yes go back to farming let's just say in
- 00:14:01the United Kingdom England Scotland
- 00:14:03Ireland Wales and all this we can
- 00:14:05maximum support 60 million people as
- 00:14:07long as we just eat potatoes and
- 00:14:09vegetables go back to eating potatoes
- 00:14:12without the oil without the salt and
- 00:14:14without the cooking oil uh you won't
- 00:14:16even have cookers yeah and um you um the
- 00:14:19thing is whenever there's a bad Harvest
- 00:14:21or something what are you going to do do
- 00:14:23you know for how many centuries England
- 00:14:25has been stealing food from um third
- 00:14:27world countries even in the past in the
- 00:14:291860s 1870s 1880s how what France was
- 00:14:33doing stealing food from other side of
- 00:14:34the world yeah just to feed the
- 00:14:37population yeah many people do you even
- 00:14:39know what England looked like in the 60s
- 00:14:41saying we'll go back without the tarmak
- 00:14:43and the bitman from the crude oil from
- 00:14:45the Middle East and what and then
- 00:14:47they're com complaining about turkey do
- 00:14:50you know where your rubbish goes um you
- 00:14:52know because we cut and we throw away so
- 00:14:54much rubbish yeah they recycle it in
- 00:14:56Turkey or in Pakistan and the people are
- 00:14:59complaining about Turkish migrants in
- 00:15:01Germany or Pakistan migrants in England
- 00:15:03then again there's another secret
- 00:15:05Pakistan has huge control over the oil
- 00:15:09in Saudi Arabia Kuwait Qatar and Bahrain
- 00:15:12that's another secret you send them back
- 00:15:15then the thing is go back to the
- 00:15:17Cobblestone you know roads and things
- 00:15:19like this and horses and donkeys and see
- 00:15:21if you've got enough population of
- 00:15:23horses and donkeys yes and let's see how
- 00:15:25long the population survives of just
- 00:15:27eating potatoes you every single day yes
- 00:15:30and let's see how you're going to cook
- 00:15:31them without the cooking oil and all
- 00:15:33these other things and all you think you
- 00:15:35could do do the keep the cows the
- 00:15:37grazing and all this with the and then
- 00:15:39bring back all the all the Europeans who
- 00:15:42are from the other countries and let's
- 00:15:43see how many oh it's going to be
- 00:15:45overcrowded in Western Europe isn't this
- 00:15:47true Rafael yes but I mean I'm going to
- 00:15:50present the evidence before you say buts
- 00:15:52let's go through this now here all these
- 00:15:54cities have got something to do with us
- 00:15:56here is heavy City in and Province and
- 00:16:00these cities are so Advanced so modern
- 00:16:03the way they're constructing them
- 00:16:04getting them ready we are like backwards
- 00:16:06look at these apartments that you could
- 00:16:08see anang it's it's like these places
- 00:16:11are already overcrowded and they work
- 00:16:13for us here is an idea of ljo City yes
- 00:16:18um here is another idea from the other
- 00:16:21side of of the river Lano Lano and here
- 00:16:26I want you to look beyond the mountains
- 00:16:28when you look at on the left hand side
- 00:16:29and you think whoa this city is like a
- 00:16:31mega City it's like a Miami I mean I
- 00:16:34mean what the hell how are we going to
- 00:16:35feed these people then you can see The
- 00:16:37Shanty Towns at the bottom could you see
- 00:16:39it yes and all these are things and um
- 00:16:41the old many old buildings that are
- 00:16:43dying and things like this now here is a
- 00:16:46picture 10 15 years ago of a yanai today
- 00:16:49the city is a lot different here is a
- 00:16:51bit of the top picture is new the bottom
- 00:16:54picture is a bit old but Ching Dao and
- 00:16:56then in the background the the these are
- 00:16:58cities like Miami and and now the thing
- 00:17:01is um right now in the world we've got a
- 00:17:03crisis some people are saying is it
- 00:17:05overcrowded or not now the thing is for
- 00:17:07example if you're um I remember um 25
- 00:17:10years ago in Beijing airport yeah just
- 00:17:12waiting for a taxi it was like this I
- 00:17:15thought what the hell waiting for a taxi
- 00:17:17now they've organized it a bit more but
- 00:17:19the thing is you know even I you know
- 00:17:21what I had to do I had to take the bus
- 00:17:23instead because the taxi queue was like
- 00:17:26that yes so now we even waiting for the
- 00:17:29metro in many of these cities in China
- 00:17:31yeah starts queuing grafel people are
- 00:17:34saying where um the thing is can you see
- 00:17:36the queue stop queuing yes so um the
- 00:17:40thing is we've got um no we're not
- 00:17:43overpopulated no everything's okay the
- 00:17:46way the world's population is going up I
- 00:17:48mean we can fit people into these CI
- 00:17:51what you know also very well is that of
- 00:17:53course certain city areas are
- 00:17:55overpopulated whereas vast areas of land
- 00:17:58are deserted
- 00:18:00practically we'll go through that in a
- 00:18:02minute of um when they were deserted
- 00:18:05it's like there's other reasons it's
- 00:18:07like people don't have a look like
- 00:18:09climate change is actually real I'm I'm
- 00:18:13telling you the truth here now I don't
- 00:18:15mean something like the scary scenario
- 00:18:17that they're pushing but the thing is
- 00:18:19for example it's like there's a lot of
- 00:18:21land in the United States that we
- 00:18:23destroyed we destroyed it because people
- 00:18:26um um became lazy they thought they
- 00:18:29didn't want to make um clothes from the
- 00:18:31sheep skin I mean dirty smelly that you
- 00:18:34um that you can't wear properly so then
- 00:18:37the cotton uh Farm Fields throughout the
- 00:18:39Americas throughout Asia and all these
- 00:18:42other things then that caused a lot of
- 00:18:43deforestation like for example in
- 00:18:46usbekistan Tajikistan in Russia they
- 00:18:48destroyed um huge parts of land in South
- 00:18:51Russia because of um you know giving
- 00:18:53clothes to Eastern Europe yes but the
- 00:18:56thing is people needed clothes yes and
- 00:18:59so the thing is now we got nice cloes or
- 00:19:00we could go back to the 199th century
- 00:19:03and people say go back to the 1960s no
- 00:19:05that was still the Empire day cles now
- 00:19:07here is a picture like 25 years ago
- 00:19:10Beijing station I waited in that queue
- 00:19:12this is an example and you know what
- 00:19:14people push in this that everything it's
- 00:19:16ridiculous and it's scary here is um
- 00:19:19Chia yangang in Beijing today and even
- 00:19:22today in China we've got millions of
- 00:19:25people living like this under in holes
- 00:19:27and other things I mean what are we
- 00:19:29going to do now the thing is think just
- 00:19:32to build all of this it took a lot of
- 00:19:34time yes it's a mega City like um New
- 00:19:38York and the thing is here is a bit of a
- 00:19:40close view I mean the thing is it's
- 00:19:43ridiculous it um that picture is 20
- 00:19:46years ago Chia young Beijing here was
- 00:19:47the skyline um you know 15 years ago no
- 00:19:50not 20 um um 10 15 years ago but the
- 00:19:53thing is it's like um um the thing is um
- 00:19:56if we don't maintain everything what
- 00:19:59we've achieved we're going to have a
- 00:20:00disaster here is chandan City I mean
- 00:20:02it's ridiculous I mean how the hell are
- 00:20:04we going to feed these people yeah ug um
- 00:20:08um and been high in tiin so the thing is
- 00:20:12what are we going to do all these smart
- 00:20:14alexes are turning around and saying
- 00:20:16we're going to do this that here is
- 00:20:19another look at Jinan Shandong yes and
- 00:20:22um here there's other cities this city I
- 00:20:24mean this photograph is just showing up
- 00:20:26to about 10% of the city Jen Joo yes
- 00:20:30when I was in these cities I thought
- 00:20:31it's ridiculous other cities I can't
- 00:20:34find pictures of them but people can
- 00:20:35check online juman and all these things
- 00:20:39I mean these are brand new cities that
- 00:20:41they're building I mean the amount of
- 00:20:42mining that we did the amount of things
- 00:20:44that we did the global economy that
- 00:20:47we're all dependent on each other now
- 00:20:49somebody will say what's that got to do
- 00:20:50with England um what's that got to do
- 00:20:52with um New Zealand we're all dependent
- 00:20:55and we all participate now the thing is
- 00:20:57many of the designs of these buildings
- 00:20:59and other things are um um the workforce
- 00:21:03in England United States and Canada for
- 00:21:06the service industry is dependent on
- 00:21:08places like China that they're learning
- 00:21:10from us their students come here they're
- 00:21:12they're paying um um trillions um for
- 00:21:15many of these Services
- 00:21:17shuchang many um just to build these so
- 00:21:21the thing is it's we're making money
- 00:21:22from them and then um so then we use
- 00:21:25that money for other things ju Juka the
- 00:21:27cities that you've never heard of soon
- 00:21:29you'll get fed up of this yeah here is
- 00:21:31shin Xiang I mean just look at this can
- 00:21:34you imagine um what sort of thinking and
- 00:21:36planning and a lot of the services were
- 00:21:39provided by companies you know small
- 00:21:41companies even in cities from Manchester
- 00:21:43Birmingham Mari Leon you know and um
- 00:21:47Barcelona Madrid um you know you name it
- 00:21:50yes so we've got people who are working
- 00:21:52in this side of the world and um so the
- 00:21:54thing is if these people come here and
- 00:21:56they're living in Sydney Melbourne Adel
- 00:21:58in adate Perth we've got a huge service
- 00:22:01industries that we're build um that um
- 00:22:04we're making um trillions from them here
- 00:22:06is talian yes um the city is um I think
- 00:22:10here is um Anan Anan yes um here is
- 00:22:14another city and the thing is shij Jang
- 00:22:16it's a scary City when I was walking
- 00:22:18around there it's like overcrowded here
- 00:22:20is a city yeah it's still half empty or
- 00:22:23do Inu but soon there'll be people there
- 00:22:26yeah and these cities aren't old I I
- 00:22:28show talian here is another view of
- 00:22:30talian and here is a another view of
- 00:22:33Anan I mean the thing is we provide a
- 00:22:35lot of the design the architect and um a
- 00:22:38lot of the stability we provided a lot
- 00:22:40of the machinery and many of the things
- 00:22:42we organized um many of their Imports
- 00:22:45exports and other things so the thing is
- 00:22:49we're providing a service now we cannot
- 00:22:51let the global economy to collapse it
- 00:22:53would be stupid you see um there's other
- 00:22:56cities like here is a city ch
- 00:22:59changu yeah it's it's the size of blood
- 00:23:01in New York yes and um the thing is you
- 00:23:05know it's it's like how we going to feed
- 00:23:06these people yeah I mean we can't just
- 00:23:09think of one or two districts I sent
- 00:23:12nanan before here is another look nanan
- 00:23:14in shenzen they're amazing here is juai
- 00:23:17in guandong Province there's many more
- 00:23:20cities in these places that they're just
- 00:23:22amazing I mean here is Guang Guang is a
- 00:23:25beautiful city to go to you'll turn
- 00:23:27around to
- 00:23:29it's amazing it's like um uh you know
- 00:23:31Chicago Miami here is um Guang Joo it's
- 00:23:34just another New York it's over crowded
- 00:23:37I mean what the hell are we going to do
- 00:23:39then there's these Island cities and
- 00:23:41these other places here is um um SAA um
- 00:23:45they're beautiful cities um and the
- 00:23:47thing is um because they're been been
- 00:23:50built um most of them recently but it's
- 00:23:53through through we've we are gaining a
- 00:23:55lot of money high CO and the thing is
- 00:23:57the international system that we've set
- 00:23:59up yeah it's actually beautiful but and
- 00:24:02the thing is we can improve it here is
- 00:24:04szen yes szen senen wo it's just um you
- 00:24:08know amazing and um there's all these
- 00:24:10other cities you know you've never heard
- 00:24:12of them szen is just wow it's just so
- 00:24:15big that it's unbelievable yes and um
- 00:24:19the thing is here is um um Leu yeah so
- 00:24:23these cities they're big and they're
- 00:24:24just growing bigger and bigger and
- 00:24:26bigger can you see in the distance all
- 00:24:28the other side I mean how the hell are
- 00:24:30we going to feed these people what the
- 00:24:31hell is going on you see yes so the
- 00:24:34thing is um you know we've got to think
- 00:24:37seriously because we're all
- 00:24:38interdependent soon I'll go to the
- 00:24:41interdependency H yes um c h yes um here
- 00:24:46is jinu in in Zang Province um the thing
- 00:24:50is and um there's more so many of them
- 00:24:54here is um um Yong Kang Yong Kang
- 00:24:59um there's just too many you know yes
- 00:25:02here is yishang
- 00:25:05yeah you know if I don't show them all
- 00:25:07you won't believe me here is luo Yang
- 00:25:10yes uh what are you beginning to think
- 00:25:12now are you beginning to think that we
- 00:25:14could have a serious crisis if the
- 00:25:17current world order breaks down can you
- 00:25:19see it
- 00:25:21Ningbo yes this is just a central
- 00:25:23business district imagine the number of
- 00:25:25people there Ningbo is a and uh um is a
- 00:25:29place where um you there's many
- 00:25:31companies there where as westerners
- 00:25:33there's um you know thousands of
- 00:25:35Europeans China doesn't give proper data
- 00:25:37maybe over a million maybe even two
- 00:25:40million um Europeans and Americans and
- 00:25:42westerners who are there um that we're
- 00:25:45um um you know contributing to their
- 00:25:47economy same like they're over here
- 00:25:49contributing to our economy um so um can
- 00:25:53you see these cities tell me how are you
- 00:25:55going to manage these rough yes I mean
- 00:25:58you've got to have managing experience I
- 00:25:59mean I've managed 5,000 employees before
- 00:26:02it's a serious worry you have to turn
- 00:26:04around think about hey what's their pay
- 00:26:06going to be are they going to be
- 00:26:07satisfied what are their costs yes and
- 00:26:10what are their living standards um the
- 00:26:12thing is and um will they um is it
- 00:26:15competitive um um will I make the
- 00:26:18workers efficient um things like and um
- 00:26:20things like um
- 00:26:22I'm am I making it Balan with um what
- 00:26:25we're giving to um the shareholders and
- 00:26:27is the profit margins okay is is it is
- 00:26:30it balancing with the law and the growth
- 00:26:32rate and are we dealing with the
- 00:26:34competition so that we can grow as a
- 00:26:35company I mean so I've managed 5,000 and
- 00:26:39them the thing is it was it was a
- 00:26:41nightmare it it was a total nightmare um
- 00:26:45doing it with the worries and the
- 00:26:46headache so many of these people were
- 00:26:48there saying oh the New World Order they
- 00:26:50could just do this they could just do
- 00:26:52that you know what you have no idea how
- 00:26:54much of a nightmare they have just
- 00:26:56thinking of the worries and everything
- 00:26:58like many of the that's why half the New
- 00:27:01World Order results to Crime yes the
- 00:27:04crime is for example you know like the
- 00:27:06British and America went to Iraq and
- 00:27:08some people pointed out that yeah some
- 00:27:10of the migrants do rape well soon I'll
- 00:27:13go through this and the statistics of
- 00:27:15rape by British um Western forces
- 00:27:19soldiers went to Iraq Afghanistan from
- 00:27:21Australia Canada us and um they were
- 00:27:24involved in rape pedophilia murder and
- 00:27:27torture I mean oh they're walking around
- 00:27:30our streets today you know what I mean
- 00:27:32and so the thing is if we're going to
- 00:27:34hold anybody to trial we've got to hold
- 00:27:36them all to trial that's one I was
- 00:27:39brought up in a society where I believe
- 00:27:40in justice so it's like we're got to
- 00:27:42hold all these people I mean why did
- 00:27:44they go in those places anyway like
- 00:27:46they're turning around saying how did
- 00:27:47these Iraqis mysteriously come to Italy
- 00:27:50yes mysteriously come to Germany yes
- 00:27:52mysteriously come to Holland the Germans
- 00:27:54will say oh we weren't in the war we
- 00:27:55just applied all the guns and all the
- 00:27:57bombs
- 00:27:59we provided the transit and everything
- 00:28:00so that the British and Canadian as as
- 00:28:04usual David the problem is when the
- 00:28:06people are being conflated with the
- 00:28:08government of course it's not the
- 00:28:10government let me tell you right now do
- 00:28:12you know what a cobblestone um Road
- 00:28:15looks like and do you know what what the
- 00:28:17tarmac looks Road looks like it's the
- 00:28:19people they're complaining sending a
- 00:28:21letter to their local city hall saying
- 00:28:23hey there's a hall outside my house hey
- 00:28:25my pram can't cross the road here
- 00:28:27they're doing this for you so the
- 00:28:29reality is yeah there's a movie I'm Jack
- 00:28:31Nicholson you can't handle the truth yes
- 00:28:34and the truth is yes the people in power
- 00:28:38yes um um the thing is they're actually
- 00:28:41looking after us first that's why it's
- 00:28:44called um humanism that the thing is
- 00:28:47they look after our side of the world
- 00:28:48first and if we can't then we look at
- 00:28:51the rest of the world and and um we help
- 00:28:53them too but the reality is we can't
- 00:28:56handle the truth yes and then the thing
- 00:28:59is oh by the way many people will say oh
- 00:29:01um I'm throwing bricks at police
- 00:29:03officers it's okay no I mean that's what
- 00:29:05I found outrageous and then somebody's
- 00:29:07going to turn around say oh what about
- 00:29:09them Pro Palestinian protesters yeah go
- 00:29:12and have a look yes many of them were
- 00:29:14paid agents that's why I turned around
- 00:29:16said six seven months ago I said I said
- 00:29:18don't go out there with flags jumping up
- 00:29:20and down offending people and other
- 00:29:22things because I smelled something was
- 00:29:24wrong and this is in my book The New
- 00:29:26World Order where where I I show proof
- 00:29:29that um what do you call it um a large
- 00:29:32percentage the Palestinian protests were
- 00:29:34the craziest protests I've seen yes that
- 00:29:37I've never imagined or seen any protest
- 00:29:39like this yes it's something that we saw
- 00:29:42during the Civil Rights Movement and the
- 00:29:44anti-vietnam war protests the thing is
- 00:29:47the way they're taking place in campuses
- 00:29:48and everywhere and other things in many
- 00:29:50organizations but guess what they're
- 00:29:53actually the paid agents the same people
- 00:29:55who are doing the climate change protest
- 00:29:57the um and many other protests they
- 00:29:59mysteriously became free free Palestine
- 00:30:02protesters that's another thing so the
- 00:30:04thing is now many of them are becoming
- 00:30:06right-wing protesters they mysteriously
- 00:30:08come out of nowhere unfortunately people
- 00:30:11are played with by different people who
- 00:30:13have different agendas like I said
- 00:30:14there's many different people at the top
- 00:30:16who have their different things like
- 00:30:18like I told you there's are many
- 00:30:19companies who are terrified that for
- 00:30:22them it's not about making money they've
- 00:30:23already got millions they're thinking
- 00:30:25[ __ ] my company employs a quarter of a
- 00:30:27million people how am I going to pay the
- 00:30:29damn salary how are these people going
- 00:30:32home what are they going to do what are
- 00:30:34they going to do for Christmas yeah
- 00:30:36things like this so the thing is the
- 00:30:39things that they get up to that's why
- 00:30:41we've got European soldiers who are
- 00:30:43raping torturing abusing occupying
- 00:30:45countries in Africa and the Middle East
- 00:30:47which is the reality but the thing is
- 00:30:50what I'm saying is what I'm saying is
- 00:30:52yes let's improve the other side of the
- 00:30:54world but what we've built over here
- 00:30:57let's not dis destroy it that's what I'm
- 00:30:59saying if there's any crime yeah protest
- 00:31:01in a proper way I mean don't throw
- 00:31:03bricks nobody's saying don't protest
- 00:31:05yeah I'm saying I'm saying don't get
- 00:31:07violent I mean that's why protesting
- 00:31:09never changed anything anyhow so no it
- 00:31:12does have an effect because the the
- 00:31:14people in power turn around think hey if
- 00:31:16there's a culprit for rape or murder
- 00:31:19these are serious things they've got to
- 00:31:21be found and it's got to be dealt with
- 00:31:23now of course you know the all like with
- 00:31:25Corona I don't see anything happening
- 00:31:28let me finish about the rapist and
- 00:31:29things these are serious issues people
- 00:31:31are talking about it in France in
- 00:31:33Scandinavia and in other places saying
- 00:31:35all these migrants have come and things
- 00:31:37like this yeah um so the thing is um um
- 00:31:41the thing is um we've also got to find
- 00:31:44um the rapists who were involved in um
- 00:31:47you know hundreds of rape cases in Iraq
- 00:31:49Afghanistan and other places um that
- 00:31:52went from England and from Australia
- 00:31:55Canada and the US these things I mean we
- 00:31:58can't stay silent about one side we've
- 00:32:00got to do both I mean the thing is these
- 00:32:03are serious matters we've got to take
- 00:32:05control of them and if people are saying
- 00:32:07we'll just go back to the past and
- 00:32:08things like this England couldn't feed
- 00:32:11itself in the 19th century that's why
- 00:32:14people thought we'll have to go outside
- 00:32:16and we need to find new land that's why
- 00:32:18people from Africa and Asia are coming
- 00:32:20to Europe Australia Canada is because
- 00:32:23they can't feed themselves they need um
- 00:32:26a better life so you the truth is if
- 00:32:29people are turning around and saying in
- 00:32:30the 19th century it was better no it
- 00:32:32wasn't yes many of the Americans yeah
- 00:32:36and they they don't think about it their
- 00:32:37grandfather's great-grandfather were
- 00:32:39murderers they murdered people they
- 00:32:41killed people in Cold Blood yes I mean
- 00:32:45they didn't have machine guns many of
- 00:32:46them they slid their throats they
- 00:32:48stabbed them in their
- 00:32:50bodies yes I mean what sort of a history
- 00:32:53is this just to take just so that they
- 00:32:55could live and eat so that's why we um
- 00:32:59we don't want instability yeah there is
- 00:33:02things that we don't want so it's not
- 00:33:04just about protesting is in the way
- 00:33:06that's why I said people have got to
- 00:33:07participate Let's Build a Better World
- 00:33:09be charitable do better things and
- 00:33:11everything and then we'll find we we'll
- 00:33:13find we'll find a way out of many of the
- 00:33:16people in power who are abusing things
- 00:33:19you see you um and you'll find ways to
- 00:33:21become independent if people want to go
- 00:33:23back to farming go back to farming but
- 00:33:25cons consider the facts I mean there's
- 00:33:28limited land in Western Europe it's a
- 00:33:30small place and the thing is if you're
- 00:33:33going to turn around and say hey let's
- 00:33:35send them back all these foreigners then
- 00:33:36bring back all the Europeans who've gone
- 00:33:39outside here you can't have it both ways
- 00:33:41yes and the thing is um there's millions
- 00:33:44of Europeans now in other sides of the
- 00:33:46world in in India Pakistan China
- 00:33:49Bangladesh Indonesia Malaysia Iraq um
- 00:33:53Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain and they're
- 00:33:56involved in the Serv Industries and
- 00:33:59other Industries and things like that
- 00:34:01and they're living there some
- 00:34:02permanently some temporarily and they're
- 00:34:05making billions of dollars that comes
- 00:34:07back here so that then that money is
- 00:34:08used in the service industry so that we
- 00:34:10can go and buy things from the other
- 00:34:13side of the world
- 00:34:23[Music]
- New World Order
- China
- stedelijke ontwikkeling
- wereldorde
- interdependentie
- economische groei
- migratie
- klimaatverandering
- diensteneconomie
- maatschappelijke onrust