Multiview ERP Detailed Independent Review
TLDRI dagens session gennemgås Multi-view ERP som en del af vores fortsatte industriserie, hvor fokus ligger på løsninger specifikt rettet mod serviceorienterede sektorer som sundhed og finansielle tjenester. Multi-view ERP er relativt lidt kendt i ERP-verdenen, men den har eksisteret siden 1990'erne, hvilket indikerer en mere etableret, dog muligvis forældet teknologi. Diskussionshøjdepunkterne inkluderer vigtigheden af korrekt evaluering af ERP-systemer og de potentielle risici ved at stole for meget på salg og marketing frem for faktiske funktionelle behov. Udfordringen ved at forstå en ERP’s sande kapabiliteter uden omfattende demoer eller dokumentation blev også belyst. Desuden blev det understreget, hvordan komplekse systemer kræver ekspertise for at undgå, at beslutninger tages på fejlagtige grunde, som kan føre til dyrebar tid tabt og en ineffektiv investering.
- 💡 Multi-view ERP er rettet mod servicecentrerede industrier som sundhedsvæsen og finansielle tjenester.
- ⚠️ Pas på markedsføring! Det kan lede til urealistiske forventninger og fejlslagne implementeringer.
- 🔍 En grundig evaluering er nødvendig; skjulte faldgruber kan påvirke investeringen.
- 🗃️ Systemet er gammelt med rødder tilbage til 1990'erne, hvilket kan indikere forældet teknologi.
- ❗ Tekniske udfordringer kan være fremtrædende ifølge kunder, med rapporter om fejl og langsom support.
- 🌐 Flytning til hosted/cloud version kan betyde højere omkostninger sammenlignet med on-prem-løsninger.
- 🚫 Mangel på offentlige demoer gør det udfordrende at forstå systemets reelle funktioner.
- 👍 Systemet kan være kosteffektivt, men funktionaliteten er begrænset.
- 👥 Konsultation med ERP-eksperter anbefales stærkt.
- ⏰ Implementering kan tage længere end forventet; vær forberedt på en lang proces.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Dagens show introduceres, og en kort intro om værterne leveres. Showet fokuserer på at gennemgå en ERP-løsning kaldet Multi-View ERP, der er målrettet mod servicecentrerede industrier som sundhedsvæsen og finans.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Sam og Andy diskuterer udfordringerne med at vurdere ERP-software udefra, især når mange leverandører blander forskellige typer software sammen i deres markedsføring. De pointerer kompleksiteten i ERP, som ofte ikke klart reflekteres i korte demonstrationer.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Sam forklarer, at Multi-View ERP især fokuserer på multi-enheds forretningsstrukturer, hvilket kan være vanskeligt at evaluere, da detaljer ofte er skjult bag NDA'er. Han påpeger vigtigheden af at være forsigtig og ikke kun stole på markedsføringsmateriale og anmeldelser.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Diskussionen bevæger sig over til problematikkerne omkring små ERP-leverandører og risikoen for at kunder investerer i systemer, der ikke kan imødekomme deres behov. De kommenterer den tendens, hvor kunder ofte misledes af betalt markedsføring og anmeldelser.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Andy tager fat i faldgruber ved ERP-demos, der ofte foregår i forenklet format og derfor ikke afslører de reelle potentialer eller mangler ved et ERP-system. Sam fremhæver nødvendigheden af dybdegående evaluering og professionel rådgivning.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Kommentarerne fra brugerne af Multi-View ERP fremhæver, hvordan systemet, på trods af god markedsføring, har betydelige mangler i funktionalitet og brugervenlighed. For eksempel kan det være langsomt og kompliceret at gennemføre visse processer.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Videre diskuteres det, hvordan mindre ERP-leverandører ofte ikke kan tilbyde den samme robusthed og dokumentationsdybde som større leverandører, hvilket ofte fører til udfordringer i implementeringen.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
En dybfuld diskussion om teknologiske beskedenhed i mange mindre ERP-løsninger og vigtigheden af at forstå de grundlæggende funktioner, man har brug for. Sammenligningsgrundlaget med mere kendte systemer tages også op.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Der gives eksempler på brugerklager, der afslører, hvordan Multi-View ERP mangler i mere avancerede områder som fx lovlig sammensætning og avanceret budgettering. Det viser et større problem med løsningen i forhold til mere udviklede systemer.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Problemer med Multi-View ERP omfatter også lange ventetider ved processer og dårlig respons fra support, hvilket yderligere understreger betydningen af korrekt evaluering og prøveforløb før kontraktindgåelse.
- 00:50:00 - 01:00:00
Slutkommentarer opsummerer, at købere bør udvise forsigtighed og lave grundig research inden de træffer beslutninger om ERP-løsninger, især når det kommer til mindre kendte leverandører.
Hvad er hovedtemaet for dagens afsnit?
Fokus er på Multi-view ERP som en del af industriserien, en løsning rettet mod servicecentrerede industrier.
Hvilke industrier retter Multi-view ERP sig mod?
Multi-view ERP retter sig mod industrier som sundhedsvæsen, finansielle tjenester og non-profit.
Hvilke problemer kan opstå ved valg af ERP-systemer ifølge afsnittet?
Mange implementeringer fejler grundet forhastede beslutninger baseret på marketing fremfor behovsanalyse.
Hvordan vurderes Multi-view ERP i forhold til større ERP-løsninger?
På trods af en høj rangering på G2, er det uklart om Multi-view ERP kan matche større løsninger som Sage Intact pga. manglende gennemsigtighed i produktdemonstrationer.
Hvilken rolle spiller markedsføring i ERP-kunder's beslutningsproces?
Markedsføring kan være mere farlig end gavnlig ved at skabe urealistiske forventninger, hvilket ofte medfører fejlslagne implementeringer.
Hvorfor er det vigtigt at konsultere eksperter inden ERP-implementering?
ERP-systemer er komplekse, og uden ekspertise kan virksomheder ende med en løsning, der ikke møder deres behov.
Hvorfor har Multi-view ERP en lavere pris sammenlignet med andre ERP-løsninger?
Prisen kan være lavere pga. færre avancerede funktionaliteter og en mindre skalerbar administration, hvilket også reflekteres i kundernes anmeldelser.
Hvad afslører anmeldelser om Multi-view ERP?
Anmeldelser peger på, at systemet kan være fejlbehæftet og har et begrænset supportsystem, hvilket gør implementering krævende.
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- 00:00:00foreign
- 00:00:03[Music]
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- 00:00:25welcome to Today's Show and if you are
- 00:00:27joining for the first time this is part
- 00:00:29of our industry series for which we meet
- 00:00:31every Tuesday at 5 30 PM Eastern we
- 00:00:35review one vendor or the solution so for
- 00:00:38today we have a very interesting
- 00:00:40solution called
- 00:00:41multi-view Erp so we are going to have a
- 00:00:44lot of fun discussing that before we do
- 00:00:45that we are going to start with
- 00:00:46everybody's intros I am going to start
- 00:00:49with my quick intro
- 00:00:51um I am Sam Gupta principal at Elevate
- 00:00:54IU Elevate IQ is the independent Erp and
- 00:00:58digital transformation consulting firm
- 00:01:00we focus on technology strategy and
- 00:01:02helping client uh with the
- 00:01:04implementation success on that note I am
- 00:01:06going to move to ND for his intro
- 00:01:10uh hi thanks Sam for inviting me my name
- 00:01:13is Andy pratico I've been involved
- 00:01:16in Erp software mostly for manufacturers
- 00:01:20for forever for four decades well before
- 00:01:24Sam was ever born yeah and I worked over
- 00:01:28North America I lived in the U.S for 11
- 00:01:30years and I uh I'm an author of a book
- 00:01:34on Amazon on how to how to evaluate Erp
- 00:01:38software and uh that's what I do
- 00:01:41okay amazing thank you so much for being
- 00:01:43here Andy
- 00:01:45um and if you're joining for the first
- 00:01:47time in the audience uh then make sure
- 00:01:48you guys post your questions and
- 00:01:50comments uh typically we try to cover
- 00:01:51them during the show if you run out of
- 00:01:54time then we'll make sure that you
- 00:01:56receive your answers on that note Andy I
- 00:01:59am going to uh start with the quick
- 00:02:01briefing of this solution you know where
- 00:02:04they come from obviously they are not as
- 00:02:06well known in general in the Erp
- 00:02:09Community uh they have slightly
- 00:02:11different
- 00:02:11um positioning
- 00:02:13um and sometimes you are going to see a
- 00:02:16lot of different Erp Solutions on some
- 00:02:18of the marketing affiliate sites uh G2
- 00:02:22captura they are really good at
- 00:02:24positioning a lot of different uh Erp
- 00:02:27systems but you don't really know what
- 00:02:29is underneath overall uh you know from
- 00:02:31the Erp perspective uh whether the
- 00:02:34solution is new old how good it is uh
- 00:02:36how credible the vendor is it's very
- 00:02:39hard to know on these affiliate sites
- 00:02:41just because they are and I don't know
- 00:02:43Andy whether you have seen it or not I
- 00:02:45mean they sort of uh Club everything
- 00:02:46together and sometimes there are like
- 00:02:48crazy combinations you have the Erp and
- 00:02:51then you have some telephony software
- 00:02:53that is clubbed together and they so
- 00:02:56it's very confusing for
- 00:02:58um the buyers the killer thing and I'll
- 00:03:01tell you what's even more confusing is
- 00:03:03that erps are so complex and so much the
- 00:03:07real earpiece not the ones that are
- 00:03:09nothing and they call themselves here
- 00:03:11the real erps are so complex
- 00:03:14that it's humanly impossible to evaluate
- 00:03:17them it takes years before you're fluent
- 00:03:20yet when you're evaluating you you might
- 00:03:23sit through demos that are two three
- 00:03:24four hours long
- 00:03:26how much do you learn in two three four
- 00:03:28hours
- 00:03:29about this much
- 00:03:31I can make my make my zero go there
- 00:03:34um nothing yet they have to make a
- 00:03:36decision they buy and no wonder there's
- 00:03:38so many companies that hate what they
- 00:03:39bought
- 00:03:41yeah and it might take more than a life
- 00:03:43to make that zero that you are trying to
- 00:03:45make uh in the end the same thing goes
- 00:03:47with the Erp as well while life is not
- 00:03:49enough uh even today I struggle to move
- 00:03:55from one screen to the next that's all
- 00:03:57oh
- 00:03:59these Erp systems could get
- 00:04:02um okay so this particular solution this
- 00:04:04is very interesting they are not as well
- 00:04:06known as I had mentioned their industry
- 00:04:09focus is very different as well it's a
- 00:04:11very similar positioning as some of the
- 00:04:15other solutions that are positioned more
- 00:04:17for the service Centric Industries uh
- 00:04:20non non-inventory Centric Industries so
- 00:04:24they are going to have very unique
- 00:04:25architecture very unique needs so if you
- 00:04:28look at the overarching industries where
- 00:04:31multi-view really likes to hang out it's
- 00:04:33very similar to Sage intact uh you know
- 00:04:37okay yeah yeah these guys are positioned
- 00:04:40for
- 00:04:41Healthcare is very common the I believe
- 00:04:45are doing in slightly more
- 00:04:48construction-centric energy Centric
- 00:04:50Industries
- 00:04:51and typically in these industries one of
- 00:04:53the challenges that they are going to
- 00:04:55have is you require a lot of entities in
- 00:05:00general as part of the solution and I
- 00:05:02don't know where the multi-view name
- 00:05:05comes from uh you know typically multi
- 00:05:09name in general in the Erp Community is
- 00:05:11going to be for the multi-site
- 00:05:14um solution multi-entity solution when
- 00:05:17you are going to have a lot of entities
- 00:05:18and you need to have that combined view
- 00:05:21when you are going to have a lot of
- 00:05:22collaboration transactions between these
- 00:05:24entities and that's where the
- 00:05:25multi-entity solution is going to be
- 00:05:26really handy so I don't know if the name
- 00:05:29came from there or not
- 00:05:31but it does seem like probably that's
- 00:05:34how they started uh surprisingly enough
- 00:05:37even though uh we have not heard of this
- 00:05:41name uh by the way and these guys are
- 00:05:44probably from Ontario
- 00:05:47from Toronto so yeah so they are very
- 00:05:50near to where I am which is mind-blowing
- 00:05:55but they have been in the market for
- 00:05:59ah what since 19 maybe 80s or 90s
- 00:06:03somewhere around that we are going to
- 00:06:04look into those regions as well so they
- 00:06:06have been in the market for a while so
- 00:06:08it's not really new technology it's a
- 00:06:10very old technology that is positioned
- 00:06:12as very new if you are going to look for
- 00:06:15any sort of demos and that's the
- 00:06:17challenge that you have seen especially
- 00:06:19in the moment pop category that you are
- 00:06:21not going to find any sort of demos so
- 00:06:24you know the only thing you are really
- 00:06:25looking at is the marketing material and
- 00:06:27it's very very hard to trust marketing
- 00:06:29material especially if you're looking at
- 00:06:31Mom and password trust marketing
- 00:06:34material sometimes they might not even
- 00:06:36have a code uh to be honest okay they
- 00:06:38might not even have developed the
- 00:06:39product uh it could be that bad in the
- 00:06:42software space and unless you sign their
- 00:06:44NDA even for the customers these
- 00:06:46companies require that they need to sign
- 00:06:48an NDA or sign the contract unless you
- 00:06:51sign that you are not gonna know what's
- 00:06:53underneath so be super super careful
- 00:06:57with any soft where especially with Erp
- 00:07:00software it could get extremely tricky
- 00:07:03in terms of what they really have and
- 00:07:05you are not going to know what is with
- 00:07:06the software unless you use it once you
- 00:07:10start using it once you start
- 00:07:11implementing it then only you are going
- 00:07:13to know uh you know what is going to
- 00:07:16fire back uh if you are simply comparing
- 00:07:19let's say just based on the contract or
- 00:07:21the pricing that's not a right
- 00:07:23comparison in general uh because you
- 00:07:25just don't know what you are getting out
- 00:07:27of your money uh and the total cost of
- 00:07:29ownership could be much higher in
- 00:07:32general so I'll pause there andy I don't
- 00:07:34know if you're going to have any sort of
- 00:07:35comments experience that we come across
- 00:07:38them most likely not probably I I uh
- 00:07:40this is one I'm not familiar with but
- 00:07:43you know erps or erps and uh it's the
- 00:07:47old story of let the buyer beware right
- 00:07:49exactly exactly so we'll uh we'll go
- 00:07:53through these slides and then maybe you
- 00:07:55are going to have some more comments
- 00:07:56there
- 00:07:57um one thing I forgot last time ND and I
- 00:08:00was really struggling to see these
- 00:08:01lights they weren't as bad I guess in
- 00:08:03the video to be honest and the reason
- 00:08:05why I was struggling is because I forgot
- 00:08:06to do full screen
- 00:08:09so now uh it's not as bad I guess I mean
- 00:08:12overall and I don't know if you can see
- 00:08:14it whether you see full screen on your
- 00:08:15site
- 00:08:17um so it seems like the font is okay
- 00:08:19today right it will look perfect okay
- 00:08:22perfect so overall uh from the product
- 00:08:24perspective if you look at the kind of
- 00:08:27features that you are going to see in
- 00:08:28this particular space uh by the way here
- 00:08:30on the slide you have a bunch of logos
- 00:08:33that they are trying to highlight a
- 00:08:35couple of them are going to be really
- 00:08:36the healthcare facilities and even
- 00:08:38inside the healthcare you are going to
- 00:08:40have many different businesses and if
- 00:08:43you look at the hospital Healthcare
- 00:08:45space that's a very different space in
- 00:08:46general so the kind of needs they are
- 00:08:48going to have is going to be very
- 00:08:49different from your life sciences
- 00:08:51companies for example Pharma met device
- 00:08:53in general they are going to have
- 00:08:55slightly different needs so here these
- 00:08:58guys are targeting slightly more you
- 00:09:00know in my mind I like to see them as
- 00:09:03more of the franchise Centric businesses
- 00:09:06so when I say franchise meaning you are
- 00:09:08going to have a lot of different sites
- 00:09:09you are going to have a lot of different
- 00:09:11legal entities it's very similar to uh
- 00:09:13retail Hospitality businesses where
- 00:09:16every single franchise is probably going
- 00:09:18to be a independent legal entity
- 00:09:19sometimes you might see this Arrangement
- 00:09:21even in the case of your retail
- 00:09:24distribution but for the most part
- 00:09:26Healthcare energy is where you are going
- 00:09:29to see a lot of different entities that
- 00:09:31are going to be legally separated but
- 00:09:33you are going to have substantial
- 00:09:34collaboration in them so they require
- 00:09:36very different functionality for the
- 00:09:39most part they are going to have
- 00:09:42um basic needs I mean these Solutions do
- 00:09:44not even have the CRM can you believe
- 00:09:46this in the Erp and some people you know
- 00:09:48they are going to look at this and they
- 00:09:49are like what the hell I mean I don't
- 00:09:51have anything here what am I doing it's
- 00:09:54just uh GL AP you know fixed assets
- 00:09:57business intelligence account receivable
- 00:09:59budget and forecasting and fpna is
- 00:10:02probably going to be really big one in
- 00:10:03this so you are going to see a lot more
- 00:10:05app PNA features uh as part or built as
- 00:10:09part of your Erp but I always have an
- 00:10:12opinion on that if you are going to be
- 00:10:14keeping all of this data inside Erp that
- 00:10:16becomes very difficult in general so
- 00:10:17budgeting and forecasting should reside
- 00:10:19in a separate software in general just
- 00:10:22because it's just easier to manage
- 00:10:23easier to sort of play around you know
- 00:10:26so this one should not be used as the
- 00:10:29budgeting and forecasting tool but it's
- 00:10:32always nice to have those feature sets
- 00:10:35as part of your Erp especially if you're
- 00:10:37not going to have budget for accepted
- 00:10:38software
- 00:10:40uh but they like to claim business
- 00:10:42intelligence you know as bundled as part
- 00:10:44of Erp which in my mind again uh should
- 00:10:47be a separate software Industries if you
- 00:10:49look at they are targeting Healthcare
- 00:10:50Finance Financial Services is very
- 00:10:53unique as well the way they are
- 00:10:54structured even inside an organization
- 00:10:56they might have uh the partnership
- 00:10:59agreement and partnership agreement the
- 00:11:00way they work is they are very similar
- 00:11:02to uh franchise business model inside
- 00:11:06the uh you know Financial Services every
- 00:11:09partner may have their own sort of p l
- 00:11:11and they are going to have their own
- 00:11:13sort of reporting structure uh I don't
- 00:11:15remember the form name K7 K9 I don't
- 00:11:18know which one is that they typically
- 00:11:19get that it's very similar to the way
- 00:11:21you are going to do your financial
- 00:11:22statements uh but it's a very different
- 00:11:24structure overall from the accounting
- 00:11:26perspective that's why your financial
- 00:11:28services is going to be a very different
- 00:11:29arrangement in general education not not
- 00:11:32for profit are too uh you know very
- 00:11:35similar uh architecture overall from the
- 00:11:37Erp perspective as well as from the
- 00:11:40Financial you know architecture I guess
- 00:11:42is very similar in these industries and
- 00:11:46again these industries are very very
- 00:11:47similar to usage intact uh and do you
- 00:11:49have a comment no no no okay
- 00:11:53um so that's pretty much it by the way
- 00:11:55let me see if you look at G2 this is the
- 00:11:58best software awards for 2023. okay
- 00:12:01which is just mind-blowing because see
- 00:12:02if you are going to compare this with
- 00:12:03let's say
- 00:12:05oh yeah so this is what this is blows
- 00:12:07this is what blows my mind the way uh
- 00:12:10you know these companies are ranking the
- 00:12:12software because let's see as a buyer
- 00:12:14let's say Andy if I'm looking at this
- 00:12:16one uh and let's see if I'm looking at
- 00:12:18this one as well as academic outstage in
- 00:12:19Tech right they all are probably going
- 00:12:21to be rated as best software best
- 00:12:24software
- 00:12:29is it really compatible to academic and
- 00:12:32that's why we are going to look at these
- 00:12:33screens and then we are going to do a
- 00:12:35little or design variable to sap or
- 00:12:37whoever it doesn't matter yes you have
- 00:12:41to realize how these places score and
- 00:12:44how they give their rewards usually it's
- 00:12:46paid advertising it is it is and in fact
- 00:12:50I mean see it just unfair to be honest
- 00:12:51the way these software are rated to you
- 00:12:54know if you look at academic as engine
- 00:12:55tank they probably have billions of
- 00:12:57dollars invested in that software yeah
- 00:12:58yeah you know and then you have this
- 00:13:01software which is probably going to be a
- 00:13:03couple of millions I guess
- 00:13:05don't forget yeah we talked about yeah
- 00:13:08well whenever you're traveling on a
- 00:13:10plane right in front of you there's
- 00:13:11always a
- 00:13:13in the backseat of the guy in front of
- 00:13:15you a person in front of you there's
- 00:13:16always magazines right yeah yeah you
- 00:13:19open up those magazines and it says top
- 00:13:2210 steakhouses in Chicago yeah you think
- 00:13:26that's really those are the top ten no
- 00:13:28no no they're not they're the top ten
- 00:13:30who pay exactly exactly it's very pay to
- 00:13:33play always right the top ten that paid
- 00:13:37exactly exactly
- 00:13:40um yeah it's uh it's always tricky uh
- 00:13:43you know with these rankings so always
- 00:13:45the lines I mean they could probably I
- 00:13:48mean Andy I'm not gonna like you I look
- 00:13:50at those lists all the time I I look at
- 00:13:52those I'm not gonna lie to you Andy I
- 00:13:54look at those lists all the time even
- 00:13:56though they are going to be paid to play
- 00:13:57okay but the way I approach my sort of
- 00:14:00thought process and selection when I'm
- 00:14:02going for the restaurant you know that
- 00:14:04gives me the starting point I'm not
- 00:14:05gonna choose first one or second one or
- 00:14:07third one just because the list says
- 00:14:09first second or third what I'm going to
- 00:14:11do is I am going to look at all 10 and
- 00:14:13then going to see you know what is
- 00:14:15happening I mean at least you know even
- 00:14:18if it is going to be pay to play I can
- 00:14:19probably have a little assurance that
- 00:14:21okay these probably these 10 are going
- 00:14:23to be decent enough uh you know for me
- 00:14:26to be able to review and find one that
- 00:14:29is going to work so that's how I
- 00:14:30approach I don't know uh if you approach
- 00:14:32the same or you simply ignore the list
- 00:14:34well no I I do review them because
- 00:14:37sometimes there are objective opinions
- 00:14:39and interesting comments but you really
- 00:14:42have to be careful in all these lists
- 00:14:44because
- 00:14:45a lot of times it's it's it's the uh uh
- 00:14:50sales person or the company that's
- 00:14:53putting a post on there under a fake
- 00:14:54name
- 00:14:55yes there's nobody who audits these
- 00:14:59especially for the affiliate marketing
- 00:15:01companies I think they are really
- 00:15:03resource constrained the way they work
- 00:15:05uh you know if you look at you need to
- 00:15:08pay attention to the business look at
- 00:15:09what Wayne dizzy saying yeah
- 00:15:12100 agree
- 00:15:13100 agree yes that's one of the worst
- 00:15:19it's humanly impossible to evaluate Erp
- 00:15:21software so guess one they people fall
- 00:15:23in love with the one who spends the most
- 00:15:24marketing
- 00:15:26my God Indy let's read the comment first
- 00:15:29so that uh you know people can
- 00:15:31understand what we are talking about so
- 00:15:32we have Wayne Wayne Uh jinzi uh and I'll
- 00:15:36read his name as well so that people can
- 00:15:37follow it's
- 00:15:38[Music]
- 00:15:40w-a-y-n-e-d-i-n-z-e why you know he's
- 00:15:42available on LinkedIn and he is seeing
- 00:15:45that I agree with the marketing comments
- 00:15:47marketing is in my opinion the single
- 00:15:50most dangerous uh front customer face
- 00:15:52marketing can or should be added to your
- 00:15:55list of why Erp implementations fail uh
- 00:15:58misguided purchasing yes
- 00:16:01um yes and I want to make sure that I am
- 00:16:04understanding this comment first so
- 00:16:09um yes I mean there is a lot of
- 00:16:11marketing hype I think that's what he is
- 00:16:13trying to say uh that any solutions or
- 00:16:16any any anything that you're going to be
- 00:16:18looking at uh in general if you can
- 00:16:20speak to somebody who is going to be
- 00:16:22implementing Your solution typically
- 00:16:24most sales and marketing people what
- 00:16:26they do is they are going to isolate the
- 00:16:28implementation team as much as possible
- 00:16:30the reason for that is because those
- 00:16:32implementation people are going to be
- 00:16:33very technical people and they have
- 00:16:35tendency to be honest
- 00:16:37exactly yes that's exactly what I said
- 00:16:40okay and sales people and marketing
- 00:16:41people they don't like it because that
- 00:16:43is
- 00:16:45uh exactly so you want to make sure that
- 00:16:49and by the way I mean see they are also
- 00:16:50not going to be as comfortable in line
- 00:16:52in general uh because that no uh you
- 00:16:57know and by the way I mean even if they
- 00:16:58are not lying they are still not going
- 00:17:00to be comfortable uh you know the way
- 00:17:01they grew up they are very very
- 00:17:03uncomfortable and overstating anything
- 00:17:06I'll tell you what I tell people that
- 00:17:08attend my webinars or whatever the case
- 00:17:10Sam is that
- 00:17:11the version that demos the software to
- 00:17:14you know what their title is
- 00:17:17um sales engineer
- 00:17:18um sometimes no it's pre-sales because
- 00:17:20yeah
- 00:17:21pre-sales consultant guess what
- 00:17:23definition of a pre-sales consultant is
- 00:17:26someone you're never going to see again
- 00:17:28after 10 contract huh
- 00:17:37uncover the truth no
- 00:17:40exactly all right guys we have one more
- 00:17:43comment from Wayne and he is saying
- 00:17:45Lowell but a restaurant will cost you
- 00:17:47one good deal
- 00:17:48and Erp pay to play list will cost you
- 00:17:51the life cycle of your ownership of that
- 00:17:55application by the way the cost of
- 00:17:57application is peanuts uh the
- 00:17:59disruptions that that you are going to
- 00:18:00get the implications that you are going
- 00:18:03to get because of this okay the pain the
- 00:18:05headache that you are going to get
- 00:18:07um it's just mind-boggling so be careful
- 00:18:10well another thing I tell people Wayne
- 00:18:12this is perfect what Wayne's saying is
- 00:18:14people will say yeah but Andy the Erp
- 00:18:17you work with is too expensive
- 00:18:19and I tell them well you wanna you wanna
- 00:18:21know something
- 00:18:23in a year from now you'll have forgotten
- 00:18:25how much you paid
- 00:18:27unless you're not happy then you'll be
- 00:18:30reminded the rest of your life
- 00:18:33yeah and I will add one more point there
- 00:18:36andy on that point and by the way I mean
- 00:18:38I like to compare this with you know
- 00:18:40cars or machines or whatever you want to
- 00:18:42compare with right yeah yeah uh you can
- 00:18:44have fifty thousand fifty thousand cars
- 00:18:46uh they could be the best cars possible
- 00:18:48but if you have not learned how to drive
- 00:18:51them there is no point in buying those
- 00:18:53cars and keeping them and that's how
- 00:18:56your Erp technology Works uh you know
- 00:18:58just because you paid for Erp uh e or P
- 00:19:01Consulting and the Consulting expertise
- 00:19:03and the change management is not
- 00:19:06optional okay you need to spend you need
- 00:19:09to spend a lot more than on a piece of
- 00:19:11technology so if you buy really cheap
- 00:19:14technology you know make sure you spend
- 00:19:16a lot more on Consulting
- 00:19:19okay but if you buy it you can trust and
- 00:19:21you'd believe in not just Consulting it
- 00:19:24has to be has to be adding value exactly
- 00:19:26exactly
- 00:19:29um all right guys so if you don't have
- 00:19:30anything else I'm actually going to move
- 00:19:31to the the slides so here uh I have a
- 00:19:35little comment here uh it's saying these
- 00:19:37industries have a lot of companies and
- 00:19:38entities uh I have already covered that
- 00:19:41so here we are talking about uh this is
- 00:19:44uh a comment coming from their
- 00:19:45documentation publicly available
- 00:19:47documentation so we are simply trying to
- 00:19:49uh find out what's going on here because
- 00:19:51rpsd we don't have a ton of screenshots
- 00:19:54that we can review uh and we only rely
- 00:19:56on the public information and this is
- 00:19:58the challenge of these reviews so here
- 00:20:01they are saying we have 14 companies
- 00:20:03actually and this is the comment coming
- 00:20:05from a customer a case study that they
- 00:20:07had published we have 14 companies
- 00:20:09actually a few more non-operating
- 00:20:12companies so inputting data into each
- 00:20:13company you basically had to log in and
- 00:20:16out of each company in order to process
- 00:20:18transactions which was very time
- 00:20:20consuming and this is the reality in
- 00:20:22general the way uh this space works I
- 00:20:25have seen a system such as your
- 00:20:26Microsoft gpe you used very heavily in
- 00:20:29this space as well I'm pretty sure nav
- 00:20:30is doing really well the reason for that
- 00:20:32is because uh you know Microsoft always
- 00:20:35did well in slightly uh more service
- 00:20:38centered this ways
- 00:20:40um so I mean MGP they had to log out
- 00:20:43they had to log back in um you know that
- 00:20:45was the main point so maybe this user
- 00:20:47came from I don't know which system they
- 00:20:49came from probably QuickBooks and uh now
- 00:20:51they are finding this value uh you know
- 00:20:53inside the system itself that's what
- 00:20:55they like the multi-entity aspect of the
- 00:20:58system so here they are saying multi
- 00:21:00view was that it is one platform so
- 00:21:03that's what they are trying to highlight
- 00:21:04that you know you don't have to log out
- 00:21:06and log in which is a good thing which
- 00:21:07is which I personally liked about this
- 00:21:10platform as well you basically separate
- 00:21:12data by company and business unit and
- 00:21:14you can get all of that data out in one
- 00:21:17report query now again this is all
- 00:21:20marketing speak okay so that's where we
- 00:21:23are going to review these screens and
- 00:21:25data organization and we are going to
- 00:21:27figure out okay where the product is but
- 00:21:29you know when you look at the marketing
- 00:21:30speak you will not be able to spot the
- 00:21:32difference between your Sage intact and
- 00:21:34and the solution or archimatica and the
- 00:21:37solution okay so you are going to get
- 00:21:39really fancy rating
- 00:21:40you know site and then fascinating case
- 00:21:43studies and the logos uh and if you are
- 00:21:45going to decide on this good luck uh
- 00:21:47well yeah you know Sam I just emailed
- 00:21:50you a link to an article I wrote five
- 00:21:52ten years ago but if you have a look at
- 00:21:54just the graphic
- 00:21:57perception is an illusion exactly
- 00:21:59exactly could not agree more could not
- 00:22:01agree more yeah
- 00:22:04um yeah and by the way perception could
- 00:22:06be hard because with the episode you
- 00:22:08don't even know uh you know how bad
- 00:22:12could it get you just you just oh it
- 00:22:14didn't get real bad
- 00:22:16real bad you just don't know I mean even
- 00:22:18we struggle to be honest okay uh even
- 00:22:21though we are doing the selection
- 00:22:23professionally we always find surprises
- 00:22:25of course
- 00:22:26but you know I'll tell you the problem
- 00:22:29no disrespect Sam but the problem with
- 00:22:31companies that you hire that help you
- 00:22:34evaluate Erp software as they put so
- 00:22:37much focus on the demo because the
- 00:22:40reality is it's humanly impossible to
- 00:22:42evaluate Erp in a demo exactly exactly
- 00:22:45not only more and that's why I pay I
- 00:22:48personally like don't like demos at all
- 00:22:50right I hate them they're just sales
- 00:22:53pitches that's all they are yeah
- 00:22:55if you uh are dealing with really
- 00:22:58professional salesperson uh from any RP
- 00:23:01OEM they sort of know how to believe you
- 00:23:03and not letting you know that they are
- 00:23:05bullying you
- 00:23:08uh you know so it could get really
- 00:23:10difficult in general in the conversation
- 00:23:12so be really careful there so yeah so
- 00:23:15let's move on with the commentary here
- 00:23:17so here they are saying how many expense
- 00:23:19reports do you process in a monthly time
- 00:23:22frame and I couldn't tell them uh I had
- 00:23:25to have a temp help me and it took four
- 00:23:28hours with my TV with a simple button
- 00:23:29that you can click and when you set up
- 00:23:31employees as a vendor uh so you can run
- 00:23:34a query uh I think a lot of things about
- 00:23:37how quick it is to get data but we are
- 00:23:40going to look at their data organization
- 00:23:41how they have structured it and how they
- 00:23:44are going to compare with the other
- 00:23:45solutions that we have in the market
- 00:23:48so some more commentary here again then
- 00:23:50you look at marketing speak it's very
- 00:23:52very hard to know and you know when we
- 00:23:54do our study for these things for these
- 00:23:57uh presentations uh even for us it's
- 00:24:00very hard because we don't know about
- 00:24:01the solution uh you know and we are only
- 00:24:03looking at the marketing speak and it's
- 00:24:05like okay I'm I'm Blown Away what is
- 00:24:07this stuff okay and then you look at the
- 00:24:09screen and okay since I can read from
- 00:24:11the screen and that's why you know for
- 00:24:14me I can sort of relate whether the
- 00:24:16screens are from 1980s 1990s
- 00:24:192020 yeah yeah you can you can tell
- 00:24:22they're looking at the screen what era
- 00:24:24it's from exactly exactly uh if you have
- 00:24:28been doing this long enough I guess not
- 00:24:30as long as ND uh but long enough you see
- 00:24:33there's God and then there's me exactly
- 00:24:38exactly Andy Andy got
- 00:24:41150 a user
- 00:24:44yeah and by the way I mean that's the uh
- 00:24:47point I wanted to highlight because if
- 00:24:49you actually look at the price of the
- 00:24:51user which is not uh you know
- 00:24:54inexpensive uh if you look at any other
- 00:24:56Erp systems they are probably going to
- 00:24:58be very simple was that per year or per
- 00:25:00month
- 00:25:02um this is the cloud pricing is annual
- 00:25:05subscription per user okay um 50 per
- 00:25:08user is cheap if it is per year then
- 00:25:12definitely it's cheap if it's career
- 00:25:14yeah yeah but I guarantee that they will
- 00:25:16not be able to afford
- 00:25:18uh 150 per year because
- 00:25:21uh Indian I don't know whether I told
- 00:25:24you this or not on the other sessions
- 00:25:25typically the when you look at the
- 00:25:27overarching price or the cost of your
- 00:25:30Cloud Erp subscription the 50 of the
- 00:25:33cost that these Cloud companies have it
- 00:25:36goes to your Cloud providers correct AWS
- 00:25:41AWS whatever it is and even ews is not
- 00:25:44making as much money to be honest and
- 00:25:46some people just don't understand how
- 00:25:48this whole software space works because
- 00:25:50for them it's just going to be okay I
- 00:25:51have open source and I'm only paying for
- 00:25:53code it doesn't work that way in the
- 00:25:55case of software the biggest chunk of
- 00:25:58money even the infrastructure companies
- 00:26:00are not making that share the 50 that is
- 00:26:04going to your AWS Azure it goes to
- 00:26:07Microsoft
- 00:26:08for VM licenses can you believe this
- 00:26:11it's crazy the way it works and even
- 00:26:14Microsoft is not making as much money
- 00:26:15because they have to pay to a lot of
- 00:26:17people
- 00:26:20multi-level chain that you don't
- 00:26:22understand it's very complex I hear you
- 00:26:25okay so nobody is as such making money
- 00:26:27and these guys will not be able to
- 00:26:29afford if they are doing 150 per user
- 00:26:31and uh you know I don't know how they'll
- 00:26:35be able to afford to be honest uh unless
- 00:26:37they are on very poor infrastructure or
- 00:26:41uh yeah I ideally don't know what's
- 00:26:43going on there uh it might be harder for
- 00:26:46them to be able to what a world we live
- 00:26:47in yeah uh and by the way these guys are
- 00:26:50doing multi-entity and you know it's not
- 00:26:52QuickBooks because QuickBooks and that's
- 00:26:53why they are trying to separate the
- 00:26:55entity because the number of
- 00:26:56transactions that you are going to have
- 00:26:58in one entity are never going to be as
- 00:27:00many and that's why they are trying to
- 00:27:02sort of separate and that's how they are
- 00:27:03able to do
- 00:27:05um 35 40 dollars per user per month
- 00:27:08otherwise even they will not be able to
- 00:27:09afford uh and the depth of the
- 00:27:12transaction is very low as well uh in
- 00:27:13general in QuickBooks and it's not a
- 00:27:15real database so you don't really
- 00:27:16require as much about capacity it's a
- 00:27:19file uh you know file is always much
- 00:27:22easier to manage you don't have the
- 00:27:24transactional reconciliation built as
- 00:27:26part of your model so it just does not
- 00:27:28consume as much resources
- 00:27:31um so here and by the way I don't even
- 00:27:33know what technology these guys are
- 00:27:34using uh it could be file who knows
- 00:27:38um
- 00:27:39so here they are saying it was founded
- 00:27:41in 1990 and that's where I came to know
- 00:27:43that okay no this is not a new company
- 00:27:45because you know when you look at
- 00:27:47something like this I would think that
- 00:27:48probably they are really new and they
- 00:27:49are probably have something Cutting Edge
- 00:27:51but no no no no no no no no they are
- 00:27:53really old okay which is just
- 00:27:54mind-blowing because obviously in last
- 00:27:5620 30 years they hardly could get you
- 00:27:58know I don't know maybe 20 30 50
- 00:28:01customers I guess I don't know how many
- 00:28:03they have uh but obviously their
- 00:28:05footprint is going to be very low uh in
- 00:28:07general otherwise they would have as big
- 00:28:09name as your you know academic stage
- 00:28:12intact uh or you know and for epic or
- 00:28:15whatever in this industry you're not
- 00:28:16going to see them right
- 00:28:18um yeah so the vendor's website States
- 00:28:20and by the way this is the commentary
- 00:28:21coming from Tech okay and Tech is
- 00:28:24amazing organization as well because
- 00:28:25they are also pay to play so they have
- 00:28:27given it what four and a half uh you
- 00:28:30know ranking so it's very misleading
- 00:28:32interesting technology evaluation center
- 00:28:35yeah yeah this is the commentary so you
- 00:28:38know it could be very misleading for the
- 00:28:39customer as well
- 00:28:41have evaluated I mean it's very flowery
- 00:28:44language
- 00:28:45but you know who writes that stuff
- 00:28:48that's on Tech
- 00:28:49uh I'm not gonna name anybody uh
- 00:28:52software vendors do exactly exactly
- 00:28:55exactly the way I know that Sam
- 00:28:59guess who's written some of them oh my
- 00:29:02goodness and you have written yourself
- 00:29:05um
- 00:29:05[Laughter]
- 00:29:10the world we live in living yeah I know
- 00:29:12it's crazy the way it works to be honest
- 00:29:13okay and um and uh yeah and that's why
- 00:29:16it's very hard to trust
- 00:29:18um these sites as well and that's why I
- 00:29:20mean uh and by the way I mean these days
- 00:29:22are probably claiming themselves to be
- 00:29:23independent as well which is not true
- 00:29:25because obviously they are charging
- 00:29:26their vendors to pay for these things so
- 00:29:29I don't know uh that's crazy independent
- 00:29:31is a relative term
- 00:29:33uh yeah exactly but I mean there are
- 00:29:34companies that are going to be truly
- 00:29:36independent they are not charging
- 00:29:37anybody
- 00:29:38um but those ones are expensive uh
- 00:29:41exactly exactly because they have to
- 00:29:43feed their family either getting paid
- 00:29:45from both ends so it's reasonable yeah
- 00:29:47or you're absolutely objective and it
- 00:29:49costs energy you've got to charge a lot
- 00:29:51exactly exactly so here they are saying
- 00:29:53it is designed for organizations of any
- 00:29:56size in a variety of Industries uh here
- 00:30:00they are also seeing some of the
- 00:30:01multi-view erps direct competitors in
- 00:30:03the accounting focused Erp market and
- 00:30:05they are saying accounting focused Erp
- 00:30:08Market I don't know what they mean but I
- 00:30:10think what they meant is slightly more
- 00:30:12service-centric Industries uh every
- 00:30:15single Erp is going to be the accounting
- 00:30:18focused because obviously you need to
- 00:30:19have accounting underneath otherwise I
- 00:30:21don't know how it is an Erp uh but they
- 00:30:24have compared this with uh these
- 00:30:26Solutions which is the uh we have the
- 00:30:28Easter one we have Financial force and
- 00:30:31the Dynasty and these are very Service
- 00:30:33uh Centric organization the known
- 00:30:36inventory Centric organizations is what
- 00:30:39they are talking about
- 00:30:41um yeah even the not so popular software
- 00:30:43are fairly expensive and that's right
- 00:30:46but I don't know whether this is the
- 00:30:47annual subscription my understanding is
- 00:30:49going to be this is probably monthly but
- 00:30:51you might want to do something yeah
- 00:30:54now let's look at the screen okay you
- 00:30:56are going to find probably four or five
- 00:30:58screens and you have to take a lot on
- 00:31:00the internet to be able to find because
- 00:31:02you are not going to find a single demo
- 00:31:03uh you know published publicly so now
- 00:31:05you don't even know this is state of the
- 00:31:07art in 1980. exactly exactly
- 00:31:11and Trust Me Andy you know people like
- 00:31:15being married
- 00:31:17I had to dig for two hours to find any
- 00:31:20screenshot yeah yeah yeah so crazy the
- 00:31:25way it works uh you know and I don't
- 00:31:27know why these software companies are
- 00:31:28not publishing any demos because people
- 00:31:30will know about you know what they are
- 00:31:31trying to sell I guess uh
- 00:31:35um so here this is definitely uh I would
- 00:31:39say 1990 and the way their buttons are
- 00:31:42designed this is very uh Microsoft XP
- 00:31:46probably kind of feeling uh you know so
- 00:31:49at that time it would have been new but
- 00:31:51obviously these guys uh are not able to
- 00:31:53invest as much uh on the cloud
- 00:31:55technology they just don't have as much
- 00:31:57investment backing and that's probably
- 00:31:59the reason why they are not able to
- 00:32:01innovate uh their products so pay
- 00:32:03attention to you know what they are
- 00:32:04doing and sometimes they are simply
- 00:32:06going to replace the front end that does
- 00:32:08not replace your service layer or the
- 00:32:09data model
- 00:32:10um so again you require for deeper
- 00:32:12expertise to be able to evaluate these
- 00:32:14things in terms of what you are getting
- 00:32:15you are never going to know what issues
- 00:32:17you are going to get but you know when
- 00:32:19you are using something old underneath
- 00:32:21you will always have issues
- 00:32:23[Laughter]
- 00:32:26um
- 00:32:27okay uh just one more point there I
- 00:32:30don't know if I wanted to cover anything
- 00:32:32else overall from the data architecture
- 00:32:34perspective I so here now they are
- 00:32:37claiming it to be multi-entity but if
- 00:32:39you look at their data architecture ND
- 00:32:41you know it's not true multi-entity
- 00:32:43because a company has Company ID
- 00:32:45typically what multi-entity means is
- 00:32:47inside your you know if you look at the
- 00:32:50true multi-entity software then you are
- 00:32:53not simply going to have a data layer
- 00:32:56underneath your single tenant and
- 00:32:58through which you are really trying to
- 00:33:00identify your company that's not how
- 00:33:02multi entity is supposed to work so here
- 00:33:04sure as a business user you are going to
- 00:33:07get all the reports that you're looking
- 00:33:09for but that's not how multi-entity is
- 00:33:12supposed to work so you might get just
- 00:33:14one thing but when you are going to get
- 00:33:16into the complex scenarios of doing the
- 00:33:18traceability doing the analysis doing
- 00:33:21overlaying of data that's where it is
- 00:33:23going to fail because the underlying
- 00:33:25data architecture does not support the
- 00:33:28true multi-entity model so not only the
- 00:33:33technology is weak here the whole data
- 00:33:36architecture is super weak it's not
- 00:33:38supposed to be multi-entity it's a very
- 00:33:40simple architecture the way it is
- 00:33:42designed so it's very similar to your
- 00:33:44single entity with a another dimension
- 00:33:47for uh your company
- 00:33:50uh you have the company ID you have the
- 00:33:53entry ID
- 00:33:55um
- 00:33:56yeah
- 00:33:59no well it's got a dashboard it's got a
- 00:34:02dashboard and everybody has a dashboard
- 00:34:04because they're easier to build okay
- 00:34:08they don't have to fix the software just
- 00:34:10put some dashboards in front yeah
- 00:34:12exactly this is how demo starts ND okay
- 00:34:14this is a demo there you go this is this
- 00:34:17is how it's gonna start you're gonna
- 00:34:18feel okay if they are going to start on
- 00:34:20a good feeling everybody's sort of
- 00:34:22settled they saw something pretty and
- 00:34:24now comes the reality sometimes they'll
- 00:34:26show you sometimes they want depending
- 00:34:28upon how many questions they get on the
- 00:34:29pretty screen and the next thing that
- 00:34:31you know you have signed the contract
- 00:34:33and you married somebody else but got
- 00:34:35something else
- 00:34:39um I don't know Andy whether you are
- 00:34:40familiar with these uh shotgun or
- 00:34:43arranged marriages I mean not uh
- 00:34:46[Laughter]
- 00:34:48you show something else and get
- 00:34:50something else
- 00:34:51and then you got to pay you have to pay
- 00:34:54a dowry with cattle then right exactly
- 00:34:56exactly that's also a challenge yeah you
- 00:34:59paid for something else so this is a
- 00:35:01similar compare
- 00:35:04exactly
- 00:35:06oh my goodness that is so funny
- 00:35:09um okay
- 00:35:12um so here uh again the if you those was
- 00:35:15a bit pushy
- 00:35:17yeah yeah so oh quarter end oh they gave
- 00:35:20him a special price yeah yeah so we are
- 00:35:22going to look at uh you know that but I
- 00:35:24mean one thing that I wanted to
- 00:35:25highlight is let's say if you are not
- 00:35:26able to find any sort of demos and you
- 00:35:28are looking to see how you might be able
- 00:35:30to find a little bit of information
- 00:35:32about the product uh I would say what
- 00:35:34you could do is you could pay attention
- 00:35:38to the reviews don't look at these Stars
- 00:35:40uh or uh the Asterix uh don't look at
- 00:35:44the
- 00:35:46um
- 00:35:47um the company or anything let me see
- 00:35:50what you need to do is you need to pay
- 00:35:52attention to details inside the reviews
- 00:35:54the more detailed the review is pay
- 00:35:57attention to what the person is saying
- 00:35:59and then try to correlate who the person
- 00:36:01is what is the size of their company
- 00:36:03what is their credibility that's how you
- 00:36:05sort of read between the lines of these
- 00:36:07reviews whether you can get any sort of
- 00:36:09Intel and sometimes the reviews are
- 00:36:11going to be paid as well uh so it's very
- 00:36:13hard to get anything from the reviews
- 00:36:14but if you do enough research you if you
- 00:36:16understand how to read uh them then you
- 00:36:19will be able to know uh you know maybe
- 00:36:21there is something that you might be
- 00:36:23able to correlate and you might be able
- 00:36:24to find so here number one thing is the
- 00:36:27review is coming from 2020. here uh they
- 00:36:31are saying in implementation currently
- 00:36:34we have not at any markers okay used
- 00:36:37weekly for six to 12 months meaning they
- 00:36:39have been in the implementation for
- 00:36:41roughly 12 months obviously that's a
- 00:36:43long time they are dealing with smaller
- 00:36:46companies here we are talking about 11
- 00:36:47to 50 employees so obviously this is not
- 00:36:50a very large company in general uh when
- 00:36:52you look at companies such as your
- 00:36:53insurance companies if you're simply
- 00:36:55implementing accounting these guys have
- 00:36:58only accounting okay your transactional
- 00:37:00debt is going to be very shallow so you
- 00:37:03don't require as much effort the only
- 00:37:05thing you need to model is going to be
- 00:37:07your customers and vendors and sometimes
- 00:37:08even your items and bonds are not going
- 00:37:10to be bombs you're not going to have in
- 00:37:11this particular space even your items
- 00:37:13are not going to be modeled so just for
- 00:37:15the customer and vendors you are taking
- 00:37:1812 months that doesn't make any sense
- 00:37:19okay so that's a very long time meaning
- 00:37:21they didn't have something in the
- 00:37:22product and they had to do a lot of
- 00:37:24things to be able to enable that and
- 00:37:27that's where they are probably doing
- 00:37:28development and their needs which is not
- 00:37:30a good sign in general for any product
- 00:37:32uh you know in general for accounting
- 00:37:35implementation if it is going to be
- 00:37:37purely accounting uh you should not take
- 00:37:39nine 12 months you are probably looking
- 00:37:40at three six months something like that
- 00:37:42depending upon how complex the
- 00:37:43transactions are but in general
- 00:37:45accounting only implementations are
- 00:37:47typically easier
- 00:37:49now we are saying initially the sales
- 00:37:51pitch was bit pushy to purchase on a
- 00:37:53quarter ending in uh hindsight that was
- 00:37:56due to salesperson knowing they were
- 00:37:58leaving so the salesperson left okay
- 00:38:00and this is very common we have seen
- 00:38:03this in a lot of cases okay when you go
- 00:38:05to these mom and pop shops and you know
- 00:38:08sales people they are trying to make a
- 00:38:10living to be honest and it's not
- 00:38:11necessarily their fault right I mean
- 00:38:13they need to make bonus
- 00:38:15anything they got to move on yeah
- 00:38:18exactly exactly and uh you know
- 00:38:20obviously it's in their best interest to
- 00:38:22do this but it might not be in your best
- 00:38:24interest because they are going to move
- 00:38:26away and then you are going to get stuck
- 00:38:27with that so look at that look at the
- 00:38:29second and last sentence the virus then
- 00:38:31hit
- 00:38:32that's crazy that we might need 10 times
- 00:38:36that initial offer they said but Andy
- 00:38:39how do you get virus in an Erp system I
- 00:38:41I don't understand this you need to
- 00:38:43explain that to me a virus maybe you're
- 00:38:45talking about Community system
- 00:38:49that's crazy that's really crazy
- 00:38:52that's how clunky the technology is okay
- 00:38:55Erp systems or so bulletproof that even
- 00:38:58human cannot get in okay here you are
- 00:39:01talking about virus
- 00:39:03okay so here we are saying the
- 00:39:06implementation team did not address
- 00:39:08properly are four items that were
- 00:39:11critical for our needs uh you know
- 00:39:13approximately 12 months later our
- 00:39:15business analyst wrote up a quick two to
- 00:39:18five four piece document for them and
- 00:39:20re-share documents we provided their
- 00:39:22staff uh in the first couple of months
- 00:39:24of the project it appears that yes was
- 00:39:27the answer to can we do it okay these
- 00:39:31the the line items that you are going to
- 00:39:33mention is the customer okay you don't
- 00:39:36understand how much room every single
- 00:39:39Erp vendor has with those because
- 00:39:42typically even if you go to a code okay
- 00:39:44you cannot do anything
- 00:39:46because when they say yes it could mean
- 00:39:49a lot of different things because the
- 00:39:52question that you asked wasn't specific
- 00:39:53enough it wasn't specific here's a trick
- 00:39:57here's a trick when you ask us an Erp
- 00:39:59salesman a question does it do X
- 00:40:02whatever X says if they go yeah
- 00:40:05that means no
- 00:40:08if they say yes that means yes
- 00:40:14but in general when you are asking any
- 00:40:17questions you should not be asking the
- 00:40:19yes and no uh you know questions yeah
- 00:40:22yeah exactly number one thing I mean see
- 00:40:24most customers they don't really
- 00:40:26understand what to look for in a
- 00:40:29question okay you need to be that's
- 00:40:32where the expertise come in I mean you
- 00:40:33know
- 00:40:34and again if you are going to be doing
- 00:40:36this yourself you might feel that the
- 00:40:38selection process is easy uh but again
- 00:40:41there are always going to be layers with
- 00:40:43it and these guys have a lot of room
- 00:40:46that they can play with so that's what
- 00:40:47she is trying to mention here is that
- 00:40:49yes was the answer to can we do it
- 00:40:51however they did not bet that yes
- 00:40:54properly it's not they it's the problem
- 00:40:57is with you because if you ask a
- 00:40:59salesperson
- 00:41:01about their weakness they are not gonna
- 00:41:04overly highlight that that's not how
- 00:41:05sales Works uh sorry
- 00:41:08so you need to figure out you know how
- 00:41:10to ask the right questions and how to
- 00:41:13read between the lines so it's not
- 00:41:15really on the vendor it is your homework
- 00:41:17you did not do the homework and that's
- 00:41:19why you actually suffered and that's
- 00:41:22where you either need to get the expert
- 00:41:24so that they can wait or just do a lot
- 00:41:27of research if you are trying to do it
- 00:41:29yourself because this thing is hard
- 00:41:31well I'll tell you you know we we're
- 00:41:33talking about how easy it is to get
- 00:41:36fooled when you're evaluating these
- 00:41:37things
- 00:41:39and not only that when you're evaluating
- 00:41:41getting help an Erp selection company
- 00:41:44you can get fooled
- 00:41:45yeah
- 00:41:48if you guys really if if the audience is
- 00:41:50really looking to get honest sincere
- 00:41:52help
- 00:41:53Mr Sam Gupta is your man
- 00:41:56yeah I'm not too sure about that I mean
- 00:41:58you know whether me or somebody else but
- 00:42:01but mostly thank you thank you thank you
- 00:42:05Andy thank you really appreciate that
- 00:42:06okay thank you for the shout out uh but
- 00:42:09the point I'm trying to make here is
- 00:42:11that um you know there's just so much
- 00:42:13room so so much room uh with these
- 00:42:16requirements and you unless you are
- 00:42:18doing this on a daily basis and
- 00:42:20sometimes we get into these um honestly
- 00:42:23speaking these reviews and you know
- 00:42:25there's only so much information that
- 00:42:26these vendors are going to give and it
- 00:42:28becomes very hard to evaluate because
- 00:42:30obviously they are trying to play and
- 00:42:32they are not going to give you
- 00:42:33everything so even for us it's very very
- 00:42:35hard think about you know how hard it is
- 00:42:37going to be for you so now moving right
- 00:42:39along Andy uh here they are saying the
- 00:42:42service overall was fine main person
- 00:42:44kept pushing off the key items or later
- 00:42:46that's how it works fine
- 00:42:50my goodness
- 00:42:53if my customers invited am I to my
- 00:42:55customers they would shoot me
- 00:42:59oh my God they're fine they just never
- 00:43:01answered my questions
- 00:43:04exactly but some people you know give
- 00:43:06people benefit of doubt I guess right
- 00:43:08and you know with the Erp systems that's
- 00:43:10not how it is supposed to work sometimes
- 00:43:12it's because it's perspective it's
- 00:43:14whatever they were used to previously
- 00:43:16yeah if if they were in a cesspool of an
- 00:43:18erpv previously anything can look good
- 00:43:21now yeah yeah right depends what they
- 00:43:24were used to what they were you know
- 00:43:26what they were what they what they uh
- 00:43:27it's perspective could not agree more
- 00:43:30great Point
- 00:43:31um so here we have some more commentary
- 00:43:33so let's touch on that if we would go
- 00:43:35live without these items we decline for
- 00:43:38a number of reasons asked if we would
- 00:43:40consider paying some additional cost to
- 00:43:42achieve them that's very common in the
- 00:43:44moment pop space they are going to
- 00:43:45overcome it for something typically if
- 00:43:47you go with the mainstream vendors
- 00:43:49they're slightly careful to be honest uh
- 00:43:51you know and the reason for that is
- 00:43:52because they have the legal liability uh
- 00:43:55and if they are not going to have
- 00:43:56capabilities because you know they can
- 00:43:58be audited but you know hit
- 00:44:04uh that's like a crazy one that's really
- 00:44:07crazy okay I don't want to read that
- 00:44:09okay so here they are virus here
- 00:44:14and the cost increased by 10x so how
- 00:44:17does the yeah and and virus is something
- 00:44:20if any in any reviews that you are
- 00:44:23finding with Erp just do not consider
- 00:44:26that Erp in my mind uh because these
- 00:44:29guys obviously don't have as much cyber
- 00:44:31security expertise uh as the software
- 00:44:33company they are probably cash strapped
- 00:44:35they have no idea how much it cost
- 00:44:38um to get the cyber security right even
- 00:44:39for the software to be honest
- 00:44:42um so yeah so virus is not cool with an
- 00:44:44Erp system if you read that anywhere
- 00:44:46please try to stay away from that that's
- 00:44:49probably a biggest threat plan for you
- 00:44:51um
- 00:44:52okay so we have some more commentary
- 00:44:53here
- 00:44:55um
- 00:44:58maybe talking about covet covet look at
- 00:45:01the date of the review March 31st 2020
- 00:45:04uh and under says is great at catching
- 00:45:07these things a wonderful uh observation
- 00:45:10that was right when everything was
- 00:45:12shutting down and the uh quantity of
- 00:45:14announcements and maybe that is right
- 00:45:16maybe that's what they are talking about
- 00:45:17I don't know is this a strong word to
- 00:45:21use no but I mean why would the cost
- 00:45:23increase by 10x just because they got
- 00:45:24covered that doesn't make any sense
- 00:45:27uh
- 00:45:29no it's a real virus virus it's a
- 00:45:31computer virus
- 00:45:33um
- 00:45:35Okay so
- 00:45:38here they are saying okay so Wayne is
- 00:45:40saying not accurate my friend yeah this
- 00:45:42is very difficult for an amateur but
- 00:45:45real cyber attackers can do a lot to Erp
- 00:45:49systems that are not properly configured
- 00:45:52and that is right I agree with Wayne
- 00:45:55um in general uh but for the most part I
- 00:45:59mean the kind of security that you have
- 00:46:01built as part of your mainstream I mean
- 00:46:03again you know cyber security is it's
- 00:46:06almost like a lock and if you don't know
- 00:46:08where to keep the keys then nobody can
- 00:46:10help you
- 00:46:12but at least get the better ones a
- 00:46:15better lock uh you know uh then you
- 00:46:18simply have to take care of yourself I
- 00:46:20guess but here you have the problem with
- 00:46:22the lock and then you have problem with
- 00:46:23you as well I guess
- 00:46:25um so that's the analogy that I'm trying
- 00:46:26to make but yeah I completely agree with
- 00:46:28Wayne
- 00:46:30uh okay some more commentary here so
- 00:46:32here we have one more user used weekly
- 00:46:35for six to 12 months this is it yeah so
- 00:46:40this is coming from 2018 I like best
- 00:46:42include the search options that can be
- 00:46:44performed on a multitude of items such
- 00:46:47as amount invoice number keyword uh then
- 00:46:50it can be a glitchy at times but this
- 00:46:54isn't a big deal because customer
- 00:46:56support is able to resolve issues right
- 00:47:00away in general when people feel that it
- 00:47:04can be glitchy what that means
- 00:47:06especially when you talk about Mom and
- 00:47:08Pop uh you know you have a lot of bugs
- 00:47:11underneath you're never going to tell
- 00:47:12you what's going on underneath whether
- 00:47:14it's somebody in the database table is
- 00:47:16getting deleted because you are buying a
- 00:47:19box and nobody really know what is
- 00:47:21happening under under the box so that's
- 00:47:23why with Cloud systems especially you
- 00:47:25need to be super careful uh you know why
- 00:47:28do you have glitches is it really big of
- 00:47:30the configuration in general if it is
- 00:47:32going to be because of the configuration
- 00:47:33then your OEM enters the vendor that is
- 00:47:37actually creating the product they might
- 00:47:39not be able to resolve them uh you know
- 00:47:41you have to go to a consultant right
- 00:47:43um but in this case probably the OEM and
- 00:47:46consultant both roller played by this
- 00:47:48company but again glitch is not a good
- 00:47:50thing uh you know it should not be
- 00:47:52glitchy
- 00:47:55uh here then we are talking about
- 00:47:58without any written or guided
- 00:48:00instruction on how to use them such as
- 00:48:02reporting AR Etc I would like to see
- 00:48:03some more guided training okay so one of
- 00:48:06the things that you are going to see in
- 00:48:07the mom and pop space in general they
- 00:48:09are really good at writing code that's
- 00:48:11how these companies started okay but
- 00:48:13they are going to cut down significantly
- 00:48:15on the documentation and training and
- 00:48:17nobody else can understand that code
- 00:48:18except the person who wrote it okay even
- 00:48:22within the company itself if you are
- 00:48:24going to ask for support you are going
- 00:48:26to get challenges because the people who
- 00:48:28are supporting they also need to rely on
- 00:48:30documentation of the product even for
- 00:48:33the internal support okay so number one
- 00:48:35you are not going to support not going
- 00:48:37to get external support and you are also
- 00:48:40going to struggle with the internal
- 00:48:42support because nobody can really
- 00:48:43understand the product even if I write
- 00:48:46the code ND okay and if I go back after
- 00:48:48two months I need to look at my own
- 00:48:50documentation that's how I understand my
- 00:48:53handwriting okay exactly and if you
- 00:48:55don't write it you know somebody else is
- 00:48:57trying to read your handwriting just go
- 00:48:58figure that out exactly yeah and I'll
- 00:49:01make sure I mean if I don't like
- 00:49:02somebody I'll make sure that the
- 00:49:04handwriting is going to be really bad
- 00:49:13a boy
- 00:49:17um okay
- 00:49:18so here and by the way let me see your
- 00:49:21Erp Consultants are going to have a lot
- 00:49:23of Club in general uh I mean not every
- 00:49:26year the Consultants is going to be
- 00:49:28unethical but you know obviously they
- 00:49:29have a lot of room they are almost like
- 00:49:31your mechanic so be careful in general
- 00:49:33the way you uh deal with them
- 00:49:36um uh so here they are talking about
- 00:49:43um I would like to see more guided
- 00:49:45training so training is an issue more
- 00:49:46flexibility on tracking a or processes
- 00:49:49so when they say flexibility what that
- 00:49:51means is the traceability is not there
- 00:49:54in the product that's what typically it
- 00:49:56means uh users typically don't
- 00:49:59understand why they don't have as much
- 00:50:01flexibility but you know just because
- 00:50:03the data layers are not going to be
- 00:50:05there you are not going to have the same
- 00:50:07level of traceability that you are going
- 00:50:09to find in the mainstream Erp systems so
- 00:50:11that's what the user is feeling but what
- 00:50:14that means is really the data model is
- 00:50:16not robust enough to be able to uh cover
- 00:50:18all of those complex scenarios so here
- 00:50:21they are talking about tracking your
- 00:50:22processes without using Dunning because
- 00:50:24that really helps us track issue with
- 00:50:26collection time to collect effort to
- 00:50:28collect and then finally collection
- 00:50:29again he is talking about number one the
- 00:50:33data layers may not be there number two
- 00:50:35the correlating those data layers is
- 00:50:37going to be
- 00:50:38very difficult in general just because
- 00:50:41if either if the data is not going to be
- 00:50:43there or inadequate data is going to be
- 00:50:45there both could be equally applicable
- 00:50:48and that's why uh you know this could be
- 00:50:50really hard especially with these kind
- 00:50:51of systems the ability to tie cost or
- 00:50:54markup of an item to the final bill out
- 00:50:57of an order using barcodes
- 00:51:00again these are some of the basic uh
- 00:51:03feature sets I don't know why they are
- 00:51:05not able to do it uh barcodes may be
- 00:51:07trickier the reason why it may be
- 00:51:09trickier in this particular space
- 00:51:11because they are designed
- 00:51:12for the service Centric Industries so
- 00:51:15they don't really have as busy
- 00:51:16warehouses in general but when you look
- 00:51:18at Healthcare they are going to have
- 00:51:20little inventory they are still going to
- 00:51:22have inventory
- 00:51:24um so they still need your uh the cost
- 00:51:27the markup the barcodes
- 00:51:29um so you know most of the service
- 00:51:31Centric
- 00:51:32Erp systems they are probably going to
- 00:51:34use an add-on and you are going to have
- 00:51:36a little communication issue there
- 00:51:37because that's not the mainstream
- 00:51:39functionality so again uh you know in my
- 00:51:42mind when you have issues such as this
- 00:51:45that's a that's a that's a major issue
- 00:51:47overall uh you know with these systems
- 00:51:49the cost of a work order the cost to
- 00:51:52build a client collection of revenue
- 00:51:54from a client effort of Revenue
- 00:51:57collection bill pay bill pay cycle
- 00:51:59utilization of resources including cost
- 00:52:02to ship inventory
- 00:52:03use per order fundamentals guys
- 00:52:07fundamentals basic
- 00:52:09they don't have this then I don't know
- 00:52:12how uh you know and by the way I mean
- 00:52:14this is just an accounting system and
- 00:52:16even then they are not able to do all of
- 00:52:18this
- 00:52:20okay so this one is coming from 2020
- 00:52:242023 and here they are saying I don't
- 00:52:28like that MV is moving to a hosted only
- 00:52:33version this will add significantly more
- 00:52:36cost for us and the reason why these
- 00:52:39companies buy these software is because
- 00:52:41it's going to be much cheaper than some
- 00:52:43of the other software that might be
- 00:52:44there in the market but for the most
- 00:52:46part nobody can really afford to run an
- 00:52:49on-prem business the simple fact is that
- 00:52:52okay software in general is very
- 00:52:55expensive okay if they are going to be
- 00:52:57on on-prem you are going to buy a
- 00:52:59software you are going to use the way
- 00:53:01you are going to use and because of that
- 00:53:03you are going to get a virus uh you know
- 00:53:05these guys are going to get the bad name
- 00:53:07so that's why they are trying to move to
- 00:53:11Cloud that's number one factor obviously
- 00:53:12uh but then they have a lot more control
- 00:53:15they have the repeatable revenue so
- 00:53:18every single vendor in the market is
- 00:53:22going to move for subscription based
- 00:53:25business model and that means hosted so
- 00:53:27whether you want to move today or
- 00:53:29tomorrow it doesn't matter everybody's
- 00:53:31gonna move because obviously the
- 00:53:33software companies have to make money in
- 00:53:35general okay so again that should not
- 00:53:37come as a surprise if you are not there
- 00:53:39if you bought this one just because it
- 00:53:42was on Prem it was cheaper it's not
- 00:53:44gonna last uh for a long time
- 00:53:48um everybody's gonna move
- 00:53:50um this is coming from 2022 and here
- 00:53:53they are saying there were some more
- 00:53:55visual documentation besides videos for
- 00:53:58example it took me it took me a while to
- 00:54:01figure out how to use the interface PDF
- 00:54:04manual took many trial and error to
- 00:54:06figure out what key descriptions to use
- 00:54:08in Adder versus detail line I wish there
- 00:54:11was basic example of each module AR
- 00:54:14invoice template uh you know AR payment
- 00:54:17template again these things are hard so
- 00:54:19go easy on yourself and this is where
- 00:54:21you would require a little Consulting
- 00:54:23help even if they were able to provide
- 00:54:25you a lot of documentation you will not
- 00:54:29be able to read the documentation
- 00:54:30because it is not going to be flavored
- 00:54:32for your business it is not going to be
- 00:54:34flavored for your industry and these
- 00:54:37guys are not really in the Consulting
- 00:54:39business they are in the product
- 00:54:40business they are trying to create a
- 00:54:42documentation so that everybody can use
- 00:54:44so again Consulting is not optional with
- 00:54:47any a machine purchase that you are
- 00:54:49doing than with Erp obviously you need
- 00:54:52to spend uh some money in the Consulting
- 00:54:55um with these products
- 00:54:56uh and the we have two minutes right now
- 00:54:59do you have comments or do you want to
- 00:55:00cover it one more
- 00:55:02uh yeah let's look at one more one more
- 00:55:05uh I don't even know if we have one more
- 00:55:08okay training is worse
- 00:55:11um DYI
- 00:55:13the setup is DIY because that's what you
- 00:55:16paid
- 00:55:17right
- 00:55:19the system works but uh you know it
- 00:55:22takes longer so here 2023
- 00:55:26um he's talking about lag Times login
- 00:55:29and weight to load the desktop load a
- 00:55:33report and wait calculate a report and
- 00:55:36wait
- 00:55:37change one line in that report and your
- 00:55:40number go away can you believe this so
- 00:55:42this is a real data Integrity issue
- 00:55:44there select calculate and wait again so
- 00:55:47obviously number one the infrastructure
- 00:55:49is not as great secondly the weight is
- 00:55:51designed it's a really poor design and
- 00:55:54that's why you are facing all of these
- 00:55:56issues
- 00:55:58um you know it's not really designed for
- 00:55:59the scalability the kind of workload
- 00:56:01that you're really putting on the system
- 00:56:03we were assured that all of our reports
- 00:56:06could be done in multi-view all of the
- 00:56:09reports what what does that mean
- 00:56:12they didn't mention that we would need
- 00:56:15to create them ourselves
- 00:56:17okay you can do it but you know it might
- 00:56:20take five years
- 00:56:22[Laughter]
- 00:56:25um to do it okay everything takes at
- 00:56:28least twice as long to accomplish uh
- 00:56:31uploading journal entries require that
- 00:56:33you create the text file from your Excel
- 00:56:34file upload that file to the upload
- 00:56:38portal go back to the desktop to process
- 00:56:40that file through the interface upload
- 00:56:42the je backup file to different place
- 00:56:44and then attach the backup to the entry
- 00:56:48you are better off I'll bet the sales
- 00:56:51demo looked really good though yeah yeah
- 00:56:53they don't have to show these things and
- 00:56:55this is all detailed you don't have to
- 00:56:57pay attention to detail in a sales demo
- 00:56:59come on
- 00:57:02um
- 00:57:04um okay so more than 11 months in and we
- 00:57:06still uh haven't managed to create a
- 00:57:09debt can you believe this not even a
- 00:57:12single dashboard because the
- 00:57:14instructions were sparse and secondly
- 00:57:17obviously you are not going to be expert
- 00:57:18of these things you are trying to do
- 00:57:20this yourself uh you know you are going
- 00:57:23to start baby yeah and people who are
- 00:57:26going to be expert they probably can
- 00:57:27figure these things out in a week or two
- 00:57:29so again go easy on yourself I have the
- 00:57:32experts who really know what they are
- 00:57:34doing uh you know rather than trying it
- 00:57:36yourself we have a very complicated time
- 00:57:38entry process but uh probably no worse
- 00:57:40than uh any other hospital so there were
- 00:57:43some time entry issues as well you would
- 00:57:45search with your parameters uh view your
- 00:57:49trial balance select the print button
- 00:57:51this brings up print preview where you
- 00:57:54can make minor layout adjustments
- 00:57:57if your report is long uh the characters
- 00:58:01are it will feel but if it does include
- 00:58:04to print it will bring up a new pdf
- 00:58:06version of the report okay this is all
- 00:58:08error handling it's really badly done I
- 00:58:10guess uh you know the way it has done so
- 00:58:12obviously you have a lot of problems
- 00:58:14underneath
- 00:58:16um that obviously they have not
- 00:58:17highlighted in their marketing material
- 00:58:21um
- 00:58:22the
- 00:58:24so the user is feeling that I mean the
- 00:58:26the product is really a greater
- 00:58:29um it's not necessarily a product
- 00:58:30release because of the the kind of
- 00:58:32problems that he as he or she has seen
- 00:58:35uh in any case I think that's pretty
- 00:58:37much it and so we can cover some
- 00:58:39comments if you have any last minute
- 00:58:40comments we don't have any questions the
- 00:58:43comments are usually quite
- 00:58:47consistent and that is
- 00:58:50you know caveat mtor you really have to
- 00:58:55I mean talk to companies that are
- 00:58:57already using these things ask them the
- 00:59:01difficult questions find out what the
- 00:59:03truth is and then you can decide whether
- 00:59:05or not you want to put up with that or
- 00:59:06not
- 00:59:07exactly and my take on this is going to
- 00:59:10be unless you are super stressed on
- 00:59:14budget and this is the only solution
- 00:59:16that you can find in your budget and
- 00:59:19maybe you have a reason to go for the
- 00:59:21solution because it has any specific
- 00:59:24industry functionality I would rather go
- 00:59:25for slightly more mainstream solution
- 00:59:27especially from the software perspective
- 00:59:30um it could be dangerous when you're
- 00:59:31buying an Erp system
- 00:59:34all right any of the final comments Andy
- 00:59:36no no okay so that's it for today if you
- 00:59:39join for the first time this was part of
- 00:59:41our industry series for which we meet
- 00:59:42every Tuesday at 5 30 PM Eastern so make
- 00:59:45sure you guys are going to be here next
- 00:59:46week we are going to come back with
- 00:59:48another vendor or the solution on that
- 00:59:51note thanks everyone for tuning in
- 00:59:53tonight
- 00:59:55thanks yeah of course
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