5 Characteristics of Emerging Adulthood | Psychology | Dr. Julie Yonker



TLDRDie video bespreek die komplekse aard van menslike gedrag en fokus spesifiek op 'ontluikende volwassenheid', 'n lewensfase geïdentifiseer deur vyf hoofkenmerke: identiteitsverkenning, die ouderdom van onstabiliteit, self-fokus, die gevoel van "tussenin" wees, en die ouderdom van moontlikhede. In hierdie stadium is jong volwassenes besig om hul identiteit in liefde en werk te ondersoek, hulle ondergaan baie veranderinge soos die wisseling van kursusse en verhoudings, en hulle fokus sterk op hulleself, wat normale selfontdekking en voorbereiding vir die toekoms insluit. Hierdie tydperk bied ook talle moontlikhede wat oorweeg moet word, en die begeleiding van onderwysers soos Professor Julie Yonker aan Calvin Universiteit speel 'n waardevolle rol hierin.


  • 🧠 Ontluikende volwassenes ondersoek identiteit in liefde en werk.
  • 🔄 Baie veranderinge vind plaas tydens hierdie lewensfase.
  • 🤔 Self-fokus is normaal en deel van kognitiewe volwassenheid.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Voel 'tussenin' tussen adolessensie en volwassenheid.
  • 🌟 Die ouderdom van moontlikhede bied vele keuses vir die toekoms.
  • 💼 Universiteitskursusse en werk kan dikwels verander.
  • 🧍 Verhoudings is dikwels tydelik in hierdie tydperk.
  • 🔍 Frontal lobbe help met abstrakte en hipotetiese denke.
  • 👨‍🏫 Professore speel 'n belangrike rol in die begeleiding van leerders.
  • 🙏 Calvin Universiteit help jong mense om hul potensiaal te ontwikkel.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:04:18

    Die video bespreek die komplekse aard van jong volwassenheid en hoe psigologie kan help om dit beter te verstaan. Professor Julie Yonker deel haar navorsing oor hierdie lewensfase, bekend as 'opkomende volwassenheid'. Sy identifiseer vyf kenmerkende eienskappe: identiteitsverkenning, waar jong volwassenes hulself in verskillende beroeps- en verhoudingsrolle voorstel; instabiliteit, waar veranderinge soos studie, werk, en woonplekke gereeld voorkom; 'n selfgefokusde fase van nadenke oor die toekoms; 'n tussen-in gevoel tussen kinderjare en volwasse lewe; en 'n tydperk van baie moontlikhede en geleenthede wat uitgesorteer moet word. Die boodskap is dat jong volwassenes aangemoedig word om hierdie tyd te gebruik om hul toekomstige self beter te verstaan en hul pad in die lewe te bepaal, met ondersteuning van hul professore.



  • Wat is ontluikende volwassenheid?

    Dit is 'n lewensfase waar jong volwassenes hulle identiteit ondersoek, baie veranderinge ervaar, en fokus op hulself om vir die toekoms voor te berei.

  • Hoe beïnvloed die maturing van die brein frontal lobbe ontluikende volwassenes?

    Dit help hulle om hipoteties en abstrak te dink oor wie hulle in die toekoms kan wees.

  • Watter veranderinge kan in die lewens van universiteitstudente voorkom?

    Hulle verander dikwels hul hoofvakke of byvakke, werkverhoudings kom en gaan, en woonplekke wissel gereeld.

  • Hoe verskil self-fokus van selfsug in ontluikende volwassenheid?

    Self-fokus behels selfondersoek en nadenke oor die hede en toekoms, terwyl self-sug meer selfsugtige gedrag behels.

  • Wat beteken dit om 'tussenin' te voel in hierdie lewensfase?

    Dit beteken dat ontluikende volwassenes nie meer jeug is nie, maar ook nog nie die volle verantwoordelikhede van volwassenheid aangeneem het nie.

  • Wat is die 'ouderdom van moontlikhede'?

    Dit is 'n tydperk waarin ontluikende volwassenes baie opsies het om te oorweeg en hulle die beste opsies vir hul toekoms moet uitsoek.

  • Wat is die rol van professore by Calvin Universiteit in hierdie proses?

    Hulle help jong volwassenes om hul identiteit en toekoms vooruitsigte te ondersoek en te ontwikkel.


  • 00:00:00
    have you ever wondered about how humans
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    think and behave
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    have you ever wanted to know more about
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    yourself and what is normal
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    in Psychology we study humans we can
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    help you answer some of those questions
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    as you've probably realized people are
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    complicated as a psychologist one of the
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    areas of my research and Publications is
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    emerging adulthood
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    so let's dig into understanding a little
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    bit of the complexity of you an emerging
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    scientific research through the years
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    has shown that there are five typical
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    characteristics of your life stage
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    emerging adulthood the first one is
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    identity exploration especially in the
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    areas of love and work your brain's
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    frontal lobes are maturing which means
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    you are better able to think
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    hypothetically and abstractly about who
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    you might be in the future you can try
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    on several different hats what would I
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    be if I were a nurse or journalist or a
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    computer programmer
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    you can also do this in respect to your
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    love relationships what would my life be
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    like if I were in a long-term
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    relationship with this person or that
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  • 00:01:22
    another characteristic is the age of
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    instability this means there are lots of
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    changes taking place
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    for example University students
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    frequently change their Majors or minors
  • 00:01:36
    relationships come and go jobs are often
  • 00:01:39
    temporary and changes of living
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    arrangements happen frequently the old
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    adage the only constant is change is
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    especially true for you an emerging
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  • 00:01:52
    the next characteristic can sometimes be
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    misinterpreted so let me explain this
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    life stage is the most self-focused not
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    the most selfish it is true you probably
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    spent a lot of time thinking about
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    yourself especially considering your
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    identity but self-focus together with
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    contemplation and reflection about your
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    present and future self is indicative of
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    maturing cognitive abilities as an
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    emerging adult you are using this decade
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    to prepare for your future for the next
  • 00:02:29
    60 70 80 years
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  • 00:02:33
    okay for the next characteristic let me
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    give you an example let's imagine you
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    are at a large family gathering that
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    involves sitting down to a table to eat
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    however there are so many family members
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    and so much food that one table is not
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    large enough so there's the kid table
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    and the adult table where do you sit I
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    think you get the drift emerging adults
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    feel in between you've outgrown
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    adolescence but you've not yet taken on
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    the responsibilities and cares of
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    finally emerging adulthood is the age of
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    possibilities there are so many things
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    that you could do or see or be or
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    experience or learn or people to meet
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    the list of possibilities goes on and on
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    the important task for you for the next
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    decade is to sort out which of the
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    endless possibilities are best for you
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    now and in the future that's all just
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    get that sorted out
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    at Calvin we are here to help be brave
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    get to know us professors and reach out
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    to us we have helped many other emerging
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    adults and we thrive on helping you
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    thrive as you discern who God has made
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  • 00:04:00
    my research about emerging adults is
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    embedded in every course that I teach
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    I'm Julie Yonker professor of psychology
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    and Public Health at Calvin University
  • 00:04:11
  • sielkunde
  • ontluikende volwassenheid
  • identiteit
  • verandering
  • self-fokus
  • moontlikhede
  • onderwys
  • breinontwikkeling