🔥Body Language Expert Decodes Dogpack404's Body Language🔥
TLDRDans cette vidéo, l'auteur examine les affirmations de Dawson, un ancien employé de Mr Beast, qui affirme que les vidéos de Mr Beast sont truquées. Dawson allègue que les gagnants des concours sont souvent des amis, des employés ou des proches de Mr Beast. L'auteur utilise des analyses de langage corporel pour évaluer la sincérité de Dawson, notamment en étudiant ses gestes, son intonation et d'autres indicateurs non verbaux. L'auteur présente ses observations sur la fiabilité des propos de Dawson sans toutefois établir de conclusions définitives. Il discute également des techniques de manipulation présumées pour exploiter le jeune public au profit de la chaîne de Mr Beast.
- 🎥 Mr Beast est un YouTuber extrêmement populaire avec des concours où les gains sont énormes.
- 🕵️♂️ Dawson, un ancien employé de Mr Beast, accuse les vidéos d'être truquées.
- 🤔 L'auteur examine les expressions faciales et le langage corporel de Dawson pour détecter d'éventuels mensonges.
- 📈 Les gestes amplifiés et l'intonation de Dawson sont analysés pour éviter les conclusions hâtives sur la fraude.
- 👨👩👧👦 La manipulation des jeunes téléspectateurs par Mr Beast est un point central des accusations.
- 💼 Une partie de l'analyse se concentre sur les réactions non verbales, comme le haussement d'épaules, révélateurs de l'incertitude.
- 😮 Dawson exprime du mépris envers Mr Beast au travers d'expressions faciales asymétriques.
- 🔍 L'analyse inclut des détails sur la façon dont les auditeurs peuvent identifier l'écoute active chez quelqu'un.
- ❓ Les mouvements de tête illustratifs de Dawson, parfois interprétés à tort, sont décortiqués.
- 🚫 L'auteur conclut que Dawson pourrait être sincère dans ses affirmations.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Mr Beast est une figure majeure de YouTube, connu pour ses vidéos largement visionnées et ses concours généreux. Cependant, un ancien employé, Dawson, l'accuse de fraude en affirmant que de nombreux gagnants de concours seraient des proches ou des employés de Mr Beast. Dawson évoque cela dans une vidéo très vue, cherchant à analyser sa sincérité à travers son langage corporel pour déterminer la véracité de ses propos.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Dawson, dans une base d'entretien, montre des comportements typiques de quelqu'un qui est détendu, sauf quelques nuances de mépris lorsqu'il parle de Mr Beast. Bien que certains de ses mouvements de tête puissent paraître contradictoires, ils s'alignent souvent sur ses paroles, suggérant qu'il n'exprime pas délibérément des mensonges. La vitesse et le ton de sa parole sont cohérents et ne montrent pas de signes évidents de stress dans ses déclarations.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Lorsque Dawson décrie les méthodes de Mr Beast pour manipuler l'audience jeune, il semble animé mais cela correspond à sa personnalité expressive. Ses gestes et une augmentation notable dans sa voix indiquent un certain stress émotionnel lorsqu'il aborde des sujets sensibles, plus par frustration que par déception calculée, renforçant l'impression de sincérité.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Dans une discussion sur la manière dont Mr Beast utilise les animaux comme accessoires, Dawson parait honnête et empathique bien que contrarié. Son langage corporel reste cohérent avec ses affirmations, et l'analyse ne montre pas de signes significatifs de mensonge, tandis que ses illustrateurs soutiennent ses points plutôt que de diminuer en intensité.
- 00:20:00 - 00:29:04
Finalement, Dawson révèle ses craintes face à une potentielle poursuite de Mr Beast, se montrant incertain mais sincère dans ses réponses. Sa nervosité apparente face à cette éventualité semble vraie, accentuée par un rythme de clignement accru qui souligne un stress légitime. A travers ces observations, Dawson est perçu comme crédible tout en cherchant à protéger sa fierté personnelle.
Qui est Mr Beast ?
Mr Beast est un célèbre créateur de contenu sur YouTube connu pour ses vidéos généreuses et ses concours extravagants.
Quelles accusations Dawson a-t-il portées contre Mr Beast ?
Dawson accuse Mr Beast de truquer des concours, d'avoir des participants gagnants qui sont des proches ou employés, et de manipuler l'audience, notamment les enfants, pour des profits.
Les accusations de Dawson ont-elles été confirmées dans la vidéo ?
L'analyse n'a pas confirmé les accusations mais a évalué le langage corporel de Dawson pour déterminer s'il pouvait être sincère ou non.
Quelle était la correction mentionnée par le narrateur concernant le comportement de Dawson ?
Le narrateur a expliqué que les mouvements de tête de Dawson lors de son discours ne signifiaient pas nécessairement qu'il mentait, mais étaient plutôt une manière d'illustration.
Qu'est-ce que Dawson a révélé en relation avec les enfants d'après le narrateur ?
Dawson a affirmé que Mr Beast manipulait les esprits des jeunes pour générer des profits, ce qui a été interprété comme une preuve de mécontentement par son expression faciale.
Comment choisir sa poussette? Revue d'un maman médecin :)
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LECTURE: Skeletal Muscle Biomechanics | Introduction
- 00:00:00Mr Beast is the biggest YouTuber on the
- 00:00:02planet Bar None he has more subscribers
- 00:00:05than anybody else his videos get more
- 00:00:06views than anybody else's videos and he
- 00:00:09gives way more money than anybody else
- 00:00:11what he does is he has these contests
- 00:00:13right if you win the contest you be the
- 00:00:15out of 100 people you'd be the last one
- 00:00:17in the circle and you win a store or you
- 00:00:20win an island or you win a plane
- 00:00:21something like that all these wild he
- 00:00:23does squid games one you know I don't
- 00:00:25know how much the winner won but
- 00:00:26sometimes he gives away a million
- 00:00:28dollars to people now there's a guy that
- 00:00:30worked for him this fell named Dawson
- 00:00:32and Dawson put out a video a few days
- 00:00:34ago it's gotten like 12 million views
- 00:00:36now the uh thumbnail said I worked for
- 00:00:39Mr Beast and he's a fraud and what he's
- 00:00:42saying is these people that are winning
- 00:00:43the contests a lot of them are the
- 00:00:45people that work for Mr Beast or they're
- 00:00:47in his family or they're his friends so
- 00:00:50I took some clips from his video and
- 00:00:52from a video where he's being
- 00:00:53interviewed and I thought well let's
- 00:00:55find out whether he's lying or not let's
- 00:00:57break down and decode and analyze his
- 00:00:59body language is he a liar or is he a
- 00:01:01hero let's find out here's the first
- 00:01:06video I wanted to provide some context
- 00:01:08to this video I'm a former Mr Beast
- 00:01:10employee and today I am alleging that
- 00:01:11the company uh rigged videos and uh did
- 00:01:14illegal lotteries and sold fake
- 00:01:16signatures I I would consider that fraud
- 00:01:17okay thank you enjoy the video now as we
- 00:01:20go through this it's important to keep
- 00:01:21in mind I'm not going to get into the
- 00:01:22intricacies and the manua of human
- 00:01:25behavior from a neurological perspective
- 00:01:27okay because that's horrifically boring
- 00:01:29and no no body wants to hear that I do I
- 00:01:31love it I want to talk about that but
- 00:01:33nobody watching this is going to say oh
- 00:01:35I wonder what about this so I'm not
- 00:01:37going to get into the details If I Do by
- 00:01:39accident I'm sorry because I'm really
- 00:01:41into it and I love that kind of thing so
- 00:01:43sorry but other than that I'm G keep it
- 00:01:45really really simple so anybody can
- 00:01:47understand this and and have a better
- 00:01:49understanding about what we're seeing in
- 00:01:50the sky behavior and body language as we
- 00:01:53try to find out whether he's lying or
- 00:01:54not okay so in this first setup here
- 00:01:58this is fake you know this is just
- 00:01:59something he's doing I saw on another
- 00:02:01interview he did with somebody where he
- 00:02:03said I was supposed to look like I was
- 00:02:05hiding under the bed hiding from Mr
- 00:02:07Beast so this is put on no big deal a
- 00:02:10lot of people are saying oh he's on meth
- 00:02:11and there may be a situation where the
- 00:02:14Mr Beast people are trying to make it
- 00:02:15look like he's on meth and say he's on
- 00:02:17drugs obviously Scot on drugs in this
- 00:02:20video anyway so he does have some of the
- 00:02:23classic signs of a meth user you know
- 00:02:26whereas his or one sign anyway his
- 00:02:28pupils are dilated
- 00:02:30but they're going to be dilated when
- 00:02:31you're in the dark and that's what's
- 00:02:33happening he's under a bed his eyes are
- 00:02:36wide and you'll see that in a meth user
- 00:02:40but his eyes are wide because he's
- 00:02:41pulling him up you can see his forehead
- 00:02:43how his eyebrows are up some he's
- 00:02:45helping himself get his eyes wide with
- 00:02:47meth uses they're just wide but in this
- 00:02:50case he's doing it himself he's trying
- 00:02:51to do it his brain isn't doing it by
- 00:02:53himself by itself making his eyes wide
- 00:02:56he's doing it too and you can see
- 00:02:57because his again his forehead his
- 00:02:59eyebrows are up helping widen the eyes
- 00:03:02okay his eyes aren't glassy they're not
- 00:03:04red he's not doing that compulsive face
- 00:03:07pulling and touching and and all that
- 00:03:09you see that in when you see uh meth
- 00:03:12face okay we're not seeing any of that
- 00:03:14here that's not what's going on here and
- 00:03:16you don't talk like that when you're on
- 00:03:18meth you don't your voice is a little
- 00:03:21bit messed up because you've been doing
- 00:03:22meth for a while so it's got its own
- 00:03:24sound that's not what we're seeing here
- 00:03:26he's not on myth so the this is if you
- 00:03:30hear that hey he's on drugs you can tell
- 00:03:32nope not in this video anyway let's take
- 00:03:35a look at the next
- 00:03:37one so this is part one into my
- 00:03:39investigation into Mr Beast uh I
- 00:03:41recorded this before the Chris stuff
- 00:03:42came out I was also going to come out
- 00:03:44about the Chris stuff probably in part
- 00:03:45two or
- 00:03:46three um CU I see a lot of people saying
- 00:03:49like oh if you knew why didn't you come
- 00:03:50forward why didn't you go to the
- 00:03:51authorities well I was going to come
- 00:03:53forward and also like going to the
- 00:03:54authorities isn't going to work cuz what
- 00:03:56are you going to say like you heard
- 00:03:57rumors that this person was this way or
- 00:03:59that you know there's obviously evidence
- 00:04:00of like the Shad based stuff like that's
- 00:04:02been out for a while people have
- 00:04:04internally known at the company that
- 00:04:05like Chris is kind of a a potential
- 00:04:08minor attracted person and the company
- 00:04:10protects her and or they were protecting
- 00:04:12her and they protected her as long as
- 00:04:13they could Jimmy knew everyone knew so
- 00:04:16you know which I think that's more of a
- 00:04:17red flag than anything I'm going to
- 00:04:18reveal in this video but um you know
- 00:04:21these messages happen in like Mr Beast
- 00:04:23discords and yeah I don't know it's a
- 00:04:26mess when like Mr Beast contestants are
- 00:04:30being exposed to like minor attracted
- 00:04:32persons in the company's protecting them
- 00:04:35you know there's a big emphasis at the
- 00:04:36company of like how to manipulate
- 00:04:39children like understanding their
- 00:04:41psychology and everything and like
- 00:04:42seeing that that's sort of used in weird
- 00:04:45ways and you know there's been like
- 00:04:47parasocial relationships and you know
- 00:04:50encouraging like almost children sing
- 00:04:52for these people and you know maybe
- 00:04:55that's as nefarious as it gets or maybe
- 00:04:57it goes deeper anyway here's old podcast
- 00:05:00clip of Jimmy explaining that he knows
- 00:05:01that his audience is Young which is an
- 00:05:03old clip you could say like his audience
- 00:05:05grew up I would say he's gained most of
- 00:05:07his audience since then and his
- 00:05:08content's only gotten younger also this
- 00:05:10clip really just shows that like he
- 00:05:12understands the YouTube analytics are
- 00:05:13[ __ ] because he can try to use that
- 00:05:15as a defense but he knows so here's that
- 00:05:17clip and then I'll get into the video
- 00:05:19now this is a good one because we get a
- 00:05:21a pretty good read on a normal Baseline
- 00:05:24for him a baseline is what you are
- 00:05:26looking for when before you start making
- 00:05:28decisions about the Behavior you're
- 00:05:30seeing okay and the Baseline is this
- 00:05:33it's their normal behavior when
- 00:05:34nothing's happening nothing is is there
- 00:05:37to stress them they're just talking
- 00:05:39hanging out shooting the sh with you or
- 00:05:42someone else okay that's what's
- 00:05:44happening here he's not under any stress
- 00:05:46anything like that he's just talking now
- 00:05:48notice his head's going back and forth a
- 00:05:50lot okay people say oh that's weird as
- 00:05:53he's talking and saying these things his
- 00:05:55head is going back and forth which means
- 00:05:57no nope doesn't either it means no when
- 00:06:00you say no I'm not doing that that's
- 00:06:02what it means no when you say yes I'm
- 00:06:04going to do that that means yes however
- 00:06:08this is called illustrating when someone
- 00:06:10does that okay this is a confirmation
- 00:06:12nod when someone is saying no but their
- 00:06:14head is saying yes they say I am not
- 00:06:16doing that no I'm telling you I didn't
- 00:06:19do it and notice how my head lands on
- 00:06:22each word because I'm confirming the no
- 00:06:25that's a confirmation nod same thing
- 00:06:27with a confirmation Shake I yes I did
- 00:06:30that and I loved every minute of it my
- 00:06:33head hits on each word like that or
- 00:06:35close to each word because I'm
- 00:06:37illustrating what I'm saying making sure
- 00:06:39those points get across when you
- 00:06:41illustrate a lot of times like I just
- 00:06:43did when you illustrate that your brain
- 00:06:45emphasizing specific words and phrases
- 00:06:47like I did just then specific words and
- 00:06:49phrases that's what he's doing with his
- 00:06:51head so keep that in mind as you go
- 00:06:54through if you ever hear anybody say oh
- 00:06:56no their head was shaking no as they
- 00:06:57were saying yes and so that's not greent
- 00:06:59what they're saying depends on the
- 00:07:01situation okay see if their head is
- 00:07:04locking up with the words because if
- 00:07:05it's locking up with the words then
- 00:07:08that's not what it means at all okay and
- 00:07:11if they're saying no as their head
- 00:07:12shakes yes and they go no I didn't do it
- 00:07:15no I didn't do it that's confirmation if
- 00:07:18they go no I didn't do it their head
- 00:07:20still keeps shaking a little bit or you
- 00:07:21see a couple little nods like that
- 00:07:23afterwards maybe they back up a little
- 00:07:24bit that's probably deception can't say
- 00:07:27for sure because there are no absolutes
- 00:07:29there's not one body language cue that's
- 00:07:31going to tell you for sure someone's
- 00:07:32lying or someone's telling the truth we
- 00:07:34have to look for these things in
- 00:07:35clusters groups of body language cues
- 00:07:38that help us make those decisions okay I
- 00:07:41could say oh this means this every time
- 00:07:43that's not the truth what I do for a
- 00:07:45living when I train law enforcement in
- 00:07:47the military if I give them bad
- 00:07:49information or information that's
- 00:07:50incomplete or incorrect I could get them
- 00:07:52killed or that could get him killed so I
- 00:07:55don't do that that's why I can't say
- 00:07:57that means that every time because it
- 00:07:59doesn't every time okay very important
- 00:08:02that that you uh pay attention to that
- 00:08:05and remember it so important there are
- 00:08:07no absolutes all right his uh his his
- 00:08:11Cadence and his tone and his volume
- 00:08:13those all sound okay Cadence is how fast
- 00:08:16you talk the speed of which you talk
- 00:08:18right if someone's talking like this all
- 00:08:20start talking like this gets faster and
- 00:08:21faster that means there's that suggests
- 00:08:24their stress level has risen get a
- 00:08:26little bit more stress so they talk a
- 00:08:27little bit faster if they're tone is
- 00:08:29right in here and all of a sudden it
- 00:08:31gets up in here as they start talking a
- 00:08:32little bit faster their tone is gone up
- 00:08:34that in indicates stress as well because
- 00:08:37your your um larynx gets a little bit
- 00:08:40tighter in there okay your voice your
- 00:08:42throat tightens up a little bit so your
- 00:08:43voice gets a little bit higher as you
- 00:08:45talk faster and more air comes through
- 00:08:47there okay and the volume will go up
- 00:08:49because of the excitement and the stress
- 00:08:51not seeing that here it's pretty mellow
- 00:08:53in this so it's a really good read on
- 00:08:55how he looks when he's normal nothing
- 00:08:57happening just talking okay that's his
- 00:09:01Baseline okay however there are a couple
- 00:09:03of things in here we need to talk about
- 00:09:05I'm going to show you about contempt
- 00:09:07because we're seeing that in here when
- 00:09:08he says Mr Beast the first time so this
- 00:09:11is part one into my investigation into
- 00:09:12Mr Beast uh you see contempt and
- 00:09:15contempt is the only asymmetric facial
- 00:09:17expression by asymmetric I mean it only
- 00:09:19uses one side of the face and it's the
- 00:09:22only uh asymmetric Universal facial
- 00:09:24expression there are seven universal
- 00:09:26expressions and contempt is one of them
- 00:09:29okay and when you see that thing go up
- 00:09:32just one side of the face I can't do it
- 00:09:33really without being that way it's this
- 00:09:36that's contempt you see one side the
- 00:09:37face go up we see that just a little bit
- 00:09:40here it's not quite what's called a
- 00:09:42micro expression which is when emotions
- 00:09:44leak because it's a little too big for
- 00:09:46that and it lasts a little bit too long
- 00:09:48but a micro expression is when you're
- 00:09:50trying not to show something but it
- 00:09:52leaks out like anger when someone's
- 00:09:54talking they do that real quick that
- 00:09:57happened really fast it's right here um
- 00:09:59when I was talking so that would be a
- 00:10:02micro expression happens really quickly
- 00:10:04but you have to know what you're talking
- 00:10:05about you have to to be able to study
- 00:10:07those in a situation uh where you you
- 00:10:10you've learned it very well in other
- 00:10:11words you have a very good understanding
- 00:10:13before before you start calling micro
- 00:10:16Expressions so you got to be careful
- 00:10:17with those but that's there that
- 00:10:18contempt is there so I believe he feels
- 00:10:21a contempt toward Mr Beast U when he's
- 00:10:24saying that Mr Beast I'm Mr Beast I'm Mr
- 00:10:27Beast also right here where he says
- 00:10:29weird ways that's sort of used in weird
- 00:10:32ways and you know there's been like
- 00:10:34watch that little part of his his nose
- 00:10:36right there you see that little that's a
- 00:10:37micro expression of contempt right there
- 00:10:40you see that go up really really quickly
- 00:10:41watch this weird ways and you know weird
- 00:10:45ways and weird ways and weird ways and
- 00:10:50that's a micro expression that right
- 00:10:51there that little that little thing goes
- 00:10:53up when he says weird
- 00:10:55ways so that lets us know he despises
- 00:10:58that kind of behavior that he's talking
- 00:11:00about right there doesn't like that not
- 00:11:02even a little bit so that's good
- 00:11:04actually now overall there's really
- 00:11:06nothing here to uh suggest deception or
- 00:11:09they's lying about anything it's just a
- 00:11:10really good um Baseline we can get on
- 00:11:13him right here and see how he looks when
- 00:11:14he's not stressed and everything's going
- 00:11:16well so I think this is okay let's go to
- 00:11:19the next one now Mr Beast intentionally
- 00:11:22manipulates these children's vulnerable
- 00:11:24Minds for profit using uh three simple
- 00:11:27steps which closely align with the three
- 00:11:30major types of Behavioral learning step
- 00:11:32one is getting the viewer to associate
- 00:11:34the brand with trust and Authority Mr
- 00:11:37Beast videos are real and he's a great
- 00:11:39guy that gives away big rewards to his
- 00:11:42loyal followers I will show you
- 00:11:43irrefutable evidence in a minute that
- 00:11:44his videos are in fact fake step two is
- 00:11:47showing the viewers that when people
- 00:11:48interact with Mr Beast in a way that
- 00:11:50benefits Mr Beast when they do what he
- 00:11:52tells them to do they win big rewards
- 00:11:55now this one's good because we get a
- 00:11:56pretty good example of a baseline of
- 00:11:58when he's EXP explaining something okay
- 00:12:01now I noce he's moving around a lot
- 00:12:03earlier when we saw his head moving
- 00:12:04around back and forth and doing that
- 00:12:06kind of thing some people are just like
- 00:12:07that some people just move like that all
- 00:12:09the time and they're illustrating so
- 00:12:12when they really want to illustrate
- 00:12:13something they really want to make a
- 00:12:14point their illustrations have to be
- 00:12:16even bigger so they become even more
- 00:12:18animated so that's what's going on there
- 00:12:21you say wow sure there's a lot going on
- 00:12:22yeah there is for that personality type
- 00:12:25okay some people just like that and a
- 00:12:27lot of people going to say oh he's
- 00:12:28moving back back and forth too much that
- 00:12:30that he's on drugs or something like
- 00:12:32that that's an adapter we adapt when uh
- 00:12:36we're trying to get rid of that builtup
- 00:12:37stress and tension okay and Greg Hartley
- 00:12:40coined the phrase chained elephant
- 00:12:42because he's going back and forth like
- 00:12:44this elephants do that when they're
- 00:12:45chained up they'll sway back and forth
- 00:12:47because they've got all that that energy
- 00:12:49and that tension that's built up and
- 00:12:50they're trying to get rid of it people
- 00:12:52do it too especially when they're
- 00:12:54stressed and he's obviously under a
- 00:12:55little stress here because he's telling
- 00:12:57a lot of things that that he believes to
- 00:13:00be true about this guy Mr Beast and it
- 00:13:02could it's a pretty big deal what he's
- 00:13:04doing when we adapt when we adapt a lot
- 00:13:06of times we'll push on our face or we'll
- 00:13:09bite our lip we may squeeze our fist or
- 00:13:11just do this we may take
- 00:13:14a a deep breath we may goof around with
- 00:13:17something you know you may have
- 00:13:18something in your hand and mess around
- 00:13:20with that could be a pen or pencil or
- 00:13:22whatever or a can just hold on to that
- 00:13:24and do that kind of thing so no
- 00:13:26deception here we're just getting a
- 00:13:28great example of how he
- 00:13:29explains something how's he lays
- 00:13:32something goes here's what's happening
- 00:13:33this this this this and this so he's a
- 00:13:36little bit stressed but that should be
- 00:13:38normal for somebody doing what he's
- 00:13:40doing so he's not lying here firstly I
- 00:13:44apologize if in my video I'm not sure
- 00:13:47how much of it you saw if you saw all of
- 00:13:48it if I unreasonably dismissed certain
- 00:13:51points which I definitely absolutely did
- 00:13:53but I would like to apologize and I have
- 00:13:55no excuse other than I should have
- 00:13:58re-recorded a large part of this part of
- 00:14:00this video part of that video before I
- 00:14:02posted it because it's like a 3-day
- 00:14:03turnaround for all my videos and it just
- 00:14:06you know your video is an interesting
- 00:14:08pill to swallow for sure it's very very
- 00:14:10very interesting and a lot of it's like
- 00:14:12well we we I'll ask you some questions
- 00:14:14so firstly I'd like to say that I'm
- 00:14:16sorry genuinely and I I'm not I'm not
- 00:14:18one to apologize for just no reason at
- 00:14:20all yeah I don't I wouldn't even expect
- 00:14:22you to apologize I mean I watched your
- 00:14:24video and like maybe it's because I've
- 00:14:26watched your content before and I know
- 00:14:27you're sort of a Mr Beast Defender
- 00:14:29but I wasn't
- 00:14:31expecting it was pretty much on par with
- 00:14:34what I expected I guess and I thought it
- 00:14:36was you got me fair in this one we see
- 00:14:38some things you're really going to find
- 00:14:39interesting because this is what someone
- 00:14:42looks like when they're listening to you
- 00:14:44do you want to know if somebody's really
- 00:14:45listening to you look at this guy he's
- 00:14:47really listening to this interviewer
- 00:14:49he's got that one ear toward him a
- 00:14:51little bit the heads tilt a little bit
- 00:14:52as he's listening he's he's focusing on
- 00:14:55the the guy that's talking on the
- 00:14:56interviewer those are three great cues
- 00:14:58to show you some somebody's really
- 00:14:59listening to you okay they're not going
- 00:15:02not a hand up getting ready to say
- 00:15:03something either they're just they're
- 00:15:04just listening so that's a great example
- 00:15:06of that well we we I'll ask you some
- 00:15:08questions so firstly I'd like to say
- 00:15:10that I'm sorry genuinely and I I'm not
- 00:15:12I'm not one to apologize for just if you
- 00:15:15want somebody to know you're listening
- 00:15:16to them you do that but don't go in
- 00:15:18really hard with your ear just kind of
- 00:15:20get this way a little bit and and every
- 00:15:22now and then shake your head yes you
- 00:15:23know and look at him blink normally look
- 00:15:26at him maybe keep your eyebrows up a
- 00:15:28little bit like you're in you have
- 00:15:30information intake when you're doing
- 00:15:32that you know that's what you do if you
- 00:15:35want somebody to know you're listening
- 00:15:36to them or you won't look like you're
- 00:15:37listening to them well we I I'll ask you
- 00:15:39some questions so firstly I'd like to
- 00:15:41say that I'm sorry genuinely and I I'm
- 00:15:43not I'm not one to apologize for just
- 00:15:46there's also a group or cluster of cues
- 00:15:48in here that let us know he's being
- 00:15:49deceptive uh oh so let's take a look at
- 00:15:52that now when he says it was pretty much
- 00:15:54on par for what I expected here's what
- 00:15:57we're seeing I wasn't expecting
- 00:16:00it was pretty much on par with what I
- 00:16:02expected I guess okay and I thought it
- 00:16:03was you got me Fair we're seeing that
- 00:16:05single shoulder shrug like that and that
- 00:16:08usually suggests someone is not sure
- 00:16:09with their answer okay if we see a
- 00:16:11cluster of cues together where they're
- 00:16:12doing some other deceptive cues we see
- 00:16:14that go up we put that in that pile of
- 00:16:16cues that says this person is being
- 00:16:17deceptive now here's the key to this one
- 00:16:20when he throws that chin over there as
- 00:16:22his as his shoulder goes up there is no
- 00:16:25scientific study that backs this up this
- 00:16:27is just from experience from from my own
- 00:16:29experience and from someone who pointed
- 00:16:30this out to me said every time I see
- 00:16:33someone that uh and it wasn't somebody
- 00:16:35who was off the street this was an
- 00:16:37interrogator and the the shoulder goes
- 00:16:39up and the chin goes toward it every
- 00:16:41time they've been lying every time I've
- 00:16:42ever seen that so I started paying
- 00:16:43attention to it I wasn't
- 00:16:45expecting it was pretty much on par with
- 00:16:48what I expected I guess okay and I
- 00:16:49thought it was you got me Fair
- 00:16:51apparently the interviewer said
- 00:16:52something bad about Dawson in a video He
- 00:16:55did apparently bad mouth pretty bad and
- 00:16:57Dawson watched it and they're talking
- 00:16:59about what Dawson thought about that and
- 00:17:02Dawson says it was pretty much on par
- 00:17:03for what I thought would happen that's
- 00:17:04when you see that thing I think it was
- 00:17:06worse than what he thought was going to
- 00:17:07happen anybody he's trying to be nice I
- 00:17:10I I don't believe that but he's not
- 00:17:12being deceptive about anything that's
- 00:17:14important so far nothing about Mr Beast
- 00:17:16being deceptive but we know he looks
- 00:17:18like when he's being deceptive and we
- 00:17:19didn't see any of these cues uh earlier
- 00:17:22so let's keep that in mind as well all
- 00:17:24right let's take a look at the next one
- 00:17:26did you ever get to meet Mac are there
- 00:17:29numerous employees like mac who have won
- 00:17:32prizes or is Mac the main guy have you
- 00:17:34ever met anyone else uh I have met Mac
- 00:17:36okay I remember like I don't know if you
- 00:17:39know how I got hired but I had posted I
- 00:17:42I sent them my job application but they
- 00:17:43also like don't usually respond so I
- 00:17:45also posted it on the Reddit then
- 00:17:47someone had contacted me but in that job
- 00:17:49application which is public I'm like
- 00:17:52detailing all these ways that like
- 00:17:53faking videos is bad or whatever in my
- 00:17:55opinion and I use like mac as a
- 00:17:57reference and then I get to the company
- 00:17:59and it's like my first day and I just
- 00:18:00see Mac in the hallways and I'm like
- 00:18:02this one's really interesting because
- 00:18:03when he's asked if he knows about any
- 00:18:05other employees that work for Mr Beast
- 00:18:07winning prizes he doesn't answer the
- 00:18:09question with a yes or a no he doesn't
- 00:18:12Point anybody out okay he goes on
- 00:18:15talking about how he got hired he does
- 00:18:18answer the question about knowing that
- 00:18:19guy Mack and Mack was an employ employee
- 00:18:21who won um some stuff so we know that
- 00:18:25guy did are there numerous employees
- 00:18:27like mac who have won prizes or is Mac
- 00:18:30the main guy have you ever met anyone
- 00:18:31else uh I have met Mac okay I remember
- 00:18:34like I don't know if you know how I got
- 00:18:36hired but I had posted I I sent them my
- 00:18:39job application but they also like don't
- 00:18:40usually respond so I also posted it on
- 00:18:42the Reddit then someone had contacted me
- 00:18:45but in that job application which is
- 00:18:47public I'm like detailing all these ways
- 00:18:50that like faking videos is bad or
- 00:18:51whatever in my opinion and I use like
- 00:18:53mac as a reference and then I get to the
- 00:18:55company and it's like my first day and I
- 00:18:56just see Mac in the hallways and I'm
- 00:18:58like when he ask him about if other
- 00:19:00people did he doesn't answer that he
- 00:19:01does what's called chaff and redirect
- 00:19:03that's a another Greg Harley ISM where
- 00:19:07and CHF rir is this when a plane is is
- 00:19:10flying along in the military and another
- 00:19:12plane attacks it or they shoot missiles
- 00:19:14at it from the ground and they're the
- 00:19:16heat seeking missiles so they'll make
- 00:19:18sure and hit it the plane throws out
- 00:19:20what's called chaff and that's like
- 00:19:22little pieces of metal and little things
- 00:19:24that are on fire you know flaming hot
- 00:19:27pieces of metal sheets of of aluminum
- 00:19:29and steel things like that so the
- 00:19:32Rockets will go towards those and not
- 00:19:33hit the plane and that's chaff so that's
- 00:19:37what this guy's doing he just starts
- 00:19:38talking about all these different things
- 00:19:39about being hired and this kind of thing
- 00:19:41and hopes that the interviewer will lock
- 00:19:43on to one of those instead of of going
- 00:19:46back to the to the main question there
- 00:19:47about other people that were employees
- 00:19:50went in prizes I don't know if you know
- 00:19:52how I got hired but I had posted I I
- 00:19:55sent them a job application but they
- 00:19:56also like don't usually respond so I
- 00:19:58also post it on the Reddit then someone
- 00:20:00had contacted me but in that job
- 00:20:02application which is public I'm like
- 00:20:05detailing all these ways that like
- 00:20:06faking videos is bad or whatever in my
- 00:20:08opinion and I use like mac as a
- 00:20:10reference and then I get to the company
- 00:20:11and it's like my first day and I just
- 00:20:13see Mac in the hallways and I'm like he
- 00:20:15doesn't answer the question about
- 00:20:16whether they do or not although he did
- 00:20:18say earlier that they did but he's not
- 00:20:20saying that now also when he starts that
- 00:20:23story we see him step back some quite
- 00:20:26often when someone's being deceptive
- 00:20:28being dishonest or they're not really
- 00:20:29not sure about something you'll see him
- 00:20:31back up a little bit so he may not being
- 00:20:34being honest about that but I don't I
- 00:20:36don't think it's he's lying about Mr
- 00:20:38Beast per se there because he didn't
- 00:20:40answer anything he's just it's a form of
- 00:20:43deception when you don't answer the
- 00:20:45question about the raccoon
- 00:20:48raccoon dude the raccoon the in reality
- 00:20:51it's much
- 00:20:53worse okay yeah it's a domestic raccoon
- 00:20:56that they brought to the set and they're
- 00:20:58like sort of treating it like a prop
- 00:21:00they're putting it in the ceiling and
- 00:21:01then pretending like you know they just
- 00:21:03discovered it yeah exactly but then
- 00:21:05there's a scene where somebody off
- 00:21:08camera takes the raccoon and like throws
- 00:21:10it onto the bed and I'm sure you could
- 00:21:11pull this clip up the edit is very
- 00:21:13strange because there's a zoom in and
- 00:21:16pan up so it like hides the fact that
- 00:21:19the raccoon is going on the bed uh but
- 00:21:21what it's really doing is hiding the
- 00:21:23fact that someone's throwing the raccoon
- 00:21:25and then there's a voice over in post of
- 00:21:27Jimmy saying oh man the raccoon just ran
- 00:21:29in the hotel or whatever and they're
- 00:21:31like screaming at it and [ __ ] so it's
- 00:21:33like almost I wouldn't say animal abuse
- 00:21:35but like it's it's kind of borderline
- 00:21:37mistreatment when you're just like using
- 00:21:39it as a prop and then scaring it for no
- 00:21:41reason yeah I don't like the whole yeah
- 00:21:43that's that's bizarre yeah that's really
- 00:21:45weird okay here's What's Happening Here
- 00:21:47in Dawson's video he talks about how the
- 00:21:50raccoon was a paid actor and it wasn't a
- 00:21:52paid actor everybody knows that he was
- 00:21:54there was a Wrangler an animal Wrangler
- 00:21:56that was paid to bring a raccoon to this
- 00:21:58set or to wherever they were and to do
- 00:22:01specific things they wanted to do and he
- 00:22:03did that so the raccoon wasn't paid but
- 00:22:06the the Wrangler the guy in charge of
- 00:22:08the raccoon was paid that's what he's
- 00:22:09saying there and when he's telling this
- 00:22:11as he illustrates and he's using his
- 00:22:13hands really big remember we talked
- 00:22:14about illustrating you your brain is is
- 00:22:17emphasizing specific words and phrases
- 00:22:18they're really big he's got you know his
- 00:22:20hand movements are really big and
- 00:22:21they're smooth and they're right on
- 00:22:23point when he says the the the points
- 00:22:25he's making all right now that's
- 00:22:27important there's a guy named aldert vay
- 00:22:30v r i j if you want to look him up
- 00:22:32aldert a l d r t Vay and his studies
- 00:22:36were this they he talked about how when
- 00:22:39people are being honest their
- 00:22:40illustrators are smooth and they're big
- 00:22:42and they're large but when somebody
- 00:22:44starts lying you watch them get really
- 00:22:45really small and sometimes disappear and
- 00:22:48stop as they keep talking all right so
- 00:22:50the the more honest someone is I'm under
- 00:22:52to the impression the bigger their
- 00:22:54illustrators are and the smoother they
- 00:22:55are and they land where they're supposed
- 00:22:57to land with the person who's being
- 00:22:59deceptive those things disappear almost
- 00:23:02completely they may still illustrate a
- 00:23:03little bit but not like where they were
- 00:23:05in their Baseline and we Baseline when
- 00:23:08we watched them earlier you know when
- 00:23:10you know how they act when they're being
- 00:23:11honest and telling nothing's going on
- 00:23:13they're talking with their illustrators
- 00:23:15and when those things disappear or get
- 00:23:17really really small you say that's out
- 00:23:19of their Baseline something's not right
- 00:23:21here there's a change in their Baseline
- 00:23:23let's take a look at that now if
- 00:23:25interrogation you're in you see that you
- 00:23:27want to start asking questions about the
- 00:23:29question where they stopped doing that
- 00:23:31when they started answering and doing
- 00:23:33that there's something to that question
- 00:23:35all right so look into that you want to
- 00:23:38start asking questions around that we
- 00:23:39want to get to interrogation here but or
- 00:23:41that much also when he's recalling all
- 00:23:44this this story and this all this
- 00:23:45information we hear his Cadence speed up
- 00:23:48remember Cadence is how fast you talk we
- 00:23:50hear his tone go up a little bit because
- 00:23:52he's talking a little bit faster a
- 00:23:53little bit more air coming through and
- 00:23:55here's volume go up so that's another
- 00:23:57reason that the tone goes up because the
- 00:23:59volume is slou because there more air
- 00:24:00coming out the more excited he gets
- 00:24:03right so that lets us know that he
- 00:24:05probably was a little bit angry about
- 00:24:06that thing with the raccoon you didn't
- 00:24:08sit well with him it's probably because
- 00:24:10these people weren't treating the the
- 00:24:11raccoon the way he thought they should
- 00:24:13does sound been mean but I wasn't there
- 00:24:17I don't know but from the video you know
- 00:24:19people are hollering and scaring and
- 00:24:20stuff that's not cool but outside of
- 00:24:22that I don't see anything other than
- 00:24:24what we talked about before being
- 00:24:25deceptive in a bad way so I think that's
- 00:24:28when you look at him from now on take
- 00:24:30the information you're Gathering here
- 00:24:32and put it toward his behavior and say I
- 00:24:35think he's being honest or I think he's
- 00:24:36being deceptive so here I think he's
- 00:24:39he's being honest about all this no
- 00:24:40deception here let's take a look at the
- 00:24:42next
- 00:24:43one how do you feel about that do you
- 00:24:45feel nervous or do you feel do you feel
- 00:24:48no no no excited I feel confident ex you
- 00:24:50feel not
- 00:24:52excited little little little little
- 00:24:54nervous a little bit you got to feel a
- 00:24:56little I would be [ __ ] myself if I
- 00:24:58you no I'm not Shing myself well you you
- 00:25:01you you it was 100% expected it was 100%
- 00:25:04expected right now this is a good one
- 00:25:06because the interviewer asks if he was
- 00:25:08scared or not if he's nervous about this
- 00:25:10cease and desist that they're talking
- 00:25:12about the cease and desist that uh Mr
- 00:25:14Beast attorney sent him and he says he's
- 00:25:16not afraid he said it was expected you
- 00:25:19know he and the the interviewer says
- 00:25:21well I'd be [ __ ] my pants and then
- 00:25:23Dawson says I'm not [ __ ] my pants
- 00:25:25but listen to the way Dawson says I'm
- 00:25:28not [ __ ] in my pants check this out I
- 00:25:29would be [ __ ] myself if I were you
- 00:25:32no I'm not [ __ ] myself you know what
- 00:25:34you're hearing there fting facts and
- 00:25:37that's when again when somebody is
- 00:25:39talking and they're not sure about what
- 00:25:40they're saying or they may be being
- 00:25:42deceptive as they talk they get quieter
- 00:25:44as they go along there to the end that's
- 00:25:46because maybe not that dramatically but
- 00:25:48here he does it as he's talking you hear
- 00:25:51I'm I'm not [ __ ] my hands no I'm not
- 00:25:53sh myself no I'm not Shak myself no I'm
- 00:25:55not Shak myself you hear him get quiet
- 00:25:57as he goes along cuz brain is saying I
- 00:25:59don't feel good about this yeah I'm I'm
- 00:26:01scared to death but I'm not going to say
- 00:26:03that so no I'm I'm not [ __ ] my pants
- 00:26:06no I'm not sh myself so that's why it
- 00:26:07gets quiet right there when someone's
- 00:26:08being deceptive quite often they'll do
- 00:26:10that because their brain is saying dude
- 00:26:12you can't lie you're fixing this is
- 00:26:14wrong we shouldn't be saying this so
- 00:26:16they'll get quieter and quieter as they
- 00:26:17go no I'm not Shing myself the more they
- 00:26:19talk quieter it'll get in that sentence
- 00:26:22to the end okay so that's fading facts
- 00:26:24and that's what we're hearing here no
- 00:26:26I'm not Shing myself so know or I would
- 00:26:29suggest I would I would surmise that he
- 00:26:32is uh nervous about this that he is
- 00:26:35afraid that he might be pooping his
- 00:26:37pants over this because there's a lot of
- 00:26:39stay care Mr Beast has got more money
- 00:26:41than a lot of countries has have and I
- 00:26:45think I think he's probably worried
- 00:26:47about it as he should be that's normal
- 00:26:48that's fine no I'm not Shing myself his
- 00:26:51blink rate goes up as well so what's a
- 00:26:53blink rate about now when you blink a
- 00:26:55lot that suggests there's a lot of
- 00:26:57stress we blink usually 15 17 20 times a
- 00:27:01minute that's about the average right in
- 00:27:03there okay but when your blink rate goes
- 00:27:05up that suggests it denotes that stress
- 00:27:09has risen that's why you see someone
- 00:27:10blink not 15 to 20 times a minute
- 00:27:13sometime sometimes 30 40 and 50 times
- 00:27:15May 60 times a minute that's a lot
- 00:27:17that's a lot but how do you calculate
- 00:27:19that when you see it okay here's how you
- 00:27:21do it you do it in minutes okay so 60
- 00:27:26seconds has six slots in it so when
- 00:27:29someone is ask a question you watch them
- 00:27:31for 10 seconds and you see how many
- 00:27:33times they blink in that 10-second slot
- 00:27:35if they blink five times in that 10
- 00:27:37seconds then you multiply that by six
- 00:27:39and that's 30 so you see they're they're
- 00:27:41blinking about 30 times a minute which
- 00:27:43is a little faster than normal if they
- 00:27:45blink twice that fast they're really
- 00:27:47stressed and sometimes they won't blink
- 00:27:49for the whole minute that way for the
- 00:27:51whole time but in that little bit of
- 00:27:53time right there in that 10sec window
- 00:27:55that's when you'll see that's when you
- 00:27:57you make that calculation I think this
- 00:27:59really he's really worried and stressed
- 00:28:00about this and that's normal everybody
- 00:28:02would be anybody would be it's deception
- 00:28:04but it's not deception in the bad way
- 00:28:06you know nothing about Mr Beast really
- 00:28:09know you know did he do this yes or no
- 00:28:12so it's not that kind of deception I
- 00:28:14think this this is the okay God just
- 00:28:16trying to save his ego there a little
- 00:28:18bit now you have a really good idea of
- 00:28:20what Dawson looks like when he's being
- 00:28:22honest and when he's being deceptive so
- 00:28:24far in this this kid looks like he's
- 00:28:26he's fairly honest person
- 00:28:28you know nothing bad in here I don't
- 00:28:30think I didn't see anything bad I being
- 00:28:33honest so I've reached out to him see if
- 00:28:35he could come talk to me or talk to us
- 00:28:37on the behavior panel I haven't heard
- 00:28:38back from him yet but if you're watching
- 00:28:40this dude hit me up you know email me
- 00:28:43body language questions at gmail I'll
- 00:28:45get it and I'll get back to you if you
- 00:28:46want to learn more about body language
- 00:28:48and behavior you watch that video right
- 00:28:50there if you have any questions about
- 00:28:51body language just email me body
- 00:28:53language questions a Gmail and I'll get
- 00:28:55right on it
- Mr Beast
- YouTube
- scandale
- langage corporel
- Dawson
- manipulation
- concours
- décryptage
- analyse
- accusations