Prophet Stories AYUB (AS) | Islamic Cartoon | Quran Stories | Islamic Children Kids Videos - 13





  • 🕌 故事中的先知亚尤布是穆斯林信仰的重要例子,他展示了对安拉的坚定信仰和耐心。
  • 💔 亚尤布经历了财产、孩子和健康的重大损失,但他始终保持感恩之心。
  • 😈 恶魔伊布利斯多次尝试动摇亚尤布的信心,但未能成功。
  • ❤️ 亚尤布的妻子承受苦难,她对丈夫始终不离不弃,最终被奖励。
  • 💧 安拉通过神奇的泉水恢复了亚尤布的健康,表明信仰与耐心终将得到回报。
  • 🪙 亚尤布在遭遇困难后得到了加倍的财富,象征着信仰的丰厚回报。
  • 🤝 安拉宽容地解决了亚尤布对妻子的誓言问题,显示了对诚实与爱心的认可。
  • ⏳ 故事强调了苦难只是暂时的,而持久的信仰能带来最终的幸福。
  • 👨‍👩‍👧 亚尤布恢复健康后,得到了更大的家庭和更幸福的生活。
  • 🙏 故事提醒信徒们,无论逆境还是顺境都要怀有感恩之心。


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00


  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:23




  • 谁是先知亚尤布?


  • 先知亚尤布经历了哪些考验?


  • 亚尤布如何恢复健康?


  • 亚尤布如何履行对妻子的誓言?


  • 亚尤布恢复健康后,他的生活如何变化?


  • 恶魔伊布利斯尝试了什么方法让亚尤布放弃信仰?


  • 这个故事中有哪些信仰的教训?



  • 00:00:00
    Animals: Assalamu Alaikum.
  • 00:00:04
    Yusuf: Walaikum Assalam.
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    How are you children?
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    Animals: Alhamdulillah, we are fine.
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    We like to hear prophet stories from you.
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    Yusuf: Ok, Mashallah.
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    That's very good.
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    The stories of the prophet are important for all Muslims.
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    Insallah, today we will learn about the story of Prophet Ayub (puh).
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    Are you ready for that?
  • 00:00:51
    Animals: Yessssss.
  • 00:00:52
    Yusuf: Ok, let start.
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  • 00:00:57
    Prophet Ayuob's English name is Prophet Job (pbuh).
  • 00:01:05
    In Quran Allah did not mention detail about his message and people.
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    Because Allah (swt) wanted to teach us different lessons from his life which was put in very
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    difficult test.
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    He was from the family of Ishaq (pbuh).
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    And his wife was from the family of Lut (pbuh).
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    Prophet Ayub (pbuh) was very good looking and he had very good health.
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    In all condition, he always thankful to Allah (T) and had patience all the time.
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    So Allah (T) blessed him with wealth, children and health.
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    He always feed and clothe the poor and bought slaves to set them free.
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    He was very kind and gentle to others.
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    He was an best example for the worshippers of Allah (T).
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    One day Allah (T) decided to test him and his faith about Allah (T).
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    So he destroyed prophet Ayoub's cattle, servants and farms and make him very poor.
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    At that condition Iblis came to him as wise old man and tried to convince that he became
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    poor because of too much charity and pray to Allah is wasting time because he did not
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    protect your wealth.
  • 00:02:39
    But prophet Ayoub (pbuh) had very strong faith on Allah (T).
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    He replied Iblis that, the owner of all his wealth was Allah (T).
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    He was just temporary caretaker of the wealth.
  • 00:02:57
    Prophet Ayoub prayed to Allah (T) as before.
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    Animal: That's mean he passed the test?
  • 00:03:02
    Yusuf: Alhamdulillah, yes he pass the test.
  • 00:03:09
    But this time Allah (T) put him in difficult test.
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    He killed all of his children one by one.
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    Than Iblis came to him in human form and tried to convince to stop praying and reject Allah.
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    Iblis thought this time he could win prophet Ayoub's heart.
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    But Ayoub (pbuh)'s strong faith in Allah (T) reject Iblis and said, Allah (T) sometime
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    gives and sometimes takes.
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    He know what is good for us and what is bad for us.
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    So I will keep believe on my creator Allah (T) and remain thankful to him.
  • 00:04:00
    Prophet Ayoub (pbuh) prayed to Allah (T) as before.
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    Animal: So, that's mean he passed the second test, too?
  • 00:04:11
    Yusuf: Yes, after losing all of his lovely children, he still keep on faith on Allah
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  • 00:04:20
    This time Allah (T) put him in most hardest test.
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    He destroyed prophet Ayoub's Health.
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    His body filled with disease.
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    His skin and bone suffered with extreme pain.
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    But he remained strong in his faith and kept patience without any complaining.
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    He remained hopeful of Allah(T)'s mercy.
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    He condition was so bad that even his close relatives and friends left him.
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    Only his kind, loving wife stayed with him.
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    She was very kindness and cared for him.
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    In his many years of suffering she did not left him.
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    During this suffering Allah (T) protected his heart and tongue.
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    With these two organ he still kept glorified the Almighty Allah (T) all the time day and
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  • 00:05:26
    Animal: So what the Iblis did this time?
  • 00:05:28
    Yusuf: Iblis realized that prophet Ayoub's faith was very strong so this time he went
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    to Ayoub (pbuh)'s wife in the form of a man and asked,
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    " Where is your husband?"
  • 00:05:46
    She pointed to prophet's almost lifeless body, which was between life and death.
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    Iblis reminded her the old days, when prophet Ayoub's had good health, wealth and children.
  • 00:06:01
    Suddenly the painful memory of many years of hardship weak her and her eyes filled with
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    She came to prophet Ayoub (pbuh) and asked, " How long will you suffer like this?
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    Are we to remain without wealth, children or friends forever?
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    Why don't you request Allah (T) to remove this suffering?"
  • 00:06:28
    Prophet Ayoub (pbuh) became sad.
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    With his soft voice he replied, Iblis must came to her and made her unhappy.
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    He asked her how long did he enjoy good health and riches?
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    She replied, " Eighty years."
  • 00:06:48
    Then Ayoub (pbuh) replied: "How long am I suffering like this?"
  • 00:06:54
    She said: "seven years."
  • 00:06:58
    Then Ayoub (pbuh) told her, in that case he was ashamed to request his lord to remove
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    the suffering because he had good life many years but he had bad time in his life only
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    few years.
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    That time he was very upset on his wife.
  • 00:08:20
    Even he swear that, if he became healthy again, he would punish her with a hundred strokes.
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    From that day he stop eat and drink anything by her hand and told her to leave the house.
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    In that condition he only seek his mercy on Allah (T).
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    With very sad heart she started to crying and left him alone.
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    He was very sad that he asked Allah (T) to save him from the Iblis.
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    Allah (T) accepted his call to remove his suffering.
  • 00:08:58
    He order prophet Ayub (pbuh) to strike the ground with his foot.
  • 00:09:04
    Suddenly miracle spring water came.
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    He drink the water and washed himself with that water.
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    He get his good health immediately.
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    In the meantime, his faithful wife became very sorry and could not stay separate from
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    his loving husband.
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    So she returned to him.
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    after entering the house, she was surprise to see her husband.
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    He became healthy again.
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    She hugged him and thanked Allah (T) for his mercy.
  • 00:09:40
    He became happy to see her wife but became worried about his oath which he took to punish
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    her with a hundred strokes if he get his health again.
  • 00:09:53
    He did not wanted to hurt her.
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    But he knew if he did not fulfill the oath, he would be guilty of breaking a promise to
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    Allah (T).
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    In this difficult moment the merciful Allah (T) solved the problem.
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    He ordered prophet Ayub (pbuh) to strike with a bundle of thin grass so she did not hurt.
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    This way prophet Ayub (pbuh) fulfill his oath.
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    So Allah (T) return his children as a double number.
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    And get back his wealth and more.
  • 00:10:33
    Once when he was taking a bath, gold was falling on him.
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    He started to collecting them in his garment.
  • 00:10:41
    Allah (T) called him, " O Ayub!
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    I made you very rich, then why are you collecting this gold?"
  • 00:10:53
    He said: "Yes, My Lord!
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    But I cannot ignore Your Blessings.
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    Some scholars says, he had 14 sons and 3 daughters.
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    And lived for 99 years.
  • 00:11:06
    But Allah knows best.
  • 先知亚尤布
  • 信仰考验
  • 安拉
  • 恶魔伊布利斯
  • 信仰的力量
  • 逆境中的坚持
  • 珍惜恩典
  • 伊斯兰教
  • 神迹
  • 耐心与感恩