Cintoo's $37M Series B, Reality Capture Market Growth, Partech's Investment Strategy How Cintoo Is
TLDREn aquest episodi del podcast Bricks Bucks and Bites, s'exploren diverses notícies significatives dins dels sectors d'arquitectura, enginyeria i construcció. Comença amb una discussió sobre la ronda de finançament sèrie B de 37 milions liderada per Partech Growth per a l'empresa SC 2, que es dedica a la compressió de dades de captures de realitat per a obres de construcció. Es comenta l'augment de les solucions d'escaneig de realitat i les projeccions de mercat per al 2030. Es menciona l'impacte de les eleccions als EUA en la confiança del mercat, amb previsió d'un augment en les IPOs tecnològiques el 2025. També es destaca una reflexió sobre la lògica dels VCs i les seves relacions amb els fundadors, fent èmfasi en la importància de la transparència i la veritat en les interaccions empresarials.
- 🎧 Podcast setmanal sobre arquitectura i tecnologia
- 📊 SC 2 assegura finançament per avançar en tecnologia 3D
- 🌐 Influència de les eleccions americanes als mercats
- 🤝 Importància de la transparència en la inversió
- 🏗️ Creixement del mercat de l'escaneig 3D cap al 2030
- 🗣️ Discussió sobre el metavers i el seu potencial futur
- 🎯 Estratègies de VCs en rondes de finançament
- 🇪🇺 Impacte de les eleccions en l'economia europea
- 💼 Cas d'estudi sobre la captura de realitat en construcció
- 📈 Expectatives d'IPOs tecnològiques en els propers anys
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Benvinguts al podcast Bricks, Bucks i Bytes, un lloc per a notícies sobre finançament, mercat i inversió en arquitectura, enginyeria i construcció. Els fundadors de startups i innovadors en AEC trobaran útil el nostre butlletí sobre tecnologia en el sector, incloent-hi AI, robòtica i programari de disseny. Subscriviu-vos a
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Els presentadors, Patrick i Owen, discuteixen temes d'actualitat en AEC. Owen està de vacances, així que Patrick parla amb el seu convidat sobre viatges recents i experiències culturals. Patrick destaca la seva estada als EUA i la seva gravació d'entrevistes per a un documental amb Edify.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
El podcast tracta sobre Choctaw, una startup que ha aconseguit 37 milions en finançament sèrie B liderats per Partech. Choctaw treballa per reduir la mida dels arxius per a escaneig i dades 3D. La discussió se centra en com això pot afectar el mercat de captura de la realitat, que està en creixement.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Els hostes parlen sobre els antecedents i l'històric de Choctaw, una empresa fundada el 2013. La seva tecnologia ajuda a comprimir dades de núvols de punts per millorar la captació de realitat en sectors com la construcció. El mercat és més favorable ara i Choctaw ha crescut des de la seva fundació.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Es discuteix el mercat de captura de realitat i com ha evolucionat amb noves tecnologies que faciliten l'ús d'eines com núvols de punts. El mercat es projecta per créixer àmpliament, encara que hi ha competència important d'empreses com Hexagon.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Un nou finançament de 37 milions de dòlars liderat per Partech Growth permetrà a Choctaw escalar el seu negoci. Esmenten les estratègies de Partech, que inclouen diversos fons d'inversió, i la possibilitat que part del finançament podria haver assolit fons de fundadors secundaris.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Es debat sobre el paper de Partech Growth en l'estratègia d'inversió a Choctaw, distingint entre finançament primari i secundari. Les estratègies inclouen la compra d'accions als fundadors actuals, ajudant possiblement a reduir les dilucions.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Patrick explica com algunes empreses esdevindran òbvies després de cert creixement, el què permet a inversors genèrics invertir. La informació avantatjosa dels especialistes en tecnologia de construcció pot desaparèixer a mesura que una empresa es fa marcadament viable.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
El podcast toca el tema del 'metavers', amb opinions diverses i poca substància tangible observable actualment. Per ara, no veuen valor significatiu, però no descarten canvis en els propers anys quan la tecnologia pugui madurar.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:55
Un altre tema és la potencial onada d'OPIs (IPO) de tecnologia en els EUA, especialment després d'eleccions clares. Això podria portar a un ressorgiment en confiança de mercat i inversions tant en mercats digitals com tecnològics.
De què tracta el podcast Bricks Bucks and Bites?
Tracta sobre notícies de finançament, mercat i inversions en arquitectures, enginyeria, construcció i la cadena de subministrament.
Quina empresa va assegurar 37 milions en una ronda de finançament sèrie B?
SC 2 va assegurar 37 milions en una ronda de finançament sèrie B.
Quina és la projecció del mercat de l'escaneig 3D per al 2030?
Es projecta que el mercat de l'escaneig 3D arribi als 16.7 mil milions per al 2030.
Quin és el paper de Partech Growth en la ronda de finançament de SC 2?
Partech Growth va liderar la ronda de finançament de 37 milions de SC 2.
Què discuteixen sobre les eleccions als EUA i el seu impacte en el mercat?
Discuteixen que després de les eleccions hi ha una sensació de confiança en els mercats que pot impulsar les IPOs tecnològiques el 2025.
Quin va ser l'impacte de les eleccions sobre l'economia del Regne Unit?
Va portar claredat i confiança, augmentant les consultes en el negoci de l'entrevistador.
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La Fisiocracia
- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:06hey everyone and welcome to the bricks
- 00:00:08bucks and bites podcast your weekly dive
- 00:00:11into funding market and invested news in
- 00:00:14architecture engineering construction
- 00:00:17and supply chain before we get started
- 00:00:19though if you're a startup founder or
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- 00:00:48Founders head over to www. bricks
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- 00:00:56exclusive material straight to your
- 00:00:58inbox and now for the episode welcome
- 00:01:01everyone and good morning Patrick
- 00:01:04morning sir how are you I'm pretty good
- 00:01:06pretty good Owen is not with us today as
- 00:01:09he took the family on holidays he's back
- 00:01:11in the next few days so there's just two
- 00:01:14of us today yeah but judging by his
- 00:01:16WhatsApp messages he seems to be in a
- 00:01:19mix of enjoying and not enjoying the
- 00:01:21part of the world that he traveled to
- 00:01:23well oh yes yes yes yes yes so that that
- 00:01:27part are you talking about yeah yeah you
- 00:01:30is an interesting place especially
- 00:01:31nowadays but you traveled recently a lot
- 00:01:34too yeah I like it I like I like duai
- 00:01:38particularly I've been maybe twice to
- 00:01:40Abu Dhabi I what I like there is that
- 00:01:43actually it reminds me of America a
- 00:01:44little bit from um attitude of people um
- 00:01:49from this point of view and how people
- 00:01:51want to get stuff done and uh without
- 00:01:55making excuses and just pushing forward
- 00:01:57that's what that's what I like nice yeah
- 00:02:00and then you've you've just come back
- 00:02:01from Boston didn't you yeah we did uh we
- 00:02:04went for to SLE construction to record
- 00:02:08actually maybe eight hours of uh of
- 00:02:10interviews with edify and then boost
- 00:02:14cohort it was very good time actually U
- 00:02:17yeah I love the American vibeage I
- 00:02:20already I already mentioned so yeah very
- 00:02:22good time nice and Boston in November is
- 00:02:24certainly very different experience than
- 00:02:26Boston in January I can tell you yeah
- 00:02:28you know what I was very surprised that
- 00:02:30we actually came and was minus one and
- 00:02:32the next day was plus 20 so that's on
- 00:02:34the on the weather side but it's like a
- 00:02:36ghost town it's it's beautiful but
- 00:02:38there's no one no one in there compared
- 00:02:40to London for example so that was a
- 00:02:43little bit weird um but overall very
- 00:02:46good experience and how was the um uh so
- 00:02:49you guys if I remember correctly you did
- 00:02:50yet another documentary now with with
- 00:02:52edify Dustin's company how was that yeah
- 00:02:55so we did four hours with uh Dustin and
- 00:02:58Mike um and that was brilliant you know
- 00:03:01we've been actually learning this
- 00:03:03estimation space because well all is uh
- 00:03:05involved in estimating me not but um
- 00:03:08well seems like there's no there's a
- 00:03:11bunch of incumbents maybe five five or
- 00:03:13six firms uh which are out there in the
- 00:03:16market and they are leading it uh but
- 00:03:18the the stuff that they are the edify is
- 00:03:20doing is super Innovative and it's kind
- 00:03:23of breaks the status quo in lots of
- 00:03:26areas so um so that's exciting and also
- 00:03:30um Dustin is a great founder so much
- 00:03:32wisdom there so you guys watch out what
- 00:03:36is going to come out of that nice when
- 00:03:38when will that be that will be so we'll
- 00:03:42have it done by the end of this year uh
- 00:03:45but it probably will be released January
- 00:03:472025 okay marking my calendar okay very
- 00:03:50good all right so let's go back to
- 00:03:52business uh so today we are discussing
- 00:03:54three things uh we have uh funding news
- 00:03:58of SC 2 I guess that's how I should
- 00:04:01pronounce it then we will go into Thrive
- 00:04:02capital and some sentiment in the um I
- 00:04:07don't know Capital markets or like
- 00:04:09that's probably right way of putting it
- 00:04:11and the third one we will have Nico
- 00:04:14Bonos post uh that uh we'll ask Patrick
- 00:04:18to get some comments
- 00:04:20on uh okay so let's start with uh CTO
- 00:04:24secures 37 million in serious B funding
- 00:04:27rant led by partk
- 00:04:30um so I did a little bit of research and
- 00:04:32seems like they are trying they are
- 00:04:35trying to what they are trying to do is
- 00:04:37to
- 00:04:38uh reduce the size of the files uh for
- 00:04:41scanning and for 3D uh
- 00:04:45data um and seems like a I don't know if
- 00:04:49it's called
- 00:04:50infrastructure type of uh application or
- 00:04:53solution um so I just wanted to get your
- 00:04:56thoughts uh about about the product what
- 00:04:58you think about this founding
- 00:05:00um and let's go from there awesome so c
- 00:05:03um I think you got it exactly right in a
- 00:05:06nutshell that's exactly what CNU is um
- 00:05:08but let's set the broader context Martin
- 00:05:10right so the broader context for sinu is
- 00:05:14um reality capture in and around either
- 00:05:16construction sides could also be
- 00:05:19industrial sides um and I believe if I
- 00:05:21remember correctly you could
- 00:05:23theoretically also applies into in an um
- 00:05:27existing building context um though the
- 00:05:31uh frequency at which you capture would
- 00:05:33be way different than from a
- 00:05:35construction side a project at an
- 00:05:37industrial side Etc so that's that's the
- 00:05:39broader context and in that context that
- 00:05:42uh capture of reality has grown a lot I
- 00:05:45I wouldn't call it exploding I think
- 00:05:46that would be a little bit too U uh
- 00:05:49Sensational but it is growing fast these
- 00:05:52past few years um and centu is
- 00:05:55originally it's an 11year old company it
- 00:05:57was founded in in 2013 and I would argue
- 00:06:00that over the first maybe 8 years um of
- 00:06:03their existence the underlying Market
- 00:06:06context wasn't as favorable as it is now
- 00:06:09so that's a very exciting thing here
- 00:06:10potentially for for our good friends
- 00:06:13actually at ptek who led this race um so
- 00:06:16I think the overall Market context for
- 00:06:18them is um much better now than it ever
- 00:06:20was in a firm's history it's favorable
- 00:06:22it's growing Etc and with that comes a
- 00:06:25problem the problem is that every scan
- 00:06:27creates gigabytes in data and in total
- 00:06:30they amount to terabytes of data and
- 00:06:33that data is supposed to be used for
- 00:06:35something you don't capture it only in
- 00:06:37order to capture it you capture it
- 00:06:38because you want to have the is as built
- 00:06:41documentation and ideally you want to
- 00:06:44automate the as buil documentation there
- 00:06:46are players working on that and for a
- 00:06:48while I think sinu has been working on
- 00:06:50that part the the basically the ASU
- 00:06:53comparison as well but their core
- 00:06:55product like you said is about the data
- 00:06:57compression to help people actually do a
- 00:06:59lot of reality capture um in various
- 00:07:02different forms and methods usually
- 00:07:04Point clouds um and compress that data
- 00:07:06in order to build much faster data
- 00:07:08pipelines to do the ASU comparison by
- 00:07:11hand or automated and that's where CNU
- 00:07:14sits um we have spoken first with the
- 00:07:17company in 2019 then again in 2020 when
- 00:07:20um for a firm that age it wasn't very
- 00:07:22advanced in commercial revenue and they
- 00:07:24had just made a Founders switch which is
- 00:07:27never a good time to kind of engage with
- 00:07:29with VCS if your commercial traction is
- 00:07:32a bit behind where you should be and you
- 00:07:35just switched uh out the the original
- 00:07:37founder in this case against an angel so
- 00:07:40an angel investor in syu then became the
- 00:07:42new CEO um oh wow yeah yeah that that
- 00:07:45that's it doesn't happen a lot we have
- 00:07:47seen it a few times in constr um so back
- 00:07:50then it wasn't a good time for us to get
- 00:07:51involved and I think for them also to
- 00:07:53find investors um and then amavi I think
- 00:07:56LED around in 2021
- 00:07:59if I remember
- 00:08:01correctly um and uh and so now they
- 00:08:05raise this uh round with partech growth
- 00:08:08and it's important that it's partch
- 00:08:10growth I'll explain to you hey listeners
- 00:08:12I want to take a quick break to remind
- 00:08:13you about the bricks and bites
- 00:08:15newsletter if you're interested in
- 00:08:16learning about the technology shaping
- 00:08:18the future of construction you won't
- 00:08:20want to miss the valuable insights we
- 00:08:21share each week to get this exclusive
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- 00:08:25head over to www. Bricks by
- and sign up today link is in
- 00:08:33the show notes back to the show uh in a
- 00:08:35minute um and of 37 million in order to
- 00:08:39scale the business and from what I can
- 00:08:41see they have grown since the days we
- 00:08:43talked to them to where they are today
- 00:08:46quite nicely and I think that is a
- 00:08:47reflection of a great product good
- 00:08:49leadership good management and an
- 00:08:52underlying Market that is growing mhm uh
- 00:08:54so interesting few questions to that so
- 00:08:58maybe I'll start from you mentioned that
- 00:09:00the underlying Market context wasn't
- 00:09:02favorable back then it is now what is
- 00:09:06that is it there's a more need for
- 00:09:08scanning just simply that or something
- 00:09:09else yeah so um it's more a need for
- 00:09:12scanning and more scanning Solutions
- 00:09:14more advanced scanning Solutions so if
- 00:09:15you remember the episode we did with Mo
- 00:09:17from holobuilder um Mo was basically one
- 00:09:20of the for example solutions to reality
- 00:09:23capture with holobuilder um and and
- 00:09:25besides Hol Builder um a bunch of other
- 00:09:28new tech Solutions came up we we
- 00:09:30discussed if you remember open you had
- 00:09:31Jan here open space doel build dos uh
- 00:09:35Indus AI which is a company that we sold
- 00:09:37to procore um there's um more and more
- 00:09:41companies uh evercam in Ireland uh in
- 00:09:45Germany there are companies that are
- 00:09:47specialized it it's a very very abundant
- 00:09:51sorry it's a space abundant with
- 00:09:52Technology Solutions for reality capture
- 00:09:54and not to forget the incumbents hexagon
- 00:09:56has products for this Rico has products
- 00:09:59for this Etc so as a that's the first
- 00:10:01effect right so as a let's say general
- 00:10:04contractor if you use that example you
- 00:10:06have abundance of choice you can really
- 00:10:08make more informed choices today than
- 00:10:11you could in 2013 or even 15 or 17 so
- 00:10:15that's one and two um overall the space
- 00:10:19of capturing or or working with as buil
- 00:10:22in your Bim model has just matured in
- 00:10:24terms of adoption and process Readiness
- 00:10:27then it was you know maybe 10 or 11
- 00:10:30years ago so that's the second reason
- 00:10:32why the industry is just more able to
- 00:10:36adopt such technology interesting so is
- 00:10:39it like infrastructure type of service
- 00:10:41that they would provide uh that my very
- 00:10:43lame understanding of it that's my
- 00:10:45understanding as well I think that's
- 00:10:46what they are today selling okay
- 00:10:48interesting I like that because it's an
- 00:10:50offshoot of something else growing and
- 00:10:52then they they are able to uh provide
- 00:10:54for these people like that okay as so I
- 00:10:57research and what they uh what I found
- 00:11:00is that um the 3D uh scanning Market is
- 00:11:03projected to reach 16.7 billion by
- 00:11:0820130
- 00:11:10um do you have a SIM well maybe I will
- 00:11:15ask that so do you have companies which
- 00:11:18do similar thing uh to sinu uh and if
- 00:11:22yes did you assess them based on this
- 00:11:25kind of projection of the growing market
- 00:11:28and uh total addressable Market perhaps
- 00:11:31as well um so not something currently in
- 00:11:34the reality capture or the um data
- 00:11:37infrastructure data processing for Point
- 00:11:39clouds not currently we used to have
- 00:11:41Indus AI like I said we sold that to
- 00:11:43procore um at a good profit and I looked
- 00:11:47at a Finnish company last year called
- 00:11:50Lumi DB Lui DB which is roughly in the
- 00:11:55same space um we felt good about Lumi in
- 00:11:58the end didn't move forward forward with
- 00:11:59it but that's a company I'm I'm
- 00:12:01continuing to track however the um 500b
- 00:12:05gorilla in the space is hexagon you you
- 00:12:07cannot dismiss hexagon because hexagon
- 00:12:09has similar Solutions inhouse farro has
- 00:12:12Solutions like that so this is a space
- 00:12:15where um usually as a VC when I hear
- 00:12:19data infrastructure I typically listen
- 00:12:21two three or more times my ears prop up
- 00:12:24in the digital twin space for data
- 00:12:27infrastructure for the real
- 00:12:29world I always have to make a case to
- 00:12:32myself how faroh hexagon and let's say
- 00:12:36two degree even Trimble don't have that
- 00:12:39solution inous already you have to show
- 00:12:41me a vastly differentiated technology um
- 00:12:46so that's something I would always keep
- 00:12:47my eyes open for interesting I was
- 00:12:50listening a few days ago a podcast and
- 00:12:53uh my favorite one V not kosla said
- 00:12:55something that they invested in tcpip
- 00:12:57protocol when he was in CL cler perkings
- 00:13:00or somethingone like that uh and um kind
- 00:13:04of no one wanted to change the um
- 00:13:07current status quo in terms of the
- 00:13:09infrastructure or how internet was going
- 00:13:11and they saw that being a a future um
- 00:13:15and uh yeah that was interesting like
- 00:13:18how how people can spot this uh future
- 00:13:20Trends uh which are infrastructure um
- 00:13:24Trends uh how how do you view it well I
- 00:13:27think the comparison here here um is
- 00:13:30tilted much more in favor of a Internet
- 00:13:34Protocol than an industrial protocol and
- 00:13:37and by the way CNU is not a protocol but
- 00:13:39but I get your I get your comparison but
- 00:13:41just just to get it clear it's not a
- 00:13:42protocol um but the reason why it's
- 00:13:44slightly tilt or actually massively
- 00:13:46tilted in favor of the tcpip example is
- 00:13:49because the user base is highly
- 00:13:51fragmented and highly Tech competent so
- 00:13:54you're selling them a better solution to
- 00:13:56use that c that their technology and and
- 00:13:59engineering capabilities um to do
- 00:14:01something they can adopt on a micro
- 00:14:04level for their self in a case like cinu
- 00:14:08you won't have a ton of Highly technical
- 00:14:11users and these highly technical users
- 00:14:13will need other approvals or need to
- 00:14:15make it work with other processes that
- 00:14:17they don't have influence over so the
- 00:14:19adoption rate is is a much much
- 00:14:21different one compared to trying to uh
- 00:14:23in in the whatever 1980s or when it was
- 00:14:26uh implement the tcpip protocol starting
- 00:14:29with you know software developers mm
- 00:14:31okay thank you for that so let's touch
- 00:14:33base on the round itself so it was led
- 00:14:38by part Tech uh and there was also
- 00:14:41existing investors amavi capital and
- 00:14:44arar Venture
- 00:14:46Partners uh as far as I'm aware partch
- 00:14:50is not uh construction Tech
- 00:14:54specialist yes um I feels like it's a
- 00:14:58quite a big run but that's just my
- 00:15:00feeling 37 million led by non um
- 00:15:04construction Tech specific uh VC what
- 00:15:07are your thoughts here right so um let
- 00:15:10me give a disclaimer a preface Martin
- 00:15:13everything I'm about to say in the next
- 00:15:14minute or two is speculation I I have no
- 00:15:17Insight I haven't talked to again PK are
- 00:15:19very good friends of mine but I haven't
- 00:15:21talked to them here also AR amavi
- 00:15:24irregularly with shed I also haven't
- 00:15:26sheded to him about this everything is
- 00:15:28speculated that I'm about to say and it
- 00:15:30could be absolutely untrue let me first
- 00:15:32give you context about PK so park is
- 00:15:35actually one of the world's oldest VC
- 00:15:37firms it's a 40 plus year old VC firm
- 00:15:40today headquartered in France but
- 00:15:42actually it originated in San Francisco
- 00:15:44it was founded in San Francisco 40
- 00:15:46something years ago um and it still has
- 00:15:50uh us office um
- 00:15:52Etc so it's a very revered and
- 00:15:55successful uh VC firm the way it is
- 00:15:59structured is it's not unique but it is
- 00:16:03uncommon compared to how other VC firms
- 00:16:05structure themselves paltech has a seed
- 00:16:08strategy it has a series a strategy and
- 00:16:11it has a growth strategy and seed
- 00:16:14seriesa and growth all have different
- 00:16:18funds and they have different investment
- 00:16:21committees and that is important in this
- 00:16:23case because the investment here came
- 00:16:24from the growth fund and not from the
- 00:16:27seed and series a fund the growth fund
- 00:16:30the as far as I can tell is a fund that
- 00:16:34um plays a multiple game that means that
- 00:16:38in growth rounds you're not saying hey I
- 00:16:41expect you necessarily to be a
- 00:16:44unicorn um I don't need you to play
- 00:16:46Power law for me um but I need you to
- 00:16:50deliver a steady x times return after
- 00:16:54dilution as far as I can tell that's
- 00:16:56what partic Ross does as far as I can
- 00:16:58tell from other Investments that I know
- 00:17:01that partk growth has done they
- 00:17:04typically shoot for 2 and A2 to 3x at
- 00:17:07least if it's more years or in 10 years
- 00:17:09or or great question so no probably not
- 00:17:13so this I'm not knowing but typically if
- 00:17:16you shoot for 2 and a half to 3x you
- 00:17:18would shoot for something 3 to 5 years
- 00:17:21to an exit because that gives you the 20
- 00:17:24plus something uh IR that you want right
- 00:17:27so that that would be um considered a
- 00:17:30good Venture fund um that wouldn't be
- 00:17:32top desile or anything but that would be
- 00:17:34good that's investable right so now you
- 00:17:37go in with that in order to get that out
- 00:17:40of a company like CNU again I'm
- 00:17:43speculating um you probably need to get
- 00:17:45cinu to 20 million in AR right now
- 00:17:50they're so I know their numbers I will
- 00:17:52not share them but they are not yet at
- 00:17:5320 million ARR um but I think they can
- 00:17:56get there in three to five years and I
- 00:17:59even think they can probably get there
- 00:18:00in three to four years is my personal um
- 00:18:03outside in uh observation um so now
- 00:18:07partch growth does one thing they need
- 00:18:09ownership because they need to put
- 00:18:11relatively large checks to work they
- 00:18:14need to make the Assumption hey at 20
- 00:18:16million AR how much can I sell you for
- 00:18:19many people will say maybe 10x AR that
- 00:18:22could be plus or minus um so maybe I can
- 00:18:25sell you for 200 to 300 million again
- 00:18:28I'm spe
- 00:18:30outside um and so I need to put a lot of
- 00:18:34money to work because I'm a gross fund
- 00:18:36and by definition I write much less
- 00:18:38checks much fewer checks by a lot of
- 00:18:40money to work you mean this 37 million
- 00:18:42investment or something like that
- 00:18:44exactly right um and
- 00:18:48typically again not specific to CNU a
- 00:18:51fund like part grow would make it a mix
- 00:18:54of primary and secondary so primary is
- 00:18:57the company Issues new shares and you
- 00:18:59buy direct shares in the company and the
- 00:19:01company receives the money a secondary
- 00:19:04is an existing shareholder often times a
- 00:19:06Founder sells their shares so the
- 00:19:08company doesn't get the money but the
- 00:19:10founder or the other shareholder gets
- 00:19:12the money and typically a fund like
- 00:19:13partch row in a strategy like this would
- 00:19:16make it a mix of primary and secondary
- 00:19:18so the 37 million again that is
- 00:19:22speculation might not be money that only
- 00:19:24CNU has received it might be a mix of
- 00:19:27hey maybe a portion of that was received
- 00:19:30by the by the company to grow I'm I'm
- 00:19:32pretty sure at you know that is the case
- 00:19:35and potentially another part of the
- 00:19:37funding went to the founders which for a
- 00:19:39founding team that has been 11 years in
- 00:19:41is a completely rational thing to do and
- 00:19:44and it is very fair like sh and I
- 00:19:46recently talked about it on practical
- 00:19:48nerds how you can make Arguments for uh
- 00:19:52secondaries to make the for for Founders
- 00:19:54that have been at the company for a long
- 00:19:56time to reer write another era of growth
- 00:20:00and a larger outcome so my speculation
- 00:20:03here is you know I I know partk growth I
- 00:20:05know these strategies it's probably in
- 00:20:08my mind a mix of primary and secondary
- 00:20:10part of it went to the company to grow
- 00:20:12part of it went to the founders and that
- 00:20:14way Park can underwrite a relatively
- 00:20:17large check for a company you know
- 00:20:20perhaps to be exited um north of 200
- 00:20:23million not necessarily a unicorn that's
- 00:20:26again not saying that's not the case
- 00:20:28here I'm just saying that's typically
- 00:20:29typical of such a strategy um and then
- 00:20:32that way you get substantial ownership
- 00:20:36and you reduce the dilution for the
- 00:20:38company because normally and that's the
- 00:20:40final Point here Martin when someone
- 00:20:42reads a 37 million series B they will
- 00:20:45say Okay serus B maybe 15% dilution so
- 00:20:50it could be like 200 pre Etc I'm saying
- 00:20:53that's not what it was that's my
- 00:20:55speculation I'm saying the dilution only
- 00:20:57happened on the primary portion which
- 00:20:59let's say was half of it right and the
- 00:21:03other half maybe was was secondary so um
- 00:21:06it could be and part growth typically
- 00:21:10wants a relatively large
- 00:21:12ownership so so that means that this
- 00:21:16company was potentially valued far below
- 00:21:19what you would typically guesstimate to
- 00:21:21be a 37 million round just because of
- 00:21:24the strategy that you are following
- 00:21:25doesn't take anything away from the
- 00:21:26company but I'm trying to provide
- 00:21:29context here how to read such
- 00:21:31announcements yeah so without the SEC uh
- 00:21:35so so we so you are speculating that
- 00:21:37there some primary and secondary but so
- 00:21:39without the secondary that you think
- 00:21:41that wouldn't
- 00:21:45happen so I'm privy to to where the
- 00:21:49company stands in terms of scale and no
- 00:21:51I think where where it is in terms of
- 00:21:54scale that probably would value the
- 00:21:56company too highly
- 00:21:59understand so I I think I get a feeling
- 00:22:01of uh of this now so second um speaking
- 00:22:06of this secondary shares or secondary
- 00:22:08what's the name of secondary purchase
- 00:22:10secondary shares secondary purchase um
- 00:22:12is it in general a way to boost or
- 00:22:14motivate Founders U to the green so
- 00:22:18that's a rabbit hole now um I I'm really
- 00:22:20sorry this is not Shameless plug but go
- 00:22:21go to our practical nerds episode 48 or
- 00:22:2449 sh and I talked for an hour just
- 00:22:27about secondaries but the the tldr is
- 00:22:29Martin there are different reasons why
- 00:22:32you should do a secondary or why you
- 00:22:34should not do a secondary and there's a
- 00:22:36bull case and there's a be case um I
- 00:22:40will not reveal my position on this
- 00:22:42because I don't want Founders to reverse
- 00:22:43engineer my thinking but I will say
- 00:22:46there are bull arguments and there are
- 00:22:47bare arguments sounds good let's go to
- 00:22:50practicalness episode
- 00:22:534849 we'll find out
- 00:22:55more um okay uh one more question on
- 00:23:00because that seemed to be quite
- 00:23:01interesting when you mentioned that the
- 00:23:03angel became a Founder uh or replace the
- 00:23:08founder was it to well obviously I don't
- 00:23:11know how you know or how much you can
- 00:23:13speculate on this is this typically the
- 00:23:15case where Angel replaces the founder
- 00:23:19because the found existing founder is
- 00:23:21not as great in their job or they and
- 00:23:23they are trying to save the business
- 00:23:25that I they have like vested interest as
- 00:23:27an angel
- 00:23:29or or that's that might be completely
- 00:23:30different uh different scenario that's
- 00:23:33difficult to answer for me Martin um so
- 00:23:35because in the case of sinu I'm actually
- 00:23:37not privy to to that I don't know how it
- 00:23:39came to it we only got to inter act um
- 00:23:42once Dominique um replaced the former
- 00:23:45founder CEO um because when we first
- 00:23:48talked the company was already five
- 00:23:49years five years old and and that had
- 00:23:51just happened um so I don't know what
- 00:23:53led to it um so in the case of cinu I I
- 00:23:56cannot comment to it if your question is
- 00:23:58more General I I I don't think I have a
- 00:24:00general um pattern here I I think
- 00:24:04there's very different reasons why it
- 00:24:07sometimes happens um usually a shakeup
- 00:24:11like
- 00:24:13that is hard to make a case that it's a
- 00:24:17good thing at first it can turn out to
- 00:24:20be a good thing and I think in the case
- 00:24:22of C to that is proven because the
- 00:24:23company has grown very well these past
- 00:24:26few years it has a terrific product um
- 00:24:28you you really have to to work with it
- 00:24:30to appreciate it it's a it's a very very
- 00:24:32good product um obviously well managed
- 00:24:35these past few years so it can turn out
- 00:24:38to be a good thing but the moment it
- 00:24:40happens it never feels like a good thing
- 00:24:43so that that's pretty tough to swallow
- 00:24:44for everyone the founders the
- 00:24:46shareholders Etc and every case is
- 00:24:49specific okay I will ask ask last last
- 00:24:52one question on the on the round which
- 00:24:55is why why we don't have uh specialist
- 00:24:59investors investing in this growth
- 00:25:02rounds for example in construction Tech
- 00:25:04that is a very very good question Martin
- 00:25:07um and one that I have a strong thesis
- 00:25:09on um so it has to do with when
- 00:25:13companies become obvious um we always
- 00:25:16talk at fundamental about hidden in
- 00:25:18spite of obvious
- 00:25:21opportunities right and you remember
- 00:25:23that one right so um that means that
- 00:25:26some opportunities in nuance quirky
- 00:25:28markets which ours might be the most
- 00:25:31nuanced and most quirky architecture
- 00:25:33engineering construction and its Supply
- 00:25:35chains you can find generational
- 00:25:38opportunities by looking under a million
- 00:25:40rocks and appreciating those quirks but
- 00:25:44that is not possible by pattern
- 00:25:46recognition you can't do that by saying
- 00:25:48hey I saw this in that market and Ergo I
- 00:25:50should find it in construction it it
- 00:25:52rarely leads to Glory it rarely leads to
- 00:25:55generational outcomes and a famous
- 00:25:58example of that is how people realize
- 00:26:00that SAS should not be the default
- 00:26:02initial model for companies it could
- 00:26:04actually be outcome as a service um that
- 00:26:07that's due to the idiosyncrasies and and
- 00:26:10works of construction so that allows you
- 00:26:13to to spot hidden in spite of obvious
- 00:26:15when companies are not obvious yet to
- 00:26:17the generic people but they are obvious
- 00:26:19to the Insiders so hidden to the
- 00:26:21generics obvious to the inside now here
- 00:26:24comes the flip at some point the company
- 00:26:27has so much traction has so much product
- 00:26:30so much customer love so much validation
- 00:26:32on distribution that it has just matured
- 00:26:35to obviousness to generic people that
- 00:26:38can be a series a round sometimes it can
- 00:26:40be a series B round like in cnu's case
- 00:26:43and at that point the generic investors
- 00:26:46have no disadvantage anymore at that
- 00:26:48point when it is obvious it's obvious
- 00:26:52and so you don't need any knowledge of
- 00:26:54the quirks in order to appreciate it you
- 00:26:56have other signals that you can use in
- 00:26:58the business as I said traction
- 00:27:00distribution Etc product um to to judge
- 00:27:05that it is a very good and very good
- 00:27:08company with lots of potential left and
- 00:27:10at that point because that um
- 00:27:12information Advantage for the specialist
- 00:27:15vanishes the capital Advantage for
- 00:27:18someone that has a lot of capital under
- 00:27:19management becomes more dominant and
- 00:27:22that's why I think personally that you
- 00:27:24don't see uh construction Tech growth
- 00:27:26funds necess neily have a huge
- 00:27:30information advantage over generic funds
- 00:27:32now just to be clear Martin last
- 00:27:34sentence I do think that there is a
- 00:27:36space for construction Tech growth funds
- 00:27:39in the future but the edge is not an
- 00:27:41information Edge
- 00:27:43anymore
- 00:27:46interesting what will have to happen for
- 00:27:49um for these uh growth funds in
- 00:27:52construction specialized growth funds in
- 00:27:54construction Tech to to become a reality
- 00:27:58um in my opinion the best strategy to do
- 00:28:01that it has to do with uh having access
- 00:28:04so in our portfolio let let me give you
- 00:28:06a very practical example because it's
- 00:28:08very public and known so infam Market is
- 00:28:10filing for its IPO currently the firm is
- 00:28:13at about 3 billion uh of annualized
- 00:28:15Revenue um it's obvious to everyone that
- 00:28:18it's an an amazing company it's as
- 00:28:20obvious as hey let's file for an IPO and
- 00:28:23get as broad a capital base as possible
- 00:28:26from highly professional investors
- 00:28:28nevertheless the company only has four
- 00:28:30or five shareholders and fundamental was
- 00:28:32one of the earliest ones now we have
- 00:28:35access or had access to continue pouring
- 00:28:38money into the company but the the
- 00:28:40company has not brought on NEP new
- 00:28:42investors from outside because why
- 00:28:43should it it has terrific execution and
- 00:28:47the existing cap table had enough
- 00:28:49capitalization to keep pouring into it
- 00:28:51so at that point your access into the
- 00:28:54best companies from the early days of
- 00:28:56the company is true advantage pouring
- 00:28:58gross Capital into it whereas using
- 00:29:01gross Capital to buy into net new
- 00:29:03relationships in construction check
- 00:29:05that's better done for a generic
- 00:29:06investor okay got it all right last more
- 00:29:09last one question on uh SC 2 I've got uh
- 00:29:12is um so they are part of this money
- 00:29:17will be spent to accelerate its Ai and
- 00:29:21here is the point metaverse efforts okay
- 00:29:24so I'll skip term uh I'll I'll skip but
- 00:29:28I'm very curious about your thoughts on
- 00:29:30the metaverse efforts right now where we
- 00:29:34have again crypto currency is booming
- 00:29:37metaverse is actually reminding me of
- 00:29:39the of the crypto space so is it there
- 00:29:42is is there any substance that you
- 00:29:44seeing there in terms of metaverse uh or
- 00:29:47that's just some offsho that they are
- 00:29:49trying to go into and that might not
- 00:29:51necessarily be um lucrative thanks for
- 00:29:55asking the question the way you did so
- 00:29:57no I don't see substance in the
- 00:29:58metaverse just yet it doesn't mean keep
- 00:30:00in mind one thing the VC's job is not to
- 00:30:03make predictions our job is just to
- 00:30:04observe so my observation right now is
- 00:30:07no I don't see substance in the
- 00:30:09metaverse but that's the point of
- 00:30:11Technology um it can be a different case
- 00:30:14in two years down the line so maybe in
- 00:30:15two years my answer is hey now I observe
- 00:30:18substance in the metaverse right now
- 00:30:202024 I don't
- 00:30:22and um I would say the whole web three
- 00:30:28that happened in late 2020 and
- 00:30:30throughout
- 00:30:312021 my God was that a fraudulent Market
- 00:30:34unbelievable speculative I would say
- 00:30:37sorry come again I would say
- 00:30:39speculative yeah unbelievable very
- 00:30:42speculative yes yeah okay anything else
- 00:30:45on C to it's a great company um
- 00:30:50and I think if you're not working with
- 00:30:52them you should give them a serious look
- 00:30:53and also congratulations to ARA at amavi
- 00:30:56this um you know it it serves the
- 00:30:58company very very well this
- 00:31:00round okay very good let's move on to uh
- 00:31:05to the next one
- 00:31:07so um so we started chatting about um
- 00:31:11the fact that perhaps um us so us
- 00:31:15elections are by this time sorted and
- 00:31:17seems like the last uh week week and a
- 00:31:20half week actually uh the markets have
- 00:31:22been have been booming being very
- 00:31:24positive about what happened U and I
- 00:31:27wanted to GA your thoughts on what it
- 00:31:29means to uh construction Tech investor
- 00:31:33and you brought up this uh example so
- 00:31:37let's elaborate so trive capital is in
- 00:31:40talks to invest around 1 billion in uh
- 00:31:43data bricks how how should we interpret
- 00:31:47that so the reason why I brought this
- 00:31:49forward Martin as an example is um so
- 00:31:52this literally from this morning um they
- 00:31:55are proposing a deal at about a 55
- 00:31:58billion pre-money valuation the round
- 00:32:01size is less important here 1 billion
- 00:32:02round size is very minimal dilution um
- 00:32:05obviously uh at this stage round about
- 00:32:08what is that 2% maybe um so the round
- 00:32:11side is not that important but the
- 00:32:12valuation is because if you put it in
- 00:32:14the context of data bricks ARR
- 00:32:17annualized recurring Revenue the ARR
- 00:32:20currently is at about 2.5 billion ARR um
- 00:32:25and that means that this is an AR
- 00:32:27multiply of above 20x about
- 00:32:3022x uh if if the 2.5 million ER are that
- 00:32:33were reported and rumored is correct so
- 00:32:35about
- 00:32:3622x now that signals something because
- 00:32:4022x is very rarely how you would get
- 00:32:44valued in the public markets for a
- 00:32:47software business now data bricks is a
- 00:32:49little bit more infrastructure than
- 00:32:51software and that can sometimes help you
- 00:32:53with the AR multiple but there are also
- 00:32:55examples in the public markets where it
- 00:32:57was actually punished for that um most
- 00:33:00investors at this stage would not
- 00:33:03believe that long-term longterm you can
- 00:33:06maintain a 22x ARR multiple for a
- 00:33:09business like this in the public markets
- 00:33:12unless you're generating a lot of cash
- 00:33:15then the multiple could be closer to
- 00:33:18this and not necessarily this but closer
- 00:33:20to this now the question is is data
- 00:33:22bricks making money or burning money I
- 00:33:24don't know that right now let's assume
- 00:33:27it's burning money
- 00:33:29um for a moment and then I'll come to
- 00:33:30the other case if it's burning money
- 00:33:33right now then most likely the uh
- 00:33:35long-term public markets valuation is
- 00:33:38far below
- 00:33:3922x that would signal in that scenario
- 00:33:43that would signal that thrive is betting
- 00:33:46that there's an IPO in the next 12
- 00:33:49months maybe 18 months if data bricks is
- 00:33:54uh printing cash it's profitable and
- 00:33:56it's generating cash
- 00:33:58um it could still signal the same thing
- 00:34:00that thrive things here can be an IPO
- 00:34:02but it could also be in that case that
- 00:34:05it's more of a long-term holding
- 00:34:06investment because they think that hey
- 00:34:08potentially if they keep growing a
- 00:34:09little bit and they keep printing cash
- 00:34:11it might actually be closer to this
- 00:34:13multiple in the long-term valuation and
- 00:34:15then this is a value investment not a
- 00:34:17narrative investment I'm not privy to
- 00:34:20the to the uh profit and cash uh
- 00:34:22generation of data bricks currently um
- 00:34:25but if it is the first then this is a
- 00:34:28clear signal that thrive expects pended
- 00:34:32a thriving IPO Market in the next year
- 00:34:34and I have a secondary data point here
- 00:34:36that makes me believe that um so someone
- 00:34:39in the foundamental family recently had
- 00:34:42a as recently as a few days ago had a
- 00:34:44call with one of the world's largest and
- 00:34:47most reputed investment
- 00:34:49banks that investment Bank told that
- 00:34:53foundamental family member hey and and
- 00:34:56that call happened right after the Trump
- 00:34:57election MH now we think there will be a
- 00:35:00flurry of tech IPOs in the US in
- 00:35:052025 those two data points together tell
- 00:35:08me that cash is abundant again and
- 00:35:09Thrive is betting on a tech IPO of data
- 00:35:12bricks mhm interesting is it not like
- 00:35:16very spec speculative
- 00:35:18again that the cand candidates are
- 00:35:21sorted now you know who is taking the
- 00:35:24office and uh suddenly like
- 00:35:28more confidence and can this become a
- 00:35:31bubble or or is it or is it as it should
- 00:35:34be uh okay so there's a few questions in
- 00:35:37there so let let me just take the
- 00:35:39speculative and the bubble part so
- 00:35:41speculative so first principle Martin
- 00:35:43speculative is only when you don't have
- 00:35:46um benefit of foresight when you don't
- 00:35:49have benefit of future information the
- 00:35:52founder of Thrive is Josh kushna do you
- 00:35:56remember the kushna name
- 00:35:58uh Kushner Kushner Kushner uh no remind
- 00:36:02me so the other Kushner is the
- 00:36:03son-in-law of Mr
- 00:36:06Trump okay so I'm not I'm not saying
- 00:36:10that they have any political
- 00:36:11affiliations here or that that there is
- 00:36:13benefit of foresight uh Etc but it might
- 00:36:17Thrive is a very successful uh firm um
- 00:36:20one of the most high performant Venture
- 00:36:23funds of that scale uh in the US um and
- 00:36:27it has a terrific track record and I can
- 00:36:29only assume it has a terrific Network as
- 00:36:31well so when someone like me has
- 00:36:33discussions with these big investment
- 00:36:35Banks and they tell me their uh their
- 00:36:37estimation that there will be a bunch of
- 00:36:39tech IPOs next year just imagine what
- 00:36:41someone like Josh here would have in
- 00:36:43terms of these kinds of conversations so
- 00:36:45overall he's collecting probably data
- 00:36:47points to make up his mind whether he
- 00:36:48thinks there will be IPOs or not and the
- 00:36:51more benefit of that foresight you can
- 00:36:53have the less speculative it is that
- 00:36:56you're doing so that's on the spec
- 00:36:57cative part on the bubble part look uh
- 00:37:00economies are always booming and busting
- 00:37:04there is no steady growth in economies
- 00:37:07and that has to do because the economy
- 00:37:09is always human sentiment um what I
- 00:37:12value an asset today and what I value an
- 00:37:14asset tomorrow is completely subjective
- 00:37:17sentiment and that sentiment in the age
- 00:37:19of social media and in the age of um
- 00:37:23hyperf frequency trading is constantly
- 00:37:26manipulated so that obviously leads to
- 00:37:29constant boom and bus Cycles so um is it
- 00:37:32a bubble at some point yes but I don't
- 00:37:35know if that's a bubble right now or
- 00:37:36next year no that's fair that's fair on
- 00:37:39this on the IPO think I think JD V if I
- 00:37:43remember correctly is vice president and
- 00:37:46I listened to I think it was a all in
- 00:37:49podcast that uh these guys are hoping uh
- 00:37:53and there is a in the industry there is
- 00:37:55a feeling that uh if he at that time it
- 00:37:58was that if he becomes a vice president
- 00:38:02then there will be lots of lots of ipets
- 00:38:05probably uh I'm hearing it's from
- 00:38:07different different Avenues so seems
- 00:38:10like might be something in
- 00:38:11it
- 00:38:13um okay uh do you think that this uh
- 00:38:16well I guess positive news for in the US
- 00:38:19is going to spill over uh to Europe in
- 00:38:22any good way who there's so many VCS
- 00:38:27engaged in in political conversation um
- 00:38:30and it REM as I said to you in the
- 00:38:32pre-brief it reminds me of the co days
- 00:38:34when everybody thought entitled to have
- 00:38:37an opinion on a scientific matter I
- 00:38:39don't feel entitled to give my opinion
- 00:38:42on Politics on the public platform there
- 00:38:44are people far more doesn't mean I don't
- 00:38:46have an opinion I do but it also doesn't
- 00:38:49mean that I'm qualified to use my
- 00:38:51platform to tell other people what I
- 00:38:53think they should think about this
- 00:38:55personally what I will say say is just
- 00:38:58from a purely business and economic
- 00:39:00point of view no morals no ethics
- 00:39:02personal preferences whatever just
- 00:39:04purely business and economics I'm glad
- 00:39:07that the election is over I'm very glad
- 00:39:10that Europe had elections this year and
- 00:39:12and Europe's largest economy Germany
- 00:39:14will have an election in February I'm
- 00:39:16very glad that we remove
- 00:39:18uncertainty for the business economy and
- 00:39:20I think that will help us again
- 00:39:24flourish so I guess where I was going
- 00:39:27like is it is it not the case that for
- 00:39:29for you guys when you're thinking about
- 00:39:31deploying money in uh startups in the EU
- 00:39:34or us uh that that was like significant
- 00:39:37thing the the clarity I guess it was
- 00:39:39right yeah exactly that's a good thing
- 00:39:42okay okay good uh what I mean you're
- 00:39:45you're a small business owner in the
- 00:39:46construction stage what what do you make
- 00:39:47of
- 00:39:48it uh what do well so I make of it this
- 00:39:53that us does within my lifetime us does
- 00:39:55everything first and then everyone
- 00:39:57follows and it's beautifully uh
- 00:39:59illustrated by Central BS announcement
- 00:40:02if F cat rates uh 25 Bank of England
- 00:40:07that similarly exactly the same day the
- 00:40:09next day does the same thing if they
- 00:40:11raise they do the same the same thing
- 00:40:13the next day um it's it's so it's
- 00:40:15actually funny so I think the sentiment
- 00:40:18have to will will kind of project onto
- 00:40:21us uh I well I think you know with my
- 00:40:25with what with what we do is um the
- 00:40:28interest rates are are the key really so
- 00:40:31um I take it all as a positive thing
- 00:40:33because there's less uncertainty as you
- 00:40:36kind of mentioned yeah do do you notice
- 00:40:38any sentiment change in the UK e economy
- 00:40:42not not like whatever general public or
- 00:40:44anything uh since the change of the
- 00:40:46government
- 00:40:47yeah I actually think it was positive
- 00:40:50from the amount of inquiries I get uh in
- 00:40:53my business it was positive because I
- 00:40:57get before the the period before the
- 00:40:59election time everyone is like oh I
- 00:41:01don't know I don't know I don't know
- 00:41:02then once it happens okay it's it's not
- 00:41:04like we want I'm not saying that it's
- 00:41:07not like someone wants but it's not like
- 00:41:08we want it but anyway we now know so we
- 00:41:10can uh plan accordingly so it's clear
- 00:41:13clean clean shirt at least
- 00:41:15yeah yeah glad to hear it okay um I
- 00:41:20think anything else on this one or
- 00:41:22should we move on to the last one I'm um
- 00:41:25I'm I'm just saying I read as a signal
- 00:41:28that people believe there's going to be
- 00:41:30a flurry of tech IPOs in 2025 in the US
- 00:41:33and by the way in India that's already
- 00:41:35happening uh sorry we we could have
- 00:41:36picked this as Market sentiment too
- 00:41:38market news too so there was a swiggy
- 00:41:40IPO this this week in India 12 billion
- 00:41:44uh IPO valuation raised up 10 8% I think
- 00:41:47on the first day and it was a 1.4
- 00:41:50billion money raised in that IPO and
- 00:41:53then I believe let me double check that
- 00:41:56blackbuck um which is the Convoy or
- 00:41:59sender of India wanted to IPO this week
- 00:42:02as
- 00:42:03well
- 00:42:06um yeah it ipoed yesterday so blackbug
- 00:42:11ipoed
- 00:42:13um 2.7 times
- 00:42:18subscribed can't find the valuation
- 00:42:20right
- 00:42:21now but the overall point is that
- 00:42:24actually the
- 00:42:25um the overall IPO Market even if we
- 00:42:30look always to the US in India has
- 00:42:32already been super healthy um and this
- 00:42:35week just we had the swiggy and the
- 00:42:37blackb uh IPOs so that's
- 00:42:40great very good um need to catch up with
- 00:42:43shup as well to find out what's been
- 00:42:45going on there we have him on for one of
- 00:42:47these Fridays actually yeah yeah yeah
- 00:42:49that's a good point to see how how India
- 00:42:52is
- 00:42:52doing okay uh good so let's move on to
- 00:42:58Nico Bono's post um and let's see what
- 00:43:02you can say about this so uh Nico says
- 00:43:06actually he's quoting I don't know VC
- 00:43:08logic um so you can only say no to a
- 00:43:12great Founders twice if you turn them
- 00:43:14down more times they will never engage
- 00:43:16with your VC firm in the future let's
- 00:43:19stop rejecting Founders from now on so I
- 00:43:22will the way I read it so what I
- 00:43:25actually like it but I don't like let's
- 00:43:27stop rejecting Founders from now on like
- 00:43:28that's doesn't sound reasonable but a
- 00:43:32rejection of a good uh of good Founders
- 00:43:36what does it what does it mean to you
- 00:43:38what does it say to you so n Nik is
- 00:43:40being sarcastic here he forgot SLS but
- 00:43:42he's being sarcastic here and and the VC
- 00:43:44logic um uh hashtag here is is the
- 00:43:48sarcastic one so um okay yeah Nico says
- 00:43:51that in a sarcastic tone I think the
- 00:43:53real idiotic comment is from the second
- 00:43:56comment here on the screen where this
- 00:43:58guy says hey there's zero incent and and
- 00:44:00this is not sarcastic so he means this
- 00:44:02there's zero incentive for a VC to say
- 00:44:04no to a startup unless it's outside of
- 00:44:06the Mandate saying no blocks optionality
- 00:44:08saying not yet keeps them in place so
- 00:44:09this is
- 00:44:10dumb but it's the reality so the guy
- 00:44:13making this comment is making a dumb
- 00:44:16statement but he's observing the truth
- 00:44:18um what he's saying is actually the
- 00:44:21go-to mode for 99% of um investors
- 00:44:27employed investors or general Partners
- 00:44:29in the VC industry they they typically
- 00:44:32when they pass on a Founder um or on a
- 00:44:34team they try to say something not
- 00:44:38harmful not hurtful not necessarily
- 00:44:41speaking the whole truth and more trying
- 00:44:43to keep the optional thinking sorry I
- 00:44:46should clarify thinking they keep the
- 00:44:48optionality of further engagement with
- 00:44:49the founder Down the Line open by saying
- 00:44:52something that is not truthful not
- 00:44:54transparent Etc and and then sending
- 00:44:57monikers like hey cheering from the
- 00:44:58sidelines next round we will bring the
- 00:45:00rocket fuel all of these kinds of
- 00:45:03meaningless statements and I say that is
- 00:45:05numb it's not how how I operate it's not
- 00:45:07how we operate I have actually made the
- 00:45:10experience that a Founders are tired of
- 00:45:13it be F the mature Founders they of
- 00:45:16course they are immature people
- 00:45:17everywhere in society also among
- 00:45:19Founders but I'm talking about the
- 00:45:20mature Founders buture Founders will
- 00:45:23respect you and appreciate you much much
- 00:45:26more if you follow follow my my function
- 00:45:28and that is truth plus transparency
- 00:45:31equals trust so that's how I treat
- 00:45:33Founders when I pass on a company which
- 00:45:35I do several times a week I write long
- 00:45:39emails or I get on phone calls and and
- 00:45:41make long explanations of what I'm
- 00:45:44currently seeing in the business I'm
- 00:45:46telling them what I what I'm seeing as
- 00:45:49strengths assets thesis I'm also telling
- 00:45:53them why I can't come across the line
- 00:45:55right now and I don't say that in a way
- 00:45:59where um I'm playing the option game I'm
- 00:46:02only saying it in a truthful way but
- 00:46:05with a respectful tone and mature
- 00:46:07Founders 10 out of 10 times respect me
- 00:46:11for it as well and re-engage with me the
- 00:46:13immature Founders they might not but
- 00:46:15they are not found that that's adverse
- 00:46:17uh dis selection so that way I'm
- 00:46:19actually weeding out immature Founders
- 00:46:21the mature Founders find that very
- 00:46:24refreshing and it's surprisingly
- 00:46:26differentiating margin as a VC if you
- 00:46:28don't do what this guy in the comment
- 00:46:30here is observing because nobody else
- 00:46:32plays it that way they all think they
- 00:46:35better um don't don't say the
- 00:46:39truth uh so I actually read it in a very
- 00:46:43with my autistic brain slightly
- 00:46:45differently um that um the good
- 00:46:50Founders like that the VCS cannot spot
- 00:46:53uh good Founders the good word uh kind
- 00:46:56of let me wrong that VCS cannot spot uh
- 00:47:00good Founders and they uh they reject
- 00:47:03them and they finally they when they try
- 00:47:05to engage with them then they um they
- 00:47:09will not be taken seriously but uh um
- 00:47:13yes you had this trust plus transparency
- 00:47:16equals truth plus transparency TR Tru
- 00:47:19truth plus equals uh trust right can you
- 00:47:23elaborate on that because I think it's a
- 00:47:24very very good statement or rule or law
- 00:47:28um yeah can you elaborate on this with
- 00:47:31the context of uh dealing with Founders
- 00:47:35yeah sure I mean um yesterday I wrote a
- 00:47:38rejection email to to a founding team
- 00:47:40and I said to them hey this part of the
- 00:47:42market I don't believe I don't believe
- 00:47:44in I don't think it will Thrive and your
- 00:47:46product can literally only address this
- 00:47:49part of the market there is an adjacent
- 00:47:51part of the market that I think your
- 00:47:53approach can address that I would find
- 00:47:55very very interesting but the problem is
- 00:47:57your product the way it is set today
- 00:47:59cannot address it it can only address
- 00:48:01this first part of the market and right
- 00:48:03now I told them in that email I cannot
- 00:48:06think I thought about it for half a day
- 00:48:08I cannot think of a way for you to break
- 00:48:10out with your product to address that
- 00:48:12other part of the market there's no
- 00:48:14Synergy it seems adjacent but there's no
- 00:48:16product Synergy for you to naturally
- 00:48:19evolve there it requires a different
- 00:48:20approach it requires a different product
- 00:48:23so the subset of a market that you
- 00:48:24address with your approach I'm not
- 00:48:26interested in the other part I am and so
- 00:48:28that's something where I'm I'm you know
- 00:48:31I'm giving the founders an honest view
- 00:48:34into my um thinking and I completely
- 00:48:37make myself vulnerable because the
- 00:48:39founder could also react very negatively
- 00:48:41to it they they could throw a temper
- 00:48:42tantum right they they could tell me
- 00:48:44that I'm an idiot that I don't get it
- 00:48:46Etc of course mature people be mature
- 00:48:48yeah exactly mature people great
- 00:48:50Founders will never do it they they will
- 00:48:52thrive in give having someone actually
- 00:48:56engage in an honest intellectual
- 00:48:58conversation with them that's I mean in
- 00:49:00the end that's scientific method it
- 00:49:02doesn't mean that we think we're right
- 00:49:04it's only means I'm telling you what I
- 00:49:06observe and the logic I apply to my
- 00:49:09observations that still means I can be
- 00:49:11wrong about it and then we can all be
- 00:49:13mature but I try to help you also
- 00:49:15pressure test your own company and and
- 00:49:19that's adverse dis selection if you want
- 00:49:22so I'm I'm that way weeding myself out
- 00:49:24from those Founders who cannot deal with
- 00:49:26it and most likely they will never be
- 00:49:28great Founders okay spot question um did
- 00:49:31you come across situations when you
- 00:49:33rejected someone TW founder twice and
- 00:49:35then for the third time or fourth time
- 00:49:37you ended up
- 00:49:40investing oh great
- 00:49:43question snap tro actually so that was
- 00:49:46sh's steal but snap tro sh makes fun
- 00:49:48right so I think we turned down ala five
- 00:49:50times oh really yeah so snap TR probably
- 00:49:54um for me
- 00:49:59probably not but it's also a function of
- 00:50:02how early um I invest so typically I
- 00:50:05lead preed and Seed rounds and it's
- 00:50:07tough to turn down someone twice for a
- 00:50:10for for preed it's practically
- 00:50:11impossible for a seed round um also
- 00:50:15impossible it can happen with repeat
- 00:50:17Founders so previously they built
- 00:50:18something else that you didn't like and
- 00:50:20now they're starting new company MH um
- 00:50:23yeah I think I think ala is the funny
- 00:50:25example for us mhm okay shout out to uh
- 00:50:29ala and sttu then yeah very mature yes
- 00:50:32yeah we we had him a few times really
- 00:50:35really like him actually okay
- 00:50:39um anything else on this one um I I mean
- 00:50:43I would just say all VCS keep going the
- 00:50:45way you're doing it because that way my
- 00:50:47Approach is healthily
- 00:50:50differentiated okay okay uh so um to
- 00:50:54wrap this up I have a few well maybe
- 00:50:56last question actually uh for you so
- 00:50:59we've been now 10 and a half months in
- 00:51:01the year um I don't know if you can
- 00:51:04share or not how many Investments have
- 00:51:05you guys made uh so far this year oh
- 00:51:07this sorry I don't have the number right
- 00:51:09now in front of me um first checks my
- 00:51:12guess is five or six um including follow
- 00:51:16ones 10 to 15
- 00:51:20probably okay and what what's this time
- 00:51:23of the year looks like for VC's uh is
- 00:51:26get are you guys getting ready for
- 00:51:28Christmas parties or like what's the per
- 00:51:32what's the what's the that was a joke by
- 00:51:34the way oh
- 00:51:36man what's uh what's in plans in the
- 00:51:38next let's say six weeks uh till the end
- 00:51:41of this year like how are you started
- 00:51:43thinking about next year or what's
- 00:51:45what's how does it work do you want a
- 00:51:48short answer be because what you asking
- 00:51:50right now unintentionally is actually a
- 00:51:53big big topic on my mind that I
- 00:51:54discussed also with my wife last night
- 00:51:56do you want short or long yeah let's do
- 00:51:58the short one and maybe closer to the
- 00:52:00end of the year we will touch on uh this
- 00:52:02properly uh fully it's the busiest time
- 00:52:06of the year so Q4 has the most
- 00:52:08fundraisings going on it has the most
- 00:52:11fundraising announcements that um
- 00:52:13obviously influence also it's propaganda
- 00:52:15right so it it it works on everybody's
- 00:52:17mind um so this is the the busiest time
- 00:52:20of the year no I mean the the year end
- 00:52:21is far far away from me good so no
- 00:52:24thinking of Christmas parties as yet
- 00:52:27well anyway I'm atheist so um it's a
- 00:52:30family party that's fine okay uh very
- 00:52:34good uh I enjoyed Patrick thank you very
- 00:52:36much uh and
- 00:52:39um yeah I'll see you next week I guess
- 00:52:42thank you Martin and I hope you can
- 00:52:43recover from your jet leg quickly I will
- 00:52:46I am thank you
- 00:52:52[Music]
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