James Marcia's Adolescent Identity Development



TLDRLa teoria de desenvolupament de la identitat adolescent de James Marcia descriu quatre estats: difusió, moratòria, tancament (foreclosure) i assoliment de la identitat (identity achievement). Aquests estats s'expliquen segons dos factors principals: crisi i compromís. La crisi és vista com un període d'exploració activa, mentre que el compromís implica prendre decisions concretes. La difusió es caracteritza per la manca de compromís i poca exploració; la moratòria indica exploració sense compromís ferm; el tancament implica comprometre's sense explorar altres opcions, posant en risc la satisfacció futura; i, finalment, l'assoliment representa haver explorat suficient i comprometer-se amb una identitat sòlida. Marcia també introdueix el concepte de cicle MAMA (Moratòria-Assoliment-Moratòria-Assoliment) per descriure el procés cíclic de desenvolupament de la identitat al llarg de la vida, destacant que fins i tot les 'crisis' de mitjana edat poden ser oportunitats de reenfocament a la identitat.


  • 🧩 La teoria de Marcia analitza el desenvolupament de la identitat en adolescents.
  • 🧠 Una 'crisi' indica exploració activa, no un problema.
  • 🔄 Els quatre estats de Marcia són difusió, moratòria, tancament i assoliment.
  • 📚 Molts estudiants universitari estan en estats de difusió o moratòria.
  • 📈 La moratòria permet explorar opcions abans de comprometre's.
  • ⚠️ El tancament pot portar a insatisfacció si es fa sense exploració prèvia.
  • 🏆 L'assoliment de la identitat és l'objectiu final del procés.
  • 🔙 El cicle MAMA descriu la naturalesa cíclica del desenvolupament de la identitat.
  • ⏳ Una crisi de mitjana edat pot ser una oportunitat de revisió personal.
  • 💡 La teoria fomenta la paciència durant el procés de trobar una identitat.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:07:24

    La teoria del desenvolupament de la identitat adolescent de James Marcia ajuda a explicar per què algunes persones no saben què estudiar a la universitat. Aquesta teoria es representa amb un gràfic de quatre quadrants que combina dos factors: 'crisi' (exploració activa) i 'compromís' (decisió concreta). Hi ha quatre estats d'identitat: Difusió (baixa crisi i compromís), on la persona no fa accions ni pren decisions, Moratòria (alta crisi, baix compromís), un estadi positiu de cerca activa sense comprometre's, Tancament prematur (baix crisi, alt compromís), quan es trien camins sense explorar, i Acompliment d'identitat (alta crisi i compromís), l'ideal, després d'explorar diferents opcions. Aquesta teoria suggereix que la vida és llarga i les persones poden alternar entre moratòria i assoliment (cicle MAMA), explorant noves opcions al llarg de la seva vida.



  • Què és la teoria de desenvolupament d'identitat de James Marcia?

    És una teoria que descriu quatre estats diferents pels adolescents en el procés de desenvolupament de la identitat: diffusió, moratòria, tancament i assolit identitat.

  • Què significa 'crisi' en el context de la teoria de Marcia?

    En aquest context, 'crisi' significa un període d'exploració activa, no necessàriament un esdeveniment negatiu.

  • Quins són els quatre estats de desenvolupament d'identitat segons Marcia?

    Els quatre estats són: difusió, moratòria, tancament (foreclosure) i assoliment de la identitat (identity achievement).

  • És dolent estar en l'estat de 'difusió'?

    Sí, perquè implica que no s'està realitzant cap treball en el procés d'identitat ni s'està assumint cap compromís.

  • Què és l'estat de 'moratòria'?

    És quan l'individu està involucrat en molta exploració però encara no ha pres un compromís ferm. És considerat un bon estat per ser-hi mentre sigui necessari.

  • Què vol dir 'tancament' segons Marcia?

    Significa prendre un compromís sense haver explorat prou altres opcions; pot portar a insatisfacció futura.

  • Com es defineix l'assoliment de la identitat?

    Es defineix com el punt en què després d'un període d'exploració, l'individu fa un compromís clar i satisfactori amb una identitat.

  • Què és el cicle MAMA?

    MAMA significa Moratòria, Assoliment, Moratòria, Assoliment, i descriu el procés cíclic que pot seguir el desenvolupament de la identitat al llarg de la vida.

  • És negativa una 'crisi de mitjana edat'?

    No necessàriament; es pot veure com una revisió de mitjana edat i pot implicar un retorn a l'exploració de noves opcions.


  • 00:00:00
    So what we're going to talk about today is James Marcia's theory of adolescent
  • 00:00:04
    identity development. And the reason that we talk about it is it's a really good way
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    to explain to people why they might not know what they are majoring in in college.
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    You know most people come to college and they say "Oh, I don't know what I'm going
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    to major in" and they sort of, they're wringing their hands and they feel bad about
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    it, they talk to their parents. And everybody says "Hey, you're going to college! What
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    are you going to major in?" It's like "I have no idea what I'm going to major in!"
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    And what I'd like to explain is there is a theory that suggests that you
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    shouldn't know yet. And so the theory is James Marcia's theory and a
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    really good way to explain it is to draw it as a four blocker. And this is
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    something that I've done for lots of people. There aren't very many theories
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    in psychology that I talk about in my personal life outside because
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    people have a pretty low tolerance for that, but I have drawn this in the sand
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    at the beach, I've drawn it on a napkin at a cocktail party.
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    It's a really useful thing and so I'd like you to be able to draw it. It's going
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    to be on the final exam, so get your pens out. I don't care how you label
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    it, you don't have to label it exactly the same way I do
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    as long as the intersections of the things that you draw are correctly
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    labeled within it. So across the top we're going to put "Crisis."
  • 00:01:07
    And "crisis" in psychology is not a bad thing. So when you think about a crisis it's like "Oh,
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    I'm having a crisis" "Yay, I love crisis." No, in psychology a crisis is
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    a period of active exploration. So when Erikson, for example, said there was a
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    crisis of trust versus mistrust, you're working through something. So Crisis is a
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    period of active exploration.
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    And then on this side what you've got is "Commitment." A commitment to a
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    particular course of action. So, once you have committed to something you say "I'm
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    going to major in engineering." "I'm going to major in an animal science." That
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    would be a commitment. So over here you've got Commitment.
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    Either of these things can be high or low. So we'll make it really
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    simple and we'll say it's low here and high here.
  • 00:01:59
    If Crisis is low,
  • 00:02:03
    it means you're not spending any time ... so think about a high school senior trying to
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    decide what to major in, what to do next. If crisis is low, that student is not
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    doing anything. They're not thinking about it. They're laying on the couch, they're
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    watching TV, they're in the woods behind the school chatting with their friends. Crisis
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    is low. They're not ... inwardly they might be doing something
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    but it doesn't look like they're doing anything. If you ask them, it's like "I
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    haven't thought about that."
  • 00:02:27
    They also haven't committed to anything, and that identity status is called
  • 00:02:31
    Diffusion. I'm going to give that one a frowny face because you don't get out
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    of that. If you're not doing any work and you're not committing to anything, you're
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    just going to stay there. You are stagnant. There's no progress being made.
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    On the other hand, if Commitment is low - you haven't decided what to do, but
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    you're spending a lot of time thinking about it, so this Crisis period, this
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    active exploration is high.
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    "I took some tests, I went and visited somebody at work, I've done
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    all these other things." When Crisis is high and Commitment is low, that's
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    something that we call Moratorium. Moratorium sounds horrible. It sounds
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    like something you would find at a funeral home, but it's actually a really
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    good place to be. So I'm going to give that one a smiley face, and the reason
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    for that is you're working through things. You're trying things on, and it's
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    like "Wow, you know I tried this for a while, I took a couple of classes, it
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    turns out geology is not my thing. I thought it was going to be, I thought I
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    would be a geologist and here I am,
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    you know, after a couple of courses, I need to sort of step back and do
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    something else." Or I'm that high school student who says "You know what,
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    I'm just going to do my Gen Ed classes first and see what speaks to me." So
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    Moratorium is a really good place to be, and that's where people should stay as
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    long as they need to.
  • 00:03:38
    So why rush through that? Life is long. You're not ... what's the rush
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    You're going to be working for decades, and so you want it to be something that
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    you like, you know and not ... you don't want to get to be in your 30s and say "I
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    don't know if I like this so much."
  • 00:03:52
    So that's when Commitment is low and Crisis is high. When Commitment is high
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    and Crisis is low,
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    that's what we call Foreclosure. And foreclosure means you have foreclosed on
  • 00:04:04
    your other options.
  • 00:04:05
    So, your mother was a nurse your father a nurse,
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    your grandparents were nurses. You'd like to go into the field of
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    nursing. Or you've got a family business and it's always been
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    expected that you would go into the family business. Or you come from a long
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    line of people who do chemical engineering, or law or, whatever it is. And
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    you've decided really early in life "That's what I want to do." That sounds like it
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    would be fairly rar,e but it's not as rare as you would think. You think about
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    a child ... I know a child who had some medical difficulties when she was young
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    and she got really good nursing care. And so as a 10-year-old people said
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    "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "I want to be a nurse!" And as a
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    fourteen-year-old "What do you want to be?" "I want to be a nurse!" And
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    every time you say that, you get a little bit more of a pat on the back. People say
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    "Wow, that's great that you know what you're going to do."
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    So the idea is, that high school senior that has a has an answer, like "I'm
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    going into nursing, I'm looking at schools that have nursing, I'm going to
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    major in nursing."
  • 00:04:55
    That sounds awesome and that's the thing that everybody wishes their kid did or
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    wishes that they were doing, but in fact that student is going to get to
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    college and start taking courses like statistics and chemistry and
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    biochem. And it's like "Whoa! I got a C in that, I am in no way going to get
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    into the nursing program, and I don't even like those courses!" So your
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    commitment was high but you foreclosed other options without doing enough
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  • 00:05:19
    So Foreclosure, I'm going to say it's not a huge frowny face, it's not quite as bad
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    as Diffusion
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    but it's not a great place to be, because what will happen is you get to be 40
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    years old and it's like "Wow, I've been doing this job for 20 years. I never really
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    liked it, I have all of my fun after hours.
  • 00:05:36
    Well that's not great. Wouldn't you like to have fun at your job and say "I love it.
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    Even on my worst day, I'm still glad to be there because I'm working
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    things out, I'm doing things." That's what you want, and that's where Moratorium
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    might get you, but Foreclosure won't.
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    So you foreclosed other options. Not a great place to be. When Commitment is
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    high, Crisis has been high and Commitment is high, that's what we call Identity
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  • 00:05:57
    And with Identity Achievement, that's just what it sounds like. It's like, of
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    course, that's the ideal. You want to spend enough time - for some
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    people that will be a short amount of time. "I took this course, I loved it, I
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    want to go into that field and I've never looked back and I've never been
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  • 00:06:12
    That's great, but they explored other
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    options and got there from Moratorium, rather than these other two
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    options which are not awesome.
  • 00:06:21
    Now there's one last thing that I want to say and that is ... life is long. So
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    you get to be 40, and just because you were in Achievement, and you've got this
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    great career in, you know,
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    underwater basket weaving and it's been your thing and it's been your jam and
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    you've loved it for the whole time. There's a cycle that's called MAMA
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    that we talk about. Moratorium, Achievement, Moratorium, Achievement and
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    that's that idea that you went through moratorium initially, and then you
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    achieved an identity and you you went with that. And then at some point you're
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    40, 45 years old and it's like "You know what, this has been a great run but I've
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    always also been interested in architecture.
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    I'm going to go back into moratorium, I'm going to explore other options again, I'm
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    going to think about other things."
  • 00:07:04
    Sometimes it looks like a midlife crisis, but really what is happening is a
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    midlife review. So a midlife crisis, actually, in psychology - not a bad thing.
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    Crisis is not a bad thing. So you go back, you explore other options. Go back
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    into moratorium and then you go back to achievement again.
  • 00:07:18
    So that's the ideal. That is James Marcia's theory of adolescent identity
  • 00:07:22
  • identitat
  • adolescència
  • crisi
  • compromís
  • difusió
  • moratòria
  • tancament
  • assoliment
  • MAMA
  • desenvolupament personal