Why Men are Better at Fighting
TLDRVideoen diskuterer de biologiske forskelle mellem mænd og kvinder i forbindelse med kamp- og kampsport. Den fokuserer på, hvordan mænd generelt har fysiske fordele såsom større muskelmasse, højere muskelstyrke, større lunger og bedre oxygenoptagelse. Evolutionært har mænd udviklet sig til kamp, hvilket ses i endokrine forskelle, der fremmes af testosteron. Denne video fremhæver også kvinders evne til bedre udholdenhed, effektiv fedtmetabolisme og sociale intelligens, som viser deres tilpasning til overlevelse under svære forhold. Videoen antyder, at selvom mænd har fysiske fordele i kamp, er kvinder på andre områder bedre tilpasset til overlevelse.
- 👨🦰 Mænd har generelt større muskelmasse og højere styrke end kvinder.
- 👩 Kvinder har ofte bedre muskelspecifik udholdenhed.
- 🫁 Mænd har større lunger til øget iltoptagelse, en fordel under fysisk aktivitet.
- 🏋️ Mænd kræver mere energi og har højere kaloriebehov.
- 🧠 Kvinder har bedre social intelligens og er mere tilpasningsdygtige socialt.
- 💪 Muskel- og skeletforskelle påvirker mænds kampevne.
- ⚔️ Mandens fysiologi kan være udviklet til kamp fremfor jagt.
- ⏱️ Mænd har bedre reaktionsevner i hurtige konfrontationer.
- 🔄 Kvinders metabolisme er bedre til at opbevare og forbrænde fedt.
- 🤔 Evolutionært er kvinder mere vitale for artenes overlevelse end mænd.
- 🌌 Fysiske fordele hos mænd kommer med kernekompromiser i andre aspekter, såsom kortere levetid.
- 🚗 Sammenligning mellem mænd og kvinder kan ses som muskelbiler mod hybridbiler.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Mænd og kvinder har fysiske forskelle, der giver mænd en kampfordel. Baseret på evolutionære teorier, har mænd udviklet stærkere og større muskulatur, samt lavere kropsfedtprocent. Dette medfører større muskelmasse og styrke, dog med større energibehov. Mænds muskeltyper og nervekontrol giver også større styrke.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Mænds muskler er mere eksplosive men mindre udholdende, hvilket giver en styrkefordel. Derudover har mænd større motor unit discharge rates, hvilket tillader større intensitet i muskelsammentrækning. Mænds kropsbygning giver også fordele i kampteknikker, med stærkere overkrop og bedre balance ved slag.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Mænds respiratoriske system har større kapacitet til iltoptag, grundet større lunger og lavere luftstrømsmodstand. Dette understøtter de stærkere muskler i højere intensitet. Derudover har mænd også tykkere hud og stærkere sener, hvilket reducerer skaderisici under fysisk stress.
- 00:15:00 - 00:23:15
Til trods for de styrkefordele, har mænd også ulemper såsom højere kaloribehov og lavere immunitet. Forskellige sociale og kulturelle normer kan også påvirke forskelle i trænings- og konkurrencementalitet mellem mænd og kvinder. Kvinder har en biologisk fordel under vedvarende modstand og overlevelse.
Hvorfor har mænd større muskelstyrke end kvinder?
Mænds større muskelstyrke skyldes større muskelmasse, stærkere type 2 muskelfibre, højere motorenhed affyringsrater og evolutionære udviklinger.
Hvordan påvirker disse forskelle mænds evne til at kæmpe?
De større fysiske forskelle, såsom muskelstyrke og hurtigere reaktionstid, giver mænd en fordel i kampsport.
Hvad er den evolutionære forklaring på fysiske forskelle mellem kønnene?
Forskellene er ofte resultatet af mandlig konkurrence for adgang til kvinder, hvilket fremmer udviklingen af styrke og kampfærdigheder.
Hvordan kan kvinder kompensere for de fysisk styrke forskelle?
Kvinder kan kompensere gennem forbedrede tekniske færdigheder, bedre udholdenhed og strategisk brug af deres styrker.
Hvordan påvirker kvinders fysiologi deres evne til udholdenhed?
Kvinder har bedre fedtmetabolisme og energibesparelse, hvilket gør dem i stand til længerevarende udholdenhed.
- 00:00:00I don't know how many of you have
- 00:00:01noticed but men and women have physical
- 00:00:04differences I know you're shocked and
- 00:00:06appalled but it gets worse men have
- 00:00:09physical advantages when it comes to
- 00:00:11fighting today I want to explore the
- 00:00:14specific biological differences that
- 00:00:16give men such notable advantages in
- 00:00:19Combat Sports we'll discuss what these
- 00:00:21differences are what biological factors
- 00:00:24caused them and why these differences
- 00:00:26might have evolved I don't really have
- 00:00:28an argument I'm trying to make in this
- 00:00:30video it's just cool information and I
- 00:00:33wanted to talk about it while none of
- 00:00:35you should be surprised that men have
- 00:00:38physical advantages you probably will be
- 00:00:40surprised at the sheer volume and
- 00:00:43severity of these advantages and I
- 00:00:45guarantee that there will be information
- 00:00:47in here that you haven't heard before
- 00:00:50first of all why would men have these
- 00:00:52physical advantages what evolutionary
- 00:00:54pressures would have caused this well
- 00:00:57much of the sexual dimorphism found in
- 00:01:00mammals is due to maleon male
- 00:01:02competition essentially males fighting
- 00:01:05for access to females it's why certain
- 00:01:08male animals have tusks horns and other
- 00:01:10weapons it's also why so many male
- 00:01:13animals are larger than their female
- 00:01:15counterparts now human males obviously
- 00:01:18don't have tusks or horns instead we
- 00:01:21have a myriad of physiological
- 00:01:22adaptations that drive Peak Force
- 00:01:25production and durability and many of
- 00:01:27these adaptations really don't help help
- 00:01:30us hunt food or fight off Predators they
- 00:01:32just help us fight other humans the idea
- 00:01:35that men evolve to fight each other in
- 00:01:38pre-agricultural societies is currently
- 00:01:40just a theory since we don't have a lot
- 00:01:43of examples of pre-agricultural
- 00:01:44societies that we can observe however I
- 00:01:48think you'll find that the evidence does
- 00:01:50seem to point in that direction so let's
- 00:01:53get into it first of all men are
- 00:01:55physically stronger than women we all
- 00:01:58know this but the question is why are
- 00:02:00men stronger is it just because they're
- 00:02:02bigger or is it because they are
- 00:02:04proportionally made up of more muscle
- 00:02:06are male muscles any stronger
- 00:02:08pound-for-pound or men just able to push
- 00:02:11their muscles harder the answer is yes
- 00:02:15men are obviously larger on average with
- 00:02:18that being so obvious that I refuse to
- 00:02:20get into the specifics because it's
- 00:02:22boring what's slightly more interesting
- 00:02:25is that men are leaner the average body
- 00:02:28fat percentage in the US is
- 00:02:3028.1% for men and
- 00:02:3339.9% for women so on average 150 lb man
- 00:02:38would have 42 LB of fat and 150 lb woman
- 00:02:42would have almost 60 lb of fat and while
- 00:02:45individual amounts of body fat are about
- 00:02:47diet and exercise the sex differences in
- 00:02:50body fat aren't essential body fat is
- 00:02:54how much fat you need for your body to
- 00:02:56function properly and not die or have
- 00:02:59serious health complications for a man
- 00:03:02this number is 2 to 5% however for a
- 00:03:05woman this number is 10 to
- 00:03:07133% pound for pound the average woman
- 00:03:10needs over three times as much body fat
- 00:03:13as men do in order for their bodies to
- 00:03:15function properly this means that men
- 00:03:18typically have a higher lean body mass
- 00:03:21which is the mass of your body if we
- 00:03:23sucked all the fat off of it if a man
- 00:03:25and a woman were both in the same weight
- 00:03:27class the man's lean body mass would
- 00:03:31likely be significantly greater so even
- 00:03:33men and women of the same weight aren't
- 00:03:36really the same size unsurprisingly it's
- 00:03:40also been found that men have higher
- 00:03:42muscle cross-sectional area which is
- 00:03:44just how thick your muscles are if we
- 00:03:46were to cut your limb in half and
- 00:03:47measure the thickness but even when you
- 00:03:50account for lean body mass or muscle
- 00:03:52cross-sectional area meaning that you
- 00:03:54compare men and women with the exact
- 00:03:56same amount of muscle men are still
- 00:04:00stronger this is because there are
- 00:04:02different types of muscles the most
- 00:04:04common ones being type 1 type 2 a and
- 00:04:08type 2B type one is slower and weaker
- 00:04:11but much more efficient it's what we use
- 00:04:14for most daily tasks and for better fine
- 00:04:16motor control type 2A is stronger and
- 00:04:20more explosive but less efficient and
- 00:04:23type 2B is like type 2A but even more
- 00:04:26explosive and even less efficient type 1
- 00:04:30fibers are broken up into small bundles
- 00:04:32of muscle fibers called motor units with
- 00:04:35a single nervous system impulse
- 00:04:37activating each bundle type two muscles
- 00:04:39on the other hand are divided into
- 00:04:41larger motor units allowing a single
- 00:04:43nerve impulse to activate more muscle
- 00:04:46fibers at once this means that type 2A
- 00:04:48and type 2 B fibers give more power when
- 00:04:51they sense a nerve impulse but those
- 00:04:54larger motor units use up a ton of
- 00:04:56energy fatigue quickly and allow less
- 00:05:00Precision of movement men have larger
- 00:05:03type 2A and type 2B muscles than women
- 00:05:05do resulting in higher Peak strength
- 00:05:08meaning that a man might be able to curl
- 00:05:10More Than a Woman even if their biceps
- 00:05:13are the same size however those type two
- 00:05:17fibers use up a ton of energy and
- 00:05:19quickly fatigue giving women noticeably
- 00:05:22better muscular endurance women might
- 00:05:24not be able to lift weights that are as
- 00:05:26heavy but they have an advantage in
- 00:05:28lifting lighter weights more times
- 00:05:31differences also present themselves when
- 00:05:33looking at individual motor units
- 00:05:35research consistently shows that men
- 00:05:37have a larger range of motor unit
- 00:05:39discharge rates which is the frequency
- 00:05:42at which your nervous system tells your
- 00:05:44muscles to contract you see every nerve
- 00:05:47impulse only contracts a motor unit for
- 00:05:49a split second which doesn't do a whole
- 00:05:52lot in practice but a bunch of really
- 00:05:55fast impulses keeps that motor unit
- 00:05:57Contracting continuously this means that
- 00:05:59discharge rates are one of the main
- 00:06:02things that can determine how hard your
- 00:06:04muscle is working when lifting at 20%
- 00:06:07intensity men have a lower discharge
- 00:06:10rate than women meaning that women are
- 00:06:12getting more performance out of their
- 00:06:13muscles but at a 100% intensity men have
- 00:06:17a higher discharge rate giving the male
- 00:06:19nervous system a wider range of
- 00:06:21intensity signals that they're able to
- 00:06:23send to the muscles this is evidence
- 00:06:26that male nervous systems might be able
- 00:06:28to push their muscles harder than female
- 00:06:30nervous systems and therefore have a
- 00:06:32wider range of strength settings that
- 00:06:34they can set their muscles to so if you
- 00:06:37pick an average man and an average woman
- 00:06:40the man is obviously stronger if you
- 00:06:42make sure that they're the same weight
- 00:06:45the man is still stronger if you find a
- 00:06:47man and woman with the same total amount
- 00:06:50of muscle the man is still stronger if
- 00:06:53you then make sure that man and woman
- 00:06:56have the same types of muscle in the
- 00:06:58same exact amounts the man might still
- 00:07:02be stronger of course having larger
- 00:07:05muscles that are less efficient and are
- 00:07:07able to work harder has some pretty
- 00:07:10predictable metabolic costs to fuel this
- 00:07:13machine men have to consume about 25%
- 00:07:16more calories per pound of body weight
- 00:07:18in a modern first world country that
- 00:07:21might not matter too much cuz I can go
- 00:07:23to the grocery store but in times of
- 00:07:25food shortage and starvation as was
- 00:07:28commonly experienced throughout most of
- 00:07:30human history meaning 25% more food than
- 00:07:34someone else the exact same size as you
- 00:07:37might become a big problem and to add to
- 00:07:40men's starvation woses women are also
- 00:07:42better at metabolizing fat meaning they
- 00:07:45can break down their excess fat stores
- 00:07:48which they had more of anyway for energy
- 00:07:50more efficiently than men can break down
- 00:07:52their fat stores while men have clear
- 00:07:55advantages in strength that's not the
- 00:07:58only variable that matters in a fight
- 00:08:00it's also about where that strength is
- 00:08:02located while women have about 80% of
- 00:08:05male strength in their lower bodies they
- 00:08:07only have about 50% in their upper
- 00:08:09bodies this disproportionate advantage
- 00:08:12in upper body strength allows men to
- 00:08:14Grapple and punch harder men also have a
- 00:08:17higher center of gravity allowing them
- 00:08:19to put more of their body weight behind
- 00:08:21upper body strikes the trade-off is that
- 00:08:23men can't do this because their Center
- 00:08:26of mass is now too far forward to
- 00:08:28balance in fact researchers have even
- 00:08:31found that men have a greater advantage
- 00:08:33in a punching motion compared to a spear
- 00:08:36throwing motion implying that male
- 00:08:38physicality involved less for hunting
- 00:08:41purposes and More For Fighting purposes
- 00:08:44proportionally men have considerably
- 00:08:46thicker necks than women do and the male
- 00:08:49skull even has more prominent mastoid
- 00:08:52process giving these large neck muscles
- 00:08:54a better attachment point a thick
- 00:08:56muscular neck by the way is one of the
- 00:08:58very few
- 00:09:00visible signs of an experienced fighter
- 00:09:02as fighting is one of the few activities
- 00:09:05that makes heavy use of the neck muscles
- 00:09:07meaning that one of the biggest
- 00:09:09differences in male and female
- 00:09:11musculature is in the one spot where
- 00:09:14Extra Strength is almost only useful for
- 00:09:17interpersonal combat so not only do men
- 00:09:20have more muscle and stronger muscle but
- 00:09:23they also pack on muscle in areas that
- 00:09:25are likely to be more beneficial for
- 00:09:28fighting now to feed oxygen to all that
- 00:09:31questionably efficient muscle men also
- 00:09:34have greatly increased cardiovascular
- 00:09:36systems male lungs are 30% larger which
- 00:09:39are able to fit because men have
- 00:09:41significantly larger rib cages however
- 00:09:44men have larger lungs even when you
- 00:09:46adjust for the size of the rib cage
- 00:09:48because women's organs have to be small
- 00:09:51enough to allow pregnancy to shove
- 00:09:53everything into the rib cage male torsos
- 00:09:56have to make no such concessions and
- 00:09:58that extra passenger space is instead
- 00:10:01used for a bigger gas tank when
- 00:10:03breathing men and women also favor
- 00:10:06different mechanisms with men making
- 00:10:08heavier use of the diaphragm to pull the
- 00:10:10lungs down and women making
- 00:10:12comparatively greater use of the rib
- 00:10:15muscles to expand the rib cage and lungs
- 00:10:17outwards women rely Less on the
- 00:10:20diaphragm pulling down because once
- 00:10:22again their body has to make allowances
- 00:10:24for pregnancy and pulling your lungs
- 00:10:26down isn't very easy when there's a baby
- 00:10:29in the way of course facilitating these
- 00:10:31larger lungs means that men also have
- 00:10:33larger nasal cavities and even larger
- 00:10:36cranial Airways built into the shape of
- 00:10:38their skulls this allows more air to
- 00:10:41flow through their heads and into their
- 00:10:43trachea which is also significantly
- 00:10:45larger in men these adaptations give men
- 00:10:48a lower air flow resistance meaning the
- 00:10:51air flows more easily between the mouth
- 00:10:53and lungs lower resistance and larger
- 00:10:55lungs means that men have greater flow
- 00:10:58volume loops meaning they can move a lot
- 00:11:00more air than women typically can and
- 00:11:03they can do so at a greater
- 00:11:05physiological efficiency you see the
- 00:11:07muscles that manage breathing use energy
- 00:11:10but breathing is necessary to get the
- 00:11:12oxygen to use energy male respiratory
- 00:11:15activity actually uses less energy for
- 00:11:18the same given volume of oxygen and not
- 00:11:21only can men suck in more oxygen more
- 00:11:24efficiently but they also get it to
- 00:11:25their muscles more efficiently they have
- 00:11:28proportionately larger Parts which moves
- 00:11:30the blood around higher red blood cell
- 00:11:32counts which carries oxygen to the body
- 00:11:35and higher amounts of hemoglobin which
- 00:11:37is the protein within red blood cells
- 00:11:39that carries the oxygen if you imagine
- 00:11:41the vascular system like a train male
- 00:11:44trains have a larger engine more cars on
- 00:11:47it and each car is also larger all of
- 00:11:50this means that men are able to suck in
- 00:11:52and use oxygen more quickly which is
- 00:11:55measured in V2 Max and overall it's
- 00:11:58about 20% % higher in men compared to
- 00:12:00women however it's not just about energy
- 00:12:03and power output as men are also more
- 00:12:06physically robust and durable starting
- 00:12:08with the fact that men have 25% thicker
- 00:12:11skin due to their higher levels of
- 00:12:13collagen that's literally thicker skin I
- 00:12:16don't know about figuratively thicker
- 00:12:18skin which sex is less vulnerable to
- 00:12:20verbal insults is outside the scope of
- 00:12:22this video however men also have
- 00:12:25significantly stronger tendons which is
- 00:12:27an important variable in netive tissue
- 00:12:29injuries the study I looked at examined
- 00:12:32the patellar tendon in physically
- 00:12:33trained and untrained people the
- 00:12:36patellar tendon being the thing that
- 00:12:37holds your kneecap to your shin in men
- 00:12:40that exercise the tendon was predictably
- 00:12:43thicker than in those that didn't
- 00:12:44exercise because it adapted to habitual
- 00:12:47mechanical loading it's the same thing
- 00:12:49that your muscles do when you work out
- 00:12:50they get bigger however in women the
- 00:12:53tendon was the same size in the trained
- 00:12:56and the untrained group meaning that
- 00:12:59women's tendons might not adapt to
- 00:13:01exercise as well as men's do however
- 00:13:05even when examining a tendon fasle of
- 00:13:07similar thickness a fasle being a tiny
- 00:13:10bundle of collagen fibers that make up a
- 00:13:12tendon researchers found the male
- 00:13:14phasical were also mechanically stronger
- 00:13:17so if you look at men and women of the
- 00:13:19same size men have stronger connective
- 00:13:22tissue same lean body mass men have
- 00:13:26stronger connective tissue same tendon
- 00:13:28cross sectional area still stronger
- 00:13:31connective tissue are you seeing a
- 00:13:33pattern here and these differences can
- 00:13:35have real effects on things like
- 00:13:37injuries with women reporting much
- 00:13:39higher rates of connective tissue
- 00:13:41injuries when compared with men this is
- 00:13:43exacerbated by the fact that men and
- 00:13:45women have differently angled limbs you
- 00:13:48see both your arms and your legs kick
- 00:13:51out at the elbow and knee joints in Arms
- 00:13:53This is called the carrying angle in the
- 00:13:55legs it's called The Q angle women
- 00:13:58actually have no noticeably larger
- 00:14:00carrying and Q angles than men do and
- 00:14:03that has consequences in sports
- 00:14:04performance when cutting or juking a low
- 00:14:07Q angle results in the force traveling
- 00:14:09straight up the leg while a high Q angle
- 00:14:12results in the leg attempting to fold in
- 00:14:15half laterally this puts extra stress on
- 00:14:17the ACL which is the ligament that
- 00:14:19primarily resists that folding motion
- 00:14:22when you combine this with the fact that
- 00:14:24women have proportionally weaker
- 00:14:25connective tissue anyway it's no
- 00:14:28surprise that women are at a much higher
- 00:14:30risk for ACL injuries than men are
- 00:14:32however some of the most obvious
- 00:14:34differences in durability can be found
- 00:14:36in the skeleton male bones are typically
- 00:14:39thicker even when adjusted for body size
- 00:14:41as testosterone is instrumental in
- 00:14:43promoting bone growth in addition they
- 00:14:46have a proportionally higher amount of
- 00:14:48cortical bone and a lower amount of
- 00:14:50tabular bone cortical bone being the
- 00:14:52dense compact bone you normally see on
- 00:14:54the outside of Bones and tricular Bone
- 00:14:57being the softer spongier bone that you
- 00:14:59normally see on the inside of Bones this
- 00:15:02means that men's bones are stronger and
- 00:15:04harder than a comparative woman's bone
- 00:15:06in the face men have a larger and wider
- 00:15:09jaw a more prominent brow Ridge and more
- 00:15:12robust maxilla and zygomatic bones you
- 00:15:15may notice that these are the bones
- 00:15:17commonly broken in fights which is
- 00:15:19another piece of evidence supporting the
- 00:15:21idea that some of the sex differences
- 00:15:24specifically evolved for fighting this
- 00:15:26buildup of bone also crows out the face
- 00:15:29giving male eyes the appearance of being
- 00:15:31smaller possibly protecting them from
- 00:15:34harm and this also likely explains why
- 00:15:37anime artists seem to think that women's
- 00:15:39eyeballs are twice as large as men's
- 00:15:41eyes when they're actually the same size
- 00:15:44and then you have whatever this is dear
- 00:15:47goodness someone put it out of its
- 00:15:49misery anyway there are plenty more sex
- 00:15:52differences that could affect physical
- 00:15:54performance in a fight men have longer
- 00:15:57wingspans relative to their height
- 00:15:59giving men greater reach and a longer
- 00:16:01limb to swing and generate force with
- 00:16:04their hands are proportionally larger
- 00:16:06making the mass of their fists more
- 00:16:08significant combined with their wingspan
- 00:16:10this means they're essentially swinging
- 00:16:12a hammer with a heavier head and a
- 00:16:14longer handle men also have a higher
- 00:16:17hand index which is the hand's width
- 00:16:20divided by its height time 100 higher
- 00:16:22hand indexes are thought to be better at
- 00:16:24making more structurally robust fists as
- 00:16:28shorter and wider hands can more easily
- 00:16:30curl their fingers in to create Broad
- 00:16:32and sturdy fists compare this orangutang
- 00:16:35hand with this gorilla hand now guess
- 00:16:39which species is known for being more
- 00:16:41violent with each other it's also
- 00:16:43thought that the hands of certain
- 00:16:44primates evolved not just for grasping
- 00:16:46and manipulation but also for causing
- 00:16:49damage with the hand index being one of
- 00:16:51the primary pieces of evidence even
- 00:16:54brain and nervous system differences
- 00:16:56between men and women are noteworthy men
- 00:16:59have faster reaction times and are
- 00:17:01better at visually tracking fast moving
- 00:17:03objects both of these attributes have
- 00:17:06pretty obvious advantages for striking
- 00:17:08men also have better spatial
- 00:17:10intelligence including better 3D
- 00:17:12rotation which is very helpful for
- 00:17:14visualizing and understanding grappling
- 00:17:16moves you probably already know that men
- 00:17:19have lower social and emotional
- 00:17:20intelligence compared with women making
- 00:17:22it more difficult for them to operate in
- 00:17:24social groups which is a key human
- 00:17:27evolutionary advantage however the only
- 00:17:31aspect of social intelligence that men
- 00:17:33consistently score higher on are
- 00:17:35recognizing anger aggression and
- 00:17:38threatening cues men evolved just enough
- 00:17:42social intelligence for fighting and
- 00:17:44then stopped even when hurt men display
- 00:17:47a lower sensitivity to pain than women
- 00:17:49do they are more competitively motivated
- 00:17:52and exhibit higher risk-taking Behavior
- 00:17:55one of the most interesting differences
- 00:17:57is unfortunately an otal but basically
- 00:18:00every martial arts coach will back me up
- 00:18:02on this and that is that women are more
- 00:18:05coachable but men still somehow seem to
- 00:18:08have higher skill ceilings women tend to
- 00:18:11do the exact move in the exact way you
- 00:18:14tell them to do it and men don't instead
- 00:18:18men are constantly trying to modify the
- 00:18:20move do different moves or otherwise
- 00:18:23find a way to ignore instructions and
- 00:18:26just like a toddler men also incessantly
- 00:18:29ask dumb questions like why and does
- 00:18:32that really work yet despite their
- 00:18:34never-ending horse play during sparring
- 00:18:36men often display but looks like way
- 00:18:39better instincts and adaptability I
- 00:18:42believe this is due to a difference in
- 00:18:44mindset between average men and average
- 00:18:47women based on the testimony of martial
- 00:18:49arts instructors and my own experience
- 00:18:52it appears that women approach martial
- 00:18:53arts from a more process oriented
- 00:18:56perspective while men approach from a
- 00:18:57more goal oriented perspective if you
- 00:19:00want more details I made a whole video
- 00:19:02on this but the short version is that
- 00:19:04women are attempting to follow the
- 00:19:06recipe as it's written and men are
- 00:19:08looking for as many shortcuts to their
- 00:19:11destination as they can possibly find
- 00:19:13and while process-oriented students are
- 00:19:16a lot easier to teach fighting is
- 00:19:19fundamentally a goal dependent Endeavor
- 00:19:22meaning that the male tendency to modify
- 00:19:24and adapt is ultimately much more useful
- 00:19:27when push comes to literal shove once
- 00:19:30again this is anecdotal and I don't
- 00:19:33currently have any research to back this
- 00:19:34up but I've seen many instructor's
- 00:19:37comment on the sex dividing coachability
- 00:19:39and I believe that mindset could easily
- 00:19:41explain the observed differences of
- 00:19:44course while the vast majority of fun
- 00:19:46facts in this video are very much a
- 00:19:48matter of nature instead of nurture this
- 00:19:51difference could easily be either it's
- 00:19:53entirely possible that differences in
- 00:19:55perceived coachability are more down to
- 00:19:57cultural norms in socialization rather
- 00:20:00than biology or it could be 100% genetic
- 00:20:04I just don't know while all of these
- 00:20:06differences collectively confir massive
- 00:20:08advantages to men in physical
- 00:20:10competitions they come with significant
- 00:20:12costs in many other areas of life I
- 00:20:15already touched on several of these
- 00:20:16including muscular endurance caloric
- 00:20:18needs fat metabolizing and social
- 00:20:20intelligence but I want to touch on a
- 00:20:22few more notably men have weaker immune
- 00:20:25systems and ultimately live shorter
- 00:20:28lives men's higher risk-taking Behavior
- 00:20:31might make them more courageous but it
- 00:20:33also leads to a lot of dumb decisions
- 00:20:36and premature death and all the
- 00:20:38physiological trade-offs that women had
- 00:20:40to make because of pregnancy also means
- 00:20:43that women are evolutionarily vital to
- 00:20:45the survival of the species and men are
- 00:20:48expendable while men might have evolved
- 00:20:50to fight women evolved to survive
- 00:20:53hardship this can actually be seen in
- 00:20:56ultramarathons while men are faster
- 00:20:58runners longer distance races start to
- 00:21:01become less about athletic performance
- 00:21:03and more about survivability and how
- 00:21:05much punishment your body can take which
- 00:21:08is why the differences in race times
- 00:21:10between men and women shrink in longer
- 00:21:13distance races and past 195 miles women
- 00:21:17actually perform a tiny bit better than
- 00:21:19men do now this is if you draw a
- 00:21:21statistical line of best fit there is no
- 00:21:24195mm race but you get the point in
- 00:21:26times of disease famine and hardship
- 00:21:29women's lower caloric needs higher fat
- 00:21:31stores and better social abilities give
- 00:21:34them a clear Edge men on the other hand
- 00:21:36are welld designed for combat but
- 00:21:39basically nothing else to use a rough
- 00:21:42analogy women are like hybrid sedans and
- 00:21:45men are like muscle cars muscle cars are
- 00:21:47fast more powerful and have high
- 00:21:50performance engines but they also suck
- 00:21:53gasoline like it's free and seem to
- 00:21:55break down every other day the smaller
- 00:21:58hybrid however requires only a seasonal
- 00:22:01trip to the gas station and still does
- 00:22:03everything you would expect a normal car
- 00:22:05to do plus after a couple hundred
- 00:22:08thousand miles the sedan probably works
- 00:22:10fine while the muscle car is probably
- 00:22:13scrap metal the hybrid is an objectively
- 00:22:16better vehicle unless you're in a drag
- 00:22:19race then the muscle car is going to win
- 00:22:22in convincing fashion however remember
- 00:22:25that while men have very significant
- 00:22:27advantages in in a fight these are
- 00:22:29comparing averages average man average
- 00:22:32woman they are not absolute and the
- 00:22:34differences can be overcome with proper
- 00:22:36skill and conditioning Amanda Nunes
- 00:22:39would turn the average man inside out
- 00:22:42but I did want to talk about the sheer
- 00:22:44volume and breadth of the differences
- 00:22:46because it fascinates me and not that
- 00:22:49this video is a non-exhaustive list of
- 00:22:52only the differences that can affect the
- 00:22:54outcome of a fist fight but other sex
- 00:22:57differences are still really cool and my
- 00:22:59new hobby is trying to identify the sex
- 00:23:01of skeletons see if you can guess these
- 00:23:04five although you'll probably need to
- 00:23:06know a lot more about skeletal sex
- 00:23:08differences than I explained to this
- 00:23:09video so good luck I see no boob Bones
- 00:23:13the victim was a man
- køn
- fysisk forskel
- muskelstyrke
- kamp
- evolution
- udholdenhed
- energiforbrug
- metabolisme
- social intelligens