Nandi visits Snowprint HQ! An Interview and look ahead to 2025!



TLDRIn this video, Nandi shares their experience from a recent visit to Snowprint's Berlin headquarters, where they spent time with the team and discussed various aspects of the Tacticus game. Nandi interviewed Wilhelm, the General Manager, about the game's current state, its successes like Guild War and Faction Wars, and the need to revamp certain modes like Salvage Run and Onslaught. A significant focus of the discussion was on future campaign content slated for 2025, emphasizing a more dynamic and frequent release of content that aligns with Warhammer's lore. Wilhelm also explained their character design philosophy, aiming to balance complexity and power to maintain game economy and engagement. They addressed challenges like character availability and new player onboarding. Nandi was pleased to learn about plans to introduce their favorite character, Commander Farsight. Additionally, discussions included efforts to make Tacticus playable on PCs and Macs, with plans progressing towards a 2025 launch. The video provides insights into Snowprint’s thoughtful approach to game evolution and player engagement.


  • 🌟 Nandi visited Snowprint's HQ in Berlin and met with the team.
  • 🎮 Tacticus is the leading Warhammer mobile game by Snowprint.
  • ⚔️ Wilhelm highlighted successes and upcoming improvements for game modes.
  • 📅 New campaign content is expected by 2025.
  • 🤖 Game modes like Salvage Run and Onslaught are due for a refresh.
  • 🎨 Challenges exist in creating campaigns compliant with Warhammer lore.
  • 🗺️ Snowprint focuses on balanced character design for game economy.
  • 🔄 Rework of older characters is systematic but slower-paced.
  • 🖥️ Plans are underway to make Tacticus playable on PC/Mac by 2025.
  • 👤 Nandi's favorite character, Commander Farsight, has planned inclusion.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Nandi shares details of her holiday, including a trip to Snowprint's Berlin headquarters, and her interview with Wilhelm, the General Manager. She summarizes key points from the interview such as Wilhelm's satisfaction with Guild War's evolution, Faction Wars' strategic shake-up, and the success of the new Survival game mode. Wilhelm also addresses necessary updates to the dated game modes Salvage run and Onslaught. He discusses plans for campaigns that align with community demands but have been delayed due to complexity and intellectual property considerations. New campaign content is expected in early 2025.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:11:41

    Nandi discusses creating new characters in the game and strategies for avoiding universally powerful characters which affect game balance. Wilhelm mentions using reset stones to mitigate the negative impact of nerfs when they're necessary, and acknowledges the issue of limited availability of characters outside their release events. Snowprint strives to let players catch up over time. Design decisions are influenced by real-world events and Games Workshop releases, causing schedule adjustments. The team consistently releases new content, but reworks of older characters proceed at a slower pace. The conversation covers new player experiences, challenges in catching up to current game content, and future developments like playing Tacticus on PCs. Lastly, Farsight's introduction as a playable T'au character is planned for the future.



  • Who did Nandi meet during their visit?

    Nandi met with Wilhelm, the General Manager of Snowprint Berlin.

  • What is Nandi's favorite Warhammer 40k character?

    Nandi's favorite character is Commander Farsight.

  • What game is Snowprint known for?

    Snowprint is known for the Warhammer mobile game Tacticus.

  • What did Wilhelm say about the Guild War game mode?

    Wilhelm was pleased with how Guild War evolved with player feedback, improving playability and user features.

  • Which game modes are planned for a refresh?

    Salvage run and Onslaught game modes are due for a refresh.

  • What year is Snowprint planning new campaign-like content?

    The new campaign-like content is planned for early 2025.

  • How does Snowprint plan to make legendary characters unique?

    Snowprint designs legendary characters to have complex interactions but not necessarily the best power.

  • What is the challenge with introducing new campaigns in the game?

    The main challenge is ensuring campaigns are canon with the 40K Universe and intellectual property standards.

  • What is the purpose of the reset stone in the game?

    The reset stone was introduced to lessen negative impacts when characters are nerfed.

  • When does Snowprint plan to make Tacticus available on PC or Mac?

    Tacticus is expected to be playable on computers by 2025.


  • 00:00:01
    It's Nandi! Hello friends sorry for the long  delay since I last posted some of you who have
  • 00:00:09
    been keeping track know that I've been away on  holiday for the last 2 weeks and it's been pretty
  • 00:00:14
    awesome part of that holiday involved a trip to  Germany to Snowprint's Berlin headquarters where
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    I enjoyed meeting and chatting with some of the  team. You'll remember Wilhelm, the General Manager
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    of the Snowprint Berlin office. I prepared some  questions for him to translate into a video but
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    quickly time got away from us. It's an incredible  studio with a small but very passionate team and
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    what should have been a very short meeting ended  up being an almost 4-hour visit. I've summarized
  • 00:00:43
    the key points in the interview here. In this  video Aun'Va will represent Wilhelm and the
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    Snowprint team. So that you know I'm not making  all this up this is a small 10-second clip of some
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    of the juicy stuff that lies ahead: "The answer,  here, for 2025 is that I think the thing in the
  • 00:01:01
    near future that I'm most excited about this is to  actually do something about campaigns." I started
  • 00:01:08
    the interview fairly broadly with Wilhelm. We  know that tacticus has been publicly playable
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    for over 2 years and has established itself as  the biggest mobile phone Warhammer game currently
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    on the market. I asked him to reflect on what he  was happiest with, what he thought needed to be
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    refreshed and what Snowprint has lined up for  2025. Wilhelm was pleased with with Guild War,
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    generally speaking, in terms of how the game mode  evolved from its initial release over a year ago
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    the team took player feedback on board and made  several improvements to the mode that improved
  • 00:01:41
    playability added user interface features and  Polished it to make it an overall more enjoyable
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    experience. Wilhelm also spoke about Faction Wars  as a more recent success. Tournament Arena was a
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    game mode with a stagnant metagame and faction  Wars was an excellent way to change things up.
  • 00:01:59
    Faction Wars ultimately has a limited shelf life  because after a while people will just play the
  • 00:02:04
    factions that are stronger in that game mode,  however it successfully broke up the monotony
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    of Ragnar and Aun'Shi mirror matches for a short  while. Survival was the last thing that he spoke
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    about as a particular success. It is a new game  mode with unique gameplay and challenging enemies
  • 00:02:21
    and by the end of the year we will have four  iterations of survival. Many of the feedback
  • 00:02:27
    and engagement metrics they get on Survival tell  of its success and the team is justifiably proud
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    of it. In terms of the game modes that needed  to be refreshed Wilhelm made it clear that
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    the two main ones the team were looking at were  Salvage run and Onslaught. Onslaught was initially
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    conceptually designed to be something more akin  to what we now see in survival - a wave based mode
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    where you need reinforcements to make it through  more formidable enemies. These modes are dated
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    and he acknowledges they need a revamp. You heard  this in the clip earlier but the snow print team
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    is working on something related to campaigns it's  been something the community has been clamoring
  • 00:03:05
    for for a while and Snowprint hasn't turned deaf  ears to those voices. The main reason it hasn't
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    happened yet is the time and opportunity cost  required to flesh out a campaign. Designing new
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    campaigns takes a lot of time to sculpt individual  tile sets and enemies and as you saw in the Saim
  • 00:03:22
    Hann campaign lore has to be Canon and compliant  with the 40K Universe. It's really sensitive stuff
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    from an intellectual property standpoint and there  is a lot of scrutiny from Games Workshop around
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    it - particularly from a lore point of view.  They're working on something that Wilhelm calls
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    more dynamic and more lightweight from a narrative  point of view which allows them to release more
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    campaign-like content at a higher frequency.  Their solution should reach the players sometime
  • 00:03:50
    in early 2025. We then moved on and I asked  Wilhelm about the process by which they create
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    new characters. I asked explicitly about legendary  characters, translating lore and tabletop
  • 00:04:02
    characteristics to the game and whether or not  they design characters with particular game modes
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    in mind. Wilhelm explained that they try and keep  all characters broadly at a similar power level
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    they try to keep the higher Rarity characters more  complex with more exciting interactions but don't
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    necessarily want them to be the best characters  in the game at all times. An excellent example is
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    Mephiston who has the uniquely powerful ability  to move your units forward to hexes through his
  • 00:04:30
    active ability and another unique ability that  lets you invalidate healing and Reviving. Older
  • 00:04:36
    characters, particularly starter characters, were  created with simple game mechanics and design
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    to keep complexity manageable for newer players.  Over time Snowprint has revisited those characters
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    and as we have seen in the case of the Orks -  reworked them to get them up to speed. Wilhelm
  • 00:04:53
    explained that when designing characters they  intentionally try to create them with particular
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    niches in mind. The folly of creating universally  powerful characters is that it creates situations
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    where everyone builds and plays the small pool of  characters. This stifles theory crafting makes it
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    boring for players and is bad for the game  economy. The approach Snowprint have taken
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    should allow players to build characters that they  are emotionally connected to and still be able to
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    perform reasonably in the game. That dovetailed  nicely into the conversation about nerfs. Snow
  • 00:05:27
    print can't think of every interaction between  characters in the game and Snowprint have been
  • 00:05:31
    sparing in nerfing characters. The reset stone  was introduced over a year ago as a way of having
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    fewer feels bad moments when the character  that you've been working on for a long time
  • 00:05:42
    suffers from being hit by the nerfbat -something  that they try and avoid as much as possible.
  • 00:05:49
    We spoke about the requisitions and farming  characters and the current problems in the
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    game. Snowprint recently introduced blessed  requisitions to gain shards for a specific
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    group of of characters. However many characters  cannot be reliably obtained if their release
  • 00:06:04
    event is missed. For example, a player could  currently see an ad for the blood angels but
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    when they download the game they have no way to  farm for those characters. Wilhelm acknowledged
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    that the team sees this as a problem. They don't  want characters to flash by and be unobtainable.
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    The ideal situation is that players who are around  for the character release event and do well should
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    earn the right to be strongest with that character  in a short exclusivity period. However, Snowprint
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    want to introduce mechanisms into the game where  players can return and unlock characters even if
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    they miss the initial release. I asked Wilhelm how  the team decides on things like when to complete a
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    faction straight away as we saw in the case of the  T'au or give a faction three or four characters
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    and then release the final character later.  There is less intention here than the public
  • 00:06:53
    might perceive. The Snowprint team crafts design  Cycles around a 5 week schedule called the live
  • 00:06:58
    Ops cycle. They have their own internal plans for  stuff in that live ops cycle - say a blood angels
  • 00:07:05
    hero release event and then a legendary character  but plans are thrown askew by real world events or
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    tie-ins with Games Workshop. Recent examples  include the Titus event or trying to stay
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    temporally close to Games Workshop releases.  As a result their planned release schedule
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    sometimes needs to be revised and they have to  fit characters in further down the line. A case in
  • 00:07:28
    point is the Tyranid faction where they finally  released the fifth character via battle pass
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    almost a year later. Our conversation then moved  onto the topic of reworks. Snowprint has a pretty
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    steady release of new content guild raid bosses  roughly every 3 to 4 months. New game modes like
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    war and survival and new characters every patch.  The pace at which older characters are looked
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    at and reworked seems slower in comparison so we  spoke about this. Wilhelm explained that they have
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    a self-prescribed release and event cadence every  live op cycle. They have a hero release event,
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    two quests and a legendary release event so every  cycle they have to immediately devote some time
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    to sort out this initial layer of content. The  goal is to keep looking at the oldest or weakest
  • 00:08:14
    characters and improving them through reworks.  They were happy with the Ork rework and are hoping
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    to do one character rework every month depending  on competing priorities. That may be two reworks
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    in one live op cycle and then nothing in the next  one but that is broadly the pace that they aspire
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    to. The other competing thing here is that they  don't want to make the starter characters too
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    complex as these will be the first characters  that new players pick up and they don't want
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    them to be put off by any complicated mechanics  and gameplay. That conversation led nicely into
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    talking about new players. Tacticus has become  immensely more complex than when I first started
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    playing 2 years ago. If I was to recommend the  game to a friend to pick up it is currently
  • 00:08:57
    quite hard for them to get the roster and teams  required to play competitively in a lot of game
  • 00:09:02
    modes. There were two talking points that came out  of it. First we spoke about catch-up mechanics to
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    get players up to speed. Wilhelm acknowledged  that this is an area that the team are aware
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    of and want to update but it has far-reaching  economic implications and takes time to implement
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    properly. The second bit was about the true  new player experience framed in a way that I
  • 00:09:23
    hadn't really appreciated before. When somebody  downloads Tacticus, or really any other game,
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    the first few minutes and missions and gameplay  are really going to inform them if this is
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    something that they're going to continue  playing longer term. There is apparently a
  • 00:09:38
    funnel concept in game design where when you get  100 players to download the game and as you go
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    through things like completing missions 1, 2 and  3 - the number of players that progress through
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    each stage reduces over time. In order to have a  functioning game at the end of the funnel you need
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    to have a reasonable number of players. Something  that Snowprint, and indeed any game designer,
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    has to think about is how to make that funnel  and new player experience as good as possible so
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    instead of narrowing over time and ending up with  four or five long-term players they get 40 or 50
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    that stay the course. The tutorial is just one way  of helping to adjust the funnel shape and with all
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    of the new stuff in the game that's something that  they are also looking at updating. Talking about
  • 00:10:23
    the new player experience and player retention we  then moved the conversation on to when Tacticus
  • 00:10:28
    would be playable on your own computer - whether  it be PC or Mac. As an Ambassador and Creator I'm
  • 00:10:35
    pleased to already be part of the initial testing  group for the software that's going to allow
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    tacticus to be playable on your own computer.  That's still in the very early stages and we
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    are reporting our bugs to the developers as and  when they come up and Wilhelm wasn't able to give
  • 00:10:50
    me a concrete time frame for when this would  reach the player facing side. However I would
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    expect Tacticus to be playable on your computer  at some point point in 2025. I couldn't leave
  • 00:11:02
    without asking about my favorite character  in Warhammer 40k - Commander Farsight. I was
  • 00:11:08
    delighted to hear that since Snowprint broke the  seal with Titus as the sixth playable character
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    for the Uultramarines they indeed do have plans  to include Farsight as a playable T'au character
  • 00:11:19
    in the future. It is apparently a matter of when,  not if, Farsight joins Tacticus - but there are
  • 00:11:26
    some finer nuances to iron out as the model size  is curently an issue. That was a longer video
  • 00:11:31
    but hopefully you enjoyed hearing these insights  directly from Snowprint bye for now! it's nandy
  • Nandi
  • Snowprint
  • Tacticus
  • Wilhelm
  • Warhammer
  • Gaming
  • Game Design
  • Campaigns
  • Character Design
  • Player Experience