TLDRO boxeo non se trata só de golpear, senón que tamén implica esquivar e anticiparse aos ataques do oponente. A importancia da técnica e da práctica é fundamental para mellorar as capacidades defensivas e ofensivas dentro do ring, así como para aumentar a resistencia física. A mentalidade xoga un papel crucial, permitindo que os boxeadores tomen decisións rápidas e efectivas durante os combates. O vídeo contrasta a visión tradicional do boxeo, que se centra na forza, co enfoque moderno, que valora a técnica e a estratexia.
- 🥊 A técnica é vital no boxeo, non só a forza.
- 🤕 Aprender a esquivar axuda a evitar lesións como un nariz roto.
- 🧠 A mentalidade forte é clave para antecipar os movementos do oponente.
- 🏋️♂️ A resistencia é tan importante como as habilidades técnicas.
- ⚖️ O boxeo non é para todos; require dedicación e coraxe.
- 🤔 A confusión entre forza e habilidade é un erro común dos novatos.
- 📝 O esquivar non é só evitar golpes, senón tamén controlar o combate.
- 📚 A práctica regular e estruturada é necesaria para mellorar no boxeo.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
O narrador reflexiona sobre a importancia de ser capaz de esquivar golpes no boxeo, afirmando que coñecer os movementos correctos e a técnica é tan importante como golpear.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Os principiantes expresan o seu medo de ferirse durante o adestramento en boxeo; a clave para evitar feridas é non ser golpeado, algo que se logra a través do adestramento e a práctica.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Aínda que moitos se concentran en golpear, o esquivar e evitar golpes debe ser unha parte importante do adestramento, pois é esencial para evitar lesións.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
O narrador comenta que moitos adestradores non enfocan o suficiente na técnica de esquivar, destacando a importancia de adestrar e vencer en condicións incómodas e imprevisibles.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Os feints e variacións na rutina son fundamentais para enganar ao oponente e poder atacar, resaltando a importancia do aspecto mental e da previsión no boxeo.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Os resultados do adestramento non só se basean na forza física, senón que a mentalidade e a estratexia de boxeo son clave para vencer en combates, independentemente do tamaño ou da condición física do adversario.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
O autor destaca que un bo boxeador non só ten que depender do seu golpe senón tamén saber evitar golpes e seguir o fluxo do combate, reaccionando de maneira adecuada.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Un adestramento adecuado inclúe a práctica de esquivar e contraatacar, mantendo sempre a guardia levantada e estando preparado para responder.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
É importante que os boxeadores se expón ao 'stress' e á presión durante o adestramento para poder reaccionar adecuadamente en situacións de combate reales, desenvolvendo así a confianza e a intuitividade.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:33
Finalmente, o narrador enfatiza que o éxito no boxeo non se trata só de ser físicamente forte, senón de ter boas habilidades técnicas, unha mente clara e a capacidade de xestionar o estrés durante as competicións.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
¿Es necesario hacer boxeo para pelear?
Sí, es esencial practicar boxeo para poder competir efectivamente en peleas.
¿Cómo puedo protegerme de recibir golpes en la nariz?
La clave es aprender a esquivar los golpes y anticipar las acciones del oponente.
¿Cuál es la importancia de la técnica frente a la fuerza física?
La técnica es fundamental en boxeo; la fuerza física puede ayudar, pero sin técnica, es difícil ganar.
¿Por qué es necesario esquivar la cabeza y no solo bloquear?
Esquivar permite evitar golpes y mantener la iniciativa en el combate.
¿Qué rol juega la mentalidad en el boxeo?
Una mentalidad fuerte permite anticipar movimientos del oponente y reaccionar adecuadamente.
¿Cómo se entrena la resistencia en el boxeo?
La resistencia se entrena con ejercicios específicos que simulan la dinámica de un combate real.
¿Es el boxeo un deporte para todos?
No, porque requiere un compromiso serio y disposición para aprender y aceptar riesgos.
¿Cuál es el error común de los boxeadores novatos?
Confundir la fuerza con la habilidad, enfocándose más en lanzar golpes que en esquivar y moverse.
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- 00:00:03[Music] I went back to the corner I had regurgitation from exertion think about
- 00:00:11when the hell I wasn't trained adequately for those rhythms well done
- 00:00:17this is the first good one you really did dodge right
- 00:00:23you can go and fight without doing all this if you do boxing
- 00:00:28though you can't go and fight if you only do that and don't do boxing
- 00:00:39one of the questions guys ask me more and more often anyway on social media they ask me However
- 00:00:43especially those novices tell me Ervin But I would like to start boxing I would like
- 00:00:48to start doing a sport fighting but I'm afraid of hurting myself they might
- 00:00:53break my nose maybe I'll hurt my eye and they ask me how I don't get my nose broken
- 00:00:58My answer is always here it's very simple there's a trick to not get it broken the nose don't
- 00:01:03get caught No it seems quite trivial to me but still quite functional as
- 00:01:09stuff Because guys it's not important just knowing how to throw punches having strength having strengthening
- 00:01:15of the Madonna energy Resistance whatever you want If then every now and then you don't write the punches No
- 00:01:20because the the other one brings them too Well the time has come for me to show you
- 00:01:25in a video a training with the capable person who will have to train me today in dodging and who
- 00:01:32we have now today guys Here we are at the Mag Lab in Bergamo with Yes yes it is unfortunately again
- 00:01:39[Laughter] you agree with me on this thing Many go to the gym you know if they concentrate on the things
- 00:01:49you know more about the strength things No I have to hit I have to shoot Yes but you also have to dodge sometimes
- 00:01:55no because anyway when the effort is the most easy to reach So automatically
- 00:02:01Beating is easier than not being beaten and therefore it is the most immediate thing that is
- 00:02:07sold to you first and therefore like you they will learn to block blows with the liver but in 12 years
- 00:02:15of doing the sport However the nose it's still there but the guts but the guts
- 00:02:26In my opinion little is covered about this topic on dodging and most of the
- 00:02:42training on dodging is still the really basic one Fuck no one does that stuff over there a little more
- 00:02:48particular I'll give you an example low guard in some situations maybe you need to keep your guard
- 00:02:54down to be able to do certain dodges, but you do it a little anyway because you're a showman,
- 00:02:59practically as well as I don't want to say I am Yes yes yes but No joking aside
- 00:03:10Naturally what has been seen of me on social media and the Dario of the last of the last
- 00:03:16years So automatically I am the result of years in which I didn't dodge so well I wasn't
- 00:03:21so sure it was all constructed what you now see of me that It seems obvious
- 00:03:26that extraordinary is good at doing x or y But like all things precisely it happens
- 00:03:30built there is a method that helps and above all there is a key to understanding Me
- 00:03:35more than a method more What a miraculous exercise I invite you to change the focus on the key to
- 00:03:40understanding or rather it translates because you are too studied No you are absolutely right I'm sorry
- 00:03:46[ Laughter] What I often invite you to reflect on the fact that
- 00:04:08it is not the exercise that makes you dodge but it is being exposed to that
- 00:04:13uncomfortable condition for a long time. Initially, seek with a guide above all who knows that he
- 00:04:20truly guides you, not simply one who yells at you from outside the Ring go or go that isn't
- 00:04:26or isn't scary now now no dodge to the left circumspection of the right that you are one who
- 00:04:34doesn't even put on the gebbo So automatically through a guide who knows what fits you where he's
- 00:04:39taking you where it is guiding you, you slowly metabolize that condition of discomfort until you
- 00:04:44are extremely lucid and therefore have a reading ability that is not division but
- 00:04:50prediction, therefore practically trying to study those things, the how stands for, that is,
- 00:04:54what my opponent is about to do as we will see in the video that you are about to do ok make
- 00:05:00the opponent do what you want and what you expect understood very interesting
- 00:05:05so I made a video in which I talked about the dodges anyway but I want your
- 00:05:14opinion on that on that point of mine view Many focus on starting with
- 00:05:20the shots without creating something first, no, many times the feints are the things that make
- 00:05:26the opponent make a mistake, perhaps which could be for the guard. Aiming from a
- 00:05:31he starts doing the same punch 10 times so he has the eleventh change at the last That is, therefore it is
- 00:05:37a psychological discussion As regards boxing Absolutely yes as in this type
- 00:05:43of sport like boxing therefore acyclical i.e. which does not follow a cycle of things that happen and
- 00:05:49the variation in rhythm and the most absolute determinant are constantly repeated and by
- 00:05:54variation in rhythm I don't just mean hitting more One glass less but also simply
- 00:05:58breaking the events that are following one another regularly but it all absolutely starts from here
- 00:06:04when we do the weight tests with my opponents I look like the Brocco
- 00:06:11even when I do with the Brock I look like the Brock I look like the one who doesn't do
- 00:06:15the category above and everything else what makes me different Besides a big no size 45
- 00:06:21what makes me Then what makes me win simply a mental capacity
- 00:06:29applied to different and greater boxing in those specific cases Of course
- 00:06:34my mental capacity perhaps won't beat the physique of a world champion from Charlotte
- 00:06:40Ok but it led me to win what I won precisely because if I have a strong head and
- 00:06:46above all an imagination and Unboxing IQ that leads you to win Vinci is not the strongest punch
- 00:06:53the fastest punch it all sums up in one thing that I often say I can beat
- 00:06:59Usain Bolt and he runs saying meters if I start two meters from [ Music] boxing you can do it
- 00:07:06there isn't a line right If you leave earlier you're faster if you arrive it hurts if it doesn't arrive it doesn't hurt
- 00:07:13so it hurts more that is understood the punch all over again that knocks everyone down but if
- 00:07:18the blow doesn't land anyway because the other has already studied you he sees that you always start like this boxing makes you sew
- 00:07:23a plot And if the plot adheres well to you put away the positive opponent for you exactly
- 00:07:35that's fine Dario I would say that the time has come to make me do some exercises
- 00:07:40obviously not paid for this staff So today we start with two Basic Basic Drills
- 00:07:52which the usual things seen magazines which compared to the others calms you who then studies get a fever and die damn
- 00:08:01it let's start with two Basic Drills so they are mostly defensive Grills After that
- 00:08:09the Drill already becomes defense and attack so OK Basically I'm going to dodge to counterattack
- 00:08:15precisely to put a gaunter After that we leave the Drill discussion and do a
- 00:08:22sort of conditioned sparring in which he hits you first in theory Control
- 00:08:27the action or is he the one who will then be cauterized by the one instead who will then cauterize Otta
- 00:08:35because in the end I think one thing dodging saves your life Yes there is an entire
- 00:08:41paragraph about dodging that you say you have to go in you have to go in because it's a dodge it doesn't save your
- 00:08:46life if you don't stop it then that the opponent is there because he continues if there isn't a block
- 00:08:50he will always be there if instead you write and punish him until he still has less confidence and
- 00:08:59therefore he will attack you even less convincingly it is said with conviction oh well I ask how it works
- 00:09:04Have you studied all this it could be you look look one day all
- 00:09:15[Laughter]
- 00:09:16I am the time
- 00:09:28those of mine have this mark like the calves already forced all subjugated
- 00:09:38Blatantly spartan me So guys let's go because otherwise this one here the video It won't let
- 00:09:45the ear live [Laughter]
- 00:09:53mom I had to take the thing there the anti vomit after 2 minutes of having an illness
- 00:10:07So I would start with two trills just Basic Basic since as we said This video
- 00:10:12is also aimed at people who have just started where in my opinion the initial phase to then make
- 00:10:18you a boxer who parries with your face or who tries to dodge So let's start from the face it's not
- 00:10:24really there no no it could have contraindications read In any case the exact information leaflet
- 00:10:30then Drill Basic par excellence which we have seen proposed also re-proposed
- 00:10:40by the various ones let's say sweet boxing influencers
- 00:10:44write to me practically direct left direct right left hook right hook I have it for you I will
- 00:10:52throw them and cross them How do those Gurus do so they don't teach you anything the
- 00:10:56left there the right there that you the dog You can also do this you would write anyway just
- 00:11:02close your eyes When the shot goes No no let's let's do a test Hey hey hey hey
- 00:11:12show I swear you looked like Gabbana and this is one thing let's also explain this little concept
- 00:11:19the thing that Dario said is very right I confirm Thank you I confirm many who do technique bring
- 00:11:28the shots in this way here by doing it like this it seems to you that you are helping That is it seems that you are
- 00:11:33helping your partner in reality you are only making the distances worse for him and everything
- 00:11:38completely falsifies the perception of the distances you misplace the times and above all something that no one
- 00:11:44talks about you don't get used to having your fists in front of your face you don't get used to
- 00:11:51stay calm with the punch like this and you see some pitiful scenes in my opinion for someone who does combat sports
- 00:11:56who have already had four or five fights the punch didn't land In my opinion
- 00:12:00they bang Blincano they go backwards you're a boxer you can't be afraid of punches this is why
- 00:12:07Because they come from months of dodging. But no, you have to get used to it and you have to feel comfortable
- 00:12:13knowing that the opponent will not hit with closed fists, he will hit aiming at the forehead and therefore not in
- 00:12:18sensitive areas but he will shoot there with all the blows. So you will have to be able to
- 00:12:24dodge we're talking about things that how many times have we seen these Drill billions But if you make them
- 00:12:30real it produces an effect if you do them like hell then you'll write Or rather you won't write you
- 00:12:37swear the worst as we said before you'll devalue everything that's worse even at distances
- 00:12:43what is your perception of the shots, I like the Basic Drills Which I always recommend doing
- 00:12:49which I often have the guys who come to the gym to dodge do often and I basically
- 00:12:54put on normal guard as long as to simply dodge 1 or 2 hook hook
- 00:13:01That's not it like he does or when I'm still used to those who cross paths it will be
- 00:13:08real even the movement is normal that you have to start at a speed that is not
- 00:13:12excessive between one blow and another But the legs always move during the dodge so
- 00:13:16dodge get out dodge get out pass under exit pass under Exit we start from this distance here and
- 00:13:25from this speed here and then little by little we increase oh oh oh And above all
- 00:13:32don't do it like I did now, that is, they must be done at a distance where you really
- 00:13:36risk being hit because if it doesn't make sense to know that you won't be hit regardless
- 00:13:41of everything it makes you feel too calm exactly that it's a condition
- 00:13:46that you won't be there instead there you have to start having that company in Brindisi absolutely
- 00:13:52returns you take it those are the things that make us take the then during
- 00:14:01the fight and doing them in the Safe zone get used to it and mentally condition your head to stay under
- 00:14:08Degan I say that is under the right blows and he doesn't just say it brat I say it too guys and I don't say it
- 00:14:14It's me guys also very handsome the second trill that I want to propose to you is to dodge three gems
- 00:14:22basically I will shoot three days in advance separated so one and the first one I block with my
- 00:14:27hand behind the second comes out sideways the third goes backwards Exact shot to catch aiming at the
- 00:14:34opponent's forehead I block I go out and let's do it again otherwise they'll take the piss out of you you're blocked I'm
- 00:14:44going out I'm going back Exactly always aiming you go
- 00:14:49there was an absurd fluidity I still get hurt when I'm with Morello then okay but it's okay eh
- 00:15:00it's not all of Palmi Go I think they have me behind you that sucks Oh Boom Boom
- 00:15:09when we are on the side it's crazy But by chance extremely calm even if
- 00:15:17I'm calm there's no fear of no because I'm So for me it's so Safe the situation knowing
- 00:15:24what shot you're going to throw that basically just put me because my head the my eye is so
- 00:15:29conditioned to this situation that it doesn't make me nervous So even if Paradoxically I start
- 00:15:34that hundredth of a second late I know that somehow I'll get by Ok how did I get
- 00:15:40to this by doing the fucking seal one says My God But how do the fucking Drill that
- 00:15:45makes you Hi safe Naturally the grill then progresses like the next ones that we will show and
- 00:15:52on the dodge then you will be sure to improvise the sparring sure to improvise it instead and
- 00:15:58then maybe on that dodge also put the blow which is what it does the difference
- 00:16:01between the good boxer and the champion In my opinion I will tell you then you are already capable
- 00:16:09it's not negative not even positive if we want to put you have the sign
- 00:16:27of the benefit of the doubt you have an age between positive and negative
- 00:16:30there is still that hesitation on comfort I'll go secondly again
- 00:16:38Let's return to the discussion first do to the opponent what
- 00:16:48I I want to do if you hesitate too Paradoxically to help you I will hesitate
- 00:16:54and therefore you make me even more unpredictable ok Because you said fuck first you are super
- 00:16:58Smooth you do it too fast too loose because I am there I don't move do it because I
- 00:17:07don't already understand stay still stay close to me
- 00:17:25Now I'll try to do what you want Now I've blocked you like the progression
- 00:17:37of this guy is this now I've blocked doing block and it comes out
- 00:17:42pullback but I can do what you want it comes out block whatever you want I
- 00:17:49'm pulling at maximum speed
- 00:17:58Yes but you know it pulls you yes ok I challenge anyone to come here and write me the game
- 00:18:07you know what it is so many things and think I've tried it ten times I'm starting to get unstuck Little
- 00:18:14by little No I'm not still in the phase because Obviously I don't know yet that my
- 00:18:18brain doesn't say what the fuck sparring so I would hurt you and that technique
- 00:18:23is true But you gradually get unstuck Think about trying this stuff 100 times a day
- 00:18:29while preparing it for years I say it always how many do it no one no one because there is
- 00:18:36also one thing to say and I say this as a teacher who has recently become a teacher
- 00:18:42[Laughter] from Coccia I don't give a 3/4 of a damn if you get bored doing the same things over and over again I have
- 00:19:00recently been doing the amateur and competitive course three days a week plus one of sparling you three days
- 00:19:06a week especially with me that the level however people who are fought in other
- 00:19:10gyms or were almost for what do you make them do technique technique technique technique these Drills
- 00:19:17unconditional swords unconditional shots that if you come from outside at a certain point
- 00:19:21those who have assimilated the concept seem free I say no look they have
- 00:19:25a theme and then do the final sparring on Saturday I'm lucky enough to be inside a
- 00:19:32multifit gym so there is the MMA one there is the One one there is the Type one and
- 00:19:37therefore there is also a comparison with other athletes Of different styles and everything else
- 00:19:42and you then try that And you learn how to do boxing In the first learning phase where no one is
- 00:19:47an established champion it is useless to waste hours days out of three days a week perhaps
- 00:19:54athletic training 3 rounds my grandmother is now getting up from the rsaf grabbing for 3 minutes If you don't have the breath
- 00:20:01it's because you are not calm and because the brain completely burns those three reserves of
- 00:20:06oxygen that you have and therefore not only are you impeded you become even more handicapped because the brain
- 00:20:12has eaten everything up we want to open a small parenthesis on the subject of breath speech I
- 00:20:16have my own idea of breath that many even if they are trained is something that happened to me for example
- 00:20:22I went running every day doing sprints doing work anyway Susa high intensity for
- 00:20:29certain repetitions I got into the ring I did two takes and I was dead and I said how the fuck is it possible that
- 00:20:37I I've been training for months and months and I can't do continuous rounds and I do one
- 00:20:43well, I already have the second one there and then I throw myself on the ground because we do it maybe 100%,
- 00:20:48with very bad breath management because as you say do you have a theme to do when you're
- 00:20:55in the ring, no, that's not like you can leave. It goes, it goes, it goes, you have to manage your time, so maybe you
- 00:21:01have to do three takes, six takes, 10 takes, you start in a certain way, there's a moment in which you load
- 00:21:07a little more the moment in which you go light in combination the moment in which So even that
- 00:21:12stuff there we need to dispel this myth that the more you train the more breathless you are The truth is that basically you
- 00:21:18have to do everything to become efficient at doing that efficient means Minimum expense maximum
- 00:21:24yield I would say that you have to do it without thinking you have to do it without thinking and it must cost you less than
- 00:21:28a person who is perhaps physically vigorous but does not have your technique the technique exists to
- 00:21:35make less effort and have the maximum result is easier to start digging all day
- 00:21:43the Zappi field is the same It's a little more difficult to dig it without getting tired in half a day technique
- 00:21:50there is no technique without effort I was saying A Russian weightlifting coach Why is it like this because technique
- 00:21:56is used to overcome a problem but with this it's not that I'm saying Ah then you will be repeated
- 00:22:01it is of no use then going for a run is of no use then do the sprints it is of no use
- 00:22:05No but you can go and fight without doing all this but if you do boxing you can't
- 00:22:14go and fight if you only do that and you don't box you don't box it's true what
- 00:22:21those who watch the videos we make together haven't understood that it's not us against something it
- 00:22:26's not our New School against But of what but of what organization Team that's true
- 00:22:36guys but how As we have specified certain things many only watch the 30
- 00:22:41seconds of ririlla's touches they don't watch the complete video when it comes to the race the rope
- 00:22:47which obviously the clickbait title is useless doesn't mean they are useless in the
- 00:22:53world something will be useful to stay on the sofa it's worth a damn Exactly do some rope anyway even
- 00:22:58if it doesn't hurt even if you need something but you don't need it maybe for the specificity of the exercise of what
- 00:23:05you're going to do afterwards many tell me No the rope is useful for the breath and then what the
- 00:23:11fuck can you tell me You know what In my opinion even the reflection is wrong or No because after I
- 00:23:18did this I felt better I felt better quantify myself in a unit in a number What does it mean
- 00:23:26I felt better I felt better a non-empirical subjective evaluation there are no data they
- 00:23:32are not repeatable that measurement I was better Bring me some data data it means the
- 00:23:38heart rate was lower at that effort it is not however but simply much more calmly
- 00:23:44you did all three shots you did them without breathless No I was just a little better
- 00:23:51and then you're answering yourself only it's not the shot maybe you learned to box In the meantime
- 00:23:56I for example when I go to make disappear now I haven't trained in sizes for really
- 00:24:016 years 7 years I always have I've only done more boxing now physically, however on a
- 00:24:07personal athletic level of breath, how much conditioning is no longer there, certainly resistance, etc.
- 00:24:11despite everything I still manage to shoot 10 rounds with all of them do 20 rounds
- 00:24:17with all of them which is still ok They won't all be champions they won't it's that they're all They don't fight
- 00:24:21anymore People on the way out than you but I guys have breath 0 that is really breath 0 but despite everything
- 00:24:26a management of Maybe less fear of taking blows from them less the eagerness to show immediately
- 00:24:34look I'm good look that I'm strong that maybe there's the thing of unloading the shots immediately and here
- 00:24:40I manage it and I do 10 shots with them charging, I'm the one who goes but also those who are usually
- 00:24:45the faction that opposes us and they are the ones who then say they talk about a famous profession the
- 00:24:52profession the profession is this What is the profession knowing how to box well That is the old
- 00:24:59profession The Ancient to show for passers-by you make yourself you signal the position both and they charge you
- 00:25:14to say no you become simply efficient now there was someone who because I don't sell shit
- 00:25:21they are all cardboard belts you are a youtuber parrot who knows nothing George
- 00:25:26San Pietro considered one of the got of MMA told Giorgio San Pietro Yes yes
- 00:25:35he says Lino al mare he told of this muay thai coach of his who smoked
- 00:25:4025 packs of cigarettes was an alcoholic then he put on gloves and beat up everyone
- 00:25:45When they were doing Thai sparring he was the one in this podcast with rogan
- 00:25:52if I'm not mistaken while the interviewee said because the athletic condition can
- 00:25:59affect then the performance in the specific sport and it certainly affects it But that's not 90%,
- 00:26:0790%, 80 if we want to be generous, whether or not to do that sport between you and me,
- 00:26:14the one who does better boxing will win in 90% of cases then there is the one who by profession Excuse me with tireless physical vigor
- 00:26:22bends me because then I don't have the same preparation ok and one out of how many The truth
- 00:26:29is that in 90% of cases the hitter loses against the technician because because if the hitter is
- 00:26:35really a puncher or one that is enough for me because there is little Small parenthesis striker
- 00:26:40puncher If I know how to attack in boxing I'm a striker if I don't know how to box attack I'm
- 00:26:47a puncher there's a substantial fucking difference between these two this one nice I didn't know this
- 00:26:52because I don't say it often no one says it because then Santa Claus normal boxing
- 00:27:01doesn't necessarily mean that if you are more prepared then you are stronger in the ring it's just not something
- 00:27:14that happened when I was little when I was schoolboys just starting out
- 00:27:19there one thing must be said my father invented himself as a coach with me we
- 00:27:23grew up boxing together so even his training techniques weren't super I
- 00:27:30remembered from schoolboys and the shooting was a minute and a half from Cowboys I'm undefeated I've
- 00:27:35never lost and plus I missed it as a cadet so in the age category above
- 00:27:41Gryffindor Gryffindor the beard told me Slytherin now what the fuck is his name But
- 00:27:49then he pulled my hair and from there it was a great orgasm I'm a Golden Rooster
- 00:27:58Vi please let my channel grow because I don't want to make videos
- 00:28:08with him anymore he annoyed me I have hair Let's get back to the discussion
- 00:28:12immediately so we've been talking hydrating for a minute and a half to do obviously at the most
- 00:28:20Guys I've always won but I'm going back to myself I can never forget between the first and second take I was returning
- 00:28:26to the corner that I had regurgitation from exertion, you think when the hell I wasn't trained adequately
- 00:28:34for those rhythms but he won you know because I knew what the fuck I had to do compared to someone who in 90%
- 00:28:39of the cases At the time they were freelancers they didn't go to school they trained three times a day
- 00:28:44800 km of running 20 rounds of sparring 300 rounds of the sack they lost they lost because they went into the
- 00:28:53ring very prepared much more prepared than me but they didn't express they didn't express anything because they didn't
- 00:28:58know What to do when boxing wins, athletic training is something that can
- 00:29:04make boxing win. But without boxing, boxing doesn't win. I said it in a video in which I was talking
- 00:29:10about this very thing that many coaches have here do a lot of athletic training. really
- 00:29:1580% and athletic training a lesson lasting an hour and a half you go and do maybe a
- 00:29:20boxing lesson you go and take a boxing course kickboxing muay thai MMA what it is you
- 00:29:26really do circuits circuits circuits circuits the last 20 minutes technique if you are tired
- 00:29:35or maybe sparring if you are tired after the circuits to take punches better with your forehead that you don't even
- 00:29:41think about, you risk hurting yourself because there is no longer any control over which you can tear
- 00:29:46something while delivering a blow Then I repeat is the thing then it must be said that there is a phenomenon to be analyzed
- 00:29:51In my opinion that is the fact that it is the and it is right to be clear it is very right
- 00:29:56the terms in terms of let's say marketing you want you don't want the movement in reality Despite if
- 00:30:03the numbers on television they are low there are few enthusiasts but many more practitioners It is very true
- 00:30:10many more practitioners means many more gyms many more gyms means many more technicians The
- 00:30:16truth is that 90% of these technicians are boxing incompetent to create athletes
- 00:30:21who fight and they win it's the truth and this is what the numbers say point because if we didn't know we were all
- 00:30:27strong the Italian championships wouldn't win every year the same masters every year a different one it seems to me
- 00:30:33that it's not so true point soldiers in fact then they can say what they want just about
- 00:30:40done Precisely So what does it mean? It means that there are more and more Fitness courses because
- 00:30:46it is easier to get someone who pays you €70/80 per month on average to lose weight because to lose weight.
- 00:30:53As long as it practically regulates his life, a sedentary person who eats badly and lose 30 kg in
- 00:30:5830 days because this is the truth Because you start from zero to one hundred Anyway so you put them repeatedly
- 00:31:05fake sparring bag So it's a general cardio Every now and then the circuit is that it's one thing it's good
- 00:31:12but it's non-competitive it's a boxing discussion which cannot then be addressed to those who have to go and
- 00:31:18win. However, I don't agree with this thing here but not that I don't agree with you but I understand that
- 00:31:23that you see as black or white in the sense of Fitness or competitiveness I'm halfway I want to go
- 00:31:31and learn a fucking discipline instead I don't want to fight I'm interested I agree But
- 00:31:36I want to go there if I do if I go to do MMA or grappling I want to learn all the exercises and things for free
- 00:31:41People say why I did that famous Tik Tok that everyone
- 00:31:47insulted me and but without preparation there is no need for insulin I don't want to get into the ring
- 00:31:51but I'm still paying for discipline as if I go to the baker's I pay for the bread and he
- 00:31:57gives me the flour what the fuck I mean it's not what I asked for I asked for grappling I want to learn
- 00:32:02for free Teach me that or I want to do boxing I don't want to fight here maybe I don't
- 00:32:08need all that preparation bam bam bam Fuck Barbie brides 100% with what
- 00:32:15you're saying and it's okay that maybe someone says Eh but in any case there's a minimum of But you do it
- 00:32:21little by little anyway because the exercises still punching the bag resistance to the scythe
- 00:32:26anyway you work Absolutely yes I am I'm super d I agree with you the point is In fact my
- 00:32:32course whether you want to be a competitor or whether you want to do what he comes to do he
- 00:32:36wants to go and say in the disco that he is a professional boxer the profitero in the Instagram Bio
- 00:32:42You will come anyway You will come treaty Such and such has ok And in fact I teach you boxing But I realize
- 00:32:49that many who come to do the test and there is always this contact it is almost never done sack it is
- 00:32:56always done Work on the man it is always done technical work I am there to break in reality is not so
- 00:33:01wanted by the masses because the masses come to sweat and to be deluded that what they are
- 00:33:07doing is boxing when boxing is not because boxing is not for everyone the truth is this even
- 00:33:13for idiots in quotes In sense that boxing No you know I don't have any competitive ambitions
- 00:33:21But even if you are a world champion or you are a baker if we make it disappear you get
- 00:33:26a punch you get hurt and the average user who writes that is willing to pay you a monthly fee is not
- 00:33:32always he is willing to do this so I don't choose if it is not to take the punch or at least risk
- 00:33:39taking the punch my goal is not I will write down your course I will go and do the repetitions
- 00:33:45the naval rope and the repetitions again and the naval guard the abs again there is nothing
- 00:33:51Boxing when we start from the Grill we started or rather from the Drill Basic Basic first slow then little by little
- 00:34:00faster then even blocking dodging to our liking but knowing what blow
- 00:34:08we were throwing now we do a situation of attack counter attack and response or rather very trivially
- 00:34:18I said two shots each it's a sparging in theory free when it's his turn he puts the geb
- 00:34:31I'm forced to pay him and respond with my job goods already I answer you have to go out sideways
- 00:34:41and put three shots forced three free shots forced to leave with the leading arm
- 00:34:50or you came out on your right you have to start with the right first let it be whatever ok fuck
- 00:34:58This is difficult what is beautiful And then obviously I'll do it That is in the series first you go with
- 00:35:04the shots you want and then I'll go I'll put the gel you respond with the geb Boh And I
- 00:35:11'll give you the shots I want Ok There's only one pact precisely because we talked
- 00:35:17about the reality of the action once I block the geb I have to respond immediately aiming at the
- 00:35:24face so not where I think the opponent will write because otherwise it doesn't make sense
- 00:35:28but I don't have to I don't have to waste time and then answer put you already move and customers
- 00:35:50why not the technique is on it's needed if not
- 00:35:59you have to go back on guard understood
- 00:36:11Here this is a strange error in quotation marks No because we were saying he answered with l 'other
- 00:36:18hand but if you go out yes it touches you yes Splinter But you're out you're out of danger
- 00:36:25you do it again
- 00:36:31I'm back to football this stuff damn fucking underlying Alright [Music]
- 00:36:41Move your head because you hadn't dodged this and you have to dodge it the body
- 00:36:54Look at the danger of actually taking the blow But it's a controlled condition So
- 00:37:00now you and the previous discussion because you're having difficulty because you're not used to doing
- 00:37:06real technique and so you're shitting yourself like a sword No but even in sparring
- 00:37:14I take it badly because I am, that is, I am a little more free, no here instead being that I have to do what the
- 00:37:18fuck I say but you are normalizing a condition of discomfort in a condition in which you still have to
- 00:37:28dominate the unknowns because the body risks really taking it what I simply did
- 00:37:34I'm playing with my opponent's deficit or I know he'll throw that one at me but he throws it at me to catch I
- 00:37:40don't give him the gebbo like that or he won't arrive I throw it in his face two caught him
- 00:37:47because he didn't really dodge
- 00:38:15[Music]
- 00:38:16good this is the first good thing you really did parade right
- 00:39:00I didn't know what the fuck to do it looks like a fish No but it fits as you saw besides Erwin's mouthpiece
- 00:39:17falls to the ground what did you see Did you see anyway that we were
- 00:39:24both joking both slow fists not pull yourself But the idea was become dynamic Stevie come back at many
- 00:39:31distances because we did some close digs some dodges from afar some
- 00:39:36side dodges the fear is real the fear is real because I perceive it integrity No in technique that when
- 00:39:43we do the thing it brings 1 2 bom bom dodge when you do technique you put the helmet on it
- 00:39:50happens that people get hurt in these schemes because this is a sparring of
- 00:39:56this and conditioned sparring recreates viable and reproducible situations in
- 00:40:02a fight I often see absurd shit in technical exercises because then boxer
- 00:40:09has one or two hooks then dodges then comes back then puts this like the figures Find me one but also
- 00:40:15of the greatest champions who does something like that to you without reaching an agreement with the opponent
- 00:40:20it doesn't exist here there were empty shots here there were empty shots because Because sometimes you went away
- 00:40:28As it is right that it is as you would do in a fight and I had to readjust and close
- 00:40:34so maybe after the dodge I did it differently fucking right true You tend to do
- 00:40:39the thing the most real possible to the one who actually shoots it the most important thing
- 00:40:44in my opinion of all things apart from distances that you get used to with distances with everything always It
- 00:40:51's precisely the psychological concept guys that is I felt the pressure from Dario Even if we were
- 00:40:57doing a technique I felt that pressure that you say fuck I'm in danger I'm in danger
- 00:41:03here I have to do something and you know that if you make a mistake the shot comes because he continues he doesn't tell me
- 00:41:08the techniques they do he tells me and Paradoxically this When you are under stress the legs the body
- 00:41:16it moves in a different way with fear even if I'm not saying that you have to shit yourself perfect,
- 00:41:22look, when you're not so lucid that's where you have to work, that is,
- 00:41:34there the dodges don't come to you like when
- 00:41:37I try to dodge and you see that you hesitate for a moment it's a completely different matter and this is what we're talking about here
- 00:41:52in the part where I God divide the dodges to fit into two into two categories those
- 00:42:00that I induce like this or I put it I put you my geb I put myself in
- 00:42:06such a condition for which you will respond in 90% of cases with a strike so I'm already going in the head while
- 00:42:11I'm throwing the geb that at the first movement you make I dodge and put the action ok So
- 00:42:16I'm already conditioning This is a training method to condition you as a
- 00:42:21combat reading ok And then the other category is the first dodge or on the
- 00:42:26opponent's blow I write on the return we always take the geb because the first blow can then be
- 00:42:31done on all the blows with 1000 different Grills But if you want them you have to sign up for my course
- 00:42:37No but to say on the web from before He writes back in Ok mo We are only doing the
- 00:42:48external dodge because I don't want to read no internal we don't dodge bullshit it's enormous
- 00:42:53let's not do it let's do it this time on the web he writes from before so
- 00:42:59it's not like wait gebel he replies ok How do I actually do the dodge of the blow
- 00:43:04one I don't have to see the blow I have to read the movement to the opponent the first movement
- 00:43:09I have to throw myself and come back secondly after I have done the dodge on the movement
- 00:43:14I have to put my blow not I have to wait to see the shot because otherwise then you lose
- 00:43:18that fraction of a second to see that you lose the body that is gone I dodge and
- 00:43:23I always return it must be instantaneous immediately as you do you say okay but now he doesn't you
- 00:43:28know that he puts the real geb So what happens It goes back to what I said
- 00:43:33at the beginning I have to make him pull this geb and it's much simpler than that what's the use Ok
- 00:43:41you're the one who has to put the geb on me now I'll ask you a question No we're fighting
- 00:43:48if I do this you that it's my fault Of course you'll never throw the right at me
- 00:43:54So what happens we're in a distance Put it When you want we're in
- 00:44:02a distance in which we were waiting for the distance in which when I throw myself on this side after
- 00:44:08being there for a while I'll put on the garden I'll write the return Put me
- 00:44:28now I'll tell you Put me the blow you think I need if today
- 00:44:39[Applause]
- 00:44:40if you read in movement with pressure from where you bend You are always at a distance to put the shots
- 00:44:54you want and above all you create adjustments I didn't make typical movements because
- 00:45:00now you knew that if I go beyond to put to the right because that has me said
- 00:45:04that he puts the left on me If he hadn't known But if you want to put the right on me while I'm
- 00:45:10over here and I read the own However I'll write it to you because I'm completely out
- 00:45:16And this applies to all the Drills No I do a fraction right you know what you lost You
- 00:45:25didn't make me do what you want to do You want me to do you didn't make me pull When
- 00:45:29you say the debt to take my difference is that I went there to take the web ok
- 00:45:45The difference is this ok here you write it right away give it to me
- 00:45:51but sideways
- 00:46:03[Music]
- 00:46:04you see it because you really are the shot it's there you see it but it comes to take this works
- 00:46:11both on the right and on the left we make it more real so throw the combination that covers me
- 00:46:20you're looking for the shot you have to see the movement Bravo See how it accelerates Bravo
- 00:46:39You're writing in motion and you're in good time
- 00:46:46[Music] little thing
- 00:46:51This is because you say but I came to do a Drill or rather to understand how to dodge and you
- 00:47:00're making me do instead how to do the counter because things are closely related except
- 00:47:06that Personally I can't say that one is independent of the other because Put me on the line
- 00:47:12I'm not out of danger because if we're fighting No no I haven't succeeded That must
- 00:47:20be an extreme case I'm paying for my life Ok what the ropes you're tired we're fighting
- 00:47:28Holy shit [ __ ] the second time the wife I'll pull it again that's defended you run away you defend yourself From the
- 00:47:39Gospel according to Dario give them and these are all Drills In my opinion that train and
- 00:47:46that I always propose almost every day a thousand different sauces because then you just have to
- 00:47:51have observation skills and imagination that make you more and more confident I always take because
- 00:47:56many say fuck but I'm scared During sparring and many also write to me this stuff here
- 00:48:02how do I overcome the afraid of space unfortunately being in the ring and doing this type
- 00:48:09of work here I said sparring because I had no idea of exercises like that despite
- 00:48:13having done some conditioned exercises anyway not so invented shoot where Ok we throw the
- 00:48:19gebbo or we only throw the 2 or we let's just pull the advanced arm No to say that stuff but
- 00:48:24I've never done this job and it can be an important starting point for
- 00:48:31what you have to do in the ring I always point to the wall I don't know why Because the Ring Now
- 00:48:39however I write for to say it's an extra step to get to do what you have to do your sport above
- 00:48:49the Ring there is to say myself that it shoots anyway However I didn't do it Now I no longer have
- 00:48:54the distances because as I have been doing for a long time and I I feel uncomfortable anyway doing this
- 00:48:59type of exercise as if to say there is someone watching the video you say my mother This he knows
- 00:49:03how to do he knows how to move It's not easy it's not easy Exactly A dog isn't easy because you have to use
- 00:49:10this something that doesn't many use No you have to stay here I'll connect you to what you're saying now
- 00:49:15about something that I repeat happens to me and makes me think because unfortunately before becoming a coach I have
- 00:49:22always experienced boxing at fairly high levels since I was a child
- 00:49:28I have missed the part where you go to the gym at 15 and they teach you the part where you have to
- 00:49:35break the mental problem of the real fear of punches having grown up with boxing For me the
- 00:49:41punch was never scary it was a point I had to recover I was never afraid of
- 00:49:47taking the punch because by getting there with the game you exorcise the fear of this stuff because it starts
- 00:49:53maybe late I started anyway at the age of almost 20 it certainly wasn't you lived 20 years
- 00:49:58being afraid of that thing I wasn't so I had to put myself in sober I
- 00:50:06had to put myself in your shoes no and as a coach I've seen something when others
- 00:50:14from other gyms come to my gym who want to do the test and who maybe aren't in the
- 00:50:18old gym anymore, they try to do these drills with my guys who maybe have never even fought
- 00:50:24and aren't capable because they're in the gym. in 90% of the gym given that no one explains to you
- 00:50:30how to do a sport it falls within the genre you see it it's only in Crawford an impossible thing for you
- 00:50:37One thing is also true that violence on the figures you know why I said this thing now because they will surely
- 00:50:42see the video and I say How the fuck Ervin How the fuck does he move you say Anyway I'll make it
- 00:50:48disappear I'm not really like that I'm not really that shit but doing this exercise
- 00:50:52Try to do it you guys look like the fuck what are you saying part I'm starting from scratch it seems like
- 00:50:58I'm starting from scratch Absolutely yes because it is such a different screen you apply your arms and brain to the network
- 00:51:03that many times the two things the three things together Yes exactly you do boxing I
- 00:51:13am stronger You have understood Even when you do the screen it is the one understood I repeat the box if she can
- 00:51:22do Foil with the ax she's always a boxer I'll punch the other one with this doesn't mean that
- 00:51:28then you why Why OH maybe it comes out to me at a certain level and it wouldn't come out
- 00:51:33at the maximum but this doesn't take away the fact that the concept is right because otherwise all the masters who
- 00:51:40have become world champions should have been world champions I don't remember what
- 00:51:45you say it's not that there really is the method it doesn't exist if it were a question of method They would all be
- 00:51:50Cesena the Cuban box always the first 100 They would all be Cuban or all Mexican or all what the fuck it
- 00:51:56's not really like that Or maybe the Russian system That is, there isn't one and one one means that there is one there is
- 00:52:03the individual who manages to make his work work technique Absolutely yes because he personalizes it
- 00:52:09because he has a guide because he has creativity who then manages to channel it into the correct guides that
- 00:52:16have been given have been imparted I repeat, I don't want the others but the truth is that in a
- 00:52:22multitude of masters the quality it's really little and the Italian problem is that quality is seen
- 00:52:28with age, it's not that if someone is a hundred years old they do things because if you're a dick at 20 in 90%
- 00:52:35of cases you'll be a hundred year old with heads dick that will have become even more dickhead and
- 00:52:42arteriosclerotic the truth is this send forward my teacher and but my but your teacher who
- 00:52:48did yesterday and the day before yesterday what counts who did today who will do tomorrow and if one out of 150
- 00:52:55it's not good it's not your honest and the athlete then you're angry with all the Mexicans
- 00:53:01No but you really have to be humble humility is this one that has achieved results that
- 00:53:10aren't me because since Mestre I haven't achieved a fucking nothing ok but we need to analyze so
- 00:53:15what you say then what else you say who made the last Italian champions are the ones who
- 00:53:21made the last absolute changes Who is there No you know that this year he made a mistake but it's solitary
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