How to manifest a new life
TLDRNo vídeo, a criadora compartilha sua experiência de mudança de vida ao longo de dois anos e meio, transformando-se de uma pessoa deprimida e financeiramente instável para uma existência abundante e cheia de sabedoria. Ela oferece conselhos sobre como as pessoas podem mudar suas próprias realidades, destacando a importância de substituir pensamentos e comportamentos negativos por práticas de gratidão e amor próprio. Além disso, ela enfatiza a necessidade de ser específico com os desejos e de fazer escolhas conscientes sobre o círculo social e o ambiente em que se vive. A BetterHelp é mencionada como um recurso útil para terapia online, ajudando no processo de auto-descoberta e crescimento pessoal.
- 🌟 Mude sua realidade mudando suas vibrações.
- 🧠 Seja específico nos seus objetivos e desejos.
- 💪 Pratique a gratidão diariamente para atrair abundância.
- 🔍 Autoanálise é crucial para identificar padrões negativos.
- 💬 Cuide da sua energia ao comunicar-se.
- 👫 Escolha cuidadosamente seu círculo social.
- 🌎 Local onde vive pode impactar sua energia e sucesso.
- 📚 Invista em seu crescimento e conhecimento pessoal.
- 🤝 Não hesite em pedir ajuda quando necessário.
- 📝 Escreva seus objetivos como se já tivessem sido alcançados.
- 🌈 Deixe a vida seguir seu fluxo quando já fez sua parte.
- 🕊️ Libere a necessidade de controle obsessivo sobre resultados.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Dois anos e meio atrás, estava falida, deprimida, sofrendo de EDS severa e morando com minha mãe. Transformei minha vida completamente. A terapia online como a Better Help pode ajudar a mudar a realidade. O importante é perceber o que carregamos na 'mochila' emocional - negatividade ou gratidão.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
É essencial saber o que queremos de forma específica. Ter um foco e ser consistente são fundamentais para manifestar o que desejamos na vida. Ter um propósito verdadeiro é mais importante que buscar validação através de bens materiais. A autoanálise ajuda a identificar padrões tóxicos em nossas vidas.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
A vibração pessoal deve estar alinhada com o que se quer manifestar. A prática da gratidão e ter pessoas que nos inspiram são essenciais. Às vezes, sair do ambiente onde crescemos pode ser necessário para alinharmos nosso destino. Aprendi que viver em um lugar diferente mudou minha perspectiva e oportunidades.
- 00:15:00 - 00:23:31
É importante não ter vergonha de pedir ajuda quando necessário e ser grato por tudo que já temos. Encontrar soluções em vez de focar nos problemas potencializa a atração de coisas positivas. A crença de que tudo já está conosco, e a liberação do desespero por coisas que desejamos, são filosofias chave para manifestar nossos sonhos e criar o futuro que almejamos.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
Como a apresentadora melhorou sua vida nos últimos dois anos e meio?
Ela se focou em práticas de gratidão, autoconhecimento, e manifestação de desejos específicos, além de evitar energias negativas.
O que é BetterHelp e como funciona?
BetterHelp é uma plataforma de terapia online que conecta você com terapeutas licenciados, permitindo sessões por vídeo, telefone ou mensagem, e oferece a possibilidade de mudar de terapeuta sem custo adicional.
Como podemos mudar nossa realidade segundo o vídeo?
Devemos identificar e mudar nossas energias negativas, ser específicos sobre o que desejamos e focar em metas específicas, praticando a gratidão diariamente.
Qual a importância de saber o que você quer especificamente?
Saber especificamente o que deseja ajuda a focar e manifestar esses desejos de forma eficaz, eliminando distrações.
Por que a gratidão é importante para manifestar desejos?
A gratidão gera uma vibração positiva, atraindo mais coisas boas e facilitando a manifestação dos desejos.
Ver mais resumos de vídeos
- 00:00:00I used to be broke two and a half years
- 00:00:02ago I was broke depressed I had severe
- 00:00:05EDS and I was living with my mom crying
- 00:00:07all day okay I completely turned my life
- 00:00:10around in 2 and A2 years and the
- 00:00:13abundance I've attracted the wisdom I've
- 00:00:16attracted the new experiences like guys
- 00:00:19it's shocking to me it's shocking to me
- 00:00:21that I'm living this life I want to show
- 00:00:24you guys how you can change your reality
- 00:00:26around and what you need to do if you
- 00:00:28are in a stuck place B right now in
- 00:00:31order to change it around and actually
- 00:00:33manifest reality that you want to live
- 00:00:35in and create for yourself I want to say
- 00:00:37huge thank you to better help for
- 00:00:39sponsoring this video better help is an
- 00:00:41online therapy platform that easily
- 00:00:43connects you with a licensed therapist
- 00:00:45that can help you with any issue you
- 00:00:47might be facing better help has a
- 00:00:49network of over 30,000 therapists so you
- 00:00:53can easily find the right match for you
- 00:00:56however if the therapist that you found
- 00:00:58is not the right match better help gives
- 00:01:00you an option to change therapist with
- 00:01:02no additional chart for me the huge
- 00:01:05positive about better help is that it's
- 00:01:07online so if you don't want to leave
- 00:01:09your house or if you don't feel like
- 00:01:11going anywhere you can just connect with
- 00:01:13your therapist out of the comfort of
- 00:01:15your own home and for me personally that
- 00:01:18would just be a lot more comfortable to
- 00:01:19just speaking from home to get SAR you
- 00:01:22fill out a questionnaire to help assess
- 00:01:24your specific needs and then you'll get
- 00:01:25matched with the therapist in as little
- 00:01:27as a few days you can schedule video
- 00:01:30phone or message based sessions whatever
- 00:01:32you are most comfortable with you also
- 00:01:34get access to your own online journal
- 00:01:36and you can attend Therapy Group
- 00:01:37sessions if you think that you might
- 00:01:39benefit from therapy then please visit
- 00:01:41the link in the description box below or
- 00:01:46wizard blz clicking that link will not
- 00:01:50only help support this channel but it
- 00:01:52also gives you 10% off the first month
- 00:01:54at Better Health hi guys my name is this
- 00:01:57and welcome back to my channel okay
- 00:01:59let's get into it first things first you
- 00:02:03have to realize what is in your backpack
- 00:02:06I have a therapist right and I was
- 00:02:08talking to my therapist and we were
- 00:02:11basically discussing that I feel so
- 00:02:13depleted and so tired all the time and
- 00:02:16then he told me he's like Liz what is in
- 00:02:18your backpack and I was like what do you
- 00:02:20mean and he's like okay day to day how
- 00:02:23are you engaging with things are you
- 00:02:25complaining more are you reacting to
- 00:02:27hate and angry messages are you engaging
- 00:02:30into conversations that are hateful or
- 00:02:33are you loving are you pointing out
- 00:02:34what's beautiful are you being
- 00:02:36optimistic and
- 00:02:38grateful and then I was like you know
- 00:02:40what I've been complaining a lot these
- 00:02:42days like literally so much and have
- 00:02:46been focused more on what I don't have
- 00:02:48than what I have so I started to think
- 00:02:51about it and he's like well so that's
- 00:02:53what you have been carrying in your
- 00:02:54backpack so your backpack is filled with
- 00:02:58hate complaining Ang anger so what your
- 00:03:01first reaction will be to every
- 00:03:03situation is that it's hate it's anger
- 00:03:06it's complaining okay he said if you had
- 00:03:08filled your backpack with love and
- 00:03:10loving conversations with laughter with
- 00:03:13being grateful that would be your first
- 00:03:15reaction and you would energetically not
- 00:03:17be depleted said to me the issue is when
- 00:03:19we are energetically depleted no sleep
- 00:03:22can fix that when you have a workout for
- 00:03:24example you can have a good day of sleep
- 00:03:26and that's it the next day you feel fine
- 00:03:27again okay but when you're energetic
- 00:03:29depleted no matter how much you sleep
- 00:03:31you're always tired how do we Tire
- 00:03:34ourselves out energetically by engaging
- 00:03:37a negative things by uh having negative
- 00:03:39conversations by gossiping by constantly
- 00:03:42saying what's wrong instead of what is
- 00:03:44right so then I swear to God guys when I
- 00:03:48just realized that one thing what he
- 00:03:49said to me about like what is in your
- 00:03:51backpack from that moment on I started
- 00:03:53to actually watch the things that I talk
- 00:03:56about with my sister with with my
- 00:03:58friends and started to point out
- 00:04:01beautiful things and good things I
- 00:04:03started to say out loud what I'm
- 00:04:05grateful for and I swear to God my whole
- 00:04:09energy shifted another thing you need to
- 00:04:10realize is what do you want what do you
- 00:04:13want exactly like a lot of people say oh
- 00:04:16I want love okay what does that mean
- 00:04:18what does love look like for you cuz for
- 00:04:20a lot of people they can get love from
- 00:04:22children pets from for from themselves
- 00:04:25from friendships do you mean romantic
- 00:04:27love do you mean you want to attract a
- 00:04:29man honey you have to be specific about
- 00:04:31this a lot of you guys are not specific
- 00:04:33or they say like oh I want to be rich
- 00:04:35okay how much money how much money in
- 00:04:37what way do you want to be rich how do
- 00:04:40you want to attract that money when you
- 00:04:41figure out what you want specifically
- 00:04:44then you have to focus on that one thing
- 00:04:47if for example you want to be more
- 00:04:49healthy or you want to create your dream
- 00:04:51body right focus on that only focus on
- 00:04:54okay how do I get my dream body what
- 00:04:57exercise do I need to do do I need to
- 00:04:59squat whatever and you create that whole
- 00:05:01plan when you focus on that all the
- 00:05:04other things will come in when we have
- 00:05:07too much that we need to think about as
- 00:05:09humans we are more likely to not get
- 00:05:11anything done because there's too many
- 00:05:13distractions remove all the distraction
- 00:05:16focus on one thing and all the other
- 00:05:18things will come because if you start
- 00:05:19working on let's say your dream body
- 00:05:21your self Leve will increase people will
- 00:05:24look at you differently because you love
- 00:05:25yourself more now so all the other
- 00:05:28things you're trying to manifest will
- 00:05:29come anyways then honey you have to be
- 00:05:31consistent about it what you want you
- 00:05:33have to have consistency there see I'm a
- 00:05:35hustler I've been a hustler ever since I
- 00:05:38was young I had one goal in life and
- 00:05:40that was to make money because I saw my
- 00:05:42mother's struggle and my siblings and I
- 00:05:44did not want that to be my reality so
- 00:05:46what did this have to do okay how do I
- 00:05:48create money how do I make money what am
- 00:05:50I good at what would people pay for to
- 00:05:53see me do or or whatever and then I
- 00:05:55realized you know wait a minute everyone
- 00:05:57comes to me for advice constantly I'm
- 00:05:59really good at giving advice so then I
- 00:06:01started my channel and the money came in
- 00:06:04because now I'm helping people and I'm
- 00:06:06doing what I'm good at a lot of people
- 00:06:07they always say like oh yeah I tried and
- 00:06:09it didn't work out whatever when you
- 00:06:11want something and you want it bad
- 00:06:13enough it does not matter people will go
- 00:06:16over bodies to get what they want when
- 00:06:18they want something bad okay you have to
- 00:06:21have that mindset you want you have to
- 00:06:23want it as bad as you want to breathe
- 00:06:25and that's when you will achieve what
- 00:06:27you want I need you to ask yourself why
- 00:06:29do you want it you know why I was
- 00:06:31talking to this um famous YouTuber we
- 00:06:33were sitting I was talking to him and he
- 00:06:35was like yeah you know I kind of lost
- 00:06:37purpose and I lost motivation for my
- 00:06:40work and all these things and he said
- 00:06:42but you know like maybe I'm going to get
- 00:06:45motivation again and then I can buy a
- 00:06:46private jet or like expensive car and
- 00:06:50this and that and I looked at him and I
- 00:06:52was like why do you want that do you
- 00:06:55want a private jet to impress others or
- 00:06:59is that because it's going to feel
- 00:07:00something in you because this guy has a
- 00:07:02lot of money he has all the cars and yet
- 00:07:05he's still sitting here not feeling good
- 00:07:07about himself so I'm like what is a
- 00:07:08private jet going to do try to fill a
- 00:07:11void again that cannot be filled because
- 00:07:13a lot of people they think that
- 00:07:14materialistic things will fill a void
- 00:07:16when it never will you have to have
- 00:07:18purpose in life you think that if you
- 00:07:20die someone will say like oh my God this
- 00:07:22guy had a private jet oh he was a great
- 00:07:24guy no one will say that it's the Legacy
- 00:07:26you leave on this Earth You you guys
- 00:07:28need to think bigger and Huger what
- 00:07:30impact do I leave want to leave this
- 00:07:32earth with life you have to find
- 00:07:34something that fills your soul and not
- 00:07:36the validation of other people because
- 00:07:38honey this validation you will never get
- 00:07:39these people will always look down on
- 00:07:41you and there's always people that are
- 00:07:42bigger and bigger in you so you're
- 00:07:44competing in a race that you will never
- 00:07:46win way of changing your reality is
- 00:07:48getting to know who you are and I know I
- 00:07:50I speak about this a lot but this is
- 00:07:52actually so important when you know who
- 00:07:54you are and You observe yourself and you
- 00:07:56know your own toxic traits or the toxic
- 00:07:59traits that you allow from other people
- 00:08:02then you can actually change things in
- 00:08:03your life cuz a lot of you guys you want
- 00:08:05to change but you're not self-aware at
- 00:08:07all you know I can list things that are
- 00:08:09toxic about me I know this because I've
- 00:08:11for example been in a relationship and
- 00:08:13then I start to work and work on these
- 00:08:15things because I'm not going to blame
- 00:08:17everyone around me and not look inside
- 00:08:19of the mirror that's also why you should
- 00:08:20look at the repeating patterns in your
- 00:08:23life cuz I had this I had this with a
- 00:08:25lot of friendship that I would
- 00:08:26constantly attract the same person again
- 00:08:28and again and again and they were always
- 00:08:29dishonest to me and I have an issue with
- 00:08:32that because I'm too honest I I will say
- 00:08:34everything about my life and I I I love
- 00:08:38friends and family deeply okay so I if I
- 00:08:40love someone I I go way too deep into it
- 00:08:44so when they they lie to me or I catch
- 00:08:46them in like betrayal or stuff it really
- 00:08:48hurts me on a deep level but then I
- 00:08:50started wondering okay Liz why are you
- 00:08:53constantly attracting the same same same
- 00:08:57person then I realized I think there is
- 00:08:59a desperation inside of me especially
- 00:09:01with female friendships to be loved and
- 00:09:04to be seen because growing up I never
- 00:09:07had that I didn't have like female
- 00:09:08friendships and I even had like one
- 00:09:10traumatic event with a friend that
- 00:09:12yelled in front of all like the what's
- 00:09:14it called the kitchen where everyone
- 00:09:15eats that I'm a stalker and I I should
- 00:09:18leave her alone but I thought that this
- 00:09:19girl was my friend and subconsciously I
- 00:09:23had clocked that memory in my mind and
- 00:09:26ever since then I was acting like to
- 00:09:29much in friendships like I really just
- 00:09:31wanted the validation of a female
- 00:09:33friend but because of that because I was
- 00:09:35too desperate for it I constantly
- 00:09:36attracted liars and liars and Liars that
- 00:09:38kept hurting me until I learned the
- 00:09:41lesson of Detachment from female
- 00:09:44friendships it was almost like it was so
- 00:09:46easy for me to detach from men and male
- 00:09:48relationships I didn't care but with
- 00:09:50women I held them in such a high regard
- 00:09:53to a point where even if they did
- 00:09:55something wrong I I would Overlook it
- 00:09:57like I would just be like oh no they're
- 00:09:58perfect you know and I needed to learn
- 00:10:02that lesson Detachment uh stepping away
- 00:10:05from desperation but I had to look at
- 00:10:07the patterns first and I have to
- 00:10:09recognize where is this coming from so I
- 00:10:11cannot repeat them again right now if I
- 00:10:13have a friendship it's not like that
- 00:10:15anymore it's an equal friendship and I
- 00:10:17also know what I want in friends now
- 00:10:19because I studied myself first and my
- 00:10:22own behaviors what I want you to do is
- 00:10:24just look at the people in your life
- 00:10:26friendships relationships whatever and
- 00:10:27look at the patterns are these people
- 00:10:29repeating themselves cuz these patterns
- 00:10:31reveal where your lesson lies other
- 00:10:33thing when you're trying to manifest
- 00:10:34something you have to ask yourself is
- 00:10:36what frequency are you vibrating on if
- 00:10:38your vibration does not match the thing
- 00:10:41that you're want to manifest you will
- 00:10:42not manifest it period period period
- 00:10:44okay a lot of you guys say oh I want to
- 00:10:46be a millionaire I want to manifest that
- 00:10:48money but you don't really believe that
- 00:10:49you can have that you will never
- 00:10:51manifest it your vibration is not
- 00:10:53matching the energy of a person that has
- 00:10:55that much money another thing is a lot
- 00:10:57of people say oh I want to attract love
- 00:10:59want to attract a good partner but you
- 00:11:00don't love yourself you you're not
- 00:11:02connected to the love within you you
- 00:11:03will not attract a partner that is
- 00:11:06loving or showing you love or you will
- 00:11:08attract a partner you will attract
- 00:11:10someone and they will show you there
- 00:11:13will be a lesson for you that you need
- 00:11:14to connect to your self l so so through
- 00:11:17them you will learn to connect to your
- 00:11:18self love so you'll anyways have to come
- 00:11:21back to yourself a lot of things that
- 00:11:22you guys are seeking outside are already
- 00:11:24within you the money you're trying to
- 00:11:26manifest is your abundance in you if you
- 00:11:29can conect to what you already have on
- 00:11:31this Earth and you feel grateful for it
- 00:11:33you're a rich person and everything you
- 00:11:35have will amplify but you're just
- 00:11:37looking at what isn't there instead of
- 00:11:39what is and that's why nothing else is
- 00:11:41coming in you know when I started
- 00:11:42unlocking a lot of money when I just
- 00:11:45truly started believing that I deserve
- 00:11:48to be wealthy other thing I need you to
- 00:11:50look at is who is growing you I want you
- 00:11:52to actually take pen and paper and
- 00:11:54actually write down who is growing me in
- 00:11:56my life a lot of you guys will have have
- 00:11:59no one to write down because a lot of
- 00:12:01you are just picking people up healing
- 00:12:04them looking for people that are
- 00:12:05shattered to help them but no one is
- 00:12:07growing you when you don't have someone
- 00:12:10you can look up to and can look at and
- 00:12:12be like you know what if this person did
- 00:12:14it it's possible for me too when you
- 00:12:16don't have that you cannot change your
- 00:12:19belief system see when I used to live
- 00:12:21back in Europe for example like a
- 00:12:24Mercedes was a luxury car to see
- 00:12:26Mercedes was like oh my God crazy you
- 00:12:28know and now I live I live for example
- 00:12:30in a wealthy City you see rolls-royces
- 00:12:32that are normal cars here nothing is
- 00:12:35crazy here ever since I moved here my
- 00:12:38belief is so like these things are so
- 00:12:40easy to get so easy because I just live
- 00:12:43here and I see it everywhere it's not
- 00:12:45even special to me okay so that's how
- 00:12:48your belief starts to change and that's
- 00:12:50how I know I also easily can attract
- 00:12:52these things because these things are
- 00:12:53not special but when you are living in a
- 00:12:55place where it's it's just so small and
- 00:12:58you never almost see it that it will be
- 00:13:00special for you and almost impossible
- 00:13:02you need to ask yourself who is actually
- 00:13:04growing you who can you look up to and
- 00:13:06be like you know what if they can do it
- 00:13:07I can do it too who is that in your life
- 00:13:09is there someone like that always also I
- 00:13:12tell always traumatized children that
- 00:13:14come from abusive childhood have someone
- 00:13:15in your life that has not experienced
- 00:13:17that have someone in your life that had
- 00:13:19a nice family good family upbringing
- 00:13:21that you can learn from because these
- 00:13:23people will put sanity in your head they
- 00:13:25will tell you that there was another way
- 00:13:27of doing life same with very successful
- 00:13:29people they will show you how you can
- 00:13:32also accomplish that you will become the
- 00:13:34person you hang out with if you're
- 00:13:36constantly hanging out to people that
- 00:13:38will never accomplish anything and that
- 00:13:40are just low lives you will be another
- 00:13:42low life another thing is moving places
- 00:13:45see sometimes uh a certain place that
- 00:13:48you grew up in is not meant for you okay
- 00:13:51when I was living in Europe I just knew
- 00:13:53that country was not meant for me I knew
- 00:13:55it from I was very young my only goal
- 00:13:56was to get out of that country I didn't
- 00:13:58even know why but my soul knew I was not
- 00:14:00meant to be there and the moments that
- 00:14:02I've asked two times in my life I asked
- 00:14:06God please put me on the path for my
- 00:14:10career two times when I asked those two
- 00:14:13times I was kicked out of my house so
- 00:14:15then I started to understand okay if I
- 00:14:17want to do my career it cannot be in
- 00:14:19this house and then I also when I met my
- 00:14:22partner I moved places and I never
- 00:14:24returned remember when I moved countries
- 00:14:27and I actually finally got out of the
- 00:14:30country that I didn't want to be in
- 00:14:32completely my whole life started to
- 00:14:34flourish it started to open up sometimes
- 00:14:36you cannot find the love that you want
- 00:14:38the the job that you want whatever cuz
- 00:14:40it's just not in that country your your
- 00:14:42soul does not match the vibration of
- 00:14:44that country and when you realize this
- 00:14:47when you feel like I I'm supposed to be
- 00:14:49in this country follow your intuition
- 00:14:52your soul might have a destiny in that
- 00:14:55country or in that City that you're
- 00:14:56craving to go to you know what have no
- 00:14:59shame like a man okay I was dating this
- 00:15:01guy and this guy is a very from a very
- 00:15:04very important family very important
- 00:15:06person and he was always sitting with
- 00:15:08diplomats and people politicians
- 00:15:11whatever and one time we were on a date
- 00:15:13and actually he had a meeting with one
- 00:15:16Diplomat this guy came he came up to the
- 00:15:20guy that I was dating and he he when
- 00:15:21they were sitting and talking he asked
- 00:15:23maybe 10 things in the first 30 minutes
- 00:15:26that he was sitting there he's like can
- 00:15:28you do this for me can you that for me
- 00:15:29oh can you figure this out blah and the
- 00:15:31guy that I was dating was constantly
- 00:15:32like yeah yeah I will do yeah yeah
- 00:15:34whatever constantly like this and when
- 00:15:36the Diplomat guy left I looked at him I
- 00:15:38was like is this how men talk to each
- 00:15:41other like constantly asking for stuff
- 00:15:43he's like yeah I was like that's insane
- 00:15:46like cuz I even feel so like weird when
- 00:15:49I have to ask still for things but the
- 00:15:52way men ask each other for things this
- 00:15:55is crazy okay and that's also how they
- 00:15:57get successful because they're not
- 00:15:59ashamed to ask anything they're not
- 00:16:00ashamed to ask women for anything
- 00:16:02they're not ashamed to ask men for
- 00:16:04anything you don't have to struggle
- 00:16:06alone women need to stop thinking that
- 00:16:08we have to struggle alone you know like
- 00:16:10the whole society has made us feel bad
- 00:16:12for wanting things or want and wanting
- 00:16:15to ask for help and stuff no that's so
- 00:16:17wrong no one in life has accomplished
- 00:16:20anything on their own we all always help
- 00:16:22each other self-made does not exist have
- 00:16:25no shame ask when you need help also so
- 00:16:29when you know what you exactly want
- 00:16:30write it down in a journal or whatever
- 00:16:33and write down in a present tense say
- 00:16:35for example I am living in this country
- 00:16:38with the love of my life um he sposed me
- 00:16:41he's funny he takes care of me he's
- 00:16:43loyal and make sure to mention
- 00:16:45everything you want okay cuz one time I
- 00:16:47said I kept saying oh I don't care
- 00:16:49whatever man that is I don't care if
- 00:16:52he's pretty or not whatever you know and
- 00:16:54then I really got everything I wanted in
- 00:16:57that person but he wasn't attracted
- 00:16:58itive and I literally could not I could
- 00:17:01not uh even date this guy okay so be
- 00:17:04very specific about what you ask make
- 00:17:06sure you mention looks as well or that
- 00:17:08you're at least attracted to him because
- 00:17:09I made that mistake other things become
- 00:17:11a grateful butterfly see when I was
- 00:17:13talking to my therapist I told him I was
- 00:17:15like What if I want to manifest like
- 00:17:16something bigger let's say tomorrow I
- 00:17:18want to buy a mansion okay and then he's
- 00:17:21like okay how do you manifest that
- 00:17:23Mansion is by being grateful for the
- 00:17:25apartment that you already have the more
- 00:17:27gratitude you put into your apartment
- 00:17:29the more you will get and this is so
- 00:17:32very true guys I literally like
- 00:17:36especially in the beginning of my career
- 00:17:37I was grateful for anything okay
- 00:17:39anything I was every day I was talking
- 00:17:41to God oh my God God thank you for this
- 00:17:43oh my God God God thank you for this oh
- 00:17:45I got this I got that constantly okay
- 00:17:48and the more you do that the more
- 00:17:50grateful you are the more you get
- 00:17:52blessed who do you want to do something
- 00:17:54for for a person that let's say you you
- 00:17:56buy a gift for someone yeah and you buy
- 00:17:59it and they're like okay whatever you
- 00:18:02know they say thank you but it's like
- 00:18:04insincere or you buy a gift for someone
- 00:18:06and they're like oh my God thank you so
- 00:18:08much oh you made me so happy you want to
- 00:18:10do more for that person right the other
- 00:18:12person like they're so happy and that
- 00:18:14makes you
- 00:18:15happy same way with the universe and
- 00:18:17same way with God they love gratitude
- 00:18:21it's a very very high vibration that
- 00:18:23will make you attract more look for
- 00:18:25Solutions instead of dwelling on the
- 00:18:27problems we can sit here all day and say
- 00:18:30like oh my God this is wrong oh my God
- 00:18:31this is wrong okay Aunt what are we
- 00:18:33going to do now how are we going to fix
- 00:18:34it honey start thinking in solution see
- 00:18:37one thing about me yeah since I was
- 00:18:39young when somebody would come to me
- 00:18:40with a problem I'll be like okay how can
- 00:18:42we fix this how will we fix this bum bum
- 00:18:44bum I would give them advice on what we
- 00:18:45can do and I would put it into practice
- 00:18:48with them I cannot afford to waste time
- 00:18:52I don't want to be 80 tomorrow thinking
- 00:18:54I've wasted my time thinking about all
- 00:18:57the problems that I had no if I cannot
- 00:19:00fix the problems I move on if there if
- 00:19:02there's not physically anything that I
- 00:19:04can do in inside of myself I move on
- 00:19:08then those are not my problems to deal
- 00:19:09with God will deal it for me I don't
- 00:19:11care okay those are not my problems here
- 00:19:13God you take it I don't care another
- 00:19:15things is Life Works itself out for you
- 00:19:17okay A lot of times you think like what
- 00:19:19is this oh my God what is this situation
- 00:19:21oh my God why did I lose this
- 00:19:22relationship and all of a sudden you're
- 00:19:24you're like a year later or two years
- 00:19:26later and all of a sudden everything's
- 00:19:28fine you're like huh my life is even
- 00:19:30better than I thought because life Works
- 00:19:33itself out for you you always going to
- 00:19:35be uh gu guided towards your highest
- 00:19:37path and your highest good but a lot of
- 00:19:39times when people are not guided there
- 00:19:41it's because they're not willing to let
- 00:19:43go when they they need to let go so they
- 00:19:45keep going back to things that were
- 00:19:47actually not supposed to be there for
- 00:19:49them anymore but because they don't
- 00:19:51listen and they keep going back and keep
- 00:19:53going back they never arrive at their
- 00:19:55highest place but honey when you see the
- 00:19:58toxic things and the red flags and you
- 00:20:00actually are like you know what I
- 00:20:02believe that God has something bigger
- 00:20:04for me I believe that my highest good is
- 00:20:06not this this is not my highest partner
- 00:20:10job friendship whatever if I let go of
- 00:20:12this I will get much better you
- 00:20:15will life will work
- 00:20:19out beautifully for you in ways you did
- 00:20:23not even expect believe me God blesses
- 00:20:27you in ways that you will never even
- 00:20:30expect you will look at it and you'll be
- 00:20:31like how did this even happen these are
- 00:20:34Miracles I swear to God if I look at my
- 00:20:36life right now versus 2 and a half years
- 00:20:38to go I believe in miracles I have never
- 00:20:41believed in God this much as I do now
- 00:20:44never in my life you think that I wanted
- 00:20:46to let go of the things that I wanted to
- 00:20:47let go of no absolutely not because
- 00:20:50those things were comfortable for me but
- 00:20:52Liz had asked for more Liz wanted
- 00:20:55something better so God needed to do
- 00:20:57that and a lot of things that didn't
- 00:20:58resonate with me anymore needed to be
- 00:21:00released but I was willing to let go if
- 00:21:04I had not let go and if I was stuck
- 00:21:07there I would still be in the same
- 00:21:08position right now I want you to pour a
- 00:21:10lot into yourself and I want you to
- 00:21:12invest a lot of in yourself you know why
- 00:21:14because when you do that when you grow
- 00:21:16yourself a lot and when you expand
- 00:21:18yourself you expand yourself with
- 00:21:19knowledge you you become more beautiful
- 00:21:22you become more healthier you just
- 00:21:23become more self-aware and aware about
- 00:21:26others this is how you will show up as
- 00:21:28your best version okay you cannot show
- 00:21:32up for other people when you're
- 00:21:33constantly giving to them but depleting
- 00:21:36yourself that is a selfish way that's
- 00:21:39self-sabotaging honey that is you
- 00:21:41self-sabotaging yourself and you will
- 00:21:43not get anywhere what do you want to do
- 00:21:44what do you want to achieve how do you
- 00:21:46want to look what do you blah blah blah
- 00:21:47everything you do for you first and then
- 00:21:49you do everything for everyone else too
- 00:21:52if that's what you want and when you
- 00:21:53have this Clear Vision of what you want
- 00:21:55to manifest and what you want let go of
- 00:21:58it
- 00:21:59let go of it let go of trying to be
- 00:22:01desperate let go of trying to achieve
- 00:22:04that thing you know why let this goes
- 00:22:06back to the thing that I said realize
- 00:22:07that you already have it when you know
- 00:22:09that you already have something you're
- 00:22:11not desperate for it you know that you
- 00:22:13have it right for example let's say I
- 00:22:15want to manifest a mansion I'm not
- 00:22:17desperate for a mansion I know I can
- 00:22:19have it by tomorrow I don't care you
- 00:22:21know but it's nice and if I want I can
- 00:22:23manifest it okay the same should be with
- 00:22:26you like you want to manifest love yeah
- 00:22:28you you can have love but just enjoy
- 00:22:30your own love right now if you don't
- 00:22:31have a partner whatever and then that
- 00:22:33partner will come in when you're
- 00:22:35desperate for something you're showing
- 00:22:37that you don't have it otherwise you
- 00:22:39wouldn't have to chase it okay someone
- 00:22:41that knows they have all the elements
- 00:22:43and they're good
- 00:22:44themselves people chase them things
- 00:22:47chase them write it all down in the
- 00:22:49present tense as if it's already
- 00:22:51happening in your journal and then just
- 00:22:52let it go let it go and just know it's
- 00:22:54dusted it's done it will happen okay
- 00:22:56whatever you write down will happen
- 00:22:58whatever you speak will happen do not
- 00:23:00joke honey do not joke about a lot of
- 00:23:02things a lot of you guys say things as a
- 00:23:04joke and it actually
- 00:23:05happens your words are like
- 00:23:10magic the universe and God just listens
- 00:23:14to what you say and they create what you
- 00:23:17say so don't speak ill things into
- 00:23:21existence for yourself anyways guys I
- 00:23:23hope this video helped some of you guys
- 00:23:25and yeah I love you guys so much and
- 00:23:28yeah I in next video bye-bye
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- gratidão
- manifestação
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