Jokowi: Angka Kemiskinan Ekstrem di 14 Provinsi Masih di Atas Nasional
TLDRDuring a national meeting, President Joko Widodo urged local governments to tackle poverty effectively, noting that 14 provinces still have poverty rates above the national average. He set an ambitious target of achieving 0% extreme poverty by 2024 and stressed the importance of understanding the specific demographics of poverty in each area. Jokowi called on regional leaders to utilize existing data to identify extreme poverty in their regions and develop appropriate intervention strategies, emphasizing that they all know what actions need to be taken.
- 📊 President Jokowi emphasized the need to tackle poverty in regions.
- 🎯 0% extreme poverty target by 2024 is set.
- 🚩 14 provinces still exceed national poverty rates.
- 📈 Data on extreme poverty is available for local governments.
- 🔍 Local leaders must understand their poverty demographics.
- 🚀 Intervention strategies are already known to regional governments.
- 📍 The message was conveyed during a national meeting in Bogor.
- ✅ Leaders are encouraged to check existing poverty data.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:02:02
Presiden Joko Widodo menekankan pentingnya para pemerintah daerah untuk berupaya mengurangi angka kemiskinan di wilayah mereka. Dalam rapat koordinasi nasional, beliau menunjukkan bahwa 14 provinsi masih memiliki angka kemiskinan di atas rata-rata nasional, sementara target pemerintah adalah mengentaskan kemiskinan ekstrem menjadi 0% pada tahun 2024. Jokowi meminta kepala daerah untuk memeriksa data kemiskinan yang ada, yang sudah disiapkan hingga tingkat desa, agar mereka mengetahui sasaran dan tindakan yang perlu diambil.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
What did President Joko Widodo remind local governments about?
He reminded them to address poverty in their respective areas.
What is the target for extreme poverty by 2024?
The target is to achieve 0% extreme poverty.
How many provinces still exceed the national average poverty rate?
14 provinces.
What data do local governments have regarding poverty?
They have data on who is in extreme poverty in each area.
What was the percentage of extreme poverty in 2022?
It was 2%.
What did Jokowi say about intervention strategies?
He stated that local governments already know what interventions are needed.
Where did Jokowi convey this message?
During a national meeting of regional heads and the Forum for Communication of regional leaders in Bogor.
What should local governments check regarding poverty?
They should check the existing data on poverty in their regions.
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- poverty
- Joko Widodo
- Indonesia
- local government
- extreme poverty
- 2024 target
- national poverty rate
- intervention strategies
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- data utilization