He's Finally Willing to Sell THIS Key!? 🔥 Top 10 HOTTEST Comic Book Back Issues



TLDRThis video explores the week's hottest comic book sales, showcasing significant price increases for various titles. Fantastic Four #49, Iron Man #1, and Amazing Spider-Man #129 are highlighted due to their notable sales and upcoming cinematic developments involving their characters. The video discusses the impact of future MCU titles and key collector tools like the Key Collector app, emphasizing trends in the comic market. Additionally, it mentions the excitement around the Daredevil franchise and the resurgence of characters like the Punisher and Luke Cage. Viewers are encouraged to engage with the content and participate in giveaways.


  • 📈 Fantastic Four #49 saw an $80k sale this week!
  • 🔑 Iron Man #1 remains hot due to character announcements.
  • 🖤 Amazing Spider-Man #252 features the black suit debut.
  • 💰 Key Collector app aids in valuable comic assessments.
  • 🎥 Daredevil season 2 filming begins, boosting interest.
  • 🤑 The Punisher's return drives up Amazing Spider-Man 129 sales.
  • 📉 New stand editions are becoming increasingly valuable.
  • 🚀 Characters like Galactus and Luke Cage are trending.
  • 📊 Strong sales data suggests a thriving comic market.
  • 🎉 Participate in comic giveaways through the SMS group.

Linha do tempo

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    In the latest comic book market update, several significant sales were highlighted, particularly Fantastic Four #49, featuring Galactus, which set notable price records, reflecting high demand and optimism for related titles. Additionally, Fantastic Four #48 and #50 also saw substantial sales, reinforcing interest in the Fantastic Four franchise as upcoming releases loom.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Iron Man #1 continued to demonstrate strong market presence, particularly following announcements related to Robert Downey Jr. and Doctor Doom. The enduring popularity of Iron Man is evident in consistent sales performance, leading it to feature in the hot list multiple times. The Key Collector app is recommended for collectors to track market trends and values.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:00

    Hero for Hire #1, featuring Luke Cage, garnered attention due to its historical significance and the anticipation surrounding upcoming Daredevil content. Recent sales for higher-grade copies reflect a positive trend, with collectors increasingly interested in titles related to street-level heroes.

  • 00:15:00 - 00:20:53

    The list also featured Amazing Spider-Man #129, indicating strong demand due to the planned reprisal of Frank Castle, aka the Punisher, in future Marvel projects. The character's heightened visibility correlates directly with rising sales figures for this key issue, demonstrating the market’s response to news in the larger Marvel cinematic landscape.

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Vídeo de perguntas e respostas

  • What are the top selling comic books this week?

    The top selling comic books include Fantastic Four #49, Iron Man #1, and Amazing Spider-Man #129.

  • Why is Fantastic Four #49 significant?

    It features the first full appearance of Galactus and has seen a significant increase in sales value.

  • What is the key feature of Amazing Spider-Man #252?

    It is notable for being the first appearance of the black suit in Marvel's mainstream continuity.

  • What can you tell me about Iron Man #1's sales?

    Iron Man #1 has consistently appeared in the top comic lists due to its popularity and connection to major character announcements.

  • Which characters are trending in the comic market?

    Characters such as the Punisher, Luke Cage, and Galactus are currently generating a lot of interest.

  • What's the importance of the Key Collector app?

    The Key Collector app helps comic collectors assess the value of their collections and stay updated on market trends.

  • What is happening with the Daredevil series?

    Daredevil is set to start filming for its second season, generating excitement for the related comics.

  • Which comic is associated with the Punisher's comeback?

    Amazing Spider-Man 129, featuring the first appearance of the Punisher, is seeing a surge in sales due to upcoming projects.

  • What are the benefits of owning a new stand edition comic?

    New stand editions tend to be rarer and often hold more value in the collectible market.

  • How can fans participate in giveaways mentioned in the video?

    Fans can enter giveaways by joining the SMS group on the comic website.

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Rolagem automática:
  • 00:00:00
    hold up are you lying to us right now
  • 00:00:02
    you have repeatedly said week over week
  • 00:00:04
    that you will not sell this comic book
  • 00:00:06
    skip the direct iate $250 more I'm
  • 00:00:08
    buying it 98 new stand the hottest 10
  • 00:00:11
    back issues in the world and kicking it
  • 00:00:13
    off at number 10 with fantastic for
  • 00:00:14
    number 49 Jack Kirby First full
  • 00:00:17
    appearance of galatis over $80,000 was
  • 00:00:20
    spent this past week on highend Keys
  • 00:00:23
    setting a pace for the rest of the
  • 00:00:24
    secondary Marketplace the 4.0 had a year
  • 00:00:27
    high sale up 33% selling for $640
  • 00:00:30
    the 5.0 sold for $650 just $10 more for
  • 00:00:33
    an increase of 11% and a$ 60 sold for
  • 00:00:37
    $1,000 that was a year high sale 27%
  • 00:00:40
    increase rarely can you ever talk about
  • 00:00:42
    this book without discussing 48 and 50
  • 00:00:45
    which we could have put on this list as
  • 00:00:46
    well because they were both also selling
  • 00:00:48
    very aggressively this past week first
  • 00:00:50
    appearance of Silver Surfer ff48 a 35
  • 00:00:53
    sold for $1,000 that's up 30% from the
  • 00:00:57
    767 average and three other copies out
  • 00:01:00
    sold that 12-month average a 45 sold for
  • 00:01:02
    1,080 up 9% with three other copies that
  • 00:01:06
    out sold the 12-month average as well
  • 00:01:08
    the 75 2850 that's up 5% and then we
  • 00:01:12
    have fantastic for issue number 50 a 5
  • 00:01:14
    is up 29% and a 55 sold for 370 up 12%
  • 00:01:19
    notice that some of these lower grade
  • 00:01:20
    copies are selling for near identical
  • 00:01:22
    amounts they're within 10 20 $30 of
  • 00:01:26
    their higher grade counterparts it's
  • 00:01:28
    because there's so much attention on the
  • 00:01:29
    Fantastic 4 and so much optimism on
  • 00:01:32
    Fantastic 4 first steps which comes out
  • 00:01:33
    in July that we're seeing people pick up
  • 00:01:36
    all of these books in high mass and I
  • 00:01:38
    think it's also impacting other key
  • 00:01:40
    comics on this list let's just run
  • 00:01:42
    through just quickly Silver Surfer
  • 00:01:45
    galatis Dr Doom Robert Downey Jr which
  • 00:01:48
    now leads us to number nine Iron Man
  • 00:01:51
    number one we actually look through the
  • 00:01:53
    hot 10 list because we archived them all
  • 00:01:55
    for us to be able to Source information
  • 00:01:57
    from over the last year and a half Iron
  • 00:02:00
    Man One landed on the hot 10 seven times
  • 00:02:03
    in 2024 most of those times were post
  • 00:02:06
    July Robert Downey Jr Dr Doom
  • 00:02:08
    announcement so far this year in 2025
  • 00:02:11
    Iron Man's landed on the hot 10 list
  • 00:02:13
    five different times so in case you had
  • 00:02:16
    any doubt that this book was only hot
  • 00:02:18
    because of it just being a premier issue
  • 00:02:20
    know that there is definitely a dowy
  • 00:02:23
    effect going on here and I don't mean
  • 00:02:24
    Downey the tissue paper I'm talking
  • 00:02:27
    about Robert Downey Jr 4.0 is up 7% 501
  • 00:02:30
    per 55 for 610 up 133% 70 up 15% and an
  • 00:02:35
    85 sold for 1610 this has been selling
  • 00:02:37
    around 1,500 all year that's an increase
  • 00:02:40
    of 7% before we get to the next hottest
  • 00:02:41
    book you got to check out one of the
  • 00:02:42
    hottest apps out there to help you get
  • 00:02:44
    through any type of collection digitally
  • 00:02:46
    on your phone easily accessible key
  • 00:02:49
    collector app that's right available for
  • 00:02:51
    both Androids and iPhones the key
  • 00:02:52
    collector app sources so much data from
  • 00:02:55
    its users in a very positive way think
  • 00:02:57
    of how many people input their
  • 00:02:59
    collections on key collector to get
  • 00:03:00
    approximate values of their Collectibles
  • 00:03:03
    think of how many people use the saved
  • 00:03:05
    option showing interest in titles it's
  • 00:03:07
    all this information that's compiled to
  • 00:03:09
    be able to provide such strong
  • 00:03:11
    categories and market assessment which
  • 00:03:13
    you also have access to if you download
  • 00:03:15
    the app utilize kotom 101 to unlock a
  • 00:03:17
    free twoe subscription support the show
  • 00:03:19
    but enhance your comic collecting number
  • 00:03:21
    eight on the list one of my favorite
  • 00:03:22
    books on the hot 10 today hero For Hire
  • 00:03:25
    issue number one this came out in 1972
  • 00:03:27
    we're talking about the power man we're
  • 00:03:28
    talking about the first appearance of
  • 00:03:30
    Luke Cage AKA Carl Lucas over $2,600 in
  • 00:03:34
    sales seven different sales outdoing the
  • 00:03:36
    recent 12-month average on a very tough
  • 00:03:38
    book in high grade isn't it this picture
  • 00:03:39
    frame Marvel from 1972 was a time frame
  • 00:03:42
    where they were publishing many many
  • 00:03:44
    copies of books so to Only See 15 copies
  • 00:03:47
    in a 9.8 which is fairly recent because
  • 00:03:49
    there was 12 for a long period of time
  • 00:03:52
    we had three new 98s hit the census in
  • 00:03:54
    the last year this book even sold at
  • 00:03:57
    really the height of the market in 2022
  • 00:03:59
  • 00:04:00
    $102,000 but more recently we saw a
  • 00:04:04
    $49,800 sale in January of 20125 60's up
  • 00:04:09
    31% 6 5 13% 75 35% and 80 went for 550
  • 00:04:14
    up 23% and an 85 sold for 685 up 133%
  • 00:04:18
    Daredevil Born Again premieres early
  • 00:04:20
    March they're going to begin filming
  • 00:04:21
    season two of Daredevil Friday the 28th
  • 00:04:24
    of February and we just saw the red
  • 00:04:26
    carpet event this past week Vincent
  • 00:04:28
    denafo Charlie they the entire cast
  • 00:04:31
    we see Karen paage foggy Nelson they're
  • 00:04:32
    all coming back we even see Bullseye
  • 00:04:34
    leading us to believe that he's going to
  • 00:04:36
    be a prevalent villain in this next
  • 00:04:38
    series not just the Muse but will we see
  • 00:04:40
    the Defenders reprise their role Jessica
  • 00:04:43
    Jones Iron Fist Luke Cage well this is
  • 00:04:45
    what Brad wbom had to say over this last
  • 00:04:48
    couple weeks about the Defenders I want
  • 00:04:50
    to follow the characters and see where
  • 00:04:51
    they go I think the two characters that
  • 00:04:53
    are most important for Daredevil Born
  • 00:04:55
    Again are obviously Matt Murdoch and
  • 00:04:57
    Wilson Fisk they live and breathe in the
  • 00:04:59
    world where these other Defender
  • 00:05:00
    characters are walking around somewhere
  • 00:05:02
    so I think collisions are inevitable
  • 00:05:05
    they're keeping this as legit and real
  • 00:05:07
    as possible this is being filmed on the
  • 00:05:09
    streets of New York the people the vibe
  • 00:05:11
    the buildings this isn't just some set
  • 00:05:13
    and some studio and it's going to be
  • 00:05:15
    nice cuz I do hope it's going to happen
  • 00:05:18
    that we see some street level hero
  • 00:05:20
    action not like the level of the
  • 00:05:22
    Avengers but like the Defenders all
  • 00:05:24
    right who are just down to earth just
  • 00:05:27
    strong Mighty and just exactly what
  • 00:05:30
    people on the streets need as Heroes
  • 00:05:32
    something that just happened in the
  • 00:05:33
    comics if you're looking to read
  • 00:05:34
    something cool is ultimates number nine
  • 00:05:35
    debuting ultimate Luke Cage changing his
  • 00:05:37
    origin story still getting his
  • 00:05:39
    superpowers from his time during his
  • 00:05:41
    imprisonment but instead of breaking out
  • 00:05:43
    like he does in the 616 he stays in
  • 00:05:45
    there to inspire other prisoners to go
  • 00:05:48
    against the tyranny of the maker
  • 00:05:50
    obviously it's recent it came out this
  • 00:05:52
    last month I haven't even heard of it
  • 00:05:53
    yet so I think it's really interesting
  • 00:05:55
    and a great recommendation for a read
  • 00:05:57
    and let's do our plus two cuz I have
  • 00:05:59
    have one I want to add right here
  • 00:06:01
    interrupting the video to show you this
  • 00:06:02
    I just pulled a prism foil Hulk 22 this
  • 00:06:06
    is limited to 400 Marvel and whatnot did
  • 00:06:09
    it again we have red Hulk variant packs
  • 00:06:13
    celebrating Captain America Brave New
  • 00:06:15
    World join me this Friday February 28th
  • 00:06:17
    I'm going to be giving away individual
  • 00:06:19
    packs everything in here every I mean
  • 00:06:21
    look at this look at all these packs I
  • 00:06:22
    have I have multiple packs and I want
  • 00:06:24
    you to win them we're also going to
  • 00:06:26
    debut our moiko Swan Red Hulk number one
  • 00:06:28
    $15 for the trade dress 30 for the
  • 00:06:31
    Virgin and if you use my link and it's
  • 00:06:33
    your first time on whatnot you get a $15
  • 00:06:35
    credit that means you can get the Virgin
  • 00:06:37
    variant for 50% off that means you can
  • 00:06:39
    get the trade dress for free let's open
  • 00:06:41
    a pack real quick and see what's inside
  • 00:06:43
    the variants are low print we have the
  • 00:06:44
    first appearance of Red Hulk on a cover
  • 00:06:46
    first Walkin Torres first Walkin Torres
  • 00:06:49
    is Falcon first appearance of Sam Wilson
  • 00:06:52
    as Captain America and the reveal of
  • 00:06:54
    Thunderbolt Ross as red Hulk so many
  • 00:06:57
    keys and the first one that I just
  • 00:06:58
    pulled is the first appearance of Red
  • 00:07:00
    Hulk Ed mcginness Jeff lobe all right
  • 00:07:03
    and then we have Captain America 25 the
  • 00:07:05
    first appearance of Sam Wilson as
  • 00:07:07
    Captain America this is printed to 1300
  • 00:07:10
    on the trade Dr and we pulled a silver
  • 00:07:13
    foil this right here is the same book
  • 00:07:15
    but limited to 600 join me this Friday
  • 00:07:18
    and let's get back to the video for my
  • 00:07:20
    plus one something that I think people
  • 00:07:22
    should be looking at and specking if
  • 00:07:23
    you're into 48 49 and 50 which it shows
  • 00:07:26
    that the community is look into Silver
  • 00:07:28
    Surfer number one big Premiere issue all
  • 00:07:31
    right he gets his own first time and his
  • 00:07:33
    own title and this book has been on the
  • 00:07:35
    slide every single price point it
  • 00:07:38
    appears this book is down 10% and
  • 00:07:40
    sometimes even more I'm going to throw
  • 00:07:41
    FF 168 here as a fun plus two to
  • 00:07:44
    consider it's not even a key book listed
  • 00:07:46
    on key collector it's the first time
  • 00:07:48
    Luke Cage joins the Fantastic 4 they
  • 00:07:50
    hire him and he replaces the thing for a
  • 00:07:53
    short period of time at this point he's
  • 00:07:55
    known as Powerman which is just freaking
  • 00:07:56
    hilarious cuz he's hired to be the hero
  • 00:07:59
    here and he's a hero For Hire number
  • 00:08:01
    seven on the list Fantastic 4 annual
  • 00:08:03
    number six this is a Super Key the first
  • 00:08:05
    appearance of the villain the insectoid
  • 00:08:08
    annius in the first appearance of
  • 00:08:10
    Franklin Richards multiple year highs
  • 00:08:12
    and multiple reasons to spec on this
  • 00:08:14
    comic 4.5 year high up 16% 55 year high
  • 00:08:19
    up 37% three copies outdoing the
  • 00:08:21
    12-month average 70 year high up 25% 75
  • 00:08:25
    year high up 21% the 85 sold for 700 up
  • 00:08:28
    22% and the 9 sold for 975 up 2% people
  • 00:08:31
    recognize the importance of this book
  • 00:08:33
    clearly it was on our list last week and
  • 00:08:35
    it had large gains and to see it backto
  • 00:08:37
    back weeks and still having a 30 plus
  • 00:08:40
    percentage increase 20 plus percentage
  • 00:08:43
    increase really means that people are
  • 00:08:45
    excited for this book and more than just
  • 00:08:47
    because of anilus but to have what is
  • 00:08:50
    Marvel's strongest mutant coming to the
  • 00:08:52
    MCU Franklin Richards and people are
  • 00:08:56
    discussing this could be the reason
  • 00:08:57
    we're even seeing galatis is the draw of
  • 00:09:00
    what Franklin Richards could possibly be
  • 00:09:03
    to all of the MCU we did hear updates
  • 00:09:05
    about the Nova show being put on pause
  • 00:09:07
    along with Terror Inc as well as strange
  • 00:09:10
    Academy so you do have Nova spec in the
  • 00:09:13
    distance because yeah anas may be the
  • 00:09:15
    villain for that show but you're
  • 00:09:17
    doubling down with that Franklin Richard
  • 00:09:18
    spec God that spec never ends we've been
  • 00:09:21
    talking about NOA for seven freaking
  • 00:09:22
    years now number six on the list House
  • 00:09:24
    of Secrets 92 the first appearance of
  • 00:09:26
    the Swamp Thing James Mangold is going
  • 00:09:29
    to be lead this project I found it
  • 00:09:30
    interesting that he was the one who
  • 00:09:31
    actually approached Peter saffron and
  • 00:09:33
    James gun to do this movie it wasn't in
  • 00:09:36
    Reverse he wants to do Swamp Thing but
  • 00:09:38
    they couldn't do it just yet because he
  • 00:09:40
    was busy making other movies and what
  • 00:09:42
    did he just do this cinematic genius
  • 00:09:44
    created a film called the complete
  • 00:09:46
    unknown a biopic on Bob Dylan and had
  • 00:09:49
    Timothy shalamay who was the main actor
  • 00:09:52
    for this film and ended up winning the
  • 00:09:55
    SAG Award for best male actor in a film
  • 00:09:59
    and now not only that this movie also
  • 00:10:00
    won an AFI Award American Film Institute
  • 00:10:03
    Award for best pick of the Year this has
  • 00:10:06
    to be good for Swamp Thing James gun's
  • 00:10:07
    already said that swamp things movie is
  • 00:10:09
    going to have very little to do with the
  • 00:10:11
    rest of this DCU that he is creating so
  • 00:10:14
    it can wait we can be patient and seeing
  • 00:10:17
    the director just take off the way he is
  • 00:10:19
    and wanting to do Swamp Thing all along
  • 00:10:21
    the way means that this movie could be a
  • 00:10:23
    banger which is why people are buying
  • 00:10:25
    this very expensive key Bernie writes in
  • 00:10:27
    book 25 is up 1% going for 610 55 up 9%
  • 00:10:32
    60's up 1% 80 up 18% and an 85 sold for
  • 00:10:35
    3360 that's up 6% it's been hovering
  • 00:10:38
    around $3,000 for the last year number
  • 00:10:40
    five a book absent for over two weeks
  • 00:10:42
    now Incredible Hulk number 340 14 sales
  • 00:10:45
    with a 12- Monon average over $7,800
  • 00:10:48
    spent obviously this is an iconic Todd
  • 00:10:50
    mcfarling cover it was portrayed in the
  • 00:10:52
    Wolverine Deadpool movie this book is
  • 00:10:55
    one of the most in demand books at any
  • 00:10:57
    con floor this book hasn't been down
  • 00:10:59
    here in a couple weeks and I've been
  • 00:11:00
    waiting to chat about it because when I
  • 00:11:02
    went to Megacon I was hunting for a Hulk
  • 00:11:04
    340 side note didn't interview with Todd
  • 00:11:07
    McFarland you should definitely watch it
  • 00:11:08
    we'll put the link up here but I got to
  • 00:11:10
    show him the Hulk 340 homage in Deadpool
  • 00:11:13
    Wolverine he legitimately hadn't seen it
  • 00:11:16
    yet which was crazy to experience
  • 00:11:18
    because I had him signed my Hulk 340
  • 00:11:20
    which I wasn't expecting to have him do
  • 00:11:22
    I needed to hunt for other ones so I
  • 00:11:24
    went on the con floor every single Booth
  • 00:11:27
    looking for this book and I heard so
  • 00:11:29
    many dealers nearly every dealer say oh
  • 00:11:32
    I wish I brought one oh I already sold
  • 00:11:34
    it oh I wish I brought more this is the
  • 00:11:37
    hottest book of the convention I was
  • 00:11:39
    able to find one copy for a book that
  • 00:11:41
    has nearly 12,000 graded copies alone
  • 00:11:44
    you'd expect to see many copies on the
  • 00:11:46
    show floor as common as it is so that
  • 00:11:48
    just goes to show that if you're coming
  • 00:11:50
    to a con late they've all been picked up
  • 00:11:53
    already except for probably something
  • 00:11:54
    that's overpriced or in some kind of
  • 00:11:56
    9910 grade that you're not going to be
  • 00:11:58
    end up buying anyway and I'm talking
  • 00:12:00
    sold out of this book on day one of the
  • 00:12:02
    show clearly everyone's buying Hulk 340
  • 00:12:05
    and really quick back to that video that
  • 00:12:06
    you mentioned I think it's hilarious
  • 00:12:08
    because if you have to go check it out
  • 00:12:09
    McFarland gives a critique of the scene
  • 00:12:11
    almost immediately that's true go check
  • 00:12:13
    that video out what we tell you that the
  • 00:12:14
    96 went up 20% three copies out did the
  • 00:12:17
    recent 12 month average for $4.49 9.8
  • 00:12:21
    last sold for 988 that's up 3% and a new
  • 00:12:24
    z98 sold for 35 hyundo that's up 11%
  • 00:12:28
    remember that new stand price cuz we're
  • 00:12:29
    going to compare it against another new
  • 00:12:30
    stand later in this list number four is
  • 00:12:32
    Amazing Spider-Man 300 something
  • 00:12:34
    interesting that I saw take place on the
  • 00:12:36
    Megacon floor was that when Todd
  • 00:12:37
    McFarland was there he was offering
  • 00:12:39
    signatures but it was a lottery system
  • 00:12:42
    so people had to win the lottery for a
  • 00:12:44
    chance to wait in line for hours to get
  • 00:12:46
    one thing signed so it makes sense why
  • 00:12:48
    Hulk 340 was so in high demand because
  • 00:12:51
    you can only get one thing done well
  • 00:12:54
    another book people were hunting for for
  • 00:12:56
    this signing event was Amazing
  • 00:12:57
    Spider-Man 300 the first full appearance
  • 00:12:59
    of Venom Amazing Spider-Man number 300
  • 00:13:02
    same years at Hulk 340 12 sales above
  • 00:13:04
    the 12- Monon average
  • 00:13:06
    $7,300 spent First full appearance of
  • 00:13:09
    Venom a newsi 94 is up 16% going for $
  • 00:13:11
    850 a 96 went for 900 up 4% and a new
  • 00:13:15
    z96 went for 1525 up 3% when a book
  • 00:13:19
    lands on the hot T like this it means
  • 00:13:21
    something for the secondary Marketplace
  • 00:13:23
    yes we have a major book that I know a
  • 00:13:25
    lot of people want their pride and joy
  • 00:13:27
    in their collection Hulk 340 Luke Cage
  • 00:13:29
    one but they signify a market movement
  • 00:13:33
    that's larger than the 10 books on the
  • 00:13:35
    list it can lead to an example of what
  • 00:13:38
    people's interests are in a character
  • 00:13:41
    more than just that issue but it's
  • 00:13:43
    surrounding issues and other things that
  • 00:13:45
    Encompass that specific villain or hero
  • 00:13:49
    in that Universe you may be looking at
  • 00:13:51
    this number going all right it's got to
  • 00:13:52
    be Venom's first appearance pushing the
  • 00:13:53
    book so look at ASM 316 you know first
  • 00:13:56
    Phenom on the cover McFarland cover as
  • 00:13:58
    well Venom Last Dance is premiering on
  • 00:14:00
    streaming this very week so it could be
  • 00:14:02
    a little bit of that but I think it's
  • 00:14:04
    broader I think it's more about
  • 00:14:05
    McFarland in general Hulk 340 we just
  • 00:14:08
    got done talking about it has nothing to
  • 00:14:09
    do with Spider-Man or Venom Brett boof's
  • 00:14:12
    spawn 360 was one of the hottest meacon
  • 00:14:15
    exclusives of the show McFarland didn't
  • 00:14:17
    even do the cover but it was because
  • 00:14:18
    about the spawn IP and we can't forget
  • 00:14:21
    about Batman 423 that book is
  • 00:14:22
    continuously on a list it's the
  • 00:14:24
    McFarland effect number three on the
  • 00:14:26
    list is Avengers number one from
  • 00:14:28
    1963 this is not a first appearance book
  • 00:14:31
    but it is the first appearance of the
  • 00:14:32
    team in name and we have a lot of sales
  • 00:14:35
    tracking very high this last week but I
  • 00:14:38
    suspect it's because this book has
  • 00:14:39
    actually hit a baseline I don't think
  • 00:14:41
    it's going to go much lower than it is
  • 00:14:42
    it's actually selling for close to the
  • 00:14:44
    numbers it did pre pandemic the 0.5 is
  • 00:14:47
    up 15% for 1250 the 2's up 15% the 25 is
  • 00:14:50
    up 9% a 40 went for 3700 that's up 2%
  • 00:14:54
    and a five's up 3% for
  • 00:14:56
    $47.99 it's not much movement but
  • 00:14:59
    there's so many sales leading me to
  • 00:15:00
    believe that people love this book it's
  • 00:15:02
    a great team up but also they're getting
  • 00:15:05
    ready for Avengers doomsday Avengers
  • 00:15:06
    Secret Wars even if we don't have the OG
  • 00:15:09
    Avengers team you know because most of
  • 00:15:11
    those actors aren't reprising their
  • 00:15:13
    roles anymore it doesn't matter because
  • 00:15:14
    The Branding of the Avengers is a main
  • 00:15:16
    stay this extra weak Bounce has to
  • 00:15:19
    probably do in my opinion with Captain
  • 00:15:22
    America Brave New World when I watched
  • 00:15:24
    that film they mentioned reassembling
  • 00:15:26
    the Avengers multiple times it was a
  • 00:15:29
    thing and noticeable it wasn't something
  • 00:15:30
    you were just going to miss so I think
  • 00:15:32
    there's a little bit of a bounce because
  • 00:15:33
    there's a lot of time before we see that
  • 00:15:36
    Avengers doomsday coming out 15 months
  • 00:15:38
    allegedly possibly even longer CU you
  • 00:15:40
    know how that goes it seems to be lots
  • 00:15:42
    of re-shoot all the freaking time so we
  • 00:15:44
    have Still Moments where we'll be able
  • 00:15:47
    to pick up this book in either higher
  • 00:15:49
    and possibly even less which brings us
  • 00:15:52
    to number two on the list with Amazing
  • 00:15:53
    Spider-Man 252 from 1984 the first
  • 00:15:56
    appearance of the black suit in
  • 00:15:58
    mainstream Marvel continuity we have
  • 00:16:00
    over 23 sales that we could be reporting
  • 00:16:02
    on right now totaling over $8,000 worth
  • 00:16:05
    of money's moved and that is a major
  • 00:16:07
    thing considering this has been on the
  • 00:16:09
    list almost every single week all of
  • 00:16:12
    2025 people are not just gearing up for
  • 00:16:14
    Fantastic 4 not just Daredevil but in
  • 00:16:16
    the back of their minds they know the
  • 00:16:18
    real money almost the safest investment
  • 00:16:21
    is Amazing Spider-Man and we have
  • 00:16:22
    Spider-Man 4 slated Tom Holland Secret
  • 00:16:25
    Wars in the distance black suit who's
  • 00:16:27
    going to Dawn it we know no it's not
  • 00:16:29
    going to be Eddie Brock they're
  • 00:16:30
    separated from it so this right here is
  • 00:16:32
    a more long-term potential of what
  • 00:16:35
    people think is going to be a Surefire
  • 00:16:36
    bet of an investment to make money off
  • 00:16:38
    of the 96 up 2% newsy 96 is up 32% three
  • 00:16:42
    copies outd did that recent 12 Monon
  • 00:16:43
    average the 98 sold for 1250 that's a
  • 00:16:46
    year high up 13% and the News Z 98 sold
  • 00:16:48
    for 15 Hondo that's a year high up 9%
  • 00:16:53
    1250 and then you can get a news stand
  • 00:16:55
    for $250 more do someone's either paying
  • 00:16:59
    way too much or someone is underpaying
  • 00:17:01
    this leads me back to the comment I made
  • 00:17:02
    about the new stand variation from the
  • 00:17:04
    Hulk 340 it came out 4 years later and
  • 00:17:08
    it sold for
  • 00:17:09
    3598 but the 252 is selling for 1,500 as
  • 00:17:13
    a new stand now is that like you
  • 00:17:15
    mentioned because it's grossly
  • 00:17:17
    underpriced or is it because four years
  • 00:17:19
    later new stands could possibly become
  • 00:17:21
    more rare than their earlier
  • 00:17:24
    counterparts in 1984 we know that in the
  • 00:17:26
    early ' 80s is when that new stand
  • 00:17:28
    Rarity starts to split and as you
  • 00:17:29
    approach the 90s it gets rarer which is
  • 00:17:31
    why Hulk 340 is seeing such a drastic
  • 00:17:34
    increase in price with that barcode at
  • 00:17:36
    98 how much $2500 right now but even if
  • 00:17:41
    the Rarity isn't as much with a 252
  • 00:17:44
    there's only a
  • 00:17:45
    $250 price difference right now which
  • 00:17:48
    seems so low skip the direct 98 $250
  • 00:17:51
    more I'm buying it 98 new stand the
  • 00:17:53
    money's in the new stand the money's in
  • 00:17:55
    the banana stand hit the Subscribe
  • 00:17:57
    button like the video we make this video
  • 00:17:59
    for the community every single week and
  • 00:18:00
    let's talk about the number one hottest
  • 00:18:02
    book in the world Amazing Spider-Man 129
  • 00:18:05
    a repeat offender first appearance of
  • 00:18:07
    Frank Castle first appearance of the
  • 00:18:09
    Punisher $24,000 and only 15 sales this
  • 00:18:13
    week above the 12-month average that is
  • 00:18:15
    some strong numbers dude look at these
  • 00:18:18
    numbers here between 2 and 994 in every
  • 00:18:22
    single grade point trending above the
  • 00:18:25
    recent 12-month average Daredevil born
  • 00:18:27
    again is going to feature Frank Castle
  • 00:18:28
    reprisal of John Bernthal that we've
  • 00:18:30
    known for a while but the news this week
  • 00:18:34
    is going to have everybody celebrating
  • 00:18:35
    clearly they're doing it and showing
  • 00:18:37
    their celebration through the purchasing
  • 00:18:39
    of this key ASM book Marvel's head of
  • 00:18:41
    streaming has confirmed that there is
  • 00:18:43
    going to be another special on the
  • 00:18:45
    horizon and who is that character that
  • 00:18:47
    they're going to be fixating on the
  • 00:18:48
    Punisher we haven't had a Marvel special
  • 00:18:51
    which debuted in 2022 in quite a long
  • 00:18:54
    time and I'll remind you both were
  • 00:18:56
    excellent weol by night as well as
  • 00:18:58
    Guardians of the Galaxy and it looks
  • 00:19:00
    like Frank Castle is going to be joining
  • 00:19:01
    that lineup nothing screams holiday like
  • 00:19:03
    bloody murder this is what Brad wbom
  • 00:19:05
    head of Marvel streaming had to say John
  • 00:19:07
    Bernthal is working on a special
  • 00:19:09
    presentation with us about that
  • 00:19:11
    character we're hearing news today as of
  • 00:19:13
    the day of this filming that John
  • 00:19:14
    Bernthal is actually going to be
  • 00:19:16
    co-writing this special I love the fact
  • 00:19:18
    that they're taking time to integrate
  • 00:19:21
    his opinion in perspective of a
  • 00:19:23
    character that he has portrayed so well
  • 00:19:25
    8.0 year high sale up 5% 19 $100 sale
  • 00:19:29
    8.5 going for 21 hundo up 1% 9.2 3120
  • 00:19:35
    year high sale up 10% and we saw a high
  • 00:19:38
    9.4 sale up 9% going for 3960 this has
  • 00:19:42
    been selling right around $3,500 I am
  • 00:19:44
    officially in sell mode for this book
  • 00:19:46
    hold up are you lying to us right now
  • 00:19:48
    you have repeatedly said week over week
  • 00:19:50
    that you will not sell this comic book
  • 00:19:53
    let me clarify what I am saying is that
  • 00:19:56
    if I had a 70 or 75 around there I am
  • 00:20:00
    going to be selling those books to
  • 00:20:02
    upgrade and put my money into a 94 and
  • 00:20:06
    possibly a 96 if that number is right
  • 00:20:10
    because I think there's potential in
  • 00:20:12
    these books in those grades are still
  • 00:20:14
    selling too soft do you own Amazing
  • 00:20:17
    Spider-Man 129 if you do are you looking
  • 00:20:19
    to sell it are you holding it let us
  • 00:20:21
    know in the comment section below and of
  • 00:20:22
    course as always geek responsibly enough
  • 00:20:25
    said that was a fun video Jeff and we're
  • 00:20:27
    giving away comic book this week you
  • 00:20:29
    just saw Brave New World right red Hulk
  • 00:20:31
    was pretty cool Red Hulk was an absolute
  • 00:20:34
    highlight of this movie I didn't get the
  • 00:20:36
    green Hulk back but damn I love this red
  • 00:20:38
    Hulk well we're giving away five copies
  • 00:20:40
    of my Miko Swan Red Hulk issue number
  • 00:20:43
    one away this weekend and all you have
  • 00:20:45
    to do is join the SMS group by putting
  • 00:20:47
    your phone number in on comic.com it's
  • 00:20:49
    where we Source all of our giveaway
  • 00:20:50
    winners and we're doing a lot of them
  • 00:20:52
    we'll see you next week
  • comic books
  • Fantastic Four
  • Iron Man
  • Amazing Spider-Man
  • comic sales
  • The Punisher
  • Luke Cage
  • Daredevil
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  • market trends