Athithi (Guest) by Rabindranath Tagore | ISC Class 12 Prism Textbook | English with Sudhir Sir | SWS
TLDREn este video de "Study with Sudhir", Sudhir explica detalle a detalle la historia "Atiti" de Rabindranath Tagore, parte esencial del libro ISC Class 12 de literatura inglesa. La historia se centra en Tarapada, un chico de espíritu libre que rechaza las restricciones sociales. Vive en constante búsqueda de nuevas experiencias, como aprender a cocinar, pescar y hablar inglés, mientras desarrolla un fuerte vínculo con la naturaleza. Adoptado por el zamindar Motilal Babu y su esposa Anupama, enfrenta complicaciones cuando Chu, la única hija de la pareja, ve a Tarapada como una amenaza, sintiendo celos por la atención dividida. A medida que se desarrolla la narrativa, se exploran temas de libertad versus obligaciones sociales, descubrimiento de uno mismo y la tentación de lo desconocido. A pesar de los lazos que forma, Tarapada siempre termina escapando para no quedar atrapado en la rutina doméstica, lo que finalmente hace cuando la promesa de matrimonio con Chu comienza a encadenarlo. El video subraya la importancia de los temas y personajes para un mejor entendimiento en los exámenes, destacando la simbología entre la vida doméstica y el llamado de la naturaleza.
- 📘 Explicación detallada de "Atiti" de Tagore.
- 🎓 Preparación para el examen de literatura ISC Class 12.
- 🌿 Tarapada, un personaje libre amante de la naturaleza.
- 💔 Tema de la tensión entre libertad y obligaciones.
- 👨🎤 Talentos múltiples de Tarapada: cocina, canto y más.
- 🧠 Importancia del aprendizaje continuo y la adaptación.
- 👧 Relación problemática con Chu por celos y atención.
- 💍 Matrimonio arreglado pero no deseado por Tarapada.
- 🚪 Simbología del escape de Tarapada de la vida doméstica.
- 🌧️ Impacto del entorno natural y cambio de estaciones.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Su Sudi spiegat su unu video de 'Atiti', parte de su testu de literatura inglese ISC Class 12 'Prism'. Sudi dathat denuncia a intrea de explica totu sa storia, invece chi dae unu resumeni.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Sa parola 'Atiti' fut scriita da Rabidra qui enti de sa colleccione de contus breos 'Golpo'. Sa storia b'at in tarabana unu putzu liberu de spiritu chi non bolli essi ligau a si stessa o a unu locu particulari.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Su protagonista, Tarapada, amare entrar in contacto cu Natura e Essiri imprisare esperientzas diferentes. Sa storia iniciera candu Tarapada s'incontrat cun Motilal Babu e sa febba. Sa mozza de Babu, Anapurna, l'appia a Tarapada chi cali un figu seu.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Unu affetu difficili nascit tra sa filla de Motilal, Charusashi, e Tarapada; Charusashi sentiat invidia e non piacia chi Tarapada attientzione de sa sua paraulas.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Tarapada è muradori chi si d'epa experimentare e aprenderi cosa nodas. Un de su temblor de sa storia est su temptation di 'vagabondage' y sa essenciale de essiri misteriosu.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Su conflicto permanente e di su protagonista, chi si scontrat cun adesos de Adventure e confortu, est un parte principale, prestate sa soya attrazione in sa natura chi l-amadat a caminare e a esplorare.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Sa sa storia si focalitzat en la nostalgia per libertate e independencia, pure demostrat sa scomodezza chi sentiat Tarapada in sa locu familiare di continuit sa carezzande con la filla.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Tarapada abbandonat de su xatru di familia e s'isistianza domestica e impris su caminu liberi, apresi chi sa presenzia dentro di s'universu familiare as diventute incomodande percurs la storia.
- 00:40:00 - 01:22:52
Su tema de 'guest' est esaminada intensamenti cu sa difesa de Tarapada chi se guarda dalas Presas Familiares tar orientatu cu sa Naturaleza e sa intrepedint sa propensione per sa vaganza.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
¿De qué historia se habla en el video?
Este video explica "Atiti" de Rabindrinath Tagore.
¿Para qué clase es relevante este video?
El video se centra en "Atiti" para el libro de texto ISC Class 12 de literatura en inglés.
¿Cuál es la edad del personaje principal, Tarapada?
Es aproximadamente de 15 a 16 años.
¿Cuáles son algunos de los temas explorados en "Atiti"?
Los temas incluyen la libertad versus los lazos, la tentación de la aventura y la interpretación del título como una metáfora.
¿Por qué Chu no le gusta Tarapada?
Chu, la hija de los zamindars, no le gusta Tarapada por celos y atención compartida.
¿Quién es Moal Babu?
Moal Babu es un zamindar que encuentra a Tarapada y lo cuida como a un hijo.
¿Qué nuevas habilidades aprende Tarapada?
Enseña a Tarapada a hacer dulces, cortar pescado y hablar inglés.
¿Cuándo y dónde fue publicada inicialmente la historia "Atiti"?
Escrito en 1895, "Atiti" es parte de una colección llamada "Galpoguchi".
¿Qué significa ser 'libre de espíritu' para Tarapada?
Es el deseo de Tarapada de experimentar nuevas cosas en lugar de quedarse estancado en un lugar.
¿Por qué Tarapada escapa al final de la historia?
Decide irse porque no desea establecerse en un ambiente doméstico estable.
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- 00:00:00hello namaskar wam you're watching study
- 00:00:02with sudhir your own digital classroom
- 00:00:04in this video on popular demand a lot
- 00:00:07many of you have been asking for many
- 00:00:08days I know we are going to be
- 00:00:10discussing explaining atiti by gurudev
- 00:00:13Rabat Tor which is part of your ISC
- 00:00:16Class 12 prism textbook of English
- 00:00:19literature before I get into the story I
- 00:00:23would get into what are the themes of
- 00:00:26the story so that it's easy for you to
- 00:00:28understand put it in context text also
- 00:00:31let me tell you this is not going to be
- 00:00:33a video which is going to be done in 15
- 00:00:3420 minutes I have to do an honest job of
- 00:00:38it and that would entail going through
- 00:00:39every line and every word not just tell
- 00:00:42you a summary there would be other
- 00:00:44avenues where you could get the summary
- 00:00:46you're free to do that but here on study
- 00:00:48with sud I will do a very honest job of
- 00:00:52explaining the entire story putting it
- 00:00:54in context so that any question you can
- 00:00:56answer uh which is asked to from you on
- 00:00:59uh in any of your test papers okay so
- 00:01:02let's get started the test papers will
- 00:01:05be released in the second half of the
- 00:01:07academic year uh which will have mcqs
- 00:01:10reasoning questions as well as the long
- 00:01:12format five and 10 Mark questions and
- 00:01:14answers that will be in the second half
- 00:01:16of the Academic Year so let's get
- 00:01:18started first to understand what the
- 00:01:19story is All
- 00:01:28About okay so the word word atiti
- 00:01:30obviously you know means the guest it
- 00:01:32was written by gurudev rabid tagor in
- 00:01:351895 and it featured in a short story
- 00:01:38collection
- 00:01:41called go
- 00:01:43go go po okay I may be getting the
- 00:01:47pronunciation wrong so my Bengali
- 00:01:49friends don't get after my life please
- 00:01:52correct me what is it but I I'm reading
- 00:01:54it as gold pogu I don't really know what
- 00:01:56it means anyway what is the story about
- 00:01:59that's the important part it is about a
- 00:02:01free spirited boy now see one of the
- 00:02:03reasons why I'm explaining this in
- 00:02:05English is for your own benefit so that
- 00:02:07you can use many of the words and
- 00:02:09phrases that I use in these notes so
- 00:02:12free spirited boy is a phrase that you
- 00:02:14should definitely use for the main
- 00:02:16character which is
- 00:02:17tarapada uh he refuses to be bound by
- 00:02:20any of the bound bonds of society so
- 00:02:23he's a free spirited means he doesn't
- 00:02:25want to be you know he doesn't want to
- 00:02:26be in that comfort zone see all of us
- 00:02:29like three OT Amir Khan what he did he
- 00:02:31didn't want to be in the comfort zone he
- 00:02:33always wanted to learn something new
- 00:02:35that's precisely what this boy also does
- 00:02:37he's 156 years old he kind of
- 00:02:40establishes a connection and bond with
- 00:02:42Mother Nature and he soaks in different
- 00:02:44experiences he learns how to make sweets
- 00:02:47how to cut fish uh to sing folk songs to
- 00:02:50learn English so he tries to do as many
- 00:02:53things as possible um in the time that
- 00:02:56he has on Mother Earth he makes friends
- 00:02:58easily he's ad at many skills so the
- 00:03:02Story begins with arap meeting this
- 00:03:03motilal Babu who is a zamindar a
- 00:03:05landlord of a village and both motilal
- 00:03:08and his wife Anapa like tarapada and
- 00:03:11treat him like his son but their
- 00:03:14daughter Chu she takes a dislike to him
- 00:03:16because she's the only child and many of
- 00:03:18you who are only child I mean who are
- 00:03:20the only child of your parents would
- 00:03:22probably relate to this because you feel
- 00:03:24a little envious when your sibling older
- 00:03:26or younger has to compete for attention
- 00:03:28or the goodies at home right whereas if
- 00:03:31you are a single child you are the
- 00:03:33sinosure of all attention sinosure if
- 00:03:35you are not familiar with this world
- 00:03:37which means you are the center of all
- 00:03:40attention improve your vocabulary also
- 00:03:42here so you are the center of all
- 00:03:45attention out there
- 00:03:48right right so if you are like that then
- 00:03:52you know if there is someone else
- 00:03:54competing for your attention you do not
- 00:03:56like it you become envious that's what
- 00:03:58charu so the relationship
- 00:04:01between Chu and tarapara is one of the
- 00:04:03important elements in this particular
- 00:04:05story however the relationship also
- 00:04:07changes in due course of time when it is
- 00:04:09decided that the two of them will get
- 00:04:11married but tarapada once again runs out
- 00:04:13because he doesn't want to be in that
- 00:04:15comfort zone of the uh house or the
- 00:04:19village right many of us do that you
- 00:04:21know we feel
- 00:04:24okay I know this work very well I
- 00:04:26created this image just so that you have
- 00:04:29an image in your mind it helps you
- 00:04:31relate to the story that much
- 00:04:32better so many of you when you are in
- 00:04:36that kind of a comfort zone you feel
- 00:04:38that okay I know this work
- 00:04:40well kind of thing that's also because
- 00:04:44you're not experimenting with something
- 00:04:45else only when you experiment with
- 00:04:47something else you will realize that oh
- 00:04:49thing is better than this why was it
- 00:04:52getting stuck here that's what you
- 00:04:53should always do in life always
- 00:04:55experiment and try to do different
- 00:04:57things every few years because
- 00:05:00Rolling Stones gather no Moss this is an
- 00:05:03ediom right if you see in a river if
- 00:05:06there is a stone which is there at one
- 00:05:07place over a period of time Moss but a
- 00:05:11stone that keeps rolling through the
- 00:05:14river will never gather Moss right so
- 00:05:17that's what you need to be that's what
- 00:05:19this boy tarapada is really like let me
- 00:05:21go through the three broad themes of the
- 00:05:24story there are other themes also but
- 00:05:26let me go through the three broad themes
- 00:05:28the title of course know it means the
- 00:05:30guest however at a metaphorical level
- 00:05:33and this is what makes a story so
- 00:05:35fascinating which is almost written like
- 00:05:36a descriptive essay he's also a guest in
- 00:05:40the world of domestic life domestic life
- 00:05:43to get him married or to stay at home
- 00:05:45and do the same things he doesn't want
- 00:05:47to be he wants to be in contact with
- 00:05:49Mother Nature and he cannot be a regular
- 00:05:53inmate in the regular world of domestic
- 00:05:57life that's what makes this title so the
- 00:06:00title is very significant you should
- 00:06:02write an answer on the significance of
- 00:06:04the title why is the title so
- 00:06:07significant because of these reasons not
- 00:06:10just the literal meaning but what is it
- 00:06:12exactly meaning in a very metaphorical
- 00:06:15sense what are the themes explored in
- 00:06:17the story one is the conflict of
- 00:06:18wandless what does this mean wandless
- 00:06:20means please use this wandless means
- 00:06:22some someone who is fond of wandering
- 00:06:25all over the place now tararat who is
- 00:06:27the protagonist he can kind of you know
- 00:06:30represents the struggle between comfort
- 00:06:32zone and Adventure if you are in your
- 00:06:33comfort zone then you don't want to do
- 00:06:35any Adventure however if you are fond of
- 00:06:39Adventure then you don't want to be in
- 00:06:40your comfort zone you want to do that
- 00:06:43thing which will mean it will challenge
- 00:06:44you it will make you do things which you
- 00:06:47are probably afraid of it will help you
- 00:06:50conquer your fears and doubts and
- 00:06:52apprehensions I'm talking this even in
- 00:06:54general sense in life okay so his
- 00:06:57village life you know it kind of
- 00:06:59suffocated him it made him feel
- 00:07:01claustrophobic whereas outside is the
- 00:07:03unknown he doesn't know the unknown he
- 00:07:05wants to go and explore the unknown and
- 00:07:09that's what is attracting him beckoning
- 00:07:11means attracting him because it's
- 00:07:13mysterious because it's unknown it is
- 00:07:15mysterious so he doesn't wish to feel
- 00:07:17trapped inside the comfort zone of his
- 00:07:20village and that's what he keeps running
- 00:07:22away then there is the Temptation the
- 00:07:26Allure of the open road so there is the
- 00:07:30Mystic Melody the possibilities of going
- 00:07:33out in the open so the story essentially
- 00:07:36romanticizes this phrases also you need
- 00:07:38to use it romanticizes the idea of
- 00:07:41leaving everything behind and exploring
- 00:07:43the world and the third big theme which
- 00:07:45is the most important is that of the
- 00:07:47enigmatic guest so he remains Enigma is
- 00:07:50someone who is a bit of a puzzle someone
- 00:07:53who cannot be explained so you know you
- 00:07:56kind of understand why does he want to
- 00:07:59do that why doesn't he want to get
- 00:08:00married to charu and live comfortably as
- 00:08:02husband and wife why does he want to run
- 00:08:04away you would find it difficult but how
- 00:08:07do you explain that that's what the
- 00:08:09story is going to challenge you to do so
- 00:08:12it your interpretation can be different
- 00:08:14from my interpretation that's what is
- 00:08:16the beauty of literature that you know
- 00:08:18it allows for different kind of
- 00:08:20interpretations this not maths and
- 00:08:22physics answer numerical answer it's not
- 00:08:26like that so there will be different
- 00:08:27kind of interpretations and that's what
- 00:08:29makes tarapada also a very relatable and
- 00:08:32a very multifaceted kind of character so
- 00:08:34now let's
- 00:08:36get into uh the U now let's get into the
- 00:08:41story the line by line explanation of
- 00:08:44the story now that you have understood
- 00:08:45what is it that we are going to talk
- 00:08:47about and keep that image in mind
- 00:08:51okay okay so now you can see the text on
- 00:08:55your screen in some this is from the
- 00:09:00collection of a short story so in some
- 00:09:02it is written as uh
- 00:09:06m m a but in some books like in your
- 00:09:10textbook it is written as m o let me
- 00:09:12just cross check it one again
- 00:09:29yeah moal Babu okay that's how it is
- 00:09:32written please make sure that you also
- 00:09:34read this particular box before you get
- 00:09:36to the story okay now moal Babu the
- 00:09:39zamindar of katalan please remember the
- 00:09:41names that have been mentioned they are
- 00:09:43typical Bengali names was returning home
- 00:09:45with his family by boat one afternoon he
- 00:09:47moved the boat now moved the boat means
- 00:09:50to secure the boat by fastening it to a
- 00:09:53fixed object such like as a dog or an
- 00:09:56anchor which you would know from your
- 00:09:57geography subject in order to stop it at
- 00:10:00one particular place near a Riverside
- 00:10:02Market so that their meal could be
- 00:10:03prepared so the family is returning uh
- 00:10:06home to katalia okay a Brahman boy that
- 00:10:09is tarapara came over and asked where
- 00:10:11are you going Babu the boy was not more
- 00:10:14than 15 or 16 so moal Babu replies as
- 00:10:18katalia could you drop me at nandigram
- 00:10:21on the way nandigram those from Bengal
- 00:10:23would definitely remember it has been in
- 00:10:25the
- 00:10:26news associated with uh mam
- 00:10:30banerji motilal consented means he
- 00:10:32agreed he says what's your name he says
- 00:10:35tarapada now the fair skinned boy now
- 00:10:37look at the this is the paragraph which
- 00:10:40is important because it gives you the
- 00:10:42description of the boy and it is
- 00:10:44important the fair skinn boy was
- 00:10:46beautiful to look at okay because he's
- 00:10:48young boy that's why the word beautiful
- 00:10:50has been used instead of the using the
- 00:10:51word handsome his smile and his large
- 00:10:54eyes had the grace of Youth okay he's
- 00:10:57two years from adulthood his body bear
- 00:11:00except for a stained doti was free of
- 00:11:02any access which means he did not have
- 00:11:04any flab he was not a plump kind of a
- 00:11:06boy as if lovingly carved by a sculptor
- 00:11:09so he is a very well sculpted he has a
- 00:11:12very well sculpted body or as if in
- 00:11:16previous life he had been a young Sage
- 00:11:18whose pure religious devotion had
- 00:11:20removed all grossness which means there
- 00:11:22is nothing crude about his body it was a
- 00:11:24very he was a very good-looking boy
- 00:11:27horned him means sharpened him to a
- 00:11:29gleaming brahmanical Perfection so you
- 00:11:32also realize since it has been WR at a
- 00:11:34particular time when Brahmin have been
- 00:11:36celebrated which is why tagor is writing
- 00:11:39in this kind of a tone come and wash
- 00:11:41Baba said moal Babu tenderly you can eat
- 00:11:43with us now he invites him to eat uh
- 00:11:48food with them leave that to me said
- 00:11:50tarap and without a moment's hesitation
- 00:11:51he joined in the cooking so he now you
- 00:11:54realize his first skill that is he knows
- 00:11:57how to cook m servant was hindustani
- 00:12:00which means he was from North India he
- 00:12:03was not very good at cutting up fish
- 00:12:05tarapada took over and soon had the dish
- 00:12:07ready and had cooked some vegetables too
- 00:12:09with practice skill important key phrase
- 00:12:13that this is something which means that
- 00:12:15he was used to the entire skill set of
- 00:12:19cooking he then took a dip in the river
- 00:12:22again something which kind of reflects
- 00:12:24his brahmanical tradition and opening
- 00:12:27his bundle produced a clean white
- 00:12:29garment and a small wooden Kum he
- 00:12:32sleeped his long hair away from his
- 00:12:34forehead and down to his neck adjusted
- 00:12:36his glistening sacret thread the Janu
- 00:12:39and stepped onto the boat so you realize
- 00:12:42this this particular paragraph gives you
- 00:12:44an entire idea these two paragraphs
- 00:12:47about what his skill sets are moal Babu
- 00:12:50invited him into the cabin his wife and
- 00:12:52his 9-year-old daughter were there now
- 00:12:54you please note down the age of
- 00:12:57charu his wife Anapa was tenderly
- 00:13:00attracted to the boy when she saw him
- 00:13:03and wondered whose child is he where has
- 00:13:06he come from how could his mother bear
- 00:13:09to abandon him so what you realize is
- 00:13:11that a lot of motherly maternal feelings
- 00:13:15are there in Anapa for
- 00:13:19tarap she plays mats for motilal and the
- 00:13:22boy to sit on side by side the boy was
- 00:13:24not a big eater so is not like you know
- 00:13:26he had a great appetite Anapa felt he
- 00:13:29must be shy maybe he's shy that's why
- 00:13:31he's not eating much because it's a new
- 00:13:33place and try to get him to eat this or
- 00:13:36that but when he had finished he could
- 00:13:37not be tempted to M he clearly did
- 00:13:40everything according to his own wishes
- 00:13:42but with such ease that there was
- 00:13:43nothing assertive about him he was not
- 00:13:45at all shy what does it mean that he
- 00:13:48knew how to behave himself now he was
- 00:13:52assertive but he did not show his
- 00:13:55assertiveness assertive means he had you
- 00:13:57know he had a mind on of his own he knew
- 00:14:00that this is what I will do but he did
- 00:14:02not kind of you know make a thing as if
- 00:14:05he was forcing his that no no no I will
- 00:14:07do only this he's not saying like that
- 00:14:09in a very gentle way he is having he's
- 00:14:12doing what he wants to do okay so there
- 00:14:14is nothing assertive about him while
- 00:14:17he's doing what he wants to do and he
- 00:14:20was not at all shy earlier she thought
- 00:14:22he was shy but now she realizes that no
- 00:14:24he was not a shy kind of a boy when
- 00:14:27everyone had eaten anap now it also
- 00:14:29shows that you know she allowed him to
- 00:14:32see eat with her husband even though he
- 00:14:33was a zamindar maybe it could be because
- 00:14:35he is a Brahman boy because you please
- 00:14:37realize at the time when gurudev wrote
- 00:14:39this particular Story cast
- 00:14:41discrimination unfortunately was pretty
- 00:14:43much a part and parcel of India
- 00:14:45especially rural India so uh one reason
- 00:14:48why this he she allowed him to eat one
- 00:14:51she took a liking to him and to probably
- 00:14:54because he was a Brahman it doesn't go
- 00:14:56into details but that is the
- 00:14:58interpretation that I could think of
- 00:15:00when everyone had eaten Anapa sat him
- 00:15:02next to her and asked him about his
- 00:15:04background where he came from etc etc
- 00:15:07she didn't gather much obviously it
- 00:15:09shows that he does not reveal much all
- 00:15:12she could establish was that the boy had
- 00:15:13run away from home of his own volution
- 00:15:16volution
- 00:15:17means volution means his own
- 00:15:21wish it was his decision to run away
- 00:15:24from home at the age of seven or eight
- 00:15:27which means that for the last 8 to n
- 00:15:29years he was on the road he was in the
- 00:15:34lap of Mother Nature he had not gone
- 00:15:36home isn't your mother alive so she
- 00:15:39assumes that her his mother may have
- 00:15:41been dead she is doesn't she love you
- 00:15:45now tarap finds this question very
- 00:15:47peculiar why shouldn't she love me he
- 00:15:50said laughing then why did you leave her
- 00:15:53because Anapa assumes that only if his
- 00:15:55circumstances at home were not good only
- 00:15:59then he would leave home and be on the
- 00:16:01road in the open world for the last 8 to
- 00:16:04nine years at such a young
- 00:16:09age she has four more sons and three
- 00:16:12daughters which means he has seven
- 00:16:14siblings pained by this very odd reply
- 00:16:17Anapa said what a thing to say just
- 00:16:20because I have five fingers does it mean
- 00:16:22that I want to chop off
- 00:16:24one she's using a comparison tarap was
- 00:16:28young so his life story was brief he
- 00:16:30didn't have much to say but the boy was
- 00:16:32a complete original which means you
- 00:16:34wouldn't have found or at least Anapa
- 00:16:36had never met anyone like tarap he was
- 00:16:39his parents fourth son and was still a
- 00:16:42baby when his father passed away despite
- 00:16:45there being so many in the house tarap
- 00:16:47was the darling of all obviously he was
- 00:16:49very popular in the entire extended
- 00:16:52family mothers brothers sisters and
- 00:16:54Neighbors doed on him they all liked him
- 00:16:57so much so that his tutor never beat him
- 00:17:00everyone would have been appalled if he
- 00:17:02did appalled means everyone would have
- 00:17:04been shocked if he did so he was
- 00:17:07obviously good at studies there is no
- 00:17:09reason for him to leave that is leave
- 00:17:12home half stared boys who constantly
- 00:17:14stole fruit from trees and were thrashed
- 00:17:16by the owners of the trees they never
- 00:17:17stayed from the village or their
- 00:17:19scolding mothers that is children who
- 00:17:21are naughty and who did things like you
- 00:17:23know stealing fruit from trees and
- 00:17:25thereby getting beaten up by the owners
- 00:17:27of those trees even they did not Escape
- 00:17:30or run away from the village right but
- 00:17:32this person who was actually loved by
- 00:17:35everyone he joined a touring J yatra
- 00:17:39troop okay and he um I mean in your book
- 00:17:44it is written as jatra okay uh jatra is
- 00:17:48a group of folk singers and left his
- 00:17:50village without a thought so look at the
- 00:17:52irony he actually like he was doted upon
- 00:17:56by everyone everybody liked him but but
- 00:17:59yet he he he felt probably a little
- 00:18:01claustrophobic with so much of attention
- 00:18:03on him all the time search parties went
- 00:18:06out which means everybody searched for
- 00:18:08him missing person and he was brought
- 00:18:11back from the jatra TR his mother
- 00:18:14pressed him to her breast and drenched
- 00:18:15him with tears his sisters wept too his
- 00:18:18elder brother tried to perform his duty
- 00:18:19as guardian but he soon abandoned his
- 00:18:22feeble attempts for some time he tried
- 00:18:24to advise him that this is not something
- 00:18:26you should have done but then he gave
- 00:18:30up uh and welcomed him with open arms
- 00:18:33women invited him to their houses plied
- 00:18:35him with even greater they became even
- 00:18:37more affectionate even more loving
- 00:18:39towards tarapada but he would not accept
- 00:18:41TI this is an extremely important Line
- 00:18:45This is the Crux of the story he did not
- 00:18:48want to get tied up with any kind of
- 00:18:51permanent relationship okay even ties of
- 00:18:55love his Stars had made him a Wanderer
- 00:18:58this is the most important line of the
- 00:19:01story okay if he saw strange ports you
- 00:19:04know his stars as of his Destiny his
- 00:19:06fate had made him a Wanderer okay who
- 00:19:09would keep wandering all over the place
- 00:19:12if he saw strange boats on the river or
- 00:19:14a sasi From A Distant region under the
- 00:19:17local people tree or if Gypsy sacked by
- 00:19:20the river making mats of or wicker
- 00:19:22baskets
- 00:19:32okay U Vier is the thing you know almost
- 00:19:35like a bamboo kind of a material which
- 00:19:37with which you will make those kind of
- 00:19:39basket okay his heart would stir with
- 00:19:42longing to be free he wanted to go out
- 00:19:44again because he wanted to know more and
- 00:19:46more the Curiosity to know much more
- 00:19:50about this world attracted tarapada very
- 00:19:52much and after he had run away two or
- 00:19:54three times family and villagers gave up
- 00:19:56hope of him that means after two three
- 00:19:58times the fourth time they did not even
- 00:19:59make an attempt to search for him to get
- 00:20:01him back because they realized that even
- 00:20:03after you get him back this boy is going
- 00:20:05to run away again again he joined the
- 00:20:07jatra troop at first but when the master
- 00:20:09of the troop began to treat him almost
- 00:20:11as a son and the members of The Troop
- 00:20:14young or old had fallen for him which
- 00:20:16means they all liked him and he tried to
- 00:20:18treat him like a
- 00:20:20son relationship this fell does not like
- 00:20:23it so he has a claustrophobia he has an
- 00:20:27aversion
- 00:20:29please write this he has an aversion
- 00:20:33to
- 00:20:36relationships he wants to learn but he
- 00:20:38doesn't want to get tied up with
- 00:20:40relationships and even the people in the
- 00:20:43houses where they performed especially
- 00:20:45the women began to make a special fuss
- 00:20:47of him one day without saying a word he
- 00:20:49disappeared and could not be found so
- 00:20:51from there also he disappeared whenever
- 00:20:54special first means again they started
- 00:20:55doting on him kind of you know
- 00:20:59paying a lot of attention to him
- 00:21:01tarapada was as very of ties as a young
- 00:21:04fawn fawn means Jo the small one the
- 00:21:07young one of a deer very means he was
- 00:21:10very apprehensive he didn't like
- 00:21:13it and was also like a deer in his love
- 00:21:16of music so the comparison to deer that
- 00:21:19is he was very of TI as a young Fawn Eon
- 00:21:23is a little weary of ties and is also
- 00:21:25like a deer in the love of Music it
- 00:21:28enjoys music the songs of the jatra was
- 00:21:30were what had first lured him away from
- 00:21:32home Melody sent a trembling through his
- 00:21:35veins and rhythms made his body swing so
- 00:21:37he learned to dance because he had a
- 00:21:39special connection with Music Folk Music
- 00:21:42even as a baby he had shown such solemn
- 00:21:44grownup attention at musical Gatherings
- 00:21:47that even as a child he had an ear for
- 00:21:49music and he would dance and he would
- 00:21:51take a special liking to music sitting
- 00:21:54and swaying and forgetting himself that
- 00:21:55his Elders could hardly restrain their
- 00:21:57Amusement so they would feel very amused
- 00:21:59at the fact that he kind of seemed to
- 00:22:01enjoy music so much not only music when
- 00:22:04the Reigns of svan Shan uh the season
- 00:22:07fell on the thick leaves when the clouds
- 00:22:09thundered when the winds moaned in the
- 00:22:12woods what I had written in the theme
- 00:22:13points like a motherless demon child so
- 00:22:16this is the use of metaphors he's kind
- 00:22:19of put an imagery tagor about how it
- 00:22:21would be during the rainy season in that
- 00:22:24part of
- 00:22:26Bengal that when the clouds thundered
- 00:22:28when the wind moaned moan means it's
- 00:22:30almost like acoustic imagery that he has
- 00:22:32created sound imagery in the wounds like
- 00:22:35Woods like a motherless demon child his
- 00:22:38heart was swept away so he had you know
- 00:22:41something unusual he would kind of get
- 00:22:43attracted by it the call of nature the
- 00:22:46call of a kite high in the sky in the
- 00:22:48still heat of noon kite as in like a
- 00:22:51hawk or an eagle the croaking of frogs
- 00:22:55on rainy evening so look at the
- 00:22:57descriptive nature of this particular
- 00:22:59Story by rabindra tagor the howling of
- 00:23:02jacals at night all entranced him
- 00:23:05impelled by this passion for music
- 00:23:07impelled means that attracted by this
- 00:23:09passion for music it was not long before
- 00:23:13he joined a group of panchali which
- 00:23:16which is the ballots of gods and uh
- 00:23:19singers gods and singers uh uh Gods and
- 00:23:24Goddesses sorry um the leader of the
- 00:23:26group carefully taught him songs and
- 00:23:28trained him to recite the um panchali by
- 00:23:31heart he too began to love him as his
- 00:23:33own like a pet cage bird tarapara
- 00:23:35learned a few songs and then one morning
- 00:23:37flew away the moment you realize he said
- 00:23:40he too began to love him as one of his
- 00:23:42own the moment anyone gets too
- 00:23:45emotionally attached to tarapara he is
- 00:23:48not comfortable with that kind of a
- 00:23:51relationship that kind of an equation
- 00:23:53and he decides to escape finally he
- 00:23:56joined a troop of gymnast
- 00:23:59from jar to assar a fair tour the
- 00:24:01district yatra troops panchali singers
- 00:24:03Barts dancers and stall holders travel
- 00:24:05by board from one side to another for
- 00:24:07the second year running this tour round
- 00:24:09of entertainment included a small
- 00:24:11gymnastic troop from Kolkata at first
- 00:24:14tarar joined the stall holders sold paan
- 00:24:16at the fair so you see even he is not
- 00:24:18shy of doing this kind of small minial
- 00:24:21Works selling paan at the fair but then
- 00:24:23his Natural Curiosity Drew him to this
- 00:24:25wonderful skill of the gymnast and he
- 00:24:27joined the their troop so he decides to
- 00:24:29learn the skill set of gymnastics he had
- 00:24:33taught him taught himself to play the
- 00:24:35flute very well during the gymnastic
- 00:24:36display he had to play lakau tumri at
- 00:24:39top speed on the flute this was his only
- 00:24:42task so he became part of the gymnastics
- 00:24:44troop it was from this troop when he met
- 00:24:47moal Babu that he had most recently
- 00:24:51abonded he had learned that the zamas at
- 00:24:54nandigram had founded on a larish scale
- 00:24:55and amature jatra group so he tied up
- 00:24:57his BND and headed for the place meeting
- 00:25:00motilal Babu on the way despite these
- 00:25:04connections with various groups his
- 00:25:06nature had not been corrupted by any he
- 00:25:07had not picked up any bad habits which
- 00:25:11means not corrupted means he had not
- 00:25:13picked up any bad habits he was deep
- 00:25:15down entirely detached and free this is
- 00:25:18an very important key phrase the foul
- 00:25:21language he had heard the Dreadful SES
- 00:25:23he had seen had not fixed themselves in
- 00:25:24mind he had not picked up any
- 00:25:26four-letter words he was not used to
- 00:25:27abuse in if he had seen something very
- 00:25:30bad it did not kind of make an imprint
- 00:25:32on his mind his mind was pure only
- 00:25:35absorbing the good things that he wanted
- 00:25:38to learn from different people they
- 00:25:40passed him by he remained Unbound by any
- 00:25:43kind of habit or custom no bad habit he
- 00:25:46swam in the murky Waters of the world
- 00:25:49with pure white wings like a swan okay
- 00:25:52so this is an important comparison like
- 00:25:54a swan a swan is what a swan is a very
- 00:25:57great a
- 00:26:00full
- 00:26:02bird however many times his curiosity
- 00:26:04made him dive in his wings could not be
- 00:26:06soaked or soiled so even when he got
- 00:26:09curious and ended up seeing something
- 00:26:12undesirable his wings did not get soaked
- 00:26:14of soil means he was not corrupted in
- 00:26:17any way there was a pure and natural
- 00:26:19innocence in this runaway boy's
- 00:26:21expression so much so that the worldly
- 00:26:23wise motilal Babu invited him in without
- 00:26:26doubt or question and with great Den so
- 00:26:29Mo Babu observed all these aspects in
- 00:26:32tarapada and he decided to invite him to
- 00:26:35travel with him uh wherever he wanted to
- 00:26:38go to nandigram so he kind of invited
- 00:26:41him to travel with him to
- 00:26:43nandigram okay now let's come to part
- 00:26:46two the story I think is published in
- 00:26:47part five parts in the afternoon the
- 00:26:50boat set
- 00:26:53sail in the afternoon the boat set SE
- 00:26:56Anapa continued to ask the boy kind
- 00:26:58questions about his home and family he
- 00:27:00answered
- 00:27:04laconically what does it mean it means
- 00:27:08using few words so he is not someone who
- 00:27:12kind of speaks too much and then went
- 00:27:15out on Deck to escape because he did not
- 00:27:18want to be subjected to more and more
- 00:27:20questions from Anapa the monsoon River
- 00:27:22swollen to the maximum fullness which
- 00:27:24means it was the monsoon season so as a
- 00:27:26result of which the river was absolutely
- 00:27:29full when it's a full River you
- 00:27:31generally use this phrase swollen River
- 00:27:34seem to Harry the Earth with Reckless
- 00:27:36turbulence in the sense that you know
- 00:27:38you kind of are on the earth with a lot
- 00:27:40of turbulence there's a lot of
- 00:27:41turbulence the waves are there so it's
- 00:27:43not a very calm kind of river in the
- 00:27:46cloudless sunshine the half sunk reads
- 00:27:48along the bank the fields of succulent
- 00:27:51sugar can that is full of sugar and the
- 00:27:54far of Bluey Green Woods kissing the
- 00:27:57Horizon so you see the descriptive
- 00:27:59nature of this particular story that
- 00:28:01he's talking about the scenery that he's
- 00:28:03seeing so it is something which is
- 00:28:05observing Mother Nature At Close
- 00:28:08Quarters seem transformed by the touch
- 00:28:10of a golden wand into new
- 00:28:13Beauty you're talking about the how the
- 00:28:16sunshine is affecting the nature around
- 00:28:18that place as they're traveling on the
- 00:28:20board the speechless the speechless Sky
- 00:28:24gazed down in Wonder everything was
- 00:28:26alive throbbing a washed with confident
- 00:28:29light shiny with newness bursting with
- 00:28:31plenty so it's basically describing the
- 00:28:34absolute beautiful site that he was
- 00:28:36seeing while he was going on that boat
- 00:28:38tarapara took refuge on the uh tarapara
- 00:28:42took refuge on the roof of the boat in
- 00:28:44the shade of the sail sloping pastures
- 00:28:47flooded Jude Fields green Rippling late
- 00:28:49Autumn Patty narrow paths leading from
- 00:28:51the guards and Villages shaded by
- 00:28:53encircling foliage foliage as in the
- 00:28:56vegetation so he kind of decided took
- 00:28:58Refuge means he decided to rest there on
- 00:29:01the roof of the boat in the shade of the
- 00:29:04sail the sail as in this is the boat and
- 00:29:07this is the
- 00:29:09sail so you will have a bigger boat
- 00:29:11where you have a roof also so um to this
- 00:29:18water Earth and Sky this movement of
- 00:29:20life and sound this varied levels and
- 00:29:22vast Vistas to this huge immovable mute
- 00:29:25unblinking natural world so he's used a
- 00:29:28whole lot of adjectives out there this
- 00:29:30was the old style of writing the boy was
- 00:29:33intimately linked yet Not For a Moment
- 00:29:35did it try to hold him with its loving
- 00:29:37Embrace so you see all this mother
- 00:29:40nature is there Mother Nature does not
- 00:29:43establish a hold on tarap human beings
- 00:29:46do and he's uncomfortable with the
- 00:29:48relationships that human beings try to
- 00:29:51impose on him whereas he's perfectly all
- 00:29:54right with Mother Nature that he just
- 00:29:56sees learns from but it does not try to
- 00:29:59impose herself on tarapada CS running on
- 00:30:03the banks with Tails upraised ponies
- 00:30:05grazing and hopping about with hobble
- 00:30:07legs king fisher swooping down from
- 00:30:09fishing net poles to plop into the water
- 00:30:11to catch fish king fisher as in the bird
- 00:30:14boys splashing women shly chatting as
- 00:30:17they stood chesty floating their saris
- 00:30:19out in front to rub them clean fish
- 00:30:21wives with baskets s tucked up buying
- 00:30:23fish from the fishermen all of this
- 00:30:25tarap washed with unflagging which means
- 00:30:28his curiosity did not go down did not
- 00:30:32reduce he had a lot of curiosity to see
- 00:30:34all these sides as he was going on the
- 00:30:37boat never were his eyes sated means it
- 00:30:40did not you know his eyes were
- 00:30:42not fed up with seeing so much as he sat
- 00:30:47he soon got
- 00:30:51talking as he sat he soon got talking
- 00:30:54with the Hensen and hemen some I mean
- 00:30:57the people who would be rowing the boat
- 00:30:59sometimes he took the lagi which is one
- 00:31:01of the uh
- 00:31:05instruments and punted the boat
- 00:31:11himself punted the boat means to propel
- 00:31:14by pushing a pole against the bottom of
- 00:31:17the lake or the river in this particular
- 00:31:19case when the hemman needed a smoke he
- 00:31:22would take the tiller when this sail
- 00:31:23needed to be turned he helped skillfully
- 00:31:26let me just check with the original
- 00:31:27thing but there's a difference in this
- 00:31:29particular
- 00:31:30Edition one
- 00:31:34minute no more
- 00:31:37thought just before dusk
- 00:31:40Anapa called tarap and ask what do you
- 00:31:42like to eat at night whatever I get I
- 00:31:44don't eat every day so he's not someone
- 00:31:46as we have already known that he doesn't
- 00:31:48eat much she felt disturbed by this
- 00:31:50beautiful Brahman Bo indifference to her
- 00:31:52Hospitality because she thought that he
- 00:31:54would also reciprocate the affection
- 00:31:57that she's showing for for him but he
- 00:31:58seems to be rather a little cut off you
- 00:32:01know a little you know he doesn't want
- 00:32:03to establish get very close to her she
- 00:32:05long to feed cloth and give sucker to
- 00:32:07him means to kind of take care of him um
- 00:32:10but she could not discover how to please
- 00:32:12him she ostentatiously sent her servants
- 00:32:15to buy milk and sweets that is she
- 00:32:17thought if she feeds him more and takes
- 00:32:19care of more which is something which he
- 00:32:20does not like but she is not aware of
- 00:32:22that so ostentatiously means that you
- 00:32:25know take care of with all the different
- 00:32:27kinds of things but by milk and sweets
- 00:32:28tarap ate the sweets willingly enough
- 00:32:30but would not touch the milk even the
- 00:32:32Tak turn matilal urged
- 00:32:35him to drink it but he simply replied I
- 00:32:38don't like it purn means someone who is
- 00:32:41reserved in speech that is does not
- 00:32:44speak
- 00:32:46much three days passed tarap expertly
- 00:32:49joined in everything from the cooking
- 00:32:50and shopping to the sailing of the boat
- 00:32:52they're still on the boat they have not
- 00:32:54reached their destination anything he
- 00:32:56saw interested him any work that he did
- 00:32:58absorbed him his sight his hands and his
- 00:33:00mind were ever active like nature
- 00:33:02herself he was always Serene and
- 00:33:04detached yet always busy so he would
- 00:33:07always absorb him in some work or the
- 00:33:09other no work you know this work I won't
- 00:33:11do he will never say that he would
- 00:33:13always take to any kind of activity
- 00:33:16people always dwell in a fixed place but
- 00:33:18tarap was like a joyous wave On Life's
- 00:33:21unending stream that is he was just
- 00:33:23going along with life he was not fixed
- 00:33:26you know I will do only this so he was
- 00:33:28kind of willing to experiment with
- 00:33:30anything and everything past or future
- 00:33:32meant nothing moving forward was the
- 00:33:34only thing that mattered that he was not
- 00:33:36fixated about his past or his
- 00:33:39future he was kind of you know
- 00:33:41interested in just learning new things
- 00:33:43and doing different kinds of activities
- 00:33:45by mixing with various groups he had
- 00:33:47learned all sorts of delightful
- 00:33:48accomplishments so he was a very
- 00:33:50accomplished person mainly because at a
- 00:33:52very young age he had mixed with
- 00:33:54different kinds of people so he had
- 00:33:55different kinds of experiences and from
- 00:33:57each one of them like a sponge he had
- 00:34:00imbibed lots of things things were
- 00:34:02stamped on his mind with astonishing
- 00:34:04ease unclouded as it was by any kind of
- 00:34:07worry you know he had learned all this
- 00:34:09so they were like a stamp on his mind he
- 00:34:11knew panchali folktales Kiran and long
- 00:34:15pieces from yatras jatras moal Babu
- 00:34:17habitually read the ram to his wife and
- 00:34:19daughter one evening he had just got to
- 00:34:21tell the story of kush and love when
- 00:34:24tarapara unable to control himself
- 00:34:26unable to restrain himself came down
- 00:34:27from the roof of the boat and said put
- 00:34:29the book away I know a song about kushan
- 00:34:31love listen he began a panchali dashu
- 00:34:34race was sweet as a flute Flo on
- 00:34:40swiftly
- 00:34:43okay
- 00:34:45book that's said this is the original
- 00:34:47book this thing so there may be some
- 00:34:49words which is okay you can go by your
- 00:34:51book The hemman and Heman came and
- 00:34:53peered through the door of the cabin as
- 00:34:55thus fell a stream of laughter p and
- 00:34:57music spread through the evening air the
- 00:35:00banks became alert and people in passing
- 00:35:02boards were lured for a moment and
- 00:35:03strained because that means what that he
- 00:35:06was extremely melodious and gifted in
- 00:35:09the way he was singing that particular
- 00:35:12song on love and Kush when the panchali
- 00:35:15had
- 00:35:17uh yeah when the panchali had finished
- 00:35:20everyone sighed deeply wishing that it
- 00:35:22would last forever they did not want the
- 00:35:24song to end it was so beautiful the
- 00:35:26tearful anap
- 00:35:28take the boy and press him to her breast
- 00:35:29and bury her face in her in his ear
- 00:35:32exactly the same phrase he has used
- 00:35:34which he had used earlier for Tara's
- 00:35:37mother the first time that he had been
- 00:35:39brought back moal Babu thought if I
- 00:35:41could somehow keep this boy he would
- 00:35:43make up for my having no son the little
- 00:35:45girl chush Rashi however was full of
- 00:35:48envy and jealousy okay these are
- 00:35:50synonyms but he has used them
- 00:35:53twice she was her parents only child
- 00:35:56sole claimant on their affection that is
- 00:35:58only she wanted to get their affection
- 00:36:00and she did not want that love and
- 00:36:01affection to be shared with anyone else
- 00:36:04there was no end to her willfulness and
- 00:36:06obstinacy she had her own opinions
- 00:36:09obstinacy means Hut you know very
- 00:36:11stubborn um willful means wanting to do
- 00:36:14whatever she wanted to do she had her
- 00:36:16own opinions about food clothes and
- 00:36:18hairstyles but there was no consistency
- 00:36:20in them so she liked to keep
- 00:36:21experimenting and do different kinds of
- 00:36:23things whenever she was invited out her
- 00:36:25mother was terrified that she would make
- 00:36:27impossible demands over dress so she was
- 00:36:29a very demanding kind of person
- 00:36:31especially when it came to clothes if
- 00:36:34her hairstyle displeased her to do and
- 00:36:36redo it made no difference and merely
- 00:36:38led to a tantrum so she was a spoiled
- 00:36:41child that's what you realized she was
- 00:36:43like everything she was like this with
- 00:36:45everything but if she was in a good mood
- 00:36:47she was amable to anything that she
- 00:36:49would agree to anything and would show
- 00:36:51excessive love for her mother hugging
- 00:36:53her kissing her laughing in an
- 00:36:55unbalanced way the girl was a
- 00:36:58puzzle but now her volatile feelings
- 00:37:01began to concentrate in Fierce animosity
- 00:37:03animosity means her
- 00:37:06dislike okay for tarapara and she caused
- 00:37:10exceptional trouble to her parents
- 00:37:11because they want to wanted to almost
- 00:37:13like take him in adoption as their son
- 00:37:16but she did not like it because she was
- 00:37:18feeling very envious and very jealous at
- 00:37:21meal she scowled you know made a face
- 00:37:23and you know very unpleasant kind of an
- 00:37:24expression and pushed her plate away she
- 00:37:27would complain about the cooking slap
- 00:37:29the maid and object to everything
- 00:37:30because she wanted to throw a tantrum to
- 00:37:32make herself feel important because she
- 00:37:34realized that he was getting a lot more
- 00:37:36of the attention so she wanted to draw
- 00:37:38the attention to herself reminds me of a
- 00:37:41student of
- 00:37:42mine the more that Tara's
- 00:37:45accomplishments impressed her and others
- 00:37:47the more Angry she became she would not
- 00:37:49admit that she he had any he would say
- 00:37:52that he has no virtues okay undeniable
- 00:37:55evidence of them made her even more iCal
- 00:37:57that if somebody says that no look he
- 00:37:59sings so well she would become even more
- 00:38:01critical of his singing on the night the
- 00:38:04tarapara sang about love and Kush Anapa
- 00:38:06thought wild animals can be tained by
- 00:38:08music so perhaps my daughter will soften
- 00:38:10so that's what Anapa thought that you
- 00:38:12know maybe my daughter will also change
- 00:38:14how did you like it charu she asked she
- 00:38:16gave no answer merely tossed her head
- 00:38:18implying I did not like it at all and
- 00:38:20shall never like it okay now realizing
- 00:38:23that charu was jealous her mother
- 00:38:24stopped showing affection for tarapara
- 00:38:26so the Anapa is a little sharp she
- 00:38:28realizes that if I show affection to
- 00:38:30this boy my daughter is not liking it so
- 00:38:33it's better that I don't show affection
- 00:38:34for him in her
- 00:38:36presence after dark when Chu had gone to
- 00:38:39bed after eating early Anapa would sit
- 00:38:41by the door of the cabin and they're
- 00:38:43still on the board mind you Mo Babu and
- 00:38:45tarapara would sit outside at Anna's
- 00:38:47request tarapara would sing with this
- 00:38:49singing the goddess of sleeping darkened
- 00:38:51homes on the bank would sink into a TR
- 00:38:54so the two Banks they could also hear
- 00:38:56the villages could also vage could also
- 00:38:58hear the song being sung from the
- 00:39:02boat and anap pun's heart swelled with
- 00:39:05love and appreciation do you remember
- 00:39:07that song of course it's much much
- 00:39:09before your
- 00:39:12times um Amar PR the
- 00:39:17song actually I mean supposed to be have
- 00:39:19shot on the hugi but I know there are
- 00:39:21some cheating done with
- 00:39:23it kishor Kumar
- 00:39:25song which ised on Rajesh
- 00:39:31[Music]
- 00:39:50[Music]
- 00:39:54K bu
- 00:40:00d d d anyway so um with this singing the
- 00:40:05goddess of sleeping darkened homes on
- 00:40:07the bank would sink into a trance that
- 00:40:09is they would be completely mesmerized
- 00:40:11by the quality of his singing and anap
- 00:40:14paa's heart swelled with love and
- 00:40:16appreciation she felt much more love for
- 00:40:18boy for the boy because of his singing
- 00:40:21but charu would get up and shout
- 00:40:22tearfully and angrily mother I can't get
- 00:40:24to sleep with this noise so referring to
- 00:40:27the song the music as noise which can be
- 00:40:30so very insulting she found it quite
- 00:40:34unbearable to be sent to bed on her own
- 00:40:36while her parents sat and listened to
- 00:40:38tarap singing so she was essentially she
- 00:40:41disliked the fact that she was not the
- 00:40:43sole claimant on their affection anymore
- 00:40:46so this is an important question which
- 00:40:48you would get for a five mark question
- 00:40:50for sure and as a 10 mark on the
- 00:40:52relationship between tarapada and Chu
- 00:40:54Shashi please prepare it using these
- 00:40:57kind of instances and keywords the
- 00:41:00natural fierceness of this fiery
- 00:41:01blackeyed girl fascinated tarap now he
- 00:41:04found it quite fascinating the way she
- 00:41:06reacted okay that she was very very
- 00:41:08Fierce and
- 00:41:10wild he would tell her stories sing her
- 00:41:12songs play her the flute made great
- 00:41:14efforts to win her around becomes become
- 00:41:16friends with her but with no success at
- 00:41:19all not that see this is an interesting
- 00:41:21thing he did not like when people showed
- 00:41:24too much of attention so he's very very
- 00:41:26intrigued by this girl who is not giving
- 00:41:29him the attention she's actually
- 00:41:30reacting in completely the opposite way
- 00:41:33so he tries to kind of win her over only
- 00:41:37in the afternoons when he bathed in the
- 00:41:38swollen River that is the river which
- 00:41:40was full sporting his fair pure body in
- 00:41:42a swimming display worthy of a young
- 00:41:44water God please use this keyword it's
- 00:41:47an interesting keyword only then she
- 00:41:49could not help being attracted just a
- 00:41:51little bit because she was of course
- 00:41:53much younger than her just 9 years old
- 00:41:55but she was attracted towards him she
- 00:41:57would watch him then but she did not
- 00:41:59reveal her interest to anyone and born
- 00:42:01actress that she was so she was good at
- 00:42:04hiding her feelings carried on knitting
- 00:42:07a Wen scarf with apparent indifference
- 00:42:09to Tara's water sport so she behaved as
- 00:42:12though she did not care for what he did
- 00:42:15his his skill in swimming in that kind
- 00:42:18of manner and she kind of behaved as
- 00:42:22though she just couldn't care any less
- 00:42:26harap took no not notice of nandigram
- 00:42:28when they passed it now this is again
- 00:42:29interesting just like Anapa and moal
- 00:42:32Babu also want him to be at their home
- 00:42:36and take care of him as their son even
- 00:42:39tarapara does not show any interest to
- 00:42:41get off at nandigram which was his
- 00:42:42original idea uh and decides to continue
- 00:42:46on the journey so he took no notice of
- 00:42:48nandigram when they passed by nandigram
- 00:42:51the large boat sometimes with it sales
- 00:42:52up sometimes toed proceeded slowly on
- 00:42:55down rivers and tributaries and the of
- 00:42:57the passengers to float with a soft and
- 00:42:59easy pace through the peace and beauty
- 00:43:01of the scene so it is obviously taking a
- 00:43:03long time no one was in any kind of
- 00:43:05hurry long afternoons were spent bathing
- 00:43:07and eating and as soon as dusk fell the
- 00:43:09boat was moved at a village guard by
- 00:43:11trees busing with crickets and a glow
- 00:43:13with fireflies so this was like the
- 00:43:15routine on many days after about 10 days
- 00:43:18so this is about the time that it takes
- 00:43:20for them to get to their particular
- 00:43:22Village which is at Catalia ponies and a
- 00:43:25palanquin palanquin is you know if you
- 00:43:28are this thing like
- 00:43:32uh so one person here and one person
- 00:43:36here holds it by the shoulder and the
- 00:43:38person mostly women would sit inside and
- 00:43:41would be carried so that they don't have
- 00:43:43to walk so this is how it was done in
- 00:43:45those times in India especially rural
- 00:43:47India a god of Honor so a palanquin was
- 00:43:51sent from the house to receive the zamas
- 00:43:53a guard of Honor with bamboo lotties
- 00:43:55fired rounds of blanks rusly uh I don't
- 00:43:59think I'm pronouncing it correctly eoe
- 00:44:01by The Village cross this this
- 00:44:04essentially means to create a loud noise
- 00:44:09meanwhile tarapada slipped off the boat
- 00:44:11please check the pronunciation I don't
- 00:44:12think I have said it very correctly
- 00:44:14meanwhile tarapada slipped off the boat
- 00:44:16and quickly looked around the
- 00:44:18village calling one now he's making new
- 00:44:21friends because he wants to learn new
- 00:44:23things because this is another new kind
- 00:44:26of experience for him one villager as
- 00:44:29Dada another as Kura Kura means an uncle
- 00:44:32another Dei and another masi he
- 00:44:34established friendly relations with
- 00:44:35everyone in a couple of hours because he
- 00:44:38had no normal ties he could get to know
- 00:44:39people with amazing ease and speed
- 00:44:41within a few days he had one all heart
- 00:44:43so pretty much similar kind of
- 00:44:46experience he mixed with everyone on
- 00:44:48equal terms he was unconventional yet
- 00:44:50able to adapt to any situation or work
- 00:44:53with boys he was a boy yet somehow
- 00:44:54separate and special he was he behaved
- 00:44:57like a boy with boys of his age but it
- 00:44:59was very obvious that he was a little
- 00:45:01better than them with older people he
- 00:45:04was not a boy yet not so precocious
- 00:45:07either precocious means having abilities
- 00:45:09at a very young age okay with herders he
- 00:45:12was a herder that is for goats and sheep
- 00:45:14yet also a Brahman he joined in with
- 00:45:17things as if used to them all his life
- 00:45:20he would be chatting in the Sweet Shop
- 00:45:22the sweet maker would say could you
- 00:45:23could you mind the shop for a while
- 00:45:26means could you mind means could you
- 00:45:28take care of the shop for a while I
- 00:45:32shall not be long means I will come very
- 00:45:34soon cool as a cucumber okay that is he
- 00:45:37was a very cool cat no problem I will
- 00:45:39take care tarap sat there keeping the
- 00:45:41Flies of the sesh and with a Sal Leaf
- 00:45:43sesh as you know is a sweet he could not
- 00:45:45Bengali sweet he could even
- 00:45:48make he could even make sweets himself
- 00:45:51knew something of weaving and was not
- 00:45:52himself ignorant of how to turn a Potter
- 00:45:55wheel so this Talent also he had tarap
- 00:45:59reigned over the entire Village reigned
- 00:46:01means not as in ruled ruled over the
- 00:46:03hearts which means he won over
- 00:46:05everyone's Hearts everyone was extremely
- 00:46:08fond of him there was just one young
- 00:46:10girl whose hatred he simply could not
- 00:46:12overcome that is charu perhaps it was
- 00:46:15because this girl so fiercely wished him
- 00:46:17to leave that he stayed on for so long
- 00:46:19otherwise he would have left because
- 00:46:21other whenever people are very fond of
- 00:46:23him we know it for a fact that he leaves
- 00:46:25but the reason and this could come as a
- 00:46:26reasoning question the reason why he
- 00:46:29does not leave this time is
- 00:46:31because it was because of this girl uh
- 00:46:35whose hatred he could not overcome but
- 00:46:37Chu
- 00:46:38Shashi now proved how hard it is to
- 00:46:41Fathom even a juvenile female mind so
- 00:46:43he's making a slightly sexist kind of a
- 00:46:45comment that even the mind of a juvenile
- 00:46:49Fe female mind is something which cannot
- 00:46:51be easily understood now comes the
- 00:46:55second character the second female
- 00:46:56character apart I mean if you're not
- 00:46:58talking about Anapa chush Shashi and one
- 00:47:00more girl called Sona money now this
- 00:47:03person's daughter Sona money had been
- 00:47:05widowed at the age of five now this is
- 00:47:07very important that he is making a
- 00:47:10comment on
- 00:47:11child marriage because somebody this
- 00:47:14girl had got married at the age early
- 00:47:17and had been widowed at the age of five
- 00:47:19she was charu's PLM so she's much
- 00:47:21younger Chu is nine isn't that the case
- 00:47:25Chu is nine right I keep getting this
- 00:47:28small
- 00:47:45details one minute one minute is 9 years
- 00:47:51I remember seeing n keep forgetting
- 00:47:53should not get it wrong
- 00:47:57ah 9year old
- 00:48:05correct okay Cho so
- 00:48:09uh yeah so she was nine this girl was
- 00:48:12five oh no sorry uh it's possible that
- 00:48:15she's not five anymore she had been
- 00:48:17widowed at the age of five so she's
- 00:48:19probably at the same age we'll find that
- 00:48:21out she had been ill for a while and had
- 00:48:23not been able to go out to see her
- 00:48:25friend when she was recovered and came
- 00:48:26to see her again a rift between them
- 00:48:28came about almost for no reason Chu had
- 00:48:31been speaking so they had they had a
- 00:48:33coral charu had been speaking at length
- 00:48:35about tarup she hoped by saying what a
- 00:48:37precious asset he was to astonish and
- 00:48:39intriguer so while she does not like him
- 00:48:42when he's not around she says nice
- 00:48:44things about tarapada to her friend to
- 00:48:47show what not because she's very fond of
- 00:48:49tarapada but to say that you know she
- 00:48:52knows someone who is so good so by
- 00:48:55extension she wants to feel good you
- 00:48:57realize the temperament the mind of chu
- 00:49:01but when she discovered he was known to
- 00:49:03sonani already that she called bamun
- 00:49:07takun masi and that Sonam called him
- 00:49:09Dada when she heard that he not only
- 00:49:11treated mother and daughter to Kean
- 00:49:13tunes on his flute but had at sonam's
- 00:49:16request made her a bamboo flute that he
- 00:49:18picked her fruits he had picked her
- 00:49:20fruits from high branches and flowers
- 00:49:22from Thor thy trees so you had done all
- 00:49:25these for sonami and her mother when she
- 00:49:28heard all this DTS of fire stabbed her
- 00:49:31DTS of fire means she got extremely
- 00:49:34angry and envious she had thought of
- 00:49:37tarap as their tarap he he belongs to
- 00:49:40their family how could another family
- 00:49:43also get to know him and interact with
- 00:49:46him so closely that was her
- 00:49:49problem so that ordinary people that and
- 00:49:52this was you know guarded closely that
- 00:49:55he was their guest their atiti okay and
- 00:49:59he was belonged to them so that ordinary
- 00:50:01people might Glimpse him yet never be
- 00:50:03able to grasp him you know that for them
- 00:50:05he should just be someone they know but
- 00:50:07not someone they would be knowing very
- 00:50:10closely they would admire his Beauty and
- 00:50:12talent from a distance and Chu shashi's
- 00:50:14family would gain Glory thereby so they
- 00:50:16want she wanted reflected Glory she
- 00:50:19wanted to please use this phrase she
- 00:50:21wanted to bask in his reflected
- 00:50:28Glory why would Sonam have such easy
- 00:50:31contact with this singular divinely
- 00:50:33favored Brahman boy okay divinely
- 00:50:35favored means someone who had lot of
- 00:50:37talent if Chu's family had not taken him
- 00:50:42in had not looked after him how would
- 00:50:44sonamoni ever have seen him so you see
- 00:50:46it's a very young child's mind sonam's
- 00:50:48Dada indeed she burned all over at the
- 00:50:51thought she didn't like it why was the
- 00:50:53charu who had tried to strike the boy
- 00:50:54down with arrows of hatred so Ang
- 00:50:56anxious to claim so rights over him so
- 00:50:59tagor is asking this question and he
- 00:51:01says understand this who will okay
- 00:51:04please try to understand this I don't
- 00:51:05understand this that's what Tor is
- 00:51:07trying to say you know it's it's an
- 00:51:08author's comment out here this paragraph
- 00:51:11is like an author's comment he's saying
- 00:51:13I don't understand she was full of
- 00:51:15hatred but why should why should she be
- 00:51:18so Keen to claim Soul rights over him
- 00:51:22that only he belongs to only our family
- 00:51:25the three of us no one else I don't
- 00:51:27understand it if you understand it
- 00:51:29please
- 00:51:29do later that day and that is something
- 00:51:32which we need to understand and try to
- 00:51:34reason it out later that day and as I
- 00:51:37have said you know because she had that
- 00:51:39thing that she wanted to bask in his
- 00:51:41reflected Glory but she did not want to
- 00:51:43share so she was kind of you know
- 00:51:45envious of the fact that she did not get
- 00:51:47singular attention but at the same time
- 00:51:49when he was known to everyone else she
- 00:51:50did not know so by Nature she was a very
- 00:51:53jealous and let's say a very insecure
- 00:51:56kind of person later that day Chu had a
- 00:51:58serious RI of sonamoni over another
- 00:52:00trivial matter so you realize that many
- 00:52:03trivial matters she seems to have a
- 00:52:04dispute with sonamoni she marched into
- 00:52:06Tara's room found his beloved flute and
- 00:52:09callously callously means very
- 00:52:11irresponsible manner jumped and stamped
- 00:52:13on it break it she was still doing it
- 00:52:15when tarapada came in he was amazed by
- 00:52:17the image of Destruction that the girl
- 00:52:19presented how could someone break a
- 00:52:22flute like that charu why are is
- 00:52:25smashing my flute he asked I want to
- 00:52:27smash it I am going to smash it shouted
- 00:52:30charu with red eyes and flushed face her
- 00:52:32face is all gone red that's why it's
- 00:52:34called flushed face damping
- 00:52:36unnecessarily on the already smashed
- 00:52:38flute she burst into loud sobs oh God I
- 00:52:41can relate so much to someone I
- 00:52:45know and ran from the room tarap picked
- 00:52:48up the pieces turned them this way and
- 00:52:50that but it was useless she had
- 00:52:51completely broken it to to wreak
- 00:52:55destruction that is to kind of destroy
- 00:52:58it on his old innocent
- 00:53:00flute was so idiotic was so absurd and
- 00:53:04silly that he burst out laughing you
- 00:53:06know he did not get angry but he felt
- 00:53:08amused and he burst out laughing chush
- 00:53:11Shashi intrigued him means you know her
- 00:53:12behavior surprised him even more every
- 00:53:16day he was also very intrigued and taken
- 00:53:19in by the English Illustrated books in
- 00:53:21moal babu's library tarapada had
- 00:53:24considerable knowledge of the world but
- 00:53:26he could not enter the world of these
- 00:53:27pictures at all because he did not know
- 00:53:29the language he tried to do so in
- 00:53:31imagination but found no satisfaction in
- 00:53:33this seeing his interest in these books
- 00:53:35motilal said one day would you like to
- 00:53:37learn English so you realize he's much
- 00:53:39more generous and indulgent you will
- 00:53:43understand these pictures then if you
- 00:53:44are able to read I would like to learn
- 00:53:46it because you know that he likes to be
- 00:53:49like a sponge trying to learn as much
- 00:53:51from any possible Source moal Babu
- 00:53:54happily engaged the Headmaster of the
- 00:53:55village secondary School Ram ratan Babu
- 00:53:57to teach the boy English every
- 00:54:01evening this has six parts not five
- 00:54:03parts tarap set about learning English
- 00:54:05with great concentration and retention
- 00:54:07that he also retaining what he was
- 00:54:09learning it released him into a hitherto
- 00:54:11inacessible realm because it kind of
- 00:54:14allowed him to read much more and learn
- 00:54:17much more about the world unconnected
- 00:54:19with the former World which is mostly
- 00:54:21about Bengali the local people saw no
- 00:54:24more of him now the locals not see much
- 00:54:26more of him because at dusk when he went
- 00:54:28to the empty Riverside to pay swiftly up
- 00:54:31and down reciting his lessons his boyish
- 00:54:34devotes devotes means who looked up to
- 00:54:35him because they realized that he's
- 00:54:37better than us so they all became
- 00:54:39devoted to him mournfully watched you
- 00:54:41know because he would be busy with
- 00:54:42himself mournfully means because he's
- 00:54:44not they would be sad mournfully means
- 00:54:46they would be sad that he's no longer
- 00:54:49interacting or playing with him with
- 00:54:51them they dared not disturb his studies
- 00:54:54Chu did not see much of his now formerly
- 00:54:57tarapada ate in the women's quarters
- 00:54:59under anap paa's loving gaze but because
- 00:55:01this could take a long time he asked
- 00:55:03motilal Babu to arrange for him to eat
- 00:55:05outside then Anapa was hurt by this
- 00:55:08because of the change in his uh food
- 00:55:11okay
- 00:55:15um but motilal was very pleased by
- 00:55:17Tara's keenness to learn that he agreed
- 00:55:19to this new
- 00:55:22Arrangement now insisted that she too
- 00:55:24wanted to learn English at first her
- 00:55:26parents were OSI AR Baba or as they say
- 00:55:29in Bengali Ur Baba that you know now she
- 00:55:33also wants to do what he's doing she
- 00:55:34also wants to copy the same at first her
- 00:55:37parents were amused by their Bard Bard
- 00:55:39means that very know uh Reckless
- 00:55:43Behavior kind of
- 00:55:45person lovingly laughed at it but it's
- 00:55:48absurdity absurdity means silliness was
- 00:55:50soon washed away by Tears she started
- 00:55:52crying that you know I want to learn
- 00:55:53English doting parents doting means
- 00:55:55affectionate parents you know indulgent
- 00:55:57parents that they were they were forced
- 00:55:59to give in and she started to study
- 00:56:00alongside tarapada with the same cuor
- 00:56:03that ramatan Babu study however was
- 00:56:05alien to her Restless nature now she was
- 00:56:07not used to learning she was very
- 00:56:10restless she was doing it only because
- 00:56:11he was doing it and she wanted to not be
- 00:56:14second to anyone she wanted to do
- 00:56:16whatever he was getting to do okay she
- 00:56:18fell far behind she couldn't learn
- 00:56:20anything by heart couldn't bear to be
- 00:56:22behind so she could not learn but she
- 00:56:23was very jealous that she was not able
- 00:56:26to do the same what tarapada was able to
- 00:56:29do if tarapada overtook her and moved on
- 00:56:31to a new lesson she was Furious and
- 00:56:33burst into tears when he finished an old
- 00:56:35book and bought a new one she had to buy
- 00:56:37the new book too in his spare time he
- 00:56:39would sit in his room learning and
- 00:56:41writing his lessons because he was
- 00:56:43obviously a very diligent kind of a
- 00:56:44student very serious kind of a student
- 00:56:47very honest kind of a student the
- 00:56:49jealous girl could not stand this she
- 00:56:51would secretly come and pour ink on his
- 00:56:54exercise book steal his pen even tear
- 00:56:57from the book The Passage that he had
- 00:56:58been said to
- 00:57:01learn excise homework she would tear the
- 00:57:04page tarap bore with this means he
- 00:57:07tolerated this bore most of this with
- 00:57:10Amusement bore means here it means that
- 00:57:12he tolerated all this because he was
- 00:57:15amused if she went too far he slapped
- 00:57:17her but he was quite unable to control
- 00:57:20her he was not able to control her kind
- 00:57:22of this kind of wavered kind of behavior
- 00:57:26a chance occurrence saved him one day
- 00:57:29truly annoyed he tore up his ink spilled
- 00:57:31exercise book and sat gloomy because she
- 00:57:33had poured in excise book so he tore it
- 00:57:36and he kind of felt very sad Chu came to
- 00:57:38the door and prepared him herself for a
- 00:57:41beating she knew that he would give her
- 00:57:43a slap but nothing happened tarapada
- 00:57:45went on sitting in silence so he tried a
- 00:57:47different style of dealing with her
- 00:57:51deliberately or not deliberately the
- 00:57:53girl went in and out of the room several
- 00:57:55times she came so so close that tarapara
- 00:57:57could if he had wished easily have
- 00:57:59twacked her on her back twacked her
- 00:58:01means given her a slap but he did not do
- 00:58:04that and remained solemn means he
- 00:58:06remained very serious the girl was in a
- 00:58:08quandy quandy means she was confused
- 00:58:11okay why is he not behaving the way she
- 00:58:14expected him to behave how to ask for
- 00:58:16forgiveness was something she had never
- 00:58:18learned she did not know how to say
- 00:58:19sorry yet she was extremely anxious for
- 00:58:22forgiveness so you realize that she
- 00:58:24wants attention she wanted attention she
- 00:58:26was behaving rudely with her with him to
- 00:58:30get her get his
- 00:58:32attention it's like on
- 00:58:36YouTube there are some people who in
- 00:58:38order to draw your attention and I've
- 00:58:40seen this quite often they would write
- 00:58:42the most rude way because they want to
- 00:58:45make you react and over a period of time
- 00:58:47I have realized this don't give them the
- 00:58:49attention that will be the end of it
- 00:58:51that's something which I have learned
- 00:58:53over a period of time
- 00:58:57finally seeing no other way she took a
- 00:58:59piece of the TA exercise book like
- 00:59:01that's what I mean I remember last year
- 00:59:03there are a few students who wrote
- 00:59:05extremely rude
- 00:59:06stuff and I did not dignify them with
- 00:59:09the response I did just kept quiet
- 00:59:12because they would think that if you
- 00:59:13write rude stuff you know it would get
- 00:59:14under my skin my thing is that I go
- 00:59:17silent I choose silence as my weapon I
- 00:59:20do not react because I do not as a
- 00:59:23matter of policy I do not believe in
- 00:59:25phys physical violence of course I don't
- 00:59:27believe in verbal violence also so when
- 00:59:29you do not believe in violence of any
- 00:59:32kind it's the best policy because then
- 00:59:34you are telling that person that you are
- 00:59:37not worthy of my response that is even
- 00:59:41that is a even bigger insult than shout
- 00:59:44and scream at the person or reply in the
- 00:59:47same kind either I will reply with
- 00:59:49silence I mean not reply at all or I
- 00:59:52will reply with some kind of fun kind of
- 00:59:55a response which which also would be
- 00:59:57mocking the person that you try to be
- 00:59:59rude to me it does not affect me that's
- 01:00:02what I want to
- 01:00:05say I always tell to students and I want
- 01:00:09students to know this you know before
- 01:00:11you write something rude or abuse
- 01:00:14someone like me think about how would
- 01:00:17you feel if someone said that to your
- 01:00:20father or your brother or your mother or
- 01:00:22your sister or your uncle how would you
- 01:00:25feel as simple as that one of the
- 01:00:27reasons and I've said this in one of my
- 01:00:29earlier videos one of the reasons why I
- 01:00:31decided against doing U any courses was
- 01:00:34that you know I was you know that whole
- 01:00:37attitude of students you know
- 01:00:40ke giv you, rupees I've given you 12200
- 01:00:43rupees I've given you 1300 rupees now
- 01:00:45you Jolly will are like my slave you
- 01:00:48need to I will say this even if you have
- 01:00:51written the answer to this if I ask this
- 01:00:53you need to write the answer again you
- 01:00:56are my slave because I have paid you
- 01:00:58this 12200 rupees for an entire year of
- 01:01:0012 months 100 rupees per month sorry to
- 01:01:02say I do not dignify you with that kind
- 01:01:07of an importance that I would do that
- 01:01:09which is why I've decided no more
- 01:01:11courses I will do these videos with the
- 01:01:13same kind of honesty but some of the
- 01:01:15things that students like you have said
- 01:01:18to me last year have hurt me and trust
- 01:01:21me and trust me to all those students
- 01:01:23who did that the loss is yours because
- 01:01:25because the kind of notes and the kind
- 01:01:27of content that I create and
- 01:01:31give no teacher can match that because I
- 01:01:33do it with a lot of honesty and lot of
- 01:01:36sincerity the loss is yours because some
- 01:01:39of you think and this includes some of
- 01:01:41you who were part of my 11th class batch
- 01:01:44also the last year's 12th class batch
- 01:01:46the last year 11th class batch the last
- 01:01:48year's 10th class batch I mean the batch
- 01:01:50of
- 01:01:512024 very sadly was
- 01:01:53disappointing and
- 01:01:58anyway let's leave it I don't want to
- 01:02:00get into any kind of negative I like to
- 01:02:02keep myself positive so I all I say is
- 01:02:04that the loss is yours because I do not
- 01:02:07you know that whole thing I would have
- 01:02:09done things very honestly but you
- 01:02:11believe that you know let's get smart
- 01:02:13with this guy too bad I don't I have too
- 01:02:16much of self-respect and self-dignity to
- 01:02:20subject myself to that kind of
- 01:02:22absolutely
- 01:02:24nonsensical gutter level garbage coming
- 01:02:27from some of you you are all 16 17 18
- 01:02:30year olds it does not behave you and as
- 01:02:32I said if someone like if someone said
- 01:02:35the same thing to your father how would
- 01:02:36you feel think about it for a moment as
- 01:02:39I said I would have given all this on a
- 01:02:42platter but I now I'm going to do it
- 01:02:44only on YouTube there' be no doubt
- 01:02:46solving nothing because I I really
- 01:02:49think you know you you killed the batch
- 01:02:54of 2024 I hate to say this the batch of
- 01:02:572024 killed an extremely generous killed
- 01:03:02an extremely giving killed an extremely
- 01:03:08charitable mentor and educator you
- 01:03:11killed that person because I was you
- 01:03:14know so full of energy and I I mean I
- 01:03:16would like anytime any doubt 4:00 a
- 01:03:19doubt is as four or five I would reply
- 01:03:21to that doubt and I realized this is
- 01:03:24such a thank kind of a job you made
- 01:03:27someone like me feel so small with that
- 01:03:30kind of thing and to all those students
- 01:03:32and the the fun part is that those
- 01:03:34students don't even realize that thing
- 01:03:36if you are listening to this you will
- 01:03:37realize it because it was to you I did
- 01:03:40not dignify your third rate gutter
- 01:03:43language with a response I will never do
- 01:03:45that I would never ever do that because
- 01:03:48I will not stoop down to that level but
- 01:03:51please remember Karma comes back and I
- 01:03:54would be sad if it comes comes back to
- 01:03:56you but unfortunately Karma always comes
- 01:03:59back so as I
- 01:04:02said the loss is not mine I am able to
- 01:04:05now do things lot many more things um
- 01:04:09I'm having peace of mind that I don't
- 01:04:10have to reply to doubts I'm much more at
- 01:04:13peace because I am never in The
- 01:04:17RK I have lots of things to do and in
- 01:04:21fact I'm now learning new new things
- 01:04:22pretty much like tarap to come back to
- 01:04:24the story I behave I believe at my age
- 01:04:27to be like a sponge so I am now learning
- 01:04:30new skill set so I am like a student all
- 01:04:32over again and I'm enjoying it thanks to
- 01:04:35the fact that I don't have to spend time
- 01:04:37doing a lot many things which I was
- 01:04:39doing as part of the courses till last
- 01:04:41year great let's get started let's go
- 01:04:45back how to ask for forgiveness was
- 01:04:48something she had never learned in life
- 01:04:51please learn to say sorry like I just
- 01:04:53now told you one word
- 01:04:56I was not sure about my pronunciation I
- 01:04:58was sorry about that because I had not
- 01:05:00checked with the exact pronunciation and
- 01:05:01I did not want to say a wrong word right
- 01:05:05it's important to learn in life to be
- 01:05:08sorry about something learn to be uh
- 01:05:13modest learn to be humble humility is
- 01:05:16one of the biggest virtues you can have
- 01:05:18in life humility is such a great virtue
- 01:05:22always be grounded
- 01:05:25always be grounded in life these are
- 01:05:28things which will really help you to
- 01:05:31mock somebody to put down somebody is
- 01:05:34are things which absolutely Third Rate
- 01:05:36people do never put down anyone always
- 01:05:39be humble always be giving about a lot
- 01:05:42of things these are things which are
- 01:05:44very important be a sponge absorb
- 01:05:47everything that you can learn from
- 01:05:48anyone and
- 01:05:52around finally seeing no other way she
- 01:05:55took a piece of the TA exercise book sat
- 01:05:57down next to tarap and wrote in large
- 01:05:59round exercise letters I will never pour
- 01:06:02ink on your exercise book again so that
- 01:06:04was her way of saying sorry what a sweet
- 01:06:06gesture she then made elaborate so she's
- 01:06:08also changing you see without showing
- 01:06:11anger he realized that showing anger was
- 01:06:13not working so this time he decided not
- 01:06:15to say anything and that had that
- 01:06:18nonviolent way of
- 01:06:21U punishing someone had a greater impact
- 01:06:25at tarap could not contain himself
- 01:06:27anymore and he burst out laughing the
- 01:06:29girl dashed from the room overcome with
- 01:06:32shame and anger now she felt angry and
- 01:06:34shameful embarrassed that he was
- 01:06:37laughing at her only if she had been
- 01:06:39able to exp punch from all time the
- 01:06:42paper on which she had humbled herself
- 01:06:44would her Fury have been eased that she
- 01:06:46thought that line of forgiveness seeking
- 01:06:49that she had return that she wanted to
- 01:06:51be erased so you realize that she had
- 01:06:54basically a big ego that's what she was
- 01:06:59fighting her ego was the one which was
- 01:07:01getting behind her her feeling of
- 01:07:03jealousy and ego that was what was
- 01:07:05creating this entire conflict VAV T
- 01:07:08during this period Sonam had once or
- 01:07:10twice with her heart in her mouth lured
- 01:07:12outside the lesson room she would listen
- 01:07:14outside when the teaching would go on
- 01:07:17she was close to her friend chush Shashi
- 01:07:19in most matters but with regard to
- 01:07:20tarapada she feared and distrusted her
- 01:07:23she thought that you know she did not
- 01:07:25like her being friends with tarap at
- 01:07:28moments when charu was in the women's
- 01:07:29quarters she would stand timidly you
- 01:07:32know in a very shy Meek manner outside
- 01:07:34Tara's door he would look up from his
- 01:07:36book and say tenderly what is it Sona
- 01:07:38what's up how is masi Sonam would say
- 01:07:41you haven't been to see us for a long
- 01:07:43time mother wishes you would sometime
- 01:07:45she has back a so she can't come to meet
- 01:07:47you charu would now perhaps appear
- 01:07:50sonani was flustered flustered means you
- 01:07:55know feeling very agitated or very
- 01:07:58confused so charu essentially felt very
- 01:08:00possessive about tarapara that's
- 01:08:02something which you need to this thing
- 01:08:04and that translated into Envy viav
- 01:08:08Sonam she felt like a thief that you
- 01:08:11know she has come when she's in the
- 01:08:12women's quarter so she felt you know
- 01:08:15embarrassed about it Chu would scowl
- 01:08:17because she would get angry and shriek
- 01:08:19at her well Sona coming to disturb our
- 01:08:21studies I will tell my father as if she
- 01:08:24herself was tarap
- 01:08:26Guardian whose sole object was to watch
- 01:08:28him day and night in case his studies
- 01:08:30were Disturbed but God was not unaware
- 01:08:32of what her actual motive wasn't coming
- 01:08:34to Tara's room at this odd time and
- 01:08:37tarapara knew it well poor
- 01:08:40sonani fumbled for false explanation but
- 01:08:43Chu venomously called her a liar she
- 01:08:45withdrew sick at heart defeated so you
- 01:08:47realize Chu is a very Vicious Kind of a
- 01:08:49person she kind of you know came after
- 01:08:52her in a very strong kind of manner
- 01:08:58the kindly tarapada would call her and
- 01:09:00say Sona I will come to your house this
- 01:09:02evening Chu his back like a snake how
- 01:09:04can you go what about your lessons I
- 01:09:06will tell mokar mokar as in supervisor
- 01:09:09undaunted by charu's thread tarap spent
- 01:09:12a couple of evenings at bamun tun's
- 01:09:14house that is the Mai's house on the
- 01:09:17third day Chu without further warning
- 01:09:18quickly bolted his door and fetching the
- 01:09:20padlock that is the lock from her
- 01:09:22mother's Spice Box logged him in she
- 01:09:24kept him prisoner for the whole evening
- 01:09:25only opening the door when it was time
- 01:09:27to eat so that he does not go to sona's
- 01:09:29house tarapada was angrily silent and
- 01:09:32was about to go out without eating then
- 01:09:34the passionate overr girl clasp her
- 01:09:37hands and cried out repeatedly I promise
- 01:09:40you cross my heart that I won't do it
- 01:09:42again please I beg you eat before you go
- 01:09:46when even this had no effect she began
- 01:09:48to wail that is to cry and he was forced
- 01:09:50to turn back and eat so that's how he
- 01:09:54kind of decided to deal uh with u
- 01:10:00Chu so he realized that you know if he
- 01:10:03shouted at her it was not having the
- 01:10:04effect but if he go went into a silent
- 01:10:07mode angry but silent and decided not to
- 01:10:11eat that kind of uh had an effect on
- 01:10:14Charo so that that's something which you
- 01:10:16need to know as to what was how did the
- 01:10:18relationship evolve and how did he
- 01:10:20manage to control her rather passionate
- 01:10:22way of dealing with him charu many times
- 01:10:24promised herself that she would behave
- 01:10:26properly during tarapada and she would
- 01:10:28not annoy him again but when sonani and
- 01:10:30others turned up it put her into such a
- 01:10:33Race So she felt very envious and
- 01:10:35jealous and she could not control her
- 01:10:37anger she could not control herself if
- 01:10:40he she was good for a few days tarapada
- 01:10:42will steal himself for another Tempest
- 01:10:44Tempest means
- 01:10:48storm no one could say how the attack
- 01:10:51would come on on what grounds for what
- 01:10:52reason there might be a mighty storm and
- 01:10:54floods of years to follow and after that
- 01:10:56peace and affection again so this was a
- 01:10:59very common and usual occurrence that
- 01:11:02was happening all the
- 01:11:07time the last section almost two years
- 01:11:10passed like this tarapara had never
- 01:11:11mooded himself to anyone for so long
- 01:11:13this mood seems to be a favorite word
- 01:11:15third time it's coming in the story that
- 01:11:17is he would not anchor to anyone for so
- 01:11:19long you know it's very strange maybe
- 01:11:22his studies had a hold on him on maybe
- 01:11:24he was changing as he grew up because
- 01:11:26obviously it's two years since then she
- 01:11:28has become 11 and he would have become
- 01:11:30an adult maybe the beauty of his and the
- 01:11:33stable existence in a comfortable house
- 01:11:35had more appealed than before maybe he
- 01:11:36was changing maybe the beauty of his
- 01:11:38study companion even if she had been
- 01:11:40constantly bad tempered was exert
- 01:11:43unconscious influence so this is the
- 01:11:44first hint of some kind of love and
- 01:11:47affection between them that he was taken
- 01:11:49in but it was exerting unconscious
- 01:11:52influence maybe he was not aware of it
- 01:11:55meanwhile Chu had reached the age of 11
- 01:11:57moal Babu had sought out two or three
- 01:12:00good marriage offers so you realize
- 01:12:02child marriage now that she had reached
- 01:12:04marriageable age he placed a ban on
- 01:12:06English books because they thought
- 01:12:07English books were bad
- 01:12:10influence an outside visit she kicked up
- 01:12:13a terrible fuss at this new restrictions
- 01:12:15then one day Anapa called MOA and said
- 01:12:17why search outside for a Grom tarap
- 01:12:19would make a fine husband and your
- 01:12:21daughter likes him so she has observed
- 01:12:25moal Babu was astonished at this
- 01:12:26suggestion that's impossible we don't
- 01:12:28know anything about his family she's my
- 01:12:30only daughter in two years also they
- 01:12:32have not been able to find out anything
- 01:12:34about his background she's my only
- 01:12:36daughter I want to marry her well so she
- 01:12:38thinks that he's not good enough because
- 01:12:41we don't know anything about this family
- 01:12:43reasoning question some people came from
- 01:12:46the zamindar's house at R Danga to look
- 01:12:48at the girl the girl you know when you
- 01:12:50go to see a girl in an arranged marriage
- 01:12:53situation and were made to dress Chu up
- 01:12:56but she did not want to she shut herself
- 01:12:58in the room and refused to come out
- 01:12:59motilal Babu begged and rebuked rebuke
- 01:13:02means
- 01:13:06to scold
- 01:13:16her his daughter had suddenly finally he
- 01:13:19had to lie to the delegation from ranga
- 01:13:21his daughter had suddenly Fallen ill and
- 01:13:23could not be seen today they assumed
- 01:13:25that from this lame excuse that the girl
- 01:13:27had some kind of defect so they thought
- 01:13:30that you know if some this kind of an
- 01:13:32excuse has been made it must be because
- 01:13:35the girl had some kind of defect one
- 01:13:37second I'm putting it on
- 01:13:48charge so that's how that particular
- 01:13:50arranged match was put off moal Babu
- 01:13:53started to reflect that tarapada was in
- 01:13:55good to look at good in every outward
- 01:13:57respect aspect he could keep him at home
- 01:14:00like GJ know someone son-in-law who
- 01:14:02stays at home so his only daughter would
- 01:14:04not have to go to someone else's house
- 01:14:06so he's a very indulgent kind of a
- 01:14:08father doting father he realize that is
- 01:14:12trusant uh means aggressively defined
- 01:14:15someone who is very aggressive and very
- 01:14:16defined uh foibles fbls means
- 01:14:20eccentricities
- 01:14:21okay eccentric behavior and aggressively
- 01:14:24defined
- 01:14:25uh which he and his wife could smile at
- 01:14:27could not be so he said that while they
- 01:14:29tolerated charu's foibles that is her
- 01:14:32excentricities the in-laws may not be so
- 01:14:35tolerant of them after lengthy
- 01:14:37discussion motilal and Anapa sent a man
- 01:14:40to tarapada Village to find out about
- 01:14:41his family the information came that it
- 01:14:43was poor but High cast brahans moal Babu
- 01:14:47then sent a marriage proposal to the
- 01:14:49boys's mother and brothers they were
- 01:14:50well pleased and agreed to it at once
- 01:14:53back at Catalia
- 01:14:56uh M moal and Anapa discussed the day
- 01:14:58and hour of the wedding but the
- 01:14:59naturally cautious motilal kept the
- 01:15:01whole matter secret that means he did
- 01:15:03not tell it either to uh tarapada or to
- 01:15:06chu chu though could not be restricted
- 01:15:08she sometimes burst into Tara's room
- 01:15:10like a cavalry charge means almost like
- 01:15:12a army you know aggressive aggressively
- 01:15:15disturbing his studies with crossness
- 01:15:17eagerness or sconn sometimes detached
- 01:15:20and independent though he was he felt a
- 01:15:21stage stirring in his heart at this
- 01:15:23again another indication of Love okay a
- 01:15:28sort of electrical impulse till now he
- 01:15:30had floated lightly and serenely without
- 01:15:32impediment on time stream that is as
- 01:15:34time passed by nothing seemed to affect
- 01:15:36him sometimes now he was sned by strange
- 01:15:39distracting Daydreams like he was kind
- 01:15:42of you know as he was growing he was
- 01:15:44kind of feeling a little bit of
- 01:15:46Attraction towards Shu he would leave
- 01:15:48his studies and go into moila babu's
- 01:15:50library and flick through the pages of
- 01:15:52The Illustrated books the imaginary
- 01:15:53world which he mixed with these pictures
- 01:15:55was much changed much more highly
- 01:15:57colored than before so he was getting
- 01:15:58exposure to different world because now
- 01:16:01he could understand English so he would
- 01:16:02see the books and he was much more
- 01:16:04enlightened about the world Beyond where
- 01:16:07he stayed there in
- 01:16:09Catalia or whatever he had been exposed
- 01:16:11to before he could not laugh at charu's
- 01:16:14strange Behavior quiet as he had done in
- 01:16:16the past when he was bad when she was
- 01:16:18bad he never thought of beating her now
- 01:16:20this deep change this powerful feeling
- 01:16:22of attraction was like a new dream so
- 01:16:24this is this is again an important line
- 01:16:27motilal Babu fixed the wedding for the
- 01:16:29month of Shaban and sent word to Tara's
- 01:16:32mother and brothers but he did not
- 01:16:33inform tarapada himself so the groom was
- 01:16:36unaware that his marriage was being
- 01:16:38fixed he told his uh mokar that is a
- 01:16:42supervisor in Kolkata to hire a trumpet
- 01:16:45and drum band and he ordered everything
- 01:16:46else that would be needed for the
- 01:16:48wedding early Monsoon clouds formed in
- 01:16:51the sky The Village River had been dried
- 01:16:53up for weeks and there was water only in
- 01:16:55holes here and there so now he's again
- 01:16:57giving a description of the scenery
- 01:16:59small boats lay stuck in these pools of
- 01:17:01Muddy Water and the dry River butd was
- 01:17:03rotted with bulock C tracks the tracks
- 01:17:06had left those kind of
- 01:17:09marks but now like Parvati returning to
- 01:17:11her parents' home gurgling Waters
- 01:17:13Parvati mythological reference uh
- 01:17:16gurgling Lord shiva's wife gurgling
- 01:17:18Waters returned to the empty Arms Of The
- 01:17:21Village you know so because the the
- 01:17:24monsoon clouds were forming naked
- 01:17:26children danced and shouted on the River
- 01:17:28Bank jumped into the water with
- 01:17:30voracious Joy with you know very loud
- 01:17:32kind of joy as if trying to embrace the
- 01:17:36river you know when they jumped into the
- 01:17:37river the GED um the villagers gazed at
- 01:17:42the river like a dear friend a huge wave
- 01:17:43of life and Delight rolled through the
- 01:17:45parched Village because the summer was
- 01:17:47coming to an end and the monsoon was
- 01:17:49about to take over so the seasons are
- 01:17:52changing this is again important the
- 01:17:54season when he had come it was a swollen
- 01:17:57river which means he had come during the
- 01:17:58monsoon time and now after two years
- 01:18:01again the monsoon has come after two
- 01:18:03years and now he wants to probably move
- 01:18:07out again so these are all hints that
- 01:18:10tagor is dropping there were boats big
- 01:18:12and small with cargos from far and wide
- 01:18:14in the evenings the G resounded with the
- 01:18:16songs of foreign boatmen people from
- 01:18:19other places The Villages along the
- 01:18:21river had spent the whole year confined
- 01:18:23to their own small world now now with
- 01:18:25the rains the vast outside world had
- 01:18:27come in its Earth colored watery Chariot
- 01:18:30carrying wondrous gifts to The Villages
- 01:18:32as if on a daughter visit to its
- 01:18:34daughters like when you come to visit
- 01:18:35your daughter's home you kind of carry
- 01:18:37gifts so the outside world has had come
- 01:18:40with the waters and the boards and
- 01:18:42everything the color of the waters
- 01:18:44everything had changed as if they were
- 01:18:46bringing gifts rustic smallness was
- 01:18:48temporarly
- 01:18:50subsumed by pride of contact with the
- 01:18:53world like you know
- 01:18:55rustic is a reference to the rural
- 01:18:57Village and it is very small but it is
- 01:19:00kind of getting enveloped by the contact
- 01:19:02with the outside world which is in the
- 01:19:04form of the monsoon and the largess of
- 01:19:07the river the waters in the river which
- 01:19:09will again get swollen everything became
- 01:19:11more active because in a dry River you
- 01:19:13wouldn't find any activity but when the
- 01:19:15water is full there would be boats and
- 01:19:18activity on the river the bustle of
- 01:19:20distance cities came to this sleepy
- 01:19:22region and the whole Sky rank because
- 01:19:24outside people can also come when there
- 01:19:26is water in the river meanwhile at kurul
- 01:19:29Kata on the nag Family Estate a famous
- 01:19:31Chariot Festival was to be held one
- 01:19:34moonlit evening tarapara went to the G
- 01:19:35and saw on the Swift flood tide boats
- 01:19:38with mer go rounds mer go rounds isaka
- 01:19:41and jatra troops and cargo boats raply
- 01:19:43making to the fair so he's now seeing
- 01:19:45something which he has not seen before
- 01:19:47or something new once again an orchestra
- 01:19:49from Kolkata was practicing loudly as it
- 01:19:52passed the jatra troop was singing to
- 01:19:53Violent accompany
- 01:19:55shouting out the Beats Boatman from
- 01:19:57lands to the West split the sky with
- 01:19:59symbols which is a musical instrument
- 01:20:01and cing drums such excitement so visual
- 01:20:04and sound imagery mixed up by gurudev
- 01:20:08tagor then clouds from the East covered
- 01:20:10the moon with their huge Black Sails and
- 01:20:13an East wind blew sharply Cloud after
- 01:20:15Cloud rolled by the river gushed and
- 01:20:17swelled and darkness thickened in the
- 01:20:20swaying Riverside trees fro frogs Cog
- 01:20:23crickets rasp like wood sauce to
- 01:20:25tarapara the whole world seemed like a
- 01:20:27chariot Festival so he was very taken in
- 01:20:30by this entire scenery the visual and
- 01:20:32the sound imagery uh there were rumbles
- 01:20:35of thunder and slashes of lightning in
- 01:20:37the sky the smell of torrential rain
- 01:20:40approached from the dark distance but
- 01:20:41katalia Village next to the river
- 01:20:43ignored all this she shut her doors
- 01:20:45turned out her lamps and went to sleep
- 01:20:47so katalia did not want to be disturbed
- 01:20:50by all this that was happening around it
- 01:20:54the following morning Tara's mother and
- 01:20:56brothers arrived at katalia and the same
- 01:20:59morning three large boats from Kolkata
- 01:21:00laid in with things for the wedding
- 01:21:01which M Babu had arranged moved at
- 01:21:04zamindar's G and very early that same
- 01:21:06morning Sonam brought some mango juice
- 01:21:09preserve that is you know uh the the
- 01:21:12juice of the thing uh in paper and some
- 01:21:15pickle wrapped in a leaf and timidly
- 01:21:17stood outside Tara's room but tarapada
- 01:21:20was not to be seen he had escaped in a
- 01:21:24cloudy Monsoon night before love and
- 01:21:26emotional ties could encircle him
- 01:21:28completely so maybe he came to know or
- 01:21:30maybe he was just attracted by what he
- 01:21:32saw during the change of season this
- 01:21:34Brahman boy thief of all heart this is a
- 01:21:37fantastic key phrase which you should
- 01:21:39use had returned to the unconstraining
- 01:21:41unemotional arms of his mother earth so
- 01:21:44he had once again escaped into another
- 01:21:46part of the unknown world because this
- 01:21:49place had become too familiar to him and
- 01:21:51he desired to explore the outside world
- 01:21:54World once again so with that we come to
- 01:21:57the end
- 01:21:59of the longest description of atii the
- 01:22:03guest I hope I've done Justice to it you
- 01:22:06have understood each and every word and
- 01:22:08line and the overall themes and the
- 01:22:11character the change in the relationship
- 01:22:14between tarap and Chu how does that
- 01:22:16happen the equation between Anapa and
- 01:22:19tarapara extremely significant to a
- 01:22:21lesser extent the equation between
- 01:22:23motilal Babu and T
- 01:22:25the equation between tarapada and mother
- 01:22:28nature itself the role of the elements
- 01:22:30especially the monsoon is something
- 01:22:33which you need to prepare points for
- 01:22:34because that's extremely important as I
- 01:22:37said we will prepare the test papers
- 01:22:38I'll prepare the test papers in the
- 01:22:40later half of the Year and that should
- 01:22:42help you prepare yourself for the exams
- 01:22:45that much better okay tata bye-bye thank
- 01:22:47you very much God bless you share and
- 01:22:50subscribe bye
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Atiti
- Tarapada
- ISC Class 12
- literatura inglesa
- libertad
- descubrimiento
- educación
- pruebas escolares