Manus is out of control
TLDRManis AI est considéré comme le premier agent d'intelligence artificielle entièrement autonome, capable d'effectuer des recherches, de créer des sites web et d'accomplir diverses tâches de programmation sans intervention humaine. Les utilisateurs expriment leur étonnement face à ses capacités et comparent positivement ses performances à celles d'autres entreprises leader dans le domaine de l'IA. Lancé le 7 mars, Manis AI pourrait transformer le développement de logiciels en rendant les processus plus efficaces et accessibles.
- 🚀 Première démonstration d'un agent IA autonome.
- 💡 Manis AI offre des capacités avancées de recherche et de création.
- 💻 Utilise une architecture cloud avec des agents multiples.
- 📅 Lancement le 7 mars, avec une forte attente d'accès.
- 💬 Exempt de sponsoring, basé sur des expériences authentiques.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introduction de Manis AI, présenté comme le premier agent autonome d'IA, avec des commentaires de personnes influentes faisant l'éloge de cette technologie révolutionnaire. Un test utilisateur exprime une transformation de la perspective sur l'IA et souligne que cela pourrait être le point de départ de l'ère des agents autonomes.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Exécution de divers tests sur Manis en mode standard, avec une recherche sur les jeux vidéo créés à l'aide de l'IA. Le test implique la collection d'informations sur des jeux récents et la création d'un site internet pour les présenter, en mettant l'accent sur l'utilisation de technologies modernes dans le développement de jeux.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Détails sur la configuration technique de Manis, en utilisant une machine virtuelle sous Linux, permettant des opérations complexes. Manis montre sa capacité à gérer des tâches multiples, y compris le découpage de projets en sous-tâches et l'organisation des processus de recherche.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Évaluation des capacités de codage de Manis, en lui demandant de créer un cours en ligne sur l'utilisation de Linux avec des ressources d'IA. Manis est capable de produire un plan de leçon et de créer un site web avec un thème spécifique, en s'assurant que les utilisateurs puissent suivre sans expérience préalable.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Manis illustre ses capacités via l'utilisation de terminaux et de codage en temps réel, démontrant comment les projets sont gérés avec précision. Les performances et la structure de code sont admirées pour leur intelligence et leur efficacité dans la création d'un environnement de développement personnalisé.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Le test inclut une exploration de l'idée d'utiliser Manis pour coder un jeu de simulation de combat aérien, en suivant des instructions précises sur la création d'éléments de jeu. Manis est capable de générer des sous-tâches et de gérer des commandes complexes sans intervention humaine.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Des tests sur la création d'un script vidéo via des APIs montrent que Manis rencontre des obstacles. Malgré certains échecs dans la génération audio, il réussit à créer une interface utilisateur, à mettre en place une logique et à gérer des erreurs de façon autonome, ce qui souligne son potentiel dans le développement de contenu.
- 00:35:00 - 00:44:32
Conclusion avec une discussion sur les performances globales de Manis et des prévisions sur l'avenir du développement d'IA. L'utilisateur exprime une surprise constante face aux capacités de Manis, et indique un intérêt croissant pour l'avenir de cette technologie, mentionnant un potentiel d'open source à venir.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
Qu'est-ce que Manis AI?
Manis AI est un agent AI autonome que les utilisateurs considèrent comme étant en avance sur les technologies de pointe d'autres entreprises comme OpenAI.
Est-ce que Manis AI est sponsorisé?
Non, l'utilisateur qui a testé Manis AI précise qu'il n'y a pas de sponsoring ni de compensation financière.
Comment fonctionne Manis AI?
Manis AI utilise une architecture multi-agent et fonctionne sur un environnement cloud, lui permettant de réaliser des tâches complexes de manière autonome.
Quels types de tâches Manis AI peut-il accomplir?
Il peut réaliser des recherches, créer des sites web, proposer des leçons sur Linux et automatiser des processus de développement.
Quand Manis AI a-t-il été lancé?
Manis AI a été lancé le 7 mars.
Quels langages de programmation Manis AI supporte-t-il?
Manis AI prend en charge plusieurs langages, y compris ceux utilisés pour le développement de jeux et d'applications web.
Comment Manis AI gère-t-il les erreurs?
Lorsqu'il rencontre une erreur, Manis AI continue d'essayer de résoudre le problème et d'optimiser les résultats.
Est-ce que Manis AI est accessible à tous?
Actuellement, il y a une liste d'attente avec un million de personnes pour obtenir l'accès à Manis AI.
D'où tire-t-il ses informations?
Manis AI utilise des recherches sur le web pour collecter des informations pertinentes pour les tâches qu'il effectue.
Manis va-t-il devenir open-source?
Oui, il est prévu que Manis AI devienne open-source en 2025.
Ver mais resumos de vídeos
- 00:00:00so you might have heard about Manis AI
- 00:00:02this I think is fair to say is the
- 00:00:04world's first autonomous AI agent I got
- 00:00:07a chance to test it out and uh you need
- 00:00:10to see this really fast here are some of
- 00:00:11the other people that I follow online
- 00:00:13that have tested it here's McKay rley
- 00:00:15saying it's legitimately impressive and
- 00:00:17as a reminder I don't do paid posts he's
- 00:00:20kind of Blown Away by it starting to
- 00:00:22freak out a little bit I may have
- 00:00:24undersold this what in the world did I
- 00:00:26get access to Here Without exaggeration
- 00:00:28I'm genuinely being a super Earnest
- 00:00:29about about this I think this experience
- 00:00:31has shifted my worldview a bit that was
- 00:00:34basically 80% of what I imagine
- 00:00:36experiencing AGI will be like and I
- 00:00:39agree with what he's saying and I do
- 00:00:40have a need to tell you that no this is
- 00:00:42not sponsored no one's paying me to say
- 00:00:44these things this is I think the first
- 00:00:47example of a fully autonomous AI agent
- 00:00:50this seems way ahead of open AI of
- 00:00:53anthropic I think this is what openi is
- 00:00:56planning to release as their you know
- 00:00:58$20,000 a month or for $10,000 or $2,000
- 00:01:01month agents I think this is that
- 00:01:04there's a couple things that it did that
- 00:01:06I don't understand how it did that it
- 00:01:08seems very smart across the board but
- 00:01:10yeah I think March 7th this thing was
- 00:01:12released I think that is the day we
- 00:01:14entered the era of autonomous AI agents
- 00:01:17so I was able to run five tests on it
- 00:01:19before hitting my limit I've requested
- 00:01:21an increase there's like a million
- 00:01:23person waiting list so we'll see if
- 00:01:25that's a possibility but take a look and
- 00:01:27let me know what you think about 5
- 00:01:28minutes ago I got access to to Mattis
- 00:01:30let's go all right so first and foremost
- 00:01:32we have standard High effort so high
- 00:01:35effort mode employs a longer Chain of
- 00:01:36Thought and performs more detailed tasks
- 00:01:38breakdown though it requires more
- 00:01:40processing time during the experimental
- 00:01:41period this mode is limited to one use
- 00:01:43per day all right we'll we'll save that
- 00:01:45for last we'll stick with standard for
- 00:01:47now so first and foremost let's uh let's
- 00:01:50do some research on the AI made games
- 00:01:52that are kind of going nuts you might
- 00:01:54have seen fly Peter right that game that
- 00:01:57was coded up with grock and CLA 2 by
- 00:01:59Peter levels think last I checked it's
- 00:02:01pulling in something like 100,000 per
- 00:02:03month based on this fairly simple game
- 00:02:06that was coded up fairly quickly using
- 00:02:08AI technology so so we're going to say
- 00:02:10research video games that were created
- 00:02:11recently using AI for example using
- 00:02:13cursor Gro 3 Cloud 3.7 Etc one example
- 00:02:17is basically whatever the
- 00:02:19whatever they're doing however they're
- 00:02:21making the code as long as it's
- 00:02:22utilizing AI to build it that's what
- 00:02:24we're looking for so so let's research
- 00:02:26the top five to 10 games like that must
- 00:02:28have been built in the last 3 months or
- 00:02:30so get details about these games like
- 00:02:32how they were built who is the creator
- 00:02:34list any resources the Creator posted
- 00:02:36online talking about how this was built
- 00:02:38like videos X posts Etc let's say
- 00:02:40YouTube videos so if they have YouTube
- 00:02:42videos talking about how they built this
- 00:02:43thing or posts on X about it uh we want
- 00:02:46to see those then create a website that
- 00:02:48showcases all of this with links to the
- 00:02:49game to the Creator and a summary about
- 00:02:51the most important things about the game
- 00:02:53make the website have the aesthetic feel
- 00:02:55of a '90s video game and away we go so
- 00:02:59I've covered some this in the previous
- 00:03:00video but what completely blew away my
- 00:03:03mind about Manis is the way that they've
- 00:03:06built it so so far I've only seen other
- 00:03:08people using it this is the first time
- 00:03:10that I I'm I'm using it Hands-On but as
- 00:03:13far as I could tell from the previous
- 00:03:15videos posted online madus itself so
- 00:03:17they it has its own sort of computer its
- 00:03:19own cloud computer that's running Linux
- 00:03:22specifically it looks like Ubuntu and
- 00:03:24it's got access to the command line
- 00:03:26meaning it's kind of a super user on an
- 00:03:28open source operat system which if done
- 00:03:31correctly basically gives it tons of
- 00:03:33power to do a lot of different stuff so
- 00:03:36as you can see here the layout is a
- 00:03:38little bit similar to Devon by cognition
- 00:03:40AI to where you kind of have these
- 00:03:42different windows and you can kind of
- 00:03:44look through to see what it's doing so
- 00:03:46here is a list of all of the sort of
- 00:03:49websites that it's looking to and we can
- 00:03:51scroll forward to see where it is in the
- 00:03:54process all right so as you can see here
- 00:03:55it created a to-do MD so in Linux MD is
- 00:04:00a mark down file so you can kind of
- 00:04:01think of it as a text editor but with
- 00:04:03like a little bit more functionality so
- 00:04:05it can be used for code for text Etc and
- 00:04:07as you can see here it broke down the
- 00:04:09tasks I gave it into subtasks we have
- 00:04:11the search phase the research phase the
- 00:04:13website creation Etc and for each one of
- 00:04:15those it has subtasks and it shows it
- 00:04:18completing the subtasks as it goes along
- 00:04:20so as you can see here it's searching
- 00:04:22YouTube I'm trying to find a shot of
- 00:04:25where it actually is using the terminal
- 00:04:28because we saw it pretty clearly in in
- 00:04:30in another video that I saw online
- 00:04:31interestingly we can also use mantis's
- 00:04:34computer looks like we use vs code or
- 00:04:36browser we'll do that later I don't want
- 00:04:38to mess it up right now looks like it
- 00:04:39does get blocked by Reddit so a lot of
- 00:04:41the times when you're using these um you
- 00:04:43know virtual machines it's not like an
- 00:04:45actual desktop sitting somewhere it's
- 00:04:46just a virtual machine that's kind of
- 00:04:48simulating a desktop experience but um
- 00:04:51as you can see here we can take control
- 00:04:52so they've basically recreated operator
- 00:04:55opening eyes operator they've also
- 00:04:57recreated a lot of the functionality in
- 00:05:00clad coder the brand new thing the
- 00:05:02research preview that they've released
- 00:05:03so here is the live view so is it is it
- 00:05:07just sitting there watching a video I
- 00:05:09wonder that's very interesting I'd be
- 00:05:11surprised if it actually watches the
- 00:05:13videos I don't think anything right now
- 00:05:15currently actually does that most of
- 00:05:16them just use the the transcript and use
- 00:05:19the text in the transcript meanwhile I
- 00:05:21will do another test on it so one thing
- 00:05:23that I really wanted to test with this
- 00:05:25is to see how well it's able to do
- 00:05:27coding now currently my understanding is
- 00:05:29this isn't its main thing that it's
- 00:05:31supposed to be doing I don't expect good
- 00:05:33results which is fine this is not going
- 00:05:35to lower my opinion of it this is more
- 00:05:37like a web surfing agent like a
- 00:05:40knowledge worker something they can do
- 00:05:42some coding like creating HTML websites
- 00:05:45Etc but it's not the software engineer
- 00:05:49quite yet but this is what we're going
- 00:05:51to do we're going to say lots of people
- 00:05:52want to get started using a Linux to
- 00:05:54create things with AI let's create a
- 00:05:56full online course about how to do that
- 00:05:57including videos lessons links to
- 00:06:00resources Etc start by creating a
- 00:06:02walkthrough of how to install Ubuntu so
- 00:06:04walk them through the basics of using
- 00:06:06Ubuntu they'll need to install something
- 00:06:08called Cloud coder I will go ahead and
- 00:06:10drop the link in there just so it
- 00:06:11doesn't get confused later I'm going to
- 00:06:13test it specifically on how well it's
- 00:06:14able to find this information online but
- 00:06:16currently I'm I'm testing something
- 00:06:18different I don't want it to trip up on
- 00:06:19that particular thing because I'm
- 00:06:20testing something else and I'm I guess
- 00:06:22I'm kind of assuming that it will have
- 00:06:24some weaknesses or mistakes we'll see it
- 00:06:26might not but teach them the basics the
- 00:06:28need to install Cloud coder and the
- 00:06:29commands that they need so there's like
- 00:06:31just a handful of commands that you have
- 00:06:32to be able to run in order to install
- 00:06:35clot coder so we don't want to like
- 00:06:36overwhelmed in the person but at the
- 00:06:39same time they need like three or four
- 00:06:41different things that they have to type
- 00:06:42in in order to proceed assume little to
- 00:06:45no Linux experience prior to this then
- 00:06:47explain what GitHub is and how to use it
- 00:06:49and then find one simple project that
- 00:06:51you can try on GitHub by using Cloud
- 00:06:52coder to clone the repo this will be a
- 00:06:54lesson that demonstrates how to use
- 00:06:55GitHub and Cloud coder in conjunction
- 00:06:58okay so this is where it's sort of like
- 00:07:00generates the lesson plan and Next Step
- 00:07:02will be actually creating the website
- 00:07:05with the lesson plan make it in dark
- 00:07:06mode so create the website that has all
- 00:07:07the lessons and walkthroughs make it in
- 00:07:09dark mode with a black and yellow theme
- 00:07:11all right so we're going to click go so
- 00:07:13for the people that may be not familiar
- 00:07:15with what I'm talking about here so
- 00:07:16basically a lot of the stuff that gets
- 00:07:18released in the sort of the AI space
- 00:07:21often gets released on Linux and apple
- 00:07:23first because they are sort of similar
- 00:07:26Apple's OS is sort of built on the same
- 00:07:28sort of foundation as Linux and so if
- 00:07:30you're a Windows user very often you're
- 00:07:33going to be waiting for the updates or
- 00:07:35stuff is not going to work as intended
- 00:07:37Cloud coder I could not get it to run on
- 00:07:39Windows and I do believe more and more
- 00:07:41people get interested in using Linux
- 00:07:43especially since things like this run on
- 00:07:45Linux I think a lot more things will
- 00:07:46start running on Linux things like
- 00:07:48Ubuntu Etc Ubuntu is sort of a a flavor
- 00:07:50a distribution of Linux kind of a
- 00:07:52version of it customized for certain
- 00:07:54specific things and back in the days you
- 00:07:56know 5 10 years ago it was fairly
- 00:07:59difficult at least for people that don't
- 00:08:00have a lot of experience with it it had
- 00:08:02a bit of a learning curve now not only
- 00:08:04is it getting a lot better to use
- 00:08:05because of all the AI tools that you can
- 00:08:07use with it but also it's getting a lot
- 00:08:09easier to learn because the AI can
- 00:08:12assist you in using it if you have Linux
- 00:08:14open you know the terminal in one sort
- 00:08:16of window and then something like Chad
- 00:08:18PT in another Chad PT will just walk you
- 00:08:20through all the commands and exactly
- 00:08:21what to do and it's pretty good at doing
- 00:08:23so so I think this is going to be I'm
- 00:08:25kind of calling it now I think there's
- 00:08:27going to be a lot more interesting stuff
- 00:08:28like this so what I'm trying to do here
- 00:08:30is to create a beginner friendly guide
- 00:08:33to how to get into it right so and and
- 00:08:35it's going to cover a lot of you know
- 00:08:37before you had things like Chad gbt to
- 00:08:39help you out doing this would be you
- 00:08:41know fairly difficult for a beginner you
- 00:08:44know figuring out how GitHub Works
- 00:08:45figure out how Cloud coder Works how to
- 00:08:47use the command line all these things
- 00:08:49would have a steep learning curve but as
- 00:08:52you hopefully you'll see now it's it's a
- 00:08:54lot easier to get in there and start
- 00:08:56building and start tweaking things and
- 00:08:57figuring out how they work which I think
- 00:08:59is going to be a lot more interesting
- 00:09:00for people so let's leave that to do its
- 00:09:02thing oh and here we can see Manis using
- 00:09:04the terminal okay so we're still able to
- 00:09:06see it so let me move this over here so
- 00:09:08this is Manis using the Ubuntu terminal
- 00:09:10right so as you can see here it's
- 00:09:11actually typing in you know change
- 00:09:13directory go to this directory and so it
- 00:09:15usually what it does when you give a
- 00:09:17task a project it starts by creating a
- 00:09:19new directory that that it's going to
- 00:09:21work on so each project it's own
- 00:09:23directory and whatever assets whatever
- 00:09:26files it creates to complete that
- 00:09:28project go into that directory so this
- 00:09:30is very similar to Cloud coder and as
- 00:09:32you can see here on the previous page
- 00:09:34actually I can probably go back so as
- 00:09:35you can see here so it needs Cloud flare
- 00:09:38workers so this is likely for creating
- 00:09:41the website that we asked it for so as
- 00:09:43you can see here it's initializing a get
- 00:09:45repository so GitHub is a place where a
- 00:09:48lot of people store code that anybody
- 00:09:50can use right so I can go there and if
- 00:09:52somebody created a piece of software
- 00:09:54that does something I can just clone
- 00:09:56that to my computer and then I can use
- 00:09:57it or work on it to upgrade in some ways
- 00:10:00I can either Fork it meaning I can kind
- 00:10:02of create a different version and take
- 00:10:03it into sort of whatever Direction I
- 00:10:05want to or contribute to the original
- 00:10:08it's kind of this open source ecosystem
- 00:10:09so here it's using that to I'm assuming
- 00:10:13this is for building the website so
- 00:10:14looks like it's using uh it's talking
- 00:10:16about database config it's uh using a
- 00:10:19SQL file to reset the D database or
- 00:10:22rather this is probably some
- 00:10:23documentation that it's reading about
- 00:10:24how to do that and so if we go live here
- 00:10:27is the layout. TSX which includes the
- 00:10:31HTML text for the website that we've
- 00:10:33asked for noex is adding all the you
- 00:10:35know the copyright and all that stuff in
- 00:10:37the footer so it kind of like knows how
- 00:10:39to do that stuff this is the cool thing
- 00:10:41about kind of the um the agents like
- 00:10:43this because you know when you're
- 00:10:44dealing with a chatbot you know there's
- 00:10:46a certain context window so it it tries
- 00:10:48to shorten things up right so if you go
- 00:10:50a project that's massive they can't run
- 00:10:52it in one thing by creating these kind
- 00:10:53of agentic structures you kind of create
- 00:10:55these like Loops that it's able to do
- 00:10:57like now do this now do this now do it
- 00:10:59now do this right and you can do one
- 00:11:01thing at a time and here it explains the
- 00:11:04Showcase right so this is the AI game
- 00:11:06development thing so it's saying this
- 00:11:07website highlights the incredible
- 00:11:09progress in AI assistant game
- 00:11:10development all these games were built
- 00:11:12in the last 3 months so this is we're
- 00:11:14beginning to see the power of these AI
- 00:11:15agents right so you kind of give it this
- 00:11:17top level goal and it has enough
- 00:11:19intelligence to not only figure out how
- 00:11:21to break it into little pieces but when
- 00:11:22it gets to for example you know creating
- 00:11:24the website knows okay like I need to
- 00:11:26describe what this website is right
- 00:11:28because it has to appear in for example
- 00:11:31Google you know search results plus the
- 00:11:33people that are looking at the website
- 00:11:34have to know what it is so it figures
- 00:11:36out how to describe it based on the
- 00:11:38description I gave to it right so it
- 00:11:40takes kind of the words that I've used
- 00:11:42translates them into the description of
- 00:11:43the website it's it's little things like
- 00:11:46that like normally you would have to
- 00:11:47have a human being that sat there and
- 00:11:49thought about that and rewrote it right
- 00:11:51there's a little bit of a cognitive load
- 00:11:53involved with that but it's lowlevel
- 00:11:55it's you know kind of boring if that's
- 00:11:57all you had to do it's not high LEL
- 00:11:59tasks the huge thing about AI agents
- 00:12:02like Manis is that a lot of that stuff
- 00:12:04it can do for you right and then if if
- 00:12:06it's off if you want to improve it you
- 00:12:08can step in and manually adjust things
- 00:12:10or just tell it to try again or specify
- 00:12:13how it should do it Etc so we have a
- 00:12:14space shooter by Alex Finn Frogger with
- 00:12:17rocket launch by Micah flight simulator
- 00:12:19by Peter levels shooter game by Jagger
- 00:12:21Barda and a 3D seen by AI oriented Dev I
- 00:12:25think I I'm familiar with like two or
- 00:12:27three of those so so as you see here
- 00:12:29it's creating a kind of a development
- 00:12:32environment to run to render the website
- 00:12:35locally so we'll come back to this but
- 00:12:37so far this little robot is doing a
- 00:12:39great job very very proud so looks like
- 00:12:42going back to the Linux AI course it's
- 00:12:45now on GitHub and it's checking out okay
- 00:12:48so it found a python artificial
- 00:12:49intelligence projects for beginners
- 00:12:52which is probably the thing that it's
- 00:12:53going to use as its demonstration
- 00:12:55project wow so for a second there if you
- 00:12:58saw that let me see if I can go back so
- 00:13:00for a second there I can't quite find
- 00:13:01that frame um but for a second there you
- 00:13:03could see the the bounding boxes around
- 00:13:06kind of all the usable objects on screen
- 00:13:09so that's how it seems like it's like
- 00:13:11able to navigate stuff like that which
- 00:13:13is interesting so that's not quite how
- 00:13:15the open aai operator does it the open
- 00:13:17aai operator if I understand it actually
- 00:13:20uses like real Vision uh the the vision
- 00:13:23model looking at the screen and then
- 00:13:24moving the mouse to click on it this
- 00:13:26still has some sort of a like it it
- 00:13:27finds a different objects on there and
- 00:13:29then goes to click on them and there are
- 00:13:31sort of pros and cons to both from what
- 00:13:33I've seen kind of the advantages to
- 00:13:34using something like this is you're
- 00:13:36going to be much faster and much more
- 00:13:38accurate within the things that that
- 00:13:41approach can do but there's going to be
- 00:13:43some like weird use cases where it it
- 00:13:45doesn't quite work like that right so if
- 00:13:47you if it's having a hard time defining
- 00:13:49certain little things on screen as
- 00:13:50objects it might miss those but for most
- 00:13:52of the stuff online this is going to be
- 00:13:54the faster more accurate just easier
- 00:13:56approach so as you can see here you know
- 00:13:58one of the course is that it walks you
- 00:14:00through is setting up your environment
- 00:14:02so if you're going to code of python
- 00:14:04it's very good to use certain virtual
- 00:14:05environments to make sure that kind of
- 00:14:07everything works well within that
- 00:14:08environment where you have all the tools
- 00:14:10that you need the correct version right
- 00:14:12it's just a way to manage the complexity
- 00:14:14a little bit so they're walking you
- 00:14:16through exactly how to do that so you
- 00:14:17have your sort of your terminal bash you
- 00:14:20create a directory you navigate to that
- 00:14:22directory you create a virtual
- 00:14:24environment you activate the virtual
- 00:14:26environment and then within that
- 00:14:27environment you install the required
- 00:14:29packages this looks terrific so far then
- 00:14:33it walks you through how to use cloth
- 00:14:35coder to clone the the repo this this
- 00:14:37looks great I got to say so far I'm very
- 00:14:39very impressed all right but let's test
- 00:14:41its coding abilities is it a coder so
- 00:14:44we're going to create a 3Gs game where
- 00:14:45you control a plane make the plane a
- 00:14:48World War II fighter plane create
- 00:14:50several environments to fly over like
- 00:14:52ocean Forest City at a day and night
- 00:14:56cycle create an attack function that
- 00:14:57fires a machine gun and we're going to
- 00:14:59say add lots of visual effects to make
- 00:15:02it realistic smoke lens flares Trace
- 00:15:05rounds for the machine gun clouds Etc so
- 00:15:07let's start there and see where this
- 00:15:09takes us if it Nails this that I got to
- 00:15:11say would be fairly impressive so
- 00:15:13there's this new thing so it says
- 00:15:15knowledge suggestions when pending so
- 00:15:17let's see what this is okay so this is a
- 00:15:20way to store like permanent knowledge or
- 00:15:22memory as open AI cause it um so when I
- 00:15:25ask for a 3js WW2 fighter plane it's
- 00:15:29saying should we just assume you want
- 00:15:31all of those things in there which is
- 00:15:33pretty cool not quite there yet because
- 00:15:37um I want to see how it how it works on
- 00:15:39this first attempt and then later maybe
- 00:15:40we'll add that as in addition to every
- 00:15:42single prompt this is going to be very
- 00:15:44effective if you're doing the same thing
- 00:15:46over and over again so but we're going
- 00:15:47to reject it for now all right but that
- 00:15:48was a child's play well not really it's
- 00:15:51it's kind of complicated but let's see
- 00:15:52if we can uh crank up the difficulty
- 00:15:55just a little bit we're going to ask it
- 00:15:56to do this so we're going to create a
- 00:15:58tool that takes a prompt like a woman is
- 00:16:00talking about how amazing this hamster
- 00:16:02cage product is and an llm of my choice
- 00:16:05writes out a script for that then that
- 00:16:07script gets voiced over in 11 Labs with
- 00:16:10the voice of my choosing then that voice
- 00:16:12over is fed into haen to create a video
- 00:16:15Avatar that says the thing that says
- 00:16:17that script and use the apis for
- 00:16:20everything I will provide API keys and
- 00:16:23by the way keep in mind that if it fails
- 00:16:26at any one of these then we can always
- 00:16:28bump it into that extended thinking mode
- 00:16:30so once we figure out like what where
- 00:16:31the limit is we'll we'll test that out
- 00:16:33as well all right so here we got a
- 00:16:35notification Manis is attempting to
- 00:16:37deploy a service located at you know
- 00:16:39whatever so basically it's asking me if
- 00:16:41it's okay to deploy the application to
- 00:16:43the public network yeah why not
- 00:16:45unleashing this egi onto the internet
- 00:16:48what could possibly go wrong all right
- 00:16:50so here we have so it's hitting an M
- 00:16:53error which is a which is a package
- 00:16:56manager for for JavaScript but as you
- 00:16:59can see here so when it encounters an
- 00:17:00error it just completes it it it keeps
- 00:17:04troubleshooting and figuring out how to
- 00:17:05get around it Etc creating optimized
- 00:17:07production build so not that long ago if
- 00:17:10you recall we were sitting here kind of
- 00:17:13like dreaming anticipating the day then
- 00:17:16something like this would exist where
- 00:17:17you tell it to do something and it just
- 00:17:19goes off because I mean some of these
- 00:17:20things have been running for 20 minutes
- 00:17:22now right so for 20 minutes from one
- 00:17:25prompt this thing is sitting there and
- 00:17:27just thinking and work and doing and
- 00:17:30troubleshooting optimizing with almost
- 00:17:33zero input from me now if it's able to
- 00:17:36create these World War II fighter
- 00:17:38playing games by the way look at this
- 00:17:41this subtask right list this this game
- 00:17:43development right look at how many
- 00:17:45subtasks it created right environments
- 00:17:48ocean Forest City environment switching
- 00:17:50mechanism day night cycle machine like
- 00:17:52like look at that so we're about I don't
- 00:17:54know 20 minutes in maybe and we're less
- 00:17:56than a third of the way maybe a third of
- 00:17:58the way into it completing all the
- 00:18:00things by the way really fast so if it
- 00:18:02can do something like this and keep on
- 00:18:04adding various functionality to it in an
- 00:18:07effective manner why is that important
- 00:18:09right is it just that oh now you have a
- 00:18:10little shooting plane game that you can
- 00:18:12mess around with well you know again
- 00:18:14this is the fly Peter game that he
- 00:18:16created very very quickly so you know
- 00:18:18you can have the various different
- 00:18:20things you can purchase different planes
- 00:18:22like the F16 but we'll just start with
- 00:18:24the Cessna all right so you know I I'll
- 00:18:26have the sound off so it doesn't get too
- 00:18:27annoying but you know this this game is
- 00:18:30multiplayer so you're able to fly around
- 00:18:32with a lot of different people all over
- 00:18:34the world and as you can see here like
- 00:18:36right this blimp says a synth flow on it
- 00:18:38Etc freelancer whatever right so these
- 00:18:41are people that chose to pay money to
- 00:18:43advertise within this game and this game
- 00:18:46is pulling in quite a bit of money from
- 00:18:49these advertisements even if I see it
- 00:18:51correctly an advertisement on the moon
- 00:18:54can't quite tell what it is but it's
- 00:18:55there right and that game rapidly scaled
- 00:18:57up to where it's making 50,000 a month
- 00:19:00and I even been seeing uh potentially
- 00:19:02got up to 100,000 a month in monthly
- 00:19:05recurring revenue or maybe it's not
- 00:19:06recurring if it's like a sponsorship
- 00:19:08placements I'm not sure but the point is
- 00:19:10it's it's a lot from something that was
- 00:19:12created very quickly so initially it was
- 00:19:14made in just 30 minutes with AI tools so
- 00:19:16it kind of gives you a glimpse into how
- 00:19:18quickly these things are proceeding
- 00:19:19because when you know claw 3.7 grock 3
- 00:19:22when they came out it really
- 00:19:23supercharged developers to create a lot
- 00:19:26of stuff things that could be scaled up
- 00:19:29very very quickly to make significant
- 00:19:31amounts of money so people used
- 00:19:33something like cursor which is a
- 00:19:34development environment that's
- 00:19:36integrated with these large language
- 00:19:38models like Claude or 03 mini High
- 00:19:41whichever one you prefer but you still
- 00:19:43needed to know some things in order to
- 00:19:46kind of use it you still have to have
- 00:19:47some technical background with this and
- 00:19:50again we have to see how well it's going
- 00:19:51to complete these tasks but it does seem
- 00:19:54more and more that these large language
- 00:19:56models these AI tools they're kind of
- 00:19:57separating the human from like the code
- 00:20:00the command line because you know in the
- 00:20:03very beginning a long long time ago
- 00:20:05everything had to be written out by hand
- 00:20:07right so each word each letter of the of
- 00:20:10the code had to be done by a human each
- 00:20:12command line had to be written out you
- 00:20:14know on a keyboard Etc and now as you
- 00:20:16can see here this AI tool is running the
- 00:20:19commands in the command line it's
- 00:20:21creating the documents is populating it
- 00:20:23with code so far I didn't do anything I
- 00:20:26didn't write one bit of code I wrote
- 00:20:29everything out in natural language in
- 00:20:31English and the important thing to keep
- 00:20:33in mind is so I don't know how well this
- 00:20:35thing is going to come out like the
- 00:20:36coding how well it's going to come out
- 00:20:38but here's the thing that the large
- 00:20:41language models that are being used by
- 00:20:42this I don't know exactly what they're
- 00:20:43using but they're saying that they've
- 00:20:45been fine-tuned so they took some
- 00:20:46probably open- Source large language
- 00:20:48model they've fine-tuned it to be good
- 00:20:51at you know being Manis Etc and that's
- 00:20:54what's being used and they said that
- 00:20:56they're going to open source this thing
- 00:20:58later this here 2025 so think about that
- 00:21:00for a second so in 2025 let's say you
- 00:21:03have this entire sort of scaffolding
- 00:21:05right the the what Manis is so if you
- 00:21:07think of this thing as scaffolding plus
- 00:21:10a large language model that's kind of
- 00:21:13what this is by scaffolding I mean the
- 00:21:15thing that's you know kind of like that
- 00:21:16kind of says okay so first thing you
- 00:21:18know create these subtasks and then run
- 00:21:20these commands right so it kind of like
- 00:21:21turns this into an agent right allows it
- 00:21:24to surf the web Etc but I think the
- 00:21:26important thing to understand here is
- 00:21:27that if it is open source then and and
- 00:21:31the whatever large language models that
- 00:21:32they're using under the hood isn't the
- 00:21:34top of the line they can very simply
- 00:21:37switch in the top of the line right you
- 00:21:39can put in Cloud 3.7 Sonet or grock 3 or
- 00:21:4203 mini high or any time the next big
- 00:21:45thing comes out you just put it in there
- 00:21:47I'm curious to know if they're using
- 00:21:49deep seek for this that would certainly
- 00:21:51make sense all right so here it's saying
- 00:21:53it's waiting for user all right so this
- 00:21:55is Manis it says thank you for your
- 00:21:57patience a very very polite I like that
- 00:22:00okay so it says we've completed the
- 00:22:01Ubuntu installation Basics Etc and it's
- 00:22:04saying should I just continue working
- 00:22:06making the adjustments or show you a
- 00:22:07preview I'm going to say preview
- 00:22:09actually now that I'm thinking about it
- 00:22:10I'm going to say preview please this
- 00:22:12thing is a little bit too advanced I I
- 00:22:14feel like I should be polite back
- 00:22:15preview please so I going to deploy a
- 00:22:17temporary version so you can see how it
- 00:22:19looks with the Dark theme using black
- 00:22:21and yellow colors meanwhile our AI
- 00:22:23generate video games so it's also asking
- 00:22:26if it should deploy to the public
- 00:22:27network let's say go for it and our
- 00:22:29automated video creation with llm and
- 00:22:31apis it's asking for the API Keys now
- 00:22:35interestingly in anthropics and Cloud
- 00:22:37coder when it's time to get to the point
- 00:22:39where you know you give up your API keys
- 00:22:41to the thing I mean there's obviously
- 00:22:43security issues with that so Cloud coder
- 00:22:45refuses to do it but then if you just
- 00:22:47you know you copy and paste your uh API
- 00:22:49key in there it kind of like it like
- 00:22:51lectures you about it kind of grumbles
- 00:22:53about it's like well you really
- 00:22:54shouldn't do that young young sir but it
- 00:22:56it does still take the API keys and put
- 00:22:58it where it's supposed to go again you
- 00:23:00know don't do this or at least be aware
- 00:23:03of the risks of doing this I'm willing
- 00:23:05to be your giddy pig to test this thing
- 00:23:07out but you know there are security
- 00:23:09issues with just doing something like
- 00:23:11this all right so I added all of my API
- 00:23:13keys this is one of those things where
- 00:23:15you have to be careful what you're doing
- 00:23:16I plan to delete those API keys after
- 00:23:19testing this thing you know and before
- 00:23:20uploading this video but I've created
- 00:23:23unique API keys for testing this thing
- 00:23:26and later if I wanted to use it long
- 00:23:28term I would actually have to go in
- 00:23:30myself and add those keys in a secure
- 00:23:32way but let's take a look at our AI
- 00:23:35generated video game research preview so
- 00:23:37we're going to click to view and wow it
- 00:23:41is glorious absolutely glorious oh wow
- 00:23:45and it's got the little scrolling text
- 00:23:47absolutely incredible look at that games
- 00:23:49created with AI tools like cursor Gro 3
- 00:23:51and Cloud 3.7 in the last 3 months so it
- 00:23:53kind of literally copied what I said but
- 00:23:55that's okay no coding experience
- 00:23:57required the future of game development
- 00:23:59is here okay and it added those this is
- 00:24:01I mean this is good so far so good right
- 00:24:04wow all right recently created with AI
- 00:24:06we got the space shooter game by Alex
- 00:24:08Finn it's got oh and it like has a
- 00:24:11little popup thing wow okay this is very
- 00:24:14good and look at that it writes out uh
- 00:24:16how it was created we can click on more
- 00:24:19info and it gives us more info I wow wow
- 00:24:23wow wow used grock's deep research for
- 00:24:25research and planning used grock's think
- 00:24:28or Cloud 3.7 to execute the code
- 00:24:30deployed via GitHub all the resources it
- 00:24:34it gives how many followers this person
- 00:24:36has look at that it's got the YouTube
- 00:24:38channel a newsletter a website notable
- 00:24:41results it got multiple Elon Musk
- 00:24:43retweets very very cool but okay but
- 00:24:45where's the game dude okay so it doesn't
- 00:24:46have a link to the game but but not
- 00:24:49everybody hosts their game online but I
- 00:24:51know Peter fly Peter does so let's see
- 00:24:54if it has the oh okay so it has a play
- 00:24:56game and more info okay and this this
- 00:24:59winter 3D game okay so if I click play
- 00:25:01game okay it takes me to this thing and
- 00:25:03if I click play game it takes me to the
- 00:25:06game this is terrific okay so that's
- 00:25:08that's good okay okay so this is the
- 00:25:10game you can click to move the bear
- 00:25:12around zoom in and out okay very very
- 00:25:14cool all right and it provides the AI
- 00:25:16tools used as well as the Creator
- 00:25:19resources it tells you how to recreate
- 00:25:21this thing so basically what I was
- 00:25:23trying to do with this uh particular
- 00:25:24prompt is you know right now people are
- 00:25:27super interested in all these games
- 00:25:28people want to learn how to create them
- 00:25:30people want to see who's creating what
- 00:25:33and it would be kind of cool to have
- 00:25:34like one resource one website that has
- 00:25:37you know an Ever updating list of all
- 00:25:40these games with any resource that we
- 00:25:43know about how to create these games and
- 00:25:45if you wanted to recreate it how would
- 00:25:47you go about recreating that now
- 00:25:49obviously you know if you were doing it
- 00:25:51yourself that would be kind of a pain in
- 00:25:53the butt right it would take a lot of
- 00:25:55time a lot of research but as you can
- 00:25:57see here this was all done with you know
- 00:25:59me being AFK basically right I give it a
- 00:26:02prompt I go away now the next step would
- 00:26:04be to see how well we're able to add on
- 00:26:06to this right so can we include more
- 00:26:08resources can we include more games I
- 00:26:11mean you can imagine just having that
- 00:26:13thing kind of run every 24 hours or
- 00:26:15whatever updating this database uh in
- 00:26:18real time basically creating a perfect
- 00:26:21sort of ever updated resource for people
- 00:26:24looking for this stuff I I'm just I'm
- 00:26:26blown away I am absolutely Blown Away
- 00:26:28okay I mean this is A+ right this is
- 00:26:31kind of mindblowing from one prompt keep
- 00:26:33in mind we're going to test sort of
- 00:26:35iterating on this but so far wow okay so
- 00:26:38it presented the final deliverables to
- 00:26:40user okay we're going to come back to
- 00:26:43this but wow all right so our buun
- 00:26:45course is ready to be deployed to the
- 00:26:46public network go for it did we not say
- 00:26:48that already not sure oh okay so it's
- 00:26:50this is the preview it's asking us do we
- 00:26:52want to continue working it or do we
- 00:26:54want to get the preview and the WW2
- 00:26:57fighter plane still working automated
- 00:26:59video creation still working and so it
- 00:27:02looks like there's a Manis dospace where
- 00:27:05it hosts these things for its user so it
- 00:27:07kind of generates a random username for
- 00:27:08you and then creates it so mine is Gizzy
- 00:27:11yazel Manis dospace so I'll post this
- 00:27:14link down below if you wanted to check
- 00:27:15it out this this is throwing me a little
- 00:27:18bit here this this feels like a little
- 00:27:19bit too good you know what I'm going to
- 00:27:21start a new session here and uh I'm
- 00:27:23going to say research everything you can
- 00:27:25about Manis AI what llm are they using
- 00:27:27for it who's behind it what Vision model
- 00:27:29are they using Etc anything and
- 00:27:30everything about how this thing is made
- 00:27:32let's see where that takes us all right
- 00:27:34and it looks like our World War 2
- 00:27:36fighter plane game is ready to be tested
- 00:27:38out it has been submitted for our
- 00:27:40approval all right so we're getting a
- 00:27:42little uh error so we got an error
- 00:27:44message I'm just going to post it right
- 00:27:45back in there you know that Meme where
- 00:27:47Fry from Futurama is like Shut Up And
- 00:27:49Take My Money uh this might be one of
- 00:27:52those products where it's like I feel
- 00:27:54like I need a subscription to this I
- 00:27:55want to be testing out like the extended
- 00:27:57version of it this this thing is kind of
- 00:27:59Bonkers all right let's do one more
- 00:28:01thing so all right let's say I invested
- 00:28:02$1,000 each into the following stocks
- 00:28:05Nvidia Microsoft Google Tesla Amazon
- 00:28:07meta on January 01 2020 so create a cool
- 00:28:10looking display of my investments
- 00:28:11include a way to customize the view to
- 00:28:13see the data in detail so let's see how
- 00:28:16it sort of interprets that I literally
- 00:28:18was just saying how like just you know
- 00:28:20shut up and take my money I want to keep
- 00:28:22using it I ran out of my standard but I
- 00:28:24still have sort of one high effort task
- 00:28:27remaining and and ideally I'm going to
- 00:28:28use that for whatever it fails to do or
- 00:28:31for whatever it sort of like struggles
- 00:28:33with here is our fighter plane jet
- 00:28:37fighting thing and it's not showing up
- 00:28:40okay so right off the bat it doesn't
- 00:28:42seem to be functioning so I load a
- 00:28:44screenshot and I said the heads up
- 00:28:45display shows up but nothing else so I
- 00:28:48think it should be able to figure that
- 00:28:49out and so it's on it so it looks like
- 00:28:51we can still continue going back and
- 00:28:53forth with the previous projects we just
- 00:28:56can't start new ones interestingly it
- 00:28:58has these little sort of uh icons
- 00:29:00displaying so this one's like stocks or
- 00:29:02charts right this one's gaming so it's
- 00:29:03pretty good at at naming and Visually
- 00:29:05kind of referencing these so it's a
- 00:29:07little bit easier to find all right I'll
- 00:29:08go ahead and delete this one for the
- 00:29:09time being and here's our Linux AI
- 00:29:12development course that's looking pretty
- 00:29:13neat so we might mess around to change
- 00:29:16the visuals but so far so good so you
- 00:29:19can start with start learning so it
- 00:29:21walks you through understanding Ubuntu
- 00:29:23what you need to do before you begin
- 00:29:25backing up your data Etc it's got you
- 00:29:28links to where you need to go creating a
- 00:29:30bootable USB drive with link to rofus
- 00:29:34phenomenal it seems perfect I'm not
- 00:29:36going line by line but man yeah
- 00:29:38everything is just like it's snailing
- 00:29:39all the points uh the various you know
- 00:29:41stuff you need to to get started just
- 00:29:43the basics right graphic drivers Etc
- 00:29:47walks you through the terminal how to
- 00:29:48start the terminal gives you the
- 00:29:50keyboard shortcut perfect how to
- 00:29:52navigate through the terminal this is
- 00:29:55terrific I mean I guess that's not that
- 00:29:56impressive I mean cuz this is available
- 00:29:58in like 50 million different places
- 00:29:59online so this this shouldn't be that
- 00:30:01impressive but notice that it did do a
- 00:30:03very good job what I wanted what I
- 00:30:05described because in this one I gave it
- 00:30:07very specifically here's what I want it
- 00:30:09did that I would say flawlessly yeah
- 00:30:12it's going through node.js and then how
- 00:30:14to install clot coder if I was going to
- 00:30:18nitpick just a little bit this does not
- 00:30:21belong here so this is they've copied
- 00:30:23this from the installation page on
- 00:30:25anthropic and saying if you're using
- 00:30:27Windows subsist systems so yeah I mean
- 00:30:29that's an important thing to know but in
- 00:30:31the context of this thing we're not so
- 00:30:32this is literally how to install Linux
- 00:30:35um and then use it so but again I can't
- 00:30:37say this is wrong it's just maybe not
- 00:30:39needed probably not needed but otherwise
- 00:30:42terrific then we have a a brief GitHub
- 00:30:44tutorial and a project demo okay so this
- 00:30:48is where I was curious if I was going to
- 00:30:50drop the ball or not so basically what
- 00:30:51we're doing is we are asking you to do
- 00:30:54something that the documentation for
- 00:30:56which isn't really available online
- 00:30:59because you know normally if you want to
- 00:31:01install a project from GitHub there's
- 00:31:04documentation on that if you want to
- 00:31:06install clot coder there's documentation
- 00:31:07on that but if you wanted to use clot
- 00:31:11coder to have clot coder install the or
- 00:31:14you know clone the GitHub repository
- 00:31:16there's not going to be a lot of
- 00:31:17information on that it's kind of a brand
- 00:31:18new thing so I was curious to see if it
- 00:31:21would figure it out this to me shows
- 00:31:24that whatever model they're using under
- 00:31:27the hood is is smart is powerful this
- 00:31:30isn't some half-baked model they're
- 00:31:32using it figured it out based on context
- 00:31:35cuz again there's not a lot of like data
- 00:31:37out there on this so to figured out that
- 00:31:39in order to clone the repository with
- 00:31:42Cloud coder you don't run the commands
- 00:31:44yourself you tell CLA coder I I want to
- 00:31:47clone this project from this person or
- 00:31:50whatever on GitHub so I hope you
- 00:31:52understand kind of what I'm saying here
- 00:31:52like this this this thing that it did
- 00:31:54right here this whole thing this took
- 00:31:57intelligence took learning this is not
- 00:31:59available online there's not a lot of
- 00:32:01resource that spell this out this is
- 00:32:03kind of crazy I got to say I'm curious
- 00:32:05what they're using what model they're
- 00:32:07using for this then they're saying clot
- 00:32:08coder will help you with the process
- 00:32:09suggesting the appropriate git command
- 00:32:12how do they know this as far as you can
- 00:32:14tell it it went it read read the manual
- 00:32:16it read anthropics manual this is way
- 00:32:20better than than than I would have
- 00:32:21expected I am kind of Blown Away this
- 00:32:23thing seems smarter than it should be
- 00:32:25yeah walks you through how to use CLA
- 00:32:27coder exploring the database adding
- 00:32:29visualizations and it's literally
- 00:32:31telling you how to commit changes to
- 00:32:33GitHub again with Claude coder how did
- 00:32:36it this is this seems like it's an
- 00:32:38output from Claude I'm wondering if it
- 00:32:41like actually installed coder on its own
- 00:32:44thing to then run it it's something this
- 00:32:47is weird this is weird I'm I'm a little
- 00:32:49bit blown away this this this is
- 00:32:50throwing me for a loop here um okay I'm
- 00:32:53not 100% sure how it did that I so I
- 00:32:57know that it read anthropics
- 00:32:59documentation on Claude coder so as far
- 00:33:02as I can tell it like understood what
- 00:33:04what Claude coder was kind of like and
- 00:33:06it was able to kind of imagine what it
- 00:33:08would say and what it would do in those
- 00:33:10scenarios maybe I'm missing something
- 00:33:12but this this feels this whole thing
- 00:33:14kind of feels Next Level somehow next
- 00:33:16we're testing our fighter plane but
- 00:33:19sandbox not found so we just paste that
- 00:33:21right back in there so it did a lot of
- 00:33:23research on itself basically and it's
- 00:33:25saying that Manis likly employs
- 00:33:27technology similar to deep seek R1 and
- 00:33:29V3 models while the specific Vision
- 00:33:32model isn't explicitly named Manis has
- 00:33:34confirmed multi modal capabilities
- 00:33:36including image processing and Analysis
- 00:33:38as part of its system so we've tested
- 00:33:40uploading a screenshot but now that I
- 00:33:42think about it I actually kind of told
- 00:33:44it what's in the screenshot as as one of
- 00:33:46our next tests will be kind of like just
- 00:33:48uploading visual information to see how
- 00:33:49well it's able to do that because I did
- 00:33:51kind of spell it out in the text I said
- 00:33:54this is what this is what's rendering
- 00:33:55this is what is not rendering so it it
- 00:33:57didn't even need a screenshot really and
- 00:34:00uh Manis uses a multi-agent architecture
- 00:34:02where specialized AI sub agents operate
- 00:34:05independently under executive oversight
- 00:34:07it features cloud-based asynchronous
- 00:34:09operation and sandbox virtual
- 00:34:10environments for safety so there was a
- 00:34:12little bit of a confusion here because
- 00:34:14it's um created a readme file it's like
- 00:34:16oh clone the repository but there's no
- 00:34:19repository it's just a bunch of files
- 00:34:21that it has on its computer so we kind
- 00:34:24of had to go back and forth and have to
- 00:34:25say okay just zip all the files and and
- 00:34:27G them to me now what I think might be
- 00:34:29happening is since we ran out of our
- 00:34:31sort of quota for the day and now we're
- 00:34:33still going back and forth and talking
- 00:34:35within a certain project maybe
- 00:34:37downgrades you to a different model
- 00:34:38that's not quite escapable I'm going to
- 00:34:40need to do more testing to like figure
- 00:34:42it out but this seems like a fairly
- 00:34:44simple problem to solve basically it
- 00:34:47thinks that all the files are that you
- 00:34:49have all the files but it's actually on
- 00:34:51its computer so so you have to kind of
- 00:34:53connect the dots for it but uh we'll see
- 00:34:55if it works all right but next we have
- 00:34:57our video Creation with LM and apis 11
- 00:35:00Labs so the haen API it could not get it
- 00:35:03to work there seemed to be some issues
- 00:35:05we're going to look at that later so for
- 00:35:06the time being I just said use open AI
- 00:35:09to create a script and then 11 labs to
- 00:35:12voice that script so it completed it it
- 00:35:14gave me the project file here and it
- 00:35:16explained how to install it so I just
- 00:35:18copi and pasted the command it told me
- 00:35:20to and then installed all the
- 00:35:22requirements we run the command and we
- 00:35:24just type in whatever prompt we want
- 00:35:26into it so we're going to say Manis is
- 00:35:28the best AI Agent app for world
- 00:35:30domination so let's see what it does
- 00:35:32with that and so what it's doing is it's
- 00:35:34sending that through an API to the open
- 00:35:37AI client and the open AI whatever model
- 00:35:39we're using 40 probably it sort of
- 00:35:42creates a little script of a person kind
- 00:35:44of like talking about how awesome the
- 00:35:45thing is that I requested then it takes
- 00:35:48that script it sends it to the 11 Labs
- 00:35:50API so that it's able to produce it in
- 00:35:54an AI voice and then it takes that and
- 00:35:56saves it in this folder so here we have
- 00:35:58the generated script and the speech
- 00:35:59output let's take a listen hey everyone
- 00:36:02if you've ever dreamed of taking over
- 00:36:03the world or at least felt like you
- 00:36:06could manage things a bit better than
- 00:36:07the powers that be then you've got to
- 00:36:09check out Manis the ultimate AI Agent
- 00:36:12app designed for well world domination
- 00:36:16now I know how that sounds a bit like a
- 00:36:18plot out of a sci-fi movie right but
- 00:36:20hear me out Manis isn't just any app
- 00:36:23it's designed with the kind of features
- 00:36:25that not only help you make smarter
- 00:36:27decisions but actually anticipate
- 00:36:29problems before they arise it goes on
- 00:36:31for a while so again rating this I mean
- 00:36:34it's excellent again it wasn't able to
- 00:36:36troubleshoot the hay video generation
- 00:36:38but I actually haven't used it in a
- 00:36:40while so maybe there's some issues that
- 00:36:41I'm not aware of so I'm going to try to
- 00:36:43after this see if there's like some
- 00:36:45issue that's caused by haen and if
- 00:36:48that's the case I'll just provide a
- 00:36:49solution to this thing cuz I feel like I
- 00:36:51feel like it should be able to do it if
- 00:36:53this is caused by haen I would give it
- 00:36:55an a for this uh for nailing the prompt
- 00:36:57if this was something that it failed at
- 00:37:00then that certainly marks it down to a b
- 00:37:02or a C+ but I still want to give it a
- 00:37:04very high rating because so much of it
- 00:37:06was was done really well I mean created
- 00:37:08all the files it it taught me how to set
- 00:37:11up those files right how to run the
- 00:37:13application so I gave it the API keys
- 00:37:15and it sort of put them in the config
- 00:37:17slnv file it has a read me file it even
- 00:37:20created like a like a web interface
- 00:37:22here's kind of uh what that looks like
- 00:37:25right if you say rats are not pets I if
- 00:37:27you have a rat then we can select
- 00:37:29whatever voice that we want and click
- 00:37:31generate audio so it's processing our
- 00:37:33request and here's the generate audio
- 00:37:35okay let's talk about rats now when you
- 00:37:37hear the word rat what comes to mind
- 00:37:39maybe you think of dark alleys or
- 00:37:41perhaps old cartoons with villains
- 00:37:42surrounded by these creatures there's a
- 00:37:44good reason for these associations rats
- 00:37:46in the wild so as you can see there's a
- 00:37:48lot of good stuff Happening Here the
- 00:37:50reason it has that failed to generate
- 00:37:52audio is some of these voices are like
- 00:37:53premium voices and I guess I've and I
- 00:37:55think I've downgraded my subscription
- 00:37:57recently so I can use the default voice
- 00:38:00but not some of the other voices but it
- 00:38:02throws up that error message but it's
- 00:38:04still completes the task with the
- 00:38:06default voice all right so here towards
- 00:38:08the end so we kept getting console
- 00:38:11errors I'm putting it back in there and
- 00:38:12it says matus performance May decline so
- 00:38:14it it stopped so I think the reason that
- 00:38:17is happening is they're getting hit with
- 00:38:19a lot of people trying to test this
- 00:38:20these things out I'm sure they're
- 00:38:22melting their servers so we ran into
- 00:38:25we've hit a limit a while ago and we
- 00:38:27still continued you know updating and
- 00:38:29and going under each of the tasks that
- 00:38:31we were allowed to start we kept doing
- 00:38:33follow-up questions digging deeper and
- 00:38:35deeper so I think probably we I would
- 00:38:38assume maybe we got downgraded to a
- 00:38:40lesser model and eventually this thing
- 00:38:43just sto because we've hit some limit so
- 00:38:45I I don't quite want to give it a rating
- 00:38:47on this for a number of reasons one
- 00:38:49first of all it's not a software
- 00:38:50development agent it's kind of a general
- 00:38:52well-rounded agent two I should probably
- 00:38:56use the extended version version of this
- 00:38:57cuz this is a fairly complicated prompt
- 00:38:59that requires a lot of coding a lot of
- 00:39:00back and forth and some of these issues
- 00:39:02I ran into with other coders as well so
- 00:39:05I don't want to give it a final score
- 00:39:07without really testing it just on this
- 00:39:09prompt on its own when I have my full
- 00:39:11sort of quota available to me Etc but on
- 00:39:14all the other tasks I got to say I'm
- 00:39:16kind of blown away so the website about
- 00:39:19the AI generated video games made with a
- 00:39:22kind of 90s video game theme I love it I
- 00:39:25love everything about it it is
- 00:39:26phenomenal right it did it really
- 00:39:28captured exactly what we wanted to gives
- 00:39:30a lot of info about the games a lot of
- 00:39:32resources everything it's obviously
- 00:39:34doing its research just phenomenal it
- 00:39:36also links to the games themselves also
- 00:39:39gives you more info this is all I could
- 00:39:41have hoped for and more and now if I'm
- 00:39:44able to I can run follow-up commands to
- 00:39:46say Okay add five more games or add
- 00:39:48these features that you want to talk
- 00:39:50about to every single game or every
- 00:39:51single listing Etc we're at a point
- 00:39:53where if you're designing websites or
- 00:39:55you want a website designed for you you
- 00:39:57don't have to hire somebody you can just
- 00:39:59tell this thing what to do and it'll go
- 00:40:01and and do it it'll update it uh
- 00:40:02eventually if you can even schedule
- 00:40:04tasks like every morning go out there
- 00:40:06and find if there's a new game and add
- 00:40:08it to the resource you're basically just
- 00:40:09kind of like queuing these things up to
- 00:40:11happen at certain intervals that feature
- 00:40:14as far as I know is not available but
- 00:40:15that's super simple everything else just
- 00:40:17seems to be there and and ready to go
- 00:40:20this is like a plus to me just
- 00:40:22mind-blowing so this is the Linux AI
- 00:40:25development course it designed like a
- 00:40:26little V graphic for it and like I said
- 00:40:29I was kind of Blown Away here because I
- 00:40:32was sure I was going to get some of
- 00:40:33these things wrong because some of the
- 00:40:34stuff isn't really like available online
- 00:40:36yet like how do you use CLA coder to
- 00:40:39work with GitHub it it nailed it and I'm
- 00:40:41not 100% sure how it did that I'd be
- 00:40:43curious to know like it seemed like it
- 00:40:45just like read the manual and then just
- 00:40:46just it's a really smart model
- 00:40:48underneath it that figured out how to
- 00:40:49sort of like put that information
- 00:40:51together just kind of mind-blowing if I
- 00:40:53had to nitpick there was like one or two
- 00:40:55things in there specifically like this
- 00:40:57section that like I would not have put
- 00:40:59in there because again the whole point
- 00:41:01of this is to install Linux right and
- 00:41:02saying here if you're using Windows
- 00:41:04subsystems for Linux you can do this I
- 00:41:07understand why I put it in there it's
- 00:41:08not needed so kind of like if I had to
- 00:41:10nitpick out say this this section would
- 00:41:12not be in there but everything else is
- 00:41:14just just perfect A+ then we did a very
- 00:41:17simple just overview of Manus Ai and it
- 00:41:20brought back some really good
- 00:41:21information and it gave me this whole
- 00:41:23massive research that it conducted like
- 00:41:26just really deep dive onto every single
- 00:41:29member of the company where it's coming
- 00:41:31from what open source architecture it's
- 00:41:33using deep seek Etc I mean just really
- 00:41:36really huge in-depth things and then
- 00:41:39also and gave me this really simple like
- 00:41:41four bullet point description that kind
- 00:41:43of gives me like the top level overview
- 00:41:45of what I need to know again A+ probably
- 00:41:47a simpler prompt but I was impressed
- 00:41:50with the sort of depth of knowledge the
- 00:41:52Little Gems of wisdom that I was able to
- 00:41:54find online and fairly quickly too again
- 00:41:57A+ blown away next thing is the
- 00:41:59automated you know using openai API to
- 00:42:03then write a script that script uses the
- 00:42:0511 Labs API to to do a voice over that
- 00:42:09voiceover gets popped into haen to
- 00:42:11create a video it struggled a lot with
- 00:42:13setting up haen what I had to do is
- 00:42:15actually I realized that I didn't have a
- 00:42:17haen subscription at the time so I
- 00:42:19re-enabled it I regenerate the API key I
- 00:42:22gave it to it it still wasn't able to do
- 00:42:23it so it didn't complete a part of the
- 00:42:25prompt but I don't to call it as that
- 00:42:28was its mistake it might have been just
- 00:42:30something to do with my account at the
- 00:42:32time or how the API is I still have to
- 00:42:35see why specifically it failed so I
- 00:42:37don't want to gr it on that aspect of it
- 00:42:39but the rest of it it handled flawlessly
- 00:42:42it gave me all the files it created a
- 00:42:44read me it told me how to like install
- 00:42:45it and run it locally it even created a
- 00:42:48little web UI that it could use it put
- 00:42:50the API keys in the right place both for
- 00:42:53functionality and just like security
- 00:42:54basically if it put the API Keys kind of
- 00:42:57just in the main code right and then you
- 00:42:59wanted to upload it to GitHub you'd sort
- 00:43:00of expose your API Keys publicly but
- 00:43:03there's certain locations where you
- 00:43:05you're supposed to put your API key so
- 00:43:06that if you're you know sharing it with
- 00:43:08G GitHub and stuff like that those don't
- 00:43:10get shared it put them in the right
- 00:43:11place so not only does it understand how
- 00:43:14to like use them functionally but also
- 00:43:16like where to put them for security
- 00:43:18purposes and again I would say this is
- 00:43:19an A+ assuming that the issue of the
- 00:43:22haen was on haen side not on mana's side
- 00:43:25but still it's very impressive in any
- 00:43:28case and our World War II simulation I'm
- 00:43:30not ready to call it yet I'm going to
- 00:43:31have to like rerun it and see what the
- 00:43:34issue is looks like we hit the context
- 00:43:36window on here so and this makes sense
- 00:43:39uh what I maybe should have done is
- 00:43:41actually once it completed it I could
- 00:43:42have just throw it in a cursor or
- 00:43:44something else and had that
- 00:43:45troubleshooted because that's
- 00:43:47specifically made to be a software
- 00:43:50engineer you know an AI used for coding
- 00:43:52this isn't so this might might not have
- 00:43:55been like the best way to test it but
- 00:43:56based on everything I've seen this is
- 00:43:58just extremely exciting extremely
- 00:44:00capable multiple times where I was kind
- 00:44:02of like Blown Away by what it was able
- 00:44:04to do and they're talking about open
- 00:44:06sourcing some of it so I'm not sure
- 00:44:08exactly if they're doing everything all
- 00:44:10of it or just certain portions of it so
- 00:44:11we'll see but man this thing feels very
- 00:44:14powerful and it feels ahead of open Ai
- 00:44:16and anthropic in terms of like the AI
- 00:44:18agents sort of structure that they've
- 00:44:20created so let me know what you think
- 00:44:22but from my experience from what I've
- 00:44:24seen online people are losing their
- 00:44:26minds over this thing if you've made it
- 00:44:28this far thank you so much for watching
- 00:44:29my name is Wes rth and I'll see you next
- 00:44:31time
- Manis AI
- Intelligence Artificielle
- Agent Autonome
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