FREE Email Marketing Course | How To Make $3k/mo For Beginners



TLDRI denne videoen lærer seerne om den mest lønnsomme ferdigheten i 2024: e-postmarkedsføring for tekstforfattere. Presentert av Tyson 4D, dekker kurset hvordan kopi kan optimere inntjeningen når e-postmarkedsføringen kontrolleres riktig, samt viktigheten av vedlikeholdsavtaler som gir fast inntekt. Videoen guides seerne gjennom å mestre e-postmarkedsføring for å skille seg ut blant konkurrenter og hjelpe tekstforfattere til å oppnå sustanderte inntekter. Det dekker også praktiske aspekter som å sette opp e-postsekvenser, automatisering og sammenhenger som styrker ens markedsføringseffektivitet. Tyson deler sin suksesshistorie og har laget et kurs for å gi detaljert opplæring uten kostnad, og oppfordrer til deling av denne kunnskapen med andre.


  • 💼 E-postmarkedsføring gir en stor økonomisk mulighet for tekstforfattere.
  • 📧 Kontroll over e-postmarkedsføring kan maksimere inntjeningen.
  • 🔄 Vedlikeholdsavtaler gir stabile inntektskilder.
  • ✉️ En velkomstsekvens er nøkkelen til abonnent-lojalitet.
  • 🔍 Segmentering forbedrer målrettet kommunikasjon.
  • 🚫 Viktigheten av å unngå spamfeller og promo-faner.
  • 🤝 E-post automatisering skaper bedre kundereiser.
  • 📊 Split testing kan optimalisere e-postkampanjer.
  • 🛠 E-postlister er digitale eiendeler med vedvarende verdi.
  • 🚀 Effektiv e-postmarkedsføring kan dramatisk forbedre virksomhetens avkastning.

Linha do tempo

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Videoen innledes med verten, Tyson 4D, som introduserer den mest lønnsomme ferdigheten for 2024: e-postmarkedsføring som copywriter. Han forklarer hvordan denne ferdigheten kan gi hundretusenvis av dollar i semi-passiv inntekt for bedrifter, og over 10 000 dollar i måneden for freelancer copywriters.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Tyson 4D deler hvordan han vil lære bort hva som kreves for å tilby e-postmarkedsføringstjenester, samt hvordan få kunder med dette tilbudet. Han fremhever at e-postmarkedsføring gir gjentakende inntekter og skiller copywriters fra konkurransen.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:00

    Begynnerkurset i e-postmarkedsføring blir introdusert, der Tysons hovedbudskap er å overvinne tvilen om å få betalt godt kun for å skrive e-poster. E-postmarkedsføring sees som en viktig ferdighet som kan maksimere inntekter hvis utført riktig.

  • 00:15:00 - 00:20:00

    Tyson argumenterer for at e-postmarkedsføring kan utgjøre en betydelig forskjell for copywritere ved å kontrollere miljøet og dermed forbedre kundens fortjeneste. Han presenterer økonomiske fordeler ved en langsiktig retainer-modell som tiltrekker seg høyere honorarer.

  • 00:20:00 - 00:25:00

    Han fremhever viktigheten av å lære e-postmarkedsføring for å utmerke seg. Ved å forstå sekundære ferdigheter, vil en copywriter kunne rettferdiggjøre høyere priser og ta full kontroll over markedsføringen uten å trenge ytterligere ansatte.

  • 00:25:00 - 00:30:00

    De grunnleggende pilarene for e-postmarkedsføring blir forklart, inkludert hvordan bygge tillit hos abonnenter gjennom automatiserte e-poster. Tyson avslører strategier for å legge store summer i kundens pipeline og setter opp automatiserte oppfølgings-e-poster.

  • 00:30:00 - 00:35:00

    Betydningen av en e-postliste som en digital eiendel understrekes. Tyson forklarer hvordan en slik liste gir større kontroll enn sosiale medier, og hvordan automatisering kan konvertere potensielle kunder til lojale kjøpere.

  • 00:35:00 - 00:40:00

    Det legges vekt på å optimalisere e-postlevering for å unngå spam og promo-kategorien, da dette kan drastisk redusere åpningsraten. Riktig leveringsgrad sikrer bedre resultater i e-postmarkedsføringskampanjer.

  • 00:40:00 - 00:45:00

    Tyson gir en detaljert forklaring på hvordan delt testing fungerer og hvorfor det er viktig. Han understreker at beslutninger bør baseres på data fremfor antagelser for å forbedre markedsstrategier kontinuerlig.

  • 00:45:00 - 00:50:00

    E-poststrategier diskuteres, med fokus på nødvendige sekvenser for å generere automatiserte salg og hvordan man kan skrive overbevisende punkter for å øke verdien av tilbudene i e-postinnhold.

  • 00:50:00 - 00:55:00

    Praktiske eksempler på bruk av e-postsekvenser og hvordan man kan skreddersy meldingene for ulike segmenter av mottakere for bedre engasjement og konvertering. Automatisering og sekvensering forklart som essensielle verktøy.

  • 00:55:00 - 01:00:00

    Evnen til å skrive overbevisende punkter skiller topp copywritere fra resten. Tyson gir eksempler på hvordan dette kan anvendes i e-postmarkedsføring og understreker viktigheten av å lage innhold som resonnerer med mottakere.

  • 01:00:00 - 01:05:00

    Bruken av klare og enkle eksempler i e-poster som demonstrerer effektive teknikker innen copywriting og gir verdifulle innsikter i hva som fungerer i praksis.

  • 01:05:00 - 01:10:00

    En demonstrasjon av å sette opp automatiseringssekvenser i e-postmarkedsføringsverktøy, og hvordan dette kan generere betydelige inntekter ved riktig implementering.

  • 01:10:00 - 01:17:19

    Avslutningsvis fokuserer Tyson på hvordan man aktivt kan skaffe copywriting-klienter ved å bruke de ferdighetene som er oppnådd i løpet av videoen, og fremmer tilgjengeligheten av ressurser for videre læring og utvikling.

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Vídeo de perguntas e respostas

  • Hvem er Tyson 4D?

    Tyson 4D er en erfaren tekstforfatter som har oppnådd over 10K per måned og hjulpet andre med å gjøre det samme.

  • Hvorfor lære e-postmarkedsføring som tekstforfatter?

    Det kan maksimere inntjening fra skriving og gi muligheter for å holde vedlikeholdsavtaler, som gir stabile inntekter.

  • Hva er viktigheten av e-postleveringsevne?

    God e-postleveringsevne sikrer at meldingene dine når innboksen til klientene, øker engasjement og konverteringer.

  • Hvordan kan e-postmarkedsføring gi semi-passiv inntekt?

    Ved å sette opp automatiserte e-postkunderelasjoner kan man oppnå kontinuerlig inntekt uten konstant innblanding.

  • Hva er en velkomstsekvens i e-postmarkedsføring?

    En serie med e-poster som introduserer nye abonnenter for deg og din merkevare, legger grunnlaget for et forhold.

  • Hvilke teknikker brukes i e-postsegmentering?

    Abonnenter deles i mindre grupper basert på spesifikke kriterier for å sende mer relevante og effektive meldinger.

  • Hva er fordelen med å bruke e-postautomatisering?

    Effektivisering, personalisering og skalerbarhet av e-poster som gir mer målrettet markedsføring.

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  • 00:00:00
    in this video I'm going to show you and
  • 00:00:01
    teach you the number one most profitable
  • 00:00:03
    skill in 2024 that you can use to make
  • 00:00:06
    semi passive income for businesses up to
  • 00:00:09
  • 00:00:11
    $100,000 per month and how you can use
  • 00:00:13
    it to make yourself over 10K per month
  • 00:00:16
    as a copywriter in case you don't know
  • 00:00:18
    me I'm known around these parts as Tyson
  • 00:00:20
    4D I myself have been able to hit over
  • 00:00:22
    10K per month as a copywriter and now
  • 00:00:24
    I've made over a million dollars online
  • 00:00:26
    with my own online business and I've
  • 00:00:27
    also helped other copywriters hit that
  • 00:00:29
    10K per month mark as well and their
  • 00:00:31
    interviews are on this very channel so
  • 00:00:33
    let's not ignore the elephant in the
  • 00:00:35
    room here why as a copywriter should you
  • 00:00:37
    actually learn email marketing well I'll
  • 00:00:39
    give you three main reasons first and
  • 00:00:41
    foremost you can actually make sure that
  • 00:00:43
    your copy makes the most amount of money
  • 00:00:46
    when you control the email marketing
  • 00:00:48
    second of all email marketing is an
  • 00:00:50
    ongoing service which means you can
  • 00:00:52
    charge a retainer for it which means
  • 00:00:54
    instead of just a 2K deal you can get a
  • 00:00:56
    2K per month client and finally as a
  • 00:01:00
    copywriter if you're offering email
  • 00:01:01
    marketing is going to completely
  • 00:01:03
    differentiate you from everyone else
  • 00:01:05
    who's just offering copywriting so in
  • 00:01:07
    this video I'm going to teach you
  • 00:01:08
    everything that you need to know to
  • 00:01:10
    offer email marketing to businesses and
  • 00:01:13
    I'm also going to show you how to get
  • 00:01:15
    clients with your new email marketing
  • 00:01:18
    offer so without any further Ado let's
  • 00:01:21
    hop right into it okay everybody so here
  • 00:01:22
    we are on the complete email marketing
  • 00:01:25
    masterclass for beginner copyri is
  • 00:01:27
    absolutely free $0 on the house from
  • 00:01:30
    your man Tyson 4D how to create send and
  • 00:01:33
    profit from leveraging your client email
  • 00:01:35
    marketing assets so you can become a
  • 00:01:37
    highly paid freelance copywriter guys
  • 00:01:40
    this is something that so many people
  • 00:01:42
    Overlook and a lot of people have the
  • 00:01:44
    self-limiting belief of how can I get
  • 00:01:46
    somebody to pay me three grand for just
  • 00:01:48
    writing emails and it's understandable
  • 00:01:51
    because writing emails is just writing
  • 00:01:52
    emails but with email marketing you're
  • 00:01:54
    going to quickly understand that it is
  • 00:01:56
    even more of a skill okay like I always
  • 00:01:58
    say in all my videos copywriting is
  • 00:02:00
    literally just the gateway to becoming a
  • 00:02:04
    digital marketer and when you're a
  • 00:02:05
    digital marketer you can make as much
  • 00:02:06
    money as you want okay and everybody's
  • 00:02:08
    talking about oh well you can't actually
  • 00:02:09
    make that much money with copywriting or
  • 00:02:11
    I know a copywriter and he's been doing
  • 00:02:12
    this for 10 years and he only earns two
  • 00:02:14
    grand per month we're not just talking
  • 00:02:16
    about copywriting here okay it gets it
  • 00:02:17
    goes so much deeper this is why you're
  • 00:02:19
    able to make so much money why even
  • 00:02:21
    learn email marketing as a copywriter
  • 00:02:23
    well first of all like I mentioned
  • 00:02:24
    before you can make a copy perform
  • 00:02:26
    better sending out your email copy to a
  • 00:02:28
    dead email list is like trying to Sprint
  • 00:02:31
    while on Ice even if you are Usain Bolt
  • 00:02:33
    your environment can drastically
  • 00:02:35
    decrease your level of performance and
  • 00:02:38
    the same goes with your emails that
  • 00:02:40
    you're writing for your clients okay so
  • 00:02:43
    if your client just has terrible email
  • 00:02:44
    marketing in general it doesn't matter
  • 00:02:46
    how good the emails you write for them
  • 00:02:47
    are they're not going to perform well
  • 00:02:49
    because the email marketing isn't done
  • 00:02:50
    properly so when you know how to do the
  • 00:02:52
    email marketing properly and write the
  • 00:02:54
    emails yourself now you have more
  • 00:02:56
    control over that profit however if you
  • 00:02:59
    have complete control over your
  • 00:03:00
    environment you can maximize the profit
  • 00:03:02
    and be in complete control it makes a
  • 00:03:05
    huge difference recurring Revenue model
  • 00:03:08
    a 3K per month retainer is better than a
  • 00:03:10
    6K deal 3K per month is 36 $36,000 per
  • 00:03:15
    year and
  • 00:03:17
    $180,000 over 5 years if you want to be
  • 00:03:21
    a highly paid copywriter eventually
  • 00:03:23
    you'll have to minimize the need to find
  • 00:03:25
    deals so that you can maximize your time
  • 00:03:28
    and email list management lets you do
  • 00:03:30
    just that it's also going to help you
  • 00:03:32
    stand out from other copywriters most
  • 00:03:34
    copywriters can barely write converting
  • 00:03:36
    copy let alone properly manage an email
  • 00:03:38
    list by understanding secondary skills
  • 00:03:40
    you'll not only get the job over other
  • 00:03:42
    copywriters but you'll be able to
  • 00:03:44
    justify higher prices I can't tell you
  • 00:03:47
    how many copyrighting clients I worked
  • 00:03:49
    for and they're like well you actually
  • 00:03:50
    you mean to tell me that you actually go
  • 00:03:52
    into the email service provider you
  • 00:03:54
    create the emails you send the emails
  • 00:03:56
    you do all the automations you do the
  • 00:03:58
    list management the list SE M mentation
  • 00:04:00
    and all that on top of the copyrighting
  • 00:04:03
    and I'm like yeah that means you don't
  • 00:04:05
    have to hire another marketer you don't
  • 00:04:06
    have to get someone else on your team to
  • 00:04:07
    do it I do it all this is how you get
  • 00:04:10
    the job and this is how you negotiate
  • 00:04:12
    whatever price that you want okay
  • 00:04:14
    because it's all on you at that point
  • 00:04:16
    it's all on you and if you didn't
  • 00:04:18
    understand all the email marketing lingo
  • 00:04:19
    and stuff that I just said don't worry
  • 00:04:21
    because you are literally going to be
  • 00:04:22
    taken from zero okay to master email
  • 00:04:25
    marketer by the end of this video so
  • 00:04:27
    here's exactly what you'll be learning
  • 00:04:29
    the email marketing masterclass pillars
  • 00:04:31
    why email marketing is the number one
  • 00:04:33
    powerhouse skill you can learn as a
  • 00:04:34
    copywriter so you can onboard new
  • 00:04:37
    subscribers with a series of automated
  • 00:04:39
    emails that introduced your brand and
  • 00:04:41
    build trust I'll show you how to do that
  • 00:04:43
    the exact strategies I've used to put
  • 00:04:45
    over $70,000 in my client's pipeline
  • 00:04:48
    just from one email and I'm going to
  • 00:04:50
    show you the exact emails after spending
  • 00:04:52
    a small fortune figuring out how to
  • 00:04:54
    crack the best email marketing practices
  • 00:04:57
    finding what makes the best email in
  • 00:04:59
    this section I'll give you everything
  • 00:05:00
    that I used and Expos the exact emails I
  • 00:05:03
    sent out for my clients then how to set
  • 00:05:06
    up email automations that automatically
  • 00:05:09
    follow up with subscribers who would
  • 00:05:11
    abandon their shopping carts to
  • 00:05:12
    encourage them to complete their
  • 00:05:14
    purchases and other email automations
  • 00:05:16
    that pretty much every business is going
  • 00:05:18
    to need if they want to maximize their
  • 00:05:19
    profits so everybody as you can tell
  • 00:05:21
    this is going to be a wild ride it's
  • 00:05:23
    going to be insane and yes of course I
  • 00:05:25
    could be like any other Guru out here
  • 00:05:27
    and just slap a whatever $1,000 price
  • 00:05:29
    tag on everything that I'm about to show
  • 00:05:31
    you but again I'm for the people I'm
  • 00:05:33
    team copywriter all the way and you guys
  • 00:05:35
    should know these things if you're going
  • 00:05:37
    to go into copyrighting and it's just
  • 00:05:39
    going to have you better equipped which
  • 00:05:40
    is what I want right so all I ask in
  • 00:05:43
    return is that you possibly share this
  • 00:05:45
    video take a screenshot right now post
  • 00:05:47
    it on your Instagram story and tag me so
  • 00:05:49
    that I can repost it on my story as well
  • 00:05:52
    so let's hop right into it an email list
  • 00:05:55
    is an asset almost like digital real
  • 00:05:58
    estate and this is something that a lot
  • 00:05:59
    of people
  • 00:06:00
    do not take into account or they don't
  • 00:06:01
    understand it they don't they're so fuz
  • 00:06:03
    fuzzy on the idea but here's why it's
  • 00:06:05
    essentially digital real estate an email
  • 00:06:07
    list is something that you own forever
  • 00:06:09
    that nobody can take from you unlike
  • 00:06:11
    followers on a social media platform so
  • 00:06:14
    if you have 100,000 followers on
  • 00:06:16
    Instagram your Instagram can be shut
  • 00:06:17
    down tomorrow for literally nothing dude
  • 00:06:19
    I've posted free copyrighting courses on
  • 00:06:22
    Instagram and Instagram's taken them
  • 00:06:24
    down for misinformation it like it just
  • 00:06:27
    makes no sense their support is trash
  • 00:06:30
    they will just destroy your whole
  • 00:06:32
    Revenue stream of Instagram for no
  • 00:06:34
    reason and there's they won't even
  • 00:06:36
    listen to you to try to appeal it
  • 00:06:38
    whereas with an email list it is
  • 00:06:41
    literally just what it sounds like it is
  • 00:06:42
    essentially a list of emails picture
  • 00:06:45
    like a Google document with Jason Jason
  • 00:06:49
    Reed that's one email but
  • 00:06:52
    imagine just like a million of them
  • 00:06:54
    that's an email list nobody's able to
  • 00:06:56
    take that from you you can't get shut
  • 00:06:58
    down you can move email service
  • 00:07:00
    providers you can just there is no
  • 00:07:02
    taking it from you it's like digital
  • 00:07:03
    real estate automations are used to take
  • 00:07:06
    every user through the optimized
  • 00:07:08
    customer sales journey and turn ice cold
  • 00:07:10
    leads meaning people who don't know you
  • 00:07:11
    complete strangers into hot ready to buy
  • 00:07:14
    customers semi passively right meaning
  • 00:07:17
    you don't have to work at it it sells to
  • 00:07:19
    100 people just as easy as it sells to a
  • 00:07:21
    million people when you craft and send a
  • 00:07:23
    well performing broadcast email to your
  • 00:07:25
    list you're going to learn what a
  • 00:07:26
    broadcast email is you can now use that
  • 00:07:28
    same email to make money again and again
  • 00:07:31
    and again and this is just this is
  • 00:07:32
    beautiful this is why it's also so
  • 00:07:34
    transferable you can even use that same
  • 00:07:37
    piece of copy on a different social
  • 00:07:38
    media platform to keep making profit
  • 00:07:40
    continuously from just one piece of copy
  • 00:07:43
    you take one email it does amazing you
  • 00:07:46
    reformat it into an Instagram post into
  • 00:07:48
    a caption into an Instagram story post
  • 00:07:50
    into a YouTube video I've seen so many
  • 00:07:52
    creators do this where they have
  • 00:07:54
    copywriters make awesome emails for them
  • 00:07:57
    and then they use their emails in their
  • 00:07:58
    YouTube videos
  • 00:08:00
    as well examples coming up so practical
  • 00:08:03
    email marketing example here's what it
  • 00:08:05
    might look like emails are collected
  • 00:08:06
    when people download a free resource
  • 00:08:08
    sign up for a valuable newsletter and
  • 00:08:10
    also purchase products this collection
  • 00:08:12
    of emails email addresses is called an
  • 00:08:14
    email list these email lists have
  • 00:08:16
    thousands and sometimes hundreds of
  • 00:08:18
    thousands of contacts using what's
  • 00:08:21
    called an email service provider ESP
  • 00:08:23
    which is essentially just the software
  • 00:08:25
    that stores all this information
  • 00:08:26
    businesses are able to send emails to
  • 00:08:28
    thousands of contacts on their list
  • 00:08:31
    right here you can see the text and Ford
  • 00:08:32
    email list is
  • 00:08:34
    114,000 contacts right now and dude this
  • 00:08:37
    is a small number this is a small number
  • 00:08:39
    we're a small business and we've never
  • 00:08:40
    even run ads before it's all from just
  • 00:08:43
    organic that's it broadcast emails what
  • 00:08:45
    are they how do they work broadcast
  • 00:08:47
    emails are emails that are sent out to
  • 00:08:50
    people when you hit send or schedule
  • 00:08:52
    emails to be sent out to either the list
  • 00:08:55
    or a portion of the list so broadcast
  • 00:08:57
    emails as opposed to automation emails
  • 00:09:00
    automation emails are sent when the
  • 00:09:03
    subscriber completes an action like
  • 00:09:05
    maybe they have signed up to a list or
  • 00:09:07
    they clicked on a link right broadcast
  • 00:09:09
    emails is when you put an email into the
  • 00:09:12
    system and then you hit send or you
  • 00:09:14
    schedule for you know a later date or
  • 00:09:15
    later time but then there's email
  • 00:09:17
    sequences an email sequence is a series
  • 00:09:20
    of emails automatically sent to people
  • 00:09:22
    on your mailing list at preset time
  • 00:09:25
    intervals for example day 3 4 5 and six
  • 00:09:30
    after this person signs up to the email
  • 00:09:32
    list they are sent these emails these
  • 00:09:33
    emails can be designed to achieve
  • 00:09:35
    specific goals such as welcoming new
  • 00:09:37
    subscribers nurturing leads promoting a
  • 00:09:40
    series of products or providing post
  • 00:09:42
    purchase followup why are email
  • 00:09:45
    sequences crucial to a business's
  • 00:09:46
    marketing so here are some benefits you
  • 00:09:49
    nurture your leads right meaning they're
  • 00:09:50
    getting to know you you're not you're
  • 00:09:52
    not a stranger anymore you're somebody
  • 00:09:53
    that they actually like hearing from
  • 00:09:55
    they maintain interest in you but also
  • 00:09:57
    what you are providing in the the topic
  • 00:09:59
    that you're providing and product
  • 00:10:01
    promotion obviously once you give people
  • 00:10:04
    a whole bunch of value you're able to
  • 00:10:06
    promote on the side as well and this is
  • 00:10:09
    a big misconception is that email is
  • 00:10:11
    just promotion promotion promotion
  • 00:10:12
    promotion promotion because a lot of
  • 00:10:14
    people's inboxes are filled with that
  • 00:10:16
    10% off this deal ends soon deal
  • 00:10:19
    expiring but those are not how we want
  • 00:10:21
    to write emails and I I'll go into more
  • 00:10:24
    as we go on an email sequence is used to
  • 00:10:27
    guide each lead through the customer
  • 00:10:28
    Journey so what about automations an
  • 00:10:30
    email automation is a technology that
  • 00:10:32
    enables marketers to send time or action
  • 00:10:35
    triggered emails to subscribers with
  • 00:10:37
    relevant information so for an example
  • 00:10:39
    here's what an automation might look
  • 00:10:41
    like after 3 days send email a if the
  • 00:10:43
    subscriber clicks on the link send email
  • 00:10:46
    B if the subscriber does not click on
  • 00:10:48
    the link in email a then send email C
  • 00:10:51
    right so if they click on the link then
  • 00:10:53
    they have shown interest and it also
  • 00:10:55
    shows you that they have looked at what
  • 00:10:57
    the link is now you can tailor your
  • 00:10:58
    message to them whereas if the other
  • 00:11:01
    person hasn't clicked on the link yet
  • 00:11:03
    you want to try to get them to click on
  • 00:11:04
    the link before you give them the
  • 00:11:06
    follow-up message this is a tool that is
  • 00:11:08
    crucial for efficiently managing a large
  • 00:11:11
    volume of email contacts and tailoring
  • 00:11:13
    messages to individual needs based on
  • 00:11:16
    their interactions with your business
  • 00:11:19
    all right examples coming up but why is
  • 00:11:21
    email automation crucial to businesses
  • 00:11:22
    marketing well here are some other
  • 00:11:24
    benefits efficiency personalization
  • 00:11:27
    scalability tracking and anal ICS these
  • 00:11:29
    are things that so many other types or
  • 00:11:32
    forms of marketing just don't offer in
  • 00:11:34
    essence email automation acts as a
  • 00:11:36
    multi-tool for marketers streamlining
  • 00:11:38
    operations ensuring consistent
  • 00:11:40
    communication and personalizing
  • 00:11:42
    interactions all of which enhance the
  • 00:11:44
    overall effectiveness of email marketing
  • 00:11:46
    campaigns okay so we're going to go over
  • 00:11:49
    a few more points of just language and
  • 00:11:52
    things and concepts of email marketing
  • 00:11:54
    because once you understand all of the
  • 00:11:55
    building blocks then we can put it
  • 00:11:57
    together and I'll give you the email
  • 00:11:58
    marketing strategy that you need to make
  • 00:12:00
    your clients a butt ton of money okay
  • 00:12:02
    and then of course at the end we're
  • 00:12:03
    going to talk about how to get those
  • 00:12:04
    clients going to pay you a but ton of
  • 00:12:06
    money so list segmentation list
  • 00:12:08
    segmentation in email marketing is the
  • 00:12:10
    process of dividing your email
  • 00:12:12
    subscribers into smaller groups based on
  • 00:12:14
    a specific criteria so for example the
  • 00:12:17
    people who have opened in the last 30
  • 00:12:19
    days that is an email list or a segment
  • 00:12:21
    of your email list the reason why that's
  • 00:12:23
    important is because well we're going to
  • 00:12:24
    talk about later but deliverability has
  • 00:12:26
    clicked on a promo Link in the last
  • 00:12:28
    email so that tells you that they're
  • 00:12:30
    somebody who knows what your promotion
  • 00:12:32
    is has purchased a specific product that
  • 00:12:34
    tells you right there that they are a
  • 00:12:36
    buyer already so they are more likely to
  • 00:12:38
    buy in the future this strategy allows
  • 00:12:40
    you to tailor your messages more
  • 00:12:42
    precisely to the interests needs or
  • 00:12:45
    demographics of your audience making
  • 00:12:47
    your communication the most relevant and
  • 00:12:50
    effective I'm going to show you just how
  • 00:12:51
    much of a difference this can all make
  • 00:12:53
    as well because if like businesses do
  • 00:12:55
    this all the time their email marketing
  • 00:12:57
    is just not optimized whatsoever they
  • 00:12:58
    have some dude who's just sending out
  • 00:13:00
    broadcast emails every once in a while
  • 00:13:02
    they don't even have any automation set
  • 00:13:03
    up dude this is that would just kill
  • 00:13:05
    your email marketing because the thing
  • 00:13:06
    with broadcast emails is that when
  • 00:13:09
    people sign up to your list and they
  • 00:13:10
    don't get a tailored to them message it
  • 00:13:12
    feels like they're entering the middle
  • 00:13:13
    of a conversation where they have zero
  • 00:13:16
    context into what you're talking about
  • 00:13:17
    so they're just going to feel lost
  • 00:13:19
    whereas if you bring them in and they
  • 00:13:21
    already have an automation that is
  • 00:13:23
    tailored to them who are just new to the
  • 00:13:26
    Creator or new to the product is going
  • 00:13:28
    to be so so much more effective and I'll
  • 00:13:30
    show you why so why is list segmentation
  • 00:13:33
    even important so some benefits
  • 00:13:35
    increased relevance higher engagement
  • 00:13:37
    rates and better customer retention
  • 00:13:40
    right so with email marketing every
  • 00:13:42
    subscriber has the option to unsubscribe
  • 00:13:45
    so if you send them an email that they
  • 00:13:47
    feel is not relevant to them or they
  • 00:13:48
    just don't want in their inbox they're
  • 00:13:50
    going to click on unsubscribe and you'll
  • 00:13:51
    no longer be able to send emails to them
  • 00:13:54
    obviously that's not what we want it's
  • 00:13:56
    not the end of the world because we
  • 00:13:57
    would rather have a small list of people
  • 00:13:59
    who love us then a large list of people
  • 00:14:01
    who are just all right with us but with
  • 00:14:03
    that being said you still want to
  • 00:14:05
    optimize all of your emails so that you
  • 00:14:07
    get the most amount of subscribers as
  • 00:14:09
    possible and you actually get them to
  • 00:14:10
    engage and like your emails by
  • 00:14:13
    effectively segmenting your email list
  • 00:14:14
    you create the opportunity to S more
  • 00:14:16
    targeted effective Communications that
  • 00:14:17
    resonate with each segment of your
  • 00:14:19
    audience leading to the best overall
  • 00:14:21
    results from your email marketing
  • 00:14:23
    efforts so email deliverability this
  • 00:14:24
    one's huge a lot of people get this
  • 00:14:27
    wrong if you mess up a email
  • 00:14:29
    deliverability dude it it's it's a wrap
  • 00:14:32
    it's an absolute rap obviously you can
  • 00:14:34
    bring it back but it's not something you
  • 00:14:36
    want to mess with you do not want to be
  • 00:14:37
    ending up in the promo tab or in the
  • 00:14:39
    spam tab because it will just it will
  • 00:14:41
    destroy it doesn't matter how good your
  • 00:14:43
    emails are it will just destroy your
  • 00:14:45
    email marketing okay I've worked with
  • 00:14:46
    businesses that are deep deep deep in
  • 00:14:48
    the spam folder and they're only getting
  • 00:14:50
    like 1% open rates and I've worked for
  • 00:14:53
    with them for months to try to get them
  • 00:14:54
    out of spam but they were so their email
  • 00:14:56
    deliverability and the reputation was so
  • 00:14:58
    low that it was just it felt impossible
  • 00:15:00
    so if you don't know anything about what
  • 00:15:02
    I just said don't worry I'm going to
  • 00:15:03
    explain it in excruciating detail as
  • 00:15:05
    always email deliverability and email
  • 00:15:07
    marketing refers to the ability of your
  • 00:15:09
    emails to successfully reach the primary
  • 00:15:11
    tab of your subscribers without Landing
  • 00:15:14
    in the promotions tab which is bad or
  • 00:15:16
    being blocked by the spam filter which
  • 00:15:18
    is worse it's a crucial factor in the
  • 00:15:21
    effectiveness of your email campaigns
  • 00:15:23
    because even the most well-crafted
  • 00:15:24
    messages are useless if it never reaches
  • 00:15:27
    the intendent audience so here are some
  • 00:15:30
    key factors in influencing email
  • 00:15:31
    deliverability if you were to open up
  • 00:15:33
    your uh Gmail essentially what you would
  • 00:15:35
    see is this down here I actually just
  • 00:15:37
    want to show you this uh real quickly so
  • 00:15:40
    you have the primary tab which is the
  • 00:15:41
    tab that's right there in your face as
  • 00:15:43
    soon as you open up your emails and then
  • 00:15:45
    you have the promotions tab right this
  • 00:15:46
    is where like a lot of the business
  • 00:15:48
    emails go like if you ever signed up
  • 00:15:50
    like mind Le it says Bath and Body Works
  • 00:15:52
    and the other one is probably um not
  • 00:15:55
    pelaton I don't know what it is but some
  • 00:15:57
    it's just like these uh e-commerce
  • 00:15:59
    business usually right where they have
  • 00:16:01
    deals and sales and things like that and
  • 00:16:03
    then you have the spam folder which as
  • 00:16:05
    you can see you you have the inbox as
  • 00:16:06
    you can see my inbox is absolutely nuked
  • 00:16:08
    52,000 emails that are unread um and
  • 00:16:11
    then you have category so you have to
  • 00:16:14
    click on more and then you have to
  • 00:16:15
    scroll down all the way down to spam to
  • 00:16:18
    actually see anything that's in your
  • 00:16:19
    spam folder so it's completely tucked
  • 00:16:21
    away hidden in your email and nobody's
  • 00:16:24
    going to actually open it or look at it
  • 00:16:25
    so that's why you want to end up in the
  • 00:16:27
    primary tab okay okay in the primary tab
  • 00:16:30
    you can get a 20 to 40% open rate in the
  • 00:16:32
    promotions tab you're probably going to
  • 00:16:34
    get 10% Max in the in in the spam folder
  • 00:16:37
    you're getting like less than 3% open
  • 00:16:39
    rate which is terrible so what are some
  • 00:16:41
    key factors to influencing email
  • 00:16:43
    deliverability one is sender reputation
  • 00:16:46
    this is determined by various metrics
  • 00:16:48
    such as how many emails you send how
  • 00:16:50
    many get marked as spam and how often
  • 00:16:52
    your emails are opened internet service
  • 00:16:54
    providers isps use this information to
  • 00:16:58
    decide if your emails should go to the
  • 00:17:01
    inbox or the spam folder so essentially
  • 00:17:04
    it's kind of like an algorithm and it
  • 00:17:05
    sees things like the words that you're
  • 00:17:07
    using how many people are opening how
  • 00:17:09
    many people are marketing you as spam to
  • 00:17:11
    categorize you and of course you want to
  • 00:17:13
    be categorized as just an organic person
  • 00:17:15
    who's sending out a bunch of messages
  • 00:17:17
    because that will give you the best
  • 00:17:18
    chance of Landing in the primary folder
  • 00:17:20
    next is email content the content of
  • 00:17:23
    your emails including the words that you
  • 00:17:25
    use are typically associated with Spam
  • 00:17:27
    like free guarantee sale Etc and they
  • 00:17:31
    can affect your
  • 00:17:32
    deliverability so you want to make sure
  • 00:17:34
    that ideally especially when you're
  • 00:17:36
    first opening up an email list using an
  • 00:17:38
    email service provider that you avoid
  • 00:17:40
    these words at all costs next is
  • 00:17:42
    subscriber engagement if your emails
  • 00:17:44
    consistently receive high open rates and
  • 00:17:46
    click rates as in like 20% over open
  • 00:17:49
    rates isps take this as a positive
  • 00:17:52
    indicator that your recipients find your
  • 00:17:54
    emails valuable okay so this will get
  • 00:17:56
    you out of spam next is list hygiene
  • 00:17:59
    extremely important this is why it's so
  • 00:18:00
    much better to have a small list that
  • 00:18:02
    loves you than a large list that's just
  • 00:18:03
    okay with you regularly cleaning your
  • 00:18:05
    email list by removing inactive
  • 00:18:07
    subscribers who do not engage with your
  • 00:18:09
    emails can improve deliverability and
  • 00:18:11
    then next finally but certainly not
  • 00:18:13
    least is authentication protocols this
  • 00:18:16
    one sounds a little bit uh what's the
  • 00:18:17
    word sounds a little bit complicated and
  • 00:18:19
    it kind of can be but you don't have to
  • 00:18:21
    worry about it too too much as a
  • 00:18:23
    beginner copywriter using standards like
  • 00:18:25
    SPF sender policy framework dkim domain
  • 00:18:29
    Keys identified mail and DeMark
  • 00:18:31
    domain-based message authentication
  • 00:18:34
    reporting and confirmance can help you
  • 00:18:36
    verify your identity as a sender and
  • 00:18:38
    prevent your emails from being flagged
  • 00:18:40
    as spam translation okay these are
  • 00:18:43
    essentially just proofs right it's like
  • 00:18:45
    a verification it's like a Instagram
  • 00:18:47
    verification you like a blue check mark
  • 00:18:50
    they give you the blue check mark
  • 00:18:51
    because they are sure you are who you
  • 00:18:53
    say you are and this is the exact same
  • 00:18:55
    thing it's just verifying yourself but
  • 00:18:57
    why is email deliverability so so so so
  • 00:18:59
    so so so so so important ensuring High
  • 00:19:01
    deliverability means your messages have
  • 00:19:03
    a better chance of reaching your
  • 00:19:04
    audience which directly impacts the
  • 00:19:06
    overall success of your email marketing
  • 00:19:08
    campaigns good deliverability rates lead
  • 00:19:10
    to higher engagement more conversions
  • 00:19:13
    and ultimately increased Roy for your
  • 00:19:15
    marketing efforts now as I showed you
  • 00:19:18
    there this is what it looks like okay
  • 00:19:20
    extremely important to know this
  • 00:19:21
    stuff also if you're a beginner
  • 00:19:23
    copywriter and your client is like
  • 00:19:25
    talking about this stuff and asking
  • 00:19:26
    about this stuff and you don't know what
  • 00:19:28
    the they're talking about they're going
  • 00:19:30
    to immediately flag you as yeah this
  • 00:19:31
    dude's an amateur he has no idea what he
  • 00:19:33
    what he is even doing and not to mention
  • 00:19:36
    dude a lot of businesses don't even know
  • 00:19:38
    all the things that I just showed you so
  • 00:19:39
    imagine your business and you
  • 00:19:41
    haphazardly open up an email list you
  • 00:19:43
    start sending and promoting and
  • 00:19:44
    everything there's no wonder why so many
  • 00:19:46
    businesses have terrible email
  • 00:19:48
    deliverability if you're able to just
  • 00:19:49
    fix their deliverability think about it
  • 00:19:51
    you can take their email open rate from
  • 00:19:53
    10% all the way to 20 or 30% that's
  • 00:19:56
    twice or three times as many people who
  • 00:19:58
    are even opening the emails can you
  • 00:20:00
    imagine what that's going to do to their
  • 00:20:01
    revenue if they're already making like
  • 00:20:03
    even a really small number 10 Grand per
  • 00:20:06
    month from email and you double it or
  • 00:20:07
    triple it now they're making an extra 10
  • 00:20:09
    grand or 20 grand per month bro easy
  • 00:20:11
    money in your pocket what is up
  • 00:20:13
    everybody how's it going is your boy
  • 00:20:15
    Tyson 4D new day same course of the free
  • 00:20:18
    email marketing master class for
  • 00:20:21
    copywriters so without any further do
  • 00:20:22
    let's hop right back into it split
  • 00:20:24
    testing split testing also known as AB
  • 00:20:27
    testing is a method used in marketing to
  • 00:20:29
    compare two versions of a web page email
  • 00:20:32
    or other marketing asset to determine
  • 00:20:34
    which one performs better in terms of
  • 00:20:36
    driving a specific action such as clicks
  • 00:20:38
    conversions or opens translation
  • 00:20:41
    figuring out what's actually better okay
  • 00:20:42
    so when it comes to copywriting and
  • 00:20:44
    marketing there are so many people who
  • 00:20:46
    want to say well oh if you do this
  • 00:20:48
    differently then they're going to think
  • 00:20:50
    this and you're going to make more money
  • 00:20:52
    well it comes to a certain point where
  • 00:20:54
    everything is just subjective the only
  • 00:20:56
    way to actually test things and see what
  • 00:20:58
    literally does work best is to test it
  • 00:21:01
    on the market the market is going to
  • 00:21:02
    tell you which one is going to perform
  • 00:21:04
    best and believe it or not most of the
  • 00:21:06
    times most of the times it's not what
  • 00:21:08
    you would expect to perform best I'll
  • 00:21:10
    tell a very short story with the free 8h
  • 00:21:12
    hour copywriting course I split tested
  • 00:21:15
    three thumbnails one of them is super
  • 00:21:17
    professional and I paid 100 bucks for
  • 00:21:19
    the other ones were like 15 bucks that I
  • 00:21:21
    paid for and the cheapest worst looking
  • 00:21:24
    one in my opinion is the one that
  • 00:21:25
    actually won the split test so that goes
  • 00:21:28
    to show you that the only way is to
  • 00:21:30
    actually show the market and get it
  • 00:21:31
    tested on the market and who your actual
  • 00:21:34
    audience is because otherwise you're
  • 00:21:36
    just going to be taking a guess and your
  • 00:21:37
    guess is probably going to be wrong so
  • 00:21:39
    how split testing actually works number
  • 00:21:41
    one you have to identify the variable
  • 00:21:43
    you start by identifying one variable to
  • 00:21:46
    change in the test this could be
  • 00:21:48
    anything from the subject line of an
  • 00:21:49
    email which is the most common AB split
  • 00:21:51
    test the color of the call to action
  • 00:21:53
    button which is very very not very
  • 00:21:56
    common you don't really need to do that
  • 00:21:58
    or the IM is used in an advertisement or
  • 00:22:00
    even entire landing page designs right
  • 00:22:03
    so usually in email marketing it will be
  • 00:22:05
    the subject line or the lead those are
  • 00:22:07
    going to be the two most changed
  • 00:22:09
    variables in your split tests next is to
  • 00:22:12
    create two versions once you've chosen
  • 00:22:14
    the variable you create two versions of
  • 00:22:15
    your marketing asset version a is
  • 00:22:17
    usually the current version or the
  • 00:22:18
    control and version B is the new version
  • 00:22:21
    the variation and you'll hear about this
  • 00:22:23
    more when you're doing things like
  • 00:22:24
    landing page so if they already have a
  • 00:22:26
    landing page that's up it is your
  • 00:22:27
    control Landing page if you can beat
  • 00:22:29
    that landing page meaning you can get
  • 00:22:31
    more conversions out of it then you've
  • 00:22:33
    won you found a new version that's going
  • 00:22:35
    to work better it's the same with things
  • 00:22:37
    like email automations or just email
  • 00:22:39
    sequences in general if your welcome
  • 00:22:41
    email usually gets a 60% open rate and
  • 00:22:43
    then you change it now it's getting a
  • 00:22:44
    64% open rate that's still going to be
  • 00:22:47
    way better uh and it's going to make you
  • 00:22:48
    more money in the long term you just
  • 00:22:50
    beat the control okay next is to split
  • 00:22:52
    test the audience split the audience the
  • 00:22:54
    audience is randomly divided into two
  • 00:22:57
    groups ensuring each segment is
  • 00:22:59
    statistically similar the division helps
  • 00:23:02
    in minimizing bias in the results this
  • 00:23:04
    is super important most landing pages
  • 00:23:07
    and softwares have the option to where
  • 00:23:10
    if anybody just clicks on a link 50% of
  • 00:23:12
    the time they'll get taken to the
  • 00:23:13
    control 50% of the time they'll get
  • 00:23:15
    taken to the variation and it will track
  • 00:23:16
    it for you okay you want to do this so
  • 00:23:19
    that it gives you the best results
  • 00:23:21
    because sometimes you're going to have
  • 00:23:22
    biases sometimes promos are going to be
  • 00:23:24
    going on and it's going to skew the num
  • 00:23:26
    so you want to make sure that it's as
  • 00:23:27
    even of a compet I as it can be
  • 00:23:30
    simultaneous exposure both groups are
  • 00:23:32
    exposed to the different versions at the
  • 00:23:34
    same time this is important to avoid
  • 00:23:36
    variations in behavior that could be
  • 00:23:39
    influenced by external factors like
  • 00:23:41
    holidays or events next is to measure
  • 00:23:43
    and compare the performance of each
  • 00:23:45
    version is measured based on specific
  • 00:23:47
    metrics such as click-through rates
  • 00:23:49
    conversion rates and any other relevant
  • 00:23:51
    indicators of success the results are
  • 00:23:54
    then compared to see which version
  • 00:23:56
    performed better and then lastly but
  • 00:23:58
    certainly not least you implement your
  • 00:24:00
    findings if one version clearly
  • 00:24:02
    outperforms the other that version can
  • 00:24:05
    be adopted as the new standard if there
  • 00:24:07
    was no clear winner the insights gained
  • 00:24:09
    can still be useful for further
  • 00:24:11
    refinements and future tests okay so if
  • 00:24:14
    you made a variation between a
  • 00:24:17
    pain-based headline and a pleasure-based
  • 00:24:20
    headline for example and you didn't see
  • 00:24:21
    any difference then you know that it
  • 00:24:23
    doesn't matter you can use each
  • 00:24:24
    interchangeably right so now you can
  • 00:24:26
    save yourself from doing all types of
  • 00:24:28
    different tests in the future where you
  • 00:24:30
    already have this information so you
  • 00:24:31
    don't need to test for it anymore and
  • 00:24:33
    this is what great marketing really
  • 00:24:34
    looks like okay now uh I get it as a
  • 00:24:37
    copywriter you came on thinking like oh
  • 00:24:39
    all I got to do is write some emails and
  • 00:24:41
    yes that's very much true but again
  • 00:24:43
    there's so many different levels of
  • 00:24:45
    skills to this and skills are really
  • 00:24:47
    what's going to pay your bills I can't
  • 00:24:48
    stress that enough okay a highly skilled
  • 00:24:51
    copyr that can do all of these things is
  • 00:24:53
    always going to make more money than the
  • 00:24:54
    copy wrers who just shows up and like
  • 00:24:56
    hey man I can write your emails I'm
  • 00:24:57
    pretty sure they're going to be good but
  • 00:24:58
    I don't really sure I don't know how to
  • 00:24:59
    do any email marketing I don't know how
  • 00:25:00
    to split test I don't know what a split
  • 00:25:01
    test is I don't know what a conversion
  • 00:25:02
    rate is you don't want that to be you
  • 00:25:05
    you want to be the man with the plan and
  • 00:25:07
    if you learn everything in this video
  • 00:25:09
    especially but of course all the videos
  • 00:25:10
    on the Tyson 4D Channel you're going to
  • 00:25:12
    be that man or woman so let's go why
  • 00:25:15
    split testing is important in the first
  • 00:25:17
    place so some of the benefits improved
  • 00:25:18
    content increased engagement higher
  • 00:25:20
    conversion rates and better Roi all of
  • 00:25:22
    those are uh reasons why you should be
  • 00:25:24
    split testing so overall split testing
  • 00:25:26
    is a powerful tool for continuous
  • 00:25:28
    Improvement in marketing strategies
  • 00:25:30
    ensuring that decisions are backed by
  • 00:25:32
    data rather than assumptions or emotions
  • 00:25:35
    which some businesses definitely do now
  • 00:25:37
    that we understand email marketing it's
  • 00:25:39
    time to understand email strategy okay
  • 00:25:41
    so now you have all the terms all the
  • 00:25:43
    definitions you know what I'm talking
  • 00:25:44
    about congratulations on that note you
  • 00:25:47
    already know more about email marketing
  • 00:25:49
    than 99% of other copywriters so again
  • 00:25:52
    big congrats on that most copywriters
  • 00:25:55
    don't even know how it works they're
  • 00:25:57
    like okay I write these emails but then
  • 00:25:58
    what do I send them out how does the
  • 00:26:00
    email how does the business know what
  • 00:26:02
    emails to send them to it's like uh
  • 00:26:04
    they're just lost like they it doesn't
  • 00:26:06
    it doesn't all make sense to them yet it
  • 00:26:08
    should be starting to make an overall
  • 00:26:09
    picture where you can start to see it
  • 00:26:11
    but don't worry because we're going to
  • 00:26:12
    get even deeper into what this all looks
  • 00:26:14
    like so in the next section we're going
  • 00:26:17
    to be going over these things the three
  • 00:26:19
    types of email sequences that every
  • 00:26:20
    business needs to get sales on semi
  • 00:26:22
    autopilot the three foundational emails
  • 00:26:24
    that you can use interchangeably in any
  • 00:26:26
    email sequence and automation how to
  • 00:26:28
    write Punchy bullets that maximize
  • 00:26:30
    perceived value and drastically increase
  • 00:26:32
    the effectiveness of your copy if you
  • 00:26:34
    can write great bullets you can write
  • 00:26:35
    great headlines you can write great
  • 00:26:36
    emails bullets are bullets and
  • 00:26:38
    Fascinations are one of the biggest
  • 00:26:40
    parts of all of copyrighting next the
  • 00:26:42
    two simple ways you can grow an email
  • 00:26:44
    list of ready to buy subscribers that
  • 00:26:46
    love reading your emails then the one
  • 00:26:49
    email I've sent that's added over
  • 00:26:51
    $70,000 into my client's Pipeline and
  • 00:26:53
    witing me Employee of the Month next is
  • 00:26:56
    watch me build a six figure per per
  • 00:26:58
    month email automation from scratch just
  • 00:27:00
    watch me do it I screen record it and
  • 00:27:02
    show you and then next finally how to
  • 00:27:04
    use all the skills that you've learned
  • 00:27:06
    in this video to go out there and get
  • 00:27:07
    your first or next 3K per month
  • 00:27:09
    copyrighting client man it don't get
  • 00:27:11
    much better than this so make sure
  • 00:27:13
    you're buckled in you're strapped in and
  • 00:27:15
    you're ready for all the value that's
  • 00:27:17
    about to come out to you so the three
  • 00:27:19
    types of email sequences that every
  • 00:27:20
    business needs to get sales on semi
  • 00:27:22
    autopilot all of these are templatized
  • 00:27:24
    and put inside of the free copy starter
  • 00:27:27
    kit to help you get started now people
  • 00:27:29
    are in the comments you know the people
  • 00:27:30
    who are no fun at parties the complete
  • 00:27:32
    sticklers the guys that remind the
  • 00:27:34
    teacher that hey we have homework or you
  • 00:27:36
    didn't collect the homework are going to
  • 00:27:37
    be like bro you really expect to make
  • 00:27:39
    money just from writing from templates
  • 00:27:41
    no the templates are to get you started
  • 00:27:44
    okay they're to get you started you
  • 00:27:45
    don't want to rely on templates you
  • 00:27:47
    don't want to rely on Chad gbt of course
  • 00:27:48
    you need the skill but people aren't
  • 00:27:50
    going to take action andless it's broken
  • 00:27:51
    down into the smallest possible steps
  • 00:27:53
    which is why I provide templates to you
  • 00:27:55
    guys for free so there's always was that
  • 00:27:58
    one dude complaining and being weird so
  • 00:28:00
    I just thought I'd address him give him
  • 00:28:01
    some some air but now no more oxygen so
  • 00:28:04
    diic email copyrighting template P hso
  • 00:28:07
    cjn lisal Learning lesson email template
  • 00:28:09
    look at all those email templates right
  • 00:28:11
    there for you for free fill them out
  • 00:28:13
    with whatever D you writing for um
  • 00:28:15
    inside the free copy starter kit link
  • 00:28:16
    Down Below in the description there's
  • 00:28:18
    also more in there but we'll get over
  • 00:28:19
    that go over that later so a welcome a
  • 00:28:22
    welcome sequence so this is the most
  • 00:28:25
    important sequence to get right the
  • 00:28:27
    welcome sequence the welcome sequence
  • 00:28:28
    I'll just I'll just read it so you know
  • 00:28:30
    this sequence serves as an introduction
  • 00:28:32
    to you and your brand sets the tone and
  • 00:28:34
    helps to begin building a relationship
  • 00:28:36
    with your audience a welcome sequence
  • 00:28:38
    usually incorporates value but can also
  • 00:28:41
    soft sell people are most likely to buy
  • 00:28:45
    as soon as they come into your list and
  • 00:28:47
    if you have something that can genuinely
  • 00:28:49
    help them why wait until later to offer
  • 00:28:51
    it to them okay so a lot of people are
  • 00:28:54
    like oh make sure you avoid selling to
  • 00:28:55
    your list for like you know the first
  • 00:28:57
    eight emails 16 emails but like what's
  • 00:28:59
    the point of that right people as soon
  • 00:29:01
    as people get on your list that's when
  • 00:29:04
    they are most susceptible to uh to to
  • 00:29:08
    purchasing that's when they want to
  • 00:29:09
    purchase so here's an example of what an
  • 00:29:11
    email sequence might look like and the
  • 00:29:13
    topics that might be discussed in each
  • 00:29:14
    email in order so welcome and what to
  • 00:29:18
    expect and don't worry I'm going to show
  • 00:29:19
    you how to make all these emails as we
  • 00:29:21
    go on high value to build trust so uh
  • 00:29:24
    email was just actionable value Why Us
  • 00:29:27
    why we know what we're talking about why
  • 00:29:29
    you should listen some of the results
  • 00:29:30
    that we've had in the past the belief
  • 00:29:32
    shifts right so uh educating you and
  • 00:29:34
    shifting your beliefs closer to our Big
  • 00:29:37
    Marketing message story email to again
  • 00:29:41
    build a relationship uh show you why we
  • 00:29:43
    are convinced instead of trying to
  • 00:29:45
    convince you and so on and so forth so
  • 00:29:48
    we're going to go through some of these
  • 00:29:50
    next is a promo sequence okay a promo
  • 00:29:52
    sequence is designed to promote a
  • 00:29:54
    specific product service event or offer
  • 00:29:58
    the goal of a promo sequence is to
  • 00:29:59
    convert subscribers into customers or
  • 00:30:02
    action takers by creating a sense of
  • 00:30:04
    urgency providing valuable information
  • 00:30:06
    and making compelling offers over
  • 00:30:09
    several emails doing a whole sequence of
  • 00:30:12
    promotion is best after you've given an
  • 00:30:14
    overload of value think of your email
  • 00:30:17
    list as a bank account of Goodwill if
  • 00:30:19
    you try to withdraw from an empty bank
  • 00:30:21
    account too often you'll never be able
  • 00:30:23
    to grow over time and this is something
  • 00:30:25
    I've seen so many business owners do
  • 00:30:27
    when they're email list is just shot so
  • 00:30:29
    many business owners just destroy their
  • 00:30:31
    email marketing their e their sender
  • 00:30:32
    reputation because they're like oh email
  • 00:30:35
    look at all the money you can make with
  • 00:30:36
    email I'll just promo my stuff all day
  • 00:30:38
    long promo promo promo and then they
  • 00:30:40
    mess up their email list and they just
  • 00:30:42
    it's awful it's terrible and then you
  • 00:30:44
    got to get paid big bucks to come in and
  • 00:30:46
    fix it it's kind of how it is sometimes
  • 00:30:48
    so for example one you la launch SL
  • 00:30:51
    announcement email announcing a deal I'm
  • 00:30:53
    launching a product next is the benefits
  • 00:30:55
    email the benefits of the product that
  • 00:30:57
    you launched and how it will change that
  • 00:30:59
    person's life next is the countdown
  • 00:31:00
    email this offer is changing or going
  • 00:31:02
    away soon and then the last chance email
  • 00:31:05
    this is your last chance to get this
  • 00:31:06
    offer before it goes away forever
  • 00:31:08
    finally the subscriber revor sequence a
  • 00:31:11
    subscriber revor email sequence often
  • 00:31:13
    called a reengagement or win back
  • 00:31:15
    campaigns is designed to rekindle
  • 00:31:18
    interest among subscribers who have
  • 00:31:20
    become inactive okay remember inactivity
  • 00:31:24
    is going to hurt your deliverability it
  • 00:31:26
    can mean different things depending on
  • 00:31:28
    the context such as not opening emails
  • 00:31:31
    not clicking on links or not making
  • 00:31:33
    purchases over a certain period
  • 00:31:35
    typically this sequence will uh include
  • 00:31:37
    several strategically crafted emails
  • 00:31:39
    right things that are are meant to get
  • 00:31:41
    people re-engaged and uh catch their
  • 00:31:43
    attention and the main goal is that when
  • 00:31:46
    people open their email they're May
  • 00:31:47
    they're like man these emails are great
  • 00:31:48
    I wonder why I ever stopped reading them
  • 00:31:50
    and and keep reading those emails so you
  • 00:31:52
    don't want to send to people who never
  • 00:31:53
    open your emails because obviously they
  • 00:31:56
    uh they are not going to they're going
  • 00:31:58
    to hurt your open rate hurt your open
  • 00:31:59
    rate they hurt your deliverability it's
  • 00:32:00
    all not good stuff so subscriber revor
  • 00:32:03
    emails um I I uh made these a little bit
  • 00:32:06
    longer to explain them a little bit more
  • 00:32:08
    kind of like the other ones so we're
  • 00:32:09
    going to go through them one the initial
  • 00:32:11
    check in email this first email gently
  • 00:32:13
    acknowledges the subscribers in activity
  • 00:32:15
    and expresses a genuine concern or
  • 00:32:17
    curiosity about their absence right so
  • 00:32:20
    you don't want to be like hey my emails
  • 00:32:22
    are only for the those who are super
  • 00:32:24
    into whatever my topic is and if you're
  • 00:32:27
    not then you should just give up and
  • 00:32:28
    quit so goodbye right that's uh
  • 00:32:31
    obviously a little bit too harsh you
  • 00:32:33
    want to gently acknowledge hey my email
  • 00:32:36
    provider has been showing me that you
  • 00:32:37
    haven't been seeing my emails and uh you
  • 00:32:40
    know I like to send the emails to people
  • 00:32:42
    who are the most active so by all means
  • 00:32:45
    in case in case you want to stay on the
  • 00:32:48
    email list then just do this action
  • 00:32:51
    click this link watch this video um
  • 00:32:54
    reply to this email something like that
  • 00:32:56
    next is the value reminder email here
  • 00:32:58
    you remind the subscriber of the value
  • 00:33:01
    they used to get from your emails
  • 00:33:02
    highlight what they've been missing out
  • 00:33:04
    on such as valuable insights exclusive
  • 00:33:06
    offers or important updates next is the
  • 00:33:09
    feedback request email ask directly why
  • 00:33:12
    they've disengaged this not only shows
  • 00:33:14
    that you value their opinion but also
  • 00:33:17
    helps you gather insights that you can
  • 00:33:18
    prove your email strategy overall this
  • 00:33:21
    is super important something that a lot
  • 00:33:22
    of people don't do see like 90% of your
  • 00:33:26
    problems or issues in business business
  • 00:33:28
    when it comes to you know growing or
  • 00:33:29
    scaling really is about connecting with
  • 00:33:32
    the people who are in your audience or
  • 00:33:35
    have purchas from you before you get
  • 00:33:37
    really really clear on how they actually
  • 00:33:39
    feel or what they actually think and
  • 00:33:40
    dude it's done marketing's done sales is
  • 00:33:42
    done business is done next is the last
  • 00:33:44
    chance email inform them that in order
  • 00:33:46
    to keep their inbox clean you'll stop
  • 00:33:49
    sending emails if they choose to remain
  • 00:33:51
    disengaged unless they opt back in this
  • 00:33:53
    creates a sense of urgency and reduces
  • 00:33:55
    the cost of sending emails to
  • 00:33:57
    uninterested Ed Parties number two the
  • 00:34:00
    foundational emails that you can use
  • 00:34:01
    interchangeably in any email sequence in
  • 00:34:04
    automation a is the utility email so
  • 00:34:07
    these are emails usually sent to the
  • 00:34:09
    subs when the subscriber first joins the
  • 00:34:11
    list or decides to make a purchase these
  • 00:34:13
    emails are simple yet important because
  • 00:34:16
    they need to give readers clear indirect
  • 00:34:18
    steps on what to do next so these don't
  • 00:34:20
    have like a story or a marketing message
  • 00:34:23
    they are literally just there to do a
  • 00:34:25
    job so congratulations on on purchasing
  • 00:34:28
    this thing here's what you can expect
  • 00:34:30
    here's where you can go to leave
  • 00:34:31
    feedback and just just telling you what
  • 00:34:34
    you need to know and it's the same when
  • 00:34:36
    you sign up to the list hey welcome to
  • 00:34:38
    the list you know here's some free stuff
  • 00:34:40
    here's what you can expect here's how
  • 00:34:42
    often you're going to get emails here's
  • 00:34:43
    what the emails are going to help you do
  • 00:34:45
    right that those are examples of utility
  • 00:34:47
    emails next is a belief shift email
  • 00:34:49
    shifting beliefs is the core of
  • 00:34:51
    persuasion and persuasion is the core of
  • 00:34:53
    marketing as a whole the difference
  • 00:34:54
    between sales and marketing is this F
  • 00:34:57
    about Jake Paul's fight career he either
  • 00:35:00
    fights retired boxers or MMA fighters
  • 00:35:02
    like Mike Tyson Floyd Mayweather Etc why
  • 00:35:05
    not choose actual professional boxers
  • 00:35:07
    that are currently active because he
  • 00:35:08
    picks opponents with the biggest names
  • 00:35:11
    and with the most money he puts the odds
  • 00:35:12
    in his favor before he even steps in the
  • 00:35:15
    ring this concept is like marketing
  • 00:35:17
    whereas sales is like the fight itself
  • 00:35:19
    marketing leads up to the sale the sales
  • 00:35:22
    push the potential buyer over the 5 yard
  • 00:35:25
    line to actually pull out their credit
  • 00:35:26
    card and and purchase another analogy
  • 00:35:29
    that I I like to use is that sales
  • 00:35:32
    essentially is marketing and sales are
  • 00:35:34
    basically the same thing marketing is
  • 00:35:36
    just selling to a lot of people and
  • 00:35:37
    sales is filling in the gaps to where
  • 00:35:40
    people still have some questions they
  • 00:35:42
    still have some things they want to know
  • 00:35:43
    they still want some of their objections
  • 00:35:44
    to be answered personally and then that
  • 00:35:47
    is sales when you're face Toof face with
  • 00:35:48
    somebody and you know you're about to
  • 00:35:50
    buy their thing whereas marketing is
  • 00:35:52
    essentially selling something the exact
  • 00:35:53
    same but it's just selling to many
  • 00:35:54
    people and there's not that
  • 00:35:56
    personalization effect then that's it so
  • 00:35:59
    next is the objection Handler email
  • 00:36:02
    there's a reason why your prospect
  • 00:36:04
    hasn't bought or taken action yet when
  • 00:36:06
    you're able to properly find and handle
  • 00:36:08
    the most common objections you can fully
  • 00:36:09
    monetize any email list so step one
  • 00:36:13
    write down the top 10 objections your
  • 00:36:14
    prospects might have on either your
  • 00:36:16
    product or unique mechanism so uh have
  • 00:36:20
    we talked about unique mechanism yet not
  • 00:36:21
    really but if you guys don't know what
  • 00:36:23
    it is you will you should um don't worry
  • 00:36:26
    next is step to order them from most to
  • 00:36:29
    least prevalent okay so now you have
  • 00:36:32
    your top 10 objections down in a
  • 00:36:34
    document you need to order them from
  • 00:36:36
    most to least prevalent meaning Mo most
  • 00:36:38
    to least like often that people are
  • 00:36:40
    going to say them right so I I can give
  • 00:36:42
    you an example I'll tell you that this
  • 00:36:43
    phone case is the best because not only
  • 00:36:47
    is it super protective but it also has
  • 00:36:49
    this circle right here for mag safe
  • 00:36:51
    which a lot of things don't have and
  • 00:36:53
    it's also see-through so you can see
  • 00:36:54
    your awesome phone color okay well where
  • 00:36:57
    some objections to that is it actually
  • 00:36:59
    going to keep my phone protected that's
  • 00:37:01
    the number one thing I want to know is
  • 00:37:02
    it going to keep my phone protected is
  • 00:37:04
    it going to come over the screen so that
  • 00:37:07
    protects the screen as well is it
  • 00:37:09
    durable is it something that's going to
  • 00:37:10
    break over time is it flexible these are
  • 00:37:12
    all objections or at least things that
  • 00:37:14
    would stop people from purchasing or
  • 00:37:17
    thinking that maybe there's something
  • 00:37:18
    else that they can purchase that's even
  • 00:37:19
    better instead and you can use this with
  • 00:37:21
    literally any product in the world I
  • 00:37:24
    just use my phone case because it was
  • 00:37:25
    the first thing that I've seen but you
  • 00:37:26
    can use anything okay step three is to
  • 00:37:29
    come up with the best justifications to
  • 00:37:30
    overcome each objection from most to
  • 00:37:33
    least prevalent use things like stories
  • 00:37:35
    analogies studies Etc to justify your
  • 00:37:40
    objection handles Pro tip a powerful
  • 00:37:42
    frame of mind is instead of thinking how
  • 00:37:45
    you can get somebody to buy ask yourself
  • 00:37:47
    why hasn't this person bought yet okay
  • 00:37:50
    this is a a huge thing that a lot of
  • 00:37:52
    people don't do they're like oh well I
  • 00:37:53
    have to make sure it looks awesome as
  • 00:37:55
    awesome as possible add so many Fe that
  • 00:37:57
    people want to buy but usually it's just
  • 00:37:59
    one small thing that they're wondering
  • 00:38:00
    about or thinking about and it's not
  • 00:38:02
    about adding on more it's about handling
  • 00:38:04
    the objections that they have in their
  • 00:38:06
    mind so it's like you might say that
  • 00:38:07
    it's great for X Y and Z but they might
  • 00:38:09
    say okay but can I get that somewhere
  • 00:38:11
    else that's that's a really common one
  • 00:38:13
    can I get that somewhere else tell them
  • 00:38:15
    why yours is the best and compare it to
  • 00:38:17
    other things number three how to write
  • 00:38:20
    Punchy bullets that maximize perceived
  • 00:38:22
    value and drastically increase
  • 00:38:23
    effectiveness of your copy so I need to
  • 00:38:26
    mention again the free school Community
  • 00:38:28
    to get review and advice from other copy
  • 00:38:31
    wers this is going to be huge guys see
  • 00:38:33
    the big problem that people have is they
  • 00:38:34
    have no feedback sit in the room at
  • 00:38:36
    their desk with a dock open they're
  • 00:38:38
    sitting there writing copy how do you
  • 00:38:39
    know if it's any good nobody's even
  • 00:38:41
    looking at it it's like you grading your
  • 00:38:43
    own paper like how is that going to be
  • 00:38:45
    helpful to you at all so there's lots of
  • 00:38:47
    other people in the school community
  • 00:38:49
    that are not only giving advice but also
  • 00:38:51
    are wanting to actively review your copy
  • 00:38:54
    so that they can get better and you can
  • 00:38:56
    review their copy as well Al so you can
  • 00:38:57
    get inspiration example Harry Clark what
  • 00:39:00
    I've learned from closing over five fig
  • 00:39:02
    deals so he's made over 10K per month
  • 00:39:05
    with copywriting and he's giving a value
  • 00:39:07
    post on how he actually did it next is
  • 00:39:09
    some other people saying give me your
  • 00:39:10
    copy to review accelerate your copy by
  • 00:39:13
    getting it reviewed by him he wants you
  • 00:39:15
    to comment on that post reviewing your
  • 00:39:17
    portfolio so you get you can get
  • 00:39:18
    literally anything reviewed in the
  • 00:39:20
    school community and people are actively
  • 00:39:22
    asking you to so um again that is down
  • 00:39:25
    below for free and the free copy starter
  • 00:39:27
    kit there's also a link to it there as
  • 00:39:29
    well so why learn bullets in the first
  • 00:39:31
    place and speaking of
  • 00:39:35
    bullets and speaking of bullets I just
  • 00:39:39
    thought I would bring out this bad boy
  • 00:39:42
    here as a training a even though we're
  • 00:39:44
    not talking we're not talking about
  • 00:39:45
    these sorts of bullets and technically
  • 00:39:47
    this shoots shells and not bullets at
  • 00:39:50
    all um bullets are a very important part
  • 00:39:53
    of all of copywriting and I'll not only
  • 00:39:55
    show you why but I'll show you how to
  • 00:39:57
    cra the best bullets and why bullets are
  • 00:40:00
    essentially the best part of any copy if
  • 00:40:02
    you can write great bullets you can
  • 00:40:03
    write great headlines you can write
  • 00:40:04
    great subject lines you can write great
  • 00:40:06
    emails great video sales ERS great
  • 00:40:08
    landing pages you can just be a great
  • 00:40:09
    copywriter with this one skill so the
  • 00:40:12
    ability to write great bullets gives you
  • 00:40:14
    complete competitive immunity if you can
  • 00:40:17
    write great bullets you can write great
  • 00:40:18
    headlines emails video sales letters and
  • 00:40:19
    other forms of copy bullet writing is
  • 00:40:21
    essentially the most transferable and
  • 00:40:23
    effective form of writing copy period
  • 00:40:26
    it's one of the the most important
  • 00:40:28
    things it's probably one of the first
  • 00:40:29
    things that you should learn and more
  • 00:40:31
    specifically Fascination bullets and
  • 00:40:32
    we're going to talk about what they are
  • 00:40:34
    so why bullets are so effective bullets
  • 00:40:36
    are a way to communicate the most amount
  • 00:40:38
    of information in the shortest amount of
  • 00:40:40
    words and time which is essentially the
  • 00:40:45
    number one rule of All Copy is that you
  • 00:40:47
    want it to convey the most amount of
  • 00:40:50
    message possible in the smallest amount
  • 00:40:52
    of words in time because you know it's
  • 00:40:55
    basically low effort for high amount of
  • 00:40:58
    uh communication so we break down
  • 00:41:00
    complex information bullets help distill
  • 00:41:03
    complex ideas into digestible pieces
  • 00:41:05
    making the content easier for the reader
  • 00:41:07
    to understand it's really easy to read
  • 00:41:08
    bullets kind of like you see right right
  • 00:41:11
    here before you these are kind of
  • 00:41:12
    bullets in a way improved layout the use
  • 00:41:14
    of bullets breaks up large blocks of
  • 00:41:16
    text which can be uh intimidating or
  • 00:41:19
    tiresome to read this improved layout
  • 00:41:21
    enhances the overall readability of the
  • 00:41:23
    content efficient delivery of benefits
  • 00:41:26
    bullets allow ow you to frontload the
  • 00:41:28
    most persuasive aspects of your product
  • 00:41:31
    or service this efficient delivery makes
  • 00:41:34
    it easy for the reader to see the value
  • 00:41:37
    proposition quickly a lot of people buy
  • 00:41:39
    just because they see one or two really
  • 00:41:41
    great bullets I'm going to show you how
  • 00:41:42
    to write amazing bullets so how do we
  • 00:41:45
    rrate bullets principles and techniques
  • 00:41:47
    number one ensure that your bullets are
  • 00:41:49
    symmetrical and follow a pattern okay I
  • 00:41:51
    see this happen sometimes guys are doing
  • 00:41:52
    like this the wrong way medium length
  • 00:41:55
    and then uh big or small length and then
  • 00:41:57
    a really long one the wrong way why you
  • 00:42:00
    can't lose weight not keeping track of
  • 00:42:02
    your eating B Cycles rewarding yourself
  • 00:42:05
    for good eating than brag than
  • 00:42:07
    bargaining with yourself so that you can
  • 00:42:09
    eat more food yeah you don't want to do
  • 00:42:11
    that the right way why you can't lose
  • 00:42:13
    weight not keeping track of what you're
  • 00:42:14
    eating starvation and binge cycles and
  • 00:42:16
    unhealthy relationship with food
  • 00:42:17
    emotionally eating two avoid clutter at
  • 00:42:20
    all costs and three always mention
  • 00:42:21
    benefits When mentioning features a
  • 00:42:24
    great way to translate features into
  • 00:42:25
    benefits is using the words so you can
  • 00:42:28
    so a benefit I don't know why I'm using
  • 00:42:31
    my phone as an example so much today a a
  • 00:42:33
    feature would be the a16 bionic chip the
  • 00:42:36
    benefit would be no more sitting there
  • 00:42:39
    and having to wait for your Call of Duty
  • 00:42:41
    game to load uh on your iPhone I don't
  • 00:42:44
    know if people even play Call of Duty on
  • 00:42:45
    that can you play it I don't know I
  • 00:42:47
    don't play video games you get the point
  • 00:42:49
    so a visual example you guys know I love
  • 00:42:51
    my guns dog so we have a 22 long rifle
  • 00:42:55
    we have a 12 gauge shotgun round we have
  • 00:42:57
    a 308 round and we have a 9mm these are
  • 00:43:01
    all different sizes and shapes and we
  • 00:43:04
    don't want to use that instead we want
  • 00:43:05
    to use uniform all the same all 308
  • 00:43:09
    rounds okay visual representation I hope
  • 00:43:11
    that really drove the point home for you
  • 00:43:13
    you want them to look somewhat similar
  • 00:43:15
  • 00:43:16
    size so feature plus benit bullets or
  • 00:43:20
    Fascinations I'm going to give you some
  • 00:43:21
    examples and we're going to kind of
  • 00:43:23
    break them down just a little bit but
  • 00:43:24
    then I want to get into some copy
  • 00:43:26
    because that's going to give give you
  • 00:43:27
    the most amount of value what is going
  • 00:43:29
    on everybody I'm back I'm black I'm to
  • 00:43:31
    attack on a new day same course we're
  • 00:43:33
    talking about feature Plus benefits
  • 00:43:36
    bullets SL Fascinations and I have some
  • 00:43:38
    examples here for you guys so first and
  • 00:43:41
    foremost example the relationship advice
  • 00:43:44
    that could save your marriage straight
  • 00:43:45
    from couples who have been together 50
  • 00:43:48
    years bullet Fascination this bullet
  • 00:43:50
    uses cost narration to add instant
  • 00:43:53
    validity and proof to the effectiveness
  • 00:43:56
    of the benefit translation cost
  • 00:43:58
    narration is essentially just instead of
  • 00:44:01
    saying here are the top five places to
  • 00:44:03
    vacation to it's something like okay
  • 00:44:05
    I've vacation to 50 different countries
  • 00:44:07
    and here are the top five or saying
  • 00:44:09
    something like here here's how to make
  • 00:44:11
    your ads work or I've spent over three
  • 00:44:13
    bajillion dollars on ads and I know what
  • 00:44:16
    works and here's what works right so
  • 00:44:18
    you're talking about what it actually
  • 00:44:20
    cost you to know your information which
  • 00:44:23
    of course adds instant validity and
  • 00:44:25
    proof next the marketing blender that 95
  • 00:44:27
    % of startups make and how you can turn
  • 00:44:29
    it into your advantage so this works
  • 00:44:31
    because it takes a problem and turns it
  • 00:44:33
    into an advantage lastly the 10 easiest
  • 00:44:36
    markets rookie entrepreneurs can tap
  • 00:44:39
    into for maximum profit with minimum
  • 00:44:41
    risk specific to the audience with
  • 00:44:43
    specific bullets okay so there are
  • 00:44:46
    hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of
  • 00:44:48
    different types of bullets that you can
  • 00:44:49
    use and just to prove it I've actually
  • 00:44:52
    left a list of 100 bullets right here
  • 00:44:55
    that you can just add right into your
  • 00:44:56
    swipe f file so um you can check it out
  • 00:44:59
    of course all this is going to be in the
  • 00:45:00
    free copy starter kit you can download
  • 00:45:01
    it and get these slides as well so as
  • 00:45:04
    you can see there are tons and tons and
  • 00:45:06
    tons of bullets an example bullets right
  • 00:45:09
    down here kind of small to see let me
  • 00:45:11
  • 00:45:13
    in boom hundreds well 100 100 bullets
  • 00:45:18
    right there for you guys boom and I'm
  • 00:45:20
    sure if you just do a quick Google
  • 00:45:21
    search you can find even more so you
  • 00:45:24
    should have no no worries about what
  • 00:45:26
    bullets actually are uh you now know and
  • 00:45:29
  • 00:45:30
    exemplars of of bullets list bullets
  • 00:45:32
    these are a little bit different right
  • 00:45:34
    and I don't want you to to get them
  • 00:45:35
    confused we will run over bullet feature
  • 00:45:38
    benefit bullets and now these are list
  • 00:45:40
    bullets so another effective way you can
  • 00:45:42
    inject bullets into your copy so quotes
  • 00:45:45
    of what people say lists of things right
  • 00:45:48
    these sorts of things so example number
  • 00:45:50
    one quotes of what people say but Tyson
  • 00:45:52
    tracking my macros is hard I don't know
  • 00:45:53
    how to track my macros my buddy is huge
  • 00:45:56
    and he never tracks his macros so right
  • 00:45:58
    there I'm kind of like quoting people of
  • 00:46:00
    have you ever heard somebody say these
  • 00:46:01
    three things and then I just give them a
  • 00:46:03
    list like that or example number two is
  • 00:46:05
    a list of things maybe you're like me
  • 00:46:06
    and you've tried everything itend
  • 00:46:08
    fasting keto diet veganism but still
  • 00:46:11
    nothing seems to work so again this is
  • 00:46:13
    just a way to list out certain things uh
  • 00:46:15
    so that it's again easy to digest and
  • 00:46:17
    you don't have them all in just like one
  • 00:46:19
    line so when do we actually want to use
  • 00:46:22
    bullets when listing off quotes of
  • 00:46:24
    things when increasing the perceived
  • 00:46:26
    value of something which is really
  • 00:46:27
    important and when recapping what people
  • 00:46:30
    are getting so like a final value stack
  • 00:46:33
    don't worry we're going to go over even
  • 00:46:34
    more examples as we go on now that you
  • 00:46:37
    understand the email fundamentals let's
  • 00:46:39
    read some emails let's read some emails
  • 00:46:40
    and see what they actually do and how
  • 00:46:42
    they do it let's break it down line by
  • 00:46:44
    line because this is by far going to be
  • 00:46:46
    the best way to actually learn but of
  • 00:46:48
    course if you ain't writing copy on a
  • 00:46:50
    regular basis and getting it reviewed in
  • 00:46:52
    the school Community I don't really know
  • 00:46:54
    what you're doing my friend so uh yeah
  • 00:46:56
    go down Link in the description free
  • 00:46:58
    copy starter kit is going to get you
  • 00:46:59
    access to all of that so number one
  • 00:47:02
    welcome email this is from ask Vin he's
  • 00:47:05
    a communication specialist and he does
  • 00:47:08
    like mentorships and video courses and
  • 00:47:10
    things like that uh you might have seen
  • 00:47:11
    him on Instagram super super popular
  • 00:47:13
    that's all the context really need okay
  • 00:47:15
    let's get into it also this guy writes a
  • 00:47:17
    little bit differently he writes in
  • 00:47:18
    bigger paragraphs there's no right or
  • 00:47:20
    wrong way to do it if you write or if
  • 00:47:22
    you get on and sign with a client like
  • 00:47:24
    this and they prefer their emails to be
  • 00:47:27
    like longer lines then just oblige just
  • 00:47:29
    make them long longer lines then I've
  • 00:47:31
    had clients like that before usually
  • 00:47:32
    it's like the older guys and they just
  • 00:47:34
    don't really like reading vertically as
  • 00:47:36
    much so they like doing like the
  • 00:47:38
    paragraph thing so I'm I'm cool with
  • 00:47:39
    that and you should be as well so let's
  • 00:47:41
    hop right into it hey Tyson I hope
  • 00:47:42
    you're enjoying the amplify video series
  • 00:47:45
    I guess that's my must have been what I
  • 00:47:46
    signed up for and then here's the here's
  • 00:47:48
    the amplify video series button I want
  • 00:47:50
    to remind you that the way that you
  • 00:47:52
    speak affects every interaction that you
  • 00:47:54
    have every day of your life okay so now
  • 00:47:56
    he's essentially going into the the
  • 00:47:58
    belief shift right he's giving you the
  • 00:48:00
    what's in it for me and he's giving you
  • 00:48:01
    the belief shift of where you need to be
  • 00:48:04
    in order to buy from him further down
  • 00:48:06
    the line don't let your dream job go to
  • 00:48:08
    someone else don't let your dream
  • 00:48:10
    girl/guy pass you by and don't let
  • 00:48:12
    ineffective communication rob you of a
  • 00:48:15
    life filled with opportunities pretty
  • 00:48:17
    self-explanatory what he's saying there
  • 00:48:18
    and why he's saying it as I embarked on
  • 00:48:20
    my journey now this might just be me but
  • 00:48:24
    embarking on Journey if you've used chat
  • 00:48:26
    gbt you know that smells like Chad gbt
  • 00:48:29
    right there but I digress as I embark on
  • 00:48:31
    my journey to master the skill of
  • 00:48:33
    communication I believe that those who
  • 00:48:35
    were exceptional at communication were
  • 00:48:37
    born with it or maybe it was Maybelline
  • 00:48:39
    ohol well sorry I had to my poor wife
  • 00:48:41
    she has to live with me so as you can
  • 00:48:44
    see he also has some comedic relief okay
  • 00:48:46
    comedic relief is essentially when
  • 00:48:48
    you're just reading through a pretty
  • 00:48:49
    serious email and then you get a joke a
  • 00:48:51
    joke right now these are important to
  • 00:48:53
    add into emails every business is going
  • 00:48:55
    to be different every brand voice is
  • 00:48:56
    going to be different some people are
  • 00:48:57
    going to be into it and want a whole
  • 00:48:58
    bunch of communic relief some people not
  • 00:49:00
    so much I say go for it right especially
  • 00:49:03
    in like the beginning of emails because
  • 00:49:05
    again your emails are meant to be
  • 00:49:06
    entertaining as well as educational
  • 00:49:08
    right if you can make them both then
  • 00:49:10
    that's going to do a lot for you it's
  • 00:49:12
    just going to do a lot for you um my
  • 00:49:14
    emails if you're on my email list you'll
  • 00:49:16
    see the exact same thing um in a lot of
  • 00:49:18
    my videos I kind of incorporate the same
  • 00:49:20
    thing although I just I just don't
  • 00:49:23
    really try that hard in the videos um I
  • 00:49:25
    mostly go off of value you but the fact
  • 00:49:28
    is that like your emails aren't just
  • 00:49:30
    competing with the other emails in the
  • 00:49:31
    inbox your emails are competing with
  • 00:49:33
    Netflix and YouTube and Tik Tok and
  • 00:49:36
    Instagram right so again you you have to
  • 00:49:39
    have some sort of entertainment value in
  • 00:49:41
    them or at least you want to but the
  • 00:49:43
    truth is the ability to influence
  • 00:49:45
    persuade and have more impact is just a
  • 00:49:47
    set of skills just like riding a bike or
  • 00:49:49
    learning how to swim powerful
  • 00:49:51
    communication skills are just a set of
  • 00:49:53
    learnable behaviors that anyone can
  • 00:49:54
    learn and master except for me I'm never
  • 00:49:56
    learned how to ride a bik so the belief
  • 00:49:59
    shift here is that you can learn the
  • 00:50:00
    skill of communication what he's
  • 00:50:02
    essentially doing is handling the
  • 00:50:04
    objection of well people who communicate
  • 00:50:06
    well are born like that that's all this
  • 00:50:09
    email is really doing is handling that
  • 00:50:11
    big objection and a lot of people are
  • 00:50:12
    going to have that objection that's why
  • 00:50:13
    it's one of the first ones in his
  • 00:50:15
    welcome sequence okay now it's all
  • 00:50:17
    starting to come together there's kind
  • 00:50:18
    of this like running joke in my uh in my
  • 00:50:21
    community where it's like I I review
  • 00:50:24
    some big business person's emails or
  • 00:50:26
    their funnel and I'm like wow this
  • 00:50:28
    person must have graduated from the 4D
  • 00:50:30
    Academy must have graduated from one of
  • 00:50:31
    my programs because they are doing
  • 00:50:33
    literally everything that I've saying to
  • 00:50:36
    a te but really all it is is just
  • 00:50:37
    patterns dude every single thing in
  • 00:50:39
    marketing is a pattern they're all doing
  • 00:50:41
    essentially the same thing as long as
  • 00:50:43
    you see the structure you can really
  • 00:50:45
    start to understand and speak the
  • 00:50:46
    language of copy because a lot of people
  • 00:50:48
    are under the false notion that copy is
  • 00:50:50
    written copy is in fact not written
  • 00:50:52
    despite the name copy writing copy is
  • 00:50:55
    actually just assembled you take a
  • 00:50:57
    structure you take parts of whatever
  • 00:50:59
    your brand voice is and you just put it
  • 00:51:01
    all together it's just plug and play
  • 00:51:03
    that's what it all is okay let's go as
  • 00:51:06
    you can see there he also has a gift he
  • 00:51:08
    has lots of gifts and images in his
  • 00:51:10
    emails the thing with gifts and images
  • 00:51:11
    is that they're good to use but using
  • 00:51:13
    too many can hurt your email
  • 00:51:15
    deliverability you know what email
  • 00:51:16
    deliverability is because again we uh
  • 00:51:19
    went over it if you don't want know what
  • 00:51:20
    email deliverability is and we're
  • 00:51:21
    already this deep you're probably
  • 00:51:23
    skipping through dog what are you doing
  • 00:51:25
    so this was a big lock for me back then
  • 00:51:28
    when others couldn't see the value that
  • 00:51:30
    I had to offer I would blame them for
  • 00:51:32
    not being able to see it i' say things
  • 00:51:34
    like screw you it's your loss when in
  • 00:51:36
    reality it was my loss as well lost
  • 00:51:39
    potential lost opportunities I basically
  • 00:51:41
    became schmigle from Lord of the Rings
  • 00:51:45
    and stayed in my room and played World
  • 00:51:47
    of Warcraft so right here he's AIT he's
  • 00:51:50
    essentially entering the conversation
  • 00:51:52
    inside the reader's mind he's he's
  • 00:51:54
    identifying with the reader by saying I
  • 00:51:56
    used to feel like this right and he's
  • 00:51:59
    identifying with the reader and then
  • 00:52:01
    he's going to talk about his come up
  • 00:52:02
    story and then the reader is going to
  • 00:52:04
    identify with the come- up story and
  • 00:52:06
    they're going to believe that they can
  • 00:52:08
    in increase their communication skills
  • 00:52:10
    and of course change their life with it
  • 00:52:13
    um another gift here when you blame
  • 00:52:15
    others you give away your power when you
  • 00:52:16
    take responsibility you step into your
  • 00:52:18
    power take extreme ownership and
  • 00:52:20
    everyone wins thanks jonko willik look I
  • 00:52:25
    know what you're thinking
  • 00:52:27
    so this is where he uh you know handles
  • 00:52:29
    your another objection that's probably
  • 00:52:31
    coming up in your head right now can Vin
  • 00:52:33
    really change the way I communicate the
  • 00:52:35
    answer is simply no no he can't sorry he
  • 00:52:38
    can't even ride a bike lol why am I
  • 00:52:41
    talking about myself in the third person
  • 00:52:42
    what the hell more communic relief my
  • 00:52:44
    point is I can't do anything for you
  • 00:52:47
    what I can do is give you a pragmatic
  • 00:52:49
    set of steps to follow that will 100%
  • 00:52:52
    help you improve your communication
  • 00:52:54
    skills starting with the video
  • 00:52:57
    video number two you have so many gifts
  • 00:52:59
    and talents in you take charge of your
  • 00:53:01
    own destiny it's time to learn how to
  • 00:53:03
    amplify the best parts of you okay
  • 00:53:06
    interesting so as far as these emails I
  • 00:53:08
    chose them because they're not exactly
  • 00:53:10
    the emails that I would write I could
  • 00:53:12
    show you a bunch of my own emails but
  • 00:53:13
    those are already all over the channel
  • 00:53:15
    just watch me write copy is like I've
  • 00:53:18
    done like 10 different emails at this
  • 00:53:19
    point with this email I want you to
  • 00:53:21
    specifically pay attention to the word
  • 00:53:23
    like pragmatic for example most adults
  • 00:53:26
    don't know what the word pragmatic even
  • 00:53:28
    means I I guarantee you and remember we
  • 00:53:31
    want to write at like a third grade
  • 00:53:33
    reading level ideally okay so um again
  • 00:53:36
    you want to use very very simple
  • 00:53:38
    language so that's something that I
  • 00:53:39
    would change about this email so that
  • 00:53:41
    was like his big welcome email like one
  • 00:53:43
    of the first ones that you get once
  • 00:53:44
    you're in his list now he has another
  • 00:53:47
    belief shift and Soft Cell email after
  • 00:53:50
    his first initial welcome email hey
  • 00:53:52
    Tyson here's the 16sec video that will
  • 00:53:55
    change the way you think about your
  • 00:53:57
    voice forever forever ever forever ever
  • 00:54:01
    Sorry Miss jackon I am for
  • 00:54:06
  • 00:54:10
    real I would like to formally apologize
  • 00:54:13
    for my terrible humor lol so as you can
  • 00:54:14
    see even more comedic relief and he has
  • 00:54:17
    another gift here in this video I talk
  • 00:54:20
    about the biggest lesson I learned from
  • 00:54:22
    my vocal coach your voice is your
  • 00:54:24
    personality I mean let that sink for a
  • 00:54:26
    minute whether you are fun passionate
  • 00:54:29
    loving friendly mean nasty selfish or
  • 00:54:32
    kind all of these traits are perceived
  • 00:54:34
    by others through the sound of your
  • 00:54:35
    voice this was a major with the freck
  • 00:54:39
    moment for me what kind of personality
  • 00:54:41
    are you portraying when you speak okay
  • 00:54:43
    so another thing I really realized about
  • 00:54:45
    his emails is that they all sound very
  • 00:54:47
    personto person right they sound human
  • 00:54:49
    to human it sounds like he's talking to
  • 00:54:51
    a friend for example this was a major
  • 00:54:53
    with the freak moment for me you
  • 00:54:55
    wouldn't find that in a super corporate
  • 00:54:57
    official sounding business C email
  • 00:54:59
    because that's not what you want you
  • 00:55:01
    want the email to look like a friend
  • 00:55:02
    from a friend what kind of personality
  • 00:55:04
    are you portraying when you speak how
  • 00:55:06
    are you being perceived and is it
  • 00:55:08
    accurate to who you truly are inside now
  • 00:55:10
    if your voice is already accurately
  • 00:55:12
    portraying your personality you don't
  • 00:55:14
    need stage Academy you don't need my
  • 00:55:16
    online course or workshops you should
  • 00:55:18
    probably unsubscribe from this mailing
  • 00:55:20
    list lol and question your subscription
  • 00:55:22
    choices I here to help those who feel
  • 00:55:26
    feel that they have so much more to
  • 00:55:27
    offer the world and sometimes the world
  • 00:55:29
    just can't seem to see their value the
  • 00:55:32
    way you speak isn't permanent it's just
  • 00:55:34
    a series of behaviors and guess what
  • 00:55:36
    behaviors can be changed inside the
  • 00:55:38
    stage Academy I've mapped out all the
  • 00:55:39
    behavioral changes that will help you
  • 00:55:42
    that will help the world see you as you
  • 00:55:44
    want to be seen explore the stage
  • 00:55:46
    Academy today so that's the Soft Cell
  • 00:55:48
    that's the CTA to his program stage
  • 00:55:50
    Academy I think it's like 500 bucks or
  • 00:55:52
    something um and then you hop in and he
  • 00:55:54
    shows you how to speak effective L um
  • 00:55:57
    I've actually purchased it it was pretty
  • 00:55:59
    cool so yeah essentially the big belief
  • 00:56:02
    shift here is that again communication
  • 00:56:04
    can be changed and also your
  • 00:56:06
    communication really really really
  • 00:56:07
    matters so once you're sold on those two
  • 00:56:09
    things now you know you need inside of
  • 00:56:11
    stage Academy and the next one is a hard
  • 00:56:14
    sell deadline offer email so update 50%
  • 00:56:17
    off link expires so you see has a big
  • 00:56:20
    picture there saying offer expired
  • 00:56:23
    here's one of my full Keynotes my
  • 00:56:24
    clients pay me over $60,000
  • 00:56:26
    for this 1H hour talk click the gift to
  • 00:56:29
    watch the full talk now if you think I
  • 00:56:31
    get paid a lot as a speaker you're wrong
  • 00:56:33
    I have speaker friends who get paid in
  • 00:56:35
    excess of
  • 00:56:36
    $150,000 plus per hour have you ever
  • 00:56:39
    wondered why professional speakers get
  • 00:56:40
    paid so much to speak it's because of
  • 00:56:42
    their ability to communicate influence
  • 00:56:43
    and Inspire these are some of the most
  • 00:56:46
    highly paid valued skills in the world
  • 00:56:49
    and not to mention some of the most
  • 00:56:50
    highly paid skill sets imagine what
  • 00:56:52
    would happen if you took the world's
  • 00:56:55
    most valuable skill skill set and
  • 00:56:56
    injected them into your life how would
  • 00:56:58
    your life change so this is something
  • 00:57:00
    that's done a lot in copy where they
  • 00:57:02
    talk about you know what it's going to
  • 00:57:03
    look like when you finally reach that
  • 00:57:05
    one change what it's going to look like
  • 00:57:07
    when you overcome the Obstacle of what
  • 00:57:09
    you're trying to learn and you get your
  • 00:57:11
    dream state right they just simply ask
  • 00:57:12
    it to you so the thing with copywriting
  • 00:57:15
    is that you want people to come to their
  • 00:57:16
    own conclusions because people always
  • 00:57:18
    believe the conclusions that they come
  • 00:57:19
    to but they always question what they're
  • 00:57:22
    told so by just asking them how would
  • 00:57:24
    your life change if you really mastered
  • 00:57:26
    Communications now they are really going
  • 00:57:28
    to start thinking about it what would
  • 00:57:29
    that mean for you what kind of impact
  • 00:57:31
    could you have what I'm able to do in
  • 00:57:35
    the Keynotes above is not a gift it's a
  • 00:57:37
    skill it's a skill that you can learn
  • 00:57:40
    masterful communication is just a set of
  • 00:57:42
    learned behaviors so don't be so
  • 00:57:46
    attached to who you are in the present
  • 00:57:48
    that you don't give the future version
  • 00:57:49
    of yourself a chance and then he has
  • 00:57:51
    another gift there of basically you
  • 00:57:53
    turning into a butterfly from a
  • 00:57:54
    caterpillar then he has email number two
  • 00:57:56
    which is another deadline email so uh it
  • 00:57:59
    it basically goes exactly how it would
  • 00:58:01
    sound there's a deadline yo you got 3
  • 00:58:03
    days left you got two days left you got
  • 00:58:05
    one day left you got one hour left
  • 00:58:07
    before the EXP before the link expires
  • 00:58:09
    um and you have to buy and of course
  • 00:58:10
    this urgency makes more people purchase
  • 00:58:12
    they get inside of his course and he
  • 00:58:14
    makes more money so hey Tyson insert
  • 00:58:16
    super urgent sales message here I'm not
  • 00:58:18
    very good at writing sales emails that
  • 00:58:20
    pressure people to buy things so I just
  • 00:58:21
    won't this is just a quick email to say
  • 00:58:24
    the 50% off link will expire in
  • 00:58:27
    St and then he just leaves the link and
  • 00:58:29
    that's it that's the whole email I
  • 00:58:30
  • 00:58:32
    so um as you can see this is kind of
  • 00:58:34
    like almost breaking the fourth wall and
  • 00:58:36
    again just being like super super like
  • 00:58:39
    funny about it right he's not being
  • 00:58:41
    super serious he's not actually putting
  • 00:58:42
    sales pressure on you he's just like hey
  • 00:58:44
    by the way this is going to expire soon
  • 00:58:46
    hey Tyson I didn't start off as smooth
  • 00:58:48
    as a smooth talking pimple-free master
  • 00:58:50
    of communication but hey who Among Us
  • 00:58:53
    can claim they have emerged from the
  • 00:58:54
    womb reciting Shakespearean soliloquies
  • 00:58:57
    with flawless diction surely no one can
  • 00:59:00
    claim this Al all I mean let's be real
  • 00:59:03
    we've all had our fair share of awkward
  • 00:59:05
    conversations and embarrassing slip
  • 00:59:07
    slip-ups personally I once accidentally
  • 00:59:10
    called my boss mom during work
  • 00:59:12
    experience week at University needless
  • 00:59:15
    to say I didn't get the job now I wanted
  • 00:59:17
    to share with you a video of me over 10
  • 00:59:19
    years ago and the reason I shared this
  • 00:59:21
    video is because people think I was born
  • 00:59:23
    with the Gift of Gab
  • 00:59:26
    as you can see and hear from this video
  • 00:59:27
    I was born quite gaess if you want to
  • 00:59:30
    watch the video you'll see a terrible
  • 00:59:32
    body language you'll hear awful vocal
  • 00:59:35
    image and no structure whatsoever back
  • 00:59:37
    then I would go into the city bring a
  • 00:59:39
    speaker and a microphone and just talk
  • 00:59:41
    with random people I did I did all this
  • 00:59:44
    because I knew that I needed to improve
  • 00:59:46
    this skill the skill of communications I
  • 00:59:49
    knew it was the key to me fulfilling my
  • 00:59:51
    potential so right here he's essentially
  • 00:59:52
    telling you why he's convinced instead
  • 00:59:54
    of trying to convince you which is
  • 00:59:56
    another huge rule in copy again it goes
  • 00:59:58
    with the last thing that I said but you
  • 01:00:00
    don't want to start trying to convince
  • 01:00:01
    people or tell people why something is
  • 01:00:03
    is is how it is when you just tell them
  • 01:00:05
    why you believe it right now they can't
  • 01:00:08
    argue with you and they're going to
  • 01:00:09
    identify with your reasons the big
  • 01:00:10
    question I always get asked on social
  • 01:00:12
    media is is this a skill or is this a
  • 01:00:14
    gift right so you're starting to to
  • 01:00:16
    notice a recognizable pattern here right
  • 01:00:18
    the the biggest objection clearly when
  • 01:00:20
    it comes to communication is but I
  • 01:00:22
    thought people were born like this right
  • 01:00:23
    so that's why he has multiple emails
  • 01:00:25
    going over that one big objection it's a
  • 01:00:27
    skill it's a learnable skill that anyone
  • 01:00:29
    can acquire I've done all the hard work
  • 01:00:31
    for you I've taken all the lessons that
  • 01:00:33
    helped me and the thousands of students
  • 01:00:36
    from all over the world flourish and
  • 01:00:37
    I've put them into Stage Academy this is
  • 01:00:40
    your last chance to join stage Academy
  • 01:00:41
    for $4.99 USD here are the two simple
  • 01:00:44
    ways that you can grow an email list of
  • 01:00:46
    ready to buy subscribers that love
  • 01:00:48
    reading your emails and this is super
  • 01:00:50
    important to know as a copywriter
  • 01:00:51
    especially as an email marketing skilled
  • 01:00:53
    copywriter because if he had has or if
  • 01:00:56
    your client has just an okay email list
  • 01:00:58
    of like a couple thousand people you're
  • 01:01:00
    going to want to grow that because the
  • 01:01:01
    more people who come in there from his
  • 01:01:02
    social medias or from the social medias
  • 01:01:04
    the more people you're going to be able
  • 01:01:05
    to Market to you're going to be able to
  • 01:01:07
    make more sales through email one of the
  • 01:01:09
    biggest parts of actually growing a cash
  • 01:01:11
    flow email list is the fact that you
  • 01:01:14
    want to have more people coming in there
  • 01:01:15
    every single day uh I believe I have a
  • 01:01:18
    few hundred who come into my list every
  • 01:01:20
    single day and there's no reason why
  • 01:01:22
    they shouldn't have shouldn't be able to
  • 01:01:23
    have a few hundred coming to their list
  • 01:01:24
    every single day as well so a is free
  • 01:01:27
    lead magnets SL micro offers sltrip
  • 01:01:29
    wires okay these all kind of mean
  • 01:01:31
    different things so I'm going to go over
  • 01:01:32
    what they mean and how to use them so
  • 01:01:34
    businesses often offer something like a
  • 01:01:36
    free live event or ebook in order to get
  • 01:01:40
    people's attention s sorry get people's
  • 01:01:42
    emails so like yo I have this ebook it's
  • 01:01:44
    a free ebook all you got to do is
  • 01:01:46
    download it so give me your email or
  • 01:01:47
    they say yo I'm doing this live um 5day
  • 01:01:50
    challenge if you want to join if you
  • 01:01:51
    want to participate then come join it a
  • 01:01:54
    micro offer or trip wire might being
  • 01:01:56
    referred to is an inexpensive product
  • 01:01:58
    $27 for example but I've seen them as
  • 01:02:00
    low as $1 that does the exact same thing
  • 01:02:03
    except it earns a small amount of
  • 01:02:05
    Revenue and gets people into a buying
  • 01:02:07
    State and also identifies buyers so
  • 01:02:10
    we're not going to talk too much about
  • 01:02:12
    sales funnels in this particular video
  • 01:02:14
    because I did already do a course on
  • 01:02:15
    that I'm probably going to do another
  • 01:02:17
    free course on sales funnels because
  • 01:02:18
    that last one wasn't really that long
  • 01:02:20
    wasn't that in-depth but again with with
  • 01:02:24
    with copy wording dude again it's just
  • 01:02:25
    intro to digital marketing there's so
  • 01:02:27
    many layers to this um but yes that
  • 01:02:29
    essentially gets you into the sales
  • 01:02:30
    funnel and collects your email at the
  • 01:02:32
    same time the next is the free emails
  • 01:02:35
    newsletter so this works by getting
  • 01:02:37
    people to sign up to your newsletter
  • 01:02:38
    simply by advertising all the free value
  • 01:02:41
    that you give out to your email list
  • 01:02:43
    right so saying yo I have a free email
  • 01:02:45
    newsletter every single week I give out
  • 01:02:49
    valuable tips on how you can grow your
  • 01:02:51
    plumbing business for example and then
  • 01:02:53
    people are going to sign up because
  • 01:02:54
    that's exactly what they want to do do
  • 01:02:56
    now you have a list of people who want
  • 01:02:58
    to grow their Plumbing business so if
  • 01:03:00
    you can mentor them or something for
  • 01:03:02
    example then now you're making money
  • 01:03:04
    because you have a whole list of your
  • 01:03:06
    potential buyers now you're probably
  • 01:03:08
    wondering okay but Tyson how do you
  • 01:03:09
    actually get results have you ever
  • 01:03:11
    gotten results with this Tyson well
  • 01:03:12
    here's the one email I've sent has added
  • 01:03:16
    over $70,000 into my client's Pipeline
  • 01:03:19
    and one me employee of the month plus a
  • 01:03:21
    pay bonus right it was like a how much
  • 01:03:24
    was it like a $500 Amazon gift card or
  • 01:03:26
    something which is like you know I'll
  • 01:03:28
    take that so one email 70k into the
  • 01:03:31
    pipeline let's check it out and here's
  • 01:03:33
    the proof as well Tyson I don't know
  • 01:03:36
    what you did but the emails are
  • 01:03:37
    absolutely freaking blowing up so I have
  • 01:03:39
    like 10 leads to send calendars to
  • 01:03:41
    tomorrow morning to book them and make
  • 01:03:43
    sure you get you add all these people to
  • 01:03:45
    your tracker so 10 leads this is a 7K uh
  • 01:03:49
    product they also have other products on
  • 01:03:51
    top of that so realistically the
  • 01:03:53
    lifetime value of those 10 leads is
  • 01:03:55
    going to be more
  • 01:03:56
    but again 10 hot leads uh he's telling
  • 01:03:58
    me to add those people to my tracker
  • 01:03:59
    make sure they get the link make sure
  • 01:04:01
    they get booked on a call followup
  • 01:04:02
    hardcore everybody that's Ever Raised
  • 01:04:04
    their hand dude you can make some
  • 01:04:05
    serious cash doing this like I've never
  • 01:04:07
    seen our email blow up like this before
  • 01:04:09
    dude you're crushing it right and this
  • 01:04:11
    was a voice voice note so it was pretty
  • 01:04:13
    uh it was pretty awesome same team he's
  • 01:04:16
    messaging the marketing channel uh
  • 01:04:18
    tagging everybody saying let's give it
  • 01:04:19
    up to Tyson all these leads from email
  • 01:04:22
    and then he's asking what my next plan
  • 01:04:23
    is going to be and then he just sent in
  • 01:04:25
    a screenshot of like all the leads that
  • 01:04:27
    I got them bro great feeling bro great
  • 01:04:30
    feeling so here's some more proof that
  • 01:04:32
    the copy that I just absolutely Cooks
  • 01:04:34
    right the copy that I've sent to my own
  • 01:04:36
    list and also to my client's list as
  • 01:04:38
    well now Tyson this email is the best by
  • 01:04:41
    far pretty funny as well thanks for the
  • 01:04:44
    motivation man one of the most crafty SL
  • 01:04:46
    witty emails I've ever read bro you
  • 01:04:47
    snapped with this one yo Tyson the email
  • 01:04:50
    is so funny it made me laugh the entire
  • 01:04:52
    way through that was some good sauce
  • 01:04:55
    this is how you want people to react and
  • 01:04:58
    interact with your emails cuz when they
  • 01:05:00
    open up your emails they just have a
  • 01:05:01
    good time value aside and they get value
  • 01:05:04
    dude they're going to be they're going
  • 01:05:05
    to want to open they're going to look
  • 01:05:07
    forward to your emails they're going to
  • 01:05:08
    look forward to it every time your email
  • 01:05:10
    pops into their inbox they're going to
  • 01:05:11
    stop what they're doing and they going
  • 01:05:13
    to open it and look once you're able to
  • 01:05:14
    actually write these emails correctly in
  • 01:05:16
    the ways that I'm about to show you so
  • 01:05:18
    your copywriting is extremely good I'll
  • 01:05:20
    be working to get there and you're the
  • 01:05:22
    only one who can give a ton of value by
  • 01:05:24
    email by the way I like your heo
  • 01:05:26
    thanks G boom so here is what the emails
  • 01:05:30
    look like I actually have two emails
  • 01:05:31
    here right but the first one is the one
  • 01:05:33
    in question so subject line useless
  • 01:05:37
    metrics email hey first name the other
  • 01:05:40
    day one of my friends was going on about
  • 01:05:42
    I got 80 booked calls last month just
  • 01:05:45
    from LinkedIn so essentially this is a
  • 01:05:46
    um a business consultant right so he
  • 01:05:49
    works with other businesses to help them
  • 01:05:51
    book more calls make more money with
  • 01:05:53
    their offers um yeah that's basically
  • 01:05:55
    get so I got 80 book calls last month
  • 01:05:57
    just from LinkedIn so see how I made it
  • 01:05:59
    italics that's because it's a quote and
  • 01:06:01
    I also put it in quotation marks it just
  • 01:06:03
    makes it easier to read uh and more
  • 01:06:04
    understandable okay not bad and how many
  • 01:06:06
    of those 80 calls 80 booked calls
  • 01:06:09
    actually showed up to the call I asked
  • 01:06:11
    um about 30 50 no shows that's
  • 01:06:15
    interesting and how many of those 30
  • 01:06:18
    calls were qualified about 10 he said as
  • 01:06:21
    his enthusiasm began to fade out of 10
  • 01:06:24
    how many did you actually close he said
  • 01:06:28
    well none technically but we're going to
  • 01:06:30
    be following up and closing them in the
  • 01:06:32
    future I immediately recognized his
  • 01:06:35
    effort to cope with the reality of his
  • 01:06:36
    situation 80 booked calls from linkedin0
  • 01:06:40
    collected and a whole lot of wasted time
  • 01:06:42
    and effort this is something I see a lot
  • 01:06:44
    in the coaching industry coaches focus
  • 01:06:47
    on numbers that don't really mean
  • 01:06:50
    anything so this is where I get like
  • 01:06:51
    super relatable and I'm making a point
  • 01:06:53
    that like a big thing here as well guys
  • 01:06:55
    is that it's like something that's fresh
  • 01:06:57
    I see a lot of people write copy and
  • 01:06:59
    they write copy about something that's
  • 01:07:01
    just a super stale idea like oh bro you
  • 01:07:03
    have to reach failure before you reach
  • 01:07:05
    success or man if you really want to uh
  • 01:07:08
    if you really want to build muscle you
  • 01:07:10
    have to be disciplined it's like these
  • 01:07:11
    are not new ideas by any means the thing
  • 01:07:14
    with this one is that sure it might not
  • 01:07:16
    be a new idea but it's a more fresh
  • 01:07:18
    angle from a fresh perspective and is an
  • 01:07:21
    old angle that I'm telling in a way
  • 01:07:22
    that's completely different because I'm
  • 01:07:24
    using a story and actually asked him uh
  • 01:07:27
    this story and got it from him too so a
  • 01:07:28
    whole lot of waste of time uhhuh so
  • 01:07:30
    coaches focus on numbers that don't
  • 01:07:32
    really mean anything and then here's the
  • 01:07:34
    Learning lesson it's better to book one
  • 01:07:36
    call and get one sale than booking 100
  • 01:07:39
    calls and getting zero sales that's why
  • 01:07:42
    you need a system that fills your
  • 01:07:43
    pipeline with ready to buy leads and now
  • 01:07:45
    I'm talking about so this is kind of
  • 01:07:47
    like a problem agitate solution email
  • 01:07:49
    now I'm uh transitioning over to the
  • 01:07:51
    solution the solution is that you need a
  • 01:07:53
    system not people who don't understand
  • 01:07:55
    your offer have 0 or are just Tire
  • 01:07:57
    kicking and hop and hopping on random
  • 01:07:59
    sales calls a better strategy means
  • 01:08:01
    better leads and better leads means more
  • 01:08:04
    sales and less wasted time the only
  • 01:08:06
    thing that separates a thriving business
  • 01:08:09
    from a struggling one are offer plus
  • 01:08:12
    Messaging Plus Sales Plus systems so
  • 01:08:14
    again this is like another Learning
  • 01:08:16
    lesson and the big idea behind the whole
  • 01:08:18
    business and the whole brand and if just
  • 01:08:21
    one of these pillars isn't set up
  • 01:08:22
    correctly it's going to end up costing
  • 01:08:24
    you tons of time time money and unneeded
  • 01:08:27
    stress so if you want some Z help
  • 01:08:30
    tracking down which of these could be
  • 01:08:32
    holding you back reply to this email
  • 01:08:35
    with the word me we'll help you create
  • 01:08:37
    an action plan that you can use to start
  • 01:08:40
    scaling your business within the next
  • 01:08:42
    couple days by tracking the metrics that
  • 01:08:44
    count so let's get you bringing in those
  • 01:08:47
    10K 30k and even 50k plus months and
  • 01:08:50
    working with clients who love and
  • 01:08:51
    respect you talk soon okay so
  • 01:08:54
    essentially the the funnel here is they
  • 01:08:56
    reply we send them a calendar we get on
  • 01:08:58
    the call and essentially we help them
  • 01:09:01
    but also give them a sales call as well
  • 01:09:03
    so that's what that looks like right and
  • 01:09:05
    the great part about this is that before
  • 01:09:06
    they met me their email list was
  • 01:09:07
    basically like dead like they had a big
  • 01:09:09
    email list they kind of played around
  • 01:09:10
    with it said some emails here and there
  • 01:09:12
    but they never really utilized it and
  • 01:09:14
    then they go from that to actually
  • 01:09:15
    having consistent leads coming in from
  • 01:09:18
    email which is you know really really
  • 01:09:20
    good for them here's here's a second
  • 01:09:22
    email right a second example subject
  • 01:09:24
    line repeatability makes millions email
  • 01:09:26
    hey first name there's a mistake that so
  • 01:09:29
    many coaches make in their business it
  • 01:09:31
    costs them thousands every single month
  • 01:09:33
    in Revenue waste dozens of hours every
  • 01:09:35
    week and creates tons of unnecessary
  • 01:09:37
    stress in their lives While most coaches
  • 01:09:40
    laser focus on things like sales calls
  • 01:09:41
    funnels marketing the real problem is
  • 01:09:44
    something bigger lack of reputability I
  • 01:09:46
    know this may sound overly optimistic
  • 01:09:48
    but I believe every coach can scale past
  • 01:09:51
    100K per month and I know this from my
  • 01:09:52
    years of experience helping coaches
  • 01:09:54
    scale most coach to suffer from the
  • 01:09:56
    feast and famine Cycles one month
  • 01:09:58
    they're on top of the world the money is
  • 01:09:59
    flying in and they feel like everything
  • 01:10:01
    they touch turns to Gold then the next
  • 01:10:03
    month they're chasing down leads like a
  • 01:10:05
    madman desperately searching for their
  • 01:10:07
    next sale so that they can just make
  • 01:10:09
    enough for payroll so again this is high
  • 01:10:12
    relatability where business owners are
  • 01:10:14
    making a lot of money but they also have
  • 01:10:16
    really high overhead meaning they're
  • 01:10:17
    spending a lot of money to make that
  • 01:10:18
    money so if they're making 100K per
  • 01:10:21
    month but they're spending 60 Grand per
  • 01:10:24
    month to get there and then one month
  • 01:10:26
    they have uh just a low month where it's
  • 01:10:28
    like they only make 60 or 50k now
  • 01:10:31
    they're actually losing money they're
  • 01:10:32
    like losing $10,000 that month because
  • 01:10:34
    they have to make a payroll so that's
  • 01:10:36
    basically um the situation that I'm
  • 01:10:38
    outlining here and unlike real roller
  • 01:10:40
    coasters this one's not nearly as fun so
  • 01:10:43
    uh oh yeah so this is the revenue roller
  • 01:10:45
    coaster okay so again that's actually
  • 01:10:47
    some comedic relief right there this is
  • 01:10:48
    exactly why we built our business with
  • 01:10:51
    foundations and principles that scale
  • 01:10:53
    consistently because once you have a
  • 01:10:55
    system setup it gives you a sense of
  • 01:10:57
    peace and confidence you enroll clients
  • 01:10:59
    every single week your content is mass
  • 01:11:01
    producing leads passively and almost
  • 01:11:03
    every month is a little better than last
  • 01:11:04
    if you so if you want to take the guess
  • 01:11:06
    work out of your coaching business and
  • 01:11:08
    come up with a repeatable and reliable
  • 01:11:09
    scaling systems I want to give you
  • 01:11:11
    access to a free training that is
  • 01:11:13
    designed to take you from 0 to 100K per
  • 01:11:15
    month in your coaching business again
  • 01:11:17
    this is a um I think this was like a
  • 01:11:20
    training vssl I'm not really sure this
  • 01:11:22
    is the exact system that I've used
  • 01:11:24
    myself and have shared with multiple
  • 01:11:26
    other coaches coaching businesses to
  • 01:11:29
    generate over seven figures click here
  • 01:11:30
    to get access to my free seven figure
  • 01:11:32
    business training talk to you soon okay
  • 01:11:35
    so as you can see like my my emails are
  • 01:11:37
    very formulaic right those two
  • 01:11:39
    specifically were were kind of like I
  • 01:11:42
    don't know they they're pretty similar
  • 01:11:43
    but again all it is is talking about the
  • 01:11:45
    problem talking about the agitate then
  • 01:11:47
    go into the solution you give them a lot
  • 01:11:49
    of relatability right you really enter
  • 01:11:51
    the conversation in their mind and
  • 01:11:52
    that's basically 90% of the work done
  • 01:11:54
    again copy is isn't written it is
  • 01:11:56
    assembled okay now who wants to actually
  • 01:11:58
    watch me build a six figure per month
  • 01:12:00
    email automation from scratch I know
  • 01:12:03
    it's you so let's hop right into it
  • 01:12:05
    because a lot of people are confused
  • 01:12:06
    about what does a software look like how
  • 01:12:08
    do you actually use it I'm super
  • 01:12:09
    confused what if I get the job what if I
  • 01:12:12
    get a client I don't know what to do so
  • 01:12:14
    relax I'm going to show you exactly what
  • 01:12:16
    to do so this is what an email list
  • 01:12:19
    looks like as you can see the contacts
  • 01:12:20
    is 117,000 right now and then these are
  • 01:12:23
    just a whole bunch of emails right here
  • 01:12:26
    um I'm not going to scroll anywhere
  • 01:12:27
    because obviously those are people's
  • 01:12:28
    emails so yeah that's what that looks
  • 01:12:30
    like um and then over here on the left
  • 01:12:32
    you can see it says list so they're
  • 01:12:33
    basically all divided into lists meaning
  • 01:12:36
    where they come came from maybe they
  • 01:12:37
    either bought something maybe they just
  • 01:12:39
    signed up to my email list maybe they
  • 01:12:40
    signed up to the free newsletter
  • 01:12:41
    something like that then we have tags
  • 01:12:43
    right so usually when people just sign
  • 01:12:45
    up through through something free or
  • 01:12:47
    they purchase something we tag them as
  • 01:12:49
    you know this is what they purchase this
  • 01:12:51
    way you keep it nice and organized super
  • 01:12:53
    important as you can see we have some
  • 01:12:55
    other things here um I don't really go
  • 01:12:57
    into those that's it's basically very
  • 01:12:59
    simple you only really need to know
  • 01:13:00
    lists and tags and then over here is
  • 01:13:03
    what it looks like to actually start an
  • 01:13:05
    an automation so over here in active
  • 01:13:07
    campaign you can actually have all these
  • 01:13:09
    different recipes to start an automation
  • 01:13:12
    so you can pick any of these that you
  • 01:13:13
    like um I'm going to see search up
  • 01:13:15
    welcome sequence and see what it gives
  • 01:13:16
    me oh it says welcome Series right here
  • 01:13:18
    okay we'll try
  • 01:13:20
    that okay and now here's what it gives
  • 01:13:22
    me so every single automation starts
  • 01:13:25
    with a trigger right a trigger can be
  • 01:13:27
    they either signed up to a list or maybe
  • 01:13:29
    they clicked on something they opened
  • 01:13:30
    something you added them to the list
  • 01:13:32
    manually I mean it can be anything right
  • 01:13:34
    but this is ex exactly what starts the
  • 01:13:36
    automation which means it's exactly what
  • 01:13:38
    puts them through um I have the example
  • 01:13:40
    here so uh my list I just use dead
  • 01:13:42
    emails as a placeholder I have a bunch
  • 01:13:44
    of emails that either haven't opened in
  • 01:13:46
    the last 30 days or have just been
  • 01:13:47
    inactive so all those emails go into the
  • 01:13:49
    dead emails list so we don't send to
  • 01:13:51
    those people because we don't want to
  • 01:13:52
    hurt our open rate again this is how you
  • 01:13:54
    create great email deliverability and
  • 01:13:56
    just a great email list overall it's way
  • 01:13:57
    better to have a small list that loves
  • 01:13:59
    you than a huge list of people who are
  • 01:14:00
    just man okay so once they subscribe
  • 01:14:03
    they get sent an email this is the
  • 01:14:05
    welcome email then they wait for one
  • 01:14:07
    week and then um it asks them if they've
  • 01:14:11
    opened if they haven't opened they go
  • 01:14:13
    down over here where they get reminded
  • 01:14:16
    to open if they have already opened then
  • 01:14:18
    they go over to over here where okay
  • 01:14:21
    you've opened so now it's time to go
  • 01:14:22
    through the next the next step maybe
  • 01:14:24
    it's a soft sell Maybe It's A Hard Sell
  • 01:14:26
    maybe it's some different sort of value
  • 01:14:28
    but then over here on the right is like
  • 01:14:30
    hey did you get the initial thing that
  • 01:14:31
    you signed up for I'm just going to
  • 01:14:33
    remind you so as you can see it's super
  • 01:14:35
    super simple and then you can choose out
  • 01:14:37
    of these suggested steps maybe you want
  • 01:14:39
    to wait for another s days and then send
  • 01:14:42
    them an email or send them a text or
  • 01:14:44
    send them some sort of email
  • 01:14:45
    notification I'm going to go with an
  • 01:14:47
    email um and I'm going to just save it
  • 01:14:50
    and design later
  • 01:14:52
    email so as you can see like dude this
  • 01:14:55
    is literally easier than Legos dude like
  • 01:14:57
    if you can figure out how to like scroll
  • 01:14:59
    through Instagram or like set up a
  • 01:15:01
    YouTube account or something like dude
  • 01:15:02
    this stuff is uh seriously easy it's
  • 01:15:05
    literally visual you can be like
  • 01:15:07
    basically nonverbal and still absolutely
  • 01:15:09
    Ace this dude it's it's it's really that
  • 01:15:11
    simple okay so now that you know
  • 01:15:13
    everything about email marketing that
  • 01:15:14
    you need to know to get your first
  • 01:15:16
    client how do you actually go about
  • 01:15:17
    using all the skills that you learned in
  • 01:15:18
    this video to go out and get your first
  • 01:15:20
    or next $3,000 per month copywriting
  • 01:15:23
    client so they can hopefully do
  • 01:15:25
    copywriting full-time invest more of
  • 01:15:28
    your time in copywriting get more
  • 01:15:29
    clients make more money per client and
  • 01:15:31
    eventually hit 10K per month plus I'm
  • 01:15:33
    going to go over some Outreach methods
  • 01:15:35
    and some ways to actually do that but
  • 01:15:36
    first I wanted to quickly mention
  • 01:15:38
    because a lot of people ask me on my
  • 01:15:39
    videos about the one to one to1
  • 01:15:40
    mentorship so it's a 4D copy intensive
  • 01:15:42
    one to1 mentorship where you can work
  • 01:15:44
    directly with me and other coaches who
  • 01:15:47
    are making bank with copywriting and
  • 01:15:49
    also other copyrighting students who are
  • 01:15:51
    already making bank I'm not going to do
  • 01:15:53
    a whole pitch here but if you want to
  • 01:15:54
    learn more what the students inside are
  • 01:15:56
    saying and what it actually all looks
  • 01:15:58
    like to have us essentially just hold
  • 01:15:59
    you by the hand and walk you through how
  • 01:16:02
    to get these clients how to service them
  • 01:16:04
    how to write the copy for them then that
  • 01:16:05
    link is down below in the description so
  • 01:16:08
    if you want to learn how to actually get
  • 01:16:10
    clients using just the YouTube videos
  • 01:16:12
    I'm going to show you exactly where to
  • 01:16:13
    so if you want to learn how to get
  • 01:16:14
    clients with the newest free Outreach
  • 01:16:17
    course that is right here on screen the
  • 01:16:19
  • 01:16:20
    2hour copyrighting Outreach course okay
  • 01:16:23
    it's going to show you all the new
  • 01:16:24
    Outreach methods that are actually
  • 01:16:25
    working right now for my students and
  • 01:16:28
    then next if you want to study
  • 01:16:29
    copywriting um you can have the free 8h
  • 01:16:32
    hour copying course where we go over
  • 01:16:35
    everything it's 8 hours for a reason
  • 01:16:37
    okay we go in-depth and I want you guys
  • 01:16:39
    to pick this apart if you haven't
  • 01:16:40
    finished it yet or you started it or you
  • 01:16:42
    just kind of skimmed through it like
  • 01:16:43
    dude it is absolutely 1,000% worth the
  • 01:16:46
    watch and then next finally certainly
  • 01:16:49
    but not least is to download the free
  • 01:16:50
    copy starter kit for more email
  • 01:16:52
    templates resources um Outreach scripts
  • 01:16:56
    literally everything you could ever
  • 01:16:57
    imagine a free community I mean the the
  • 01:16:59
    list is endless right and that's for
  • 01:17:02
    completely $0 Down Below in the
  • 01:17:05
    description all right everybody go out
  • 01:17:07
    there put everything I just taught you
  • 01:17:09
    to use be successful with copyrighting
  • 01:17:12
    and make sure you mention me when you
  • 01:17:14
    make that money it for today and of
  • 01:17:16
    course I'll see you guys on the next one
  • 01:17:18
  • Tyson 4D
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