When a Genius Teen Snaps
TLDRIn december 2016 vindt er een schietpartij plaats in de Brazil-familie. James Allan Brazelle doet een noodoproep nadat hij zijn stiefdochter, Ashley, gewond aantreft, neergeschoten door zijn stiefzoon Sunny. Sunny, een tiener met een uitzonderlijk hoog IQ, is emotieloos tijdens zijn verhoor en vertelt dat hij zich geen motivatie kan herinneren voor zijn daden. Zijn ouders beschrijven de gebeurtenis als onverwacht, zonder ruzies vooraf. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat Sunny mogelijk aan mentale stoornissen lijdt, zoals depersonalisatie. Ondanks dat verklaart hij schuldig te zijn wegens mentale ziekte en wordt hij veroordeeld tot levenslange gevangenisstraf met 30 jaar voorwaardelijk. Sunny reflecteert op zijn daden, geeft aan dat hij verontrust is dat zoiets weer zou kunnen gebeuren en benadrukt het belang van associatie met de omgeving voor mensen die aan dissociatie lijden. De zaak eindigt tragisch met de dood van Ashley en de opsluiting en diagnose van Sunny.
- 🔫 Een schietpartij vond plaats in het huis van de Brazil-familie, gepleegd door Sunny.
- 📞 James Allan Brazelle belde 911 nadat hij zijn stiefdochter Ashley gewond vond.
- 🧠 Sunny vertoont emotieloos gedrag en symptomen van depersonalisatie.
- 👪 De familie beschreef Sunny als normaal en liefdevol voor de aanval.
- ⚖️ Sunny pleitte schuldig aan moord wegens mentale ziekte en werd veroordeeld tot levenslang.
- 📈 Zijn uitzonderlijk hoge IQ stond in contrast met zijn acties.
- 🤔 Sunny wist niet zeker waarom hij de daad pleegde en noemde impulsiviteit.
- 💔 Ashley overleefde de aanval niet, ondanks reanimatiepogingen.
- 🧩 Sunny werd gediagnosticeerd met Asperger en vergelijkbare stoornissen.
- 🚔 Het verhoor vond plaats zonder ouderlijke aanwezigheid of toestemming.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In de eerste fase van het transcript horen we een noodoproep, die zeer hectisch en emotioneel geladen is. De beller, James Allan Brazelle, beschrijft een schietpartij in zijn huis waarbij zijn stiefdochter Ashley en haar broer Sunny betrokken zijn. De oproep legt een gevoel van urgentie vast met de nadruk op het openen van de deur voor aankomende hulpdiensten.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
De tweede fase van het verhaal onthult de situatie kort voor de noodoproep. Allan Brazelle en zijn vrouw Nicole beschrijven een normale avond die tragisch eindigde. Allan herinnert zich verwarring over geluiden die hij aanvankelijk voor vuurwerk aanzag, maar al snel associeerde met geweerschoten. Het vermoeden dat zijn stiefzoon Sunny bij de gebeurtenis betrokken was, is een schokkende ontdekking voor hen. Sunny bleek een geweer te hebben, dat Allan hem wist af te nemen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
In het derde deel leren we dat er kort na het voorval een conflict ontstond waarbij Ashley gewond raakte en Sunny opnieuw het geweer oppakte. Allan herinnert zich dat Sunny probeerde de clip van het geweer te verwisselen toen hij zich tot zijn stiefvader wendde met het geladen geweer, maar gelukkig was de clip onjuist geplaatst waardoor het wapen niet functioneerde.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
De volgende fase documenteert de aankomst van de politie die de chaos en de paniek in de nasleep van de schietpartij overneemt. Sunny wordt zonder incidenten gearresteerd en meegenomen voor verhoor terwijl de toestand van zijn zus Ashley onbekend blijft voor hem. Dit deel richt zich op de betrokkenheid van de politie en de situatie waarin Sunny de politie ontmoet, met een klinische, bijna stoïcijnse houding.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Het vijfde segment bespreekt Sunny's verhoor waarbij zijn gedrag en verbale reacties gedetailleerd worden geanalyseerd door een onderzoeksteam. Ondanks zijn jonge leeftijd lijkt hij zich manifest stoïcijns en afstandelijk te gedragen, wat zorgt voor verwarring over zijn emotionele staat. Zijn manier van spreken weerspiegelt een gebrek aan herkenbare emoties en empathie.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
De zesde sectie gaat dieper in op het verhoor van Sunny door de politie, die hem vragen stelt over de motivatie achter zijn acties. Sunny blijft emotieloos en kijkt met enige verwondering naar zijn eigen handelen, wat mogelijk indicatief is voor zijn mentale toestand. Zijn verklaringen onthullen een verontrustend gebrek aan duidelijke motivatie achter zijn gewelddadige daden.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
In fase zeven bespreken de onderzoekers en psychologen Sunny's gedrag en proberen ze een psychologisch profiel op te stellen. Er wordt gesuggereerd dat er sprake kan zijn van psychologische stoornissen zoals depersonalisatiestoornis of een psychotische episode, hoewel er geen definitieve diagnose wordt bevestigd. Sunny's ouders uiten hun onvoorwaardelijke steun voor hem ondanks de situatie.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
De achtste fase verschuift de focus naar de juridische implicaties van Sunny's arrestatie en verhoor. Problemen rond de wettigheid van zijn verhoor zonder aanwezigheid van ouders en de vraag naar zijn mentale bekwaamheid worden besproken. De autoriteiten besluiten uiteindelijk om de videobewijsstukken van zijn verhoor op te nemen in de rechtszaak.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
In de voorlaatste sectie krijgen we inzicht in de gevolgen van het voorval voor Sunny's familie, met name de ouders die proberen samen verder te leven na het verlies van hun dochter. Sunny's ouders bespreken hun verdriet en de noodzaak om hun zoon te blijven steunen ondanks de vreselijke tragedie die hun gezin heeft getroffen.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:34
Het laatste segment biedt een intiem portret van Sunny in detentie, waar hij reflecteert op de gebeurtenissen en zijn huidige toestand. Hij toont enig besef van de ernst van zijn daden en de gevolgen ervan. Desondanks blijft hij stoïcijns en lijkt hij niet volledig in staat het gebeurde emotioneel te verwerken, wat gedeeltelijk te wijten kan zijn aan zijn mentale gesteldheid.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
Wie maakte de noodoproep in de video?
James Allan Brazelle was degene die de noodoproep deed.
Wat gebeurde er tijdens de noodoproep?
James Allan Brazelle maakte melding van een schietpartij waarbij zijn stiefdochter, Ashley, gewond raakte. Zijn stiefzoon Sunny had het vuur geopend.
Wie is Sunny en hoe gedroeg hij zich tijdens het verhoor?
Sunny is de zestienjarige verdachte, hij gedroeg zich emotieloos en stoïcijns tijdens het verhoor.
Wat is Sunny's intelligentieniveau?
Sunny heeft een IQ van 155 tot 160, beschreven als hoog tot uitzonderlijk intelligent.
Welke mentale problemen had Sunny?
Sunny werd mogelijk getroffen door een psychotische episode en vertoont symptomen van depersonalisatie.
Wat zegt Sunny over zijn motivatie voor de aanval?
Sunny gaf geen duidelijke motivatie voor zijn aanval en zei dat hij zich niet bewust was van zijn eigen drijfveren.
Hoe reageerde Sunny op zijn arrestatie?
Sunny reageerde ontspannen en gaf stoïcijns toe aan de aanklachten tegen hem.
Wat was het resultaat van Sunny's proces?
Sunny pleitte schuldig wegens mentale ziekte en werd veroordeeld tot leven plus 25 jaar, met kans op voorwaardelijke vrijlating na 30 jaar.
Hoe beschrijven familieleden Sunny's gedrag?
Familieleden beschreven Sunny als afwezig tijdens de aanval en wezen op zijn goede relatie met zijn zus Ashley tevoren.
Welke diagnose kreeg Sunny tijdens zijn voorarrest?
Tijdens zijn voorarrest werd bij Sunny Asperger en stoornissen vergelijkbaar met schizofrenie vastgesteld.
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- 00:00:02hurry hurry please hurry is anyone there
- 00:00:06where's the
- 00:00:10gun do
- 00:00:12it do
- 00:00:16it as far as humans act in weird ways
- 00:00:18and me being human I'm same same thing
- 00:00:21still humans didn't act
- 00:00:24very caller caller my ambulance is
- 00:00:28already on the way
- 00:00:31okay they are already coming I need you
- 00:00:33to take a breath so I can tell you what
- 00:00:36to do to help
- 00:00:38okay I need move the gun what do I need
- 00:00:41to do help me please do not touch
- 00:00:43anything else other than what I am
- 00:00:45Telling You Touch Somebody needs to open
- 00:00:47the door I have units on the scene my
- 00:00:49son's trying to come again please please
- 00:00:53no no okay hang on somebody go unlock
- 00:00:56the door
- 00:00:58[Music]
- 00:01:00pleas come Qui pleas the 911 call you
- 00:01:03just heard was placed by James Allan
- 00:01:05brazelle just 6 days before Christmas in
- 00:01:092016 when he heard gunshots coming from
- 00:01:11somewhere in his family home Allan raced
- 00:01:15through the house to find his
- 00:01:16stepdaughter Ashley and her 16-year-old
- 00:01:18brother Sunny standing over her with a
- 00:01:21gun in hand his wife Nicole screaming in
- 00:01:24the background Allan frantically called
- 00:01:27for help as haunting as the 911 call was
- 00:01:30the interrogation would turn out to be
- 00:01:31even more chilling 16-year-old Sunny
- 00:01:34proves to be one of the most stoic and
- 00:01:36emotionless suspects we've ever seen
- 00:01:39it's hard to reconcile how someone like
- 00:01:41Sunny with an IQ of 155 to 160 described
- 00:01:45as highly to exceptionally intelligent
- 00:01:48has landed in this seat when police
- 00:01:51arrived on the scene they found the
- 00:01:52festively decorated exterior of the
- 00:01:55house masking a horror scene inside in
- 00:01:58an exclusive interview Al and Nicole
- 00:02:00brazelle recount what they can remember
- 00:02:02from that terrifying night later we'll
- 00:02:05hear from Sunny himself as she said she
- 00:02:08was going to go to bed Sunny was going
- 00:02:09to go to bed he'd been awake too all day
- 00:02:11and at work so everybody was kind of
- 00:02:12tired Allan was already I think in the
- 00:02:14bedroom I think he came and told
- 00:02:15everybody good night I went straight
- 00:02:16into the room I just H it in Fr of my
- 00:02:18robe and I think Ashley was going to go
- 00:02:19ahead and eat some soup that I had
- 00:02:21cooked as soon as I go to sit down on
- 00:02:23the bed the lights already off in the
- 00:02:24bedroom I hear what I think is
- 00:02:26firecrackers it's all my mind pop HP pop
- 00:02:30firecrackers Sunny being such a mild kid
- 00:02:33and Ashley being they both were kind of
- 00:02:34like little professors responsible kids
- 00:02:37they got great grades in school I know
- 00:02:38that I bought firecrackers for New
- 00:02:39Year's Eve and I'm thinking I cannot
- 00:02:42believe one of them let off firecrackers
- 00:02:44cuz I hear Ashley say Sunny very
- 00:02:46surprised in shock that's all I hear
- 00:02:48through the door and then I hear
- 00:02:50firecrackers so I throw back on my robe
- 00:02:52I don't have clothes I throw back on my
- 00:02:54robe Allan jumps up and I so I go to go
- 00:02:56outside I mean I am furious like what
- 00:02:58are who let off firecrackers in the
- 00:03:00house what I can't even believe they
- 00:03:01would do this either one I don't even
- 00:03:02think the either one would do it I was
- 00:03:04closest to the door going out into the
- 00:03:06hallway and whenever I heard it you know
- 00:03:09pretty much immediately I knew what it
- 00:03:11was you know because I am a country boy
- 00:03:13I'm a country boy I'm a Hunter and I
- 00:03:15have guns and I've always had guns so I
- 00:03:18immediately knew what it was but I
- 00:03:20didn't put it that it was somebody from
- 00:03:22in the house like Ashley or sunny I
- 00:03:24thought somebody had came in the house
- 00:03:26you know like a Breakin so I immediately
- 00:03:29reached down and grabbed my handgun and
- 00:03:31started toward the door and something
- 00:03:34told me don't take your gun out there
- 00:03:37and of course you know you have these
- 00:03:38conversations with yourself really
- 00:03:40really fast like are you crazy I'm not
- 00:03:43going out there cuz I knew it was
- 00:03:44gunfire and I'm like I'm not going out
- 00:03:46there without some kind of protection
- 00:03:48you know heard it again pretty much you
- 00:03:50know don't take your gun out there put
- 00:03:52it down so I Put the gun down and I kind
- 00:03:55of tossed it on the bed and headed out
- 00:03:59the door
- 00:04:00and when I got there I immediately saw
- 00:04:02Sunny standing there and he had a gun in
- 00:04:04his hand of course I didn't know where
- 00:04:06he got the gun because it was a
- 00:04:08Christmas present that I didn't know
- 00:04:09about so I yelled at him I said sunny I
- 00:04:12said Put the gun down he was
- 00:04:14immediately obedient as he always was
- 00:04:18and he leaned down he put the gun down
- 00:04:20and I kind of grabbed him by his shirt
- 00:04:22and kind of scooted him or slung him
- 00:04:24over to the side up against the hallway
- 00:04:27there and I said you stand right here I
- 00:04:28said do not move move he did he just
- 00:04:31stood there he didn't say anything but
- 00:04:32he stood there so we went to check on
- 00:04:34Ashley that's when she went this is all
- 00:04:35in a matter of like instant seconds I'm
- 00:04:38like Ashley Ashley because I see no I
- 00:04:42don't realize I'm still looking for like
- 00:04:44a firecracker damage I know this sounds
- 00:04:46strange but the mind you know like I'm
- 00:04:48still stuck on firecrackers it was at
- 00:04:50this point that Sunny's stepfather
- 00:04:52rushed back to the bedroom to find a
- 00:04:54cell phone and call for help that exact
- 00:04:56minute I guess Sunny bends down picks up
- 00:04:59that gun again it's on the ground he's a
- 00:05:01little bit away from it I have pulled
- 00:05:03Ashley from the couch not being a I'm a
- 00:05:04tall gal but she was only about 5'5
- 00:05:07lightweight but I trying to get her pull
- 00:05:08her from the couch and I realize he's so
- 00:05:11he's grabbed the gun he runs to our
- 00:05:13bedroom so I start screaming for Allan
- 00:05:15oh my
- 00:05:16god do
- 00:05:18it do
- 00:05:22it this man runs through the house and
- 00:05:25runs to the bedroom Sunny you know when
- 00:05:27he took off to the bedroom and I turned
- 00:05:29around I so I'm to go to the bedroom I
- 00:05:31started toward the door Sunny had ran
- 00:05:33around our bed to the furthest point
- 00:05:36away from the doorway he was staring
- 00:05:39Straight Ahead at the door but he was
- 00:05:41trying to change the clip in the gun to
- 00:05:44change the magazine in the gun because
- 00:05:46he had shot everything out of the first
- 00:05:47clip whenever he was in the living room
- 00:05:50he's holding the gun he's holding both
- 00:05:52of the magazines in his hand and and
- 00:05:55he's not looking down to see what he's
- 00:05:57doing and of course he had never handled
- 00:05:59his gun before you know so by the time I
- 00:06:01ran over there he pushed the magazine
- 00:06:04into the gun and he stuck the gun up to
- 00:06:07my chest from where I was at at this
- 00:06:09point in time I was up right in front of
- 00:06:10him you know and I was fixing to grab a
- 00:06:12hold of him and and he was just kind of
- 00:06:14staring straight ahead and he just
- 00:06:16started pulling the trigger he had put
- 00:06:18the same magazine back in that he
- 00:06:21started with that was empty if he had
- 00:06:23gotten the right magazine I wouldn't be
- 00:06:25here today i' have you know I definitely
- 00:06:27wouldn't have made it and so I snatched
- 00:06:30the gun and everything out of his hands
- 00:06:33and I grabbed him and just kind of
- 00:06:35walked him into the living room and set
- 00:06:38him on the little love seat and he was
- 00:06:39kind of looking over the living room
- 00:06:41where Nikki was still in there with
- 00:06:42Ashley on the floor he's still in dad
- 00:06:44mode he says sit right there and don't
- 00:06:47move which is shocking to me because of
- 00:06:50the situation and the most wicked
- 00:06:55horrible heart trembling terrorizing
- 00:06:59thing
- 00:07:00happened I'll I'm doing this and I look
- 00:07:03up he's he's trying to unlock the door
- 00:07:05so then the police come and get a towel
- 00:07:07and I mean I'm frantic his eyes are all
- 00:07:10the dark suddenly now this is someone
- 00:07:12I've been with just 30 minutes this is
- 00:07:13my son right we've all been eating and
- 00:07:15snacking and on a video chat everything
- 00:07:17around here has become dark black and
- 00:07:20the the voice that comes out of the
- 00:07:24mouth says because I'm s I'm literally
- 00:07:27hysterical at this point I'm screaming
- 00:07:29what happened Ashley answer me because
- 00:07:32there is no I mean you would think if a
- 00:07:33whole clip right she would be there
- 00:07:35would be blood right there's none I'm
- 00:07:37screaming as what happen what happened
- 00:07:40what happened I hear the most darkest
- 00:07:42deep voice say she can't talk to you
- 00:07:45she's dead when police finally arrived
- 00:07:48to take control of the scene they found
- 00:07:50bullets behind the couch and in the
- 00:07:52storage drawer beneath it the gun was
- 00:07:55found in the master bedroom where
- 00:07:57Sunny's stepfather had left it after
- 00:07:59taking it from him police were put in
- 00:08:02the peculiar predicament of having both
- 00:08:04a suspect and weapon already established
- 00:08:06before they
- 00:08:07arrived as paramedics raced to save
- 00:08:10Ashley's life investigators arrested
- 00:08:13Sunny Kim and took him to be questioned
- 00:08:15before he learned his sister's fate
- 00:08:18please note that throughout the
- 00:08:19interview police addressed Sunny by his
- 00:08:21middle name Christopher the following
- 00:08:24neverbe seen footage has been analyzed
- 00:08:26by a qualified team including a licensed
- 00:08:29professional counselor a licensed
- 00:08:31clinical psychologist and a licensed
- 00:08:34attorney Sunny spends a good deal of his
- 00:08:36time waiting to speak with officers
- 00:08:38conversing with himself while the audio
- 00:08:41isn't easily discernible he appears to
- 00:08:43be talking about computers yeah was
- 00:08:46there top it was supposed to be I
- 00:08:49think suppos supposed to be $500 for
- 00:08:52their
- 00:08:53[Music]
- 00:08:55selling mat speed 6
- 00:09:01hey
- 00:09:01Christopher hey my name is Josh I'm
- 00:09:04calling Josh I'm investigator with
- 00:09:05Columbia County how you doing man okay
- 00:09:08in Georgia a minor may be taken into
- 00:09:10custody during a lawful arrest Georgia
- 00:09:13law states that a law enforcement
- 00:09:15officer taking a child or in this case
- 00:09:1716-year-old Sunny into custody must
- 00:09:20promptly notify the parent guardian or
- 00:09:22legal custodian about why the child is
- 00:09:25being brought into custody once in
- 00:09:28custody if the police want to question
- 00:09:30the minor they may do so without the
- 00:09:32parent present as there doesn't appear
- 00:09:34to be a definitive law that states
- 00:09:36parents must consent to interrogation of
- 00:09:38their minor child while police May
- 00:09:41interrogate the minor without parental
- 00:09:43consent the court will still determine
- 00:09:46if any statements made under a Miranda
- 00:09:48waiver are
- 00:09:49admissible with this all in mind the
- 00:09:52officer is free to get to the heart of
- 00:09:53the matter he jumps right in and asks
- 00:09:56about the victim Sunny's sister Ashley
- 00:09:59tell me about your sister uh actually
- 00:10:02Kim I think she was
- 00:10:052022 she Liv in Colorado she was she was
- 00:10:10recent yeah she recently broke up lost
- 00:10:12her job broke up with
- 00:10:16boyfriend it is uh she move she came
- 00:10:19back over here for Christmas okay after
- 00:10:21attending a concert in Atlanta when she
- 00:10:23remember 3 days ago something like that
- 00:10:27as far as actually goes um that's it
- 00:10:31I any particular information chillingly
- 00:10:35Sunny uses the past tense when
- 00:10:36discussing his sister even though he has
- 00:10:39no way of knowing her current medical
- 00:10:41status Ian has she been in town
- 00:10:44long only for a few days when did she
- 00:10:47move out to Colorado was about a year
- 00:10:50ago she got a
- 00:10:53secretary yeah I think there secretary
- 00:10:55paperwork stuff paperwork stuff boring
- 00:10:57stuff right yeah sing stuff
- 00:10:59I understand the officer switches back
- 00:11:01to asking about Sunny just like when he
- 00:11:04was asked about his sister Sunny gives
- 00:11:06us superficial impersonal answer from
- 00:11:10what I from what I GA you have a you
- 00:11:11have a job you work and you've already
- 00:11:13kind of graduated high school yes he
- 00:11:15tell me a littleit about
- 00:11:16yourself 16 years old male stating that
- 00:11:20he's 16 years old male is a highly
- 00:11:23atypical manner of speech and an
- 00:11:25indication that Sunny may be completely
- 00:11:27detached from what just happened with
- 00:11:28his sister since this description of
- 00:11:31himself seems to be made in third person
- 00:11:34where did you go to where did you go to
- 00:11:35High School uh I was some sort SP okay
- 00:11:38and then you uh finished up and taking
- 00:11:41some classes at GMC y okay and do you
- 00:11:44have a job yes where do you work I
- 00:11:46Computer Exchange do you really yes I'm
- 00:11:48Washington been there a couple times
- 00:11:50really nice good good service over there
- 00:11:52always been pleased with work that I had
- 00:11:55done my computers notice how intense his
- 00:11:57eye contact is normally this can be an
- 00:12:00indication that someone is watching to
- 00:12:02see if the other person accepts what
- 00:12:04they're saying especially in the case of
- 00:12:06a lie as someone wants to see if they're
- 00:12:09being believed but Sunny has no reason
- 00:12:11to be looking for acceptance given what
- 00:12:13he's saying instead this might indicate
- 00:12:16that he has some kind of social skills
- 00:12:18deficit and he's been taught to make eye
- 00:12:20contact rather than naturally making
- 00:12:22some eye contact as part of typical
- 00:12:25conversation he comes across as robotic
- 00:12:28so far here we see the officer once
- 00:12:31again attempting to connect with sunny
- 00:12:32on a personal level by establishing
- 00:12:35common ground and building Rapport just
- 00:12:38like before though Sunny doesn't appear
- 00:12:40to care and does not respond as the
- 00:12:42officer had likely hoped with that
- 00:12:45technique rendered pointless the officer
- 00:12:47is forced to ask Sunny more direct
- 00:12:50questions and his response is disturbing
- 00:12:53to say the least I wanted to talk to you
- 00:12:56about the V that happened tonight okay
- 00:12:57can you walk me through everything that
- 00:12:59happened tonight Christopher kind of
- 00:13:00start start at the beginning sure uh so
- 00:13:04I suppose the beginning is yes uh bit of
- 00:13:07pretext I suppose okay uh we had planned
- 00:13:10to get U my father knew 1911 45 tal
- 00:13:14Crystal uh about a week ago we picked up
- 00:13:16from academy uh I we were hiding in my
- 00:13:20room and we could package it and put it
- 00:13:22under the tree uh basically well this
- 00:13:25yesterday night but uh earlier that I
- 00:13:29Yeah couple hours ago coule
- 00:13:33hours this interaction shows that Sunny
- 00:13:35may not be oriented at time which could
- 00:13:38be considered typical given the stress
- 00:13:40of the situation he may not show any
- 00:13:43overt signs of distress but the way he
- 00:13:45described himself a couple of minutes
- 00:13:47ago plus his lack of awareness of
- 00:13:49exactly when he shot his sister are
- 00:13:51indications of emotional
- 00:13:53distress uh walked out of the room with
- 00:13:56the gun loaded F first magazine was the
- 00:13:59wanted the extended grip eight rounds in
- 00:14:01it uh oh seven rounds in it and One in
- 00:14:04the Chamber and then second mag in my
- 00:14:06left pocket uh this one here was seven
- 00:14:09rounds in it in your in your left pocket
- 00:14:11yes front pocket or back pocket uh front
- 00:14:13pocket uh I also I had a pair of gloves
- 00:14:16on uh yes a pair of uh work gloves is uh
- 00:14:22V here here Sunny is clearly a detail
- 00:14:26oriented guy as he describes his gloves
- 00:14:29sometimes suspects May provide these
- 00:14:31types of unnecessary details out of
- 00:14:33nervousness and their desire to
- 00:14:35cooperate with the interrogation process
- 00:14:38Sunny must at least be aware that he's
- 00:14:40in trouble so it makes sense that he
- 00:14:42wants to be cooperative at the same time
- 00:14:45his mention of being male and the other
- 00:14:47details he's provided thus far could
- 00:14:49also give us a clue as to his
- 00:14:51personality type possibly very rigid and
- 00:14:55perfectionistic after that I walked out
- 00:14:57to the living room and I turned left I
- 00:15:00saw my sister and I put about eight
- 00:15:04rounds into her chest on
- 00:15:06hereo Sunny says ish again this also
- 00:15:10indicates his high degree of rigidity
- 00:15:12and Precision in the way he thinks and
- 00:15:14speaks Sunny also maintains his highly
- 00:15:17formal and rigid manner of speaking as
- 00:15:19if he was providing stepbystep
- 00:15:21instructions to someone or telling a
- 00:15:23story he's markedly detached from the
- 00:15:26actual event his voice remains even and
- 00:15:29he still is showing no signs of overt
- 00:15:32stress uh after that uh my both of my
- 00:15:35parents uh ran from their bedroom door I
- 00:15:38came up St find the door held mostly
- 00:15:41together leg in my hands and then
- 00:15:42dropped them on the floor while they're
- 00:15:44watching me after they come out uh
- 00:15:46mother my mother rushed to my sister's
- 00:15:49party my father started calling 9 911 or
- 00:15:53911 the way that Sunny presents being
- 00:15:55really out of touch with reality and
- 00:15:57definitely out of touch with a emotions
- 00:15:59and empathy is similar to another case
- 00:16:02that of Michael Hernandez Michael told
- 00:16:05investigators that he wasn't angry when
- 00:16:07he killed his friend haime Goff but that
- 00:16:10he wanted to try murder um I was
- 00:16:13planning to murder him and is there any
- 00:16:15specific reason why you planned this no
- 00:16:18there's not and once they did that uh
- 00:16:23yes uh so the gun was left on the ground
- 00:16:25I believe about 10 to 20 seconds after
- 00:16:27he' started calling uh he walked away
- 00:16:30and I went for the gun and grabbed the
- 00:16:32Extra Magazine from my pocket however
- 00:16:34I'm not very skill in firearm so uh I
- 00:16:38didn't love the magazine correctly and
- 00:16:39wasn't able to chamber around attempted
- 00:16:41to shoot my father once and then I sort
- 00:16:45of it P F play Gana and then tried sh
- 00:16:49again not very good at firearm so I
- 00:16:52didn't I wasn't able to kill him but
- 00:16:55after that uh yes this took the away
- 00:16:58from me I sat back down on the couch uh
- 00:17:01waited for them to arrive um basically
- 00:17:04process of them uh tending to Sister RS
- 00:17:08AC came back she was B off on the ground
- 00:17:11yes and then that's when the police
- 00:17:13arrived I was put in cups and car up the
- 00:17:16squad car and after that uh for a while
- 00:17:20after came what was either fire truck or
- 00:17:23Eng D but rest is you uh P wow okay
- 00:17:29Sunny explains everything in a very
- 00:17:31distanced way including his own arrest
- 00:17:33as if he's completely detached from the
- 00:17:35world around him depersonalization
- 00:17:38involves feeling detached from oneself
- 00:17:41as if observing one's thoughts emotions
- 00:17:43and actions from a distance other
- 00:17:46symptoms include feeling emotionally
- 00:17:47numb disconnected from one's
- 00:17:49surroundings and experiencing memory
- 00:17:52difficulties Sunny makes no effort to
- 00:17:55hide his intentions either he references
- 00:17:57his sister's body body instead of
- 00:17:59calling her by name again at this point
- 00:18:02in time Sunny doesn't know whether she's
- 00:18:04dead or alive he also openly admits the
- 00:18:07trying to shoot his father
- 00:18:09twice he could have taken the
- 00:18:11opportunity to claim he had a change of
- 00:18:13heart in an effort to potentially look
- 00:18:15better but instead admits that he wanted
- 00:18:18to and would have shot his father if the
- 00:18:20gun had not stopped working
- 00:18:22unfortunately there's no other
- 00:18:24information about why exactly the gun
- 00:18:26stopped working chilling he shows
- 00:18:29absolutely no remorse and continues to
- 00:18:32sound cold detached flat and methodical
- 00:18:36he might as well be describing how to
- 00:18:37put a computer together piece by piece
- 00:18:40when you were putting when you were
- 00:18:42putting the uh the magazine into into
- 00:18:44the weapon and shammer around what what
- 00:18:46were your what was your plan uh
- 00:18:48initially U the my idea was uh kill
- 00:18:53father mother sister in order of uh
- 00:18:56threat so some re though I didn't go
- 00:18:59along with that I'm not sure suppose I
- 00:19:01didn't really act the way I was planed
- 00:19:04for some reason Sunny ranks his family
- 00:19:06in order of threat it could be assumed
- 00:19:09that he means he intended to kill them
- 00:19:10in order of who was best equipped to
- 00:19:12disarm and stop him but that isn't
- 00:19:15necessarily true the officer will have
- 00:19:17to follow up on this later for now
- 00:19:20though he lets Sunny maintain his train
- 00:19:22of thought and it's important that the
- 00:19:24interrogator doesn't interrupt once they
- 00:19:26get a suspect talking this is because it
- 00:19:29allows them to get their full
- 00:19:31uninfluenced account of what happened
- 00:19:33and the interrogation only gets stranger
- 00:19:37and uh the idea was walk into the
- 00:19:39bedroom both parents were sleeping or
- 00:19:42resting your father your mother and then
- 00:19:44walk out into the living room and kill
- 00:19:46her you know of that smack you for I
- 00:19:50forget the word but any that was the
- 00:19:52plan however U I suppose humans act in a
- 00:19:55weird ways and me being human I'm SP
- 00:19:57same same thing wore the gloves is
- 00:19:59because I figured my hands would get
- 00:20:00sweaty humans U nervous and and such so
- 00:20:04I wore them so you know I would be able
- 00:20:05to maintain my grip on the weapon and
- 00:20:07such uh however uh still humans didn't
- 00:20:12act very smart way uh basically unloaded
- 00:20:16all the rounds I meant to only put one
- 00:20:18or two in there but I don't know i'
- 00:20:21never shot someone before so they seemed
- 00:20:24like blanks I mean basically nothing I
- 00:20:27didn't could there wasn't any
- 00:20:28understandable imp pack or uh anything
- 00:20:30so I I just kept on shooting and then
- 00:20:32after that put walked up to and moved to
- 00:20:37the my pant store and stood there with
- 00:20:39you know weapon in my right hand right
- 00:20:41and magazine left hand and I droing God
- 00:20:45Nicole brazelle Sunny's mother ran an
- 00:20:48embroidery business out of the house
- 00:20:50teaching textile Arts to students his
- 00:20:53stepfather Allan had accepted Sunny like
- 00:20:55his own son Sunny's sister Ashley was
- 00:20:58known to be outgoing and had been
- 00:21:00enjoying her time at College in Colorado
- 00:21:03in the sixth grade Sunny asked his
- 00:21:05mother if he could drop out of school in
- 00:21:07large part because he felt bored he was
- 00:21:10homeschooled for a while and at 13 he
- 00:21:13started working for a company who his
- 00:21:14mother had a contract with before
- 00:21:17working at a computer store at 15 he
- 00:21:20started at the Georgia Military College
- 00:21:23where he completed High School classes
- 00:21:24alongside college
- 00:21:26classes altogether they appear to be the
- 00:21:29picture of a happy
- 00:21:31family in an exclusive interview Sunny
- 00:21:34talks about his childhood in more detail
- 00:21:36and about his relationship with his
- 00:21:38mother and sister my biological father
- 00:21:41left the country and went to Soul Korea
- 00:21:44and my mother kept us a float tooth and
- 00:21:46nail and she fought for us prior to my
- 00:21:49incarceration I was actively working at
- 00:21:51Computer Exchange and taking classes at
- 00:21:53TMC and I was I suppose living a good
- 00:21:57life I was always provided for I was
- 00:21:59always taking care of and I had Ling
- 00:22:00parents every step of the way and she
- 00:22:02got us out of dead eventually we were
- 00:22:04you know a stable household she met
- 00:22:06Allan and he's a great guy I I have had
- 00:22:10a really wonderful set of parents I
- 00:22:12don't think I could have asked for I owe
- 00:22:15everything to them every pretty much
- 00:22:17everything good in my life they've been
- 00:22:19responsible for in some way shape or
- 00:22:20form Ashley was uh the bigger sister she
- 00:22:24had the kindest heart out of all of us
- 00:22:26actually got a lot of our kindness I'm
- 00:22:28not sure what I got I lean on her a lot
- 00:22:31for a lot of things she was between her
- 00:22:34and my mother they were the only two
- 00:22:35stable things I really had in my life
- 00:22:37Ashley was someone you could always come
- 00:22:38to and she was always put together I
- 00:22:40could always trust to judgment I suppose
- 00:22:42I get my morals from her you know she
- 00:22:44had real heart people I love that about
- 00:22:47her he was her favorite out of everybody
- 00:22:50and she was his favorite they had the
- 00:22:54most in common they were both very smart
- 00:22:56very high iq's yet Sunny manages to
- 00:22:59erase all of that personality and all of
- 00:23:02that love in the interrogation room this
- 00:23:05clinical and detached way of speaking
- 00:23:07appears to be a symptom of
- 00:23:09depersonalization which is closely
- 00:23:11related to dissociative Amnesia and
- 00:23:13dissociative identity disorder two very
- 00:23:16serious mental illnesses there's no
- 00:23:19anger here no emotion at all and no
- 00:23:22indication that he had major issues with
- 00:23:24his family it's almost like he was
- 00:23:26possessed and is now just describing
- 00:23:29what he saw he's speaking like the
- 00:23:31lights are on but nobody's home I
- 00:23:34suppose I just saw her and I not didn't
- 00:23:38recognize was but shot the first person
- 00:23:41I saw I suppose U not reaction obviously
- 00:23:45actually didn't not the way I intended
- 00:23:48to I didn't make enough room or take
- 00:23:51into account you know the way humans Act
- 00:23:54Right mainly me as far as humans go so
- 00:23:58was with sunny so forthcoming regarding
- 00:24:00the details of the crime the
- 00:24:02investigator seeks to confirm what
- 00:24:04Sunny's stepfather Alan brazelle told
- 00:24:06them about the crime when your father
- 00:24:09went to chase after you uh in the
- 00:24:11bedroom what bedroom was that was the it
- 00:24:15was the largest bedroom it's the master
- 00:24:17bedroom the one where they sleep okay so
- 00:24:19yeah had a large KingSize bedroom and
- 00:24:22and you told me that you had at that
- 00:24:24point in time you had had dropped the
- 00:24:25weapon and then and then you reached
- 00:24:27down and picked it up about 20 seconds
- 00:24:29later there uh it was about 2 3 ft about
- 00:24:33a meter away from me right so I ran from
- 00:24:35the C grab it and then ran off and then
- 00:24:38then take the magazine from my pocket
- 00:24:40and what were you trying to do when you
- 00:24:42ran away uh my plan was to grab a weapon
- 00:24:45and load the magazine and shoot my
- 00:24:46father and then shoot my mother okay and
- 00:24:51your father ran after you and and caught
- 00:24:53you in the bedroom and you did not have
- 00:24:55a chance to load the magazine at that
- 00:24:56point in time or what happened at
- 00:24:59but I I fumed with it and I did load it
- 00:25:01into the gun not all the way though so I
- 00:25:04wasn't able to pull back the ham all the
- 00:25:06way uh so slide back all the way uh the
- 00:25:08second time after I fainted uh putting
- 00:25:11the gun down after he told me you know
- 00:25:13don't do it Etc uh after I put it back I
- 00:25:16tried to uh send the magazine back in
- 00:25:19with the back of my WR about H right uh
- 00:25:22and then pull slide back however but
- 00:25:24that didn't solve it either so he ended
- 00:25:27up uh taking fire on away from me and
- 00:25:29walked back to the Liv room did uh did
- 00:25:32you attempt to pull the trigger while he
- 00:25:33was coming at you yes okay both times
- 00:25:36both times and both time it it failed to
- 00:25:38fire that right okay and that's when
- 00:25:40your father caught up with you and and
- 00:25:42took the weapon from you did did you say
- 00:25:45anything to them after that or or what
- 00:25:47happened after after he got the weapon
- 00:25:50from you uh after that uh basically uh
- 00:25:53he walk he ran back into the living room
- 00:25:56uh Put the gun down on the ground uh
- 00:25:58cross the living room away from the
- 00:26:00couch where I sitting which is red see I
- 00:26:03believe my pars parents called it was a
- 00:26:05red couch I knew and he placed it on the
- 00:26:08other side and then helped my mother in
- 00:26:09attending my sister's WS after he put
- 00:26:12the Garden on the ground I did consider
- 00:26:14either running to my room where there
- 00:26:16was a loaded shotgun or running for a
- 00:26:18gun however I didn't act on either so I
- 00:26:22figured my chances were low of getting
- 00:26:24either done so I didn't think it was
- 00:26:26worth it with sunny confession recorded
- 00:26:29in more than sufficient detail we can
- 00:26:31now tackle the question of why Sunny
- 00:26:33decided to undertake such unprovoked
- 00:26:36violence what were you thinking about
- 00:26:39what what made you want to kill your
- 00:26:41sister and your parents tonight what
- 00:26:43what's been going on um some pretty good
- 00:26:46actually uh I've done a job had classes
- 00:26:50it's going pretty well uh yeah I uh
- 00:26:54nothing really is bad been happening to
- 00:26:56me pretty good nothing bad you just
- 00:26:58wanted to do it uh not even want I just
- 00:27:03did let's back up excuse me a few
- 00:27:05minutes ago we were talking about when
- 00:27:07you were loading the uh the putting the
- 00:27:09rounds in the magazine and then loading
- 00:27:11that magazine into your weapon and you
- 00:27:13said that the initial plan was to go to
- 00:27:15your parents room and then shoot them
- 00:27:17first and then go into your living room
- 00:27:20where your sister was and then shoot her
- 00:27:22what made you deviate from that plan I
- 00:27:25don't know I when I first saw my sister
- 00:27:27and
- 00:27:28first thought I suppose was I don't know
- 00:27:31uh I I was supposed to go to my parents
- 00:27:34room and K uh father and mother but I
- 00:27:37saw my sister and for some reason I
- 00:27:41don't know
- 00:27:42why I I remember the
- 00:27:46magazine is there any reason why you'd
- 00:27:48want to why you want to kill everybody I
- 00:27:50mean did they they hurt you no have they
- 00:27:53made life miserable for you they abusive
- 00:27:56to you physically not any none
- 00:27:59whatsoever there there is no reason for
- 00:28:01it it
- 00:28:04just I can think of in two words Sunny
- 00:28:08provides what could be very important
- 00:28:10information if he had been abused as a
- 00:28:12child this may give some insight into
- 00:28:14his detached Behavior as ongoing
- 00:28:17physical abuse is often the accepted
- 00:28:19explanation behind pathological
- 00:28:21dissociative Behavior or disorders this
- 00:28:24could be in reference to Sunny's
- 00:28:25biological father who was Alle edly
- 00:28:28neglectful but Sunny doesn't elaborate
- 00:28:31so the officer tries honing in on a
- 00:28:33different part of the crime what made
- 00:28:35you want to kill your mother and father
- 00:28:38there wasn't really any motivation for
- 00:28:40it actually uh one thing oh yeah never
- 00:28:42mind I told you about uh trying to shoot
- 00:28:45my father and then failing and trying
- 00:28:46again never mind but as far as
- 00:28:48motivation control my parents uh none of
- 00:28:52that existed uh my father did a lot of
- 00:28:56the chores my mother worked quite hard
- 00:28:58at her job father insisted uh my mother
- 00:29:01at her job and they we all had a
- 00:29:05relatively good life did you get a sense
- 00:29:08of
- 00:29:09satisfaction when when this was going on
- 00:29:12uh no I didn't really feel anything and
- 00:29:15your mother was tending to your sister's
- 00:29:16wounds like you said and you were
- 00:29:19considering when she was asking you why
- 00:29:21did you do it she did that a number of
- 00:29:23times yeah I'm sure um what was running
- 00:29:26through your mind when when she said
- 00:29:27that at the moment it the only thing
- 00:29:29that I was thinking of really was either
- 00:29:32the gun and then and then after you know
- 00:29:34either the gun on shotgun in my room
- 00:29:36passed through my mind I didn't really
- 00:29:39think of much it was just sort of you
- 00:29:42were you were still in your plan mode of
- 00:29:44can I get a weapon and kill mom or dad
- 00:29:47is that what you were thinking yes did
- 00:29:48that make you happy uh no I I didn't it
- 00:29:51make you sad no I didn't really feel
- 00:29:54much it just sort of happened
- 00:29:58do you have any idea why it just
- 00:30:00happened uh not
- 00:30:03really Sunny's answer of not really here
- 00:30:06is interesting he actually seems to not
- 00:30:09understand it himself no I was going to
- 00:30:11say that noted itself to my family I
- 00:30:13just for no reason but having had
- 00:30:15weapons in my room for basically one or
- 00:30:17two years now that's you know I've had
- 00:30:19the opportunity for a while why did you
- 00:30:22decide tonight uh tonight was I suppose
- 00:30:24it was a bit spontaneous yeah I thought
- 00:30:27as 6 days till Christmas or something
- 00:30:29like that but uh that mother my my
- 00:30:31mother would coming in you know back
- 00:30:34together the next day or something along
- 00:30:35the sign so I figured the likelihood of
- 00:30:38her wrapping the gun next day is fairly
- 00:30:40High soed it now I still have access to
- 00:30:43the firearm even though Sunny's
- 00:30:45rationale for committing the crime
- 00:30:46tonight is disturbing it still doesn't
- 00:30:49entirely make sense even if the gun had
- 00:30:51been wrapped and placed under the
- 00:30:53Christmas tree Sunny would have still
- 00:30:55had access to it and multiple other
- 00:30:57Firearms he could have used in the
- 00:30:58attack is this something you thought
- 00:31:00about doing for a while or is this
- 00:31:02something that you've been thinking
- 00:31:03about for the past couple minutes it was
- 00:31:06sort of impulsive and not really
- 00:31:09something I've considered before here
- 00:31:11Sunny expresses an impulsive element to
- 00:31:14his actions which supports the fact that
- 00:31:16he may struggle to differentiate between
- 00:31:18his thoughts and the reality of acting
- 00:31:20out his thoughts what ultimately made
- 00:31:23you decide to to shoot your sister in
- 00:31:25the
- 00:31:26chest I I don't know something in my I
- 00:31:31can't remember what was something in my
- 00:31:32mind basically left to me uh loading the
- 00:31:35gun
- 00:31:37and that what was something interesting
- 00:31:41happens when Sunny tries to talk about
- 00:31:43what was going through his mind in the
- 00:31:45moments before the shooting well spoken
- 00:31:48up to this point Sunny starts to stumble
- 00:31:50over his words giving only partial
- 00:31:53thoughts and attempting to start a
- 00:31:54sentence over something in my I can't
- 00:31:57remember was something in my mind
- 00:31:59basically left to me when he isn't able
- 00:32:01to describe what he thought or felt he
- 00:32:03reverts the talking about the physical
- 00:32:05details uh but basically end up loading
- 00:32:07the gun and after the gun was loaded in
- 00:32:09my bedroom I walked out and I suppose at
- 00:32:12that point I I don't know I was thinking
- 00:32:16but I suppose I just shot I don't really
- 00:32:20have much of an explanation okay what
- 00:32:22emotions were running through you when
- 00:32:23this was going on nothing were you happy
- 00:32:27were you
- 00:32:28what I did you care kind of stood there
- 00:32:31I suppose okay the stuttering and
- 00:32:33stumbling over emotional words is likely
- 00:32:36a sign of anxiety so he Retreats back
- 00:32:38into the world of dissociated details
- 00:32:41this could be due to a lack of comfort
- 00:32:43or understanding of emotions to begin
- 00:32:45with you killing your family it's it's
- 00:32:49wrong uh yes it is socially immorally
- 00:32:52wrong and didn't you think you were
- 00:32:54going to get in trouble if that was to
- 00:32:55happen yes I was certainly going to be
- 00:32:58apprehended by his always okay but you
- 00:33:00still went through with it anyways yes
- 00:33:02why I don't know uh either it was out of
- 00:33:08curiosity boredom or something else
- 00:33:12chillingly curiosity or boredom could
- 00:33:14have very well been the case as Sunny
- 00:33:17admits although he seems to lack empathy
- 00:33:19there's a degree of self-awareness here
- 00:33:22when a person lacks empathy there is
- 00:33:24little to no attention placed on how
- 00:33:25another person would feel the presence
- 00:33:28of empathy is critical because it is in
- 00:33:30large part what directs moral decision
- 00:33:33making without it someone like Sunny may
- 00:33:35just act on impulse or out of sheer
- 00:33:37curiosity or boredom Sunny identifies
- 00:33:41over and over that he doesn't understand
- 00:33:43why he did this it's just sort of
- 00:33:47happened I don't really either it's
- 00:33:49either I don't remember or I'm
- 00:33:52suppressing M or there is no
- 00:33:55reason being towards the there's not
- 00:33:58really much of a reason impul you knew
- 00:34:00you were going to get in trouble you
- 00:34:02knew it was wrong you knew you were
- 00:34:03going to get caught but you didn't care
- 00:34:06uh yes altogether the detective
- 00:34:08interviewing Sunny has acquired a
- 00:34:10significant amount of evidence the only
- 00:34:13remaining missing puzzle piece is the
- 00:34:15motive with enough material to charge
- 00:34:17Sunny the question of his motive will be
- 00:34:20left to be uncovered during trial all
- 00:34:23right well give me just one minute I'll
- 00:34:24be right back okay
- 00:34:29after the officer leaves Sunny
- 00:34:31immediately goes back to talking to
- 00:34:33himself oh no see the 1060 would
- 00:34:38be oh no no no yeah we moved on from it
- 00:34:42was Enzo no not Enzo uh R that's what
- 00:34:46it's called and new am4 ddl4 except AR
- 00:34:53temperature chip
- 00:34:58was
- 00:34:59like know what it was yes so off a bit
- 00:35:04of and it's sort of there but know it
- 00:35:09only takes 3 minutes for the officer to
- 00:35:12return and tells Sunny What charges he
- 00:35:14will officially be facing all right
- 00:35:16Christopher you or of will be arrested
- 00:35:18okay you be arrested for murder murder
- 00:35:20for your sister aggravated assault on
- 00:35:23your father for trying to shoot him as
- 00:35:25well and then possession have a weapon
- 00:35:28here the commission of felony okay you
- 00:35:31expected all that though correct yes
- 00:35:33okay well we're going to move forward
- 00:35:36with the charges and I want to let you
- 00:35:38know that that's as of right now what
- 00:35:39you're going to be charged with okay
- 00:35:41okay so just hang tight somebody to you
- 00:35:43with you shortly and we'll get this
- 00:35:45underway as far as getting you
- 00:35:46transported to the jail and booked and
- 00:35:48everything like that okay okay all
- 00:35:51right tragically Ashley Kim succumbed to
- 00:35:54her injuries before the paramedics
- 00:35:56arrived Emergency Services attempted to
- 00:35:59resuscitate her but they were
- 00:36:02unsuccessful she was declared dead on
- 00:36:04the scene shortly after Sunny was
- 00:36:06arrested in our conversation with
- 00:36:09Sunny's parents they remembered their
- 00:36:11daughter fondly she was the pretty girl
- 00:36:15that was nice unmistakably not a mean
- 00:36:18girl yeah she wasn't a mean girl she had
- 00:36:20a good heart um there's a lot of people
- 00:36:23that spoke at her funeral that said you
- 00:36:27know Ash didn't have to be nice to me
- 00:36:29but she did she didn't hold grudges she
- 00:36:32was a free bird free spirit she was a
- 00:36:34free spirit she was full of love you
- 00:36:36know love's the greatest power and she
- 00:36:38was full of love she was she was very
- 00:36:41she was very kind very loving like I
- 00:36:44said everybody loved actually she loved
- 00:36:46absurd things oh she had a she had a
- 00:36:49terrible sense of humor about like what
- 00:36:50is it called a dark sense of humor she
- 00:36:52had the darkest sense of humor just like
- 00:36:54the most morbid things her and a sister
- 00:36:56of mine tooo she left morbid that's the
- 00:36:58thing I miss most about like her
- 00:37:00laughing cuz she would giggle about like
- 00:37:02things that she's somebody you couldn't
- 00:37:03sit next to at a funeral you could not
- 00:37:06over there because you had me laughing
- 00:37:08everyone's going to be looking at me
- 00:37:10Ashley loved people saw the goodness in
- 00:37:13people she really really did so many
- 00:37:15times matter of fact she's who helped me
- 00:37:17forgive my ex-husband cuz I felt like he
- 00:37:19had really bailed on us she was like he
- 00:37:21wasn't ready to be a dad mom she had
- 00:37:23such a forgiving spirit in her giggle I
- 00:37:26always will never forget her gigg G I
- 00:37:28thought I would at one point I was
- 00:37:29grieving she had a funny Giggle and she
- 00:37:32had love and to honor her memory I I
- 00:37:35choose love I choose to forgive everyone
- 00:37:38who's made a mistake not just sunny I
- 00:37:40choose to live Ashley's Joy because she
- 00:37:42had Joy because she chose forgiveness
- 00:37:45because you know that's weighty an
- 00:37:47autopsy confirmed Sunny's claim that he
- 00:37:49had shot Ashley eight times she had
- 00:37:52wounds on most parts of her body except
- 00:37:54for her head including her arms legs and
- 00:37:58chest despite the extent of her injuries
- 00:38:00her death was not immediate it was
- 00:38:03determined that Ashley's lungs had
- 00:38:04filled with blood and she'd perished
- 00:38:07while her parents attempted to
- 00:38:08administer CPR before the ambulance
- 00:38:11arrived however her injuries were so
- 00:38:14severe that it was unlikely Ashley could
- 00:38:16have survived even if help had arrived
- 00:38:19sooner while their parents were likely
- 00:38:21grieving the massively traumatic death
- 00:38:23of one child at the hands of another
- 00:38:26Sunny remains un bothered as ever after
- 00:38:29learning of his sister's demise Sunny
- 00:38:32simply checks his watch and goes back to
- 00:38:34talking with
- 00:38:35himself see
- 00:38:39probably kind
- 00:38:43of R
- 00:38:45was yeah Netflix 4K
- 00:38:54was way
- 00:38:57and Windows 10 sure can information even
- 00:39:00if it's not telling you when it's
- 00:39:02Windows
- 00:39:0310 we seen
- 00:39:06some blender why blender show it's got
- 00:39:11animation yui
- 00:39:14mapping even when officers arrive to
- 00:39:17take him to jail he remains stoic
- 00:39:30that's small
- 00:39:33rest Chris these uh the deputy that's
- 00:39:35right behind you he's going to take you
- 00:39:37up to our jail get your fingerprinter
- 00:39:39processed and get the uh get the jail
- 00:39:42paperwor started on your charges okay be
- 00:39:45in your stuff all
- 00:39:50right with sunny detained experts were
- 00:39:53left to ponder his blatantly absent
- 00:39:55motive there seemed to be no reason for
- 00:39:58him to shoot and kill Ashley and then
- 00:40:00attempt to kill his stepfather Allen so
- 00:40:02yeah she was uh my Mor compass and my my
- 00:40:07and big sister all of that experts could
- 00:40:10not come up with a full explanation for
- 00:40:12his actions but they did develop a
- 00:40:15theory it was possible that Sunny's
- 00:40:17abrupt outof character violence was
- 00:40:19possibly caused by a psychotic episode
- 00:40:23he didn't realize for a long time it was
- 00:40:25probably 8 months Maybe maybe before he
- 00:40:28even realized it most people will not
- 00:40:30like my answer but the sunny that night
- 00:40:34when this happened was my son's body but
- 00:40:37it was not his Spirit Sunny was not
- 00:40:40there was there ever any kind of emotion
- 00:40:43on his face not for a year and a half
- 00:40:46and I and it was bad enough that he
- 00:40:49basically while he was in the juvenile
- 00:40:51hall you wait and trial he had no taste
- 00:40:56everything tasted like burning plastic
- 00:40:59had a psychological snap something
- 00:41:02happened they to explain to us later
- 00:41:03that everyone tasted like burning
- 00:41:05plastic all the food he was eating so
- 00:41:07the only thing he could eat was plain
- 00:41:08Dry Cereal that's what he lived on Sunny
- 00:41:11apparently told a psychologist that his
- 00:41:13memory of the murder felt like watching
- 00:41:15someone else or looking into a parallel
- 00:41:18Dimension I felt like the strings had
- 00:41:20been cut lack of a better word this is
- 00:41:23the textbook definition of a
- 00:41:24depersonalization episode Al though a
- 00:41:27psychotic episode is a possibility Sunny
- 00:41:30isn't showing any indications of
- 00:41:32psychosis in the interrogation room he
- 00:41:35may be talking to himself but this could
- 00:41:37be due to stress or nervousness it's not
- 00:41:40sufficient to conclude that he's
- 00:41:42psychotic Sunny shows no signs of
- 00:41:44delusional thinking and he doesn't seem
- 00:41:46to be responding to
- 00:41:48hallucinations his thought process is
- 00:41:50logical and coherent overall though he
- 00:41:53demonstrated indications of a
- 00:41:54developmental delay like autism spectrum
- 00:41:57disorder typically psychotic episodes
- 00:42:00are preceded by changes in behavior that
- 00:42:02would have been evident to his parents
- 00:42:03or other adults though this is not
- 00:42:06always the case sunny and Ashley's
- 00:42:09parents once again weigh in on this
- 00:42:11incredibly complicated aspect of the
- 00:42:13case and the thing I want people most to
- 00:42:16know is I know a lot of people have said
- 00:42:20since this has happened you know well
- 00:42:21what about Ashley and and you know why
- 00:42:23can you still be loyal to your son I'm
- 00:42:26loyal to my son because like I said he
- 00:42:29was not there it was not done in some
- 00:42:32kind of malicious intent there was no
- 00:42:35fight there was no argument there was no
- 00:42:37fuss there was only love between him and
- 00:42:40his sister there was nothing crazy going
- 00:42:42on nothing funny going on it was just
- 00:42:46unbelievable that it happened and it's
- 00:42:48hard for me to even believe it now even
- 00:42:51though I was probably the best
- 00:42:53witness that was there the whole night
- 00:42:56that actually saw I actually saw the
- 00:42:58most heard the most pretty much knew the
- 00:43:02most CU I knew what was going on from
- 00:43:05the sounds I knew what it was and I've
- 00:43:07stuck by Sunny me and his his mom have
- 00:43:10stuck by Sunny first off because we love
- 00:43:12him and he's our son and would stick by
- 00:43:14him anyway this was not something that
- 00:43:17you know was like in a fit of anger or
- 00:43:19it was not a planned out thing that you
- 00:43:22know that he hated her or he was jealous
- 00:43:25of her or any of the stuff that they
- 00:43:27tried to say they tried to say that he
- 00:43:30was jealous because she was outgoing and
- 00:43:32he wasn't I was a single mom and my
- 00:43:35ex-husband I didn't have money and he
- 00:43:37this wonderful man wasn't in my life yet
- 00:43:39and I think back about the time she had
- 00:43:42a babysit because I couldn't afford a
- 00:43:43babysitter and be at my shop because she
- 00:43:46babysat him he holds so many character
- 00:43:48traits of her and I know other people
- 00:43:51want him destroy but he's all I have
- 00:43:53left of her additionally while awaiting
- 00:43:56trial at Regional Youth Detention Center
- 00:43:58Sunny reportedly harmed himself multiple
- 00:44:01times by slamming his head into the wall
- 00:44:03and biting himself so hard that he broke
- 00:44:05a tooth eventually he was diagnosed by
- 00:44:08several doctors with aspergers along
- 00:44:11with undisclosed disorders that are
- 00:44:13similar to
- 00:44:14schizophrenia as a result of this
- 00:44:16potential diagnosis Sunny's defense team
- 00:44:19attempted to have his confession
- 00:44:20dismissed claiming that it was not given
- 00:44:23when he was of sound mind the judge
- 00:44:26ruled that while the diagnosis could be
- 00:44:28valid a psychotic episode or any of
- 00:44:31Sunny's other diagnoses would not impede
- 00:44:33his intelligence he allowed the video of
- 00:44:36Sunny's interrogation to be played in
- 00:44:38full the brazils were not pleased by
- 00:44:41this decision and maintained that some
- 00:44:43aspects of the case were mishandled from
- 00:44:45the beginning few minutes later an
- 00:44:47investigator showed up and he was
- 00:44:49explaining the situation to me he said
- 00:44:52you know we're going to take him down he
- 00:44:54said but we can't speak to him until his
- 00:44:57his parents get there you and your wife
- 00:44:58get there it's crazy they they put him
- 00:45:00in the car I never saw that but I was in
- 00:45:02the front yard right so they had already
- 00:45:04put him in the car by this time they
- 00:45:06said you know they explained that they
- 00:45:07had to take him you know to I guess
- 00:45:10Columbia County jail or whatever it was
- 00:45:11so they took him to jail and uh said as
- 00:45:15soon as we finish up here and said you
- 00:45:18know we're going to call you and you'll
- 00:45:19have to come down so we can interview
- 00:45:21him your son but as you saw in the
- 00:45:24earlier footage neither parent was
- 00:45:26present for Sunny's interrogation but by
- 00:45:298:00 we we realized they're not going to
- 00:45:31talk to us at all and so it's weeks
- 00:45:33before we can get any conversation with
- 00:45:35them they they even to get Sunny a
- 00:45:37public defender because he had he went
- 00:45:39into the indictment with no attorney it
- 00:45:42was no parental support nothing he was
- 00:45:44in there on his own but we were begging
- 00:45:46to try to go but they wouldn't let us it
- 00:45:47was probably what a year later before we
- 00:45:50actually saw the video the first court
- 00:45:52session that we went to we immediately
- 00:45:55started calling the police
- 00:45:58department and pretty much you know got
- 00:46:01no answers they wouldn't really tell us
- 00:46:02anything they told us that we couldn't
- 00:46:04talk to them because they charged him as
- 00:46:06an adult and do you know that they
- 00:46:07didn't even give him a public defender
- 00:46:09for 4 weeks ultimately in July of 2019
- 00:46:13Sunny pleaded guilty by reason of mental
- 00:46:16illness to murder aggravated assault and
- 00:46:18two counts of possession of a firearm he
- 00:46:21was sentenced to life in prison plus 25
- 00:46:24years but will be eligible for parole in
- 00:46:2730 years because he was convicted by
- 00:46:30reason of mental illness he will
- 00:46:32continue to receive psychological
- 00:46:34counseling during that time Sunny's
- 00:46:36parents continue to stand by him and
- 00:46:39despite the terrible tragedy the family
- 00:46:41has remained close and he tells us all
- 00:46:44the time that he is very aware and very
- 00:46:48grateful that we are still his parents
- 00:46:52and that we love him and support him
- 00:46:55because he knows that there are a lot of
- 00:46:56people in there that lost all of their
- 00:46:59family ties and everything whenever
- 00:47:01whatever they did happened he Treasures
- 00:47:03it he said I want you all to know he
- 00:47:05said you can't ever know he said how
- 00:47:07much that I appreciate it and everything
- 00:47:10he said of that you're still my mom and
- 00:47:13dad you still support me you never threw
- 00:47:15me away you know you never he says he
- 00:47:17works so hard in every day to be worthy
- 00:47:19of that right in our exclusive interview
- 00:47:22we asked Sunny if he remembered the day
- 00:47:24of his sister's death I do
- 00:47:27yes it was terrifying for me it's the
- 00:47:31strangest feeling and it probably sounds
- 00:47:34ridiculous and I know it will but when I
- 00:47:36walked into my room the second I walked
- 00:47:38through my door frame there was a shift
- 00:47:42there something different I couldn't
- 00:47:45really think my body was moving but I
- 00:47:47wasn't able to think we asked how long
- 00:47:50it took for him to start processing what
- 00:47:52happened I I think I'm still struggling
- 00:47:55with it to this day but I suppose for
- 00:47:57the vast majority of it I didn't speak
- 00:47:59for those first three or four months
- 00:48:01when I was at the Juvenile Detention
- 00:48:03Center I still don't really know what to
- 00:48:06think there's these times when I've
- 00:48:08broken down about it but my brains like
- 00:48:11won't let me process it like every time
- 00:48:14I try and think about it I still don't
- 00:48:17really process what's happened I know
- 00:48:19empirically what's happened but to this
- 00:48:21day I don't understand why it happened
- 00:48:24with this response in mind we ask Sunny
- 00:48:26if he worked that a similar incident
- 00:48:28could happen again if he was released
- 00:48:30yes absolutely it's always
- 00:48:34there I was kind of eager to accept a
- 00:48:37plead deal already kind of consoled
- 00:48:40myself with the thought that I'll be
- 00:48:41spending the rest of my life in prison
- 00:48:43and I'm okay with that and I I don't
- 00:48:46really know if I want to be around my
- 00:48:47loved ones knowing that something like
- 00:48:49this could happen on a lighter topic we
- 00:48:52ask Sunny to tell us a bit about his
- 00:48:54life now and what his days look like
- 00:48:57we normally eat breakfast at about 7
- 00:48:59o'clock in the morning and for me that's
- 00:49:01when I wake up my activities used to be
- 00:49:04different I used to teach a math class
- 00:49:06but nowadays mostly I just have
- 00:49:08self-studies uh write a few stories like
- 00:49:11to read I used to be really active going
- 00:49:13to the library you know uh I've lost a
- 00:49:16lot of that energy now and uh most of my
- 00:49:19days are just spent idling I suppose we
- 00:49:22asked Sunny what people could learn from
- 00:49:24his circumstances and he offered us some
- 00:49:26remarkable Insight if you do have a
- 00:49:30family member a friend son daughter
- 00:49:32child whatever that is experiencing
- 00:49:35symptoms of disassociation right if
- 00:49:37they're too withdrawn from their
- 00:49:39environment or their surroundings
- 00:49:41important that they be associated with
- 00:49:43something in the world it's important to
- 00:49:46not let people get too far G our final
- 00:49:49question was about Ashley and what Sunny
- 00:49:52would like all of us to know about her
- 00:49:54she was one of those rare people in the
- 00:49:56world that cared out of her heart and
- 00:49:58she didn't do things out of some desire
- 00:50:01for potential gain or benefit she cared
- 00:50:03for everyone irregardless of whether or
- 00:50:06not she knew them I have a lot of great
- 00:50:08memories of my sister I I'd say if there
- 00:50:11was one thing I'd want to remember is
- 00:50:13that she was she was the kind of people
- 00:50:15that is very rare genuinely cared about
- 00:50:17people around them and I loved her for
- 00:50:19it I love her for it now now that I can
- 00:50:21truly appreciate what it means we want
- 00:50:24to extend the utmost gratitude to Alan
- 00:50:26and Nicole brazelle for being so open
- 00:50:29and for allowing us to share their side
- 00:50:31of this heartbreaking case
- noodgeval
- schietpartij
- mentale gezondheid
- depersonalisatie
- familie
- verhoor
- intelligentie
- criminele zaak
- jeugddelinquentie
- stoornis