How To Make Millions From $7 Digital Products
TLDRAquest vídeo explora els avantatges i desavantatges dels productes digitals de baix preu, argumentant que molts venedors haurien d'abstenir-se de vendre'ls. Revi Abuvala, fundador de Scaling with Systems, afirma que, tot i que la seva empresa ha tingut èxit amb una estratègia de baixos preus generant més de vuit milions de dòlars en vendes, aquest model pot no ser rentable per a tothom. Els productes de baix preu poden semblar atractius perquè semblen fàcils de vendre, semblant als comprats d'impuls. Tanmateix, pel seu baix preu, necessiten quantitats massives de vendes per veure beneficis significatius, amb conversions més baixes i grans requeriments de tràfic. Això pot resultar en despeses inesperades en publicitat i suport al client, incloent gestió de sol·licituds de devolució i contracarregues. A més, els productes de baix preu poden requerir més esforç i recursos per configurar els sistemes de venda i mantenir la qualitat d'atenció requerida per a un gran volum de clients. També existeix el risc de canibalitzar els mercats potencials per a productes d'alt preu, ja que els clients poden estar menys inclinats a pagar més si ja ho han rebut gairebé tot a un cost més reduït en el primer producte. Abuvala recomana utilitzar els productes de baix preu com a part d'una estratègia de product-led growth, utilitzant el producte assequible com a porta d'entrada per vendre productes d'alt preu més rendibles a la llarga.
- 💡 Els productes de baix preu semblen atractius pel seu fàcil impuls de compra.
- 📊 Necessiten més volum de vendes per obtenir guanys significatius.
- 🔄 Requereixen de consideracions especials en termes de gestió de devolucions i contracarregues.
- 📉 Poden canibalitzar oportunitats per a productes d'alt preu.
- 💻 Poden servir com a porta d'entrada per escalar a productes de valors més alts.
- ⚙️ Demanen configuracions detallades i atenció constant en el servei al client.
- 📈 Són eficaços en estratègies de product-led growth quan es realitzen correctament.
- 🚀 Permeten la maduració i el creixement escalonat dels clients en el funnel de vendes.
- 📈 Poden ajudar a reduir els cicles de caixa curts quan s'inverteix en publicitat.
- 💬 Potencia la interacció progressiva amb els clients abans de passar a productes més elevats.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Només el 5% de les persones haurien de vendre productes digitals de baix preu. Revi Abuvala explica la seva estratègia que li ha generat més de 8 milions en vendes amb un sol embut i actualment aporta uns 100,000 dòlars mensuals en ingressos recurrents. Explica que els productes de baix preu, com les compres impulsives a la caixa del supermercat, comencen a partir de 7 dòlars fins a 97 dòlars al mes i són populars perquè no requereixen moltes vendes, però presenten problemes significatius.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Els productes de baix preu atrauen perquè aparentment són fàcils de vendre i configurar. Tanmateix, si l'objectiu és fer 10,000 dòlars al mes, es necessiten milers de vendes, fet que sol ser més difícil del que sembla. A més, configurar-los pot ser complicat, i sovint requereixen marketing detallat per superar les objeccions dels clients potencials.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Un altre problema amb els productes de baix preu és el gran volum de treball posteriors necessaris pel suport al client. Això pot implicar molts reemborsaments, devolucions de càrrec i correus electrònics de clients. Pot crear problemes amb els processadors de pagaments, com va experimentar Abuvala, on Stripe va congelar fons durant una investigació; sobretot, presenta risc si no es manté un ritme constant de vendes.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
A més, els productes de baix preu poden limitar la possibilitat d'oferir productes d'alta gamma en el futur. Moltes empreses intenten atreure clients amb productes de baix preu i després moure'ls a ofertes més cares. Si es dóna massa valor al principi, pot ser difícil per als clients justificar comprar productes més cars després.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Revi detalla el concepte de product growth a través d'usar productes de baix preu com a entrada per a vendre'n d'altres més cars. Això permet als clients experimentar el que ofereix abans d'invertir molt, en contrast amb el growth liderat per vendes, on cal convertir aquests possibles clients en compradors directament.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Finalment, s'explica quan és adequat utilitzar productes de baix preu: per obtenir ingressos ràpids o per identificar clients potencials interessats en productes d'alt preu. Aquesta aproximació és particularment útil per contrarestar els costos publicitaris i obtenir ingressos estables mentre es generen vendes addicionals més grans.
- 00:30:00 - 00:36:51
Els productes de baix preu poden ajudar a escalar el negoci generant un creixement dirigit pel producte. L'eina és especialment efectiva a gran escala quan es fa servir la configuració correcta d'embuts de màrqueting. Tanmateix, per a empreses més petites, aquests embuts complexes podrien no tenir sentit. L'assessorament professional pot ajudar a crear un sistema màrqueting a mida efectiu.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
Què és un producte de baix preu?
Un producte de baix preu és un producte que es ven a un cost relativament baix, generalment des de 7 fins a 97 dòlars. Aquests productes són atractius perquè es compren impulsivament sense la necessitat de fer moltes vendes.
Per què els productes de baix preu són populars?
Moltes persones se senten atretes pels productes de baix preu perquè són fàcils de vendre i poden generar moltes vendes amb poc esforç de venda directa.
Quins són algunes desavantatges dels productes de baix preu?
Un desavantatge és que per aconseguir guanys significatius amb productes de baix preu, es necessita vendre en grans volums, implicant més treball i recursos.
Quin tipus de treball implica vendre productes de baix preu?
Els productes de baix preu poden requerir més treball del que sembla inicialment, incloent el desenvolupament de pàgines de venda detallades i atenció al client, així com la gestió de sol·licituds de devolució i contracarregues.
Quin efecte poden tenir els productes de baix preu en la venda de productes d'alt preu?
Els productes de baix preu poden canibalitzar l'energia i els recursos necessaris per a crear i promoure productes d'alt preu que són més rentables a llarg termini.
Què és el product-led growth?
El product-led growth és una estratègia on el producte en si impulsa el creixement de l'empresa, atraient clients a través del seu valor intrínsec abans que interactuïn amb l'equip de vendes.
Com es pot estructurar un funnel per a vendre productes de baix preu?
El mètode per estructurar un funnel de producte de baix preu implica una pàgina de vendes principal, ofertes addicionals i oportunitats per ascendir el client a productes d'alt valor.
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- 00:00:0095% of you should never sell a low
- 00:00:03ticket digital product online that being
- 00:00:06said in this video I'm going to walk you
- 00:00:08through our low ticket strategy that has
- 00:00:11generated us over $8 million in sales
- 00:00:13from one funnel and currently brings in
- 00:00:16about
- 00:00:17$100,000 a month in recurring Revenue if
- 00:00:20you don't know who I am my name is revi
- 00:00:22abuvala I'm the founder of scaling with
- 00:00:23systems we build custom endtoend done
- 00:00:26for you Marketing Systems for our
- 00:00:28clients in 7 days or less we work with
- 00:00:30some of the largest names in our
- 00:00:32industry and we're on a mission to build
- 00:00:34a business that serves you instead of
- 00:00:36you serving it so what is a low ticket
- 00:00:39product and why are so many people
- 00:00:41attracted to it well the best way I can
- 00:00:43describe it to you it's kind of like
- 00:00:45whenever you are checking out at a
- 00:00:47grocery store and you see all of those
- 00:00:50candies and gums right at the checkout
- 00:00:52counter that's not a coincidence those
- 00:00:54are what are known as impulse buys
- 00:00:57because they're only $1 $2 $3 Maybe the
- 00:01:00highest stuff there is $5 and so in
- 00:01:03relation to what else you're buying
- 00:01:05there like you know $20 $50 maybe $100
- 00:01:07$200 worth of groceries if you want to
- 00:01:10add on an extra1 or $3 candy bar or
- 00:01:13piece of gum it's not that big of a deal
- 00:01:14so you just grab it you throw it uh to
- 00:01:17the checkout person maybe you don't
- 00:01:18throw it at them but you throw it on the
- 00:01:19the checkout counter and you buy it and
- 00:01:21you don't really think about it so
- 00:01:22that's an Impulse buy and that's the
- 00:01:24appeal of a low ticket product it's that
- 00:01:27okay cool I can sell something that's so
- 00:01:29low price price $7 $37 $97 $97 a month
- 00:01:34that you're not really going to have to
- 00:01:35do a lot of selling behind it it's very
- 00:01:37easy to just uh throw up an ad or to
- 00:01:39post something on your social media or
- 00:01:41to do a blast to your audience and say
- 00:01:43hey here's this thing I'm selling for
- 00:01:44$47 you guys should get it and you're
- 00:01:47probably going to get a lot of buyers
- 00:01:48you're going to a lot of people that
- 00:01:49pick it up because in relation to what
- 00:01:52they could also buy elsewhere you know
- 00:01:54$7 or $37 or $47 is not a lot of money
- 00:01:57and the delineation that I've learned
- 00:01:59here
- 00:02:00between low ticket and what is known as
- 00:02:02high ticket is a $2,000 price point okay
- 00:02:06and this is why you see a lot of people
- 00:02:09selling uh like courses online that sell
- 00:02:11webinars almost I'd say 98% of them they
- 00:02:14sell at the
- 00:02:15$1,997 price point because that keeps
- 00:02:17them in that low ticket category on the
- 00:02:20bottom over here because when you have a
- 00:02:22low ticket category it's still an impul
- 00:02:24spy right you can still make a sale
- 00:02:26without ever speaking to a salesperson
- 00:02:27without having to go talk to your wife
- 00:02:29your cousin your aunt your uncle without
- 00:02:30you know having to really do a lot of
- 00:02:32thinking about it you can do that
- 00:02:33underneath the $2,000 price point above
- 00:02:36the $200,000 price point that's where
- 00:02:38you start to get into what a lot of uh
- 00:02:40people call High ticket right and so
- 00:02:42this is when you're buying stuff for
- 00:02:44$4,000 $6,000 $10,000 $20,000
- 00:02:48$100,000 so the reason why a lot of
- 00:02:50people are drawn to low ticket is
- 00:02:52because low ticket is so easy to set up
- 00:02:55so easy to sell um and you can make a
- 00:02:57lot of sales with it and you think your
- 00:02:58dopamine hits are going off your stripe
- 00:03:00accounts going you're like oh wow I'm
- 00:03:01selling these $7 products that's really
- 00:03:03really great but there are a few diff
- 00:03:06problems with low ticket the first
- 00:03:08problem is that low ticket products are
- 00:03:10just that they are low ticket meaning
- 00:03:13that if your goal is to make $10,000 a
- 00:03:15month then you would need a th000 people
- 00:03:18to buy a $10 product in order to make
- 00:03:21$10,000 a month and what most people
- 00:03:23don't realize is that a typical low
- 00:03:25ticket sales page will convert at let's
- 00:03:28say 2 to 3% so if you need a th000
- 00:03:31people to buy you're probably going to
- 00:03:33need 50,000 people to visit that sales
- 00:03:36page and that's not cheap you most
- 00:03:38people don't have that size of an
- 00:03:40audience so you need 50,000 people just
- 00:03:42to visit your sales page just so you can
- 00:03:44make
- 00:03:45$110,000 and the next month you have to
- 00:03:47get another 50,000 people to visit your
- 00:03:50sales page now compare that to high
- 00:03:52ticket where when you're dealing with
- 00:03:53high ticket uh products you could just
- 00:03:55sell one product at
- 00:03:57$10,000 and you only had to speak with
- 00:04:00maybe 10 people to sell that one product
- 00:04:02so ironically in the very beginning the
- 00:04:05appeal of low ticket being that you
- 00:04:06don't have to get on sales calls or talk
- 00:04:07to a lot of people you think it's going
- 00:04:08to be easier to sell but if you actually
- 00:04:11do the math it ends up being a lot more
- 00:04:13work than it would be if you just sold
- 00:04:14one high ticket product now the second
- 00:04:16reason I don't love low ticket products
- 00:04:19is because it's actually pretty messy or
- 00:04:22complicated to set up so let me walk you
- 00:04:25through an example of a typical high
- 00:04:26ticket product so in a high ticket
- 00:04:28product you're typically run getting
- 00:04:30someone's attention either through an ad
- 00:04:32or through social media or something
- 00:04:33like that and then you're just saying
- 00:04:34hey send me a message on Instagram or
- 00:04:37watch this quick video of me describing
- 00:04:39how I can help you and then book a call
- 00:04:41to speak with me or my team and we'll
- 00:04:43get on a call and see if you're a good
- 00:04:45fit right so it's pretty simple you
- 00:04:47don't need a lot of uh like complexity a
- 00:04:50lot of sales copy because you're asking
- 00:04:52someone to get on a sales call and in
- 00:04:54reality it's on this uh sales call that
- 00:04:57you're doing all of the kind of
- 00:04:59difficult heavy lifting you're
- 00:05:00understanding where that person's at
- 00:05:02you're kind of drawing out a a custom
- 00:05:04road map of what it would look like to
- 00:05:05work with you you're handling any of the
- 00:05:07objections they you're collecting the
- 00:05:08payment and so on that call you have a
- 00:05:11lot of wiggle room right even if
- 00:05:13somebody comes in you have the worst
- 00:05:15sales funnel the worst ads the worst
- 00:05:17copy whatever else it is if they come in
- 00:05:19on that call even if they're just they
- 00:05:20have a pulse and they're somewhat
- 00:05:22lukewarm you could probably still close
- 00:05:24them on something that was $2,000 $3,000
- 00:05:26you know assuming that you're a half
- 00:05:28decent salesperson which almost every
- 00:05:29every body is now take that uh and
- 00:05:32compare it to in a low ticket product
- 00:05:35what typically has to happen is you have
- 00:05:36to write an entire video salesletter
- 00:05:38page so you have a video up top and then
- 00:05:40you have all the sales copy down here
- 00:05:42and then you have a button on the bottom
- 00:05:44and what most low tick product will have
- 00:05:46is what's known as upsells or down cells
- 00:05:48which I'm going to talk about a funnel
- 00:05:49structure in a moment and so you have a
- 00:05:52a second page over here and then you
- 00:05:53have another page over here and all of
- 00:05:56this stuff on all every one of these
- 00:05:58Pages has has to be dialed it has to be
- 00:06:01speaking directly to their pain points
- 00:06:03directly to their desires it has no room
- 00:06:06for error because if you don't handle
- 00:06:08whatever that person's thinking of in
- 00:06:09their mind well they don't have someone
- 00:06:11they can chat to and handle their
- 00:06:13objection with them live and so they're
- 00:06:14just going to bounce off that page and
- 00:06:17uh and then eventually they're going to
- 00:06:18buy the product or service which is fine
- 00:06:20that's that's great but it just requires
- 00:06:22so much more work to get it set up and
- 00:06:24you have so less of a margin of error
- 00:06:27and the final reason why I don't love
- 00:06:29low ticket products is because of the
- 00:06:31amount of work in the fulfillments right
- 00:06:34and most people think okay well if I
- 00:06:35sell a digital product it's not that big
- 00:06:37of a deal I'm not going to have to do
- 00:06:38any work involved in it and it's going
- 00:06:40to be way less work than if I was
- 00:06:42selling something High ticket and I was
- 00:06:43doing something for my clients and you
- 00:06:46could be right but I can tell you after
- 00:06:48selling thousands and thousands of low
- 00:06:50ticket products here's typically what
- 00:06:52happens when you sell low ticket
- 00:06:54products um you're going to have a lot
- 00:06:56more communication than you did
- 00:06:58previously cuz remember we're having to
- 00:06:59sell a th000 people uh more than what we
- 00:07:03did previously to get to $10,000 a month
- 00:07:05so if you're dealing with a th000 people
- 00:07:07even if only 10% of them send you a
- 00:07:10message every single week or have a
- 00:07:11question in your email or in your
- 00:07:13community that's a 100 questions get
- 00:07:15asked every single week and we took our
- 00:07:18support team when we started scaling our
- 00:07:19low ticket product from one people to
- 00:07:22six people be just because of the sheer
- 00:07:24amount of volume of tickets that were
- 00:07:26coming in more important than that is
- 00:07:28that if you have a refund policy which
- 00:07:30you're almost always going to have to
- 00:07:32have on a low ticket product then you're
- 00:07:34going to have a lot of refunds and
- 00:07:35people asking to request refunds because
- 00:07:37it's just as easy to to impulse buy it
- 00:07:39is as it is to impulse get rid of it
- 00:07:42they're like oh you know what this isn't
- 00:07:43that helpful I want my $20 back $30 $40
- 00:07:45back so now that starts hurting your
- 00:07:47Merchant processor because now you're
- 00:07:49dealing with a lot of refunds and then
- 00:07:51on top of that um you deal with
- 00:07:53chargebacks so a lot of times it's
- 00:07:55easier for somebody to literally go to
- 00:07:57their bank and just click charge back
- 00:07:58than it would be for them to send you an
- 00:08:00email or they're embarrassed to send you
- 00:08:01an email or something like that so even
- 00:08:03the best slow ticket products in the
- 00:08:04world will see more chargebacks than if
- 00:08:07you had sold something High ticket and I
- 00:08:09actually got into a little bit of a
- 00:08:10hairy situation about two years ago we
- 00:08:12were running a lot of volume on our low
- 00:08:14ticket products and that was fine for a
- 00:08:17while uh because we were obviously
- 00:08:19making a lot of money for it but then
- 00:08:20eventually I was like okay I don't
- 00:08:22really love this low ticket product
- 00:08:23thing so I shut it down but the problem
- 00:08:26was just that last month we had sold a
- 00:08:28few thousand people pull into that low
- 00:08:30ticket product so when I shut down the
- 00:08:32low ticket products the next month when
- 00:08:35I had the chargebacks from the previous
- 00:08:36month from all of the people that didn't
- 00:08:38want to email us we had a no questions
- 00:08:40asked 30-day money back guarantee but
- 00:08:42people would just rather charge back
- 00:08:43rather than email us when they did that
- 00:08:46now my chargeback rate uh ratio on my
- 00:08:48Merchant processor was going higher
- 00:08:50because I didn't have all those new uh
- 00:08:53low ticket purchasers to offset the
- 00:08:55previous low ticket purchasers and so I
- 00:08:57actually had stripe for the first time
- 00:08:58in five years of business holds my funds
- 00:09:01hundreds of thousands of dollars for 21
- 00:09:04days while they investigated and I had
- 00:09:06to send all these reports and everything
- 00:09:08in and the only thing that had changed
- 00:09:10this entire time was that after I had
- 00:09:11built up what was essentially this
- 00:09:13monster of a low ticket system when I
- 00:09:16finally decided to shut it off uh the
- 00:09:19the new the chargebacks that we had
- 00:09:20coming in off put us essentially out of
- 00:09:22whack with uh Stripes like you know
- 00:09:26whatever their threshold is for
- 00:09:27chargebacks and that's an extreme
- 00:09:29example for a lot of people here but you
- 00:09:30have to take the extreme whenever you're
- 00:09:32doing the math on something whenever
- 00:09:33you're thinking I want to sell low
- 00:09:35ticket products well you're not going to
- 00:09:36want to sell and make $100 a month in
- 00:09:38low ticket products so you might as well
- 00:09:39do the math of what the extreme looks
- 00:09:41like at selling 3,000 or 5,000 or 10,000
- 00:09:44low ticket products a month and then you
- 00:09:46can actually see whether it's worth your
- 00:09:48time or not and the final reason why I
- 00:09:50don't love low ticket products is that
- 00:09:51if you're not careful it can cannibalize
- 00:09:54your chance at creating a high ticket
- 00:09:56product later on what do I mean by this
- 00:09:59well what most people do is they create
- 00:10:01a low ticket products because they watch
- 00:10:02a YouTube video or a guru or someone
- 00:10:04tells them to do it or they saw it on an
- 00:10:06Instagram re and they just pour their
- 00:10:08heart and soul into the entire thing so
- 00:10:09they offer all this additional coaching
- 00:10:11and onboarding and all these levels of
- 00:10:13support and they give away the entire
- 00:10:15Farm inside that one low ticket product
- 00:10:17but what I'm going to cover here in a
- 00:10:18moment when I transition to when you
- 00:10:20would want to use a low ticket product
- 00:10:22what happens is that you're eventually
- 00:10:24anybody that sells a low ticket product
- 00:10:25anybody that's trying to make a decent
- 00:10:27amount of money millions of dollars a
- 00:10:28year you you have to attach on some kind
- 00:10:30of high ticket back end to it it's
- 00:10:32absolutely necessary and so when you try
- 00:10:34to go attached on that high ticket back
- 00:10:36end the problem is that you have given
- 00:10:38away the entire Farm on the front end
- 00:10:40you have onboarding calls coaching calls
- 00:10:43you have uh all the course content that
- 00:10:45you've ever created you have um like
- 00:10:47everything that they could ever need and
- 00:10:48so what could you possibly offer them in
- 00:10:51a high ticket product that they couldn't
- 00:10:52just get from whatever they bought in
- 00:10:53the low ticket and so when you try to
- 00:10:55come out and say hey here's this thing
- 00:10:56for $3,000 $5,000 $10,000 people are
- 00:10:59going oh you know I'm probably just
- 00:11:00going to stay with this like $97 thing
- 00:11:02that I bought from you that covers
- 00:11:04everything that I have and I've done
- 00:11:05this multiple times that's why I made
- 00:11:07this video is because when I originally
- 00:11:09created one of my first low ticket
- 00:11:10products for a portfolio company I the
- 00:11:13first version of it very simple
- 00:11:15literally the low product they bought it
- 00:11:17was just one video that they were buying
- 00:11:19for that Lowa product and uh we had an
- 00:11:21okay uh refund rate it was like 6% which
- 00:11:24is a little high but I was okay with it
- 00:11:26because overall we had over a 3X return
- 00:11:28on our our ad SP and and we were really
- 00:11:30really scaling it and then I had read
- 00:11:33Alex rosi's $100 million offers and I
- 00:11:35was like oh you know what I got to make
- 00:11:37this product way better way way way
- 00:11:39better than what it is right now so I
- 00:11:41literally invested and poured my heart
- 00:11:43and soul into that thing and I just I
- 00:11:44took all the stuff that was in the high
- 00:11:46ticket and I put like 50% of it into the
- 00:11:48low ticket but the problem that we
- 00:11:50realize because we track our data pretty
- 00:11:52meticulously is that all of a sudden our
- 00:11:54sales Cycles started extending out all
- 00:11:56of a sudden we had a lower Ascension
- 00:11:57rate from our low ticket to the high
- 00:11:59ticket ticket all of a sudden people
- 00:12:00weren't buying the stuff on the back end
- 00:12:02and when I spoke to the sales team on it
- 00:12:05they were telling me that everybody said
- 00:12:06almost the exact same thing yeah yeah
- 00:12:08this makes sense but I'm going to finish
- 00:12:10uh everything that ruy has inside this
- 00:12:12product before I go in and uh join the
- 00:12:14high ticket program and it became
- 00:12:17abundantly clear that I had put too much
- 00:12:19value in the low ticket product and most
- 00:12:21people like you could never put too much
- 00:12:22value give away the farm you can put too
- 00:12:25much value if you plan on having a high
- 00:12:27ticket product uh or service on the back
- 00:12:29in and it it really hurt and
- 00:12:31cannibalized our business and then the
- 00:12:32second example was when I first launched
- 00:12:35our membership site scaling school that
- 00:12:36we have right now we have over a
- 00:12:37thousand people in it I first launched
- 00:12:39it and we had coaching calls we had
- 00:12:41onboarding calls we had all this stuff
- 00:12:42inside of there and My Hope was that
- 00:12:45people would you know get it see the
- 00:12:46value and Ascend into the high ticket
- 00:12:48and the exact same thing happened it
- 00:12:50wasn't a very high Ascension rate people
- 00:12:51weren't buying um they uh people were
- 00:12:54getting on the call and saying oh
- 00:12:55there's so much value in here let me
- 00:12:56keep on enjoying this and so I shut down
- 00:12:59and then I repackaged it and I
- 00:13:01relaunched it and now in quarter two of
- 00:13:04this year uh 38% of our high ticket
- 00:13:07sales came from our membership site
- 00:13:09scaling school and the best part is is
- 00:13:11that we're still generating $100,000 a
- 00:13:13month in recurring revenue from that
- 00:13:14membership site plus the high ticket
- 00:13:16sales we have on the back end and that's
- 00:13:17because I I remov the onboarding calls I
- 00:13:19removed the coaching calls I implemented
- 00:13:21a credit system I came at it with a lot
- 00:13:24more intentionality right and that's
- 00:13:26that's kind of the lesson of this last
- 00:13:28piece before I jump into the good stuff
- 00:13:29of low ticket is that if you are going
- 00:13:31to do a low ticket come at it with
- 00:13:32intentionality create what I like to
- 00:13:34call product Suite so this is something
- 00:13:36that I've created for a few of our
- 00:13:37clients before where you're literally
- 00:13:38writing out what are the different
- 00:13:40pieces of or what are the different
- 00:13:42products that you have so the first is
- 00:13:43going to be uh contents um so I'll write
- 00:13:46content right here so contents and a lot
- 00:13:48of people don't realize that your online
- 00:13:49content is a product people are judging
- 00:13:51you by your uh your content so what do
- 00:13:54they get they get no zero support from
- 00:13:56you they don't get any onboarding calls
- 00:13:57from you blah blah blah blah and then
- 00:13:59next you have is your low ticket product
- 00:14:00so let's say this is $97 right and then
- 00:14:02what do they get they get this they get
- 00:14:03this then the next thing you have is
- 00:14:05your mid middle ticket product that's
- 00:14:07$4,997 and they get this this this and
- 00:14:10then the next thing you have is your
- 00:14:11$10,000 product right so
- 00:14:139,997 and they get this this this this
- 00:14:15this and so when you when you create a
- 00:14:17product Suite first before you create
- 00:14:19the low ticket product then you can make
- 00:14:22a super natural um growth or Ascension
- 00:14:26for somebody who comes in and buys your
- 00:14:28low ticket and goes to the High ticket
- 00:14:29okay so with all of that out of the way
- 00:14:31now let's talk about when would you want
- 00:14:33to use a low ticket product and how to
- 00:14:35use a low ticket product and what would
- 00:14:36the funnel look like now there's really
- 00:14:39one main reason why I personally Love
- 00:14:42Low ticket products and it has three
- 00:14:44words
- 00:14:46product
- 00:14:48Leed growth okay that is the main thing
- 00:14:52you're looking for with a low ticket
- 00:14:54product it's not to become a millionaire
- 00:14:56off the low ticket product it is to have
- 00:14:58the low tiet product lead people into
- 00:15:00your backend High ticket products and
- 00:15:03product Le growth is opposed in
- 00:15:05opposition it's dichotomous with what
- 00:15:0899% of businesses have which is sales Le
- 00:15:11growth okay and so what are the
- 00:15:14differences well product Le growth is
- 00:15:16when somebody says oh interesting I
- 00:15:18would maybe want to work with rubu wall
- 00:15:19at scaling with systems uh let me watch
- 00:15:22some of his YouTube content so they
- 00:15:23watch a few of my YouTube videos and
- 00:15:25they're like wow this is pretty good and
- 00:15:26then they say you know what let me uh
- 00:15:28buy his membership sit skill in school
- 00:15:30cuz he's a bunch of free value in there
- 00:15:31so then they go and they buy uh my $97 a
- 00:15:34month membership sites um and they're
- 00:15:36inside scaling school and then they're
- 00:15:38getting a lot of value out of scaling
- 00:15:39school and inside scaling school there's
- 00:15:41a link where people can book a call and
- 00:15:43buy our high ticket stuff and so let's
- 00:15:44say they come in here and they buy a
- 00:15:46high ticket product at $10,000 well
- 00:15:49nobody has spoken to this person at this
- 00:15:51point they've literally just watched my
- 00:15:52YouTube video bought my low ticket
- 00:15:54product and then bought my high ticket
- 00:15:55products uh and they only spoke to a
- 00:15:56salesperson going from the low ticket
- 00:15:59the high ticket so this is product like
- 00:16:00growth somebody is able to experience
- 00:16:02what it's like to work with you with
- 00:16:04before they've really paid you a whole
- 00:16:06lot of money right $97 a month feels
- 00:16:08like it's virtually free like kind of an
- 00:16:10Impulse buy compared to if my other
- 00:16:12products are 10,000 20,000 50,000 etc
- 00:16:14etc now compare that to what most people
- 00:16:17do which is sales Le growth which is
- 00:16:19they run an ad online um and they say
- 00:16:21like hey if you um if you want this
- 00:16:24thing here I guarantee we'll do this
- 00:16:25thing or your money back they go and
- 00:16:27they book a call on the calendar
- 00:16:29and then in order to actually get and
- 00:16:31experience what it's like to to get that
- 00:16:34thing then they speak with a sales rep
- 00:16:36on the phone and they have to pay the
- 00:16:39$10,000 in order to even see what it's
- 00:16:41like to work with that person that's
- 00:16:43what's known as sales Le growth right so
- 00:16:45that's not as leveraged that's not as
- 00:16:47optimized because you have to keep on
- 00:16:48hiring more salespeople and keep on
- 00:16:50running more ads in order to uh in order
- 00:16:52to scale it now sales Le growth isn't
- 00:16:54terrible we even do sales Le growth but
- 00:16:56if you can incorporate elements of
- 00:16:58product leg growth into sales leg growth
- 00:17:00well then you have a really leveraged
- 00:17:02company that's how you have one
- 00:17:03salesperson bringing in $350,000 a month
- 00:17:06in cash like our salespeople do okay so
- 00:17:09the the main reason why you would like
- 00:17:12low ticket products if I had to sum it
- 00:17:14down is because it it creates that
- 00:17:16product-led growth for uh for people to
- 00:17:18test out your stuff before they buy your
- 00:17:20high ticket stuff okay U now the but you
- 00:17:23have to do it correctly like I said a
- 00:17:24moment ago you don't want to cannibalize
- 00:17:26your stuff uh the other thing is that a
- 00:17:28lot of people are against low ticket
- 00:17:29products because they say well let me
- 00:17:31just um Let me give everything away for
- 00:17:33free right and and you're not wrong I
- 00:17:35did that for years I just created
- 00:17:37YouTube content I have over 1100 videos
- 00:17:39on YouTube I have 85,000 subscribers
- 00:17:41there so I've given away stuff for free
- 00:17:43for a very long time but what happens is
- 00:17:47that you essentially just have two
- 00:17:48stages for your sales team to pull from
- 00:17:51either somebody who's totally free
- 00:17:53they're getting lead magnets for free um
- 00:17:55they've watched your YouTube videos blah
- 00:17:56blah blah or they've spent $10,000 with
- 00:17:59you and so the problem with this if I
- 00:18:01were to draw this out is that there's
- 00:18:02just literally no in between right so
- 00:18:04let's just say here is the YouTube video
- 00:18:07and here is
- 00:18:08$10,000 right so what happens is that
- 00:18:11this little Bridge right here this Gap
- 00:18:13in between the two area is massive it's
- 00:18:16huge it's tens of thousands or hundreds
- 00:18:19of thousands or millions of people and
- 00:18:20so how do you differentiate the people
- 00:18:22that are actually potentially interested
- 00:18:24versus those that are just fine watching
- 00:18:26videos that are never going to buy from
- 00:18:27you ever because that's the case the
- 00:18:29majority of people are never ever going
- 00:18:30to buy for you so what if you could have
- 00:18:32a little in between where you could
- 00:18:34literally say okay all these people
- 00:18:35watch it for free but then the people
- 00:18:37that are a little bit more serious
- 00:18:39here's this $97 product and so let's say
- 00:18:42this number here is uh just for easy
- 00:18:44numbers we'll say 100,000 people well
- 00:18:46then maybe only a th000 people actually
- 00:18:49buy this $97 product and then you can
- 00:18:52get figure out those that buy the $97
- 00:18:54product 100 are going to buy the 10,000
- 00:18:56and so now you can focus your time
- 00:18:57energy and efforts on that sales Le
- 00:19:00growth on this $97 product versus
- 00:19:02calling all of the optins and all the
- 00:19:04people that are lead magnets with you
- 00:19:05the 100,000 people and you have no
- 00:19:07ability to kind of filter out who's has
- 00:19:09intentionality who wants to buy and who
- 00:19:11doesn't and the final reason why I think
- 00:19:13it would be valuable for you to consider
- 00:19:15a low ticket product would be if you
- 00:19:18were spending a lot of money on ads and
- 00:19:20you wanted to have a shorter cash cycle
- 00:19:23essentially what that means is that back
- 00:19:25when I was running one of my portfolio
- 00:19:27companies where we really sched loow
- 00:19:28product in what would happen is we would
- 00:19:30be spending about $400,000 a month in a
- 00:19:33call funnel so this is like running ads
- 00:19:35to somebody to pick up the phone and
- 00:19:36call us after they watch the video sales
- 00:19:38that sales Le growth thing that I talked
- 00:19:40about earlier because I like I said I
- 00:19:41think every business should should start
- 00:19:43that way for all the reasons I talked
- 00:19:45about so even we started like that but
- 00:19:47the problem was that our average sales
- 00:19:48cycle was about 14 days so I would spend
- 00:19:52um $400,000 a month is what uh like
- 00:19:55$112,000 a day something like that I I
- 00:19:57don't know the exact math but let's say
- 00:19:59it's $12,000 right so I would spend
- 00:20:02$122,000 on the first day right so we'll
- 00:20:04say this is day one okay I'll spend
- 00:20:07$12,000 and then I wouldn't
- 00:20:10see that money uh back in my bank
- 00:20:14account until the second day Third
- 00:20:16Day fourth day fifth day 6th day 7th Day
- 00:20:198 9 10 11 12 and every day I have
- 00:20:23$112,000 spent $112,000 spent $122,000
- 00:20:26spent $112,000 spent $112,000 spent
- 00:20:28$2,000 and then finally on this last day
- 00:20:31day 12 I see my return on investment I
- 00:20:34get back uh that all that money I'd
- 00:20:37spent in the last 12 days uh plus some
- 00:20:40obviously my return on investment would
- 00:20:41be like depending on my row ass 2x 3x 4X
- 00:20:445x and so in this example here I'd be
- 00:20:47outlaying um tens of thousands over
- 00:20:50$100,000 in cash before I ever even saw
- 00:20:53a penny back and it's a little bit
- 00:20:55stressful when you're doing that at a
- 00:20:57high scale you're kind of freaking out
- 00:20:59you I check my bank account every day
- 00:21:00and I would just see the money leaving
- 00:21:02my account every single day and so it
- 00:21:05kind of always put me in this high
- 00:21:06stress mode but in a low ticket product
- 00:21:08what happens is you spend $122,000 and
- 00:21:10you could make back uh let's say $8,000
- 00:21:13that same day in the low ticket products
- 00:21:15now some people are able to spend 12,000
- 00:21:17to make 12,000 back or even be
- 00:21:19profitable and I'm going to talk about
- 00:21:20the funnel structure here in a little
- 00:21:21bit but it's it's pretty hard it's
- 00:21:23pretty rare the best that we ever got at
- 00:21:25scale was a0 8X same day uh return on ad
- 00:21:29spend so we spent $100 we'd get $80 back
- 00:21:32and that's like I mean we had the best
- 00:21:33of the best working on this funnel um
- 00:21:35once again you can do it but as you
- 00:21:37scale your ads it's going to go lower
- 00:21:39anyway so let's say you get $88,000 back
- 00:21:41so that means there's really only a
- 00:21:42$44,000 difference so then you're only
- 00:21:44losing $4,000 this day and then $4,000
- 00:21:46in this day so even though you're
- 00:21:48spending 12,000 you're only really
- 00:21:50losing $4,000 until day 12 happens again
- 00:21:53and now you're getting all that high
- 00:21:55ticket cash that's coming in and so
- 00:21:57you're even more profitable than were
- 00:21:58previously so it definitely helps
- 00:22:00whenever you're really outlaying a lot
- 00:22:02of cash and AD spend uh to have that low
- 00:22:05ticket product and kind of earn you that
- 00:22:06money back now as you've heard in all
- 00:22:09these examples here the only time these
- 00:22:10low ticket products really come into
- 00:22:12play is when you're really trying to
- 00:22:14achieve massive scale which is why I
- 00:22:16have some clients come to us and like
- 00:22:17hey I want to build a low ticket funnel
- 00:22:19and they're at $20,000 a month oh I want
- 00:22:21to start a school group I want to start
- 00:22:22a membership site I'm at $155,000 a
- 00:22:24month I'm like no no no no no that stuff
- 00:22:26only makes sense when you're at hundreds
- 00:22:28of thousands of dollars a month maybe
- 00:22:29even a million dollars a month anything
- 00:22:31below that and you're just chasing a
- 00:22:33shiny object because of all the things I
- 00:22:35talked about in the very beginning all
- 00:22:36the the problems the downsides that come
- 00:22:38with low products that nobody talks
- 00:22:40about I know this is a lot so if you
- 00:22:42just want my team to build for you a
- 00:22:44totally custom done for you endtoend
- 00:22:46Marketing System in your business in the
- 00:22:48next seven days that can generate you
- 00:22:50leads calls and sales so you can scale
- 00:22:52make sure you go down below and book a
- 00:22:54call to speak with myself or one of our
- 00:22:55team members today so at this point
- 00:22:57you've heard all of my advice the good
- 00:22:59stuff the bad stuff about low ticket
- 00:23:00products and let's just say you want to
- 00:23:02create one or you're going to create one
- 00:23:03let me walk you through the exact funnel
- 00:23:06structure that we use and that we would
- 00:23:08set up for somebody if we did work with
- 00:23:09them so first and foremost you have your
- 00:23:11main sales page right here right and
- 00:23:13this is going to be typically a video
- 00:23:15sales letter at the top a bunch of sales
- 00:23:16copy below it and then uh you have a
- 00:23:19checkout button or a checkout form on
- 00:23:21that page this is where you send people
- 00:23:23directly to in the very beginning you're
- 00:23:24going to say hey buy this thing from me
- 00:23:26it's only going to be x amount of money
- 00:23:28this is is typically going to be
- 00:23:29anything from $7 to
- 00:23:31$97 fun fact inside of scaling School my
- 00:23:35our membership site uh we have something
- 00:23:37that we give to every member called
- 00:23:39split test secrets and it's where my
- 00:23:40marketing director shares a new split
- 00:23:42test that we ran because we run some all
- 00:23:44the time every two weeks and we reveal
- 00:23:47all the lessons that we learn and so one
- 00:23:49of the tests that we did is that we have
- 00:23:50a low ticket product that we were
- 00:23:51selling for $37 and we tried to sell it
- 00:23:54for $7 and our idea was that if we sell
- 00:23:57it for $7 the cost acquisition is going
- 00:23:59to be lower um and so we'll get more
- 00:24:01customers and we can send them in higher
- 00:24:03ticket stuff later etc etc but the
- 00:24:05problem was that what we learned was
- 00:24:06number one our conversion rate was not
- 00:24:09higher our our cost per acquisition was
- 00:24:11not lower so a lower price point Didn't
- 00:24:13equal necessarily more sales but what
- 00:24:16definitely happened was our average
- 00:24:17order value which is how much money
- 00:24:19someone spent with us whenever they
- 00:24:20visited that page and bought something
- 00:24:22was significantly lower right so then we
- 00:24:24decided you know what let's just keep it
- 00:24:26at $37 so this is going to be a
- 00:24:29crapshoot don't don't worry too much
- 00:24:30about how much it should be um but
- 00:24:32remember you kind of want to make it
- 00:24:33that impulse buy so anything below 40 is
- 00:24:36a really good first starting point now
- 00:24:39the next thing that you're going to want
- 00:24:40is uh what are called order bumps so on
- 00:24:43this same sales page you're going to
- 00:24:45have one possibly two order bumps where
- 00:24:48you're going to sell something for
- 00:24:50anywhere from $7 uh to all the way up to
- 00:24:53$97 what I've seen that works really
- 00:24:55well is $37 on the front end and 9 $7 in
- 00:24:59the order bump and I know it's weird an
- 00:25:01order bump is most typically lower than
- 00:25:04the price of the original product but
- 00:25:05for some reason since I started ever
- 00:25:07running low ticket funnels we've always
- 00:25:08found a higher conversion percentage or
- 00:25:11a higher average order value when we put
- 00:25:13a higher ticket product as the order
- 00:25:15bump so an order bump is whenever you're
- 00:25:16checking out somewhere and uh and you're
- 00:25:19about to pay and it says oh wait before
- 00:25:21you go get this extra thing right here
- 00:25:23before you've actually paid that's
- 00:25:24called an order bump uh going back to
- 00:25:26the grocery analogy it's a great example
- 00:25:29would be like when you're checking out
- 00:25:30and someone's like would you like to
- 00:25:31donate a dollar to the St Jude's fund or
- 00:25:33something like that then so you haven't
- 00:25:35paid yet and they can just add it to the
- 00:25:36total right there in the end you're like
- 00:25:37well you know what let me do it I want
- 00:25:38to be a nice person and so they add the
- 00:25:40dollar to your order that's the example
- 00:25:42of an order bump so you almost always
- 00:25:44want to have a form of an order bump
- 00:25:46here if you have to have a digital
- 00:25:47product by all means please have an
- 00:25:49order bump because you're immediately
- 00:25:50going to make more money than you were
- 00:25:52previously now after they purchase
- 00:25:55another mistake a lot of people do is
- 00:25:56they say okay great here's the product
- 00:25:58here's the thing that you bought go
- 00:25:59ahead and get it right away and the
- 00:26:00problem with that is you're doing what
- 00:26:01in the what's know in the marketing
- 00:26:03world is closing the loop okay and you
- 00:26:05literally never want to close a loop in
- 00:26:08the marketing World never ever never
- 00:26:09close a loop ever ever ever ever imagine
- 00:26:12here's a loop never close it okay
- 00:26:14because anytime in the in the journey
- 00:26:16you close the loop then the person has
- 00:26:18got everything they ever need and
- 00:26:20they'll never buy anything from you so
- 00:26:21that's even if you're selling a high
- 00:26:23ticket product or service and you're
- 00:26:24doing a subscription or you're whatever
- 00:26:25else it is you never want to say okay
- 00:26:27great buy this thing it's everything
- 00:26:28you've ever needed don't worry about it
- 00:26:30because now you're cannibalizing your
- 00:26:32chance to as send them on the back end
- 00:26:34sell them a higher ticket price or to
- 00:26:35buy them uh have them saay for month two
- 00:26:37month three month four month five so you
- 00:26:39never close the loop and some people in
- 00:26:41the comments are going to go ravie like
- 00:26:42that's so bad you're always selling
- 00:26:44something to somebody this is business
- 00:26:46okay if you don't like it then don't
- 00:26:47watch this video uh and by the way
- 00:26:49people are voting with their wallets I'm
- 00:26:51not forcing people a gunpo to buy my
- 00:26:52stuff so your stuff has to be good but
- 00:26:55there is a psychology to it as well
- 00:26:56where you're not saying this is
- 00:26:57everything you need when you're selling
- 00:26:59a higher product you say great this is
- 00:27:00what you're going to do at this stage uh
- 00:27:02but in about 4 months we're going to
- 00:27:03talk about this next thing here which is
- 00:27:05going to help you cover these things
- 00:27:06there and so you're you're opening that
- 00:27:07Loop even right when they're buying the
- 00:27:09front end product so when you when they
- 00:27:11buy the thing right away you're going to
- 00:27:13keep the loop open and you're going to
- 00:27:14create what's known as a one-time offer
- 00:27:17and so at the top of a one-time offer
- 00:27:18sales page you're going to say something
- 00:27:19like wait your order is not complete
- 00:27:21you're going to put that at the top of
- 00:27:23the page right here and then it's going
- 00:27:24to be another video sales ler and it's
- 00:27:27going to be another sales page right so
- 00:27:29it's very similar to the first sales
- 00:27:30page and here you're typically going to
- 00:27:32sell something from $97 all the way up
- 00:27:35to I've seen people sell stuff for
- 00:27:37$997 okay and so this is what's known as
- 00:27:40a one-time offer so the only time they
- 00:27:42can see that page that second page is
- 00:27:44after they've bought the first thing
- 00:27:46there and the nice thing is that most
- 00:27:48funnel softwares go high level
- 00:27:49clickfunnels any of them they have a
- 00:27:51feature called a one click up sell so
- 00:27:53what this means is that if somebody buys
- 00:27:55this first thing for $7 to $97 their
- 00:27:58credit card information is stored in the
- 00:27:59system and they just have to click one
- 00:28:01button on this page to buy something for
- 00:28:04another $197 or $200 or $400 or $1,000
- 00:28:08right so it makes it very easy you can
- 00:28:09have a very high conversion rate and
- 00:28:11I'll talk about all the conversion rates
- 00:28:12here in a moment and so this is a way
- 00:28:15that you can increase your average order
- 00:28:16value because uh let's say for example
- 00:28:18you get 20% of people to take you up on
- 00:28:21a $9.97 offer well now you've just
- 00:28:23increased the amount of money that
- 00:28:25somebody pays you by $200 on average per
- 00:28:28person okay so if someone over here buys
- 00:28:30something for $7 let's say on this first
- 00:28:32one here um and then you don't have an
- 00:28:35order bump or a one-time offer then all
- 00:28:37you're getting is $7 but if you have an
- 00:28:39order bump and let's say 10% of people
- 00:28:42uh get the 97 so we'll put 10% here then
- 00:28:45your $7 now becomes uh I'm doing super
- 00:28:48easy math here let's say $17 and then if
- 00:28:5120% of people get this onetime offer
- 00:28:53right here then your $17 becomes $217 so
- 00:28:57remember this is the same one person
- 00:29:00that has bought your product instead of
- 00:29:01just spending $7 they've now spent
- 00:29:04$217 and I can tell you from someone who
- 00:29:06sells low ticket products both in ads
- 00:29:08and organically that's awesome right
- 00:29:10because for us here's a fun stat that I
- 00:29:13don't share with a lot of people our
- 00:29:15average order value for a membership
- 00:29:16site is about
- 00:29:18$320 okay so for someone to buy
- 00:29:21something for $97 a month from us we
- 00:29:23make
- 00:29:24$320 every single time so imagine if I
- 00:29:27didn't have the order bumps and the one
- 00:29:28upsells etc etc I would just be making
- 00:29:30$97 a month uh but now when someone goes
- 00:29:34to pay $97 they end up paying $320 not
- 00:29:36including month two 3 4 5 6 7 okay so
- 00:29:4010% uh order bump uh conversion rate 20%
- 00:29:44on this um on this what's known as a
- 00:29:45onetime offer well at this point you can
- 00:29:48split your funnel into two different
- 00:29:49areas okay so the first is what's known
- 00:29:51as a doto or a down sell and this would
- 00:29:54be somebody um went to this onetime
- 00:29:57offer page and they said you you know
- 00:29:58what I don't want to buy this that's too
- 00:29:59rich for my blood I'd rather pass etc
- 00:30:02etc and so they click no and so then at
- 00:30:04that point you say hey I totally get it
- 00:30:07you said no I just wanted to make sure
- 00:30:09you totally understand that you can
- 00:30:10never buy this anywhere other than this
- 00:30:12page right here and I know a lot of
- 00:30:14people think that $997 is a lot of money
- 00:30:15so what I've decided to do is I'm
- 00:30:17offering you a chance here to buy for
- 00:30:19two payments of $4.97 right and so now
- 00:30:21they're like oh wow now it's only $497 I
- 00:30:23have to pay the other $497 in 30 days
- 00:30:25and especially if maybe this thing I'm
- 00:30:27buying helps me make more money now it
- 00:30:28becomes justifiable now it's like oh I
- 00:30:30can actually buy that and so you might
- 00:30:32have what ends up to be an additional
- 00:30:3310% take rate on this additional page
- 00:30:36here for two payments of $4.97 okay
- 00:30:38we'll put that right there um and so
- 00:30:40that helps you avoid people that say no
- 00:30:42to this first thing to this first one
- 00:30:44time offer it helps you recuperate even
- 00:30:46more of that but then let's say they
- 00:30:47some people do say yes to it well then
- 00:30:49what do you do there do you send them on
- 00:30:50their merry way well you could
- 00:30:52absolutely but the other thing you could
- 00:30:54do is test out selling an additional
- 00:30:56thing as well so then you say wait
- 00:30:58you're not done yet uh what if you
- 00:31:00bought this additional thing here that
- 00:31:01helps you even more and this thing is
- 00:31:03going to be even more than what what the
- 00:31:05thing was here so let's say this one is
- 00:31:08$1,000 to
- 00:31:10$2,000 okay and now we're starting to
- 00:31:12talking about some real cheda cheese
- 00:31:13here okay um but all being said let's
- 00:31:16say only 3% of people buy the thing for
- 00:31:20let's say we put it at $1,000 well what
- 00:31:22is $1,000 time3 $30 now you've just
- 00:31:26added another $30 so so it goes 2117 +
- 00:31:2930 is 247 so now you just turn this into
- 00:31:33247 just by having another digital
- 00:31:35product that was $11,000 on this uh
- 00:31:38additional page here right uh on this 3%
- 00:31:40page so someone came in for $7 and
- 00:31:43they're leaving and you're making
- 00:31:45$247 okay that is the power of a low
- 00:31:48ticket funnel when it's done correctly
- 00:31:49not when it's just like oh here's the $7
- 00:31:51thing here you go you have it and you're
- 00:31:53done with it okay now this is okay this
- 00:31:56is fine you know in truth every day we
- 00:31:58get about like like five or six people
- 00:32:01join scaling School organically without
- 00:32:02our paid ads and so that's like $1,500
- 00:32:05that I'm making for new people coming in
- 00:32:07every day because I have these set up
- 00:32:09which is really great I love it I'm not
- 00:32:10complaining I love my skill and school
- 00:32:11members if you're in Skilling school
- 00:32:12thank you so much um but that's not
- 00:32:15where it ends right because I'm not
- 00:32:16going to make the money that I want to
- 00:32:17make making $1,500 a day okay it's it's
- 00:32:20decent money but it's really not enough
- 00:32:22so what do we do at this point well the
- 00:32:25final page in your funnel is going to be
- 00:32:27what's known as a thank you page okay
- 00:32:29and on this thank you page you're
- 00:32:30essentially going to say hey thanks so
- 00:32:32much for um for buying this thing
- 00:32:35everything is going to be on the way to
- 00:32:36your email here in a moment but first
- 00:32:39why don't you book an implementation
- 00:32:40call an onboarding call book A C client
- 00:32:43success call and you put a calendar down
- 00:32:44below it and what that will do is that
- 00:32:46will send them to a call with somebody
- 00:32:48in your team where you actually offer an
- 00:32:50onboarding call you actually give them
- 00:32:51value don't try to sell them right away
- 00:32:53but what it can become is essentially a
- 00:32:55triage call or a discovery call for a
- 00:32:58sales call okay so I cannot sales call I
- 00:33:02cannot trust this enough you're not
- 00:33:04going to take them directly from the low
- 00:33:05ticket product into okay buy this thing
- 00:33:07right away you're going to take them on
- 00:33:09what's known as a discovery call first
- 00:33:11and then a certain percentage of those
- 00:33:12people let's say I don't know 20 to 50%
- 00:33:15so we'll say 30% of people at the very
- 00:33:17end of the discovery call you say great
- 00:33:18you have everything you need yeah yeah
- 00:33:19I'm going to go hey based on everything
- 00:33:21you're saying here would you like to see
- 00:33:22faster results and less time blah blah
- 00:33:24blah uh yeah okay what if we could hop
- 00:33:26in a call and I could show you how we do
- 00:33:27these things for you or your money back
- 00:33:29okay sure I'd be open to that and then
- 00:33:31you book them a sales call so it's it's
- 00:33:32not aggressive you're not forcing people
- 00:33:34on this call 70% of people aren't going
- 00:33:36to take it but then those 30% of people
- 00:33:38that do take it they're going to get on
- 00:33:39the sales call and then you close 20% of
- 00:33:41those people into something that's
- 00:33:42$10,000 okay let's say 100% of people
- 00:33:46that buy your low ticket product book
- 00:33:47this discovery call right here 30% of
- 00:33:50people book the sales call and 20% of
- 00:33:51the people buy well then you're
- 00:33:53essentially going to figure out um what
- 00:33:55is 20% of 30% uh SO3 * .2 is 0 6% of
- 00:34:02people that book a call uh buy something
- 00:34:05for $10,000 so then you multiply
- 00:34:08$10,000 time 006 and you get $600 so now
- 00:34:12you add that $600 to that original 247
- 00:34:16for everybody that buys from
- 00:34:18you and you get 748
- 00:34:22$847 because you have the high ticket
- 00:34:24here it is very possible for you to
- 00:34:27scale a campaign if every single time
- 00:34:29someone buys something from you they buy
- 00:34:31one of these low ticket things for $37
- 00:34:33you're making a total of $847 because
- 00:34:36your cost per acquisition could be $200
- 00:34:39$250 and you're still going to make a
- 00:34:41three maybe even a four times return on
- 00:34:43investment once they buy that that high
- 00:34:46ticket cash from you but if you didn't
- 00:34:48have that high ticket from you uh thing
- 00:34:50then you'd be making $247 and you'd be
- 00:34:53maybe getting someone to buy it through
- 00:34:55Facebook ads for $250 or $220 so your
- 00:34:58spread is so thin and that's why you
- 00:35:00need some kind of mechanism on the back
- 00:35:02end and then you of course you can have
- 00:35:03a bunch of other stuff like uh uh you
- 00:35:05can have uh underneath the the course
- 00:35:07modules inside of your low ticket
- 00:35:09product or whatever else it is you could
- 00:35:11have links that also lead to the
- 00:35:12Discovery call you could have a a text
- 00:35:14message sequence um right that I'll try
- 00:35:16to draw a phone real quick here that's
- 00:35:18my best impression of a phone that also
- 00:35:20sends them to um the discovery call you
- 00:35:22could even have an email sequence that
- 00:35:24also sends them to the Discovery call so
- 00:35:26maybe um the people that are on the
- 00:35:28Discovery call the volume is going to
- 00:35:29increase and so then you can book a
- 00:35:31sales call you can even have uh let's
- 00:35:32say appointment Setters calling them and
- 00:35:34outbound dialing them and they're trying
- 00:35:36to get them to that sales call and now
- 00:35:37instead of 30% of people you get 40% of
- 00:35:40people so you know then that number $600
- 00:35:42increases too so that's where a low
- 00:35:44ticket product would go but do you see
- 00:35:46look at look at how complicated this is
- 00:35:48look at how much work this would be
- 00:35:49needed and even if you did all this
- 00:35:51without the high ticket like I told you
- 00:35:53a second ago you'd be maybe netting $10
- 00:35:56a person okay and then you have all that
- 00:35:58you know email support back and forth
- 00:36:00and this is before refunds and charge
- 00:36:01backs and all that stuff right and so is
- 00:36:04that worth it I don't know only for me
- 00:36:06it would be worth it if I was really
- 00:36:08trying to rapidly scale and I was trying
- 00:36:10to liquidate my ads as much as possible
- 00:36:12or secondary if I had a decent organic
- 00:36:16audience size and I had a product that
- 00:36:19really matched that organic audience
- 00:36:20then that'd be another really easy way
- 00:36:22for me to make some money like I said we
- 00:36:23make about $1,500 a day just from our or
- 00:36:26our organic sales from scaling school
- 00:36:29not including the recurring stuff on top
- 00:36:31of it and so that allows me to spend
- 00:36:33that money on myself or I invest it back
- 00:36:35into my team or my company if all of
- 00:36:36this does seem complicated for you but
- 00:36:38you do want to scale your business I'd
- 00:36:40recommend going below and booking a call
- 00:36:42to speak with myself or my team where we
- 00:36:43can show you how we will build a custom
- 00:36:46endtoend totally done for you Marketing
- 00:36:48System in your business in the next 7
- 00:36:50days
- producte de baix preu
- estratègia de vendes
- funnel de vendes
- product-led growth
- ateció al client
- cost d'adquisició
- despeses en publicitat
- benefici
- rendibilitat
- escalabilitat