Jason Wojo - Sell 1-To-Many with 1-Hour Webinars to Drive More Sales on Autopilot - Day 1
TLDRDans cette première journée de webinaire, Jason Mojo introduit la manière d'utiliser des webinaires d'une heure pour automatiser le processus de vente. En s'appuyant sur des années d'expérience, il expose l'importance de se concentrer sur une ou deux stratégies efficaces au lieu d'en disperser plusieurs. Le webinaire vise à aider les entrepreneurs et les propriétaires d'agence à structurer des présentations persuasives qui s'appuient sur des promesses axées sur les résultats (RDP), cruciales pour attirer des clients bien ciblés. Jason souligne la nécessité de comprendre les comportements d'achat actuels et d'adapter les webinaires en conséquence, notamment en tenant compte du jour et de l'heure optimaux pour maximiser la participation. Le programme détaillé et les outils nécessaires seront développés au cours des deux prochains jours, avec une attention particulière sur la création de contenus qui convertissent et l'utilisation de systèmes de suivi automatisés pour maintenir l'engagement des participants.
- 🔍 Focus sur une stratégie clé pour l'efficacité.
- ⌛ Utilisation d'un webinaire d'une heure pour automatiser la vente.
- 🎯 Importance des promesses axées sur les résultats (RDP).
- ☎️ Amélioration de la structure de la page de destination pour augmenter la participation.
- 🕖 Planification des webinaires le jeudi soir pour un meilleur taux de présence.
- 📈 Comprendre et adapter aux comportements d'achat actuels.
- 🛠️ Utilisation d'outils comme HighLevel et Zoom.
- 🤝 Importance du réseautage et de l'accumulation d'études de cas.
- 🎥 Avantages de la narration dans les webinaires pour captiver l'audience.
- 💪 L'intégrité et l'expertise, clés du succès dans l'animation de webinaires.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introduction à Jason Mojo, expert en marketing digital avec une stratégie axée sur un nombre limité de techniques efficaces. Début d'un atelier de trois jours sur la vente par le biais de webinars d'une heure pour automatiser le processus de vente, particulièrement pour les produits à prix élevé.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Discussion sur le changement de comportement des acheteurs vis-à-vis des webinars ces dernières années, soulignant les difficultés des entreprises à conclure les ventes au téléphone. Proposition d'utiliser les webinars pour vendre à plusieurs personnes à la fois, ce qui fonctionne bien pour des produits à prix moyens.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Jason raconte son parcours depuis l'école culinaire jusqu'au marketing digital en passant par la vente de cartes Pokémon et les formations de Tai Lopez. Accent mis sur l'importance de rester déterminé et de se concentrer sur une stratégie de revenu claire dans l'entreprenariat.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Jason explique les bases de ce qui doit être proposé lors d'un webinar, en se concentrant sur l'offre et les attentes des clients. Importance d'une promesse axée sur les résultats et des sous-titres efficaces dans les pages de destination des webinars.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Mise en avant de l'importance d'une promesse de résultats crédible et souhaitée par le client, mentionnant des exemples spécifiques de différents secteurs. Explication de la formulation de la promesse axée sur les résultats (RDP) et des mécanismes uniques qui différencient une offre.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Discussion sur l'architecture des pages de destination pour les webinars, l'importance des titres et sous-titres alignés sur la promesse de résultat, et la présentation de la crédibilité du produit. Exemple de page de destination conçue pour attirer les bons participants.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Jason partage ses expériences et stratégies pour s'aligner sur les attentes des clients, avec des conseils sur la simplification de l'offre et de la communication avec le public cible. Exemples des secteurs où adapter ces principes.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Discussion sur les prix des produits et l'importance de ne pas offrir toutes les fonctionnalités dès le départ pour conserver des possibilités d'upsell. Explication de l'importance des webinaires pour éduquer le public et établir des relations continues même si les ventes initiales ne sont pas rentables.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Jason parle de l'importance des partenariats et du réseautage, soulignant comment ces éléments peuvent aider à obtenir des études de cas et à établir une crédibilité pour soutenir ses offres et développer son opération commerciale.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Les vidéos dans les pages de destination des webinars suivent une structure narrative : introduction du conférencier, présentation d'un mécanisme unique, puis preuve par des statistiques et social proof, suivi d’un call-to-action pour enregistrer l’audience.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Présentation des différentes approches pour les vidéos de webinar : narratives, mettant en avant des preuves sociales et ajustant le contenu selon le public cible. Importance d'avoir un message fort et une structure claire pour engager et convertir.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Analyse des différents éléments sur une page de destination de webinar : promesse de résultats, bios des présentateurs, preuve sociale, et intégration des FAQ pour anticiper les questions des participants et renforcer l'orientation vers le client.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Jason souligne l'importance d'une structure continue à deux couleurs pour la reconnaissance de la marque et la familiarité avec le public. Il explique également comment les tests A/B peuvent améliorer les pages de destination et présente certains outils associés.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Explications sur les outils de webinars automatisés et planification de séances en direct ou enregistrées. Discussion sur les avantages de l'automatisation après optimisation des processus manuels et l'utilisation de données historiques pour maximiser les conversions.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Jason recommande d'utiliser des lives multi-plateformes via des outils comme Streamyard pour maximiser l'audience des webinars. Il partage des exemples de succès et commence à aborder l'amélioration continue grâce aux tests et à l'analyse des données.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Jason souligne la flexibilité de l'approche webinar et la façon dont elle peut être adaptée à différents marchés et segments de clients, en fonction de la démographie et des préférences de consommation.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Jason discute les points communs d'une présentation de webinar réussie, incluant l'engagement dès le début par l'histoire et la validation par des résultats mesurables. Mise en avant de l'importance d'une bonne conception visuelle pour maximiser l'impact.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
Présentation des étapes pour améliorer les présentations de webinar, y compris le budget pour les créatifs et l'importance des tests A/B sur les éléments de contenu et de conception pour optimiser l'engagement et la conversion.
- 01:30:00 - 01:35:00
Jason parle de la manière de commencer avec un budget limité mais réfléchi pour les webinars, combinant outils, publicités et principes pour minimiser les dépenses tout en maximisant l'impact. Suggestions pour les débutants et la présentation de ressources gratuites disponibles.
- 01:35:00 - 01:40:00
Jason discute des stratégies de vente et d'offres, comment construire et positionner une offre pour qu'elle soit crédible et attractif pour le public cible même sans une multitude de preuves sociales, avec une approche progressive.
- 01:40:00 - 01:45:40
Fin de la session avec un résumé sur l'efficacité des offres bien construites, utilisation d'outils de webinaire, et mise en avant d'une période d'essai gratuite. Invitation à explorer les contenus des jours suivants pour maximiser l'impact des webinars.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
Qui est Jason Mojo ?
Jason Mojo est un expert en marketing digital qui a reçu plusieurs récompenses pour son travail.
Quel est l'objectif principal de ce webinaire ?
L'objectif est d'enseigner comment automatiser efficacement les ventes grâce à des webinaires d'une heure.
Pourquoi Jason se concentre-t-il sur une ou deux stratégies clés ?
Jason croit qu'il est plus efficace d'aller au fond de quelques stratégies plutôt que de tenter de maîtriser plusieurs tactiques à la fois.
Qu'est-ce qu'une promesse axée sur les résultats (RDP) ?
C'est une promesse de résultat spécifique faite aux clients lors d'un webinaire, ce qui est crucial pour convaincre les participants.
Quels outils mentionnent-ils pour organiser des webinaires ?
Ils mentionnent Zoom et HighLevel comme des outils principaux pour organiser des webinaires.
Quelle est l'importance d'avoir une page de destination bien structurée ?
Une structure de page de destination bien conçue augmente le taux de participation et la conversion lors des webinaires.
Pourquoi est-il conseillé de cibler un jour spécifique pour les webinaires ?
Ils conseillent de viser le jeudi soir pour bénéficier de taux de participation plus élevés.
Comment Jason a-t-il commencé dans le domaine du marketing digital ?
Jason a commencé en proposant ses services de marketing local après avoir suivi un cours de Tai Lopez.
Est-il nécessaire d'être un expert pour animer un webinaire ?
Il est préférable d'avoir une expertise dans le domaine pour assurer la crédibilité et la pertinence du contenu du webinaire.
Quelle est l'approche proposée pour ceux qui débutent sans études de cas ?
La recommandation est de travailler avec des clients gratuitement au début pour accumuler des études de cas et des témoignages.
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- 00:00:01[Music]
- 00:00:05welcome everyone to day one if you are
- 00:00:08joining us this is our cell one to many
- 00:00:11with one hour webinars with Jason Mojo
- 00:00:13if you don't know who Jason is I'm I'm
- 00:00:15excited to bring him to the I guess the
- 00:00:18stage virtual stage of some kind at high
- 00:00:20level um but we we've got a lot of cool
- 00:00:24things to share when it comes to
- 00:00:26webinars uh Jason comes from a ton of
- 00:00:28experience when it comes to digital
- 00:00:30marketing uh he's been awarded multiple
- 00:00:33times by multiple companies for all
- 00:00:35kinds of figures uh but but the one
- 00:00:37thing that I really love Jason and his
- 00:00:40strategies on is he goes all in on one
- 00:00:43or two strategies and don't waste time
- 00:00:44with a bunch of different things and
- 00:00:46he's you know a someone that's practical
- 00:00:49with what he teaches and you know
- 00:00:51teaches from a lot of experience um
- 00:00:53Jason welcome in to uh day one of our
- 00:00:573-day Workshop man we got a lot of time
- 00:00:59together I excited to kind of hear your
- 00:01:01story and I I'm sure everyone else is as
- 00:01:03well yeah dud I'm really excited thanks
- 00:01:05for having me and I'm excited to connect
- 00:01:07we bring the high level Community um and
- 00:01:09yeah dude let's let's Crush these three
- 00:01:11days yeah so we spent some time talking
- 00:01:14about what should we teach we had a lot
- 00:01:16of different ideas and thoughts help us
- 00:01:19understand one to many with one hour
- 00:01:22webinars and the idea there is to get to
- 00:01:25a world where sales is a bit more on
- 00:01:27autopilot um help us your thoughts on
- 00:01:31what we can learn over the next three
- 00:01:32days and let's then focus on what we're
- 00:01:35going to learn
- 00:01:36today yeah so biggest thing with
- 00:01:39webinars over the last you know five to
- 00:01:41seven years is that you know five to
- 00:01:42seven years ago it was mostly automated
- 00:01:45webinars right and people's buying
- 00:01:46behaviors have changed and I see that
- 00:01:49with a lot of our clients in our agency
- 00:01:51people struggle with closing over the
- 00:01:54phone and it's one of the biggest issues
- 00:01:55that I see business owners in the high
- 00:01:57ticket space will always say to me hey
- 00:01:59like getting all these leads but I just
- 00:02:01don't know how to close them so I said
- 00:02:02Hey listen why don't you just do
- 00:02:04webinars where you can talk more to the
- 00:02:07prospects for a whole hour and sell the
- 00:02:09same product to many many people and it
- 00:02:13was something that came into fruition
- 00:02:14especially for price points for anywhere
- 00:02:17from like a 297 course to a$2 to $3,000
- 00:02:20program you could sell it efficiently
- 00:02:23from a webinar um and you know we we
- 00:02:26started seeing success in multiple
- 00:02:28niches and verticals and like I started
- 00:02:30rolling it out more and more and then I
- 00:02:31realized like hey I could really teach
- 00:02:33us at scale um because I don't want
- 00:02:36people like like you said before I don't
- 00:02:38want to teach people like eight
- 00:02:40different skills at once like if you're
- 00:02:42not good at sales the last thing that I
- 00:02:44really want you to do is be like okay
- 00:02:46well we have to figure out how you get
- 00:02:47better at sales why don't we just beat
- 00:02:49the learning curve and help you have an
- 00:02:50actual sales process that's more
- 00:02:51efficient instead of trying to learn 18
- 00:02:53things at
- 00:02:56once I I love that so if you're I hope
- 00:02:59that makes sense
- 00:03:00absolutely if you are just joining us
- 00:03:02we're in the early stages of day one of
- 00:03:04our three-day workshop with Jason and
- 00:03:07we're going to teach you how to launch
- 00:03:08and really strategize around 1 hour
- 00:03:11webinars there's a lot to it uh I'm
- 00:03:13seeing a lot of people comment here in
- 00:03:15the in the zoom chat you'll notice that
- 00:03:17chat is intentionally turned off click
- 00:03:20on the link that allows you to go to the
- 00:03:22Facebook stream which is where Jason and
- 00:03:24I are paying attention to the comments
- 00:03:26so in the comments tell us do you
- 00:03:29currently run a webinar for attracting
- 00:03:34clients um if if not no worries but if
- 00:03:37you are interested in running a webinar
- 00:03:39but don't know where to start tell us
- 00:03:42yes in the comments give us an idea of
- 00:03:44your interest level and Jason before we
- 00:03:46go any further um tell us about who
- 00:03:50Jason is like what's your story how did
- 00:03:52you get into the world of marketing uh
- 00:03:54how do you find high level and like what
- 00:03:57what are we going to learn today in day
- 00:03:58one
- 00:04:00yeah so um just to go over like what we
- 00:04:02are going to learn um before I go into
- 00:04:04my story we're going to be going over
- 00:04:06the basics of what your webinar offer
- 00:04:09should look like okay so a lot of people
- 00:04:12are confused about what do I say on a
- 00:04:14webinar what am I going to be pitching
- 00:04:16like what should my product look like
- 00:04:17what's a good offer stack what do people
- 00:04:20actually want to hear from me I'll be
- 00:04:21going over all that today so you
- 00:04:23actually understand like hey I have this
- 00:04:25package now we know what people are
- 00:04:27going to get and now I can put it on a
- 00:04:29laning name page now I can put it into
- 00:04:31an ad now I can put it into the right
- 00:04:33copy now I can put it into emails now I
- 00:04:35could put it into the SM like whatever
- 00:04:37the ecosystem looks like and now I can
- 00:04:39revolve my content around it because the
- 00:04:41biggest thing I see with business owners
- 00:04:42right now is that they think as if they
- 00:04:45are the customer you are not the
- 00:04:48customer you have to think about what
- 00:04:49the results driven promis is that they
- 00:04:51want not what you think they want and
- 00:04:54and that's a big thing so um how I got
- 00:04:57into this I was in culinary school seven
- 00:05:01eight years ago um I hated culinary
- 00:05:04school I wind up dropping out I was
- 00:05:06flipping Pokemon cards instead because
- 00:05:07my dad only gave me $180 a month to
- 00:05:10survive in college which is not a lot of
- 00:05:12money especially in New York not a lot
- 00:05:13of money at all um I had like you know
- 00:05:16these coupons for the food at at at
- 00:05:18college and like I realized that it just
- 00:05:21wasn't for me like I didn't like being
- 00:05:22in lab for six hours a day I liked
- 00:05:24Pokemon cards more I still traded this
- 00:05:25very day um and it's it's a h it's a
- 00:05:28habit that actually does very very well
- 00:05:31um so got out of culinary school why not
- 00:05:34go to business school because Pokemon
- 00:05:35cards were just better and more
- 00:05:37efficient for me and when you're on the
- 00:05:39internet you just find things okay and I
- 00:05:41wind up finding Tai Lopez's course took
- 00:05:44that got into pitching local businesses
- 00:05:45on smma very efficient just like all
- 00:05:48courses like people have this weird
- 00:05:50stigmatism about courses but like if you
- 00:05:52actually use it you will get results
- 00:05:53people just don't like courses because
- 00:05:55they open it and never use it um so went
- 00:05:58through that uh um started pitching
- 00:06:00local businesses brick and mortar Home
- 00:06:02Services got about 10 solid clients at
- 00:06:05about 250 300 bucks a month and then I
- 00:06:07wind up taking that money saving it for
- 00:06:09about a year and a half moved from New
- 00:06:12York to Orlando and that's where I
- 00:06:14started paying my own rent started have
- 00:06:15my own
- 00:06:16expenses um I got a taste of what paying
- 00:06:19for my own car insurance was like
- 00:06:21because I wasn't bundled with my parents
- 00:06:23anymore getting groceries like my mom
- 00:06:26wasn't cooking for me anymore uh and
- 00:06:28dude like we just went really hard like
- 00:06:30I I just I was a solo preneur and I had
- 00:06:32to make it work and I put my back
- 00:06:34against the wall and then I started
- 00:06:35growing growing growing and then I had
- 00:06:36to figure out how to hire my first
- 00:06:38right-hand man and um dude from there it
- 00:06:41just took off and then five and a half
- 00:06:43six years later here we are and it's one
- 00:06:46thing I really want everybody to
- 00:06:47understand is that regardless of where
- 00:06:49you're at right now you know you're
- 00:06:50you're in the high level Community you
- 00:06:52know you're using a bunch of softwares
- 00:06:55you're in a certain n or vertical you
- 00:06:57have a certain size team like if you
- 00:06:59just willing to stick around long enough
- 00:07:01to get a w like you're going to win and
- 00:07:03a lot of people get really intimidated
- 00:07:04by big numbers or big Revenue marks like
- 00:07:07I'm 27 um I never thought this was going
- 00:07:09to be a thing and I think that's what
- 00:07:11most people will say the same thing as
- 00:07:12well it's really about sticking around
- 00:07:14long enough to get a w because if you
- 00:07:16quit like that's the only thing that's
- 00:07:17really going to stop you so regardless
- 00:07:19of it's webinars if it's an application
- 00:07:21funnel to a sales call it's DMS to
- 00:07:24Instagram it's going live and it's being
- 00:07:27on YouTube every single day or posting
- 00:07:28three times a day on Tik Tok whatever
- 00:07:30that looks like for you to grow your
- 00:07:31business right now you need to figure
- 00:07:33out what that one like Revenue driver is
- 00:07:37and Building Products around it and
- 00:07:39attaching the right things to it not
- 00:07:41just doing more don't associate doing
- 00:07:43more with making more money it is
- 00:07:45completely false I've been doing one
- 00:07:46thing for six seven years very very well
- 00:07:49and it did really well for me so I'm
- 00:07:51going to teach you webinars because I
- 00:07:53know that webinars work if you do them
- 00:07:55correctly because if I get people to
- 00:07:58sign up for a webinar I'm getting their
- 00:08:00email and this is an important thing to
- 00:08:02understand and this is the the the big
- 00:08:03basis point of why being here is just so
- 00:08:05important if you run a book call funnel
- 00:08:08right now most people are going to pay
- 00:08:1050 bucks to 150 per call booked okay
- 00:08:13some even higher some are paying $300
- 00:08:15$500 a book call and then to actually
- 00:08:18have a showed call $750 ,000 if you're
- 00:08:21selling High ticket what if you had
- 00:08:24$1,000 and you were able to get5 to $10
- 00:08:27signups you're now going to get a 100
- 00:08:30people to 200 people on your email list
- 00:08:33for the same price and that is more
- 00:08:35valuable long term and you get to talk
- 00:08:37to them live just like I'm doing right
- 00:08:39now to you guys and you're going to be
- 00:08:42able to have just better retention
- 00:08:43you're going to be able to also have
- 00:08:45content you're going to be able to also
- 00:08:46have people who don't come to your
- 00:08:49webinar one week and then they get to
- 00:08:50come to it next week and then they get
- 00:08:52to follow you on social and it's just
- 00:08:54this forever pin wheel that you're
- 00:08:56putting people through so maybe you
- 00:08:58don't want to run a bunch of ads to a
- 00:09:00webinar but run one once a week
- 00:09:03organically go on Instagram Thursday
- 00:09:06nights because I've done so much data on
- 00:09:08this Thursday nights have the highest
- 00:09:09show rates for a webinar 7 PM Eastern
- 00:09:11works every time go and post on your
- 00:09:14story go in your Facebook groups and say
- 00:09:16hey I'm having a live webinar tonight at
- 00:09:187 P PM Eastern click the zoom link below
- 00:09:19and sign up you're going to have people
- 00:09:22who are following you who you think oh
- 00:09:24well I only have 200 followers they're
- 00:09:25not going to buy they're on the fence if
- 00:09:28you have 200 people there's going to be
- 00:09:29easily two people there who are
- 00:09:31potential customers you just think
- 00:09:33because you don't have a lot or you
- 00:09:34don't have a million followers that no
- 00:09:35one's going to want to buy from you
- 00:09:36completely false okay I look at dude
- 00:09:39some of the most intimate smaller rooms
- 00:09:41are the best rooms the smaller rooms are
- 00:09:44the best just like this we have 250 240
- 00:09:47whatever people like these are the great
- 00:09:49size rooms to where we can be more
- 00:09:50intimate we can be more engaged you
- 00:09:53don't need to have thousands of people
- 00:09:54in a room to make a lot of money the mo
- 00:09:56the smallest rooms I've ever had I've
- 00:09:58actually made more money in smaller
- 00:09:59rooms than bigger rooms surprisingly so
- 00:10:03um you know just just being able to have
- 00:10:05that engagement to the audience
- 00:10:07absolutely so um Jason as we go further
- 00:10:10into setting the agenda for the day and
- 00:10:13what we're going to cover exactly and I
- 00:10:15know you're going to share your screen
- 00:10:16and stuff like that and go through
- 00:10:17slides and whatever um I want to make
- 00:10:20sure everyone here understands um
- 00:10:22everything we're sharing is not a
- 00:10:26assumption or we're not saying that
- 00:10:29you're going to be able to go make a
- 00:10:30bunch of money right we're going to tell
- 00:10:32you from practical experiences of how we
- 00:10:34built businesses and the trials and
- 00:10:37tribulations behind it and don't assume
- 00:10:40you're going to make the same amount of
- 00:10:41Revenue or have the same exact results
- 00:10:44that's not true matter of fact
- 00:10:46everything we share is going to be
- 00:10:48special results that we've achieved over
- 00:10:51time and I don't you know I don't want
- 00:10:53to speak I'm speaking for high level in
- 00:10:54general and Jason will speak for himself
- 00:10:56but I want you to know that webinars
- 00:10:59work I know it works we you know I even
- 00:11:01went to a lot of events around webinars
- 00:11:04in Florida with onx single and a couple
- 00:11:06of others similar like that that
- 00:11:08hundreds and hundreds of really big
- 00:11:11players are in a room strategizing how
- 00:11:14webinars could move the needle and
- 00:11:16that's the only Channel they use and
- 00:11:18nothing else and we know that this works
- 00:11:21if it's done right what I wanted to do
- 00:11:23with Jason is come in and teach you the
- 00:11:25fundamental basis of what you should
- 00:11:28look at how you launch a webinar and I
- 00:11:30know a lot of sass preneurs are in here
- 00:11:32today tell me in the comments what are
- 00:11:35you an agency owner are you a s preneur
- 00:11:38are you doing both what industry are you
- 00:11:40in if you can give us engagement it'll I
- 00:11:43know it'll energize all of us together
- 00:11:46and as a community we can go further
- 00:11:48farther um but I want to know what
- 00:11:50industry you're thinking about to run at
- 00:11:53webinar is it automatic is it like live
- 00:11:56is it replay oriented is it pre-recorded
- 00:11:59is it live is it Evergreen there's so
- 00:12:02many layers to webinars um but Jason if
- 00:12:05you want to share your screen and just
- 00:12:06tell us what are we going to learn today
- 00:12:10and I know Jason you also mentioned um
- 00:12:13you do want to do some giveaways you're
- 00:12:14going to give away a snapshot and stuff
- 00:12:16like that for those that are jumping
- 00:12:18into a trial can you just first maybe
- 00:12:20address that before we go into the
- 00:12:21agenda there's a lot of people that are
- 00:12:24here that I've never seen some of these
- 00:12:26names they're probably on the fence
- 00:12:27about high level in general um and I
- 00:12:30know we have a 30-day trial maybe let's
- 00:12:32highlight some points on that and then
- 00:12:34we go through agenda yeah yeah of course
- 00:12:38so um you know first off after working
- 00:12:41with so many different softwares out
- 00:12:43there okay they you know it's not to
- 00:12:46bash anything out there but I've used
- 00:12:48everything from clickfunnels to kajabi
- 00:12:49to everything in between A to Z okay and
- 00:12:53um we were in a place in our business
- 00:12:56where we were capped on clickfunnels we
- 00:12:59were tired of having to hook up zappier
- 00:13:01to all these things right and I was like
- 00:13:04hey how can we just condense all of our
- 00:13:05stuff in into one platform and I and
- 00:13:08then one of my partners at the time
- 00:13:11Casey he was like yo just go to just go
- 00:13:13to high level and I was like I don't
- 00:13:14know what high level is I had no idea at
- 00:13:16the time and then I wind up you know
- 00:13:18using it and I was like dude this is
- 00:13:19insane like how I can do all my texts my
- 00:13:23emails my landing pages my automations I
- 00:13:24can put my sales team in I can do all of
- 00:13:26these things and it can still API key
- 00:13:28and web hook hook up to zappier or even
- 00:13:30if I had to do anything else and that's
- 00:13:33when I decided I was like Hey like we're
- 00:13:34just going to switch for anybody in this
- 00:13:37room right now who is like oh I have all
- 00:13:39these different softwares I have my
- 00:13:40course here I have this here high level
- 00:13:42does it all and I was able to partner
- 00:13:45with high level as a sponsor marketer
- 00:13:47over the last six to seven months now
- 00:13:49that we've been you know doing this they
- 00:13:51came to one of my events they sponsor
- 00:13:52one of my events they've been really
- 00:13:54kind to be able to have me come on here
- 00:13:56and spread my message and reach we have
- 00:13:58a 30-day for you guys so um I don't know
- 00:14:01who's going to drop the I put the link I
- 00:14:04put the link in the zoom chat um Jordan
- 00:14:07if you want to grab that and throw it
- 00:14:08into the main streaming you can uh but
- 00:14:11this is for a limited time for those
- 00:14:13that want to do a 30-day trial we
- 00:14:15typically don't do a 30-day trial
- 00:14:16because we know the product it's always
- 00:14:18a 14-day trial so you know you can go to
- 00:14:21any other platform it's 14 days we're
- 00:14:23doing 30 because you're on this Workshop
- 00:14:26right now so take advantage there's no
- 00:14:28risk day 29 you want to cancel you can
- 00:14:31cancel but you're not going to want to
- 00:14:33so go for it and if you do jump into
- 00:14:36this link um you do get um snapshots and
- 00:14:40collaterals and resources from Jason can
- 00:14:42you share a bit on
- 00:14:44that yeah so the snapshots that I'm
- 00:14:46going to be sharing with you guys are if
- 00:14:49you have your webinar landing page right
- 00:14:51you have your webinar landing page I'm
- 00:14:52going to go over a lot of examples and
- 00:14:54and templates and show you some actual
- 00:14:56live webinars right now that we're
- 00:14:57running that are doing very very well
- 00:14:59well to give you some offer ideas um I'm
- 00:15:02going to go over you know probably a
- 00:15:03good three to four and the biggest thing
- 00:15:06with this is that you need to have high
- 00:15:08show rates on a webinar because that's
- 00:15:10the biggest objection that we get is hey
- 00:15:11wjo I'm G to spend all this money on ads
- 00:15:14how can I guarante people are going to
- 00:15:15show up so the snapshat I'm going to
- 00:15:17give you is the webinar landing page
- 00:15:20template okay so that you can literally
- 00:15:22go into your highlevel account and say
- 00:15:24okay cool I know that this webinar
- 00:15:25landing page works it gets $5 to $15
- 00:15:28signups with ads and you can literally
- 00:15:31plug into your high level and start
- 00:15:33playing with the words and I'll and I'll
- 00:15:34walk you through like how I curate
- 00:15:36headlines my sub headlines what the
- 00:15:37landing page should look like Etc and
- 00:15:39you can look at proven ones that work
- 00:15:40right now second thing is you're going
- 00:15:42to get the exact emails and SMS
- 00:15:44templates so what am I going to send to
- 00:15:47them what are my subject lines what is
- 00:15:49the email going to look like I have all
- 00:15:50these Sops even the emails and smses
- 00:15:53after webinar and also what you're going
- 00:15:56to get is a Google doc that breaks down
- 00:15:58and shows you proven webinar ads right
- 00:16:01so you're going to be able to see
- 00:16:02winning ads that have worked really
- 00:16:04really well and then on top of that
- 00:16:06you're going to get you're you're going
- 00:16:09to get the
- 00:16:12um the excuse me recordings of webinars
- 00:16:16that are actually converting so you're
- 00:16:18probably going to sit there and go oh
- 00:16:19well I don't know if my webinar is going
- 00:16:23to convert like what do I say what are
- 00:16:25the slides you're going to get those
- 00:16:27slides you're also going to get the
- 00:16:29recordings from ones that don't include
- 00:16:31slides because there's a you know
- 00:16:33sometimes slides are good for some
- 00:16:34niches and sometimes slides are not good
- 00:16:36so I gave you both variants of a webinar
- 00:16:38that made money without slides and one
- 00:16:41that made money with slides so I'm
- 00:16:43giving everything because it just yeah
- 00:16:45it's just going to be really exciting to
- 00:16:46be able to you know Branch this with you
- 00:16:48guys and show you what I've been working
- 00:16:50on um also we're gonna hop in ads
- 00:16:52manager we're going to do a bunch of
- 00:16:53cool stuff you're be able to see ads
- 00:16:54that work you're to see the copy like
- 00:16:56all this stuff yeah and
- 00:16:59I'll tell you this I I care a lot about
- 00:17:03education inside of high level it's one
- 00:17:05of the things that I'm passionate about
- 00:17:07in bis Dev as a department as a whole so
- 00:17:09we're very careful of who we bring on a
- 00:17:12webinar put them on stage and hear their
- 00:17:14message and make sure it applies to you
- 00:17:16guys and I can tell you what Jay is
- 00:17:19going to teach
- 00:17:20you is going to move the needle in your
- 00:17:22business I want you to pay attention I
- 00:17:25don't want you to get distracted he's
- 00:17:26going to teach you probably four or five
- 00:17:28different tactics and methods and
- 00:17:30strategy and I promise you now you don't
- 00:17:32have to implement all of it just take
- 00:17:34one thing and go all in on that one
- 00:17:36thing and improve from there what he's
- 00:17:39going to teach is really the findings of
- 00:17:41the last six seven years of running
- 00:17:43seven eight nine figure businesses with
- 00:17:46people that he serves and things like
- 00:17:48that so I want you to take it with the
- 00:17:49grain of salt if you're brand new in the
- 00:17:53world of digital marketing and you've
- 00:17:55never heard of even an agency you've
- 00:17:58never even heard of the word marketing
- 00:17:59agency or the idea of SAS if this is all
- 00:18:02like a brand new world and you're ready
- 00:18:05to just like throw up because this
- 00:18:06roller coaster is going too fast with
- 00:18:08all these like acronyms and words and if
- 00:18:12if if it's a lot give me a one in the
- 00:18:14chat and I want to pay attention to you
- 00:18:16because I want to tell you what Jason
- 00:18:19said earlier on is true just stick it
- 00:18:22out be around the right people be around
- 00:18:25the right coaches the right mentors and
- 00:18:28stay true to yourself and put in the
- 00:18:30work I promise you the results will
- 00:18:32yield on its own and every time somebody
- 00:18:35tells me hey I don't know how somebody's
- 00:18:36cracking the code here I can tell you
- 00:18:38somebody's making money in every
- 00:18:40industry it's not the industry it's the
- 00:18:42person that's running the business or
- 00:18:44the team or the strategy so Jason
- 00:18:47without any further Ado let's go
- 00:18:50into uh you know what we're going to
- 00:18:52teach there there's so much to cover
- 00:18:53three days worth of stuff is going to be
- 00:18:56covered you know from six seven years
- 00:18:58findings in running one hour webinars so
- 00:19:01let's let's go right into
- 00:19:03it awesome so let me get my screen open
- 00:19:08here I have a couple that I want to go
- 00:19:10through yeah so day one you're going to
- 00:19:12talk about funnels and landing pages or
- 00:19:15day two or day three help us break down
- 00:19:16all three days real quick so I'm going
- 00:19:18to go through like just offer ideas um
- 00:19:22and also show you the verbiage of
- 00:19:25webinars and how because the biggest
- 00:19:28premise and and I'll just get into this
- 00:19:30this is a I want to simplify this as
- 00:19:32much as possible so what I'm going to
- 00:19:34show you today are a VAR amount and I'm
- 00:19:38just going to scroll through these and
- 00:19:39we'll Deep dive into each okay I am
- 00:19:43going to show you multiple webinars
- 00:19:45right now that are currently converting
- 00:19:47and I will be able to dissect each one
- 00:19:50and basically break down hey like why do
- 00:19:51these do so well why do they work okay
- 00:19:54so let's just rear back to to to to the
- 00:19:56very beginning of what a good webinar
- 00:19:59standing offer will be okay if you're
- 00:20:02sitting there right now and you are a
- 00:20:04coach consultant service provider
- 00:20:07digital info product owner offer owner
- 00:20:09whatever you want to classify yourself
- 00:20:11as you need to understand that people do
- 00:20:15not want anything complex okay they want
- 00:20:19a
- 00:20:20RDP okay and what is an RDP an RDP is a
- 00:20:24results driven promise so make sure
- 00:20:28you're you know this is recorded but
- 00:20:30make sure you're sitting there right now
- 00:20:31thinking about your offer like you need
- 00:20:32to be able to tell the audience what you
- 00:20:34do in one long sense okay what do you do
- 00:20:37in one long sentence that will get
- 00:20:39people to go aha the aha moment for the
- 00:20:42actual Prospect so if you're in real
- 00:20:45estate and you maybe are teaching people
- 00:20:49how to get into the first Airbnb or you
- 00:20:51are a SAS business owner who's helping
- 00:20:53real estate agents book an extra 10
- 00:20:56calls per month on autopilot like you
- 00:20:58have to actually think about what that
- 00:21:00one sentence is and the reason why I'm
- 00:21:03bringing that up and I'm getting so
- 00:21:04heavy on it is
- 00:21:06because a lot of people get hung up
- 00:21:10on you know like what am I going to talk
- 00:21:12about in this webinar Etc yada y y I'll
- 00:21:14go into all that but what I want you to
- 00:21:17understand right now is I want you all
- 00:21:19to sit there right now and write out
- 00:21:20your
- 00:21:22headline what is your training going to
- 00:21:24reveal and who is the Avatar and I
- 00:21:28always start off my headlines this way
- 00:21:29training shows how X kind of person or X
- 00:21:34kind of
- 00:21:35Avatar is going to get this one thing
- 00:21:39okay we've always heard you know you're
- 00:21:41one fing away which is not really true
- 00:21:43but like the audience needs to realize
- 00:21:46that they want to be this one like your
- 00:21:49unique mechanism is the one thing okay
- 00:21:52and what is a unique mechanism well a
- 00:21:54unique mechanism is the thing that makes
- 00:21:56your product so unique that they can't
- 00:21:59just go on Google and search it
- 00:22:00somewhere else they they can't go online
- 00:22:03and be like okay the like let's say for
- 00:22:05example like my thing is like my
- 00:22:07four-prong ad system okay they can't go
- 00:22:10on Google and search that and find
- 00:22:12somebody else who's a competitor that is
- 00:22:13my unique mechanism I have a client who
- 00:22:16does a webinar on getting people in
- 00:22:18their first Airbnb it call it's called
- 00:22:21the B&B boost program no one can go on
- 00:22:23Google search it and say okay I found
- 00:22:26someone else with a B&B boost program no
- 00:22:28that is his mechanism okay and it's
- 00:22:31important to understand this so what is
- 00:22:33this results driven promise that you're
- 00:22:35going to get people and then what do
- 00:22:37they not want to do and that is the
- 00:22:39without piece what do they not want to
- 00:22:41do like for this offer they don't want
- 00:22:44to put up any their own money they want
- 00:22:45to use either they want to use
- 00:22:46crowdfunding or they want to get access
- 00:22:48to a pool of investors to get their
- 00:22:50first commercial property like they
- 00:22:51don't maybe they don't have crazy credit
- 00:22:53they can't put up or they don't have a
- 00:22:54ton of liquid funds they don't want to
- 00:22:56to put their money okay cool Mike and B
- 00:22:58can give you access to their Network and
- 00:23:00they can also put in money into deals as
- 00:23:03well okay this one people want to know
- 00:23:07how to sell so his specific audience was
- 00:23:09car salese hey if you're a car salesman
- 00:23:12I'm going to show you to double your
- 00:23:13Commissions in 90 days without being
- 00:23:14sleazy or salesy salese always are under
- 00:23:17this impression that they have to
- 00:23:18understand this new tactic or like I
- 00:23:21have to be really pushy with my sales to
- 00:23:23make more money whatever this looks like
- 00:23:25you just give them one result driven
- 00:23:27promise and it has to have this one
- 00:23:30thing that we like to call
- 00:23:32believability don't make a crazy claim
- 00:23:35in your offer don't say oh well if
- 00:23:38you're a coach I'm gonna help you hit
- 00:23:4050k a month in 30 days that is first of
- 00:23:42all FTC uncompliant and it is also not
- 00:23:45believable okay there needs to be
- 00:23:47believability in the offer for the one
- 00:23:50example I showed before how this like
- 00:23:52let's say I I said training shows how
- 00:23:56this prev vetted award-winning AI is
- 00:23:58helping real estate agents book 10 extra
- 00:24:00calls per month without running paid ads
- 00:24:02that is a sexy headline it is believable
- 00:24:05one booked call every 30 days is a
- 00:24:08believable statement okay it's not like
- 00:24:11I said 30 book calls in 30 days You're
- 00:24:14Not Really Gonna it's going to be hard
- 00:24:15if you do that organically unless you
- 00:24:17have a massive Following also what do
- 00:24:19people not want to have to do they don't
- 00:24:21want to have to post content every
- 00:24:22single day they don't want to have to go
- 00:24:23live every single day they don't want to
- 00:24:24have to you know run hundreds of dollars
- 00:24:27of paid ads every single day there are
- 00:24:29certain parameters of what they quantify
- 00:24:31with their time and what they quantify
- 00:24:33with their
- 00:24:35skills okay another one is this one's
- 00:24:39another one first investment property
- 00:24:40this is where he's doing fix and flips
- 00:24:42showing people how they can get their
- 00:24:44first Fix and Flip and profit on a first
- 00:24:45Fix and Flip there's different
- 00:24:47mechanisms for what people are pushing
- 00:24:49in their trainings um what I will tell
- 00:24:51you right now is if you're in any type
- 00:24:54of offer like
- 00:24:56this um like this one for example he's a
- 00:24:59Trader he does very very well I'm going
- 00:25:01to go through the structures of the
- 00:25:02landing page you know I'm going to go
- 00:25:04from top to bottom here of what your
- 00:25:05landing page should have and what it
- 00:25:07should look like um but if you're in
- 00:25:10anything that's helping people generate
- 00:25:12more income right which obviously needs
- 00:25:14to have certain types of compliance I'm
- 00:25:16just going to keep saying that because
- 00:25:17of legal reasons like you have to have
- 00:25:18compliance okay you can't state things
- 00:25:21that are not true also you have to state
- 00:25:23things that are not believe that that
- 00:25:25are not believable in the average
- 00:25:27consumers
- 00:25:29okay so being anything that's helping
- 00:25:32people earn more income or it is you
- 00:25:36know um helping people you know maybe
- 00:25:39double their commission or double their
- 00:25:40closing rate or whatever that looks like
- 00:25:42I have a lot of people in here who are
- 00:25:43ass sass okay are you helping people
- 00:25:45double book their calendars are you
- 00:25:47helping people get 30 new leads in 30
- 00:25:51days with cold email are you helping
- 00:25:53people or you helping local businesses
- 00:25:56land One new Roofing job per week like
- 00:26:00what is this offer that you're pushing
- 00:26:02out to the marketplace it needs to be
- 00:26:03just one thing don't go in the headline
- 00:26:06and say hey reveal how you can get 30
- 00:26:10new leads in 30 days and get an extra
- 00:26:12three clients and and grow a 100
- 00:26:14followers every single week too much
- 00:26:16info it's too overwhelming the audience
- 00:26:19can't digest it okay that's why like I
- 00:26:22wrote the copy for this whole
- 00:26:25Workshop sell one to many with one hour
- 00:26:28simple one in one I didn't go hey sell
- 00:26:31one to many with small little known
- 00:26:34webinars with only 176 slides that are
- 00:26:38copy and paste and drag and drop and all
- 00:26:40these random words when I'm trying to
- 00:26:42make it look more unique when it has to
- 00:26:43just be simple simple sales okay so you
- 00:26:48know uh a big thing with webinar pages
- 00:26:51and I've dissected this through multiple
- 00:26:53is the following right whenever you're
- 00:26:54writing a webinar land page which by the
- 00:26:56way you're going to get this exact
- 00:26:57landing page okay
- 00:26:59I always put the time of where it's
- 00:27:02going to be on the very top headline no
- 00:27:05I don't put attention business owners on
- 00:27:07the top okay if you're pushing SAS and
- 00:27:11your headline has a claim that has to
- 00:27:12deal with B2B here's the thing that you
- 00:27:15have to understand you don't want to
- 00:27:16just Market to everyone because then
- 00:27:18you're going to get everyone right it's
- 00:27:20not appealing to get everyone it's
- 00:27:22appealing to get the right people in the
- 00:27:24right room like the 200 plus of you
- 00:27:26you're in the right room you saw that
- 00:27:29you wanted to sell one to many maybe
- 00:27:31your sales team is not great okay and
- 00:27:33this is all construction criticism maybe
- 00:27:35your sales team is not great or you're
- 00:27:36you don't want to be on sales calls all
- 00:27:38day we hit the right pain points of
- 00:27:40where you're more comfortable going on
- 00:27:42zoom and virtually selling completely
- 00:27:45fine right second piece is your headline
- 00:27:50okay and I always go with the following
- 00:27:53headline script where you can go for the
- 00:27:55whole angle because this is true like he
- 00:27:58the biggest following online for option
- 00:28:00trading so that's why we use this
- 00:28:01there's different angles that I use
- 00:28:04there's reveal how there is training
- 00:28:07shows so I want to go through these
- 00:28:09again so you guys understand so we
- 00:28:10either go for the person's name because
- 00:28:12they're very well known okay so let's
- 00:28:14say for example like if we were to put
- 00:28:16Tony Robbins number one life coach or
- 00:28:20you know um
- 00:28:22geez onx signal number one you know we
- 00:28:26could say number one compliance because
- 00:28:29he now he has a compliance offer so it's
- 00:28:31like everybody has their Niche that
- 00:28:33they're in you can use that angle or you
- 00:28:35can go straight for reveal how hour and
- 00:28:38this is their unique mechanism
- 00:28:41here okay this is important to
- 00:28:43understand when I put stuff in parenthe
- 00:28:45or or like uh quotes it is for their
- 00:28:48unique mechanism because you don't just
- 00:28:50want to tell them like yeah it's
- 00:28:52wholesaling but now it has more
- 00:28:54uniqueness because I called it something
- 00:28:56so reveal how our unique mechanism is
- 00:28:59helping regular people cash in deals of
- 00:29:0220K to 35k profit and our Inner Circle
- 00:29:05because I'm showing people that it has
- 00:29:06more curiosity like we have an inner
- 00:29:08circle this is not open to the public
- 00:29:10there is scarcity land deals fast with
- 00:29:13no money and we get all the deals
- 00:29:14offline which is true because he has a
- 00:29:16whole entire list that he Taps into that
- 00:29:18he pays for every single month so he can
- 00:29:20get the members in there and say all
- 00:29:21right cool we have all these wholesale
- 00:29:24deals that we can hit that Zillow and
- 00:29:26everything won't touch like we don't we
- 00:29:28don't use these platforms we pay for
- 00:29:29them
- 00:29:31offline okay um training shows regular
- 00:29:34everyday people step-by-step how to own
- 00:29:36one commercial property that brings in x
- 00:29:38amount on average without putting up any
- 00:29:40of their own money simple and then
- 00:29:43without okay so it's either training
- 00:29:45shows Avatar stepbystep how to do X or
- 00:29:50it's reveal how our unique mechanism is
- 00:29:53helping X people generate X result
- 00:29:56without X or it is the I'm self uh you
- 00:30:01know I'm self proclaimed people know me
- 00:30:04in the space I don't have to explain
- 00:30:06myself like you know you you wouldn't
- 00:30:08really see you know Tony Robbins or Dean
- 00:30:11graziosi using headlines like this they
- 00:30:14would just put their name in the
- 00:30:15headline okay like I don't I put my name
- 00:30:18in the headline because people know me
- 00:30:20in in the advertising space okay maybe
- 00:30:22some of you are really big in the SAS
- 00:30:24world right like Sam ens is huge in the
- 00:30:27Sass world Alex Heros they run school
- 00:30:29they don't have to they don't have to
- 00:30:30have a unique mechanism they just have
- 00:30:32to say hey Alex her Moi number one like
- 00:30:36Community entrepreneur number one
- 00:30:37acquisition entrepreneur is revealing a
- 00:30:40you know is revealing School the number
- 00:30:42one blah blah blah community group for
- 00:30:44whatever so it really would just be that
- 00:30:46simple and then this is your sub
- 00:30:48headline okay your sub headline is
- 00:30:51either going to do two things your sub
- 00:30:54headline is either going to do a without
- 00:30:55which means without having to do X1 y z
- 00:30:58which you should sit down and I always
- 00:31:00have this black whiteboard behind me um
- 00:31:03this is a little cool like productivity
- 00:31:05hack I see a lot of people who use
- 00:31:07whiteboards and they're actual
- 00:31:10whiteboards okay I'm gonna be honest
- 00:31:12they're boring like the whiteboards I
- 00:31:14use a black with white chalk because it
- 00:31:18actually makes me want to use it it's a
- 00:31:20weird psychology act but when I had like
- 00:31:21just a regular whiteboard I got bored of
- 00:31:23it because everyone has a whiteboard but
- 00:31:25not a lot of people have a glass
- 00:31:27whiteboard and no they're not crazy
- 00:31:29expensive like 100 bucks but like
- 00:31:31they're very cool and it makes me want
- 00:31:32to use it so what I'll do is I'll go on
- 00:31:34my my whiteboard and I'll be like okay
- 00:31:37what are the things that my avatar does
- 00:31:38not want to do and I I'll write them
- 00:31:40down from most important to least
- 00:31:43important and I'll usually highlight
- 00:31:45three of them
- 00:31:47okay so reveal how the simple copy and
- 00:31:50paste trading here is helping his
- 00:31:51students see quick wins even with small
- 00:31:53C their their biggest objection
- 00:31:55is two things it was can I start with
- 00:31:59500 bucks like do I need a crazy account
- 00:32:02size okay no you can use it with 500
- 00:32:04bucks it's fine and having to know when
- 00:32:06to get in or out no I will literally
- 00:32:08have this thing automated in your
- 00:32:09trading view so that you don't have to
- 00:32:10worry about getting in or
- 00:32:12out this one they want to know if it's
- 00:32:15going to be fast they want to know if
- 00:32:17they need any money they want to know if
- 00:32:19other people have access to the same
- 00:32:20Deals they don't want to be calling the
- 00:32:23same leads that everybody else is
- 00:32:24calling okay this one this is the second
- 00:32:27type of headline this is where you can
- 00:32:31do a social proof based headline so
- 00:32:33there's the without the avatar having to
- 00:32:36do X Y and Z and then the second kind of
- 00:32:40sub headline is well and it's all backed
- 00:32:43by x amount of Revenue that we've
- 00:32:45generated through you know commercial
- 00:32:46real estate or that we've generated
- 00:32:48through SAS we generated for Real Estate
- 00:32:50we generated for SAS business owners
- 00:32:51whatever it looks like right and that is
- 00:32:53the social proof based headline okay so
- 00:32:58we have when the webinar is we have our
- 00:33:02one sentence headline that can also
- 00:33:05include the without if it's small enough
- 00:33:08okay because if I put the without here
- 00:33:10it's technically not the sub headline
- 00:33:12the sub headline goes underneath and I
- 00:33:15usually will correlate the colors so if
- 00:33:17you see kind of like a pattern here um
- 00:33:20whatever color I use on the top bar I
- 00:33:22usually will make at the sub headline so
- 00:33:24that it kind of is like a little bit of
- 00:33:25like a leap frog jump I make the
- 00:33:27headline isolated because the headline
- 00:33:29is the most important part this is your
- 00:33:32results driven promise and I get a
- 00:33:35question a lot about results triing
- 00:33:36promises it like what should mine be or
- 00:33:40you know what if mine is just helping
- 00:33:42people grow on social media okay well
- 00:33:45break that down what kind of growth do
- 00:33:48they see what does that growth do for
- 00:33:50the Avatar and what is that Avatar now
- 00:33:53going to be able to achieve now that
- 00:33:54they've gotten your growth or you know
- 00:33:57what if you're just doing email well I
- 00:33:59only work with business owners with
- 00:34:015,000 emails on their list or more or
- 00:34:03whatever that looks like there might be
- 00:34:04specificity to who you caner okay well
- 00:34:08if there have 5,000 emails take all your
- 00:34:11past case studies and say okay how much
- 00:34:13have these people generated how many
- 00:34:15meetings have you generated okay take an
- 00:34:17average like you have to use your
- 00:34:19resource out and develop offers don't
- 00:34:20let the offer be the thing that Stomps
- 00:34:22you because right now I will make this
- 00:34:24very very clear if you can find a really
- 00:34:26sexy one one sentence result driven
- 00:34:28promise everything else in the funnel
- 00:34:30will take care of
- 00:34:32itself everything else in the funnel
- 00:34:34will take care of itself it's easier to
- 00:34:36develop your product your offer stack to
- 00:34:38know the person's objections when you
- 00:34:40can simply just sit there and say the
- 00:34:42one thing in one sense right what do I
- 00:34:45do okay yes sell one to many with one
- 00:34:48hour webinars that gen that have
- 00:34:50generated a 4X row as across 90 plus
- 00:34:52niches and verticals that is my one
- 00:34:54claim has a result has an expectation
- 00:34:58has a unique mechanism one hour webinars
- 00:35:01it's not like I'm saying copy and paste
- 00:35:03drag and drop those words are very tough
- 00:35:05now they've been used for a long long
- 00:35:08time okay you have to be very careful
- 00:35:10with that too okay and
- 00:35:13then real quick let's let's take a quick
- 00:35:16pause here and kind of see where
- 00:35:18everyone is um Jason style is just going
- 00:35:22right into it and going through as much
- 00:35:25thorough you know information as
- 00:35:27possible possible so I want to take a
- 00:35:28pause and just make sure everybody is on
- 00:35:30the same page for me for those of you
- 00:35:32that are macro thinkers that are big
- 00:35:34picture thinkers and you have to have
- 00:35:36the big bullet points what we're talking
- 00:35:39about is economics of the offer right
- 00:35:42you have to make sure your um the
- 00:35:47headline that you have in any of these
- 00:35:49Pages for that matter wherever the
- 00:35:52headline is whether it's in emails
- 00:35:53whether it's in Social content whether
- 00:35:56it's the first hook that you speak in a
- 00:35:59video the first like seven seconds of
- 00:36:02what's coming out of your mouth wherever
- 00:36:04that headline is has to reflect the
- 00:36:07offer in a way that it repels everything
- 00:36:11that it's not right it it remove it it
- 00:36:15allows people to say oh that's not for
- 00:36:17me or that is for me and differentiate
- 00:36:20the and Jason probably will tell you
- 00:36:22this the biggest problem that happens
- 00:36:25when it comes to webinars is no
- 00:36:28understand what the exact offer is no
- 00:36:31one understands what is it that you
- 00:36:34actually get I can when I ask when I go
- 00:36:37to events for example when I talk to
- 00:36:39marketers I'll ask them hey what do you
- 00:36:41do every single one of them will tell me
- 00:36:43how they do the
- 00:36:45thing how how do they do the thing is
- 00:36:48what they tell me they be like I do SEO
- 00:36:50I do Facebook ads I do social media
- 00:36:52marketing I do blogs I do web Lings they
- 00:36:56tell me how they go about about
- 00:36:58achieving the thing but the thing is the
- 00:37:01actual result you generate for your
- 00:37:02clients for an XYZ timeline for an XYZ
- 00:37:05exchange can you I know we're talking
- 00:37:07about offers but the economics of it
- 00:37:10people have to really understand for it
- 00:37:12to convey into the right copy right can
- 00:37:15you help us you know get through
- 00:37:17that yeah so dude you brought up a great
- 00:37:20example which is the SEO piece and I
- 00:37:22have a a great offer angle for that too
- 00:37:24which is you you say you do ads you say
- 00:37:26you do SEO see you do email okay you
- 00:37:29could take the whole SEO approach and
- 00:37:32say I like training reveals how um
- 00:37:37Google partner is using a little known
- 00:37:40map loophole to
- 00:37:43rank beginner and current websites on
- 00:37:46the first page of Google in 90 days or
- 00:37:48less that would be the webinar headline
- 00:37:51you're using the unique e you're you're
- 00:37:53making this thing have a result driven
- 00:37:55promise of rank on the first page of
- 00:37:57Google in 90 days by using this unique
- 00:38:00mechanism instead of just saying hey I
- 00:38:02do SEO what is the result that people
- 00:38:04actually want from SEO and and and dude
- 00:38:08I love that we we we reared back and
- 00:38:10like try to get some more context
- 00:38:11because the the biggest thing is D I get
- 00:38:14so passionate about this that I do
- 00:38:15ramble sometimes so I apologize but I'm
- 00:38:18just so passion about at first I was
- 00:38:21like man he's he's real passionate I
- 00:38:23feel like he's yelling at me but I'm
- 00:38:24realizing it's from practical pain
- 00:38:27of trials and tribulations I do the same
- 00:38:30thing I'm like dude listen to
- 00:38:33me so the the the other thing to really
- 00:38:36keep in mind is that um there was an
- 00:38:39example here in the chat that I wanted
- 00:38:40to break down actually um someone tried
- 00:38:44to actually do a go at it I hope I'm
- 00:38:45saying this correctly but adaa adaa I
- 00:38:49believe she made a headline example
- 00:38:52where it says training shows female
- 00:38:55focused financial advisor step by step
- 00:38:58how to tap into your inner circle your
- 00:39:00most lucrative source of new business
- 00:39:02without selling okay so there is a small
- 00:39:06little issue with this is that there's
- 00:39:08no specificity around what that inner
- 00:39:12circle is going to do and what if they
- 00:39:14don't have any friends so that's going
- 00:39:17to be an objection I know that's might
- 00:39:18sound bold but like there's people who
- 00:39:20literally sit there they go through life
- 00:39:22and they're like my friends would never
- 00:39:24buy from me I don't want to sell my
- 00:39:26friends because people don't want to mix
- 00:39:28money and friendss right because
- 00:39:30sometimes that can go down the wrong
- 00:39:32path so you have to think about the
- 00:39:33emotional and psychological part of that
- 00:39:35offer that can definitely rear people in
- 00:39:37the in the wrong way so what I would
- 00:39:39rather have you say is training shows
- 00:39:43female focused financial
- 00:39:46advisors how to X how to you know close
- 00:39:50an extra five clients per
- 00:39:53month by attending like blah blah
- 00:39:57networking events or by saying these
- 00:40:00three things at local networking events
- 00:40:03you see how they're small things but lwh
- 00:40:05hanging fruit like I can actually sit
- 00:40:07there and go okay I know these three
- 00:40:09things right like how do most people
- 00:40:12teach themselves things they will look
- 00:40:14at it and say okay like I just need to
- 00:40:15know how to do this thing in just like
- 00:40:17three steps or like what were the three
- 00:40:19biggest things or what was the one
- 00:40:20biggest takeaway so I know how to
- 00:40:22actually do it right like I didn't know
- 00:40:25how to use a circuit breaker until four
- 00:40:28weeks ago and it's because my Gardener
- 00:40:31explained it to me because he was doing
- 00:40:33the the auto faucet thing but he was
- 00:40:36like you have to look at the breaker and
- 00:40:39each number is linked to an outlet right
- 00:40:42and then it Go and like literally he
- 00:40:44explained how the whole breaker breaks
- 00:40:45down and why there's two things on one I
- 00:40:47was like that's all someone had to do
- 00:40:49was make it simple for me and because he
- 00:40:52explained that to me and why he was
- 00:40:53fixing it I then paid him I was like
- 00:40:55okay this makes sense why my Breakers
- 00:40:57messed up like all right fine I I I will
- 00:40:59pet but if he were to sit there and say
- 00:41:02yeah so you're going to tap into this
- 00:41:04thing and then go to the front of the
- 00:41:05house and then run around and I'll be
- 00:41:06like dude I'm not GNA buy because you
- 00:41:08didn't explain it well like that just
- 00:41:10sounds like a lot of extra work for no
- 00:41:12reason I would rather pay more for it to
- 00:41:14be more simplified just put the breaker
- 00:41:16in the back put the thing next to it I
- 00:41:18click the button once a month that's it
- 00:41:20right and that's what I wanted and he
- 00:41:22set it up and I paid more for it because
- 00:41:23it was simpler okay think about that for
- 00:41:26your ual prospects um a lot of people in
- 00:41:29here might know what hyos is you might
- 00:41:31not um hyos is probably the best example
- 00:41:36of what a really good offer is they took
- 00:41:38a
- 00:41:39SAS and they said okay we help people
- 00:41:41get better attribution on their ads nope
- 00:41:45that's boring right what was sexier was
- 00:41:49copy and paste this one line of code on
- 00:41:51any of your websites and we'll drop your
- 00:41:53ad cost 30% done that was the simplest
- 00:41:56op ER headline that you could have made
- 00:41:58but most people when they get asked what
- 00:42:00hyros is they're just going to say yeah
- 00:42:03it's this attribution tool that helps me
- 00:42:05better track my ads you want to know why
- 00:42:07they say it that way and why people
- 00:42:09think about offers that way because
- 00:42:11you're saying it person to person or
- 00:42:13referral referrals don't need all this
- 00:42:17copy and mechanisms and all this
- 00:42:19copywriting tools that is referrals they
- 00:42:22are warm leads they don't need to be
- 00:42:25sold that hard your doing it this way
- 00:42:28because the people who are watching your
- 00:42:29content are cold traffic they don't know
- 00:42:31who you are and you could sit there all
- 00:42:33you want and say oh I'm the best at what
- 00:42:35I do we will let the market decide if
- 00:42:38that is true but you have to give the
- 00:42:41market a realistic expectation first
- 00:42:44before you can even make the claim yeah
- 00:42:48because the claim's everything the the
- 00:42:49claim is going to back up what people
- 00:42:52buy if they get a result and here's the
- 00:42:54brutal truth if you try to make a too
- 00:42:56big of a claim you're going to get
- 00:42:58refunds you're going to get chargebacks
- 00:43:01you're going to get mad customers do not
- 00:43:03do that to yourself okay there's a lot
- 00:43:06of people in the ad space especially
- 00:43:07Myspace who do a lot of offers that are
- 00:43:10just like very click ba and I don't like
- 00:43:12it so we just go for the simple approach
- 00:43:14that I'm gonna sell with brand like
- 00:43:17let's go with a lot of organic let's do
- 00:43:19a lot of events let's do a lot of
- 00:43:20podcast right and I'll get into small
- 00:43:22strategies here and there as we go along
- 00:43:24these three days together but like the
- 00:43:26biggest thing is taking your headline
- 00:43:29and really simplifying it into the
- 00:43:30result driven promise um Jason if you
- 00:43:33don't mind if you I'm not as Savvy on
- 00:43:38webinar structures you threw a lot of
- 00:43:41different words at me so I'm going to
- 00:43:42I'm going to speak for those of that are
- 00:43:44brand new watching this you said the RDP
- 00:43:47which is basically a result driven
- 00:43:49promise if you can share that funnel the
- 00:43:52couple of the landing pages you had can
- 00:43:54you break down that headline one more
- 00:43:57time you said in the beginning it's
- 00:44:00training
- 00:44:01reveals you had research shows so can I
- 00:44:05type this in the in the zoom or me type
- 00:44:08it in the Facebook no no I want you to
- 00:44:10share your screen with that funnel and
- 00:44:12just just walk me through the structure
- 00:44:14of that headline and uh yeah here we go
- 00:44:18right any one of these so right so help
- 00:44:20us understand that three different
- 00:44:22components yeah so training shows this
- 00:44:25is where you're telling them they're
- 00:44:27going to be attending it's a training
- 00:44:29right if it was a live event you would
- 00:44:30put live event in X City but this is a
- 00:44:33live webinar so it's training
- 00:44:36shows and then this is your avatar the
- 00:44:39next piece is okay who is this person is
- 00:44:42it a real estate agent is it a insurance
- 00:44:46broker is it a agency owner is it a SAS
- 00:44:49owner so let's do let's do a plumbing
- 00:44:52thing just for fun okay if I'm if I'm
- 00:44:56doing a sass to to attract plumbers to
- 00:44:58sign up for a $100 SAS offer for them to
- 00:45:03get reviews just just as an example I
- 00:45:06actually have a plumbing offer that's
- 00:45:08actually funny you bring that up I run
- 00:45:10this so this is a great headline example
- 00:45:13this is not for a webinar by the way
- 00:45:15okay
- 00:45:16this is targeting Plumbing owners and
- 00:45:20this is for a book call funnel but we
- 00:45:23can use this kind of as like a a offer
- 00:45:25angle and and copy inspiration so if it
- 00:45:28was for plumbers it would
- 00:45:31say training
- 00:45:34shows how
- 00:45:37plumbers are hitting 1 million Revenue
- 00:45:42Mark or are hit are scaling to a $1
- 00:45:44million run rate in 12
- 00:45:49months so training shows how
- 00:45:53plumbers are scaling to $1 million r
- 00:45:58rates in 12 months
- 00:46:02without um to sign up having to sign up
- 00:46:06for 10 softwares or hire five marketing
- 00:46:09agencies like without without
- 00:46:11complicated Tech funnels or massive
- 00:46:17followings and that's what that would
- 00:46:19look like and that's a draft I mean
- 00:46:21we're we're just brainstorming as we go
- 00:46:23right um and then Jared's plumbing
- 00:46:26company does well so would say and it's
- 00:46:27all backed by my by my small town
- 00:46:30plumbing company in Ohio that does $3.2
- 00:46:33million per year that he that Jared will
- 00:46:36be revealing on this live master class
- 00:46:39is that helpful you guys I'm I'm
- 00:46:41literally going back and forth here with
- 00:46:43Jason just just getting you guys to
- 00:46:46think in a a way that's relevant to the
- 00:46:49local businesses right is that helpful
- 00:46:52give me a yes in the chat if if you want
- 00:46:54us to do another industry like that is
- 00:46:56that that someone said examples help
- 00:46:58quite a bit okay cool um yeah can we do
- 00:47:02one more saw another one in here yeah
- 00:47:04can we
- 00:47:05do yeah um so a med spa would
- 00:47:10be let me reshare my screen yeah I like
- 00:47:14looking at the headline and breaking
- 00:47:15down the three different if it's a Med
- 00:47:18Spa Training shows how Med Spas are
- 00:47:22doubling their revenue in 90 days
- 00:47:25without
- 00:47:27spending a ton on
- 00:47:29ads cold
- 00:47:31emailing or having thousands of
- 00:47:35followers or something like that or
- 00:47:38discounting their prices that's a big
- 00:47:40objection they think that they discount
- 00:47:41their prices to to to get a lot more
- 00:47:43Revenue okay yeah um another one could
- 00:47:46be training reveals how Med Spas are
- 00:47:50adding 10K per month to their business
- 00:47:53without a website because you could run
- 00:47:56lead forms without a website a massive
- 00:47:59following
- 00:48:01or
- 00:48:02um or thousands on paid ads yeah and
- 00:48:07it's all backed by and then you could
- 00:48:09put and it's all backed by 37 Med Spas
- 00:48:11over the last six months that we've
- 00:48:13scaled using our proprietary blah blah
- 00:48:18Med Spot accelerator or something like
- 00:48:20that you make it a unique mechanism so
- 00:48:22that would be a very good example too so
- 00:48:24the key is Jason for us to figure out
- 00:48:26the Avatar well enough to understand
- 00:48:29what are the things they don't
- 00:48:31want what they
- 00:48:34don't yeah what they don't want but has
- 00:48:36believability too because remember if I
- 00:48:39said training training reveals how
- 00:48:42MedSpa are adding 30k a month to their
- 00:48:44business in 90 days they might not
- 00:48:46believe that that's pretty
- 00:48:49bold okay or are able to add 10K a month
- 00:48:53sounds just more believable yeah this
- 00:48:55reminds me of when I was in my second
- 00:48:59year of being an agency owner I realized
- 00:49:02okay I got to Niche down and go all in
- 00:49:04on one thing and I went all in on
- 00:49:06Dentistry because I had a healthcare
- 00:49:08background before marketing and when I
- 00:49:10started talking to a lot of these
- 00:49:11dentists I realized that they didn't
- 00:49:14want more patients they do not want to
- 00:49:17see more patients it's a big
- 00:49:19misunderstanding marketers had that was
- 00:49:21teaching all these different things
- 00:49:23every everyone was driving uh teeth
- 00:49:26whitening teeth cleaning hundreds and
- 00:49:28hundreds of leads where dentists
- 00:49:31actually just wanted five veneer
- 00:49:33patients that are worth 20K
- 00:49:36each so so my webinar would have said
- 00:49:39training shows that brand new
- 00:49:43dentist can get to $100,000 a week
- 00:49:47without paid
- 00:49:51advertising and not
- 00:49:54spending thousands of dollars on a
- 00:49:57marketing agency or something along the
- 00:49:59lines or without having to see hundreds
- 00:50:00of cleaning patients
- 00:50:03yeah and then you could also like sub
- 00:50:06headline for that too be like and it's
- 00:50:08only going to require less than five
- 00:50:11employees and selling one
- 00:50:13service you know at a 80% margin
- 00:50:16whatever it looks like like that would
- 00:50:17be a good sub headline where it's like
- 00:50:18hey I don't need to have a crazy big
- 00:50:19team yeah I need to have you know I
- 00:50:22could just sell one service which is the
- 00:50:23veneers I completely understand because
- 00:50:25I work with a debt now yeah he's just
- 00:50:28like hey push implants you know push um
- 00:50:32you know push the veneers implants I
- 00:50:35don't want to do all these $99 teeth
- 00:50:38Whiting specials yeah you know because
- 00:50:40it's just not that great of a lifetime
- 00:50:43value driver anymore now here's a big
- 00:50:45thing that I really want to cover is as
- 00:50:46we go through these couple examples I
- 00:50:48hope this is eye opening for you guys
- 00:50:50this is a big thing though that you also
- 00:50:52need to understand okay is that whatever
- 00:50:55you decide to sell on your your webinar
- 00:50:57okay maybe it's a 9.97 course or a
- 00:51:00$2,000 SAS for the year whatever it
- 00:51:02looks like a big thing right now is that
- 00:51:06you need to really understand what your
- 00:51:08product ladder is and a lot of people
- 00:51:09who run webinars they put everything in
- 00:51:12all they got on the front end and you
- 00:51:15have no ability to upsell people once
- 00:51:18they start getting results with the
- 00:51:19first product do not be that person who
- 00:51:22goes on your webinar sells a 9.97 course
- 00:51:24and just takes every single product you
- 00:51:26got and say okay throw it all at them
- 00:51:29because when they get a result from your
- 00:51:31program what are you going to sell them
- 00:51:33now you can't because you gave them
- 00:51:35everything so really think about that
- 00:51:37piece too like what does your customer
- 00:51:39Journey look like right what and this is
- 00:51:42a really um let me just go back to this
- 00:51:45screen and then I'm going to actually go
- 00:51:47over something real quick because this
- 00:51:48is really insightful for people is the
- 00:51:51way that I look at the webinar and my
- 00:51:54whole customer Journey because if you
- 00:51:56don't understand how your customers even
- 00:51:57move building your offers is actually
- 00:52:00going to be a lot more complicated than
- 00:52:02you think um so let me just go through
- 00:52:12this I'm trying to pull up my CA okay
- 00:52:15give me a
- 00:52:16sec okay this is probably and I do this
- 00:52:19a lot at my events I really just want
- 00:52:22you to screenshot this I'll share this
- 00:52:24with you know Paulson you guys can get
- 00:52:26at this but this is an important piece
- 00:52:28you realize okay regardless of what your
- 00:52:29webinar is okay your webinar is going to
- 00:52:32fall on your frontend
- 00:52:34offer okay this is where you're driving
- 00:52:37people into to get a taste or to get a
- 00:52:39small result of what your business
- 00:52:41ecosystem looks like so you have your
- 00:52:44frontend offer you want to make sure
- 00:52:46that you're not giving them everything
- 00:52:48and everything up on the front because
- 00:52:50you want to have a way to for you to
- 00:52:52ascend them in 30 days and 60 days and
- 00:52:56get them on something on continuity and
- 00:52:58then you want to get more referrals and
- 00:53:01the biggest thing is that as you drive
- 00:53:03traffic to this webinar and you're
- 00:53:05getting people on your email list and
- 00:53:06you're getting customers and you're
- 00:53:08getting
- 00:53:09results everything has to lead to the
- 00:53:12end here and the whole premise at the
- 00:53:14end is referrals because the referrals
- 00:53:16are going to cover your ad cost so that
- 00:53:19everything you've done to this very
- 00:53:20point on the first four levels is
- 00:53:23literally free the whole point of
- 00:53:25running PID traffic in getting people on
- 00:53:27your webinar is that let's say and then
- 00:53:30this is a bit uh misconception that that
- 00:53:32that people will sit there and go oh
- 00:53:33what if I run a webinar and I break
- 00:53:36even okay if you run a webinar and break
- 00:53:40even let's say you run a webinar and you
- 00:53:42spent $10,000 on getting people to sign
- 00:53:44up to your webinar and you sold 10
- 00:53:46people on a, product you should not be
- 00:53:51upset that you broke even because what
- 00:53:53did you also do well let's say let's
- 00:53:55pull out my calcul calator here let's
- 00:53:58say I got $10,000 spent and my average
- 00:54:01sign up was 15 bucks I got 667 people on
- 00:54:06my email
- 00:54:08list okay that I can now drill for the
- 00:54:11next seven days until the next webinar
- 00:54:13and get them on sales calls and I self
- 00:54:16liquidated my ads spend and now I have
- 00:54:1910 people who I can now Ascend on 30
- 00:54:23days and 60 days and get them on
- 00:54:25continuity and then get referrals from
- 00:54:27them and also these people who buy can
- 00:54:29show up on next week's webinar and they
- 00:54:32can be social proof for me so that other
- 00:54:34people can
- 00:54:36buy so I just wanted to touch on that
- 00:54:39because I feel like a lot of people get
- 00:54:40this misconception that oh well if I
- 00:54:43were on a webinar I better have a really
- 00:54:44high Ras okay unless you're a very very
- 00:54:47big big big big name then you're going
- 00:54:49to have astronomical razes but if you're
- 00:54:52just getting this thing off the ground
- 00:54:53you have to be okay with breaking even
- 00:54:56or making a little bit of money because
- 00:54:58you're building an email list and I'm
- 00:55:00telling you right now with our business
- 00:55:02right now if I didn't care about email
- 00:55:04that much like the amount of money that
- 00:55:07we lose every single month if I did not
- 00:55:09utilize my email list it would be
- 00:55:10staggering to me okay um there was one
- 00:55:15person in here who I wanted to Showcase
- 00:55:19another example so Monty McCurley put
- 00:55:23reveal how you can guarantee a portion
- 00:55:25of your retirement portfolio against
- 00:55:27Market losses and be guaranteed to not
- 00:55:30outlive your income okay so here's the
- 00:55:33thing Monty is that I don't you you have
- 00:55:36to consult an attorney but I'm pretty
- 00:55:37sure you can't guarantee retirement
- 00:55:39earnings um so you have to consult
- 00:55:41somebody I can't give you legal advice
- 00:55:43on that um but if you were to reward
- 00:55:46this you could say reveal how you can
- 00:55:52maybe you know decrease your amount to
- 00:55:55retirement in half that's a better way
- 00:55:58to push that kind of offer so reveal how
- 00:56:01you can decrease or cut your retirement
- 00:56:04time in
- 00:56:06half beat Market
- 00:56:10losses
- 00:56:13and and you could say and live or and
- 00:56:18retire on a smaller
- 00:56:21income but you just can't say guaranteed
- 00:56:24because that's a financial claim you got
- 00:56:26to be very careful with that so that's
- 00:56:28where I'll reward that like maybe you
- 00:56:29could decrease because people really
- 00:56:31think that they have to wait till 59 and
- 00:56:33a half to retire because they can't
- 00:56:34touch their money yet what if they could
- 00:56:36just retire sooner and have more
- 00:56:39liquidity through better financial
- 00:56:42instruments or you could have made it
- 00:56:44say hey re like training reveals this
- 00:56:46little known Financial instrument or
- 00:56:49this
- 00:56:502024 like tax revised Financial
- 00:56:53instrument that's allowing people to
- 00:56:56retire half or that is cutting their
- 00:56:59retirement time in half and beating
- 00:57:02Market losses regardless of economic
- 00:57:05downturns that would be a better
- 00:57:07headline now Jason can you speak to the
- 00:57:10folks that are brand new that may not
- 00:57:13have uh a lot of case studies or they're
- 00:57:16just in the early stages like we're you
- 00:57:19know obviously don't want to lie about
- 00:57:21anything or be untruthful you know what
- 00:57:24what are some things you recommend to
- 00:57:26kind of get so yeah I mean if you're
- 00:57:28just starting
- 00:57:29out um and you can't make any claims on
- 00:57:33social proof you know one thing I will
- 00:57:36tell you right now is that you should do
- 00:57:39like a case study angle okay to where
- 00:57:42you can go to people out in the
- 00:57:43marketplace say hey I'm running this
- 00:57:45case study I'm looking for eight small
- 00:57:46business
- 00:57:47owners and I I want to do this thing for
- 00:57:50free for you to collect case studies yes
- 00:57:53I'm telling you hey go do something for
- 00:57:55free in the beginning because here's the
- 00:57:57deal you're going out to the marketplace
- 00:57:59and if you're going to promise anything
- 00:58:00and you can't deliver you're going to
- 00:58:01ruin your reputation more in the
- 00:58:03beginning than just taking a step back
- 00:58:04and doing a little bit for free while
- 00:58:06this thing might be your side hustle and
- 00:58:08you might have a full-time job right now
- 00:58:09and you're just getting into this whole
- 00:58:10marketing game do not go for all the Raw
- 00:58:14raah on the internet about quitting your
- 00:58:16job and having this No nine-to-five
- 00:58:19Nonsense okay I fully advise people to
- 00:58:22keep their jobs while they're going
- 00:58:23through this as a side Hustle I think
- 00:58:26it's great it's actually financially
- 00:58:28literate for you to do so and it also
- 00:58:31allows you to build your credit and
- 00:58:33business credit as you go along that
- 00:58:34Journey so don't just go for this whole
- 00:58:37side also thing oh I want to make four
- 00:58:38to 5K per month on the side and I'll
- 00:58:40quit my job
- 00:58:41no do not do that right now keep your
- 00:58:44income and move it into the business and
- 00:58:46invest in it because you're G to put
- 00:58:49your back against the wall faster that
- 00:58:50way because now you're taking complacent
- 00:58:53income that you've had for so long and
- 00:58:54you're putting it towards your past
- 00:58:56okay so if you're just starting out go
- 00:58:58to people that are in the space that
- 00:59:01you're targeting maybe it's real estate
- 00:59:02okay find people locally go to some
- 00:59:04networking events pass a card around
- 00:59:06talk to
- 00:59:08people I'm not into the whole like you
- 00:59:10know with where I'm at in life right now
- 00:59:12I don't go to networking events as much
- 00:59:14as I used to but when you go to
- 00:59:16networking events you are not going to
- 00:59:18ball neck yourself in the beginning
- 00:59:19because you're speaking to people who
- 00:59:21are your ideal
- 00:59:22Avatar when I was first getting off the
- 00:59:25ground I was actually very efficient at
- 00:59:27going to networking events I would go to
- 00:59:28meetup.com
- 00:59:30Eventbrite I would go to you know even
- 00:59:32local events like go high levels events
- 00:59:34and you know click funnels all these
- 00:59:36other events $97 a ticket 197 a ticket
- 00:59:39invest in your network because at the
- 00:59:41place where I'm at now my network really
- 00:59:44is my net worth like the people that I
- 00:59:46know now are insane and it wouldn't have
- 00:59:48been like it wouldn't been possible
- 00:59:51unless I actually got out of the shell
- 00:59:52of like going to events and doing X Y
- 00:59:54and Z so U izing events speaking to
- 00:59:57people being sociable like even here in
- 01:00:00this chat like reply to people in the
- 01:00:02Facebook Chat like talk to people you
- 01:00:04never know like maybe you can help
- 01:00:05somebody in here and they could be your
- 01:00:07next case study it's always the small
- 01:00:10rooms like this the most engageed to get
- 01:00:13the most
- 01:00:14results right like if you're having me
- 01:00:16go through your headline you're giving
- 01:00:18feedback like I heard you tell that
- 01:00:19you're hungrier it's just the way it is
- 01:00:22so I congratulate you on that and you
- 01:00:24got to start getting case studies so can
- 01:00:26push a better claim right and if you're
- 01:00:30having trouble getting case studies then
- 01:00:32what you have to do
- 01:00:34is is you're gonna have to either change
- 01:00:38your offer to be more believable or not
- 01:00:40try to go so
- 01:00:42bold so you know understand that that
- 01:00:44that premise too is that you know when
- 01:00:47you're pushing some type of offer make
- 01:00:49sure that you've done it
- 01:00:51first you're going to have better
- 01:00:53results that way like if you could sit
- 01:00:54there and say okay well you know maybe
- 01:00:56you worked at a tech startup let's say
- 01:00:58this is a really good example um I
- 01:01:01recently just got Equity inside of a
- 01:01:02fractional CTO company we're like an IT
- 01:01:04Tech Solutions company and we're helping
- 01:01:06people place fractional
- 01:01:08CTO just because this person had a job
- 01:01:12doesn't mean that they don't have
- 01:01:13relatability to the entrepreneurial
- 01:01:15Marketplace so what did I do I parted
- 01:01:17with him I said Hey listen dude you
- 01:01:19understand that the the the tech space
- 01:01:21you know how much corporate companies
- 01:01:23are spending on CTO 10 to 15,000 a month
- 01:01:27with Med you know uh medical benefits
- 01:01:29and 401K let's just make a fractional
- 01:01:32CTO business and we're just going to do
- 01:01:35it for them at one the cost monthly so
- 01:01:39that's what we did we took his expertise
- 01:01:41from his 9 to5 and said Hey listen you
- 01:01:43understand the space I can run the ads I
- 01:01:45can do the marketing you can do this and
- 01:01:47you can fractionally CTO multiple
- 01:01:49businesses so look at what you're doing
- 01:01:51right now either in your current job
- 01:01:54like maybe you do cyber security like
- 01:01:57maybe you can Target a niche that's used
- 01:01:59to getting hacks or having problems with
- 01:02:02cookies and cash and all these things
- 01:02:04Target that because you have leverage
- 01:02:08right I
- 01:02:09um what's a good example I had an old
- 01:02:12client um who unfortunately passed away
- 01:02:16um but he was running an offer teaching
- 01:02:19people how to actually accelerate their
- 01:02:22fighters pilot license because he used
- 01:02:24to be in the army he was the in the in
- 01:02:27in the Air Force that's a good offer he
- 01:02:29took what he did you know for serving
- 01:02:31our country and said Hey listen I'm
- 01:02:32going to help people now now that I know
- 01:02:34this they don't have to go to the Air
- 01:02:35Force I can help to beat the learning
- 01:02:36curve it doesn't have to be just a
- 01:02:38course it could be beating the learning
- 01:02:39curve I'm gonna help you try to beat
- 01:02:42having to go through all the tri of
- 01:02:43getting your fire uh fighter pilot's
- 01:02:44license so stuff like that that you can
- 01:02:47take from current nine-five things that
- 01:02:48you do and turn them into your side
- 01:02:51hustle I love that I think that's the
- 01:02:53key is people don't recognize what
- 01:02:55they're strengths are often and they
- 01:02:57don't double down on it they think about
- 01:02:59the next shiny object syndrome because
- 01:03:01somebody else is doing it from Far okay
- 01:03:03let me just jump because the grass is
- 01:03:05greener and often it's better where
- 01:03:07you're at um Jason can we go back to the
- 01:03:09funnel for a second and help us
- 01:03:11understand what the video is and what
- 01:03:13else is attached to it um y so I know
- 01:03:16this is like a vsl feel right yeah so um
- 01:03:21yeah we can uh let me okay so we'll
- 01:03:25basically the video on every of these
- 01:03:27Landers some are lifestyle oriented some
- 01:03:30are educationally oriented depending on
- 01:03:32who your avatar is right for example you
- 01:03:35were talking about dentists okay if
- 01:03:37you're talking to
- 01:03:39dentist you should probably be making
- 01:03:41this video in a dentist office find a
- 01:03:44local client you're working with that
- 01:03:46maybe you're pushing a case study with
- 01:03:48ask them hey can I just fill my ad in
- 01:03:49here so I can help other people like I
- 01:03:50helped you cool like ask and you shall
- 01:03:53I'll receive okay so the video is really
- 01:03:56premised on what they're going to
- 01:03:58learn and I believe can can they hear
- 01:04:01audio okay so check it out it y yep yeah
- 01:04:05called the extreme wealth Builder system
- 01:04:07this is my buddy Mike I'm Bo we've been
- 01:04:09best friends for over 25 years and
- 01:04:11business partners at the same time we
- 01:04:13got over 30 to 35 years of business
- 01:04:15experience and we bought a ton of real
- 01:04:17estate and own a bunch of businesses we
- 01:04:19own 43 different companies and 15
- 01:04:21different Industries and we own over so
- 01:04:23the big piece in the beginning of your
- 01:04:24video on this page is predicating the
- 01:04:26social proof on why they need to take
- 01:04:29you seriously because if you pre-frame
- 01:04:31social proof they're not just going to
- 01:04:33sign up they're going to want to show up
- 01:04:36just getting a bunch of signups doesn't
- 01:04:37really validate anything you validate
- 01:04:39the offer with social proof having good
- 01:04:41offer having a guarantee in having the
- 01:04:42proof to back it up okay because that's
- 01:04:45a big reasons why people get a lot of
- 01:04:47high show rates is because they have
- 01:04:49proof and they get you excited for $150
- 01:04:51million of real estate so we're
- 01:04:53qualified to spread some knowledge and
- 01:04:55we're willing to spread some knowledge
- 01:04:57so we put together the extreme wealth
- 01:04:58Builder system where we're going to
- 01:05:00share our knowledge with you the extreme
- 01:05:01wealth Builder started organically in
- 01:05:03our office give it the next piece is
- 01:05:06what is this system and what's the story
- 01:05:09behind it okay this is a big part of how
- 01:05:11the videos break down so first is who
- 01:05:13are you what's happening live Thursday 7
- 01:05:17PM social proof and then storytelling
- 01:05:21which is hey we found this system which
- 01:05:24I just told you led to all the success
- 01:05:26in the beginning now I'm going to tell
- 01:05:27you how we founded it like how do we
- 01:05:30come up with it because the storytelling
- 01:05:33is a huge part of marketing that most
- 01:05:35people still misconcept Yes results
- 01:05:38driven promises are important but when
- 01:05:39you tell your story like um I was
- 01:05:43talking to a one-on-one student before
- 01:05:45and he was asking me oh I saw your video
- 01:05:48playing basketball like why how did you
- 01:05:50get so good at basketball and I told my
- 01:05:53whole story and how I went from
- 01:05:54basketball to colone school and how I
- 01:05:56had an HGH issue like I had a human
- 01:05:58growth hormone deficiency and when I
- 01:05:59tell these stories how I wasn't always 6
- 01:06:02foot one I was 41170 pounds when I was
- 01:06:05in culinary school and I was lost and I
- 01:06:07had no idea what the hell I was doing
- 01:06:09people get really grabbed through the
- 01:06:10story because it's like a down andout
- 01:06:11story no I wasn't homeless and my
- 01:06:14parents weren't poor like we lived
- 01:06:16decently well I'm not doing that whole
- 01:06:18story that everybody else does I feel
- 01:06:19like people just do it all the time but
- 01:06:21like like I was in a middle class family
- 01:06:24you need to talk about that story and
- 01:06:26you need to use it as the mechanism
- 01:06:29because storytelling we're we're people
- 01:06:31still but the whole angle that I've
- 01:06:33always used is remember when we were
- 01:06:35kids like we always wanted Bedtime
- 01:06:37Stories and let's say you're hanging out
- 01:06:39with your friends and a lot of us do
- 01:06:41maybe group events Friday nights you go
- 01:06:42out maybe have a couple drinks you go to
- 01:06:44events you go to church
- 01:06:47okay if you went to your friend right
- 01:06:49now and you said dude the event this
- 01:06:51weekend we went to was awesome there was
- 01:06:54all these people here and this speakers
- 01:06:55were awesome that's one angle but what
- 01:06:58if that in instead I said dude you're
- 01:07:00not going to believe what happened with
- 01:07:02me and Sarah last weekend you leave them
- 01:07:04on a cliffhanger and that's the power of
- 01:07:07Storytelling okay so the way that you
- 01:07:09talk to them is going to predicate and
- 01:07:10and storytelling is huge people advice
- 01:07:12and it happened over and over again and
- 01:07:13we decided hey let's put together a
- 01:07:15course and teach people exactly how we
- 01:07:17open these businesses buy these
- 01:07:19businesses and analyze and purchase real
- 01:07:21estate that's how it originally started
- 01:07:23so we put together 6 hours of what it
- 01:07:26takes to build a business build a real
- 01:07:27estate portfolio and run those companies
- 01:07:30hey heard it a thousand times before 90%
- 01:07:32of all millionaires make their money in
- 01:07:34real estate okay so once you're doing
- 01:07:36storytelling now you're bringing up
- 01:07:38statistics you need to have statistics
- 01:07:41that back up a certain claim so um you
- 01:07:45know let's say you're in the health and
- 01:07:47weight loss space you're going to want
- 01:07:49to use a lot of stats from the FDC and
- 01:07:54all these food Commission foundations
- 01:07:56and why the food isn't good and like
- 01:07:59what how it's made and all these things
- 01:08:01that would get people to understand like
- 01:08:02wow our food sources are really not
- 01:08:04great I might need to switch the way I'm
- 01:08:07eating because numbers don't lie people
- 01:08:10do right and that's the biggest thing
- 01:08:12like 2 plus 2 equals four but people can
- 01:08:14make all the claims they want that's why
- 01:08:16you got to back it up with stats so with
- 01:08:18that you know retirement offer if you
- 01:08:20were like hey 86% I don't know what the
- 01:08:22percentage is but 86% of people aren't
- 01:08:24able to live through retirement without
- 01:08:27Social Security like that's scary
- 01:08:30because Social Security might be gone
- 01:08:31soon it probably will be to be honest I
- 01:08:33don't know the the numbers but it will
- 01:08:35be gone in the next 10 years for sure so
- 01:08:37that is what you would use as like
- 01:08:39statistics plus like fear based I'm not
- 01:08:42really into the fear thing as much but
- 01:08:43like it would scare people because it's
- 01:08:45their finances it's not that you're
- 01:08:47doing a fear Monger it's that people are
- 01:08:48doing the fear to themselves you know
- 01:08:51like if we knew that 90% of the
- 01:08:53population chewed gum we were like hey
- 01:08:55this ingredient in gum is causing X by
- 01:08:59the age of 55 now everyone who's chewing
- 01:09:01gum is like oh crap I should probably
- 01:09:03stop chewing G like I'm actually gonna
- 01:09:05consider stopping you know now just a
- 01:09:08quick question are the are the videos
- 01:09:11very aligned to the structure of the
- 01:09:13headline cuz like it's the first like
- 01:09:16couple of seconds is a social proof for
- 01:09:18a certain result and then it's stats or
- 01:09:22like a mechanism and then it's how to
- 01:09:25achieve that result is that the same
- 01:09:26reflection that I'm seeing it's it's the
- 01:09:29same yeah so the first is you know what
- 01:09:31we're going to be doing live this
- 01:09:33Thursday then it's the mechanism then
- 01:09:35it's the story back by statistics then
- 01:09:39social proof of Hey listen below this
- 01:09:42video are some pieces of social proof
- 01:09:45and screenshots of people who have done
- 01:09:47X so make sure you and then CTA make
- 01:09:50sure you click the link I will see you
- 01:09:52live on Zoom this Thursday you're
- 01:09:54reiterating the offer again and we're
- 01:09:55going to show you how to get your first
- 01:09:56commercial property so click reserve
- 01:09:59your free spot and I will see you live
- 01:10:01on Zoom Thursday night and that's how
- 01:10:02the videos would then correlate um
- 01:10:05there's also a second variety of video
- 01:10:08let's say somebody in here likes being
- 01:10:09on video a lot you got a big personal
- 01:10:11brand you're like hey I have 100,000
- 01:10:13followers I have a videographer I he
- 01:10:16follows me around gets a ton of content
- 01:10:18okay then you're do a video like this
- 01:10:21where it's more
- 01:10:23like you know lifestyle based and like
- 01:10:26you know it's
- 01:10:28very basically like the whole angle that
- 01:10:31Justin did here was like Hey when 2008
- 01:10:34hit this whole thing happened and the
- 01:10:37power real estate and like he's going
- 01:10:38through the whole like hey no jobs
- 01:10:40people have no money blah blah blah all
- 01:10:42these bad Economic Times like here's
- 01:10:44another chance for you to get that same
- 01:10:47opportunity because right now and rates
- 01:10:49are about to drop and you can Arbitrage
- 01:10:51X Y and Z the spreads on wholesaling are
- 01:10:54bigger like proven the concept this way
- 01:10:57right so there was another type of like
- 01:11:00lifestyle based example um this is the
- 01:11:03one with car salesman so you know Luke
- 01:11:07did this one this was really good I can
- 01:11:10actually back track this one and let us
- 01:11:12play sales people the world is changing
- 01:11:15fundamentally as we speak but did you
- 01:11:17know that it's creating an opportunity
- 01:11:19that most people are missing out on
- 01:11:21completely you see recent events have
- 01:11:24recreated Commerce if you will and only
- 01:11:2718% of today's buyers feel like they can
- 01:11:29trust sales people you see the
- 01:11:31marketplace has changed but the sales
- 01:11:33process has not Flyer's gone wise and
- 01:11:37now their guard is up that's when nearly
- 01:11:3970% of salese say their job is harder
- 01:11:42now than ever before contrary to what
- 01:11:45today's influencers would like you to
- 01:11:47believe it's not some program it's not
- 01:11:49some movement the answer is to Simply
- 01:11:52stop being a salesperson because that's
- 01:11:54what they expect that's what the
- 01:11:56customer has prepared for my name is
- 01:11:58Luke wenhe I've been selling for a
- 01:12:01quarter of a century during which I've
- 01:12:03received countless hours of sales
- 01:12:05training I've gone to conferences Expos
- 01:12:08all trying to find the secret to closing
- 01:12:10more deals was it words tonality reading
- 01:12:13presentation there was none the only
- 01:12:15thing I found was the best trainers were
- 01:12:18just good entertainers motivators
- 01:12:21getting me all fired up but a month
- 01:12:22later The Ether wears off when your back
- 01:12:24at one so I did exhaustive research I
- 01:12:28used my own salespeople as guinea pigs
- 01:12:30and I developed My Own Way based in
- 01:12:33reality pain and persuade is like
- 01:12:35nothing you've ever been exposed to we
- 01:12:37don't teach you word tracks and
- 01:12:38rebuttals we teach real skills sales
- 01:12:42motivators they're a ton of fun to watch
- 01:12:43I get it they make great YouTube reels
- 01:12:46but is that what your career needs you
- 01:12:47ever seen one who close a difficult
- 01:12:49customer live seeing their face when the
- 01:12:52rebuttal doesn't work and someone
- 01:12:53actually pushes back think about it
- 01:12:56learning work tracks is like buying a
- 01:12:57bunch of Gade meat and then having a few
- 01:12:59good meals but they run out why wouldn't
- 01:13:02you just learn how to hun you've got two
- 01:13:04choices when you see something like this
- 01:13:06I get it you can dismiss it treat it
- 01:13:07like spam you can live with whatever or
- 01:13:10you can do what your cup tells you take
- 01:13:12a little leap become one of the brave
- 01:13:15people who have had their entire life
- 01:13:17Changed by this program the salese who
- 01:13:20have learned this process they feel as
- 01:13:22though they've been awakened their
- 01:13:24confidence is skyrocketed their
- 01:13:26commissions have doubl and their work
- 01:13:28day is easy now because selling isn't a
- 01:13:31challenge anymore just being themselves
- 01:13:34but now their conversations the
- 01:13:36conversations close deals look at your
- 01:13:39pay Stu look at your year-to dat
- 01:13:41commission and think if that number was
- 01:13:44nearly doubled What would life look like
- 01:13:47now ask yourself if that number simply
- 01:13:50stays the same again next week and again
- 01:13:52the week after what are you going to
- 01:13:56so like this this whole
- 01:13:58presentation we told Luke what to do
- 01:14:00with this but he went for more
- 01:14:02storytelling because every single Avatar
- 01:14:05has their own pain point that they're
- 01:14:06trying to hit so Luke just doesn't like
- 01:14:09all the motivational rahah about sales
- 01:14:11and how it's a masculine thing and
- 01:14:13yelling at people and all this stuff
- 01:14:15that you see online he doesn't like all
- 01:14:18of the you know rahah so you know and
- 01:14:21then he goes into this nearly doubl
- 01:14:22their income some far better the only
- 01:14:25difference between them and you they
- 01:14:27took the train you have that's it
- 01:14:30nothing more don't live with regret hit
- 01:14:32the lake what's the Worst That Could
- 01:14:34Happen ask yourself that not doing it
- 01:14:37that could cost you everything this this
- 01:14:40is far as I can take you my friends the
- 01:14:42rest is up to you I'll see you on the
- 01:14:45welcome
- 01:14:46screen what I what I notic about this
- 01:14:49what I noticed about this Jason is that
- 01:14:51he didn't sell me a program he didn't
- 01:14:53sell me a specific offer he just sold me
- 01:14:56the next action step within the
- 01:14:59funnel yeah right it's like move to the
- 01:15:02next step that was really the big thing
- 01:15:03it's like don't miss out on the training
- 01:15:06and it wasn't focused on buy my $25,000
- 01:15:08coaching
- 01:15:09program yeah so the big thing too with
- 01:15:12this that I want people to realize is
- 01:15:14that not everything is set in stone on
- 01:15:17this page okay you can use and you can
- 01:15:20upgrade your high level account to be
- 01:15:22able to do split tests because we don't
- 01:15:25just test headlines we test videos we
- 01:15:28test multiple facets of a webinar that
- 01:15:29would dictate if something works or not
- 01:15:31some niches that's why I show you a lot
- 01:15:34because I know sometimes they can be
- 01:15:36like well well this didn't match what
- 01:15:37you said before it is depending on the
- 01:15:40Avatar the reason why I show you four to
- 01:15:43five examples is because different
- 01:15:44niches predicate different verbiage
- 01:15:47different stories different pain points
- 01:15:49different infactuation you either go for
- 01:15:52the story or you go for the sign up
- 01:15:55result social proof call to action okay
- 01:15:58and either one you have to test which
- 01:16:00one works because here's the biggest
- 01:16:02piece on you
- 01:16:04know a lot of the things will go over on
- 01:16:06day two and day three which like the
- 01:16:07kpis which is what kind of numbers
- 01:16:09you're looking for right if you are
- 01:16:12running a webinar don't just try to get
- 01:16:14the cheapest League cost possible you
- 01:16:17want real people in the room right you
- 01:16:19don't just want to have like if you're
- 01:16:21getting $2 signups cool but what if
- 01:16:24they're not the right leads you're now
- 01:16:26going to sell the wrong offer to the
- 01:16:27wrong person and because you didn't tell
- 01:16:30a good story they're not emotionally
- 01:16:31attracted to you which means that you
- 01:16:33selling them now needs to be a logical
- 01:16:37kind of buy and I'm just going to be
- 01:16:39honest most people are not logical okay
- 01:16:41they're just not okay that's why people
- 01:16:44like people know that alcohol is bad
- 01:16:47people still drink people know that
- 01:16:48texting and driving is against the law
- 01:16:50they still do it anyway and people know
- 01:16:52that cheating is bad on their wife or
- 01:16:54husband do it anyway like people know
- 01:16:56these things are bad they do it anyway
- 01:16:57so people are not logical um that's why
- 01:17:00most people emotionally buy so and then
- 01:17:04you know what else I do on the landing
- 01:17:06page here is I go into what they're
- 01:17:08going to learn this is the next piece of
- 01:17:09all my webinar pages is what are you
- 01:17:11gonna learn same thing with this angle
- 01:17:13too what are you gonna learn I either do
- 01:17:16three parts or four parts and it's
- 01:17:19always going to be the next section
- 01:17:21here and do you always do two colors
- 01:17:24only what in a accent I'm noticing that
- 01:17:27or yeah I keep it congruent yeah I keep
- 01:17:31it congruent because if there's too many
- 01:17:33colors people will throw like people
- 01:17:35will throw so many colors on a landing
- 01:17:36page where I'm like dude this thing
- 01:17:37looks like a scam like you got to make
- 01:17:39it branded and congruent because here's
- 01:17:41the biggest piece whatever you put here
- 01:17:45your slides or your presentation or your
- 01:17:47next page and you have the same branding
- 01:17:49and if at any point the slides don't
- 01:17:52like let's say this one's green and
- 01:17:53white and they go on the webinar and
- 01:17:54it's blue bluish they're like wait a
- 01:17:56second the landing page look like they
- 01:17:58they really have that color recognition
- 01:18:01like all my stuff on my my
- 01:18:04subtitles yellow and black the landing
- 01:18:08page is yellow and black wjo media is
- 01:18:10yellow and black it's all yellow and
- 01:18:12black it's congruency okay so that's why
- 01:18:15I keep it that way because I don't want
- 01:18:17anybody to sit there at one point be
- 01:18:18like hey I don't recognize that brand I
- 01:18:19want them to recognize the brand so here
- 01:18:23we go through the four things or the
- 01:18:24three things depending on your webinar
- 01:18:26you might have three you might have four
- 01:18:27but don't do two or one because they'll
- 01:18:29make it look like it's too easy okay you
- 01:18:32got to have three or four don't do six
- 01:18:35don't do seven I've tested this it's too
- 01:18:37much three or four okay then you get
- 01:18:41into
- 01:18:41results okay and this just so you
- 01:18:44realize I'm just going to go you know
- 01:18:46these are just screenshots of Trades
- 01:18:48okay every three pieces of social proof
- 01:18:52you need to have
- 01:18:56a
- 01:18:57button okay if you do not have a button
- 01:19:00every three pieces of social proof
- 01:19:02you're going to make people have to then
- 01:19:04keep scrolling more to find the next
- 01:19:05button it's a conversion hack tested
- 01:19:08this so many freaking times it's not
- 01:19:09even funny every three pieces of social
- 01:19:12proof you need a button a lot of people
- 01:19:14just assume oh well if I had all six or
- 01:19:17nine of these stacked up I can just put
- 01:19:19a button down here no that's for desktop
- 01:19:2197% of your users are mobile so make it
- 01:19:24easy for
- 01:19:25them then you go into the whole meet the
- 01:19:29presenter where you have to explain
- 01:19:31their social proof why should you listen
- 01:19:33to them this is the bio piece of the
- 01:19:36webinar page okay you go through all
- 01:19:38that and then you have FAQs which I
- 01:19:40believe okay so yeah we tested this on
- 01:19:43Luke's Luke was better to have his bio
- 01:19:47above social proof we tested it for some
- 01:19:49reason putting testimonials above his
- 01:19:52bio actually did worse I don't know why
- 01:19:54but it the numbers don't lie so it's
- 01:19:56whatever okay and then we go into
- 01:19:59FAQs because people have big questions
- 01:20:02before they hop on this webinar where
- 01:20:04will I get this course do I also get
- 01:20:07mentorship who is this for we're pre-f
- 01:20:09framing the sale in the FAQs because
- 01:20:11they know they're they're smart they
- 01:20:13know if I attend a webinar they're going
- 01:20:14to sell something no one just goes on a
- 01:20:16webinar doesn't sell anything okay how
- 01:20:19long do take to get results is there any
- 01:20:20support if I get stuck like they want to
- 01:20:22know these precursor things before they
- 01:20:24actually
- 01:20:26continue okay and then pictures of him
- 01:20:28with with Brad Lee and pictures of him
- 01:20:30with the Elliot crew like this was good
- 01:20:32social proof too because a lot of these
- 01:20:34guys have prev vetted him in in the
- 01:20:36space for sales training we tested this
- 01:20:38one with FAQs it didn't work well okay
- 01:20:41so if everyone's wondering why are they
- 01:20:42not FAQs we added to the page the
- 01:20:45conversion rate dropped so maybe we were
- 01:20:47being too abrasive with the FAQs because
- 01:20:49when we did FAQs for Luke it was very
- 01:20:51like you know um like Luke's very like
- 01:20:56you know muscular so he's a pretty pushy
- 01:20:58dude it's like you know some of the FAQs
- 01:21:01were just very abrasive um ones like
- 01:21:04this
- 01:21:06testimonials this we pre-qualified who
- 01:21:08they were instead of FAQs we tested FAQs
- 01:21:12versus having this kind of angle this is
- 01:21:14some way that you could actually end the
- 01:21:17landing page instead of FAQs so who is
- 01:21:20it perfect for is this right for me
- 01:21:22that's a good angle too to have on the
- 01:21:23end 7% of 10 joined after attending this
- 01:21:25training this
- 01:21:33pre-framed okay leading to faster WIS
- 01:21:35and replacing income with real assets
- 01:21:37who is this for it's perfect for those
- 01:21:39who are still looking for the first deal
- 01:21:41Real Estate Investors who are looking to
- 01:21:43Triple their income productivity who are
- 01:21:45working 9-5 who are looking for a way to
- 01:21:47simplify their portfolio with one
- 01:21:48property who are limited on time and
- 01:21:50funds because they don't use their own
- 01:21:52money okay
- 01:21:56this one is the same thing but what are
- 01:21:59these four
- 01:22:00things okay what you will learn one hour
- 01:22:04what are these four things people are
- 01:22:05going to
- 01:22:06learn okay this one's not fully live yet
- 01:22:09but finishing the biop PC here with a
- 01:22:10picture still doing this with them I
- 01:22:12wanted to show this one because this one
- 01:22:14is in progress so I feel it'd be cool to
- 01:22:15show you one in progress so we're going
- 01:22:18to put his bio picture here keep in mind
- 01:22:21okay you're going to put something here
- 01:22:23that's an authority pick either him on
- 01:22:25front of a magazine either him in front
- 01:22:27of his you know maybe he has a nice Bend
- 01:22:29or him at an office building with his
- 01:22:31logo behind him him with a clickfunnels
- 01:22:34award behind him whatever it looks like
- 01:22:36for Jamie okay and then testimonials and
- 01:22:39we're going to build the rest of the
- 01:22:39page but I want to show you this one of
- 01:22:41progress
- 01:22:43um Qui they click quick question for you
- 01:22:47here this is all around one offer right
- 01:22:50you're not sharing two or three
- 01:22:52different options you're not you're not
- 01:22:54talking to you're not even talking about
- 01:22:55anything else outside of this one
- 01:22:58thing yeah so I always want to keep it
- 01:23:00on one thing because the one thing is
- 01:23:02the main thing and if I were to tell
- 01:23:04them too many different offers I would
- 01:23:07over confuse them it would overlap to
- 01:23:10where someone would say hey I saw this
- 01:23:11thing on your website about this but
- 01:23:13like do you also do that like now
- 01:23:15they're confused already confused people
- 01:23:17don't buy
- 01:23:19right um a a a good example is like the
- 01:23:2330-day free trial that doing for people
- 01:23:25on the workshop if we said to them Hey
- 01:23:26listen you have to wait till the end and
- 01:23:28click a link and do a survey and do this
- 01:23:29like and we also have three options it's
- 01:23:31too confusing just 303 free trial go get
- 01:23:34the high level free trial right same
- 01:23:37thing with this if I told them hey we
- 01:23:38have a mastermind and a partner program
- 01:23:40and it would just over confuse people
- 01:23:42and now they're confused they're not
- 01:23:44going to take action or buy
- 01:23:46anything um also I've tested a lot of
- 01:23:49popups this popup has worked every
- 01:23:51single time it wins every single time so
- 01:23:53the way that I do step one and enter
- 01:23:55information below to reserve your spot
- 01:23:57full name email phone reserve my spot
- 01:23:59now these buttons this verbage this kind
- 01:24:02of popup and copy has worked very very
- 01:24:04well okay now you wouldn't do you ever
- 01:24:08do anything where it's just in the
- 01:24:10funnel itself without a popup where it's
- 01:24:12a form like or do you like popup bit or
- 01:24:15what dude the popups have worked better
- 01:24:18for these they have I don't know why
- 01:24:21it's weird but it has worked better I
- 01:24:24mean just for our clients and has maybe
- 01:24:25there's certain verbiage that would make
- 01:24:28the in the embedded form better but
- 01:24:31these popup just worked like it's
- 01:24:34actually really cool um and then now
- 01:24:39here's another
- 01:24:40thing okay I'm showing you this example
- 01:24:42I believe we updated this we're about to
- 01:24:43launch this in about a couple days this
- 01:24:46one we have a different kind of popup
- 01:24:48okay and this is important to understand
- 01:24:52is you can do this is like a webinar Jam
- 01:24:56ever weinar kind of sequence to where
- 01:24:58you can actually embed a button instead
- 01:24:59of using the precursor buttons in your
- 01:25:02highlevel account okay so they want to
- 01:25:05run automated ones so when they're
- 01:25:07automated you want to use something like
- 01:25:09ever webinar um if you're wondering what
- 01:25:11that is um ever webinar is a partner of
- 01:25:15webinar Jam J and basically they work
- 01:25:19together to do either a live webinar or
- 01:25:21you could do automated this is important
- 01:25:23too to understand is that not every
- 01:25:25single webinar people are were asking in
- 01:25:27the chat before where am I going to host
- 01:25:29find you can do Zoom but if you have the
- 01:25:31inclination that you're going to want to
- 01:25:33automate at any point you want to hook
- 01:25:36up your landing page to webinar jam and
- 01:25:39do it from webinar jam and I'm going to
- 01:25:40tell you why if you're doing live
- 01:25:43webinars in the beginning you got to do
- 01:25:45them live first prove the concept get
- 01:25:48your slides dialed in get your
- 01:25:50presentation dialed in get your offer
- 01:25:51dialed in then you're going to take the
- 01:25:53best version
- 01:25:55and then go to ever webinar because
- 01:25:57webinar jam and ever webinar work
- 01:25:59together and webinar Jam records them
- 01:26:02records the chats all that stuff to
- 01:26:04where you can then take the automated
- 01:26:05one and run it as the live and it has
- 01:26:08everything automated for you to where
- 01:26:09you don't have to re-record again or do
- 01:26:11another live you just move it and and
- 01:26:14this is the only time I'm going to say
- 01:26:15it but you can drag and drop it over you
- 01:26:17can drag and drop it from the live to
- 01:26:20the automated and now you're running
- 01:26:22traffic and you don't have to be there
- 01:26:24you could have a VA or an admin or an
- 01:26:27assistant just watch the chat and put
- 01:26:29the payment links in when people are
- 01:26:30ready to buy so now you can pull
- 01:26:33yourself away from the equation and then
- 01:26:34you can focus on fulfillment and the
- 01:26:36back end and all the important parts of
- 01:26:38the business or pushing new offers I
- 01:26:40don't know whatever you want to do right
- 01:26:42um another way to really get the most
- 01:26:44out of your lives too is going to be not
- 01:26:46just running them live but maybe doing
- 01:26:48streamyard okay streamyard is a cool
- 01:26:50tool where you can go live on Instagram
- 01:26:52on Facebook like you guys are
- 01:26:54you can do all these different
- 01:26:56tools to hit different platforms maybe
- 01:26:59you have 500 followers on Instagram
- 01:27:022,000 people on Facebook you got 300 on
- 01:27:05YouTube go live on everything and you
- 01:27:08can get the most out of your audience we
- 01:27:10tested this webinar with with just
- 01:27:12Justin's got a very big F he's actually
- 01:27:14a very big name in the space um he's
- 01:27:16actually one of Andrew Tate's friends so
- 01:27:18he gets a lot of followers but Justin um
- 01:27:22we had him go live on Sunday at 5:00
- 01:27:24p.m. we were like dude just go on your
- 01:27:26Instagram story and post it he had 300
- 01:27:29people who showed up within an hour and
- 01:27:31within an hour we sold 60 Grand and it
- 01:27:35was cool he sold a 6K product to 10
- 01:27:38people it was insane I didn't expect it
- 01:27:40to be honest because the offer wasn't
- 01:27:42even dialed in and to be honest the
- 01:27:44video wasn't even great it was a little
- 01:27:46fuzzy they didn't have the camera guy
- 01:27:48hooked up correctly and I was like oh
- 01:27:49this is like but he still made it work
- 01:27:52because the offer was so
- 01:27:54good sometimes where things might fall
- 01:27:57apart the offer will save you it it will
- 01:28:02there's going to be webinars that you
- 01:28:03run where maybe something Tech wise goes
- 01:28:05wrong your audio is off or maybe a slide
- 01:28:09has a misspelling on it it happens we're
- 01:28:11people we're humans it it is all part of
- 01:28:14being a human okay it's gonna happen but
- 01:28:17if your offer is really really good it
- 01:28:18doesn't matter right Jason let me ask
- 01:28:22you a question what what is the next
- 01:28:25component of running and selling one to
- 01:28:28many with one hour webinars like are we
- 01:28:30going to go into the structure of the
- 01:28:32presentation today is that for tomorrow
- 01:28:34like what's the what's the what's I'm
- 01:28:37gonna go over yeah so I W to what I
- 01:28:40wanted to do for the last half an hour
- 01:28:42that we have is I wanted to take some
- 01:28:43questions because I feel like people
- 01:28:45have a bunch of questions and I've going
- 01:28:47going going tomorrow we're going to go
- 01:28:49through a proven slideshow and we're
- 01:28:51going to be using we're going to be
- 01:28:53doing Kevin because Kevin makes the most
- 01:28:56Kevin crushes um it's one every single
- 01:28:59day of the week I I I freaking love his
- 01:29:02his
- 01:29:02presentation um just realize that
- 01:29:06there's a lot of templus and stuff out
- 01:29:07there and even I'm going to give you one
- 01:29:09you have to go above and beyond even
- 01:29:11when you get a template okay I'm gonna
- 01:29:13give you stuff that works but Kevin's
- 01:29:16like he spent a couple hundred bucks on
- 01:29:19someone to go back into it and do a
- 01:29:21grammar check he spent another, for a
- 01:29:25designer to go in and make it nice and
- 01:29:28do all these cool little images and
- 01:29:30Vector images and the and the congruency
- 01:29:32and the fonts and all these things that
- 01:29:34matter like they just do okay so take
- 01:29:38what I'm giving you as the foundation
- 01:29:40prove your foundation with these things
- 01:29:42and then enhance it with like think
- 01:29:45about it this way the reason why Kevin
- 01:29:47does well than others is the simple fact
- 01:29:50that Kevin just spent more money on it
- 01:29:52I'm going to be honest like we have
- 01:29:54clients who do webinars and they're like
- 01:29:56I don't want to pay a designer to do my
- 01:29:58webinar I'm like why would you not it's
- 01:30:00$1,000 1500 bucks do it the right way
- 01:30:03they don't want to do it they don't see
- 01:30:04the value they're like no I'm like Okay
- 01:30:06Kevin did and Kevin makes more so he
- 01:30:09just took a better approach because you
- 01:30:11got to understand guys when they're on
- 01:30:12your webinar they're cold traffic they
- 01:30:14don't know who you
- 01:30:16are if you put a lot of money into the
- 01:30:19presentation and it looks very nice and
- 01:30:21clean doesn't your prospect then think
- 01:30:24like hey the product is probably going
- 01:30:26to be very good too then he's putting
- 01:30:28all this work into the slides it's
- 01:30:31precursor how well the product's going
- 01:30:33to be for me how successful I'm going to
- 01:30:35be okay it's a very good precursor the
- 01:30:38way you do one thing is the way
- 01:30:40everything else so I I want to take
- 01:30:42questions from people in the chat and
- 01:30:44then also what what we'll go through
- 01:30:46tomorrow is slides we'll go through the
- 01:30:49proven
- 01:30:50webinar okay and in in between I'll
- 01:30:53answer questions on that we'll also go
- 01:30:55through the winning ad copy for webinars
- 01:30:59what your ad copy should look like and
- 01:31:02then we're going to go look at winning
- 01:31:03webinar ads those four things and then
- 01:31:06day three I'll go through campaigns with
- 01:31:08you launching it the emails and the SMS
- 01:31:12and then we'll go through some best
- 01:31:13proes I love it so here's what we're GNA
- 01:31:16do the next let's see 20 minutes we'll
- 01:31:19go through and do a Q&A so if you
- 01:31:22haven't got a chance to to join us on
- 01:31:25the streaming on the Facebook page go to
- 01:31:28the Facebook page there's a link in the
- 01:31:30zoom chat Zoom chat is intentionally
- 01:31:32turned off that's so we could save
- 01:31:35content save questions and interactions
- 01:31:38and FAQs and all of that for later so I
- 01:31:40want you to type the word letter q or
- 01:31:43the word question and then ask the
- 01:31:46question so that way when the comments
- 01:31:48are coming in I can differentiate a
- 01:31:50comment versus a question if you guys
- 01:31:51don't mind so type in the word
- 01:31:54question or C and I'll I'll pull up the
- 01:31:57ones that are relevant and we can go
- 01:31:58through each one
- 01:32:00Jason yeah so while they're putting in
- 01:32:02questions I just pulled a couple here
- 01:32:04Jill said this is for a paid Master
- 01:32:06Class no these are all free you're doing
- 01:32:08this because you want to get more people
- 01:32:10on the list and a lot a lot of people
- 01:32:12I've tested a ton they don't want to pay
- 01:32:1427 bucks $9 for a webinar they really
- 01:32:16don't unless it's like a live event
- 01:32:18right which would be charging 97 more
- 01:32:19than that so
- 01:32:21um and then
- 01:32:24Jonathan's curious how Jason landed the
- 01:32:27privilege to push his ghl affiliate um
- 01:32:29dude man not the goal the goal is to
- 01:32:31provide you with a ton of value man so
- 01:32:33um I've just been parter with them for a
- 01:32:35while thank you for your time awesome
- 01:32:36what if you were using a free download
- 01:32:38on the lead Manet but the ultimate goal
- 01:32:40is to get them to sign up for a
- 01:32:42nine-week program you're selling the nwe
- 01:32:44program on the webinar so you could give
- 01:32:48them a lead magnet to give them an
- 01:32:50incentive to show up of course you could
- 01:32:52do a lead magnet hey like let's say you
- 01:32:54were running a tax offer right like um
- 01:32:58you know uh here's how entrepreneurs are
- 01:33:01saving an extra 20% on their
- 01:33:03taxes and if you attend I'm going to
- 01:33:06give you my free Excel sheet that helps
- 01:33:07you break down your expenses so you can
- 01:33:09actually copy and pting your business
- 01:33:10right now or not copy paste but like you
- 01:33:12could drag a drop or like those words
- 01:33:14are cool for templates right so that
- 01:33:18would be a cool bonus to give it really
- 01:33:19just depends but you want to give them a
- 01:33:21freely Le manate to incentivize them for
- 01:33:23sure sure
- 01:33:25um try to seal the program then do
- 01:33:28nurture emails no you're going to sell
- 01:33:30on the webinar but also and I'll get
- 01:33:32into this on day two and day three are
- 01:33:34best practices for the webinar but um
- 01:33:37that will be for day two and day three
- 01:33:39for sure and the emails are going to
- 01:33:41nurture them even during and
- 01:33:44after okay let me see doing a webinar
- 01:33:47for a free download no you can use a
- 01:33:50free download to get them to sign up for
- 01:33:52the free webinar as an incentive
- 01:33:54is this landing page for a paid webinar
- 01:33:55versus a free it is for
- 01:33:59free just get people to show up yeah
- 01:34:03Jill it the free download is to get
- 01:34:04people to show up what would you do if
- 01:34:07you are not an expert in the field you
- 01:34:08want to run a webinar
- 01:34:10on
- 01:34:12um I
- 01:34:14mean and this is just like really just a
- 01:34:17big Integrity piece is that I would want
- 01:34:19you to run a webinar something that you
- 01:34:21are somewhat of an expert in so that you
- 01:34:23know like it's not in a criticizing way
- 01:34:26but I just want you to be able to give a
- 01:34:28lot of value to what you're talking
- 01:34:30about and I just don't want you to give
- 01:34:33people like a misleading information if
- 01:34:36that I'm trying to make it you know it's
- 01:34:39this thing where if you're not an expert
- 01:34:41then if you get people to buy something
- 01:34:43and they're not satisfied you're going
- 01:34:45to have slander and I don't want you to
- 01:34:47have that I want you to be an expert and
- 01:34:49talk with confidence on on on what
- 01:34:51you're teaching the the other option to
- 01:34:54leverage expertise right and in this
- 01:34:56example like I brought Jason in to teach
- 01:34:59us about one of our webinars I'm not the
- 01:35:02expert I'm just facilitating the
- 01:35:03conversation and the stage for all of
- 01:35:05you to learn right so you can also go to
- 01:35:09small businesses and ask someone to join
- 01:35:11you and make them the expert and let
- 01:35:14them have the the Reign on what it is
- 01:35:17and make sure that they approve the
- 01:35:19offer or they align with the offer at
- 01:35:21least and create a partnership that way
- 01:35:23that's always it's always that's always
- 01:35:24the better angle
- 01:35:26versus um you know just trying to teach
- 01:35:29something that you're not an expert at
- 01:35:32yeah and someone asked how often you
- 01:35:33should run webinars once a week run them
- 01:35:36once a week there's no harm in doing
- 01:35:37once a week that reminds if just yeah
- 01:35:41that reminds me you said Thursday 6:00
- 01:35:44pm or 7 p.m. how did you get EAS yeah
- 01:35:47yeah what help us understand that cuz I
- 01:35:49thought Sundays were often pretty
- 01:35:51popular as well in some Industries so
- 01:35:54700 p.m. is around the time where people
- 01:35:58kind of want to have dinner in today's
- 01:35:59world okay they're driving home from 9
- 01:36:01to5 traffic they get into their home
- 01:36:03they settle in they get a bite to eat
- 01:36:05and they can actually sit down at 7 pm
- 01:36:07that's the first thing second thing is
- 01:36:09on PST time PST is 4M that's right
- 01:36:13before the end their workday or leave
- 01:36:15the office so both can actually digest
- 01:36:17the
- 01:36:19information got it and my versus
- 01:36:22weekends or any other
- 01:36:24so weekends people are too busy going
- 01:36:27out partying socializing going to
- 01:36:29football games they really that's their
- 01:36:31time to unwind um also you know Friday
- 01:36:35is where they celebrate the end of the
- 01:36:36week Wednesday is hump day and Monday
- 01:36:39and Tuesday is dealing with all the
- 01:36:41stuff that got kicked from last Friday
- 01:36:43so Thursday was a good sweet
- 01:36:46spot cool good to know um someone's
- 01:36:49asking here can you give an example with
- 01:36:52selling reputation management by chance
- 01:36:54so like selling reviews as a
- 01:36:57offer okay if you're selling reputation
- 01:37:00management you should also be thinking
- 01:37:03about what the results are of the
- 01:37:05reputation management so are they going
- 01:37:07to rank hog on Google because they're
- 01:37:08getting more reviews is it automated
- 01:37:11those are two things that are true
- 01:37:12they're going to get um you know more
- 01:37:16Google my business reviews because they
- 01:37:18got their their their their reviews out
- 01:37:21um that's number one number two is
- 01:37:22they're going to rank hire on Google
- 01:37:24because they have more reviews number
- 01:37:25three is is that if it's automated
- 01:37:27that's cool as well four would be I
- 01:37:30would actually find a partner who does
- 01:37:33press because reputation management
- 01:37:35isn't only about reviews it's also about
- 01:37:37press so maybe partner with a local news
- 01:37:39station a local PR agency somebody you
- 01:37:41could refer business to so that you can
- 01:37:43give a full Allon package to suffice the
- 01:37:46client's extra problems that you're
- 01:37:49giving them because you want to be the
- 01:37:51solution for those problems so that
- 01:37:53would my advice to you for sure um
- 01:37:56because let's say for example right your
- 01:37:58webinar was reveal how um reveal how
- 01:38:00business owners are ranking higher on
- 01:38:02Google getting more five-star
- 01:38:05reviews and swiping competitor traffic
- 01:38:09by using this blah blah system right
- 01:38:11because if they're ranking higher then
- 01:38:13they're getting you know more traffic
- 01:38:15that their competitors would usually be
- 01:38:16used to doing so that would be a better
- 01:38:18offer think about more of a result
- 01:38:19driven promise that they actually want
- 01:38:21like I can sit there all day and say hey
- 01:38:22I'll get you more reviews but like what
- 01:38:24are the reviews doing for the business
- 01:38:26owner why is it important so really
- 01:38:29think about that um so yeah I hope that
- 01:38:32answers your question um got two Health
- 01:38:34asked a really good question that a
- 01:38:35couple people have asked which is if I'm
- 01:38:37just starting out what kind of budget
- 01:38:39should I have to launch you mentioned
- 01:38:40ads and webinar softwares okay this is a
- 01:38:42great question a lot of people have been
- 01:38:44giving me context on this and then I'll
- 01:38:45get to Martin's um actually no uh we'll
- 01:38:48get to
- 01:38:49Bryant's so like if you're starting out
- 01:38:52every time I run ads I always recommend
- 01:38:54$50 a day on ads to get it off the
- 01:38:56ground your webinar software can be go
- 01:38:59high level in Zoom right so you got high
- 01:39:01level you got Zoom if you want to run
- 01:39:03ever webinar or you want to run webinar
- 01:39:05Jam you're going to be spending about
- 01:39:06$99 a month on that software um but I
- 01:39:09would get it off the ground first with
- 01:39:11high level and zoom which Zoom is $25 a
- 01:39:15month to host a certain amount of
- 01:39:16attendees so that's what you're looking
- 01:39:18at so you're looking at you know9 $99
- 01:39:21for high level you're looking at 99
- 01:39:22bucks for webinar Jam you're looking at
- 01:39:2525 bucks for zoom and then 50 bucks a
- 01:39:27day for ad so $1,500 about
- 01:39:30$2,000 um what would you do if oh wait
- 01:39:33uh what's the thought process to have
- 01:39:35quick question for you on the pricing
- 01:39:37does this work for a low ticket and high
- 01:39:40ticket equally like a lot of SAS people
- 01:39:43are selling $100 or $300 or $200 SAS
- 01:39:48tickets is that make sense to run this
- 01:39:50model versus $5,000 coaching program
- 01:39:52or10
- 01:39:54service clients you know so yeah so
- 01:39:56here's the thing I would run it if it's
- 01:39:58$100 a month 200 bucks a month because
- 01:40:00what can we do we can offer stack we can
- 01:40:02say Hey listen on this live we're going
- 01:40:04to give you the whole year for a certain
- 01:40:06price and plus these bonuses so that's
- 01:40:09how you can make it more appealing maybe
- 01:40:11they don't want to just do the one month
- 01:40:12you incentivize people on this webinar
- 01:40:13to get an exclusive offer hey you were
- 01:40:16on here thank you for your time for an
- 01:40:17hour and a half here's what I'm going to
- 01:40:19give you today usually like let's say
- 01:40:21for example like let's say wo Jo media
- 01:40:22was $100 $ a month okay wjo media is
- 01:40:25$100 a month well you can get it for
- 01:40:27$8.97 for the whole year on this very
- 01:40:29live webinar so you could sell it that
- 01:40:31way where they're getting three months
- 01:40:33for free and they get a ticket to an
- 01:40:34event and they get a maybe a one-on-one
- 01:40:36call with somebody like you add bonuses
- 01:40:39and you get a signed copy of our book or
- 01:40:41something like that right you would make
- 01:40:42an actual realistic bonus that would get
- 01:40:46them more results and more access to
- 01:40:49really stack the SAS offer
- 01:40:51itself got it that makes sense cuz you
- 01:40:54can always sell annual packages and
- 01:40:56bigger tickets attached to it and hybrid
- 01:40:58offers and things like that to make it
- 01:41:00worth um uh a while so someone's asking
- 01:41:04um I know you said to not make uh Neil
- 01:41:06is asking I know you said not to make
- 01:41:08too wild of a claim on to be compliant
- 01:41:11um then most of the headlines are saying
- 01:41:13double your business do you mean that
- 01:41:16you could be more bold in your headlines
- 01:41:18and then cover the more realistic
- 01:41:20results later on a page or should we try
- 01:41:23headlines that are less big like adding
- 01:41:25three or five clients on an autopilot
- 01:41:28versus double your
- 01:41:30business um I mean if you can double
- 01:41:34their business you better come prepared
- 01:41:36to the webinar to have enough proof to
- 01:41:38back it up right that's number one
- 01:41:41number two is that if you're going to
- 01:41:42make that claim you better give the
- 01:41:43right expectation time frame now if you
- 01:41:45said 30 days that's not a lot of
- 01:41:47believability but if you said 6 months
- 01:41:5090 days right you have to give the right
- 01:41:53expectations that have believability
- 01:41:54right I'm not into that whole like hey
- 01:41:57double your clientele in seven days
- 01:41:59that's crazy like there's no way okay
- 01:42:02there's ramp up periods for everything
- 01:42:03and business owners understand that you
- 01:42:05also have to think about the objections
- 01:42:07that your offer brings to the table what
- 01:42:09slides are you going to have that bring
- 01:42:11up the objection how you handle it and
- 01:42:13why it makes sense because you have to
- 01:42:15do a mix of emotion and logic you have
- 01:42:17to mix those two together most people
- 01:42:19are not logical but you have to bring
- 01:42:20logic to emotion right so you know when
- 01:42:23they're sitting there and they're like
- 01:42:24how is he going to di my business in 30
- 01:42:26days okay well week one is this and week
- 01:42:28two is this and week three is this and
- 01:42:29week four is that if you break it down
- 01:42:31that way you actually could have more
- 01:42:32believability but you got to have case
- 01:42:35studies that show people who had that
- 01:42:37same time frame don't say in the webinar
- 01:42:39hey you're gon to in 90 days and then
- 01:42:41you show a graph and someone doubled it
- 01:42:43in five months like that that doesn't
- 01:42:45make any sense there needs to be
- 01:42:47congruent social proof as
- 01:42:49well got it um well why don't we do this
- 01:42:54why don't we share a few notes on the
- 01:42:5630-day trial and we can close out day
- 01:42:59one and uh make sure the recording is
- 01:43:01available for everyone um what do they
- 01:43:04get if they jump into the 30-day trial
- 01:43:06I'll go ahead and uh drop the link for
- 01:43:09the 30-day trial into the chat um and
- 01:43:13then um we can close
- 01:43:17out yeah so when you guys get the 30-day
- 01:43:20trial you're going to be able to get
- 01:43:23the landing page template that I use for
- 01:43:26webinars that's number one number two is
- 01:43:29the SMS and emails um and then also I'm
- 01:43:33going to show for people who want to
- 01:43:35look forward to day two and me
- 01:43:37explaining things I'm dropping this all
- 01:43:38inside of the Google Doc um there G to
- 01:43:40be a Google doc that has all these U
- 01:43:43that I'm going to be giving out so you
- 01:43:44got your SMS and email templates you got
- 01:43:47the winning landing pages okay you have
- 01:43:50the um three is you have the um examples
- 01:43:55of good ads you have all the ad copy and
- 01:43:59then day three I'm going to show you and
- 01:44:01I'm gonna launch an ad live with you so
- 01:44:04you can see how I actually go through
- 01:44:06Facebook ads because I don't want you
- 01:44:08launching this thing on like Tik Tok or
- 01:44:09whatever just to make it quicker like I
- 01:44:12want to actually explain it so that you
- 01:44:14know how to launch your first ad um and
- 01:44:18yeah I mean the 30 days you can get if
- 01:44:21you follow the steps I'm going to give
- 01:44:22you over these three days and we're
- 01:44:23already wrapped up with with with day
- 01:44:25one here you're going to be able to
- 01:44:27launch a webinar you could if you really
- 01:44:29wanted to you could launch it for next
- 01:44:31Thursday if you really wanted to you
- 01:44:34know if you went back and did all the
- 01:44:35notes and built the landing page and got
- 01:44:37a designer and started building slides
- 01:44:39you could launch your ads by Friday have
- 01:44:41signups for webinar next uh Thursday you
- 01:44:45really could yeah so breaking all these
- 01:44:47things on going be a lot of benefits
- 01:44:49yeah absolutely and for those of you
- 01:44:50that are already on a high LEL account
- 01:44:52you don't don't need to do anything on
- 01:44:54day three on Wednesday we'll make these
- 01:44:57snapshots and all these collaterals
- 01:44:58available to you as long as you have an
- 01:45:00existing account but we won't release
- 01:45:03that until day three just like all the
- 01:45:05other 3-day workshops so stay tuned
- 01:45:07Jason thank you for day one tomorrow
- 01:45:09we're going to dive even more deeper
- 01:45:11into this and go through some cool stats
- 01:45:14and cool things about how presentations
- 01:45:17could be built what the psychology is
- 01:45:19behind it and then day three we'll talk
- 01:45:22about the follow-up systems and SMS and
- 01:45:24automations behind it but we'll see you
- 01:45:26tomorrow bye for now see you tomorrow
- 01:45:32[Music]
- webinaire
- vente automatisée
- marketing digital
- Jason Mojo
- stratégie
- promesse de résultats
- HighLevel
- Zoom
- conversion
- comportement d'achat