Practical Electronics - Lecture 3
TLDRLa classe comença amb anuncis sobre les assignatures properes, incloent-hi la primera tasca i el primer laboratori. Els estudiants formaran parelles per al laboratori, on començaran a dissenyar i construir una estructura de prova per a un projecte de hèlix a velocitat constant. La sessió inclou una revisió de la teoria del circuit i les seves aplicacions pràctiques, enfocant-se en la resistència del filferro i el seu impacte, com en l'eficiència dels panells solars. També es presenten components reactius, com condensadors i inductors, i les seves aplicacions pràctiques en circuits, com ara la reducció de soroll amb condensadors de desconnexió. La importància del calibre del fil es destaca pel seu impacte en la resistència i l'eficiència del circuit.
- 📅 Consulteu la pàgina Canvas per a les assignatures properes.
- 🔬 Formar grups de dos per al laboratori de divendres.
- 💡 La resistència del fil és crucial en aplicacions pràctiques com els panells solars.
- ⚙️ Utilitzeu condensadors de desconnexió per reduir el soroll del circuit.
- 📏 El calibre del fil afecta l'eficiència del circuit.
- 🔋 El projecte inclou una estructura de prova per a una hèlix de velocitat constant.
- 🔧 El passat per alt canvia el comportament en el disseny del circuit.
- 💬 Les hores de despatx comencen immediatament després de la classe.
- 📖 Utilitzeu els recursos del taller itll per a tutorials addicionals.
- 📝 Els condensadors bloquegen efectivament el soroll en senyals DC.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La classe comença amb anuncis sobre les properes tasques i la formació de grups per a un projecte de propulsor de velocitat constant. Es revisarà la teoria de circuits inicial, centrant-se en aplicacions pràctiques, incloent resistència de filferros.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Es discuteix la importància de la medició precisa de la resistència de cables en projectes, especialment amb corrents elevats, per evitar caigudes de tensió significatives que poden afectar els resultats.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
S'explica com calcular la resistència del cable basant-se en la resistivitat del metall, la longitud i l'àrea de secció transversal, amb exemples pràctics de coure versus alumini.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
S'ofereix un exemple amb un sistema de panells solars i el càlcul de la pèrdua de potència dels cables a causa de la resistència, destacant la importància de l'elecció del calibre del cable.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Un altre exemple mostra les implicacions pràctiques de seleccionar cables de diferent calibre, analitzant la pèrdua de potència i d'eficiència en sistemes de potència alimentats per energia solar.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Discutir sobre la configuració en sèrie versus paral·lel per als panells solars i com pot reduir la pèrdua de potència considerablement, mostrant l'eficàcia d'utilitzar tensions més altes.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
S'explica la llei d'Ohm i s'introdueixen conceptes de components reactius com capacitors i inductors, i la seva importància en aplicacions pràctiques com el filtratge del soroll en circuits.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Es presenten diferents tipus de capacitors i les seves aplicacions, incloent la descripció detallada de les capacitats d'acoblament i desacoblament de soroll, utilitzant exemples pràctics.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Es discuteix sobre el paper dels inductors en el bloqueig de freqüències amb AC i el seu ús en diferents circuits amb exemples específics i variats de disseny d'inductors.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:11
La classe conclou amb recordatoris sobre les tasques properes i l'horari de laboratori, destacant la importància de les capacitats pràctiques com la soldadura i el treball amb microcontroladors.
Mind Map
Video Q&A
What are the upcoming assignments?
Check the Canvas page for details on upcoming assignments, including homework and a lab session.
How are groups formed for the lab?
Groups of two are formed for the first lab, focusing on designing and building a test bed structure.
What is the purpose of discussing wire resistance?
To illustrate its practical importance, especially in applications like solar panels and circuits, where it affects efficiency.
What are decoupling capacitors used for?
To reduce noise from external sources in electronic circuits by providing a low impedance path to ground.
Why is wire gauge important?
Wire gauge affects resistance, which impacts efficiency and power loss, especially at higher currents.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:00[Applause]
- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:08good afternoon everybody let's get
- 00:00:10started with the class so I am doubly
- 00:00:14remote today so if you have any problems
- 00:00:17seeing anything uh I'm putting on the
- 00:00:19screen please let me know shoot me a
- 00:00:20chat if I don't see your chat please
- 00:00:22Shout It Out by
- 00:00:24unmuting so for announcements uh please
- 00:00:28see the canvas page for the upcoming
- 00:00:31assignments you have a homework one
- 00:00:35coming up soon that due date and due
- 00:00:37time are posted there uh lab one the
- 00:00:40first lab will be this Friday and you
- 00:00:42will form groups of two so you'll have
- 00:00:45one one uh lab partner and you'll start
- 00:00:50uh designing and building your uh test
- 00:00:54bed structure for the constant speed
- 00:00:58propeller project that we're going to
- 00:01:00talk about I'll give you an overview of
- 00:01:01that uh this Friday in
- 00:01:04lab um so let's get started on the
- 00:01:10material during the last class I started
- 00:01:13off with a review we're going to spend a
- 00:01:16couple more lectures on review I want to
- 00:01:17make sure you have a good foundation on
- 00:01:20um some of the original or initial
- 00:01:23circuit theory that you've seen before
- 00:01:25but show you some practical applications
- 00:01:28especially when you might run into some
- 00:01:29of these problems during your project or
- 00:01:31future
- 00:01:33projects um and uh we're going to let's
- 00:01:38see last time we talked about circuit
- 00:01:39Theory we focused on some applications
- 00:01:42we ended with
- 00:01:44calculating energy uh delivered to a
- 00:01:49device and we also talked about
- 00:01:51resistance of a wire and I want to show
- 00:01:53you a practical application of that
- 00:01:55today with with solar panels and power
- 00:01:58efficiency
- 00:02:05so so last time we talked
- 00:02:08about um wire resistance and I mentioned
- 00:02:12how well wires aren't ideal and you're
- 00:02:16always going to have some resistance and
- 00:02:18sometimes that matters and sometimes you
- 00:02:19actually have to measure some really low
- 00:02:21resistance values we saw this last year
- 00:02:24during the project when we bought some
- 00:02:27uh breadboards and actually a lot of
- 00:02:29breadboards will do this if you if you
- 00:02:31try to have more than a few
- 00:02:34milliamps uh run through the the the
- 00:02:38blades of a breadboard uh you might see
- 00:02:40significant voltage drops we were seeing
- 00:02:42that last year which is why we're going
- 00:02:44to a printed circuit board this year
- 00:02:45you'll see those in lab this year but
- 00:02:49let's suppose you have this uh wire
- 00:02:51under
- 00:02:52test uh when you measure a wire the
- 00:02:56problem is that you also have wires
- 00:02:58coming from the the test test leads that
- 00:03:00have may have their own resistance and
- 00:03:03they contribute to voltage drops
- 00:03:05especially when you have higher current
- 00:03:07if you're just dealing with a few
- 00:03:08milliamps that's usually not a big deal
- 00:03:10once you get up into the amp range or
- 00:03:13higher then some of these thinner gauge
- 00:03:16wires can have cause a problem so let's
- 00:03:18suppose you have a a power supply set
- 00:03:21for constant current here it's set for
- 00:03:24uh 2 amps current and I connect test
- 00:03:28leads to this wire um then what what I
- 00:03:32would do and what I did for measuring
- 00:03:36voltage across this wire is take the
- 00:03:37voltmeter and connect it directly across
- 00:03:39the wire because what you'll see is that
- 00:03:41although there's uh1 128 volts across
- 00:03:46the wire if you go back to the other
- 00:03:50side of the test leads we have 04 volts
- 00:03:53measured with a volt
- 00:03:55meter okay so that um
- 00:04:00uh means that there's uh a drop a
- 00:04:02voltage drop there across the test lead
- 00:04:04so.
- 00:04:05232 roughly voltage drop is across the
- 00:04:10the the test
- 00:04:11leads okay and that's actually more than
- 00:04:13the voltage across the wire you're
- 00:04:15trying to test so that's going to give
- 00:04:17you a a bad measurement and a bad
- 00:04:21calculation of wire
- 00:04:24resistance so the point here is
- 00:04:27that uh notice that where you measure
- 00:04:30voltage matters especially when dealing
- 00:04:32with higher current uh and I'm going to
- 00:04:35call out when we get to test equipment
- 00:04:39that measures resistance that there's
- 00:04:41actually a four-wire test where you have
- 00:04:44to use four leads connected to the m
- 00:04:46meter in order to get a good measurement
- 00:04:48of a of a low resistance
- 00:04:52load and notice here that some power
- 00:04:54supplies like this one
- 00:04:56have voltage uh measurements and current
- 00:05:00measurements and often times they're
- 00:05:02either not so accurate they're not as
- 00:05:05accurate as a
- 00:05:06voltmeter or an ammeter that's designed
- 00:05:09to be a voltmeter or an ammeter um or
- 00:05:12sometimes there's resistance internally
- 00:05:14or in the junction to the test leads
- 00:05:16that causes a voltage drop so measuring
- 00:05:21or where you measure voltage matters in
- 00:05:24high current situations and high current
- 00:05:27again is if you're using thin test leads
- 00:05:30then an amp or above
- 00:05:36matters okay
- 00:05:38so this voltage drop comes from
- 00:05:41resistivity of the material used for the
- 00:05:44wire so the resistance of a wire can be
- 00:05:47calculated um and characterized using a
- 00:05:50resistivity value called
- 00:05:53row um it's in units of ohm
- 00:05:57meters and so if you have
- 00:06:00have a wire of length L and that wire is
- 00:06:05made of a a metal with resistivity row
- 00:06:10here's the resistance R in ohms
- 00:06:12resistivity Row in ohm meters length and
- 00:06:15meters cross-sectional area and meter
- 00:06:17squared the resistance of that wire is
- 00:06:20row L over
- 00:06:22a it's kind of what you would expect
- 00:06:24right because you would think that the
- 00:06:27longer a wire is the higher the
- 00:06:29resistance
- 00:06:30would be and the thinner a wire is or
- 00:06:34lower cross-sectional area higher the
- 00:06:37resistance would be and that that's
- 00:06:39reflected here in this relationship
- 00:06:43shown so resistivity is a characteristic
- 00:06:47of the metal it's it's it's um it
- 00:06:50depends on the
- 00:06:51material and what you'll see is uh in
- 00:06:55the past there was a lot of wire that
- 00:06:57was just copper but you'll see now
- 00:07:00there's some wire that's copper coded
- 00:07:02aluminum and basically it makes it uh
- 00:07:04cheaper to produce and aluminum has uh a
- 00:07:08worse resistivity it's a higher
- 00:07:11resistivity compared to Copper so you
- 00:07:12got to pay attention to what kind of
- 00:07:14material you're using uh or what what
- 00:07:17kind of material the wire is made of
- 00:07:20when you're calculating resistivity and
- 00:07:22you're trying to figure out what is the
- 00:07:24voltage drop between your power source
- 00:07:26and the load
- 00:07:30the resistivity of copper is this uh
- 00:07:331.72 *
- 00:07:35108 ohm meters and that's at at 20
- 00:07:38degrees C I'll show you some information
- 00:07:41on
- 00:07:44that so here's an example if you have a
- 00:07:47th000 feet of copper
- 00:07:50wire and it's a 12 gauge wire we'll talk
- 00:07:53about 12 gauge wire um it has a diameter
- 00:07:56of uh 0.08 oh
- 00:08:00in and so let's calculate the resistance
- 00:08:03of that wire so here's the
- 00:08:05resistivity there's the copper wire
- 00:08:07resistivity length is 1,000 feet let's
- 00:08:10convert that to
- 00:08:12meters uh the wire diameter is 80 Ms
- 00:08:1680.8 Ms 80.8
- 00:08:18th000 all right that's the value in
- 00:08:22meters so the area is this in meter
- 00:08:25squared and that means um row L over a
- 00:08:29is 1.5 ohms so you get about 1.5 1.6
- 00:08:32ohms of resistance across this 12 gauge
- 00:08:35wire which again can be a problem if you
- 00:08:38have high current going through that
- 00:08:41wire
- 00:08:43okay so that's the resistance um per th
- 00:08:47feet you can calculate for this wire and
- 00:08:49then you can scale from
- 00:08:52there for your
- 00:08:54application it's common to give
- 00:08:57wire resistance in ohms per thousand
- 00:09:01feet so you don't have to use the
- 00:09:03property of the material you can just
- 00:09:04look at the specification for the
- 00:09:06wire okay you will
- 00:09:10see especially when I well I'll show you
- 00:09:13a table of wire gauges but uh some
- 00:09:16equations use circular Mills and that's
- 00:09:19a constant that um accounts for the
- 00:09:23resistivity and the length units
- 00:09:25specifically the ratio of um area
- 00:09:27between a square and a circle make life
- 00:09:29easier so you'll see this sometimes if
- 00:09:31you're given circular Mills you get a
- 00:09:35constant you get an area in circular
- 00:09:37Mills and a length in feet and this is
- 00:09:39how you calculate resistance of a wire
- 00:09:41given those
- 00:09:42parameters but I don't see that that
- 00:09:44often but you will see it in the table I
- 00:09:46show you
- 00:09:51next okay so here's wire gauge this is
- 00:09:54this applies this wire gauge table I'm
- 00:09:56going to show you is American wire gauge
- 00:09:58it applies here in the states uh
- 00:10:01International versions may vary but we
- 00:10:03use AWG here sometimes just called
- 00:10:06gauge so a common way to
- 00:10:10specify uh the
- 00:10:12diameter um of of a uh a solid round
- 00:10:18electrical wire is with Gauge American
- 00:10:20wire gauge okay you'll see resistance in
- 00:10:23tables associated with those
- 00:10:26gauges and they typically specify like
- 00:10:29we calculated on the last slide ohms per
- 00:10:31th000 ft at various temperatures right
- 00:10:34there's a difference if you have
- 00:10:35a copper outside versus copper under the
- 00:10:38hood of a car which is much different
- 00:10:41temperature here's a table you can find
- 00:10:43these tables in various
- 00:10:46forms but on the left you see the wire
- 00:10:50gauge right here's 0 1 two 3 4 as you go
- 00:10:53up in number on wire gauge the wire gets
- 00:10:56thinner as you go down the wire gets
- 00:10:59thicker and if you want Thicker Than
- 00:11:01Zero you go to double or triple A or
- 00:11:04quadruple a okay so then here you'll see
- 00:11:08diameter in Mills Mills um is a
- 00:11:11thousandth of an inch right so I will
- 00:11:13use Mills and um thousands
- 00:11:18interchangeably here's that circular
- 00:11:20Mills
- 00:11:21unit uh square inches and then here
- 00:11:23along the top you have temperature and
- 00:11:26then the uh resistance per th F feet for
- 00:11:30those temperature columns and for
- 00:11:32example a 14 gauge
- 00:11:33wire um has let's see it is it's its
- 00:11:37diameter 64 Ms so
- 00:11:4264,000 and that's the
- 00:11:45area and so at 20 C it's 2.5 ohms per th
- 00:11:52feet okay so room temperature that's
- 00:11:54what the resistance is and resistance
- 00:11:56increases with with temperature
- 00:12:01okay so so then this is for solid wire
- 00:12:04or uh stranded wire if you're using that
- 00:12:07then the cross-sectional area is the
- 00:12:09equivalent area of that of a solid
- 00:12:11copper wire so the stranded wire is
- 00:12:13going to
- 00:12:14be a larger diameter for the same
- 00:12:17resistance per thousand feet for the
- 00:12:19same
- 00:12:21gauge
- 00:12:24okay all right so let's talk about a
- 00:12:27practical example this is like ohms and
- 00:12:29tables and you know why does this matter
- 00:12:33well here's an example that I actually
- 00:12:36ran into um and if you ever go off- Grid
- 00:12:40or install a uh an array of solar panels
- 00:12:43on your house or wherever right your
- 00:12:46cabin then then you will likely run into
- 00:12:49this issue let's suppose for example you
- 00:12:53have four solar
- 00:12:55panels okay and then you have a load you
- 00:12:57want to power this load with a
- 00:12:59uh with a solar panel
- 00:13:01controller solar panel controller does
- 00:13:04lots of things it it takes in a wide
- 00:13:07range of of voltage from the solar panel
- 00:13:09and it outputs usually a charging
- 00:13:12voltage for a battery and then the
- 00:13:15battery connects to the loads or or a
- 00:13:18power inverter which converts the DC
- 00:13:20battery voltage to um AC for AC
- 00:13:26loads okay and let's suppose that load
- 00:13:30is uh 50 ft away from the solar
- 00:13:34panels and maybe these wires run down
- 00:13:37the house or they run uh from uh you
- 00:13:41know your your uh your cabin or your uh
- 00:13:44your off-grid camping trailer is in the
- 00:13:46shade and you're 50 feet away so this is
- 00:13:49a reasonable
- 00:13:50distance okay and you're decid you're
- 00:13:52trying to decide on wire gauge and you
- 00:13:55know in circuits class it doesn't matter
- 00:13:57right you just all wires are perfect
- 00:14:00conductors and so you'll see it matters
- 00:14:03here so each panel is um nominally 100
- 00:14:07Watts at 18 volts for this particular
- 00:14:09panel that I chose and that's that's uh
- 00:14:13the um Sun's power roughly and just
- 00:14:17bright Sun roughly it's a a kilowatt per
- 00:14:20square meter at 20% 23% you get about
- 00:14:23200 Watts out of a square meter and so
- 00:14:26this is probably a half square meter
- 00:14:28panel
- 00:14:29with a voltage of 18
- 00:14:33volts and there's various ways you can
- 00:14:36connect solar panels together and one
- 00:14:39way is to put them all in parallel so if
- 00:14:40I have 18
- 00:14:43volts at each of these uh panels
- 00:14:45terminals I can connect them all in
- 00:14:47parallel and so I'm joining all 18 volts
- 00:14:50right all panels together producing 18
- 00:14:52volts here that's a reasonable way to do
- 00:14:54it you can do
- 00:14:56that um and so each panel will
- 00:14:59contribute current which will flow out
- 00:15:02of each of its red leads the positive
- 00:15:04leads down to the power uh to the um
- 00:15:07charge controller and then back to the
- 00:15:11panel okay and so you have if you have
- 00:15:15four 100 watt panels you have 400 watts
- 00:15:18total at 18
- 00:15:21volts so the question becomes well you
- 00:15:23know we talked about high current is a
- 00:15:25problem through thin gauge
- 00:15:27wire um here you have a current of 22
- 00:15:31amps so you have 400 watts at 18 volts
- 00:15:34so you know voltage changes depending
- 00:15:37upon solar conditions and how much load
- 00:15:38you apply to the solar panel but let's
- 00:15:40use this as a rough estimate of uh 22
- 00:15:44amps you have 22 amps coming from those
- 00:15:47panels going to the right through the
- 00:15:50red wire black uh to the left through
- 00:15:52the black wire supplying your charge
- 00:15:54controller and load and let's suppose
- 00:15:57the charge controller maximum input
- 00:15:59voltage is 100
- 00:16:01volts typically these charge controllers
- 00:16:03have some Maximum voltage you go higher
- 00:16:05than that you destroy
- 00:16:08them okay now you're you're choosing
- 00:16:11wire and so you're looking at um this uh
- 00:16:157 $72 for 50 feet of wire red black wire
- 00:16:19it's meant for a solar installation and
- 00:16:22it's 14
- 00:16:23gauge okay and so let's figure out well
- 00:16:28is this going to work work and what do I
- 00:16:29mean by work it means are you going to
- 00:16:32waste all of your power or how much of
- 00:16:34your power are you going to waste
- 00:16:36because of the resistance of the wire
- 00:16:38you're actually just heating up the wire
- 00:16:40instead of delivering the energy to the
- 00:16:42load where you want it to
- 00:16:45be so here's the uh here's the
- 00:16:48resistance per length from the table 14
- 00:16:50gauge wire 2.5 ohms per th000 feet we
- 00:16:54have 100 fet of wies so it's only 50
- 00:16:56feet away but we have two lengths of 50t
- 00:16:59so that current has to travel
- 00:17:04100t and all 100t will be heating
- 00:17:08up okay the resistance then is a a
- 00:17:11quarter ohm that doesn't seem that bad
- 00:17:13you have a quarter ohm resistance that
- 00:17:16should be just fine
- 00:17:18right but when you have a current of 22
- 00:17:21amps um the power loss to the wire is
- 00:17:24actually
- 00:17:25127 uh Watts that's huge
- 00:17:30and the power from the panel if it's 400
- 00:17:32watts you're actually losing 32% of your
- 00:17:34power to the
- 00:17:36wire that's a lot right big percentage
- 00:17:40of your power is not going to the load
- 00:17:41where you want it to
- 00:17:43be so let's suppose you browse around
- 00:17:45some more online and you find this $140
- 00:17:48wire which is 10 gauge right it's almost
- 00:17:50twice the
- 00:17:52price and here's the resistance per
- 00:17:55length of that 10 gauge
- 00:17:57wire right
- 00:18:00and so you still have 100
- 00:18:03feet and the resistance then of that
- 00:18:06wire is point1 ohms well that's less
- 00:18:08that's good right instead of a quarter
- 00:18:09ohm you're a tenth of an OHM but you
- 00:18:11still have that same current 22 amps so
- 00:18:15the power loss to the wire
- 00:18:17is uh
- 00:18:2050.3 Watts that's still a lot of power
- 00:18:23right you're losing a lot of power to
- 00:18:25metal which is supposed to be a perfect
- 00:18:26conductor in our circuits class it's not
- 00:18:30so this is something to consider but
- 00:18:33it's less power loss so we have 400
- 00:18:36watts from the panel that means only 13%
- 00:18:39of that power is lost to the
- 00:18:43wire okay so the whole point of this
- 00:18:46exercise the slide I'm showing up is
- 00:18:48that um wire resistance matters at this
- 00:18:52higher of current and longer distances
- 00:18:57so if you have some project where you
- 00:18:58have a power supply that needs to be far
- 00:19:00away from its load and you need a
- 00:19:03certain voltage at that other end where
- 00:19:04the load is you have to consider the
- 00:19:06voltage drop and if it's a portable or
- 00:19:09battery powered or solar powerered
- 00:19:11application power
- 00:19:13lost uh power power lost to heat in the
- 00:19:16wires A
- 00:19:17consideration but so great let's use the
- 00:19:20largest possible wire we can well
- 00:19:23there's disadvantages to that
- 00:19:25because um that wire is more more
- 00:19:29expensive right so you think about it
- 00:19:31what would your decision be would you
- 00:19:33would you go cheaper on the wire and
- 00:19:36give away
- 00:19:3732% well that means you paid for
- 00:19:4132% too many solar panels right so you
- 00:19:45actually paid your part of your solar
- 00:19:47array is just going to heat up heat up
- 00:19:49the wire and you bought it to heat up
- 00:19:51the wire or you go with a more expensive
- 00:19:54wire and have a better power efficiency
- 00:19:57so there's no right answer here it's
- 00:19:59just going to make that decision as an
- 00:20:02engineer um your decision might be
- 00:20:05different if this is a 4 kilowatt system
- 00:20:07right if you had 40 panels instead of
- 00:20:08four panels right that's that's a lot of
- 00:20:11power loss panels are
- 00:20:14expensive you know so again it's just
- 00:20:17I'm just showing you some inputs to a
- 00:20:19trade you might
- 00:20:21make and also cost isn't only a factor
- 00:20:24weight and temperature are are factors
- 00:20:27um if you have
- 00:20:29uh a you know higher temperature like I
- 00:20:33don't know it's in the desert versus um
- 00:20:36up up farther north you might have
- 00:20:39higher res uh resistivity at Peak Sun
- 00:20:43Times which is when you want the solar
- 00:20:45panels to be
- 00:20:46operating and uh weight is consideration
- 00:20:49so if this were an aircraft
- 00:20:52application and you care about
- 00:20:54delivering power from an alternator to a
- 00:20:56battery to the rest of the avionics or
- 00:20:58or other power Power Systems um than uh
- 00:21:01than you would
- 00:21:02care
- 00:21:05um so uh so wait wait you know and you
- 00:21:08don't want an airplane to get heavier
- 00:21:10because then you're carrying you're
- 00:21:11reducing your payload to your
- 00:21:13airplane so you gota again you got to
- 00:21:16make you got to figure out what what all
- 00:21:17the trades are it's not just cost and
- 00:21:19power loss it's also weight temperature
- 00:21:21and other things so why does the
- 00:21:23resistance of a wire change with
- 00:21:25temperature yeah so um
- 00:21:29basically the resistivity goes up and
- 00:21:32without going into the um the physics
- 00:21:34too much of that uh you get you get high
- 00:21:38higher electron motion when the um the
- 00:21:41wire gets hot and the
- 00:21:44resistivity uh uh goes up and that's
- 00:21:48going to be result in a higher
- 00:21:51resistance for the overall
- 00:21:55wire okay
- 00:22:00so okay great so you have
- 00:22:02that and then you want to
- 00:22:07um what's an alternative right so let's
- 00:22:09let's figure out an alternative to this
- 00:22:11because you're you're still losing a
- 00:22:13whole lot of power in The Wire so what
- 00:22:16else can we do here we have the same
- 00:22:18four solar panels you have the same load
- 00:22:22the same charge
- 00:22:24controller the same length of
- 00:22:26wire um and each panel is still 100
- 00:22:30Watts at 18
- 00:22:31volts but instead of connecting these
- 00:22:34power uh panels in
- 00:22:36parallel let's
- 00:22:38connect these uh panels in in
- 00:22:42series okay so let's do
- 00:22:45this right let's connect all these in
- 00:22:47series and so this is like
- 00:22:51connecting uh sources voltage sources in
- 00:22:54series so you run the kvl equation
- 00:22:56around this and you get 72 volts between
- 00:22:58these two wires so it's no longer 18 you
- 00:23:01have 72
- 00:23:02volts at that connection to the end of
- 00:23:05The
- 00:23:06Wire so now you have 400 watts still
- 00:23:09there're still 400 watt solar panels but
- 00:23:12you're operating at um at 72 volts so
- 00:23:17your current is not 20 amps or 22 amps
- 00:23:20it's down to 5 and a half
- 00:23:23amps okay uh so will this destroy the
- 00:23:26control or no because controller this
- 00:23:29particular controller handles 100 volts
- 00:23:31so you'll see controllers that handle
- 00:23:33around 100 volts some are a lot lower
- 00:23:35but many control solar charge
- 00:23:38controllers will handle
- 00:23:40that okay so let's go grab the same wire
- 00:23:43and see what happens here you have uh
- 00:23:46same resistance per length the same
- 00:23:49length here's the resistance same
- 00:23:51resistance the current now is not 22
- 00:23:53amps it's uh five amps so the power lost
- 00:23:57to the wire
- 00:23:59uh is now 7.9
- 00:24:02watts and that's only
- 00:24:042% power
- 00:24:07loss okay so here for 10 gauge
- 00:24:10wire here's the resistance per length 10
- 00:24:13gauge wire same
- 00:24:14length here's the resistance the current
- 00:24:17again is uh five and a half
- 00:24:20amps okay and the power loss to the wire
- 00:24:24there is 3.1 Watts which is only 1%
- 00:24:29so just by changing the configuration of
- 00:24:31those solar panels from parallel to
- 00:24:34series dropped the power loss to the
- 00:24:38wire uh by a huge
- 00:24:40amount right our power efficiency got a
- 00:24:42lot
- 00:24:43better and now the difference between 14
- 00:24:46gauge and 10 gauge wire is only 1% right
- 00:24:492% 1% it's 1% difference so maybe maybe
- 00:24:54it's not worth the more expensive wire
- 00:24:55right so in the other case it might have
- 00:24:57been worth
- 00:24:59the more expensive wire the heavier
- 00:25:02wire so the um higher voltage that you
- 00:25:07use for power transmission is generally
- 00:25:10more efficient because you have lower
- 00:25:13current needed so that's why you see
- 00:25:16these high voltage power lines up really
- 00:25:18high off the ground and they're you know
- 00:25:20700 kilovolts um as various voltages but
- 00:25:25um that lets you deliver
- 00:25:29the same amount of power at a lower
- 00:25:31current because you're using higher
- 00:25:33voltage that's the whole premise here
- 00:25:36right so why don't you just use high
- 00:25:37voltage everywhere just let's let's keep
- 00:25:39going up in voltage well it becomes very
- 00:25:40dangerous to people so that's why we
- 00:25:43only have uh we we use 120 volts RMS in
- 00:25:46our house because it can kill you but
- 00:25:48it's not going to kill you instantly
- 00:25:51like a um a th000 volts wood or
- 00:25:56higher okay and
- 00:25:58um but the system components need to be
- 00:26:01rated for the higher voltage and safety
- 00:26:03is a
- 00:26:05factor if you the safe range is
- 00:26:07considered around 50 volts if you're
- 00:26:09below 50 volts um like 12 volts you you
- 00:26:13won't generally be uh feel a shock if
- 00:26:17you go above 50 volts then that can get
- 00:26:22dangerous if you touch the
- 00:26:25terminals okay so this is an example
- 00:26:29it's it's really to show trades that we
- 00:26:32can reduce costs significantly we can
- 00:26:35reduce um power loss significantly we
- 00:26:39can reduce weight if this were wiring in
- 00:26:41an airplane uh significantly just by
- 00:26:45considering how we
- 00:26:47configure the components of the
- 00:26:50system here in this case for higher
- 00:26:51voltage if you had more solar panels oh
- 00:26:55let's put them all in series the problem
- 00:26:56is once you exceed 100 volts
- 00:26:59you would destroy the solar charge
- 00:27:01controller um so you could do this you
- 00:27:04can do a combination of series and
- 00:27:06parallel right you could do uh an array
- 00:27:09of four and then multiple arrays of four
- 00:27:11so they're all 72 volts and then connect
- 00:27:13them
- 00:27:15together and uh there are different
- 00:27:17considerations when you have solar
- 00:27:19panels in parallel if they fail open
- 00:27:23then you lose let's say one panel fails
- 00:27:25you lose 25% of your power availability
- 00:27:29um but the system keeps operating here
- 00:27:31if you lose one of these panels and they
- 00:27:33they you know gets hit by hailstones and
- 00:27:35one of them fails as an open circuit
- 00:27:38your whole system is down so this is
- 00:27:40more power efficient but can be more
- 00:27:45vulnerable okay so lots of Trades to
- 00:27:47consider
- 00:27:57here all right so uh that was all about
- 00:28:00Oh's law that was the review of Oh's law
- 00:28:02and I wanted to show some practical
- 00:28:04applications where something as simple
- 00:28:06as Oh's law shows up with some pretty
- 00:28:08significant
- 00:28:10consequences so let's go to a review of
- 00:28:13reactive components we're going to talk
- 00:28:16about
- 00:28:17capacitors and
- 00:28:21inductors so you probably recall that if
- 00:28:24you have a couple conducting plates sep
- 00:28:26separated by a dialectric or or an
- 00:28:28insulator dialectric is an insulator um
- 00:28:32you have a
- 00:28:33capacitor here's the schematic symbol
- 00:28:36for a capacitor there's the voltage and
- 00:28:38the current for that
- 00:28:40capacitor right and in the time domain
- 00:28:44the relationship between voltage and
- 00:28:46current is I is equal to C
- 00:28:50dvdt right so capacitance in farads
- 00:28:54times the derivative the time derivative
- 00:28:56derivative of voltage is is the
- 00:28:59current okay so current is zero when V
- 00:29:03is DC you take the derivative
- 00:29:05of a constant a DC value and you get
- 00:29:09zero current and current only flows when
- 00:29:12V of T is is time varying okay so
- 00:29:16current doesn't actually flow through
- 00:29:19the capacitor from the outside world it
- 00:29:21looks like that it looks like currents
- 00:29:22going back and forth through the
- 00:29:23capacitor but really what's happening is
- 00:29:26the capacitor is charging and
- 00:29:27discharging so so charges flowing into
- 00:29:30the capacitor from one
- 00:29:31terminal uh it charges and then if you
- 00:29:35have a an AC current it's alternately
- 00:29:38charging and discharging that capacitor
- 00:29:40so it looks like current's going through
- 00:29:41it but it's really just a charge and
- 00:29:44discharge um
- 00:29:47State using phasers and impedance if you
- 00:29:49have phaser voltage and phasor current
- 00:29:53then we Define not uh that component not
- 00:29:56with capacitance but with an imped
- 00:29:58Z
- 00:30:00subc and so uh the impedance of that
- 00:30:04capacitor is minus J * one over Omega c
- 00:30:07c is the capacitance Omega is the uh
- 00:30:11angular frequency of of a sinusoid
- 00:30:14usually we're working with sinusoids
- 00:30:17here and V equals Iz right looks like
- 00:30:20Oh's
- 00:30:22law and then the impedance of a
- 00:30:24capacitor Falls with increasing
- 00:30:26frequency so we're going to talk about
- 00:30:27that
- 00:30:28capacitors can be used to filter out
- 00:30:31noise from power supplies or sensor
- 00:30:34voltages and uh we do that because of
- 00:30:36this characteristic that the impedance
- 00:30:38Falls with increasing frequency of a
- 00:30:43capacitor okay so here are some example
- 00:30:46capacitors these are ceramic capacitors
- 00:30:48you have probably something that looks
- 00:30:50like this in your kit maybe something
- 00:30:52that looks like that they come in
- 00:30:54surface mount packages and these leaded
- 00:30:57pack packages through whole
- 00:31:00packages uh they're small size they're
- 00:31:02low cost and they're usually small
- 00:31:07capacitance
- 00:31:09values okay if you need larger
- 00:31:11capacitance values you go to
- 00:31:14electrolytic capacitors so here's uh you
- 00:31:17have capacitors in your kit you will
- 00:31:20that look like
- 00:31:21this these capacitors are polarized and
- 00:31:25usually they have higher capacitance
- 00:31:27values
- 00:31:29but they have a large tolerance and and
- 00:31:32and drift of
- 00:31:33capacitance um if you you know for
- 00:31:36example you might have a 100 microfarad
- 00:31:39capacitor and it might have a 10 or 20%
- 00:31:43tolerance and oftentimes when you use
- 00:31:46these capacitors you don't care so much
- 00:31:48about the exact value you just care
- 00:31:51about its order of magnitude so that you
- 00:31:53can get maybe an impedance low enough to
- 00:31:57work in a filter
- 00:32:00notice in lab you're working with this
- 00:32:02capacitor that these are polarized
- 00:32:05you'll see a usually a minus sign next
- 00:32:07to one of the
- 00:32:08leads sometimes I've seen a plus sign
- 00:32:11next to one of the leads but pay
- 00:32:14attention to the polarity because if you
- 00:32:15put these in with the wrong polarity
- 00:32:18after a while you can degrade the
- 00:32:19capacitor it'll stop
- 00:32:23working and in in lab pay attention to
- 00:32:27when you're building a your uh your
- 00:32:29motor driver circuit you'll get to that
- 00:32:31pay attention to
- 00:32:33that polarity of the capacitor and the
- 00:32:36noted polarity on the schematic and the
- 00:32:38circuit
- 00:32:40board Mica capacitors so mic capacitors
- 00:32:44are generally high voltage
- 00:32:47capacitors and uh we we'll use these
- 00:32:50sometimes for radio frequency
- 00:32:52circuits and they're typically smaller
- 00:32:55capacitance values and they can be
- 00:32:58tighter
- 00:33:00tolerance and then these are variable
- 00:33:02capacitors you can see these inner inle
- 00:33:04fins and you turn this knob and it that
- 00:33:07that adjusts the amount uh that those
- 00:33:12fins overlap and so if they're
- 00:33:14completely overlapped you get a high
- 00:33:15capacitance if they're completely not
- 00:33:17overlapped that's a low capacitance so
- 00:33:19you can build a variable
- 00:33:21capacitor that's that's a big capacitor
- 00:33:25or maybe a high voltage tuning circuit
- 00:33:27here's a
- 00:33:28miniature adjustable variable capacitor
- 00:33:31working on the same
- 00:33:33principle in a different package and a
- 00:33:35lot smaller meant for a circuit
- 00:33:38board okay so when you need to tune a
- 00:33:41circuit you would use those types of
- 00:33:45capacitors but When selecting a
- 00:33:46capacitor here's what you need to
- 00:33:48consider you can't just go say I need a
- 00:33:4910 microfarad capacitor um and just grab
- 00:33:53any capacitor typically you have to
- 00:33:54consider not only size will it fit but
- 00:33:58uh um consider the capacitor's value of
- 00:34:01course and its tolerance do you really
- 00:34:03care if it drifts by 10 or 20% note its
- 00:34:07polarization if it's
- 00:34:09electrolytic and also notice its maximum
- 00:34:11voltage
- 00:34:13rating you can get for example the
- 00:34:16capacitor that's in your
- 00:34:18kit in an electrolytic package like this
- 00:34:22and it's I think it's 100 microfarads
- 00:34:24you can find those in you know 6.7 volts
- 00:34:27or or or um you know different voltage
- 00:34:31values I think you have a 50 volt
- 00:34:33capacitor but if you if you put a 6volt
- 00:34:37capacitor in a 12volt circuit eventually
- 00:34:39you're going to have problems so you got
- 00:34:40to pay attention to more than
- 00:34:42just the capacitance value of a
- 00:34:47capacitor
- 00:34:51okay all right so here's a common
- 00:34:54application for a capacitor um
- 00:34:58filtering either for a
- 00:35:00power uh voltage or a signal voltage
- 00:35:03like from a sensor and also blocking a
- 00:35:06DC voltage is also
- 00:35:09common so let's suppose you have let's
- 00:35:12suppose you have a source DC Source
- 00:35:15here's the thant equivalent we'll talk
- 00:35:16about that of a DC source and then you
- 00:35:18have a DC
- 00:35:20load and you put a wire between these
- 00:35:22could be test leads or jumper wires or
- 00:35:25circuit board traces the copper traces
- 00:35:27on a circuit board could be a breadboard
- 00:35:29connection could be wires across a you
- 00:35:31know some kind of um
- 00:35:35vehicle
- 00:35:36and that wire as we talked about is not
- 00:35:40resistance free it has some resistance
- 00:35:42and it also has some
- 00:35:44inductance and what you've created there
- 00:35:47is basically an antenna you've created a
- 00:35:50way for electromagnetic fields to cause
- 00:35:54a voltage on that wire right we call
- 00:35:57that noise external
- 00:35:59Noise Okay so you get this noise voltage
- 00:36:02across that
- 00:36:04wire and uh
- 00:36:07noise on power supply
- 00:36:10voltages at loads like let's suppose
- 00:36:12this load is a signal amplifier you know
- 00:36:16you're you have a a sensor that needs an
- 00:36:19amplifier time 10 amplifier maybe it's
- 00:36:21an opamp and if you remember from if you
- 00:36:24took my class and you built the op amp
- 00:36:27circuit it's you put decoupling
- 00:36:29capacitors at the ve and
- 00:36:32VCC uh nodes on your board on your
- 00:36:37breadboard but if you if you have a
- 00:36:39noisy DC voltage that can cause uh noisy
- 00:36:42signals out of let's say an amplifier
- 00:36:45you can have noisy sensor signals noisy
- 00:36:47audio
- 00:36:51Etc noise on digital lines like if you
- 00:36:53have some digital chip and you don't
- 00:36:55have a clean power supply signal like
- 00:36:57can cause errors in the values of the of
- 00:36:59the digital signal so this is an analog
- 00:37:02and a digital problem
- 00:37:05problem and what we do is we use
- 00:37:07capacitors and when we use them in this
- 00:37:09way we'll call them decoupling
- 00:37:11capacitors it decouples the noise from
- 00:37:14the from the uh
- 00:37:17circuit so we use these decoupling
- 00:37:19capacitors to reduce noise from the
- 00:37:22external environment and it does that by
- 00:37:25providing a low impedance path to
- 00:37:28ground so this plot here shows the
- 00:37:31magnitude of the
- 00:37:32impedance right of a capacitor and
- 00:37:35here's the frequency in
- 00:37:37hertz so if you have a 100 100
- 00:37:40microfarad capacitor at uh let's see 10
- 00:37:43Herz you have just over 100
- 00:37:46ohms
- 00:37:48impedance
- 00:37:50magnitude
- 00:37:52at let's see that was at 10 Hertz at a
- 00:37:55at 100 Hertz you have just over 10 ohms
- 00:37:59at a th Hertz you have just
- 00:38:02over that's not yeah one ohm trying to
- 00:38:06read this plot
- 00:38:07here okay so you can see the magnitude
- 00:38:10of the impedance falling the magnitude
- 00:38:12of the reactants
- 00:38:14falling as frequency increases and so
- 00:38:17what you're going to use that you're
- 00:38:18going to take that that property that
- 00:38:21characteristic and essentially you're
- 00:38:23creating this low impedance path to
- 00:38:25ground it's like you're shorting from
- 00:38:27this node above the load down to ground
- 00:38:30and that low impedance path uh causes
- 00:38:33the noise voltage to be a lot lower
- 00:38:36across this DC
- 00:38:38load so when you hear decoupling
- 00:38:40capacitors and you see that in lab
- 00:38:42that's what this
- 00:38:45is capacitors can also supply energy
- 00:38:48during transient loading events so you
- 00:38:51know you have a motor that you're
- 00:38:52turning on and off um or a transmitter
- 00:38:55you're turning on and off and that's
- 00:38:56what this DC load might be well because
- 00:38:59of this resistance right here and this
- 00:39:01inductance if you get a rapid change in
- 00:39:05the load like something turns on on the
- 00:39:07right here then you're going to get um
- 00:39:10res a voltage drop across the resistance
- 00:39:12and the inductance as as the current's
- 00:39:15trying to change and so what can happen
- 00:39:17is if you have this capacitance close
- 00:39:19enough to the DC load that capacitors
- 00:39:21charged energy can supply the load with
- 00:39:25energy with power um
- 00:39:27while that transient event is occurring
- 00:39:30so this will this will reduce the
- 00:39:32fluctuation of voltage at the DC load if
- 00:39:35you have a a capacitor at that load so
- 00:39:39reducing noise and supplying energy
- 00:39:41during transient loading
- 00:39:47events and capacitors are also often
- 00:39:50used to pass AC signals and block DC
- 00:39:54signals so if you have to couple an
- 00:39:56audio signal into an amplifier and you
- 00:39:58want to isolate DC on either side of the
- 00:40:01capacitor you can do that you just have
- 00:40:04to pick a big enough large enough
- 00:40:06capacitor so that it its impedance is
- 00:40:09low enough uh compared to what you
- 00:40:12need okay and so it's it's good practice
- 00:40:16to use one or more decoupling capacitors
- 00:40:18near the power pins of
- 00:40:21ic's so that's what we did in the
- 00:40:23circuits lab if you took my circuits
- 00:40:26class we put capacitors right next to
- 00:40:29the the opamp on its power
- 00:40:31pins and you'll see this you'll see this
- 00:40:34commonly on circuit boards and in other
- 00:40:37circuits you'll see capacitors where
- 00:40:39they appear they don't really do
- 00:40:40anything because they're sitting there
- 00:40:41on a DC line and capacitors should be
- 00:40:45open for DC fact is there's more than DC
- 00:40:49on that wire there's AC
- 00:40:51being conducted in from external sources
- 00:40:54or uh received from external
- 00:40:57electromagnetic
- 00:41:02sources okay so in practice let's take a
- 00:41:05look at some decoupling capacitors here
- 00:41:08is a schematic of your lab project that
- 00:41:10you will start this Friday right
- 00:41:13microcontroller board a bunch of sensors
- 00:41:16couple sensors DC to DC converter
- 00:41:18battery
- 00:41:20motor so what you'll see are all these
- 00:41:23capacitors and they don't look like
- 00:41:24they're doing anything they're on either
- 00:41:26d C
- 00:41:29nodes lines or they're uh connected to
- 00:41:32slowly varying like temperature it's
- 00:41:35slowly varying
- 00:41:36line uh so you see these these
- 00:41:39capacitors here the intent with all
- 00:41:41those capacitors is to reduce noise and
- 00:41:46so you have this motor here Motors are
- 00:41:48are noisy devices especially brushed
- 00:41:50motors brushed motors if you remember
- 00:41:52from intro to circuits they have a
- 00:41:55commutator and a piece of metal a brush
- 00:41:57that rubs against it and and the current
- 00:41:59starting and stopping that's usually
- 00:42:02emitting uh uh some kind of sign some
- 00:42:06kind of em field causing noise
- 00:42:08throughout the rest of your circuit and
- 00:42:10also the start and the stop of the
- 00:42:12current and the sparking going on inside
- 00:42:13that motor causes conducted noise too
- 00:42:16into power supplies and and nearby
- 00:42:19circuits so these
- 00:42:22capacitors uh
- 00:42:24reduce that noise so you try to take
- 00:42:27them all out of your project and it
- 00:42:29might work sometimes it might not trust
- 00:42:32me on that because I I designed this I I
- 00:42:35put it together and and sometimes things
- 00:42:38weren't working ahuh you measure the
- 00:42:41voltages with an oscilloscope and you
- 00:42:42see oh there's there's an ac voltage
- 00:42:46coupled into this line and the IR sensor
- 00:42:48doesn't like that or the microcontroller
- 00:42:50is triggering on a on a signal I didn't
- 00:42:53expect to be there
- 00:42:59okay and you'll see on so this is your
- 00:43:02project on the left this is an Arduino
- 00:43:04Uno schematic on the
- 00:43:06right and so you can see the
- 00:43:08microcontroller and some supporting
- 00:43:10integrated circuits here and I've
- 00:43:14circled many maybe all of the decoupling
- 00:43:18capacitors right here's one on the upper
- 00:43:19left between the 5volt power supply and
- 00:43:21ground you have a 0.1 microfarad 100
- 00:43:24nanofarad capacitor 0.1 microfarads is
- 00:43:27very common
- 00:43:29for relatively low speeed devices um
- 00:43:34like this microcontroller like your
- 00:43:35project does a good job at filtering out
- 00:43:39it's it's the right impedance for the
- 00:43:40frequencies that you would expect
- 00:43:41showing up on these DC lines or slowly
- 00:43:45varying sensor
- 00:43:47voltages so you can see them all here
- 00:43:49here's a 3.3 volt decoupling capacitor
- 00:43:52uh here's another one right next to that
- 00:43:54chip you have another decoupling
- 00:43:56capacitor here's another one
- 00:43:57right next to that chip and usually
- 00:43:59physically you put those very
- 00:44:01close to the uh the chip you're trying
- 00:44:04to protect here's a what is that that's
- 00:44:06an analog reference for an analog to
- 00:44:08digital converter it's also it also has
- 00:44:11a decoupling capacitor right there so
- 00:44:15they become they become
- 00:44:22important okay so the main purpose of
- 00:44:26the takeaway here of of these capacitors
- 00:44:28is to remove unwanted AC noise from the
- 00:44:31DC voltages you want DC or slowly
- 00:44:33varying AC VAR slowly varying
- 00:44:37voltages and uh these capacitors do that
- 00:44:40and they supply energy during transient
- 00:44:42loading
- 00:44:47events
- 00:44:51right okay so here's an example just
- 00:44:54want to finish this off with something
- 00:44:57something practical
- 00:45:00here if I have a sensor with a 10 kilohm
- 00:45:03out output
- 00:45:05impedance and I have a Data Logger with
- 00:45:07a 10kohm input impedance right and I
- 00:45:10just connect them together and I did
- 00:45:12this actually did this on a bench I had
- 00:45:13a um a a 10K output impedance on a
- 00:45:17voltage and uh a uh analog to digital
- 00:45:22converter with a 10K input
- 00:45:24impedance and so this is the oscope
- 00:45:28Trace with no
- 00:45:30capacitor okay so you can see let's see
- 00:45:33what's the timing here 500 micros
- 00:45:35seconds per division 500 molts per
- 00:45:38Division and we have a 3vt DC voltage
- 00:45:42except look at all that noise on there
- 00:45:44that noise is about 77 molts
- 00:45:47RMS I've got a measurement somewhere on
- 00:45:52here okay but what happens if we add a
- 00:45:55capacitor just a 0.1 microf capacitor
- 00:45:57close to that Data Logger this happens
- 00:46:01you get this
- 00:46:03so uh same circuit just add that
- 00:46:06capacitor you still have a three point
- 00:46:08or a 3vt
- 00:46:09DC
- 00:46:11voltage but you have
- 00:46:14um much
- 00:46:16smaller RMS noise so six
- 00:46:21molts okay so that's huge that's a big
- 00:46:24difference so adding just that 1.1
- 00:46:26microfarad capacitor reduced the noise
- 00:46:29voltage by 92% reduced the noise Power
- 00:46:31by
- 00:46:3399% and you know do you need it do you
- 00:46:36know if you have a device that is
- 00:46:37intended to have DC then having more
- 00:46:41than a few molts of noise can be
- 00:46:46bad especially on on circuit
- 00:46:53boards all right so that's an example
- 00:46:55there's a kind of a you know capacitor
- 00:46:57review we we talked theory in the C
- 00:47:01circuits class here are
- 00:47:03some less theoretical more practical
- 00:47:06applications of capacitors that show up
- 00:47:13everywhere right so let's let's review
- 00:47:15inductors
- 00:47:16inductors um you have a coil of wire the
- 00:47:19coil of wire creates a magnetic field if
- 00:47:21you try to change the current through
- 00:47:23that coil of wire you get a Time varying
- 00:47:25magnetic field because of the time
- 00:47:27varying current a Time varying magnetic
- 00:47:30field through a coil of wire induces a
- 00:47:33voltage okay that's Faraday's law so
- 00:47:37here's the schematic
- 00:47:38symbol voltage and current in the time
- 00:47:41domain
- 00:47:43shown uh here's the relationship between
- 00:47:46voltage and current so right if you try
- 00:47:50to change the
- 00:47:52current if you try to change that
- 00:47:55current that's derivative is going to be
- 00:47:58non zero so you're going to induce a
- 00:48:01voltage and L is inductance which is uh
- 00:48:05calculated from or determined by the
- 00:48:08number size of the coil the number of
- 00:48:10turns the material that's used as a core
- 00:48:13spacing of the
- 00:48:14turns um it's for a given
- 00:48:19inductor okay so the voltage is zero
- 00:48:22when I of T is is is DC
- 00:48:27right because if I have a DC
- 00:48:29current then the derivative is zero so I
- 00:48:32get no voltage and the voltage is non
- 00:48:34zero only when I of T is
- 00:48:38varying
- 00:48:40okay and in uh using phaser notation
- 00:48:46here's voltage current and impedance of
- 00:48:49that inductor where impedance is J Omega
- 00:48:53L and then V equals Iz looks like Ohm's
- 00:48:56law but with complex
- 00:48:59numbers and you can see that imped the
- 00:49:02impedance of an inductor increases with
- 00:49:04increasing frequency so you can actually
- 00:49:06use inductors to block AC at higher
- 00:49:11frequencies because the impedance goes
- 00:49:16up okay so some examples here here are
- 00:49:20some cylindrical or or solenoid
- 00:49:23inductors here's an air core inductor
- 00:49:25here's an um probably a ferite core
- 00:49:28inductor there just a coil of wire
- 00:49:31they're small and they're low cost
- 00:49:33here's a toid if you need um High
- 00:49:36inductance then you might use a toroid
- 00:49:39and they can get they could be they
- 00:49:41could be tiny you know fractions of an
- 00:49:44inch up to inches in diameter and that
- 00:49:48contains the magnetic field and makes
- 00:49:50the uh the inductance higher for a given
- 00:49:54number of turns there's surface mount
- 00:49:56inductors coil of wire around what's
- 00:49:58called a bobin here here's some enclosed
- 00:50:01encapsulated
- 00:50:03inductors okay and they're meant to
- 00:50:05mount on printed circuit boards here's
- 00:50:07some axial through hole inductors they
- 00:50:09look like this you can read that color
- 00:50:11code figure out their values and they
- 00:50:14mount on through hole
- 00:50:17pcbs and just like capacitors when you
- 00:50:21select an inductor you've got to select
- 00:50:23not only the inductance value but also
- 00:50:25the tolerance
- 00:50:27the frequency and the loss
- 00:50:28characteristics of that
- 00:50:30inductor and also from a mechanical
- 00:50:33perspective size and weight you're
- 00:50:35probably not going to take a big to
- 00:50:38toroidal um inductor on a on a big toid
- 00:50:42core and fit it into a cell phone right
- 00:50:43so if you're designing electronics that
- 00:50:45have to fit into a small package then
- 00:50:47you've got to consider when you see an
- 00:50:50inductance of maybe milen some big
- 00:50:53inductance then uh and how much power
- 00:50:55does it have to handle
- 00:50:59you you you might have to look at
- 00:51:01Alternatives because of mechanical
- 00:51:04constraints
- 00:51:06so all right so I've gone uh a minute
- 00:51:10over on time here and so uh let's end
- 00:51:15class right
- 00:51:16now and in closing please see canvas for
- 00:51:21upcoming assignments you have lab
- 00:51:23homework one do and then lab one will
- 00:51:27uh be held this week so I will see you
- 00:51:29in lab on Friday um also see the itll
- 00:51:32workshops if there's anything that we
- 00:51:34talked about like soldering or um
- 00:51:38microcontrollers that we talked about
- 00:51:40our topics of this class and you want a
- 00:51:41refresher be sure to sign up for one of
- 00:51:44those workshops as maybe a refresher or
- 00:51:47an
- 00:51:48introduction uh what else let's
- 00:51:50see and uh just expect to come into lab
- 00:51:53this Friday form your lab group and
- 00:51:55we'll get started started there so I
- 00:51:58will start office hours right after
- 00:52:01class uh so if you'd like to chat just
- 00:52:03just stick around if not I'll see you
- 00:52:06next time have a great night
- assignatures
- laboratori
- projecte
- teoria del circuit
- resistència
- components reactius
- condensadors
- inductors
- eficiència del circuit