حوار | جاستن صن: لن أبيع البيتكوين حتى لو بلغت مليون دولار
TLDRيتناول الفيديو حوارًا يركز على آراء وتحليلات متعلقة بعالم العملات الرقمية، مع تركيز خاص على البيتكوين على مدى السنوات الطويلة الماضية. يتحدث المتحدث عن استثماراته، وتجربته الشخصية في السوق، ورؤيته لكيفية تقدم التنظيمات تحت إدارة ترامب، وأهمية الابتكار مثل blockchain و AI لتحقيق الاستقرار والنمو في الصناعة. يبرز أيضًا تأثير السياسات العالمية على سوق العملات الرقمية وتوقعاته بشأن مستقبل الاستثمار في هذا القطاع.
- 💰 التزام قوي بالبيتكوين، بغض النظر عن سعرها.
- 🌍 توقعات إيجابية بشأن تنظيم العملات الرقمية تحت إدارة ترامب.
- 🎨 قيمة الفن المفاهيمي، مثل شراء موزة بمبلغ 6.2 مليون دولار.
- 🤖 تفاؤل حذر بشأن تأثير الذكاء الاصطناعي على سوق العملات الرقمية.
- 📈 أهمية الابتكار لتحقيق نمو السوق.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
يتحدث المتحدث عن عدم وجود نية لبيع بيتكوين الخاص به، حيث يمتلك Bitcoin منذ قيمته كانت 10 سنتات ويشير إلى أن قيمة التقنية ستكون أكثر وضوحًا عندما تعتمد البنوك مثل هذه التقنيات. يشير أيضًا إلى شغفه بـ Charles، لكنه ينبه إلى المخاطر المحتملة لتأثير الذكاء الاصطناعي على سوق العملات المشفرة.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
ثم يلتقي المتحدث مع Justin Sun، حيث يتم تناول موضوع شراء ثمرة موز بقيمة 6.2 مليون دولار. يتحدث Justin عن تجربته في عالم جمع التحف الفنية والـ NFTs، موضحًا كيف أن فن الموز هو جزء من مجموعة أكبر من الأعمال الفنية التي جمعها.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
يستمر Justin في توضيح كيفية تشابه TRX مع XRP من حيث الخلفية والأسس، حيث يذكر تجاربه السابقة مع XRP. يشير إلى نجاح TRX في نقل مليارات الدولارات يوميًا خلال سنوات تطويره الثمانية ويكشف عن طموحهم لبناء شبكة التسوية.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
ثم يتناول Justin كيف أن القوانين الجديدة قد تعزز سوق العملات المشفرة في ظل حكم ترامب، ويشير إلى أنه يتوقع مزيدًا من التعديلات الإيجابية التي قد تساهم في العودة إلى الولايات المتحدة. ويؤكد على أهمية التوازن بين القطاع التقليدي وDeFi.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:11
في النهاية، يُظهر Justin تفاؤله بشأن صعود سوق العملات المشفرة وانتشار استخدام الـ blockchain، وينوه إلى أن الخيارات المستقبلية ستفيد الجميع في الصناعة مع ظهور فترات جديدة من النمو والتطوير.
Mind Map
Video Q&A
لماذا لا يخطط المتحدث لبيع بيتكوين؟
لأنه يؤمن بقيمة البيتكوين ويعتقد أنه لا يوجد مجال أكثر إبداعًا من عملة البيتكوين.
ما تأثير AI على سوق العملات الرقمية؟
يعتقد المتحدث أن AI ليس قويًا كما نعتقد وأنه يمكن ضبطه بالقوانين للحماية.
كيف تتوقع أن تتطور التنظيمات بعد تولي ترامب الرئاسة؟
يأمل المتحدث في أن تساعد السياسات الجديدة ترامب في دفع نمو سوق العملات الرقمية.
ما هي دلالة شراء الموز بمبلغ 6.2 مليون دولار؟
يعتبره تعبيرًا عن قيمة الفن المفاهيمي في عالم الرموز غير القابلة للاستبدال.
كيف يقيم المتحدث تنظيم سوق العملات الرقمية في الصين؟
يرى أن الصين تتبنى تنظيمات صارمة، مما يدفع الأفراد للبحث عن بيئات أكثر ترحيبًا.
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عليك الدور يا دكتاتور || في ذكر 14 لثورة 25 يناير
شاب ضعيف بيتعرض للتنمر بيكتشف ان جواه وحش خطير جدا وبيديله قوته || حكايه ناروتو 1️⃣..2️⃣
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فقه المال.. حكم الشرع في الاشتراك في صناديق الاستثمار
كيف تتمرن البنت في الجيم بالطريقة الصحيحة مع كابتن جانتي شعبان How do a girl exercise in the gym
- 00:00:02you mentioned that you will not sell
- 00:00:03your Bitcoin I think $1 million I will
- 00:00:05stay no matter what's the price I I
- 00:00:08won't sell at all some of my friends
- 00:00:10bought Bitcoin at 10 cents at that time
- 00:00:13and I have never made this much of the
- 00:00:15money in my whole life you know once the
- 00:00:17banks adopt those technology Isis will
- 00:00:20succeed my impression about Charles is
- 00:00:24uh he is like a cowboy you know eii also
- 00:00:28might affect the cryptocurrency market
- 00:00:30in a very negative way so I think AI is
- 00:00:33not as powerful as we think right now
- 00:00:35are you optimistic about the regulations
- 00:00:38after Donald Trump takes over the White
- 00:00:40House one of the philosophies I think
- 00:00:42president Trump doing is better than the
- 00:00:44last administration his new policies
- 00:00:46will drive lots of business back to
- 00:00:49United States does it taste like the
- 00:00:51$6.2 million
- 00:01:06Warren
- 00:01:15Buffett blue
- 00:01:18origin bcoin
- 00:01:33the god of
- 00:01:45bananas Mr Justins son thank you so much
- 00:01:48for your time and it's a pleasure to
- 00:01:49meet you today uh first of all I will
- 00:01:53ask you this is a banana for2 dams yes
- 00:01:56once it gets into your hands it will be
- 00:01:59worth $6.2 million I'll ask you just to
- 00:02:02take a bite please
- 00:02:13okay it like the six2 million thank you
- 00:02:17so much we can we can leave it now Mr
- 00:02:19Justin son I think it's the um everyone
- 00:02:24now wants to know what's
- 00:02:27behind the the process of buying a
- 00:02:30banana for $6.2 million because a lot of
- 00:02:34people they are saying that it's a
- 00:02:36Marketing Act yes um first of all I have
- 00:02:40been um into this Arts Gallery
- 00:02:43collection um industry for quite a long
- 00:02:46time so before that uh I was a collector
- 00:02:49of Picasso Andy wo uh and
- 00:02:54Jack um so actually banana is just one
- 00:02:57of the RPS uh I feel quite interest I
- 00:03:01also collect lots of nft Arts the people
- 00:03:04and those artists as well so uh I think
- 00:03:07this is basically like one of the uh
- 00:03:10collections um um because I that's also
- 00:03:13the first time I look into conceptual
- 00:03:15art uh of course uh banana today is the
- 00:03:19um comedian it's the most famous
- 00:03:23conceptual art uh in the world um but
- 00:03:26actually uh I was surprised um to see
- 00:03:29like everybody feels so excited about it
- 00:03:32and banana has a track like CU it was
- 00:03:35about the value you gave it the value
- 00:03:37now yes many of the attraction um so I I
- 00:03:40feel kind of the surprise um but before
- 00:03:43that um U my process is very simple
- 00:03:47right so I just see the banana I I think
- 00:03:49it's a good art but of course I always
- 00:03:53get also give a budget for it um
- 00:03:56actually you know my um thinking of the
- 00:03:59budget is up to $5 million you know if
- 00:04:03above Way Beyond that U I probably won't
- 00:04:07buy it so so that's why I think at that
- 00:04:10day you know this is uh is kind of like
- 00:04:12a coincidence right eventually I win the
- 00:04:15bit you were planning to stop paying
- 00:04:18more than 5.2 so let's say if someone
- 00:04:21have paid like 5.5 you will never go
- 00:04:23with them uh 5.5 probably I will go but
- 00:04:27for example let's say like $8 million
- 00:04:30right even I will say like let's buy
- 00:04:33Bitcoin yeah it's it's kind of crazy
- 00:04:35right uh let let's go go with Bitcoin
- 00:04:38exactly Mr son uh you mentioning that
- 00:04:43TRX which is your cryptocurrency is the
- 00:04:46new xrp yes are you relying here on the
- 00:04:51blockchain project of the
- 00:04:53TRX because it's Unique as we know um or
- 00:04:57on the community yes or is there any
- 00:05:00like new announcements or Partnerships
- 00:05:03in the future that you are relying on
- 00:05:05for this increase yes sure um so first
- 00:05:08of all actually lots of people don't
- 00:05:10know the background so I get into
- 00:05:13cryptocurrency uh because of xrp um I
- 00:05:17join uh xrp at that time the company is
- 00:05:20called opencoin um later turn to riol
- 00:05:23labs around
- 00:05:252013 uh I and I work for the company
- 00:05:28until 2015
- 00:05:30um so when we first you know um create
- 00:05:33TRX uh we actually uh um doing a lot of
- 00:05:38um uh similar things with xrp you can
- 00:05:41see the circulation Supply is kind of
- 00:05:43same it's all um uh 100 bilon uh
- 00:05:48circulation Supply um and also the name
- 00:05:51you know share two similar character r r
- 00:05:54and X right um so so that's why I think
- 00:05:58there's lots of the similar ity between
- 00:06:01the TRX community and xrp Community um
- 00:06:05and also when we first founded TRX uh we
- 00:06:08want to do the similar things with xrp
- 00:06:11uh cuz when I join xrp xrp uh is
- 00:06:15dedicated to create uh a new Swift
- 00:06:18decentralized swift it will become the
- 00:06:20settlement layer for all the banks like
- 00:06:23all the financial institution and every
- 00:06:26developers in the world right people can
- 00:06:28have stable Co
- 00:06:30settling the network you know and I'm
- 00:06:32glad you know after we find found it TR
- 00:06:35Network for the past 8 years we we kind
- 00:06:38like doing the um doing this job and uh
- 00:06:41doing it very good um today we are
- 00:06:44settling around 30 billion dollars like
- 00:06:46every day uh and like everybody is uh
- 00:06:50excited about this new settlement layer
- 00:06:52um we have been building for quite a
- 00:06:54long time Mr son you mentioned the AI
- 00:06:57and it's so important now to about it so
- 00:07:01are you concerned about that that AI
- 00:07:03also might affect the cryptocurrency
- 00:07:05market in a very negative way um so
- 00:07:08right now I'm positive about AI um
- 00:07:11because I think AI is invented by human
- 00:07:14right so we can put uh lots of rules um
- 00:07:18on top of the AI itself to make sure AI
- 00:07:22won't break any rules um but also I
- 00:07:25think AI is not as powerful as we think
- 00:07:28right now Mr
- 00:07:30um regulations are one of the most
- 00:07:33important things for the crypto industry
- 00:07:36because we've seen like a very tough
- 00:07:39years on the crypto
- 00:07:42companies are you optimistic about the
- 00:07:45regulations after Donald Trumps takes
- 00:07:49over the White House yes um I think it
- 00:07:52still takes some time you know to change
- 00:07:54the regulation completely uh but I
- 00:07:57definitely believe uh president
- 00:08:00Trump's um got elected again um in the
- 00:08:05election like really helps uh crypto to
- 00:08:07grow to a new stage uh because before
- 00:08:11that um uh I think us is not only a
- 00:08:14country uh it's represents like one of
- 00:08:17the strongest country their regory
- 00:08:20attitude towards cryptocurrency right so
- 00:08:23that's why I think if us don't have a
- 00:08:25clear regulatory process most of the
- 00:08:29country in the world uh will be like
- 00:08:31very kind of conservative uh in terms of
- 00:08:34crypto but I believe like after
- 00:08:37president Trump get got elected uh and
- 00:08:40himself right also doing a crypto pro
- 00:08:43project World Liberty Financial which
- 00:08:46aiming to bridge the traditional Finance
- 00:08:49with the defi uh with the blockchain
- 00:08:52industry uh which I think really helps
- 00:08:55uh the industry itself grow to a new
- 00:08:58stage you mention mentioned the word
- 00:09:00Liberty financial and I have to ask you
- 00:09:02about it first of all I think a lot of
- 00:09:04people now in the crypto industry um
- 00:09:07they are jealous because of what you did
- 00:09:09in one year yes and they've never done
- 00:09:12it in 10 years yes according to that
- 00:09:14I'll mention your role in the world
- 00:09:16Liberty um uh and first of all you are
- 00:09:20an advisor now for them and at the same
- 00:09:22time you are an investor right yes what
- 00:09:25are we waiting from this role yes so
- 00:09:28first of all I think um myself will be
- 00:09:32super beneficial to uh the world Liberty
- 00:09:35Financial uh because World Liberty
- 00:09:37Financial is aiming to bridge the
- 00:09:39traditional Finance with the Defi and
- 00:09:42the blockchain industry um but my
- 00:09:46expertise um basically is on
- 00:09:48decentralized finance building a
- 00:09:50blockchain uh blockchain security so
- 00:09:53that's why I think we can help a lot um
- 00:09:56Liberty Financial to grow untraditional
- 00:09:59um Finance into um the decentralized
- 00:10:04world so yeah only in the US we are
- 00:10:06talking on yeah sure sure yes yes uh for
- 00:10:09sure uh I think that's also um the value
- 00:10:13of world Liberty Financial in right but
- 00:10:15of course as the name you know uh I
- 00:10:17think uh World Liberty Financial of
- 00:10:19course is not limited to United States I
- 00:10:22think they in the in the name of the
- 00:10:25projects right we know they want to
- 00:10:27expand to the world everywhere you know
- 00:10:30uh they want to uh make us as a hub of
- 00:10:34global defi development uh which I think
- 00:10:36I'm um I I totally agree with this
- 00:10:40Vision um and I think we will continue
- 00:10:43to grow this product to a global basis
- 00:10:47do you think also that making the US
- 00:10:50again a Global Hub or a the new hub for
- 00:10:53the cryptocurrency market will make like
- 00:10:56a lot of companies who left to to go
- 00:11:00back there to leave all the countries
- 00:11:02and go back there yes first of all I
- 00:11:05think the um the last Administration you
- 00:11:08know law en enforcement action or these
- 00:11:11kind of the um signals right only
- 00:11:15driving lots of crypto uh currency
- 00:11:18project away from United States um I
- 00:11:21definitely believe you know um uh World
- 00:11:24Liberty financial and president Trump
- 00:11:26set a very good example not only
- 00:11:29um attract crypto business back to us
- 00:11:32but I think his new policies uh will uh
- 00:11:36Drive lots of um business back to United
- 00:11:39States um I can give you example uh for
- 00:11:42example even Apple a company right
- 00:11:45popular in United States actually put
- 00:11:48most of their funds outside of us
- 00:11:51actually in Ireland uh I think it's
- 00:11:53because of the regulatory hurdles here
- 00:11:56um but I think after president Trump you
- 00:11:58know resume in the office um even lots
- 00:12:02of the major public listed us companies
- 00:12:05were considering like move their funds
- 00:12:08or move their uh employees uh back to
- 00:12:11United States because um I I think this
- 00:12:14is a a big opportunities right um so
- 00:12:17that's also one of the philosophies I
- 00:12:19think president Trump doing is better
- 00:12:22than the last Administration um is he
- 00:12:25traded uh entrepreneurs uh with uh uh
- 00:12:29respect and um understanding uh um at
- 00:12:33the end he's the businessman he knows
- 00:12:35what want to deal with them ex exactly
- 00:12:37right rather than you know go after like
- 00:12:40every uh entrepreneurs you know ask him
- 00:12:43for money you know uh he is offering
- 00:12:45opportunities for them right so that's I
- 00:12:48think for um every country if you want
- 00:12:51to success um that's like the way you
- 00:12:54know you can make your country like
- 00:12:55really grow and on the other hand China
- 00:12:59is still very conservative about the
- 00:13:02crypto regulations and at some extent
- 00:13:05it's like doing very tough regulations
- 00:13:08on the cryptocurrency
- 00:13:10market what's the reason behind that in
- 00:13:13your opinion yeah I think China uh right
- 00:13:16now is also I I we love competition
- 00:13:20right I think if we have two biggest
- 00:13:22country in the world China and the
- 00:13:24United States compete for the crypto Hub
- 00:13:27you know that will be the best best for
- 00:13:30the entrepreneurs uh in the industry and
- 00:13:33also the same time actually I I believe
- 00:13:35it's good for the world as well right so
- 00:13:38uh we need two uh biggest superpowers in
- 00:13:40the world you know compete for the
- 00:13:42business you know compete for Bitcoin to
- 00:13:45become the Hub of Bitcoin you know
- 00:13:47compete to buying Bitcoin in low price
- 00:13:50you know uh I I think it's uh great for
- 00:13:53everybody uh in the industry uh for
- 00:13:56example you know recently Microsoft you
- 00:13:59know uh just declin to buy Bitcoin as
- 00:14:02their result you made a tweet about that
- 00:14:04exactly reserve and I said like you know
- 00:14:07if you don't buy Bitcoin you know in
- 00:14:10100K US Dollars you know you will buy it
- 00:14:13in exactly $1 million so that's why I
- 00:14:16think every company is seeing the
- 00:14:19opportunity right if you know Microsoft
- 00:14:22will be the last one who buy it you know
- 00:14:24you're going to buy it with the highest
- 00:14:26price actually right so that's why I
- 00:14:28think this is the country competition is
- 00:14:30also here right um I think for all the
- 00:14:34uh head of states in the world uh you
- 00:14:36make you need to make sure your country
- 00:14:38is the first uh if you are not the first
- 00:14:41you will be the last right because at
- 00:14:44the end of the day like everybody going
- 00:14:45to join a blockchain industry going to
- 00:14:47join crypto uh you definitely don't want
- 00:14:50to be the LA last here right so that's
- 00:14:53um that's like my stand on the policy
- 00:14:55making of uh cryptocurrency everyone is
- 00:14:58happy now
- 00:14:59we have seen the 100K Mark and we've
- 00:15:02doing a lot of celebrations yes what's
- 00:15:04after that after the 100K what's up yes
- 00:15:08I think it's uh so lots of people seeing
- 00:15:11this might be a hype you know um might
- 00:15:13be a end of the story some of the people
- 00:15:17myell Bitcoin and say oh I achieved like
- 00:15:20Financial Freedom you know I I I can to
- 00:15:22retire but for for me and I think for a
- 00:15:26lots of builders in the industry uh I
- 00:15:28think this is the beginning of the new
- 00:15:30era actually you know because uh us has
- 00:15:34Unleashed so much potential and the
- 00:15:36older Regulators in the world will start
- 00:15:39to embrace cryptocurrency I think this
- 00:15:41is the first time actually we have
- 00:15:43chance to go to the mass adoption um
- 00:15:46because lots of hurdle we have before
- 00:15:48has disappeared um for example um today
- 00:15:52I think one of the biggest hurdle for
- 00:15:56cryptocurrency uh to get Mass adoption
- 00:15:59it's not because our of our technology
- 00:16:03uh is because of the re hurdles and a
- 00:16:05lot of the uh traditional financial
- 00:16:08banking discrimination uh for example
- 00:16:11like Tron today uh we are handling over
- 00:16:1430 billion dollar um transaction every
- 00:16:17day and for the past like eight years
- 00:16:20there no even a single glitch right it's
- 00:16:22a settle instantly every day uh people
- 00:16:26can get their money uh it's actually way
- 00:16:28better than Swift you know uh way better
- 00:16:31than the traditional Finance is doing
- 00:16:33but one of the reason um um for today's
- 00:16:36hurdle is banking they are still very
- 00:16:39conservative for cryptocurrency I if you
- 00:16:42receive like one single dollars from
- 00:16:45cryptocurrency they will say right from
- 00:16:47Bitcoin they will say oh it's uh they
- 00:16:50make a big deal of it but actually you
- 00:16:52know the money is clean uh the same AML
- 00:16:56you know the same kyc process is opted
- 00:16:59on the blockchain with the traditional
- 00:17:01finance and that's also something I
- 00:17:03always try to convince them is actually
- 00:17:08on blockchain is more transparent than
- 00:17:10traditional Finance because you know on
- 00:17:13blockchain if for example a sension
- 00:17:15dollars is transferred to a bank which
- 00:17:18is kind traceable you know until like
- 00:17:21who is sending it who belongs to it you
- 00:17:24know and we can take action against it
- 00:17:27so so that's why um I I think blockchain
- 00:17:29is a perfect solution but before that
- 00:17:32people is just like too concerned about
- 00:17:34it and refuse to use it right uh imag in
- 00:17:37the future US Government prove you know
- 00:17:40Trump blockchain and all the US Banks
- 00:17:43plugs plugs into Trump blockchain and
- 00:17:47their users can send in money instantly
- 00:17:49without waiting for one second and they
- 00:17:52can send their money like all way around
- 00:17:55the world and with zero dollars you know
- 00:17:57uh cost wow I think it will unleash the
- 00:18:01whole process right it will unleash the
- 00:18:04whole potential of blockchain which I
- 00:18:07think benefits everyone in the world
- 00:18:09right I think the last Administration
- 00:18:11try to um painting the crypto is like
- 00:18:14always money laundry technology you you
- 00:18:18know once the uh Banks adopt those
- 00:18:20technology you know Isis will succeed
- 00:18:24something that that's they they they're
- 00:18:26trying to make this picture which is
- 00:18:28completely wrong right which we know
- 00:18:31today is all the small business and the
- 00:18:35everyday business and even the big banks
- 00:18:38in Us in all jurisdiction will will
- 00:18:41flourish and and actually every business
- 00:18:44will get benefits uh instead of hurt um
- 00:18:48by adopting blockchain technology so
- 00:18:50that's why I think the next 10 years uh
- 00:18:54will be fascinating uh and I will I I
- 00:18:57definitely believe we will see um
- 00:19:00everybody's life will change like
- 00:19:02positively um whether or not they're
- 00:19:05using cryptocurrency right because uh uh
- 00:19:08all the institutions will embrace
- 00:19:10it uh in a recent interview you
- 00:19:14mentioned that you will not sell your
- 00:19:15Bitcoin yes on uh 100K yes on which
- 00:19:20price you will s your Bitcoin uh I think
- 00:19:23my position on bitcoin uh is not depends
- 00:19:26on cry on price at all so I know uh lots
- 00:19:30of my friends you know because I have
- 00:19:31been in the Bitcoin uh industry since
- 00:19:352012 uh at that time you know Bitcoin is
- 00:19:38you bought it for three cents I think
- 00:19:40yes 30 cents it was 30 cents 10 cents
- 00:19:42you know uh at that time you know um
- 00:19:45people is just mining Bitcoin for fun
- 00:19:48you know using their personal computer
- 00:19:50and uh you can buy like a thousand
- 00:19:53Bitcoin like five five $500 you know if
- 00:19:57you give them like $200 they probably
- 00:19:59take it too uh because you know they
- 00:20:01just want to make make make bads the
- 00:20:04electronic fees they pay for Bitcoin um
- 00:20:07but for me um I think is uh the idea the
- 00:20:11whole idea uh is if I can find a new
- 00:20:15place more
- 00:20:17excited um than Bitcoin I probably leave
- 00:20:20right I will sell my Bitcoin and go to
- 00:20:23those industry but as long as I don't
- 00:20:26find any industry is more excited about
- 00:20:29Bitcoin no matter what's the price right
- 00:20:32I I won't sell at all at that extent you
- 00:20:35are a Believer you don't like you don't
- 00:20:37have concerns that the drop will the
- 00:20:39price story will drop again uh no not
- 00:20:42already seen that not at all uh and I
- 00:20:45think that's also one of the reason uh
- 00:20:47why I can hold you know start from 10
- 00:20:50cents to 100K dollars right for most of
- 00:20:53the people if you are considering
- 00:20:55Financial returns that will be insane
- 00:20:57because some of my friends bought
- 00:20:59Bitcoin at 10 cents at that time you
- 00:21:02know told me you know uh uh uh a week
- 00:21:06after buying Bitcoin they told me I have
- 00:21:08sold it all you know at 30 cents you
- 00:21:12know what I have made
- 00:21:14300% return how B you know and I have
- 00:21:18never made this much of the money in my
- 00:21:20whole life you know and I I sell it like
- 00:21:23completely you know because you know I I
- 00:21:25I made so much money right um so that's
- 00:21:29I think is a different angle right uh
- 00:21:31for me uh I will never leave the
- 00:21:33industry because I can never find an
- 00:21:36industry um as exciting as Bitcoin right
- 00:21:40so so that's why I think some days I
- 00:21:42don't know if I find out like going to
- 00:21:45the Mars you know has more potential and
- 00:21:48more excited I may sell my Bitcoin to to
- 00:21:51buying a space uh aircraft to go to Mars
- 00:21:54right but before that you know uh I
- 00:21:56think I will stick to the Bitcoin no
- 00:21:59matter the price even tomorrow you know
- 00:22:01uh the Bitcoin price goes to $1 million
- 00:22:04I will ask myself you know um do I still
- 00:22:08want to stay in the industry do I find
- 00:22:11more uh uh a better industry than bcoin
- 00:22:15you know if the answer is no I think $1
- 00:22:17million I will stay stay here too last
- 00:22:21two questions yeah first one is about um
- 00:22:25excuse me to say that I'll ask you about
- 00:22:29Charles hoskinson the founder of cardano
- 00:22:32in two times the first when you posted
- 00:22:36about liberland and the second time when
- 00:22:39you uh reassure user regarding the
- 00:22:4212,000
- 00:22:43Bitcoin uh 12,000 Bitcoin backing the
- 00:22:48usdd is there like any problem like
- 00:22:53personal problem between you and Charles
- 00:22:55hoskinson uh not not at all actually I I
- 00:22:58met uh Charles on in several you know
- 00:23:02occasions uh including Satoshi round
- 00:23:04table and also all different industry uh
- 00:23:09meetings you know um my impression about
- 00:23:13Charles is uh he is like a cowboy you
- 00:23:16know when uh he's wearing it's actually
- 00:23:20you know quite different from you know
- 00:23:22all the crypto funders uh because most
- 00:23:26of them were like business suit you know
- 00:23:28uh and uh or just like a cicon valley
- 00:23:31style you know but child is uh uh look
- 00:23:35like a cowboy right which is uh I think
- 00:23:37very unique actually I pick up his uh
- 00:23:40image you know uh first time when I met
- 00:23:43him uh and but for our the things we are
- 00:23:46doing right now I think most of the
- 00:23:48initiative is uh uh is very new I think
- 00:23:52that's why you know when the new scenes
- 00:23:54comes out people might don't really like
- 00:23:57understand it I I I totally feel the
- 00:24:00sympathy of it uh I think most of our
- 00:24:03project will be easier for people to
- 00:24:06understand uh or making comments um
- 00:24:10after probably three years we have dewel
- 00:24:12it uh rather than you know like the the
- 00:24:15first day you know when it born because
- 00:24:17the the idea might be like too crazy you
- 00:24:20know to to understand and uh it might
- 00:24:23draw a lot of controversial uh
- 00:24:26controversy sorry controversy uh for
- 00:24:28example uh like the banana is also the
- 00:24:30same thing right uh last time I told
- 00:24:33jist probably let's look back the the
- 00:24:36bananas price after three years you know
- 00:24:39uh probably we will have new
- 00:24:41understanding of this art you know
- 00:24:43because right now at the beginning
- 00:24:45people will say like wow $3 million for
- 00:24:47banana is insane right but I think let's
- 00:24:51see like in the next three years like
- 00:24:53how what what happened to it Mr son it
- 00:24:56was really a pleasure meet you today
- 00:24:59there's a lot also to talk about thank
- 00:25:02you so much for your time
- 00:25:04[Music]
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