Vintage Commercials (1950s, 1960s, 1970s)
TLDREl vídeo presenta varios anuncios de productos y servicios desde automóviles lubricados hasta opciones de dieta y productos para el hogar. Se destacan la importancia de la lubricación en los vehículos para un mejor rendimiento, así como la promoción de dietas equilibradas con productos bajos en calorías. También incluye productos de belleza y cuidado personal, así como ofertas especiales en alfombras y materiales de construcción, reflejando las tendencias y necesidades de los consumidores.
- 🛠️ Lubricació regular del vehicle és essencial per evitar danys.
- 🥗 La dieta equilibrada pot incloure àpats i begudes saludables.
- 💄 La laca per al cabell sense aigua manté l'estil més temps.
- 🍺 Carling's Black Label és una cervesa de qualitat.
- 🏷️ Mohawk ofereix promocions per a catifes per al Nadal.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Es presenta la importància de la lubricació en vehicles per evitar desgast i soroll, amb recomanacions per fer-ho regularment en un taller especialitzat.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
S'ofereix un pla de dieta que inclou un menjar complet al dia amb una beguda dietètica satisfactòria, amb diferents opcions per complimentar la pèrdua de pes.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Es destaca Chow Mein de Chan King com a opció nutricional superior, amb ingredients que mantenen les vitamines i minerals.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Se subratlla que el nou hairspray sense aigua ajuda a mantenir les formes del cabell més temps que els que sí que contenen aigua.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Un congressista és reconegut pel seu treball dur i la seva dedicació al servei públic, demanant la reelecció.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Es presenta Montina com la millor opció per a revestiments de terres, destacant els seus colors naturals.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Se presenta la nova fragància d'Avon anomenada Rapture, que ofereix una experiència emocional i variada, disponible en diversos formats.
- 00:35:00 - 00:41:33
Es fa una demostració de la nova mànega Everflex, que és flexible fins i tot a temperatures baixes, mostrant la seva resistència per a un ús durador i convenient.
Mind Map
Video Q&A
¿Qué tipo de lubricación necesita un coche?
El coche necesita lubricación en varios puntos para mantenerlo en buen estado y evitar desgaste.
¿Qué beneficios ofrece el plan de dieta mencionado?
El plan de dieta permite perder peso mientras se disfruta de una comida al día.
¿Qué característica tiene la laca para el cabello mencionada?
La laca es libre de agua y mantiene el peinado por más tiempo.
¿Qué hace especial a la cerveza Carling's Black Label?
Es descrita como de alta calidad y agradable sabor.
¿Qué ofrecen las estaciones Chevron?
Ofrecen productos como gasolina, aceite de motor y servicios en estaciones de servicio.
View more video summaries
- 00:00:04[Music]
- 00:00:06I hear that but there's an easy solution
- 00:00:19there
- 00:00:21when two pieces of metal rub together
- 00:00:23you need lubrication to keep the parts
- 00:00:25operating smoothly quietly and to
- 00:00:27prevent unnecessary wear
- 00:00:29so let's look at your car from
- 00:00:31underneath
- 00:00:32all these spots need regular lubrication
- 00:00:35to eliminate squeaks save wear and avoid
- 00:00:38costly Replacements your Lion Oil Dealer
- 00:00:41is a Lube expert he'll drain flush and
- 00:00:43refill the transmission and differential
- 00:00:45he'll repack the wheel bearings and
- 00:00:48lubricate every friction point of the
- 00:00:50body and Chassis
- 00:00:52so to keep your car running better
- 00:00:54longer have your car lubricated
- 00:00:56regularly at the sign of the Lion
- 00:01:06[Music]
- 00:01:07now four great ways to lose weight with
- 00:01:10Thrifty new plan the dairy delightful
- 00:01:13liquid dietary
- 00:01:15but I like to eat still you'd like to
- 00:01:18lose weight and you can do both on the
- 00:01:21plan and a meal a day diet eat one full
- 00:01:23meal every day breakfast lunch or dinner
- 00:01:26drink plan instead of the other meals
- 00:01:29and before bedtime plan is smooth like a
- 00:01:32milkshake satisfies hunger provides
- 00:01:35energy and nourishment while you lose
- 00:01:37weight plan's rich chocolate or creamy
- 00:01:40vanilla adds variety helps you stick to
- 00:01:43your plan in a meal a day diet plan
- 00:01:45offers three other diet programs the all
- 00:01:48Plan diet plan stay as you are and plan
- 00:01:51youth Fitness diet for teenagers full
- 00:01:54details are in every Thrifty plan four
- 00:01:56pack costs less than a dollar so start
- 00:01:59on your plan diet today
- 00:02:06this year's nutrition award goes to
- 00:02:09chomping chow mein Sean King oops sorry
- 00:02:13last year we considered all chow mein
- 00:02:16nutritionally speak English
- 00:02:18but one brand change that
- 00:02:21chomping
- 00:02:23so so what is the dramatic nutrition
- 00:02:26story behind your Charmaine ladies only
- 00:02:30Chan King prepares vegetables with such
- 00:02:32tender loving care vitamins and minerals
- 00:02:36stay locked in and it's unbelievably low
- 00:02:40in calories the secret is our exclusive
- 00:02:44divider pack which keeps the mmm slow
- 00:02:47simmered sauce separate from the
- 00:02:50vegetables well done now because it's so
- 00:02:54high in nutrition so low in calories we
- 00:02:57salute
- 00:03:03shame on me
- 00:03:12is there water in your hairspray there
- 00:03:16shouldn't be water takes the shape out
- 00:03:19of your hairdo you need the water free
- 00:03:22hairspray
- 00:03:23self-styling Adorn adorns water free
- 00:03:27formula puts shape into your hair and
- 00:03:29keeps it there actually holds up to
- 00:03:32twice as long so put shape into your
- 00:03:34hairdo and keep it there with the water
- 00:03:37free hairspray self-styling Adorn
- 00:03:45let's keep archmore in Washington a
- 00:03:50congressman he gets things done your
- 00:03:53respected Boys in Washington DC archbore
- 00:03:57is everything a congressman should see
- 00:03:59he's a nation's hardest working
- 00:04:02Congressman it has proven he cares again
- 00:04:06and again
- 00:04:08[Music]
- 00:04:16ever before in America's history has the
- 00:04:19need for sound and experienced judgment
- 00:04:21and is essential to our national
- 00:04:23interests than its present I ask her
- 00:04:26confidence and vote for re-election to
- 00:04:28the office of United States congressman
- 00:04:30[Music]
- 00:04:33chairman
- 00:04:39[Music]
- 00:04:45[Music]
- 00:04:48sure you've seen it advertised on
- 00:04:50television
- 00:04:53[Music]
- 00:04:57and in your favorite magazines
- 00:04:59but when it comes to a Montana vinyl car
- 00:05:02on floor there's really only one way to
- 00:05:05appreciate its unique natural beauty and
- 00:05:07intriguing nubbly texture
- 00:05:09that's to come and see montina for
- 00:05:12yourself
- 00:05:12[Music]
- 00:05:17select from the wide joys of distinctive
- 00:05:20natural colors at your nearest Armstrong
- 00:05:22flooring retailers
- 00:05:23[Music]
- 00:05:24[Applause]
- 00:05:26[Music]
- 00:05:27[Applause]
- 00:05:28[Music]
- 00:05:48wherever your fancy takes you rapture
- 00:05:53new fragrance by Avon will help you find
- 00:05:57it
- 00:05:58Rapture is sensitive to you
- 00:06:01[Music]
- 00:06:02Sparkle will carry you away with the
- 00:06:05mood of the moment
- 00:06:07you will feel happily free
- 00:06:10but captivating
- 00:06:13Avon's lovely way for turning reality
- 00:06:16into a beautiful dream
- 00:06:19when your Avon representative calls do
- 00:06:23try on this sensitive new fragrance
- 00:06:25luxuriously packaged in a fantasy of
- 00:06:28Blues and greens alone Mist Perfume
- 00:06:32cream sachet all of Avon's many
- 00:06:36fascinating fragrance forms
- 00:06:41and calling to carry you away with
- 00:06:44rapture
- 00:06:49it's new the Avon lipstick combines
- 00:06:52creaminess and clean goes on like a
- 00:06:55charm stays on beautifully feels so
- 00:06:57creamy moist in Avon's rainbow range of
- 00:07:00shade your Avon representative will be
- 00:07:03calling soon welcome her
- 00:07:05Avon calling
- 00:07:14I'm Bob Warren we're in the cold room of
- 00:07:17the Union Ice Company here in San
- 00:07:19Fernando California where the
- 00:07:21temperature never gets above freezing
- 00:07:22we're here to make a surprising test on
- 00:07:25this new kind of garden hose the new
- 00:07:27everflex by BF Goodrich we want to prove
- 00:07:30to you just how flexible everflex really
- 00:07:32is even at low temperatures so as a test
- 00:07:35we actually froze an everflex garden
- 00:07:37hose in this cake of ice now you can
- 00:07:39imagine what freezing would do to most
- 00:07:41hoses but now we're going to break the
- 00:07:44ice and see what it did to everflex you
- 00:07:46ready hit it
- 00:07:52you can see for yourself not a snarl
- 00:07:55Kink or curl with everflex so flexible
- 00:07:58that even at 32 degrees it coils with
- 00:08:01ease the amazing new everflex garden
- 00:08:04hose the easiest holes you ever handled
- 00:08:07at any temperature everflex at hardware
- 00:08:09and garden stores now
- 00:08:17we must plan meals with plenty of
- 00:08:19protein said Elsie the Borden cow so
- 00:08:23isn't it nice that something is
- 00:08:24delicious and low in calories as
- 00:08:26Borden's cottage cheese is just about as
- 00:08:29high and healthful protein as a food can
- 00:08:31be power packed with pure protein
- 00:08:34Borden's cottage cheese turns meatless
- 00:08:37meals into the kind of nourishing high
- 00:08:39protein meals you want your family to
- 00:08:41have and that Country Fresh not too
- 00:08:44sweet not too tart cottage cheese from
- 00:08:46bordens tastes so good and builds you up
- 00:08:50whether you serve it with hot or cold
- 00:08:52food with sections of fruit for instance
- 00:08:55or just enjoy it straight from the
- 00:08:58carton remember there's pure protein in
- 00:09:01every delicious spoonful of Borden's
- 00:09:03cottage cheese
- 00:09:04and it costs so little
- 00:09:06several cartons tomorrow as Elsie says
- 00:09:09if it's boarded it's got to be good
- 00:09:22hi kids look at some delicious magic
- 00:09:26with the extra good chocolate flavored
- 00:09:28syrup
- 00:09:29Bosco a watch take ice cream spoon on
- 00:09:34extra Rich extra thick extra chocolatey
- 00:09:38Bosco syrup there's the best chocolate
- 00:09:41flavor you ever tasted more Bosco magic
- 00:09:44cake ice cream topped with extra thick
- 00:09:48extra chocolatey
- 00:09:50Bosco syrup try it Bosco also makes Milk
- 00:09:54chocolatey delicious tell Mom to get
- 00:09:58Bosco chocolate flavored syrup for you
- 00:10:01sing out
- 00:10:03it's rich in chocolate tea
- 00:10:08[Music]
- 00:10:18that's the drink for me
- 00:10:19[Music]
- 00:10:27busy hands
- 00:10:29careful hands
- 00:10:33helpful hands
- 00:10:36patient hands
- 00:10:39thoughtful hands
- 00:10:42All Hands of service
- 00:10:45CNP switchboard operators placing long
- 00:10:47distance calls
- 00:10:50able splicer repairing damage after a
- 00:10:52storm
- 00:10:54and install a repairman handling one of
- 00:10:56cnp's thousands of new installations
- 00:10:58each year
- 00:11:01a rugged telephone lineman climbing a
- 00:11:03pole
- 00:11:04a professional engineer checking
- 00:11:07equipment nearly 4 500 CMP employees
- 00:11:11working Round the Clock around the
- 00:11:13calendar to bring West Virginians the
- 00:11:15best possible service at the lowest cost
- 00:11:18hands and voices always on call to
- 00:11:22answer your needs
- 00:11:23[Music]
- 00:11:26wanna see a magic trick Marilyn huh love
- 00:11:30to Leroy
- 00:11:32Rizza Raza Mizzou
- 00:11:35[Music]
- 00:11:44why Leroy that's amazing imagine all of
- 00:11:48those CNP people in that one little
- 00:11:51truck and do you know what they
- 00:11:53represent everyone has a very important
- 00:11:56job to do each time a main phone is
- 00:11:58installed you see only one courteous
- 00:12:01installer who visits your home but
- 00:12:03behind the scenes others have their
- 00:12:06special tasks and every day you use your
- 00:12:09phone hundreds more CNP employees make
- 00:12:12sure that you always enjoy the very best
- 00:12:14telephone service at the lowest possible
- 00:12:17cost Gollum a goofers dump truck a trick
- 00:12:21huh oh you know what I mean
- 00:12:28well how do you do sir I understand this
- 00:12:31is your first taste of carling's Black
- 00:12:34Label beer yes and Sir what is your
- 00:12:38reaction well I like it good perhaps you
- 00:12:41can be more specific how would you
- 00:12:43describe the flavor uh I like it they're
- 00:12:47good light yes dry yes and what else I
- 00:12:53like it you're good and the quality of
- 00:12:56Black Label oh I like it good would you
- 00:13:00say it was high quality yeah yeah or top
- 00:13:03quality yeah yeah yeah yeah yes sir it's
- 00:13:06premium quality at the popular price I
- 00:13:09like that too they're good and now sir
- 00:13:12see all those people out there uh where
- 00:13:15where you sir have been co-starring on
- 00:13:18TV with everybody's favorite carling's
- 00:13:21Black Label beer oh you don't say
- 00:13:24Mabel Black Label hi Mabel
- 00:13:33oh
- 00:13:36it's a lovely home it sure is what is
- 00:13:38one that new coffee cup let's start
- 00:13:41again tomorrow you can't beat that a
- 00:13:43robot what this world needs is more
- 00:13:45coffee oh goodness back in a second
- 00:13:48the life of the party rich new instant
- 00:13:51Chase and Sanborn with a pure coffee
- 00:13:52nectar this is what's been missing in
- 00:13:54instant coffees Rich coffee Essence so
- 00:13:57rare hundreds of Rich Colombian beans
- 00:13:59yield only one gram today Chase and
- 00:14:01Sanborns found the way to capture the
- 00:14:03pure coffee nectar
- 00:14:05coffee's great got me more ready yes
- 00:14:08that rich flavor always brings him back
- 00:14:10for more discover the new richness of
- 00:14:13Chase and Sanborn delicious new regular
- 00:14:15blended with nectar-rich Colombian
- 00:14:17coffee beans superb new instant with the
- 00:14:20richness that's been missing in instant
- 00:14:22coffees
- 00:14:23pure coffee nectar new instant Chase in
- 00:14:27San Juan has pure coffee nectar
- 00:14:30[Music]
- 00:14:34Kelso stations are now Chevron stations
- 00:14:37I wonder what they're going to do with
- 00:14:39those old calso signs
- 00:14:48how is she doing well she's our prize
- 00:14:50history student hi at home she can't
- 00:14:52remember to brush your teeth I just
- 00:14:54don't like the taste of that toothpaste
- 00:14:56Mary is meant to reduce cavities I still
- 00:14:59get some why not have Mary try Colgate
- 00:15:01the good tasting anti-cavity toothpaste
- 00:15:04when Colgate was compared with the best
- 00:15:06known fluoride research reported in the
- 00:15:08Journal of Dentistry for Children
- 00:15:10confirmed Colgate unsurpassed in
- 00:15:12reducing new cavities get anti-cavity
- 00:15:15Colgate today
- 00:15:20[Music]
- 00:15:42Now's the Time to live a little at Dairy
- 00:15:46Queen
- 00:15:47[Music]
- 00:15:51enjoy one of life's Little Pleasures
- 00:15:54Dairy Queen
- 00:15:57[Music]
- 00:16:01ah this is living
- 00:16:06so if you're beat or if you just like
- 00:16:10your fun the refreshing way
- 00:16:12live a little Dairy Queen one of life's
- 00:16:16Little Pleasures
- 00:16:16[Music]
- 00:16:21we just just once more
- 00:16:24friends do you have rust I mean do you
- 00:16:28have a rust problem around your house
- 00:16:30well here's the answer to it the
- 00:16:33beautiful way to stop rust the rust off
- 00:16:36not an ordinary paint the restaurant was
- 00:16:38made specially to protect and beautify
- 00:16:40and thanks to its exclusive ingredient
- 00:16:42the rustite the rest all penetrates and
- 00:16:45practically Wells itself to metal to
- 00:16:48stop and prevent rust the rusto can be
- 00:16:51brushed on sprayed on or rolled on
- 00:16:55duresto in 24 decorator colors the
- 00:16:59beautiful way to stop rust hey Dad
- 00:17:04no kidding folks I use it try it it's
- 00:17:07really great to rust all the beautiful
- 00:17:10way to stop rust available to paint
- 00:17:12hardware and building supply stores
- 00:17:14everywhere insist on durustal
- 00:17:20[Music]
- 00:17:26[Music]
- 00:17:34[Music]
- 00:17:45for you
- 00:17:59[Music]
- 00:18:15[Music]
- 00:18:27[Music]
- 00:18:34[Music]
- 00:18:47[Music]
- 00:18:58foreign
- 00:19:12[Music]
- 00:19:17don't take chances with worn out tires
- 00:19:21replace them now with Firestone nylon
- 00:19:25airs by one nylon air get the second for
- 00:19:28only five dollars plus tax on the pair
- 00:19:32great deal
- 00:19:34great Tire
- 00:19:38Firestone nylon air is made with strong
- 00:19:40nylon core and with super tough
- 00:19:43firestone's view Miracle rubber for
- 00:19:45extra long mileage great Tire great deal
- 00:19:50buy one nylon Air at the current
- 00:19:52advertised price pay five dollars for
- 00:19:54the second no trade-in or down payment
- 00:19:56needed budget terms if you like
- 00:19:58don't miss this great Tire deal
- 00:20:01offer ends August 15th see your
- 00:20:06Firestone man now
- 00:20:07[Music]
- 00:20:12can the unbelievable happen when you
- 00:20:14meet Mustang ask Harvey B
- 00:20:17when he looked over a Mustang hardtop at
- 00:20:20his Ford dealers he discovered some
- 00:20:22pretty unexpected features inside
- 00:20:24[Music]
- 00:20:32see bucket seats final upholstery full
- 00:20:35carpeting all standard then Wham harv
- 00:20:38dreamed of victory at Sebring
- 00:20:40[Music]
- 00:20:43sat tall in the saddle with enough
- 00:20:46horsepower from his six shooting engine
- 00:20:48to carry his dream out to the High
- 00:20:50Country and on to a wild new wave of
- 00:20:54excitement
- 00:20:59discover the fun only a 65 Mustang can
- 00:21:03bring just about anything can happen
- 00:21:05maybe it will happen to you mustang
- 00:21:08mustang mustang
- 00:21:15from the flower of the wheat make it all
- 00:21:18homemade and make it light a flower of a
- 00:21:21treat fake it better with Gold Medal
- 00:21:24Flour
- 00:21:30[Music]
- 00:21:46the gulf Oil Corporation moves West in a
- 00:21:49big way overnight golf has opened 1 000
- 00:21:52service stations in the west overnight
- 00:21:55The Familiar Gulf orange disc is coast
- 00:21:58to coast
- 00:21:59under this distinctive modern canopy
- 00:22:01you'll find golf spine gasolines Gulf
- 00:22:05Pride the world's finest motor oil Gulf
- 00:22:08batteries
- 00:22:09and many other familiar golf products
- 00:22:11and services and of course you can
- 00:22:13charge everything on your Gulf travel
- 00:22:15cart even your expenses at Holiday Inns
- 00:22:19a thousand Western stations overnight
- 00:22:22big job not for ghosts for your driving
- 00:22:26takes a turn for the best
- 00:22:30[Music]
- 00:22:36called grape
- 00:22:39another beautiful purple skin a luscious
- 00:22:44juicy fruit pulp
- 00:22:46so juicy and tasty that it's by far the
- 00:22:50most popular grape for juice
- 00:22:53concord grapes are used in high sea
- 00:22:56grape drink
- 00:22:57so many that if a kid drank three
- 00:23:00glasses of high seed grape every day for
- 00:23:03a year it would be like eating this many
- 00:23:06grapes
- 00:23:08and while he was getting all these
- 00:23:10grapes he'd also be getting all the
- 00:23:12vitamin C in icy
- 00:23:15do you know how much fruit you get from
- 00:23:17some other drinks kids like
- 00:23:20this much
- 00:23:23I see the kids who can't get too much of
- 00:23:27a good thing
- 00:23:30foreign
- 00:23:34ladies and gentlemen
- 00:23:35meet honeysuckle White
- 00:23:38here's a whole new kind of turkey
- 00:23:40especially bred from meat more meat and
- 00:23:43less bone than ever before and most of
- 00:23:45that extra meat white meat
- 00:23:49plenty of juicy white meat for everyone
- 00:23:51in your family from the same wheat
- 00:23:53turkey you normally Buy
- 00:23:56[Music]
- 00:24:03honeysuckle white from checkerboard
- 00:24:05Farms part of the Ralston Purina company
- 00:24:10a turkey specially bred for more meat
- 00:24:12specially fed to make that meat taste
- 00:24:14better
- 00:24:14[Music]
- 00:24:20flavor bread flavor-fed turkeys from
- 00:24:22checkerboard Farms honeysuckle white at
- 00:24:25your Grocers now
- 00:24:37[Music]
- 00:24:38all right
- 00:24:42so no Donuts don't fool around they go
- 00:24:45straight to the one with the star plump
- 00:24:47tender Hostess Donuts with the star
- 00:24:50right in the middle
- 00:24:51with the star in the middle
- 00:24:53well look Hostess Donuts are so plump
- 00:24:56and tender
- 00:24:58lighter as you eat them
- 00:25:01lighter after you eat them too and it's
- 00:25:03the star that shows how they're made
- 00:25:06Hostess uses a dough so light it rises
- 00:25:08just like a cake
- 00:25:10puffs up so soft and fluffy the middle
- 00:25:12puckers into this star and remember
- 00:25:14Hostess Donuts are
- 00:25:16lighter as you eat them and lighter
- 00:25:19after you eat them too that's because
- 00:25:22[Applause]
- 00:25:23[Music]
- 00:25:32[Music]
- 00:25:43foreign
- 00:25:47[Music]
- 00:25:56trust the kids to find it first they
- 00:25:59were the ones who discovered that
- 00:26:00bananas and oranges go together just
- 00:26:02great so we've created a new Jello
- 00:26:05flavor for them and for you new banana
- 00:26:08orange Jello with a fresh fruit taste
- 00:26:11like bananas and oranges Blended
- 00:26:13together shimmering succulent banana
- 00:26:16orange Jello kids will spoon it up after
- 00:26:19all banana orange was their Idea new
- 00:26:22banana orange Jello another fine product
- 00:26:25of General Foods
- 00:26:31foreign
- 00:26:47the first time you were here for dinner
- 00:26:49and we have to use our everyday China oh
- 00:26:51well I apologize Millie your table is
- 00:26:55Beautiful Everything shines but I can
- 00:26:57see myself in this place all right
- 00:27:00George she's right look son
- 00:27:03yeah I don't get it isn't this every day
- 00:27:05China sure I wash them the way you
- 00:27:08should enjoy Joy gets dishes so clean
- 00:27:10you can see yourself you see Joy is
- 00:27:12different Joy is clear cleans right down
- 00:27:15to the shine so even your everyday
- 00:27:17dishes will make in-laws sit up and take
- 00:27:19notice honey you sure snowed Mom and Dad
- 00:27:22fine now unpack the good dishes
- 00:27:25who needs something
- 00:27:27Joy gets dishes so clean you can see
- 00:27:30yourself
- 00:27:39nobody
- 00:27:50wherever you go
- 00:27:53whatever you do your hair behaves so
- 00:27:56beautifully with luster cream shampoo so
- 00:27:58rich you only need to lather once then
- 00:28:00your hair is shining clean with more
- 00:28:02body more life
- 00:28:04[Music]
- 00:28:15liquid or concentrate
- 00:28:20it's a good feeling to know your smile
- 00:28:23is welcome your Whisper Soft and pure
- 00:28:27this is the security clean white teeth
- 00:28:30give and whiter teeth is what this
- 00:28:33toothpaste is for Numa cleans gets teeth
- 00:28:37irresistibly white
- 00:28:39what a wonderful feeling to blush with
- 00:28:42mcleans invigorating
- 00:28:44stimulating McLean's tingling taste says
- 00:28:48whiteness irresistibly
- 00:28:51[Music]
- 00:28:59smile at yourself you'll see a new
- 00:29:02whiteness you wouldn't have believed
- 00:29:03possible a whiteness that's reflected in
- 00:29:06the smile you get in return a whiteness
- 00:29:09you can feel secure in whiteness is the
- 00:29:13security McLean's gives new McLean's
- 00:29:16toothpaste
- 00:29:20hey everybody Joe and I want to tell you
- 00:29:22about the big chance you have to win
- 00:29:24beautiful Mohawk carpeting that's right
- 00:29:26because your family may be one of the 12
- 00:29:28000 families who'll get a mohawk rug for
- 00:29:30Christmas and it won't cost you a cent
- 00:29:32it it's really a Christmas gift from
- 00:29:34your Mohawk dealer because he wants you
- 00:29:36to get to know him and Mohawk Carpet
- 00:29:38there are three winners guaranteed in
- 00:29:40every participating Mohawk dealer store
- 00:29:42and the first name drawn wins a smart
- 00:29:44beautiful 9x12 Mohawk rug that's right
- 00:29:47and the next two names each receive one
- 00:29:49of these Mohawk Tommy rugs
- 00:29:52that are really wonderful for kids rooms
- 00:29:54and you know Rosie everyone can enter
- 00:29:56it's free absolutely nothing to buy
- 00:29:59nothing to do except write your name in
- 00:30:01the dress just go down to your nearby
- 00:30:02Mohawk dealer who has this entry box on
- 00:30:04display in his store fill out the blanks
- 00:30:06you'll find right here drop it in the
- 00:30:09Box
- 00:30:09this offer is void where tax restricted
- 00:30:12or prohibited by law and you know what
- 00:30:14Joe the winners will get their rugs in
- 00:30:16time for Christmas so hurry to your
- 00:30:17Mohawk dealer you may be one of the
- 00:30:20lucky winners of the 12 000 colorful
- 00:30:22Mohawk rugs
- 00:30:28[Music]
- 00:30:41yes it's State Fair time to enjoy the
- 00:30:45world's largest Junior bear the world's
- 00:30:47largest livestock exhibition and the
- 00:30:49world's greatest array of Star
- 00:30:51Entertainment you'll see art blakelander
- 00:30:53and Mr Show Business Bob Hope plus horse
- 00:30:56shows national finals for the Miss USA
- 00:30:58World Auto thrill shows and from England
- 00:31:00it's Herman's Hermits and it's all free
- 00:31:02plus this relaxation Perry Como harness
- 00:31:06racing all the King Family Auto Racing
- 00:31:08and everybody's favorites Jimmy Dean the
- 00:31:11Ohio State
- 00:31:15[Music]
- 00:31:20in Columbus August 25th through
- 00:31:23September 5.
- 00:31:34[Music]
- 00:31:37Come Alive
- 00:31:39come alive
- 00:31:42[Music]
- 00:31:54come alive
- 00:31:56[Music]
- 00:32:03pepsicola is the one that's facing
- 00:32:05today's fun refreshing today's people
- 00:32:07drenching today's thirsts take your
- 00:32:10choice regular Pepsi with the energy to
- 00:32:12liven your pace or new Diet Pepsi the
- 00:32:15only diet cola with honest to Pepsi
- 00:32:17taste either way Pepsi is the official
- 00:32:20drink of today's generation
- 00:32:24come alive
- 00:32:25[Music]
- 00:32:32when pain comes and heat and massage is
- 00:32:35medically recommended have pollonex
- 00:32:37there
- 00:32:38polinex the deep heat massager
- 00:32:41penetrating infrared heat and massage
- 00:32:43right in your own home for quick
- 00:32:46temporary relief of minor aches and
- 00:32:47pains often associated with arthritis
- 00:32:50bursitis neuralgia sinusitis simple
- 00:32:54headaches
- 00:32:55tensions
- 00:32:56rheumatism backaches
- 00:32:59bottleneck's five-way switch gives
- 00:33:01soothing massage infrared heat high or
- 00:33:04low or heat and massage together
- 00:33:07pollenex when such pain comes any hour
- 00:33:10of day or night to any member of your
- 00:33:12family have pollonex there polinex deep
- 00:33:16heat massager only 9.95
- 00:33:26own me but isn't that a tuberous begonia
- 00:33:29no ma'am it's a Roy tan a fine American
- 00:33:32cigar oh is that so
- 00:33:36enjoy roitan a fine American cigar made
- 00:33:40of fine American tobaccos
- 00:33:46ity
- 00:33:50oh man that's a Roy tan a fine American
- 00:33:53cigar oh
- 00:33:56enjoy roitan a fine American cigar made
- 00:34:00of fine American tobaccos
- 00:34:05boys and girls run and get Mother and
- 00:34:07Daddy now and have them come into the
- 00:34:08living room because we have big news
- 00:34:10from Riker Toyland all of record toys
- 00:34:12have been drastically reduced up to 75
- 00:34:15percent let's look at this bongo drum
- 00:34:17Mary Jane it was six dollars and now
- 00:34:19it's only three and Don how about the
- 00:34:21chemistry said it was 24.98 and it's
- 00:34:23been used to ten dollars and the
- 00:34:25Beautiful Little Miss Echo doll gone was
- 00:34:27Miss Echo went for 32 and now she's down
- 00:34:29to ten dollars wonderful Bargains and
- 00:34:31how about this Skydive or something that
- 00:34:33all the boys would love the skydiver was
- 00:34:3521 was 12.98 now it's 8.88 and we also
- 00:34:39have stuffed animals and all of those
- 00:34:41are reduced aren't they Don yes look at
- 00:34:43this wonderful animal only five dollars
- 00:34:45isn't he cute I think this must be Dino
- 00:34:47it is Dino and all these reductions are
- 00:34:49all five record stores Wheeling
- 00:34:51Washington Martins Ferry Moundsville and
- 00:34:53Youngstown Ohio shop Rikers
- 00:34:58tricky problems are a treat says math
- 00:35:01prompt William Bligh but when the
- 00:35:03numbers get too big then here's the
- 00:35:05thing to try you ought to make friends
- 00:35:07with Valley Forge the bear with the
- 00:35:09wonderful flavor make friends with
- 00:35:12Valley Forge do yourself a big favor
- 00:35:14it's pale it's light it's smooth it
- 00:35:18always tastes just right so you ought to
- 00:35:19make friends with Valley Forge the beer
- 00:35:22with a wonderful flavor when friends
- 00:35:24drop in invite them to make friends with
- 00:35:26Valley Forge if they're like most people
- 00:35:28today they like a modern beer a beer
- 00:35:31that's Pale Light smooth yes they like
- 00:35:34Valley Forge beer because every drop is
- 00:35:37brewed especially to suit the modern
- 00:35:38taste for thirst quenching refreshment
- 00:35:41for downright satisfaction there's just
- 00:35:44nothing quite like Valley Forge beer in
- 00:35:46fact the most a host can do for friends
- 00:35:49is serve Valley Forge so you ought to
- 00:35:51make friends with Valley Forge the beer
- 00:35:53with a wonderful flavor
- 00:35:54[Music]
- 00:36:01five four three two one
- 00:36:08Brunson reaches into the future to bring
- 00:36:11you power flame it lights for months
- 00:36:15buries the flame fuels in seconds it's
- 00:36:18the world's greatest fighter Philly
- 00:36:20today don't fill it again for months
- 00:36:22amazing butron fuel gives thousands of
- 00:36:25clean Burning Lights on a single fueling
- 00:36:27and so easy no coins no tools nothing to
- 00:36:31take apart watch
- 00:36:33there that's Ronson's new fuel injection
- 00:36:36your veriflame is filled for months and
- 00:36:39just a fingertip touch gives you tall
- 00:36:41lights or short lights only veloflame
- 00:36:44has fingertip flame control choose your
- 00:36:46Ransom theraflame in smart gleaming
- 00:36:48Chrome or elegant two-tone enamels Vera
- 00:36:52flame fully guaranteed by Ronson with
- 00:36:54the year's free service policy Ranson
- 00:36:56para Flame the jet power lighter
- 00:37:01foreign
- 00:37:07on the left holds people
- 00:37:09the Volkswagen Combi on the right holds
- 00:37:12packages now watch
- 00:37:17come on
- 00:37:43see now the combi on the left holds the
- 00:37:46packages and the combi on the right
- 00:37:48holds the people
- 00:37:49Combi works both ways it can work for a
- 00:37:53living or it can work for a family
- 00:38:05one is so
- 00:38:06we tested over 400 women in midwestern
- 00:38:09supermarkets to compare the softness of
- 00:38:11white cloud with another leading two-ply
- 00:38:13tissue two out of three women picked
- 00:38:15White Cloud as softer I use it oh do you
- 00:38:19um
- 00:38:21well you're not alone uh I like it bro
- 00:38:25you do and you like it so much because
- 00:38:28it is bizarre the blindfold you oh no
- 00:38:32wait a minute you know I've seen this
- 00:38:34sort of deal on TV and I thought oh no
- 00:38:36this doesn't happen
- 00:38:38this one very good you have uh picked
- 00:38:42white clouds right and not up in a
- 00:38:45balcony or up in a balloon no nothing no
- 00:38:47right right in the supermarket if I just
- 00:38:50want to tell you that white cloud is
- 00:38:52whipped and Blended like a fine cosmetic
- 00:38:55to help make it soft and you've got the
- 00:38:58difference didn't you oh yeah definitely
- 00:38:59right away you can feel White Cloud is
- 00:39:02softer
- 00:39:08the series record for runs by one team
- 00:39:10in a game is it says
- 00:39:13the office boy
- 00:39:15hey Yankees 1936. it's right here in the
- 00:39:19World Series encyclopedia
- 00:39:31these are The Wonder Years the formative
- 00:39:34years ages 1 through 12 the years when
- 00:39:38your child develops in many ways
- 00:39:40actually grows to 90 percent of her
- 00:39:43adult height to help make the most of
- 00:39:46these Wonder Years serve nutritious
- 00:39:47wonder and Rich Bread Wonder helps build
- 00:39:50strong bodies 12 ways carefully enriched
- 00:39:53with foods for body and mind Wonder
- 00:39:55Bread tastes so good fresh and deeply
- 00:39:58satisfying and it is so good for growing
- 00:40:00child for active adult each slice of
- 00:40:03Wonder Bread during The Wonder Years
- 00:40:04supplies protein for muscle heart and
- 00:40:06tissues minerals for bones blood and
- 00:40:09teeth carbohydrates for bulk and energy
- 00:40:11vitamins for nerve skin glands senses
- 00:40:14all vital elements for growing minds and
- 00:40:16bodies to help make the most of her
- 00:40:18Wonder Years her growth years serve
- 00:40:20Wonder Bread Wonder helps build strong
- 00:40:22bodies 12 ways
- 00:40:29what a Pity that luscious Fried Chicken
- 00:40:32all burned and to think a kitchen
- 00:40:34telephone would have saved the dinner
- 00:40:36when a meal's on the stove and someone
- 00:40:39calls it's no problem at all when you
- 00:40:41have a kitchen phone you can answer and
- 00:40:43still keep an eye on your cooking no
- 00:40:44wasted time step or effort and best of
- 00:40:48all no burn chicken well of course since
- 00:40:50it takes a great many calls to run
- 00:40:52today's home the most efficient place to
- 00:40:54make them is in your household
- 00:40:56headquarters the kitchen all this
- 00:40:59convenience at so little cost the
- 00:41:01monthly charge for an extension phone in
- 00:41:03your kitchen is only one dollar or less
- 00:41:05depending on your type of service and if
- 00:41:07you wish they're available in color at a
- 00:41:09one-time charge so enjoy this modern way
- 00:41:12of living a home with a kitchen phone to
- 00:41:15order yours just call your bell business
- 00:41:17office or talk to any Bell installer or
- 00:41:20repairman you see
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