Episode 26: SFMC Bootcamp: Data Views: Get Started with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Views
TLDRDette indhold præsenterer en omfattende introduktion til data views i Marketing Cloud, herunder hvordan man navigerer i disse databaser for at få indsigt i abonnenters adfærd gennem sendninger, åbninger og klik. Det beskriver relationerne mellem forskellige data views og giver praktiske eksempler på, hvordan man effektivt kan bruge SQL til at tilpasse rapportering og analysere engagement. Feedback og anbefalinger til bedste praksis for brug af data views til strategisk markedsføring er også blevet diskuteret. Desuden præsenteres metoder til at generere brugerdefinerede engagementscores og sikre kvalitetsdata uden at skabe forkerte værdier.
- 📊 Data views giver dybdegående indsigt i abonnenters interaktioner.
- 💻 SQL anvendes til at trække data fra forskellige views.
- 🌟 Brug af brugerdefinerede engagement scores kan forbedre målretning.
- 🔄 Data kan eksporteres til eksterne systemer for videre analyse.
- ⏳ Data views har en seks måneders tilbageholdelsesperiode.
- 📈 Effektiv brug af data views kan optimere marketingkampagner.
- 📋 Dokumentation er afgørende for korrekt brug af data views.
- ⚙️ Automatisk dataudtræk kan lette rapportering.
- 👥 Retargeting kan udføres baseret på tidligere engagement.
- ✅ Det er bedre at have null-værdier end fejlagtige data i systemet.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
I denne video gennemgås forholdene mellem abonnenter og lister i Marketing Cloud, herunder hvordan man kan identificere, hvilke lister en abonnent er en del af, samt hvordan man kan finde ud af, hvilke abonnenter der har afmeldt sig. Diagrammer bruges til at illustrationere disse relationer.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Der gives en detaljeret forklaring af send-jobs i Marketing Cloud, som indeholder information om, hvilke abonnenter der har modtaget en given e-mail. Det understreges, at for hver send-job er der en række poster for de abonnenter, der fik sendt e-mailen, og hvordan disse relationer kan trackes via job-ID'er.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Videoen diskuterer også åbne og klik data, hvor det fremhæves, at åbning af e-mails kan generere flere poster, da åbningsevents tælles, hver gang e-mailen åbnes. Det påpeges, at unikke åbninger og klik kan anvendes til at få indsigt i abonnenternes engagement.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Narrativet skifter til automatisering og rejseaktiviteter, som introducerer nye datavisninger i Marketing Cloud. Visningerne for automatisering og rejser gør det muligt at spore abonnenters interaktioner med de e-mails, der sendes i forbindelse med automatiseringen.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Der er også en omtale af mobile datavisninger, som dog er mindre udforskede. Disse tilvejebringer information om mobiladresser og SMS-afsendelser, hvilket viser integrationen mellem mobilmarkedsføring og abonnentoplysninger.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Der tages fat på markeringscloudens integration med Salesforce, som muliggør synkronisering af tre nøgleobjekter: kontakter, leads og brugere. Dette sikrer, at oplysninger om disse objekter er tilgængelige i Marketing Cloud.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Videoen beskriver derefter, hvordan man kan uddrage data fra Marketing Cloud ved hjælp af SQL-forespørgsler, hvor man kan sammenflette data fra forskellige datavisninger for at skabe brugbare rapporter.
- 00:35:00 - 00:43:15
Til sidst opfordres seerne til aktivt at udforske Marketing Clouds datavisninger for at opdage de rige datakilder, der kan bruges til at forbedre engagement og marketingstrategier. Derudover opfordres deltagerne til at stille spørgsmål og deltage i diskussionen omkring emnet.
Mind Map
Video Q&A
Hvad er data views i Marketing Cloud?
Data views er tabeller, der opbevarer data relateret til abonnenter og e-mailsendelser, hvilket gør det muligt at analysere engagementoplysninger som åbninger og klik.
Hvordan kan jeg få adgang til data views?
Data views kan tilgås via SQL-forespørgsler i Automation Studio eller Query Studio.
Hvor længe gemmes data i data views?
Data views har typisk en standard tilbageholdelsesperiode på seks måneder.
Kan jeg tilføje brugerdefinerede felter til data views?
Ja, tilpassede felter kan integreres i send-loggene, forudsat at de matches korrekt.
Hvordan kan jeg træne SQL relateret til data views?
Det anbefales at anvende Query Studio for at få praktisk erfaring med at skrive forespørgsler.
Er der dokumentation tilgængelig for data views?
Ja, der er omfattende dokumentation tilgængelig online, især fra Marketing Cloud's officielle supportsite.
Hvad er den bedste måde at udtrække data fra Marketing Cloud på?
Brug Automation Studio til at køre SQL-forespørgsler og hente resultaterne til dataudvidelser, som derefter kan eksporteres.
Hvordan kan jeg analysere abonnenters engagement?
Ved at oprette SQL-forespørgsler, der analyserer sendninger, åbninger og klik for at vurdere engagementsniveauer.
Hvad er fordelene ved at bruge data views i Marketing Cloud?
Data views giver detaljeret indsigt i abonnentadfærd og kampagneeffektivitet, hvilket muliggør præcise dataanalyser og optimering af markedsføringsstrategier.
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- 00:00:03okay perfect thank you so our list
- 00:00:06subscribers again have been that view of
- 00:00:08all of our lists so how does that relate
- 00:00:10now back onto our subscribers like I
- 00:00:13said subscribe a key relating back on a
- 00:00:15one too many relationships we can look
- 00:00:17back and find which lists our subscriber
- 00:00:20is part of
- 00:00:21additionally if you want to find out
- 00:00:22what subscribers have unsubscribed but
- 00:00:24we do have our unsubscribe table here
- 00:00:25which again does relate back on
- 00:00:27subscriber key to subscriber key but
- 00:00:30also on our list ID back to our list ID
- 00:00:32so we know also what lists found
- 00:00:33subscribed from so you can see here from
- 00:00:36this diagram it does create this very
- 00:00:37visual representation of how these data
- 00:00:39view is all interrelate now Imagine That
- 00:00:41Sent example I gave earlier down here
- 00:00:44you'll find so that's send information
- 00:00:45now an email inside marketing Cloud when
- 00:00:48you do press send it's known as a send
- 00:00:50job and that job contains batches so for
- 00:00:53example our job of sends here we have of
- 00:00:56course our information about the email
- 00:00:57that was sent to the emails ID the
- 00:00:58account number that we sent the from
- 00:01:00name and email address we sent to that
- 00:01:02email from as well as the email's name
- 00:01:04in content Builder and these emails
- 00:01:06subject line so some really good stuff
- 00:01:07in here as well for reporting but all
- 00:01:09this information is just the top level
- 00:01:11information of that email when we press
- 00:01:14send women do press send let's say to a
- 00:01:16data extension of 100 subscribers there
- 00:01:19will be one row in our job job data View
- 00:01:22and a hundred rows in our sent data view
- 00:01:26because there are a hundred subscribers
- 00:01:27who were sent that job and can see that
- 00:01:30relationship for ourselves because our
- 00:01:32scent table here relates back on our job
- 00:01:34ID back to job ID here we can see that
- 00:01:37our subscriber key relates and
- 00:01:39subscriber key back to our full
- 00:01:40subscribers table here but also the list
- 00:01:43that we sent you you may have noticed
- 00:01:44when you press send in marking cloud
- 00:01:46you can choose what list you send to a
- 00:01:48publication list or a normal list if you
- 00:01:50choose all subscribers of course that is
- 00:01:52actually a list so we'll choose the all
- 00:01:54subscribers list ID or if you choose a
- 00:01:57publication list or use that list ID as
- 00:01:58well
- 00:01:59now once that email has been sent of
- 00:02:01course we then want to see who opens it
- 00:02:03now I good open rates about 20 to 30
- 00:02:04percent so let's say that 30 of those
- 00:02:07100 subscribers opened the email well
- 00:02:11you're going to have at least 30 records
- 00:02:13here in open now the cool thing is is
- 00:02:16that the open Pixel that exists inside
- 00:02:18of the template of your marketing Cloud
- 00:02:20emails will actually re-render every
- 00:02:22time someone reopens that email so you
- 00:02:25will find that even though only 30
- 00:02:26unique subscribers now opened your email
- 00:02:28you may have 50 60 or 70 open rows
- 00:02:33because a subscriber may have reopened
- 00:02:36that email on their device multiple
- 00:02:37times and so you would get an open event
- 00:02:40date every time they reopen that email
- 00:02:44so if you're trying to find when they
- 00:02:45first open the email you may have to
- 00:02:47start with the unique field or find the
- 00:02:49earliest event date the earliest date to
- 00:02:52which that email is opened it also means
- 00:02:54you can find out customers who do go
- 00:02:56back and reopen emails so a great use
- 00:02:58case for this is you want to find out
- 00:03:00what emails people are opening a lot now
- 00:03:03there are some brands that way send out
- 00:03:05things like when you purchase an item
- 00:03:06and they send you some warranty
- 00:03:08information I'll send you some how-to
- 00:03:09information I know when I bought a car
- 00:03:12seat I would have logged an email that
- 00:03:13shows me how to install the car seat
- 00:03:15I didn't want to have to read the book
- 00:03:16I'd rather see a YouTube video so I'd
- 00:03:19rather someone have sent me an email
- 00:03:20which said hey here's information on how
- 00:03:22to install this car seat I would have
- 00:03:24gone back and reopened that email every
- 00:03:26time I had to uninstall and reinstall
- 00:03:27the car seat so you would have seen my
- 00:03:29data occur every time I reopened that
- 00:03:31email I would have a whole new entry
- 00:03:33into the open data View
- 00:03:35now the same thing happens to click of
- 00:03:37course when your subscribers do open the
- 00:03:38email then click on a link every single
- 00:03:41time a link is clicked a new row is
- 00:03:44inserted to The Click table and again
- 00:03:46it's all tracked back that job ID back
- 00:03:48to jobs the list ID back to list the
- 00:03:50subscribing key back to subscribers you
- 00:03:52see where I'm going here so it all
- 00:03:54connects in together
- 00:03:55it's definitely worth exploring the data
- 00:03:58that exists in each of these views there
- 00:04:00is a whole of information that you'll
- 00:04:01see inside these tables that doesn't
- 00:04:03exactly get you know shown in the usual
- 00:04:06tracking reports within marketing Cloud
- 00:04:08that includes Genie Builder the marking
- 00:04:10Cloud intelligence and also the email
- 00:04:11Studio reporting some of these fields
- 00:04:13just don't get shown you do see
- 00:04:15summaries so for example in the email
- 00:04:17Studio when you go into the click
- 00:04:18tracking report you see the email's
- 00:04:20performance and it will tell you how
- 00:04:21many Clicks in total and how many unique
- 00:04:23clicks that's a great summary you can
- 00:04:26then click of course on that little
- 00:04:27number and in the report and you can see
- 00:04:29how many users they were uniquely
- 00:04:31clicked on the email but then that's a
- 00:04:33list that you have to download as a CSV
- 00:04:35and then you'd have to re-import it into
- 00:04:36marketing cloud and that's a bit
- 00:04:37cumbersome so instead you could just
- 00:04:39query The Click table looking for the
- 00:04:42job ID which you have to find out from
- 00:04:44the email send that you did the list
- 00:04:46that you send to returning back those
- 00:04:48subscriber keys so again some great news
- 00:05:04actual information as well but my new
- 00:05:07favorites are the journeys and the
- 00:05:08automation ones like I said earlier we
- 00:05:10now have this brand new there's two
- 00:05:12brand new data views for automations the
- 00:05:15automation instance and activity
- 00:05:16instance the instance of course being
- 00:05:18the automation itself and the activity
- 00:05:20instance being the activities within the
- 00:05:22automation
- 00:05:23now the journey and journey activity are
- 00:05:25two more data views generally been of
- 00:05:27course the journey itself and the
- 00:05:29engineering activity being an activity
- 00:05:31within the journey now again bear in
- 00:05:33mind that these links I've created on
- 00:05:35this diagram do allow you to see how
- 00:05:37each of these tables relate so a great
- 00:05:40example which actually covered recently
- 00:05:41in my videos was how do I find out users
- 00:05:44who have sent an email engineer Builder
- 00:05:46and then maybe interacted with it
- 00:05:48somehow but the best part is if you know
- 00:05:50the journey because you know the
- 00:05:51Journey's name you can search for that
- 00:05:53Julie name and you can link the journey
- 00:05:55version ID back to the journey activity
- 00:05:58version ID in this journey activity
- 00:06:01table you can use the journey activity
- 00:06:03object ID to relate to a jobs triggered
- 00:06:08send definition object ID this is the
- 00:06:09job table oops sorry one more up uh one
- 00:06:12moreover the job table here so on our
- 00:06:15job
- 00:06:15the activity object ID relates to this
- 00:06:18send the triggered send definition
- 00:06:19object ID and from here we now have the
- 00:06:22job ID which allows us to then see who
- 00:06:24was sent the email who opened and who
- 00:06:26clicked so from a journey we can find
- 00:06:28every email in the journey from every
- 00:06:31email you can find every job from every
- 00:06:32job you can find every send every send
- 00:06:34every open and off we go you can make
- 00:06:36some really interesting data sets
- 00:06:38because you can now connect these tables
- 00:06:40together
- 00:06:41now again it's more than just the email
- 00:06:43Studio as well if I scroll over to the
- 00:06:46left hand side of this diagram you'll
- 00:06:47see a few of the mobile ones now fair
- 00:06:50warning some of these mobile ones are
- 00:06:52not officially supported or documented
- 00:06:54they do exist for the back of mounting
- 00:06:55cloud and you can find them out for
- 00:06:57yourself through that experience from a
- 00:06:59couple years ago I managed to write some
- 00:07:01of these ones down and expose them so we
- 00:07:03can see how it all interrelate now I
- 00:07:05haven't spent too much time as a few
- 00:07:06unconnected data views here
- 00:07:09let's reconnects there it is there's a
- 00:07:11few unconnected ones because I have not
- 00:07:13spent too much time on the mobile side
- 00:07:14of the platform to connect these up but
- 00:07:16you can see there is impacts and
- 00:07:18relationships between a mobile
- 00:07:20subscriber that is a mobile address and
- 00:07:22how they connect up into the SMS send
- 00:07:24logs and subscription logs and message
- 00:07:26tracking these been the most common and
- 00:07:29most useful of your mobile data views
- 00:07:31mobile address being as close as you can
- 00:07:33get to a subscribers table for mobile
- 00:07:35connect the send blog of course being a
- 00:07:38log and tracking being the tracking for
- 00:07:39those SMS sends the subscription logs
- 00:07:41showing you exactly what keywords your
- 00:07:43mobile subscribers are subscribed to
- 00:07:45which of course will link back into
- 00:07:47their subscription mobile table here as
- 00:07:48well so again useful stuff I'm not going
- 00:07:51to mention this because you can go
- 00:07:52research these for yourself the ones
- 00:07:54that are not documented again they're
- 00:07:55not officially supported you will find
- 00:07:57some documentation across the internet
- 00:07:58as other users have over the years found
- 00:08:01these data views and used them but again
- 00:08:03your use case will dictate how you go
- 00:08:05forth and use these tables the key here
- 00:08:07being it's hard to solution for things
- 00:08:09unless you know what exists so hopefully
- 00:08:11through this diagram here you can see
- 00:08:14there are a lot a lot of data views and
- 00:08:16a lot of really cool data that you can
- 00:08:18relate to before I move on I'm going to
- 00:08:20show you one last piece and if I scroll
- 00:08:22up here
- 00:08:23for those of you who are using the
- 00:08:24marking Cloud connector and have access
- 00:08:26to a Salesforce org you will also note
- 00:08:29that there are some very common tables
- 00:08:31that are brought in from your Salesforce
- 00:08:32organs marketing Cloud those being your
- 00:08:34contacts your leads and your users now
- 00:08:37these are the three main objects that
- 00:08:38marking Cloud considers to be humans
- 00:08:40humans mean contacts and therefore
- 00:08:42contactable for marketing purposes other
- 00:08:45tables will have different relationships
- 00:08:46but these ones will always create a
- 00:08:48contact when they are loaded into
- 00:08:49marketing clouds for that reason I have
- 00:08:51included these three data views or these
- 00:08:54three tables there's of course a lot
- 00:08:56more fields to these when you load them
- 00:08:58in through the Salesforce connector but
- 00:09:00I have connected up their contact key
- 00:09:01and ID just for visual purposes so you
- 00:09:03can see how they relate back to a
- 00:09:05contact
- 00:09:06so that in mind if you're doing a more
- 00:09:08purest view of how the data views exist
- 00:09:10I have got in my links here the white
- 00:09:12version of this diagram and this is the
- 00:09:15documentation correct version of data
- 00:09:18views so you'll see it's missing a few
- 00:09:19data views here but it does show how
- 00:09:21it's meant to look as a as a pure form
- 00:09:23with none of my additional fabricated
- 00:09:26tables included so again those two links
- 00:09:29I've got the one link already in the
- 00:09:30chat of today's meeting I'll put the
- 00:09:32second one into the chat there as well
- 00:09:35you can also find some documentation on
- 00:09:37this if you Google it these are the
- 00:09:39marketing cloud data views and you will
- 00:09:41find this link on my blog and my YouTube
- 00:09:43channel
- 00:09:44now moving on I've not put too much
- 00:09:46information around the actual data and
- 00:09:48functions Behind These data views I've
- 00:09:50made these diagrams as a navigatable and
- 00:09:53interactable data view the goal here was
- 00:09:56to make it easy to understand how to get
- 00:09:57to data if I want to find out which
- 00:09:59subscribers clicked on a thing I can now
- 00:10:01see my clicks and see if they're linked
- 00:10:03back through job into my subscribers
- 00:10:04that was the goal of this table but as
- 00:10:07you go forth and start to architect
- 00:10:08Solutions and include your data views
- 00:10:10you may want some more information and I
- 00:10:12can definitely recommend no one better
- 00:10:14than to go with matthias's blog on his
- 00:10:16system data using marketing Cloud I'll
- 00:10:18put his link into the description here
- 00:10:20as well but he's also got fantastic SEO
- 00:10:23so if you do search up your Salesforce
- 00:10:25marketing cloud data views you will find
- 00:10:27his blog obviously at the very very top
- 00:10:29of Google
- 00:10:30he has got some fantastic documentation
- 00:10:33on how these database work and not just
- 00:10:35about the view themselves not just the
- 00:10:37data views at the top level but it also
- 00:10:39includes some great examples use cases
- 00:10:41and he also Dives deeper and talks about
- 00:10:43some of the individual for example pick
- 00:10:45the scaliers here we go within some of
- 00:10:47those statuses so for example this
- 00:10:48status field which you have access to
- 00:10:50inside of our subscriber view has
- 00:10:52multiple options behind it he has gone
- 00:10:54ahead and actually documents what those
- 00:10:56options are so again has gone above and
- 00:10:58beyond when documentation is at stake
- 00:11:00here and you definitely want to be
- 00:11:02referencing his blog when it comes to
- 00:11:03researching how to use these data views
- 00:11:05and how they are structured but also
- 00:11:07some of these known behind the scenes
- 00:11:09examples from the hunter sends data
- 00:11:11points
- 00:11:12so again his link is in the chat
- 00:11:13definitely definitely worth checking
- 00:11:15these ones out
- 00:11:17so that in mind why these interviews
- 00:11:19again important so we do have access to
- 00:11:22a few ways to get data out of Marketing
- 00:11:23cloud and I'm sure a few of you have
- 00:11:25probably already explored these and when
- 00:11:26it comes to getting data out there's
- 00:11:27nothing more you can do really that
- 00:11:29exporting data uh from marketing Cloud
- 00:11:31using the extract function now you can
- 00:11:34use the tracking extract function I've
- 00:11:36done a video on this one previously as
- 00:11:38well where you can extract things like
- 00:11:40your sends your opens your clicks your
- 00:11:41not sent and so many other points of
- 00:11:44data the problem is it's going to use
- 00:11:46that data back in marketing Cloud you do
- 00:11:49have to extract the data unzip the data
- 00:11:52then import the data and then you can
- 00:11:54use it now that may need to be done for
- 00:11:56some use cases but for the most or for
- 00:11:58most use cases you shouldn't need to go
- 00:12:00through such a process you can usually
- 00:12:02just use a data meter solo for you again
- 00:12:05I had done a video on tracking extract
- 00:12:07and re-import process so you can't do
- 00:12:09that for yourself it's on my YouTube
- 00:12:10channel but in the meantime the most
- 00:12:12common use case is going to be just be
- 00:12:14using data view to get that data for you
- 00:12:16now a few examples that I see most
- 00:12:18commonly when it comes to utilization of
- 00:12:20data views is things like retargeting
- 00:12:22and re-making things like measures I
- 00:12:25talked through a quick one earlier
- 00:12:26earlier but I'll go through it again I
- 00:12:28may have had an email in the past that
- 00:12:30I'd sent you now come from the Journey
- 00:12:31For example so I'll scroll and head to
- 00:12:33my Journeys and that Journey email may
- 00:12:35be in a series or a campaign of emails
- 00:12:37but I want to retarget all my customers
- 00:12:40who opened this campaign series I sent
- 00:12:42three emails through message studio and
- 00:12:45I sent two different Genius of the Q a
- 00:12:47snatch and I get all those emails
- 00:12:48together now to do that using a measure
- 00:12:51or a data filter would be almost
- 00:12:53impossible that would take a lot of time
- 00:12:55a lot of that is but by using our data
- 00:12:57views I could make a very simple SQL
- 00:12:59statement in automation Studio where I
- 00:13:01could say get me the journeys named this
- 00:13:05or this I want to get these two Journeys
- 00:13:06I want to get all of the emails across
- 00:13:09all the versions of those two Journeys
- 00:13:11it could be all those activities
- 00:13:13then give me all the jobs of all those
- 00:13:14sends that were conducted
- 00:13:17obviously from the drop give me the
- 00:13:18sense and from the sense get media opens
- 00:13:21as well as the jobs that I send through
- 00:13:23email studio and Union those together
- 00:13:26by making that data set you can one
- 00:13:28simple query query these data views and
- 00:13:30construct yourself your very own
- 00:13:31retargeting data extension the best part
- 00:13:34is because it all can be done with SQL
- 00:13:35you can then apply that to an Automation
- 00:13:37and have that Rerun every day to add new
- 00:13:39subscribers to that list so as a use
- 00:13:42case it now can exceed the power of a
- 00:13:44measure straight away you'd have to
- 00:13:45build multiple measures to do this
- 00:13:48individually but by using a data View
- 00:13:50and some neat SQL you can build yourself
- 00:13:53your very own retargeting set and very
- 00:13:55very quickly
- 00:13:56another example but I'm actually
- 00:13:58particularly fond of is the use of
- 00:14:00creating your very own retargeting
- 00:14:02engagement score now again every
- 00:14:05customer is different every brand is
- 00:14:06different every business need is
- 00:14:08different and everyone's definition of
- 00:14:10engaged is also different I'm a huge fan
- 00:14:13of the OnStar engagement scores and the
- 00:14:14frequency scores it's a great measure
- 00:14:16it's a great way to look at your
- 00:14:19subscribers and how they're engaging
- 00:14:20with your brand the idea that someone
- 00:14:22can be engaged or disengaged they can be
- 00:14:24a Windows Shopper or a Latin customer I
- 00:14:26think is a very great visual
- 00:14:27representation of what is in marketing
- 00:14:29cloud and how they're engaging with you
- 00:14:31but for some Brands the idea of
- 00:14:34fast-moving consumer goods where you're
- 00:14:36buying clothes or buying groceries every
- 00:14:38week is very different to someone who
- 00:14:40buys a car once every three to five
- 00:14:42years
- 00:14:43so the idea of Engagement can change
- 00:14:45drastically between different customers
- 00:14:47again someone who buys milk and bread
- 00:14:49from the grocery store versus a car once
- 00:14:51every three to five years very different
- 00:14:53email campaigns very different kinds of
- 00:14:54Engagement and so sometimes you may need
- 00:14:57your very own form of Engagement your
- 00:14:59very own way of calculating and
- 00:15:00measuring engagement
- 00:15:02so to do this one of the ways I do see
- 00:15:04customers do this is they use things
- 00:15:05like the my the Einstein MC predictive
- 00:15:08scores table again this is a direct
- 00:15:09extension you can see inside of your
- 00:15:11main direct Central folder and they will
- 00:15:13link this up with their existing sends
- 00:15:16opens and clicks now what I mean by this
- 00:15:18is if you know that you're subscribers
- 00:15:20you consider an Engaged customer not
- 00:15:23just to be what Einstein says is there
- 00:15:26likeness or their engagement score but
- 00:15:28perhaps you say
- 00:15:29but you know what I think someone who
- 00:15:31has clicked at least 25 percent of the
- 00:15:36emails that we've sent
- 00:15:3725 of the emails you send in the last
- 00:15:39six months that's an Engaged customer if
- 00:15:42they have not clicked at least 25 of the
- 00:15:45emails I've sent them in the last six
- 00:15:47months I will consider them disengaged
- 00:15:49and you'll probably receive more
- 00:15:51engaging content
- 00:15:52well I can run a very simple query for
- 00:15:54that we could say for every subscriber
- 00:15:57join up against the sense table and
- 00:16:00count how many times they've been sent
- 00:16:02emails for some subscribers that could
- 00:16:04be only five emails in the last six
- 00:16:06months but others who are subscribing to
- 00:16:09all your preferences and want to get all
- 00:16:10your different content types they may
- 00:16:12received 50 emails in the last six
- 00:16:14months so again very different volume
- 00:16:16amounts you can then do the same thing
- 00:16:18can join up against the click table and
- 00:16:21say well okay I've now got for every
- 00:16:22subscriber I know how many emails that
- 00:16:24were sent now I want to know how many
- 00:16:27times they clicked but not just how many
- 00:16:29times they clicked because they could
- 00:16:30re-click the same link multiple times
- 00:16:32and that's that doesn't count so only
- 00:16:36select the clicks where the is unique
- 00:16:39field here is equal to true that is only
- 00:16:41count unique Clicks in the email if they
- 00:16:44clicked multiple links that counts but
- 00:16:46not the same link multiple times
- 00:16:49and all of a sudden I've now got the
- 00:16:51subscriber the count of emails and the
- 00:16:53count of unique clicks and quite simply
- 00:16:56if I divide the number of sends by the
- 00:16:58number of unique clicks
- 00:17:00all the way around then I'll have a
- 00:17:02percentage of their engagement and
- 00:17:03anyone who's got a percentage above 0.25
- 00:17:05or 25 engagement I can consider engaged
- 00:17:09I should send them one-time
- 00:17:10communication
- 00:17:11but if your engagement is below that
- 00:17:13then I'm going to send you something
- 00:17:14different
- 00:17:15so you can very quickly and easily
- 00:17:17fabricate your very own re-engagement
- 00:17:19calculations just using one two three
- 00:17:22data views and a very simple SQL query
- 00:17:26so again some very powerful and very
- 00:17:28simple use cases to go through
- 00:17:31now with that I did want to stop on the
- 00:17:34Showcase of what data views are and how
- 00:17:36they work early because I really wanted
- 00:17:37to hear from the community as to some of
- 00:17:39the examples or some of the questions
- 00:17:40you have about data views the reason
- 00:17:42that there are a big passion point of
- 00:17:44mind and when I agreed to have a chat
- 00:17:45today with you all is because I do truly
- 00:17:47believe that the data within marketing
- 00:17:49cloud is a very very powerful asset that
- 00:17:51so few users truly utilize the user
- 00:17:54interface is great it gives you some
- 00:17:55great information but the data is where
- 00:17:57the party is at there is so much cool
- 00:17:59stuff stored in these tables and once
- 00:18:01you start to poke around and have a look
- 00:18:03and again through this diagram here
- 00:18:04today just see how much data that truly
- 00:18:07is you can begin to think about how you
- 00:18:09can use that data to your advantage
- 00:18:11again I mentioned a few examples today
- 00:18:12the ability to find Journeys and sends
- 00:18:15and people who clicked on those emails
- 00:18:16and those Journeys or to even recreate
- 00:18:18your own engagement score system based
- 00:18:20on your business's idea of Engagement
- 00:18:22not engaged these things are not easy to
- 00:18:25do in the user in the user interface but
- 00:18:27through these data views they're quite
- 00:18:29simple
- 00:18:31so with that I do want to take a second
- 00:18:33now to have a conversation and have a
- 00:18:35bit of a FAQ or a uh any examples that
- 00:18:38you have that can start to answer for
- 00:18:39you in the meantime if you do want to
- 00:18:41hear more about data views I have spent
- 00:18:42some more time on this topic I've got
- 00:18:44two videos to start you off one is the
- 00:18:46introduction to data views inside
- 00:18:47marketing Cloud it's pretty much a
- 00:18:49summary or I'll cover here today in a
- 00:18:51nice little uh some minute chunk so I'll
- 00:18:53put that one into the chat there as well
- 00:18:55one of the big examples I do carry on a
- 00:18:57lot about is also
- 00:18:59the recreation of measures using SQL if
- 00:19:03anyone here who has used measures
- 00:19:04they're a fantastically easy drag and
- 00:19:06drop way to re-engage and retarget based
- 00:19:09on activity that's occurred in your
- 00:19:10instance so for example where they sent
- 00:19:12this email or not send this email did
- 00:19:14they click this email have they clicked
- 00:19:16at least one email in the last 14 days
- 00:19:18these very marketing Centric ways of
- 00:19:21communicating engagement are made really
- 00:19:23really easy using measures the problem
- 00:19:25is that measures use the filter
- 00:19:27methodology and filters can notoriously
- 00:19:29be a little bit slow sometimes
- 00:19:31particularly when you have huge amounts
- 00:19:33of subscribers or huge amounts of Sims
- 00:19:36historically so when measures kind of
- 00:19:38become non-performant for you you may
- 00:19:40want to use SQL and so I do have this
- 00:19:42video here which does carry on for about
- 00:19:4430 minutes sorry I do till quickly in
- 00:19:47the video but there's a lot to cover so
- 00:19:49you can check out this one here which
- 00:19:50does go through a whole series of
- 00:19:52examples I believe I do recreate the
- 00:19:54total unique opens last three days I
- 00:19:57would also create the total marketing
- 00:19:58standard is I've got emails not opened
- 00:20:01must feed data system great use cases of
- 00:20:04where you might want to use these data
- 00:20:05views to recreate things you might
- 00:20:07normally do inside measures
- 00:20:09now with that again we do have some more
- 00:20:11time in this meeting so I did want to
- 00:20:12open up the floor to any conversations
- 00:20:14or questions or use cases you may have
- 00:20:16as you've gone through and hope which
- 00:20:17you've heard today or may have used
- 00:20:19interviews in the past and just had some
- 00:20:21simple questions so I will keep talking
- 00:20:23but in the meantime I please do
- 00:20:25encourage you to either throw your hand
- 00:20:27up with that little Emoji I know it's on
- 00:20:29the tray of your Zoom core you can use
- 00:20:31the raise hand emoji I believe it looks
- 00:20:34a little bit like that you can raise
- 00:20:36your hand and you can jump on the mic
- 00:20:38and ask a question otherwise if you
- 00:20:39don't want to jump on the mic feel free
- 00:20:40to use the chat function have a chat and
- 00:20:43let me know what you think
- 00:20:48so in the meantime as you all type in
- 00:20:51any questions that you have uh one of
- 00:20:53the things that I do love about the data
- 00:20:55views here as well is they all stored
- 00:20:56they're all stored in SQL and so all
- 00:20:58these data types here are quite easy to
- 00:21:00use now do bear in mind that you'll see
- 00:21:02some common terms here things like event
- 00:21:04date the event date is related to the
- 00:21:07data view that it's in so as you're
- 00:21:09writing out these SQL queries a quick
- 00:21:10tip make sure you're always remembering
- 00:21:12what table you're operating in when you
- 00:21:14reference the event date for example the
- 00:21:17event date for click will be the event
- 00:21:19time and date to which the click took
- 00:21:22place in the server time which don't
- 00:21:24forget is in the American server time so
- 00:21:28you may have to use asql function to
- 00:21:30then pivot that time around to your
- 00:21:31local time if you're trying to find
- 00:21:32users who clicked on a link before
- 00:21:34midnight or some of the kind of campaign
- 00:21:36requirement for the opens of course the
- 00:21:38event date is when that pixel was
- 00:21:40rendered for the open now be aware of
- 00:21:42that when it comes to things like the
- 00:21:43Apple privacy thing because it will re
- 00:21:46uh pre-case those images including the
- 00:21:48open pixel the users who are using that
- 00:21:50feature so bear in mind that if you do
- 00:21:52see a spike of event date or open Event
- 00:21:55dates that could be users who are using
- 00:21:57the Apple Mail privacy otherwise you can
- 00:21:59also look for users who reopen emails
- 00:22:01consistently and you can also use that
- 00:22:03event time as their reopening time
- 00:22:06I found it's a pretty cool metric to
- 00:22:07find out when you send someone a voucher
- 00:22:09for example for their birthday and that
- 00:22:11email gets reopened a number of times
- 00:22:13you can see the number of times it's
- 00:22:15opened and also the gap between when
- 00:22:17they open that email because you may
- 00:22:18find someone who goes back and reopens
- 00:22:20an email multiple times obviously has an
- 00:22:21intent to use that voucher just hasn't
- 00:22:24got a reason to use it just yet so
- 00:22:26there's a great campaign idea if you
- 00:22:28send that a voucher you could then go
- 00:22:29back and query who has opened this email
- 00:22:32a couple of times add them to a journey
- 00:22:34and say Hey you clearly want to use this
- 00:22:37voucher let's give you a reason here's a
- 00:22:39further 10 off if you buy now
- 00:22:42do you have one question so feel free to
- 00:22:44jump on the mic
- 00:22:46hey hi I'm like um this is a really
- 00:22:47great session thank you for sharing all
- 00:22:49your knowledge with our participants so
- 00:22:51you have one question where apart from
- 00:22:52query studio uh do you recommend any
- 00:22:55other tools that our audience will go
- 00:22:57and then quickly write a query and then
- 00:22:58this get the date of use information
- 00:23:02yeah definitely query studio is an okay
- 00:23:04one
- 00:23:05um I've I'm more of an SQL person myself
- 00:23:07so I've not been using crucial as much
- 00:23:10the methodology is great for all those
- 00:23:12who are learning SQL and trying to
- 00:23:14explore SQL because it does help you by
- 00:23:16creating the table to put that data into
- 00:23:19very quickly for you
- 00:23:20however I do find that especially when
- 00:23:23you're learning how to manipulate the
- 00:23:25data it's actually easier to work with a
- 00:23:27more consistent interface and but that's
- 00:23:30going to be the query part of automation
- 00:23:31Studio
- 00:23:32what I would recommend is because the
- 00:23:34data types are reasonably well
- 00:23:36documented on the official documentation
- 00:23:37so for example
- 00:23:41on our subscriber views here we can see
- 00:23:43that the data extension data type
- 00:23:46for subscriber ID is number for the date
- 00:23:49undeliverable is date I do capture those
- 00:23:51same values here so number and date
- 00:23:54and I carry those forward on the
- 00:23:56subscriber view here number and date I
- 00:23:59do believe that materials is a very very
- 00:24:00similar thing for his use subscriber
- 00:24:02data view Fields subscriber ID number
- 00:24:05and date so you will find the
- 00:24:06documentation it's quite consistent
- 00:24:08across the board about how you can then
- 00:24:10build that dial extension up
- 00:24:12um I I've just realized that Matthias
- 00:24:14does not have the character lengths on
- 00:24:15his one unfortunately but you will find
- 00:24:17the character lengths documented on my
- 00:24:20table and on the original data view I
- 00:24:22think yes so
- 00:24:25um end our chart will have the text
- 00:24:27length for that field so it's going to
- 00:24:29be a text 254 or an email 254 length
- 00:24:32field I would recommend that you build
- 00:24:34the data extension yourself in marketing
- 00:24:37cloud and then populate it it will take
- 00:24:40you a bit longer to get your hands into
- 00:24:42it of course because it won't be done
- 00:24:43for you but it does give you that muscle
- 00:24:45memory of learning what the fields are
- 00:24:47and how they're built the reason I
- 00:24:48recommend this is because the process of
- 00:24:50making a gel extension is one that you
- 00:24:51have to get familiar with
- 00:24:53getting experience quickly building
- 00:24:55extensions will save you time in the
- 00:24:57future in marketing cloud
- 00:24:59it's a very laborious process to make a
- 00:25:01direct extension over and over again and
- 00:25:03so you learn very quickly to think ahead
- 00:25:05of what you are going to need so if I'm
- 00:25:08going to be exploring some data views I
- 00:25:10know that my campaign is going to be a
- 00:25:12campaign to retarget a journey email
- 00:25:13that I built you know three months ago
- 00:25:15so I know I'm going to need to describe
- 00:25:17a key which I can get from subscribers
- 00:25:19or need email address from subscribers I
- 00:25:22need their status from subscribers
- 00:25:24I probably want to know the email
- 00:25:26version they were sent which I'll get
- 00:25:28from the job I didn't know when they
- 00:25:30were centered which I'll get from Cent
- 00:25:32if they clicked it which I get from
- 00:25:33click as a billion field and you can
- 00:25:35start to think ahead you plan ahead of
- 00:25:37the fields you'll want it's a really
- 00:25:39good practice to get into and so for
- 00:25:42that again query studio is great for
- 00:25:43beginners just to learn how to start
- 00:25:45building those queries out but once
- 00:25:47you've passed that learning phase truly
- 00:25:49truly get in there and build your own
- 00:25:51data extensions because it's a trial by
- 00:25:53fire you will learn very quickly to
- 00:25:55think ahead on what Fields you need
- 00:25:57again the process of adding additional
- 00:26:00Fields gets quite difficult after a
- 00:26:02while so you'll you just you'll learn uh
- 00:26:04to think ahead in the fields you want so
- 00:26:07you can start to plan your own
- 00:26:08activities far advanced again nothing
- 00:26:11but practice will get you that mentality
- 00:26:13so I truly recommend go out there and
- 00:26:14practice doing that
- 00:26:19thanks cam yeah yeah definitely I have
- 00:26:22one more question where uh so if let's
- 00:26:24take an example I have my customer who
- 00:26:26has five custom fields
- 00:26:28that he would love to embed into all the
- 00:26:30all the send log so is there any uh
- 00:26:33quick simple method for everyone not to
- 00:26:36go with SQL just to add all these custom
- 00:26:38attributes to our data views and then
- 00:26:40bring some kpis out of which
- 00:26:42yep so uh the job uh sorry the send log
- 00:26:46View
- 00:26:48which is not really a doubt of you it's
- 00:26:49just the send log
- 00:26:51um but I know what you're referring to
- 00:26:52so yes you can add those custom fields
- 00:26:55and I do believe that as also data
- 00:26:56extension or the data source should I
- 00:26:58say that you send from contains the
- 00:27:01exact matching fields in that send log
- 00:27:03then those values will be imported into
- 00:27:05the send log upon send it does not work
- 00:27:08retrospectively
- 00:27:09however you could fabricate that if you
- 00:27:13have those values you could of course
- 00:27:14augment your send log then go back in
- 00:27:17time and use an update script to then go
- 00:27:19through and back populate all that send
- 00:27:22log data you could do that I'd probably
- 00:27:25not recommend it though because there is
- 00:27:26a risk through an update function you
- 00:27:28may touch a subscriber record in the
- 00:27:30wrong way and you may update some values
- 00:27:32incorrectly and it's better to have a
- 00:27:34data set with nulls than a data set with
- 00:27:37incorrect values
- 00:27:39I'll say that again to make sure
- 00:27:40everyone got it
- 00:27:41always always it is better to have a
- 00:27:43data set that contains nulls and null
- 00:27:46fields or empty fields or empty values
- 00:27:48then to have a data set that possibly
- 00:27:51has errorist values
- 00:27:53an empty value is easy to get around if
- 00:27:55it's empty you can check for that is
- 00:27:56empty then don't use it but if there is
- 00:27:59a value there and it's errorness it's
- 00:28:01incorrect in some way how are you going
- 00:28:04to know that how is your and scripture
- 00:28:06going to know how's your SQ we're going
- 00:28:07to know that it's not so if you ever
- 00:28:09have the chance empty is better than
- 00:28:11wrong
- 00:28:12so don't go back and back fill unless
- 00:28:15you're very very sure what you're doing
- 00:28:17yeah yeah that's true that's true thanks
- 00:28:19thanks cam so one more question game
- 00:28:21like is there any way that I could get
- 00:28:23my uh data views more than six months of
- 00:28:27data of an engagement
- 00:28:28uh good question and again please uh
- 00:28:30feel free to raise your hand as well
- 00:28:32I'll be going through as the hands arise
- 00:28:34so any questions you got make sure you
- 00:28:35queue them up also feel free to use the
- 00:28:38um uh the chat as well now the six month
- 00:28:41look back is the defaults for your data
- 00:28:43views having said that there are some
- 00:28:45newer data fields that are actually a
- 00:28:47different look back I do believe the
- 00:28:48automation one is a different look back
- 00:28:51period
- 00:28:52if memory serves
- 00:28:55I want to just run through the last 31
- 00:28:59days I think one month look back so
- 00:29:02the answer is no by default these WS are
- 00:29:05set up for this reason they are
- 00:29:07producing a lot of data I mean you think
- 00:29:09about the big companies you're using
- 00:29:10writing cloud and just how many sends
- 00:29:12they are conducting
- 00:29:15it's a lot of data and there's no point
- 00:29:17to keep some of that data just sitting
- 00:29:19around doing nothing if you have a
- 00:29:21practical use case to use this data then
- 00:29:25you'll always be able to find a way to
- 00:29:26save it and reuse it later now again my
- 00:29:29example for a travel customer the gap
- 00:29:32between holidays especially large
- 00:29:33expensive International holidays won't
- 00:29:35be every six months so to retarget our
- 00:29:38customers activities from six months ago
- 00:29:40for their next purchase it's not going
- 00:29:42to happen with data views they're likely
- 00:29:44to buy a large holiday every one two or
- 00:29:46three years so if you really need that
- 00:29:49click data and again allow some more
- 00:29:51physical question as well
- 00:29:53there's a click that you did two and a
- 00:29:56half years ago really impact your next
- 00:29:59possible click in marketing cloud
- 00:30:02probably not that are that old rarely
- 00:30:05has an influence on things that you're
- 00:30:07doing today as a customer
- 00:30:09the old things that I did a month ago in
- 00:30:11my inbox I wouldn't say uh good
- 00:30:12predictions what I might do tomorrow in
- 00:30:14my inbox so a six-month look like is
- 00:30:16actually a huge amount of time there are
- 00:30:18only very very few reasons where you may
- 00:30:21need more than six months and again I
- 00:30:23use those things like those annual uh
- 00:30:25campaigns or promotions if you do want
- 00:30:27those again the idea is there you can go
- 00:30:29back and you can reference those uh
- 00:30:31sending data views the jobs the sensory
- 00:30:34opens the clicks and you can either
- 00:30:36extract those as your click tracking
- 00:30:38extracts or the data extracts sorry you
- 00:30:41can then re-import them into marketing
- 00:30:42cloud and save that data given if you're
- 00:30:44doing that I'd probably recommend using
- 00:30:46a data retention policy on those
- 00:30:48extensions to make sure you do drop out
- 00:30:50the data when it gets to you know 14 or
- 00:30:5215 months old there is no point keeping
- 00:30:54data around just for the sake of it you
- 00:30:57do actually have a data limited
- 00:30:58marketing Cloud so do not keep data
- 00:31:00around just because it's there make sure
- 00:31:02you are dropping data around that you're
- 00:31:03not going to use
- 00:31:05but again if you do have a use case to
- 00:31:07use a longer look back you can invent
- 00:31:09your own Solution by using those queries
- 00:31:12to just append information each time you
- 00:31:14could do this as a weekly activity to
- 00:31:17look back seven or eight days and get a
- 00:31:19last seven or eight days worth of clicks
- 00:31:20and opens and sends and append them into
- 00:31:23your personal creative data View and
- 00:31:26that way you can fabricate that longer
- 00:31:28look back
- 00:31:29yep thanks thanks cam that's really yeah
- 00:31:32that's what we were looking for uh we
- 00:31:34have one more question
- 00:31:36so the question is uh what about uh
- 00:31:38disseminating information
- 00:31:41yeah perfect uh is I'll get you just to
- 00:31:43elaborate on that one for me if that's
- 00:31:44all right
- 00:31:49uh uh UV can you can you elaborate more
- 00:31:53probably you can speak as well
- 00:31:57oh his mic is off okay if you would like
- 00:31:59to elaborate some more details in the
- 00:32:01chat so probably it would help cam for
- 00:32:03answering your question
- 00:32:09okay so let me let me unmute cam so just
- 00:32:12me one second
- 00:32:17yeah I given a permissions you can go
- 00:32:19and run you know
- 00:32:26can you hear me now
- 00:32:28yes I can yeah we can okay uh what I
- 00:32:31mean by that is uh We've you've shown us
- 00:32:34a lot of interesting things but uh at
- 00:32:36times we might want to send that
- 00:32:38information to um stakeholders uh on a
- 00:32:42regular basis so the output uh what
- 00:32:46would you recommend uh using as a
- 00:32:48procedure to be able to send that
- 00:32:50information on periodic basis to our
- 00:32:53stakeholders
- 00:32:56foreign
- 00:33:29views when you do use an SQL activity to
- 00:33:32query a data view it obviously has to go
- 00:33:34somewhere and as I said earlier I'd
- 00:33:36recommend that you actually make a data
- 00:33:38extension uh don't use the query Studio
- 00:33:40to have it made for you build your own
- 00:33:43data extension and that way when you do
- 00:33:45your own query you can have it going
- 00:33:46into that destination now once you have
- 00:33:48that data in a data extension as a
- 00:33:50destination you can of course use the
- 00:33:52automation Studios extract activity to
- 00:33:54export it for yourself so I do have my
- 00:33:57marketing Cloud open right now so let's
- 00:33:58have a quick look for ourselves
- 00:34:00I could make myself a brand new
- 00:34:01Automation and I could say that on my
- 00:34:04brand new automation I'm going to go
- 00:34:05ahead and make a SQL activity to go in
- 00:34:08query some data views once I've query
- 00:34:10that done review I can then do a simple
- 00:34:12data extract and then done with the data
- 00:34:15extract it does go directly into your
- 00:34:18safe house so if you do want to move it
- 00:34:20around you could then use a file
- 00:34:21transfer activity to pick up that
- 00:34:24extract which will be a CSV or a txt
- 00:34:26file and you can use a file transfer to
- 00:34:29throw that file either into another
- 00:34:30folder of your FTP or you could also
- 00:34:33throw it into a separate FTP S3 or
- 00:34:35Google data store as well so if you are
- 00:34:38talking about getting that data out of
- 00:34:40your marketing Cloud instance and into
- 00:34:41something else for example your data
- 00:34:43warehouse should run some reports on you
- 00:34:45can use I can put here in my example a
- 00:34:47query to select the data the extract to
- 00:34:50extract the data from the data extension
- 00:34:51and save it as a CSV and then you can
- 00:34:53use a file transfer to move that CSV
- 00:34:55from your marketing Cloud FTP onto your
- 00:34:59on-prem FTP to then have your bi toolkit
- 00:35:03pick up that data
- 00:35:04that is a very very common workflow for
- 00:35:07customers who actually want to extract
- 00:35:08the engagement information from
- 00:35:10marketing cloud and plot it in their own
- 00:35:12bi tools a good example that again will
- 00:35:15be things like your sends your opens
- 00:35:17your clicks so if a customer who has a
- 00:35:19very Advanced business intelligence and
- 00:35:22data analytics team again for those
- 00:35:24customers who've not come from an area
- 00:35:26where they've had their own bi
- 00:35:27dashboards they have a much more Legacy
- 00:35:29approach to having data analytics and
- 00:35:31data science conducted on-prem they may
- 00:35:33want to have all that data all those
- 00:35:35sends those opens those clicks coming
- 00:35:37out of Marketing Cloud into their data
- 00:35:39warehouse so they can run their own data
- 00:35:41models to create their own engagement
- 00:35:43lists their own retargeting lists a very
- 00:35:46very common use case and again that's
- 00:35:47the exact thought I'd do it query the
- 00:35:50data views and whatever else you need
- 00:35:51and dump into a data extension extract
- 00:35:53the data extension and then fire that
- 00:35:55data extension from your FTP onto your
- 00:35:57server alternatively of course if your
- 00:36:00data warehouse team can get the file for
- 00:36:02marketing Cloud you can of course drop
- 00:36:04that last step and just help the extract
- 00:36:06sitting there every day ready to go and
- 00:36:09they can schedule their service to go
- 00:36:12and get the file for the marketplace FTP
- 00:36:14with the correct credentials of course
- 00:36:16it does depend if you do want to make
- 00:36:17sure they are picking up that file every
- 00:36:19day on time it may be easy to throw the
- 00:36:21file to them rather than have them get
- 00:36:24the file from you because if a failure
- 00:36:26occurs in your data they may be getting
- 00:36:29the same file uh the next day because
- 00:36:31it's not been updated so I'd recommend
- 00:36:33if possible using a file transfer to
- 00:36:35throw the file to them rather than
- 00:36:37having them get the file from you
- 00:36:39how that answers your question feel free
- 00:36:41to use the chat big thumbs up even
- 00:36:43better thank you so much
- 00:36:45so I think we do have some microphone
- 00:36:47permission pieces so again please do use
- 00:36:49chat and jump in if you have any
- 00:36:51questions you'd like answered on this
- 00:36:53topic
- 00:36:55yes thank you Cam I think I'll ask if
- 00:36:58anyone has any questions anyone has any
- 00:37:00questions team
- 00:37:03again a great toolkit the data views not
- 00:37:08as many platforms are out there as I'd
- 00:37:10like would actually have data views I
- 00:37:12know a lot of other large email sending
- 00:37:14platforms and marketing Cloud platforms
- 00:37:16out there they do give their users the
- 00:37:19data but not in this level of detail not
- 00:37:21in this immense immense level of detail
- 00:37:25can you get dirt out of other platforms
- 00:37:27so we are very lucky to have such access
- 00:37:29in a platform like marketing Cloud to
- 00:37:31get the raw data out
- 00:37:33if you think of platforms that are much
- 00:37:35easier to use more I'm going to say
- 00:37:37marketing friendly they never give you
- 00:37:39this kind of power the powder Jump Right
- 00:37:41In and extract every single point of
- 00:37:43data so it's incredibly valuable it's a
- 00:37:46big point of difference that you have
- 00:37:47this totally unblocked access to all
- 00:37:49this engagement data so truly spend some
- 00:37:52time go through that documentation again
- 00:37:54just to see for yourself read the
- 00:37:56introduction as to what each of these
- 00:37:58data views do the click data view what
- 00:38:00is it how does it work what are the
- 00:38:02values
- 00:38:03it's a great way to understand what
- 00:38:06toolkits you have access to in marketing
- 00:38:08Cloud so go through and read it for
- 00:38:09yourself and we've done that make sure
- 00:38:11you visit matthias's blog and make sure
- 00:38:13you see for yourself because again he
- 00:38:14goes through in a lot more detail as to
- 00:38:16how these views work and of course he's
- 00:38:18even written some of this stuff for you
- 00:38:19have his own queries pre-revision for
- 00:38:21you ready to go just make sure that when
- 00:38:23you build your own data extensions you
- 00:38:25do name them appropriately with the
- 00:38:27correct names and that way they will go
- 00:38:29into those correct pieces for you
- 00:38:31once you've got that as well you jump
- 00:38:32over my diagram you can see if yourself
- 00:38:34how they're all linked so you do go
- 00:38:35ahead and write your join statements
- 00:38:37you'll have all the information here
- 00:38:39that you want
- 00:38:45and so yes there is some comments there
- 00:38:48around data Cloud as well so if you do
- 00:38:51want to link this information back into
- 00:38:53your data Cloud I'm going to assume
- 00:38:55you're referring to the fully known CDP
- 00:38:57exactly right so you can use the name of
- 00:38:59connectors and migrations to pass that
- 00:39:01data back into your own platform thank
- 00:39:02you exactly right so you can use that
- 00:39:05connector for yourself to pump that data
- 00:39:07back into your CDP and use that as an
- 00:39:09attribute to then use for segmentation
- 00:39:11you absolutely can do that and in fact
- 00:39:14it's a use case that again is a good one
- 00:39:16to use for those who don't have data
- 00:39:18Cloud though and you perhaps have your
- 00:39:19own on-prem or something separate that's
- 00:39:21why I say using an extract function
- 00:39:23that's similar to this is who you may
- 00:39:25then get that data out for your on-prem
- 00:39:27teams teams that want to conduct their
- 00:39:29own segmentation or their own data
- 00:39:31analytics or science with their existing
- 00:39:33toolkits I have heard of some customers
- 00:39:35who have done a science teams who use R
- 00:39:37and python in other languages to create
- 00:39:39some really Advanced segments for their
- 00:39:40customers again that's obviously an
- 00:39:42opportunity for them to use an advanced
- 00:39:44platform like data cloud but in the
- 00:39:46meantime they do have on-prem teams use
- 00:39:48their on-prem tools and this is how we
- 00:39:50get that data out
- 00:39:51so again I love the fact that there is
- 00:39:53no blockers in marketing Cloud you
- 00:39:54really can get the data as you need it
- 00:39:56and move it around as you need it
- 00:39:59but great question
- 00:40:00yep thanks thanks cam uh I think we have
- 00:40:03I think that I think we don't have much
- 00:40:05questions on this thank you for your
- 00:40:07valuable time and then spending with us
- 00:40:09on the short time and uh really
- 00:40:11apologies for being late for this event
- 00:40:13which is occupied from other internal
- 00:40:16meetings again thank you for joining
- 00:40:18with us today and then uh really
- 00:40:19appreciate the if you did what you put
- 00:40:21here thank you
- 00:40:22not my pleasure like I said Team uh do
- 00:40:24reach out you have questions again I've
- 00:40:26got a an absolute sweet spot for uh I
- 00:40:28love you so reach out uh we have plenty
- 00:40:30of slack communities and Linkedin groups
- 00:40:33and of course stack exchange areas as
- 00:40:35well so make sure you do reach out I
- 00:40:37think there's one more question for you
- 00:40:39before we break things off
- 00:40:43yes I think he has a question to me
- 00:40:48yes yes
- 00:40:58when can we get the recordings of the
- 00:41:00last two days uh I think I already
- 00:41:01updated the recordings of the last two
- 00:41:04sessions in the
- 00:41:06in our Channel you we probably can go
- 00:41:08and then verify it it's up to date
- 00:41:12I could not see them
- 00:41:16okay uh just give me one second Prashant
- 00:41:18can you hear me
- 00:41:32uh I think they we updated everything we
- 00:41:35can you uh can you share your screen if
- 00:41:38you don't mind so that I can check
- 00:41:41I'll give it host access
- 00:42:00thank you thank you Anita
- 00:42:04oh thanks thanks cam thank you so much
- 00:42:07uh for being with us today really great
- 00:42:11session I really love it uh the way that
- 00:42:13we explained that abuse and everything
- 00:42:15looking forward for more sessions to
- 00:42:17talk on this event thank you
- 00:42:18my pleasure thanks again
- 00:42:21thank you take care bye
- 00:42:27thanks everyone for joining with us so
- 00:42:29let's join uh solo today Saturday we
- 00:42:31have a great session on server side
- 00:42:33JavaScript and web studio and all the
- 00:42:35stuff we have started this and they're
- 00:42:37great development sessions are going on
- 00:42:38thank you
- data views
- Marketing Cloud
- abonnentdata
- send logs
- engagement
- retargeting
- data analyse
- automatisering
- marketing strategier