Why Net Worth Goes CRAZY After $100k!
TLDR这一视频讨论了如何成功累积财富,特别强调了获得第一笔10万美元的重要性。视频中提到,达到这一目标的障碍主要在于收入能力和复利的效应,尤其对年轻人而言更加明显。随着时间的推移,复利的效果会显著加大,因此一旦过了100K,财富增长会变得更加容易。分享了一种名为"增长方法"(Growth Method)的理财策略,包括正确管理财政、投资基础、优化税务、清除债务、增加收入来源和提升自律等多个方面。这些方法旨在帮助观众战胜财务挑战,早日实现财富自由。
- 💡 第一步是获取第一笔100K
- 🎮 收入能力如同游戏等级
- ❄️ 理解复利的雪球效应
- 📊 达到100K后财富增长加速
- 📈 投资S&P 500可实现显著回报
- 📉 清理高利债务是关键
- 🔥 培养内在自律,促进财富增长
- 💰 副业可增加收入来源
- 📊 预算帮助做出明智消费选择
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:12
Mind Map
Video Q&A
投资S&P 500的收益如何?
历史上,S&P 500的平均回报率为7%,长期投资可以显著增长。
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- 00:00:00this is the best piece of advice I've
- 00:00:02ever heard about building a high net
- 00:00:04worth it came from a millionaire I
- 00:00:06looked up to as a kid and it's stuck
- 00:00:08with me ever since I was worrying that
- 00:00:11I'd never have enough money to afford
- 00:00:13the things that I'd always dreamed about
- 00:00:15having his exact words to me were don't
- 00:00:17worry about earning Millions instead
- 00:00:20focus on the first 100,000 because after
- 00:00:23that your net worth will go crazy I
- 00:00:26didn't fully understand him at the time
- 00:00:28but I did what he said and lo and behold
- 00:00:31it worked so why is the first 100K the
- 00:00:34hardest well there are two main reasons
- 00:00:36for this the first one is your earning
- 00:00:38power think of this like your level in a
- 00:00:41video game you just haven't been playing
- 00:00:43long enough to build up your skills and
- 00:00:45therefore can't compete with the more
- 00:00:47experienced players this is the exact
- 00:00:50same when it comes to making money when
- 00:00:51you're younger this issue is actually
- 00:00:53getting even worse a recent study found
- 00:00:56that gen Z have about 86% less buying
- 00:00:59power than my generation the Boomers did
- 00:01:02at the same age this is partly due to
- 00:01:04older people staying in the workforce
- 00:01:06for longer meaning that higher paid
- 00:01:08positions are harder to come by but it
- 00:01:11isn't all doom and gloom as the internet
- 00:01:13offers a great way for younger people to
- 00:01:15make far more money than the older
- 00:01:17generation as most of them don't
- 00:01:19understand how to use Instagram let
- 00:01:21alone build an online side hustle when
- 00:01:23it comes to tech there aren't that many
- 00:01:25Boomers that can keep up with you guys
- 00:01:27not like me the second reason your first
- 00:01:29100 K is the hardest is your lack of
- 00:01:32compound interest think of your money
- 00:01:34like a snowball you roll it down the
- 00:01:36hill by investing money and as it rolls
- 00:01:39it picks up more snow which is your
- 00:01:41compound interest the bigger your
- 00:01:43snowball gets the more snow it collects
- 00:01:45and therefore the more compound interest
- 00:01:48you make sounds amazing right well yes
- 00:01:51and no let me explain right now if you
- 00:01:55don't have at least 100K then your
- 00:01:57snowball isn't big enough for it to pick
- 00:02:00up any significant income you
- 00:02:02essentially can't really benefit from
- 00:02:04compound interest I mean let's say you
- 00:02:06invest 10K in an S&P 500 Index Fund and
- 00:02:10get an average yearly return of 7% which
- 00:02:13has historically been the amount
- 00:02:15investors can expect after 5 years your
- 00:02:18money will have grown from $10,000 into
- 00:02:23$4,175 that's five whole years to earn
- 00:02:27$4,175
- 00:02:30that's why it's so hard to reach the
- 00:02:32first 100K it's all about how much you
- 00:02:35can contribute to your investing pot
- 00:02:37rather than how much compound interest
- 00:02:39you're making this means you're going to
- 00:02:41have to make more money any way you can
- 00:02:44honestly it was no different for me I
- 00:02:46remember doing at least three different
- 00:02:48side hustles at the same time in order
- 00:02:51to earn enough money working this many
- 00:02:53hours and also resisting the urge to
- 00:02:55spend it on vacations and the latest
- 00:02:58designer clothes is really a ke killer
- 00:03:00but trust me it's worth it as once you
- 00:03:03hit that first 100K it's way way way
- 00:03:07easier to grow your money so why does
- 00:03:09net worth go crazy after 100K the answer
- 00:03:13because compound interest stops being
- 00:03:16lame and it actually starts to sound
- 00:03:18pretty unbelievable take a look at this
- 00:03:21chart if you invest 10K annually with a
- 00:03:247% average yearly return going from not
- 00:03:27to 100K will take
- 00:03:317.84 years however going from 100K to
- 00:03:36200k will only take
- 00:03:405.1 years so overall it'll take 2.74
- 00:03:44years less to make the second 100K
- 00:03:46compared to the first that's 35% faster
- 00:03:49to make your second 100 Grand than the
- 00:03:51first and it gets even better if we
- 00:03:54expand things to go from 200k to 300K
- 00:03:58only takes
- 00:04:003.78 years then 300K to 400k takes 3
- 00:04:06years and 400k to half a million is only
- 00:04:112.5 years we could keep going but I
- 00:04:14think you get the idea just look at how
- 00:04:16the chart starts to go crazy but it all
- 00:04:19happens after the first 100K getting
- 00:04:24that chunk of money as fast as possible
- 00:04:26is the key just think if you can shave
- 00:04:28just a couple of years of how long it
- 00:04:30takes you to reach that 100K Mark how
- 00:04:33much quicker you'll become a millionaire
- 00:04:35once you get to this point it's almost
- 00:04:37inevitable that you'll be wealthy if you
- 00:04:39just invest in a lowcost Index Fund if
- 00:04:42all you wanted to do was save up this
- 00:04:44100K and invest it in an S&P 500 Index
- 00:04:47Fund and never invest again let's say I
- 00:04:51don't know you completely forgot about
- 00:04:53the account you would still become a
- 00:04:55millionaire within 33 years that's how
- 00:04:58powerful compound interest is once
- 00:05:00you've made that first 100K so how do
- 00:05:03you make your first 100K well all you
- 00:05:06need to do is follow the growth method I
- 00:05:09actually came up with this myself and it
- 00:05:11helped me in those early days of wealth
- 00:05:13building so hopefully it can help you
- 00:05:16too the G stands for gain control of
- 00:05:19your finances there's one way and one
- 00:05:22way only to gain control and that's
- 00:05:24budgeting yep I said it now don't get it
- 00:05:28twisted budgeting is isn't a rule book
- 00:05:30designed to stop you having fun it's
- 00:05:32more like a a guide which navigates you
- 00:05:35towards more informed choices I'm not
- 00:05:37saying you have to be super Frugal with
- 00:05:39your money but you do need to understand
- 00:05:41the difference between your needs and
- 00:05:43your wants the r stands for root your
- 00:05:46Investments let's say you invest $250 a
- 00:05:49month in an S&P 500 Index Fund and get
- 00:05:53an average yearly return of 7% in 40
- 00:05:56years you'll have
- 00:05:58656k but what's even more impressive is
- 00:06:02that
- 00:06:03536k of this is from compound interest
- 00:06:06in other words you only have to put in
- 00:06:08120k of it yourself I know what you're
- 00:06:11probably thinking that's all well and
- 00:06:13good but by that time I'll be over 60
- 00:06:15years old and dribbling into me dinner I
- 00:06:17fully understand that's why if you can
- 00:06:20get this first 100K invested as soon as
- 00:06:22possible then you'll do much better than
- 00:06:24this example now you're making some
- 00:06:26money you need to focus on the o which
- 00:06:29stands for optimize your tax management
- 00:06:34it might sound fancy but in reality it's
- 00:06:36as simple as this avoid paying tax now
- 00:06:39let me make something very clear tax
- 00:06:42avoidance is completely fine and
- 00:06:44something that smart people do tax
- 00:06:47evasion on the other hand is illegal and
- 00:06:49not what I'm talking about but Mark if
- 00:06:51you're earning more you should pay more
- 00:06:53tax I agree with you and the rich do pay
- 00:06:57the majority of the taxes but there
- 00:06:59should also be an incentive for someone
- 00:07:01to become an entrepreneur as they
- 00:07:03provide jobs for the rest of society and
- 00:07:06luckily there is entrepreneurs are taxed
- 00:07:09off the profits they make at the end of
- 00:07:10each year which means they can deduct
- 00:07:12expenses from their earnings these are
- 00:07:14called writeoffs this is different from
- 00:07:17an employee as they're taxed off their
- 00:07:19monthly salary so say You're really
- 00:07:21passionate about the latest tech like
- 00:07:23the new iPhone you could start a YouTube
- 00:07:26channel reviewing gadgets and once it's
- 00:07:28generating you money you could deduct
- 00:07:30the cost of your Tech items from your
- 00:07:32profit and get them taxfree essentially
- 00:07:35the government has helped you to pay for
- 00:07:37the item you want however you can only
- 00:07:39do this within reason your business or
- 00:07:41side hustle has to have a need for this
- 00:07:44item in other words it must be a
- 00:07:46justifiable expense that's why starting
- 00:07:49your business around your passion can be
- 00:07:51a great way to save a lot of tax it's
- 00:07:53what I did with my radio control model
- 00:07:55shops and my son also does with his
- 00:07:58video production company if this sounds
- 00:08:00interesting to you we're going to be
- 00:08:01talking about this even more in my 2k
- 00:08:03challenge I'm running on Discord I'll
- 00:08:05leave a link in the description if you
- 00:08:07want to save your spot it's completely
- 00:08:09free and there's even opportunities to
- 00:08:11win some great prizes so next up we have
- 00:08:14W weed out debts did you know the
- 00:08:19average American carries $221,800 of
- 00:08:22debt so if you're in debt then you're
- 00:08:25not alone as soon as possible list out
- 00:08:27all your debts and prioritize based on
- 00:08:30their interest rates so all the debts
- 00:08:32that you own with the highest interest
- 00:08:33rates are the ones you need to tackle
- 00:08:36first this is the Dark Side of compound
- 00:08:39interest if you don't understand it then
- 00:08:41it can actually start to work against
- 00:08:43you think of it like the hot sun beating
- 00:08:45down on the snow you're trying to
- 00:08:46collect to make your first 100K if you
- 00:08:49have too much debt melting it away then
- 00:08:51you're never going to get to the stage
- 00:08:53where your money is working for you so
- 00:08:55my advice for this one is to make tiny
- 00:08:57snowflake payments where possible
- 00:08:59because every little helps don't give up
- 00:09:01though because neglecting your debt will
- 00:09:03cause you a lot of stress in the future
- 00:09:05so although it feels like you're losing
- 00:09:07money from the payments think of it as
- 00:09:09an investment towards your first 100K T
- 00:09:12stands for tap into additional streams
- 00:09:16of income yes I'm talking about starting
- 00:09:19a side hustle as of 2023 50% of
- 00:09:23Americans have a side hustle even if
- 00:09:26they earn over 100K per year a side
- 00:09:28hustle gives you multiple advantages by
- 00:09:31diversifying your income you'll have
- 00:09:33more money to put into your tax
- 00:09:35advantage account so more Investments
- 00:09:38and again you're just adding more snow
- 00:09:40to your snowball allowing for compound
- 00:09:42interest to take its course H stands for
- 00:09:46heightened self discipline to put all
- 00:09:49these things we've discussed into effect
- 00:09:51you need to find your inner discipline
- 00:09:54discipline is the currency of success
- 00:09:57the more you mint the wealthier your
- 00:09:59future will become if you want to know
- 00:10:01how to build your wealth from $0 then
- 00:10:04I'm going to leave that video right up
- 00:10:05there but don't click on it just yet
- 00:10:07make sure to subscribe if you want to
- 00:10:09grow your wealth okay I'll see you over
- 00:10:11there
- 财富建设
- 第一笔100K
- 复利
- 理财策略
- 副业
- 自律
- 税务优化
- 债务管理
- 收入增长