Palantir & Sofi Shareholders‼️ GET READY 😳
TLDRI videoen diskuteres de seneste betydelige stigninger i Palantir og Sofi-aktier over en tre måneders periode. Palantir er steget 96%, mens Sofi er steget 14% over samme periode. På et ét-års grundlag er Palantir steget 226% og Sofi 126%. Videoen dykker ned i potentialet for disse aktier fremadrettet, herunder en forventet endnu en fordobling i værdi. Palantirs nylige skift fra New York Stock Exchange til Nasdaq diskuteres som en drivkraft, mens Sofi vurderes ud fra deres solide økonomiske præstationer. Videoen inkluderer også perspektiver på teknologiaktier, især vedrørende AI og semiconductors, og vurderinger af det bredere aktiemarked i lyset af globale økonomiske forhold.
- 🚀 Palantir har haft en betydelig vækst på 96% over tre måneder.
- 📈 Sofi er steget med 14% over tre måneder med en fortsat stigende tendens.
- 🤔 Diskussioner om fremtidige investeringer og fordobling af aktiernes værdi.
- 🏦 Palantirs flytning til NASDAQ kan øge investorinteressen.
- 💡 Sofis stærke økonomiske rapporter bidrager til deres kursstigninger.
- 🧠 Teknologiaktier, især AI og software, ses som potentielle vækstområder.
- 🔄 Markedsrotation fra chips til software indikeret.
- 📊 Mid-cap aktier opfattes som undervurderede investeringsmuligheder.
- 🌍 Globale begivenheder påvirker markedets stabilitet og reaktioner.
- 📉 Small-cap aktier står til potentielle gevinster med nuværende markedsforhold.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Sofi og Palantir aktier oplever historiske stigninger: Sofi er steget 14 %, mens Palantir er steget 96 % over 3 måneder. Over året er Palantir oppe med 226 % og Sofi 126 %. Videoen udforsker grundene til disse stigninger og diskuterer mulige scenarier og tidspunkter for potentielle yderligere stigninger i aktiekurserne.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Der nævnes overvejelser om investering i Nasdaq frem for New York Stock Exchange, hvor virksomheder som Palantir og dens evt. optagelse i Nasdaq 100 kan føre til tvunget aktiekøb og yderligere prisstigninger. Diskuterer også hvorvidt aktier i Nasdaq muliggør bedre afkast end S&P 500 set over årene.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Planer om tvungne opkøb og langsigtet vækst i Palantir forventes, og dette kan påvirke fondsinvestorer til at fokusere på Nasdaq-investeringsmuligheder som en måde at opnå bedre afkast på kort sigt. Diskussion om hvordan dette kan drive aktiekurser i den nærmeste fremtid.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Palantir kan se betydelig vækst i omsætningen, hvis nuværende trend fortsætter. Gennemgang af forskellige vækstscenarier, herunder et ultrabull case scenario med mulighed for en fordobling af aktiekursen inden for få år, hvis høj vækst opretholdes.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Diskussionen går videre til Sofi, hvor potentialet for kortsigtet vækst er knyttet til momentum i det bredere marked og kundepræference for små banker og fintechs. En stærk resultatrapport kunne føre til, at Sofis aktiekurs fordobles inden for to år.
- 00:25:00 - 00:33:31
Reaktioner på aktiemarkedets modstandsdygtighed på trods af verdensomspændende geopolitiske spændinger og hvordan investorer begynder at forberede sig på politiske ændringer. Opmærksomhed på potentialet i små virksomheder og teknologivirksomheder på lang sigt.
Mind Map
Video Q&A
Hvor meget er Palantir-aktien steget de sidste tre måneder?
Palantir-aktien er steget 96% de sidste tre måneder.
Hvilket nyligt skift har Palantir gjort, der kan øge deres aktieinteresse?
Palantir har skiftet fra New York Stock Exchange til NASDAQ.
Hvordan har Sofi præsteret på et ét-års grundlag?
Sofi er steget 126% over det seneste år.
Hvad er fokus for teknologiaktier i øjeblikket ifølge videoen?
Fokus er på AI og software som vækstområder.
Hvilke faktorer kan påvirke småkapitalaktier positivt?
Lavere renter, økonomisk deregulering og stigende markedsmomentum kan påvirke positivt.
Hvorfor vurderer videoen, at mid-cap aktier er attraktive?
De betragtes som undervurderede og handler til historisk gennemsnitlige værdivurderinger.
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- 00:00:00Palante tier and Sofi stock what a
- 00:00:02historic three-month run it has been for
- 00:00:04these two stocks Sofi stock up is now up
- 00:00:0814% paler stock is up 96% in the past 3
- 00:00:13months absolutely historic run on a
- 00:00:15one-year basis pener Stock's up
- 00:00:18226 Sofi stock is now up
- 00:00:21126% just in the past year absolutely
- 00:00:24historic run for both these stocks palen
- 00:00:26tier I want to talk about some huge
- 00:00:28changes that are going on palen tier a
- 00:00:29lot of people are wondering like you
- 00:00:30know a lot of people have been
- 00:00:31predicting the stock is going to crash
- 00:00:33especially in the last couple weeks I
- 00:00:34noticed a lot of people predicting like
- 00:00:36oh paler is going to crash like short
- 00:00:38paler by puts those sorts of things
- 00:00:39we're going to talk about what's going
- 00:00:40to likely transpire here in paler stock
- 00:00:42in the short term additionally we're
- 00:00:44going to speak about in this video I
- 00:00:45think it's an important subject we cover
- 00:00:46when's the next 2x for paler right
- 00:00:48obviously the valuation has gotten
- 00:00:49raised immensely I'm going to take you
- 00:00:51through several different scenarios here
- 00:00:52and kind of know what I expect in
- 00:00:54regards to the next double up of paler
- 00:00:56and taking the stock to $120 plus okay
- 00:00:59we're also going to speak about Sofi in
- 00:01:00this video where this stock is headed
- 00:01:02shortterm and additionally when's the
- 00:01:04next 2x for Sofi stock these two stocks
- 00:01:06actually set up very differently in the
- 00:01:08short term and in the long term so we're
- 00:01:10going to speak about that in this video
- 00:01:12here today and then once we get through
- 00:01:14that I want to go ahead and react to two
- 00:01:16videos specific in this video here today
- 00:01:18first one up here Fast Money traders
- 00:01:20talk about tech uh Divergence in Tech
- 00:01:22trade in the second half of the year I
- 00:01:23really looking forward to reacting to
- 00:01:25that one and then I want to react to
- 00:01:26this one the market is saying it's
- 00:01:28incrementally more confident in the
- 00:01:30growth Outlook says Goldman Sachs so
- 00:01:32looking forward to reacting that one
- 00:01:34here today as well I appreciate
- 00:01:35everybody joining me as always it's one
- 00:01:36thing and one thing only I asked from
- 00:01:38you guys you know what it is it's in my
- 00:01:40garage I got a sign it says it right
- 00:01:42there smash a like button that's all I
- 00:01:43need I hope you guys appreciate me
- 00:01:45recording this on a Sunday night for you
- 00:01:47guys here today and all I need from
- 00:01:48return is one smash of that like button
- 00:01:50if you want to be subscribed to the
- 00:01:51channel feel free to subscribe it's free
- 00:01:53to do so additionally oh you'll be
- 00:01:56flipping my flapjacks folks we're only a
- 00:01:58few days away from the Black Friday sale
- 00:02:00for THX that is going to be
- 00:02:02full access to everything in the
- 00:02:06education portion the comparison feature
- 00:02:08the charts feature the valuation metric
- 00:02:10all that good stuff okay pin comment
- 00:02:12down there to enter in your info for the
- 00:02:14deal now I've been letting folks know
- 00:02:16you all you have to enter in is your
- 00:02:17name and your email to receive the deal
- 00:02:19that day but you might want to consider
- 00:02:21putting in your phone number because you
- 00:02:22know your inbox is going to be flooded
- 00:02:24with Spam emails on Black Friday from
- 00:02:27companies that you don't even really
- 00:02:29care about cuz guess what it's Black
- 00:02:30Friday and every company you possibly
- 00:02:32ever signed up for in your life it's
- 00:02:34going to send you an email that day so
- 00:02:36if you want to make sure you for sure
- 00:02:38get the deal cuz it's only one day sale
- 00:02:39and that's it when it's over it's over
- 00:02:41so if you want to for sure make sure you
- 00:02:42get the deal you might want to have that
- 00:02:44text over Okay so let's get into this
- 00:02:47paler stock is set to soar after
- 00:02:50November 26 guess what today is it's
- 00:02:53almost November 26 now how do I feel
- 00:02:56about this well we got to understand
- 00:02:59very important here we got to understand
- 00:03:01why so many people are predicting that
- 00:03:03paler stock is going to go on another
- 00:03:05epic Beast run here and the reason
- 00:03:07people are now predicting that is
- 00:03:09because of this palente is leaving the
- 00:03:11New York Stock Exchange for the NASDAQ
- 00:03:13now the NASDAQ it's really the place you
- 00:03:15want to be noways it it honestly it
- 00:03:17gives you in my personal opinion it
- 00:03:19gives you a lot more let's call investor
- 00:03:22interest out there when you're on the
- 00:03:23NASDAQ you get more publicity being on
- 00:03:25the NASDAQ than you do in the nysse at
- 00:03:27least my opinion personally is is that
- 00:03:29right like if you if I had a company
- 00:03:30like I don't know THX and I
- 00:03:32was going to take it public New York
- 00:03:34Stock Exchange or NASDAQ honestly
- 00:03:36nowadays I would go NASDAQ you know
- 00:03:38maybe 20 years ago would have been
- 00:03:39different but nowadays I honestly feel
- 00:03:41like NASDAQ is a better route to go
- 00:03:42right so paler stock gaining Friday on
- 00:03:45on plans it switch to listening uh from
- 00:03:47the New York or to the NASDAQ from the
- 00:03:48New York Stock Exchange investors seem
- 00:03:50to be hoping the software company will
- 00:03:52gain from the stock getting added to the
- 00:03:53NASDAQ 100 which is a QQQ which is you
- 00:03:57know very widely invested I know a lot
- 00:03:59of investors that will you know will buy
- 00:04:01the q's no different than a lot of folks
- 00:04:03buy the S&P 500 Index Fund there's a lot
- 00:04:05of investors that view the cu's as be a
- 00:04:07better reward profile over the next 10
- 00:04:1020 years so a lot of people that have a
- 00:04:12further time Horizon let's say you're in
- 00:04:14your 20s 30s 40s a lot of those folks
- 00:04:17might rather just put money in the q's
- 00:04:19it's called QQQ which is the NASDAQ 100
- 00:04:22rather than put money in in S&P 500
- 00:04:24Index Fund and they think they'll get
- 00:04:26much better gains and I got to be quite
- 00:04:28honest with you guys like if you know
- 00:04:31obviously an individual stock picker I'd
- 00:04:32much rather pick individual stocks and
- 00:04:34pick the best stocks in the q's or the
- 00:04:36S&P 500 or whatever to invest in right
- 00:04:38but if you told me I had to invest in
- 00:04:41either the QQQ right or I had to invest
- 00:04:45in uh the S&P 500 to be quite Frank with
- 00:04:49you guys I would invest in the q's over
- 00:04:51the S&P 500 look at the 5year returns
- 00:04:54for the q's versus S&P 500 you're
- 00:04:56talking about 158% for the q's versus
- 00:04:5897% for the S&P 500 but let's back it up
- 00:05:01further let's take it back to you know
- 00:05:03what don't we why don't we take it back
- 00:05:04to about 10 years that would be good
- 00:05:06well it looks like I don't know why
- 00:05:07trading views chart oh maybe it's
- 00:05:09because WTI is here maybe that's what I
- 00:05:10need to get rid of oh it's WTI on it let
- 00:05:13me get rid of let's go to I don't know
- 00:05:16Tesla okay and we'll take it back here
- 00:05:19well let's go to Apple because then we
- 00:05:20can take it back way far so let's check
- 00:05:22out a 10-year chart here of the q's
- 00:05:25versus the S&P 500 so right out here so
- 00:05:3010 year you're looking at about 280%
- 00:05:33gains for the q's versus 123% for the
- 00:05:36S&P 500 so the moralist story is like if
- 00:05:39I had to guess what outperforms what
- 00:05:41over the next 10 years and you forced me
- 00:05:43to invest I said Jeremy you're not
- 00:05:45allowed to buy individual stocks only
- 00:05:47some sort of index or ETF or something
- 00:05:49like that I would go the cues over the
- 00:05:51S&P 500 any day of the week if I had a
- 00:05:53long time Horizon now if I had a
- 00:05:55shorttime horizon I might be more
- 00:05:56inclined with S&P 500 if I was later in
- 00:05:59life something like that but I'm like no
- 00:06:01no I would definitely go Q's over that
- 00:06:03so this is a huge moment for paler and
- 00:06:05there's going to be massive forced
- 00:06:06buying coming into paler stock in the
- 00:06:08short term and it's just there's not a
- 00:06:10debate around that to be quite Frank
- 00:06:12there's no debating whether there's
- 00:06:13going to be a bunch of money flooding
- 00:06:14into paler it's basically just you know
- 00:06:17pretty much factual at this point in
- 00:06:18time there's going to be a lot of money
- 00:06:20flooding into paler stock in the short
- 00:06:22term right and honestly over the longer
- 00:06:23term as well when it's in the cues
- 00:06:25especially getting that it's going to go
- 00:06:26in as likely it's going to go in
- 00:06:28somewhere around the 30th biggest stock
- 00:06:30in the cues which is a whole other big
- 00:06:33deal right now additionally this is very
- 00:06:35important this next part I show you here
- 00:06:37I don't know how many of you guys watch
- 00:06:38my main Channel which is called
- 00:06:39Financial education I'm sure you know at
- 00:06:41least 50% of you guys here on the
- 00:06:43reaction Channel you know about my main
- 00:06:44Channel Financial education right and I
- 00:06:47did a video four days ago on the channel
- 00:06:49called stock market melt Up 2.0 is
- 00:06:50coming prepare now right and in that
- 00:06:53video what was one of the main points I
- 00:06:55made was it's you know a lot of times
- 00:06:57when the Market's performing very good
- 00:06:58which guess what it's a it's been a
- 00:06:59great year in the market it's been a
- 00:07:01great year many times fund managers run
- 00:07:03into situations where they're sign
- 00:07:05significantly underperforming the S&P
- 00:07:08500 in the NASDAQ right and a lot of
- 00:07:11these fund managers their Benchmark
- 00:07:13which is the thing they kind of compare
- 00:07:15themselves to and when they put out
- 00:07:16their endof year investment report to
- 00:07:18their investors they say here's how we
- 00:07:20did versus S&P 500 if you are showing
- 00:07:23you got let's say a 10% return and the
- 00:07:26S&P 500 got a 25% return you're you look
- 00:07:30really bad to your investors and any
- 00:07:32investor that invests in your your fund
- 00:07:34or whatever right let's say you got a
- 00:07:35hedge fund they're going to be looking
- 00:07:36at you and like hey uh why am I paying
- 00:07:38you a 2 and 20 to get 10% when I could
- 00:07:42have just been the S&P 500 got 25% right
- 00:07:45so what happens is fund managers start
- 00:07:47having to play catch- up to the market
- 00:07:48now additionally when you had a really
- 00:07:50good year in the market guess what
- 00:07:51people don't want to do they don't
- 00:07:53really want to sell stocks and why would
- 00:07:55they not well because you sell stocks
- 00:07:57now you go ahead and pay gains on that
- 00:07:59in a few months from now versus wait
- 00:08:02till the first quarter of the year of
- 00:08:04next year right and then go ahead and
- 00:08:05sell some stocks if you want to sell
- 00:08:07some stocks right and take profits then
- 00:08:09and then you can worry about your taxes
- 00:08:10over a year from now so the moral of
- 00:08:13story is if you're going to be a fund
- 00:08:15manager and you got to play catchup to
- 00:08:16the market where are you going to look
- 00:08:18guess where you're going to look I just
- 00:08:20showed you where you're going to look
- 00:08:21you're going to look to the cues that's
- 00:08:23where you're going to look if you're a
- 00:08:23fund manager if you're going to look
- 00:08:25individual stocks then you're probably
- 00:08:27going to be looking at Nvidia here over
- 00:08:29this next like if you if you told me I
- 00:08:31had a play catchup to the S&P 500 I
- 00:08:34would be like okay um what am I going to
- 00:08:36do over the next 5 weeks I'm going to
- 00:08:37probably load up on Nvidia I'm going to
- 00:08:39probably load up on paler I'm going to
- 00:08:41probably load up on the q's in general
- 00:08:42those sorts of things right and if
- 00:08:43you're loading up on the q's you're
- 00:08:45going to be loading up on palen tier
- 00:08:46right so that's something to kind of
- 00:08:48keep in mind there you're going to be
- 00:08:49loading up on the stocks that are the
- 00:08:50hot ones that are likely to try to get
- 00:08:52that Alpha before end of year to try to
- 00:08:55look better to your investors right so
- 00:08:57this is something that's very very
- 00:08:58important for everybody keeping keep in
- 00:09:00mind here and why paler could still be
- 00:09:03you know honestly looking good into the
- 00:09:05year end I think after year end you know
- 00:09:09then we'll then we'll see then we'll see
- 00:09:10what what happens after that but I got
- 00:09:13to say the setup's decent here to year
- 00:09:15end when you talk about getting in the
- 00:09:16NASDAQ getting in the q's when you talk
- 00:09:18about fund managers likely having to
- 00:09:20play catchup when you talk about a lot
- 00:09:21of investors aren't going to want to
- 00:09:22take profits and also remember in paler
- 00:09:23stock a lot of retail investors in that
- 00:09:26right a lot of retail investors don't
- 00:09:27want to take pal any profits on paler
- 00:09:29cuz they believe it's going to be a $500
- 00:09:30billion do market cap a trillion dollar
- 00:09:31market cap and so paler being a hundred
- 00:09:34something billion dollar market cap
- 00:09:35they're like why would I sell now so
- 00:09:36that's just more more thought there
- 00:09:39right now let me run you
- 00:09:41through cuz now people are kind of
- 00:09:43thinking about when's the next time the
- 00:09:44stock doubles and goes to 120 plus well
- 00:09:46let me show you exactly when that's
- 00:09:48going to be okay so what we're looking
- 00:09:50at here this is a feature I have on
- 00:09:52Thousand this is my favorite
- 00:09:54feature we have on Thousand X we have a
- 00:09:56lot of great features on there but this
- 00:09:57is my favorite and this is our ections
- 00:09:59feature and so what it basically does is
- 00:10:01it takes kind of what analysts are
- 00:10:02expecting for the current year we're in
- 00:10:04which is 2024 as far as net income
- 00:10:05expectations Revenue expectations right
- 00:10:08but then I can plug in my own custom
- 00:10:10Revenue growth net income growth I'm
- 00:10:12expecting for the company PE ratios and
- 00:10:14then it'll spit me out what the stock
- 00:10:15price should likely be somewhere around
- 00:10:17there right so this is kind of an ultra
- 00:10:19bull case for paler this is what some
- 00:10:21investors believe is actually going to
- 00:10:23happen and but I would call it my
- 00:10:25personal opinion this is a very Ultra
- 00:10:27bullish case b basically investors now
- 00:10:30are thinking because paler growth rate
- 00:10:31has been accelerating accelerating
- 00:10:33accelerating accelerating investors a
- 00:10:35lot of investors are starting to believe
- 00:10:36paler is going to get to a 40% growth
- 00:10:38rate 40% so let's say they get to 40%
- 00:10:41and let's say they can hold that for the
- 00:10:43next four years right 2025 to 2028 40% a
- 00:10:46year Revenue growth if they do that then
- 00:10:49I think net income growth is 60% is in
- 00:10:52the bag if they were have Revenue growth
- 00:10:54at 40% on average because the net income
- 00:10:56is going to be far outstripping the
- 00:10:57revenue growth of this company cuz so
- 00:10:58much more that dollars coming in is
- 00:11:00going to hit bottom line now at this
- 00:11:02point in time right so if they're doing
- 00:11:0540% a year Revenue growth they're doing
- 00:11:0660% bottom line in my opinion right
- 00:11:09which puts them at net income margin of
- 00:11:1036% 2028 but this is important if you
- 00:11:13got a company growing 40% Top Line on
- 00:11:15average in the software space a SAS type
- 00:11:17company like paler would be considered
- 00:11:19more of a SAS type company right and you
- 00:11:21got them growing net income 60% a year
- 00:11:24you're going to command easily a 100 to
- 00:11:27a 150p ratio on that company
- 00:11:30now if you're talking about a 100 to
- 00:11:32150p ratio on a 40 40% Top Line grower
- 00:11:35and a 60% bottom line then you're
- 00:11:37looking at likely 2027 being the year
- 00:11:40when the stock crosses 120 plus and you
- 00:11:43get the next Double on the stock so you
- 00:11:45got to get through this year next year
- 00:11:46and then at some point 2027 you
- 00:11:48essentially hit that next Double right
- 00:11:51once again I wouldn't Bank on that case
- 00:11:53but it's a case some folks are starting
- 00:11:55to run to this is a little tamed down
- 00:11:58version of that case case there this is
- 00:12:00what I would consider kind of a bull
- 00:12:01case around paler this scenario is they
- 00:12:04grow 30% revenue on average per year now
- 00:12:06keep in mind they just hit 30% and
- 00:12:08they've been showing acceleration so
- 00:12:09it's potentially they hit higher than
- 00:12:1130% in the short term but let's just
- 00:12:12average it out to 30% a year for the
- 00:12:14next four years right if they do that
- 00:12:16they're probably hitting about 50% net
- 00:12:18income growth right which puts them
- 00:12:20around 37% net income margins in 2028 if
- 00:12:23you've got a company growing at 30%
- 00:12:25Topline 50% bottom line more of a SAS
- 00:12:27related company an 80 to a one 20 p
- 00:12:29ratio is very fair given those sorts of
- 00:12:32growth rates right which means 2028 is
- 00:12:35when you get your next Double for the
- 00:12:36stock now let me take you through what I
- 00:12:39actually expect personally for palente
- 00:12:41tier as a shareholders company for the
- 00:12:42last couple years now somebody's done
- 00:12:44very well in talk let me show you what
- 00:12:46I'm expecting this is what I'm
- 00:12:48personally expecting for paler at this
- 00:12:49point in time so this is my base case
- 00:12:51for paler I expect the company to grow
- 00:12:5437% in 2025 I think they're going to
- 00:12:57continue to accelerate growth here in
- 00:12:58the shortterm meaning the next year and
- 00:13:01then I think at some point in time back
- 00:13:03half of next year we into 2026 I think
- 00:13:04that's when you start to actually have
- 00:13:06some deceleration of the growth rate
- 00:13:08keep in mind deceleration of the growth
- 00:13:09rate for anybody that's a newer investor
- 00:13:10of the market that's watching this that
- 00:13:11doesn't mean that the the company goes
- 00:13:13negative in regards to their revenue
- 00:13:15that just means the the rate of growth
- 00:13:17slows substantially right so I been
- 00:13:19growing Revenue 37% in 2025 33% Revenue
- 00:13:23growth in 2026 30% 2027 and 27% in
- 00:13:272028 now I would have them grow in 60%
- 00:13:30bottom line in 2025 50% in 2026 45% in
- 00:13:352027 and 40% in 2028 I my scenario has
- 00:13:39them getting to 34% net income margins
- 00:13:41in 2028 which I don't think's crazy I
- 00:13:43don't think that's crazy look at a lot
- 00:13:44of you know more developed SAS companies
- 00:13:47and look at their net income margins
- 00:13:48You' be like hey that's actually doable
- 00:13:49for paler here right now if we're
- 00:13:52talking about this uh you know the p
- 00:13:54ratio is going to command you know
- 00:13:56basically the p ratio that paler will be
- 00:13:58able to man will go down over the coming
- 00:14:00years right we're probably in my guess
- 00:14:03is this year and next year we're
- 00:14:04probably in Peak p ratio land for paler
- 00:14:09in regards to what type of PE ratio
- 00:14:10paler commands Okay and I think that
- 00:14:12will slowly go down over the coming
- 00:14:13years so in 2028 if they're growing 27%
- 00:14:16Topline 40% bottom line as more of a SAS
- 00:14:19related company 80 to 100 PE is pretty
- 00:14:21fair for a company that has those sorts
- 00:14:23of growth rates in this space which
- 00:14:24means actually in my base case here 2028
- 00:14:27should be a year where the stock likely
- 00:14:29hits at 120 plus level so that would be
- 00:14:33a double up there so the moral of the
- 00:14:35story is you know if you're talking
- 00:14:37about the next Double for pound tier and
- 00:14:38stock goes well over
- 00:14:40120 you know at the earliest you're
- 00:14:43probably looking 2027 is Right somewhere
- 00:14:47around there um I think realistically
- 00:14:50you're probably looking at more toward
- 00:14:522028 that's my guess now there's also
- 00:14:54another scenario where you know the
- 00:14:56company stock just continues to go crazy
- 00:14:59even if they're not hitting these sorts
- 00:15:00of growths and that's always a potential
- 00:15:02but I like to think about it in terms of
- 00:15:04like what would be a fair PE for the
- 00:15:05stock given growth rates given the
- 00:15:08sector they're in so that's kind of way
- 00:15:10I think about it right I mean
- 00:15:11technically pounder could be $120 today
- 00:15:13it could be $11,000 today like you know
- 00:15:16any stock could technically trade any
- 00:15:17price but we got to be somewhat
- 00:15:19realistic about this right so that's
- 00:15:20kind of my thoughts here and that's why
- 00:15:22the the further the stock pushes into
- 00:15:24year endend the tougher the setup is for
- 00:15:26major gains over the coming years right
- 00:15:29so that's just you know a little food
- 00:15:30for thought in regards to that in
- 00:15:32regards to paler right now what about
- 00:15:34Sofi so here's a deal SOI honestly could
- 00:15:38keep rolling shortterm pretty easily and
- 00:15:41and the reason being is if you continue
- 00:15:42to have this momentum in the Russell
- 00:15:452000 right now Sofi is a a much bigger
- 00:15:48market cap than like the Russell 2000
- 00:15:49stocks but it kind of gets put into a
- 00:15:51lot of the same category as like a small
- 00:15:53cap stock because Sofi in the banking
- 00:15:56space is actually a small little company
- 00:15:58even in the fin Tech space they're a
- 00:15:59small little company if you compare them
- 00:16:01against fintech Giants if you compare
- 00:16:03them against banking Giants SOI is like
- 00:16:05a little you know a little newborn in
- 00:16:07the game compared to those big giants in
- 00:16:09regards to the number Sofi does versus
- 00:16:11those companies right so if the Russell
- 00:16:13keeps rolling you get the NASDAQ to keep
- 00:16:14rolling you at the end of year rally you
- 00:16:16get retail momentum to continue to be
- 00:16:18there which it seems to be there in
- 00:16:21regards to retail momentum right and you
- 00:16:24just get that endof year kind of Market
- 00:16:26move up Santa Claus rally so could
- 00:16:29easily continue to to roll here in the
- 00:16:31short term and um you know so I I'd be
- 00:16:34careful trying to bank that SOI Stock's
- 00:16:36going to crash anytime soon just to be
- 00:16:38quite Frank with you now when's the next
- 00:16:40double up of the stock when does a stock
- 00:16:42go to you know $30 plus well here's what
- 00:16:45I believe so sofi's last quarter it was
- 00:16:48an A minus uh income statement
- 00:16:51phenomenal numbers from Sofi listen if
- 00:16:54this company keeps coming in with these
- 00:16:56sorts of reports and a minus grade a
- 00:16:59grade A+ grade something with an a in
- 00:17:01front of it I think this stock is 30
- 00:17:03plus within 24
- 00:17:05months if they keep coming in next
- 00:17:08quarter is another a grade next quarter
- 00:17:09is another a grade next I mean it could
- 00:17:11be within 12 months so that's something
- 00:17:14to kind of keep in mind here in regards
- 00:17:15to Sofi like this one's momentum could
- 00:17:17continue to be ridiculous for the next
- 00:17:19one to two years if they keep coming in
- 00:17:21with these sorts of great reports now if
- 00:17:24they falter that's going to completely
- 00:17:26change the you know kind of way people
- 00:17:28View Sofi like all they come in with a c
- 00:17:31let's say next reports another Banger
- 00:17:32and then they come in with like a c
- 00:17:33grade income statement right well then
- 00:17:35people's opinions will change in sour
- 00:17:37very quickly in regards to Sofi but dude
- 00:17:39I'm telling you if they keep coming in
- 00:17:41with these a
- 00:17:42grades put it to sleep like you know
- 00:17:45we're going 30 plus here you know and
- 00:17:47not too distant in the future so that's
- 00:17:49kind of My Views in regards to that
- 00:17:51subject I hope you guys enjoyed that
- 00:17:53part uh My Views all around uh paler and
- 00:17:56Sofi there okay let's go ahead and react
- 00:17:57to some videos what do you say two
- 00:18:00pillars of the tech trade software and
- 00:18:02semi stocks heading in different
- 00:18:04directions in this second half of the
- 00:18:06year the IG
- 00:18:09VF up it sounds like I give up right
- 00:18:12that's what it looks like I give up it's
- 00:18:14not what you do up 22% since the start
- 00:18:17of July while the SMH chip ETF has
- 00:18:21gotten crunched down more than 6% top
- 00:18:24software names making major moves higher
- 00:18:26in that time Oracle service now sales
- 00:18:29for snowflake all up double digits while
- 00:18:31big chip stocks continue to trade lower
- 00:18:35lamb research Amat Micron Qualcomm down
- 00:18:3910% or more so will the second half
- 00:18:41separation in Tech continue into the
- 00:18:43year end let's get to that but why don't
- 00:18:46we begin with your Reflections on the
- 00:18:48fact that here we go again another Dow
- 00:18:50record high the S&P 5969 close to 6,000
- 00:18:55then lead me to the tech no stopping it
- 00:18:57there's no stopping it now if I had told
- 00:18:58you if I said Tyler mat there's going to
- 00:19:00be a headline this week that Russia
- 00:19:02fired icbms into the Ukraine what's
- 00:19:05going to happen to the market and you'd
- 00:19:07be well if You' said it to me I'd be
- 00:19:08like well the S&P is easily down 100
- 00:19:10handles the vix is north of 25 Gold's up
- 00:19:12$100 10e yields are probably
- 00:19:15significantly lower under a flights of
- 00:19:16quality none of that happened so I guess
- 00:19:19if nothing else that just shows you the
- 00:19:20resilience of the broader market and
- 00:19:22passive invest listen this this battle
- 00:19:26conflict whatever you want to call it's
- 00:19:27been going on for several years now at
- 00:19:28this point in time and people view this
- 00:19:31as it doesn't affect anything really in
- 00:19:34reality to the economy now at this point
- 00:19:35in time when it first started it was
- 00:19:37viewed as like oh it's going to cause
- 00:19:38Commodities to do this now at this point
- 00:19:40in time now it's going going on several
- 00:19:41years people are as far as when I say
- 00:19:43people I'm talking about Investors are
- 00:19:45basically just treating that conflict
- 00:19:46now like when stuff happens in the
- 00:19:48Middle East like stuff happens in the
- 00:19:49Middle East all the time and they're
- 00:19:50like you know life goes on like oh
- 00:19:53something happened in the Middle East
- 00:19:54okay you know that's the way that that
- 00:19:55conflict's being viewed now at this
- 00:19:57point in time not saying that's right
- 00:19:58I'm just telling what the Market's doing
- 00:20:00and so um yeah to to to expect the
- 00:20:03market to crash because you know Russia
- 00:20:05did this like okay good luck being
- 00:20:07fourth you know first and foremost in
- 00:20:08everybody's mind with all that said I
- 00:20:11mean you have to say at some point
- 00:20:13things can get a little dicey here given
- 00:20:15all the geopolitical gits out there and
- 00:20:16all the other things we're going to talk
- 00:20:17about later in the show yeah let's let's
- 00:20:19move on then to uh and there's also a
- 00:20:21view that were what less than 2 months
- 00:20:24away now from Trump getting in office
- 00:20:25and there's a view that a lot of
- 00:20:27individuals have especially a lot of
- 00:20:28investors that Trump's going to calm
- 00:20:30things down in regards to that whole
- 00:20:32conflict so that is something else to to
- 00:20:34kind of factor in here you know the this
- 00:20:36outperformance yeah the one guy didn't
- 00:20:38answer you can say it Tyler no no wait a
- 00:20:40second that's said listen to how we led
- 00:20:42the show before we get into it what are
- 00:20:44your thoughts on the market okay he's a
- 00:20:46little he's a little defensive Tyler I'm
- 00:20:47not and I'm happy to talk about this
- 00:20:50because I think uh we're going to maybe
- 00:20:52even talk about the underperformance of
- 00:20:54semis although maybe this is that
- 00:20:55conversation right now so it's partially
- 00:20:58because I think we've priced in so much
- 00:20:59good news that you had a day after the
- 00:21:02day after on Nvidia in other words uh
- 00:21:04stock finally did give up a little bit
- 00:21:06down today right yeah I didn't yeah
- 00:21:08there it is but but I I you know as we
- 00:21:10argued even yesterday and I think even
- 00:21:12the 3.4% move today is something that
- 00:21:14you know all things considered the the
- 00:21:16zoom into those numbers the fact that I
- 00:21:18think they kind of downshifted
- 00:21:19successfully in terms of the guide but
- 00:21:21software is moving because it is really
- 00:21:23seen as the next reverberation out you
- 00:21:25throw a pebble in the Water Guy what
- 00:21:27happens well you get rippled okay you
- 00:21:29get ripple effect and that's really what
- 00:21:31I think is happen no but I mean then the
- 00:21:33ripples go away the ripples go away
- 00:21:34eventually and I think at some point
- 00:21:36what we've seen other times is software
- 00:21:37have has actually followed semis and I
- 00:21:40think that's happened again I think
- 00:21:41software uh ton of upgrades this week
- 00:21:43but we heard it from everybody from
- 00:21:45Snowflake even data dog who I think you
- 00:21:47know 6% of their ARR is is actually an
- 00:21:50AI customer base yet that base tripled
- 00:21:53in the last year that's the kind of
- 00:21:55thing you do in software and none of
- 00:21:56these valuations make sense and we've
- 00:21:58talked about this with paler I think it
- 00:22:00was 38 times forward sales which is
- 00:22:02absurd but the argument here is that if
- 00:22:05you're playing AI you're playing it
- 00:22:06through the the enablers and software
- 00:22:08platforms have different ways to do it
- 00:22:10and frankly that's the way a lot of the
- 00:22:12consumers are reaching out but more
- 00:22:13importantly Enterprise is happening
- 00:22:15right now and I think it continues bonan
- 00:22:17thoughts on the broader Market hitting
- 00:22:19new highs on the Dow uh the S&P within a
- 00:22:23hair of 6,000 or pick up on Tim's
- 00:22:26thinking on the semis versus soft so I'm
- 00:22:29going to be defensive and offensive I'm
- 00:22:30going to avoid the question first and
- 00:22:32then answer it second ni so um in terms
- 00:22:34of the broader Market listen I think
- 00:22:36we're in essentially an everything rally
- 00:22:39right now going into the Nvidia print I
- 00:22:40think a lot of us spoke about how we
- 00:22:42were a bit concerned about that we'd
- 00:22:43like to see it perhaps trade a little
- 00:22:44flat or perhaps just be a bit more
- 00:22:46defensive in terms of posturing before
- 00:22:48going into that print I think that kind
- 00:22:50of explains the move that we saw post
- 00:22:51earnings because it was yet another
- 00:22:54blowout quarter I think questions about
- 00:22:55blackw Supply and ability uh and and and
- 00:22:58back ordering and pull forward of uh of
- 00:23:00ordering there I think those those um
- 00:23:02concerns have been assuaged and then in
- 00:23:04terms of the Divergence between um what
- 00:23:06we're seeing from um SMH and I give up
- 00:23:10is you know a lot of those Nam let's
- 00:23:11take Sal Salesforce for example the
- 00:23:13question was and this is also with some
- 00:23:15of the
- 00:23:16hyperscalers this AI related cap capex
- 00:23:19spin needs to be justified that was the
- 00:23:21prevailing wisdom at the time and and
- 00:23:23these companies were coming under
- 00:23:24pressure because investors really didn't
- 00:23:26feel like they had an accurate answer to
- 00:23:28that question you saw Salesforce trade
- 00:23:30off I don't know what it was 20 25% post
- 00:23:33earnings and so a lot of the those names
- 00:23:35had gotten beaten up coming into the
- 00:23:37print and so that that explains a bit of
- 00:23:39it it's essentially you have like a star
- 00:23:41player like Nvidia dragging up the rest
- 00:23:43of the balance and so you've kind of
- 00:23:44been mired in in that drag because again
- 00:23:47there's been so in regards to nvidia's
- 00:23:49stock and what's going on here it's very
- 00:23:51very important to everybody understands
- 00:23:53this when Nvidia makes a move and it can
- 00:23:56happen quick the stock could be at a
- 00:23:58total different like if we get QQQ
- 00:24:00momentum in the year end Nvidia stock
- 00:24:02could easily go from you know 140 to 190
- 00:24:05or 140 to 175 like that or 140 to 190
- 00:24:10like that it can happen in a matter of
- 00:24:12weeks or a month month and a half like
- 00:24:14it happens quick like look at this move
- 00:24:16you you know went into January beginning
- 00:24:19of January nvidia's you know let me get
- 00:24:21rid of the cues here and let me get rid
- 00:24:23of S&P 500 so Nvidia at this particular
- 00:24:27time 47 right and that's the beginning
- 00:24:29of January you know by the beginning of
- 00:24:32March two months later Nvidia is
- 00:24:3592 so we're talking about almost a
- 00:24:39double up almost a double up right in
- 00:24:42two months in two months the stock
- 00:24:44almost doubled there would be like this
- 00:24:46stock going from 140 to like let's call
- 00:24:49it you know cuz not quite a double let's
- 00:24:51call it to 270 over the next two months
- 00:24:55right right here stock is this is kind
- 00:24:58of you know late April stocks
- 00:25:027576 and then the stock June couple
- 00:25:05months later right is
- 00:25:09135 I mean it's just insane almost
- 00:25:11another double up so that's why I'm
- 00:25:13saying like if you get some momentum in
- 00:25:16Nvidia stock the stock could move you
- 00:25:19know $40 $50 a share before you even got
- 00:25:22a chance to to catch your breath and
- 00:25:24look at it and be like what is going on
- 00:25:26here so little fo or thought in regards
- 00:25:27to that some Divergence between AI
- 00:25:29related capex Spin and then capex spin
- 00:25:32going
- 00:25:34forward okay next video up here let's
- 00:25:36react to this one on and leaning further
- 00:25:38into Nvidia and Tesla Ben SNY Goldman
- 00:25:41Sachs senior us Equity strategist joins
- 00:25:43us right here on set Ben welcome be with
- 00:25:46you YOLO is this a YOLO fomo frothy
- 00:25:49Market to you or is this oh man he makes
- 00:25:52me want to shave my head again I might
- 00:25:53have to shave it again what you would
- 00:25:55expect given seasonality given the fact
- 00:25:57that we just got through a presid
- 00:25:58presential election you got a red wave
- 00:26:00and you have earnings continuing to
- 00:26:02power higher I think you know before the
- 00:26:04election the Outlook looked really solid
- 00:26:06had good earnings growth we're
- 00:26:07forecasting 11% earnings growth for next
- 00:26:09year you have a Fed that is in the
- 00:26:11progress of a cutting cycle that's a
- 00:26:13good backdrop and the real question is
- 00:26:15how much has that changed post elction
- 00:26:17if I look at what the market is telling
- 00:26:18us the market is telling us it's
- 00:26:20incrementally more confident in the
- 00:26:22growth Outlook okay so what are you
- 00:26:24confident in what would you be buying in
- 00:26:26this market right now well one thing
- 00:26:27we've been focusing on is of course the
- 00:26:30extremely elevated degree of
- 00:26:31concentration in the market and
- 00:26:33relatively elevated valuation multiples
- 00:26:35compared to history but if you pair that
- 00:26:38with a pretty good fundamental backdrop
- 00:26:39as I was just discussing there should
- 00:26:41still be very attractive pockets of the
- 00:26:43equity market for investors to look at
- 00:26:46and for us one interesting and
- 00:26:48overlooked pocket is midcap equities you
- 00:26:50have this big group of stocks they trade
- 00:26:52with very large market caps very high
- 00:26:55profitability and most investors have
- 00:26:57completely overlooked them and the
- 00:26:58result of that is they trade almost
- 00:27:00exactly in line with their historical
- 00:27:02average valuation
- 00:27:03multiples so in terms of the tech trade
- 00:27:06obviously we got Nvidia earnings this
- 00:27:08week that was seen as kind of a a key
- 00:27:10Catalyst one way or the other for the
- 00:27:11broader markets didn't really play out
- 00:27:13that way um because even though it was
- 00:27:15it was a beaten rais quarter it wasn't
- 00:27:17as strong as investors were hoping and
- 00:27:19and the street was whispering and yet
- 00:27:21we're PO for gains for the major
- 00:27:23averages so what does that tell us about
- 00:27:25the concentration you just talked about
- 00:27:26and and thus the rotation we're
- 00:27:28I think it's very clear that the mag 7
- 00:27:30or the AI stocks whatever group you want
- 00:27:32to look at the earnings growth continues
- 00:27:35but it's also clear that the
- 00:27:37acceleration that growth seems to be
- 00:27:39slowing and likewise the beats that
- 00:27:40we're seeing every quarter they're
- 00:27:42getting a little bit smaller every
- 00:27:43quarter and so investors are asking
- 00:27:45themselves what's the next part of the
- 00:27:47AI trade and we've been focused on
- 00:27:50software we are calling that phase three
- 00:27:52of the AI trade basically so far
- 00:27:54investors have been focused first on
- 00:27:56semiconductors then on the broader
- 00:27:58infrastructure what we call Phase 2
- 00:28:00including electrical utilities and we
- 00:28:02think now it's time to start looking at
- 00:28:04phase three which is mostly the software
- 00:28:06companies that can use AI to generate
- 00:28:08revenues for themselves although the the
- 00:28:10move lately has been out of chips and
- 00:28:12into software so is that story already
- 00:28:14well understood by the street I think
- 00:28:16it's starting to be understood you know
- 00:28:17Ju Just this week we published our
- 00:28:18quarterly analysis of position filings
- 00:28:21in the hedge fund Universe we looked at
- 00:28:23almost 800 hedge funds and of course we
- 00:28:25saw something we see almost every
- 00:28:27quarter which is the mag 7 are the most
- 00:28:29popular long positions but what we also
- 00:28:32saw is on average funds shifted a little
- 00:28:34bit away from those stocks and towards
- 00:28:36software and this was really the first
- 00:28:38quarter where we saw that move take
- 00:28:39place you think there's more to go on we
- 00:28:41think it's just the beginning of this
- 00:28:42trend we've been making jokes about the
- 00:28:4412-month uh index projections a lot of
- 00:28:47them are around 6,500 S&P is that sort
- 00:28:50of a standard let's give it 10% because
- 00:28:52so much of policy right now is not clear
- 00:28:55what's what's on the way there's
- 00:28:57certainly a lot of uncertainty uh we're
- 00:28:59trying to work with what we have and
- 00:29:00where we have clarity as I mentioned
- 00:29:02earlier one place we have Clarity is the
- 00:29:04health of the economy and the health of
- 00:29:06earnings growth even before the election
- 00:29:07we're forecasting about 11% earnings
- 00:29:09growth for next year that corresponds
- 00:29:11with about a 10 or 11% return that's how
- 00:29:13we got to0 the question then is what is
- 00:29:15a baseline China tariff right no one
- 00:29:17really knows although some base cases
- 00:29:19are taking it to 60 yeah our base case
- 00:29:21is smaller than 60 we're assuming a 20%
- 00:29:24tariff on the other end we're expecting
- 00:29:26some modest tax cuts perhaps some d
- 00:29:28regulation when we put that all together
- 00:29:30we think it Nets out to not a major
- 00:29:32change for earnings but of course we'll
- 00:29:33be watching the headlines like everyone
- 00:29:34else well midcaps and small caps have
- 00:29:37benefited as a result of the belief that
- 00:29:38there's going to be a lower tax rate
- 00:29:40domestically right I mean can that
- 00:29:41continue to play out yeah midcaps
- 00:29:44benefit from as I said earlier strong
- 00:29:46earnings growth as you said they're
- 00:29:47relatively insulated from tariffs
- 00:29:49because they tend to be more domestic
- 00:29:50facing and yes they're more exposed to
- 00:29:52the US economy so if there's
- 00:29:54deregulation tax cuts other factors that
- 00:29:56boost us growth they should continue to
- 00:29:58outperform but we'll have to see what
- 00:30:00policies are implemented uh in late
- 00:30:02January I mean small caps are just in a
- 00:30:03Sweet Spot uh for the really next I
- 00:30:06would say 6 to 12 months and the reason
- 00:30:07being is inflation's done so there's no
- 00:30:09more fear around inflation and how
- 00:30:11that's going to hurt the small caps
- 00:30:12rates are likely going lower from here
- 00:30:14over this next year which bodess well
- 00:30:16for small caps additionally Trump coming
- 00:30:17in office uh small caps did tremendous
- 00:30:19under Trump you know from basically when
- 00:30:22he got in office until Rona happened
- 00:30:25right and so from that Viewpoint a lot
- 00:30:27of people want own small caps and also
- 00:30:29small caps have not done anything for
- 00:30:31years I I went ahead and took a look at
- 00:30:33this recently I think it was the video I
- 00:30:35did on the main Channel a couple days
- 00:30:36ago and what I showed is that the
- 00:30:39Russell 2000 versus inflation over the
- 00:30:42last few years and the Russell's real
- 00:30:44return is like -33% over the past 3
- 00:30:47years that's what it was the Russell's
- 00:30:49real return over the past 3 years was
- 00:30:51like- 13% like if you look at it it's
- 00:30:53basically like Flatline but we'
- 00:30:54basically had 133% of inflation in
- 00:30:57general on everything right over the
- 00:30:59past 3 years and so you know it honestly
- 00:31:02feels like a lot more than 13% when you
- 00:31:03really add up the re real numbers so the
- 00:31:05real numbers like it might be a lot
- 00:31:07worse than than 13% but the moral of the
- 00:31:10story is Russell hasn't done anything
- 00:31:11for years so there's just so many
- 00:31:13Tailwinds behind this Russell 2000 for
- 00:31:16the next 6 to 12 months and then a lot
- 00:31:18of people are kind of also burnt out of
- 00:31:19just buying the big Tech which obviously
- 00:31:21we've seen recently cuz all those big
- 00:31:23techs are kind of just floundering
- 00:31:24around and so they're looking like what
- 00:31:26else did I invest in oh small cap stocks
- 00:31:28and the more momentum that will build in
- 00:31:30the Russell 2000 the more momentum that
- 00:31:32will build in the Russell 2000 cuz the
- 00:31:34more that baby starts to roll and small
- 00:31:36caps start to roll the more investors
- 00:31:37going to be looking like dang that's
- 00:31:38where the money's being made okay I got
- 00:31:39a flood over there I got a flood over
- 00:31:41there oh who cares about Nvidia stock
- 00:31:43anymore I'm in this small cap that's
- 00:31:45moving huge honest is a great example NS
- 00:31:48hnst honest is outperforming everybody
- 00:31:50they're destroying nvidia's returns
- 00:31:52they're destroying paler returns they're
- 00:31:54destroying everybody's returns really
- 00:31:55out there right and it's just some small
- 00:31:58cap company and so the more you stories
- 00:31:59you start to see like honest the more
- 00:32:01people are going to be like that's where
- 00:32:02I need to be cuz that's where I can
- 00:32:04double my money over the next year next
- 00:32:06six months or next three months or
- 00:32:07whatever versus these other big
- 00:32:09companies that you know don't have as
- 00:32:11good of growth or whatever the situation
- 00:32:12is right so that's um the Russell just
- 00:32:15has a lot of Tailwinds over the short
- 00:32:16term see at this point isn't it I think
- 00:32:19that's right yeah the other thing and
- 00:32:21note from you guys in the last few weeks
- 00:32:22which we talked a lot about was the
- 00:32:24longer term look at maybe suppressed
- 00:32:26returns over a decade relative to Prior
- 00:32:28decades because of that concentration
- 00:32:30and coston's talked about that has that
- 00:32:32view evolved in recent weeks at all when
- 00:32:35we're looking out over 10 years plus uh
- 00:32:37it doesn't it shouldn't change very much
- 00:32:38week to week it hasn't changed very much
- 00:32:40week to week for us really we're trying
- 00:32:42to think about the world in two
- 00:32:43different investment Horizons right the
- 00:32:45first is what does growth look like what
- 00:32:47does policy look like what does that
- 00:32:49mean for investors in 2025 when I look
- 00:32:51out 10 years it's very hard to know what
- 00:32:53the next Administration will even be so
- 00:32:55we're really thinking more about where
- 00:32:57evaluation today where is concentration
- 00:32:59today and it's hard to argue with the
- 00:33:01fact that those are very high compared
- 00:33:02to history true all righty guys
- 00:33:04appreciate you joining me as always once
- 00:33:05again we're only a few days away what
- 00:33:06are we 3 days away 4 days away something
- 00:33:08like that uh 5 days away from the Black
- 00:33:10Friday sale so pin comment down there
- 00:33:13for access to the Black Friday sale if
- 00:33:15you want access on that one day deal
- 00:33:17November 29th once again you might want
- 00:33:19to put in your phone number so you have
- 00:33:20it text over the deal instead of just
- 00:33:23via email but do whatever you want okay
- 00:33:25but once again it's one day sale when
- 00:33:26it's over it's
- 00:33:28all over much love and have a great day
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