Hidden In Plain Sight | Pastor Stephen Chandler | Union Church
TLDRDieses Video präsentiert eine Predigt, die sich auf den Glauben und das Vertrauen auf Gott konzentriert. Die Predigt beginnt mit der Geschichte von der Geburt Moses und beschreibt, wie seine Mutter ihn drei Monate lang versteckt hält, um ihn vor der Vernichtung durch den Pharao zu schützen. Der Prediger ermutigt die Zuhörer, ihren Glauben und ihre Hoffnung nicht aufzugeben, auch wenn die Umstände schwierig sind. Er betont, dass Gott in der Lage ist, selbst in herausfordernden Situationen zu helfen und dass es wichtig ist, sich auf Gottes Verheißungen zu verlassen. Die Botschaft inspiriert dazu, inmitten von Widrigkeiten stark im Glauben zu bleiben.
- 👨👩👦 Die Geschichte von Mose lehrt die Wichtigkeit des Vertrauens in Gottes Plan.
- 🚣 Vertrauen bedeutet, das, was wir haben, in Gottes Hände zu legen, selbst wenn die Umstände bedrohlich wirken.
- ⏳ Geduld ist entscheidend, um Gottes Plan in Aktion zu sehen.
- 🙏 Der Glaube sollte durch beständiges Gebet und Dankbarkeit genährt werden.
- 🧠 Schutz der eigenen Gedanken vor negativen Einflüssen ist essenziell.
- 🗣️ Worte haben Kraft. Es ist wichtig, positiv über sich und seine Umstände zu sprechen.
- 💪 Hoffnung ist eine starke Waffe gegen Verzweiflung.
- 🎁 Vertrauen führt zu unerwarteten Segnungen und Fürsorge.
- 🌊 Gott kann selbst aus der schwierigsten Situation ein Wunder machen.
- 🛡️ Ein fester Glaube schützt vor den Angriffen negativer Einflüsse.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Die Betrachtung beginnt mit einer biblischen Erzählung über ein Kind aus dem Hause Levi, das versteckt werden muss, um den Befehlen des Pharaos zu entgehen. Die Mutter nutzt Einfallsreichtum, um ihn zu schützen, und Gott sorgt dafür, dass ihre Anstrengungen vom Feind bezahlt werden. Diese Erzählung wird genutzt, um die Botschaft zu verdeutlichen, dass Gott Dinge, die bereits einem gehören, durch den Feind pflegen und am Ende zu uns zurückkehren lässt.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Der Sprecher reflektiert über die Privilegien, die seine Kinder im Vergleich zu seiner eigenen Kindheit erfahren. Er bemerkt ein gewisses Maß an Frustration über die Wahrnehmung, dass seine Kinder ihren Wohlstand für selbstverständlich halten. Die Erzählung schwenkt dann zu den Lektionen, die man durch Entbehrungen lernt, und wie diese Erfahrungen einen prägen und zur Kreativität anregen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Der Sprecher veranschaulicht weiter, wie die Lebensumstände seine Haltung geformt haben. Eine Anekdote über das Stehlen von Fahrrädern veranschaulicht die Lektion der Wertschätzung und des Schutzes von Besitztümern. Diese Erfahrung wird dann auf den Schutz von immateriellen Besitztümern wie Hoffnung und Glauben übertragen. Der Sprecher argumentiert, dass geistige Werte wie Hoffnung geschützt werden müssen wie materielle Gegenstände.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Es wird diskutiert, wie oft unser eigener innerer Dialog unsere Hoffnung untergräbt und wie wichtig es ist, nicht nur äußere negative Einflüsse, sondern auch innere Zweifel zu bekämpfen. Der Sprecher legt nahe, dass der Glaube gegenüber den eigenen Zielen mit Entschlossenheit verteidigt werden muss, unabhängig von negativen Einflüssen, die sowohl von außen als auch von innen kommen.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Eine Passage aus Hebräer 11:1 wird interpretiert, die die Verknüpfung von Hoffnung und Glauben herausstellt. Der Sprecher erläutert, dass Hoffnung die Grundlage für Glauben ist und dass man ohne Hoffnung keinen Glauben haben kann. Der Widerstand gegen die Versuchung, die Hoffnung zu verlieren, wird betont, da Hoffnung die Kraft gibt, Glauben zu verwirklichen und als Schutzschild zu fungieren.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Die Geschichte kehrt zu einer biblischen Figur zurück, die Hoffnung trotz widriger Umstände beibehält. Die Frau entschließt sich, Hoffnung zu bewahren, obwohl ihre Umgebung von Verlust geprägt ist. Es wird betont, dass die eigene Resilienz und der Glaube an Gottes Verheißungen entscheidend für das Überstehen von Herausforderungen sind.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Der kommende Abschnitt nennt Geduld als eine notwendige Voraussetzung für das Erreichen von Gottes Verheißungen. Es wird erklärt, dass Glauben getestet wird und dass diejenigen, die nicht an ihrer Hoffnung und ihrem Glauben festhalten können, Schwierigkeiten haben werden, Gottes Werk in ihrem Leben zu erkennen und zu erleben.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Es wird betont, dass Hoffnung durch Gottes Verheißungen genährt wird. Im Angesicht von Schwierigkeiten muss man auf Gottes Zusagen vertrauen, ohne die erwarteten Ergebnisse zu sehen. Der Schutz der eigenen Ziele und Träume durch die Beständigkeit im Glauben wird als entscheidend erachtet, um die Früchte der Geduld zu erleben.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Die Macht der Sprache und des positiven Denkens wird hervorgehoben. Die Worte, die wir wählen, um unsere Situation zu beschreiben, formen unsere Realität und Glaubenserfahrungen. Der Vortragende ermuntert, proaktiv den eigenen Sprachgebrauch zu kontrollieren und Worte des Glaubens und der Hoffnung zu sprechen, um die eigene geistige und emotionale Realität zu beeinflussen.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Es wird geschildert, dass die Hingabe und das Vertrauen in Gott letztendlich zur Erfüllung von Bestimmungen führen. Auch wenn man das Gefühl hat, die Kontrolle verloren zu haben, versichert der Vortragende, dass Gott Pläne hat, die über das menschliche Verständnis hinausgehen. Durch Vertrauen in Gottes Weisheit kann man letztendlich Wachstum und segensreiche Ergebnisse erleben.
- 00:50:00 - 00:57:54
Die Schlussfolgerung betont, dass Gott auch durch Widrigkeiten hindurch arbeitet, um seine Verheißungen zu erfüllen. Es wird ermutigt, fest an Gottes Plänen zu glauben und sich darauf zu verlassen, dass alles letztendlich zum Guten dient. Hoffnung soll bewahrt werden, indem man sich Gottes Macht und seinen Verheißungen anvertraut, um den endgültigen Sieg zu erringen.
Mind Map
Video Q&A
Worum geht es in der Predigt?
Die Predigt ermutigt dazu, im Glauben und Vertrauen auf Gott stark zu bleiben, selbst in schwierigen Zeiten.
Welche biblische Geschichte wird erzählt?
Die Geschichte von der Geburt und dem Schutz von Moses durch seine Mutter.
Was ist die Hauptbotschaft der Predigt?
Die Hauptbotschaft ist, dass Gott selbst in schwierigen Situationen hilft und man auf seine Verheißungen vertrauen soll.
Wie soll man mit Herausforderungen gemäß der Predigt umgehen?
Man soll seinen Glauben und seine Hoffnung bewahren und darauf vertrauen, dass Gott alles zum Guten wenden wird.
Warum ist Geduld wichtig?
Geduld ist wichtig, um Gottes Plan und dessen Erfüllung in Aktion zu sehen.
Welche Rolle spielen Worte laut der Predigt?
Worte haben Macht und man sollte darauf achten, positiv zu sprechen, um den eigenen Glauben zu stärken.
Was wird über Hoffnung gesagt?
Hoffnung ist eine starke Waffe gegen Verzweiflung und sollte fest bewahrt werden.
Welche Praktiken werden empfohlen, um den Glauben zu stärken?
Beständiges Gebet und Dankbarkeit werden empfohlen, um den Glauben zu stärken.
Wie kann man seinen Glauben schützen?
Indem man seine Gedanken vor negativen Einflüssen schützt und im Gebet verbunden bleibt.
Was wird über Vertrauen gesagt?
Vertrauen bedeutet, alles in Gottes Hände zu legen und offen für seine Fürsorge und Leitung zu sein.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:02verse one says this it says and a man of
- 00:00:04the house of Levi somebody say Levi
- 00:00:08those were the
- 00:00:10priests the the tribe that was
- 00:00:13responsible for carrying and preparing
- 00:00:16things of God the
- 00:00:18worshippers so the woman conceived the
- 00:00:21man of the house of Levi went and took
- 00:00:23as a wife a daughter of Levi so the
- 00:00:27woman conceived and bore a son and when
- 00:00:29she saw that he was a beautiful child
- 00:00:31she she hid him somebody say hide him
- 00:00:35for 3
- 00:00:36months but when she could no longer hide
- 00:00:39him she took an ark of bull rushes for
- 00:00:42him dabbed it with ashphalt and pitch
- 00:00:44and put the child in it and laid it in
- 00:00:47the reads by the river's bank and his
- 00:00:50sister stood a far off to know what
- 00:00:52would be done to him then the daughter
- 00:00:56of pharaoh came down to bathe at the
- 00:00:58river and her maidens walked along the
- 00:00:59river side and when she saw the ark
- 00:01:01among the Reeds she sent her May to get
- 00:01:03it and when she opened it she
- 00:01:05saw child and behold the
- 00:01:08baby
- 00:01:10wet so she had compassion on him and
- 00:01:13said this is one of the Hebrews children
- 00:01:15then his sister said to Pharaoh's
- 00:01:17daughter shall I go and call a nurse for
- 00:01:20you from the Hebrew women that she may
- 00:01:22nurse the child for you and Pharaoh's
- 00:01:25daughter said to her somebody say go go
- 00:01:29come on preach it with me somebody say
- 00:01:31go so the maiden went and called the
- 00:01:35child's mother sobody say the child's
- 00:01:39mother do I got any preachers in this
- 00:01:42room y'all like I don't know am I a
- 00:01:47preacher then Pharaoh's daughter said to
- 00:01:50her take this child away and nurse him
- 00:01:56for me did did
- 00:02:00this is a preacher is where you get in
- 00:02:01trouble because you know where you're
- 00:02:02going to end but you're just at the
- 00:02:05beginning and a good preacher can't give
- 00:02:09away the end at the beginning the
- 00:02:12problem is I'm not a good
- 00:02:14preacher I let my kids open their
- 00:02:17Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve because
- 00:02:20I'm so excited about what I got them and
- 00:02:23I might let you open this gift at the
- 00:02:25beginning of the message when we haven't
- 00:02:28even gotten to the end somebody said
- 00:02:30let's do it then Pharaoh's daughter said
- 00:02:34to her take your child
- 00:02:38away and nurse him for me and I
- 00:02:46will pay
- 00:02:48you Union
- 00:02:50Church when God is on your side he will
- 00:02:54make the enemy pay you for what was
- 00:02:59yours
- 00:03:01already I don't have a lot of preachers
- 00:03:03in this room but some of y'all there
- 00:03:04with me already when God is on your side
- 00:03:08he will make what was already yours and
- 00:03:11your responsibility he'll make the enemy
- 00:03:14pay for it he'll make the enemy care for
- 00:03:16it he'll make the enemy raise it educate
- 00:03:20it and then return it unto
- 00:03:23you things work
- 00:03:27together so the woman took the took her
- 00:03:30own
- 00:03:32child only God and nursed him that the
- 00:03:37child grew and she brought him to
- 00:03:39Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son
- 00:03:43so she called his
- 00:03:46name
- 00:03:47Moses saying because I drew him
- 00:03:53out of the
- 00:03:55water little did she
- 00:03:58know that before she she can draw him
- 00:04:01out a woman of Faith put
- 00:04:06him
- 00:04:09in I've got a message tonight entitled
- 00:04:12for you hidden in plain sight father God
- 00:04:17speak in a way that only you can in
- 00:04:21Jesus name we pray somebody
- 00:04:25shout amen and amen
- 00:04:31are there any
- 00:04:33parents in this
- 00:04:37room that are
- 00:04:43irritated about how
- 00:04:46privileged your children
- 00:04:49[Music]
- 00:04:51are one of the
- 00:04:54struggles of being a good
- 00:04:58provider is you provide for your
- 00:05:02children sometimes what you did not
- 00:05:06have and the battle or the struggle of
- 00:05:09that is what you did not have went into
- 00:05:14developing who you are your
- 00:05:17tenacity your spunk your
- 00:05:21creativity your ability to take a piece
- 00:05:25of paper and make an entire game out of
- 00:05:29it
- 00:05:30I don't understand how as soon as their
- 00:05:34iPad is
- 00:05:36dead
- 00:05:38life is
- 00:05:40over come on now anybody grew up in the
- 00:05:43days I just need a piece of paper I
- 00:05:46don't need nothing but a piece of paper
- 00:05:48I can make a table football out of a
- 00:05:50piece of paper I can ball it up and
- 00:05:52shoot it into a trash can and we could
- 00:05:55play a whole game of Hoops just with a
- 00:05:57piece of paper I can fold it into an
- 00:05:59airplane and we can have an entire
- 00:06:01competition just with the same PE are
- 00:06:04you mad because your iPad's dead and I
- 00:06:08look at my kids and I'm grateful because
- 00:06:10they have a great life and I provided a
- 00:06:12great life but I'm a little irritated
- 00:06:13I'm not going to lie it's kind of the
- 00:06:15same way you look at your youngest
- 00:06:20sibling come on now any older siblings
- 00:06:23in the
- 00:06:24room there's got to be a special
- 00:06:27blessing for us older siblings
- 00:06:30that came up when our parents were
- 00:06:33broke just trying to get it together so
- 00:06:37you got shoes two sizes too big and they
- 00:06:41told you just put some tissue paper in
- 00:06:42it just put some you you'll grow into it
- 00:06:44you'll grow into it then after you grew
- 00:06:47out of it that shoe got clean got
- 00:06:49painted and passed to the next sibling
- 00:06:51but then they came on to come up and now
- 00:06:53the youngest sibling get shoes that fit
- 00:06:55from day one what is
- 00:06:57that don't know what hand Downs are hamy
- 00:07:02who had the nerve to give the youngest
- 00:07:04an allowance you know what allowance was
- 00:07:07when I was growing up I allow
- 00:07:10you to sleep in my house and eat food
- 00:07:14out of my
- 00:07:16fridge so I'm I'm in this wrestle and
- 00:07:18I'm so glad that my children have a
- 00:07:20great mother because she protects them
- 00:07:21from
- 00:07:22me but every once in a while I just look
- 00:07:25at these privileged children and I'm
- 00:07:29like if you you only knew and I had a
- 00:07:32great life my my my parents were amazing
- 00:07:34and provided a great life but you know
- 00:07:36life life is life so I'll come home
- 00:07:40often and I get irritated because the
- 00:07:44children's bicycles are left out in the
- 00:07:48driveway and I'll just think
- 00:07:53back to when I was a
- 00:07:56child if I had left my Bic
- 00:08:00icle in the
- 00:08:02driveway now based on your childhood and
- 00:08:04where you grew up this story goes in
- 00:08:09three different
- 00:08:11directions some of y'all grew up in a
- 00:08:13house where they did not whoop
- 00:08:15children and that's why you ended up the
- 00:08:17way you
- 00:08:19are so your story ends when you left the
- 00:08:23bicycle in the driveway mom or dad got
- 00:08:26mad so you had time out
- 00:08:31I don't know what timeout is actually no
- 00:08:33we had timeout in our house timeout was
- 00:08:36the time you got to pull yourself back
- 00:08:40together that was timeout you timeout
- 00:08:43sounded something like
- 00:08:44[Music]
- 00:08:54this God bless
- 00:08:57you some of y'all grew up in a household
- 00:09:02where spoil spare the rod spoil the
- 00:09:06child and your parents said dumb stuff
- 00:09:09like this is going to hurt
- 00:09:11you or it's G to hurt me more than it
- 00:09:15hurts you and I'm like well give me the
- 00:09:23belt but in the neighborhood that I grew
- 00:09:26up in and it wasn't the hood it wasn't a
- 00:09:28rough neighborhood at all
- 00:09:29but if you left your bike in the
- 00:09:32driveway the story did not end with time
- 00:09:36out and it didn't end with a whoop it
- 00:09:40ended with some kid who was about n
- 00:09:43years older than
- 00:09:45you
- 00:09:47riding your
- 00:09:49bike right past your
- 00:09:53house and daring you to say
- 00:09:57something that's right got the spirit of
- 00:10:00generosity on my
- 00:10:01life I just told myself I gave it to him
- 00:10:04I gave it to him I I gave it to him cuz
- 00:10:06I don't want to go and ask for it back
- 00:10:09and I come home and the kids bikes are
- 00:10:10in the driveway and and we're not in a
- 00:10:12neighborhood where people steal but just
- 00:10:14something inside of me I want to steal
- 00:10:16their
- 00:10:19bikes I just want them to feel the pit
- 00:10:23that you feel when you come back to find
- 00:10:27your stuff when where you put it to
- 00:10:31realize someone took
- 00:10:34it because they need to understand if
- 00:10:37you've got something valuable in your
- 00:10:41life you don't leave it out for anybody
- 00:10:45to
- 00:10:45steal if it really is valuable you put
- 00:10:49it in a place where thieves can't take
- 00:10:53it and I'd like to submit to you Union
- 00:10:55Church that many of us have learned this
- 00:10:57principle in one area but we have not
- 00:11:00learned this principle in another
- 00:11:02area we've learned to keep your wallet
- 00:11:06where people can't see come on anybody
- 00:11:09raised those type of houses talk don't
- 00:11:10be counting your money all out for
- 00:11:11everybody to see you you paying cash
- 00:11:14you're like hold on
- 00:11:16what's I don't need you to see how much
- 00:11:18I got I ain't trying to tempt
- 00:11:23you come on now some of y'all you put
- 00:11:27your car in your garage
- 00:11:29and you still lock your car even though
- 00:11:32it's in your garage I don't know they
- 00:11:34might be able to get the garage door
- 00:11:36open just in case I'm make sure my car
- 00:11:38is locked come on where my ladies at you
- 00:11:42big got that big old duffel bag of a
- 00:11:44purse which if you're never going to
- 00:11:46take it out the car why'd you bring it
- 00:11:49out the house but you got your purse you
- 00:11:51got your change of clothes you got your
- 00:11:52heels you got your Flats you got your
- 00:11:55whole big jug of water you got a whole
- 00:11:57life in that purse and then you're just
- 00:11:59I'm I'm just running in here I don't
- 00:12:00want to take my purse so what do you do
- 00:12:02don't leave it in the sea come on you
- 00:12:05Pop the
- 00:12:07trunk drop my purse in the trunk close
- 00:12:09the trunk why because I don't know who
- 00:12:11going be walking by my car and look
- 00:12:13through my illegal
- 00:12:15tents and possibly be able to see that
- 00:12:17there's something in we know how not to
- 00:12:20leave things that we
- 00:12:22value out just for some random Thief to
- 00:12:27take and I'd like to MIT to you then why
- 00:12:31do we leave our
- 00:12:37hope why do we leave our
- 00:12:41faith
- 00:12:43out could it be that we do not know that
- 00:12:48there is a
- 00:12:51thief and his number one goal is to
- 00:12:55steal your hope
- 00:12:59could it be that we are giving more time
- 00:13:02energy and attention to protecting our
- 00:13:05money not realizing your money is not
- 00:13:08the most valuable thing you
- 00:13:10possess your hope is the most valuable
- 00:13:14thing that you possess actually you lose
- 00:13:18money just have hope if you've got hope
- 00:13:23money is close
- 00:13:26behind but if I lose my hope
- 00:13:30I can't get anything Bible says this in
- 00:13:33Hebrews chap 11 vers1
- 00:13:35now
- 00:13:37Faith Can I give it to you in a way
- 00:13:39you've never seen it before is made up
- 00:13:46of y'all hanging with me told you I'm
- 00:13:49taking you to the deep
- 00:13:51end now Faith is the substance
- 00:13:55of can I mess with you so why if I lose
- 00:13:58my hope I can't even have
- 00:14:03faith because faith is just a bunch of
- 00:14:08Hope squeezed together says now Faith is
- 00:14:12the substance of things hoped for and
- 00:14:16the evidence of
- 00:14:18Things Not
- 00:14:20Seen what's hope hope is the internal
- 00:14:24belief that I won't be dealing with this
- 00:14:26forever
- 00:14:30hope is the internal belief that I won't
- 00:14:33be stuck here
- 00:14:36forever hope is the internal belief that
- 00:14:40this situation will turn around and the
- 00:14:44Bible says if it's a Godly hope that
- 00:14:47hope turns into Faith because it's not
- 00:14:50just a hey things are going to get
- 00:14:51better it's a hold on God is going to
- 00:14:55make this better and without hope I'm
- 00:15:01not even turning to
- 00:15:03God at all verse six says this but
- 00:15:07without faith it's impossible to please
- 00:15:11him for he who comes to God must believe
- 00:15:16that he is and that he is a rewarder of
- 00:15:22those who
- 00:15:24diligently seek him there was this woman
- 00:15:27in the Bible I'll bet you
- 00:15:30you any amount of
- 00:15:33money you ain't never heard of her ain't
- 00:15:36never heard a message preach about her
- 00:15:38her name is
- 00:15:40yaked El your neighbor say you ever
- 00:15:42heard of
- 00:15:46yaked she said
- 00:15:49no I know
- 00:15:51Deborah I know
- 00:15:53Ruth I know Esther I know Mary I know
- 00:15:57Elizabeth
- 00:15:59never heard of yaka
- 00:16:01bed Pastor is that how you pronounce
- 00:16:05it I know y'all wondering mind your
- 00:16:11business yab bed was this young
- 00:16:14woman the daughter of a
- 00:16:17pastor the line of
- 00:16:19Levi she got married
- 00:16:22and got
- 00:16:24pregnant all
- 00:16:27excited because she was bringing life
- 00:16:29into the
- 00:16:30world she was dreaming and wondering is
- 00:16:33it a boy is it a girl is he going to
- 00:16:36have my eyes is he going to have his
- 00:16:37nose what what color his hair going to
- 00:16:40be what what's the call of God on his
- 00:16:41life going to be what's his personality
- 00:16:43going to be she she's carrying this baby
- 00:16:45and she's dreaming about this
- 00:16:47baby then all of a sudden there's a
- 00:16:49knock at the
- 00:16:51door her husband opens the door and
- 00:16:55there's an Egyptian soldier at the door
- 00:16:58with a piece of paper hear ye hear ye an
- 00:17:02edict from Pharaoh the
- 00:17:05Supreme every Hebrew boy two years and
- 00:17:09under has been decreed to be
- 00:17:12executed upon
- 00:17:14birth anybody who does not comply will
- 00:17:19lose their life as
- 00:17:21well in
- 00:17:23a
- 00:17:25second all joy all all hope all
- 00:17:31excitement all vision for to sinks
- 00:17:36disappears
- 00:17:38instantly and for the next month after
- 00:17:41month after month she hears the
- 00:17:44screams the
- 00:17:45whales the distraught cries of Agony as
- 00:17:51woman after woman after woman as father
- 00:17:53after father after father watches their
- 00:17:57two-year-old executed
- 00:17:59and I don't know what it was I don't
- 00:18:02know if it was her faith in
- 00:18:05God or I don't know if it was resilience
- 00:18:08on the inside of her but in the midst of
- 00:18:11the agony in the midst of the screams in
- 00:18:14the midst of the yells something raised
- 00:18:17up inside of her where she said not
- 00:18:22me not my baby I don't care what the
- 00:18:27enemy says I don't don't care what the
- 00:18:30enemy does I don't care what the
- 00:18:32consequences are what God gave me is
- 00:18:36mine and I'm not even going to be swayed
- 00:18:39by who around me has lost what God gave
- 00:18:42them as for me in my house I am holding
- 00:18:46on to the promise that God made me I
- 00:18:50don't know who you are but somebody here
- 00:18:53needs to hear God is not concerned who
- 00:18:55lost what around you what he's promised
- 00:18:59you is yours and stop looking at what
- 00:19:01your daddy lost or what your mama lost
- 00:19:04stop worrying about what the neighbor
- 00:19:05across the street lost or the business
- 00:19:08across town lost if you would get a Hope
- 00:19:11on the inside of you that that promise
- 00:19:14that God gave me that miracle that he
- 00:19:16gave me that future that he gave me even
- 00:19:19if it's a dream even if it's a vision I
- 00:19:22am not letting it go Hebrews chapter
- 00:19:2510:35 says this therefore do not cast
- 00:19:31away your
- 00:19:33confidence which has great reward for
- 00:19:37you have need
- 00:19:40of somebody say
- 00:19:43endurance so that after you've done the
- 00:19:45will of God you may
- 00:19:47receive the promise somebody say
- 00:19:50endurance one more time somebody say
- 00:19:53endurance all right somebody say we're
- 00:19:55in grad school we're in grad school
- 00:19:56we're in grad school
- 00:19:58Christians that can't wait won't see
- 00:20:00anything from
- 00:20:04God Christians that can't wait and when
- 00:20:08I say wait I'm not talking about
- 00:20:10twiddling their thumbs I'm talking about
- 00:20:13Christians that can't hear a promise
- 00:20:15from God and then see everything in life
- 00:20:19point in the exact opposite of what God
- 00:20:21promised them and still have a
- 00:20:23resilience on the inside I don't care
- 00:20:26what I see I know what he say said and
- 00:20:29he is not like man he will not lie if he
- 00:20:32said it it will come to pass if you
- 00:20:36can't wait and hold on to your faith you
- 00:20:39won't see anything great come from God
- 00:20:42the Bible says in Psalm 105 and you
- 00:20:44heard me preach it many many times that
- 00:20:46the Bible says that before the word of
- 00:20:48the Lord came to pass that word tested
- 00:20:53Joseph there is a season of testing of
- 00:20:57can I hold on to my faith when there's
- 00:21:01nothing around me that I see that is
- 00:21:03producing what God Said is going to come
- 00:21:06into my life
- 00:21:08and Rachel can't get in trouble and I
- 00:21:12see Believers leave
- 00:21:14jobs that God never told them to leave
- 00:21:18that he actually designed to develop
- 00:21:21them but because they could only live by
- 00:21:24their five senses and it did not look
- 00:21:27like it was taking them God promised he
- 00:21:29would take them they removed themselves
- 00:21:32from a place of preparation because what
- 00:21:34was around them was able to steal their
- 00:21:39Hope come on now so what I want to do is
- 00:21:42I want to teach you how to protect your
- 00:21:44hope I'm going to teach you how not to
- 00:21:46leave your hope in the front
- 00:21:47driveway because there is a thief that
- 00:21:50is looking to steal the promise that God
- 00:21:52made you first thing is this write this
- 00:21:53down write this down his
- 00:21:55words protect my hope
- 00:22:00his words
- 00:22:02protect my
- 00:22:05hope it's wild how this young girl
- 00:22:09jacked oh by the way when you get around
- 00:22:12your next little connect group just drop
- 00:22:14jacked in there everybody gonna think
- 00:22:16you're real spiritual they be like who's
- 00:22:18that you don't know jackob bed that's
- 00:22:19that's Moses's mother why have you never
- 00:22:21read your
- 00:22:22Bible you learned it three days
- 00:22:25ago it says the first thing that she
- 00:22:28heard was the words of the enemy saying
- 00:22:32what God had promised her must be
- 00:22:35executed and as soon as she heard the
- 00:22:38words nobody was knocking on her door
- 00:22:40yet nobody even knew but as soon as she
- 00:22:43heard the words she instantly went into
- 00:22:46okay I've got to hide what I've got from
- 00:22:49what what was said now here's what it
- 00:22:51says it says she hid the baby in her
- 00:22:53house for three months now some of you
- 00:22:56guys have 14-year-old old 15 year olds
- 00:22:59and 17 year olds so you
- 00:23:02forgot what a six week old is
- 00:23:06like some of you have a
- 00:23:10two-year-old and as
- 00:23:13annoying as a 2-year-old
- 00:23:15is at two years old you forget what six
- 00:23:18weeks is like that's why you keep doing
- 00:23:21it
- 00:23:23again come on you ever had that second
- 00:23:25kid and you're like how did we forget
- 00:23:28why did we do this come on now you're in
- 00:23:31the delivery room never again we're done
- 00:23:35and two years later how did we get here
- 00:23:39because you keep
- 00:23:40forgetting what a six week old is like
- 00:23:45they cry they poop they sleep they
- 00:23:50cry they poop they
- 00:23:53sleep but not this
- 00:23:56child she couldn't let him him cry
- 00:24:00because if he cried somebody heard
- 00:24:03him she couldn't even let him
- 00:24:05whimper she had to go three months
- 00:24:08without that baby making a peep because
- 00:24:10if he made a peep somebody might hear
- 00:24:13and somebody might tell and she might
- 00:24:15lose the promise that God Made You you
- 00:24:18think you're sleep
- 00:24:20deprived could you imagine what those
- 00:24:23three months were like between her and
- 00:24:24her husband where no no no if the baby's
- 00:24:27sleepy you can't can't walk out of the
- 00:24:29room you you can't go to the grocery
- 00:24:31store you what I've got to be in such a
- 00:24:34position of anticipation that if my
- 00:24:37promise is uncomfortable in any manner
- 00:24:41I've got to attend to it instantly
- 00:24:44because if the wrong sound comes out it
- 00:24:48can actually
- 00:24:50abort what God's promised me can I
- 00:24:53preach for a second that's how intensely
- 00:24:57you've got to cover the promis that
- 00:24:58God's made
- 00:24:59you I've got to make sure that the word
- 00:25:02that God has given me is not drowned out
- 00:25:05by any word of the enemy and here's what
- 00:25:08the enemy is going to do he is going to
- 00:25:10constantly bombard you with words that
- 00:25:14are opposite what he promised
- 00:25:16you come on now one of his favorite ways
- 00:25:20to do it is by sending people in your
- 00:25:22life that say the opposite of what God
- 00:25:24told
- 00:25:25you and
- 00:25:28you know what I found I found they're
- 00:25:31normally well-meaning
- 00:25:32people the the en the Bible says the
- 00:25:34enemy masquerades like an angel of Life
- 00:25:36he's not going to send your
- 00:25:38enemy to try to discourage you cuz you
- 00:25:42don't even like them come on now tell
- 00:25:44the truth you're in church you can't lie
- 00:25:46there are certain people that just the
- 00:25:49sight of their
- 00:25:53face y'all laughing cuz you know I ain't
- 00:25:55telling a lie soon as you see there I'm
- 00:25:58not listening to One Word they got to
- 00:25:59say Andy come on you got the face you
- 00:26:01got the face they talking you're
- 00:26:05like and it's in one ear out the N why
- 00:26:09cuz I don't trust you I don't even like
- 00:26:11you and I look at your life and I want
- 00:26:13nothing to do
- 00:26:16with but often times it's the
- 00:26:18well-meaning
- 00:26:20person the person that says hey I'm just
- 00:26:22trying to be the Devil's
- 00:26:26Advocate you know we say some really
- 00:26:28dumb stuff why does the
- 00:26:31devil need an
- 00:26:35advocate well you know I just I just
- 00:26:39don't want you to get
- 00:26:40disappointed I just don't want you to
- 00:26:42get your hopes
- 00:26:43up you want me to get my hopes
- 00:26:46down no I'm keep my keep my hope up and
- 00:26:52these just random random man I'm
- 00:26:55believing God for
- 00:26:56healing I'm believing even with you you
- 00:26:59know I know somebody that kind of just
- 00:27:02they wrestled with it for the rest of
- 00:27:03their
- 00:27:08life you know what don't believe God
- 00:27:11with me leave me
- 00:27:14alone man I'm telling you I'm telling
- 00:27:16you we're we're in a rough season in our
- 00:27:18marriage and and but I'm believing that
- 00:27:19we're God's going to knit our hearts
- 00:27:21together we're we're going to we're
- 00:27:22going to counseling we're working
- 00:27:23through it's going we're going to get to
- 00:27:25a great place you know sometimes God
- 00:27:28just let you
- 00:27:34suffer
- 00:27:38click and and and you know what's
- 00:27:42sometimes it it's not even that they
- 00:27:45they they tell you opposite of what
- 00:27:46you're they just ask a leading
- 00:27:50question man God God's going to use me
- 00:27:53in this
- 00:27:54way are you sure that's not your dream
- 00:27:57and
- 00:27:59I mean just just pray about
- 00:28:03it and what you don't know is this is a
- 00:28:06voice from the enemy trying to steal the
- 00:28:09word of hope that God gave you and you
- 00:28:12weren't taught that I've got to stand
- 00:28:14over this word stand over this and not
- 00:28:17let one thing that is not the voice that
- 00:28:20God spoke over the situation somebody
- 00:28:22say tell the truth man the most negative
- 00:28:25voices in my life are in my head and
- 00:28:27never in somebody else's his
- 00:28:29mouth like like like like like like tell
- 00:28:32the truth and shame the devil if you if
- 00:28:34you want to talk about your greatest
- 00:28:35hater don't look on Instagram look in
- 00:28:37the
- 00:28:40mirror because nobody has ever told you
- 00:28:43that you're not enough more than you
- 00:28:46have nobody has ever told you that
- 00:28:48they're ashamed of you more than you
- 00:28:50have no one has ever told you why even
- 00:28:53bother try more than you have and a lot
- 00:28:56of us don't even realize I got to
- 00:28:58protect my word even from my own
- 00:29:01discouragement and my own negative
- 00:29:03thoughts and my own practical thinking
- 00:29:06and my own it's time to be mature and
- 00:29:08it's time to be rasonable no no no no it
- 00:29:10is time to be a man or woman of faith
- 00:29:13and if God said it I believe it that
- 00:29:15settles it 2 Corinthians chap 10:4 says
- 00:29:19for the weapons of our Warfare are not
- 00:29:22carnal But Mighty in God for pulling
- 00:29:25down strongholds casting down
- 00:29:28arguments and every High thing that
- 00:29:31exalts itself against the knowledge of
- 00:29:34God bringing
- 00:29:39every come on now bring in every
- 00:29:43hater no no no bringing every thought
- 00:29:47into captivity to The Obedience of God
- 00:29:51just because everybody else's baby got
- 00:29:53thrown in the rivers doesn't mean your
- 00:29:54needs to
- 00:29:55be and what I find is there's there's a
- 00:29:58lot of Believers that are not believing
- 00:30:00for God's best for them because they're
- 00:30:02looking at what's happening in other
- 00:30:04people's
- 00:30:04lives as if what is happening in
- 00:30:07somebody else's life should be evidence
- 00:30:09of what God can do in your life the god
- 00:30:12that says no eye can see no ear has
- 00:30:13heard no mind can conceive the god that
- 00:30:16says if I did not spare my only child
- 00:30:18how much will I not more freely give you
- 00:30:20all things you think just because nobody
- 00:30:22who came from the school that you came
- 00:30:24from has ever become something that God
- 00:30:26can't make you into something that
- 00:30:27people have never seen you think just
- 00:30:29because nobody in your family has ever
- 00:30:31been used by God in a great way means
- 00:30:33that God can't use you in a great way we
- 00:30:36don't serve a God that looks at your
- 00:30:37resume before he determines your future
- 00:30:40we don't serve a God that looks at your
- 00:30:42pedigree before he determines how much
- 00:30:44he can use you there there there is no
- 00:30:46nepotism in the kingdom of God there
- 00:30:48there is no Legacy in the kingdom of God
- 00:30:51there is you are my child called and set
- 00:30:53apart and I know the plans that I have
- 00:30:56for you to prosper you not to harm so
- 00:30:59talk like
- 00:31:00it I got to hurry up Proverbs 18:21
- 00:31:03death and life are in the power of the
- 00:31:04tongue and those who love it will eat
- 00:31:08its
- 00:31:12fruit for 2 Corinthians chapter 4: 13
- 00:31:16and since we have the same Spirit of
- 00:31:20Faith which is made up of Hope according
- 00:31:23to what is written I believed therefore
- 00:31:26I
- 00:31:28I believed therefore I I believed
- 00:31:33therefore I and we also believe and
- 00:31:37therefore you don't speak you don't
- 00:31:41believe don't tell me what you believe
- 00:31:43just
- 00:31:45talk all I all I got to do is hear you
- 00:31:49talk come on now don't tell me what you
- 00:31:52believe about your marriage just talk
- 00:31:53about your
- 00:31:56marriage don't tell me what you believe
- 00:31:58about your teenager just talk about your
- 00:32:00teenager don't tell me what you believe
- 00:32:02about your job just talk about your job
- 00:32:04and I can tell by the way you talk what
- 00:32:07you
- 00:32:08believe and the Bible says what comes
- 00:32:11out of here is what I'm going to eat the
- 00:32:14fruit
- 00:32:16of what what what what if I just started
- 00:32:18only saying what God
- 00:32:21Said instead of what I
- 00:32:23see oh this job is irritating stop it
- 00:32:28it did he put you there or not is he
- 00:32:32shaping you or not is he developing you
- 00:32:35or not so how about in saying ah this is
- 00:32:38irritating say ah God must be up to
- 00:32:41something I'm telling you right now I
- 00:32:43can't see it but I know how he works and
- 00:32:46this pressure must be he's trying to
- 00:32:48develop a diamond on the inside of me
- 00:32:51and boy when it comes out it is going to
- 00:32:53blow my mind
- 00:32:59man they never see me or recognize me
- 00:33:01stop
- 00:33:03it God will put my name in the right
- 00:33:06person's mouth my gifts will open the
- 00:33:08right door for me when God opens a door
- 00:33:11no man can shut it and if God shut the
- 00:33:13door I don't want a man to open
- 00:33:16in what if I just watched what I said
- 00:33:20and protected it from what the enemy
- 00:33:22wants and incubated what God said he's
- 00:33:25going to produce the second thing is
- 00:33:27this living open-handed preserves my
- 00:33:32hope it says after the baby got three
- 00:33:34months he was too big to
- 00:33:37hide his his cries were too
- 00:33:40unpredictable I I I could just picture
- 00:33:42jaab bed walking around the house
- 00:33:44talking all loud just in case he did
- 00:33:47cry maybe my voice can drown
- 00:33:51out what I don't want people to see and
- 00:33:53know and hear but after a while it got
- 00:33:57to the a place where she could do
- 00:33:59nothing else to hide that baby and I
- 00:34:03will tell you one of the most hopeless
- 00:34:05moments in your life are when you've
- 00:34:07tried everything you know how to try and
- 00:34:10the situation still has not turned Ela
- 00:34:13your neighbor be so sweet be so gentle
- 00:34:15be just this little little nudge little
- 00:34:16nudge and tell them you're about to grow
- 00:34:18up you're about to grow up you're about
- 00:34:20to grow up you're about to grow up come
- 00:34:21on come on don't be mad don't be mad
- 00:34:23don't be mad come on I'm preaching this
- 00:34:25is where miracles happen come on the
- 00:34:27point point of hopelessness is the
- 00:34:29precipice of Miracles when you've come
- 00:34:32to the end of yourself you've come just
- 00:34:34to the beginning of who he is Fast
- 00:34:37Forward about 90 years or so here is
- 00:34:40grown Moses leading all of Israel out of
- 00:34:44captivity the problem is Moses like his
- 00:34:47mother came to a place where there was
- 00:34:49nothing else that he could do he had led
- 00:34:52them right up to a trap that he did not
- 00:34:55even know here he is the red see in
- 00:34:58front of him and the Egyptians behind
- 00:35:00him the only problem is he was raised by
- 00:35:03a woman who taught him what to do when
- 00:35:07there's nothing else to do in Exodus
- 00:35:1014:3 he said to the people don't be
- 00:35:13afraid
- 00:35:15stand and see the salvation of the Lord
- 00:35:19which will accomplish for you today the
- 00:35:21Egyptians whom you see today you shall
- 00:35:23see again no more forever for the Lord
- 00:35:29will fight for you and you shall hold
- 00:35:33your
- 00:35:34[Music]
- 00:35:36peace she got to the place where she
- 00:35:38couldn't keep the baby quiet any longer
- 00:35:41but she knew who her God was so she made
- 00:35:44a basket she wrapped it in pitch and
- 00:35:47wrapped it in tar put the baby in the
- 00:35:50basket sometimes you got to read the
- 00:35:52Bible slowly because you're going to see
- 00:35:55stuff that will blow your mind she took
- 00:35:58her baby and put it in the exact same
- 00:36:01river that other people's baby was being
- 00:36:04drowned
- 00:36:05[Music]
- 00:36:08in how are you at the same location
- 00:36:13where everybody else is experiencing
- 00:36:15hopelessness and loss but for some
- 00:36:18reason you are crazy enough to believe
- 00:36:22that their location of loss could be my
- 00:36:24location of Miracles why because she was
- 00:36:27wasn't placing that baby in a water
- 00:36:30river she was placing that baby in the
- 00:36:33hand of almighty God she knew who the
- 00:36:36river of God
- 00:36:42was sometimes the greatest way you will
- 00:36:45protect the promise that God has made
- 00:36:48you
- 00:36:51is can I can I preach for a second all
- 00:36:56of you that are trying to fix your
- 00:37:00marriage all of you that are overwhelmed
- 00:37:03and frustrated with that
- 00:37:06teenager can't get the career going the
- 00:37:08job going this going that
- 00:37:11going because the Bible says to trust in
- 00:37:15the Lord with all your heart and lean
- 00:37:18not on your own ability to fix things
- 00:37:22out but in all your ways acknowledge Him
- 00:37:26and He will will make your path straight
- 00:37:31some of us our prayer life needs to
- 00:37:33change from God tell me what to do to
- 00:37:36God I'm done I've done everything I know
- 00:37:38how to do but God I give this job to you
- 00:37:40I give this body to you I give this
- 00:37:42relationship to you I give this dream to
- 00:37:45you I give this hope to you I give this
- 00:37:47aspiration to you I give this ambition
- 00:37:50to you God I am placing it
- 00:37:54in your hands
- 00:37:58somebody needs to hear this the longer
- 00:38:00you try to force
- 00:38:02it the longer you will never be able to
- 00:38:04have
- 00:38:08it
- 00:38:10and there's some of us in
- 00:38:13here some of us weird
- 00:38:16crazy demented
- 00:38:21folks we just a little aggressive you
- 00:38:24know what I mean just El your neighbor
- 00:38:26said calm down ch loud you
- 00:38:29loud now some of
- 00:38:31y'all we ain't talking to you cuz you
- 00:38:34just
- 00:38:35passive you just you won't fight for
- 00:38:38nothing you just what will be will be
- 00:38:41life is kicking your tail and you taking
- 00:38:43it in the chin we ain't talking to you
- 00:38:45but for some of us that don't like
- 00:38:48know have never seen a problem that we
- 00:38:51can't fix every closed door we kick it
- 00:38:54before we pray
- 00:38:59y'all know I'm crazy right anybody had
- 00:39:02them crazy parents that would whoop you
- 00:39:03while they
- 00:39:04talk don't you ever do this
- 00:39:09again as if I can hear
- 00:39:12you some of us we think we're praying
- 00:39:17and really we're trying to fix it in God
- 00:39:20if you can get
- 00:39:30she said God if you gave me this baby
- 00:39:33it's your job to keep this
- 00:39:37baby can I tell you how to be a person
- 00:39:39of Faith but not a person of
- 00:39:42anxiety because wherever faith is
- 00:39:45anxiety is trying to get in as
- 00:39:47well because the the the the problem
- 00:39:50with being a dreamer is you instantly
- 00:39:53feel like you must accomplish your
- 00:39:56dream so now you're you're grinding and
- 00:39:59you're pushing and you're straining and
- 00:40:01you're leaning in because what was a
- 00:40:03blessing to you for half a second what
- 00:40:05overwhelmed you with joy when you found
- 00:40:08out that you had purpose on your life
- 00:40:10all of a sudden it is now the source of
- 00:40:12stress and anxiety because someone lied
- 00:40:14to you and told you you had to do it in
- 00:40:16your own
- 00:40:17strength as if he did not say in his
- 00:40:20word in Thessalonians the one who called
- 00:40:23you is faithful and he will will do it
- 00:40:28some of us need God you began a good
- 00:40:30work in
- 00:40:31me and you will see it through the
- 00:40:35good you know your career is
- 00:40:38stuck anybody who hasn't had a promotion
- 00:40:41at this point you're not going anywh no
- 00:40:44no because it's not my
- 00:40:45problem I'm going to be excellent I'm
- 00:40:48going to be faithful I'm going to honor
- 00:40:50God and then I'm going to take my job
- 00:40:52and I'mma place it in the river of God
- 00:40:54and I'm going trust him to do what only
- 00:40:57he can do Sean you tell me you want to
- 00:41:01end or you want to preach for 20 more
- 00:41:03minutes they look like they done with me
- 00:41:06go ahead play go ahead play go
- 00:41:08ahead come on write this
- 00:41:12down the third thing is
- 00:41:15this Miracles will confirm my
- 00:41:18hope y'all don't don't don't sleep on
- 00:41:22Jack she ain't no
- 00:41:24dummy hear me she knew where Pharaoh's
- 00:41:28daughter
- 00:41:30bathed no no no the Bible didn't say
- 00:41:32that she put the baby in the
- 00:41:34river the Bible said that she put the
- 00:41:36baby in the
- 00:41:38reads By The
- 00:41:40River Why to make sure that that basket
- 00:41:42doesn't float
- 00:41:44away because I knew I I've got one
- 00:41:48shot at one person the right person
- 00:41:50seeing this and if the right person sees
- 00:41:55this we're going to get compassion
- 00:41:58takes the baby put the baby in the Reed
- 00:42:00where Pharaoh's daughter bathes and then
- 00:42:02she put her daughter
- 00:42:05Miriam to watch and
- 00:42:07see what
- 00:42:09happened you know the story Pharaoh's
- 00:42:12daughter comes down and bathes sees this
- 00:42:15basket and sends an
- 00:42:17attendant the attendant grabs the basket
- 00:42:19and opens it up and I think the Holy
- 00:42:21Spirit poked Moses right at the cry baby
- 00:42:25[Music]
- 00:42:28and that one cry in Pharaoh's daughter's
- 00:42:31heart
- 00:42:34melted some of you have lost your hope
- 00:42:36because you don't know what to look
- 00:42:38for you you're looking for the
- 00:42:42miracle you don't need a miracle right
- 00:42:44now you just need a
- 00:42:47sign the Bible says don't Cast Away your
- 00:42:50confidence you you're going to have to
- 00:42:52have endurance how do I have endurance
- 00:42:55ju just look for EIC
- 00:42:57around
- 00:42:58you that maybe just maybe God's involved
- 00:43:02maybe just maybe this thing is about to
- 00:43:04shift the Bible says in Deuteronomy
- 00:43:06chapter 29:5 and I have led you 40 years
- 00:43:11in the wilderness somebody say that's
- 00:43:13too
- 00:43:14long your clothes have not worn out
- 00:43:17though and your sandals have not worn
- 00:43:20out on your feet Israel was marching
- 00:43:23around the Wilderness for 40 years on a
- 00:43:25two we trip
- 00:43:27and everything around them said it's
- 00:43:29taking too long God's forgotten about us
- 00:43:33it's not going to happen we're never
- 00:43:34going to see it it it it's just all the
- 00:43:37signs point to this won't H and here
- 00:43:40comes Moses again you're looking at the
- 00:43:42wrong thing you're looking at the wrong
- 00:43:43thing do you think if God had abandoned
- 00:43:45you that your shoes would still be as
- 00:43:48brand new as they were 40 years ago do
- 00:43:50you really think if God had abandoned
- 00:43:53you your clothes that you've had for all
- 00:43:55these decades would not have any holes
- 00:43:57in it you haven't seen the
- 00:44:00miracle but you're seeing
- 00:44:03Miracles and it's evidence that all
- 00:44:06around you God is saying I'm going to
- 00:44:10bring my word to
- 00:44:11pass and now we get to preach the end of
- 00:44:14the message which we already preached at
- 00:44:17the beginning of the message Pharaoh
- 00:44:20takes this baby and says wow I'm going
- 00:44:23to keep him for myself but I can't nurse
- 00:44:26him
- 00:44:27Here Comes Mary and Moses's sister
- 00:44:30saying would you like me to find
- 00:44:33somebody that can nurse this baby for
- 00:44:35you and Pharaoh's daughter says yes I
- 00:44:38would love to and Miriam takes Moses
- 00:44:42back to his mother and his
- 00:44:45mom cuz the wild thing about God is when
- 00:44:50you put it in his hands he'll put it
- 00:44:52back in your hands as long as you want
- 00:44:55to hold on to it for yourself he'll let
- 00:44:57you hold on to it but when you say God
- 00:45:00use my marriage God use my job use my
- 00:45:03skills use my relationships here I am
- 00:45:06use me as soon as you give it to him
- 00:45:09he'll it's Bible right give and it'll be
- 00:45:13given back to you press
- 00:45:16down she said not only do I need you to
- 00:45:19nurse your son she didn't know that it
- 00:45:20was his son nurse this B I'll pay
- 00:45:24you she nursed him until he was ween and
- 00:45:27then she gave them back to Pharaoh's
- 00:45:29daughter somebody say a it sounds like
- 00:45:32she lost the promise no no no no no her
- 00:45:36son moved into the King's house and ate
- 00:45:40the King's food and was educated with
- 00:45:43all of the King's children and what the
- 00:45:46king did not know is God was using him
- 00:45:51to prepare his enemy to throw him into a
- 00:45:55sea some of you feel like because you've
- 00:45:58got enemies all around you you feel like
- 00:46:01there's nothing but animosity and doubt
- 00:46:03and fear all around you that you're
- 00:46:05outside of the position that God has for
- 00:46:07you and little did you know God put you
- 00:46:10right where he needed you to be because
- 00:46:12all things work together for the good of
- 00:46:15those who are called according to his
- 00:46:17purpose can I let you in on a little
- 00:46:19secret the enemy thought he was crushing
- 00:46:22you but really all he was doing was
- 00:46:24preparing you the enemy thought he was
- 00:46:26destroying ding you and little did he
- 00:46:28know all he was doing is educating you
- 00:46:31he thought the divorce would take you
- 00:46:34out what he did not know is it would
- 00:46:36build a resilience on the inside of you
- 00:46:39that you needed to fulfill the destiny
- 00:46:42that he has for you he thought the
- 00:46:44depression would crush you and he had no
- 00:46:46idea that that depression drove you into
- 00:46:50the presence of God and taught you to
- 00:46:52lean on God and not on your own
- 00:46:55understandings he thought the rejection
- 00:46:58would bankrupt you little did he know he
- 00:47:01was teaching you to be confident in your
- 00:47:03own self watch this God will take the
- 00:47:06enemy and make the enemy prepare you for
- 00:47:09your
- 00:47:12destiny do not cast away your confidence
- 00:47:15do not throw away your hope do not look
- 00:47:18at your situation and think your
- 00:47:20situation is an indication of what God
- 00:47:23is getting ready to do in your life
- 00:47:24because no eye has seen no ear has heard
- 00:47:28no mind can conceive what God has in
- 00:47:31store for you you've got 30 seconds to
- 00:47:36find seven people and tell them I've got
- 00:47:38my confidence back I've got my
- 00:47:40confidence back come
- 00:47:43on tell somebody I've gotten my
- 00:47:45confidence back come on Columbia tell
- 00:47:48somebody I've gotten my hope
- 00:47:50back come on tell somebody I've got my
- 00:47:53vision
- 00:47:54back come on somebody tell them I I've
- 00:47:56got my fight back I've got my boldness
- 00:48:00back I've got my courage
- 00:48:06[Music]
- 00:48:13back oh the enemy messed up letting you
- 00:48:16in this room tonight the enemy messed up
- 00:48:19letting you in this room tonight the
- 00:48:21enemy messed up letting you in this room
- 00:48:24tonight God said because you got in this
- 00:48:26room I'mma give you your hope back I'mma
- 00:48:29give you your fight back I'mma give you
- 00:48:31your confidence back I'mma give you your
- 00:48:33boldness back I'mma give you your faith
- 00:48:35back I'm going to give you your dream
- 00:48:37back can you take about 60 seconds and
- 00:48:40can you thank God I'm getting my hope
- 00:48:42back I'm getting my hope back I'm
- 00:48:45getting my hope back I'm getting my
- 00:48:48fight back I'm getting my dream back I'm
- 00:48:51getting my confidence back
- 00:49:02[Music]
- 00:49:09watch those soundcast oh my soul put
- 00:49:12your trust in God put your faith in God
- 00:49:18[Music]
- 00:49:29somebody needs to hear he said don't
- 00:49:32grow
- 00:49:34weary in well
- 00:49:36doing it says in
- 00:49:40due
- 00:49:44season in Du
- 00:49:47season in Duce
- 00:49:51season indu
- 00:49:54season indu season
- 00:49:58IND du
- 00:50:00season some of us are like God I'll take
- 00:50:03anything and God said no I only want to
- 00:50:05give you the
- 00:50:06best do season do SE if you don't have
- 00:50:11it it ain't due
- 00:50:14season if you don't have it it's not due
- 00:50:18season and the worst thing you can do is
- 00:50:21get your dream from God before due
- 00:50:24season
- 00:50:30I'm going to wait on
- 00:50:33you I'm going to wait on
- 00:50:36[Music]
- 00:50:38you I tasted your
- 00:50:42goodness trust in your
- 00:50:45pro I'm going to wait on
- 00:50:48[Music]
- 00:50:49you I'm going to wait on
- 00:50:52[Music]
- 00:50:54you I tasted your
- 00:50:58goodness trust in your
- 00:51:01prise I'm going to wait on
- 00:51:06you I'm going to wait on
- 00:51:09[Music]
- 00:51:10you I taste in your
- 00:51:15goodness trust in your
- 00:51:17[Music]
- 00:51:17[Applause]
- 00:51:19prise wait on the
- 00:51:23Lord wait on the Lord
- 00:51:26[Music]
- 00:51:28he will renew your
- 00:51:31strength so way I say on the
- 00:51:39Lord on the
- 00:51:41[Music]
- 00:51:43Lord he will Ren your strength so wa
- 00:51:50I wait on the Lord wait on the Lord
- 00:51:56we on the
- 00:51:57[Music]
- 00:51:59Lord we will re your
- 00:52:04strength way
- 00:52:10I said I'm going to wait on
- 00:52:14you I'm going to wait on you
- 00:52:19Lord I tasted your
- 00:52:23goodness I trust in your PR
- 00:52:27[Music]
- 00:52:29waai on
- 00:52:31you I'm going to wait on
- 00:52:36you I tasted your
- 00:52:40good trust in
- 00:52:46your come on right where you are can you
- 00:52:48lift your
- 00:52:52hands we're going to end in a second but
- 00:52:55I don't want to rush this
- 00:53:08moment just take a moment right where
- 00:53:10you are and just talk to your
- 00:53:18God some of you L to let God know I'm
- 00:53:21getting my hope back today
- 00:53:26some of you there's been areas of your
- 00:53:28life that you've been so discouraged
- 00:53:30about that you can't even pray about it
- 00:53:33anymore you just assume because
- 00:53:35everybody around you lost it that you're
- 00:53:37going to lose it
- 00:53:40to and this moment he's putting a
- 00:53:43supernatural hope back in your
- 00:53:51heart we had a pastor's conference in
- 00:53:53July
- 00:53:56about two weeks after the pastor's
- 00:53:58conference somebody emailed the church
- 00:54:01they Saidi told God that after that
- 00:54:03conference I'm going home and I'm
- 00:54:04putting in my
- 00:54:06resignation because God can't use
- 00:54:08me and they said as I was sitting in
- 00:54:11this is a senior pastor of a church said
- 00:54:13as I was sitting in that conference I
- 00:54:15heard the spirit of God speak to me and
- 00:54:18say don't quit don't throw in the towel
- 00:54:21I've got great plans for your life and
- 00:54:23they said I just want to let you know
- 00:54:25I've got my fight back I've Got My Hope
- 00:54:27back I've got my dream back I've got
- 00:54:29vision for what God is getting ready to
- 00:54:31do in my life I don't know who you are I
- 00:54:34don't know where you are but I know that
- 00:54:36there are people that walked in today
- 00:54:38and you had already made up in your mind
- 00:54:40you were getting ready to quit on
- 00:54:42something that God had promised you take
- 00:54:45a moment and do business with your
- 00:54:47father and let him know I I'm taking
- 00:54:49back my resignation I'm taking back my
- 00:54:52my my my surrender to this situation I'm
- 00:54:55not throwing the towel anymore I'm not
- 00:54:57throwing away my confidence anymore I'm
- 00:55:00not throwing my hope away anymore I'm
- 00:55:02not throwing my dream away anymore in
- 00:55:04this moment I choose to agree with what
- 00:55:08you said over me and not what I'm seeing
- 00:55:10in front of me some of you need to take
- 00:55:12a moment and you need to put your baby
- 00:55:14in the river you need to make a decision
- 00:55:17with God I'm done trying to control it
- 00:55:19I'm done trying to manipulate it I'm
- 00:55:21done trying to kick the door in I'm
- 00:55:23trying to done trying to find the right
- 00:55:25person that can get me in there God I
- 00:55:27put it in your hands right
- 00:55:29now God I Surrender it to
- 00:55:33[Music]
- 00:55:53you I'm done preaching somebody say he's
- 00:55:56done
- 00:55:57but I'm going to give you the last verse
- 00:55:59anyway Zechariah 9:1 says this that's
- 00:56:04for you
- 00:56:05also because of the blood can I say it
- 00:56:09this way of Jesus on my
- 00:56:13life I will set your prisoners
- 00:56:17free from that waterless hopeless
- 00:56:21pit return to the stronghold look at
- 00:56:25this phrase you
- 00:56:27prisoners of Hope even today I declare
- 00:56:32that I will
- 00:56:35restore double to you I decree and
- 00:56:40declare to every single person that's
- 00:56:42been waiting longer than you've wanted
- 00:56:45to wait I decree and declare to every
- 00:56:48single person that the enemy has done
- 00:56:50everything he can to steal your hope to
- 00:56:53steal your vision to steal your dream
- 00:56:56Jesus said because of my blood on your
- 00:56:59life because of my Covenant to you I
- 00:57:02will restore double what the enemy stole
- 00:57:05from you it's your job to stay
- 00:57:07surrendered to hope it's your job to
- 00:57:10remain a Prisoner of Hope is it your job
- 00:57:13to say hope is going to be my for guard
- 00:57:16and my rear guard hope is going to shake
- 00:57:18my words hope is going to shape my
- 00:57:21vision hope is going to shape who I am
- 00:57:24and I will leave it in God's hand to
- 00:57:26restore what the enemy Soul God we give
- 00:57:29you the honor God we give you the glory
- 00:57:31god we speak hope we speak faith we
- 00:57:34speak breakthrough over every single
- 00:57:37person's life we give you the glory we
- 00:57:39give you the honor we give you the
- 00:57:41praise in Jesus name we pray somebody
- 00:57:45shout
- 00:57:47amen and amen and amen God bless you
- 00:57:51have a great night
- Glaube
- Hoffnung
- Gottvertrauen
- Mose
- Verheißungen
- Gottes Schutz
- Predigt
- Herausforderungen
- Zuversicht
- Durchhaltevermögen