الرواد | الجزء الثالث
TLDRالفيديو يستعرض مفهوم ريادة الأعمال في العالم العربي، مع التركيز على كيفية سعي رواد الأعمال لحل المشكلات وابتكار أفكار جديدة. يُظهر كيف تمكن بعض رواد الأعمال مثل مؤسسي Siwar وTamatem من استخدام جهودهما لتحقيق تحويلات كبيرة في مجالاتهم. كما يسلط الضوء على أهمية الابتكار والمثابرة لمواجهة تحديات السوق والاقتصاد. يُظهر الفيديو أيضًا كيف يمكن للمبادرات من الحكومات والمستثمرين أن تدعم النمو الاقتصادي من خلال تشجيع ريادة الأعمال.
- 💡 رواد الأعمال هم من يبحثون عن حلول للمشكلات.
- 🚀 Siwar تتيح لك الحصول على وجبات سريعة وصحية.
- 📈 Tamatem حققت أكثر من 100 مليون تحميل للألعاب.
- 👨👩👧👦 دعم الوالدين يشجع الشباب على الابتكار.
- 🎯 يجب على المستثمرين دعم الأفكار والمشاريع الناشئة.
- 🏆 مشاركة في مسابقة كأس ريادة الأعمال العالمية.
- 🌐 محتوى الانترنت العربي يحتاج إلى تحسين.
- 💪 المثابرة ضرورية لتحقيق النجاح في ريادة الأعمال.
- ⚠️ هناك مخاطر مرتبطه بمجال ريادة الأعمال.
- 🔍 يجب أن تكون الأفكار جديدة وملائمة للسوق.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
يتحدث الفيديو عن أهمية ريادة الأعمال وكيف أنها تتطلب شجاعة وطموح لتحقيق الأهداف. يشدد على ضرورة مواصلة السعي وعدم الاستسلام أمام التحديات، فضلاً عن أهمية تحويل الشغف إلى مهنة لتحقيق الاستقلال المالي.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
يتم استخدام أمثلة من مناطق مختلفة، مثل شيلي وسنغافورة، لبيان العلاقة بين دخل الفرد ومستوى ريادة الأعمال في الدول. كما يتم الإشارة إلى أن إيرادات بعض الشركات الأمريكية تعادل الناتج المحلي الإجمالي لقارة إفريقيا بأكملها.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
يتم تقديم تجربة شركة 'سيور' التي قدمت نموذجاً جديداً لتوزيع الأطعمة المنزلية من خلال آلات البيع، مما يعكس حاجة المجتمع السريع التغير للسرعة في إعداد وإيصال الطعام.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
تتم مناقشة مدى الفجوة الكبيرة في المحتوى العربي على الإنترنت، وكيف تعمل 'موقع موضوع' على تعزيز ودعم هذا المحتوى من خلال مقالات موثوقة من مختصين.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
تناول الفيديو قصص نجاح عدد من الشركات الناشئة مثل 'توماتم' وكيف تمكنت من تغيير مجال الألعاب الإلكترونية في العالم العربي. كذلك تم عرض إحصائيات مدهشة حول عدد التنزيلات والنمو في عدد المستخدمين.
- 00:25:00 - 00:32:49
ينبه الفيديو إلى مخاطر ريادة الأعمال وأسباب فشل الشركات الناشئة، ويتحدث عن المبادرات المتوفرة لدعم رواد الأعمال وكيفية استخدام التجارب القيمة من قصص النجاح السابقة في بناء مستقبل أفضل في مجال الأعمال.
متى تم تشغيل المصباح الكهربائي؟
المصباح الكهربائي تم تشغيله لأول مرة من قبل توماس أديسون في 21 أكتوبر 1879.
ما هي ريادة الأعمال؟
ريادة الأعمال تشير إلى عملية تطوير فكرة جديدة أو منتج وتحويله إلى مشروع تجاري ناجح.
لماذا يفشل العديد من الشركات الناشئة؟
من الأسباب الشائعة لفشل الشركات الناشئة عدم وجود تمويل كاف، اختيار الفريق الخطأ، وعدم القدرة على التنافس.
كيف يمكن دعم رواد الأعمال في المملكة العربية السعودية؟
يوجد العديد من المبادرات مثل مركز Code التي تقدم الدعم والتدريب المجاني للرواد الأعمال.
ما هو تأثير ريادة الأعمال على الاقتصاد؟
تحسين ريادة الأعمال يؤدي إلى زيادة الدخل الفردي وخلق فرص عمل جديدة.
ما هي أهمية المحتوى العربي على الإنترنت؟
محتوى الإنترنت العربي مجرد أقل من 1% مما يتطلب تحسينه ليوفر معلومات موثوقة للمستخدمين.
كيف يمكن أن يتحسن وضع الابتكار في الوطن العربي؟
الابتكار يمكن أن يتحسن من خلال الدعم الحكومي، الاستثمار في التعليم، وتقديم مساحات للابداع.
من هم رواد الأعمال الناجحون الذين تم ذكرهم؟
تم ذكر العديد من الرواد مثل خالد الحسونة ومؤسسي Tamatem.
ما هي مسابقات ريادة الأعمال في السعودية؟
توجد مسابقات مثل مسابقة كأس ريادة الأعمال العالمية ومسابقة MIT للمشاريع الناشئة.
لماذا يعتبر دعم الوالدين مهمًا لرواد الأعمال الشباب؟
لأن التشجيع من الوالدين يمكن أن يعزز ثقة الشباب ويمكنهم من تحقيق طموحاتهم بشكل أفضل.
عقد جديد... السوريون يعيشون اختبار السلم الأهلي | ما تبقى
بانوراما 21-1-2025- الساعة 8:00 صباحا
واخيرااا🔥اول درس للفصل الثاني🥈 للسنة اولى ثانوي علمي|الاوبار الماصة والاوعية الخشبية× المنهجية 😎
مستر علاء عرفه قاعدة لوبيتال 2 12 متقدم إمارات
مراجعه انجليزي تالته اعدادي ترم اول | مراجعه انجليزي الصف الثالث الاعدادي الترم الاول | بسطنهالك
بودكاست دردشة تسويقية 2 : أهم سبب لفشل الإعلانات الممولة
- 00:00:10When was the light bulb turned on?
- 00:00:12Entrepreneurs
- 00:00:14May Allah give you, and others from you.
- 00:00:17Welcome!
- 00:00:24We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:00:27The sky doesn't, didn't, and won't ever rain gold.
- 00:00:31Opportunities don't, didn't, and won't ever grow out of the ground.
- 00:00:35But we pursue a dream, a passion, and a goal.
- 00:00:40We patiently kept hold of our ambitions.
- 00:00:44We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:00:48Despair wasn't a choice so we did it again and again.
- 00:00:51We don't, didn't, and won't ever give up!
- 00:01:08With money, effort as well as time,
- 00:01:10and armed with fresh ideas and hope,
- 00:01:13we achieved financial independence by turning our passion into a profession.
- 00:01:18We saw a problem so we became a solution.
- 00:01:22In terms of economy, we created opportunities that turned into professions.
- 00:01:26We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:01:30Despair wasn't a choice so we did it again and again.
- 00:01:32We don't, didn't, and won't ever give up!
- 00:01:50We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:01:55-Come on! -Come on!
- 00:01:56Hala bel Khamees!
- 00:01:58In Silicon Valley, people are always casual.
- 00:02:01So KAUST is trying to develop an ecosystem for startups worldwide.
- 00:02:07Let's do all the exercises.
- 00:02:10Phobia of water.
- 00:02:13Exactly.
- 00:02:13-Is that it? -Yes.
- 00:02:14-No money at all? -No.
- 00:02:17Support them, and don't repress them.
- 00:02:19Encourage, and don't discourage.
- 00:02:20Now, when entrepreneurs propose, they're a catch.
- 00:02:23Yeah, yeah.
- 00:02:24This thing is disturbing me.
- 00:02:25And so I start a company to address this problem.
- 00:02:27The 16th generation of the same family!
- 00:02:30The same company!
- 00:02:31From the 1500s.
- 00:02:33How? What's their secret?
- 00:02:34That we still use until today.
- 00:02:37The one who invented it is Hans Prym.
- 00:02:40We found it!
- 00:02:40We found the Arabic!
- 00:02:41Come here!
- 00:02:42Yes!
- 00:02:48Welcome!
- 00:02:49Thank you.
- 00:02:50Siwar.
- 00:02:50A Saudi brand that provides safe, healthy ready-meals of high quality in a matter of minutes.
- 00:02:58So you make fast food?
- 00:02:59No, not fast food.
- 00:03:00Homemade food.
- 00:03:02So fast homemade food?
- 00:03:04-It's important to mentions this word in the phrase. -That's right.
- 00:03:07Mr. Luai spotted a problem
- 00:03:09which is the homemade food isn't served quickly.
- 00:03:11You either have to go home to eat homemade food
- 00:03:14or you visit restaurants and wait 30 minutes or so for the food to be served.
- 00:03:18The idea of Siwar was derived from this.
- 00:03:20A vending machine that serves homemade food through a device.
- 00:03:25You make your order.
- 00:03:26I'll order Mandi.
- 00:03:27I'll get it in 115 seconds.
- 00:03:30Which is less than 2 minutes.
- 00:03:31You also get flatware set.
- 00:03:34It includes a fork, a spoon, and a knife.
- 00:03:38Plus some napkins.
- 00:03:41The Mandi is done.
- 00:03:42It's supposed to be served through this.
- 00:03:44One warm mandi meal that I'm going to eat with Mr. Luai.
- 00:03:49Bismillah. Shall I taste it?
- 00:03:50Please do.
- 00:03:50-I don't know how to compliment. -Then don't.
- 00:03:54For starters, the chicken is soft.
- 00:03:55And this is good.
- 00:03:57As long as I'm able to cut the chicken with the spoon,
- 00:04:00that means it's soft and that's a good thing, right?
- 00:04:02Am I right? You agree?
- 00:04:03See? Viewers agree on this note.
- 00:04:06Nowadays, Saudi Arabia is rapidly changing.
- 00:04:08Time is precious.
- 00:04:09Both husband and wife are at their jobs.
- 00:04:11Someone just had to come up with this solution.
- 00:04:13It reflects our taste in food.
- 00:04:15It reflects our food identity.
- 00:04:16And the reasons to implement such an idea are all present today.
- 00:04:23And you're expanding the menu?
- 00:04:24Because Saleeg isn't on it.
- 00:04:25That's right.
- 00:04:25Saleeg is coming soon.
- 00:04:26-It is? -Yes.
- 00:04:27An so are diet meals.
- 00:04:29Because I love Saleeg.
- 00:04:30Don't worry about it.
- 00:04:31As for the machines,
- 00:04:32this year, in 2021, we'll have more than 500 machines in 500 locations around the Kingdom.
- 00:04:38Vending machines aren't a new invention.
- 00:04:40-That's right. -It's all around the world.
- 00:04:42But localizing an invention that meets the global needs
- 00:04:48by serving our cuisines through a vending machine
- 00:04:51is a new idea.
- 00:04:53I cleaned the plate. Please focus here.
- 00:04:56May Allah give you, and others from you.
- 00:04:58-Amen inshallah. -Mr. Luai, Siwar.
- 00:05:00There is a close connection between the per-capita income
- 00:05:02and the level of entrepreneurship in any country.
- 00:05:05Let's have a look at two examples.
- 00:05:06Latin America.
- 00:05:07Chile has the highest per capita income
- 00:05:09and it's also ranked first at the Entrepreneurship Index of this continent.
- 00:05:13Let's take another region.
- 00:05:14Southeast Asia.
- 00:05:16Singapore has the highest per capita income.
- 00:05:19It's also number one in entrepreneurship.
- 00:05:21Therefore, when we talk about companies,
- 00:05:24We're talking about companies with economies of countries.
- 00:05:27Imagine that the revenues of only eight American companies,
- 00:05:30such as Walmart, Google, Apple, and so on,
- 00:05:33equal the GDP of the entire continent of Africa.
- 00:05:37An entire continent equal the revenues of only 8 companies.
- 00:05:40Thus, improving entrepreneurship leads to the improvement of per capita income.
- 00:05:46-Tamatem. -Tamatem.
- 00:05:47I actually saw something here that caught my attention.
- 00:05:49One second. I'll get back to you.
- 00:05:53Tamatem.
- 00:05:54Tamatem (Tomato).
- 00:05:55Who are you?
- 00:06:06Tamatem is an Arab video game company
- 00:06:08that publishes games on iPhone, Android, and the web.
- 00:06:12When was you light bulb moment? The moment you decided to open a game company?
- 00:06:16Frankly, this wasn't the first light bulb.
- 00:06:18I had a few previous light bulbs.
- 00:06:22I graduated from university in 2005.
- 00:06:24Then I started working at a company.
- 00:06:25While working there, I tried to start my own project.
- 00:06:28I spoke to my manager, and told him that I had this brilliant idea.
- 00:06:32And his intial response was like "Forget about it and focus on your job".
- 00:06:36Like "If you don't, you'll get fired."
- 00:06:38And so I resigned
- 00:06:40and started a new company named Wizards.
- 00:06:43I gave it a try.
- 00:06:43I talked to some investors
- 00:06:45who were like games don’t make money.
- 00:06:47So the company was closed.
- 00:06:49My bank account balance was zero.
- 00:06:51In 2013, I enrolled in a business accelerator program in the US.
- 00:06:55I started working on the new idea concerning Tamatem.
- 00:06:59I started the company all by myself.
- 00:07:00I learned programing by myself.
- 00:07:02I learned how to design.
- 00:07:03And I created the first game on my own.
- 00:07:05When I published it, the numbers started rising.
- 00:07:08That's why the investors I had contacted in the US was like
- 00:07:11"It looks like your heading towards something promising."
- 00:07:14"So we'll give you some money."
- 00:07:16I got back to Amman.
- 00:07:17And I started gathering a team.
- 00:07:20We started seeing a noticeable improvement over the years and months.
- 00:07:24We created more than 50 different games.
- 00:07:28Today, the company's main focus is on about five games.
- 00:07:32VIP Baloot.
- 00:07:34-I only came for it. -I know.
- 00:07:36Mere self-interest.
- 00:07:37-Why aren't we playing Baloot? -No clue.
- 00:07:38-I don't understand -Shall we play...
- 00:07:39We have to play Baloot.
- 00:07:40Okay. Let's play VIP Baloot
- 00:07:45with the guys.
- 00:07:47We decided to try VIP Baloot in the snow.
- 00:07:51We're currently filming in Germany.
- 00:07:53We thought we take a break and play Baloot with the guys.
- 00:07:56Amazing, amazing.
- 00:07:57Let's go.
- 00:07:57This is the first time I'm playing Baloot in the snow.
- 00:07:59Baloot in the snow with the guys.
- 00:08:02If I lose, it's because I'm outside of my land.
- 00:08:05Here we go with the excuses.
- 00:08:06Look at that.
- 00:08:08Looks like you're about to end each other.
- 00:08:09Abu Sultan, please focus.
- 00:08:11Abu Sultan and Abu Yusuf, one team.
- 00:08:13Yes. This is it.
- 00:08:15Oh. Tens are being thrown.
- 00:08:16Give it your best.
- 00:08:17Such moves, Abu Sultan.
- 00:08:18Get the ten, so we can win.
- 00:08:21-That's it. -We're almost there.
- 00:08:23This is also...
- 00:08:25They have impressive cards.
- 00:08:27What a fifty!
- 00:08:30We're done.
- 00:08:31What a shame! They were so lucky.
- 00:08:32Game over!
- 00:08:33We put an end to them, Abu Sultan.
- 00:08:36Did you see how it turns out when you play with me?
- 00:08:38When I saw you with me, I was sure you weren't going to lose on air.
- 00:08:42Oh really?
- 00:08:44Oh really?
- 00:08:44I'm totally convinced it helps develop the mind and intelligence.
- 00:08:48Yes, of course.
- 00:08:49I've been playing it for 20 years. I'm now today's Einstein.
- 00:08:53Talk to me about statistics.
- 00:08:54Where are you at today?
- 00:08:55100 million game downloads.
- 00:08:57We have more than 3.5 million active players per month.
- 00:09:00More than a million players play our games on daily basis.
- 00:09:03The level of growth is 100% from one year to another.
- 00:09:05Are you sure of the move you just made?
- 00:09:08No.
- 00:09:08Okay.
- 00:09:10-May Allah give you, and others from you. -Thank you.
- 00:09:13Inshallah.
- 00:09:14Hussam, Tamatem.
- 00:09:15Entrepreneurs solve problems.
- 00:09:18Mawdoo3.
- 00:09:19Mawdoo3, what are you about?
- 00:09:20Among the pre-existing problems with the Internet in the Arab world...
- 00:09:24The problem with the Arabic language and the Arabic content is a very serious one.
- 00:09:28The Arabic content makes up less than 1%.
- 00:09:30Whereas the number of Internet users who speak Arabic is 5%.
- 00:09:34So there's a huge gap in between.
- 00:09:37The online Arabic content is extremely poor.
- 00:09:39What do we mean by poor content?
- 00:09:41Poor content means the lack of sufficient information
- 00:09:43And the information that already exist is written in online forums.
- 00:09:475-6 years ago, when we used to search for information in nutrition and health,
- 00:09:54the top 5-6 results were all from online forums.
- 00:09:57And you can't always trust in information written in forums.
- 00:09:59Therefore, Mawdoo3 said:
- 00:10:01No. Online Arabic information must come from reliable sources.
- 00:10:05From experts and specialists.
- 00:10:07So they brought in those specialists.
- 00:10:09Dear specialists,
- 00:10:10You're a dental specialist, so write articles about dental health.
- 00:10:14And when you write the article, add your references at the bottom.
- 00:10:17To make sure the information is documented.
- 00:10:19As an Arab,
- 00:10:21when I look for information concerning dental health
- 00:10:25I don't get discussions published on forums.
- 00:10:26But articles written by a specialist and a doctor who understands what they're saying.
- 00:10:30And who adds their references at the bottom.
- 00:10:31So their idea was aimed at enriching the Arabic content.
- 00:10:34Thank you, Mawdoo3.
- 00:10:35You solved a crisis.
- 00:10:37This is where Mawdoo3 started.
- 00:10:39A 50 square meter office, and only 3 employees.
- 00:10:42To a full building with more than 800 employees.
- 00:10:46According to other statistics, it's...
- 00:10:49Today, we have hundreds of websites and thousands of writers.
- 00:10:52We recieve 100 million visitors from all around the Arab World.
- 00:10:55We're the first website in almost ever Arab country.
- 00:10:57When you do a search, are the first results really...
- 00:11:00-Most likely, when you look for any information... -We'd like to try.
- 00:11:02-Can we do a test? -Of course.
- 00:11:04We're doing a test.
- 00:11:05It's time to let bygones be bygones.
- 00:11:07100%.
- 00:11:08-It's time to try Mawdoo3. -Let's do it.
- 00:11:10What should I look for now?
- 00:11:11-I'm Google search... -Just type whatever you think of.
- 00:11:13-Any topic? -Anything you can think of.
- 00:11:15We were in Egypt the day before yesterday.
- 00:11:16Salep.
- 00:11:17How to make Salep.
- 00:11:19The first result is Mawdoo3.
- 00:11:20-Mashallah. -100%
- 00:11:21More than 50% of the entire online Arabic content comes from Jordan.
- 00:11:27Imagine that!
- 00:11:28Why?
- 00:11:28Because they were the first to enrich the Arabic content and address this problem.
- 00:11:32The problem of undocumented information.
- 00:11:34All this from that room?
- 00:11:37-It started from an idea. -Literally.
- 00:11:39An idea.
- 00:11:39And an investor who believed in that idea in 2014.
- 00:11:42That's what got us to where we are today.
- 00:11:45Good luck!
- 00:11:46There's something called a ripple effect.
- 00:11:47This effect is caused by these big companies from which other success emerge.
- 00:11:52For example, there's a term called PayPal Mafia.
- 00:11:55PayPal Mafia are the people who founded PayPal or worked at it
- 00:11:59then went and started lots of successful companies.
- 00:12:02Some of PayPal employees are Elon Musk who founded Tesla,
- 00:12:06Kiva, LinkedIn, YouTube,
- 00:12:09and some of the main executes at Facebook.
- 00:12:11All of those have emerged from PayPal and founded other billion companies.
- 00:12:17They are called PayPal Mafia.
- 00:12:19Mafia in a positive way, a group so to speak.
- 00:12:21Today, a similar term is called Careem Mafia.
- 00:12:24People who left Careem and started other successful companies.
- 00:12:27Like Swvl, Halan, Sari, and Grocer.
- 00:12:31They're all successful companies that emerged from Careem.
- 00:12:35And that's what's meant by ripple effect.
- 00:12:38Under Mawdoo3 for example, more than 13 companies were established.
- 00:12:41Some of them succeeded, and some didn't.
- 00:12:43One of these companies is...
- 00:12:45Makane is the Arabic version of Shopify.
- 00:12:48If someone has a store,
- 00:12:50we try to digitalize the economy and make them an e-commerce website.
- 00:12:54Having an online store allows one to sell to other countries, governorates, or regions.
- 00:12:58So you make me an online store.
- 00:13:00Exactly.
- 00:13:00And you provide everything, from design to everything.
- 00:13:04In Saudi, we have Salla, and Z.
- 00:13:06They all work on the same concept that is begining to spread.
- 00:13:10It's originally an American idea.
- 00:13:12It's called Shopify.
- 00:13:13Shopify does the exact thing.
- 00:13:14But they have localized it.
- 00:13:17Of course, they speak to people.
- 00:13:18They look for people with small businesses and speak to them.
- 00:13:21So I tried working as a salesman for Makane.
- 00:13:24Hello.
- 00:13:25Mrs. Sanaa.
- 00:13:26Yes.
- 00:13:27This is Ahmad from Makane.
- 00:13:30We specialize in designing online websites for businesses.
- 00:13:35You have a bakery?
- 00:13:37No. I have an apartment and I work from home.
- 00:13:39She makes Makdous and other local foods in her home.
- 00:13:42And she only sells to her neighbors.
- 00:13:44How do you sell?
- 00:13:45How was that?
- 00:13:47What do you mean?
- 00:13:48You can place your products on the website to make it reach more people
- 00:13:53and market your products.
- 00:13:55The ultimate goal is to increase your sales and...
- 00:13:58-Yes. That's possible. -and get you more customers.
- 00:14:00-Enshallah. -Thank you, son.
- 00:14:02-Thank you, Mrs. Sanaa. -Thank you very much, son.
- 00:14:04-Thank you. -Nice to meet you.
- 00:14:05-Goodbye. -Goodbye, son.
- 00:14:08You just made a sale.
- 00:14:10Oh God!
- 00:14:11I got nervous.
- 00:14:13So we went to see her.
- 00:14:15-We have to make sure it's sold. -Of course, we have to do it today.
- 00:14:18It's up to you know.
- 00:14:20-Don't worry. -By the way, come here.
- 00:14:21This is my first time visiting As-Salt.
- 00:14:22I always hear about it in Jordan.
- 00:14:25This is As-Salt. Mashallah.
- 00:14:26Such a quiet region.
- 00:14:27The silence is very calming.
- 00:14:29Um Suhaib lives in As-Salt.
- 00:14:30It's a region that's an hour away from Amman.
- 00:14:33As-salamu alaykum.
- 00:14:34-Welcome. -Hello.
- 00:14:36Hello.
- 00:14:37-I'm Um Suhaib. -How are you doing?
- 00:14:39Thank you.
- 00:14:39This is the Makdous?
- 00:14:40-Yes, son. -Amazing. We'll get it to know it now.
- 00:14:43Would you like to name it Um Suhaib Store?
- 00:14:45Do you have another name in mind?
- 00:14:47We'll name it whatever you like.
- 00:14:48No. Maybe As-Salt Food.
- 00:14:49Of course, As-Salt Food.
- 00:14:51-It's actually a pretty name. -Yes. As-Salt Food.
- 00:14:54They come and say we'll create an online website for you.
- 00:14:57We'll take photos of your products.
- 00:14:58We'll the pricing.
- 00:14:59We'll handle the marketing.
- 00:15:01Amazing. Mashallah.
- 00:15:05I made it recently.
- 00:15:07Delicious.
- 00:15:08-Does it have walnuts in it? -Yes. Walnuts, chili sauce, and garlic.
- 00:15:11I actually haven't had breakfast yet.
- 00:15:12Welcome!
- 00:15:14-What about you all? Don't you want to eat? -They've already had breakfast.
- 00:15:18Only I haven't had it yet.
- 00:15:19-Does it please you to deprive the people of Amman from this?
- 00:15:21No. I hope this works.
- 00:15:23People of Amman have got to taste this.
- 00:15:25- Try the Zatar with oil. It's also delicious. -If I sit like this, it'll ruin the angle.
- 00:15:29Shall I get you a glass of...
- 00:15:29After seeing her, they signed a contract with her.
- 00:15:31Within 24 hours...
- 00:15:32Imagine! Check out the website.
- 00:15:34Professional photos for all of her products.
- 00:15:37Pricing, a professional online website, all within 24 hours.
- 00:15:42She would have never been able to do something like that.
- 00:15:44She doesn't have the expertise or knowledge to do it.
- 00:15:47When the website was designed,
- 00:15:49within a month, her orders quadrupled.
- 00:15:52She used to get 3 orders per week,
- 00:15:55and now she gets 12 order per week.
- 00:15:57This is the economic effect on entrepreneurial businesses.
- 00:16:00They're increasing everyone's income.
- 00:16:02Everyone is benefiting.
- 00:16:03It's a win-win.
- 00:16:04Makane can transform a small store here that sells roasted corn
- 00:16:10into an online store.
- 00:16:12The customers its gets don't have to be just in this neighborhood, but it can be anyone with internet access.
- 00:16:18Let's talk to Abu Bashir, the store owner.
- 00:16:22-Hello! -Welcome.
- 00:16:23-How's it going? -All good.
- 00:16:24-How are you doing? -Fine.
- 00:16:25Roasted corn and all that delicious stuff.
- 00:16:29-Bashira. -This is what they call a signature?
- 00:16:31Bashira is my mother's name.
- 00:16:32-You named it after your mother. -Yes.
- 00:16:34Okay.
- 00:16:35It affected the sales.
- 00:16:36We used to sell 300 before.
- 00:16:38Now, we sell about 450.
- 00:16:40-That's an increase of about 50-60%. -Almost 50-60%.
- 00:16:44Do you get cutomers from outside of Amman?
- 00:16:46Yes. We get customers from Jerash, Irbid...
- 00:16:48-Amazing. -Yeah.
- 00:16:49-They order a cup from Jerash. -They do.
- 00:16:51-It helped us with the horizontal spread. -The horizontal spread?
- 00:16:55-This is a deep business term. -Yeah.
- 00:16:57What I mean by horizontal is in terms of the the area of Jordan.
- 00:16:59You're Abu Bashir and you're mother is Bashira.
- 00:17:01-My father is called Bashir. -You're father is called Bashir?
- 00:17:03And my son is called Bashir.
- 00:17:04-And your son is Bashir? -Yes.
- 00:17:07-The Bashirs. -The Bashirs.
- 00:17:09-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you too.
- 00:17:10-May Allah give you, and others from you. -Welcome.
- 00:17:13Warning. Important warning.
- 00:17:15Entrepreneurship is risky.
- 00:17:18It has its risks.
- 00:17:19It's risky.
- 00:17:20A huge percentage of startups fail.
- 00:17:23There's something called Startups Cemetery.
- 00:17:28This a website every entrepreneur should visit.
- 00:17:30It has a list of more than 200 startups that failed.
- 00:17:33And it studies the reasons behind the failure of those companies.
- 00:17:35Based on statistics, they determine the main reasons that lead companies to fail.
- 00:17:39Firstly, the lack of funding.
- 00:17:41Halfway through, they realize they don't have enough money.
- 00:17:44And so the company fails.
- 00:17:45secondly, the wrong team.
- 00:17:48An entrepreneur have to choose the right team for the job.
- 00:17:51Thirdly, intense competition and the inability to compete.
- 00:17:55The 4th reason is the your product doesn't meet the needs and isn't in demand.
- 00:17:59All of these reasons lead to the failure of startups.
- 00:18:02It's essential for entrepreneurs to examine them.
- 00:18:04Startup Cemetery.
- 00:18:07So you can avoid them.
- 00:18:08There are many initiatives in the Arab world and Saudi Arabia
- 00:18:10that seek to establish an ecosystem for entrepreneurs, just like in Silicon Valley.
- 00:18:14And this is what Code Center stands for.
- 00:18:16It's basically like a mall or a one-stop shop.
- 00:18:18It has all the services that an entrepreneur could possibly need.
- 00:18:23The first step is the business clinic.
- 00:18:25People come here with an idea in mind.
- 00:18:27But they feel confused and don't know where to start.
- 00:18:29The business clinc provides with a map to follow.
- 00:18:33Here, entrepreneurs can train for free on everything
- 00:18:36that concerns the establishment of a company,
- 00:18:38business plan,
- 00:18:38marketing.
- 00:18:39After training, they go to the modeling lab.
- 00:18:44Here, they transform their idea into actual products.
- 00:18:47Prototypes.
- 00:18:50A business ecosystem provides free offices and conference rooms to startups.
- 00:18:58Business accelerators connect startups founders with investors to invest in them
- 00:19:04and then they go into the market.
- 00:19:05All these services are provided for free by Code center.
- 00:19:09They have 7 centers in Saudi Arabia.
- 00:19:11They've trained more than 58,000 entrepreneurs.
- 00:19:14From this center emerged 100 startups.
- 00:19:16A portion of the total start-up companies in Saudi Arabia
- 00:19:19that received investments of 2 billion SAR.
- 00:19:23By 2025, they aim to have contributed in the establishment of 500 startups.
- 00:19:29For further details, check out the website.
- 00:19:33Code.
- 00:19:34Welcome.
- 00:19:35Entrepreneurs also tend to focus on the future.
- 00:19:38Khaled, a middle eastern man,
- 00:19:40noticed that the future of cars is what?
- 00:19:42Electric cars.
- 00:19:44Gas is in the past now.
- 00:19:45The next Mark Zuckerberg.
- 00:19:47The next Elon Musk.
- 00:19:49The next Jeff Bezos.
- 00:19:50They'll have a middle eastern accent, just like you and me.
- 00:19:52-The is the goal. -No.
- 00:19:53Hopefully, pioneers of the future.
- 00:19:56We already have some of those, like Khaled Hassounah.
- 00:19:59Khaled Hassounah used to be an underling of Sillicon Valley
- 00:20:01Everyone here made fun of him.
- 00:20:02What did he do?
- 00:20:03Now, he built an infrastructure to...
- 00:20:05There's still a problem with electric cars until this day,
- 00:20:08which is charging them.
- 00:20:09Electric cars today need to be charged for about 8 hours.
- 00:20:12So he founded Ample.
- 00:20:14Ample is a technology for the changing of batteries in electric cars.
- 00:20:18Instead of 8 hours, today you only need 10 minutes, and soon only five.
- 00:20:23Almost the same amount of time you need to fill up your car with gas.
- 00:20:28Let's see some cars rolling, some action.
- 00:20:30Let's do that.
- 00:20:31We're fans of action.
- 00:20:32Now, I'm going to drive in and do some drifting .
- 00:20:34Did anyone ever do some drifting here?
- 00:20:35Thankfully, no.
- 00:20:37I'll show you some of my skills.
- 00:20:40Main cities around the world all share the same goal,
- 00:20:44that within the next 10-15 years, electric cars make up 100% of the cars in those cities.
- 00:20:49Gas will be a part of the past.
- 00:20:51So the problem is how will the power stations manage?
- 00:21:03Congrats.
- 00:21:03It's done.
- 00:21:04So today's challenge lies in establishing those stations
- 00:21:07in terms of cose and duration.
- 00:21:09The city has zero infrastructure for electric cars.
- 00:21:12You want to build it so that there are stations promoting electric cars.
- 00:21:19What does the current situation require?
- 00:21:21Construction.
- 00:21:21So you have to dig in the ground and build wires underground.
- 00:21:26Ample deals with both problems.
- 00:21:28Today's traditional power station costs...
- 00:21:32about 1-2 million dollars.
- 00:21:34-For a single location? -Yes.
- 00:21:36Ample?
- 00:21:37This station cost us about 20 thousand dollars.
- 00:21:39And in terms of time?
- 00:21:39It takes up to 9 months, because it's a construction project.
- 00:21:43-Ample? -Six weeks.
- 00:21:44This innovation isn't merely an enhancement, it's disrupting.
- 00:21:47It will confuse the industry.
- 00:21:48It's not a simple enhancement.
- 00:21:49It's a radical improvement. That's what's happening.
- 00:21:50-How many times were you rejected? -Hundreds of times.
- 00:21:52-Hundreds? -Of course.
- 00:21:53-Not just dozens of times? -No, hundreds of times.
- 00:21:55Sometimes, they do it kindly. Other times, not so much.
- 00:21:58Give me an example of an unkind rejection.
- 00:22:01For instance, some people told me it was the stupidest idea they've ever heard.
- 00:22:05Or...
- 00:22:06But you should have confidence, just not blind confidence.
- 00:22:09It's not about being stubborn.
- 00:22:11Hear what people have to say, and see if you could use that to improve your idea.
- 00:22:16Okay.
- 00:22:16Out of every 10 people giving you feedback,
- 00:22:19one will give you an actual constructive feedback.
- 00:22:22You're actually listening to the noes, how are they?
- 00:22:25-Noes? -Plural of no.
- 00:22:26The noes.
- 00:22:28So you listen to the noes, and learn from them.
- 00:22:31-We'll be waiting for you. -Indeed.
- 00:22:32-Inshallah. -We're coming.
- 00:22:33May Allah give you, and others from you.
- 00:22:35-Thank you. -Mr. Khaled.
- 00:22:36-Thank you so much. -Ample.
- 00:22:37Nice to meet you.
- 00:22:38-Me too. -My regards.
- 00:22:39Several competitions are held in Saudi Arabia to promote entrepreneurship.
- 00:22:42For example, Misk Entrepreneurship World Cup held in Riyadh.
- 00:22:55Welcome to the Entrepreneurship World Cup Global Finals.
- 00:23:03They invite entrepreneurs from all over the world to present their ideas.
- 00:23:07More than a hundred countries.
- 00:23:08Then they do a qualification phase.
- 00:23:09Then they invite the top 20 or 30
- 00:23:11to present their ideas to a committee.
- 00:23:13Then the top three are rewarded.
- 00:23:16In first place, we have Todoc.
- 00:23:26I love Riyadh.
- 00:23:27-I love Riyadh. -You love Riyadh?
- 00:23:29So what are you hoping for this product?
- 00:23:31Go global from Saudi Arabia.
- 00:23:34Okay.
- 00:23:35Mr. Kyo, South Korea.
- 00:23:37From Riyadh's Misk World Cup, $500,000.
- 00:23:41Another competition called MIT is being held in Medina.
- 00:23:47MIT Arabia Competition for startups from all over the Arab World.
- 00:23:52Syria, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia.
- 00:23:57More than 118,000 applicants are participating.
- 00:24:00And today, it's being held in Medina for the first time.
- 00:24:09-Welcome. -Thank You.
- 00:24:10From where are you?
- 00:24:11Oman.
- 00:24:11Said Ben Jlili from Tunisia.
- 00:24:13Tunisia.
- 00:24:13Jordan.
- 00:24:14Egypt.
- 00:24:14UAE.
- 00:24:15Lebanon.
- 00:24:15Syria.
- 00:24:16-Zakaria. -Morocco.
- 00:24:17Zakaria.
- 00:24:18Algeria.
- 00:24:19Qatar.
- 00:24:20Sudan.
- 00:24:21-Right? -Yes.
- 00:24:22How am I with flags?
- 00:24:23Mecca. And we're in Medina.
- 00:24:25It's really nice seeing people from all over the Arab World coming to Medina.
- 00:24:28Among the judges is Prince Saud bin Khalid Al-Faisal.
- 00:24:32The competition is sponsored by Prince Faisal bin Salman.
- 00:24:37Today, we hold MIT for startups in Saudi Arabia.
- 00:24:41And the Arab world.
- 00:24:45In the first place...
- 00:24:48among the startups...
- 00:24:51Yanzo, from UAE.
- 00:25:02First of all, did you expect to win?
- 00:25:04Honestly, we put great effort into it.
- 00:25:06But we were very skeptical about getting the 1st place until the last moment.
- 00:25:09What about your next step?
- 00:25:10We're opening up in Saudi Arabia this year.
- 00:25:12-And the next step would be scaling the business. -Enshallah.
- 00:25:16May Allah give you, and others from you.
- 00:25:17Thank you!
- 00:25:18-Congrats! -Thank you!
- 00:25:19My pleasure.
- 00:25:20MIT!
- 00:25:23There is a great deal of interest in Medina in particular, Saudi Arabia in general,
- 00:25:28and in the Arab world,
- 00:25:29concerning competitions.
- 00:25:30This is an essential seed to grow entrepreneurship in the entire Arab World.
- 00:25:35Competitions from Morocco to the Gulf.
- 00:25:37The gist of everything we've discussed regarding entrepreneurship
- 00:25:41is displayed in Silicon Valley Museum.
- 00:25:43Do you see this picture here?
- 00:25:45These are the computers of the old days.
- 00:25:46In the 1950s.
- 00:25:48Imagine a computer of this size.
- 00:25:50It had a memory of only one thousand words.
- 00:25:53One thousand words are basically four pages of this.
- 00:25:57And it's price was a million dollars.
- 00:25:59This was in the 1950s.
- 00:26:01Throughout the years,
- 00:26:02there were hundreds of inventors,
- 00:26:04hundreds of devices of all sizes and shapes that you can ever imagine.
- 00:26:09Some of them succeeded, and some failed.
- 00:26:10A long history over the centuries...
- 00:26:14Until this device here.
- 00:26:16A device that has smaller size, more capacity, and speed
- 00:26:19than the devices that US President Reagan had in the eighties.
- 00:26:23The whole US government didn't have such a device.
- 00:26:26This all happened because of thousands of entrepreneurs.
- 00:26:31Who are summarized by this phrase.
- 00:26:34We are visionaries,
- 00:26:36disruptors, who change the reality,
- 00:26:38founders,
- 00:26:40and builders.
- 00:26:41We're driven...
- 00:26:43to create change and development,
- 00:26:46to imagine a better future.
- 00:26:48We've experienced highs and lows,
- 00:26:52epiphanies, and moments of great discoveries,
- 00:26:56pivots,
- 00:26:58and failures.
- 00:26:59We've learned a lot along the way.
- 00:27:02Each one of those has a word or two expressing their motivation.
- 00:27:08Hope, guts, courage, details,
- 00:27:12empathy, humbleness, and other qualities.
- 00:27:15Everyone who visits the museum,
- 00:27:17chooses a quality like those.
- 00:27:18I think we'll be the first to write a word in Arabic.
- 00:27:22Benevolence.
- 00:27:23May Allah bring more benevolence into the world.
- 00:27:25Enshallah.
- 00:27:27For those who will criticize the spelling,
- 00:27:30there's a c before the e, okay?
- 00:27:32Not just a c. It's also missing an l, Shugairi.
- 00:27:36Okay?
- 00:27:36So an entrepreneur has thick skin in facing rejection.
- 00:27:43They can take being rejected once, twice, and twenty times.
- 00:27:47And still they continue with persistence.
- 00:27:48You're actually listening to the noes, how are they?
- 00:27:51-Noes? -Plural of no.
- 00:27:54So you listen to the noes, and learn from them.
- 00:27:57When people around them bring them down
- 00:27:59talking about how useless their ideas are
- 00:28:02and that they're merely dreaming,
- 00:28:03they have the ability to hold onto hope and ambition amid all of this depression.
- 00:28:07I told him about my idea and his intial response was like,
- 00:28:10"Forget about it and focus on your job. If you don't, you'll get fired."
- 00:28:14How many hours do you think they work on daily basis?
- 00:28:16Anyone who goes into entrepreneurship must be aware of what they're getting into.
- 00:28:21Monday to Friday, I work 12 hours a day.
- 00:28:23I live in my office.
- 00:28:25-How many hours of sleep do you get? -Six.
- 00:28:27All day, I'm either going to work, in work, or leaving work.
- 00:28:31I'll tell something.
- 00:28:31My entire life is all about work now. I might rest for a few hours.
- 00:28:35I only rest for a couple of hours a day.
- 00:28:37-This is the opposite of the question. -Six hours.
- 00:28:39-You rest for 6 hours a day? -Almost, yeah.
- 00:28:41How many vacation days do entrepreneurs take per year?
- 00:28:45Since the start of the project, I haven't taken any vacation days.
- 00:28:49He took one to get married.
- 00:28:51After all this time.
- 00:28:52While you were starting the company?
- 00:28:53I'm not encouraging this.
- 00:28:55But this is entrepreneurship.
- 00:28:57This is the truth.
- 00:28:57This is the reality and how you need to live in order to succeed.
- 00:29:00I have an important message.
- 00:29:01This purpose of this program isn't to encourage everyone to become entrepreneurs.
- 00:29:05This isn't going to happen.
- 00:29:05A job is still a source of income.
- 00:29:07One could still have financial freedom through their job.
- 00:29:10Entrepreneurship is for a group of the community
- 00:29:12and not for the entire community.
- 00:29:14This is the nature of entrepreneurship?
- 00:29:16Entrepreneurs see what no one else can.
- 00:29:19They see a dream ahead of them.
- 00:29:20And they see a future reality.
- 00:29:23A unicorn?
- 00:29:24Hopefully, even bigger.
- 00:29:25-Bigger than a unicorn? -Five unicorns.
- 00:29:26It's our ultimate vision.
- 00:29:28Because our one and biggest goal
- 00:29:30is to take part in the Mars mission 10 years from now.
- 00:29:33They start with the end in mind.
- 00:29:38One of the most important secrets of success.
- 00:29:39From where will you get the energy to wake up every morning?
- 00:29:42From going to bed early.
- 00:29:43You work 16-17 hours.
- 00:29:45Unless you have great passion driving you.
- 00:29:48A passion that will motivate you through all the depression.
- 00:29:52They're internally motivated.
- 00:29:53So we have high hopes of seeing many talents within the next 10-15 years.
- 00:29:59Hopefully, within the Arab region.
- 00:30:09Guys, do online personality tests
- 00:30:12that determine whether you have the venture,
- 00:30:15the willingness and the perseverance required to become an entrepreneur.
- 00:30:20Parents.
- 00:30:20Parents.
- 00:30:21Would you please support your children?
- 00:30:23Don't stick to the traditional way of thinking
- 00:30:24that everyone must secure their future by having a job.
- 00:30:26Please, give them a chance.
- 00:30:27Give them a chance.
- 00:30:28This is yet another grave problem.
- 00:30:29It's enough. We're in a new world.
- 00:30:31So parents have got to encourage their children who have those qualifications.
- 00:30:36Investors.
- 00:30:37People who were feeling skeptical.
- 00:30:39For the first time, honestly, because of the program we did,
- 00:30:42I learned things I didn't know before.
- 00:30:44I didn't know any of the things we mentioned.
- 00:30:46For the 1st time, I feel enthusiastic to invest in Arab startups myself.
- 00:30:50Because I saw successes right in front of me.
- 00:30:51Therefore, I have a message for investors.
- 00:30:53Begin reconsidering your portfolios.
- 00:30:56I'm not saying invest in it all.
- 00:30:57But specialize a part of it to support Arab youth and their ideas.
- 00:31:01Cut.
- 00:31:04When was the light bulb turned on?
- 00:31:06Entrepreneurs
- 00:31:08May Allah give you, and others from you.
- 00:31:11Welcome!
- 00:31:18We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:31:20The sky doesn't, didn't, and won't ever rain gold.
- 00:31:21The sky doesn't, didn't, and won't ever rain gold.
- 00:31:25Opportunities don't, didn't, and won't ever grow out of the ground.
- 00:31:29But we pursue a dream, a passion, and a goal.
- 00:31:34We patiently kept hold of our ambitions.
- 00:31:38We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:31:42Despair wasn't a choice so we did it again and again.
- 00:31:45We don't, didn't, and won't ever give up!
- 00:32:02With money, effort as well as time,
- 00:32:04and armed with fresh ideas and hope,
- 00:32:07we achieved financial independence by turning our passion into a profession.
- 00:32:12We saw a problem so we became a solution.
- 00:32:15In terms of economy, we created opportunities that turned into professions.
- 00:32:20We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- 00:32:23Despair wasn't a choice so we did it again and again.
- 00:32:26We don't, didn't, and won't ever give up!
- 00:32:44We're entrepreneurs, as you see.
- ريادة الأعمال
- ابتكار
- شركات ناشئة
- اقتصاد
- مشاريع
- تكنولوجيا
- مصنّعين
- محتوى عربي
- مسابقات ريادة الأعمال
- تحديات