Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction
TLDRCe cours présente une introduction aux céramiques avancées, explorant des concepts fondamentaux tels que leur définition, propriétés et classifications. Les céramiques, composées d'éléments inorganiques comme l'aluminium et l'oxygène, se caractérisent par leur résistance à la compression, leur durabilité, mais aussi par leur fragilité. Les céramiques traditionnelles, fabriquées à partir de matières premières comme l'argile, sont distinguées des céramiques avancées, qui incluent des matériaux synthétiques ayant des propriétés améliorées. Ces dernières se divisent en plusieurs sous-catégories, dont les céramiques électro et magnétiques, ayant divers domaines d'application, tout en étant généralement insensibles aux produits chimiques et capables de résister à des températures élevées.
- 🧰 Les céramiques sont des matériaux inorganiques et non métalliques.
- 🎓 Les céramiques avancées se distinguent par leur processus de fabrication sophistiqué.
- 🔬 Ces matériaux sont utilisés dans des applications allant de l'électronique à la biomédecine.
- 🏭 La résistance à la compression est une caractéristique clé des céramiques.
- ❗ Cependant, elles sont fragiles sous flexion.
- 🌍 Les céramiques traditionnelles sont fabriquées à partir de matières premières naturelles comme l'argile.
- ⚙️ Les céramiques avancées incluent des matériaux tels que les oxydes et les nitrures.
- 📈 La demande pour les céramiques avancées est en augmentation.
- 🔋 Les céramiques peuvent également avoir des propriétés conductrices ou semiconductrices.
- 🩺 Les bio-céramiques sont prometteuses pour les implants médicaux.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Le cours de céramiques avancées commence avec une introduction aux concepts de base, des propriétés et des caractéristiques des céramiques, ainsi que les différentes classes de matériaux céramiques et leurs matières premières principales.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Les céramiques sont définies comme des matériaux inorganiques et non métalliques, d'origine naturelle, nécessitant des températures élevées pour le traitement, souvent constitués de composés d'éléments tels que l'aluminium, l'oxygène et d'autres non-métaux.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Les différentes liaisons atomiques des céramiques sont explorées, soulignant la présence de liaisons ioniques et covalentes, ainsi que des propriétés communes telles que la fragilité, la résistance chimique, et une haute résistance à la compression, tout en étant généralement isolantes sur le plan électrique et thermique.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
La variété des propriétés des céramiques est discutée, y compris des exceptions telles que des céramiques supraconductrices et magnétiques, ainsi que des matériaux céramiques innovants avec des propriétés mécaniques exceptionnelles comme la zirconie stabilisée partiellement.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Les céramiques sont classées en deux sous-groupes : les céramiques traditionnelles, qui incluent des produits à base d'argile, et les céramiques avancées, qui englobent une gamme variée de matériaux avec des propriétés uniques et des applications modernes.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Les céramiques traditionnelles, telles que les produits en argile rouge et blanche, ainsi que les céramiques réfractaires, sont connues pour leur utilisation historique, tandis que les céramiques avancées sont développées avec une composition plus pure et synthétique pour exploiter des propriétés spécifiques.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Les céramiques avancées comprennent des sous-groupes comme les électro- céramiques qui bénéficient de propriétés électriques, et les céramiques structurales qui exploitent des propriétés mécaniques pour des applications telles que les moteurs automobiles et les turbines aérospatiales.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
L'importance de la microstructure est mise en avant dans le développement des céramiques avancées et leur mise en œuvre dans des applications industrielles variées, y compris des outils de coupe performants et des céramiques biocompatibles.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Les tendances d'utilisation des matériaux montrent une diminution de l'usage de matériaux traditionnels comme le bois et l'acier, au profit des céramiques avancées, qui sont de plus en plus intégrées dans diverses industries et applications spécialisées.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Les matières premières pour les céramiques traditionnelles, comme l'argile et le feldspath, sont discutées, ainsi que leur utilisation dans la fabrication de céramiques, en contraste avec les matières premières utilisées dans les céramiques avancées, qui nécessitent une pureté et un traitement spéciaux.
- 00:50:00 - 00:59:33
Enfin, la prochaine leçon se concentrera sur les matières premières spécifiques pour les céramiques avancées et les techniques de transformation des céramiques nécessaires à leur production.
Qu'est-ce que les céramiques?
Les céramiques sont des matériaux inorganiques et non métalliques, souvent composés d'éléments comme l'aluminium et l'oxygène, nécessitant des températures élevées pour leur fabrication.
Quelles sont les principales propriétés des céramiques?
Les céramiques sont connues pour leur dureté, leur inertie chimique, leur résistance à la compression, mais elles sont fragiles sous charge de flexion.
Quelle est la différence entre céramiques traditionnelles et avancées?
Les céramiques traditionnelles utilisent des matières premières brutes comme l'argile, tandis que les céramiques avancées sont des matériaux synthétiques avec des propriétés améliorées.
Quels sont les types d'applications pour les céramiques avancées?
Les céramiques avancées sont utilisées dans des domaines comme l'électronique, l'automobile, l'aérospatial et les implants biomédicaux.
Comment sont classées les céramiques avancées?
Les céramiques avancées peuvent être classées en céramiques électro, magnétiques et optiques, selon leurs propriétés spécifiques.
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- 00:00:20Welcome to the NPL course on Advanced Ceramics for Strategic Applications.
- 00:00:31This is H.S.Maiti welcoming you to this particular course.
- 00:00:38To start with, we will discuss some introductory concepts about ceramics, their properties,
- 00:00:54their characteristics.
- 00:00:58Then we will come to different classes of ceramics, different materials available to
- 00:01:05us and also the major raw materials from which these materials are prepared.
- 00:01:13Finally, we will discuss some of the basic principles of manufacturing techniques of
- 00:01:21the ceramics.
- 00:01:29What are ceramics?
- 00:01:30Well, how do you define ceramics?
- 00:01:35May be, it is known to many people that this particular name Ceramics came from a Greek
- 00:01:42word keramicos, which basically means burnt material or burnt stuff.
- 00:01:53As it is known, the ceramics are known to mankind for thousands of centuries and they
- 00:02:06are basically prepared from naturally occurring raw materials.
- 00:02:14They are normally inorganic and non-metallic materials having relatively high melting points,
- 00:02:25and therefore require high temperature for their processing and application.
- 00:02:29So, that is how normally we define ceramics.
- 00:02:34They are usually compounds, not the elements.
- 00:02:41But, compounds of different elements or combination of compounds, between metallic as well as
- 00:02:49non-metallic elements.
- 00:02:53What are the elements present in different kind of ceramics?
- 00:02:56Of course, there are metals, in addition to oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and boron or may
- 00:03:07be some others.
- 00:03:08The example may be a simple example or very common example is aluminum oxide.
- 00:03:15It is a mixture or it is a compound of aluminum and oxygen.
- 00:03:23Another example of ceramics is a combination of two oxides or compounds of two different
- 00:03:32oxides like aluminum oxide and silicon or silicon dioxide in a particular ratio, 3 is
- 00:03:41to 2 and that particular compound is called mullite.
- 00:03:49Well, to continue what are ceramics, we also have in addition to oxides, we have carbides,
- 00:04:01nitrides, borides and silicides.
- 00:04:06That means, a combination of metal with carbon, a combination of metal with nitrogen, a combination
- 00:04:16of some metal with boron and also silicon.
- 00:04:21So, these are more different or uncommon type of compounds, which are available under the
- 00:04:30category of ceramics.
- 00:04:32They are always composed of more than one element as it is already been seen and two
- 00:04:42another examples are silicon dioxide, zirconium dioxide, magnesium oxides, and silicon carbide.
- 00:04:49That is one kind of carbide, a combination of silicon and carbon.
- 00:04:54Then you have silicon nitride, a combination of silicon and nitrogen.
- 00:05:00Well, any compound has certain category or certain classes of atomic bondings because
- 00:05:11you are dealing with two different elements and is known from the chemistry knowledge;
- 00:05:20some of these compounds are ionic in character.
- 00:05:25Bond is ionic in character and some others are covalent and so on.
- 00:05:32When you talk about ceramic materials in general, we have a variety of bonds.
- 00:05:44Some of them, particularly the oxides are totally ionic in character, whereas, if you
- 00:05:53talk about carbides, nitrides, borides and silicides, they are partially ionic conductivity,
- 00:06:03sorry, ionic bonding.
- 00:06:07Whereas, mostly they are covalent bonds or covalence is the character of these bonds.
- 00:06:18What are the different general characteristics of ceramics materials?
- 00:06:23You have seen there are oxides, carbides, nitrides, silicides.
- 00:06:30Can they have some common features?
- 00:06:34The most important characteristics of any ceramic material, it is brittle.
- 00:06:41It does not have the necessary plasticity like metals or other plastic materials.
- 00:06:49So, it cannot be extended or it cannot be deformed.
- 00:06:57The deformation is very little, before it breaks.
- 00:07:02So, that is the characteristics of brittles and all ceramics materials have this particular
- 00:07:09property.
- 00:07:10Then, you have another very important property.
- 00:07:14In general, most of the ceramics chemically inert.
- 00:07:18They do not react with other chemical or environment and therefore, they are quite stable.
- 00:07:25Chemically very stable materials mostly.
- 00:07:28They have long life.
- 00:07:32They are durable for a long time.
- 00:07:36So, that is another good advantage as far as the ceramics material is concerned.
- 00:07:43In addition, they have very high strength.
- 00:07:46Of course, when we talk about strength, we have to define what kind of strength it is.
- 00:07:55Ceramics are very strong when a compressive load is applied.
- 00:08:02However, if you apply a bending load or tension load, they are quite weak.
- 00:08:09So, unlike metals or even polymers, ceramics have this kind of weakness.
- 00:08:16Although, they are very strong under compressive load, but they cannot be bend.
- 00:08:23Then the brittleness comes in.
- 00:08:28In addition, they are hard and therefore, wear resistant or abraded resistance; they
- 00:08:35can be abraded.
- 00:08:37If they cannot be abraded, they can abrade other materials.
- 00:08:41Normally, they are electrically as well as thermally insulating.
- 00:08:48That means, the electrical conductivity is very poor as also the thermal conductivity.
- 00:08:57Refractory nature means, is basically high temperature resistance.
- 00:09:01As per the definition, ceramics are high melting materials and require high temperature for
- 00:09:10their processing.
- 00:09:11Therefore, refractory is the most common candidate material to be used as a refractory material
- 00:09:18for lining of furnaces particularly, where very high temperature has to be withstood.
- 00:09:27Chemically stable, as it is already mentioned.
- 00:09:29That is why durable also and so as far as the magnetic properties are concerned, most
- 00:09:40ceramic materials are non-magnetic.
- 00:09:42But, there are exceptions.
- 00:09:46These properties are however not common to all ceramics, in fact.
- 00:09:54Ceramics as a group has the widest variety of different physical and chemical properties.
- 00:10:01We will discuss them, what are the different extreme properties.
- 00:10:07Sometimes, ceramics are insulating as just mentioned, but not necessarily all the time.
- 00:10:16They are groups of ceramics, which are semiconducting.
- 00:10:20Others are conducting almost like metals and then few decades back, two or three decades
- 00:10:32back, we have also got a completely new range of ceramics, which are super conducting.
- 00:10:39So, ceramics as a group has the widest spectrum of different physical and chemical properties
- 00:10:49and that will be discussed in the next classes.
- 00:11:00Some exceptions we have just discussed that what are the common features or common characteristics
- 00:11:08of the ceramics as a group.
- 00:11:10But, there are many many exceptions as I just mentioned also, super conductor.
- 00:11:16There is a compound, an oxide of iterium, barium and copper, which shows super conductivity
- 00:11:28and this is a very recent discovery.
- 00:11:32Although we have said, most of the ceramics are non-magnetic but there are magnetic ceramics
- 00:11:38as well and this is one such example.
- 00:11:42It is an oxide or barium or along with iron oxide, which is called barium ferrite or barium
- 00:11:56hexaferrite and that is hard magnate.
- 00:12:00Once you magnetize them, it forms a permanent magnate.
- 00:12:06In terms of mechanical properties, although most of the ceramics are brittle, but there
- 00:12:17are tough ceramics also.
- 00:12:22One of the examples; there are many tough ceramics have been discovered in recent times.
- 00:12:28One of the examples is what we call partially stabilize zirconia, zirconium oxide or zirconium
- 00:12:36dioxide to which some amount of iterium oxide or calcium oxide is added.
- 00:12:45It is basically a solid solution.
- 00:12:48It is called partially stabilized, because it has a combination of monoclinic or tetragonal
- 00:12:58and cubic phase.
- 00:13:00Therefore, it is not fully stabilized.
- 00:13:04In the fully stabilized condition, it is completely cubic phase or cubic structure.
- 00:13:10Whereas, when it is partially cubic and partially tetragonal or mono clinic, then it is called
- 00:13:18partially stabilized zirconia.
- 00:13:20So, that is one of the tough materials.
- 00:13:23Of course, compared to steel, it is much less tough.
- 00:13:29But, compared to many other ceramics, it is much tougher.
- 00:13:34We will discuss them later on.
- 00:13:37Then, you have few high performance ceramics, which demonstrates unusual properties.
- 00:13:51For example, high toughness, high conductivity, which I mentioned few minutes back.
- 00:13:57So, you will have a range of oxides or ceramics, which are tougher in mechanical property terms
- 00:14:10and the electrical properties, are also very different from other ceramics.
- 00:14:18So, we need to understand and there is a need, how this property really gets developed.
- 00:14:28What is and therefore, we need to understand the structure property relationships.
- 00:14:35In material science, the basic subject of material science, in which ceramics is one
- 00:14:41of the components, if you want to understand the properties, whether it is mechanical properties,
- 00:14:48electrical properties, magnetic properties, the dielectric properties, all these things
- 00:14:53originates from its structural characteristics; atomistic structural character or crystal
- 00:14:58structure characteristics.
- 00:15:00Both, crystal structure and micro structure, everything is important to understand, if
- 00:15:06you want to explain some of the properties, which will explode in practical science.
- 00:15:16So, having known that there are variety of properties, variety of materials from the
- 00:15:26chemical or the bonding point of view, we must now how to classify them.
- 00:15:33Can we categorize them under different groups?
- 00:15:36Yes, you can certainly categorize them under different groups.
- 00:15:42So, ceramic material as a whole, can be grouped under two important sub groups, what is called,
- 00:15:55one group is called traditional ceramics and the other is called advanced ceramics.
- 00:16:00This course is particularly on advanced ceramics.
- 00:16:03So, most of the time we will spend on advanced ceramics.
- 00:16:07However, we must differentiate.
- 00:16:09You must be able to differentiate.
- 00:16:11What is it?
- 00:16:12How it is advanced.
- 00:16:14Advanced relative to what?
- 00:16:15It is advanced related to traditional ceramics.
- 00:16:18So, you must know what is traditional ceramics and also how to differentiate the advanced
- 00:16:26ceramics from the traditional ceramics.
- 00:16:28So, let us look at it.
- 00:16:32We classified traditional ceramics again under different heads like red clay products, white
- 00:16:41clay products; refractories and then we have cements and also have abrasives.
- 00:16:50These kinds of applications had been known for a long time, particularly red clay products.
- 00:17:02Because, many of them, the red clay as well as white clay, they use the most crude form
- 00:17:12of raw materials, which are available in nature.
- 00:17:16For example, red clay products.
- 00:17:19They are basically ordinary clay available in nature at different parts of this earth
- 00:17:25crust or earth surface.
- 00:17:29We will discuss in a few minutes how exactly the ceramics are prepared.
- 00:17:37Ceramics are basically starting materials or powders and they get consolidated and then
- 00:17:47one of the major steps of brining in strength to the ceramic material is what we call firing
- 00:17:55or heating to high temperature.
- 00:17:56So, this red clay the common clay, when we heat to high temperature, may be about 800
- 00:18:06to 1000 degrees centigrade, they convert to a strong body having a red color and this
- 00:18:15red color basically comes from iron oxide.
- 00:18:19So, the clay, which is normally available, contains lot of iron oxide and when it is
- 00:18:25fired, it produces what we call the brick red color.
- 00:18:31So, all the products prepared from normal clay or common clay is known as the red clay
- 00:18:42products, because of the red color.
- 00:18:45They are the most crude way of ceramics.
- 00:18:50Although they are known for a long time, but they are the crude way of ceramics and they
- 00:18:55have many different forms.
- 00:18:58One we call stoneware.
- 00:19:00Then we call earthenware.
- 00:19:02Building bricks, normal building bricks, from which the color gives the brick red color
- 00:19:09and then terracotta.
- 00:19:10The figurine, the different art work, all these things can be made from the common clay.
- 00:19:16So, they are grouped under red clay products.
- 00:19:20However, there is a another variety of clay, which are relatively pure form of clay, which
- 00:19:31does not contain that much of iron oxide and their particular mineral, the Kaolin or Kaolinite
- 00:19:42is the major component of white clay.
- 00:19:45Again, available in nature as a raw material, as a mineral and that can be directly taken
- 00:19:52from the mines and process it a little bit and then give it a shape and fire it once
- 00:20:00again about slightly 1000 degrees centigrade, so that, you get a range of different products,
- 00:20:06which are known to the mankind for a long long time and they are all called white clay
- 00:20:13products, because the color is white.
- 00:20:17They of course can be colored by addition of controlled amount of coloring elements,
- 00:20:23but in general, they are white in color and therefore, sometimes the whiteness itself
- 00:20:29is an attractive feature of these products.
- 00:20:32For example, in crockery or in tiles, sanitary wares, electrical insulators.
- 00:20:39Of course, the electrical insulators are not white in color as all of us know.
- 00:20:45Electrical insulators are brown in color and they have been intentionally colored by addition
- 00:20:51of certain oxides again.
- 00:20:55So, these materials, the basic raw material or white clay products or in other words,
- 00:21:02sometimes we call them porcelain products.
- 00:21:06We will find what are the different components of this white clay products or porcelain products
- 00:21:13or sometimes called white wares.
- 00:21:14Sometimes, they also called triaxial porcelain because they require three different ingredients.
- 00:21:24We will discuss that later.
- 00:21:27So, it addition to red clay products, we have white clay products.
- 00:21:32Then there are others, which are used for high temperature applications called refractories
- 00:21:40and once again, they will have several sub groups depending on at what temperature they
- 00:21:47can be used, what is their melting point or softening points.
- 00:21:51Fireclay is another kind of clay.
- 00:21:54Once again available in nature or in the form of a mineral and that mineral can be directly
- 00:22:00fired to high temperature and form a shape.
- 00:22:04So, it has some amount of aluminum oxide and some amount of silicon dioxide.
- 00:22:11That forms fireclay.
- 00:22:14In fact, ceramics have been classified in terms of their alumina content; alumina or
- 00:22:22aluminum oxide.
- 00:22:24Aluminum oxide, the content of aluminum oxide actually determines the temperature up to
- 00:22:30which it can be used.
- 00:22:33Higher is the aluminum oxide content, higher is the temperature it can resist.
- 00:22:38Therefore, the temperature or in refractive terminology, it is called refractoriness,
- 00:22:45the refractoriness of high alumina.
- 00:22:47Refractory is more than that of the fireclay refractory.
- 00:22:54In addition, another oxide, again which is available in nature, magnesium oxide.
- 00:23:00In fact, magnesium oxide is not as such is available.
- 00:23:04It is magnesium carbonate, which can be calcite or heated to high temperature to form magnesium
- 00:23:11oxide and that magnesium oxide is also a very good refractory material, extensively used
- 00:23:18for steel making.
- 00:23:20So, these are different variety of refractory, which are known to mankind for quite some
- 00:23:26time.
- 00:23:29Then we have an another group of studies in ceramics, which are known once again to the
- 00:23:38human beings for a long long time and as you know, cements is one of the most important
- 00:23:45building materials used today on all kind of structural applications, whether it is
- 00:23:52building, bridge, or roads.
- 00:23:56Cement is another very important group of ceramics, which is used and one of the highest
- 00:24:04tonnage materials produced across the world.
- 00:24:11It is basically a combination of calcium oxide, silica and aluminum oxide.
- 00:24:18It forms what they call a pozzolanic compound or pozzolanic property.
- 00:24:24It develops a pozzolanic property, so that, when it acts with water, it forms harmers.
- 00:24:33So, it a cementitious property develops just by adding water to it.
- 00:24:40Of course, it needs high temperature for its preparation.
- 00:24:44Just by mixing aluminum oxide with silica or silicon dioxide and calcium oxide will
- 00:24:50not found cement.
- 00:24:52It has to be fired.
- 00:24:53It has to be heated to a very high temperature of let say 1500 1600 degrees centigrade.
- 00:25:02So, that is another variety of traditional ceramics, which is has been known for quite
- 00:25:07some time.
- 00:25:09Others, the last one in this group is abrasives.
- 00:25:14Primarily because ceramics in general are hard, so it can scratch any other surface,
- 00:25:20particularly the metal surface.
- 00:25:22Any metal surfaces can be scratched by ceramics.
- 00:25:25Of course, there are different varieties of ceramics.
- 00:25:29Some of them are little softer than the others.
- 00:25:33So, in case of ceramics or the abrasives, we use the harder variety of ceramics.
- 00:25:41So, these are the groups of traditional ceramics and the different kind of raw materials or
- 00:25:47the compounds we use.
- 00:25:54The next group which is basically the topic of this particular course is advanced ceramics.
- 00:26:02What are these advanced ceramics and why there called advanced ceramics.
- 00:26:08There are two sub classes of advanced ceramics.
- 00:26:15One is called electro-ceramics and the other is structural ceramics.
- 00:26:22As the name suggests, electro-ceramics actually deals with the electrical properties.
- 00:26:29There are varieties of electrical properties, as I mentioned few minutes back.
- 00:26:35So, we need or there are large variety of properties, which can be exploited for industrial
- 00:26:45purposes or application point of view and those things were electrical properties is
- 00:26:52the primary properties, which is exploited.
- 00:26:55They are called electro- ceramics.
- 00:26:57Under that group, you have various applications, various properties as well as their application
- 00:27:05areas.
- 00:27:07For example, we have electronic substrate and packages.
- 00:27:14These are basically insulating materials, pure oxides and they can be formed in thin
- 00:27:21sheets form or different other application techniques can be used to form different shapes.
- 00:27:30We will discuss them at a later stage.
- 00:27:33So, but basically, in the electronics industry, you need many insulating oxides, particularly
- 00:27:42aluminum oxide is one of them.
- 00:27:45Then there was nitrides also, which can be used.
- 00:27:48But, they exploit and or in those applications, we really exploit their insulating properties.
- 00:27:58Then, you have dielectric properties, ceramics dielectrics.
- 00:28:07The insulating materials also have a good capacity or dielectric constant and therefore,
- 00:28:17some of these oxides can be used as miniature capacities.
- 00:28:24Particularly used in electronics industry.
- 00:28:27Many of these dielectrics, once again have a very special property called piezoelectric
- 00:28:33property.
- 00:28:35Piezoelectric property is a property in which we can develop certain voltage by applying
- 00:28:44a mechanical stress.
- 00:28:46So, if you stress them, apply some mechanical stress, it generates some voltage.
- 00:28:52There are many oxides or mixed oxides, which develop this properties and they are extensively
- 00:29:00used in the electronics industry for many different purposes.
- 00:29:04We will discuss them at a later stage, but there is another very important group under
- 00:29:12ceramics, where piezoelectric and dielectric properties will be exploited it to develop
- 00:29:18different devices are functional materials.
- 00:29:24Then, you have another group called magnetic ceramics.
- 00:29:28Although, most of the ceramics are non magnetic, but there is a special group of ceramics,
- 00:29:34which actually have a very interesting magnetic property and they are comparable with the
- 00:29:41normal metallic magnates by like iron, cobal and nickel.
- 00:29:46They can be used both has a temporary magnate or electro magnate and also as a permanent
- 00:29:54magnate.
- 00:29:55One example, I have shown you, little bit, few minutes back is barium ferrite or strontium
- 00:30:03ferrite, which actually has a permanent magnate property.
- 00:30:08So, there is a group of magnetic oxides also present are available to us.
- 00:30:14We have then another conducting ceramics.
- 00:30:19These are, we have discussed insulating ceramics here and then we have magnetic ceramics and
- 00:30:27then conducting ceramics.
- 00:30:29They can be semiconductors; they can be conductors or even super conductors.
- 00:30:35So, there are very, very, basic sciences that we have understood, how as physics we have
- 00:30:43understood, why these ceramics or these compounds behave in this manner.
- 00:30:47So, there is gamut of many different compounds, which have this conducting property.
- 00:30:56So, they can be classified or the group can be classified as conducting ceramics.
- 00:31:00The last one in this series is optical ceramics.
- 00:31:05Although ceramics in general are opaque, that is, light cannot pass through it.
- 00:31:14However, under special circumstances, if you can fabricate or process them in a special
- 00:31:21way, then ceramics can also be transparent, almost like glass.
- 00:31:26These are, optical ceramics is not glass.
- 00:31:30Glass is a different class.
- 00:31:31We have not discussing here.
- 00:31:32But, some of these oxides, can also be transformed into a transparent material by heating at
- 00:31:42high temperature.
- 00:31:43Under special conditions, one can make absolute transparent ceramics like glass.
- 00:31:49But, there are crystalline materials and they have many different or special property, which
- 00:31:56we can exploit for different device making.
- 00:31:59For example, electro optic material or optic electro material can be developed and there
- 00:32:05are many different things.
- 00:32:08So, we will discuss these things under the advanced ceramics group of materials.
- 00:32:17Besides electro-ceramics, you have another very important group, where we actually use
- 00:32:28the mechanical property or mechanical behavior of this ceramics and that is why they are
- 00:32:35called structural ceramics.
- 00:32:36So, it is a mechanical property which becomes important here.
- 00:32:41They also can be classified under different groups like automotive ceramics.
- 00:32:48Well, automotive engine is primarily, as we know of, primarily made of metallic materials;
- 00:32:55different kind of alloys because it has to withstand very high pressure as well as very
- 00:33:01high temperature, because of the combustion of the fuel.
- 00:33:06But, ceramics can replace some of the metallic components in this case.
- 00:33:12One of the advantage of ceramics is it can high temperature and therefore, better than
- 00:33:22metallic materials and therefore, it has an advantage.
- 00:33:25It has an edge over metallic materials.
- 00:33:28In addition, under compressive load, they can also withstand very high pressure or very
- 00:33:34high stress, mechanical stress.
- 00:33:37So, some of the components of the automotive sector can be replaced or has been replaced
- 00:33:45by ceramics.
- 00:33:47Particularly, by some of the top ceramics and the advantage is, you can operate the
- 00:33:55auto engine at a relatively high temperature.
- 00:34:02It is also known from thermo dynamics that if you operate it cannot engine at a high
- 00:34:09temperature, its efficiency goes up.
- 00:34:12So, that is the driving force.
- 00:34:14That is the attractive feature of ceramics by using some auto components, particularly
- 00:34:20the engine block.
- 00:34:22You can raise the temperature of operation of an automatic engine and thereby have or
- 00:34:32get a much higher efficiency.
- 00:34:34So, actually it helps in two ways.
- 00:34:38It consumes less fuel and less pollution.
- 00:34:43So, ceramics has a great advantage, if you can use that under high temperature conditions
- 00:34:51or high pressure conditions.
- 00:34:55The other group, next group is the aerospace is almost extension of the automotive sector.
- 00:35:03You can have turbine blades in the aerospace or aero engines.
- 00:35:10The turbine blades are normally made of very high quality metallic alloys, but it has its
- 00:35:18own limitation, as far as the temperature of operation is concerned.
- 00:35:21If you can coat them with a ceramics, which can resist much higher temperature, you can
- 00:35:29operate a gas turbine at a much high temperature and therefore, get high efficiency and less
- 00:35:37fuel consumption.
- 00:35:38So, this is once again another attractive feature of ceramics, where you can use them
- 00:35:48under very stringent conditions, high pressure conditions as well as high gas velocity conditions,
- 00:35:56as well as high temperature conditions.
- 00:35:58So, these are where it is the, these are the areas where you actually exploit the high
- 00:36:07temperature and high strength conditions or thermo mechanical properties of ceramics to
- 00:36:17generate a better and more efficient engines.
- 00:36:24Because of the hardness, we knew about abrasion resistance, but then it has been extensively
- 00:36:30used these days for many wear resistant ceramics, may be different kind of ceramic coatings.
- 00:36:37When you talk about abrasive on the traditional ceramics side, it is actually normally the
- 00:36:42grains, grains of ceramics.
- 00:36:44But here, the wear resistance ceramics is actually either a lining on a metal surface
- 00:36:50or a coating on metal surface, a thin coating on the metal surface.
- 00:36:55So, these are being used more extensively in high application areas
- 00:37:09as wear resistance coating or sometimes as tiles.
- 00:37:14Then, we have cutting tools.
- 00:37:19Once again, the high temperature and high strength property, the thermo mechanical property
- 00:37:27of ceramic compounds or ceramic materials are exploited in making high performance cutting
- 00:37:35tools, high speed cutting tools, because it generates, at the cutting tip, it generates
- 00:37:41very high temperatures, when you are trying to cut metals or turn metals with some cutting
- 00:37:46tools, ceramics is a much better option than the normal tools, tiles.
- 00:37:55So, it needs high temperature and high hardness at high temperature, high hardness and that
- 00:38:03can only the provided by ceramics materials.
- 00:38:07Cutting tool applications has become again a very, very important application structural
- 00:38:14ceramics.
- 00:38:16Finally, a completely new area of ceramics has come up once again in the last couple
- 00:38:23of decades, two or three decades and this is called bio ceramics, biomedical implants.
- 00:38:31In our body, we have bones and those bones are basically, one of the components of the
- 00:38:41ceramic materials, hydrated calcium phosphate or sometimes it is called hydroxyapatite.
- 00:38:49So, bones contain lot of ceramic materials or compounds and that can be artificially
- 00:38:59made outside the given body and can be replaced.
- 00:39:03If there is a fracture in some of the bones, in some of the joints, in particular either
- 00:39:12knee joint or hip joint, so they are actually the load carrying points of the joints of
- 00:39:23the human body and you can replace them with ceramics, the fabricated ceramic shapes.
- 00:39:30Therefore, there is huge potential of ceramics being used as biomedical implants and it is
- 00:39:41really been used these days.
- 00:39:43In addition, there are many other ceramics, which can also be used for bio medical purposes
- 00:39:51and therefore, that group of ceramics, of course, not only uses the mechanical property,
- 00:39:57high strength of the materials or high hardness of the material or abrasive property of the
- 00:40:04material but also it needs different kind of chemical, inertness, as well as some times
- 00:40:10reactivity with the body fluid.
- 00:40:13So, ceramics is inert as far as the body fluid is concerned and therefore, ceramics, a group
- 00:40:20of ceramics has come up in very recent years is bio ceramics.
- 00:40:25So, there are whole lot of ceramics materials available to us, whose properties were not
- 00:40:33known earlier, may be 50 years back, we are not knowing many of this properties of these
- 00:40:38oxides, some carbides or nitrides, but now, we have understood many different properties
- 00:40:47and naturally more and more applications areas are coming up.
- 00:40:52So, that actually comes from the so called advanced ceramics, which is quite different
- 00:40:59from the traditional ceramics, which we have discussed few minutes back.
- 00:41:04Well, we start with the different classifications.
- 00:41:12As I mentioned earlier, there are oxides, there are carbides, there are nitrites and
- 00:41:19all of them are grouped together under ceramics.
- 00:41:22So, among the oxide ceramics, we have earlier mentioned, once again I am reemphasizing that
- 00:41:32there are aluminum oxides, there magnesium oxides, and there are zirconium oxides.
- 00:41:38These are simple oxides, where only one particular metal is involved along with oxygen.
- 00:41:44Whereas, there are complex or mixed oxides, sometimes they are also referred to as mixed
- 00:41:53oxides like aluminum and titanium, that forms aluminum titanate.
- 00:41:58Then, there is mixed oxides for its solid solutions of lead oxides, zirconium dioxides
- 00:42:06and titanium dioxides, which are called lead zirconate titanate.
- 00:42:11Sometimes, in brief, it is called pb z t.
- 00:42:18Here, silicate ceramics; silicates are basically used in traditional ceramics.
- 00:42:24Most of the silicates, if there naturally occurring; some of these silicates are naturally
- 00:42:29occurring and porcelain is one of the areas where silicates are very much extensively
- 00:42:35used.
- 00:42:36But, in addition, we have more purer variety of oxides like magnesium silicate or 3 ALO
- 00:42:442 2 SIO 2, it is a mixed oxide or aluminum oxide or silicon dioxide or a particular compound
- 00:42:52or particular mineral is called mullite.
- 00:42:55These have different properties.
- 00:42:57Once again, they can be used as a refractory material, high strength or high performance
- 00:43:03refractory or these are possible, it can be used in some of the insulating components.
- 00:43:13Well, besides oxides, you have carbides and nitrites and there are many different carbides
- 00:43:22and some of them have been already discussed.
- 00:43:26So, here is boron carbide.
- 00:43:27One of the hardest material next to diamond.
- 00:43:32The boron carbide is one of the hardest material next diamond and it is an industrial product.
- 00:43:40Silicon carbides is extensively used as structural material and structural ceramics and then
- 00:43:48you have tungsten carbide, which has been known for quite some time, but it also can
- 00:43:52be grouped under ceramics, because it is a basically a carbide.
- 00:43:56These carbides are tungsten carbide, has been use in cutting tools for a long time.
- 00:44:01But, today some of the tungsten carbide has been used by or replaced by other more advanced
- 00:44:10ceramics like silicon aluminum oxynitride or even silicon nitrite and so on.
- 00:44:20Well, ceramics in general are porous because the basic raw material from which most ceramics
- 00:44:29are prepared are powders.
- 00:44:31So, powders get consolidated and then are given a shape, a geometric shape and then
- 00:44:38you actually hire them or same them at a high temperature and while the mechanical strength
- 00:44:45increases, but all the pores, the inter particle porosity or openness need not get completely
- 00:44:54sealed.
- 00:44:55So, you do not get completely dense ceramics all the time.
- 00:44:59It is, you need special attention to make completely dense material.
- 00:45:05But, in general, you start with porous material.
- 00:45:10So, ceramics are in general porous.
- 00:45:12We will see at a later stage, how this porosity can also be utilized for many different industrial
- 00:45:20applications, but generally porous or the general tendency is to reduce the porosity.
- 00:45:32Sorry, so you have open pores in silicon carbides.
- 00:45:43We can have open pores and these pores, sometimes has to be sealed or you have to make a dense
- 00:45:51material and for that, there are different techniques like, we add some additional material,
- 00:45:58so we have silicate bonded silicon carbide, recrystallize silicon carbide and nitrite
- 00:46:04bonded silicon carbide.
- 00:46:05In most of the ceramics, many times we use some bonding material because bonding is always
- 00:46:14difficult in ceramics because particles or fine powders are bonded together, so that,
- 00:46:22you get a strong material.
- 00:46:23So, there are different kinds of bonding mechanisms or bonding philosophy, so which one can make
- 00:46:31a dense material.
- 00:46:32These are silicon bonded silicon carbides, silicate bonded and then we have recrystallized.
- 00:46:38That means, you heat it to very high temperature, so that you do not need any other bonding,
- 00:46:44but they themselves bond together.
- 00:46:46That is what you call recrystallized silicon carbides.
- 00:46:49Sometimes nitrides, silicon nitrites is added as a bonding material.
- 00:46:52So, these are variety of different products one can make from the basic materials of silicon
- 00:47:01carbides.
- 00:47:03On the other hand, we have dense silicon carbides, where a liquid phase has been added.
- 00:47:10Some open have been used.
- 00:47:12Different oxides have been used.
- 00:47:14They form a liquid phase at very high temperature and then fill up the pores and that is why
- 00:47:19we get a dense material.
- 00:47:22Sintered silicon carbides is, once again at a very high temperature, just like we crystallized
- 00:47:28silicon carbide, this also a high temperature sintered silicon carbides.
- 00:47:34Silicon infiltrated silicon carbide, that means, at high temperature silicon melts and
- 00:47:42then fill up the pores in between the inter particle space.
- 00:47:46Inter particle spaces can be filled up at silicon metal and that is silicon infiltrated
- 00:47:53silicon carbide.
- 00:47:55Hot pressed or hot isostatically pressed.
- 00:48:00Well, normally ceramics and initially pressed or given a shape or consolidated at a room
- 00:48:09temperature and then heated.
- 00:48:12But, in this particular case, this is a variety of material or a particular type of material,
- 00:48:18in which material is pressed or consolidated and heated simultaneously.
- 00:48:27Therefore, you can get a much finer grain material and this material has much better
- 00:48:34mechanical property than the normally porous materials.
- 00:48:39So, there are different techniques of making the same material in different microstructures
- 00:48:47or different state of consolidations and accordingly, develop different mechanical properties.
- 00:48:54So, micro structure is a very important aspect of preparing or developing structural ceramics.
- 00:49:04We will discuss them again in greater details at a later stage.
- 00:49:10Nitride ceramics, we have discussed oxides; we have discussed carbides, then these are
- 00:49:17the few examples of nitride ceramics.
- 00:49:21Simple one is a silicon nitride and then you have oxynitrides.
- 00:49:25So, it is a combination of silicon, aluminum and oxygen or you can have aluminum nitride.
- 00:49:34So, these are all different covalently bonded materials and having a very high strength
- 00:49:41as well as high temperature property.
- 00:49:44So, there are nitrides of different types.
- 00:49:48We will take examples of that at a later stage.
- 00:49:53Well, we have just given you some idea what is the so called traditional ceramics.
- 00:50:01That means, ceramics materials which are known for a quite long time and then we are beginning
- 00:50:08to know more different kind of materials, more purer variety of materials, different
- 00:50:15kind of compounds, which are having different exotic properties.
- 00:50:20Whether it is a mechanical property or whether it is electrical property or so on.
- 00:50:26So, you have a group of materials which are being developed or coming up as having many
- 00:50:33exotic properties.
- 00:50:35Obviously, these exotic properties can be exploited for our benefit for industry purposes
- 00:50:42and so on.
- 00:50:43So, that is a clear distinction between one group of traditional ceramics where the raw
- 00:50:51materials are primarily clay based products or the naturally occurring raw materials,
- 00:50:57whereas there is a another group of materials, pure oxides, synthesized compounds like nitrites,
- 00:51:04and carbides.
- 00:51:05They are not available in nature as such.
- 00:51:07So, we have to take purer variety of material and then synthesize under laboratory conditions
- 00:51:13are in the industrial conditions and develop different properties.
- 00:51:18So, we will not be discussing in this course about the traditional materials any more,
- 00:51:24but we will focus our attention to that exotic materials, specially prepared material, so
- 00:51:33that, you can develop unknown properties and exploit them for our benefit.
- 00:51:42So, there is a development, which is taking place over centuries, right and this is the
- 00:51:54kind of graph one can plot.
- 00:51:57We can say, the so called material use is concerned, the whole spectrum of the centuries
- 00:52:10can be divided in different parts.
- 00:52:13It started with stone age, then came pottery or white wares and then came metallic materials
- 00:52:20and we tried and learned how to extract metal from the minerals.
- 00:52:25One came from the copper age, where the bronze came in and it is an alloy of copper and zinc.
- 00:52:34Then came the Iron Age, where you understood, mankind came to know how to extract iron,
- 00:52:44the largest or tonnage wise the largest group of materials produced used for different structural
- 00:52:56applications.
- 00:52:57So, this is how it got developed over the centuries.
- 00:53:02These are all Before Christ, BC.
- 00:53:05Then there is a null period.
- 00:53:08Not much of development, two plus as far as new material is concerned.
- 00:53:13Then of course, after iron, one could find out the advantages property of steel and then
- 00:53:20suddenly there is an extensive development or extensive knowledge as far as the new materials
- 00:53:32are concerned.
- 00:53:34We could understand the semi conducting property of silicon and then we also came know about
- 00:53:41polymers, which are a group of materials itself and then photonic materials.
- 00:53:48Photonic materials are basically like optical fibers, or basically glass fibers.
- 00:53:56So, glass were known but the basic property or the development of glass fiber, we came
- 00:54:02to know only about 40 50 years back.
- 00:54:06Then, we have advance materials.
- 00:54:10Some of them, all of them are not ceramics materials.
- 00:54:12Some of them are composite materials, ceramics metals, metal metal composites and then as
- 00:54:21I mentioned biomaterials.
- 00:54:23Biomaterials also include; I gave the example in context of the ceramics, but ceramic materials
- 00:54:31is not the only material which can be used as biomaterials.
- 00:54:34Biomaterials can contain metals, polymers, composites and so on and so forth.
- 00:54:41This steep rise is coming up and it is continuing now with the explosion of knowledge, the explosion
- 00:54:52of scientific knowledge which we have been generating over the few decades.
- 00:54:58So, this is the era where advanced materials have come in and advanced ceramics is one
- 00:55:07of the components of that.
- 00:55:10If you take this graph, you will see the natural materials like wood, the use of wood is going
- 00:55:17down, in fact, to some extent intentionally, because of environmental issues.
- 00:55:24Steel has been started a couple of centuries back and then we have an increase in their
- 00:55:35use, but around 1987 80’s or 90’s it got its peak and currently, it is dropping.
- 00:55:46So, the use of steel is dropping as far as the structural material is concerned.
- 00:55:53Some of it is getting replaced by plastics, but many of them are getting replaced by composites
- 00:56:01and ceramics.
- 00:56:03So, ceramics has not been specifically mentioned here, but these advanced materials actually
- 00:56:09constitute a major component is ceramic materials, right.
- 00:56:14So, you use of advanced ceramics is increasing and it is expected to increase for quite some
- 00:56:21time now.
- 00:56:22As you can see this graph, it has been extended beyond 2050.
- 00:56:28Well, now we come to the raw materials, raw materials for the traditional ceramics.
- 00:56:42Because, we have discussed for traditional ceramics and advanced ceramics and we have
- 00:56:47tried to differentiate from the property point of you, but there is a strong dependent on
- 00:56:53the raw materials use for this and there are different components or raw materials, particularly
- 00:57:07in traditional ceramics.
- 00:57:09As I mentioned some time back, there are, recall sometime back is triaxial porcelain,
- 00:57:15because there are three different components of this composition.
- 00:57:22One is plastic material and there is fluxes.
- 00:57:27There are different purposes for which there are used and then we have Fillers, which provides
- 00:57:34the basic mechanical strength to the body, ceramic body.
- 00:57:38So, these are three components of the white ware body or the traditional ceramics materials.
- 00:57:48One is the plastic materials and there is fluxes and another is fillers.
- 00:57:53So the plastic materials is basically clay or talc is another silicate, basically magnesium
- 00:58:01silicate, hydrogen magnesium silicate and then we have feldspar, and that is again another
- 00:58:11mineral which is used as a flux, because it melts at a low temperature.
- 00:58:17Then, we have some non fluxing materials like quartz.
- 00:58:22So, these are the three components normally used as a raw material for the traditional
- 00:58:27ceramics and they are all natural occurring.
- 00:58:31It needs little bit of mineral they differentiation, and then they can be directly used for the
- 00:58:39product fabrications, whether it is crockery or whether it is tiles, sanitary wares and
- 00:58:49so on.
- 00:58:50So, with this we close this lecture as far as the traditional ceramic is concerned.
- 00:58:56In the next lecture, we will see what are the different raw materials used for advance
- 00:59:04ceramics and then what are the different or the different common ceramics processing techniques,
- 00:59:15which give rise to the product formations or the product development.
- 00:59:19Thank you.
- céramiques avancées
- propriétés des céramiques
- applications des céramiques
- céramiques traditionnelles
- matériaux inorganiques
- fabrication des céramiques
- classification des céramiques
- céramiques électrically
- céramiques biomédicales
- céramiques magnétiques