TLDREl video presenta una guía sobre cómo desconectarse del teléfono y las redes sociales para llevar una vida más plena y productiva. La presentadora ofrece consejos prácticos que incluyen: establecer una rutina nocturna que no incluya el uso del móvil, realizar una "limpieza" digital eliminando las cuentas de redes sociales que no aportan beneficios, y aprender a organizar el tiempo de trabajo. También se enfatiza la importancia de encontrar placer en actividades del mundo real y cultivar una mentalidad que valore las experiencias auténticas sobre la validación externa. Además, se da importancia a construir un propósito a través de hobbies y autofortalecimiento, lo que desvincula a las personas del constante deseo de verificar redes sociales.
- 📵 Deja el teléfono lejos antes de dormir.
- 🧘♀️ Practica la visualización y la meditación.
- 🕒 Organiza tu día con horarios específicos.
- 📉 Elimina notificaciones de redes sociales.
- 📚 Dedica tiempo a la lectura y actividades creativas.
- ☀️ Busca fuentes de dopamina real al aire libre.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
En esta primera parte, se proponen cambios diarios para reducir el tiempo en redes sociales, comenzando con hábitos nocturnos que fomentan un mejor sueño. Se sugiere dejar el teléfono en otra habitación por la noche y leer un libro o practicar la visualización antes de dormir, lo que contribuye a una mejor calidad de sueño. También se recomienda limitar las interacciones con redes sociales, como dejar de seguir cuentas que no aporten valor, para evitar comparaciones perjudiciales y moldear el algoritmo a favor del bienestar personal.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La segunda parte se enfoca en la productividad, sugiriendo técnicas como el 'work blocking' y el uso de temporizadores para mejorar el enfoque y cumplir tareas. La clave es organizar el día y establecer horarios con pausas, lo que ayuda a evitar distracciones. También se propone un enfoque gradual, comenzando por limitar el uso del teléfono en las primeras horas del día para fomentar un inicio más productivo. Estos cambios requieren de ajustes pequeños y graduales para ser más sostenibles a largo plazo.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
En el tercer segmento, se introducen cambios en el estilo de vida que fomentan una vida más rica y plena, alejándose de la dependencia del teléfono y las redes sociales. Esto involucra crear una rutina matutina que incluya momentos de felicidad y plenitud, así como adoptar desafíos y actividades fuera de la zona de confort. Se anima a encontrar la alegría en experiencias reales en lugar de en interacciones digitales, y a buscar la conexión con el entorno y con uno mismo.
- 00:15:00 - 00:23:57
Finalmente, en la cuarta parte se presentan tareas prácticas que los espectadores pueden empezar a implementar. Estas actividades incluyen la elección de un ritual de felicidad por la mañana, leer un libro que les motive, realizar una 'purga' de seguidores, y comprometerse a hacer algo que su futuro yo agradecerá. La idea es construir un estilo de vida que ignora el uso excesivo del teléfono y que se enfoca en la satisfacción personal y el desarrollo.
¿Qué consejos se dan para reducir el uso del teléfono?
Se recomienda crear una rutina nocturna sin teléfonos, eliminar seguidores de redes sociales que no aportan valor, y utilizar temporizadores para organizar el trabajo.
¿Qué es el "unfollow binge" y cómo se aplica?
Es el proceso de eliminar a personas de las redes sociales que no aportan valor y ajustar el algoritmo a intereses positivos.
¿Por qué es importante la desconexión digital por la mañana?
Permite comenzar el día con intención y evita la procrastinación que genera el uso del teléfono.
¿Cómo influye el entorno en nuestra adicción al teléfono?
Crear un entorno sin distracciones facilita el enfoque en tareas importantes y disminuye el deseo de usar el teléfono.
¿Cuáles son algunas fuentes de dopamina real recomendadas?
Actividades al aire libre, ejercicio, música, y pasar tiempo con seres queridos son ejemplos de fuentes de dopamina real.
✅ La HISTORIA DE PERÚ en 13 minutos | El resumen definitivo de la historia de PERÚ
Historia del Perú - Etapas
Las 5 Etapas de la Historia
⏳¿Cuáles son las EDADES Antigua, Media, Moderna y Contemporánea [+ Prehistoria] ⏳ - El Mapa de Sebas
EDADES DE LA HISTORIA 🙉 [Resumen] Línea de TIEMPO 🚀🎮
BIOMOLÉCULAS l Prof. Louise Medeiros
- 00:00:09[Music]
- 00:00:14at photos do
- 00:00:16[Music]
- 00:00:25not video for the girl that said I
- 00:00:27should stop my and I just
- 00:00:32this is toxic this is
- 00:00:33[Music]
- 00:00:44toxic this black F I don't have to tell
- 00:00:46you about it this is my journey so
- 00:00:50far our school for arts in Maryland jeta
- 00:00:53and Tupac would quickly become close
- 00:00:55friends
- 00:01:01you just put on and you feel like you
- 00:01:02have your entire life if you can relate
- 00:01:03to that daily routine then you
- 00:01:05especially need this video because jez
- 00:01:09you need to get off your damn phone as
- 00:01:11always here at the video chapters we're
- 00:01:13going to discuss all things that you can
- 00:01:14do on a daily basis and even with your
- 00:01:17mindset to stay away from social media
- 00:01:19be more productive and live a more
- 00:01:20fulfilling life okay because scrolling
- 00:01:22on your phone for 7 hours a day is not
- 00:01:24that before we start I have a very
- 00:01:25exciting announcement I just launched my
- 00:01:27brand new podcast with all new exclusive
- 00:01:30episodes full of self-help content it's
- 00:01:32called self-obsessed and it's linked
- 00:01:34Below in the description along with all
- 00:01:36of my other socials and my second
- 00:01:37YouTube channel this video has also been
- 00:01:39brought to you by Shopify but we'll talk
- 00:01:41about them a little bit later for now
- 00:01:42let's get into the advice chapter number
- 00:01:45one daily shifts these are quick and
- 00:01:47easy things that you can start literally
- 00:01:49right now to help you stay off your
- 00:01:50phone step number one let's start with
- 00:01:52your night routine make the decision
- 00:01:54that when you're winding down after a
- 00:01:56long day you can scroll you can respond
- 00:01:57to those text messages leave your phone
- 00:01:59on charge and another room and go to
- 00:02:00sleep your bedroom should just be about
- 00:02:03rest and relaxation and listen I know
- 00:02:05it's hard but this is where you have to
- 00:02:07force yourself to make this a habit
- 00:02:09because when you are staring into that
- 00:02:10bright light in your phone right here
- 00:02:11every single night before you go to bed
- 00:02:13it is negatively impacting your
- 00:02:15circadian rhythm so a simple shift we
- 00:02:17can make is we leave our phone in the
- 00:02:18other room we get into bed and read a
- 00:02:20book reading a book before bed will help
- 00:02:22you Des stimulate your brain it will
- 00:02:24help you actually fall into a deeper
- 00:02:26sleep literally studies that found that
- 00:02:28people who read a book before bed
- 00:02:29competive those who didn't had better
- 00:02:31sleep quality and if you're not a big
- 00:02:32reader why don't you step up your
- 00:02:33manifestation game I do this almost
- 00:02:35every single night I visualize before
- 00:02:37bed I have my head hit that pillow and I
- 00:02:39close my eyes and while I'm waiting for
- 00:02:41myself to fall asleep I am playing out
- 00:02:43my dream life like a movie in my head
- 00:02:45therefore I'm doing myself a massive
- 00:02:46favor because now I'm speeding up my
- 00:02:48manifestations and I'm about to have an
- 00:02:50amazing night of Z's on top of this
- 00:02:52because your phone was left in a
- 00:02:53different room the night before in the
- 00:02:55morning you now have to get up out of
- 00:02:57bed to go and get your phone meaning
- 00:02:59you're not going to be Doom scrolling in
- 00:03:00the morning laying in bed rotting away
- 00:03:02and wasting your day step number two I
- 00:03:05don't think you need to delete all of
- 00:03:07the social media apps and all of the
- 00:03:09apps on your phone I actually think
- 00:03:11social media is an amazing tool
- 00:03:13personally it's helped me learn so much
- 00:03:15it's helped me get the career I want it
- 00:03:17helps me be more creative but this is
- 00:03:19only when you use it correctly and
- 00:03:22efficiently and this starts with an
- 00:03:23unfollow binge I want you to unsubscribe
- 00:03:25I want you to mute I want you to
- 00:03:26unfollow I want you to block even
- 00:03:28because when you are mindlessly
- 00:03:29following strangers on the internet you
- 00:03:31are exposing yourself to worsened mental
- 00:03:33health because now you are comparing
- 00:03:34yourself to their life it always seems
- 00:03:36like everybody has it better than you on
- 00:03:38social media that is how the platform
- 00:03:39has been built once you've removed all
- 00:03:41of the people you now need to mold the
- 00:03:43algorithm to work in your favor I spent
- 00:03:46like 2 hours once doing this on Tik Tok
- 00:03:48and it's still the same I would just go
- 00:03:50through my for you page just spend ages
- 00:03:52just scrolling through and I want you to
- 00:03:54click the not interested button on
- 00:03:56anything that would usually send you
- 00:03:57into Doom scrolling comp
- 00:04:00content that is encouraging you to buy
- 00:04:02things you don't even need useless memes
- 00:04:04honestly it's almost 2024 why are we
- 00:04:06still sending memes to people it is
- 00:04:07literally such a waste of time click not
- 00:04:09interested on all of that content and
- 00:04:11then go to the Tik Tok search Tab and I
- 00:04:12want you to search in the stuff that you
- 00:04:14want to start coming onto to your for
- 00:04:16you page for me it was self-help it was
- 00:04:18motivational quotes it was um inspiring
- 00:04:21business stories so I would type in
- 00:04:23these phrases and I would start
- 00:04:24interacting with all of these videos I
- 00:04:25would favorite them and boom for the
- 00:04:27last 2 years that is all I get get when
- 00:04:30I open Tik Tok I just learn things daily
- 00:04:32shift number three work blockers and
- 00:04:35timers let's start with work blocking
- 00:04:37now I always plan my days in advance and
- 00:04:40I have every single hour accounted for
- 00:04:42so like 12: till 1 is my lunch break 1:
- 00:04:45till 3: I'm going to work on this task
- 00:04:483: till 6:00 I'm going to work on this
- 00:04:49task then it's dinner then I might have
- 00:04:50social plans and this has worked wonders
- 00:04:53for me because now not only do you have
- 00:04:55certainty about what you have to get
- 00:04:56done in the day and you're like oh shoot
- 00:04:58I have this deadline I need to sit down
- 00:05:00and focus on all of this work but it
- 00:05:02creates that type of like all nighter
- 00:05:03motivation I used to leave all of my
- 00:05:05essays till the last minute and I always
- 00:05:07did well on them because when you have
- 00:05:09those time constraints you just go for
- 00:05:11it you're not about the distractions and
- 00:05:13this is so good for your productivity as
- 00:05:14well because it creates less friction
- 00:05:16because now it's less about how you feel
- 00:05:19and when you want to do it and more
- 00:05:20about I have to do this right now
- 00:05:22another way you can do this is by using
- 00:05:24timers I talked about this in my
- 00:05:26productivity video the Pomodoro Timer
- 00:05:28you go online it times you do 20 minutes
- 00:05:30straight work then you can have a
- 00:05:315-minute break if you want to scroll
- 00:05:33then you can scroll and then after those
- 00:05:345 minutes you got to get back to work
- 00:05:36otherwise I actually use an hourglass
- 00:05:38timer that's really good because you can
- 00:05:40see the sand pouring down and it makes
- 00:05:42you realize how much time is going by
- 00:05:44and I know going from procrastinating
- 00:05:46and spending loads of time on social
- 00:05:47media to completely cutting it out they
- 00:05:49are very big steps and that is
- 00:05:51overwhelming that is completely
- 00:05:52understandable and this is why we take
- 00:05:54baby steps you do not have to implement
- 00:05:56everything in this video straight away
- 00:05:57you need to build it up slowly so one
- 00:05:59baby step you can take tomorrow is when
- 00:06:01I wake up for the first 30 minutes I'm
- 00:06:03not allowed to go on my phone after 30
- 00:06:05minutes I can go I can scroll that's
- 00:06:07fine and act as I normally would and
- 00:06:08you're going to build that up that time
- 00:06:10in the morning where okay maybe by
- 00:06:11lunchtime I haven't gone on my phone
- 00:06:13it's not so much about punishing
- 00:06:15yourself just have a designated time in
- 00:06:16your day where you can happily scroll
- 00:06:19shift number four no more notifications
- 00:06:22you do not need anything encouraging you
- 00:06:24the fact that you still have your
- 00:06:25notifications on blows my mind I did
- 00:06:28this a long time ago I into my settings
- 00:06:30I have the notifications off for every
- 00:06:32single one of my social media apps I
- 00:06:34also have my phone on do not disturb
- 00:06:35majority of the time because unless I
- 00:06:38know I have the free time to go on my
- 00:06:39phone I don't need to be in the middle
- 00:06:40of a work task and then my phone buzzes
- 00:06:42and I'm like okay let me go and check
- 00:06:44because we all know how it goes you go
- 00:06:46and you're like I'll just quickly
- 00:06:47respond to this text and then you're
- 00:06:48like let me just go you know see what's
- 00:06:50uh going on in Instagram and maybe my
- 00:06:52Tik Tok notifications as well you know
- 00:06:54see if anyone like my video and all of a
- 00:06:55sudden you've been watching YouTube for
- 00:06:574 hours tur your notifications off is is
- 00:06:59about making your phone more undesirable
- 00:07:01and Untouchable and another way you can
- 00:07:03do this is if you're studying for
- 00:07:05example have your phone in the room and
- 00:07:07have it film you on a time lapse you are
- 00:07:09going to be so excited to see the time
- 00:07:10lapse at the end of how focused you were
- 00:07:12on your work you're not going to be able
- 00:07:13to actually physically go on your phone
- 00:07:15and scroll on it step number five let's
- 00:07:17talk more about friction the reason we
- 00:07:19have trouble sticking to these
- 00:07:20disciplines and habits is simply because
- 00:07:22they're too icky that's why we
- 00:07:24procrastinate on what we're supposed to
- 00:07:26do and instead we run to our phones and
- 00:07:28we scroll so that we can eat ease our
- 00:07:29minds I believe that if we make this
- 00:07:32discipline more attractive we're more
- 00:07:33likely to do it if your goal is to stay
- 00:07:36off social media or stay off your phone
- 00:07:37then you have to give yourself an
- 00:07:39incentive to actually stick to it
- 00:07:40otherwise you're going to be back at
- 00:07:41square one every single day so the
- 00:07:43solution to this is make it easy and
- 00:07:45reward yourself what is something you
- 00:07:47enjoy what is something that gives you
- 00:07:48happiness besides your phone that you
- 00:07:50can give to yourself at the end of every
- 00:07:52day maybe it's a nice home cooked meal
- 00:07:54maybe it's dessert maybe it's seeing
- 00:07:55your friends maybe it's FaceTiming
- 00:07:57someone maybe it's reading a book and
- 00:07:59you are only allowed to do that task if
- 00:08:01you successfully stick to your goal of
- 00:08:04staying off your phone for a certain
- 00:08:05number of hours and if you don't you
- 00:08:07have to work for longer and lastly quick
- 00:08:09shift number six get addicted to real
- 00:08:12dopamine spending time on your phone is
- 00:08:15a nice little break and you think it's
- 00:08:16giving you dopamine when really it's
- 00:08:18just sending you into a downward spiral
- 00:08:21it has more negative effects on you than
- 00:08:23it does positive so you need to get
- 00:08:24addicted to real dopamine sources of
- 00:08:26real dopamine include being in the sun
- 00:08:28being in nature moving your body and
- 00:08:30exercising music dancing self-care
- 00:08:33spending time with your loved ones when
- 00:08:35have you ever gotten off of a 2hour
- 00:08:37period of scrolling on your phone and
- 00:08:39thought I feel great now I'm going to go
- 00:08:42about my down would be so productive I
- 00:08:44feel amazing you don't you never do in
- 00:08:46fact you probably have more negative
- 00:08:48thoughts about I just saw loads of
- 00:08:50videos of these people you know living a
- 00:08:51certain way looking a certain way and
- 00:08:53now why am I not doing that chapter 2
- 00:08:55lifestyle this is about crafting a life
- 00:08:58that you love that is filled with
- 00:09:00hobbies and real fulfillment so that you
- 00:09:03forget to even pick up your phone step
- 00:09:05one ultimately it all comes down to
- 00:09:07discipline and the way you achieve a
- 00:09:10disciplined mindset and lifestyle is
- 00:09:12that you need to voluntarily love to do
- 00:09:16hard things you might think but my life
- 00:09:19is already so boring and tiring and
- 00:09:21difficult and M no you need to start
- 00:09:23finding the thrill in the discomfort cuz
- 00:09:26when you can take a cold shower wake up
- 00:09:28at 6:00 a.m. work out first thing in the
- 00:09:30morning go to that big event push
- 00:09:32yourself outside of your comfort zone
- 00:09:33and talk to those new people you can do
- 00:09:36anything because the thing is you're not
- 00:09:38addicted to your phone you're addicted
- 00:09:39to the Comfort the more pain that you
- 00:09:42get used to enduring the more strength
- 00:09:43you're going to have the more discipline
- 00:09:45you're going to have the more ease and
- 00:09:47comfort you chase the weaker you become
- 00:09:50and the easier it is to fall addicted to
- 00:09:53a device discipline is immersing
- 00:09:55yourself in what you hate and acting
- 00:09:57like you love it and when you master
- 00:09:58that habit everything is in your control
- 00:10:01again so shift your focus from your
- 00:10:03phone take a step back and evaluate your
- 00:10:05entire lifestyle and how you live how
- 00:10:07you approach every single task you need
- 00:10:09to do every single day are you rotting
- 00:10:11away in bed every single morning because
- 00:10:12it's just too hard to get up do you just
- 00:10:14go to the gym when you feel like it
- 00:10:16rather than sticking to a routine do you
- 00:10:18tell yourself you're going to eat
- 00:10:19healthy this month and instead when
- 00:10:20you're approached with comfort food you
- 00:10:22just take it all of these habits all of
- 00:10:25this mindset and approach you have to
- 00:10:26life is reflected in your addiction to
- 00:10:28your phone once you you start solving
- 00:10:30those things and you wake up every day
- 00:10:31and you start living intentionally and
- 00:10:33you're like actually I'm going to focus
- 00:10:34on my long-term benefit rather than this
- 00:10:36short-term Comfort you're going to apply
- 00:10:38that same principle to your relationship
- 00:10:40to your phone and social media addiction
- 00:10:43lifestyle step number two your morning
- 00:10:45routine spend some time thinking about a
- 00:10:48moment of joy you can create first thing
- 00:10:52every single morning the reason that I
- 00:10:53scroll easily for an hour or two first
- 00:10:56thing in the morning is because I'm
- 00:10:57dreading the day ahead because I'm
- 00:10:59thinking
- 00:11:00if I get up now that means I have to
- 00:11:01start with all of my responsibilities
- 00:11:02and my chores and my workday so we are
- 00:11:05procrastinating getting started with our
- 00:11:06day and we're using our phone to allow
- 00:11:08us to do that but we shouldn't be
- 00:11:10dreading facing our day immediately we
- 00:11:12should be excited the goal here is to
- 00:11:15wake up first in the morning and want to
- 00:11:16LEAP out of bed because you love what
- 00:11:18you're about to do now listen you might
- 00:11:19be stuck in school you might be stuck in
- 00:11:21a job you hate but this is where that
- 00:11:23first moment of joy in the day comes
- 00:11:25into play where you're going to have the
- 00:11:26motivation to get up out of bed you
- 00:11:28don't want to scroll on your phone cuz
- 00:11:29you have this thing you're looking
- 00:11:30forward to for me when I was starting
- 00:11:32out it would be a nice tall glass of
- 00:11:34iced match up the sun would be shining
- 00:11:37and I would drink my matcha Under the
- 00:11:38Sun and I got those first 30 minutes no
- 00:11:40one could say anything to me I didn't
- 00:11:42have to do anything I had no
- 00:11:43responsibilities just 30 minutes of me
- 00:11:45time and when I did it for the first
- 00:11:47time I was like this feels amazing and
- 00:11:50obviously I didn't know it at the time
- 00:11:51but the reason it made me feel so happy
- 00:11:53was cuz it was real dopamine I was
- 00:11:54getting out into nature I was under the
- 00:11:56sun I was doing something for myself I
- 00:11:59had that first hit of Happiness as a
- 00:12:00result of that habit every single day
- 00:12:02after that I was leaping out of bed cuz
- 00:12:03I couldn't wait to do it and I knew the
- 00:12:05earlier I get up the more time I have to
- 00:12:07spend doing that thing I love it can be
- 00:12:09a walk it can be a good pre-planned
- 00:12:11breakfast where you're like I'm going to
- 00:12:13wake up I'm going to make myself
- 00:12:14pancakes I also find that with this
- 00:12:16morning routine when you are super
- 00:12:17intentional about getting out of bed
- 00:12:19shutting your phone off put it put it in
- 00:12:21a drawer closed away somewhere upstairs
- 00:12:23in another room that you're not going to
- 00:12:24go into you are going to find so many
- 00:12:27things to fill the time in your morning
- 00:12:29or in your day I found this absolutely
- 00:12:31crazy because a few years ago I went two
- 00:12:33whole weeks where I didn't use my phone
- 00:12:34at all and it made me realize how much
- 00:12:36time there is in the day I had my other
- 00:12:39responsibilities and stuff but all of a
- 00:12:40sudden I was baking I had the time to do
- 00:12:42that when you start living like that you
- 00:12:44actually start to comprehend how much of
- 00:12:47your life you've been wasting away on
- 00:12:48your phone and when you have that
- 00:12:49realization your phone starts giving you
- 00:12:51the ick and we all know how it goes down
- 00:12:53once you get it you can't get rid of it
- 00:12:55lifestyle change number three stop
- 00:12:57complaining your life is born boring and
- 00:12:59get outside and before you say it oh
- 00:13:02outside costs money no it doesn't okay
- 00:13:04and I'm sick of your excuses because how
- 00:13:06expensive really is a train ticket to
- 00:13:08your nearest city how expensive is a
- 00:13:10walk outside how expensive is it to
- 00:13:12become a tourist in your own City
- 00:13:14museums are literally free like why have
- 00:13:17you not been to them yet go to the
- 00:13:18library read all of the books you can in
- 00:13:21a day completely free play a game of
- 00:13:23badminton with your friends at your
- 00:13:24local Leisure Center take up a painting
- 00:13:26class me and my boyfriend once we went
- 00:13:28and we painted like literal French
- 00:13:29macaroons we found the time to do that
- 00:13:31we then took a painting class I went to
- 00:13:33another city to visit my friends and we
- 00:13:35went to a literal pottery store and we
- 00:13:37painted mugs this is what you could be
- 00:13:39doing with your time and you actually
- 00:13:41live life and you have new experiences
- 00:13:43and you create new memories you need to
- 00:13:45start getting addicted to the thought of
- 00:13:47living like that invest in yourself
- 00:13:49start going to Pates classes buy
- 00:13:51yourself a bike and ride your bike
- 00:13:53everyday at Sunset oh my God cute Sunset
- 00:13:55bike ride I think I need to buy myself a
- 00:13:57bike I'm doing l Lally any of these
- 00:13:59things is going to have you feeling like
- 00:14:01that girl because now you're not
- 00:14:03monitoring what other people are living
- 00:14:04like now you're more aligned to your
- 00:14:06purpose and what you're supposed to live
- 00:14:08like and living in the moment and being
- 00:14:09present busy is a blessing to not know
- 00:14:12what this and that celeb is doing is
- 00:14:14amazing and this links into the last
- 00:14:16step for this chapter which is have a
- 00:14:19mission which makes looking at your
- 00:14:21phone gross there is a quote I have at
- 00:14:23the center of my vision board which
- 00:14:25changed my life for the better and it
- 00:14:27goes create a vision with which makes
- 00:14:29you want to LEAP out of the bed every
- 00:14:30single morning I love what I get to do
- 00:14:32every single day going on my phone is
- 00:14:35gross or all that's doing is taking me
- 00:14:37away from my purpose from the happiness
- 00:14:38I can experience in my everyday with the
- 00:14:40people I meet with the places I go with
- 00:14:42the work that I do with the things that
- 00:14:44I am building because life isn't about
- 00:14:46the outcome it's about the journey it's
- 00:14:48about the purpose and the things you
- 00:14:49learn about yourself when you're
- 00:14:50building something it's not about oh but
- 00:14:53I don't have the resources and I don't
- 00:14:54have the money yet no it's the Journey
- 00:14:56of trying to get those things which is
- 00:14:58so fulfilling I have achieved majority
- 00:15:01of the things on my vision board why do
- 00:15:03you think I still keep setting up new
- 00:15:05things why do you think I just launched
- 00:15:06a podcast I've made YouTube into my
- 00:15:08full-time career that was my biggest
- 00:15:09goal and I'm still doing more because
- 00:15:11it's the journey that gives you the
- 00:15:12happiness the dopamine and the
- 00:15:14Fulfillment I get so many questions from
- 00:15:15people all of the time saying you know
- 00:15:17how do you set up a business how do you
- 00:15:19do this why are you not online right now
- 00:15:21researching how to do it the process of
- 00:15:23starting a business or a side hustle
- 00:15:25online is now easier than it has ever
- 00:15:28been in the history of the world Shopify
- 00:15:30literally have an article on their
- 00:15:32website called how to start a business
- 00:15:34in 11 steps if you don't know the 11
- 00:15:37steps you can't start complaining to me
- 00:15:38about why your life is boring because
- 00:15:39why are you not doing something to
- 00:15:40change it Shopify offers an easy to ous
- 00:15:43all-in-one entrepreneurship platform for
- 00:15:45literally anyone even if you have zero
- 00:15:47experience with setting up a business so
- 00:15:49yes even you right there can start
- 00:15:52manage and grow a business today Shopify
- 00:15:55lets you sell online in person and on
- 00:15:58all major social media platforms you
- 00:15:59have complete flexibility in how you
- 00:16:01want to do it their priority is reducing
- 00:16:03all of the barriers to business that you
- 00:16:05may be experiencing right now and make
- 00:16:07it easier than ever for you to create
- 00:16:09that vision and live that Vision that
- 00:16:11makes you want to LEAP out of bed
- 00:16:12bursting in the morning and not Doom
- 00:16:14scroll on your phone when I started my
- 00:16:16business at the beginning of this year
- 00:16:17it completely changed my life shifted my
- 00:16:19daily routine from monitoring how other
- 00:16:21people were living their dream lives to
- 00:16:23finally just creating my own and having
- 00:16:26that experience with building my first
- 00:16:28e-commerce on online store did just that
- 00:16:30every single day I was thinking how can
- 00:16:32I make it better cuz listen you need to
- 00:16:34realize social media is just an escape
- 00:16:36from your real life but when you take
- 00:16:38the time to create a life you love
- 00:16:39you're going to want to live that life
- 00:16:41always if I was going to give you guys
- 00:16:42some brutally honest advice right now I
- 00:16:45wish that IID started earlier I set up
- 00:16:46my business when I was 22 I wish I
- 00:16:48started when I was 15 because the thing
- 00:16:50is people think that they can't when
- 00:16:51they're a teenager when they're in
- 00:16:52school yes you can because all of the
- 00:16:54information is online all of the
- 00:16:55resources are built into this if I did
- 00:16:57it when I was 15 and it all failed it
- 00:16:59wouldn't even matter because the skills
- 00:17:01that I would have gained then would have
- 00:17:02been invaluable and I would have been
- 00:17:04further along in my journey right now to
- 00:17:06becoming an entrepreneur and you can do
- 00:17:08that by setting up your first Shopify
- 00:17:09store just in time for the new year to
- 00:17:11live your best life in 2024 by clicking
- 00:17:13the link in my description you got this
- 00:17:15I believe in you chapter three mindset
- 00:17:18this is about reframing the perception
- 00:17:20and purpose you have of social media so
- 00:17:23you're no longer interested in it
- 00:17:24mindset shift number one social media is
- 00:17:27not real life and it never will be and I
- 00:17:29can say this confidently as an
- 00:17:30influencer people take a few little
- 00:17:32things they've seen on my stories or on
- 00:17:34my Instagram posts and they create an
- 00:17:35entire narrative around it stuff that I
- 00:17:37haven't even said before and I get it
- 00:17:39because we all do it this is what
- 00:17:40happens when you are continuously
- 00:17:42consuming on social media we create the
- 00:17:44narrative ourselves to connect the dots
- 00:17:46and to connect the story that were being
- 00:17:47shown through these pictures and all
- 00:17:50this does is it warps your perception of
- 00:17:52reality and what life should look like
- 00:17:54and all it does is then make you feel
- 00:17:55bad about what your life looks like you
- 00:17:57know you always think you have a
- 00:17:58terrible wardrobe or you're underdressed
- 00:17:59and then you go out into real life to
- 00:18:01your local grocery store and it's like
- 00:18:03oh not everyone's a millionaire not
- 00:18:05everyone's retired by 30 and that's what
- 00:18:08makes you feel like you're behind so
- 00:18:09really being on socials is just you
- 00:18:11self-sabotaging you're so involved in
- 00:18:14what you think you should be doing and
- 00:18:15what you think your life should look
- 00:18:16like that you're holding yourself back
- 00:18:18from taking advantage of the
- 00:18:20opportunities and the potential that are
- 00:18:22in your present moment you can't even
- 00:18:23see it because you're more concerned
- 00:18:25with how that person over there is
- 00:18:27living and not all the GI that are given
- 00:18:29to you mindset shift number two stop
- 00:18:32adopting how other people live you've
- 00:18:34been exposed to one opinion from a
- 00:18:35complete stranger online you've
- 00:18:37interacted with it and now your entire
- 00:18:39algorithm and feed is filled with
- 00:18:42content saying that exact same opinion
- 00:18:45and you were exposed to that opinion
- 00:18:46over and over and over again until you
- 00:18:48think that's what you're supposed to do
- 00:18:49when really it's taking you so far away
- 00:18:51from how you should be living your life
- 00:18:52and what is really aligned to you
- 00:18:54mindset shift number three you need to
- 00:18:56realize that using social media too much
- 00:18:59is going to reprogram your brain to get
- 00:19:01addicted to external validation rather
- 00:19:04than inner confidence social media isn't
- 00:19:07even social okay we don't even talk to
- 00:19:09each other anymore we don't even make
- 00:19:10friends from it anymore we literally
- 00:19:12follow strangers who have no idea we
- 00:19:14exist and we want to know everything
- 00:19:16about them and everything that's
- 00:19:17happening in their lives instead we
- 00:19:19should be using social media to build a
- 00:19:21community to make connections to gain
- 00:19:23more positivity in our lives wanting new
- 00:19:25things all the time consistently pushes
- 00:19:28you away from happiness and I saw
- 00:19:29someone say this on Tik Tok the other
- 00:19:31day and it blew my mind and she said if
- 00:19:33you go online and someone is telling you
- 00:19:35to buy something that you have literally
- 00:19:37never thought of before why are you
- 00:19:39buying it when I say stop wanting things
- 00:19:41I don't mean growth and goals I mean
- 00:19:43things like actually I don't need that
- 00:19:45new ey shadow palette like I I like the
- 00:19:47one that I repurchase every 2 years
- 00:19:49anyway actually I don't need that nude
- 00:19:51lipstick that that reality star is
- 00:19:53wearing because I've already got a
- 00:19:54drawer full of nude lipsticks so the
- 00:19:57quickest way to reach happy is to stop
- 00:19:59wanting things to just be happy and
- 00:20:00grateful with what you already have
- 00:20:02otherwise you are on this journey of
- 00:20:04life with another stop another stop
- 00:20:06another stop until you feel beautiful
- 00:20:07until you feel ready and until you feel
- 00:20:09rich enough pretty enough like you have
- 00:20:11enough things and the last mindset shift
- 00:20:1424 hours should feel like 24 hours like
- 00:20:19I said before if you challenge yourself
- 00:20:20to spend a week even a day no phone okay
- 00:20:23give it to a friend give it to a parent
- 00:20:25tell them not to give it to you you
- 00:20:26going to realize how long the day days
- 00:20:28are okay and that might sound scary but
- 00:20:30listen you're going to have so much free
- 00:20:32time to do things you're going to have
- 00:20:33time to see your friends you're going to
- 00:20:33have time to bake to practice drawing to
- 00:20:36start a new skill to start up that
- 00:20:37business and you're going to go to bed
- 00:20:39that day thinking I did so much today
- 00:20:41you don't even realize how long 2 hours
- 00:20:45is because you normally spend those 2
- 00:20:46hours scrolling in the space of 2 hours
- 00:20:48you can get a train to your nearest city
- 00:20:50and just become a tourist in it and
- 00:20:51explore and go shopping and sit in a new
- 00:20:53Cafe in the space of these 2 hours you
- 00:20:55could bake a dessert you could sit down
- 00:20:56and watch a new episode of a new show in
- 00:20:58the space of 2 hours you could go online
- 00:21:00learn the 11 steps to creating a
- 00:21:02business start your website design it
- 00:21:04and get the domain in under 2 hours so
- 00:21:07doesn't the thought of scrolling just
- 00:21:08kind of gross you out right now and
- 00:21:10finally chapter number four the homework
- 00:21:12chapter these are actionable steps you
- 00:21:14can start today to go on this journey of
- 00:21:16spending less time on your phone and
- 00:21:17social media and actually living a real
- 00:21:19fulfilling life homework test number one
- 00:21:21choose your morning happiness ritual it
- 00:21:23could be match art it could be walk it
- 00:21:24could be spending time with your family
- 00:21:26whatever it is Step number two choose a
- 00:21:28book you can't wait to read every single
- 00:21:30night even if you're not a big reader I
- 00:21:32have a whole book on self-improvement
- 00:21:34books that changed my life go order one
- 00:21:36invest in yourself I have certain books
- 00:21:38that I read where I can't wait until I
- 00:21:40have a work task that's over and done
- 00:21:41with so I can go and read it okay you
- 00:21:43need to make this exciting it needs to
- 00:21:45be an exciting swap from your phone
- 00:21:47where you don't even care about the fact
- 00:21:49that you're leaving it in another room
- 00:21:50homework task number three unfollow
- 00:21:52binge and mold the algorithm to your
- 00:21:54favor remove everyone press not
- 00:21:57interested on all of the content that's
- 00:21:58not actually serving you or your purpose
- 00:22:00and start searching up and using social
- 00:22:02medias as a search engine to get you
- 00:22:04further to your ideal life homework task
- 00:22:07number four do one thing today that your
- 00:22:08future self will thank you for it could
- 00:22:10be anything you can take yourself at a
- 00:22:11solo date you can sign up to Shopify
- 00:22:13start a side hustle start learning a new
- 00:22:15skill something that's going to make the
- 00:22:1724 hours feel like 24 hours and give you
- 00:22:20a purpose to not be on your phone you
- 00:22:22got to make it exciting you got to make
- 00:22:23it rewarding and you got to make it easy
- 00:22:25step number five plan out schedule and
- 00:22:27set intention ions for your week you
- 00:22:29want to have every hour accounted for
- 00:22:31have some hours scheduled out where you
- 00:22:33spend time with your friends you go on a
- 00:22:34date you do something fun just for
- 00:22:36yourself and have your hours for your
- 00:22:38work your responsibilities your
- 00:22:40extracurricular activities so you can
- 00:22:41grow as a person when you look at the
- 00:22:43schedule you're going to be like I have
- 00:22:45all of this stuff to do okay and all
- 00:22:47you're going to be is motivated to get
- 00:22:48it done ASAP because you have all of
- 00:22:50these time restrictions the next
- 00:22:51homework task is a difficult one I want
- 00:22:53you to voluntarily do something
- 00:22:55difficult this week tomorrow morning
- 00:22:56take a cold shower or wake W up an hour
- 00:22:59earlier than you normally do or go to
- 00:23:01the gym first thing in the morning no
- 00:23:02matter what the weather looks like
- 00:23:03outside no matter how tired you are and
- 00:23:06the last homework task is to get
- 00:23:08addicted to real dopamine okay the list
- 00:23:10of real dopamine sources you can Google
- 00:23:11so we're talking Sun meditation music
- 00:23:13dancing self care and I want you to do
- 00:23:15one thing this week take it a step
- 00:23:18further choose one task and actually
- 00:23:20incorporate it into your daily routine
- 00:23:21so every other day I will meditate every
- 00:23:23single day I move my body and I do
- 00:23:25exercise and that brings us to the end
- 00:23:27of this video I hope you guys enjoyed it
- 00:23:28and learn something new if you did
- 00:23:30comment down below let me know what your
- 00:23:31favorite tip was that you didn't think
- 00:23:32about before because I would love to
- 00:23:33know thank you so much for watching and
- 00:23:36I wish you the best of luck I hope you
- 00:23:37guys can send me proof I want to see
- 00:23:39what you're doing thank you so much for
- 00:23:41watching I'm wishing you the best of
- 00:23:42luck on your Journeys I appreciate you
- 00:23:44and I will see you next week for a new
- 00:23:46video bye
- 00:23:47[Music]
- redes sociales
- productividad
- rutina diaria
- bienestar
- mindset
- desconexión digital
- autoayuda
- dopamina real
- hábitos saludables
- autocuidado