Best Weekly Dose Of TESTOSTERONE? (Blood Work Is Irrelevant!) Least Side-Effects & Optimum Results?
TLDRIn this video, Vigor Steve addresses the optimal dosing of exogenous testosterone, spanning from low therapeutic dosages to high performance-enhancing levels. He stresses the necessity for personalized approaches, emphasizing lifestyle considerations and health monitoring. The safe starting dosage is usually around 100 mg per week for most men, with potential increases based on individual response and blood work results. Research indicates that doses as high as 600 mg weekly can be tolerable under medical supervision. Steve also highlights possible side effects, such as mood changes and physical alterations, which necessitate careful tracking during testosterone therapy. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance that maximizes benefits while minimizing risks, adapting as one ages.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 💉 The ideal testosterone dose is individual-specific.
- 📊 Monitoring blood work is crucial to find the right dosage.
- 🔥 Side effects can increase with higher doses.
- ⚖️ Balancing benefits and side effects is essential.
- 🧬 Genetics influence testosterone response.
- ⚠️ Always consider age when adjusting doses.
- 📅 Monthly check-ups are recommended for users.
- 💪 Higher doses can lead to significant muscle gains.
- 🧘♂️ Lifestyle choices impact testosterone therapy efficacy.
- 📄 Starting doses should be conservative for beginners.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Die dosis van eksogene testosteroon hang af van verskeie faktore, insluitend individue se aktiwiteit, dieet en lewenstyl. 'n Matige dosis kan voordele bied sonder ernstige newe-effekte, maar 'n hoë dosis kan lei tot gesondheidskwessies soos hoë bloeddruk en oormatige aggressie, wat beheer moet word.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Die algemeen aanvaarbare dosis vir mediese behandelings van androgen tekort is tussen 25 tot 200 mg per week. Dit is 'n goeie beginpunt, maar pas die dosis aan op grond van individuele resultate en gevoel.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Die dosis wat die beste werk, moet geïndividualiseer word deur middel van selfeksperimentering en bloedwerkaanlyse om die invloed op testosteronvlakke en ander gesondheidsparameters te bepaal. Gedurende hierdie proses is dit belangrik om jou goedgevoel en newe-effekte te monitor.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Hoër dosisse van eksogene testosteroon kan meer voordele soos verbeterde gemoedstoestand en liggaamsamestelling bied, maar kan ook risiko's insluit. 'n Studie het getoon dat 600 mg per week tot 20 weke oor die algemeen verdraagsaam is, alhoewel lipidometers kan verander.
- 00:20:00 - 00:27:43
Met die ouderdom kan die dosis wat veilig en effektief is, afneem. Dit is noodsaaklik om jou dosis aan te pas soos jy ouer word, om die newe-effekte te minimaliseer en gesonde bloedparameters te handhaaf. 'n Volhoubare dosis van 150-500 mg per week is dikwels geskik vir volwasse mans.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
What is the safest dose of exogenous testosterone?
It varies per individual, but starting around 100 mg per week is generally considered safe while finding the optimal dose.
Can you take 250 mg of testosterone indefinitely?
Moderate doses like 250 mg can be manageable long-term if health parameters are monitored.
Is 600 mg of testosterone safe?
Scientific studies suggest 600 mg per week is reasonably tolerable but requires health monitoring.
What side effects can occur with high testosterone doses?
Common side effects include acne, mood swings, hair loss, and gynecomastia.
How often should blood work be done when on testosterone?
It is advisable to get blood work done every month to monitor health parameters.
What is the ideal testosterone level for men?
Most men feel best at levels between 1500 to 2000 ng/dl.
How does age affect testosterone dosing?
As men age, ideal testosterone doses may need to decrease due to lower tolerance for side effects.
What should I do if I experience side effects from testosterone?
Monitor your symptoms closely and consider reducing the dose or consulting healthcare providers.
Can lifestyle choices impact testosterone therapy effectiveness?
Yes, factors like diet, exercise, and alcohol consumption can affect the outcomes of testosterone therapy.
Is there a genetic component to testosterone sensitivity?
Yes, androgen receptor sensitivity can vary based on genetic factors such as GGN repeats.
عرض المزيد من ملخصات الفيديو
- 00:00:00what's the best weekly dose of exhaust
- 00:00:01in testosterone is it a dose that gets
- 00:00:03you to the top of the reference range or
- 00:00:04maybe twice out of the reference range
- 00:00:06can you safely run 250 milligram
- 00:00:08testosterone weekly indefinitely what
- 00:00:11about 500 milligrams what about 1,000
- 00:00:13milligrams what about 2,000 milligrams
- 00:00:15testosterone per week what does the
- 00:00:16scientific evidence even say about high
- 00:00:18those testosterone Cycles let's find out
- 00:00:21in this
- 00:00:24video Vigor Steve here so I get this
- 00:00:27question quite frequently people want to
- 00:00:29know what the safest dose of exoin
- 00:00:31testosterone is and find out the upper
- 00:00:33tolerable dose of exoin testosterone so
- 00:00:36they can find some sort of middle ground
- 00:00:38and run testosterone for very long
- 00:00:40periods of time preferably indefinitely
- 00:00:43with minimal side effects and all of the
- 00:00:45benefits associated with a testosterone
- 00:00:47replacement therapy hormone replacement
- 00:00:49therapy or full-blown steroid cycle that
- 00:00:51revolves around testosterone right
- 00:00:54basically people want to know they get
- 00:00:56out of jail for free testosterone dose
- 00:00:59long story short it highly depends what
- 00:01:01else you're doing with your body because
- 00:01:02let's be honest you're not just taking
- 00:01:04Exon testosterone you might also be
- 00:01:06drinking or eating some processed foods
- 00:01:08over the weekends maybe smoke a cigar or
- 00:01:11some cigarettes or vaping or smoking
- 00:01:13weeds taking some recreational drugs
- 00:01:16here and there right so whatever
- 00:01:17pressure you're putting on your body not
- 00:01:19that I'm saying that EXO toost from
- 00:01:21putting tremendous pressure on your body
- 00:01:22but as it does escalates generally
- 00:01:25speaking Health parameters start to
- 00:01:27decline so if you keep the dose moderate
- 00:01:30I would say that testosterone is
- 00:01:31reasonably safe but if you start ramping
- 00:01:33up the dosages to bodybuilder dosages
- 00:01:36then uh you definitely have to put some
- 00:01:38practices in place to keep your health
- 00:01:40intact but to simplify it even more the
- 00:01:43best do of testosterone for you as an
- 00:01:44individual is the dose where you get all
- 00:01:46of the benefits associated with exous
- 00:01:49testosterone that's increased mood and
- 00:01:51well-being increased libido but not to
- 00:01:53the point you have uncontrollable aido
- 00:01:55where you're fing 24/7 and you can't get
- 00:01:57anything done and your pance is
- 00:01:59completely the cous over right that dose
- 00:02:01is then way too high you need to reel it
- 00:02:03back in a little bit you get a positive
- 00:02:05aggression increased motivation more
- 00:02:08confidence and what so many people in
- 00:02:10the fitness industry are after increased
- 00:02:12muscle mass in improved body composition
- 00:02:15right you want all of the good stuff and
- 00:02:17none of the bad and the only real way of
- 00:02:19figuring that out is through self-
- 00:02:20experimentation so you're going to have
- 00:02:22to get your hands dirty and maybe
- 00:02:23experience some side effects along the
- 00:02:26way side effects like acne or oily skin
- 00:02:28hair loss or hair growth in places you
- 00:02:31did not expect like the chest or the
- 00:02:33back or other places of the body maybe
- 00:02:36you get some symptoms of gynecomastia as
- 00:02:38simple as puffy nipples or full-blown
- 00:02:40gyno if that's in your genetic makeup
- 00:02:42and your body fat levels are reasonably
- 00:02:44high at the start of exogenous
- 00:02:46testosterone treatments you might get
- 00:02:48anger management issues becoming
- 00:02:49irritable at the smallest thing or
- 00:02:51full-blown roider rage and in that sense
- 00:02:54exogenous testosterone is very similar
- 00:02:56to alcohol if you're already a and you
- 00:02:59start drinking you become highly
- 00:03:00intoxicated you're more of a more of a
- 00:03:03troublemaker and exogenous testosterone
- 00:03:05is very similar to that scent even
- 00:03:07though most people report that they feel
- 00:03:09absolutely fantastic very mellow very
- 00:03:12happy go-lucky when they start
- 00:03:14supplementing your blood pressure might
- 00:03:16go up you might have impaired Sleep
- 00:03:18Quality blood work parameters might
- 00:03:20change all of which take it from me with
- 00:03:23lifestyle changes over the G supplements
- 00:03:25or some ancillaries many of these side
- 00:03:27effects these commonly occurring side
- 00:03:28effects can be mitigated or completely
- 00:03:31removed to figure out what the ideal
- 00:03:33starting dose of Exon testosterone is
- 00:03:35going to be for you as an individual all
- 00:03:38we have to do is look into the medical
- 00:03:39field because Exon testosterone is being
- 00:03:41used in various treatments especially
- 00:03:44revolving around andren deficiency you
- 00:03:46might not be Androgen deficient
- 00:03:48currently but you still want to have the
- 00:03:49benefits of exhaust testostrone to
- 00:03:52improve your overall quality of life so
- 00:03:54let's have a look into the medical field
- 00:03:56and see what the generally accepted
- 00:03:58prescription dosages of various exous
- 00:04:01testosterone products actually are I'll
- 00:04:04put them on the screen testosterone
- 00:04:06under Cano testosterone anate
- 00:04:08testosterone cypionate testosterone
- 00:04:10propionate testosterone suspension even
- 00:04:12though I wouldn't recommend suspension
- 00:04:14in any way shape or form because the
- 00:04:16post injection pain can be quite brutal
- 00:04:18we have compounded Esther formulas like
- 00:04:20susten on 250 and there's even
- 00:04:22alternative testostrone treatment in the
- 00:04:24form of mucco adhesive oral patches
- 00:04:27transdermal fil films trans trans dermal
- 00:04:30Solutions transdermal gels capsules
- 00:04:33nasal sprays implants and to summarize
- 00:04:36regardless of Ester formulation the
- 00:04:38General Metal consensus is then in the
- 00:04:40treatment of Androgen deficiency
- 00:04:42injectable exous testosterone will range
- 00:04:45anywhere between 25 milligrams to 200
- 00:04:49milligrams per week so I would say that
- 00:04:51that's a reasonably safe starting point
- 00:04:53you can always build up just keep in
- 00:04:55mind that these clinically accepted
- 00:04:56dosage ranges are regardless of age diet
- 00:04:59lifestyle activity levels to
- 00:05:01co-administration of other medications
- 00:05:03or ancillaries or performance enhancing
- 00:05:05drugs and the amount of gak repeaters
- 00:05:08that you have on your Androgen receptor
- 00:05:10because it's the amount of gak repeaters
- 00:05:12that determine how tightly the exous
- 00:05:15testosterone is going to bind and
- 00:05:17potentiate Androgen mediated Gene
- 00:05:19transcription which is ultimately where
- 00:05:21all of the beneficial effects from the
- 00:05:23Exon testosterone are going to come from
- 00:05:25now if you're curious about these
- 00:05:26antigen receptor gank repites without
- 00:05:28turning it into a fullblown gagr deep
- 00:05:31dive gag stands for cytoc adenine
- 00:05:35guanine and in most humans the amount of
- 00:05:37gag repeats on the Androgen receptor can
- 00:05:39vary between 18 to 24 repeats whereas in
- 00:05:43some humans have up to 35 gag repeats
- 00:05:46but it highly depends on the individual
- 00:05:48genetic polymorphism most of the
- 00:05:50scientific evidence indicates that fewer
- 00:05:52gang repeats leads to increase Androgen
- 00:05:55receptor sensitivity and binding to
- 00:05:57androgens and whether that's a free
- 00:05:59circular ating testosterone or other
- 00:06:01exogenous anabolic androgenic stats
- 00:06:03which are testosterone derivatives fewer
- 00:06:06gank repeats results in a tightly bound
- 00:06:09Androgen to the Androgen receptor and
- 00:06:11thus you get more of an effect on the
- 00:06:14gene transcription and on the other side
- 00:06:16more gag repeats leads to decreased
- 00:06:19receptor sensitivity and binding this is
- 00:06:21where medical conditions like Androgen
- 00:06:23insensitivity syndrome are stemming from
- 00:06:26now that being said it seems that
- 00:06:27genetic analysis for Androgen receptor G
- 00:06:29G repeats is it included in most DNA
- 00:06:32testing services that you can find
- 00:06:34online so let's just forgo these gak
- 00:06:36repeats and stick to the things we can
- 00:06:39actually measure so now that we know the
- 00:06:40clinical dosage ranges how can we
- 00:06:42determine the best response to this dose
- 00:06:44of Exon sterone that we're taking we can
- 00:06:48go with blood work as the first line of
- 00:06:50acquiring some data on what's going on
- 00:06:53internally now of course I'll be the
- 00:06:55first one to say that blood work is not
- 00:06:56going to tell you how tightly the
- 00:06:58testosterone is binding to the antigen
- 00:07:00receptor with a certain amount of gag
- 00:07:02repeats we can't figure it out but blood
- 00:07:04work can tell you how a testosterone is
- 00:07:07metabolizing into diod testosterone or
- 00:07:10estral and how it's affecting your
- 00:07:12overall blood work parameters blood work
- 00:07:15is just a moment in time when you're
- 00:07:16going for blood work you draw blood all
- 00:07:19the numbers that you get on pler on your
- 00:07:21blood work results are just of the blood
- 00:07:23that was drawn at that exact moment in
- 00:07:25time so even though I'm the first one to
- 00:07:27say that blood work is very important
- 00:07:29you should to do it frequently ideally
- 00:07:31every month blood work as many times as
- 00:07:34you can afford it's just a moment in
- 00:07:36time we're not treating the numbers
- 00:07:37that's what old school endocrinologists
- 00:07:39do they look at a number it's off and
- 00:07:41now they're bringing your Exon
- 00:07:43testosterone dose down right we're
- 00:07:45treating the patient we're treating you
- 00:07:47we need to figure out how you feel right
- 00:07:50so before you go in for blood work make
- 00:07:52a little diary write down what your mood
- 00:07:54is what your libido is what your
- 00:07:55well-being is what your motivation and
- 00:07:58confidence regression Etc is Right rate
- 00:08:01that from a one star to Five Star make
- 00:08:03some assumptions form a hypothesis maybe
- 00:08:07you think that your estr levels are high
- 00:08:08or your dihy testosterone levels are
- 00:08:10high based on the hair loss or symptoms
- 00:08:12of gynecomastia that you're currently
- 00:08:14experiencing right whatever side effect
- 00:08:16you have try to mix and match that two
- 00:08:18particular blood work parameters write
- 00:08:20it down first bro please going for blood
- 00:08:25work to confirm it was your hypothesis
- 00:08:27correct or maybe your D levels are just
- 00:08:30slightly elevated and the gyno that
- 00:08:32you're experiencing is just water
- 00:08:34retention right your prolactin is in
- 00:08:35range your progesterone levels are
- 00:08:37normal if you can't figure it out right
- 00:08:40hire a coach or hire who somebody who
- 00:08:42can interpret your blood work results
- 00:08:44for you but it's very important as for
- 00:08:46you as a beginner trying to figure out
- 00:08:48what the best dose of Exon testosterone
- 00:08:50is to write down your assumptions and
- 00:08:52how you feel before you go in for blood
- 00:08:55work and then you put two and two
- 00:08:56together just keep in mind that not all
- 00:08:58blood work results are created equally
- 00:09:00the results might vary between 10 to 20%
- 00:09:02among the different testing methods
- 00:09:05there's chemoluminescent microparticle
- 00:09:07immuno aay abbreviated to
- 00:09:10cmia Electro chemoluminescent imuno aay
- 00:09:13abbreviated to
- 00:09:14ecla or liquid chromatography Mass
- 00:09:18spectrometry abbreviated to lcms but the
- 00:09:22most sensitive version of bloodwork
- 00:09:23analysis regarding hormone panels is
- 00:09:26actually liquid cometography
- 00:09:28tandem Mass spectrometry abbreviated to
- 00:09:32LC Ms that will give you the most
- 00:09:35accurate results now do you need to do
- 00:09:37lcms Ms multiple times as you're trying
- 00:09:40to figure out the ideal testosterone
- 00:09:42dose no but in the beginning it's very
- 00:09:44beneficial very important to figure out
- 00:09:47what your actual total testosterone free
- 00:09:49testosterone bioavailable testosterone
- 00:09:51and all of your relevant blood work
- 00:09:53parameters actually are until you had
- 00:09:55that sweet spot and then you can
- 00:09:57continue with conventional testing and
- 00:09:59the blood work results are going to be
- 00:10:00in particular reference ranges and we
- 00:10:02have to differentiate between the
- 00:10:04feminist reference range and the
- 00:10:06masculin reference range it could be
- 00:10:08anywhere a difference of a total
- 00:10:10testosterone from 830 890 to 1100
- 00:10:14nanograms per de so what reference range
- 00:10:16would you rather go with the feminist or
- 00:10:19the masculine right we want 1100 NRS per
- 00:10:22Deiter duh or maybe even more 1100
- 00:10:24nanograms per deciliter is not where
- 00:10:27most men feel best most men feel better
- 00:10:30when they're super physiological most
- 00:10:32men feel good from, 1500 n per decil
- 00:10:36upwards right we're talking about
- 00:10:37healthy men who are Physically Active
- 00:10:39control their diet take some over the
- 00:10:41coun their health supplements right do
- 00:10:42everything right the hardworking the
- 00:10:44Blue Collar the intelligent the
- 00:10:46masculine men out there do very well
- 00:10:49with a, to 1500 2,000 NS per deiler
- 00:10:54under total testosterone level managing
- 00:10:56all of their blood Ro parameters staying
- 00:10:58very
- 00:10:59very healthy for very long periods of
- 00:11:02time right and maybe as you age the dose
- 00:11:04needs to come down slightly but for most
- 00:11:06men in their Prime 1500 2,000 NRS per
- 00:11:09decator is where most men feel best and
- 00:11:13most of their blood Ro parameters are
- 00:11:15100% manageable now don't get me wrong
- 00:11:17100 milligram testosterone per week is a
- 00:11:19great starting point but probably not
- 00:11:21the end point of figuring out the ideal
- 00:11:24Exon costone for you your
- 00:11:27endocrinologist might say that 300 n per
- 00:11:30deciliter and your toot testosterone is
- 00:11:32not Androgen deficient and thus doesn't
- 00:11:34prescribe you anything so you're going
- 00:11:36to have to take matters into your own
- 00:11:38hands and maybe start with 100
- 00:11:39milligrams Exon testosterone to bring
- 00:11:41your 300 nanograms per deiler up to 600
- 00:11:45right most men based on all the blood
- 00:11:46work that I've seen anywhere between 100
- 00:11:48to 125 milligrams Exon testosterone will
- 00:11:51bring their levels up to let's say 600
- 00:11:53700 nogs per deiler 150 depending on
- 00:11:57individual metabolism so when you start
- 00:12:01like that you double your serum
- 00:12:02testosterone levels as a starting point
- 00:12:05to see how you feel get your hands dirty
- 00:12:08learn through experimentation you do
- 00:12:10your blood work before you get your
- 00:12:11hands dirty and maybe four weeks six
- 00:12:13week into this starting dose right see
- 00:12:16what blood work parameters have changed
- 00:12:18but most importantly you see how your
- 00:12:20toal testosterone free testosterone
- 00:12:21bioavailable testosterone serum dial
- 00:12:24dihydrotestosterone sex binding globulin
- 00:12:27and your lipid parameters have changed
- 00:12:29over those four to six weeks right you
- 00:12:31can always increase you can always
- 00:12:34increase and you can stop at a dose
- 00:12:36where you feel absolutely great but your
- 00:12:38blood work parameters also look great
- 00:12:40right that's the ideal dose of
- 00:12:42testosterone but you're still going to
- 00:12:43have to try start low build your wake up
- 00:12:46and do blood work in between each
- 00:12:49increment of the EXO testosterone dose
- 00:12:52that you're taking 100 Mig 4 to 6 weeks
- 00:12:55blood work 150 milligram per week for 4
- 00:12:58to6 weeks weeks blood work 250
- 00:13:00milligrams Exon syone per week for 4 to6
- 00:13:03weeks blood work it sucks but this is
- 00:13:06the best way to keep track of everything
- 00:13:08that's happening in your body at that
- 00:13:10exact moment in time when you do blood
- 00:13:12work right so keep that in mind and I
- 00:13:14once you get into this comfortable
- 00:13:15groove of self- experimentation and
- 00:13:17analyzing your blood work results you
- 00:13:19can start messing around with the
- 00:13:20different testosterone Esters right
- 00:13:22there are so many different ones to
- 00:13:23choose from testosterone andano
- 00:13:26testosterone anate testosterone cinate
- 00:13:28testosterone propionate
- 00:13:29many different versions susten on 250
- 00:13:32right stick to an Esther that you prefer
- 00:13:34in a product with a carrier oil that you
- 00:13:36can metabolize at a sustained rates
- 00:13:39right start messing around with the
- 00:13:40injection frequency start messing around
- 00:13:43with the depth of the administration
- 00:13:45whether you go intramuscularly or
- 00:13:47subcutaneously start messing around with
- 00:13:49all these things at one point you find
- 00:13:52your sweet spot and it's not solely
- 00:13:54about the dose of Exon and testosterone
- 00:13:56and if that's too complicated and too
- 00:13:58much work for you you can always go with
- 00:14:00the cookie cutter body weight to weekly
- 00:14:02dose Approach at let's say 2 Mig
- 00:14:05exhaustion testosterone per 1 kilogram
- 00:14:08of body weight at let's say 10 12% body
- 00:14:12fat or 1 milligram per one pound of body
- 00:14:15weight so take me as an example I'm
- 00:14:16approximately 10% body fat weighing
- 00:14:19approximately 200 lb if I were to go on
- 00:14:22exous testosterone now I would start
- 00:14:25with let's say 150 to 200 milligrams
- 00:14:27testosterone and or sh eight per week
- 00:14:30all right I think that pretty much
- 00:14:31covers how to get to the entry dose of
- 00:14:33Exon testosterone and how to figure out
- 00:14:36the ideal dose of Exon testosterone The
- 00:14:39Sweet Spot dose the get out of jail for
- 00:14:41free dose right the dose where you feel
- 00:14:43best but all of your blood work
- 00:14:44parameters are manageable and you don't
- 00:14:47get any terrible side effects which you
- 00:14:48can mitigate otherwise with over the G
- 00:14:50supplements or ancillaries right fill
- 00:14:53out your diary do your blood work and
- 00:14:56keep adjusting until you're perfect but
- 00:14:59what is the highest dose of exhaust
- 00:15:00testosterone that we can take safely
- 00:15:03what is the highest dose we can take
- 00:15:04permanently right I mean we want to know
- 00:15:05the highest dose we want to push the
- 00:15:07boundaries personally I've gone as high
- 00:15:09as 2,500 milligrams testosterone andate
- 00:15:11per week one ampol of test per day and
- 00:15:14two on Sunday and I've talked to guys
- 00:15:16who've gone up as high as 3,500
- 00:15:18milligrams even 5,000 milligrams but
- 00:15:21those are ifb Pros they compete they
- 00:15:23have something to win right they're
- 00:15:24freaky decky big I documented all of my
- 00:15:27blood work results on 2005 milligram
- 00:15:29testosterone anate in this video give it
- 00:15:31a watch after we're done with this one
- 00:15:33I'll link it at the end but it doesn't
- 00:15:36mean that 2500 milligrams testosterone
- 00:15:38inate is suitable for you let's look
- 00:15:40into the medical literature the highest
- 00:15:42dose of testosterone investigated is up
- 00:15:45to 600 milligram testosterone initate
- 00:15:47per week anywhere between 16 to 20 weeks
- 00:15:51and reviewing all of the scientific
- 00:15:52literature citations down below as usual
- 00:15:55evidence-based with
- 00:15:57citations scientific evidence shows that
- 00:15:59600 milligram testosterone initate per
- 00:16:01week up to 20 weeks is reasonably
- 00:16:04tolerable reasonably benign good blood
- 00:16:07work parameters albeit that lipid
- 00:16:08parameters do change but during the
- 00:16:11studies they don't put preventative
- 00:16:12measures in place which would otherwise
- 00:16:14control lipid parameters right we can do
- 00:16:17cardio we can take some fish o we can
- 00:16:18take some citus Bergamot we can take
- 00:16:20some berberine there's a zamip Statin
- 00:16:24plenty of methods to control your lipid
- 00:16:26parameters but that's not what this
- 00:16:28video is about that's what this entire
- 00:16:29YouTube channel is about right all of
- 00:16:32the scientific evidence shows that Exon
- 00:16:34testosterone up to 600 milligrams per
- 00:16:36week for this long of a period increased
- 00:16:39muscle mass reduced fat Mass improved
- 00:16:42body composition and increased muscle
- 00:16:44mass specifically in healthy men who
- 00:16:47also trained right do you identify as a
- 00:16:50healthy man who also trains I certainly
- 00:16:53do now there's some dose supended
- 00:16:55response between Exon testosterone up to
- 00:16:5800 milligrams per week and serum igf1
- 00:17:01level so that looks pretty promising a
- 00:17:04lot of diabetes evidence shows that EXO
- 00:17:07testosterone can actually improve uh
- 00:17:09insulin resistance states by improving
- 00:17:11insulin sensitivity albeit that of
- 00:17:14course that is in diabetics not in
- 00:17:16healthy adult men right but we can
- 00:17:18extrapolate from the data nonetheless
- 00:17:21there is some scientific evidence that
- 00:17:23exous testosterone as the dose goes
- 00:17:25higher might increase aggression but on
- 00:17:27the opposite end there's also dosea Bend
- 00:17:29response to alleviate depressive
- 00:17:31symptoms in men where dosages above 500
- 00:17:34milligrams per week seem to offer more
- 00:17:36of a robust effect this scientific study
- 00:17:39actually goes up to 1,000 milligrams
- 00:17:41testosterone per week which is certainly
- 00:17:44where I feel the best I'll tell you that
- 00:17:461,000 milligram Exon
- 00:17:48testosterone epic epic regarding mood
- 00:17:52and sense of wellbeing of course blood
- 00:17:53work parameters are going to change but
- 00:17:55it's a very robust dose I will tell you
- 00:17:58that now keep in mind that anything over
- 00:18:00200 milligrams Exon testosterone per
- 00:18:02week is considered recreational dosages
- 00:18:05rather those are Fitness enthusias
- 00:18:07dosages or strongman dosages or CrossFit
- 00:18:10dosages or bodybuilder dosages right as
- 00:18:12the dose goes up um side effects become
- 00:18:15more apparent and you slowly step away
- 00:18:18more and more and more from the medical
- 00:18:20field to the point and no doctor is
- 00:18:22really going to be able to help you
- 00:18:24regarding the changes in blood work
- 00:18:25parameters or organ health and that kind
- 00:18:28of stuff so right do your due diligence
- 00:18:31researching the more you take the more
- 00:18:33cumbersome Health Management becomes and
- 00:18:35it's the same the exact same the older
- 00:18:38you get so maybe you can run 2,500
- 00:18:41milligrams in your late 20s early 30s as
- 00:18:44you get older that ideal dose that
- 00:18:46you're taking right now your sweet spot
- 00:18:48dose will get less and less and less as
- 00:18:51you age because as you age you get less
- 00:18:53resilient to dealing with the side
- 00:18:55effects right of course the older you
- 00:18:57get that also means more time on Exon
- 00:19:00testosterone and you might have done
- 00:19:02some experiments along the way and as
- 00:19:04you're getting older um your metabolism
- 00:19:06slows down and the side effects of these
- 00:19:08super physiologic dosages that you're
- 00:19:10taking might do you more harm than good
- 00:19:13so it's very likely with time with age
- 00:19:16that you need to slowly but steadily
- 00:19:18bring the dose of Exon testosterone down
- 00:19:21to what is clinically accept it it sucks
- 00:19:26but that's reality now I've discussed
- 00:19:28this linked in another video that I
- 00:19:30published a couple months ago I'll link
- 00:19:31it at the end of this one right the
- 00:19:33decline of serum testosterone levels but
- 00:19:36that's in otherwise quote unquote
- 00:19:38healthy individuals without exha toone
- 00:19:41in the picture still as you age I would
- 00:19:44safely say that the dose needs to come
- 00:19:45down we can use the clinically
- 00:19:47recognized reference ranges as a little
- 00:19:49bit of indication on how serum
- 00:19:51testosterone levels decline in otherwise
- 00:19:53healthy adults that being said again
- 00:19:56that's endogenous production not EXO
- 00:19:59usage unfortunately total testosterone
- 00:20:02levels are only known up until the age
- 00:20:04of 19 years old the reference range is
- 00:20:07between 240 to 950 nogs per deor but
- 00:20:10again some Clinical Reference ranges
- 00:20:12goes up to 1100 nanr per decator so we
- 00:20:15know the range is between uh zero months
- 00:20:17old to 5 months old or 6 months old to 9
- 00:20:19years old etc etc but anything over 19
- 00:20:23years old we don't exactly know the
- 00:20:25normal level of decline which we can
- 00:20:27base our normal level of decline of our
- 00:20:29exogenous testosterone dose on we know
- 00:20:32that the average male testosterone
- 00:20:34levels depending on which scientific
- 00:20:36evidence you reads I'll put the first
- 00:20:37one on the screen you see that these
- 00:20:39levels slowly decline right from age 20
- 00:20:41to 24 is higher than 25 to 29 Etc this
- 00:20:46study goes up only to the age of 45 then
- 00:20:49another study shows the AG is from 50 to
- 00:20:5180 years old um and there you also see
- 00:20:54that the average testosterone levels are
- 00:20:56declining albeit at the upper uh total
- 00:20:58detectable range of this study is
- 00:21:01significantly higher compared to the
- 00:21:03previous study so which study reference
- 00:21:06ranges are we going to cherry pick of
- 00:21:07the average testosterone levels of these
- 00:21:10age brackets right I'll leave it
- 00:21:11entirely up to you um the second one
- 00:21:15does look a lot more favorable but we do
- 00:21:17have the reference range for free
- 00:21:18testosterone from age one up until 100
- 00:21:21years old you see that free testosterone
- 00:21:23levels actually increase up until the
- 00:21:25age of 20 years old give or take the
- 00:21:28from 20 years old it slowly but steadily
- 00:21:31starts to decline ending up at a free
- 00:21:34testosterone up from 2.3 to 7.9 nog per
- 00:21:38deciliter at let's say 100 years old and
- 00:21:41it's the same for the reference range
- 00:21:42for bioavailable testosterone albeit
- 00:21:44that that one is not so much in depth as
- 00:21:46free testosterone right we have an age
- 00:21:48range of about 10 years old still from
- 00:21:51the age of 20 to 29 after that levels
- 00:21:55slowly but surely declin so again based
- 00:21:57on these reference ranges based on your
- 00:22:00biological makeup the normal decline of
- 00:22:02serum testosterone levels whether those
- 00:22:04are total free or bioavailable in um
- 00:22:07adult men it's coming down so it's very
- 00:22:09safe to say that your exogenous dose of
- 00:22:11testosterone needs to come down slowly
- 00:22:14allbe it that you can still be somewhat
- 00:22:16super physiological if you mitigate and
- 00:22:18manage the side effects which will occur
- 00:22:21as you age right but if they become
- 00:22:22uncontrollable just lower the dose and
- 00:22:25leave it there now let's interject
- 00:22:26myself a little bit into this picture to
- 00:22:28to clarify everything that I just
- 00:22:30mentioned leading up to this point what
- 00:22:32would I do right depending on my age
- 00:22:35because if the dose is AG dependent and
- 00:22:37it does need to come down as you age
- 00:22:40what would coach Viger Steve do in a
- 00:22:43scenario like this trying to figure out
- 00:22:45the ideal testosterone dose ranges I
- 00:22:48started at the age of 26 so if I had a
- 00:22:50time machine knowing everything that I
- 00:22:52know now I would still start exhausting
- 00:22:54testosterone at the age of 25 26 at 1
- 00:22:57amp per week 250 testosterone anate per
- 00:22:59week I got more than enough results I
- 00:23:01felt great side effects were tolerable
- 00:23:03and manageable blood work changes were
- 00:23:05also
- 00:23:06manageable no real negative effects at
- 00:23:10that time then I went as high as 2,500
- 00:23:12milligrams testosterone per week as I
- 00:23:15became older and more experienced and of
- 00:23:17course I do my blood work frequently to
- 00:23:18keep track of my health parameters and
- 00:23:19make the appropriate adjustments as it
- 00:23:21do escalates I will say I'm of the firm
- 00:23:25opinion that if you want to bring the
- 00:23:26dosages of Exon testosterone up that
- 00:23:28high let's say 2, 2,500 milligrams per
- 00:23:31week do that when you're still somewhat
- 00:23:34young albeit an adult so let's say from
- 00:23:36the age of 25 to 35 years old after
- 00:23:39which I started to notice that I became
- 00:23:41a little bit intolerant to higher
- 00:23:43dosages so the highest dose I ran was
- 00:23:462,500 milligrams when I was about 35
- 00:23:49years old now that I'm 40 years old I
- 00:23:51don't think I would want to push the
- 00:23:53dose upwards of 1500 milligrams right so
- 00:23:56that's 1,000 milligrams per week less
- 00:23:58and as I age the dose will be lower and
- 00:24:00lower and lower simply because I know
- 00:24:03that I won't be able to tolerate it from
- 00:24:05a a physical perspective right mentally
- 00:24:07I'll surely feel fine physically side
- 00:24:10effect wise 1,500 milligrams per week is
- 00:24:12really the maximum I would be able to
- 00:24:14take and even at 1500 milligrams I think
- 00:24:16I need to put a significant amount of
- 00:24:18Health Management in place to stay
- 00:24:20healthy I think at 1,00 milligrams Exon
- 00:24:22testosterone per week at the age of 40
- 00:24:24years old I would be considered healthy
- 00:24:27with blood work parameters and Health
- 00:24:28Matrix perfectly manageable so anywhere
- 00:24:31between 200 milligram to 2,500 milligram
- 00:24:33weekly between the age of 25 to 34 but
- 00:24:37after that dosages will come down so
- 00:24:40right now at the age of 40 to 49 I would
- 00:24:42consider 150 milligrams to 1,000
- 00:24:44milligrams at maximum but when I'm 70
- 00:24:46years old I expect those dosage ranges
- 00:24:48to be anywhere between 50 milligram
- 00:24:50upwards of 200 milligram per week which
- 00:24:53is basically identical to the clinically
- 00:24:56recognized dosages for and deficiency
- 00:24:59which surely I will be by the age of 70
- 00:25:03without exhaus testosterone replacement
- 00:25:05therapy in the picture so what's the
- 00:25:07real ideal best dose of exhaust
- 00:25:10testosterone that's just something
- 00:25:11you're going to have to figure out for
- 00:25:13yourself right figure out what your
- 00:25:14blood work does figure out if you can
- 00:25:16mitigate the side effects with health
- 00:25:17supplements or ancillaries right figure
- 00:25:20out what else you can do to make this
- 00:25:21ideal dose of a testosterone work for
- 00:25:24you and even then right individual
- 00:25:27response resp an individual risk
- 00:25:30tolerance highly determines how high
- 00:25:33you're willing to get CU I was willing
- 00:25:35to go up to 2,500 milligrams exhaust
- 00:25:38testosterone per week and my blood work
- 00:25:40parameters were manageable but maybe
- 00:25:42that's not a risk tolerance a risk
- 00:25:45profile that you're willing to subject
- 00:25:47yourself to right I'm just a dumb
- 00:25:48bodybuilder sharing his experiences and
- 00:25:51if you don't follow within that same
- 00:25:52category or you're not competing at the
- 00:25:54IB Pro level or getting your pro cards
- 00:25:57then that of a dose is probably not
- 00:25:59required and you could be perfectly fine
- 00:26:01and healthy with a dose of let's say 250
- 00:26:04to 500 milligrams exogenous testosterone
- 00:26:06per week for certain periods of time and
- 00:26:09then you drop it down to a cruise dose
- 00:26:11which is clinically recognized where
- 00:26:13your serum testosterone levels or let's
- 00:26:15say 1,100 n per decator and in the
- 00:26:18process of figuring all of that out if
- 00:26:20you live in the United States and you
- 00:26:21want the most accurate testosterone
- 00:26:23readings on your blood work results
- 00:26:25through liquid chomatography tandem Mass
- 00:26:28spectrometry
- 00:26:30lcmsms look no further than meric health
- 00:26:32they have excellent healthc care
- 00:26:34providers can help you interpret your
- 00:26:35blood work results again with the most
- 00:26:37most accurate testing that you can find
- 00:26:40anywhere so the results you get on paper
- 00:26:42are the most accurate and thus you can
- 00:26:43make the most informed decisions on how
- 00:26:46to proceed and whether that's uh to
- 00:26:48raise your indous testosterone levels up
- 00:26:50or maybe look into exogenous
- 00:26:52testosterone use again under Medical
- 00:26:54Care through the supervision of a doctor
- 00:26:56right mer Health getting can help you
- 00:26:59get everything sorted if you want to
- 00:27:00know the best dose of Exon testosterone
- 00:27:03for you subscribe and all will be
- 00:27:07revealed thank you guys so much for
- 00:27:08watching you can find everything that
- 00:27:10I'm associated with Down Below in the
- 00:27:11YouTube description section all of the
- 00:27:13citations and links to Affiliates right
- 00:27:16there vigorous crew you guys know to do
- 00:27:19a friendable b up for you guys no Exon
- 00:27:22testosterone in the picture right here
- 00:27:23but maybe at one point in time I do
- 00:27:26decide to go back on hormone replacement
- 00:27:27therapy then some and then let's see
- 00:27:29what my ideal dose of Exon testosterone
- 00:27:32is going to be 150 250 500 1,000 let's
- 00:27:37see I'll document it right here on this
- 00:27:39YouTube channel until then see you in
- 00:27:41the next video
- testosterone
- exogenous testosterone
- health monitoring
- dosage
- side effects
- lifestyle
- blood work
- androgen deficiency
- self-experimentation
- fitness