Electric Field Due To Point Charges - Physics Problems
TLDRDans cette vidéo, le discours détaillé se concentre sur les champs électriques, leur calcul et leur influence sur des charges test dans leur environnement. Le champ électrique est essentiel pour comprendre la direction et l'intensité de la force agissant sur les charges. Il est représenté par la formule E = F/q, avec F étant la force en newtons et q la charge en coulombs. La vidéo explique comment les champs diffèrent pour les charges positives et négatives : un champ électrique exercera une force dans le même sens sur une charge positive mais dans le sens opposé sur une charge négative. Les aspects pratiques incluent des calculs de champs à des points spécifiques par rapport à des charges ponctuelles et des discussions sur la manière dont les champs changent avec l'augmentation ou la diminution de la distance ou de la magnitude de la charge. La vidéo contient enfin des problèmes pratiques qui illustrent l'application des concepts abordés pour des calculs précis et la détermination des directions vectorielles du champ électrique.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 🔋 Le champ électrique se calcule par E = F/q.
- ➕ Un champ pour une charge positive est extérieur.
- ➖ Un champ pour une charge négative est intérieur.
- 🔄 Un champ électrique est un vecteur comme la force.
- ⚡ Les charges créent leur propre champ électrique.
- 🧲 La direction du champ dépend de la polarité de la charge.
- 📏 Un champ change avec le carré de la distance.
- 🔍 Analyse de champs autour de charges ponctuelles.
- 🧮 Utilisation des lois de Coulomb pour calculer les forces.
- 📚 Problèmes pratiques démontrant l'application des théories des champs électriques.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Le concept d'un champ électrique est introduit avec l'équation qui le définit comme étant la force électrique divisée par la charge. Le champ électrique est un vecteur qui indique la direction dans laquelle une charge se déplacera ; pour une charge positive, il est dans la même direction que le champ, et pour une charge négative, il est dans la direction opposée.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Les charges peuvent créer leur propre champ électrique : un champ créé par une charge positive rayonne de cette charge, tandis qu'un champ créé par une charge négative converge vers elle. Une équation est présentée pour calculer le champ électrique dû à une charge ponctuelle donnée. Un exemple est utilisé pour illustrer comment la petite charge d'essai est théoriquement placée pour mesurer le champ électrique sans influencer lui-même le champ.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Le calcul du champ électrique pour une charge ponctuelle est revisité avec la simplification en annulant la charge d'essai dans l'équation, offrant une formule simplifiée : E = kQ/r². Des calculs d'un champ électrique avec différentes unités de charge (micro, nano, milli coulombs) sont expliqués. On explique comment dessiner des vecteurs de champ électrique autour d'une charge dans un espace autour de celle-ci.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
La direction du champ électrique produite par des charges positives et négatives est discutée avec des exemples de points autour des charges positives et négatives. Un problème est donné sur la détermination de la direction du champ électrique à un point donné, illustrant comment une charge négative est influencée dans un champ dirigé vers le sud quand la force est vers le nord.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
On continue avec un problème concret où une charge positive doit être suspendue entre deux plaques métalliques, déterminant la masse nécessaire pour que la force électrique égale la force de gravité afin de rester suspendu. L'idée est que deux plaques parallèles créent un champ électrique uniforme.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Un scénario est exploré où un électron dans un champ électrique uniformément orienté à l'ouest est étudié pour trouver l'accélération et la vitesse à laquelle il serait éjecté. Les lois du mouvement de Newton sont utilisées pour dériver l'équation nécessaire utilisant F = ma pour un calcul de champ électrique.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Les conséquences sur le champ électrique lorsqu'une charge double ou que sa distance change sont traitées. On montre que doubler la charge double le champ électrique, tandis que doubler la distance le réduit d'un quart. Réduire la distance par un facteur de trois augmente le champ par neuf.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Une série d'exemples est donnée pour illustrer comment des champs électriques créés par deux charges identiques s'annulent exactement au point milieu entre elles, à cause de leur symétrie, sauf si la magnitude change. D'autres exemples montrent ce qui arrive quand l'une des charges double : le point d'annulation du champ se déplace.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
On aborde les concepts de superposition des champs électriques et comment déterminer où ces champs se neutralisent. Des exemples visuels aident à imaginer comment les directions des vecteurs de champ électrique changent avec la position et la charge.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
La méthode pour résoudre des problèmes de champ électrique en considérant les positions relatives des charges, conduisant à des vecteurs de direction opposés égalisant des côtés opposés, est exposée. Des explications détaillées montrent comment approcher les problèmes de physique en utilisant la théorie mathématique.
- 00:50:00 - 00:59:58
Le comportement d'un électron dans un champ électrique est étudié, montrant ses caractéristiques et études de cas pour dériver des formules pratiques qui résolvent des problématiques basées sur le champ électrique, utilisant encore F = ma et les formules d'accélération.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
Comment calcule-t-on un champ électrique?
Le champ électrique est déterminé par la formule F/q, où F est la force électrique en newtons et q est la charge en coulombs.
Quelle est la direction du champ électrique pour des charges positives et négatives?
Pour une charge positive, le champ électrique se dirige vers l'extérieur de la charge, tandis que pour une charge négative, il se dirige vers la charge.
Quand le champ électrique net devient-il zéro?
Au point milieu entre des charges égales, les champs électriques des deux charges s'annulent mutuellement.
Quelle est la relation entre la direction de la force et celle du champ électrique sur des charges positives et négatives?
La force électrique et le champ électrique sont dans la même direction pour une charge positive et dans des directions opposées pour une charge négative.
Les charges peuvent-elles créer des champs électriques?
Oui, les charges peuvent créer leurs propres champs électriques selon leur polarité.
Comment le champ électrique change-t-il avec la magnitude de la charge et la distance?
Le champ électrique change proportionnellement avec la charge source et inversement avec le carré de la distance.
Quelles sont les unités du champ électrique?
Les unités de champ électrique sont newtons par coulomb (N/C).
Comment deux charges identiques affectent-elles le champ électrique à leur point milieu?
Deux charges identiques créent un champ électrique nul au point milieu entre elles lorsque leurs magnitudes sont les mêmes et qu'elles sont équidistantes.
Comment un champ électrique uniforme affecte-t-il une charge?
Dans un champ électrique uniforme, la force sur une charge est constante et dépend de la charge elle-même et de la force du champ.
Comment un champ électrique uniforme est-il créé?
Des plaques parallèles peuvent créer un champ électrique uniforme, influençant les charges placées entre elles.
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- 00:00:01in this video we're going to focus on
- 00:00:03electric fields
- 00:00:05let's begin our discussion
- 00:00:07with the formula
- 00:00:09that will help us to calculate the
- 00:00:10electric field
- 00:00:11the electric field is equal to the
- 00:00:13electric force
- 00:00:14that is acting on
- 00:00:17a
- 00:00:18tiny test charge
- 00:00:20divided by
- 00:00:21the magnitude of that test charge
- 00:00:25so it's f over q
- 00:00:27the force is measured in newtons
- 00:00:30the charge q is measured in coulombs
- 00:00:34so electric field
- 00:00:36has the units newtons per coulomb
- 00:00:42now the electric field is a vector
- 00:00:44much like force is a vector
- 00:00:47but the good thing about the electric
- 00:00:48field is
- 00:00:49it tells you
- 00:00:51how the electric force is going to be
- 00:00:53acting
- 00:00:54on a positive or negative
- 00:00:56charge
- 00:00:57so let's talk about positive charges
- 00:00:59first
- 00:01:01what happens
- 00:01:02if we put a positive test charge
- 00:01:04in an electric field
- 00:01:07and that test charge is going to fill a
- 00:01:09force that will accelerate it in the
- 00:01:12same direction as the electric field
- 00:01:18now what about a negative test charge
- 00:01:21what's going to happen if we put it
- 00:01:23in an electric field
- 00:01:25a negative test charge
- 00:01:28will fill a force that will accelerate
- 00:01:30it
- 00:01:30in the opposite direction to the
- 00:01:32electric field
- 00:01:34so make sure you understand that
- 00:01:36positive charges
- 00:01:38they accelerate in the same direction as
- 00:01:40the electric field the force and
- 00:01:42electric field vectors will be in the
- 00:01:43same direction
- 00:01:44but for negative
- 00:01:46charges
- 00:01:47they will fill a force that will
- 00:01:48accelerate it in the opposite direction
- 00:01:50of the electric field
- 00:01:57now as we said before an electric field
- 00:02:00can exert a force
- 00:02:02on
- 00:02:03any type of charge a positive charge or
- 00:02:05a negative charge
- 00:02:06but it turns out that charges
- 00:02:08can also create their own electric
- 00:02:10fields
- 00:02:14the electric field created by a positive
- 00:02:16charge
- 00:02:17extends in all directions
- 00:02:19away from the positive charge
- 00:02:28the electric field created by a negative
- 00:02:30charge
- 00:02:32extends in all directions
- 00:02:34toward the negative charge
- 00:02:36so it's going inward towards the
- 00:02:38negative charge in all directions
- 00:02:45now let's talk about the equation that
- 00:02:47will help us to calculate the electric
- 00:02:48field
- 00:02:50created by a point charge
- 00:02:54so let's say we have
- 00:02:57okay let me draw a better circle
- 00:02:59let's say we have this charge
- 00:03:02which we'll call big q
- 00:03:05and we want to calculate the electric
- 00:03:07field
- 00:03:09at some point
- 00:03:10a
- 00:03:11how can we do that and let's say a is
- 00:03:15some distance r
- 00:03:19well we know that
- 00:03:21the electric field at point a will be
- 00:03:23going in this direction
- 00:03:26all you need to do is draw an arrow
- 00:03:28from the positive charge to the point of
- 00:03:30interest and that will give you the
- 00:03:31direction
- 00:03:32of the electric field
- 00:03:36now let's say
- 00:03:37if we place a tiny positive charge
- 00:03:44at point a so let me just erase point a
- 00:03:52so this tiny positive charge will be
- 00:03:54considered our test charge the reason
- 00:03:56why it has to be tiny because if it's
- 00:03:59large enough
- 00:04:01it will affect
- 00:04:02q
- 00:04:04big q will be repelled by little q but
- 00:04:06if the magnitude of little q is very
- 00:04:08very small
- 00:04:10it won't affect big q as much
- 00:04:12and thus it won't affect the electric
- 00:04:14field that is created by big q as much
- 00:04:17so that this equation will work if we
- 00:04:19choose a very tiny positive test charge
- 00:04:24now according to columbus law whenever
- 00:04:26you have two
- 00:04:29charges next to each other they will
- 00:04:30exert a force in each other
- 00:04:32two like charges
- 00:04:34will fill a force that will repel them
- 00:04:37and we can calculate that force using
- 00:04:39this equation it's equal to k times q1
- 00:04:42which we'll call big q
- 00:04:44times q2 which we'll call little q
- 00:04:47over r squared
- 00:04:48where r
- 00:04:50is the distance
- 00:04:51between the two charges
- 00:04:55so what we're going to do now is we're
- 00:04:56going to take
- 00:04:58this equation
- 00:04:59and substitute it for f in that equation
- 00:05:04but first i'm going to rewrite
- 00:05:06this equation as
- 00:05:09f over 1 times 1 over q
- 00:05:13that's the same as f divided by q
- 00:05:18so now let's replace f
- 00:05:21with what we see here
- 00:05:32so this is going to be f i mean it's no
- 00:05:35longer f but it's going to be k
- 00:05:38big q times little q
- 00:05:40over r squared
- 00:05:42so this whole thing is f
- 00:05:44and then we're going to multiply it by 1
- 00:05:46over q
- 00:05:49and so we could cancel out little q the
- 00:05:51test charge
- 00:05:53thus we get the equation that gives us
- 00:05:55the electric field or the magnitude of
- 00:05:58the electric field
- 00:06:00for
- 00:06:01a point charge capital q so it's k q
- 00:06:05over r squared
- 00:06:12so if we have our charge
- 00:06:15q and we wish to calculate the electric
- 00:06:17field
- 00:06:18at point a
- 00:06:22we could use this formula
- 00:06:27k
- 00:06:28is 9
- 00:06:30times 10 to the 9
- 00:06:32newtons
- 00:06:33times square meters
- 00:06:35over square coulombs
- 00:06:38q is the magnitude of the charge in
- 00:06:40columns
- 00:06:41now remember one micro coulomb
- 00:06:43is one times ten to the minus six
- 00:06:45coulombs
- 00:06:46a nano clue is
- 00:06:4810 to the negative nine clues and a
- 00:06:50milli clue is 10 to the minus three
- 00:06:52columns
- 00:06:55and r is going to be the distance
- 00:06:57in meters
- 00:07:03now let's say we have a positive charge
- 00:07:05here
- 00:07:08and
- 00:07:10we have point a
- 00:07:13let's say point b
- 00:07:18point c
- 00:07:21and point d
- 00:07:23determine the electric field
- 00:07:26created by
- 00:07:27the charge q
- 00:07:28at points a b c and d
- 00:07:33so at point a
- 00:07:35the electric field in order to draw it
- 00:07:37we're going to draw starting from the
- 00:07:38positive charge
- 00:07:40towards point a
- 00:07:42and so the electric field is going north
- 00:07:46for point b we need to draw towards
- 00:07:48point b
- 00:07:49so the electric field the direction
- 00:07:52is west
- 00:07:56for point d it's going to be at an angle
- 00:08:00so it appears to be going in the
- 00:08:02the northwest direction
- 00:08:06and for point c
- 00:08:07just draw towards point c
- 00:08:09so it's going in uh
- 00:08:12oh wait i have to make a correction that
- 00:08:14is not northwest that is north east
- 00:08:19and this is southeast
- 00:08:23now let's do something similar but with
- 00:08:24a negative charge
- 00:08:28so for the sake of practice
- 00:08:30go ahead and determine
- 00:08:32the direction of the electric field
- 00:08:34at the following points
- 00:08:36so point a
- 00:08:38point b
- 00:08:41point c
- 00:08:44and point d
- 00:08:47so this time the electric field is going
- 00:08:49to point toward the negative charge so
- 00:08:51we're going to draw it from the point to
- 00:08:53the negative charge
- 00:08:56so this electric field vector
- 00:08:58is going
- 00:09:00west
- 00:09:02and then here we're going to draw it
- 00:09:04from v towards the negative charge
- 00:09:06so this is going in the south direction
- 00:09:10and then d to the negative charge
- 00:09:14here it's going east
- 00:09:18and then from c to the negative charge
- 00:09:20this electric field vector is pointed in
- 00:09:24the northwest direction
- 00:09:28so that's how we can determine the
- 00:09:30direction
- 00:09:31of any electric field vector that is
- 00:09:33created by some type of charge either a
- 00:09:36positive or negative charge and we could
- 00:09:38determine the direction of that vector
- 00:09:40at any point
- 00:09:41using examples such as these
- 00:09:43but now let's focus on some word
- 00:09:44problems
- 00:09:46number one
- 00:09:48a force of 100 newtons is directed north
- 00:09:52on a negative 20 micro coulomb point
- 00:09:54charge
- 00:09:55what is the magnitude and direction of
- 00:09:58the electric field at this point
- 00:10:01so feel free to pause the video and work
- 00:10:03on this example problem
- 00:10:06so let's begin by drawing a picture
- 00:10:09so let's draw
- 00:10:10our negative point charge
- 00:10:13now there is an electric force that is
- 00:10:15acting on this charge and that electric
- 00:10:17force is directed north
- 00:10:23what is the direction of the electric
- 00:10:25field
- 00:10:27now if you recall
- 00:10:29if we have an electric field pointing
- 00:10:31east
- 00:10:32and if we were to place a positive
- 00:10:35test charge in that electric field
- 00:10:37it will fill a force
- 00:10:39in the same direction as the electric
- 00:10:40field
- 00:10:41but a negative charge
- 00:10:43will fill a force that will accelerate
- 00:10:44in the opposite direction
- 00:10:48so if the electric field
- 00:10:50is
- 00:10:53due east
- 00:10:54the electric force acting on the
- 00:10:55negative charge
- 00:10:57will be west
- 00:10:59so if the force
- 00:11:01is north
- 00:11:02what is the direction of the electric
- 00:11:04field actin
- 00:11:05on this charge q
- 00:11:07it has to be in the other direction
- 00:11:09it has to be south
- 00:11:12so that is the direction of the electric
- 00:11:14field
- 00:11:16it's direct itself
- 00:11:19now if we want an angle
- 00:11:21we can draw this this is 0 90
- 00:11:24180
- 00:11:26270.
- 00:11:28so the electric field is directed along
- 00:11:29the negative y-axis
- 00:11:32so we could say that
- 00:11:33it's at an angle
- 00:11:34of
- 00:11:35270 degrees
- 00:11:38relative to the positive x-axis
- 00:11:41and that is in a counterclockwise
- 00:11:42direction
- 00:11:44so those are the ways in which we can
- 00:11:46describe
- 00:11:46the direction
- 00:11:49of the electric field we could say it's
- 00:11:51due south
- 00:11:52or it's at an angle of 270 degrees
- 00:11:56so now that we have the direction
- 00:11:58of the electric field let's calculate
- 00:12:00the magnitude
- 00:12:01of the electric field
- 00:12:04so we could use this formula we can take
- 00:12:06the electric force and divide it by the
- 00:12:08magnitude of the charge
- 00:12:10the force acting on it is 100
- 00:12:13newtons
- 00:12:17the magnitude of the charge we don't
- 00:12:19need to worry about the negative sign
- 00:12:20since we already know the direction
- 00:12:22the charge is 20 micro coulombs
- 00:12:25and we can replace
- 00:12:27micro with 10 to the six i mean 10 to
- 00:12:29the minus six
- 00:12:32now let's do some algebra let's see if
- 00:12:33we can get this answer without the use
- 00:12:36of a calculator
- 00:12:37we could divide a hundred by twenty
- 00:12:40how many twenties would make up a
- 00:12:42hundred bucks that's gonna be five
- 00:12:43twenty so a hundred divided by twenty is
- 00:12:45five
- 00:12:47now the ten to the minus six if we move
- 00:12:49it to the top
- 00:12:51the negative exponent will become a
- 00:12:53positive exponent so the negative six
- 00:12:55will change to positive six
- 00:12:57and thus the answer is going to be five
- 00:13:00times ten to the sixth
- 00:13:01and the units in newtons per coulomb
- 00:13:05so that is the electric field that's
- 00:13:07acting on this negative charge
- 00:13:11number two
- 00:13:12a positive charge of 50 micro coulombs
- 00:13:15is placed in an electric field of 50 000
- 00:13:19newtons per column directed upward
- 00:13:22what mass
- 00:13:23should the charge have to remain
- 00:13:24suspended in the air
- 00:13:28well let's talk about how we can create
- 00:13:30such an electric field
- 00:13:34we can create this electric field using
- 00:13:36a battery
- 00:13:38and two
- 00:13:39parallel metal plates
- 00:13:46so this is the electrical symbol of a
- 00:13:48battery
- 00:13:50we're going to connect it to these two
- 00:13:51plates
- 00:13:55this is the negative side of the battery
- 00:13:58and this is the positive side
- 00:14:00so this plate is going to acquire a
- 00:14:02positive charge
- 00:14:05and this plate
- 00:14:08is going to acquire a negative charge
- 00:14:13so if we choose a high enough voltage
- 00:14:16and if the distance between the two
- 00:14:18plates is just right
- 00:14:20we can adjust it such that we get an
- 00:14:22electric field
- 00:14:23of 50 000 newtons per coulomb
- 00:14:26now we want the electric field to be
- 00:14:28directed upward
- 00:14:30so we want the positively charged plate
- 00:14:32to be at the bottom the negatively
- 00:14:33charged plate to be at the top remember
- 00:14:36the electric field always extends away
- 00:14:38from a positive charge and points
- 00:14:40towards a negative charge
- 00:14:42so this is how we can create a uniform
- 00:14:44electric field using two parallel plate
- 00:14:47i mean using two
- 00:14:49parallel metal plates
- 00:14:51now let's place our positive charge
- 00:14:54in the middle between these two plates
- 00:14:58if this charge has the right mass
- 00:15:01it can actually remain suspended in the
- 00:15:03air
- 00:15:04now let's talk about it
- 00:15:06so we have an electric field that is
- 00:15:07directed upward
- 00:15:10and it's acting on its positive charge
- 00:15:13what will be the direction of the
- 00:15:15electric force
- 00:15:16on its charge
- 00:15:18the electric force will be the same
- 00:15:20direction as the electric field for a
- 00:15:22positive charge
- 00:15:24so the electric force will be directed
- 00:15:26upward
- 00:15:27now gravity
- 00:15:28gravity likes to bring things down
- 00:15:31so gravity is going to exert a weight
- 00:15:33force
- 00:15:34on this positive charge
- 00:15:36bringing it down in the negative y
- 00:15:38direction
- 00:15:39in order for this charge to remain
- 00:15:41suspended in the air
- 00:15:43the electric force
- 00:15:45that wants to accelerate the charge
- 00:15:47towards the negatively charged pay
- 00:15:50that has to be exactly equal to the
- 00:15:52gravitational force or the weight force
- 00:15:54that wants to
- 00:15:56bring the positive charge down towards
- 00:15:58the
- 00:15:58towards this plate
- 00:16:00so if we can get these two forces to
- 00:16:02equal each other
- 00:16:03then the positive charge
- 00:16:05will remain suspended in the air
- 00:16:10so let's write
- 00:16:12the forces in the y direction the sum of
- 00:16:15the forces in the y direction
- 00:16:17is equal to the electric force this is
- 00:16:19positive
- 00:16:20and the weight force is negative because
- 00:16:21it's going in a negative y direction
- 00:16:25and we want the the sum of the forces in
- 00:16:27the y direction to be zero so that
- 00:16:29there's no net acceleration so it
- 00:16:31remains suspended in the air
- 00:16:33moving this term to the other side
- 00:16:35we see that the electric force has to
- 00:16:38equal the weight force
- 00:16:42now
- 00:16:43the electric field is equal to f over q
- 00:16:47multiplying both sides by q
- 00:16:49we can see that f
- 00:16:51the electric force is
- 00:16:53the electric field times q
- 00:16:55so let's replace the electric force with
- 00:16:57e times q
- 00:17:00now the wave force is simply mg
- 00:17:05so now we have everything that we need
- 00:17:07in order to calculate the mass of this
- 00:17:08charge
- 00:17:09let's divide both sides by g
- 00:17:13so the mass of the charge is going to be
- 00:17:15equal to the electric field times the
- 00:17:17magnitude of the charge
- 00:17:19divided by the gravitational
- 00:17:20acceleration
- 00:17:23the electric field is 50 000
- 00:17:27newtons per coulomb
- 00:17:29the magnitude of the charge we're
- 00:17:30dealing with uh a 50 microclimate charge
- 00:17:34so it's going to be 50
- 00:17:36times 10 to the negative 6 coulombs
- 00:17:39and then we're going to divide that by
- 00:17:41the gravitational acceleration of 9.8
- 00:17:44meters per second squared
- 00:17:47so it's 50 000 times 50 times 10 to the
- 00:17:50minus 6 divided by 9.8
- 00:17:53and you should get
- 00:17:54.255
- 00:17:57kilograms
- 00:18:01so an electric field of 50 000 newtons
- 00:18:04per coulomb
- 00:18:05can suspend
- 00:18:07a positive charge with a mass of 0.255
- 00:18:10kilograms or 255 grams
- 00:18:14it can suspend it in the air
- 00:18:17if the mass is greater than this number
- 00:18:19then the charge will fall down
- 00:18:22if it's too light if the mass is less
- 00:18:23than this number
- 00:18:24then the charge will accelerate towards
- 00:18:27the negatively charged plate
- 00:18:29so
- 00:18:30the mass has to be at the right number
- 00:18:32in order for it to remain suspended
- 00:18:35number three
- 00:18:36an electron is released from rust in a
- 00:18:39uniform electric field and accelerates
- 00:18:42to the east
- 00:18:43at a rate of four times ten to the sixth
- 00:18:45meters per second squared
- 00:18:47what is the magnitude and direction of
- 00:18:50the electric field
- 00:18:52so let's draw a picture
- 00:18:53so first let's draw
- 00:18:55our electron
- 00:19:00and then it is
- 00:19:01accelerating towards the east
- 00:19:07now according to newton's second law the
- 00:19:10net force is equal to the mass times the
- 00:19:12acceleration
- 00:19:13the net force is in the same direction
- 00:19:16as the acceleration
- 00:19:18so the electric force exerted by this
- 00:19:20electron due to the electric field is
- 00:19:22going to be due east as well
- 00:19:26now if the electric force is east
- 00:19:28what is the direction of the electric
- 00:19:30field
- 00:19:31it's going to have to be west
- 00:19:34let me put it here
- 00:19:37when dealing with a negative charge the
- 00:19:38direction of the force and electric
- 00:19:40field they will be opposite to each
- 00:19:42other
- 00:19:44so now that we have the direction of the
- 00:19:45electric field
- 00:19:47let's focus on getting the magnitude of
- 00:19:49the electric field
- 00:19:53so from the last problem we saw that the
- 00:19:54electric force
- 00:19:56is equal to the electric field times the
- 00:19:58charge
- 00:19:59and
- 00:20:00using newton's second law we can replace
- 00:20:03the force with
- 00:20:04the mass times the acceleration
- 00:20:08so now we can calculate the electric
- 00:20:09field if we divide both sides by q
- 00:20:14so for this problem
- 00:20:16the magnitude of the electric field is
- 00:20:18going to be the mass times the
- 00:20:19acceleration which is the force
- 00:20:21divided by the charge
- 00:20:25so the mass is
- 00:20:27what is the mass of an electron if you
- 00:20:29look it up
- 00:20:30the mass of an electron is 9.11
- 00:20:33times 10
- 00:20:34to the negative 31 kilograms
- 00:20:38the acceleration given to us in this
- 00:20:40problem
- 00:20:41is 4
- 00:20:43times 10 to the 6 meters per second
- 00:20:45squared
- 00:20:48and then we're going to divide that by
- 00:20:51the magnitude of the charge
- 00:20:53so what is the charge of an electron
- 00:20:56the charge of an electron is negative
- 00:20:591.602
- 00:21:00times 10 to the negative 19 coulombs
- 00:21:04so these are some numbers that you want
- 00:21:05to be familiar with
- 00:21:09so let's put that here
- 00:21:18so let's go ahead and plug in these
- 00:21:20numbers
- 00:21:27by the way don't worry about the
- 00:21:28negative sign for q
- 00:21:30it's not going to be relevant here
- 00:21:33so the magnitude of the electric field
- 00:21:34is going to be 2.27
- 00:21:38times 10 to the negative 5
- 00:21:41newtons per coulomb
- 00:21:44so this is the answer for this problem
- 00:21:47and the direction
- 00:21:48is
- 00:21:49west
- 00:21:53so make sure you write down these
- 00:21:54numbers
- 00:21:56the mass of an electron as we've
- 00:21:58considered is 9.11
- 00:22:01times 10 to the negative 31 kilograms
- 00:22:04the mass of a proton
- 00:22:06is 1.67
- 00:22:08times 10
- 00:22:09to the negative 27
- 00:22:11kilograms
- 00:22:13the charge of an electron
- 00:22:15it's going to be a negative
- 00:22:181.602
- 00:22:20times 10 to the negative 19 coulombs
- 00:22:24the charge of the proton
- 00:22:26it's going to have the same magnitude
- 00:22:27but the opposite charge is going to be
- 00:22:29positive
- 00:22:301.602
- 00:22:32times 10 to the negative 19 coulombs
- 00:22:35so those are some numbers that you want
- 00:22:36to be familiar with
- 00:22:38when working on problems associated with
- 00:22:40electric fields if you're dealing with
- 00:22:42protons and electrons
- 00:22:44number four
- 00:22:45a 40 micro coulomb point charge is
- 00:22:47placed at the origin
- 00:22:49calculate the magnitude and direction of
- 00:22:51the electric field created by the point
- 00:22:53charge
- 00:22:54at the following locations
- 00:22:58so let's draw the point charge first
- 00:23:07now point p
- 00:23:08is five meters away
- 00:23:11from the point charge along the x-axis
- 00:23:15so this is point p
- 00:23:17and this is five meters away
- 00:23:21what is the electric field at point p
- 00:23:23well we know the direction
- 00:23:25the direction of the electric field
- 00:23:27is going to be
- 00:23:28east
- 00:23:31if we draw it from the positive charge
- 00:23:32towards point p
- 00:23:35now to calculate the magnitude of the
- 00:23:38electric field it's going to be k
- 00:23:40q
- 00:23:41divided by r squared
- 00:23:43so k is 9 times 10 to 9 and then it's
- 00:23:47newtons
- 00:23:48times square meters
- 00:23:50over square columns
- 00:23:53and i'm running out of space so i'm not
- 00:23:55going to put the units here i'm just
- 00:23:56going to write 9 times 10 to the nine
- 00:23:58q
- 00:23:59is 40 micro clones so 40 times 10 to the
- 00:24:02minus 6 coulombs
- 00:24:04r is in meters
- 00:24:06r is the distance between a charge and
- 00:24:08the point of interest
- 00:24:09so that's five meters
- 00:24:16so it's going to be nine times 10 to the
- 00:24:179
- 00:24:18times 40 times 10 to the minus 6
- 00:24:21over 5 squared
- 00:24:23and so the electric field is going to be
- 00:24:2514
- 00:24:27400
- 00:24:29newtons per coulomb
- 00:24:31so that's the magnitude of the electric
- 00:24:32field at point p
- 00:24:34and this is the direction
- 00:24:36for those of you who want to understand
- 00:24:37how the units work
- 00:24:39here it is so k is in newtons
- 00:24:42times square meters over square coulombs
- 00:24:46q is in coulombs and r is in meters so
- 00:24:48we have square meters
- 00:24:50as you can see square meters cancel
- 00:24:53now coulomb squared we can write that as
- 00:24:55coulomb times coulomb
- 00:24:58so we can cancel
- 00:25:00one of the coulomb units
- 00:25:02thus we're left with newtons per coulomb
- 00:25:05which is what we have here
- 00:25:09so that's it for part a so it's 14 400
- 00:25:12newtons per coulomb directed east
- 00:25:22now let's move on to part b
- 00:25:24so let's calculate the electric field
- 00:25:26at point s
- 00:25:29so
- 00:25:30q is at the origin
- 00:25:32point s is three meters
- 00:25:35east of q
- 00:25:37and then four meters north from that
- 00:25:39point
- 00:25:47so s
- 00:25:49is at this position here
- 00:25:52the electric field
- 00:25:54can be drawn from q to s
- 00:25:57so the electric field is going in that
- 00:25:58direction it's going in the
- 00:26:01the northeast direction
- 00:26:04let's calculate the magnitude of the
- 00:26:05electric field
- 00:26:07so let's use this formula again it's
- 00:26:09going to be k
- 00:26:10q
- 00:26:11over r squared
- 00:26:14so k doesn't change it's a constant it's
- 00:26:169 times 10 to 9.
- 00:26:18q is still the same
- 00:26:20it's 40
- 00:26:21times 10 to the minus
- 00:26:23but r is different
- 00:26:26r is no longer
- 00:26:30the value that we have here
- 00:26:32but in actuality it turns out r is the
- 00:26:34same
- 00:26:36r
- 00:26:37is the distance between the charge and
- 00:26:39the point so we need to use
- 00:26:41the pythagorean theorem to calculate the
- 00:26:43hypotenuse of that right triangle
- 00:26:45so this is a b and this is c
- 00:26:48so c squared is equal to a squared plus
- 00:26:50b squared
- 00:26:52a is three
- 00:26:54b
- 00:26:55is four
- 00:26:57three squared is nine four squared is
- 00:26:59sixteen
- 00:27:00and then nine plus sixteen is twenty
- 00:27:02five
- 00:27:03taking the square root of both sides
- 00:27:06we get 5 again
- 00:27:10so by coincidence the electric field is
- 00:27:13going to have the same magnitude
- 00:27:15as it did in part a
- 00:27:19which was uh 14
- 00:27:22400
- 00:27:23newtons per coulomb
- 00:27:27what's going to be different though is
- 00:27:28the direction of the electric field
- 00:27:30vector
- 00:27:32how can we determine the direction
- 00:27:34we know it's somewhat in the northeast
- 00:27:36direction but not necessarily at a 45
- 00:27:38degree angle
- 00:27:39what we need to do is calculate theta
- 00:27:43so
- 00:27:44perhaps you remember from trigonometry
- 00:27:45sokotova
- 00:27:48if we focus on
- 00:27:49the torah part that tells us tangent
- 00:27:52tangent of theta is equal to the
- 00:27:54opposite side
- 00:27:56divided by the adjacent side
- 00:28:01so tangent of the angle theta is going
- 00:28:03to be equal to four over three
- 00:28:05to calculate theta we need to take the
- 00:28:07arc tangent
- 00:28:08or the inverse tangent of four over
- 00:28:10three
- 00:28:12go ahead and type in your calculator and
- 00:28:13make sure it's in degree mode so arc
- 00:28:16tangent 4 3
- 00:28:18is
- 00:28:1953.1 degrees
- 00:28:22so that is the angle
- 00:28:24with respect to
- 00:28:25the positive x-axis
- 00:28:28it's 53.1
- 00:28:30so we could say that this is the
- 00:28:32electric field vector
- 00:28:33at an angle of 53.1 degrees with respect
- 00:28:37to the x-axis or we could say
- 00:28:3953.1 degrees
- 00:28:41north of east
- 00:28:44because here we're starting from east
- 00:28:47and we're heading towards the north
- 00:28:49direction so it's 53.1
- 00:28:52north of east
- 00:28:54so that's it for part b so that's how we
- 00:28:57can calculate the magnitude of the
- 00:28:59electric field vector
- 00:29:01and also its direction using arctangent
- 00:29:05number five
- 00:29:06an electron initially at rest
- 00:29:09is placed in an electric field of two
- 00:29:11times ten to the four
- 00:29:13newtons per coulomb directed to the west
- 00:29:17the distance between the plates is one
- 00:29:19centimeter
- 00:29:20what is the acceleration of the electron
- 00:29:22due to the electric field
- 00:29:25so the electric field will emanate away
- 00:29:27from the positive charge and will point
- 00:29:29towards the negative charge
- 00:29:31so as we can see the electric field
- 00:29:34is directed west
- 00:29:39now what effect will it have on the
- 00:29:40electron
- 00:29:42a negatively charged particle will fill
- 00:29:44a force that will accelerate it in the
- 00:29:46opposite direction to the electric field
- 00:29:50so the electron is going to shoot out of
- 00:29:52this uh between these two parallel
- 00:29:54plates
- 00:29:55let's calculate the acceleration
- 00:29:59we know the force acting on a charged
- 00:30:01particle is equal to the electric field
- 00:30:03times the charge of that particle
- 00:30:05and since this is the only force acting
- 00:30:07on the electron in the x direction
- 00:30:10then that force
- 00:30:11is going to be
- 00:30:13the electric force so we can replace the
- 00:30:14net force with m a based on newton's
- 00:30:16second law
- 00:30:17so m a is equal to e times q
- 00:30:21and to solve for a we're going to divide
- 00:30:22both sides by m
- 00:30:24so for part a the acceleration
- 00:30:27is going to be the force which is e
- 00:30:28times q
- 00:30:31divided by the mass
- 00:30:34so we have an electric field of 2 times
- 00:30:3710 to the 4
- 00:30:39newtons per coulomb
- 00:30:42and the charge of an electron is 1.602
- 00:30:46times 10 to the negative 19 coulombs
- 00:30:49we're not going to worry about the
- 00:30:50negative sign the mass of an electron is
- 00:30:539.11
- 00:30:56times 10 to the negative 31 kilograms
- 00:30:59so let's go ahead and plug this in
- 00:31:08so the acceleration
- 00:31:10is 3.517
- 00:31:14times 10 to the 15
- 00:31:16meters per second squared
- 00:31:19so that's going to be the acceleration
- 00:31:23when the electron
- 00:31:24leaves
- 00:31:26the negatively charged plate
- 00:31:29so now let's move on to part b
- 00:31:31what would be the speed of the electron
- 00:31:33after it leaves the hole
- 00:31:36so how can we get that
- 00:31:37so now we need to go back to kinematics
- 00:31:41the electron is initially at rest so v
- 00:31:43initial is zero
- 00:31:44we're looking for the final speed
- 00:31:46so we'll put a question mark
- 00:31:48and we know the distance between the
- 00:31:49plates
- 00:31:50it's approximately
- 00:31:52it's one centimeter
- 00:31:54so what kinematic formula has
- 00:31:56acceleration v initial v final and d
- 00:32:00it's going to be this one
- 00:32:02v final squared is equal to v initial
- 00:32:04squared
- 00:32:05plus 2 a d
- 00:32:07so to solve for the final speed we
- 00:32:09simply need to take the square root of
- 00:32:11both sides
- 00:32:12so v final is equal to this
- 00:32:17the initial speed is zero
- 00:32:19this is going to be two
- 00:32:21times the acceleration which is
- 00:32:243.517
- 00:32:26times 10 to the 15.
- 00:32:30and the distance between its plates is
- 00:32:32one centimeter so
- 00:32:34if we convert one centimeter into meters
- 00:32:36we need to divide by 100 and it's going
- 00:32:38to be 0.01 meters
- 00:32:50and so we're going to get the square
- 00:32:51root of 7.034
- 00:32:55times ten to the thirteen
- 00:33:00and so the final speed
- 00:33:02is about
- 00:33:04eight million and three hundred eighty
- 00:33:06six thousand eight ninety four point
- 00:33:07five
- 00:33:08so we can round that to
- 00:33:10let's say 8.39
- 00:33:14and this is times 10 to the sixth
- 00:33:17meters per second
- 00:33:19so that's how fast the electron is going
- 00:33:20to be moving when it leaves the hole
- 00:33:24number six
- 00:33:25a 200 micro coulomb charge is placed at
- 00:33:28the origin
- 00:33:29and a negative 300 micro coulomb charge
- 00:33:32is placed one meter to the right of it
- 00:33:36what is the magnitude and direction
- 00:33:38of the electric field midway between the
- 00:33:40two charges and then for the second part
- 00:33:4230 centimeters to the right of the
- 00:33:44negative charge
- 00:33:47so let's start with the first part of
- 00:33:48the problem
- 00:33:54let's begin by drawing a picture
- 00:33:59so this is going to be the first charge
- 00:34:01we'll call it q1
- 00:34:02and the second charge q2
- 00:34:05so these two charges are separated by a
- 00:34:07distance
- 00:34:08of one meter
- 00:34:09and we want to determine
- 00:34:11the magnitude and the direction of the
- 00:34:13electric field midway between the two
- 00:34:15charges
- 00:34:17so that's going to be at this point
- 00:34:22how can we do that
- 00:34:24well we need to determine the direction
- 00:34:26of each electric field at that point
- 00:34:29q1
- 00:34:30is going to create an electric field
- 00:34:32called e1 which will be directed east
- 00:34:35now q2 will create an electric field e2
- 00:34:39which starts from the point but points
- 00:34:41towards the negative charge
- 00:34:43and that's going to be directed east as
- 00:34:44well
- 00:34:46so remember the electric field created
- 00:34:49by a positive charge extends away from
- 00:34:51the positive charge
- 00:34:53but the electric field created by a
- 00:34:54negative charge points towards the
- 00:34:56negative charge
- 00:34:59so at the center e1 and e2 they are in
- 00:35:02the same direction
- 00:35:04so the net electric field
- 00:35:06is going to be e1 plus e2
- 00:35:10along the x-axis or the horizontal axis
- 00:35:13both of these are positive because
- 00:35:15they're going in the positive x
- 00:35:16direction
- 00:35:24e1 is k
- 00:35:26times q1
- 00:35:27over r1 squared e2 is k times q2
- 00:35:34over r2 squared
- 00:35:38now what's r1 and r2
- 00:35:40so r1 is the distance between q1 and the
- 00:35:43point of interest
- 00:35:44r2 is the distance between q2
- 00:35:47and
- 00:35:48the point of interest
- 00:35:51so r1 and r2 they're both half of point
- 00:35:54of one meter which means that r1 and r2
- 00:35:57they're both equal to 0.5
- 00:36:01so because r1 and r2 are the same we can
- 00:36:04simply call it r
- 00:36:07so let's replace r1 with r
- 00:36:10and let's replace r2
- 00:36:12with r as well
- 00:36:15so now we could simplify this equation
- 00:36:17by
- 00:36:18factoring out the gcf the greatest
- 00:36:20common factor which is going to be k
- 00:36:22over r squared
- 00:36:24and then we're left with q1 plus q2
- 00:36:29so this is the formula that we could use
- 00:36:31to calculate the net electric field for
- 00:36:33this particular part in the problem
- 00:36:35now let's go ahead and plug in the
- 00:36:37numbers
- 00:36:43so it's going to be k which is 9 times
- 00:36:4510 to the 9
- 00:36:47over r squared
- 00:36:49r is 0.5
- 00:36:52and then times q1 q1 is 200
- 00:36:56times 10 to the negative six
- 00:36:58now for q2
- 00:36:59we're going to use a positive value not
- 00:37:02negative 300 times 10 to the negative
- 00:37:04six
- 00:37:05because we already know the direction of
- 00:37:07e2 it's going to the right and it's
- 00:37:09going to have a positive value because
- 00:37:10it's heading
- 00:37:11in the eastward direction
- 00:37:15so whenever you're calculating the
- 00:37:16magnitude for electric field or electric
- 00:37:19force
- 00:37:20you don't need to include the negative
- 00:37:22charge
- 00:37:23you could just find the direction based
- 00:37:24on where the arrow is going
- 00:37:28so let's replace q2 with 300
- 00:37:30times 10
- 00:37:32to the negative six coulombs
- 00:37:38so 200 plus 300 this becomes 500 so it's
- 00:37:439 times 10 to the 9
- 00:37:45times 500
- 00:37:46times 10 to negative 6
- 00:37:48divided by 0.5 squared
- 00:37:52thus the net electric field
- 00:37:55is 18 million which is 1.8
- 00:37:59times 10 to the 7
- 00:38:01newtons per coulomb
- 00:38:03so that's the answer for part a
- 00:38:08now let's move on to part b
- 00:38:10so let's redraw the picture for that
- 00:38:17so here we have our positive charge
- 00:38:20and the negative charge
- 00:38:24so we got q1
- 00:38:26q2 and they're separated by distance of
- 00:38:28one meter
- 00:38:30but 30 centimetres to the right or 0.3
- 00:38:33meters
- 00:38:34we're going to have our new point of
- 00:38:35interest
- 00:38:36and let's call this
- 00:38:38point b
- 00:38:40so we want to determine the net electric
- 00:38:42field at point b
- 00:38:45so e1 the electric field created by q1
- 00:38:48if we draw it from q1 to point b we
- 00:38:50could see that it's going east
- 00:38:57now if we draw an electric field from
- 00:39:00point b to q two
- 00:39:02because it's a negative charge it needs
- 00:39:04to go towards a negative charge it's
- 00:39:06going to the left
- 00:39:09now which of these two electric fields
- 00:39:12is greater e1 or e2 what would you say
- 00:39:16notice that point b is closer
- 00:39:19to the negative charge
- 00:39:21than it is to the positive charge
- 00:39:23so e2 is going to have a greater effect
- 00:39:26than uh i mean q2 is going to have a
- 00:39:27greater effect on point b than q1
- 00:39:30because it's closer
- 00:39:33so if you go back to the equation for
- 00:39:35electric field
- 00:39:37there's two things that the electric
- 00:39:39field depends on
- 00:39:40the magnitude of the charge
- 00:39:42and the inverse square of the distance
- 00:39:44but the distance is square
- 00:39:46so
- 00:39:47the distance has a greater impact than
- 00:39:49the charge but also
- 00:39:52q2 has a bigger charge in q1
- 00:39:55so those are two factors that favor q2
- 00:39:58over q1 point b is closer to q2
- 00:40:01and q2 has a greater
- 00:40:03uh charge magnitude than q1
- 00:40:07so therefore we can conclude that e2 is
- 00:40:09going to be bigger than e1
- 00:40:14now the net electric field
- 00:40:16is going to be positive e1 because it's
- 00:40:19going along the positive x-axis
- 00:40:21and then plus negative e2 because
- 00:40:24that's moving towards the west or the
- 00:40:26negative x-axis
- 00:40:29now if e1 is bigger than e2
- 00:40:31the net electric field will be positive
- 00:40:34if e2 is greater than e1 it's going to
- 00:40:36be negative and we've confirmed that e2
- 00:40:40is going to be bigger so we should get a
- 00:40:41negative value if we get a positive
- 00:40:43value for the net electric field
- 00:40:45we did something wrong
- 00:40:48so let's go ahead and do the math
- 00:40:54so then that electric field
- 00:40:56is going to be k
- 00:40:59q 1
- 00:41:00over r 1 squared
- 00:41:03plus k
- 00:41:04q q2
- 00:41:06over r2 squared
- 00:41:08so this time r1 and r2 will be different
- 00:41:11so we can't simplify
- 00:41:13this process by factoring
- 00:41:16so let's plug in the numbers this is k
- 00:41:19q1 is 200
- 00:41:21oh this should be a negative sign by the
- 00:41:22way
- 00:41:26based on what we have here
- 00:41:28so q1 is 200 times 10 to negative 6.
- 00:41:32now r1
- 00:41:33r1 is the distance between q1
- 00:41:36and point b
- 00:41:38so r1 is going to be the sum of one and
- 00:41:40point three
- 00:41:42thus r1 is 1.3 meters squared
- 00:41:46and then minus
- 00:41:48now because we've considered the
- 00:41:50direction of e2 we've assigned a
- 00:41:52negative value
- 00:41:53we don't need to plug in this negative
- 00:41:55value for q2
- 00:41:57we've already taken that into an account
- 00:42:00so it's to be minus k
- 00:42:04and then q2 we're going to use the
- 00:42:05positive value of q2
- 00:42:07300 times 10 to the minus 6
- 00:42:11and r2 that's the distance between q2
- 00:42:14and point b
- 00:42:15that's 0.3 meters
- 00:42:24so let's calculate e1 first
- 00:42:27let's focus on this fraction
- 00:42:30nine times ten to the nine times two
- 00:42:32hundred times ten to the negative six
- 00:42:35divided by one point three squared
- 00:42:38that's one point
- 00:42:40zero six five
- 00:42:41times ten to the seven
- 00:42:43newton
- 00:42:44newtons per coulomb
- 00:42:46now focusing on e2
- 00:42:49that's gonna be nine times ten to nine
- 00:42:50times three hundred times ten to
- 00:42:52negative six
- 00:42:53divided by point three squared
- 00:42:57so this is
- 00:43:003
- 00:43:01times 10 to the 7 newtons per coulomb so
- 00:43:04we can see that this number is bigger
- 00:43:06than that number
- 00:43:07so the net electric field is going to be
- 00:43:09negative
- 00:43:111.065
- 00:43:13minus 3.
- 00:43:18wait something is wrong
- 00:43:21let me double check my work
- 00:43:34this should be times ten to the six not
- 00:43:37ten to the seven
- 00:43:42that's one million sixty five thousand
- 00:43:44and eighty eight so that's one point
- 00:43:46zero six five times ten to six
- 00:43:54e2 is 30 million which is three times
- 00:43:56ten to seven
- 00:43:58so now if we subtract those two numbers
- 00:44:02we get this answer
- 00:44:04negative
- 00:44:05two point
- 00:44:07eight nine
- 00:44:08times
- 00:44:10so it's 28 million nine hundred thirty
- 00:44:12five thousand
- 00:44:13so it's negative two point eight nine
- 00:44:15times ten to the seven
- 00:44:17newtons per coulomb
- 00:44:19so we can see why it's negative e2
- 00:44:22is significantly
- 00:44:24larger than e1
- 00:44:26and so that's it for this problem
- 00:44:28number seven
- 00:44:30the electric field at point x
- 00:44:32two meters to the right of a certain
- 00:44:33positive charge is 100 newtons per
- 00:44:36coulomb
- 00:44:37what will be the magnitude of the new
- 00:44:38electric field if the magnitude of the
- 00:44:40positive charge doubles in value
- 00:44:43so let's draw a picture first
- 00:44:45so here is our positive charge
- 00:44:48and let's say this is
- 00:44:50point x
- 00:44:53and the distance between these two
- 00:44:56is two meters
- 00:45:00now at that point the electric field is
- 00:45:01a hundred newtons per coulomb
- 00:45:04when the magnitude of the charge is
- 00:45:06we'll call it q
- 00:45:09but what happens if we double
- 00:45:11the magnitude of the charge
- 00:45:13so the electric field is k
- 00:45:16q over r squared
- 00:45:18if you double q
- 00:45:21the electric field is going to double a
- 00:45:23quick and simple way to get the answer
- 00:45:25is to
- 00:45:26plug in 1 for everything that that
- 00:45:28doesn't change
- 00:45:29q doubles so we're going to plug in 2
- 00:45:31r remains the same
- 00:45:33so the electric field is going to double
- 00:45:34it's going to go from 100 to 200.
- 00:45:39now what about part b
- 00:45:41let's say the distance between the
- 00:45:43charge and point x doubles
- 00:45:51so let's say point x is now over here
- 00:45:56and the magnitude is q
- 00:45:58what will be the new electric field
- 00:46:04so this time q doesn't change
- 00:46:07k is the same so we're going to replace
- 00:46:08it with a 1. everything that doesn't
- 00:46:10change replace it with 1.
- 00:46:13now the distance doubles
- 00:46:17two squared is four so the electric
- 00:46:19field is going to be one-fourth
- 00:46:21of its original value
- 00:46:24one-fourth of a hundred or hundred
- 00:46:26divided by four
- 00:46:27that's 25
- 00:46:29so what you need to take from this is
- 00:46:31that the electric field is weaker
- 00:46:34at a greater distance away from the
- 00:46:36charge
- 00:46:37the closer you move towards the point
- 00:46:39charge
- 00:46:40the greater the electric field will be
- 00:46:43so as the distance increases
- 00:46:46the electric field decreases
- 00:46:49but as the distance from the point
- 00:46:51charge decreases
- 00:46:52the electric field increases
- 00:46:56there's two ways in which you can
- 00:46:57increase the electric field
- 00:46:59you can increase the magnitude of the
- 00:47:01charge
- 00:47:02which will cause the electric field to
- 00:47:04go up
- 00:47:05or
- 00:47:06you could reduce the distance between
- 00:47:08the point of interest and the charge
- 00:47:11and that will also increase the electric
- 00:47:13field
- 00:47:18now let's move on to part c
- 00:47:22the distance between the charge
- 00:47:24and point x reduces by a factor of three
- 00:47:29so what's going to be the the magnitude
- 00:47:30of the new electric field in that case
- 00:47:34so we're bringing it a lot closer to q
- 00:47:37so here's the new
- 00:47:39uh position of x
- 00:47:42so here the distance doubled to 4 meters
- 00:47:48but now it's going to be reduced by
- 00:47:50factor three so it's two thirds
- 00:47:53of a meter
- 00:48:01so let's use this formula again
- 00:48:04for part c k and q doesn't change
- 00:48:08r is now one third of its original value
- 00:48:12one times one is one one squared is one
- 00:48:15three squared is nine
- 00:48:17now we need to multiply the top and the
- 00:48:18bottom by nine
- 00:48:20one times nine is nine
- 00:48:22one-ninth times nine the nines cancel we
- 00:48:25get one
- 00:48:26so the electric field is going to
- 00:48:28increase by a factor of nine
- 00:48:30a hundred times nine is nine hundred
- 00:48:34so as you can see as we get closer
- 00:48:36to the point charge
- 00:48:38the magnitude of the electric field
- 00:48:40greatly increases
- 00:48:44now what happens if we triple the
- 00:48:47magnitude of the charge
- 00:48:49but at the same time reduce the distance
- 00:48:51to one-fourth of its original value
- 00:48:55so i won't draw a new picture for this
- 00:49:00let's just get the answer
- 00:49:03so k doesn't change
- 00:49:05q
- 00:49:06triples
- 00:49:08and the distance is reduced to one
- 00:49:09fourth of its value
- 00:49:13so we have one times three which is
- 00:49:14three
- 00:49:15one squared is one four squared is
- 00:49:17sixteen
- 00:49:18so now i'm going to multiply the top and
- 00:49:20the bottom by sixteen
- 00:49:21so it's going to be three times sixteen
- 00:49:23which is forty eight
- 00:49:24so the electric field will increase by a
- 00:49:27magnitude of forty eight
- 00:49:29so the original electric field was a
- 00:49:30hundred if we multiply that by 48
- 00:49:34the new electric field will be 4 800
- 00:49:37newtons per coulomb so this right here
- 00:49:40is the answer to part d
- 00:49:45so the reason why it's so high is
- 00:49:46because
- 00:49:48we've increased the charge
- 00:49:50which causes e to go up and at the same
- 00:49:53time we reduce
- 00:49:55the distance which greatly
- 00:49:57increase the value of e
- 00:50:00so that's it for this problem
- 00:50:04number eight
- 00:50:05two identical point charges with a
- 00:50:07magnitude of a hundred microclimbs
- 00:50:10are separated by distance of one meter
- 00:50:12as shown below
- 00:50:14part a at what point will the net
- 00:50:16electric field be equal to zero
- 00:50:21will it be to the left will it be
- 00:50:23between q1 and q2 or to the right
- 00:50:26so let's identify three points of
- 00:50:28interest
- 00:50:31the first point will be somewhere to the
- 00:50:33left which we'll call
- 00:50:35point a
- 00:50:37the second point will be somewhere in
- 00:50:39the middle between q1 and q2 likely the
- 00:50:41midpoint
- 00:50:42and then c will be to the right
- 00:50:46now to draw the electric field vector
- 00:50:48created by q1
- 00:50:50we need to draw a line from q1 to point
- 00:50:52a
- 00:50:53this is going to be e1
- 00:50:55and for
- 00:50:56e2 we're going to draw it from q2 to
- 00:50:58point a
- 00:51:00so at point a
- 00:51:02both electric fields are moving to the
- 00:51:05left
- 00:51:06so there's going to be a net electric
- 00:51:07field at point eight it's not going to
- 00:51:09be zero but here's a question for you
- 00:51:11which electric field will be greater e1
- 00:51:12or e2
- 00:51:14now remember
- 00:51:16these charges are identical so the
- 00:51:18magnitude of the charge is the same
- 00:51:20the only thing that's different is the
- 00:51:21distance
- 00:51:23q1 is closer to point a than q2
- 00:51:27so e1 is going to be bigger
- 00:51:29than e2 so this is e1
- 00:51:32e2 is going to be a smaller vector
- 00:51:35nevertheless the net electric field at
- 00:51:37point a will be directed west
- 00:51:40now what about at point c
- 00:51:43to draw e1 we're going to draw
- 00:51:46a line from q1 to point c
- 00:51:49and e2 will be from q2 to point c
- 00:51:52now which one is bigger
- 00:51:55q2 is closer to point c than q1 so e2 is
- 00:51:58gonna be bigger at point two i mean e2
- 00:52:01is going to be bigger at point
- 00:52:03so for e1 we're going to draw a small
- 00:52:05vector
- 00:52:06and for e2 we're going to draw a bigger
- 00:52:08vector
- 00:52:10nevertheless the net electric field at
- 00:52:12point c will be directed east
- 00:52:15now what about at point b
- 00:52:19e1 is going to be directed
- 00:52:21away from q1 but towards point b
- 00:52:24e2 will be directed away from q2
- 00:52:28but towards point b
- 00:52:31and q1 and q2 have the same charge and
- 00:52:34at the midpoint at point b
- 00:52:36they will be equally distant from point
- 00:52:38b so if the charges are the same and the
- 00:52:40distances are the same the magnitude of
- 00:52:42e1 and e2 will be the same but they're
- 00:52:44opposite in direction which means that
- 00:52:46e1 and e2 cancels
- 00:52:49so at point b the net electric field is
- 00:52:52zero
- 00:52:54so let's assume that q1 is the origin
- 00:52:56it's at position zero
- 00:52:58point b will be at 0.5 meters
- 00:53:03so at 0.5 meters relative to the first
- 00:53:06charge
- 00:53:07then that electric field
- 00:53:09will be zero e1 and e2
- 00:53:12will cancel completely
- 00:53:15so that's the answer for part a
- 00:53:17at point b
- 00:53:19or at the midpoint between q1 and q2 the
- 00:53:21net electric field will be
- 00:53:26zero now what about
- 00:53:30part b
- 00:53:36if the charge on q2
- 00:53:39doubles
- 00:53:40to 200 micro coulombs
- 00:53:43where along the x-axis relative to the
- 00:53:45first charge
- 00:53:46will the net electric field be equal to
- 00:53:48zero
- 00:53:50and the distance between these two is
- 00:53:51still the same
- 00:53:56you think the net electric field will be
- 00:53:58equal to zero between q1 and b or
- 00:54:00between b and q2
- 00:54:04now q2 is bigger
- 00:54:07than q1
- 00:54:09so at point b where they're equidistant
- 00:54:12e1
- 00:54:13is going to be a smaller vector
- 00:54:15than e2 e2 is going to be twice as large
- 00:54:19in order
- 00:54:20to make these vectors equal we need to
- 00:54:22increase e1 and decrease e2
- 00:54:26if we can't change q1 and q2 the only
- 00:54:28thing we could change is location
- 00:54:30we need to move closer to q1 as we move
- 00:54:33closer to q1 e1 is going to get bigger
- 00:54:36e2 will get smaller and at some point
- 00:54:38they're going to equal each other
- 00:54:42so we're going to place point p
- 00:54:44between q1 and b
- 00:54:47somewhere between q1 and b
- 00:54:49the net electric field will be equal to
- 00:54:51zero and we need to find that point
- 00:54:55so that point is going to be r1
- 00:54:58r2
- 00:55:00is the distance between q2 and point p
- 00:55:05now let's call r1x
- 00:55:07if r1 is equal to x what's r2
- 00:55:11notice that the total distance is 1 so
- 00:55:13r2 is going to be
- 00:55:151 minus x
- 00:55:17if you add x and 1 minus x you're gonna
- 00:55:20get one
- 00:55:22so at this point
- 00:55:23all we need to do to get the answer for
- 00:55:26part b
- 00:55:27is
- 00:55:28get the value of x because x represents
- 00:55:30the distance
- 00:55:32relative to the first charge where the
- 00:55:33net electric field will be equal to zero
- 00:55:37so how can we calculate x
- 00:55:40the net electric field at point b
- 00:55:44remember at point b we have e1 which is
- 00:55:46going towards the right and e2
- 00:55:49i mean at point not b but point p
- 00:55:52at point p we have e1 going to the right
- 00:55:55and e2 is going to be going to the left
- 00:56:00so because e1 is going to the right it's
- 00:56:02positive e2 is going to the left it's
- 00:56:04negative
- 00:56:08now we want
- 00:56:10point p is defined as the point where
- 00:56:12the net electric field is zero so e1
- 00:56:14minus e2 will be zero if we add e2 to
- 00:56:17both sides
- 00:56:18we'll get that e1 is equal to e2
- 00:56:22they have to be the same in magnitude
- 00:56:24but opposite direction
- 00:56:26e1 is k
- 00:56:28q1
- 00:56:29over r1 squared
- 00:56:31e2 is k
- 00:56:33q2
- 00:56:35over r2 squared
- 00:56:38now let's divide both sides by k so we
- 00:56:40can cancel
- 00:56:41that
- 00:56:42term let's replace r1 with x
- 00:56:46so we have q1 over x squared and let's
- 00:56:49replace r2
- 00:56:50with one minus x
- 00:56:53don't forget to square it
- 00:57:00now let's cross multiply so here we're
- 00:57:02going to have q 2
- 00:57:04times x squared
- 00:57:06and then this is going to be q 1 times
- 00:57:091 minus x squared
- 00:57:12now let's replace q2 with
- 00:57:14its value
- 00:57:16and let's keep the unit micro coulombs
- 00:57:19so we have 200 micro coulombs times x
- 00:57:21squared
- 00:57:22q1 is a hundred
- 00:57:24micro coulombs
- 00:57:27and what we're going to do at this point
- 00:57:28is we're going to divide both sides by
- 00:57:30100
- 00:57:31micro coulombs
- 00:57:34so the unit micro coulombs will cancel
- 00:57:36on the left side
- 00:57:38on the left we have two hundred over one
- 00:57:40hundred which is two so we get two x
- 00:57:42squared is equal to one
- 00:57:45minus x squared
- 00:57:54now we don't need to foil 1 minus x
- 00:57:56squared
- 00:57:58what we could do is take the square root
- 00:57:59of both sides
- 00:58:01so we're going to have the square root
- 00:58:02of 2 and the square root of x squared is
- 00:58:04just x
- 00:58:06the square root of 1 minus x squared is
- 00:58:08just 1 minus x
- 00:58:11now the square root of 2 is 1.414
- 00:58:15so now we need to do some algebra
- 00:58:17let's add 1x to both sides
- 00:58:21let me write that better
- 00:58:24so there's a coefficient of one here
- 00:58:27as we add one x to both sides
- 00:58:33my handwriting is just not working today
- 00:58:34i don't know why one point four one x
- 00:58:37plus one x is two point four one x
- 00:58:41and we can bring down the one on the
- 00:58:42right side
- 00:58:44so we have two point four one x
- 00:58:46i mean two point four one four x is
- 00:58:48equal to one so to get x by itself we
- 00:58:51need to divide both sides
- 00:58:53by
- 00:58:54two point four one four
- 00:58:59so x is going to be one
- 00:59:02divided by two 2.414
- 00:59:05and so we get 0.414
- 00:59:10so at 0.414 meters
- 00:59:14to the right of q1
- 00:59:16which is point p at that point
- 00:59:19the net electric field will be equal to
- 00:59:21zero
- 00:59:22so that's how we can calculate the exact
- 00:59:24location
- 00:59:26along the x axis
- 00:59:28where the net electric field will be
- 00:59:29equal to zero if q1 and q2 have
- 00:59:34different magnitudes of charge
- 00:59:58you
- champs électriques
- formule E=F/q
- charges positives
- charges négatives
- force électrique
- calculs pratiques
- charges ponctuelles
- direction vectorielle
- champ uniforme
- plaques parallèles