Jagalah Shalatmu, Niscaya Tuntas Segala Urusanmu || ustadzah Syifa Nurfadhilah #ceramah ini



TLDRVideo hii inatoa hadithi kuhusu Sya'ban, rafiki wa Mtume Muhammad, ambaye alijulikana kwa uthibitisho wake katika sala na ibada. Inasisitiza umuhimu wa kufanya sala za alfajiri na jinsi sala zinavyoweza kuboresha maisha yetu ya kila siku. Mtazamo wa sala unapaswa kubadilishwa kutoka kuwa wajibu hadi lazima. Video hii pia inachangia kutilia mkazo umuhimu wa istiqomah katika ibada na uhusiano wa karibu na Allah, ikitoa mifano ya watu walio thabiti katika sala zao na walivyokumbana na mitihani.

الوجبات الجاهزة

  • 🙏 Sya'ban alikuwa rafiki wa Mtume Muhammad.
  • 🕌 Sala za alfajiri ni muhimu kwa maisha ya kiroho.
  • 🤲 Kuwa thabiti katika ibada huleta baraka.
  • 📖 Sala husaidia kuimarisha uhusiano na Allah.
  • 🌅 Kufufuka alfajiri kunaongeza motisha ya kiroho.
  • 💡 Badilisha mtazamo kuhusu sala kuwa jambo la lazima.
  • 📅 Kufanya sala muhimu ni msingi wa mafanikio.
  • 💪 Istiqomah ni muhimu kwa maisha ya kiroho.
  • ✨ Usikose kujitenga na Allah kupitia ibada.
  • 🕊️ Uthibitisho katika sala huleta furaha na amani.

الجدول الزمني

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    K story ya Nabii Muhammad na rafiki yake Sya'ban, ambaye alikuwa muumini wa kweli na alihudhuria msikiti mara kwa mara. Maonyesho ya dhihaka kuhusu changamoto za kuamka alfajiri na umuhimu wa sala, hasa sala ya alfajiri, ili kuwa na maisha ya mafanikio.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Difficulties in maintaining prayers are discussed, and the importance of making prayer a necessity rather than an obligation is emphasized. Mtu anapaswa kuona sala kama chakula na maji, na mahitaji ya kiroho ya mwelekeo wa kufanya sala na ibada nyingine.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:00

    Discussion on how to stay steadfast in prayers and improve one's life through consistent worship is brought up. The concept of Istiqomah (steadfastness) is analyzed as a means for spiritual and worldly success, pointing out the significance of starting prayers on time.

  • 00:15:00 - 00:20:07

    The story of a man who was almost led astray but regained focus through his habit of ablution before a sinful act highlights the power of Istiqomah and prayer. The narrative underscores how maintaining one's religious duties can produce miraculous outcomes and blessings from Allah.

اعرض المزيد

الخريطة الذهنية

فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة

  • Nani alikuwa Sya'ban?

    Sya'ban alikuwa rafiki wa Mtume Muhammad, Radhiyallahu Anhu, na alikuwa maarufu kwa ushiriki wake katika sala na ibada.

  • Kwa nini kufufuka alfajiri ni muhimu?

    Kufufuka alfajiri ni muhimu kwa sababu inasaidia kuimarisha uhusiano wetu na Allah na huleta baraka katika maisha yetu.

  • Jinsi gani tunaweza kuimarisha ibada zetu?

    Ni muhimu kubadilisha mtazamo wetu kuhusu sala kutoka kuwa jukumu hadi kuwa kitu cha lazima katika maisha yetu.

  • Ni vipi sala zinavyohusiana na mafanikio ya maisha?

    Kufanya sala kwa bidii huleta baraka na mafanikio ya kiroho na kimwili katika maisha yetu.

  • Nini maana ya 'Istiqomah'?

    Istiqomah ina maana ya kuwa thabiti katika kufanya mema na kuendelea kusali kwa uaminifu.

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التمرير التلقائي:
  • 00:00:00
    there is an extraordinary story, there used to be a friend of the prophet, his name was Sya'ban,
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    radhiyallahu Anhu. Do you know him? [Music]
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    friends, radhiyallahu Anhu, were the people who came most diligently to the mosque
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    every day without fail, at dawn, midday, Asr Maghrib Isha, and were the hardest
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    to carry out . Congregational prayer If you want to count the congregation at dawn, never mind
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    the congregation, Ustadzah, we wake up at home at dawn, it's also hard. It's no joke, ma'am, that's right,
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    those people who wake up at dawn, assholatu khairum minannaum, we've
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    heard the alarm, we set 5 alarms. Husband, one alarm, wife, one child
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    . all three alarms went off but they didn't wake up, they just
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    turned it off, five minutes later the alarm was changed again, another 5 minutes, another 10 minutes, why? Because
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    for hypocrites, for people who have difficulty getting close to
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    Allah, waking up at dawn feels like a tough test, but for people who have
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    deepening to wake up at dawn, never mind at dawn, he wakes up from his tahajud. He is already
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    literate and already Istiqomah with that tahajud.
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    God willing, getting to dawn is no longer difficult. It's no different from someone who wakes up at 8
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    in the morning. It's hard to wake up. Ustadzah, I don't wake up at dawn, I don't tahajud, I don't wake up at
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    Dhuha, finally my prayer is plural tahajud. dawn and Dhuha,
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    well, this is our test, ma'am, to be someone who improves his prayers from dawn
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    , then Allah will improve his life too, so if there are many people who confide in
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    ustadzah, oh Allah, how come my Rizki has a hard time, if only my partner fights, how come
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    the family seems to be sick, check Sundanese people's names. there are lots of
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    headaches, debts that don't get resolved, don't get paid off, why don't you, Ustaz
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    [Laughs] What is the solution, how come it seems like
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    there has never been a solution to the problems I'm facing, so
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    the answer is that if we want to get a solution to
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    the problems we have, we have to improve your prayers first, especially
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    the morning prayer, that's why people used to say, ma'am,
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    it's already dawn. Don't go to sleep or else your luck will be pecked by a chicken. You can do that, ma'am. Yes, your
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    luck will be pecked by a chicken. It means that the chicken only builds it at dawn when it's dawn.
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    Kukuruyuk tap tap tap tap for him to look for rabbits everywhere. It's a shame
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    if the chickens in the morning are looking for Rizki everywhere but Humans are still in
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    their blankets and there is no effort at all. God willing, ladies and gentlemen who are
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    glorified by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala today, our theme is extraordinarily
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    interesting. Istiqomah Do
  • 00:03:19
    good. I want to ask the same question. Ladies, Mrs.
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    Istiqomah is easy or difficult Mothers recite the Koran Every Saturday, if Hakim is easy
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    or difficult, it is difficult Ustadzah, there are obstacles,
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    right, praying five times a day at the beginning, easy or difficult, especially Ustazah,
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    if you are going to pray the Isha prayer, ladies are watching
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    later . I've been waiting for the new advertisement, we perform
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    ablution for the Isha prayer, even waiting for the soap opera to finish, I fall asleep until dawn, that's why the
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    hardest prayer is the morning prayer and the prayer
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    for istiqomah in good deeds is difficult, especially I want to discuss the
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    initial prayer
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    [Music] which is our first charity. First
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    of all, what Allah is reckoned with is what you pray,
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    so you don't have any other deeds. Pray first Alfar Qubainal Muslimul Kufr. The
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    difference between a Muslim or an infidel. The difference between whether he is religious or not is
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    seen from his prayers. It seems like a person who prays well must have a better
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    personality. The better his life, the better his problems. Hurry, God, love, don't
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    go out. Why fix the prayer? How can we be istiqomah in performing
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    the five daily prayers? Let's put aside the sunnah prayer first, Tahajud, Dhuha qobliyah
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    ba'diyah. Focus on the five daily prayers, dawn, noon, midday, midday,
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    it's difficult. Ustadzah's istiqomah is hard, no joke
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    , especially for being serious in prayer. It's also difficult, so what are the tips for us to
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    be steadfast in prayer, the first thing is to make prayer a
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    necessity, not an obligation.
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    So far, we think that prayer is necessary or obligatory.
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    If we don't pray, it's not a sin, that means the level of prayer
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    on our part is still low, not a necessity, Sis. It must be an obligation. what
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    is the definition of doing it and getting a reward, leaving it behind getting sins, so
  • 00:06:01
    it turns out that what gives us the pursuit of leaving and praying
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    is the reward for committing sins, we think we will get a reward from Allah,
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    leave it behind, oh Allah, I'm afraid sin is still there, the level of our faith
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    If people have a higher level of faith then they
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    will change their mindset to the mindset that prayer is no longer an obligation but
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    a necessity for us, ma'am, everyday humans, eating
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    is obligatory or is it obligatory? How many times a day is it obligatory? How many meals a day is it obligatory
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    ? What do you need, do you need three meals a day? If
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    you eat once a day [Music] you
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    're tired, you're naturally hungry, you're always grumbling, you're fighting with your husband and so on.
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    Why, because eating is a necessity for humans, drinking, what is necessary, what is required,
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    what is required, is what is required, if we don't drink, we can get dehydrated, get sick, etc.,
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    that means we have considered sleeping is no longer mandatory,
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    eating is no longer mandatory, if we consider prayer as a
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    necessity, it is no longer an obligation, it means our level of faith is above average,
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    so God willing, who is present, let's change it. Our prayers are no longer an obligation
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    but a necessity
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    if we eat physical food. praying remembrance, reading the Koran, spiritual intake,
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    we don't pray, we haven't prayed, there's something lacking in our heart, haven't
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    we fed it properly, ma'am, we haven't done dhikr, we haven't read the Koran, there's something lacking, oh
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    Allah, why is there something empty in my heart, why hasn't my heart been fed,
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    so I pray that's the spiritual food we need, we neglect prayer, something is
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    missing, it feels like we're neglecting prayer, it's different, it feels like our life is what we
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    have to change, first, make prayer a
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    prayer, Ma'am
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    . what is obligatory is how to make sure that our obligatory prayers can be
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    made special to someone. In fact, he knows that he is obligated to
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    pray 5 times a day, but he only does two, for example midday prayer and Asr or
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    Asar. He only does it. There are Muslims whose religion is only his Islamic ID card. That's right,
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    he doesn't really ask what religion he is, ma'am. This Islam, look at my KTP, is Islam, but
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    actually he is not a true Muslim. Why is the prayer still spotty? Bentong is
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    left behind, so that the second Istiqomah understands that the prayer we
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    do is the closest moment to confide in God or Allah Subhanahu
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    Wa Ta'ala, so prayer is a time of approach. with Allah
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    Mother prostrates Mother prostrates third prostrations Read a lot of prayers
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    Ustadzah Subhanallah
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    is the closest time to Allah so don't waste it Min Ashari prostrates
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    people who pray diligently, we can see that when we meet people look at
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    the light on their faces like mothers Everyone who was present had their faces glowing
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    under the lamp
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    , but God willing, Min Ashari, everyone is prostrating, yes, everyone who is diligent in praying
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    is like that, people who are diligent in prostrating even
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    prostrate for a long time, so there are many
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    signs of being a man or woman who are diligent in prostrating. He said the one with the black forehead, yes
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    , but not everyone has a black forehead, he is also a diligent person,
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    there are those with black foreheads who are plump and so on, so there are other characteristics,
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    Simahum Ashari prostrates, there is a different light from the other faces,
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    so a person if he is an expert Wudu expert prostrates his prayers at the beginning of the wake at
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    the beginning of that time, he can see us. People have calming faces so that their faces
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    don't use expensive skin care so that the makeup isn't expensive. This makeup
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    is just a pipe, it's just a pipe. Yes, Kelly, it's like she only uses it when we meet
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    Amani, Mashallah. Don't worry, yes, there's an unusual light on her face.
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    Even though she's not wearing foundation, she's not using moisturizer, she's not using cushion.
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    Yes, she's not using anything. Yes, she's not wearing anything. But when
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    we meet, it's so shady. Her face is nice to look at. There's a different light
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    . -it's different from the light of the lamp, it's really nice to look at, it could be that this person
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    is the person who has the sign [Music]
  • 00:11:53
    Yes, that's a friend of the Prophet Bilal bin Rabah, yes, I know, yes, I like listening to it, the Muezzin whose
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    voice Masha Allah was in the time of the Prophet, was
  • 00:12:05
    a friend who was diligent in ablution, even The Apostle had not yet entered heaven when
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    Isra Mi'raj happened, he could already hear the sound of his sandals, Bilal bin
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    Rabah, because his sandals were often worn for prostration,
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    often used for ablution because his ablution was invalidated, the ablution was invalidated a little bit, which is different
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    from us, sometimes we do ablution if we want to pray, yes, if we want to. Others
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    just don't do it, even though performing ablution is already sunnah
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    doing good things, including before going to bed,
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    I was there yesterday ma'am, read in one story, yes, on
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    tik tok, there was a story about yesterday wallahualam, this story is true or
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    not, but because he practiced the sunnah
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    ablution before going to bed, there Allah saved him from
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    committing adultery. So more or less short story
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    like this, we can take Ibrah as well as a lesson, ma'am. So, if you want to
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    sleep, don't go straight to bed, clean first, then read
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    ta'awuz first. Read [music]
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    verses for chairs and so on, so there is a prayer first, protection from Allah, prayer will
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    sleeping and so on, this is a story from before,
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    I don't know whether this is true or not, but if it is true, Masha
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    Allah, this can be used as an example. There was a man who
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    was married and had a wife, but his family was religious, husband and wife,
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    there were no people who had not been tested by people who
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    understood . Any religion that has a deep religion must be tested by men, what tests are there, ma'am,
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    women, women are tested by
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    money men [Laughs]
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    There is a term that says like this, men are tested when women don't
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    wear anything because women are the biggest slander to men. That's right
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    , and women are tested when men don't have anything. So if women
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    are tested when their husband doesn't have any money, doesn't have anything, he's broke, he
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    doesn't have anything to provide for a living, here a wife is tested for her patience,
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    her strength to accompany her partner is still not there. If you want
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    to accompany your husband in a situation like that, that's right, ma'am. Yes, there are a lot of people who
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    don't have the strength to take this test. Men are tested when they see a
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    woman who apologizes for not wearing anything. This is a temptation for slander,
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    that's why women have two choices. They want to be the best.
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    world jewelry or at worst, world slander, women could be
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    world slander, could it be World Jewelry, who is World Jewelry
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    almar'atus Sholihah, the pious wife in World Jewelry loses diamonds, gold, silver,
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    all of them are the same as almar'atus Sholihah, so this is a person who understands the religion of
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    husband and wife, but one time her husband was tested with a woman.
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    So there have been many stories, especially in big cities, people work in cinlok offices and
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    so on. Yes, the test was definitely a woman.
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    Long story short, he had a friend from his office who finally made him have sex
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    but never committed adultery. Why do you remember his wife at one time?
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    Maybe now In what way was the beauty shown by the devil
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    related to the woman's lust aroused? Their appointment was at a
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    hotel in a city. He told his wife. Dad has a meeting today. So
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    maybe he'll go home tomorrow morning with his wife's permission because his wife
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    feels that my husband is really an important person, so he often has meetings. and so
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    on. Yes, there are no suspicions that
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    in the end, they almost wanted to commit adultery. They came to a hotel, already
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    passionate, both of them were in a state of lust.
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    The woman took a shower first, cleaned up because they wanted to start
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    their sin. After the woman had finished cleaning, she took a shower.
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    It was the man's turn . -When he entered the bathroom, he took a shower and cleaned and
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    he had the habit of ablution because he remembered that night
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    when he had taken a shower, he cleaned then he did ablution
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    and the ablution water at that time splashed the area of ​​his body including his face,
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    immediately the water was like slapped his face ma'am, it was like
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    Allah was realizing what were you doing, what were you doing there, he realized and
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    immediately made istighfar, O Allah, he was leaving his ablution, what was he doing? I was doing ablution, I
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    was carrying out this sunnah, even though what I was doing was not an
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    act of worship, I was starting a sin, Oh Allah, finally he came out with his ablution.
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    He saw the woman who was ready to serve him there. Allah closed what was
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    before. The lustful turmoil was changed. He was not at all interested in the woman
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    because of the whole habit that he was Istiqomah
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    so Istiqomah Al Istiqomah khairumin al-fil Karomah is better
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    than 1000 Masha Allah's house so that people who are steadfast in
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    whatever matters, whether they perform ablution, pray dhikr, read the Koran, have
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    Karomah, glory, guard, blessings from Allah for these people,
  • 00:18:06
    don't be ma'am. She commits adultery even though she is ready. A little goes home and she is grateful.
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    with Allah, O Allah, maybe because he deepened and was istiqomah with
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    ablution, this practice is a form of Allah's grace
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    , that's why we also need to be istiqomah in any case, ladies here reciting the Koran
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    Istiqomah yes Istiqomah
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    Is the house glorious or what Allah's reward is, no need. we are
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    looking for the one thing we are looking for the most, only one is Allah's grace,
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    I recite the Koran, the intention is to get Allah's approval, if Allah is pleased, let alone the afterlife, the
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    world is given to me and everything in it is given by Allah
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    , so when I worship, the intention is not to chase the world anymore, but to focus on
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    the afterlife, the world will follow, but if Whatever charity we intend for
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    the world to come, the mother will not follow my intention of alms. What are
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    my intentions for alms so that I can become a rich person, apparently I'm not rich after that, she
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    doesn't want to alms anymore, how come I've given a lot of alms, but I'm not rich, that's what I
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    'm looking for from my worship. is the world. Try if what he is looking for from alms
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    is the blessing of Allah, he can get Allah's blessings. Allah loves the worship
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    that I do. Allah said that from your alms, it's not just the grace that I
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    give. But what do you want, the blessings of Rizki are added to the blessings of Allah,
  • 00:19:46
    so from now on let's improve it The first weakness of our prayer is
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    that we make prayer a necessity, not an obligation. The second is to understand that prayer is
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    the closest moment to confide in us and get closer to Allah Subhanahu
  • 00:20:05
    Wa Ta'ala.
  • Sya'ban
  • Istiqomah
  • Sala
  • Mwenyezi Mungu
  • Hadithi
  • Ibada
  • Alfajiri
  • Mafanikio
  • Kujitolea
  • Uhusiano wa Kiroho