Must Own Stocks 🚨 5 FEB Movers #chartanalysis
TLDRSjansen til å investere i aksjer som Tesla og Apple ble diskutert etter at CPI og PPI data viste en høyere inflasjon enn forventet. Analytikeren indikerer at markedet ignorerer negative data og klatrer. Spesifikke aksjer har blitt nevnt som gode kjøpsmuligheter, og det blir gjort oppfordringer til investorer om å bruke teknisk analyse for å ta informerte beslutninger. Stopp-tap strategier og disiplin er avgjørende for suksess i investeringer.
Para llevar
- 📈 CPI og PPI viser høyere inflasjon enn forventet
- 📊 Aksjemarkedet klatret til tross for negative data
- 🛒 Tesla og Apple anbefales som investeringsmuligheter
- 💡 Bruk teknisk analyse for å informere handelsbeslutninger
- 🚀 Intel har hatt en betydelig oppgang etter positive nyheter
- 📉 Robinhood er nevnt som en varm aksje å se på
- ⚠️ Stop-loss terapeuter er viktig i handelsstrategier
- 💰 Disiplin er nøkkelen til suksess i investeringer
- 🔍 Vær oppmerksom på avgjørelseskyldige nivåer i aksjetrading
- ⏳ Utvikling av langsiktige investeringer er en god strategi.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
CPI og PPI kom inn høyere enn forventet, men aksjemarkedet opplevde en oppgang til tross for dårlige nyheter. Det er indikasjoner på at inflasjonspresset kan være på vei ned, men usikkerheten i markedet vedvarer. Det er oppfatninger om at negative data allerede er priset inn i markedet, og aksjemarkedet viser styrke med bullish signaler, særlig for SPY. Til tross for underliggende problemer, ser det ut til at investorer ser på dagens nedturer som kjøpsmuligheter.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Aksjene til Tesla og Apple var blant dagens vinner, med sterke oppfordringer for handelstransaksjoner. Tesla har hatt en dramatisk nedgang, men viser nå tegn til bedring, mens Apple fortsetter å vise styrke og stige fra sine nylige bunnnoteringer. Det er tegn på at Apple kan komme til å teste motstandsnivåene nær 248-249.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Det diskuteres to aksjer som har vært sterke investeringer i 2025. En av dem har vist seg å være svært populær blant investorer og har hatt få tilbakeslag. Det er en forventning om en pullback som vil gi en kjøpsmulighet. En annen aksje omtales, Reddit, som anbefales til langsiktig kjøp med en forespørsel om å se etter konsolidering.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Det utføres en grundig analyse av aksjemarkedene, særlig med fokus på Tesla og Apple. Det påpekes betydningen av å ta profit ved stigende aksjepriser og å bruke stop-loss for å beskytte kapitalen, samtidig som det understrekes at det er viktig å være forsiktig med momentum-handel.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
NVIDIA analysen diskuteres i konteksten av kommende inntektsrapporter. Det rådes til å ikke bli påvirket av mulige negative signaler før rapportene, med en posisjonering for at aksjen kan stige kraftig når prisen holder seg over avgjørende nivåer. Det finnes også en oppmuntring til tålmodighet i investeringsstrategiene.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:39
Flere andre aksjer, inkludert Robinhood og Intel, vurderes i forhold til deres markedsprestasjoner og fremtidige potensial. Det er forslag om langsiktige investeringer i aksjer som vurderes som vinnere i 2025, med vekt på at man må beskytte kapitalen og bruke strategier for å håndtere usikkerheter.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Hva er CPI og PPI?
CPI (Consumer Price Index) og PPI (Producer Price Index) er mål på inflasjon, henholdsvis for forbrukerpriser og produsentpriser.
Hvorfor klatret aksjemarkedet til tross for høy inflasjon?
Analytikere antyder at inflasjonspressene kan være i ferd med å lette, og at markedet ser ut til å ignorere negative indikatorer for å fortsette oppgangen.
Hvilke aksjer ble nevnt som gode investeringer?
Tesla, Apple, Intel og Robinhood ble nevnt som aksjer med høyt potensial for vekst.
Hva er betydningen av tommelfingerregler for investeringer?
Gjennomføring av stop-loss og å ha disiplin i handelsstrategi er kritiske for å beskytte investeringer.
Hvordan kan investorer handle aksjer basert på teknisk analyse?
Investorer kan bruke motstandsnivåer og støttepunkter i teknisk analyse for å bestemme inn- og utgangspunkter.
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- 00:00:00all right the CPI came in hotter than
- 00:00:02expected yesterday pre-market stocks
- 00:00:04dumped but at open they began to climb
- 00:00:07today we got the PPI and based on how
- 00:00:11stocks went higher today you would think
- 00:00:13it came in softer no it came in hotter
- 00:00:16as well analyst's interpretation of the
- 00:00:19report though suggested that the
- 00:00:21pipeline inflation pressures were easing
- 00:00:24is that true I'm not sure it appears
- 00:00:27that this Market wants to defy bad data
- 00:00:30and continue to climb the fact is the
- 00:00:33CPI and PPI are higher than anyone was
- 00:00:36expecting but I think it was largely
- 00:00:39already priced in this is a market that
- 00:00:42has reasons to go higher in 2025 they've
- 00:00:46just been trying to slowly sort out all
- 00:00:48of the problems there was a lot of uh
- 00:00:51downward pressure put on stocks in
- 00:00:54December and January due to the Tariff
- 00:00:56war that Donald Trump was waging but the
- 00:00:59fact is these tariffs seem to be on hold
- 00:01:02and he's continuing to iron out the
- 00:01:04details of these negotiations and people
- 00:01:06are beginning to be less fearful of the
- 00:01:10unknown the uncertainty markets Are
- 00:01:12Climbing when you take a look at the Spy
- 00:01:15it's looking pretty bullish and it seems
- 00:01:17as if any red day was a buying
- 00:01:20opportunity so at this moment it's easy
- 00:01:22to feel pretty good we do have some
- 00:01:25underlining problems but let's just
- 00:01:27ignore them like all the other analysts
- 00:01:30and make money every single day that's
- 00:01:33what we did today in the stocks with
- 00:01:34Josh Discord I gave a handful of trade
- 00:01:37setups I do that every single day two of
- 00:01:40the companies that I need to cover are
- 00:01:41Tesla and apple those were two trade
- 00:01:44setups that absolutely printed and I
- 00:01:46want to give you some brief commentary
- 00:01:48on what I see in these stock charts
- 00:01:51right now because Apple's continuing to
- 00:01:53show strength slowly reclimb from its
- 00:01:57recent low Tesla of course fell off a
- 00:01:59Cliff had an incredible downturn printed
- 00:02:03and oversold on the RSI and has
- 00:02:06recovered I'm going to give you an
- 00:02:07opinion after we glance at those charts
- 00:02:09whether or not we're out of the woods
- 00:02:12I've also got two stocks that I want to
- 00:02:14cover that if you don't own these two
- 00:02:17stocks you might be doing something
- 00:02:19wrong because these have been runaway
- 00:02:21winners in 2025 so far and I would tell
- 00:02:24you that if it's winning right now in
- 00:02:26January of 2025 it's probably going to
- 00:02:28have a pretty good year here and it's
- 00:02:30something that you need to look at based
- 00:02:32on any pullbacks that we get in one case
- 00:02:36I'm going to share a stock with you
- 00:02:37where the buyers have been completely
- 00:02:40and totally locked out what does that
- 00:02:43mean it means it hasn't dipped it's not
- 00:02:45giving any red days to buy people have
- 00:02:47been sitting on the sidelines waiting
- 00:02:49for a pullback and it just hasn't come
- 00:02:51yet I'm going to share that with you
- 00:02:53guys everything will be timestamped this
- 00:02:55is the stocks with Josh show thank you
- 00:02:57for joining me today in yesterday to's
- 00:03:00live video that I did I shouted out
- 00:03:02Reddit and I gave it as a buy the dip
- 00:03:06stock and it's popped since this is one
- 00:03:09that I want to get into long because I
- 00:03:12think it's going to continue to win in
- 00:03:132025 a lot of folks have been waiting on
- 00:03:16the sideline to buy the dip on this one
- 00:03:19and uh pay close attention because I'm
- 00:03:22going to be dropping a long-term buy
- 00:03:25alert on Reddit soon as soon as I see a
- 00:03:28little bit more consolidation thank you
- 00:03:31guys for joining me thank you for
- 00:03:32dropping a heart in the comments thanks
- 00:03:33for saying hi and let me know right off
- 00:03:35the bat if you made some money on the
- 00:03:37Tesla and apple play today they were
- 00:03:39super hot and they were super easy to
- 00:03:42trade Tesla pretty much crossed the
- 00:03:44price threshold that I gave and it just
- 00:03:46climbed and climbed and climbed and it
- 00:03:49went all the way up to the resistance
- 00:03:51level that I provided and if you bought
- 00:03:53in you printed money it was an absolute
- 00:03:55money printer guys if you don't know
- 00:03:57what trade setups I'm referring to I
- 00:03:59have a prot trading community and an
- 00:04:01education platform it's the stocks with
- 00:04:04Josh family it's the chart goat
- 00:04:05University I'm going to leave a link in
- 00:04:07the top pin comment it's www. stockwith
- is the name of the show and in
- 00:04:13the name of the website you can head
- 00:04:15over there and join the community and
- 00:04:17each and every day I'm dropping trade
- 00:04:19setups and alerts for people to uh use
- 00:04:22in conjunction with their own research
- 00:04:24to make financial decisions all right
- 00:04:27let's quickly take a peek at the Tesla
- 00:04:29chart because that that's the one that's
- 00:04:30really screamed higher and I have some
- 00:04:32pretty strong opinions as to what I
- 00:04:34think will happen next so right off the
- 00:04:36bat we had a buy setup this morning that
- 00:04:41if the price crossed above 349 to go
- 00:04:43long it absolutely shot up and the trade
- 00:04:47setup was for a move to 357 we got that
- 00:04:51it printed and from that point forward
- 00:04:53it began to sort of cool off now here's
- 00:04:56what I want to tell you guys this was a
- 00:04:57beautiful move and we've back tested an
- 00:05:01area of resistance and we need to be
- 00:05:04very careful because I would tell you
- 00:05:06right now that tomorrow morning if we
- 00:05:08cannot hold 349 and we back test it we
- 00:05:12are simply going to go back probably to
- 00:05:15336 and I'm going to be giving that as a
- 00:05:17trade setup in the morning based on what
- 00:05:19I see pre-market that's another quick
- 00:05:22comment let me just explain that to you
- 00:05:24guys real quick all of my trade setups
- 00:05:26are provided before the Market opens you
- 00:05:29can go over check them out I typically
- 00:05:32give anywhere from 2 to 3 to four snap
- 00:05:35the lines on your chart and all you have
- 00:05:38to do is take the position calls or puts
- 00:05:41or leveraged ETFs if the price crosses
- 00:05:44to the upside or to the downside however
- 00:05:47these are momentum trades and the
- 00:05:49targets that I provide are not it's not
- 00:05:52a Buy and Hold and it's not meant for
- 00:05:54you to take the trade and hold it till
- 00:05:56it gets to the Target sometimes it takes
- 00:05:58a pretty sub substantial move for it to
- 00:06:01hit the targets that I provided those
- 00:06:03targets are resistance levels and the
- 00:06:06move will usually print some money but
- 00:06:09you want to be trading the goal is to
- 00:06:11get a percentage gain right and so if
- 00:06:14you get into the position you can begin
- 00:06:16to slowly take profit As you move Higher
- 00:06:19and Higher and if you stop getting green
- 00:06:22candles and it turns to red candles well
- 00:06:24then you need to make sure that you are
- 00:06:26protecting your capital and you have a
- 00:06:27stop loss in place all right let's
- 00:06:30quickly take a look at Apple because it
- 00:06:31printed just as well as Tesla and what
- 00:06:33was nice about the Apple call is that if
- 00:06:36you were in Tesla initially Apple sort
- 00:06:39of started popping a little bit later in
- 00:06:41the morning the trade was for a move
- 00:06:44above
- 00:06:46237 there's always a warning to watch
- 00:06:49out or ignore any uh false Wick signals
- 00:06:52that might occur in the first five
- 00:06:54minutes apple gave that it Consolidated
- 00:06:57it moved back above 237 and that was the
- 00:07:00clear Buy Signal and it just moved all
- 00:07:02the way up to the Target provided which
- 00:07:04was
- 00:07:052470 it Consolidated it's actually
- 00:07:07moving above and breaking out further
- 00:07:10and so again this is one we're going to
- 00:07:12be watching because we may wake up
- 00:07:14tomorrow morning and this may already be
- 00:07:16at 244 so apple is still moving higher
- 00:07:20and I wanted you guys to be aware that
- 00:07:22it's continuously been showing strength
- 00:07:24ever since we made that $220 low we have
- 00:07:26been steadily moving higher and I would
- 00:07:29suggest that we are going to have to
- 00:07:31come up and face this 247 248 area and
- 00:07:35if we break out then Believe It or Not
- 00:07:39apple is telling us it's going all the
- 00:07:41way back to its recent all-time highs
- 00:07:43and so Apple was moving slowly for a
- 00:07:46little while back here but I also want
- 00:07:48to point out this pattern that we are
- 00:07:51going to be getting here soon which is a
- 00:07:52w pattern right and it gets confirmed if
- 00:07:57it breaks Above This previous High high
- 00:08:00so we need candles to open and close
- 00:08:02above essentially 248 249 and then what
- 00:08:06you do is you take the distance from
- 00:08:08there to the bottom of the W and you put
- 00:08:12that on
- 00:08:13top and that actually gives you a
- 00:08:15projected Target of Apple up at 270 now
- 00:08:20let's just take a step back I want you
- 00:08:21to understand that that is a best case
- 00:08:23bullish scenario I sometimes share these
- 00:08:26patterns and these targets and then
- 00:08:27people just turn around and buy calls
- 00:08:30long and then they say hey it didn't hit
- 00:08:32your target okay guys I I want to repeat
- 00:08:34this that's a w pattern we have a
- 00:08:37previous resistance at
- 00:08:39248 the next resistance level I gave you
- 00:08:42earlier in the video was 244 right we
- 00:08:44got to get above 244 then we're going to
- 00:08:46test 248 but if we do open and close
- 00:08:50some candles above that 248 249
- 00:08:53resistance then it tells us that Apple's
- 00:08:56absolutely moving back up to all-time
- 00:08:57highs and even higher moving up to
- 00:09:00$270 so let's get into some more stocks
- 00:09:04paler was on my trade setup list but it
- 00:09:06didn't signal uh by the time I'm making
- 00:09:08this video it was for a move above
- 00:09:11$119 with a target of 123 and yes at
- 00:09:16this point paler has not slowed down and
- 00:09:19the only way that I can see playing it
- 00:09:21is to slowly raise your stop loss my
- 00:09:24stop loss is currently set at
- 00:09:27$18.50 and if we do get a $119 I'll
- 00:09:31bring it up and I'll let you guys know
- 00:09:33in the stocks with Josh Discord where I
- 00:09:34set that next now the next play is one
- 00:09:38that should be on you should own this
- 00:09:41stock because this has been one of the
- 00:09:43best movers in 2025 so far now I gave
- 00:09:46some technicals on
- 00:09:48it and the technicals are bearish and so
- 00:09:51even though I'm saying that you should
- 00:09:53own this stock I'm also going to give
- 00:09:55you sort of a line in the sand for the
- 00:09:59fact that it's had an incredible move
- 00:10:02and this is one that you need to be
- 00:10:04watching for a pullback and a pivot low
- 00:10:08to buy potentially the next move higher
- 00:10:11and I'm going to give you guys where you
- 00:10:13should put your stop loss what the up
- 00:10:16Target should be and where it might
- 00:10:19pivot and provide a new buy entry let's
- 00:10:22go into that chart all right we're
- 00:10:24talking about Robin Hood I've got two
- 00:10:26day candles on the chart I like to use
- 00:10:29two-day candles because it gives you a
- 00:10:30perspective of what the current move is
- 00:10:32doing we had a huge gap up here on
- 00:10:35earnings now I do not believe that this
- 00:10:38move is over but I want to give you guys
- 00:10:41some things to be watching out for first
- 00:10:44uh we do have a pretty ugly candle okay
- 00:10:46so this is a shooting star now it's by
- 00:10:49itself it's a shooting star but it only
- 00:10:51gets really confirmed if we open and
- 00:10:54close a candle beneath the opening price
- 00:10:58of this candle which was right around
- 00:11:00$62 and so this only becomes a bearish
- 00:11:03shooting star confirmed candle if we
- 00:11:06open and close a candle beneath $62 now
- 00:11:08the way that I think this should be
- 00:11:10played is a stoploss scenario because
- 00:11:13it's a hot mover and it can absolutely
- 00:11:15continue to Trend up all the way moving
- 00:11:17up to 72 to
- 00:11:19$76 however if the move wants to cool
- 00:11:22off and take a break then the stop loss
- 00:11:25in my mind should be at
- 00:11:27$58.50 that would give it a little bit
- 00:11:29of room uh before getting out of what
- 00:11:32I'd say again is a winning stock now as
- 00:11:35far as long-term purchases go you can
- 00:11:38see that this has occasionally come back
- 00:11:41and tested the 20 EMA right this is
- 00:11:45where it's popped each and every time
- 00:11:47and so that's what we're looking for
- 00:11:48again we're looking for this to
- 00:11:50potentially come back as far as those
- 00:11:52who are trying to increase their
- 00:11:54position or those who are trying to get
- 00:11:56in for the first time you have to wait
- 00:11:58on these and you're wanting it to come
- 00:12:00back and hit that 20 EMA so at the
- 00:12:03moment that could be right around the
- 00:12:05$52 Mark um but it has not started
- 00:12:08pulling back I do want to highlight one
- 00:12:10more Dynamic and that's that we do have
- 00:12:12bearish Divergence on the RSI which is
- 00:12:16this we had a price High here with a
- 00:12:19momentum High here this momentum high is
- 00:12:21not as high as this past High even
- 00:12:24though it's getting very close but the
- 00:12:26price is much higher and so we do have
- 00:12:28be Divergence on the RSI that should
- 00:12:31concern us a little bit the bottom line
- 00:12:33on Robin Hood is it just gapped up and
- 00:12:36we're going to go with our Gap rule
- 00:12:38which is to wait a couple days and see
- 00:12:41exactly what the stock does before
- 00:12:43attempting to short something that has
- 00:12:45actually just had an incredible move
- 00:12:47higher it's only when we get a candle
- 00:12:50that would cross beneath that stoploss
- 00:12:53price that I gave you of
- 00:12:555850 that it would signal the move all
- 00:12:57the way back to the 20 Em
- 00:12:59as of this moment right now even though
- 00:13:02there is some bearish Divergence on the
- 00:13:04RSI this is a stock that's absolutely in
- 00:13:07the hands of the bulls and running
- 00:13:09higher so keep it on your radar now the
- 00:13:11other big play that had an incredible
- 00:13:13move today based on some news and some
- 00:13:16other factors is Intel this is one that
- 00:13:18I've been talking about early this year
- 00:13:21three stocks that I'm buying in 2025
- 00:13:24video and all of those have done very
- 00:13:26very well Intel had a headlight LED
- 00:13:29today Intel's stock is on a run not seen
- 00:13:32in more than two decades so this stock
- 00:13:35obviously everybody knows that it has
- 00:13:37hit its low and recently they had
- 00:13:39earnings which weren't great the reason
- 00:13:41why it didn't go lower is because most
- 00:13:43people simply believe that all the bad
- 00:13:45news has already been priced into the
- 00:13:48stock and now there's the hope for a
- 00:13:51turnaround story or opportunity ahead it
- 00:13:54just appeared that everything bad all
- 00:13:56fud had been priced in and there was
- 00:13:59little risk to it going lower
- 00:14:02institutional buyers who were willing to
- 00:14:04take more risk had begun to buy it
- 00:14:06around the
- 00:14:07$18.90 range and it was when it was
- 00:14:10$18.90 I also chose to buy this was one
- 00:14:13of our stocks that we put into our leap
- 00:14:15Channel and it was up big today the
- 00:14:18skips were up 150% and the leaps were up
- 00:14:2280% and this was one that we had a ton
- 00:14:24of time to accumulate remember this is
- 00:14:2775%
- 00:14:29down from its all-time highs and it's at
- 00:14:31a 14year low in its price and one of the
- 00:14:35things that specifically moved it was
- 00:14:37some commentary by the VP JD Vance he
- 00:14:41went on to cheer us semiconductor
- 00:14:43manufacturing as well as threatening
- 00:14:45tariffs on foreign chip makers that's
- 00:14:48all the market needed to hear and this
- 00:14:50was confirmation of actually the
- 00:14:52fundamental story that I gave you in the
- 00:14:55video three stocks to buy in 2025 and
- 00:14:58that was that this current
- 00:14:59Administration was definitely going to
- 00:15:01favor companies that were manufacturing
- 00:15:04and designing chips here in the US over
- 00:15:07companies that may be designing them
- 00:15:09here but manufacturing them elsewhere
- 00:15:11now I personally don't think that uh
- 00:15:14Donald Trump or this Administration is
- 00:15:16going to go to war with Nvidia because I
- 00:15:19think Nvidia is a very important company
- 00:15:21and I think that the president knows he
- 00:15:23needs them so he can't really push them
- 00:15:26too hard he needs to support them
- 00:15:29because they're part of America's
- 00:15:30success story as well but he does want
- 00:15:33to favor the chip manufacturing that's
- 00:15:36going on here in the US I also reminded
- 00:15:38you guys that intel was one of it was in
- 00:15:41the second place for corporate
- 00:15:43sponsorship corporate welfare these guys
- 00:15:46get money from the US to grow and to
- 00:15:48continue to advance and it's continuing
- 00:15:51so the exact quote that JD Vance gave
- 00:15:54was to safeguard America's Advantage the
- 00:15:57Trump Administration will sure that the
- 00:16:00most powerful AI systems are built in
- 00:16:02the US with American designed and
- 00:16:05manufactured chips Vance said that at an
- 00:16:08AI Summit and it's exactly what we
- 00:16:10expected to happen and it gave the
- 00:16:12market a reason to begin to buy this up
- 00:16:15now this has had an incredible 18% move
- 00:16:18in the last 3 days and the last time
- 00:16:22that Intel moved that way in a 3-day
- 00:16:25period that was back in April 20th of
- 00:16:282001 one and at that time it had a 45%
- 00:16:32move from the bottom to the top in the
- 00:16:35coming days right and where are we at
- 00:16:37right now on Intel well we've got room
- 00:16:39to move higher if intel has a similar
- 00:16:42move and personally I think the move
- 00:16:44will be better but if we did the same
- 00:16:46thing that we did back in April 20th of
- 00:16:492001 that would put the Intel price at
- 00:16:51the end of this week at
- 00:16:54$28 so Intel is hot I got a ton of
- 00:16:58questions about selling Intel with this
- 00:17:01news uh right now and the fact is I'm I
- 00:17:04have no incentive to do that it's okay
- 00:17:06if it cools off a little bit because I'm
- 00:17:08playing the longer game there are folks
- 00:17:11that uh you know they can't do options
- 00:17:14they don't know how or they don't have
- 00:17:17the time to sit and watch it because
- 00:17:18they're working full-time that's the
- 00:17:20reason why we're doing leaps because
- 00:17:22anything that I'm buying leaps on you
- 00:17:24can buy the long-term options where you
- 00:17:26don't have to sit and watch them or the
- 00:17:28underlying shares themselves if you had
- 00:17:30bought uh Intel the day that I called it
- 00:17:32out it was only $18 and today we got
- 00:17:35right under $25 so it was a beautiful
- 00:17:37move now I just briefly want to talk
- 00:17:39about the stocks with Josh Discord one
- 00:17:40more time and mention that I shared this
- 00:17:43leaps Channel and the launch of it in
- 00:17:46December and January and already
- 00:17:49everything that we've put into that has
- 00:17:50been wildly profitable I've had a number
- 00:17:52of incredible success stories that
- 00:17:55people have been sharing with me that
- 00:17:56everything that they bought in this
- 00:17:58leaps Channel that I created in the
- 00:18:00stocks with Josh Discord has caused
- 00:18:02their portfolio to be up a lot right
- 00:18:04basically guys what I'm telling you
- 00:18:06right now is I gave you months to get
- 00:18:09prepared and to get into the stocks with
- 00:18:11Josh Discord and to participate in this
- 00:18:13and I'm just going to tell you right now
- 00:18:15this is the first round of some pretty
- 00:18:18substantial success bell ringing on the
- 00:18:21leaps Channel but I tell you it's just
- 00:18:23beginning I'm personally holding my
- 00:18:26Intel because I believe it's going to go
- 00:18:27up to that 20 8 and possibly as high as
- 00:18:31$36 and $40 we just need more good news
- 00:18:34stories and more benefits coming from
- 00:18:36the Trump Administration to them we are
- 00:18:38also holding leaps on AMD and we're also
- 00:18:41holding leaps on Nvidia and both of
- 00:18:43those are also doing very well and on
- 00:18:46that point I'm getting ready to announce
- 00:18:48right after I shoot this film in the
- 00:18:50leaps Channel a new long-term buy these
- 00:18:53are ones that I think we're going to see
- 00:18:55200 300 and it's even possible that in
- 00:18:58this particular Channel we're going to
- 00:19:00see gains of
- 00:19:021,000% of course there's no guarantee
- 00:19:05all of this could not work out but I'm
- 00:19:08here yet again telling you that it's
- 00:19:09working out very very well some folks
- 00:19:13join the Discord they don't understand
- 00:19:15it they get a little confused they get
- 00:19:17impatient they quit and walk away while
- 00:19:20we continue from month after month after
- 00:19:22month to have beautiful winning days be
- 00:19:25patient with me be patient with yourself
- 00:19:28come come check it out if you were in it
- 00:19:30and you left come back in and join and
- 00:19:33participate but just go a little slower
- 00:19:35we're going to make some money we're
- 00:19:37doing it every single
- 00:19:38day all right let's talk about another
- 00:19:42stock that you needed to have owned here
- 00:19:45in 2025 because it's been an absolute
- 00:19:48runaway winner this is on the list of
- 00:19:51the top five stocks that have absolutely
- 00:19:53been crushing it in 2025 and that's t
- 00:19:57temm
- 00:19:59AI now I talked about this a couple
- 00:20:01weeks back the news surrounding T at the
- 00:20:04time was that Nancy Pelosi had bought a
- 00:20:06big pile of this what exactly do these
- 00:20:08guys do well Tempest AI specializes in
- 00:20:11leveraging artificial intelligence to
- 00:20:13enhance Precision medicine and improve
- 00:20:16patient care
- 00:20:18outcomes I smell a government contract
- 00:20:21coming to this company very very soon
- 00:20:24Nancy the goat with the crystal ball
- 00:20:26bought this and she's already up
- 00:20:29massively this thing has moved up 160%
- 00:20:34since news came out that she had bought
- 00:20:36it now a good portion of that is the
- 00:20:38fact that she bought it and if you've
- 00:20:40participated in some of her past
- 00:20:42purchases you did very very well we we
- 00:20:45ran pandw for uh tens of thousands of
- 00:20:48dollars of profit last year and the big
- 00:20:50play this year is 10 now I'm going to
- 00:20:53take you into the chart and I'm going to
- 00:20:54tell you guys exactly what I see
- 00:20:56happening and I can tell you right now
- 00:20:58I'm going to give you the stoploss right
- 00:21:00because you always need to have some
- 00:21:02protection of your capital and you don't
- 00:21:03want to get caught up in all these
- 00:21:05narratives and stories and you buy the
- 00:21:07top because you heard that Nancy Pelosi
- 00:21:09bought this after it ran 160% if you get
- 00:21:13in today you need to put the stop loss
- 00:21:15in I'm going to give you my stop loss
- 00:21:17for your consideration and I'm going to
- 00:21:18give you some perspective of where this
- 00:21:20thing can actually go because it doesn't
- 00:21:22appear to be slowing down let's go look
- 00:21:25at the chart okay we're looking at two
- 00:21:26day candles and let me just be clear
- 00:21:28this thing is actually up
- 00:21:30172% from where Nancy Pelosi bought it I
- 00:21:34actually covered this stock right here
- 00:21:36and told everybody that if we got above
- 00:21:38$53.40 that we would go higher and wow
- 00:21:41have we gone much higher than I thought
- 00:21:43we would go we are all the way up here
- 00:21:45at $
- 00:21:4686.9 now
- 00:21:488690 is absolutely a resistance that's
- 00:21:51why it's marked on the chart and so this
- 00:21:53has had a near 200% move and it is
- 00:21:57knocking on the door of resistance
- 00:21:59however you understand that this
- 00:22:01previous area that had been resistance
- 00:22:04is potentially getting ready to become
- 00:22:07support and that's that $79 Mark it's
- 00:22:10super critical that price holds $79 at
- 00:22:14this point if price were to go beneath
- 00:22:16well then it's sort of going back into
- 00:22:18this momentum area of Decline and it
- 00:22:21could go as low as 66 or as low as 58
- 00:22:26but the other area that is above us now
- 00:22:28and this seems to want to continue to
- 00:22:30run and as I said at the beginning the
- 00:22:32market even on bad CPI and bad ppi is
- 00:22:35going higher we know palente teer going
- 00:22:38higher and so the only way to trade this
- 00:22:41Market is with slowly raising your stop
- 00:22:44loss the stop loss that I've got right
- 00:22:45now on T is
- 00:22:48$79 the current area of resistance that
- 00:22:51I've identified on the chart where I
- 00:22:53could see this doing some consolidation
- 00:22:55is 8690 watch that post and pre-market
- 00:22:59to see if that area gets hit and it
- 00:23:02begins to reverse but if we get above
- 00:23:048690 then this thing is absolutely going
- 00:23:07to $100 and here's the good news if we
- 00:23:10actually get a weekly candle close to
- 00:23:13open above that
- 00:23:1575 to $79 it has to open up a minimum
- 00:23:19above 75 and it has to close above $79
- 00:23:23which is sort of we've got the cross of
- 00:23:26price now but we don't have the new
- 00:23:29weekly confirmation that that level is
- 00:23:31going to hold but if we get that then
- 00:23:34the next FIB level the golden level
- 00:23:36above us on the FIB pushes this all the
- 00:23:39way up to$ 1110 to $120 and so even
- 00:23:43though I'm highlighting the fact that
- 00:23:46you need to be using a stoploss I also
- 00:23:48want to point out that this has recently
- 00:23:51broken out above its previous all-time
- 00:23:54high and it's pointing to a continuation
- 00:23:57move higher and I'm just going to remind
- 00:23:59you so far the theme of 2025 has been to
- 00:24:03hold your winners hold them longer
- 00:24:05because they're continuing to print it's
- 00:24:07not always going to be like this but at
- 00:24:09some point these things will go and make
- 00:24:11a pivot low but right now this is a
- 00:24:14stock Pickers market and what I think is
- 00:24:16happening is that there are some folks
- 00:24:18rolling out of some big tech companies
- 00:24:20they got money to put somewhere and
- 00:24:22that's why companies like hood and T
- 00:24:25have been rocket ships let me know in
- 00:24:27the comments section if you're holding
- 00:24:29any hood and temp okay the last one I've
- 00:24:31got to cover is an Nvidia because I
- 00:24:33think it's important that you see what
- 00:24:34I'm watching in that chart let's go
- 00:24:36check it out all right we're looking at
- 00:24:37the daily chart the first thing I want
- 00:24:38to highlight is that we are on our way
- 00:24:40to earnings next week Wednesday February
- 00:24:4326th okay and obviously I've been
- 00:24:45talking about this quite a while you
- 00:24:47guys know that we bought the dip here
- 00:24:49and we bought it here and we bought it
- 00:24:51all throughout this area would have
- 00:24:53loved to have loaded up more at 108 I
- 00:24:55would have gotten extra greedy but we
- 00:24:57never got that instead we've been slowly
- 00:25:00moving higher now there's some important
- 00:25:01moving average lines that are on your
- 00:25:03chart one of them is the 20 EMA that is
- 00:25:06the orange one and when price Falls
- 00:25:10beneath the 20 it means it's going to be
- 00:25:12making a new low we saw that happen here
- 00:25:15it gapped down pretty hard but similarly
- 00:25:18when price recovers opens above and
- 00:25:21closes above the 20 that is a brand new
- 00:25:24Buy Signal and it often indicates a
- 00:25:27higher high High may be in the works so
- 00:25:30right now we're testing this we need to
- 00:25:32hold this tomorrow I wouldn't be
- 00:25:35surprised if we back test but I do
- 00:25:37expect that we would get a wick very
- 00:25:39similar to this candle that back tested
- 00:25:42this moving average Wicked up we could
- 00:25:44do that one more time as we're moving
- 00:25:46closer to um earnings don't let the
- 00:25:50market makers push you out of your
- 00:25:52Nvidia trade you know you got to do you
- 00:25:54this is not a suggestion for what you
- 00:25:55should buy sell or hold I'll just let
- 00:25:57you guys know that I'm holding this
- 00:25:59strong to earnings and I believe
- 00:26:01ultimately if price gets to
- 00:26:05$150 uh after earnings it indicates that
- 00:26:08we're actually going to move higher
- 00:26:10right now now the next thing I want to
- 00:26:12point out to you guys regarding Nvidia
- 00:26:14is that we actually have a second Buy
- 00:26:16Signal so right here this red line is
- 00:26:20the 150-day moving average but let's
- 00:26:22change it to the 200 okay now this is
- 00:26:25what's cool when on the macd when price
- 00:26:28is above the 200 day moving average okay
- 00:26:31which it clearly is right now and you
- 00:26:33get a cross on the macd which we clearly
- 00:26:36got back here that is a classic Buy
- 00:26:39Signal so let me just recap this for a
- 00:26:41minute guys you know that Nvidia is one
- 00:26:44of these stocks that we bought leaps on
- 00:26:46at the ideal perfect time and people
- 00:26:49were buying this back in December when
- 00:26:51it was $145 to $150 I came out and said
- 00:26:55don't no it's not going to work I said
- 00:26:58we're going to buy this when it gets
- 00:27:00down below
- 00:27:01$120 we got that we were able to load up
- 00:27:04our leaps and now they're deep in the
- 00:27:06profit right and so I hope that you guys
- 00:27:09joined me if you did just drop a heart
- 00:27:11in the comments and say yes I'm making
- 00:27:13money on Invidia you can put a heart
- 00:27:16Nvidia and a bag of cash Emoji to let me
- 00:27:18know but here's the main thing I'm
- 00:27:20telling you don't get shook out at the
- 00:27:23last minute I'm expecting a possible
- 00:27:26retest and bounce off off of the 20
- 00:27:29maybe back to the 129 if that happens
- 00:27:32I'm going to add some more to our leaps
- 00:27:34we might even add uh Invidia skips and
- 00:27:38these could be very very profitable so
- 00:27:40pay close attention you don't have to
- 00:27:42trade every day and every trade doesn't
- 00:27:44have to be right but if you have good
- 00:27:46patience and you get the right trade at
- 00:27:47the right moment it can make your month
- 00:27:49it can make your quarter it could even
- 00:27:51make your year right now Nvidia is doing
- 00:27:53very well it could even do better for us
- 00:27:56here's the two things I want to remind
- 00:27:57you of We Are above the 20 EMA which is
- 00:28:00a Buy Signal we had a cross up on the
- 00:28:03macd beneath the zero line while price
- 00:28:08was above the 200 day EMA that's also a
- 00:28:11classic macd Buy Signal so we've got
- 00:28:14what I would refer to as Confluence so
- 00:28:17in this in the days leading up to
- 00:28:20nvidia's earnings don't let any fud
- 00:28:23shake you out of your position at least
- 00:28:25I'm not going to it's not a suggestion
- 00:28:27for what you you guys should do and I
- 00:28:29assume that you're paper trading and not
- 00:28:31using actual money I'm giving you
- 00:28:33guidance on what I'm doing with my money
- 00:28:35and my trades so I'm going to leave it
- 00:28:38there hopefully I got all the stocks
- 00:28:40covered that I was planning to I do have
- 00:28:43a brand new stock that one of my good
- 00:28:47buddies brought to my
- 00:28:49attention I charted it I loved it and
- 00:28:53I'm sharing a new leap bu on it in the
- 00:28:58Discord as soon as I get this video
- 00:29:00posted so if you're part of the stocks
- 00:29:01with Josh Discord go check it out look
- 00:29:04it over hopefully this will be our next
- 00:29:07big winner I appreciate you guys I
- 00:29:10appreciate all of the wins that you
- 00:29:12shared in the Discord I love seeing your
- 00:29:14stories people in there saying that
- 00:29:17they've been watching some people saying
- 00:29:18they were paper trading but that they're
- 00:29:20feeling really confident seeing their
- 00:29:23paper trading account grow now I
- 00:29:25sometimes joke about paper trading this
- 00:29:27person was legitimately paper trading uh
- 00:29:30but there are others who went in very
- 00:29:32cautiously one gentleman shared with me
- 00:29:35today that he had moved his small
- 00:29:37account up thousands of dollars just
- 00:29:40taking the daily trade setups cautiously
- 00:29:43with stop losses and I'm very confident
- 00:29:47that somebody like that who's who's not
- 00:29:50a gambler right is going to be very
- 00:29:53successful on Wall Street because one of
- 00:29:55the biggest things it's not getting the
- 00:29:56hot Play It's not following my
- 00:29:58technicals the thing that need people
- 00:30:00need to grow in is their disciplines
- 00:30:03right because you can get everything
- 00:30:04right and you can know how to do it and
- 00:30:06you can fail miserably and lose a lot of
- 00:30:08money you guys know that's true I know
- 00:30:10there's some folks out there that know
- 00:30:11that what I just said is 100% true so
- 00:30:15we're going to do it with discipline
- 00:30:17we're going to do it in a community and
- 00:30:19we're going to make some money I think
- 00:30:20we've been doing we had a great day
- 00:30:22today let me know if you guys had a good
- 00:30:23day appreciate each and every one of you
- 00:30:25thank you for joining me today peace and
- 00:30:26blessings
- 00:30:28n
- 00:30:32[Music]
- inflasjon
- Tesla
- Apple
- Intel
- Robinhood
- aksjemarked
- investering
- teknisk analyse