LeBron James Smash Bros. Is a Very Fun, Very Evil Disaster
TLDRIl video critica il gioco Multiversus di Warner Bros, inizialmente considerato promettente grazie all'inclusione di personaggi iconici come Bugs Bunny e Lebron James in un tipo di gioco simile a Super Smash Bros. Tuttavia, il gioco è stato esaminato per la sua instabilità, difetti nelle meccaniche, politiche aggressive di microtransazioni e downgrade rispetto alla versione beta. Nonostante le criticità riscontrate, l'autore del video riconosce alcuni aspetti positivi del gioco. Questi includono la qualità delle voci dei personaggi, il divertimento nel giocare il modo 2v2, e la potenziale creatività mostrata attraverso i personaggi disponibili. Sono state suggerite numerose modifiche per migliorare il gioco, come l'eliminazione dei bug, miglioramenti nel sistema di monetizzazione e il miglioramento delle animazioni per rappresentare meglio la fisica in-game. Le critiche si concentrano anche sulla difficoltà e il costo associato allo sbloccare nuovi personaggi, mettendo in discussione l'approccio del free-to-play, e viene espressa preoccupazione che le pratiche attuali potrebbero non riuscire a mantenere l'interesse a lungo termine dei giocatori, soprattutto in confronto con i concorrenti più remunerativi.
Para llevar
- 🎮 Multiversus prometteva divertimento con personaggi iconici.
- 💰 Le microtransazioni aggressive sono un grosso problema.
- 🐞 Il gioco è pieno di bug e glitch.
- 😂 Nonostante tutto, il gioco è divertente in 2v2.
- 🎙️ Le voci e il doppiaggio sono eccezionali.
- 👾 Le animazioni di gioco sono confuse e poco chiare.
- 📉 La mancanza di modalità offline penalizza i tornei.
- 🔧 Sono necessari miglioramenti per sfruttare il suo potenziale.
- 🕹️ La semplicità del gameplay 1v1 risulta limitante.
- 🚫 Skins e progressi bloccati dietro pagamenti sono criticati.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Warner Bros esperiat su una idea perfetta di creà un giòcu cum'è Super Smash Bros feru di ghjucà, suggerendu d'aghjunghje caratteri famosi cum'è LeBron James è un battle pass, ma tuttu va male. Hè stranu è bramosu, cù glitch è microtransactions, ma ancu strasurdinariamente divertente in certi aspetti.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
I caratteri sò stati ben descritte, rispittandu l'essenza originale. Cù voci emblematichi cum'è quella di Mark Hamill per Joker, u giòcu riesci à attruverà i fan malgradu e so mancanze.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Multivers sò innovatori in u so disignu artisticu è usanu abilità caratteristichi per valorizà a diversità di i caratteri. Malgradu e buone intenzioni, pare chì e opzioni di menu mancanu di personalità è ùn sfruttanu micca u potenziale di u materiale d'origine.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Una mossa geniale hè u focus in partite 2v2, chì porta à sinergie insolite è divertenti. Tuttavia, e debilitazioni significative, cum'è u buffer d'entrata inappropriatu è funzioni rimosse, impediscenu una sperienza più fluida.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
L'analisi detalla difetti più profundi, cum'è l'interfaccia utente fastidiosa, l'animazioni difettose chì ùn seguitanu micca i principii basici di realismo, è bug molesti chì affettanu l'esperienza generale.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Ci sò menu di strategie in stu giòcu à causa di menu mosse dispunibili. Hè simile à cumu Super Smash Bros ùn avissi micca abbastanza variety, risultatu in una sensazione di monotonía dopo multu tempu.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Problemi notevuli includenu l'assenza di un sistema di schermu o difesa in u giòcu chì face a gameplay prevedibile è limitatu. Multi combats anima cusì chì dopo un tempu i giucatori ponu sentenu disinteressati.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Problemi di buffer d'entrata, induve a risposta di u giòcu hè assai ritardata, chì face à l'utilizatori fà errori senza vulè. Da notà chì parechje caratteristiche sò state rimosse per motivi imprecisati chì affettanu gravemente a sperienza d'utilizatore.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
L'idea di passà à un novu mutore di giòcu hè abbandunata è enumara i svantaghji di perde tante funzionalità è caratteristiche d'ottimisazione chì sò state sviluppate in un tempu più cortu.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Focusu in l'aspettu visivo di u giòcu chì à u livellu di ghjocu sembra lamentablemente mal gestite. Parechje animazioni sembranu irreali, spezzendu a sensazione generale di immersione di i giucatori cum'è risultatu di difetti critichi in l'animazioni.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
U giòcu hè criticatu per i so microtransactions impurtanti, facendu pocu prufittu di i ghjucatori per avè longu periodi di sbloccamentu senza spende soldi.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Critiche severe di cume u giòcu cerca di manipulà l'utenti in comprà, apparentemente mettendu trappuli in forma di sfide chì, in fine, ùn sò micca fattibili senza spende soldi.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Toccà à a cumunità multiplayer è l'aspettu competitivu, sottolineendu chì, ancu se l'elementi innovatori sò nutevuli, i gravi problemi di gameplay portanu à momenti frustranti.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Vendita aggressiva di caratteri chì sò costosi da sbloccare senza cumpensazione attraverso eventi o campagne di gameplay. Ancu in affari prufani troppu cari.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Discussione nantu à impatti negativi per comunità fora di linea per impone somme ingenti da supportà. I paragunataghji cun alternative più economiche mettenu in risaltu e so tocche esagerate.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Ignoranza apparente di u publicu destinatu postu chì i utenti casuali o più spearpati ùn trovanu micca un bonu usu di parechji aspetti di u giòcu.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Una conclusione tirata chì a struttura generale dimostra chì à u fondu, e smisurmi microtransactions cassanu l'esperienza, ma chjaramente, u giòcu hà ancu un pensamentu creattivu è puntu forti potenziāli.
- 01:25:00 - 01:33:46
Una valutazione finale chì nota chì, cù adjustamenti sustantivi per corregger nutrivule difetti, Multivers hà potenziale per esse un successu straordinariu tuttavia ferma chì a versionu attuale manca di profondità necessaria par chì i giocatori restanu investiti.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
¿Cuál es el principal problema del juego Multiversus según el video?
El principal problema destacado es su jugabilidad mediocre, llena de glitches y prácticas de monetización agresivas.
¿Qué aspectos del juego se destacan como positivos?
Se destacan la creatividad en el diseño de personajes, su arte, voces y el modo 2v2 como aspectos positivos.
¿Por qué el video menciona que las microtransacciones del juego son problemáticas?
Las microtransacciones se consideran problemáticas porque el juego usa tácticas manipulativas para alentar compras y requiere un gran gasto para desbloquear personajes.
¿Cuál es la opinión del narrador sobre los gráficos y diseño del juego?
El narrador opina que, aunque los gráficos y diseño de personajes son buenos, el movimiento y animaciones en el gameplay se sienten torpes y confusos.
¿Qué cambios sugiere el narrador para mejorar Multiversus?
Sugiere mejorar la jugabilidad quitando bugs y haciendo más accesible el desbloqueo de personajes, además de ajustar las animaciones y físicas del juego.
¿Cómo describe el narrador la experiencia de jugar 1v1 en Multiversus?
Describe la experiencia 1v1 como aburrida y limitada, al no haber suficientes opciones en el gameplay.
¿Qué elemento del juego considera el narrador que falta para competir correctamente?
Falta la posibilidad de jugar torneos offline sin pagar por todos los personajes, lo cual frena su potencial competitivo.
¿Qué aspecto considera que fue bien ejecutado por los desarrolladores?
Los desarrolladores hicieron un buen trabajo en crear personajes fieles a los originales con referencias divertidas y actores de voz icónicos.
¿Qué hace que algunos jugadores todavía disfruten del juego a pesar de sus defectos?
A algunos jugadores les sigue gustando el potencial creativo y el divertido modo 2v2, así como el simple disfrute de las IPs involucradas.
¿Qué es "Rain Dog" y qué crítica tiene sobre él?
"Rain Dog" es un personaje original de Multiversus que no pertenece a ninguna franquicia conocida, y se critica su inclusión ya que parece no encajar en el juego.
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- 00:00:00hey everyone as you might know Warner
- 00:00:02Bros recently had the perfect plan start
- 00:00:04with Super Smash Bros make it free to
- 00:00:06play add LeBron James add a battle pass
- 00:00:09and print 500 billion trillion dollar
- 00:00:13that's why they created multivers a game
- 00:00:15where you can beat up the joker as bug's
- 00:00:17bunny nothing could possibly go wrong is
- 00:00:20what I thought before everything went
- 00:00:21horribly wrong and now I'm sad I mean
- 00:00:24this game is weird glitchy greedy it
- 00:00:27unreleased itself for a year to come
- 00:00:29back with less features and more
- 00:00:30microtransactions meanwhile Warner Bros
- 00:00:32itself did this which I'm not a business
- 00:00:35Expert but I don't think this is good
- 00:00:38but stop right there cuz it turns out
- 00:00:40that super Batman Bros is actually
- 00:00:42pretty fun yeah I've been playing it a
- 00:00:44lot and by some miracle I am having a
- 00:00:46great time getting punched in the face
- 00:00:48by Shaggy from Scooby-Doo Now does this
- 00:00:51game suck yes like that thumbnail is not
- 00:00:54a cliffhanger or an open question the
- 00:00:57game sucks it is not good and you'll see
- 00:00:59why shortly but for all its flaws the
- 00:01:02gaml here has this one huge spark of
- 00:01:05creative genius that puts this game in
- 00:01:07the truly magical position of being
- 00:01:09terrible frustrating greedy straight up
- 00:01:12evil and a whole lot of fun at the same
- 00:01:14time which means that LeBron Smash Bros
- 00:01:17just might be worth trying out if you're
- 00:01:19a fan of LeBron or Smash Bros and
- 00:01:22honestly with just a few key changes to
- 00:01:24make it less clunky and less malicious
- 00:01:26and possibly illegal which we'll get
- 00:01:28into I think this game could become
- 00:01:30something truly great and longlasting so
- 00:01:33today let's talk about super Superman
- 00:01:35Warner Bros bros ultimate a disgusting
- 00:01:38horrifying mess of a game that I hate
- 00:01:40and also can't stop playing first off
- 00:01:43the good and of course the number one
- 00:01:45thing that matters for a crossover game
- 00:01:47with all these crazy characters is did
- 00:01:49they actually get those characters right
- 00:01:51after all just because they adverti they
- 00:01:53got Bugs Bunny doesn't mean they got the
- 00:01:56real Bugs Bunny personally I learned
- 00:01:59this lesson at a very young age when I
- 00:02:01popped open one of those Bugs Bunny
- 00:02:02themed ice cream bars only to instead
- 00:02:05find some kind of sick freakish
- 00:02:07homunculus crafted In His Image but
- 00:02:09multiverses thankfully does a pretty
- 00:02:11good job here I am happy to say that
- 00:02:12Bugs Bunny looks and sounds like Bugs
- 00:02:15Bunny same for Superman rain dog Harley
- 00:02:18Quinn rain dog these are all mostly the
- 00:02:21characters fans love mostly and they are
- 00:02:23not in fact demons with lifeless Gumball
- 00:02:25eyes meant to haunt the dreams of
- 00:02:27children now they will haunt the dreams
- 00:02:29of competitive players but you know
- 00:02:31that's gameplay that's different so
- 00:02:33while I will be saying some not so nice
- 00:02:36things about this game today I can't
- 00:02:38stress enough that they nailed the most
- 00:02:40important part it could have been worse
- 00:02:42is basically today's Mantra but these
- 00:02:44characters are great they got
- 00:02:45personality references and some really
- 00:02:48fun voice acting which is probably the
- 00:02:50best yet in this entire smash likee
- 00:02:52platform fighter genre everyone is here
- 00:02:54and everyone is shitalking each other by
- 00:02:57name all the time which is awesome now
- 00:02:59now I never drink on the job but then
- 00:03:02again I'm a professional an obvious
- 00:03:05highlight here is of course hearing Mark
- 00:03:07Hamill's iconic Joker it's great as
- 00:03:09always and I think the devs agree cuz
- 00:03:11they gave him a separate font in the
- 00:03:12credits and everything personally I
- 00:03:14would have given more people the cool
- 00:03:16font but I get it it's Mark Hamill I'm
- 00:03:17not the cool font police and also wow
- 00:03:20this is a crazy cast of voice actors to
- 00:03:22have for one video game including the
- 00:03:25late Kevin Conroy the legendary voice of
- 00:03:27Batman in one of his last roles ever and
- 00:03:30good voice acting matters it adds so
- 00:03:32much to the experience the audience
- 00:03:34knows him as well as I do they would
- 00:03:37know in a second if I did something
- 00:03:39inauthentic I think more than anything
- 00:03:41else multiverses just sounds like a
- 00:03:44faithful crossover and that makes it
- 00:03:45incredibly appealing to fans in a way
- 00:03:47that I'm sure Warner Bros Executives
- 00:03:49will not fumble catastrophically in a
- 00:03:51tragic Whirlwind of greed and huous but
- 00:03:54yeah ominous foreshadowing aside great
- 00:03:56voices I'd tell you to stick to
- 00:03:58Mysteries but you're bad at that too
- 00:04:01quick tip though make sure you go into
- 00:04:03the settings and turn on mature language
- 00:04:07oh [ __ ] it's off by default to be
- 00:04:10kidfriendly cuz as we all know if a kid
- 00:04:12hears the word [ __ ] they will die
- 00:04:15instantly truthfully I am so glad that
- 00:04:17children will be protected from the word
- 00:04:19[ __ ] in this game while they stab people
- 00:04:22with a knife as serial killer Jason
- 00:04:23forhe by the way speaking of stabbing
- 00:04:26people with a knife it sounds really
- 00:04:28good I mean like it has good sound
- 00:04:30design in this game I think a very
- 00:04:32underrated part of non LeBron Smash Bros
- 00:04:35is how basically every single attack has
- 00:04:37a sound effect with the perfect amount
- 00:04:39of impact and weight and this game Super
- 00:04:42Smash lebros James is possibly the first
- 00:04:44big platform fighter to really put in
- 00:04:46the effort and budget to match that part
- 00:04:49of why I ended up playing Wonder Woman
- 00:04:51is because hitting people with that
- 00:04:52Shield is so damn satisfying just listen
- 00:04:55to
- 00:04:57this now of course the main reason why I
- 00:05:00play Wonder Woman is because she's an
- 00:05:02extremely overpowered and easy top tier
- 00:05:04who everyone hates but usually that's my
- 00:05:06only reason for picking a character so
- 00:05:08you got to respect the sound effects for
- 00:05:10helping out like 3% of the way well
- 00:05:12sounds are great here and this game's
- 00:05:14music is great too but it's also weirdly
- 00:05:17relaxing with this big slow Orchestra
- 00:05:21and like this is a fighting game I don't
- 00:05:23want to be relaxed I want to fight I
- 00:05:25want to lose my mind you got Marvin the
- 00:05:28Martian shooting lasers at Superman and
- 00:05:30Jake the dog that is insane I should be
- 00:05:33freaking out but instead this music
- 00:05:36makes me feel like I'm at of Bugs Bunny
- 00:05:37themed
- 00:05:39[Music]
- 00:05:49funeral bug's bunny is dead Elmer fud
- 00:05:54got him I will say though every so often
- 00:05:56multiverses does get the intense Vibe
- 00:05:59exactly right like with its epic
- 00:06:00orchestral freaking Morty theme of all
- 00:06:03things which I mean damn all right you
- 00:06:05got
- 00:06:05[Music]
- 00:06:10it and yes when that happens for a brief
- 00:06:13moment you do get the feeling you are
- 00:06:15witnessing the crazy massive epic
- 00:06:17crossover event that all this is
- 00:06:19supposed to be and you see the genius of
- 00:06:22Bugs Bunny versus Batman game at least
- 00:06:26until it takes all your money we'll get
- 00:06:28to that but you know what else is genius
- 00:06:30the art style seriously if you think
- 00:06:32about it there was a pretty big
- 00:06:33challenge to solve here even compared to
- 00:06:35most other crossover games that being
- 00:06:38what the hell do you even do about art
- 00:06:40style when you got to bring this this
- 00:06:43and this to the same game that is hard
- 00:06:46and I do think they decided on a great
- 00:06:48compromise all of the stages and
- 00:06:50environments look like handp painted
- 00:06:52animation backgrounds while the
- 00:06:54characters are a bit sharper leaving
- 00:06:56room to vary in detail depending on
- 00:06:57their Source material yes some
- 00:06:59characters might not look exactly like
- 00:07:01their 2D or especially live-action
- 00:07:03counterparts but I think it's pretty
- 00:07:05impressive how much it actually works
- 00:07:07and preserves these Fighters identities
- 00:07:09and in terms of their actual moves and
- 00:07:11animations it's the same way Superman is
- 00:07:14doing Superman stuff Tom and Jerry are
- 00:07:16doing cartoon stuff Jake is stretching
- 00:07:18Jason is murdering The Iron Giant is
- 00:07:21also murdering which as you know if you
- 00:07:24watched his movie that's very in
- 00:07:26character he loves Bloodshed he loves
- 00:07:28violence I mean who could forget that
- 00:07:30iconic scene where he turns toward the
- 00:07:32camera and goes I want to beat this [ __ ]
- 00:07:34out of that small animal from Gremlins
- 00:07:37also for some reason they based Shaggy's
- 00:07:40entire personality and move set off of
- 00:07:43an over 5-year-old meme about him going
- 00:07:45Ultra Instinct like Goku which you know
- 00:07:48it sort of feels like the game version
- 00:07:50of your cooworker showing you ancient
- 00:07:52heavily compressed memes from Facebook
- 00:07:54like you won't laugh but you might sort
- 00:07:56of appreciate that in his head he
- 00:07:59thought thought it was something you
- 00:08:00would enjoy now I will say you should
- 00:08:02maybe be a little bit worried because in
- 00:08:05the description of this video I have
- 00:08:07linked a certain document on the
- 00:08:10European Union intellectual property
- 00:08:12office website where in 2022 Warner Bros
- 00:08:15filed for a trademark filing number 0187
- 00:08:2053040 name big chungus
- 00:08:25[Music]
- 00:08:41yes this trademark was approved for
- 00:08:43Warner Bros last year including for use
- 00:08:46in video games and all I'm going to say
- 00:08:48is that I'm afraid I am deeply afraid of
- 00:08:51what might happen in the future anyway
- 00:08:54NPS aside there is clearly a lot of
- 00:08:56passion put into the fighters of
- 00:08:57multiverses in terms of references
- 00:08:59presentation and also just what they can
- 00:09:01do one place I really have to hand it to
- 00:09:03these devs is that they were not afraid
- 00:09:06to give characters crazy unique
- 00:09:08abilities that feel very strong making
- 00:09:10portals turning invisible stealing moves
- 00:09:12coming back from the dead there is some
- 00:09:14wacky stuff here and if you look closely
- 00:09:16you'll even see various horrifyingly
- 00:09:18broken attacks from other fighting games
- 00:09:20which have seemingly transcended time
- 00:09:22and space to traumatize a whole new
- 00:09:24audience of players and while trying to
- 00:09:26fight against this stuff is absolute
- 00:09:28hell I got to say I do love that they
- 00:09:30didn't play it safe here there's a lot
- 00:09:32of creativity in these moves and the art
- 00:09:34and the sounds really do make them come
- 00:09:36to life though sadly for some reason the
- 00:09:38game draws these really distracting
- 00:09:40color filters over your allies and
- 00:09:42enemies and all their attacks and
- 00:09:44equally annoying are the obnoxiously
- 00:09:46thck outlines around every character by
- 00:09:49default but thankfully you can turn
- 00:09:50those off at least savor it though cuz
- 00:09:52that is just about the last time a
- 00:09:54single setting in this game will
- 00:09:56actually do anything useful and while
- 00:09:58we're on the topic of things that make
- 00:10:00me irrationally angry check out this
- 00:10:02generic live service game UI now
- 00:10:04objectively speaking there's nothing
- 00:10:06wrong with these menus my controller
- 00:10:07works I can find things and get into
- 00:10:09games quickly and you know maybe that's
- 00:10:11all I can really ask for cuz fighting
- 00:10:13game menus have hurt me a lot in the
- 00:10:15past but I can't help but feel like
- 00:10:17there was a massive missed opportunity
- 00:10:19here cuz like this is Warner Bros you
- 00:10:21know and all these game's menus combined
- 00:10:24have less personality than the font of
- 00:10:27the two letters in the Warner Bros logo
- 00:10:29I mean just off the top of my head we've
- 00:10:30seen cartoon menus comic book menus film
- 00:10:33inspired Art Deco menus and you're
- 00:10:36telling me that the best the Warner Bros
- 00:10:38game could do is legally distinct
- 00:10:41fortnite menu I don't think so but hey
- 00:10:43at least it works and as we've seen
- 00:10:45these menus are a gateway to some
- 00:10:47awesome art and creative ideas all the
- 00:10:50right ingredients are here to make a
- 00:10:52great game with lasting appeal however
- 00:10:54you got to be careful cuz even with the
- 00:10:56best ingredients if you want to make a
- 00:10:58meal you better put them together in the
- 00:11:00right way and if Smash Bros is like a
- 00:11:02pizza multiverses is like a pizza made
- 00:11:06in a how-to basic video using a
- 00:11:07blowtorch and also every egg still has
- 00:11:10the shell on so let's talk about the
- 00:11:12game play and of course as is tradition
- 00:11:14this review will now be switching to
- 00:11:16Iceberg format where we start with
- 00:11:18things I have mixed feelings about and
- 00:11:20then just sort of continue downwards to
- 00:11:22a very dark place where happiness cannot
- 00:11:25exist so yeah the glue that holds any
- 00:11:27fighting game together is obvious ly the
- 00:11:30fighting the actual gameplay and right
- 00:11:32out of the gate people were very
- 00:11:33concerned about how this game would play
- 00:11:36especially after the developers of super
- 00:11:38Bugs Bunny Bros went radio silent for an
- 00:11:40entire year after announcing they were
- 00:11:43unrelease it completely in 2023 only to
- 00:11:45finally come back with footage of a game
- 00:11:48that looked slow and zoomed in compared
- 00:11:50to its own beta let alone other platform
- 00:11:52Fighters and keep in mind that Beta had
- 00:11:55seasons and was taking microtransactions
- 00:11:57it didn't seem like the kind of thing
- 00:11:59you just unrelease in the first place
- 00:12:01fans were already a bit frustrated so
- 00:12:03multiverses really needed to come back
- 00:12:05strong with some impressive new gameplay
- 00:12:07but instead it felt like everyone was
- 00:12:09just worried including me but of course
- 00:12:12in my experience you can never really
- 00:12:14judge a book by its cover in terms of
- 00:12:16gameplay instead you should actually get
- 00:12:18into the game give yourself some time to
- 00:12:20learn how it works and try to examine
- 00:12:22that gameplay in context as objectively
- 00:12:24as possible so while some of the stuff
- 00:12:26Twitter was saying about it was very
- 00:12:28funny I in my deep gamer wisdom decided
- 00:12:31to sit down and learn all the mechanics
- 00:12:33as well as I could and sure enough after
- 00:12:35all that I honestly realized uh that I
- 00:12:38wasted my time Twitter was completely
- 00:12:39right and they should make fun of this
- 00:12:41game play more yeah sorry if you were
- 00:12:43expecting a revelation here but well
- 00:12:46multiverses gameplay looks very slow and
- 00:12:48weird because it is very slow and weird
- 00:12:51sure you can't always judge a book by
- 00:12:53its cover but I mean basic microwaving
- 00:12:56what you think that's about huh politics
- 00:12:58Romance it's probably about basic
- 00:13:00microwaving some covers you can judge I
- 00:13:03will say though I think the bones are
- 00:13:05there for an interesting system here
- 00:13:07like Dodges run on this dodge meter
- 00:13:09where if you use them too much you enter
- 00:13:11knockoff Street Fighter burnout and
- 00:13:13don't have any invincibility for a while
- 00:13:15and you can use that meter for offense
- 00:13:17too canceling attacks into Dodges or
- 00:13:19even canceling Dodges into attacks to
- 00:13:21turn them into mini air dashes or drive
- 00:13:24rushes where you go flying forward on
- 00:13:26paper it's a very cool system that takes
- 00:13:28a lot of inspiration from many different
- 00:13:30platform Fighters spam rolls too much
- 00:13:32and they get slower like in Smash Bros
- 00:13:34Parry things well and you won't mind the
- 00:13:36lack of Shield like in Rivals of ether
- 00:13:38and the meter management stuff might
- 00:13:40remind you of Nickelodeon All-Star brawl
- 00:13:41to AKA Garfield Smash Bros cuz that game
- 00:13:44also lets you spend meter on air dashes
- 00:13:46and cancels there's even a perk that
- 00:13:48enables gravity cancels which are a
- 00:13:50mechanic in bralhalla that lets you use
- 00:13:52grounded moves in the air and yes I did
- 00:13:54say perk because we got the perk system
- 00:13:57from Call of Duty here as in it is
- 00:13:59literally exactly how perks work in Call
- 00:14:02of Duty and now I'm sad cuz when I say
- 00:14:04it like that and I look at all this
- 00:14:06stuff on paper I wonder how the hell it
- 00:14:08gets so boring the moment it leaves the
- 00:14:11paper like Smash Bros with air dashing
- 00:14:14and Call of Duty perks sounds so much
- 00:14:17better than this game is because there's
- 00:14:19so much weirdness that holds it back so
- 00:14:22I'll start by saying that characters
- 00:14:24have very few moves compared to smash
- 00:14:26and it's funny cuz this comes at a time
- 00:14:28where plat for Fighter characters are
- 00:14:30getting more complex Garfield Smash Bros
- 00:14:32gave every character a whole set of
- 00:14:34aerial charge attacks and powered up
- 00:14:36versions of their specials rifles of
- 00:14:37ether 2 is adding all these new types of
- 00:14:39special move on top of the normal smash
- 00:14:41formula and even smash itself has been
- 00:14:43getting kind of wild experimenting with
- 00:14:45characters who just have more moves in
- 00:14:47mechanics but in multiverses not
- 00:14:49counting special moves you have five
- 00:14:53grounded attacks five things you can do
- 00:14:56Jab Dash attack smash es and nothing
- 00:15:01else no grabs no throws no tilt attacks
- 00:15:04no angled variants no tethers no get up
- 00:15:06or ledge attacks and you can't even walk
- 00:15:09or Shield which simplifies things even
- 00:15:12more oh and also there's no back air in
- 00:15:14this game you just got four total a
- 00:15:17Moves In The Air which brings you up to
- 00:15:20nine total normal attacks which is the
- 00:15:24same number of moves you have turn one
- 00:15:26of tic-tac-toe now you do have at least
- 00:15:29four special moves many characters do
- 00:15:31have more in the air and that's where
- 00:15:33those crazy mechanics I mentioned do
- 00:15:35come in and make things a bit less
- 00:15:36boring but like even if you can turn
- 00:15:38invisible or whatever this is your
- 00:15:40entire move list that's it that's
- 00:15:43everything and the best way I can
- 00:15:45describe how this feels to me is if you
- 00:15:47think of Smash Bros as an acoustic
- 00:15:49guitar then smash inspired games are
- 00:15:52like electric guitars trying to build
- 00:15:54off that classic formula to create
- 00:15:56something crazy and new yeah in that
- 00:15:58guitar car analogy to me multivers is
- 00:16:01sort of like three rubber bands which
- 00:16:03have been stapled to a Bugs Bunny shaped
- 00:16:05piece of plywood it's a unique new
- 00:16:07instrument that's maybe a little bit
- 00:16:09simpler than I would personally prefer
- 00:16:13and it's not like it can't make cool
- 00:16:14music ever it's just that at a basic
- 00:16:17level you have less tools to work with
- 00:16:20fighters in multiverses are so minimal
- 00:16:23and because of that you're often forced
- 00:16:25to use the same couple of attacks over
- 00:16:27and over again occas Ally sprinkling in
- 00:16:30your character's unique wacky broken
- 00:16:32gimmick move whenever the cool down ends
- 00:16:34well this game is deeply unhealthy
- 00:16:36incredibly simple and it's probably
- 00:16:38shaving years off my lifespan but to be
- 00:16:41fair that also describes homemade french
- 00:16:43fries and I got to say you can prime my
- 00:16:451200 W easy clean stainless steel deep
- 00:16:47fryer for my cold dead hands so don't
- 00:16:50get me wrong whacking people around with
- 00:16:52a simple move set it's kind of fun
- 00:16:54sometimes like a quick hit of platform
- 00:16:56fighter junk food but I just don't think
- 00:16:58it's the kind of of fun that can last a
- 00:17:00long time cuz like how many meals in a
- 00:17:02row can you eat only french fries before
- 00:17:05you start to go insane right and with
- 00:17:07multiverses after you put the square
- 00:17:09shape in the square hole for the 500th
- 00:17:12time you just kind of wish you had more
- 00:17:15stuff to do more ways to solve problems
- 00:17:18as an example again this game just has
- 00:17:21no shielding it is a fighting game with
- 00:17:24no blocking of course that's not
- 00:17:26inherently terrible in a smash likee
- 00:17:28game br Hala is a big free-to-play
- 00:17:30success that only has dodging and Rivals
- 00:17:32of ether did great with a purely Dodge
- 00:17:34and Parry based approach but here's the
- 00:17:36thing in both of those games movement is
- 00:17:39way better with a lot of speed and
- 00:17:41verticality you can use to avoid attacks
- 00:17:43meanwhile multivers has way slower
- 00:17:45movement and it's full of these gigantic
- 00:17:47fast rewarding moves presumably because
- 00:17:50smash is too but you got to be careful
- 00:17:52here those moves are only allowed to
- 00:17:54exist in Smash because shielding is
- 00:17:57there to counter them see in the
- 00:17:58language of Smash like games The Shield
- 00:18:01button is like saying I'm going to limit
- 00:18:03my own options and hide in this bubble
- 00:18:06because I think you're about to do
- 00:18:08something crazy in the next couple
- 00:18:10moments I'm not sure the exact timing
- 00:18:12but I think you're going to do something
- 00:18:14crazy and shield lets me handle that
- 00:18:16situation so when you remove shielding
- 00:18:18from the picture you have to be
- 00:18:20extremely careful about the kinds of
- 00:18:22moves you add into your game because
- 00:18:25something as simple and natural to
- 00:18:27fighting games as quick move that sends
- 00:18:29you forward fast that could now break
- 00:18:32your entire game in half since you've
- 00:18:35just created rock paper scissors without
- 00:18:38the paper it's just scissors and rock
- 00:18:41now maybe if someone is just different
- 00:18:43they can make scissors beat rock but
- 00:18:45most people can't exactly do that right
- 00:18:48so as a player here why would you not
- 00:18:50just pick rock all the time and in Bugs
- 00:18:54Bunny game that's what I do I pick rock
- 00:18:57all the time and I win unless my
- 00:19:00opponent also picks rock all the time in
- 00:19:02which case you ever seen two mud
- 00:19:04skippers fight before yeah that that is
- 00:19:07exactly what this game feels like in 1 V
- 00:19:10on you even make the same facial
- 00:19:11expressions oh and also we absolutely
- 00:19:14have to talk about you know actually I'm
- 00:19:17just going to play some footage from one
- 00:19:18of my games so Pop Quiz see if you can
- 00:19:21spot what I think is bad game design
- 00:19:24behind
- 00:19:26me yeah so if you look closely you may
- 00:19:29notice that I can stay off the stage
- 00:19:31forever while spamming gigantic moves
- 00:19:34this is bad I was going to have a whole
- 00:19:36analysis but I cut it out cuz like this
- 00:19:40is
- 00:19:42bad but I got to say for all my
- 00:19:44complaints here there is actually one
- 00:19:46seriously genius design decision that
- 00:19:48Batman game makes that I think saves
- 00:19:50this boring combat system like Bob Ross
- 00:19:53turning an ugly splotch into a beautiful
- 00:19:55gameplay forest and that decision is
- 00:19:58focusing on doubles yes LeBron Smash
- 00:20:01Bros is the first major platform fighter
- 00:20:03to completely design around 2v2 team
- 00:20:06play and go all in on what I think is
- 00:20:09one of the coolest and most
- 00:20:10underexplored parts of this genre as a
- 00:20:12whole Finn can buy speed boots that make
- 00:20:15his whole team fast bug's bunny can dig
- 00:20:17two holes in the ground that his team
- 00:20:19can warp between or Wonder Woman can fly
- 00:20:21to her teammate put her Shield up and
- 00:20:23turn the game into OverWatch actually
- 00:20:26all those mechanics are in over watch
- 00:20:29okay yeah the more I think about it this
- 00:20:31is kind of just Smash Bros but OverWatch
- 00:20:33I don't care still genius cuz to this
- 00:20:35game's credit there's a lot of stuff
- 00:20:36here that really does encourage the kind
- 00:20:38of ability coordination and cooldown
- 00:20:40management you'd expect from a hero
- 00:20:42shooter or a MOA it's a pretty surreal
- 00:20:44feeling to get from a fighting game of
- 00:20:46all places and it's pretty darn
- 00:20:47addictive if you find a teammate to plan
- 00:20:49broken synergies with I mean I have
- 00:20:51competed in a lot of 2v2 tournaments in
- 00:20:54Smash Bros I love smash doubles but at
- 00:20:56its best multivers really is a whole
- 00:20:58different thing with its own identity
- 00:21:00and the chaos of four players makes this
- 00:21:03game's very slow engine feel a whole lot
- 00:21:05faster now I will say it does also make
- 00:21:08the game even more mashy cuz there is
- 00:21:11the one glaring flaw here of no friendly
- 00:21:14fire or team attack whatever you want to
- 00:21:15call it uh yeah being able to spam
- 00:21:18attacks and not hit your teammate is
- 00:21:20something that can work fine in an FPS
- 00:21:22game like OverWatch because the total 3D
- 00:21:25play area the size of the map is way
- 00:21:28bigger than any one character and
- 00:21:30because of that you have to pick and
- 00:21:32choose areas and angles that are worth
- 00:21:34controlling which is a huge part of the
- 00:21:36fun and strategy of any team-based game
- 00:21:39but when Friendly Fire is off in a game
- 00:21:42with a tiny 2D play area the size of a
- 00:21:45single screen where attacks cover a huge
- 00:21:49chunk of the entire map succeeding with
- 00:21:51your teammate isn't so much about
- 00:21:53careful strategy anymore so much as it's
- 00:21:55about becoming an Elden ring Duo boss
- 00:21:58fight which is maybe not very
- 00:22:00interesting competitively but don't get
- 00:22:02me wrong it is fun it is very fun to get
- 00:22:05into these ridiculous cartoon brawls
- 00:22:07where you're just slugging it out
- 00:22:09Non-Stop and in fact 2v2 battles go a
- 00:22:11long way to explain why 1 v1's kind of
- 00:22:14suck in this game that's just not the
- 00:22:16main mode 1V ones are a side mode and
- 00:22:19the game straight up tells you that and
- 00:22:21yes I was very impressed by the
- 00:22:23creativity and thought that went into
- 00:22:25each of these characters in a team
- 00:22:26environment so that that's something I
- 00:22:29want you to keep in mind as we move down
- 00:22:31this Iceberg and start to look at some
- 00:22:33truly horrendous things that hold this
- 00:22:36game back there are a lot of huge
- 00:22:38problems with super Batman Bros that I
- 00:22:41think make it truly suck right now and
- 00:22:43the score I give it will not be pretty
- 00:22:46but beyond all the horrible BS we are
- 00:22:48about to witness I have seen a core
- 00:22:50experience that makes this game worth
- 00:22:52caring about enough to complain about
- 00:22:55especially because some of these
- 00:22:57problems can be fixed deep down there is
- 00:23:00an awesome idea here but oh man it is
- 00:23:02very very deep down past some terrible
- 00:23:06mistakes such as the buffer as you might
- 00:23:09know modern fighting games have input
- 00:23:11buffers which let you press a button
- 00:23:13even if your character is already doing
- 00:23:15something so instead of ignoring the
- 00:23:17player and erasing that button press the
- 00:23:19game will simply make it happen once the
- 00:23:21animation finishes when it's done well
- 00:23:23this can make everyone feel more in
- 00:23:25control of their characters without
- 00:23:27causing any problems
- 00:23:29when it's done well and the multivers
- 00:23:32input buffer is not exactly a shining
- 00:23:34example of input buffer Triumph in fact
- 00:23:37it lasts longer after letting go of a
- 00:23:39button than the past three Smash games
- 00:23:42combined which means that your character
- 00:23:44will do attacks because of buttons you
- 00:23:46pressed half a second
- 00:23:51ago and it's funny cuz this is an issue
- 00:23:53that many people maybe don't know the
- 00:23:55exact terminology for but it absolutely
- 00:23:58still affects them like if you suddenly
- 00:24:00decided to stop taking showers those
- 00:24:02around you might not know what three
- 00:24:04methyl 3 Sanel hexen one all is but they
- 00:24:07will smell it and they'll tell you to
- 00:24:09take a damn shower and just like that a
- 00:24:11casual player who pops into multiverses
- 00:24:13cuz it's free and they like Bugs Bunny
- 00:24:15might not use the exact phrase 30 frame
- 00:24:18input buffer but they will use the
- 00:24:20phrase why the hell does my character
- 00:24:22keep doing things I don't want them to
- 00:24:24this game feels terrible in fact it's so
- 00:24:27bad that I think a lot of the problems
- 00:24:28people are having right now with lag or
- 00:24:31online play are actually symptoms of
- 00:24:33this game having a buffer length that is
- 00:24:35beyond human comprehension an actual
- 00:24:38good input buffer is supposed to be like
- 00:24:40taking a staircase and installing a ramp
- 00:24:43next to it so it's more accessible for
- 00:24:45everyone but the multivers input buffer
- 00:24:48is like turning the entire staircase
- 00:24:51into an 80° ramp that nobody can
- 00:24:53actually climb but hey everyone does
- 00:24:56have different preferences and luckily
- 00:24:58ever since the multiverses beta you can
- 00:25:00simply turn the input buffer off unless
- 00:25:03of course it was during the entire month
- 00:25:06after release where you couldn't because
- 00:25:09they had completely removed that option
- 00:25:11from the game and locked it on the worst
- 00:25:14possible setting for all skill levels
- 00:25:17which might sound pretty bad but don't
- 00:25:19worry they also removed a bunch of other
- 00:25:22options and a ton of content and also
- 00:25:24they gotted the training mode which
- 00:25:26brings us to my next point they removed
- 00:25:28a bunch of options and a ton of content
- 00:25:31and also they got it the training mode
- 00:25:33yeah so this one kind of
- 00:25:34self-explanatory but there's this big
- 00:25:36thread all link that lists a lot and I
- 00:25:39mean a lot of things that got removed
- 00:25:41from the beta of this game from the
- 00:25:43setting to make your jab inputs more
- 00:25:45like smash to game modes like Co-op
- 00:25:48versus AI to the character leaderboards
- 00:25:50to getting battle pass exp after matches
- 00:25:53these features and more were all
- 00:25:55completely gone when everyone booted up
- 00:25:58the new and improved multiverses oh and
- 00:26:01they also removed the ability to try
- 00:26:04characters in training mode before you
- 00:26:06buy them on release you could simply not
- 00:26:09try before you buy anymore they
- 00:26:11shamelessly took it out which is a
- 00:26:13decision I cannot share my full thoughts
- 00:26:15on without getting this video
- 00:26:16demonetized thankfully they did change
- 00:26:19it after fans went ballistic but there's
- 00:26:21a lot to unpack with the business side
- 00:26:23of things here so we'll do that in a
- 00:26:25very special section later in this video
- 00:26:27but hey at least multivers does seem to
- 00:26:30be starting to fix some of these issues
- 00:26:34as of recording this you do get a tiny
- 00:26:36bit of exp after matches and after five
- 00:26:39straight weeks of suffering they did
- 00:26:41finally let us turn off the weird color
- 00:26:43filters and 30 frame input buffer but
- 00:26:46first off the default settings are still
- 00:26:49absolutely terrible and will turn new
- 00:26:51players away and more importantly you
- 00:26:54got to wonder if this game left beta
- 00:26:57after disapp appearing for a year why
- 00:27:00are we waiting so long for features that
- 00:27:04we already had back then well we
- 00:27:06actually have the answer to that
- 00:27:08question it's because they switched to a
- 00:27:11different engine after the beta a
- 00:27:13different game engine now some of you
- 00:27:16might be thinking wow cool but isn't
- 00:27:19that like hard to
- 00:27:21do yeah to quote the game director of
- 00:27:25multiverses Tony Hinn many of these
- 00:27:27features are currently implemented and
- 00:27:29are in testing and we had planned but we
- 00:27:31left out due to time as we had to
- 00:27:34rebuild every screen and feature again
- 00:27:36to support our new net Cod and Unreal
- 00:27:39Engine 5 switch so when I saw that I
- 00:27:42really wasn't sure what to make of it on
- 00:27:45one hand it does give me some confidence
- 00:27:47that we will see a lot of these features
- 00:27:49actually come to the game and it also
- 00:27:51gives me a lot more Sympathy for the
- 00:27:52developers who had to accomplish this
- 00:27:55massive task but also I mean why why
- 00:27:59sabotage yourself so close to release I
- 00:28:02mean you got to know that players don't
- 00:28:04care if the lighting looks 3% better
- 00:28:07while they're suddenly missing tons of
- 00:28:09important features they already had so
- 00:28:11why would you do this we moved to Unreal
- 00:28:14Engine 5 which will improve the game's
- 00:28:16visuals and character lighting so in
- 00:28:18other words Shaggy sandwiches have never
- 00:28:20looked better let me
- 00:28:24on yeah so couple things to say here
- 00:28:27first off are you absolutely sure that's
- 00:28:31pram on Ry listen as a Scooby-Doo fan I
- 00:28:34can tolerate Shaggy going Super Saiyan
- 00:28:36like Goku but I draw the line at Shaggy
- 00:28:40misidentifying a sandwich but sandwich's
- 00:28:43side I get it I don't know what went on
- 00:28:45behind the scenes here to cause this
- 00:28:47massive engine switch and feature
- 00:28:49downgrade after all when a relatively
- 00:28:51small developer like player first games
- 00:28:53works with a publisher like Warner Bros
- 00:28:56their job is not exactly easy and
- 00:28:58there's definitely a whole lot that the
- 00:29:00devs here simply don't have control over
- 00:29:03so I do truly believe they intend to
- 00:29:05complete this game and improve it
- 00:29:07significantly over time but I can't
- 00:29:09review games based on how they are
- 00:29:11hopefully going to be in the future
- 00:29:13right and the truth is that the first
- 00:29:16couple weeks of a game's lifespan are
- 00:29:18absolutely critical if the game makes a
- 00:29:20bad first impression and doesn't fix it
- 00:29:23immediately many players will never give
- 00:29:25it a second chance and now for no Reon
- 00:29:28reason in particular we're going to be
- 00:29:29talking about the training
- 00:29:34mode because all the functionality of
- 00:29:38training mode has been destroyed and now
- 00:29:41it's basically useless there's no combo
- 00:29:43counter no way to set damage it claims
- 00:29:46you can make the training dummy try to
- 00:29:48escape combos but it literally doesn't
- 00:29:51work half the time you can reset
- 00:29:53training mode at least and change
- 00:29:55characters mid game but that's it in
- 00:29:58fact the only modern platform fighter
- 00:30:00training mode that I would consider
- 00:30:01worse would be the incredibly barebones
- 00:30:04one in the released version of Garfield
- 00:30:06Smash Bros which I talked about in that
- 00:30:07review but guess what they actually
- 00:30:09ended up fixing a lot of those problems
- 00:30:11through patches adding features to the
- 00:30:13training mode over time which is cool
- 00:30:15cuz that's typically what game updates
- 00:30:17are supposed to do right add features
- 00:30:20not take them away and also last year
- 00:30:23Rivals of ether got an update that added
- 00:30:25input recording and Playback to its
- 00:30:27training mode which is a first for
- 00:30:28platform Fighters and honestly gets me
- 00:30:30very excited for the sequel which means
- 00:30:32that yes multivers straight up dug
- 00:30:35itself into the hole of worst training
- 00:30:37mode by shooting itself in the foot for
- 00:30:40no reason while the genre as a whole
- 00:30:42took a step forward now like I said
- 00:30:45before I'm no business Expert not
- 00:30:48exactly an economy wizard but to me
- 00:30:52sabotaging your product while similar
- 00:30:54products improve doesn't exactly seem
- 00:30:58seem like the best strategy again though
- 00:31:01not a business Expert anyway to me
- 00:31:03personally all this stuff is annoying
- 00:31:06but it's actually secondary to the one
- 00:31:07thing I really hoped they would improve
- 00:31:10from the beta and they just didn't and
- 00:31:12that's even though the game looks great
- 00:31:15the game looks terrible so I had to
- 00:31:18think a lot about this one cuz as I said
- 00:31:21for the most part I enjoy the animations
- 00:31:23of multiverses and I really love the
- 00:31:25visuals clearly the artists and anim did
- 00:31:28great work here and yet something just
- 00:31:31seemed off and when I asked around
- 00:31:34everyone shared the same gut feeling
- 00:31:37that this game just looks incredibly
- 00:31:39whack in motion compared to other modern
- 00:31:42fighting games what is causing that well
- 00:31:45I reviewed my footage compared it to
- 00:31:47smash and other platform Fighters and
- 00:31:49I'm pretty sure I see what's going on
- 00:31:51here now it's a weird hardto pin down
- 00:31:54problem that pops up at what I would
- 00:31:56call the border between animation and
- 00:31:58gameplay first off at a super basic
- 00:32:01level we can all agree that our brains
- 00:32:03like it when things on screen move in
- 00:32:06ways that make sense right in real life
- 00:32:08if you fall off a cliff you will not
- 00:32:10start to fly in circles or descend in
- 00:32:12slow motion no you will fall off the
- 00:32:15cliff and if things don't work that way
- 00:32:17like on a screen where the laws of
- 00:32:19physics don't apply our attention as
- 00:32:22viewers is drawn to that difference in
- 00:32:24reality and you know sometimes that's a
- 00:32:26good thing break physics just little bit
- 00:32:28and it's fun but if you do it too much
- 00:32:30and there's no logic behind it things
- 00:32:33can quickly get very very confusing well
- 00:32:36you might be able to see where I'm going
- 00:32:38with this The Art of Animation is all
- 00:32:41about exaggerating the Motions of real
- 00:32:43life without breaking the illusion of
- 00:32:46physics and as you might know in 1981
- 00:32:49two Disney animators published a book
- 00:32:51called The Illusion of Life which
- 00:32:53outlined the famous 12 principles of
- 00:32:56Animation that are very helpful for for
- 00:32:57making things move on screen in ways
- 00:33:00that feel real and satisfying nowadays
- 00:33:03these principles are used in everything
- 00:33:04from 3D animation to UI design to
- 00:33:07YouTube videos like I'm using them right
- 00:33:09now and you can't stop me now of course
- 00:33:11we're not going to get into every single
- 00:33:13principle of Animation here and rules
- 00:33:15about art are always meant to be broken
- 00:33:17but still if you animate something that
- 00:33:19breaks a lot of these principles at once
- 00:33:22there's a pretty good chance the end
- 00:33:23result will just feel wrong and
- 00:33:26artificial to people and the reason I'm
- 00:33:28talking about all this is because
- 00:33:30multiverses breaks those principles in a
- 00:33:33very weird way I don't really see that
- 00:33:35often check out this attack from LeBron
- 00:33:38notice how he bends down and looks
- 00:33:40upwards before the motion to visually
- 00:33:42tell us he's preparing to do something
- 00:33:44above him this principle is known as
- 00:33:46anticipation before any big sudden
- 00:33:49motion your character should clearly
- 00:33:51prepare for it so your viewers know what
- 00:33:53the hell is going on and from this one
- 00:33:55frame alone it's easy to guess the log
- 00:33:58of what's about to happen legs push down
- 00:34:00LeBron goes up physics Works brain is
- 00:34:02Happy Well I could go on all day about
- 00:34:05these principles here like squash and
- 00:34:07stretch check out how LeBron's overall
- 00:34:09profile gets shorter and wider at first
- 00:34:11then he stretches out like a spring to
- 00:34:13convey speed before returning to his
- 00:34:15original stance or slow in slow out
- 00:34:17where the animation is faster during the
- 00:34:19middle of the motion together all these
- 00:34:22ideas create the illusion of a character
- 00:34:24that moves believably despite just being
- 00:34:26pixels on a screen
- 00:34:28it looks great in a vacuum but it turns
- 00:34:31out when you take this animation into
- 00:34:33the actual gameplay of Bugs Bunny Game
- 00:34:36things get kind of strange check out
- 00:34:40this attack looks fine right but now
- 00:34:42let's try using it while moving and hold
- 00:34:45on what the hell am I witnessing so to
- 00:34:48me it feels like the actual gameplay
- 00:34:51itself doesn't really care about any of
- 00:34:53these principles of Animation using
- 00:34:55aerial attacks comes with these weird
- 00:34:58sudden changes in position with no
- 00:35:00anticipation or real visual cues you
- 00:35:03just sort of float in midair awkwardly
- 00:35:05often flipping your horizontal and
- 00:35:07vertical momentum multiple times in 1
- 00:35:09second speeding up slowing down falling
- 00:35:12fast gliding slow it is dizzying rather
- 00:35:15than having an illusion of reality it
- 00:35:17just feels like these characters are
- 00:35:19being randomly dragged around the screen
- 00:35:21by a mouse and if you land while
- 00:35:24attacking your character just hovers
- 00:35:26like the ground doesn't exist
- 00:35:28not to mention your jumps themselves are
- 00:35:30so wacky you rock it to your maximum
- 00:35:32jump height almost immediately then you
- 00:35:35suddenly stop and then you slowly float
- 00:35:38down not only that but if you tap down
- 00:35:41to fall faster your character instantly
- 00:35:44snaps into an entirely different
- 00:35:45animation with no transition time and
- 00:35:48this distracting visual effect appears
- 00:35:50on top of the weird thick outlines and
- 00:35:52the strange coloring and the super
- 00:35:54zoomed in camera it's a lot though
- 00:35:57individually any of these things could
- 00:35:59be fine right like if we cared too much
- 00:36:02about making every single Dash and jump
- 00:36:05look Perfectly Natural then controlling
- 00:36:07your character would feel realistic but
- 00:36:09also sluggish and unresponsive So to
- 00:36:12avoid that every fighting game has to
- 00:36:14sacrifice some animation Clarity for
- 00:36:16gameplay but again it's all about
- 00:36:18choosing which rules to break and
- 00:36:20finding a balance of gameplay
- 00:36:22responsiveness and visual Clarity but
- 00:36:25Multiverse is just kind of it just
- 00:36:27doesn't care why is LeBron snapping
- 00:36:30between so many different poses so
- 00:36:32quickly why is his velocity just
- 00:36:34randomly changing all the time why is he
- 00:36:36hovering and I can't stress enough how
- 00:36:39big of an impact this has on gamefield
- 00:36:42if you're used to games where a
- 00:36:43downwards stab looks like this and then
- 00:36:46you see this it's a very jarring
- 00:36:48downgrade but of course not every game
- 00:36:50has to be smash or brawlhalla so just
- 00:36:53for comparison let me show some examples
- 00:36:55of other platform Fighters where I think
- 00:36:57the game play flows better with the
- 00:36:58animations than multiverses just off the
- 00:37:01top of my head you got Rivals of ether
- 00:37:03Garfield game slap City frame makers and
- 00:37:06even Rush down Revolt also uh Kirby
- 00:37:08Fighters 2 Shovel Knight Showdown icons
- 00:37:11combat Arena brawlout Cartoon Network
- 00:37:12Punch Time Explosion Power Stone Power
- 00:37:14Stone 2 Duck game SpongeBob game Smash
- 00:37:16Flash smash Crusade Teenage Mutant Ninja
- 00:37:17Turtles Smash Up Full Metal Alchemist
- 00:37:19dream Carnival knife fight which is a
- 00:37:20platform fighter where you fight as
- 00:37:21kitchen tools and utensils Indie Pogo
- 00:37:23Bounty battle Digimon Rumble Arena
- 00:37:24Rumble Arena no relation that's a
- 00:37:25different platform fighter jump ultimate
- 00:37:26star flash party Spirit Fall Super Smash
- 00:37:28Bros ball which is a game on scratch
- 00:37:30where you play as balls Roblox Smash
- 00:37:31Bros Roblox Smash Bros again stick
- 00:37:33figures which isn't out yet the out
- 00:37:34foxies from 1995 PlayStation Allstars
- 00:37:36Battle Royale strik Super Slam and of
- 00:37:37course how could I forget jump and bump
- 00:37:40for MS DOS yeah so I think those
- 00:37:43platform Fighters do a better job with
- 00:37:45character movement than multiverses
- 00:37:46right now and listen the reason I spent
- 00:37:49so much time on this gameplay animation
- 00:37:51idea is cuz this is something that sort
- 00:37:53of invisibly but very strongly pushes
- 00:37:56people away from a game just like with
- 00:37:58the input buffer situation a casual
- 00:38:00player might not start listing the
- 00:38:02principles of Animation but they will
- 00:38:04know that something here just feels
- 00:38:06wrong and less satisfying than other
- 00:38:08fighting games they've played now as for
- 00:38:10me I am slowly learning to look past the
- 00:38:12Jank here you can get somewhat adjusted
- 00:38:15to it but I still think this is a
- 00:38:16serious fundamental flaw of Harley Quinn
- 00:38:18pay to win Smash Bros twin and I was
- 00:38:20really hoping it would get addressed
- 00:38:22over the year-long period where the beta
- 00:38:24just wasn't available just like the
- 00:38:26glitches there are a lot of them but you
- 00:38:29know I don't want to waste your time
- 00:38:30with too many specifics that are
- 00:38:32hopefully already patched or will be
- 00:38:34soon by the time I post this video so
- 00:38:36instead I'm just going to put a clip on
- 00:38:38screen of me playing the campaign with a
- 00:38:40friend and uh see if you can spot the
- 00:38:43glitch oh my
- 00:38:46God you see the pluses just spawned the
- 00:38:49of the chicken what the like I said a
- 00:38:52lot of glitches in fact there are
- 00:38:54countless bugs on Bugs Bunny alone and
- 00:38:57I'm I mean I love glitches in games
- 00:38:59right and yet this game has me
- 00:39:01frustrated so if the amount of bugs bugs
- 00:39:03bugs me just imagine how much the amount
- 00:39:06of bugs bugs bugs Bugs Bunny fans still
- 00:39:10though at the very least these glitches
- 00:39:11probably don't affect competitive gam
- 00:39:13playay too much right yeah so here's me
- 00:39:16doing an infinite combo with two buttons
- 00:39:18more on that later well you know we're
- 00:39:20getting pretty low on this Iceberg folks
- 00:39:22but to be honest none of these things is
- 00:39:24actually a complete deal breaker on its
- 00:39:26own so let's talk about something that
- 00:39:29is greedy
- 00:39:31microtransactions looking for even more
- 00:39:32ways to personalize your character then
- 00:39:34you'll want to dive into the multiverses
- 00:39:36battle pass I'm trying to think of a way
- 00:39:39to say this that is not emotionally
- 00:39:42charged but this game is maybe a little
- 00:39:47bit catastrophically evil and
- 00:39:49manipulative as in every part of it
- 00:39:52feels like it was designed in a lab to
- 00:39:54manipulate you into spending money with
- 00:39:56seemingly no no concern for actual
- 00:39:58gameplay experience now don't kill me
- 00:40:01for this but honestly I don't have
- 00:40:03anything against microtransactions as a
- 00:40:05concept in fact on top of the usual skin
- 00:40:07and emote stuff you'd expect to see in
- 00:40:09any free-to-play game I think it's a
- 00:40:11really smart idea to let people buy
- 00:40:13custom KO animations and smash
- 00:40:15announcers that to me is a great way to
- 00:40:18monetize a smash likee game cuz it's all
- 00:40:20cosmetic it fits well into the gameplay
- 00:40:22without being distracting and it keeps
- 00:40:24the game free and yes a lot of these
- 00:40:26ideas like custom ring outs are taken
- 00:40:28from brawl Hollow which has been making
- 00:40:30money this way for years without
- 00:40:31imploding into a black hole of raw greed
- 00:40:34but this game goes so much further and I
- 00:40:38feel like if I point to any one
- 00:40:40monetization strategy here like battle
- 00:40:42pass or buy stuff with money or buy
- 00:40:45characters with money it might not sound
- 00:40:48that bad at first because these are all
- 00:40:51things that can be fine in games that
- 00:40:54are less evil but they're just not fine
- 00:40:57here none of this is fine I'll start by
- 00:41:00saying that to buy all the characters in
- 00:41:03this game is $200 at the very least and
- 00:41:07currently there's no premium version
- 00:41:09where you pay some money up front to get
- 00:41:12the whole cast no if you want to unlock
- 00:41:14everyone you will pay the price of a 23
- 00:41:17C deep fryer and a whole turkey to cook
- 00:41:19in it not only that but as I mentioned
- 00:41:21the game removed the feature from the
- 00:41:23beta where you could try characters
- 00:41:25before buying them and play any
- 00:41:26character offline and yes they did add
- 00:41:29back the ability to try characters in
- 00:41:31training mode after fans started picking
- 00:41:33up the Torches and pitchforks but wait
- 00:41:35still unlike the beta you have to buy
- 00:41:37characters to use them in local offline
- 00:41:40matches this means that in order to host
- 00:41:42an imperson tournament for this game
- 00:41:45you'd have to buy every single character
- 00:41:47on every single system you use spending
- 00:41:51thousands of dollars this is a design
- 00:41:53change that completely kills this game's
- 00:41:56offline community out of pure greed but
- 00:41:59wait you say it's a free-to-play game
- 00:42:01you can unlock characters simply by
- 00:42:03playing just like in bralla yeah so
- 00:42:06about that some of you may have seen
- 00:42:08this tweet I made where I did the math
- 00:42:10based on a play session and found it
- 00:42:12would take me 38 hours of PVP gameplay
- 00:42:16to unlock one character and 77 hours to
- 00:42:19unlock the Joker these are absolutely
- 00:42:22brutal numbers like straight up EA level
- 00:42:24greedy yet sadly some people still
- 00:42:27defend these business practices which we
- 00:42:29got to talk about cuz yeah that tweet
- 00:42:31ended up reaching a lot of people a few
- 00:42:34million we even got some articles
- 00:42:35written about it and in my naive
- 00:42:37idealistic dream fantasy world I truly
- 00:42:40wish that some Warner Bros executive
- 00:42:42somewhere will see the public outcry and
- 00:42:45give these developers the freedom to
- 00:42:47make their game less evil that's
- 00:42:48absolutely not going to happen but you
- 00:42:50know let me dream but I did at least
- 00:42:52think that we consumers would all be on
- 00:42:55the same page that a grind like this is
- 00:42:57incredibly bad yet while that was
- 00:42:59thankfully true for most of us I did get
- 00:43:02a few worrying responses from people so
- 00:43:05first off I just want to say that I
- 00:43:06don't want multiverses to fail you got
- 00:43:09to understand that if I'm at a party and
- 00:43:11I notice a fire in the basement when I
- 00:43:14say hey everyone you should probably
- 00:43:16check the basement that's not me wanting
- 00:43:18to ruin your party that's me trying to
- 00:43:20prevent a tragedy which is exactly what
- 00:43:22will happen if we ignore the fire fans
- 00:43:25are not stupid and when they see a a
- 00:43:27game that just wants to take while
- 00:43:29giving very little in return they
- 00:43:31understand it's not free to play it's
- 00:43:34just free like how a dead rat on the
- 00:43:37sidewalk is free you're welcome to pick
- 00:43:39it up but don't expect other people to
- 00:43:41join in but this is where things start
- 00:43:43to get kind of sinister and dishonest
- 00:43:46because I think this game in its current
- 00:43:48form manipulates its players at Best and
- 00:43:51outright lies to them at worst so
- 00:43:53starting with the manipulation
- 00:43:55multiverses gives you initial challenges
- 00:43:57and rewards to start with that will
- 00:43:59allow you to earn about two fighters for
- 00:44:01free in the first couple of days when I
- 00:44:03saw I was getting lots of currency I
- 00:44:05bought Wonder Woman cuz she was fun in
- 00:44:07the free rotation and seemed pretty
- 00:44:09broken I figured oh if I get one
- 00:44:11character every few hours I'll just get
- 00:44:13the one I'm enjoying right now and then
- 00:44:15later on I'll play all the other ones
- 00:44:17I'm interested in cuz that's how normal
- 00:44:20games work but then all of that just
- 00:44:23dries up completely and you are left
- 00:44:25staring at that dozens of hours long
- 00:44:27grind we talked about with no
- 00:44:29alternative besides spending tons of
- 00:44:31money but because you got that short
- 00:44:33initial boost and the game looks
- 00:44:35generous for a couple of days my 38h
- 00:44:38hour estimate seemed unbelievable to a
- 00:44:40lot of people who just hadn't hit that
- 00:44:42wall yet and once you do hit that wall
- 00:44:44it becomes so tempting to just spend a
- 00:44:47little bit of money to get that next
- 00:44:49character get that battle pass get chest
- 00:44:52of gamium for
- 00:44:54$999.99 and that's what a lot of folks
- 00:44:57folks did I saw a couple people say my
- 00:44:59numbers were wrong but then go like oops
- 00:45:01I forgot I bought the premium package
- 00:45:04that gives me currency like yes that
- 00:45:06would explain the difference in our
- 00:45:07numbers but hey what's the point why am
- 00:45:09I even going free to play in the first
- 00:45:11place well first off money but also if a
- 00:45:15game says it's free to play I'm the kind
- 00:45:17of guy who will take it up on that offer
- 00:45:19I'll review that game free to play on a
- 00:45:22new account because that's how most
- 00:45:24people will play it and for multiverses
- 00:45:27if you don't have a ton of stuff from
- 00:45:28the beta and you don't spend money to
- 00:45:30start with this game is comically greedy
- 00:45:33in a way that it hides from players who
- 00:45:35do spend money it tells you to do daily
- 00:45:37challenges you can't complete because
- 00:45:39you don't own that type of character it
- 00:45:41tells you to claim challenges but oops
- 00:45:43that was a premium challenge you need
- 00:45:45the battle pass to claim
- 00:45:48[Music]
- 00:45:49it oh this a it's a premium Mission it
- 00:45:53was premium so I can't it's a premium
- 00:45:56mission
- 00:45:57yeah why don't you go and claim the
- 00:45:59battle pass too by buying the battle
- 00:46:02pass wow the word claim really means
- 00:46:05something different here than what it
- 00:46:07says in the dictionary isn't that funny
- 00:46:09and then this game tells you to progress
- 00:46:11in the PVE campaign for rewards but oops
- 00:46:15you don't have entire roots of the map
- 00:46:17because you don't own a certain Premium
- 00:46:20skin you have to buy I am not joking I
- 00:46:22literally triple checked everywhere
- 00:46:24because I did not believe I was reading
- 00:46:26the this right when I ran into it you
- 00:46:28need premium paid skins to play certain
- 00:46:32roots of the game Roots mind you which
- 00:46:34may prove very helpful as you try to get
- 00:46:37agent Smith free in the event that tells
- 00:46:40you that you can get agent Smith free
- 00:46:43see in that event you need to defeat 20
- 00:46:45unique bosses to earn agent Smith for
- 00:46:48free but hey wait it sure is hard to
- 00:46:51accomplish that without doing a whole
- 00:46:54lot of things that are very much not
- 00:46:56free funny how that works because did I
- 00:46:59mention that if you want to get agent
- 00:47:01Smith free you'll need to play on harder
- 00:47:04difficulties which you can't even start
- 00:47:06if your gem levels aren't high enough
- 00:47:08and at this point even if you don't know
- 00:47:10what gem levels are you can probably
- 00:47:13guess that they want you to buy them
- 00:47:15with real money in fact if you try to
- 00:47:18play for free you'll notice that you
- 00:47:20only get tiny fractions of gem levels at
- 00:47:23random in the form of gem exp and there
- 00:47:26is so much more to say here I could
- 00:47:28point out that without owning any
- 00:47:30premium skins you'll miss out on tons of
- 00:47:32gems and daily Rewards or I could point
- 00:47:35out that gem levels are an average so
- 00:47:37you need to grind an exponential curve
- 00:47:39for all your gems and the only way to
- 00:47:41get gem levels for every gem at once is
- 00:47:44to Simply buy this convenient gem level
- 00:47:46pack for each gem type for real money
- 00:47:49simply open your wallet it's so easy or
- 00:47:51I could point out that they wanted you
- 00:47:53to pay to buy lives in the campaign
- 00:47:56before they were publicly shamed into
- 00:47:58removing that feature but what I want
- 00:47:59you to see is that beyond all the silly
- 00:48:02terms and weird game mechanics like gem
- 00:48:05exp and Rift star meters what is going
- 00:48:09on here is actually very simple which is
- 00:48:12that you will not get agent Smith free
- 00:48:15instead you will play this game like a
- 00:48:17full-time job for an RNG chance of
- 00:48:19getting to the starting line of getting
- 00:48:21agent Smith free and then you get to
- 00:48:24grind even more to raise your Dem attack
- 00:48:27to the point where the enemies are
- 00:48:29beatable all while the game begs you to
- 00:48:31spend money and make it easier at every
- 00:48:34single turn but hey what's a couple
- 00:48:36hundred hours more grinding right this
- 00:48:38is the game with Bugs Bunny don't you
- 00:48:40like Bugs Bunny give Bugs Bunny your
- 00:48:43entire paycheck right now but seriously
- 00:48:45the more I learn about these mechanics
- 00:48:47the more I feel like I'm going insane
- 00:48:49and it doesn't help that a bunch of
- 00:48:51random difficulties are disabled
- 00:48:53seemingly to make the grind even more
- 00:48:55punishing for this event where you need
- 00:48:57to clear more difficulties because God
- 00:48:59forbid you could actually get agent
- 00:49:01Smith free in this event that explicitly
- 00:49:04tells you that you can do that and the
- 00:49:06worst part to me is that the grind is
- 00:49:09just so intentionally misleading it's
- 00:49:11set up perfectly confiscating the amount
- 00:49:14of exp you need so that once an
- 00:49:15unsuspecting player gets deep into this
- 00:49:18gem level hell and realizes just how
- 00:49:20disgusting this exponential grind is
- 00:49:23they're probably so many hours into
- 00:49:25getting the free thing that it' be so
- 00:49:28easy to just spend a little bit of money
- 00:49:30to get those gem levels up so you don't
- 00:49:32miss out on the free thing every step of
- 00:49:35this process is meant to hide how evil
- 00:49:37the math is here but when you actually
- 00:49:39get in the game and take a look around
- 00:49:42words don't mean anything in this game
- 00:49:44they just sort of say [ __ ] and expect us
- 00:49:46to not question it speaking of which you
- 00:49:48really need to see this truly amazing
- 00:49:51tweet from the actual multivers Twitter
- 00:49:54account we'd also like to let you know
- 00:49:57that the option to purchase extra lives
- 00:50:00is a bug that has been addressed and is
- 00:50:03not an intended feature in the game
- 00:50:05response how do you accidentally write
- 00:50:08code for a button that asks you to buy
- 00:50:11lives and to that I say wow great
- 00:50:13question Twitter user but to me that
- 00:50:15sounds like a job for the Scooby-Doo
- 00:50:17gang The Mystery of the spooky ghost
- 00:50:20that programs microtransactions when
- 00:50:22nobody is looking truly this tweet
- 00:50:25deserves a spot in the gaming industry
- 00:50:28public relations Hall of Fame I think
- 00:50:30it's just incredible an incredible thing
- 00:50:34for a game to tweet it's so insane that
- 00:50:38it feels like satire of itself but it's
- 00:50:42just real and that feeling really does
- 00:50:45apply to the entire experience of
- 00:50:47interacting with this game now I know
- 00:50:50those are some harsh words but again I
- 00:50:52can't stress enough that I do not want
- 00:50:54this game to fail probably I just want
- 00:50:56it to be better and less evil in truth
- 00:50:59I'm a real Warner bro and to prove that
- 00:51:01here's what I'll do for every single new
- 00:51:04subscriber on this video I will invest a
- 00:51:07nickel into Warner Bros Discovery stock
- 00:51:10in what economists are calling the worst
- 00:51:12investment decision of my life so far
- 00:51:14I'll post proof on Twitter so slap that
- 00:51:17subscribe button and make this video
- 00:51:18lose me money thank you and now back to
- 00:51:21the iceberg well actually hold on cuz
- 00:51:24I'm realizing that we can't really go
- 00:51:27too much lower on the iceberg than we
- 00:51:29just did with all that evil
- 00:51:31microtransaction stuff cuz yeah that was
- 00:51:33pretty bad so let's add two more things
- 00:51:36near the bottom above the
- 00:51:37microtransactions and then we'll finish
- 00:51:40with the super secret worst thing at the
- 00:51:42bottom that sort of ties the bow on this
- 00:51:45wonderful present that Warner Bros has
- 00:51:47given us so balance competitive game
- 00:51:50balance is very opinion based and
- 00:51:52there's no one right way to do it and
- 00:51:55while One V one play here has some
- 00:51:57questionable decisions that I don't
- 00:51:59agree with again I think the game should
- 00:52:01mostly be judged in the context of 2v
- 00:52:03tws where it does feel better but
- 00:52:05there's one truly baffling thing we need
- 00:52:08to talk about that yeah we just need to
- 00:52:11talk about it see this fighter The Iron
- 00:52:13Giant was actually just the most broken
- 00:52:17character I have ever seen in the entire
- 00:52:21platform fighter genre and like that is
- 00:52:23not an exaggeration or a joke
- 00:52:27I say that even as someone who used to
- 00:52:29lose actual money to smash for Bayonetta
- 00:52:33I've seen the Bayonetta and the braw
- 00:52:35metan nightes and more than that I've
- 00:52:36even seen the unspeakably op horror of
- 00:52:39Little Red Riding Hood in Shrek superlam
- 00:52:42who was way better than any smash
- 00:52:44character could ever dream to be this is
- 00:52:46important you have to hear this if your
- 00:52:48friend ever pulls out Shrek superlam do
- 00:52:51not let them pick Little Red Riding Hood
- 00:52:53that character is banned and yet The
- 00:52:55Iron Giant in multiverses was so
- 00:52:58incredibly overpowered that he could
- 00:53:00even strike fear Into the Heart of a
- 00:53:02Shrek super Slammer like myself because
- 00:53:05I cannot stress enough that the Iron
- 00:53:07Giant just turned this game into not a
- 00:53:12game as in if you hit him and he pressed
- 00:53:16B he canceled the knockback and hit you
- 00:53:19for free because you hit him and often
- 00:53:23that would kill you instantly and again
- 00:53:25I know that sounds like a joke or
- 00:53:28exaggeration because how could it not be
- 00:53:30right like it sounds so stupid that if
- 00:53:33you weren't there I don't even know how
- 00:53:36to convince you of the fact that he
- 00:53:39literally he literally did that he
- 00:53:41killed you instantly because you hit him
- 00:53:44and that passed the play testing phase
- 00:53:47and playing as the Iron Giant was
- 00:53:50possibly the single most wild experience
- 00:53:52I have ever had in a competitive game on
- 00:53:55top of the ability to use attacks while
- 00:53:57being comboed to kill them because I got
- 00:54:00hit I had access to multiple easy
- 00:54:03infinite combos that killed my opponents
- 00:54:05for free now you might think the Iron
- 00:54:08Giant would lose to projectiles being
- 00:54:11giant but luckily I equipped a perk that
- 00:54:13made me completely immune to them while
- 00:54:15moving which is a thing you can do in
- 00:54:17this game how did they fix this problem
- 00:54:19you ask well it's quite simple you see
- 00:54:22after he destroyed online play and got
- 00:54:25banned from a ton of turt
- 00:54:27they removed him from the game across
- 00:54:29all modes even single player yes for
- 00:54:32over a week The Iron Giant was simply
- 00:54:35not in the cast of the game by the way I
- 00:54:39spent the second half of my free initial
- 00:54:41currency boost on The Iron Giant because
- 00:54:44he was so broken and when I logged in
- 00:54:47several hours later I found that the
- 00:54:49character was completely gone but my
- 00:54:52currency was still zero so not counting
- 00:54:55their free rotation let's chart the
- 00:54:57history of how many fighters I own in
- 00:54:59this game including the starting
- 00:55:01character Shaggy and the generous free
- 00:55:04multivers launch gift of banana guard
- 00:55:07banana guard you can just give up if you
- 00:55:08want no one will judge you so first I
- 00:55:11started at two characters then with that
- 00:55:14initial account boost I was able to hit
- 00:55:17three with Wonder Woman and finally four
- 00:55:19With The Iron Giant truly I was living
- 00:55:22large but then of course he got removed
- 00:55:25so I went back to to three with no
- 00:55:27currency and for many many more hours I
- 00:55:30had to watch the rich people play
- 00:55:32multiverses while I was playing Tri
- 00:55:34veres however finally at long last a
- 00:55:38miracle happened they added the Iron
- 00:55:40Giant back returning me to four total
- 00:55:44characters now I can't wait to strike it
- 00:55:47rich and get character number five
- 00:55:50though unfortunately it hasn't quite
- 00:55:52happened yet because you see that 38
- 00:55:55hour imate I did was in 2v tws where you
- 00:55:58get more currency so if you play any 1V
- 00:56:01ons it's going to slow you down and take
- 00:56:03a lot longer than a mere 38 hours and
- 00:56:06yes at this rate I am actually going to
- 00:56:09become the Joker before I ever get to
- 00:56:11unlock him in fact my current
- 00:56:13free-to-play Joker unlock estimate is
- 00:56:15around 100 to 150 hours if you spread
- 00:56:19your time between all the modes given
- 00:56:21I've been working at it for about 50
- 00:56:22hours and I'm almost halfway there by by
- 00:56:26the way for the record I also played the
- 00:56:28PVE Rifts mode for that time some people
- 00:56:31were telling me hey the grind isn't so
- 00:56:33bad cuz you unlock characters faster
- 00:56:35through PVE just play PVE with friends
- 00:56:38so I dragged my friend into hours of
- 00:56:41this madness and we still earned almost
- 00:56:43nothing past the initial Boost from
- 00:56:45starting challenges well to be clear we
- 00:56:47did get gem exp I should clarify I did
- 00:56:51get a bit of gem exp just a bit more of
- 00:56:54that and I might even climb a gem level
- 00:56:56level and get my gem attack up I love
- 00:56:59modern gaming so much but yeah back to
- 00:57:03the Iron Giant for a sec just because
- 00:57:06yes I have great news for you he's back
- 00:57:08he can still kill people in one hit he
- 00:57:10can still break combos after you hit him
- 00:57:13but it's a little bit harder now so he's
- 00:57:15probably fine maybe uh but I do have
- 00:57:19some questions about how this happened
- 00:57:21in the first place you know it's kind of
- 00:57:23like if your friend offers you some cake
- 00:57:26but when you cut into it there's a bomb
- 00:57:28inside and he's like oops my bad I
- 00:57:31forgot to take out the bomb now I don't
- 00:57:34think you have to stop being friends
- 00:57:36here but you should maybe wonder how
- 00:57:39that got there in the first place and
- 00:57:42also maybe you should be a little bit
- 00:57:45suspicious of their baking in the future
- 00:57:47well in multiverses I'll just say that a
- 00:57:50lot of these Fighters are like good
- 00:57:52cakes but if you check the ingredients
- 00:57:55they're are a couple things that maybe
- 00:57:58humans shouldn't eat if they want to
- 00:58:02live a long time the competitive balance
- 00:58:04here is very much insane which is funny
- 00:58:07for sure but I really do think it's
- 00:58:09going to make a lot of people quit on
- 00:58:11the Casual side and on the competitive
- 00:58:13side competing in this game for money is
- 00:58:15a fate I simply would not wish on my
- 00:58:18worst enemy oh speaking of my worst
- 00:58:20enemy there is something else we need to
- 00:58:23talk about that will require me to be a
- 00:58:25little little bit of a hater it's not
- 00:58:28something I want to do but it's the
- 00:58:30elephant in the room here and my hand
- 00:58:33has been forced because what the hell is
- 00:58:36this thing guys seriously what is this
- 00:58:39creature and why does he think he's on
- 00:58:41the team so if you didn't know this
- 00:58:44character rain dog is not from some
- 00:58:46other IP he's just a dog thing
- 00:58:49multiverses made up themselves and put
- 00:58:51actual resources into as a playable
- 00:58:54character they expect you toay pay $10
- 00:58:57for which is the same cost as Superman
- 00:59:00and Bugs Bunny well before anything else
- 00:59:03let me just say that I do feel kind of
- 00:59:05bad cuz you just know it was someone's
- 00:59:07childhood dream to put their original
- 00:59:09character rain dog in a big game and uh
- 00:59:12you know his design is fun he's just a
- 00:59:14silly little guy in the right context
- 00:59:16maybe rain dog would fill audiences with
- 00:59:19a sense of magical wonder and Whimsy
- 00:59:21like Orie from ory or animal well blob
- 00:59:24from animal well but this is not the
- 00:59:27right context and
- 00:59:30multiverses I do not like your magic dog
- 00:59:33o I do not like that he is in my Bugs
- 00:59:36Bunny The Joker LeBron James game I do
- 00:59:38not care how awesome and important he is
- 00:59:41and how Batman loves him and won't stop
- 00:59:43talking about him because he's so
- 00:59:45special please at least make him a free
- 00:59:48character have some shame it's like if
- 00:59:51you made an adaptation of the Bible and
- 00:59:54you marketed it to Christians but but
- 00:59:56then in every scene you put some guy
- 00:59:58named scrungus in front of Jesus like
- 01:00:00your OC scrungus might even be a great
- 01:00:03character with a fun design but you know
- 01:00:05the audience you're aiming for isn't
- 01:00:08there for scrungus right you should know
- 01:00:10that and in multi versus I just want to
- 01:00:13know why does Rick from Rick and Morty
- 01:00:17have an entire special move the purpose
- 01:00:19of which is to turn my character into
- 01:00:21rain dog so I have to play as rain dog
- 01:00:25why does online matchmaking force you to
- 01:00:28play on a stage that also turns you into
- 01:00:31rain dog I had an actual PVP game where
- 01:00:35we had to stop for like 10 seconds
- 01:00:38because the game turned us both into its
- 01:00:40OC rain dog and yes I know we're joking
- 01:00:44around we're having fun it's not really
- 01:00:46that serious right but I bring up Rain
- 01:00:48dog because to me he represents the
- 01:00:51absolute biggest sin multiverses commits
- 01:00:54which is not understanding it audience
- 01:00:56at all or even any individual part of
- 01:01:00its audience that's the bottom of the
- 01:01:01iceberg by the way when you look at the
- 01:01:03actual gameplay the stuff that's meant
- 01:01:05to keep people coming back long term
- 01:01:07beyond the really good art and audio
- 01:01:10this game simply does not understand why
- 01:01:14people play games and to show you what I
- 01:01:16mean and try to be as thorough as
- 01:01:18possible here let's start by drawing a
- 01:01:20little 2x two grid on the top we'll
- 01:01:22divide it by casual and try hard while
- 01:01:25on the side we'll put PVP and PVE what
- 01:01:28we're about to do here is imagine the
- 01:01:30four types of experience a player might
- 01:01:33want from this game so first off we have
- 01:01:36casual PVP a player looking for this
- 01:01:38experience is not trying to play in
- 01:01:40hyper competitive rules and win sweaty
- 01:01:43tournaments but they do like the
- 01:01:44excitement and unpredictability of
- 01:01:46playing against other humans and ideally
- 01:01:48to cater to this audience you want a
- 01:01:50game that has lots of variety lots of
- 01:01:52chaos while also making the basic
- 01:01:55controls feel satisfying and fun nailing
- 01:01:58that formula is what makes games like
- 01:02:00fortnite or Wii sports or fortnite Wii
- 01:02:03Sports have such massive appeal and
- 01:02:05staying power well speaking of popular
- 01:02:08Wii games geared towards casual PVP
- 01:02:11there's a certain highly successful game
- 01:02:13series I mentioned a bit earlier in this
- 01:02:15video that multivers seems to be trying
- 01:02:17to imitate a whole lot a series that you
- 01:02:20might call an ultimate Smash Hit that's
- 01:02:24right it's time to talk about about Call
- 01:02:26of Duty see the reason Call of Duty
- 01:02:28games are so popular is because they
- 01:02:30know how to make an unpredictable
- 01:02:31experience that feels satisfying to just
- 01:02:34hop into and play and love it or hate it
- 01:02:36something the Call of Duty Series has
- 01:02:38been refining since the original Modern
- 01:02:40Warfare in 2007 is a progression system
- 01:02:43that hijacks the hell out of the deeply
- 01:02:45flawed reward centers of the human brain
- 01:02:47ooh cool I ranked up things are shining
- 01:02:50and glowing I'm earning new stuff all
- 01:02:52the time streaks weapons camos perks
- 01:02:54banners there are fun challenges to
- 01:02:56shoot for you're always unlocking new
- 01:02:58[ __ ] nonstop you can really feel the
- 01:03:00neuron activation the happy chemicals
- 01:03:03being released and I bring all this up
- 01:03:05in a review for a Bugs Bunny versus
- 01:03:07Steven Universe game from a completely
- 01:03:10different genre because it really feels
- 01:03:12like Warner Bros looked at Call of Duty
- 01:03:15and fortnite and every popular title
- 01:03:17with a battle pass and was like we can
- 01:03:20do that and proceeded to completely miss
- 01:03:22the entire point of what is fun about
- 01:03:25those games but wait how about skins and
- 01:03:28other Cosmetics there are lots of very
- 01:03:30high quality ones and oh no they are
- 01:03:33basically entirely paid you have to buy
- 01:03:37everything I mean I have played this
- 01:03:39game for how many hours and I have not
- 01:03:41seen a single skin or cosmetic for any
- 01:03:44of the characters I play I got nothing
- 01:03:47well to be fair I did get this one event
- 01:03:49skin for Superman and I can't wait to
- 01:03:52use it after I buy Superman but yeah
- 01:03:55what about challenges and fun Rewards
- 01:03:57well the only emotion I have ever felt
- 01:04:00towards the challenge in this game is
- 01:04:01anger when it baits me yet again with a
- 01:04:04premium challenge I can't actually claim
- 01:04:06or a normal challenge I can't complete
- 01:04:08without paying it is wild more so than
- 01:04:11literally any other game I've ever
- 01:04:13played even greedy mobile games and MMOs
- 01:04:16it's like multiverses completely forgot
- 01:04:19that progression systems are actually
- 01:04:21supposed to be fun and rewarding on some
- 01:04:23level and not purely
- 01:04:26100% a tool for extracting more money
- 01:04:28from people cuz successful greedy games
- 01:04:31at least put in the effort to flash a
- 01:04:33bunch of pretty colors and freebies in
- 01:04:35front of your face while they pick your
- 01:04:37pocket multiverses can't even be
- 01:04:39bothered to do that much and it's just
- 01:04:41sad like this game isn't even good
- 01:04:44enough at being evil for me to kind of
- 01:04:46respect the hustle now of course in
- 01:04:48terms of pure gameplay it's not all
- 01:04:50hopeless here right as we talked about
- 01:04:53multivers does create a satisfying
- 01:04:55feeling of of Chaos in 2v tws that core
- 01:04:57PVP experience is there and it's also
- 01:05:00full of great IPS with great characters
- 01:05:02whose art voice lines and animations do
- 01:05:05give them a lot of appeal but here's the
- 01:05:07thing this isn't like a battle royale
- 01:05:09where you pick up new weapons all over
- 01:05:11the place or a big team game with tons
- 01:05:13of players and moving Parts super Le
- 01:05:16smash bron James to versus is much more
- 01:05:18limited in terms of replay value and
- 01:05:20doubly so if you're not willing to let
- 01:05:21rain dog set your wallet on fire well
- 01:05:24that might be good enough while the new
- 01:05:25game shine is here and yes the unique
- 01:05:27gameplay will make sure some people
- 01:05:29stick around but I think longterm this
- 01:05:32current strategy simply can't hold the
- 01:05:34attention of the massive casual PVP
- 01:05:36audience who decides the fate of a
- 01:05:38free-to-play game like this
- 01:05:41but what about the small but dedicated
- 01:05:44audience of sweaty tryhard pvpers this
- 01:05:47group wants a skill-based experience
- 01:05:49that respects the time they put into it
- 01:05:51and rewards their tryhard power level
- 01:05:53they want competitive modes ranking ways
- 01:05:56to practice smooth online play and above
- 01:05:58all they want a deep game that doesn't
- 01:06:01shatter into a million pieces once
- 01:06:03people start actually getting good at it
- 01:06:05so as you may have guessed by
- 01:06:08now but let's move on to another
- 01:06:10critical part of the tryhard PVP
- 01:06:13experience which is the net code right
- 01:06:16the connection quality of the online
- 01:06:18experience well it's actually pretty
- 01:06:21good yeah know this keeps happening
- 01:06:22where games that are not Smash Bros make
- 01:06:25me very sad that we can't have better
- 01:06:27online play in Smash Bros cuz here's me
- 01:06:30fighting someone across an entire ocean
- 01:06:33and it feels totally fine which is
- 01:06:35Unthinkable in Smash and a big point in
- 01:06:37this game's favor so in my experience
- 01:06:39multivers does have genuinely awesome
- 01:06:41rollback net code when it works I mean
- 01:06:44it does like to disconnect a lot but to
- 01:06:47be fair my friends and I do spend every
- 01:06:50match spamming the most horrifying
- 01:06:51glitches known to man so we probably
- 01:06:53just made the multivers net code like
- 01:06:55pass out from Fear it basically signed
- 01:06:58up to work security but we turn that
- 01:06:59[ __ ] into Five Nights at Freddy's our
- 01:07:01fault so overall maybe it's not perfect
- 01:07:03but the online play here is actually a
- 01:07:05big plus for tryhard pvpers and it's
- 01:07:08true Great Net code can straight up
- 01:07:09double the competitive value of a
- 01:07:11fighting game but in order to double
- 01:07:13something it kind of has to be there in
- 01:07:16the first place and this game play is
- 01:07:19just so awkward and mashy right now with
- 01:07:23so many baffling design decisions that
- 01:07:26if nothing else serve as great case
- 01:07:28studies on why other fighting games
- 01:07:32don't do these things imagine if you
- 01:07:34looked at chess and you were like man
- 01:07:36chess would be so much more awesome if
- 01:07:39it didn't have all those stupid Pawns in
- 01:07:41the way so you take away all the pawns
- 01:07:43to make super chess well that game might
- 01:07:46be fun for a little bit but the moment
- 01:07:48that novelty wears off you'll be like oh
- 01:07:51so that's why chess has pawns and that's
- 01:07:53how I feel whenever I play this game I'm
- 01:07:56like oh that's why fighting games have
- 01:07:58blocking that's why most games don't let
- 01:08:01you hang on a wall for 10 minutes
- 01:08:03straight that's why team attack exists
- 01:08:05in every other platform fighter now of
- 01:08:07course I am not the genre enforcer I
- 01:08:10love seeing games bend the formula to
- 01:08:12make something experimental but all of
- 01:08:15this together is
- 01:08:18just once you learn how these Mechanics
- 01:08:21Work and start putting them together on
- 01:08:23a deeper level this game crumbles under
- 01:08:26the pressure harder than any modern
- 01:08:29competitive game that I have ever played
- 01:08:32now I'm sure some people will claim that
- 01:08:34my complaints are all skill issue I'm
- 01:08:36just not good enough to play the real
- 01:08:38Batman Bros meta but Checkmate haters
- 01:08:41with skill-based matchmaking I have an
- 01:08:4385% win rate in Bugs Bunny Game and
- 01:08:47saying that is 85% a cry for help every
- 01:08:51match erodes my sanity further as I
- 01:08:53fight player after player who who has
- 01:08:55spent the GDP of a small country on
- 01:08:58premium skins and the only thing that
- 01:09:00keeps me going is a sense of profound
- 01:09:02Divine obligation to give these people a
- 01:09:05reality check with my ugly ass default
- 01:09:07profile but of course that's just quick
- 01:09:10play right the people actually winning
- 01:09:12competitive tournaments are a whole
- 01:09:14different level entirely and yes the
- 01:09:16last thing I want to do is speak from
- 01:09:18ignorance and give you some biased
- 01:09:19opinion so I joined a competitive
- 01:09:22practice Community to talk about this
- 01:09:24stuff with high and top level players I
- 01:09:26figured I should get the other side of
- 01:09:27the story and see how the best and most
- 01:09:29devoted pvpers would critique my
- 01:09:31conclusions here but I quickly realized
- 01:09:34there was one small problem with my plan
- 01:09:37you see it turns out they all hate this
- 01:09:39game more than I do yeah turns out
- 01:09:42multivers is sort of like radiation it's
- 01:09:45really cool when you first Discover it
- 01:09:47but the people who are exposed to it the
- 01:09:49most quickly experience the worst it has
- 01:09:52to offer for example one player told me
- 01:09:54that his game G
- 01:09:56disconnected in an offline tournament
- 01:09:59match cuz multivers is always online and
- 01:10:02it will kick you out of local offline
- 01:10:05play if the connection drops for a
- 01:10:07second balance-wise whenever I asked how
- 01:10:10to deal with a move or mechanic that
- 01:10:11felt very strong people were just like
- 01:10:13yeah that has no counterplay that is
- 01:10:15rocked with no paper give up people
- 01:10:17would ask for games saying stuff like by
- 01:10:20the way I promise not to do the combo
- 01:10:22that kills you instantly because they're
- 01:10:24probably going to take that out
- 01:10:25hopefully it was wild I mean I expected
- 01:10:28to start an argument when I dropped my
- 01:10:30most provocative take which is that this
- 01:10:33game feels like it was balanced by
- 01:10:35people who simply don't understand
- 01:10:37fighting games but then everyone just
- 01:10:39sort of agreed and started listing
- 01:10:41examples and absolutely every
- 01:10:44competitive player I spoke with shared
- 01:10:46the opinion that this is a fun game with
- 01:10:49a lot of potential and also a lot of
- 01:10:52very very bad problems that need
- 01:10:54attention fast I think the game in
- 01:10:57general is pretty fun I think like
- 01:10:59mainly casuals enjoy the game a lot this
- 01:11:02is leviathan one of the best multivers
- 01:11:04players in the entire world his long
- 01:11:06list of achievements includes placing
- 01:11:08third at Evo winning thousands of
- 01:11:10dollars and doing Morty combos that make
- 01:11:12me want to call an exorcist and in terms
- 01:11:14of Bugs Bunny Game Leviathan was hopeful
- 01:11:17about the future but he had some harsh
- 01:11:19words about the way things currently are
- 01:11:22getting very competitive with the games
- 01:11:23more blaring issues start showcase faing
- 01:11:26those blaring issues are very very
- 01:11:28overwhelming especially if you really
- 01:11:31want to get deep into the game such as
- 01:11:34just how the game handles with then put
- 01:11:36buffer multiple different bugs that are
- 01:11:39very common in play and generally just
- 01:11:42how the game starts to become very uh
- 01:11:46stale and repetitive Yeah the more you
- 01:11:49play this game and learn how it works
- 01:11:51the more those glaring flaws really
- 01:11:53start to stand out right up to the
- 01:11:56absolute highest levels of competition
- 01:11:58and I'm just saying if you're a fighting
- 01:12:00game developer and your best players are
- 01:12:03saying stuff like that maybe you should
- 01:12:06be a little bit worried maybe and listen
- 01:12:08to them that said it's not all bad news
- 01:12:11cuz remember in multiverses 2v tws are
- 01:12:14just better being a 2v2 game in general
- 01:12:16is it's kind of a cheat code cuz having
- 01:12:20fun with friends is like eight times
- 01:12:21easier in this game than it is with you
- 01:12:23know whenever you're always one wiing
- 01:12:25your friend as we talked about doubles
- 01:12:27is where these insane creative team
- 01:12:29mechanics really come to life and I
- 01:12:31think at least for a while that mode is
- 01:12:34absolutely worth your time if you're a
- 01:12:35fan of tryhard PVP especially if you
- 01:12:38plan things out with a friend and create
- 01:12:40your own unique eldrich abomination of a
- 01:12:43play style of course this mode is still
- 01:12:45mashy brainless and terrifying without
- 01:12:47friendly fire but that's part of the fun
- 01:12:49by the way the 2v2 channel of that
- 01:12:51Discord server was very active so I got
- 01:12:54permission to link it in the description
- 01:12:56for those of you of all skill levels who
- 01:12:57want to fight and learn from your fellow
- 01:12:59[ __ ] game connoisseurs and I do mean
- 01:13:02connoisseurs these are people who can
- 01:13:04just shake their heads and laugh
- 01:13:06whenever some unforgivable horrifying BS
- 01:13:09happens on screen because they hate and
- 01:13:12love this game and they knew what they
- 01:13:13were signing up for as it stands that's
- 01:13:16clearly what it takes to be a champion
- 01:13:18in Super Smash Bros but with bug's Bunny
- 01:13:20and he wants your money so I do think
- 01:13:22this game in its current form has some
- 01:13:24appeal for the most devoted competitive
- 01:13:26fans but can it last I don't know cuz
- 01:13:30remember you can't even host offline
- 01:13:31tournaments anymore without spending
- 01:13:33hundreds or thousands of dollars since
- 01:13:35again they've removed the ability to use
- 01:13:38all fighters in local matches and it
- 01:13:40costs $200 to unlock every character on
- 01:13:43a fresh account let's compare that to
- 01:13:45the main free-to-play competition here
- 01:13:47bralhalla which lets you buy every
- 01:13:49current and future Fighter for $40 plus
- 01:13:53pretty much every month it goes on sale
- 01:13:55for 20 so the cost of completing my
- 01:13:58multivers cast is
- 01:14:011,000% of its main competitors 10 times
- 01:14:06the price can someone good at business
- 01:14:08please tell me if this is a good
- 01:14:10strategy so for PVP whether you're
- 01:14:12casual tryhard whatever it just feels
- 01:14:15like we are all witnessing a massive Act
- 01:14:18of self sabotage from this game and
- 01:14:21without some major changes I don't think
- 01:14:23it can hold people's attention but wait
- 01:14:26that's only half the game right next
- 01:14:28let's talk about PVE the Rifts campaign
- 01:14:32though actually this should be quicker
- 01:14:34because that mode is just so incredibly
- 01:14:37not good now for any game I consider
- 01:14:41myself a casual PVE fan whenever I just
- 01:14:44like to hop in mess around and see the
- 01:14:47content without optimizing builds or
- 01:14:49doing crazy endgame stuff in terms of
- 01:14:51platform Fighters One great idea to
- 01:14:53succeed here is having an actual ual fun
- 01:14:55campaign who would have thought where
- 01:14:56you sprinkle in varied gameplay bosses
- 01:14:59and different ways to fight the AI last
- 01:15:02year we saw Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
- 01:15:05actually triy something very cool and
- 01:15:07different with its roguelike Campaign
- 01:15:09which felt like a streamlined take on
- 01:15:11Smash ultimate's world of light mode
- 01:15:12that preserved all the fun Parts sure it
- 01:15:14was buggy and Rough Around the Edges but
- 01:15:17you could tell there was a lot of
- 01:15:18passion put into it and it was good fun
- 01:15:20with some cool bosses that really worked
- 01:15:22as a crossover so when bolty versus
- 01:15:24announced it new Rifts mode with an
- 01:15:27extremely well produced trailer as usual
- 01:15:29I was excited since it looked like they
- 01:15:30were doing the same thing but with a
- 01:15:32bigger scope mutators and gems that
- 01:15:35change gameplay multiple campaigns full
- 01:15:37of wacky crossover encounters surely
- 01:15:40that multi versus budget could bring
- 01:15:42about something truly
- 01:15:51special so the problem with me and
- 01:15:55gaming is that I hope for things you
- 01:15:57know I get my hopes up I should just not
- 01:16:00do that it's worth pointing out that
- 01:16:03they did specifically have a whole
- 01:16:05audience of PVE preferring players in
- 01:16:07mind as a group of people who would
- 01:16:09enjoy and presumably spend money on this
- 01:16:12new mode check out this one screenshot
- 01:16:14from the trailer Rifts is explicitly
- 01:16:16marketed as PVE a new way to play
- 01:16:20outside of competitive PVP Fun For All
- 01:16:24skills sets which is a bold claim
- 01:16:27considering that there is exactly one
- 01:16:29skill set this mode is fun for or maybe
- 01:16:31zero it depends on whether you count
- 01:16:33doing the same thing over and over again
- 01:16:36without getting bored as a skill set cuz
- 01:16:38even if you had unlimited money the game
- 01:16:41here is pretty much just a downgraded
- 01:16:43version of that campaign from Garfield
- 01:16:45Smash Bros in that Garfield game
- 01:16:47campaign like in world of light you
- 01:16:49unlocked everyone one by one as you
- 01:16:52saved them from evil in multiverses you
- 01:16:55beat someone and then you can't use them
- 01:16:58because you don't own them and then you
- 01:17:00get denied progression because you
- 01:17:02didn't buy the Friday the 13th skin for
- 01:17:05the Joker everything about this mode is
- 01:17:08awful from the lack of content to the
- 01:17:11writing of these illogical non stories
- 01:17:14that feel almost AI generated to the
- 01:17:17weird difficulty systems gem levels and
- 01:17:20infuriating decision to make gems
- 01:17:23useless when they're Attunement doesn't
- 01:17:25match the whatever this mode is just
- 01:17:29soulless and it all really just funnels
- 01:17:31back to the fact that they actually
- 01:17:34expect you to spend actual money on this
- 01:17:38which wow that is delusional it's like
- 01:17:42if Google Chrome added microtransactions
- 01:17:45to the dinosaur miname oh and speaking
- 01:17:47of mini games board the platforms break
- 01:17:50the targets race to the finish these
- 01:17:52famous Smash Bros bonus stages all
- 01:17:55involve controlling your character
- 01:17:58that's why they're fun so I just have a
- 01:18:01couple questions for whoever designed
- 01:18:04tank mini game where instead of playing
- 01:18:06the game you are inside of a tank that
- 01:18:10can only move left and right and press a
- 01:18:12to Fire and it's the same for every
- 01:18:15character and you have to do that
- 01:18:18multiple times for multiple minutes each
- 01:18:21time to progress in the PVE mode now I
- 01:18:25want to say more here but anything I
- 01:18:27could tell you would be a far worse
- 01:18:29argument than what your eyes are telling
- 01:18:31you right now oh okay we're we're golden
- 01:18:39yeah there's no way
- 01:18:42oh there's a boss there's a boss I got
- 01:18:44to fight the
- 01:18:45boss
- 01:18:49oh this is very
- 01:18:51bad but finally we have try hard PVE
- 01:18:55this is for the optimizers the mid
- 01:18:58maxers the speedrunners people who want
- 01:19:00to learn everything and master a game on
- 01:19:02the highest difficulty does multiverses
- 01:19:05appeal to this audience probably not but
- 01:19:09well I'm not entirely sure since
- 01:19:12personally I can't even start on those
- 01:19:14higher difficulties cuz again my gem
- 01:19:17levels aren't high enough and uh I'm
- 01:19:21just not going to pay money to raise
- 01:19:23them I'm not going to do do that cuz the
- 01:19:25idea is repulsive to me on a physical
- 01:19:28level so we'll call try hard PVE a maybe
- 01:19:32you know cuz maybe pink miname gets
- 01:19:35super duper awesome later on and I was
- 01:19:38simply too poor in gem levels to see but
- 01:19:42let's be real the PVE here feels like it
- 01:19:45was designed by people who just don't
- 01:19:49get why people play PVE if the story and
- 01:19:53the gameplay and the experience and the
- 01:19:55sense of progression and even the
- 01:19:57crossover itself is all completely
- 01:20:00neglected what will anyone actually pay
- 01:20:03for once they realize that fact maybe
- 01:20:05Warner Bros thinks people will just give
- 01:20:07them money for free out of pity since
- 01:20:10you know their stock did drop 70% in 2
- 01:20:12years you got to feel a little bit bad
- 01:20:14for him but sorry if you want people to
- 01:20:16actually spend meaningful time and money
- 01:20:19on a PVE mode it cannot be an
- 01:20:22afterthought so overall audience Roundup
- 01:20:26who is going to be happy to stick with
- 01:20:28this live service game and play it for
- 01:20:30months or even years to come given its
- 01:20:33current state I would argue almost no
- 01:20:36one and I'm clearly not alone in feeling
- 01:20:39that way if things continue as they are
- 01:20:41let me tell you the future is not
- 01:20:43looking good maybe this game will
- 01:20:45stumble on for years as a zombie maybe
- 01:20:47it will shut down in 2026 after failing
- 01:20:49to be profitable or maybe it will
- 01:20:51stubbornly cling to life subsisting
- 01:20:54purely off of large whales on the ocean
- 01:20:56floor fitting since we have now reached
- 01:20:59the very bottom of our terrifyingly
- 01:21:02large Iceberg we're all sitting here far
- 01:21:05below the ocean's surface and we're
- 01:21:07looking up at that Iceberg from our cozy
- 01:21:09Warner Bros owned submarine like maybe
- 01:21:12it's the one from the 2018 Aquaman movie
- 01:21:15where Aquaman beats up all those dudes
- 01:21:17on the submarine but yeah having
- 01:21:18witnessed all this game has to offer it
- 01:21:21is finally time to surface and give a
- 01:21:23final score to Steven Universe's live
- 01:21:26service Multiverse versus that empties
- 01:21:28your purses and I rate this game a five
- 01:21:31out of 10 because it sucks right now
- 01:21:34which might sound harsh but remember
- 01:21:36there is nothing wrong with enjoying a
- 01:21:38game that is not good as long as there's
- 01:21:41something in that mess that you find fun
- 01:21:43and in fact for me that fun Factor was
- 01:21:462v tws playing with a friend alongside
- 01:21:49the art and the voices and the sound
- 01:21:51that experience alone would be a six or
- 01:21:53seven out of 10 but this game is
- 01:21:56obsessed with stopping you from having
- 01:21:58fun and making your experience worse on
- 01:22:01purpose to bore you into spending money
- 01:22:04and very quickly the only emotions you
- 01:22:06feel about this game become frustration
- 01:22:08and disappointment and hatred of this
- 01:22:11dog like why is he here you have legal
- 01:22:13permission to use Scooby-Doo why did you
- 01:22:16spend so much time making a different
- 01:22:18dog that one's cool though of course
- 01:22:21it's free to play so you know give it a
- 01:22:22shot hop online with a friend pop into
- 01:22:25that Team Battle Mode get your favorite
- 01:22:27character with the initial currency and
- 01:22:29you will have a lot of fun at first at
- 01:22:31its best you really do see this game's
- 01:22:34potential and hope for more but as it
- 01:22:37stands what I hope and wish for does not
- 01:22:40change the disaster that has been taking
- 01:22:42place in front of my eyes in slow motion
- 01:22:45for the past month and somehow despite
- 01:22:47all that potential despite a couple high
- 01:22:49points multivers is a game where the
- 01:22:52whole is so much worse than the sum of
- 01:22:55its parts so yeah five out of 10 but
- 01:22:58wait don't lose hope see to raise that
- 01:23:01score I am giving this game a couple of
- 01:23:04my own battle pass challenges which I'll
- 01:23:07keep track of in the pinned comment of
- 01:23:09this video so dear multiverses challenge
- 01:23:13one fix your game patch out the
- 01:23:15countless horrible bugs exploits
- 01:23:18infinites and balanced nightmares that
- 01:23:20plague this release while patching in
- 01:23:22all the settings and features you remove
- 01:23:24in the beta challenge reward plus one
- 01:23:27review score now because the first
- 01:23:30couple patches did slap some duct tape
- 01:23:32over the worst balance mistakes of this
- 01:23:34game and breaking news we can change the
- 01:23:37input buffer now I am awarding a third
- 01:23:39of this prize bringing the score of
- 01:23:42multivers up to 5.3 repeating keep it up
- 01:23:46team I was going to raise this to 5.4
- 01:23:49given a couple recent fixes but
- 01:23:51unfortunately the same patch literally
- 01:23:54removed Jason from the game because of a
- 01:23:57horribly broken bug he's the second
- 01:23:59character to be deleted I'm losing my
- 01:24:02mind so I think 5.4 is a little bit too
- 01:24:05high right now let's stick with 5.3
- 01:24:07repeating challenge two now this one's
- 01:24:10actually a premium challenge cuz you got
- 01:24:12to pay money to complete it multiverses
- 01:24:15you must find and hire several people
- 01:24:18with skill sets that will help this game
- 01:24:21play actually look like it follows the
- 01:24:23basic laws of physics for example why
- 01:24:26not have jump arcs make logical sense
- 01:24:29and why not have separate animations
- 01:24:31that play when you land with an attack
- 01:24:33so these characters don't just randomly
- 01:24:35float everywhere like Jesus walking on
- 01:24:38water behind rain dog also please hire
- 01:24:41someone who understands how fighting
- 01:24:43games work because again I talked to a
- 01:24:46lot of your best players and they really
- 01:24:49do seem to think this game was made by
- 01:24:52people who do not know how fighting
- 01:24:54games work they just got to hire
- 01:24:56somebody who like plays the games yeah
- 01:24:58plays the games I don't know it's like
- 01:25:00they have a really big problem where
- 01:25:03there's good Concepts or proof of
- 01:25:05Concepts but a lot of them are thought
- 01:25:07out to a degree but then there's like an
- 01:25:10obvious loophole that they just forget
- 01:25:12oh wait this move has a crazy property
- 01:25:14that makes it Thanos like third Gauntlet
- 01:25:17and now we have a problem where people
- 01:25:19are instant dying so because this is a
- 01:25:22premium challenge this one would earn
- 01:25:24plus two review score and I'll even
- 01:25:27throw in some YouTube battle pass exp
- 01:25:30for my channel and even a couple YouTube
- 01:25:33gem levels for good measure cuz I'm
- 01:25:35feeling generous that's going to raise
- 01:25:37your gem attack a whole lot if you're
- 01:25:39subscribed don't miss this opportunity
- 01:25:42Challenge three the final challenge stop
- 01:25:45being evil let people unlock characters
- 01:25:48without spending 38 hours or several
- 01:25:51times more to do it and if you're going
- 01:25:53to keep every fight locked offline at
- 01:25:55least sell an affordable bundle with
- 01:25:58every fighter so unlocking everyone
- 01:26:00doesn't cost the same as 15 LeBron James
- 01:26:03Funko Pops that way in-person
- 01:26:05tournaments can actually exist also stop
- 01:26:10locking roots of your campaign behind
- 01:26:13premium skins what are you doing and
- 01:26:16while we're at it please stop lying to
- 01:26:19your players don't do that that's bad I
- 01:26:22mean can you please at least stop
- 01:26:24telling me I can claim stuff in huge
- 01:26:27letters when I literally have to buy it
- 01:26:29seriously can you even do that cuz to me
- 01:26:32it just sort of gives off the vibe of
- 01:26:34being like illegal under United States
- 01:26:36federal law according to section 5A of
- 01:26:38the FTC act but you know it's not that
- 01:26:41serious it's not like I'm going to
- 01:26:43report this game to the Federal Trade
- 01:26:45Commission at report fraud. ftc.gov Link
- 01:26:48in description even though for the
- 01:26:50record this is the exact type of thing
- 01:26:52the FTC explicit ly says consumers like
- 01:26:55me should report even if we're just
- 01:26:57unhappy about a business practice so
- 01:26:59that actual experts can get their eyes
- 01:27:01on it but what do I know right all I did
- 01:27:04was read this 48-page FTC Workshop
- 01:27:06summary from 2021 which directly
- 01:27:09condemns so-called dark patterns or
- 01:27:11manipulative Design Elements pretty much
- 01:27:13all of which are used shamelessly and
- 01:27:16deceptively in Bugs Bunny game like to
- 01:27:18quote page four some dark patterns
- 01:27:21manipulate consumer Choice by inducing
- 01:27:23false beliefs for example a company may
- 01:27:25make an outright false claim or employ
- 01:27:28design elements that create a misleading
- 01:27:30impression to Spur a consumer into
- 01:27:32making a purchase they would not
- 01:27:33otherwise make I mean multiverses does
- 01:27:36this sort of thing every step of the way
- 01:27:38beyond all the claim and for free
- 01:27:41nonsense beyond the lies on social media
- 01:27:43and even Beyond stuff I didn't have time
- 01:27:46to mention like how a bunch of people
- 01:27:47from the beta are still missing
- 01:27:49cosmetics and all their useful currency
- 01:27:51was converted into useless currency to
- 01:27:53milk more money out of them yeah beyond
- 01:27:56all that this game is Just clearly
- 01:27:58designed to be disgustingly manipulative
- 01:28:01at every single turn oh yeah and one
- 01:28:04little thing I forgot to mention before
- 01:28:07just one tiny little thing that might be
- 01:28:09relevant this game has a glitch that is
- 01:28:13forcing people to buy skins and support
- 01:28:17refuses to offer refunds
- 01:28:30[Music]
- 01:28:33that's illegal and it's pretty much
- 01:28:35exactly what the FTC just ordered epic
- 01:28:39games to pay
- 01:28:41$245 million for last year after they
- 01:28:45tried to pull that [ __ ] in fortnite
- 01:28:47because that is very illegal you cannot
- 01:28:51make consumers buy things they don't
- 01:28:54want to buy and then say no refunds it
- 01:28:57doesn't matter if it's a bug like laws
- 01:29:01exist we have consumer protection laws
- 01:29:05to stop this exact thing from happening
- 01:29:09now I'm not saying that everyone should
- 01:29:12report their experiences with
- 01:29:13multiverses to the FTC at report fraud.
- 01:29:17ftc.gov Link in description but who
- 01:29:19knows right like you the person watching
- 01:29:22this right now maybe you played this
- 01:29:24game and maybe you're feeling like you
- 01:29:26want to report some fraud today to the
- 01:29:28US government at report fraud. ftc.gov
- 01:29:32Link in
- 01:29:35description okay yeah uh we got a bit
- 01:29:37sidetracked there but yeah back to the
- 01:29:39challenge multivers if you fix all of
- 01:29:42this that I just talked about you can
- 01:29:44claim your challenge reward plus 1.5
- 01:29:48review score and plus 10 YouTube battle
- 01:29:53pass EX and the best reward of all not
- 01:29:57getting a scary letter from the Federal
- 01:29:58Trade Commission so those are my three
- 01:30:01challenges for multiverses and yes
- 01:30:03everyone I truly believe that if all
- 01:30:06those things were fixed by some miracle
- 01:30:10this game could be incredible for
- 01:30:12example if the CEO of Warner Bros
- 01:30:15Discovery sees the ghosts of gaming past
- 01:30:18present and future and his heart grows
- 01:30:20three sizes then well first off he would
- 01:30:22stop destroying complete projects for
- 01:30:24tax writeoffs but second he would
- 01:30:27finally save these developers from their
- 01:30:29prison inside the digital horse armor
- 01:30:32Factory so that they could make this
- 01:30:34game stop being evil yeah if all that
- 01:30:37were to suddenly and miraculously happen
- 01:30:40Warner Bros could potentially make a
- 01:30:42nine out of 10 experience Rise From the
- 01:30:44Ashes of Batman and the iron Giants FTC
- 01:30:47non-compliant Wi-Fi Reliant game client
- 01:30:49like just imagine if they went full no
- 01:30:51man sky and dug through Mountain of
- 01:30:54garbage to find the functional core and
- 01:30:56built that into a complete hole we would
- 01:30:59end up with a masterpiece and I wish
- 01:31:01that would happen so bad because I truly
- 01:31:04see flashes of Genius here multivers has
- 01:31:07the IPS it has the voices and art it has
- 01:31:11the wacky team play and more than that
- 01:31:13it has so many passionate fans who enjoy
- 01:31:16it and care about its future even though
- 01:31:19they know it's terrible imagine how
- 01:31:22happy they would be if it somehow became
- 01:31:25not terrible like I brought up that
- 01:31:28whole FTC thing in that server full of
- 01:31:31this game's most dedicated players you
- 01:31:33want to know the first response I got it
- 01:31:37was oh cool I'm not the only one that's
- 01:31:40reported them then do you know how much
- 01:31:43someone has to love your game to still
- 01:31:47practice it after reporting you for
- 01:31:49violating Federal consumer protection
- 01:31:51laws that's the power m versus has we
- 01:31:55all want to see this game succeed and
- 01:31:58stop being awful because we care we're
- 01:32:00fans we want to see more awesome
- 01:32:02characters like get me Ben 10 in this
- 01:32:04get me Godzilla I mean Warner Bros
- 01:32:07Discovery you own Discovery Channel give
- 01:32:10me the Alaskan king crab from Deadliest
- 01:32:13Catch give me Adam and Jamie from
- 01:32:15Mythbusters as one character like the
- 01:32:17Ice Climbers but they're called The
- 01:32:19Beard climbers you know what screw it
- 01:32:21give me the guy who goes today on how
- 01:32:23it's and then the How It's Made intro
- 01:32:25comes in and it goes like curved cabinet
- 01:32:30doors we are seeing all that potential
- 01:32:33go to waste just to make a couple extra
- 01:32:36bucks in the short term and it is
- 01:32:38heartbreaking The Passion of fans has
- 01:32:41got to deserve more respect than being
- 01:32:43thrown into the microtransaction fruit
- 01:32:45juicer until it's a dry husk but
- 01:32:47remember folks this is modern gaming and
- 01:32:50nobody can be happy the players the
- 01:32:53Developers all of us must suffer all the
- 01:32:56time in the name of Glorious prophets so
- 01:33:00what are you waiting for grab a friend
- 01:33:03grab some Bugs Bunny shaped ice cream
- 01:33:05then get the hell out there and play
- 01:33:08some tank mini
- 01:33:11game in conclusion I recommend
- 01:33:14multiverses if you hate yourself have
- 01:33:17too much money and want to lose it and
- 01:33:19also you like Batman or hate yourself
- 01:33:27[Music]
- Multiversus
- Warner Bros
- Super Smash Bros
- monetizzazione
- bug
- animazioni
- 2v2
- creatività
- personaggi iconici
- gioco free-to-play